#PowerPoint animation tricks
creativeschoolrb · 9 months
Advance Title Animation In PowerPoint | Creative School
In this tutorial, I have shown you, how to create advanced-level text animation using PowerPoint. After watching this tutorial, you can create this text animation using PowerPoint. I have attached the download link of the text animation template that you are watching in this video below. Download Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-6PqHepKXirvtLcwk3uP1-sanMCVQ9w7?usp=sharing 00:00 Intro 00:40 Start the tutorial 01:33 Apply the animations 05:56 Apply the animation on a video 08:44 Outro =========== Tags ============= Advance Title Animation In PowerPoint, Text Animation In PowerPoint, PowerPoint animation tutorial, Animated PowerPoint titles, Typography in PowerPoint, PowerPoint animation, PowerPoint text animation, PowerPoint animation effects, advanced PowerPoint animation, PowerPoint tutorial, PowerPoint tips & tricks, PowerPoint animation tricks, animation tutorial, PowerPoint animations, PowerPoint 2019, PowerPoint tutorials, Creative School =========== Hash Tags ============= #powerpointanimation #powerpointtutorial #powerpoint2019 #powerpointanimations #powerpointtemplates #powerpointtextanimation #powerpointtitleanimation #powerpointadvanceanimation #creativeschool #creativeschoolrb
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I wish I worked in the place where all those tips on how to make your PowerPoint presentation better are relevant.
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marvels-meme · 11 months
do you have any more Marvels related head-cannons? your last ones were amazing!
I'm always happy to share some headcanons!
Since Carol is basically indestructible, Monica and Kamala will just throw random things at her. This includes books, phones, hard light crystals, waterbottles and one time a microwave.
Monica is the only one who has a drivers licence. Carol can drive but hasn't renewed her licence since the 80's. Kamala can't drive but is amazing at Mario Kart and always insists that she can drive a car as long as Coconut Mall music is playing whilst she's driving it.
After learning what Ao3 is Carol starting reading fanfic about herself because she's nosy.
Monica writes Star Wars fanfiction. Like the longfic, super well written, very lore invested kind.
Monica is a god at making powerpoints. She knows every tip and trick there is.
Kamala created a Minecraft realm and forced convinced Monica and Carol to play with her. The two of them have no stuff because they're absolutely shit at it and just freeload off Kamala's multi millon block megabase which has every item, build and farm known to man.
Carol did a "Captain Marvel answers the Internets most searched questions" interview, except she answered the questions super cryptically and just made everyone a billion times more confused.
Monica technically keeps her identity a secret but she doesn't wear a mask. Like she'll take selfies with fans and say "Yeah my name is Monica" but whenever the government try and approach her she's like "Wdym. My name isn't Monica. Prove that my name is Monica."
Kamala is one of the people who are like "I'm gonna learn a new language" and signs up for seventy Memrise courses and then forgets about them. She has started Basic French Animals seven times.
Carol is warm. Space is cold. Whenever they're in space, Monica and Kamala try to find not-so-subtle reasons to hug her because she's basically a heater.
Kamala wanted to adopt a flerkitten but her ammi said no. Monica adopted the flerkitten instead and Kamala insists on giving the flerkitten at least 2583057 treats whenever she visits.
Monica uses her powers to reach through people whenever they're in the way instead of asking them to move. It's a little bit unsettling because you could be stood in front of an oven and she'll just stick her hand through your stomach to adjust a dial. She finds it hilarious though.
Kamala made an official Ms Marvel TikTok. Someone dared to comment that she didn't know Captain Marvel, so she posted a TikTok of Carol falling down the stairs. It went viral and got 12 million views.
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rainybubbles · 2 years
How do you meet Haikyuu boys ? part II
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Sakusa, Atsumu, Hinata
Part 1 (Kenma, Akaashi, Osamu, Bokuto)
S A K U S A :
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-You shot him a ball on the head.
-...yeah, it didn't start well between you two.
-In fact there was a charity event organized by Kenma, that gather different volleyball team in a tournament.
-So you started with your team to warm up.
-The problem was that your teammate, the one supposed to catch the ball you were smashing, was distracted by their huge crush on Hinata.
-The ball rebounded.
-And guess where it ends up?
-On the head of Sakusa who was drinking his water on the bench.
-You apologized a hundred times, explaining the situation.
-But the only thing that Sakusa was thinking was :
-"This is the ball that Atsumu licked."
-The ball was pink and he knew it was the one that Atsumu licked because of a stupid challenge with Bokuto.
-Even if it was two years ago.
-He had Atsumu's DNA on his face.
-He ran to the shower and scrubbed his face as hard as he could, ignoring you.
-When he finished, you proposed buying him some skincare products because his skin was really red.
-He hesitated and just noded.
-Weirdly you both started sending each other some skincare products after that.
-Maybe you had good advices.
-Or maybe he just wouldn't let you feel guilty about this ball when it was Atsumu's fault.
A T S U M U :
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-He kneelt down in front of you the first time you met.
-You were one of the last students that didn't have a club.
-And he had a bet with his twin and Suna of who would find a manager first.
-So when he heard that you were free.
-He ran.
-Firstly he tried to convince you with his arguments. ( his thighs and arms)
-Then he showed you the statistics of the team.
-He even made a PowerPoint.
-But you said no.
-So he tried the puppy look.
-Then he fake-cried
-He told you his tragic background with the fact that if you became their manager he could finally make his mom proud and let her rest in peace.
-But you found out she was alive by Osamu.
-So he apologized and asked how he could convince you.
-You joked and said "kneel down and beg."
-In the corridor in front of anyone, he did that.
-You never felt so embarrassed in your life.
-You accepted so he could quickly stood up.
-A strange first meeting yes.
-But when Atsumu tells the story, he has this smirk and this ambiguous tone which let people think a total different story.
H I N A T A :
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-You made edits on social media.
-Some actors, anime characters and so on...
-But what you were known for were your Hinata Shoyo edits.
-You were a fan of his, and your followers loved your edits of him!
-What you didn't expect was him to see them.
-And commenting them.
-And...dm you.
-Complimenting you and thanking you for your hard work.
-You were speechless.
-You started to say "your welcome" and...
-And you two started chatting.
-Firstly about the volleyball, then about some movies or series you watched recently.
-You didn't consider him as a friend because after all he was a star, and he was probably only doing some fan-service.
-But you appreciate it.
-Until he sent you tickets.
-...to see him.
-And talk to him.
-It was VIP ticket.
-...okay maybe it was not only fan-service.
-Maybe he really appreciates talking to you.
-But you stay calm.
-(False you screamed on your pillow and smiled so hard that you felt your zygomatici the next day )
-You hesitated.
-Maybe it was a trick or he was weird or...
-Or you were broke and it was your unique chance to see his match.
-So you went.
-But you texted your friends, let them knowing where you were, with who.
-The match was in fact incredible.
-You were so happy to see that in real life, that at the end you almost forgot you had to meet him with all the VIPs
-But he didn't.
-He even looked after you in the crowd and jumped in front of you.
-He asked if he could hug you.
-You said yes/no.
-He smiled and...
-And that's how you met and slowly became friends and even more...
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*We never got to see the Paradise Hideout in its proper glory, along with all the characters introduced during that arc
**Isabella being reintroduced back into the story differently in S2e04 but still following the same path she took in the manga (minus her dying)
***The special ops team armed with guns being taken out during the bunker raid by a group of kids thirteen and under armed with a chair and a few bows and arrows and none of the finesse used to escape Grace Field
Wish we had ranked poll choices because all of these are terrible, but what hurts you the worst specifically.
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palmtreepalmtree · 6 months
A stupid work rant that no one has to read but I need to get out:
Part of what I do is prepare evidence of people's career achievements for presentation before the federal government. Everything we send must be in paper, but when most people send me evidence, it's almost always in the form of links to various internet locations. I'm talking scores to hundreds of links.
Even people with good publicists sometimes send me to a website where there's an animated powerpoint or flash presentation, or even a press packet that's oriented for a tablet (for reasons that must be industry specific, I guess).
These things are painful to try to print in a legible, black and white, standard letter-sized format. There are pop-up ads, reorientations, links to unrelated content that look confusing in print, and impossible sizings. Some things just won't print at all. Some things sit behind an industry-specific paywall. Links to videos or podcasts of any kind are pretty much impossible to rely on as evidence---the government is not going to type in the link to view it, and it will never listen to a podcast.
I have developed a lot of tricks to get around this problem through my many years of practice, and I don't handle it much myself anymore. It's mostly handled by my team. But every time I get a huge list of links, I just feel my entire body deflating.
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im considering dming curse of strahd in the near future, got any tips or warnings? :-)
so first of all, disclaimer, this strahd campaign is my first ever attempt at dming. you'll hear a lot of people say it's not a good choice for a first time dm, but i disagree! maybe that's because all my players are newbies and don't catch when i mess up, or because i'm playing a very "the rules come second, the story comes first" kind of game, or because i've also done CoS as a player before so i was already familiar. either way, i'm having a blast, and the story is excellent
first tip: read the book. i recommend reading the chapters out of order, though - each chapter is a different location, and they're not in the order your players are likely to come across them (for instance, strahd's castle is chapter 4. literally why) so i looked at the map of barovia, looked at what locations my players were likely hit and when, and read in that order instead.
there are tons of online resources for curse of strahd. TONS. there's a huge community on the CoS subreddit, and it's chock full of tips, tricks, extras, new ideas, add-ons, fanart, you name it. look up maps for locations that aren't given maps in the book, and you'll find like five separate people have already done it and posted it online for anyone to use. speaking of which, i've recently made a powerpoint with a bunch of maps on it so i can hook up my laptop to my TV and project the maps up for my players to see while we're playing (complete with little animations to reveal secret rooms when/if they find them) and that's been working out great so far
there are also lots of videos on CoS, and i highly recommend lunch box heroes on youtube. i've watched every single video in this playlist and it has helped so, so much. i'm using a bunch of deviations from the book in my campaign that this guy specifically gave me the idea to use
my biggest tip: make sure your players all have a good reason to hate strahd. for a lot of them, this will come naturally (for instance, maybe one of your players will try romancing strahd's alter ego and unknowingly set themselves up for the heartbreak of the century 🙃) but for a lot of them, you may have to orchestrate a good reason. throw one of their spouses in the castle dungeon like my dm did to me! it helps so much in getting them invested in the plot if they want to kill that guy in the castle so fucking bad dude let me at him
but yeah, other than that... have fun! don't take what's in the book as gospel, just use it as a guideline for the story. ultimately your players are going to hugely affect how the story goes, so don't get too attached to certain plot hooks that may get turned on their head or may just never happen. roll with the punches, learn to improvise, and practice your best vaguely eastern european accent for the barovian npcs :)
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sparkedblaze · 1 year
LETS TRY THIS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bill and Darcy trying to help the newsies.
David having sleepovers his first ever
Buttons and davey bonding
I literally went to get my laptop so I could type this out
Davey had never had sleepovers at his house.
He'd stayed at the lodgehouse before, but this was different. His parents had gone out of town, and Les had gone to stay with a friend, so Davey and Sarah had been alone in the apartment.
Sarah immediately started begging to invite their friends over. Only Jack had been over at this point, and she wanted everyone to see and hang out and get out of the lodgehouse for a night.
Davey, as the most responsible, hesitated. Sure, they were on break from school. And, sure, Les wasn't there to stay up with the older boys.
But, would his parents be okay with it? What if they came home early and saw all these boys crawling over the furniture and being generally destructive? What if what if what if?
Sarah, being Sarah, had already decided that they were doing it either way. They went to Katherine's first, inviting her and Bill and Darcy (and totally not sweet talking her into bringing food for everyone) with the promise of an escape from the boys if need be.
She, of course, agrees, and all but forces Darcy and Bill to come along and help.
Sarah and Davey go to the lodgehouse next, Jack nearly knocking Davey to the ground as he hugged him. They explained what the siblings were thinking, and Jack got so excited, and immediately went to tell the others (not including the little ones, of course, who all the older newsies made sure had a massive fort built to cuddle together).
Everyone takes a turn, essentially doing a circle time showcasing their talents, teaching everyone how to do their thing.
Race teaches them how to play poker. How to bet, how to bluff, how to know what cards to hold and what cards to give up
Buttons teaches them how to sew and how to make stuffed animals. When they take Davey's hands to steady him and help get his stitches right, Jack almost lost it. He might be a tad jealous. Just a little itty bitty teeny tiny bit.
Elmer teaches them how to do math. Or he at least tries. The others are too busy eating the snacks he's trying to use to show addition and subtraction.
Finch tries to help with their aim, but he doesn't really get how he's so good with the slingshot. He just is.
Albert shows them how to arm wrestle (doesn't show all the tricks he's learned to win, but he shows them a few)
Davey would def be the person to make a powerpoint about all his favorite things. Space, plants, birds, art, anything and everything.
Jack tries to teach them how to sketch out basic forms. The forms of people and flowers and buildings.
Theses are basic thoughts
I love this
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I've never heard of Children of Noisy Village but the title intrigues me. What's it about?
OOOOOOHHHH OKAY OKAY *pulls out board and powerpoint and chairs for the audience*
The Children of Noise Village is about 6 children who all live out in the countryside in southern Sweden. It's unclear when exactly it takes place, but around early 1900s (in the 80s adaption, it was specifically 1928-1929 for some reason lol). It's very slice of life - just what kids in their time and place did and were up to. It's a very idyllic environment with the big acres and forests, classic swedish red houses, farm animals, kids going on adventures and picnics...
This the six kids:
Lisa - The "main" character. She's the one telling all the stories about the kids get up to.
Lasse - Lisa's oldest brother. He's the one who always comes up with stuff to do, and he's often the cause if something chaotic happens. He's the joker of the group.
Bosse - Lisa's other brother. He either tags along on Lasse's chaos, or he is the first one to tease him when things go wrong. He's a classic middle child, either he's like "haha i'm older than you" or he's the teasing little brother.
Britta - Their neighbor. She's the most "serious" of the group, very oldest sister. She always questions things and is the most rational and reasonable.
Anna - Britta's younger sister and also Lisa's closest friend. She's very much a "little sister" (which is why she gets along with Lisa so well), and she's probably the most adventurous of the girls.
Olle - Their other neighbor. He likes animals a lot and has a much younger sister named Kerstin. He's the most sensitive of the group, but is the one to put the foot down first. Lisa also wants to marry him because he's the only boy that's not her brother
Here's some fun things they get up to:
They learn about "näcken" which is a scandianvian folklore creature (essentially it's a naked man playing a harmonica at a lake/river to lure children, and when they arrive he drowns them). So, Lasse decides to scare everyone by luring them into the woods and then goes to sit at a river pretending to be näcken.
Lisa and Anna decide to "run away", which is them sneaking out in the middle of the night, go and eat their sandwhich they brought, then they run back because the boys followed them and scared them
During christmas, they visit "Aunt Jenny" and it's unclear who's aunt it is, but all of them are invited, and they have a bunch of fun. There's also other kids there and then all of the kids sleep together on the floor. It always looked so cosy with all of them in a row.
During april fools, they all come to the school 2 hours early because they have set the clock back - this because they fooled the teacher she was late to class. They also prank each other on the way home, the most iconic fool is when Lasse fools Olle to give a seller a bag of rocks. When he comes up, the seller goes "did you say rocks?!" and this is such a meme in Sweden. Or, well, "Sa du sten?!" is what we say.
Another meme we have from this is "STÄNG DÖRR'A!!!!!!" which is, during a snow storm the kids have to stay at the shoemaker's cabin (and they're deeply afraid of him). So whenever they open the door, the shoemaker gets annoyed (since, you know, the snow blows inside) and he yells for them to CLOSE THE DOOR!! But he says it in this very specific accent that makes it sound really funny
One time Olle has a lose tooth and he's really afraid to pull it out. So Lasse, Bosse and Lisa literally break into his room at night and pulls out the tooth for him while he sleeps.
One time, the boys trick the girls that there's a treasure in the woods, and when they find it it's just a box with a note that says "haha we tricked you". So the girls, as a revenge, go and pick up goat droppings and put in it, and write a new note saying "haha nice try". They then go back to the boys going "we couldn't find the note :(" and the boys go into the woods to hide it better (only to find the box of goat poop and the girl's new note)
Lots of other things happen too! But it's a really sweet, slice of life story and I love it really much.
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syrinq · 2 years
sy's fun little long this 'n thats about littlest pet shop because she saw One Post and now it's all she can think about so she's got to postpone bojack s4e1 and it's also a good opportunity to just nerd out about old bobblehead animals
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anyway. ancient blue bird bobblehead lps moment because that was highly likely the first lps i ever got that got me into a fucking craze for these bitches from approximately 6-14yo
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one of the first songs i discovered on The Famed Box Windows XP Computer was beyoncé's halo on youtube and it was thanks to a littlest pet shop amv
for some reason it was just accepted that miniature caterpillars in the lpsverse were like pet dogs or cats to the actual animals. even though it'd have made more sense for them to be babies to butterflies
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this? this is a dog.
back when youtube (or some 3rd party) had Old Editing Software, people would show off their lps collections by making a geometry hell powerpoint presentation, royalty free music included, like this. this was the absolute shit and objectively the most perfect way to show off your collection in the 2000s. no exceptions. it's got the shitty dreamscape 009 amv vibe to it and i love it
the first taste of lps videos i got was sophiegtv's summer camp. the original one. in which some kids go to summer camp and get mauled and killed by a ginormous dinosaur in the forest that's made out of empty toilet paper rolls. or alternatively investigation of murders in lps csi. or high school drama and bloody stabbings in lps popular. sophiegtv was the pinnacle of this shit in 2009-2011 and will probably remain an lps legend for eternity. to me at least :)
alongside sophiegtv there were others that i enjoyed like elizalps, who'd make series and amvs and whatever lps related. like a haunted house video. or a hair salon video that i can't fucking find anymore. or a lps vip video where a cat tells a dog to kill themselves somewhere else. OH FUCK AND LPSLOVER WITH STRANGE HAPPENINGS. THAT WAS THE SHIT. and that's it because i literally don't remember anyone else because my memory is also absolute dog shit <3
i found it so fucking cool when people would make their own little props for their littlest pet shop videos. so little old me would make a house out of shitty carton for them. cut out a little rectangle and fold it in half, draw some shitty squares on it and bam you've just given an lps animal the ability to tweet useless garbage on a laptop.
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the only time wikihow got their guide 100% accurate and totally right
i remember getting a closet with glass doors so i could organise and showcase my lps in it one by one by species. it was like a professional collection so i could look at them in the windows and go :) smile time! and also so they wouldn't dust off and die in the darkness of a closed box. now i'm an adult and i want a glass showcase like this for my gundams. thanks lps for teaching me this sick life trick when i was 9
one time i poured a bath for my lps toys and threw them in it so they'd have a pool party. big mistake because the mechanism that keeps their head & body together would get disgusting residue on it. and it'd make the heads bobble less. the result is a small child decapitating toy animals to clean this residue and the leftover water sloshing in their heads. anatomy below so no one else has to do such monstrous things ever again
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becoming a teen and deciding 'the shit i liked as a kid is cringe now' was the worst time of my life because i sold about ~70% of my collection for ~30 bucks at a fucking flea market. to get funds for sims 4. i didn't even play sims 4 when i got it. the first time i touched it was in 2017. why did i do that. THIS IS THE TRIGGER FOR MY UNCOMMON UNSETTLING DREAMS ABOUT GOING TO THE TOY STORE, AND FINDING AN EXTREMELY LITTLE, OR NO LPS SECTION AT ALL, YOU FUCKING DUMB ASS
the littlest pet shop biggest house was like THE. fucking shit. you had this and you had every bitch playing at your house with this playset. you were like the lps god. one thing i particularly loved about this, was the satisfying feeling and sound of opening and closing the green door. the click. loved that door. just like the old minecraft door sound. (a short in-bracket realisation that the occurrence of me liking a particular door click noise has happened twice in my life, and for that i get two pennies)
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you got bitches with this bad boy
speaking about noises. the bobbling head noise and the tip tapping of lps on particular surfaces like the wooden floor? that was fucking lit and was basically an 8yo's girl's sound therapy asmr or whatever. coming home with a new package and shredding it the fuck open and immediately bobbling the head like you're a scientist researching the bobbliness of each pet
a small section shoutout here about going to the toy store and running to the lps section and the lps section only because that was like. the only toy i cared about as a kid. the smell of the toy store hitting your nostrils. it was like smelling food and being hungry
giving particular lps to me was a mistake, especially if they had fuzzy fur, extremely frail tails or hair on their head. because 1) fuzzy coats would be scratched off by me like they were a skin disease. even though fuzzy coats were cool. why. 2) frail tails would get broken off either by accident or on purpose, like i was mutilating these poor animals to my horrible human standards like some breeders out there. 3) hair would get snipped off. so they'd have stumpy hair. why? fuck if i know
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this? if you looked like this in 2008. god help your tail, for you're about to get mutilated and get a butt stump
building on the previous point, some lps also got 'fashion makeovers' by receiving pen markings or a glittery glossy nail polish coat because. i don't even know. why did i do that actually. is it because i had a need to brush the hair of a barbie and didn't have a barbie at the time. who knows! all i know is that putting barbie cowboy shoes on your fingers and prancing around with them like your hand's a fashion model was also the shit to do as a kid (this behaviour was later replaced by placing bugles and acting like they're sharp evil witch nails)
in what was apparently gen 2, hasbro started putting lps in little boxes because they had to categorise and put labels on them like ''cuddliest'' and ''cutest'' (uh oh syrinq's entering dangerous wording territory). anyway here's my tier list
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at some point hasbro pulled a webkinz and also had plushies made with a code for a virtual world. their first attempt was lps vips and i was so overjoyed that lps were now in soft cuddly plushie form because the one other thing i loved collecting were plushies. when that discontinued they tried again with lpso (lps online). then that ALSO discontinued because for some fucking cursed reason online pet games like this and pet party, and happy petz, and kawaii pet megu, and fish with attitude and whatever fuck else existed, got mother fucking evaporated at some point. fuck you. anyway meet my pink cat lps whose name was little candy in dutch (snoepje)
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the littlest pet shop pc game was fucking life changing. it was like the lps webkinz thing before the webkinz thing came out. dressing up your little animals. running around as your little animals. putting them on a swing and playing minigames it was so fucking awesome
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this? peak gaming
throughout the years hasbro made some design changes. some for safety hazards, like replacing the foot magnet by a hole, which i was actually fine with. eventually. what i wasn't fine with and still think is bullshit to this day *cracks knuckles* (ohh! a list within a list!)
1. changing the pink magnet to be regular iron. production costs i guess but fuck you the pink magnet with the little paw on it was the fucking shit
2. removing the 'eye' part of the model and making them flat paintings instead. who the hell decided this. i'm coming to fucking get you and murder you. luckily this was a temporary thing for some lps things back in the day and soon enough the eyes were back on the model :)
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3. (oh yeah it's still continuing!) BLYTHE. THE FUCKING WENCH. I NEVER LIKED THAT GIRL AND I NEVER WILL. it's like the person you hate for no reason other than you just do. blythe was this. it's about animals living their sillay little lives you don't get to put them on a leash. slut.
4. whatever the lps blythe tv show was. this was the horrible start of the lps rebrand and I Was Not A Fan And I Never Will Be. Fuck Blythe And Fuck You Hasbro
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5. whatever remodeling shit they did to littlest pet shop in i don't fucking know 2020. the bobble head feature removed. the heads made even bigger in comparison to the bodies. yassifying the lps but in the most horrible way ever.
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like whoever did this i'm coming to fucking get you
6. whoever changed the logo. i'm also coming to fucking get you. horrible fucking horrendous monster. it could've been way worse but still. i'm still coming to fucking GET YOU
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7. the wretched LPS watermark
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8. what in the fuck were these plush attempts before they released the 10 million times better lps vips?
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has he seen the devil? is he afraid of him?
anyway back to regular trivia time now because my brain's fuels have been emptied out after typing this for.................. uh...... maybe close to 3 hours. how the fuck has it been 3 hours
the globe packages were the worst to open because you actually couldn't shred them open with your bare hands and had to get scissors for these cunts
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sleddin' fun? where the fuck is my shreddin' fun hasbro?
also during this post i ctrl+z'd several times resulting in tumblr absolutely killing the entire post so i had to rewrite it like 4 times. because i'm a dumbass and kept forgetting that ctrl+z would kill the entire post on tumblr only. anyway before this i shortly learned that generation 6, the arguably ''better new'' lps remodeling, was from fucking 2017. what the hell. anyway hasbro is remaking lps for 2024 and i'll be fucking getting them and burning down their HQ if they redo it like generation 4-6. bobblehead supremacy
also there were special edition littlest pet shops that. i don't know. were released with special things at cons or whatever. like the platypus below. living in holland was a fucking curse in the 2000s-2010s because back then nobody fucking knew what a holland was. let alone the netherlands because it sounds like an alternative version of hell. so yeah little old me had to order these online like i was a business kid cutting sick deals
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similar to dedicated beanie baby fans, littlest pet shop also had a fan-made website made with a database of all teh animals XD. thank god this exists because i'm too lazy at the moment to find my box with the remaining ~30% of my lps collection
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do you have penicillium digitatum? no? you're kidding right? you're just being a fungi right now?
also. custom lps were a thing. the most epic ones were i don't know sold for hundreds on ebay. anyway the only custom lps one i got is a cheap ass deadpool cat one because deadpool is funny and about the only funny marvel character left in the mcu
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end post. go fuck some bitches now
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trudemaethien · 2 years
For the WIP meme: a gentleman and an officer?
hehe this one is so dumb and so fun; it’s modern military au cody/rex where Rex is an ROTC cadet and Cody is from West Point, attending the same training sorta like basic but not really prior to graduation. fingers crossed I’ll be able to submit it to this year’s codex week collection which is still open for a while—it is mostly done. knock on wood.
There’s a several-day stretch of inclement weather, so the cadets focus on classroom work, specifically preparing for the next exercise, Land Nav trials. There are training-standard powerpoints and worksheets, uncomfortable chairs and ancient blackboards, and the whole time, rain pounding and rattling against the metal roofs. It’s a monotonous lullaby, and the Drill Sergeants take malicious delight in catching drowsy cadets and waking them up.
Rex knows how to fight the pull of sleep. He’s just as tired and bored as the rest of them, but the trick is to give yourself a little jolt of adrenaline every so often. So he thinks about things that make his heart race and his palms sweat, he fakes a near-genuine interest in the material, he sits in the most uncomfortable position in those uncomfortable chairs, and he doesn’t get caught with heavy eyelids.
Sometimes the thoughts aren’t even terror-adjacent. He works out theoretical problems with his thesis project, a piece of tech he’s building to be both all-terrain and observant with enough logic to function tactically, for finding and neutralizing IEDs. Other robots have achieved some or part of these goals, but Rex wants the Rugged Recon Discern/Disarm to be smart enough to go out on its own, practically indestructible, and unable to be corrupted. He doesn’t want his tech misused.
Most of his goals were easy to meet individually: the rough terrain build, the bomb identification parameters, the deescalation logic; but when put together, his robot had developed a series of stubborn ticks. Rex hesitates to call it an attitude problem, or worse a personality, at least out loud, but he does want this thing to make its own decisions. Trying to integrate its systems has been like a wrestling match with a side of juggling and wild-animal taming.
In between land nav problems, of course. They’re allowed to take notes, and Rex takes care not to get too immersed in his R2D2 calculations in the margins to lose the thread of the actual class.
“Pass your worksheets to your battle buddy,” the instructor says, and Rex immediately regrets not sticking to the required math.
Cadet Wolffe mutters “Hey, overachiever, where are we going, to Jupiter?”
Rex suppresses a smile. At least it’s only Derek, who goes to the same university, though he’s not prior service like Rex. “To get more stupider,” he rejoins sarcastically.
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techaircraft · 3 months
Level up your presentation game! From basics to advanced tips, learn to create captivating slides that wow your audience. Whether you're a beginner or looking to polish your skills, this PowerPoint course covers it all: animations, design tricks, and effective storytelling techniques. Elevate your presentations to the next level and stand out in meetings, classrooms, or conferences. Join me on this learning journey and unleash your creativity with Techaircraft! . 𝐖𝐞𝐛𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 - www.techaircraft.com
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Unlocking Creative Presentations with CustomGuide
In a professional landscape dominated by visual communication, PowerPoint remains the undisputed leader for presenting complex ideas in an accessible format. However, the difference between a standard presentation and a standout one often lies in the depth of PowerPoint training. CustomGuide elevates this learning journey with a comprehensive PowerPoint training program designed to transform your slides into compelling narratives.
CustomGuide's Approach to PowerPoint Training
CustomGuide redefines PowerPoint training by focusing on interactive, learner-centered methodologies. This section will highlight how CustomGuide's PowerPoint training stands out by offering personalized learning paths, real-time feedback, and practical, hands-on projects that simulate real-world scenarios.
Core Modules of CustomGuide’s PowerPoint Training
Foundation Building:
Overview of PowerPoint basics: Understanding the interface, tools, and features
The essentials of slide creation: Layouts, themes, and templates
Design and Visualization Mastery:
Advanced design techniques for creating visually appealing presentations
Incorporating multimedia elements effectively: Images, audio, and video
Data presentation: Graphs, charts, and tables made easy
Engagement and Interactivity:
Animation and transition tricks to keep your audience engaged
Creating interactive presentations with hyperlinks and action buttons
Narrative Crafting and Delivery:
Storytelling with PowerPoint: Structuring your presentation for maximum impact
Tips for confident delivery and audience engagement strategies
The Impact of Comprehensive PowerPoint Training
Exploring the transformative effects of in-depth PowerPoint training on professional communication. This section will showcase how mastering PowerPoint through CustomGuide’s program enhances not just presentation aesthetics but also storytelling ability, audience engagement, and overall communication effectiveness.
CustomGuide's Flexible Learning Platform: Tailored to Your Needs
A closer look at how CustomGuide’s flexible, interactive platform accommodates different learning styles and schedules, making PowerPoint training accessible to all professionals. This part will discuss the benefits of learning at your own pace, accessing resources on-demand, and the support provided by expert instructors.
Testimonials and Success Stories: Real Results from PowerPoint Training
Featuring a collection of testimonials and case studies from individuals and organizations that have benefited from CustomGuide’s PowerPoint training. This section will highlight the real-world applications and success stories that demonstrate the effectiveness of comprehensive PowerPoint training.
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creativecourse · 10 months
Slide Design Information Put design theory into practice to build attractive and effective slides using presentation software. A 90-minute, on-demand course. Have you ever worked on a presentation for hours, only to be unhappy with the final product? Or cobbled together a deck from messy slides provided by half a dozen colleagues? Visually presenting your ideas through PowerPoint is an expectation for nearly everyone today. But very few of us feel entirely comfortable using this critical communication tool. Discover the theory behind great presentation design, then gain the skills to make it happen. In the Slide Design online course, you’ll learn our proven method for visual design, plus PowerPoint® tips and tricks for faster and more beautiful slide design. Create professional-looking slides for your boss, colleagues, or clients. Overview: Bring polish and professionalism to your presentations by leveraging design principles Work faster and save time using hidden tricks and features Improve visual communication by designing slides that direct the audience’s attention Reduce the stress and frustration that comes from combining existing decks, or starting from scratch What You’ll Learn In This Course? Episode 1 Beginner’s guide to Slide Design User interface orientation Customize the quick action toolbar Resize shapes Selection pane Reference guide Episode 2 Design principles Introduction to the S.P.A.C.E.™ Method Applying S.P.A.C.E.™ principles Why grids? Episode 3 Photography in PowerPoint® Cropping photos Rule of thirds Episode 4 Merge shape tools Creating custom icons Episode 5 Animations and transitions The animation pane Entrance and exit animations Transitions More courses from the same author: Nancy Duarte
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edoxi · 1 year
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#Edoxi Training Institute recently delivered an MS PowerPoint Advanced training session. From advanced animations to seamless slide transitions, this training was packed with practical tips and tricks to make a presentation truly stand out.
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psdontgetdegrees · 1 year
I’m Getting The Hang Of This! | Week 6: Digital Citizenship Case Study: Social Media Influencers And The Slow Fashion Movement
This week is the big presentation week! I’m excited to show the class what I know about my research topic. I think I've done a great job with the PowerPoint also. It's been tricked up with all these animations that are really fun! I hope the teacher likes it too!!!
This week’s reading is on Digital Citizenship Case Study: Social Media Influencers And The Slow Fashion Movement
What is slow fashion? And how do Digital communities affect it?
Slow fashion encourages consumers to adopt more responsible and intentional buying habits. This means choosing high-quality clothes that can be worn for years, repairing and repurposing clothing instead of throwing it away, and buying from small businesses and ethical brands. An example in the reading explains that “trend cycles” (Domingos, Vale & Faria,2022) have increased from “two collections [produced] a year”(Domingos, Vale & Faria,2022) to an astonishing “50” to “100 minicycles”(Domingos, Vale & Faria,2022) produced in one year, with trends changing every “Fifteen Days” (Domingos, Vale & Faria,2022).
In terms of the assigned reading, The reading "Slow Fashion Consumer Behavior: A Literature Review" summarizes existing research on the behavior of consumers in the context of the slow fashion movement. The important takeaways from the authors explore various factors that influence consumers to adopt slow fashion practices, such as environmental concerns, ethical considerations, and personal values. The article explains that “Nowadays, consumers are increasingly looking for unique products and designs’ which has given rise to what we call “fast fashion”(Domingos, Vale & Faria,2022). Fast fashion is a business model of producing and selling trendy clothing quickly and cheaply, where “millions of people buy clothes [without] a thought about the consequences”(Dana Thomas, 2019). It prioritizes speed and profit over quality and sustainability, resulting in environmental damage, unethical labor practices, and a culture of disposable clothing. “As a whole, the world’s citizens acquire some 80 billion apparel items annually” (Dana Thomas, 2019).
The additional readings included a review of Shein, a well-known online retailer of quick fashion, by YouTube Channel “DW Planet A”, Where the presenter talks about her conflicted thoughts regarding the brand in the video. Shein offers reasonably priced, stylish clothes that appeal to many young shoppers, but she also expresses worries about the fast fashion industry's ethical and environmental effects. Shein has been seen over the last couple of years as more of a threat to the fashion industry and therefore the world than any other clothing brand ever. Shein has also been under fire for a number of unethical decisions, such as unfavorable working conditions in their factories, harm to the environment caused by their fast fashion business model, and ethical issues with their supplier chain. There have been allegations of underpaying, overworking, and hazardous working conditions for Shein's factory employees. (DW Planet A, 2022)
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A really interesting read I found was on how destructive Shein is t the overall fashion industry, and how it effects us environmentally https://www.elle.com.au/fashion/why-is-shein-so-bad-27846
The slow fashion movement aims to transform the fashion industry into one that is more ethical, sustainable, and prioritizes community and the environment before profit and mass production. The slow fashion movement promotes a change towards more sustainable and thoughtful practices in opposition to the fast fashion industry, which produces cheap and stylish clothing that is soon discarded. This means utilizing environmentally friendly materials, creating durable clothing, and appreciating the abilities and labor of those who engage in the fashion industry.
Thomas, D, 2019, The Wall Street Journal.The High Price OF Fast Fashion. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-high-price-of-fast-fashion-11567096637. [Accessed 1 April 2023].
Domingos, M, Vale, VT & Faria, S 2022, ‘Slow Fashion Consumer Behavior: A Literature Review’, Sustainability (Basel, Switzerland), vol. 14, no. 5, MDPI AG, Basel, 
DW Planet A, 2022, If you think fast fashion is bad, check out SHEIN - YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4km0Cslcpg. [Accessed 1 April 2023]
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