#advanced PowerPoint animation
creativeschoolrb · 5 months
Advance Title Animation In PowerPoint | Creative School
In this tutorial, I have shown you, how to create advanced-level text animation using PowerPoint. After watching this tutorial, you can create this text animation using PowerPoint. I have attached the download link of the text animation template that you are watching in this video below. Download Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-6PqHepKXirvtLcwk3uP1-sanMCVQ9w7?usp=sharing 00:00 Intro 00:40 Start the tutorial 01:33 Apply the animations 05:56 Apply the animation on a video 08:44 Outro =========== Tags ============= Advance Title Animation In PowerPoint, Text Animation In PowerPoint, PowerPoint animation tutorial, Animated PowerPoint titles, Typography in PowerPoint, PowerPoint animation, PowerPoint text animation, PowerPoint animation effects, advanced PowerPoint animation, PowerPoint tutorial, PowerPoint tips & tricks, PowerPoint animation tricks, animation tutorial, PowerPoint animations, PowerPoint 2019, PowerPoint tutorials, Creative School =========== Hash Tags ============= #powerpointanimation #powerpointtutorial #powerpoint2019 #powerpointanimations #powerpointtemplates #powerpointtextanimation #powerpointtitleanimation #powerpointadvanceanimation #creativeschool #creativeschoolrb
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maypop-the-dragon · 5 months
PSA: Free Software
Reading this may really save your time, privacy, and money! Reblog or share to spread awareness!
Folks often use software that’s expensive and sometimes even inferior because they don’t know there are alternatives. So to those unfamiliar: basically, free and open-source (FOSS) or "libre" software is free to use and anyone can access the original code to make their own version or work on fixing problems.
That does not mean anyone can randomly add a virus and give it to everyone—any respectable libre project has checks in place to make sure changes to the official version are good! Libre software is typically developed by communities who really care about the quality of the software as a goal in itself.
There are libre alternatives to many well-known programs that do everything an average user needs (find out more under the cut!) for free with no DRM, license keys, or subscriptions.
Using libre software when possible is an easy way to fight against and free yourself from corporate greed while actually being more convenient in many cases! If you need an app to do something, perhaps try searching online for things like:
foss [whatever it is]
libre [whatever it is]
open source [whatever it is]
Feel free to recommend more libre software in the tags, replies, comments, or whatever you freaks like to do!
Some Libre Software I Personally Enjoy…
LibreOffice is an office suite, much like Microsoft Office. It includes equivalents for apps like Word, Excel, and Powerpoint, which can view and edit files created for those apps.
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I can't say I've used it much myself yet. I do not personally like using office software except when I have to for school.
OpenShot Video Editor is, as the name suggests, a video editing program. It has industry-standard features like splicing, layering, transitions, and greenscreen.
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I've only made one video with it so far, but I'm already very happy with it. I had already paid for a video editor (Cyberlink PowerDirector Pro), but I needed to reinstall it and I didn't remember how. Out of desperation, I searched up "FOSS video editor" and I'm so glad I did. There's no launcher, there's no promotion of other apps and asset packs—it's just a video editor with a normal installer.
GNU Image Manipulation Program is an image editor, much like Photoshop. Originally created for Linux but also available for Windows and MacOS, it provides plenty of functionality for editing images. It is a bit unintuitive to learn at first, though.
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I've used it to create and modify images for years, including logos, really bad traceover art, and Minecraft textures. It doesn't have certain advanced tech like AI paint-in, but it has served my purposes well and it might just work for yours!
(Be sure to go to Windows > Dockable Dialogs > Colors. I have no idea why that's not enabled by default.)
Audacity is an audio editing program. It can record, load, splice, and layer audio files and apply effects to them.
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Audacity is another program I've used for a long time. It is not designed to compose music, but it is great for podcasts, simple edits, and loading legacy MS Paint to hear cool noises.
7-Zip is a file manager and archive tool. It supports many archive types including ZIP, RAR, TAR, and its own format, 7Z. It can view and modify the contents of archives, encrypt and decrypt archives, and all that good stuff.
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Personally, I use 7-Zip to look inside JAR files for Minecraft reasons. I must admit that its UI is ugly.
Firefox is an internet browser, much like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Safari. While browsers are free, many of them include tracking or other anti-consumer practices. For example, Google plans to release an update to Chromium (the base that most browsers are built from these days) that makes ad blockers less effective by removing the APIs they currently rely on.
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Aside from fighting monopolies, benefits include: support for animated themes (the one in the picture is Purple Night Theme), good ad blockers forever, an (albeit hidden) compact UI option (available on about:config), and a cute fox icon.
uBlock Origin
As far as I know, uBlock Origin is one of the best ad blockers there is.
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I was on a sketchy website with my brother, and he was using Opera GX's ad blocker. Much of the time when he clicked on anything, it would take us to a random sponsored page. I suggested that he try uBlock Origin, and with uBlock Origin, that didn't happen anymore.
Linux is a kernel, but the term is often used to refer to operating systems (much like Windows or MacOS) built on it. There are many different Linux-based operating systems (or "distros") to choose from, but apps made for Linux usually work on most popular distros. You can also use many normally Windows-only apps on Linux through compatibility layers like WINE.
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I don't have all four of these, so the images are from Wikipedia. I tried to show a variety of Linux distros made for different kinds of users.
If you want to replace your operating system, I recommend being very careful because you can end up breaking things. Many computer manufacturers don't care about supporting Linux, meaning that things may not work (Nvidia graphic cards notoriously have issues on Linux, for example).
Personally, I tried installing Pop!_OS on a laptop, and the sound output mysteriously doesn't work. I may try switching to Arch Linux, since it is extremely customizable and I might be able to experiment until I find a configuration where the audio works.
Many Linux distros offer "Live USB" functionality, which works as both a demo and an installer. You should thoroughly test your distro on a Live USB session before you actually install it to be absolutely sure that everything works. Even if it seems fine, you should probably look into dual-booting with your existing operating system, just in case you need it for some reason.
Happy computering!
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do you happen to have a clip of ross going 'my boy!!' from Animal Style (? i think is the name, the zoo one) you seem like the person to ask
Hello!!! I do not, because the most advanced tool I am capable of using to produce fan content is microsoft powerpoint 😎 But there are several incredible fanvid makers in the fandom, perhaps someone else does?
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academiix · 1 year
Deeply Disturbed
If I could describe my Advanced Economic Analysis professor in one word, it is animated. Professor Ngai is a petite, slim Chinese woman thriving in a field of old Caucasian men. While many other LSE professors read monotonously from a PowerPoint, she’s constantly moving from the white board to the aisle to the projector, cold-calling on students by name. She weaves personal stories into her…
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pr-vistas-2022 · 2 years
PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) is one of the world's most powerful and influential animal rights organizations. PETA, however, today casts a shadow of all things negative surrounded by controversies ranging from mass euthanization to arson terrorism to misleading promotions to unapologetic hypocrisy! PETA has made its stance on supporting euthanasia clear over the years. “We do not advocate ‘right to life for animals.” Says Ingrid Newkirk, President of PETA. Her quote to the New Yorker about her first job accentuates this disturbing stance. It read, “I would go to work early, before anyone else got there, and kill the animals myself.” 2011 statistics reveal that out of 760 impounded dogs, only 19 were adopted. Out of 58 companion animals taken in, 54 were killed. 90% of the animals PETA receives are killed within 24 hours of arrival. It has an adoption rate of less than 1%. It marginalizes and criminalizes certain breeds of dogs such as pit bulls advocating strongly for Breed Specific Legislation. “Those who argue against euthanasia policy for pit bulls are naïve.” Says Newkirk when questioned on the issue. It has a string of misleading advertisements and promotions using horrendous events such as cannibalism, death, and even the Holocaust in its advertisements. The European Court of Human Rights then had to step in and ban the usage of the Holocaust in their advertisements. It also uses pseudoscience to advance its stance which is often ridiculed by the scientific community. It also has questionable financial statements that have been in the limelight for a while. Finally, its unapologetic hypocrisy edges at moral bankruptcy. Its celebrity endorsers like Pamela Anderson and Jenna Jameson were seen using leather products just days after the anti-leather campaign. PETA is a Staunch advocate for veganism and uses celebrities like Aishwarya Rai and Shilpa Shetty who themselves are meat consumers.
PETA now plans to relaunch its range of vegan products. As the new PR Manager of PETA come up with new PR strategies to revamp its terrible marketing strategies and convince the public as well as its fellow animal rights organizations of PETA’s resilience in animal protection and care.
Deliverables include A PowerPoint presentation of 7 slides ( 7*7 rule) which contains: 1) Executive Summary 2) Defense Strategy 3) Publicity stunt 4) Press Release(Only this should be submitted in a word doc, rest all in PPT) 5) Creatives (if necessary)
Deadline - 10:50Am. Email your tasks to [email protected]
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🎨 Transform Your Brand with Our Expert Graphic Design Services! 🚀
Are you ready to make a powerful visual impact and stand out in the market?
At SEO Expate Bangladesh Ltd, we specialize in delivering exceptional graphic design services that elevate your brand and captivate your audience.
Here's how we can help you transform your brand:
🔰Our Graphic Design Services:
▪ Logo & Brand Identity Design
▪ Unique Logos
▪ Brand Identity
▪ Marketing & Advertising Materials
▪ Brochures & Flyers
▪ Posters & Banners
▪ Print Ads
▪ Digital Graphics
▪ Social Media Graphics
▪ Website Graphics
▪ Email Templates
▪ Packaging Design
▪ Product Packaging
▪ Label Design
▪ Custom Illustrations & Icons
▪ Custom Illustrations
▪ Icon Design
▪ Presentation Design
▪ PowerPoint & Keynote
▪ Animation & Motion Graphics
▪ 2D & 3D Animation
▪ Motion Graphics
▪ Basic Photo Editing
▪ Retouching & Enhancement
▪ Background Editing
▪ Advanced Editing & Manipulation
▪ Restoration & Repair
▪ Photo Resizing & Cropping
▪ E-commerce Photo Editing, Etc.
Why Choose Us?
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✔ Tailored Solutions: We understand your unique needs and provide customized design solutions that align with your brand's vision and goals.
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✔ Fast Turnaround: We respect your deadlines and deliver high-quality designs promptly.
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Ready to elevate your brand with stunning visuals?
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Contact us today to learn more and get started. 🎨🚀
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401bmma4 · 5 days
✴ Exploring Horizons
By Delos Reyes, Janalexis D.
Click here to play the Podcast! ♬
PODCAST SCRIPT 📃 .˳·˖✶𓆩𓁺𓆪✶˖·˳.
Janalexis: Oh. Hello there. Has everyone been well? Before anything else, let me introduce myself first. My name is Janalexis Delos Reyes, and I actually just celebrated my birthday this last week of May! Sad to say, I am finally out of my teen years and my 20s have now welcomed me. Well, moving forward on my college life — I am already in 2nd year, taking BMMA, or Bachelor in Multimedia Arts at STI College Cubao. How has it been? Surely tiring, it is. I still get to have fun though, since BMMA really is one of my most dream course where I have already predicted that I would really enjoy learning there.
Janalexis: Now that I am already in my 2nd year and second semester… Oh, yeah! The end of the school year is quickly approaching. Exciting and sad at the same time, but at least I will finally get to take a long rest for a few months again. As for the courses I am taking this second semester, there is this one that have really piqued my interest aside from our major subjects. Writing for New Media, yes, that is the one! I have always loved writing and journaling in social media or even just in my note's app, so being able to learn from this subject felt exciting. Now that our way of communicating with one another kept innovating, through new media, it is not just limited to words anymore. Writing in new media is composed of images, comics, animation, presentations, websites, and videos. It is an on-demand access to content anywhere, anytime, interactive feedback, and creative participation. Amazing, is not it? I guess you already have an idea about what my podcast topic will all be about today, now that I have made some introduction for it.
Janalexis: Talking about my experiences while learning the Writing for New Media course — that is what our topic will be! The current generation was born during the peak of technological progress over the years. They were designed for a world where social media feed browsing is the norm and there has been internet access for some time. The learners of today are the members of the digital generation. The majority of today's teaching was customized to the students' level of experience with digital media. A PowerPoint presentation has replaced the traditional whiteboard or blackboard layout used for teaching. Reading that was once deliberate and slow has now become a skim and scan of appropriate material. For most people, especially writers and educators, the changes are overwhelming. However, the majority of digital gurus believe that there aren't many differences between how the previous age and the current generation consume information. The digital generation recognizes the depth of knowledge they can extensively and precisely explore because of the abundance of information and ease of access to it.
Janalexis: As for my journey in the course Writing for New Media, my expectations for it is to not be that difficult as we also enjoy learning. And I am glad that it actually went that way! Especially when our professor seems to usually have fun while teaching us every lecture classes. Shout out to Ma'am Francis! Because you know, when your professor tends to act like that while teaching, it will effectively impact the students positively most of the time. As for me, I like it that way as I would certainly feel that the professor has truly enthusiasm with doing their job, alongside interacting with the students. Honestly, there are times where the teaching method felt a little too quick to process — still effective, nevertheless.
Janalexis: New ways of writing, reading, and interacting were introduced by the development of new media technologies, particularly the Internet — and these have changed over the last few decades in response to advances in technology. Later, these newly acquired abilities gave rise to entirely new cultures adapted to the writers and online community's readership. The course truly helped me understand the new media platforms and the writing standards that go along with them. It also taught me how to use those platforms in more efficient and productive ways that will help me grow not only as a student, but also as a person. Twitter, now called as X, for example. That is probably my most used social media app ever since, for whenever I want to be updated of something, I would automatically open that one. As much as it has positive impacts toward millions of users, it also has a lot of negative ones — fake news and draining opinions coming from different users you would pass by every scroll you make. Hence, I have learned here to keep doing fact checks whenever I read news and learn to think first before tweeting or searching something so it would not have negative effects onto anyone, as well for myself.
Janalexis: Since the main objective of new media writing is to spread ideas and news from one mind to another, I believe that the best contribution I could bring to new media writing, based on everything I have learned throughout this course, would be to ensure that the information or message I post is always clear and understandable across a variety of audiences. What we write must also have credibility and acknowledge biases as disinformation, unreliable news, pure gossip and rumor are becoming increasingly prevalent in this socially mediated age. Writing for print media is different from writing for new media across disciplines since the latter's content is more highly accessible to a wider range of users, hence content creators must take into consideration about the nature of the audience.
There are so much more to talk about in this podcast, but I think that is it for now. It is no doubt that I have had a good experience while being educated from this course, Writing for New Media. Thank you for listening to my podcast! Once again, I am Janalexis Delos Reyes from BMMA401 and I am delighted to experience a wonderful journey while learning Writing for New Media!
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myinkppt · 18 days
10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Professional PowerPoint Design Services
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In the competitive world of business presentations, the way you communicate your ideas can make or break your success. Whether you're pitching a new product, presenting quarterly results, or delivering a keynote address, the quality of your slides plays a crucial role in capturing your audience's attention and conveying your message effectively. Here are ten compelling reasons why your business needs professional PowerPoint design services, including insights from INKPPT Design Agency, a leading name in the industry.
1. Elevate Your Visual Storytelling
The Power of Visuals
Professional PowerPoint design services excel in visual storytelling, turning complex data and concepts into compelling, easy-to-understand visuals. Expert designers use a combination of graphics, charts, and images to create a narrative that resonates with your audience.
Case Study: INKPPT Design Agency
INKPPT Design Agency, a renowned presentation design service, has transformed presentations for numerous high-profile clients. By focusing on visual storytelling, INKPPT helps businesses communicate their messages more effectively, making their presentations memorable and impactful.
2. Consistent and Cohesive Branding
Maintaining Brand Integrity
A professional PowerPoint design service ensures that your presentations align with your brand’s identity. Consistency in fonts, colors, and imagery across all slides helps reinforce your brand and project a polished, professional image.
Spotlight on Consistency
Agencies like INKPPT Design Agency, 24Slides, and Presentation Panda specialize in creating customized designs that adhere to brand guidelines. This consistency not only enhances brand recognition but also ensures that your presentations look cohesive and professional.
3. Save Time and Increase Efficiency
Focus on Your Core Business
Creating high-quality presentations can be time-consuming. By outsourcing this task to a professional design service, you can save valuable time and focus on your core business activities. Professional designers work efficiently to meet deadlines without compromising on quality.
Efficiency in Action
INKPPT Design Agency is known for its quick turnaround times and high-quality designs. By utilizing their services, businesses can ensure that their presentations are ready on time, allowing them to concentrate on delivering their message effectively.
4. Access to Cutting-Edge Design Tools and Techniques
Leveraging Advanced Technology
Professional design agencies have access to the latest design tools and software, enabling them to create sophisticated and visually appealing slides. From animations to interactive elements, these advanced techniques can make your presentations more engaging.
Example of Advanced Services
INKPPT Design Agency uses the latest design technology to create visually stunning and interactive presentations. This ensures that each slide is optimized for impact, making your presentation more engaging and effective.
5. Enhanced Credibility and Professionalism
First Impressions Matter
A well-designed presentation reflects professionalism and attention to detail, enhancing your credibility in the eyes of your audience. Professional PowerPoint design services can help you create slides that leave a lasting positive impression.
Professionalism in Design
INKPPT Design Agency focuses on creating slides that not only look good but also enhance the overall credibility of your presentation. Their designs help businesses project confidence and competence.
6. Customization and Personalization
Tailored to Your Needs
Professional designers work closely with you to understand your specific needs and tailor the presentation accordingly. This personalized approach ensures that the final product aligns perfectly with your objectives and audience expectations.
Customized Solutions
Presentation design agencies like INKPPT Design Agency offer extensive customization options. They create unique designs tailored to your content and audience, ensuring that your presentation stands out.
7. Better Audience Engagement
Captivating Your Audience
Engaging your audience is crucial for a successful presentation. Professional design services use techniques such as storytelling, visual hierarchy, and interactive elements to capture and retain audience's attention.
Engaging Designs
INKPPT Design Agency specializes in creating interactive and visually stunning presentations that keep the audience engaged from start to finish. Their designs help convey your message more effectively, making your presentation more memorable.
8. Improved Clarity and Understanding
Simplifying Complex Information
Professional designers are skilled at simplifying complex information and presenting it in a clear, concise manner. They use visual aids such as infographics and data visualization to enhance understanding and retention.
Clarity in Presentation
INKPPT Design Agency excels at turning complex data into easy-to-understand visuals. This clarity helps your audience grasp key points quickly, making your presentation more effective.
9. Staying Ahead of Industry Trends
Keeping Up with Design Trends
Professional PowerPoint design services stay updated with the latest design trends and best practices. By incorporating these trends into your presentations, they ensure that your slides are modern, fresh, and impactful.
Trendsetting Designs
INKPPT Design Agency is known for its innovative designs that incorporate the latest trends. By staying ahead of the curve, they help businesses create presentations that are not only current but also cutting-edge.
10. Achieving Your Presentation Goals
Successful Outcomes
Ultimately, the goal of any presentation is to achieve a specific outcome, whether it's persuading stakeholders, winning new clients, or educating an audience. Professional design services help you create presentations that are not only visually appealing but also strategically designed to achieve your goals.
Goal-Oriented Design
INKPPT Design Agency focuses on understanding your objectives and designing presentations that align with those goals. This strategic approach ensures that your presentation is not only visually stunning but also effective in achieving your desired outcome.
Investing in professional PowerPoint design services, such as those offered by INKPPT Design Agency, can transform your presentations, making them more engaging, visually appealing, and effective. By leveraging the expertise of professional designers, you can ensure that your presentations stand out, effectively communicate your message, and achieve your business goals. When selecting a design service, consider their portfolio, client testimonials, and range of services to find the best fit for your needs. With the right design partner, your presentations can reach new heights of success.
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visual-sculptors · 1 month
Essential Hacks and Tips for PowerPoint Power Users
As a proficient user of PowerPoint, continuous improvement and enhancement of skills are crucial in order to create impactful and engaging presentations. Staying abreast of the latest features and functionalities of the software is key to staying ahead in the competitive landscape of presentations.
By mastering keyboard shortcuts, one can significantly increase efficiency and productivity while working on PowerPoint. Furthermore, exploring advanced features like animation and transition effects can help elevate the visual appeal of slides, making them more captivating to the audience.
It is also advisable to familiarize oneself with the diverse design templates available within PowerPoint or even create personalized templates for a more professional and consistent look across presentations. Customizing templates not only enhances the visual aesthetic of slides but also saves time by streamlining the design process.
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Providing design services to a wide range of industries on a global scale – Visual Sculptors                          
Whether it's crafting quarterly reports or delivering educational content, our expertise in presentation skills and design spans across different sectors to meet the diverse needs of our clients.
Our services are in high demand from a variety of industries, including start-up founders, independent consultants, and small to medium firms. Start-ups rely on us for fundraising pitch decks and sales and marketing presentations, while consultants appreciate our quick turnaround times. Small and medium firms often request PowerPoint template designs to align with their brand guidelines.
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digicelll · 2 months
Cartoon Animation Flipbook App: Best Software for Fun Animations
Draw Cartoon Animation Flipbook App with Digicel. Our app allows you to create each frame of your animation, just like flipping pages of a flip book. It is a user-friendly app and helps you to bring your imagination to life. As this app is user-friendly, it is a good choice for beginners as well as professionals. You just don’t need to have advanced skills to start. We are here to guide you on how our app is designed to help you. When it comes to choosing the right cartoon animation software, then we should keep in mind to check whether the software is comfortable with your device.
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Cursos De Microsoft Excel - Identify The Truth About Them
Integrating the latest PowerPoint and Microsoft Word training, including cursos of PowerPoint en espanol and formacion de Microsoft Word, into educational curriculum can provide many advantages to students of the younger generation. In the first place, proficiency with these tools improves students' presentation and communication skills. By learning to create compelling document and presentations, the students acquire the ability to communicate information effectively, which is essential in professional, academic and personal contexts. Furthermore the sophisticated PowerPoint and Microsoft Word training fosters creativity and innovation among students. Through features like templates, animations, graphics, and the integration of multimedia students are able to explore new ways of expressing concepts and ideas. This creative thinking not only improves their learning experience but also prepares them for dynamic and innovative problem-solving in the future. Teaching advanced PowerPoint and Microsoft Word goes beyond enhancing technical skills; it helps develop the essential digital literacy skills that are vital in the modern age. Go to the following website, if you are hunting for more information regarding cursos de microsoft excel.
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The ability to navigate and use software tools efficiently is paramount nowadays. Students who master advanced features such as data visualization within PowerPoint and document formatting in Word are not just proficient but skilled in the use of digital tools. This proficiency elevates their technological proficiency and ensures they are able to navigate, utilize, and innovate with a wide range of digital tools and efficiently, which is a skill that is sought-after in today's digital-driven workplaces. Advance PowerPoint and Microsoft Word training go beyond enhancing technical skills; they also significantly impact students' time and organizational management capabilities. Making compelling presentations and well-organized documents requires careful planning, organization and focus on the details. Through such training students are not just taught the intricacies of these tools but additionally develop essential time management strategies as well as a systematic approach to their tasks. In the context of academic endeavors, these skills become invaluable. Students can effectively manage their homework, deadlines and assignments, leading to improved academic performance. They can learn to prioritize tasks, manage time effectively, and maintain a structured workflow. These are vital for success when it comes to higher education.
Furthermore, these abilities can be transferred to future professional endeavors. Professionals in the workplace typically have to handle various tasks, adhere to deadlines and produce top-quality outputs. Advanced PowerPoint and Microsoft Word training prepare students for such issues by teaching discipline, organization, and effective time management practices. Additionally, integrating the latest PowerPoint and Microsoft Word training encourages collaboration and collaboration between students. Group projects that involve creating documents or presentations that are collaborative encourage communication, coordination and problem-solving abilities for the group. These collaborative experiences mimic the real-world workplace, and prepare students for collaborative endeavors in their careers to come. In conclusion, teaching advanced PowerPoint or Microsoft Word to the younger generation offers a myriad of advantages, including enhanced communication and presentation skills, improved creativity and innovation and digital literacy skills in time and organization, management abilities, as well as collaboration and teamwork abilities. By incorporating cursos of PowerPoint in Spanish and the formacion of Microsoft Word into educational programs schools equip students with the necessary tools and skills that enable them to succeed in the digital age and beyond.
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works-ez-works · 2 months
Top 7 PowerPoint Presentation Softwares for 2024
In today's dynamic business environment, crafting impactful presentations is crucial for success. Whether you're pitching a groundbreaking idea to investors, delivering a persuasive sales pitch, or educating a team on a new concept, the right PowerPoint presentation software can elevate your message and leave a lasting impression.
But with a plethora of options available, selecting the ideal presentation software can feel overwhelming. Fear not! This blog delves into the top 7 PowerPoint presentation software options for 2024, highlighting their unique strengths, functionalities, and target audiences.
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The 7 Best PowerPoint Presentation Softwares For 2024:
1. Microsoft PowerPoint (Windows & Mac)
The Classic Powerhouse: Undoubtedly the most widely recognized presentation software, Microsoft PowerPoint remains a dominant force. Its user-friendly interface, extensive template library, and seamless integration with other Microsoft Office products solidify its position as a reliable choice for many professionals.
Strengths: familiarity and ease of use; a robust feature set including animation tools and transitions; excellent collaboration capabilities within the Microsoft ecosystem.
Potential Drawbacks: Subscription-based model for advanced features can feel somewhat rigid in design compared to newer options.
Best Suited For: Individuals and teams already invested in the Microsoft ecosystem, those requiring straightforward presentation creation with strong collaboration features.
2. Apple Keynote (Mac)
The Mac Mastermind: Built for seamless integration with Apple devices, Keynote boasts a sleek interface and intuitive design tools. Its focus on clean aesthetics and user-friendliness makes it a popular choice for creative professionals and educators.
Strengths: Stunning visuals and animations, intuitive user experience, excellent media integration with iCloud and other Apple products.
Potential Drawbacks: Limited platform availability (Mac only), may lack some advanced features found in PowerPoint.
Best Suited For: Mac users who prioritize a user-friendly interface and visually striking presentations, educators; and creative professionals seeking a streamlined design experience.
3. Google Slides (Web-based)
The Cloud-Based Collaborator: Google Slides thrives on its cloud-based nature. Accessible from any device with a web browser, it excels in real-time collaboration, making it perfect for geographically dispersed teams.
Strengths: Free and readily available with a Google account, robust real-time collaboration features, easy integration with other Google Workspace apps.
Potential Drawbacks: Limited offline functionality, may make it feel less feature-rich compared to desktop applications.
Best Suited For: Teams prioritizing real-time collaboration and ease of access, individuals seeking a free and user-friendly presentation tool with basic features.
4. Prezi (Web-based)
The Non-Linear Storyteller: Prezi offers a unique, non-linear approach to presentations. Its zoom-in-and-out canvas allows you to create visually compelling narratives that break free from the traditional slide format.
Strengths: Engaging non-linear presentation style, excellent for storytelling and showcasing complex relationships, user-friendly interface with creative templates.
Potential Drawbacks: Learning curve associated with the non-linear format, limited offline functionality with free plan.
Best Suited For: Creative presentations with a focus on visual storytelling, individuals seeking a visually engaging alternative to traditional slide decks.
5. Canva (Web-based)
The Design-Centric Darling: Canva has become a design powerhouse, offering a robust presentation creation suite. Its vast library of pre-designed templates, intuitive interface, and drag-and-drop functionality make it a haven for design-conscious users.
Strengths: Exceptional design capabilities with abundant templates and graphics, easy-to-use interface with drag-and-drop functionality, freemium model with access to a wide range of features.
Potential Drawbacks: Limited animation options compared to some competitors, may not be ideal for highly technical or data-driven presentations.
Best Suited For: Design-focused presentations where visual appeal is paramount, individuals seeking a user-friendly platform with a wide range of creative assets.
6. Visme (Web-based)
The All-in-One Powerhouse: Visme goes beyond static presentations. It offers a suite of tools for creating infographics, data visualizations, and even short animated videos, making it a versatile option for multimedia presentations.
Strengths: All-in-one platform for presentations, infographics, and videos, extensive data visualization tools, rich interactive elements for engaging presentations.
Potential Drawbacks: Subscription-based model, may require a steeper learning curve compared to some basic tools.
Best Suited For: Individuals and teams requiring diverse multimedia content for presentations, those seeking a comprehensive platform for data visualization
7. Beautiful.ai (Web-based)
The AI-Powered Design Assistant: Beautiful.ai leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to create stunning and professional presentations in a flash. Its AI assistant recommends layouts, fonts, and color schemes based on your content, making design decisions a breeze.
Strengths: AI-powered design assistance for effortless creation of visually appealing presentations, extensive template library with a focus on modern aesthetics, real-time collaboration features.
Potential Drawbacks: Subscription-based model, may lack some of the advanced customization options found in other software.
Best Suited For: Individuals and teams seeking a user-friendly platform with AI design assistance for creating modern and visually compelling presentations.
Beyond the technical features, consider the overall presentation style you aim to achieve. Are you delivering a data-driven presentation heavy on charts and graphs? Look for software with robust data visualization tools like Visme.  Do you prioritize a visually captivating narrative with a unique flow? Prezi's non-linear approach might be ideal. By understanding the strengths of the PowerPoint presentation software and aligning them with your presentation's goals, you can unlock its full potential and deliver a truly impactful experience for your audience.
Wrapping Up:
This concludes our exploration of the top 7 PowerPoint presentation software options for 2024. Remember, the ideal choice depends on your specific needs and priorities. Consider factors like budget, collaboration requirements, design preferences, and the complexity of your presentations when making your selection. With the right tool in hand, you can craft presentations that not only inform but also captivate your audience.
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Digital Board For Classroom: Boost Learning and Engagement in 9 Easy Way
In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, traditional teaching methods are giving way to innovative tools that enhance engagement and interaction in the classroom. The digital board, also known as an interactive whiteboard or smart board, has emerged as a powerful tool for educators to create dynamic and immersive learning experiences. ● 9 Ways To Use Digital Boards For Classroom In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the various ways you can harness the potential of a digital board to elevate your teaching methods and engage your students effectively.
1. Getting Started: Familiarising Yourself with the Digital Board
Before delving into interactive lessons, it’s crucial to become familiar with the digital board’s features. Spend time exploring the touch-sensitive surface, understanding how to write and draw using the stylus, and navigating through menus. Most manufacturers provide user manuals and introductory guides to help you get started. 2. Creating Engaging Interactive LessonsThe heart of digital board teaching lies in crafting interactive lessons that captivate your students’ attention. Start by planning your lesson content, incorporating multimedia elements such as images, videos, and animations. Utilize the board’s tools to annotate, highlight, and draw attention to key points. By adding variety to your lessons, you cater to different learning styles and keep students engaged.
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3. Utilizing Pre-existing Content and Online Resources Digital boards offer the advantage of integrating pre-existing content and online resources. Import PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, and educational videos to enhance your lessons. Leverage educational websites, interactive simulations, and online quizzes to reinforce learning objectives. This integration saves time and brings a wealth of educational material to your fingertips. 4. Collaborative Learning: Fostering Student Participation Engage your students in collaborative learning experiences that foster active participation. Divide your class into groups and assign them tasks that require interaction with the digital board. Whether it’s solving puzzles, brainstorming ideas, or collectively editing a document, collaborative activities promote teamwork, critical thinking, and communication skills.
5. Real-time Assessment and Feedback One of the remarkable features of digital boards is their ability to conduct real-time assessments and provide instant feedback. Create quizzes, polls, and interactive exercises that gauge your students’ understanding. Review the results together and address any misconceptions immediately. This feedback loop enhances learning outcomes by addressing gaps promptly.
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6. Incorporating Virtual Field Trips and Simulations Take your students on virtual field trips and immersive simulations using the digital board. Explore historical landmarks, venture into the depths of the ocean, or dissect complex scientific processes visually. These experiences transport students beyond the confines of the classroom, making learning more vivid and memorable.
7. Showcasing Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Challenge your students’ problem-solving and critical-thinking skills by presenting them with interactive scenarios. Encourage them to analyze data, make predictions, and experiment with different solutions directly on the digital board. This approach cultivates analytical skills and instills a sense of curiosity. 8. Personalization and Differentiation A digital board allows you to personalize learning experiences to cater to individual student needs. Adjust the pace of lessons, offer additional resources to struggling students, and provide extensions for advanced learners. By tailoring your approach, you create an inclusive environment where every student thrives.
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9. Transitioning to Remote Learning Incorporate the digital board into remote teaching by utilizing video conferencing tools and virtual whiteboard platforms. Share your screen with remote students, use the digital board to explain concepts, and engage in interactive discussions. This flexibility ensures a consistent learning experience, whether students are in the classroom or at home. Are you looking for a digital board for your classroom? If you’re in search of a remarkable digital board to transform your classroom experience, look no further than the Studynlearn Interactive Flat Panel. With its impressive features, including 4K Resolution, multi-touch capability, and a 3-year on-site warranty, this panel is a game-changer in interactive learning.
The built-in K-12 smart class content, lag-free writing experience, and versatile dual OS (Windows 11 & Android) make it a versatile and powerful tool for educators. Its interactive whiteboard functionality further enhances engagement and collaboration. The Studynlearn Interactive Flat Panel is the ultimate solution for those seeking to elevate their teaching methods and provide an enriched learning environment for students.
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eground01 · 2 months
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Продвинутый PowerPoint – презентация и анимация элитного уровня - udemy (2024)
Продвинутый PowerPoint – презентация и анимация элитного уровня
Advanced PowerPoint – Elite Level Presentation & Animation
Вы используете PowerPoint и хотите сделать свои презентации уникальными и приятными для просмотра?
Хотите выделиться среди 95% дизайнеров?
Хотите ли вы посмотреть на свою презентацию и сказать: «Я не мог бы сделать это лучше!»
Это продвинутый курс PowerPoint, который научит вас элитному уровню дизайна презентаций и анимации самого...
Читать далее
Подробнее на https://eground.org/threads/prodvinutyj-powerpoint-prezentacija-i-animacija-ehlitnogo-urovnja-udemy-2024.118814/
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michaelsands2 · 2 months
Get Your Office Professional Plus 2021 at an Unbelievable 30% Discount Today!
 Are you looking to upgrade your office software suite? Well, hold onto your seats because today brings an incredible offer that you simply can't afford to miss. Office Professional Plus 2021, the latest and most advanced version of the renowned Microsoft Office suite, is now available at a mind-blowing discount of 30%! Yes, you read that right - 30% off on Office Professional Plus 2021!
Here's why this deal is causing such a stir:
What's Included in Office Professional Plus 2021?
Office Professional Plus 2021 is a comprehensive suite that includes all the essential tools and applications you need to excel in your work:
Word: Create stunning documents with advanced formatting options and collaboration features.
Excel: Crunch numbers, analyze data, and visualize insights with powerful Excel functions and charts.
PowerPoint: Craft captivating presentations with dynamic slides, animations, and multimedia integration.
Outlook: Manage your emails, contacts, calendars, and tasks efficiently to stay organized and productive.
Access: Build custom database applications to streamline your data management processes.
Publisher: Design professional-quality publications, brochures, and newsletters with ease.
Why Choose Office Professional Plus 2021?
With Office Professional Plus 2021, you'll experience the following benefits:
Enhanced Productivity: Take advantage of new features and improvements designed to boost your productivity and efficiency.
Seamless Collaboration: Collaborate seamlessly with colleagues in real-time, whether you're working remotely or in the office.
Advanced Security: Protect your sensitive data and documents with built-in security features and regular updates.
Flexibility and Scalability: Office Professional Plus 2021 is suitable for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises.
Why You Should Grab This Deal Today!
The 30% discount on Office Professional Plus 2021 is a limited-time offer that you don't want to miss. Here's why you should act fast:
Significant Savings: Save big on your software purchase and allocate your budget to other critical areas of your business.
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Stay Ahead of the Competition: Equip your team with the latest tools and technologies to stay ahead of the competition and drive success.
Peace of Mind: Rest assured knowing that you've invested in a trusted and industry-leading office suite that meets your business needs.
How to Get Office Professional Plus 2021 at a 30% Discount?
Getting your hands on Office Professional Plus 2021 at a 30% discount is quick and easy:
Visit the Official Microsoft Store: Head over to the official Microsoft Store website to purchase Office Professional Plus 2021.
Apply the Discount Code: During checkout, enter the discount code provided to avail of the 30% discount.
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Don't let this incredible offer slip through your fingers. Upgrade to Office Professional Plus 2021 today and revolutionize the way you work. Hurry, as this deal won't last forever!
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Unlocking Creative Presentations with CustomGuide
In a professional landscape dominated by visual communication, PowerPoint remains the undisputed leader for presenting complex ideas in an accessible format. However, the difference between a standard presentation and a standout one often lies in the depth of PowerPoint training. CustomGuide elevates this learning journey with a comprehensive PowerPoint training program designed to transform your slides into compelling narratives.
CustomGuide's Approach to PowerPoint Training
CustomGuide redefines PowerPoint training by focusing on interactive, learner-centered methodologies. This section will highlight how CustomGuide's PowerPoint training stands out by offering personalized learning paths, real-time feedback, and practical, hands-on projects that simulate real-world scenarios.
Core Modules of CustomGuide’s PowerPoint Training
Foundation Building:
Overview of PowerPoint basics: Understanding the interface, tools, and features
The essentials of slide creation: Layouts, themes, and templates
Design and Visualization Mastery:
Advanced design techniques for creating visually appealing presentations
Incorporating multimedia elements effectively: Images, audio, and video
Data presentation: Graphs, charts, and tables made easy
Engagement and Interactivity:
Animation and transition tricks to keep your audience engaged
Creating interactive presentations with hyperlinks and action buttons
Narrative Crafting and Delivery:
Storytelling with PowerPoint: Structuring your presentation for maximum impact
Tips for confident delivery and audience engagement strategies
The Impact of Comprehensive PowerPoint Training
Exploring the transformative effects of in-depth PowerPoint training on professional communication. This section will showcase how mastering PowerPoint through CustomGuide’s program enhances not just presentation aesthetics but also storytelling ability, audience engagement, and overall communication effectiveness.
CustomGuide's Flexible Learning Platform: Tailored to Your Needs
A closer look at how CustomGuide’s flexible, interactive platform accommodates different learning styles and schedules, making PowerPoint training accessible to all professionals. This part will discuss the benefits of learning at your own pace, accessing resources on-demand, and the support provided by expert instructors.
Testimonials and Success Stories: Real Results from PowerPoint Training
Featuring a collection of testimonials and case studies from individuals and organizations that have benefited from CustomGuide’s PowerPoint training. This section will highlight the real-world applications and success stories that demonstrate the effectiveness of comprehensive PowerPoint training.
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