#aemond targaryen deserves better
vhagarlovebot · 2 years
this is just me rambling about aemond’s personality. i see a lot of people saying he’s cruel just for the sake of it when there is so much more. if you read it, thank u. <3
aemond targaryen can be though, scary and agressive, very challenging too. you only need to look at the prince to know that. he exudes authority and confidence, everyone respects him because he has earned that. he’s determinated to get what he wants and we see that when he claims vhagar (the abuse he suffered has a lot to do with that), and he’s very aware that he is the best option to be king, not his brother. because he’s the one who studies history and philosophy, he’s the one who trains with the sword, he’s the one who rides the largest dragon in the world. not the drunkard of his brother who does not want the throne, who begged him to let him run away. aemond knows his brother should not be the king but he supports him, he supports his mother, his family; that’s why he did not do anything, he really thought about his words because then he would’ve the opportunity to claim the throne but what he wants is not a priority. duty means a lot to him. he has been raised that way.
aemond is controlling, he wants people to obey him, he likes to give orders and use people to get what he wants, what he needs. other people emotions (outside his family) do not matter to him (not much) if he has a goal in mind.
aemond can be impulsive, bold and direct. but aemond is also hurt, he was abused and bullied as a child, he lost an eye, and you can’t get over it like it does not matter, it’s not something easy to forget, it doesn’t have to be. he did what he did in that moment (the dinner-pig moment) because it was the only right way to react for him. he’s traumatized and angry, he wants someone to pay, but he also did it out of impulse, because he was fucking angry. and it wasn’t just for that specific moment, he’s been carrying that anger since he was a child, bullied by his own brother and nephews.
aemond can be all this things but he’s also someone who just wants to make his mother, his family, proud. he’s craving the praise because growing up no one, besides his mother, acknowledged him. he felt the need to prove himself and everyone around that he could be well-educated, always studying and learning everything he could. that he could also be the best swordsman in the seven kingdoms; he tried to compensate not having a dragon by doing all those things.
the abuse he suffered forced him to hide under that “scary prince look”, when deep down aemond is caring and attentive. he has so much to give but no one to give to. he loves his mother, he would do anything for her, she’s the only one who has always defended him, she was the only one to show him some kind of love. his father never loved or cared about him, his siblings suffered the same as him, so aemond does not know much about love, or how to be affectionate. he only knows cruelty and pain.
aemond wasn’t raised to hate his nephews. they forced him to hate them themselves by the way they always mocked and bullied him. aemond even tried to be there for jace and be friendly at laena’s funeral but it was jace who gave him the cold shoulder. it was also viserys fault, always showing his preference for rhaenyra and her children, it was his own mother and her rivalry with rhaenyra. it was also luke’s fault, taking away an important part of him. it was not aemond’s fault he grew up feeling the way he feels about them.
then what are you expecting from a boy who was so wronged like aemond? be fucking for real and realize how complex aemond targaryen really is. he’s not the way he is just because, there are a lot of fucking reasons.
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sunfyredefender77 · 24 days
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denerturee · 2 years
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daenerysies · 3 months
“He’s always angry, but we haven’t done anything.”
“…but I have a crooked finger, just like Mama!”
“We were born here. Mama is our mother.”
“I do not wish to be different.” “Nor do I.”
“So let us be good sons and please those who love us, so they may forget what we lack.”
I’m never going to recover from this. Once again scenes were removed that would add to both boys characterizations, and we all know why. The scenes would make the audience realize how Aemond’s ‘I’m being bullied for not having a dragon :( I’m the real victim!’ storyline so fallible and easy to shatter in universe because it’s a completely normal occurrence for Targaryen’s. Aemond is not the first child to not have a dragon by the age of ten, the original conqueror’s, Baelon, Alyssa, Rhaenys, Laena, Viserys, Daemon, Aegon II, Helaena, etc. all claimed young or fully grown dragons somewhere between the ages of 11-18.
The only character that had the potential to be marketed as his biggest bully is his brother. They’re never going to convince me (and many others) that it was Rhaenyra’s sons who would ever go after another child for their lack of a dragon, especially given that they were almost surely taught that hatching a cradle egg is but one way for a Targaryen to have a dragon. Aemond felt lesser than his nephews due to the way Alicent was parenting him. She led him to believe that his nephews were bastards, that due to their blood they were beneath him, and this is what led to his inferiority complex. It makes more sense than the crock of shit the show runners decided to include in the show.
Rhaenyra and her sons were subjected to actual abuse and bigotry over the timeskip due to their gender and their blood, respectively. It very much makes me sick how they’re being treated by not only the show runners, but a decent portion of the audience as well. Bastardphobia is not cool or edgy. Looking down on someone because their parents weren’t married is vile. It falls into the same category as believing in blood supremacy. It’s 2024. Do better.
Jace and Luke will forever be Mama’s boys and are never beating the best brothers/sons allegations.
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Alicent doesn’t speak the language of girls anymore and she never knew the language of boys .She can’t quite realize how the bullying is taking a toll on Aemond ,since ,for going into a more important topic ,she dismisses the pink prank with Aegon (“you may cuff him at home”) .Its not because she cares all about image or that she’s fine with Aemond being bullied she would stop Aegon if he saw him treating Aemond badly ,but medieval times don’t have the same concept of bullying as we do and boys “teasing” is more normalized .Alicent is married to a older man and her friends are only female (Rhaenyra) and the only way she can interact with boys is when she plays maiden at Tourneys ,and it’s still a pretty distant role.She has trouble relating with Aemond and Aegon not only for how young she was when she had them and the trauma of their birth but also because she never really interacted with boys .
(inspired by this post by @pienpipesez and @mhsdatgo and by @agentrouka-blog's point in this post on how Alicent's kids struggle with the patriarchy)
(Edit @pienpipesez also the discussions we had)
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meraxesmoon · 1 year
I have an idea (idk if I should call it a request lol). What happens if the black team are yanderes to reader, but reader spends more time with the green team? What if reader don't like the black team? Let's suppose reader is Aemond's best friend, and because of what happened to his eye, he convinces reader to dislike Team Black, especially Lucerys and Rhaenyra, because her kids are illegitimate, and Nyra and Daemon really, really want to be something to reader (romantic or platonic).
I love this for so many reasons!
It fits so well when you think about how Aemond acted when he was younger, before the incident with his eye. He's so sweet and caring. He loves his siblings and his mother, and he actively tries to better his relationship with Jacaerys and Lucerys even though they tease him so much.
Aemond was so sweet, and his only friend is his sweet (Name) :(
They look after him and stick up for him when they can. You have to think, they can't do much because Jace is quite literally heir to the throne, and if they did something too out of turn, it could have them killed.
They meet Rhaenyra before Daemon. I absolutely love the idea of their darling being Helaena's lady-in-waiting, and since Rhaenyra adores her younger sister, this is how they meet. Rhaenyra instantly takes a liking to (Name), and they get along for the most part.
Rhae is so sweet towards her darling. She just adores them! She likes joining her darling and Helaena for afternoon tea. It takes Rhaenyra's mind off of all the stress of being at court.
The problem arises with Jace and Luke. They're all children, and the teasing is the two boys' way of dealing with the glares and rumors. They're depressed, and they unfortunately take it out on Aemond. He's teased and bullied for years before the incident, and his best friend is there to witness it all.
They try so hard to comfort him, but then his eye gets slashed.
It was an accident. Luke didn't stab. He slashed. However, it's done, and there's nothing that can be done to save Aemond's eye.
(Name)'s love for Aemond stops them from being able to even consider accepting Rhaenyra's care.
Years later, the Blacks return to Kings Landing, and that's when Daemon meets the person his wife speaks of so highly. Rhaenyra's obsession with (Name) only grew throughout those years away from the Red Keep, and she wants them.
They'd grown lovely, and Rhaenyra is devastated to learn that they're to marry Aemond soon. This makes her plans crumble instantly. She was hoping to keep her darling by her side, perhaps by marrying them to one of her own sons.
After she gets usurped, I can definitely see Rhaenyra ordering her darling to be kidnapped and brought to her. All bets are off once Luke gets killed, and Rhaenyra doesn't care anymore.
If we're going the romantic route, Rhaenyra and Daemon are fucking. Polygamy isn't allowed in Westeros anymore, so they can't marry their darling, but they make (Name) their lover anyway. If their darling is able to, Rhaenyra would definitely ask Daemon to impregnate their darling. Rhaenyra has no qualms against bastards, and she thinks her darling would be so pretty while pregnant!
Sort of problematic because their darling most certainly isn't willing, but that's okay! Rhaenyra is so coddling and sweet compared to Daemon's roughness, so I think their darling would develop some sort of Stockholm Syndrome eventually due to the mindset of trying to keep themselves safe.
On the other hand, platonic Rhaenyra and Daemon are just as bad. Rhaenyra has their darling marry Jace to keep them apart of the family. (Name) fights all throughout the traditional Valyrian ceremony, and Daemon has to threaten the Septon several times, but Jacaerys is eventually their husband by the end of the night.
Rhaenyra loves her children, and she wants her boy to be happy. Jacaerys had shown obvious interest in their darling, too, so it was absolutely perfect!
They may not want to be married to him, but Jace is a sweet and devoted husband. He's loved them for close to a decade, and Jace is just so happy that they're his spouse now! However, he's also very dutiful. Whichever route we're going, poor (Name) is made to have children if they can. This is less forced with Jace, though. He refuses to bed them (other than their night of marriage together) if they're not willing.
Jacaerys almost seems normal, but there are nights when he whispers of his jealousy over how Aemond was almost their husband if it hadn't been for his mother's actions.
I can see all of the Blacks trying to manipulate (Name) into gating Aemond after Luke's death. Jace especially.
"How could you defend him now? He's killed Luke!"
It doesn't change the fact that he'd be a coddling husband, and he's just so sure that he and his darling can have the perfect marriage! His darling just needs to put in some effort, that's all.
Overall, it's a very messy situation.
(Gosh. This is all over the place but I hope this wasn't too much 😭)
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i absolutely loved this, not to mention i've been hyperfixated on hotd for a hot min
feel free to send in more <3
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reignof-fyre · 3 months
In GRRM's world, its pretty fucking clear that usurpers never win. Maegor died without kids, Aegon, son of Alicent, and his children died (I do feel bad that his kids died, they were innocent), even Aemond died without issue [he was regent for a while], and Robert Baratheon died without legitimate issue and he usurped the Targaryens. You know which bloodline did survive? The Targaryens through Daenerys, so, you know, the author has put it right in our faces that these three men weren't supposed to have the throne in the first place, for all they sat on it.
Even the damn Blackfyre's died out in the male line, which is another glaring indicator that usurpers and would-be usurpers, don't live long even if they do "win" for a brief amount of time.
The rightful Kings and queen's bloodlines survived despite the usurpers best attempts to end them. Aegon the Uncrowned and Aenys' line survived through Jaehaerys, Rhaenyra's line survived through her sons and their descendants, and Aerys and Rhaegar's through Daenerys and Jon Snow.
In GRRM's world, usurpers don't get a happy ending and he's made that pretty clear so people who support Aegon the usurper and Robert Baratheon can cry that they were rightful Kings all they want when their direct bloodlines literally no longer exist save for bastards on Roberts side lmao
EDIT: the Baratheon male line, if Stannis doesn't have a son, is also pretty well done and finished. Stannis is the last legitimate male Baratheon left. His daughter Shireen is the last legitimate female Baratheon left. Even more proof for ya.
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puffballlofdoom · 4 months
On "alysmond" and "helaemond"
For some reason, there’s a petty war going on between fierce “helaemond” and “alysmond” stans. Fr, I totally don’t understand why should those ships be mutually exclusive? If “helaemond” actually becomes the show canon, I can totally see Helaena breaking up with her brother-boyfriend after B’n’C. IMO Aemond’s recklessness and long-harbored, ill-concealed hatred for Luke , contributing to Jaehaerys’ tragic death is a reason enough for Hel to stay away from him, never mind how dear the siblings (with benefits) used to be to each other. In this scenario, Aeamond could pursue a relationship with Alys, never mind his previous (more or less romantic) engagement with Helaena…
In addition, if “helaemond” is confirmed, this subplot doesn’t necessary have to be some fabulous love story. I mean the siblings *may* have been getting along with each other pretty well , and I really enjoy the idea of young Aemond having a crush on his big sister. I find it really cute, that’s all. In my opinion teenage Aemond, doubtlessly familiar with the idea of “courtly love” (I’m guessing this concept could exist in the quasi-medieval Westeros), might have enjoyed performing the role of righteous knight, worshipping his “future queen” from afar , as if there was a “secret RPG session”, going on but in his head. Frankly speaking, the young !Knight Aemond and his !Lady Helaena don’t even have to get sexually involved and their “forbidden love” could remain just cute, childish crush, as the time goes by turning into mature friendship, mutual care and understanding. Perhaps older Aemond, driven with his sense of responsibility, would want to become a proprer father figure/ role model for his little nephews and niece? I like to think well-educated, smart  Aemond, familiar with the story of Daenys the Dreamer, and keeping his sister company more often than her joke of a husband, found out Hel was a Dragon Dreamer.
On the other hand, we cannot rule out Helaena and Aemond becoming lovers, but IMO such a scenario would be pretty dark. It seems to me it could happened only if the show version of Helaena remained childless after two or three years of marriage (yet again, I am speaking about the show counterpart of the FnB Helaena, who canonically bore the twins about a year after she had wed Aegon) and Aemond started to fear someone like Larys Strong would simply get rid of Hel, so that the WIDOWED crown prince could take another bride. So, Aemond shared his fears with his sister, and the siblings agreed they ought to cuckold Aegon in order to secure Helaena’s position as the future queen, and thusly save her life… It’s possible the righteous prince Aemond , loathing the mere idea of fathering bastards, could have secretly married his sister (it could have been a traditional Valyrian ceremony, which still wouldn’t make the whole situation any romantic).  However, even as a “secretly married” couple, who could grow to quite enjoy performing their “conjugal duty”,  Aemond and Helaena could remain but “siblings with benefits” (which sounds awful, but given they’re Targaryens, it kinda makes sense) and never develop romantic feelings for each other. In this scenario, they could be still sleeping together after Aegon’s heir had been born, just out of sheer need for comfort, closeness or affection, or simply willing to reduce stress, feel better or have fun.  Messed up as Helaena and Aemond seem, they could have perceived sex as yet another form of bonding…  Whatever could have been going on between the siblings, their breakup after Jaehaerys’ death appears inevitable.
 As far as Aemond’s relationship with Alys is concerned, I wouldn’t call it an overly romantic love story, either. Let’s say it out loud – in spite of her sharp wits, charms and whatnot, Alys was a prisoner of war and even if Aemond had fallen madly in love with her, I would risk saying she wasn’t in the position to truly reciprocate his feelings. Thanks to Alys’ good looks, the prince “generously” spared her life, there’s no two ways about it, BUT however “besotted” Aemond was with Alys, becoming his “war bride” literally meant she was chosen to be a freakin’ sex slave. In my honest opinion, the woman deserved better and I don’t believe she reciprocated his love. Alys certainly was not in the position to fully consent to be the prince’s paramour, although I can totally see Aemond developing genuine romantic feelings for her – however twisted it may sound. It seems to me in the very beginning, it was just about lust, but later on, the prince could have taken to the “witch” because of her personality and even become fascinated with her supernatural powers. Frankly speaking, I am not the fan of the “Alys casting a love spell on Aemond” theory. She might have been using her totally prosy, feminine charms in order to endear the prince to her, and thusly make sure she would be treated as well as she could possibly be under so dire circumstances. And no, I don’t mean Alys was just offering Aemond sexual favors. Intelligent person she no doubt was, the “witch queen” could do her best in order to forge an emotional bond with Aemond, too. For instance listening to what the prince had to say and showing him affection. Paradoxically, learning Aemond’s story could make Alys take to the prince at least a little, since in this scenario, she could realize in spite of coming from different social backgrounds, they shared a bunch of experiences. For instance, earlier in her life, unwed and pregnant Alys, born out of wedlock herself, had been no doubt an outcast – just like Aemond the Kinslayer, having blood of his close relative on his hands. Could it be a reason enough for Alys to start sympathizing with Aemond? Yes, indeed. In addition, the “witch” had lost both her child and their father – even if  we are not familiar with the details and the moment she met Aemond Alys was probably over it. If the “helaemond” theory is confirmed, Aemond gets involved with Alys when his first “girlfriend” is also like dead to the world, not to mention the fact his son and/or nephew died gruesome death.
Here, I would like to admit I am not a fan of fetishizing Alys’ age and deeming her a “milf”. The woman was certainly more than just her looks and age. If Aemond had actually loved her – which I find highly probable  - there must have been something more than just physical attraction! In addition, in the quasi-medieval world of Ice and Fire, girls in their early teens are considered eligible maidens, so in this universe, it isn’t out of usual for women in their late, if not mid-twenties to become grandmothers! Taking the fact FnB is supposed to be a historical source by a bunch of unreliable narrators, we don’t actually know how old Alys was. If we rule out the ageless witch/ red priestess theory, we could safely assume she was, for instance, in her 40s or 30s, but knowing the Westerosi customs, well, it is still possible she was just a few years older than then-twentyish Aemond. There is also an option Alys didn’t even exist and all the war bride/captor romance was made up by pro-Black maesters and scribes, willing to paint the prince in a negative light. After all making some lowly born wet nurse his wife, Aemond would insult House Baratheon, impudently breaking the pact which had to be sealed with his marriage to Lord Borros’ daughter. You just keep in mind both the Witch Queen and Aemond’s bastard son disappear  from the “historical chronicles” shortly after the Dance ends. In addition, stressing Alys’ alleged “old age”  could have made him look ridiculous in the eyes of Westerosi readers.
Personally, I prefer to imagine Alys existed, had prophetic skills and played a significant role in Aemond’s life. Perhaps at some point, she even developed some sympathy and twisted fondness for the prince (still her captor and, yes, her rapist) but never had second thoughts about having kept it to herself that Aemond would meet his end in God’s Eye and no one could blame her for it.
To sum up, I think shipping Aemond with Helaena does not automatically make the shipper anti-“alysmond”. In my view, adding one more (for want of a better word) romantic relationship to Aemond’s arc makes sense. It could be an interesting way to show how the character’s attitude towards his love interests and his interactions with them evolve as various experiences are shaping his personality. I would never pit Helaena against Alys. They’re two different women and the fact at some points of their lives, they happened to get involved with the same guy does not make them natural born enemies. In my honest opinion, if the show version of Helaena had a chance to meet Alys (here, I mean my own idea of this character, since we don’t learn much about her from FnB and her show counterpart is still a mystery), they would become… good friends.
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escailyyy · 1 year
So as a fan of Olivia Cooke ( loved her in Bates motel baby)
I always thought that it was sort of ridiculous how were supposed to believe that Olivia Cooke could in any universe be the mother of Ewan Mitchell I mean just look at them.
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There are instances in hotd where Ewan/Aemond looks older than Olivia/Alicent. So in my mind it doesn't make sense for them to play mother and son.
Unlike Emma D'Arcy/Rhaenyra with Harry Collet/Jacaerys. Who do look like they have the age gap to be mother and son in some fantasy universe. Olivia and Ewan look so close in age, it's almost pushes past the usual tv induced suspension of disbelief
And then it dawned on me that Alicent and Aemond ARE supposed to look too young to be mother and son. That's the tragedy of it. Alicent had Aegon, Haelena and Aemond at an age where she was better fit to be their older sister, because she WAS the same age as their actual older sister when she married Viserys.
So now as adults Alicent, Aegon, Haelena and Aemond do look more like siblings with a slight age gap between the eldest and the youngest. Than mother and children
The fact that Olivia Cooke looks even younger than Ewan Mitchell, who is playing her thirdborn just adds to the wrongness of what happened to Alicent her because of the desires of the old men around her. And it's so sad that this goes unacknowledged.
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mhsdatgo · 1 month
The Helaemonds/Helaegons need to calm down.
Don't get me wrong, it's always refreshing to see some people fill in the gaps of a basically untold relationship such as the one between the green kids in general, but this goes beyond basic obsessive shippy discourse. Leave this poor girl alone. Why's there an obsession with having her be romantically paired with her brothers, one worse than the other?
I understand the show has basically shown so little of her to the point where we didn’t even have a coronation for her on screen, so therefore you can self insert through her and have fun with headcanons regarding Aegon and Aemond. Really, I'm not faulting their girlies, you can be head over heels for whatever actor in character you want (unless you put them on pedestals and start acting like they did nothing wrong and pounce on whoever contests them, THEN we have a problem) but I assure you, Helaena would barely want anything to do with either of them.
Aegon is a sex pest turned sex offender, a drunkard and a neglectful father and husband at best. Her infamous toast in ep.8 has us believing that he cannot for the life of him interact with her unless he's horny drunk or that he forces himself on her at worst.* He was ready to leave them all in ep.9 before he was caught. Even the book is subtle about their relationship: all we know of them is that they sleep in shared chambers, that she was someone important and reliable in Aegon's council before B&C, and that he named her and Alicent the true Queens of his reign.
*(⚠️TW: PERSONAL OPINION⚠️ I'm not saying this last one isn't a possibility but it's sill outrageous for the way people speak about Helaena in defence of this "claim". No, she wouldn't joke about her own r*pe in front of the whole table full of people she doesn't know and right beside her abuser, and despite the hour-long metas I've read about how she's basically "too sheltered" to know what r*pe even means, I assure you she's a high-functioning autistic, not 5 years old. She can understand it perfectly.)
Helaemond is a pure show invention, I honestly wasn't expecting this many people to go up this kind of train. They barely interact, and most of the time it's Aemond saying he'd "perform his duty" should Helaena ever be wed to him, or that stare in ep.9 when he enters her chambers toiling after Alicent. It's, as always, the Aemond girlies who think poor Helaena would live her best life with Aemond, or that they are already romantically involved behind the scenes. The amount of "if one possesses a thing, the other will take it away" edits from people that are FULLY CONVINCED "the thing" is Helaena and that "the one" and "the other" are Aemond and Aegon respectively is honestly concerning.
Fics that are all about Aegon doing the worst and unspeakable things to her so "Aemond can come and save her" are y'all okay? Out of all people, HE has to save her?
Babes, I'm sorry to break your bubble, but this isn't Aegon IV/Naerys/Aemon on steroids. Aemond didn't give two shits about Helaena. No, he wasn't jealous when Jace came to ask her to dance, he just wanted to stir some shit. If we talk about the books, he didn't fucking hesitate to leave King's Landing, his sister, his mother and whatever he was doing for the Riverlands the second he heard that Daemon was there. And he brought the only means of defence they had with him. If he knew how important Vhagar was for the city's defence, he's evil, if he didn't realize it, he's dumb as fuck. Which one is it, Aemond girlies?
People beat each other to the curb about Jaehaerys, Jaehaera and Maelor's paternity like it's the Wars of The Roses. They put Helaena and Alys against the other like they have personal beef with one of them.
Stop mentioning this sweetheart only when it's about praising or hating one of her brothers. No, it's not the only option you have because she's underdeveloped as a character. There's actually another one.
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maedhrus · 2 years
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Princess Jaehaera Targaryen was the acknowledged daughter of King Aegon II Targaryen and his sister-wife and Queen, Helaena Targaryen. In actuality, Jaehaera and her siblings were the children of Helaena and her younger brother, Prince Regent Aemond Targaryen. Jaehaera was born tiny and was slow to grow, neither crying nor smiling as was otherwise typical of children her age. This lack of emotion continued as she grew older though she was ultimately described as a sweet and simple girl. Following the deaths of her parents, brothers, and uncles in the Dance and the victory of the blacks, Jaehaera was married to her cousin, King Aegon III Targaryen, as part of the peace agreement.
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sunfyredefender77 · 4 months
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denerturee · 2 years
i am:
○ gay
○ bisexual
○ straight
● missing them :(
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thecountesstribe · 2 months
I got a few things to say and this might be a long rant. Spoilers below and please understand that I'm following the show's timeline not the book. There are also some book spoilers as well.
Aemond Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen, Alicent Hightower, Otto Hightower, Aegon II Targaryen you'll all pay for your crimes!
PSA for all the people that need to hear this, AEMOND TARGARYEN INTENDED TO KILL LUCERYS VELARYON. I REPEAT, AEMOND TARGARYEN INTENDED TO KILL LUCERYS VELARYON. If you think otherwise I need whatever alcohol you're having. He was directly responsible for getting Lucerys killed. He was chasing and antagonizing an inexperienced rider and dragon, on an old war dragon (who apparently likes standing on business) during a storm no less, what did he think was going to happen? “BuT VHaGar" nothing! Yeah that old ass lizard wasn't listening but Arrax in a scared attempt was trying to protect himself and Luke. He stole Vhagar when they were younger, claimed it, got jumped (which was the funniest shit though), beat up his cousins in that same fight and was about to bash in the head of the next heir in line to the throne when his feral little brother cut out his eye. Which he himself said was a fair price so there was no reason to be harbouring that animosity towards his nephew and allowing him to live rent free in his mind. He won in the end; the fight when they were children and the oldest, largest dragon. Aemond is one of the few people directly responsible for the suffering of our sweet girl Helaena and her children. You'll pay for your crimes!! I'm not going to say he kick started the dance he just fast tracked it.
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DAEMON TARGARYEN IS AN ABSOLUTE VILE PIECE OF SHIT! Look if you read the books and watched the show you'll know that this man isn't a ray of sunshine or a breath of fresh air, I'm sticking to the show timeline, he's an absolute ass. Good father and semi decent husband aside (the bar and standard for both those claims are in the 1000th level of purgatory btw) he's a vile piece of shit. Sure it's just Daemon doing demon Daemon things anyway but BLOOD AND CHEESE? BLOOD AND FUCKIN CHEESE?!!! And the one that has to suffer for it is Helaena and those babies? Go after Aemond and euthanize him, not after Helaena and her kids. He's trash. He knew they didn't deserve that.
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Alicent Hightower is a bitter hating ass bitch. I'm not sorry. Otto raising her aside, she needs to pay for her crimes. Alicent knew good and damn well that Viserys didn't want Aegon on the throne. So what did she do? Help her father usurp the throne. It was a fickle reason for her usurping the throne too. Realistically speaking that wasn't to protect her children. She just hated Rhaenyra and couldn't stand the fact that she was to be crowned. Not accepting the marriage proposal between Jace and Helaena because she was bitter was dumb as hell too. Putting her disappointment of a son on that throne, who is also a rapist was/is bound to end in shambles. She's also directly responsible for Helaena suffering as well. Marrying that poor girl to him even if it would've made her his queen.
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Otto Hightower is a bum. He's a manipulative piece of shit and he deserves the absolute worst. Why would he do that to Alicent? She got stuck with the asshole for a dad and he suffered his daughter which in turn suffered his granddaughter and her children. For all his cunning and brains he didn't have the merit to do it on his own. So he unwillingly involved his daughter to put a green on the throne and they chose the worst of the worst green too. He orchestrated their own downfall. He'll pay.
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I don't even want to give that bum a spare thought but AEGON II TARGARYEN IS FILTH. There isn't anymore to say. He wasn't a good husband, certainly not the father of the year, he isn't a good king and he's also a rapist. He knew he wasn't supposed to be on that throne. He said it himself. Instead of growing a backbone and standing up to his mother and her entourage, he decided to play a major role in usurping Rhaenyra's birthright. Which was reaffirmed again and again and again. He's responsible for his suffering and the suffering of Helaena and his children, the ones he claimed and all his other illegitimate ones. Rhaenys should've ended it at his false coronation. He needs to pay.
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All in all, Helaena doesn't deserve anything that's going to happen to her and her children. Jace, Lucerys, Rhaena, Baela, Joffrey, Aegon III and Viserys II didn't deserve to get wrapped up in it as well. They were kids. If Alicent wasn't hating so hard and had raised those boys with a shred of decency we could've seen one of the best eras to come out of a Targaryen dynasty and I'm not talking about if Jace did indeed marry Helaena (wouldn't necessarily have been possible either cause book spoiler, Jace and lucerys were already betrothed to the Targaryen twins since they were kids), I'm just talking about all the kids getting along and being friends. I want a slice of life hotd now 😭
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what-is-canon · 9 months
Post-Dance AU (because I hate how George decided to completely eradicate the Greens *cough* Alicent’s *cough* line)
Jaehaera survives the assassination attempt by Unwin Peake because that poor girl did not deserve that horrific end and that’s that.
She and Aegon III bond over time, because these traumatized kids deserve some happiness and you know what? Maybe they are the only two people in the world right now who understand even a semblance of what the other has gone through (Aegon watched his mother die, Jaehaera watched her twin brother be slaughtered) and maybe they both recognize that neither of them is responsible for what their families did to each other so why should they resent one another?
Over time they become a great comfort to each other. On the days where one is particularly gloomy, the other sits by them and holds their hand and they are content to sit in silence together and neither needs to say what they’re feeling because the other already knows.
They are both very close with Gaemon Palehair. He and Aegon are close for the same reasons as within canon, while Jaehaera believes that Gaemon truly is her half-sibling, her last remaining brother.
Eventually, Alyn Velaryon brings Viserys II home from Essos, but the boy comes alone (a 12-year-old boy married to a 19-year-old woman, yeah I think the fuck not, not in my history, and besides even if they had been closer in age Larra Rogare hated Westeros so let her stay in Essos like she wanted and live her own life there and be happy).
Like in canon, Aegon is somewhat neglectful of his wife and friend in the wake of his brother’s return, but Jaehaera and Gaemon understand his actions. Anyway, they still have each other for company. Viserys is incredibly distrustful of Jaehaera, and Aegon pleads with Viserys to be more understanding of their marriage and the comfort they have found in each other.
Aegon decides to hold a feast to celebrate Viserys’s return. Viserys spends most of the festivities with Baela and Rhaena, preferring not to fraternize with the daughter of the man who killed his mother. In the company of his sisters is Daenaera Velaryon (aged up in to be closer in age to Viserys because an 11-year-old boy and a 6-year-old girl? It’s a no from me).
Daenaera manages to cheer Viserys with her happy nature, and he’s quite taken by how pretty she is. Unwin Peake, having never been exposed as the one behind Jaehaera’s assassination attempt (as is also the case in canon) brings his daughter to the feast in the hopes that she will catch the eye of Viserys, but Viserys has already taken a shine to Daenaera, ruining his plans once again.
The pair begin to exchange letters and (like Aegon and Jaehaera) bond over their losses. Viserys tells Aegon about his correspondence with Daenaera, and when Aegon tells Jaehaera, she decides to invite Daenaera to court as her lady-in-waiting. Viserys is delighted, and slowly begins to warm to Jaehaera.
As in canon, Aegon’s removal of the dragon eggs from the Red Keep causes a rift between the brothers. Unwin Peake continues to plot treason, conspiring to kill Aegon and Jaehaera so that Viserys may become King and take his daughter as his bride. But if his daughter is to become Viserys’s Queen, Daenaera Velaryon must also be removed. It is no secret by now that Viserys is very taken with the the girl, and intends to marry her.
Jaehaera and Daenaera eat the canonical poisoned tarts during a private dinner organized for the four. Aegon and Viserys narrowly avoid poisoning as they are delayed by a Small Council meeting. As in canon, Gaemon dies, devastating both Aegon and Jaehaera. The rift between Aegon and Viserys is mended as they help their respective ladies recover. Aegon and Jaehaera comfort each other through the loss of Gaemon, and Viserys proposes marriage to Daenaera, which she accepts. Oh, and Unwin Peake is finally exposed and executed (I still cannot believe this man escaped justice in canon, but not on my watch).
The four form a strong unit within the Red Keep and are, well, as happy as four traumatized young adults can be. They finally have the family each was deprived of at such a young age. Aegon eventually names Viserys his Hand, Jaehaera gives birth to Aegon’s five children, and Daenaera gives birth to Viserys’s three.
But unfortunately, canonical events must still come to pass. Aegon and Jaehaera pass away within months of each other in 157 AC; Daenaera dies some years later, and Viserys becomes his stern canonical self in the wake of her death. The crown passes from Aegon, to Daeron, to Baelor, to Viserys himself, to Aegon IV, who legitimizes the Blackfyres- who are now the descendants of both the Blacks and the Greens.
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the-daily-dreamer · 2 years
I’m putting it out here now. I better not see any team black or Daemon girlies suddenly love Aemond Targaryen when he gets hot and crazy. Y’all were cheering when he got mutilated as a ten year old boy. And therefore don’t get to like him in the future.
Y’all chose your crazy Targaryen man and he’s a misogynistic, evil person who has committed domestic violence and killed his wife, insults women because of their looks, cheats on his wives, ignores his daughters while they mourn their dead mother, laughs at his wife’s funeral, laughs at the expense of his “true love” and revels in her being in danger, grooms children, and is all around a woman hater and disrespecter.
Meanwhile, Aemond is actually good to women (as far as we know this far and from the book). He defended his sister against Aegon and respects her, wears an eyepatch so he doesn’t scare the ladies at court with his scars, and he’s most likely going to be devoted to his girl Alys Rivers, the witch queen of Harrenhal.
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