#aero anecdotes
aeroknot · 2 years
whenever my dad would check in on my dungeons & dragons campaign he would listen with a smile and then unironically say “i think it needs more dragons”
well, dad: we met and made friends with a dragon last session, and he owes us a favor now, so we’ll probably see him again. i miss you. i hope it makes you happy.
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sbknews · 1 year
MV Agusta is Back at Fuoriconcorso
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MV Agusta is back at Fuoriconcorso the exclusive event celebrating speed and luxury on May 20 and 21, Schiranna’s new Superveloce 1000 and historic 500 cc 4-cylinder MV 72/74 on display at Villa del Grumello at Lake Como. MV Agusta returns in its distinctively sophisticated style at FuoriConcorso, one of the world’s most exclusive automotive events, which takes place at Lake Como: a celebration of style, craftsmanship, innovation and excellence. This year, MV Agusta will be the only motorcycle brand present at the event offering bike enthusiasts an exclusive preview of the stunning Superveloce 1000, with racing legend Giacomo Agostini sharing personal insights and anecdotes on the past, present and future of MV Agusta. The exclusive presentation will take place on Saturday May 20th from 10.00 AM to 12.00 AM in the scenic setting of 17th Century Villa del Grumello. Alongside the futuristic lines of the Superveloce 1000, visitors will have the opportunity of admiring the iconic lines of the historic, and incredibly rare, MV Agusta 500cc 4-cylinder 72/74, which will be on display for the entire weekend. The 500 72/74 is considered, with good reason, the mother of all racing bikes, as it inspired the aerodynamic solutions visible today on all MotoGP motorcycles, and it was also the main source of inspiration for the design of the Superveloce 1000. This year’s FuoriConcorso’s theme focuses on aerodynamic and, therefore, it is not a coincidence that MV Agusta chose to bring the 500 72/74, courtesy of the Elli collection, to the event. Through the display of each exhibiting brand at “FuoriConcorso Aero”, visitors will be immersed in the evolution of automotive aerodynamics, with the opportunity of admiring some of the most iconic vehicles ever designed that contributed to the development and advancement of today’s, as well as tomorrow’s, aerodynamic solutions. MV Agusta will once again stand out as an icon of unrivalled elegance and as a symbol of speed, cutting-edge technology and style, embodying the idea of an “aristocracy“ of racing that makes every single MV Agusta a shining example of “Motorcycle Art”. For more MV Agusta news check out our dedicated page MV Agusta News or head to the official MV Agusta website www.mvagusta.com/ Read the full article
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everwitch-magiks · 4 years
dance with somebody (ch. 26/26)
start from ch. 1 | back to ch. 25
Throughout his five years in professional hockey, Connor Whisk has been called a great many things.
During his rookie season with the Pittsburgh Penguins, the adjective most frequently used by ESPN was promising. (Editor’s note: we’ve counted. Yes, we’re nerds.) However, soon after Whisk’s abrupt trade to the newly minted Seattle Kraken, sensational and unprecedented quickly started climbing the charts. It truly seemed like Whisk had found himself perfectly at home as a rising star on a young and fiercely untamed NHL expansion team, full of players with nothing to lose, yet so much to prove.
At least, that was the way things appeared.
Whisk suggests meeting at a quiet coffee place in Pioneer Square. He’s already waiting outside when I arrive (and it should be noted that I'm at least ten minutes early). Whisk's handshake is firm, his shirt is completely lacking in wrinkles without a single button undone, and there's something carefully proper in his manners as we exchange pleasantries and order coffee.
We don't have an abundance of time, which is why I get right into it almost before we're seated. What’s his opinion on the current standings? If the Kraken do make the playoffs again, like most experts have assumed, what will be their strategy for staying in the game longer, this time? And what’s changed for the Kraken, during these last couple of seasons, that have enabled them to become such a force to be reckoned with so soon after the team’s very foundation?
Whisk, who isn't necessarily known for taking pleasure in excessive attention from the media, seems surprisingly at ease with my onslaught of questions.
“We’ve worked really hard as a team to get to this point, slowly but surely. It may look like a sudden breakthrough from an outside perspective, I guess, but that’s very far from how we’ve experienced it. Although, I’ll be the first to admit that those first couple of seasons in Seattle were tough. Extremely tough. We were fighting so hard every single day, trying to get some semblance of proper teamwork, trying to get our plays to work, get anything to work, really. A lot of the guys were rookies, and many of us who weren’t had been pretty shocked by our trades. We did alright, for a new team, but we all knew that we should be doing better. That was the thing, really – we all felt that we could be so much more. Maybe, if we had believed that a little bit less, things might not have felt so hopeless at the time.”
Whisk speaks with a familiarly serious expression. Some of my fellow sports journalists have pronounced him subdued, and stiff, and on one memorable occasion, unemotional. Yet as we continue to chat about his teammates over a second cup of coffee, and Whisk goes into detail about what the Kraken’s recent achievements have meant for each of them, those descriptors couldn’t be further from the picture Whisk paints. Connor Whisk is clearly compassionate. Effortlessly earnest. Irresistibly determined.
"Last season, when we made it to the playoffs for the first time, that was such an important milestone. It proved to us that we’d had it right, all along. That as a team, we could be capable of anything. And I think, especially for the older guys who’d uprooted the lives of their families after their trades, getting that recognition from the whole league was so important. It’s definitely helped us feel like we have every reason to go into each game with that much more confidence, this season. Our plays are bigger, bolder and braver, and it’s really been paying off. This year, the goal is to make sure that energy lasts us not only all the way to the playoffs, but much further beyond.”
Whisk speaks about his teammates with both respect and compassion. It’s really quite obvious just how he's earned himself the title of Assistant Captain. And on the subject of leadership – is there any truth to the retirement rumours surrounding the Kraken’s current Captain, Donald “Ducky” Rodriguez? And would Connor Whisk agree with the consensus among both supporters and sports media, that he is practically guaranteed to inherit the title?
It's the first time since the start of our conversation that I find a certain amount of evasiveness in Whisk's answer.
"It's difficult to say. Every player has their own journey, and I can't speak for Ducky when it comes to his thoughts on possible retirement. As for my own feelings on the subject, I'd prefer it if Ducky just stayed in the game forever." Whisk laughs. "Really, I would. Ducky probably wouldn't have described his trade from the Aeros to the Kraken as the best thing that ever happened to him, back when it all went down, but it was honestly one of the best things that could've happened to me. I had looked up to Ducky for a long time, and having such an experienced player join us made an enormous difference for a lot of us who were relatively new to the game. We've had a great run together in Seattle, and I know Ducky has talked at length about how rewarding it's been for him to captain this team, especially at this point in his career. And honestly, I can't even really think about what might happen after his eventual retirement. I just can't. I guess I'm just trying to focus on the now, one game at a time, until the end of this season. That's as far as I'm allowing myself to think."
Of course, on the subject of the Houston Aeros, I must ask about the rumour that seems to circle back around every so often without ever being properly addressed. It's time we all knew, once and for all. Did Connor Whisk, during his time as a free agent, really decline an offer from the Houston Aeros? If so, when? And, perhaps most importantly, why?
"No, I did." Avid Aeros supporters will be pleased to know that Whisk has the decency to look quite apologetic. "It was during my time in the NCAA. I found it a very interesting offer, but ultimately, it just wasn't the right time for me. I'm sure it would've been a journey that was rewarding in other ways than the path I'm on, now. But sometimes, you've got to go with your heart, and my heart was very much still in Massachusetts with the Samwell team. I was very lucky to be able to make that decision and still have such great opportunities to play professionally after graduation. That was never something I took for granted, when I made that call."
Before we run out of coffee, and more importantly out of time, I remember to ask about Whisk’s tattoos. As frequent readers of Sports Illustrated will be well aware, he has two, both on his upper right arm. According to my quite extensive knowledge of Whisk’s frankly limited media appearances, he has never once commented on them.
Evidently, they're not some big secret. Whisk readily rolls up his sleeve.
“The first one, got your back, is a saying from my college hockey team. It’s about always looking out for your teammates on and off the ice. My time on the Samwell team really meant a lot to me, I was fortunate enough to play alongside incredible NCAA players like Eric Bittle, Will Poindexter and Nathan Piper. I learned so much, both about hockey and about myself. A lot of the guys actually got the exact same tattoo at some point, without any of us really talking about it. It caused a bit of unintended comedy at our last reunion.”
The second tattoo, know where we stand, is placed just a few inches below the first.
“That one is more personal. It's about having trust and faith in those I love, about making sure they always know how much they mean to me. I'm a somewhat private person, I guess, but anyone close to me could tell you that it's very important for me to make sure that my feelings are known.”
Private is certainly a word that comes to mind. Whisk doesn't agree to many interviews, and his fans have long given up hope of getting more than one or two TV appearances per season, post-game interviews not included. He's on Twitter, as is the whole Kraken rooster, but his activity is mostly limited to retweets of various sports accounts. His instagram feed? Almost exclusively pictures of his aquarium.
At the mention of aquatic creatures, Whisk’s expression brightens.
“My housemate actually took this amazing picture of our axolotl a while back, I have to show you. Look at this magnificent queen.”
Somewhere between several anecdotes about Whisk’s certifiably adorable pets, and a tangent about his commitment to supporting organisations working towards marine conservation, we do finally run out of time. As we say our goodbyes, I’m reminded once again of Whisk’s polite, proper manners, a stark contrast to his somewhat unfeeling reputation. But if one thing’s for certain, it’s that Connor Whisk is anything but unfeeling. He’s reserved, yes, and perhaps somewhat reluctant to put his innermost thoughts and feelings on display. But he’s certainly an impressively focused athlete, one who has proven time and time again to have an admirable commitment to supporting his teammates, on and off the ice.
I can only imagine the regret that must be felt over in Pittsburgh. Seattle, meanwhile, has every reason to celebrate. It’s really something, given how much Whisk has already achieved, that he still gives off the energy of someone who’s got so far to go. The question is, just how far is that going to get him, in the end?
Will he be remembered only as a key factor in the foundation of Seattle’s so-far successful expansion endeavour, or could he be a true star player in the making, one on the verge of creating a legacy that will last well beyond a time and a place?
Only time will tell.
    Whiskey lets the door fall shut behind him. He takes a deep, steadying breath.
There’s a familiar suitcase that’s been left right in the hallway. Whiskey quickly toes off his shoes and walks past it. Ah, there’s a t-shirt. And a bit further, a pair of jeans. Then socks.
Whiskey follows the enticing trail of clothes into the living room. He passes by the mantelpiece, where his Samwell Men's Hockey Captain's plaque sits right in the center, with his Art Ross Trophy from last season over on the side.
Out in the kitchen, he finds a pair of boxer briefs. The double doors out to the patio are wide open. Whiskey eagerly steps through them, his feet quickly carrying him across the patio, over to-
Oh, yes. Finally.
Miguel breaks through the surface of the water just as Whiskey makes it to the side of the pool. Immediately, Miguel offers him a wide smile. He looks so perfectly relaxed, back in his pool, in their home. In the nude.
God, he’s so beautiful.
“Water’s warm,” Miguel greets him softly. He trails his fingertips across the surface of it, almost like he’s reacquainting himself with how it feels. “Much more pleasant than the Atlantic, let me tell you.”
“I’ll take that as an invitation.”
“Oh, please. Come here.” Miguel’s tone turns impatient as Whiskey pulls off his shirt, only to take a moment to fold it. “Fuck, just, come here. I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too. So much.”
Whiskey willingly abandons his attempts to keep his clothes from getting wrinkles. He makes quick work of his pants and underwear, before he lets himself slip into the water. Immediately, he gathers Miguel up in his arms.
It’s not a languid kiss, by any means. Being separated for eight fucking weeks will do that to you. Miguel kisses Whiskey like he’s been trying to breathe underwater for months, like Whiskey is his fresh gulp of oxygen, his moment of clarity. He kisses Whiskey like Whiskey is his very reason for breathing.
Which is almost funny, given that Miguel has been doing quite a bit of breathing underwater, lately.
“Did you get bulkier?” Miguel murmurs against Whiskey's bare skin. He’s trailing his fingertips along Whiskey’s forearms. “You’re kinda firm, here. I like it.”
“Maybe a little.”
Whiskey kisses the top of his head. He lets his hands travel lower, let's his fingertips glide across Miguel's ribcage over the ink that matches Whiskey's own, four little words with so much meaning. He grins as he reaches Miguel's ass and let's his hands come to an abrupt stop. God, it's been much too long.
“S'okay. You're here, now.” Miguel shivers pleasantly from Whiskey’s touches. “Practice run over?”
“No, Angela called me in. She needed me to sign off on the final draft of that article.”
“Sports Illustrated?” Miguel recalls curiously. “How bad was it?”
“Actually, it was… Fine.” Whiskey thinks back on the feature. “Better than I expected. There’s even a couple of paragraphs where that reporter’s made me sound, I don't know. Oddly sweet.”
“You are sweet.” Miguel smiles fondly. “Is it really so bad, if people find out?”
“I suppose not,” Whiskey agrees reluctantly. He lets himself give Miguel's ass another indulgent squeeze. “And they actually included my off-hand mention of my housemate, this time. So that’s something.”
“Good job,” Miguel says with a flushed grin. “Angela must be so pleased.”
Angela Johanson, PR and communications officer for the Seattle Kraken, had indeed been extremely pleased.
Her strategy had really worked for them, so far, which was why Whiskey wasn’t too inclined to argue with it. “If you want to hide anything from those vultures in the media,” Angela had told him during one of his earliest PR briefings, “You’ve got to do it in plain sight.”
Of course, there had been other parts of Angela’s PR strategies that Whiskey had found himself arguing with. Especially during their very first conversation with one another, before he’d had the chance to inform anyone in Seattle of his situation.
It had been right after the trade – hours after, literally. Whiskey was still in Pittsburgh, both physically and mentally. And, fine, Whiskey had maybe already started to realise that Pittsburgh wasn’t completely right for him. It was a very good team, but they were so swamped with talent, and maybe fighting his way to the top of that rooster should’ve been an exciting, motivating challenge, but it wasn’t. It just wasn’t. Whiskey had spent his whole rookie year feeling like he was working against his own team. He had known there was a fair chance that he would get traded. He wasn’t even entirely opposed to the idea.
But Seattle? The Kraken? A team that, for all intents and purposes, didn’t even so much as exist, yet?
“We’re rolling out a whole media package,” Angela had informed him over the phone – as soon as Whiskey’s very first chit-chat with management was over, they’d switched him right over to PR. “There is an enormous amount of buzz right now, given that you guys are the very first players we’re signing. I’ve got some talking points to go over, and then you’re going live on channel four tonight at-”
“Hold on,” Whiskey had cut in. “It’s, I’m not… I don’t usually do many interviews.”
“Oh, you will now.” Angela actually had the audacity to sound cheerful. “We’re right in the middle of establishing our whole brand, and profiling our players in the media is an incredibly important part of that. I’m sure you’ll do just fine.”
“I’m not too interested in being a… A media profile.” Whiskey had tried his best not to panic completely. Really, he had. “I don’t… I’m fairly protective of my private life.”
“Well. You’ll certainly need to share the overall gist of it.” Angela had sounded almost confused. “We need you to be approachable, Connor. Likeable. You’re young, and very handsome, and incredibly talented. We’ve been hoping to have a broad interest in this franchise, all different age groups and so on, and right now, you’re looking a lot like our best bet to attract some real interest from young girls and women. We’re not going to miss that chance.”
“Look," Whiskey had told her flatly. "I’m going to tell you something in confidence, alright? In confidence. This needs to stay between you and me.”
“Okay? Connor, I’m not sure if-”
“I have a boyfriend.”
Angela had been quiet for well over five seconds.
“Oh,” she’d said. To her credit, there had been something like embarrassment in her tone. “I see. Of course, that’s not an issue. Not at all. We’ve done a lot of groundwork about the values of this organisation, Connor, and I want you to know that you’re going to be completely safe with us.”
“Right. Thank you.”
“And,” Angela had added, just a bit hopefully. “If you would choose to be open about that, I can assure you that you would have our full support to-”
“No,” Whiskey had interrupted. “No. I’m not going to.”
“Right.” Angela had paused. “Okay. We’d really be prepared to back you up, you know. It might cause a bit of a media frenzy, and earn us some frankly disgusting press, but we’d be ready to take that on.”
“Yes, a media frenzy sure seems like the last thing on your wishlist.” Whiskey hadn’t bothered to keep his anger out of his voice. “In any case, I’m not going to cause it for you. I’m extremely protective of my private life, and for very good reason. And I’m not going to go live on channel four, today or any other day.”
“Right, okay," Angela had said quickly. "Okay.”
There was a longer moment of silence.
“I hear you.” Angela’s tone had shifted significantly. Somewhere in the background, Whiskey thought he could hear the sound of papers being shuffled around. “I think… Well, won’t need this anymore. Or that. Hm. Let’s see.”
Whiskey managed something of a breath. He was feeling slightly calmer, although honestly not particularly regretful. Really, he’d be more than prepared to fight the Kraken’s entire PR department, if that’s what it took.
“Look.” Angela had apparently found something to say again. “I’ve seen your tapes, Connor.”
Whiskey frowned slightly.
“You’re very good.” Angela’s tone was quite careful. “Very, very good. I used to play, you know, back in high school. You’re fast, and you play very smart. I’ve heard the way our head coach talks about your technique, and about your adaptability on the ice. Quite frankly, he won’t shut up about you.”
“Is any of this supposed to make me like you better?”
“That’d be nice,” Angela had said calmly, and okay, she was certainly brave. Whiskey had to give her that. “Most importantly, though, you should take me seriously when I say that we’re fully expecting you to be one of the faces of this franchise.”
“On the ice, sure, but that doesn’t-”
“And,” Angela cut in, “That means the media is going to be all over you. Even if you won’t let us schedule you for appearances, they’re going to find something to write about anyway. Really, I’m sure they’d be thrilled to publish all sorts of assumptions and speculation, especially if there’s nothing else out there to contradict them.”
Whiskey wasn’t sure what to say to that.
Angela actually had a point, was the thing.
“I understand the need to keep your professional and private lives separate,” Angela had continued. “And, Connor, I’d really like to help you with that. Because you’re going to need help. If we could work together and figure out a level of public visibility that you could actually be comfortable with, that would definitely keep a lot of so-called journalists from spinning a narrative that we have no control over.”
“Right.” Whiskey hadn’t needed to hesitate much longer. “I understand that. Honestly, I’ve seen the way certain publications go after some of our big names here in Pittsburgh. I’d hate to face something like that without a solid plan for how to handle it.”
“We don’t want you to feel like you’re facing anything on your own, or without a plan.” Angela had sounded quite hopeful once more. “Connor, I… I’m sorry if I came on too strong, just now, and demanded too much from you. We’re genuinely thrilled that you will be joining us in Seattle. I hope that you and I can figure out a media strategy that actually works for you."
“That sounds good.” Surprisingly, Whiskey actually meant it. “I, uh. This is all extremely important to me. I appreciate that you’re making an effort to see my perspective.”
“Of course.” Angela’s tone had been warm. “My job is ultimately about supporting you, you know.”
“Well.” Whiskey had actually smiled. “I suppose I’m glad to have you on the team, then.”
“That’s my line, isn’t it?” Angela had chirped pleasantly. “So. I’m cancelling with channel four. Let’s talk about alternatives for how to make your first impression.”
Whiskey hadn’t quite understood, back then, just how invaluable Angela was going to prove herself during his time in Seattle.
He also would never have guessed that, over a series of meetings where the two of them had drafted contingency plans for various hypothetical scenarios of Whiskey being outed, as well as quite a few bottles of increasingly expensive red wine, he and Angela would actually end up with something not entirely unlike a friendship.
"Angela says hi, by the way," Whiskey tells Miguel presently. They've made it out of the water – except, Miguel's already dived back in. Whiskey has sat himself down on the edge of the pool, content to stick his feet in and just watch Miguel. "She practically demanded that we have her over for dinner, this weekend, when I mentioned you were coming back home."
"Oh, I'd love to see Angela." Miguel dips beneath the surface, just briefly. "You could make those dark chocolate brownies for dessert."
Whiskey smiles.
"You've missed my desserts."
"Come on, try again." Miguel grins. "You're so close."
"Ah. You've missed my chocolate desserts."
Miguel rolls his eyes. He disappears back underwater with a playful splash.
Whiskey smiles softly as he watches Miguel swim down, down towards the bottom of the pool. He still remembers the first time Miguel took him swimming, remembers how his breath hitched at the sight of Miguel moving in the water, his lithe, flexible body completely in control. It was, and honestly still is, the most beautiful thing Whiskey has ever seen.
There's a picture of the two of them that hangs framed in their bedroom. It was taken the summer before last, during a trip they took to see Miguel's family. Miguel is looking at the camera, and his smile is the one that Whiskey loves the most – it's soft and warm and just so lovely. His brown eyes are wonderfully bright in the sunlight. He looks beautiful, and full of life and love. He looks perfect.
In the picture, Whiskey isn't looking at the camera. Instead, he is looking at Miguel. He's smiling, too, and although his smile isn't anywhere near as radiant as Miguel's, it's definitely gentle and content. He looks happy.
They both look happy.
The picture sometimes makes Whiskey wonder what others see, when they look at the two of them. Miguel, so full of energy and life, always bright with excitement and emotion, easily allowing his feelings to flow freely in any direction like a rippling, playful wave, his world a whole sea of excitement. And next to him, Whiskey. So purposeful, and focused, and bold. Always serious and earnest, making every decision with exact precision like he's carving his whole world out of ice.
And yet they come together so perfectly, almost as if they were always meant to find one another.
Miguel breaks through the surface again, with a bigger splash this time.
"I almost forgot," he says, a little breathlessly. "Whiskey. I do actually use Twitter, you know."
Whiskey frowns slightly.
"I don't."
"And as much as I love you, you're not the only account on there." Miguel rolls his eyes. "You Can Play made a pretty interesting announcement, today. Did you see it?"
Ah. Quickly, Whiskey looks away.
"They've received another one of those big donations," Miguel continues. He sounds delighted. "And still no sender, can you believe it? Funny, how this always happens right after you win another big game."
Whiskey ducks his head, grinning. It's only happened a handful of times, that Whiskey has managed to quietly donate a few thousand dollars to You Can Play without Miguel connecting the dots. Ever since that first time, when You Can Play had announced their deepest gratitude to an anonymous donor the very same week that Whiskey had received his signing bonus, and Miguel had immediately texted Whiskey a string of cash emojis and a question mark, it's become something of a game between them.
"Fine. You win this time."
"I win every time." Miguel grins, too. "I guess I should just be grateful that you haven't splurged too much on another ridiculous welcome-home present. I'm still getting over the shock from last time."
"You love the pool," Whiskey reminds him softly. He clears his throat. "I, uh. I might actually have gotten you something."
Miguel stills.
"Please tell me it's something that fits inside the house, this time."
"Well..." Whiskey knows that it's better if he just sticks to his plan of showing Miguel, when he gets the chance. They've been making loose plans for a trip to Boston, anyhow, and Miguel definitely won't mind going back to the New England Aquarium. Especially when he finds out that they'll be attending the opening ceremony for the aquarium's new, privately funded manatee conservation program. "It's not really something you can take home. But I know you're going to love it."
"Okay, mister." Miguel looks a little bit weary. "God, you've got that look in your eyes. I'm getting nervous."
"You'll love it," Whiskey repeats firmly. He smiles. "And, uh, speaking of love. We got a letter from Dex and Nursey, yesterday."
Miguel's eyebrows shoot up.
"A letter? Don't you guys text, like, a lot?"
"They've finally set a date."
"Oh," Miguel exclaims. His smile widens. "Oh, that is so exciting! We're going to a wedding!"
"We are, yeah." Whiskey smiles, too. "I haven't RSVP'd, yet, but…"
"No, no, of course we're going." Miguel is still beaming. "Wow. Wow. Do you know what colors they're doing? Ooh, and what's their venue?"
"I don't… We can read their invitation together." Whiskey watches Miguel for a moment. "You like weddings."
Miguel pauses briefly.
"I like seeing our friends happy." He smiles. "Whiskey, you know that I don't expect… I've never really thought that I would be married."
"Me neither." Whiskey isn't quite sure how to phrase his next question. "But, just because you didn't think it was in the cards… I mean. That's not necessarily the same thing as, you know. As not wanting to?"
"I guess not," Miguel agrees easily. Still, he shakes his head. "Honestly, it's really not something I've ever dreamed of, the way some people do. My choice of career was always going to be a big commitment for me, one that would certainly make things complicated in the romance department. But then you came along, and we've managed to build this life together, and it's just… It's so perfect. I don't need anything more."
"I know." Whiskey returns his smile. "I love the life we've built together, too. But, I'm just… Well. Actually. I've been thinking."
Slowly, Miguel's expression shifts.
"You have?"
"It's not…" Whiskey begins, only to pause. He needs to get this right. "It's something I'm still thinking about. I don't have all the right answers, yet."
"Okay." Miguel tilts his head. "Whiskey, did… Did something happen? To make you question yourself?"
Whiskey's smile softens. It's really something, how Miguel knows him so well.
"Kind of," he admits. "You know I went home, recently?"
"Yeah. For a funeral, right?"
"Exactly. My one of my uncles passed."
"Right." Miguel is nodding, even though his expression is somewhat confused. "I don't… You said you two weren't very close?"
"No, we weren't," Whiskey agrees. "But still, I… It got me thinking."
"About marriage?"
"About death." Whiskey almost smiles when Miguel's eyebrows shoot up. "I promise this isn't constantly on my mind, okay? It's just something I've kept coming back to, recently. Something I haven't ever thought about before."
"Okay." Miguel watches him in apparent confusion. "Whiskey, I'm sorry. You've lost me."
Whiskey takes a deep breath.
"When we die, I want them to bury me next to you."
Miguel is quiet for a moment.
"Oh," he says. His tone is careful. "I… Oh."
"And I don't think that would be possible," Whiskey continues. He actually smiles. "Unless… You know."
"Wait. Really?" Miguel actually manages to sound equal parts serious, and reproachful. It's really quite something. "Connor. I may never have dreamed of the perfect proposal, but if this is your idea of one, death might greet you a whole lot sooner than you think."
"No, it's not," Whiskey says quickly. "It's… I haven't finished thinking about this, not yet. I mostly feel like I don't really know what I should want."
"Maybe what you should want isn't the right question." Miguel sounds slightly more calm. He pauses to actually think for a moment. "You know, I'm… I hadn't really thought about that, either. But you… I think you have a point. You really do."
For a moment, they just look at one another.
"Well," Whiskey says lightly. It feels like something significant has shifted between them. It feels big. "I guess we'll see?"
"Yeah." Miguel seems to have found his smile again. "It wouldn't have to be an extravagant affair. You'd hate that."
"I would," Whiskey agrees. "But, at the same time… We wouldn't necessarily need to keep it just between you and me."
"I like that." Miguel tilts his head again. "You know, if… If we did? The world would find out, eventually. When we're gone, if nothing else."
"Yeah. I know."
"I don't know how I feel about that. I'll need some more time." Miguel's tone is unusually thoughtful. "But you would be okay with it?"
"I… I guess." Whiskey pauses for a moment. Suddenly, he remembers everything Angela's told him about the importance of taking control over the narrative. And honestly? Just like always, she has a point. "Except, if that is the path we take, maybe we should actually make sure that we have a say in how this story gets told? Not anytime soon, but, I don't know. At some point down the line."
"Right." Miguel is nodding, even though he still looks quite contemplative. "That's probably not a decision we should rush into."
"There's no need. We can figure it out at whatever pace feels right." Whiskey offers him another smile. "Thank you, by the way."
"For what?"
"For listening to me. For going through all of this with me."
"That's not something you need to thank me for." Miguel's smile softens into the one Whiskey loves best. "It's, you know. Sickness and health, good times and bad times. No matter what we tell the world, we both know that's what this is."
"Yeah," Whiskey agrees softly.
Sometimes, he still can't believe that they got here in the end. He smiles, helplessly.
"That's right. You're exactly right."
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brokehorrorfan · 3 years
Blu-ray Review: King Kong (1976)
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The recent release of Godzilla vs. Kong revived the age-old debate about which giant monster is superior, but it's not exactly a fair fight when you consider their respective quantity of output. By the mid-1970s, Godzilla had already appeared in 15 films, while King Kong only had a mere four to his name: the 1933 original, its same-year sequel Son of Kong, the 1962 crossover King Kong vs. Godzilla, and its 1967 followup King Kong Escapes.
The first remake of King Kong arrived in 1976 at the behest of Italian producer Dino De Laurentiis (Dune, Flash Gordon, Army of Darkness). Lorenzo Semple Jr. (Flash Gordon) was hired to pen the script, based on James Ashmore Creelman and Ruth Rose's original screenplay, and John Guillermin (The Towering Inferno, Death on the Nile) assumed the director's chair. Richard H. Kline (Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Soylent Green) served as cinematographer, while John Barry (Dances with Wolves, Goldfinger) composed the score. The plot largely follows the same beats as the 1933 version, although some alterations and expansions were made along the way.
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Hoping to sail into the history books with the biggest oil strike in history, oil magnate Fred Wilson (Charles Grodin, Midnight Run) leads an expedition to an undiscovered island in the Indian Ocean hidden by a perpetual fog. Paleontologist Jack Prescott (Jeff Bridges, The Big Lebowski) sneaks aboard the vessel, as he believes an animal occupies the island. In the middle of the ocean, the ship happens upon a life raft with struggling actress Dwan (Jessica Lange, American Horror Story), who quickly hits it off with Jack. Upon arriving at its destination, the crew discovers that the island is not uninhabited when they interrupt the native's ritual. The tribesmen proceed to kidnap Dwan and offer her as a sacrifice to the giant primate known as Kong.
The big reveal is impressive considering the limitations of the time. Per the closing title card, Kong was designed and engineered by Carlo Rambaldi (E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Alien), who also constructed it with Glen Robinson (Logan's Run, Flash Gordon), with “special contributions” by Rick Baker (An American Werewolf in London, Men in Black). Since Rambaldi's attempt at a full-scale electronic Kong failed, however, the majority of creature work is accomplished with Baker in a costume with mechanized masks. It's fairly convincing as such, although the seams of the composite shots are clearly visible in high definition. Perhaps more than any other kaiju, it's important for Kong to be expressive, and this iteration successfully conveys pathos.
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Semple's script drops the filmmaking angle from the original plot yet retains that the female lead is an aspiring actress and the human antagonist wants to exploit Kong on stage - which, smartly, becomes a corporate-branded event here. Kong only fights one monster on the island - a bloody battle with a giant snake - but his path of destruction in New York is much grander, rivaling and often upstaging the Godzilla films of the time. Instead of the Empire State Building, Kong is drawn to the then-new World Trade Center this time around, as the Twin Towers parallel his habitat, leading to his tragic downfall and a brilliant final image.
After Barbra Streisand passed on the role of Dwan, De Laurentiis sought to pluck an unknown actress from obscurity and make her a star. He did just that with Lange, who receives an "introducing" credit. It's easy to see why she won out over innumerable other aspiring actresses, as she radiates on camera, and her naivety works to the advantage of her character. Bridges is serviceable as the leading man and has good chemistry with Lange - but the film's focus is, rightly, on Kong and Dwan. Their bond is palpable, although the sexualization of their relationship is an odd choice.
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While the supporting roles are largely one-dimensional, they're filled by a number of keen character actors: John Randolph (Christmas Vacation) as the ship's captain, Ed Lauter (Family Plot) as the first mate, Rene Auberjonois (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) as a geologist, Jack O'Halloran (Superman) and Julius Harris (Live and Let Die) as oil drillers, Dennis Fimple (House of 1000 Corpses) as a crew member, John Lone (The Last Emperor) as the cook, John Agar (Revenge of the Creature) as a city official, Walt Gorney (Friday the 13th) as a subway driver, and a young Corbin Bernsen (Psych) and Joe Piscopo (Saturday Night Live) as uncredited reporters.
King Kong has been released on Collector's Edition Blu-ray by Scream Factory with reversible artwork featuring a new design by Hugh Fleming and John Berkey's classic poster. The two-disc set includes the 134-minute theatrical version and the 182-minute TV cut, with its additional footage newly scanned in 2K from the internegative. (NBC paid De Laurentiis $19.5 million for two showings; the highest amount a network ever paid for a film at the time.) It features DTS-HD 5.1 and newly restored theatrical DTS-HD 2.0 stereo audio options.
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This version of King Kong lacks the awe-inspiring spectacle of the three other major iterations (the 1933 original, Peter Jackson's 2005 remake, and 2017's Kong: Skull Island reboot), but it has moments of greatness that shine in high definition. De Laurentiis successfully spearheaded a sincere remake that shows reverence for the cinematic icon, and the theatrical cut is smoothly paced despite the lengthy runtime. The TV version doesn't fare as well, as it's padded by nearly an hour of additional footage (along with trims to the more crude sequences). They do little to add plot points, character depth, or anything else of potential value; instead they serve only to fill a programming block at the expense of the pacing. Still, it's nice to finally have a restored version for diehard fans.
King Kong: The History of a Movie Icon author Ray Morton provides a new audio commentary on the theatrical cut. It's very dry but full of information, especially when it comes to the drama between Rambaldi and Baker over the creature design. Having "outgrown the boundaries of a featurette," per disc producer Justin Beahm, an interview with Baker was turned into a second commentary. It's not as long as the whole film, which is fine, but it frustratingly forces the viewer to sit through gaps of the film's audio while awaiting the next soundbite rather than presenting it all in succession. It's unfortunate but worthwhile, as there's a lot of firsthand insight.
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Beyond that, there are over 45 minutes of new video interviews with O’Halloran, assistant director David McGiffert, production manager Brian Frankish, sculptor Jack Varner, second unit director William Kronick, photographic effects assistant Barry Nolan, and production assistants Jeffrey Chernov and Scott Thaler. Most are conducted over video chat with mostly fine results (O’Halloran's picture quality is particularly bad), although a few are traditional on-camera pieces, and some subjects are paired together. They all seem proud of their contributions and happily share anecdotes about working on the massive production, even if the experiences weren't always positive.
Other special features on the first disc include the theatrical trailer, seven TV spots, three radio spots, and four still galleries (stills, posters and lobby cards, newspaper ads, and behind-the-scenes photos). The TV cut disc, meanwhile, sports an hour-long panel with Baker, O’Halloran, Kline, Dino De Laurentiis' widow Martha, and Barry's agent Richard Kraft, from a 2016 event at Santa Monica, CA's Aero Theater. Hosted by Morton, it's an entertaining and informative discussion.
King Kong is available on Collector’s Edition Blu-ray now via Scream Factory.
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With the water off before I get out of the shower, I apply body lotion to my wet skin. Usually something rich and fragrance free, so that I can use it on healing tattoos, too. If I have a fresh tattoo, I don't keep it wet, I dry it with a clean cloth before applying lotion with clean hands.. I know you said to try, but I think I tried enough. It not that I think I never going to get better, get over you. It more that I don have the energy to. I saw three the other day by a trash can. Two of them were being sort of watchdogs as the other raccoon picked up the trash can lid off the trash can with his fingers like a human would, held it up, jumped in and gently put the lid back down as he searched for the squads next meal. They keep evolving man. My dad is mostly blind. He can't drive, can't shop on his own, doesn't see when someone is trying to shake his hand or give him a high five, takes him about 5+ seconds to find the face of the person in front of him. But he still has sight. Eustace Macallan granting her personal defects was nevertheless one of the most charming women I ever met with. She 양평출장샵 was highly bred, in the best sense of 양평출장샵 the word. I never saw in any other person so sweet a smile as hers, or such grace and beauty of movement as hers. I maintain an I/O interface to a 50 year old Fortran FEA code. Nodes and elements combine to make a geometry. Add some loads and constraints and you can run a statics, dynamics, thermal, aero, etc. 39 points submitted 1 month agoThis episode certified my love for Naomi. I absolutely love Manila too and being realistic and fair, she was my winner. However, for Naomi to seize the opportunity and eliminate her competition AND guarantee her top 4 spot by saving Latrice who I'm pretty sure is a goner next week. I have found that even people who exercise regularly, eat a "well balanced," low fat diet, take vitamin supplements and use expensive skin care products still don't look or feel their best. In spite of their efforts, something is still missing are not paying attention to their inner lives of mind and spirit. They are out of sync with their own rhythms and the universal rhythms of nature. It just fun and a passion to fend it off as long and as well as possible for my own little vanity. So I keep my 0.05% cream tretinoin, sub pH 3.5 20% L ascorbic acid with vitamin E and ferulic acid, 5% niacinamide, 2.5% DMAE, 8% Matrixyl 3000 (palmitoyl tripeptide 1 and palmitoyl tetrapeptide 7), 2% Matrixyl synthe (palmitoyl tripeptide 38), 0.1% madecassoside, 20% glycolic acid, three ceramide products (toner, emulsion, gel moisturizer), oil cleanser, second cleanser, petrolatum, and SPF 50+ PA++++ sunscreen. And maybe in the future I look seriously into a Botox and Radiesse provider.. "An industrious breed," Wrtlz had said with a wry smile. "In fact, they erecting another retreat for yours truly. On the very fringes of our good galaxy.". Please do not use the strips! They have bleach and peroxide in them which can leave your teeth feeling very sensitive afterwards. Not good on your teeth and they are very expensive. I sell a safe whitening toothpaste which will get your teeth 1 to 2 shades lighter for sure. I am one of the most skeptical people, but I been taking it for about it month now and I have noticed a drop in my anxiety levels and not really any huge side effects. Of course this is anecdotal, but maybe it can work for you too. Anxiety sucks a big old turd.. Shameless plug: I wrote my Masters thesis on the topic. I can PM you the link if you like. I definitely check it out! But Invisible Cities is so marvelously playful, quiet whilst still digging into you as you progress.
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TLDR: University policies suck and the best way to get around them is to talk to your professors instead of administrators. I know it was a huge controversy when it launched that it would do that but I just was not expecting it to do it to me. Kind of sucks bc it's actually a really really nice pallet, IMO, for basic but color looks but like I looked super sick the next day bc my eyelids were red like I hadn't slept.. Of course, this is all hypothetical and would require action. What will happen is nothing, everyone will continue to ignore the problems as they grow, and it will get worse until it too late to fix. For every politically active person, there are a dozen or more who just don give a fuck who will meet the same end as a frog in a slowly boiling pot.. There are also a lot of people that don't like that crap and have good attitudes. Make an effort to play with them. Report people that are really toxic. In that time, 26 pictures that rangers won't release without the family's permission. Most of a grizzly bear eating berries. And the last few pictures, taken over a span of 13 seconds, reveal something far more threatening. Several people mentioned devs being "innovative", but innovative doesn mean good and when you deviate from the standard formula too much you split the already small RTS fanbase. DOW 2 "innovated" with it squad based stuff and I hated that game. There are a bunch of so called "hybrid" mobas and RTS games that just do neither of the core mechanics well enough to see players of either genre switch that call themselves "innovative". Most ppl have touched on this, but there's two kinds of foam. The Aero froths milk with a whisk attachment that spins around really fast. It builds a stiff whipped froth, like how you make whipped cream by wisking heavy cream with a mixer. See that is just as dumb as what the President is saying. Anecdotal memories are a horrible way to justify a scientific theory. Climate is studied in 30 year increments, not what it was like two 의왕출장안마 weeks ago, even a month ago, or even a year ago. Auto tune should be considered more of a tool/effect than a crutch. Although it gets used as a crutch for off singing, the 의왕출장안마 people who take it to the next level are doing something innovative with the sound. There are a million wannabe artists making shitty auto tune SoundCloud rap, but there are only a few who can use the tool to create something innovative and make it big. I also use it to blot away any oil if it develops throughout the day (usually on my nose). It makes me the teeniest bit more matte but I still have that lit from within look. I could rave about this powder forever honestly, it one of my best purchases and I think it very worth the money.. I can understand maybe a hi, just seeing how you are message or like a happy birthday message but it should go no further. They shouldn't be talking regularly or anything. I have one ex I speak to a couple of times a year. I usually use the foaming version in the spring/summer, and the hydrating version in the fall/winter, when I can use all of the hydration I can get. The foaming version is very much a traditional cleanser, and it leaves your skin feeling clean without the "tightness" that some cleansers cause. The hydrating version feels.
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medicalnewstoday · 5 years
Aircraft Fuel Tank  Market research is Set to Experience Revolutionary Growth by 2028
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Aircraft Fuel Tank Market: Introduction
An aircraft fuel tank is a safe container for storage of fuel/flammable fluids. The term aircraft fuel tank is typically applied to part of an aircraft engine system in which the fuel is stored and propelled or released into an engine. Aircraft Fuel tanks range in size and complexity from the small plastic tank of a butane lighter to the multi-chambered.
Aircraft Fuel Tank Market: Dynamics
The growth in demand for Aircraft Fuel Tank Market is mainly due to rising production of aircraft across the globe. The rising demand for aircraft is owing to the day by day increase in passenger traffic across the globe. Also, according to IATA (International Air Transport Association), approximately 700 routes are established for better connectivity across the globe. This growth in global passenger traffic will also contribute to the growth of the airlines and aircraft industry which will lead to the growth of Aircraft Fuel Tank Market over the forecast period. Also, the R&D which is carried out on aircraft fuel tank material to optimize its strength as well as decrease the weight of the aircraft increasing its efficiency in recent years. Also, the growing focus of aircraft manufacturers on aircraft weight reduction without compromising with its strength and quality of work, expected to increase the demand for the high strength lighter weight materials aircraft fuel tank. Apart from this, the aircraft fuel tank is an integral part of all aircraft, and hence, the development of the aerospace sector will also add up to the growth of the global aircraft fuel tank market.
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However, the factors such as strict standards and guidelines from regulating authorities and high cost of manufacturing setup are expected to restrain the growth of the Aircraft Fuel Tank Market over the forecast period. However, the ongoing trend to use updated and enhanced technology equipment for better results will contribute towards the growth of the demand for Aircraft Fuel Tank Market during the forecast period.
Aircraft Fuel Tank Market: Segmentation
Based On The Installed Position, The Aircraft Fuel Tank Market can be segmented as follows:
Internal Aircraft Fuel Tank
Integral tanks
Rigid removable tanks
Bladder tanks
Tip tanks
External Aircraft Fuel Tank
Conformal fuel tank
Drop tank
Based on the Aviation Type, the Aircraft Fuel Tank Market can be segmented as follows:
Commercial Aviation
Military Aviation
Private Jet
Based on the capacity, the Aircraft Fuel Tank Market can be segmented as follows:
<30 L Aircraft Fuel Tank
30 L to 50 L Aircraft Fuel Tank
51 L to 70 L Aircraft Fuel Tank
More than 70 L Aircraft Fuel Tank
Based on the Material, the Aircraft Fuel Tank Market can be segmented as follows:
Aluminum Aircraft Fuel Tank
HDPE Aircraft Fuel Tank
Steel Aircraft Fuel Tank
On the basis of the aircraft type, the Aircraft Fuel Tank Market can be segmented as:
Narrow Body aircraft
Wide Body aircraft
Regional Jet
Rotary-wing Aircraft
Civil Helicopters
Military Helicopters
Military Transport Aircraft
Fighter Jets
Aircraft Fuel Tank Market: Regional Outlook
Geographically, the Aircraft Fuel Tank market is segmented into eight regions including the Middle East and Africa, North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe and the East Asia Pacific, South Asia and Oceania.
During the forecast period, North America and Europe are expected to hold a major share in the global Aircraft Fuel Tank market and is expected to behold it even in the forecast period owing to the high demand from established OEM aircraft manufacturers in this region. The Asia Pacific Is expected to exhibit high growth in the aviation market owing to a robust increase in passenger traffic. Also, a significant increase in per capita income of the general population in the economies the Asia Pacific such as China, India, and Vietnam coupled with, changing the preference of general population towards air travel is anticipated to contribute to the growth of regional demand of aircraft fuel tank market. Rest of the world is estimated to account for a relatively small share of the Aircraft Fuel Tank market.
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Aircraft Fuel Tank Market: Market Participants
Some of the market participants operating across the value chain of the global Aircraft Fuel Tank Market are:
Zodiac Aerospace
Meggitt PLC
Aero Tec Laboratories, Inc.
TI Automotive Inc.
Kautex Textron GmbH & Co. KG
ContiTech AG
The Plastic Omnium Group
YAPP Automotive Parts Co. Ltd
Magam Safety Ltd.
The research report presents a comprehensive assessment of the market and contains thoughtful insights, facts, historical data, and statistically supported and industry-validated market data. It also contains projections using a suitable set of assumptions and methodologies. The research report provides analysis and information according to market segments such as geographies, application, and industry.
About Us:
Research Report Insights (RRI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver a host of services including custom research reports, syndicated research reports, and consulting services which are personalised in nature. RRI delivers a complete packaged solution to clients; this combines current market intelligence, technology inputs, statistical anecdotes, valuable growth insights, 360-degree view of the competitive framework, and anticipated market trends.
Our research services cover global as well as regional emerging markets such as BRICS, GCC, and ASEAN. Our offerings cover a broad spectrum of verticals which include Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Materials, Energy, Technology, Automotive, and Retail. The operating model of RRI blends cross-disciplinary research experience to deploy insightful, in-depth, and actionable research.
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bibblecobblies · 8 years
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So in case anyone gives a shit (jk I’m just excited), this is the pairing that will HOPEFULLY produce my next girl!!
GCh Wildblue Essential (top two) GCh Avatar’s Unwrap the Chocolate Bayshore
I also feel the need to clarify this as well: yes, I’m getting a show line BC next.
So first of all, I have a REALLY good relationship with Aero’s breeder, who is half of this pairing. She is a behaviorist. She’s been doing this MUCH longer than I’ve been alive. I really trust her opinions. I am happy to trust her to pair me with a puppy because she knows what it’s like in my house, my struggles, my goals, etc.
I want to do agility, rally, and dock diving with my next dog as well. Could a working line or sport line BC do those things? Ofc!! So, that’s irrelevant.
In my very anecdotal experience, show line collies seem to be a little less… edgy. I mean that in terms of bad quirks, NOT performance or drive. Some people try to say that show line BCs act like Goldens, which is absolutely not my experience. Are they different from other lines? Yes! Do they retain a lot of the same characteristics? Yes! Are they the same breed? Yes! Can you throw them in a USBCHA trial and expect them to win?… meh, you’re better off trying that with a working line dog. I know that they differ, you’re right! But at this point in my life, I don’t NEED a working dog. I don’t have stock, I don’t plan to get stock.
The existence of one type does not negate the other. Also, 90% of BCs in AUS/NZ are what we know as “show line” since that’s where they originate from- but I don’t see anyone persecuting owners from the Southern Hemisphere.
Anyway. I like these dogs and I love my breeder. I would be happy owning a working line too! In regards to my current needs, a show line dog is what ever so slightly fits my needs better. End of discussion.
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aeroknot · 4 years
i said “do not scroll through my gallery” while handing over my phone to show grandpa art bc he won’t quit bitchin that i don’t wanna show him. i said “do not scroll, give the phone back to me and i will find more for you after looking at this one” welp grandpa just saw my saved porn and that’s what you get old man
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fmiresearch-blog · 4 years
Aircraft Strut Market in Good Shape in 2019; COVID-19 to Affect Future Growth Trajectory
In an upcoming market research study, Future Market Insights (FMI) lays bare undercurrents and opportunities prevailing in the global Aircraft Strut market. The report provides in-depth insights on the Aircraft Strut market through a detailed analysis of key growth drivers, restraints, trends, challenges, and revenue growth based on historical data. Valuable information and forecast statistics covered in the Aircraft Strut market report will help existing and potential new market players to craft long-term strategies as well as maintain business continuity during a crisis.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis
As with many industries, the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 has adversely affected the global automotive & transportation industry. The Aircraft Strut market is no exception. Following government’s measures, particularly social distancing norms and shelter-in-place orders, companies active in the Aircraft Strut market have put their production on a halt. Additionally, movement restrictions have created a logistical nightmare for market players, while the lack of ‘essential’ status caused a decline in sales.
The FMI’s report covers an exclusive chapter on the initial COVID-19 impact on the Aircraft Strut market. This allows both incumbent companies and new entrants to understand the market scenario during a crisis and helps them make sound decision to gain a distinct competitive edge.
Request Report Sample@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-9338
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Enticing prices for new customers! Offer expires soon!
Aircraft Strut Market: Segmentation
To analyze the Aircraft Strut market effectively and efficiently, the information has been segregated into key segments and sub-segments.
By body type
·        Small Body Aircraft
·        Wide Body Aircraft
·        Very Large Body Aircraft
By basis of operation
·        Hydraulic
·        Pneumatic
Aircraft Strut Market: Competition Analysis
The FMI’s study presents an extensive analysis of global, regional, and country-level players operating in the Aircraft Strut market based on their innovative launches, distribution channels, local networks, industrial penetration, production methods, and revenue generation. Furthermore, growth strategies and mergers & acquisitions (M&A) activities associated with the players are enclosed in the Aircraft Strut market report.
Key players covered in the report include:
·        Circor Aerospace, Inc.
·        PCC Aero Structures
·        Crompton Technology Group Ltd.
Crucial Questions Answered in the Report
·        Which end-use industry remains the top consumer of Aircraft Strut in different regional markets?
·        At what rate has the global Aircraft Strut market been expanding during the forecast period?
·        How will the global Aircraft Strut market look like by the end of the forecast period?
·        What innovative technologies are the Aircraft Strut market players adopting to stay ahead of the pack?
·        What are the restraints affecting the growth of the global Aircraft Strut market?
Request Methodology of this Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/askus/rep-gb-9338
Key Offerings of the Report
·        Growth Drivers and Opportunities: Comprehensive analysis on growth-driving factors and opportunities for market players in different regional markets
·        Recent Trends and Forecasts: Detailed assessment on the latest trends, technological developments, and forecasts for a 5-year or 10-year period.
·        Segmental Analysis: Extensive analysis on each segment and factors differentiating the role of these segments in market revenue forecasts and growth rate analysis
·        Regional Market Forecast: Thorough analysis of each regional market to arm stakeholders with necessary information to take critical decisions
·        Competitive Landscape: All-inclusive insights on both leading and emerging players vying for a slice of the Aircraft Strut market
 About Us
Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights and an aerial view of the competitive framework and future market trends.
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todayiplayed · 4 years
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light (FF:4HoL)
This is going to be the first in a long line of games in which I have plenty of experience with the game from previous times playing it. As such, I will focus on the play experience from this time specifically, but I’ll also use personal anecdotes from those other times playing it.
The very first game that I played for this blog, FF:4HoL is actually the predecessor for Bravely Default. Everything from aesthetics, character designs, gameplay mechanics, and even some of the songs are aspects that made their way into Bravely Default. That said, Bravely Default certainly ironed out a lot of what makes FF:4HoL the weird, debatably bad game that it is.
My play experience this time around started just a few minutes after the start of the game and ended nearly two-and-a-half hours in (which is considerable given my one hour minimum playing experience I have set for this blog). And just starting off, the game has major pop-up book aesthetics going on as you adventure as the first protagonist Brandt, who starts his journey in the village of Horne. He receives a request from the king to go save his princess from a witch’s castle in the north.
Going out into the open world to experience combat, one of my major gripes with the game comes to fruition here. You cannot select the target of spells and abilities your party members do. Rather, said ability will automatically target based on individual factors. For example, if you’re using an offensive spell, it will always target an enemy in the back row before anybody in the front. This back row only requirement also extends to several weapon types, including bows and spears. Additionally, healing automatically goes to whoever has the least amount of HP. You can’t target somebody who actually needs it, and while it’s not that big of a deal, you also can’t heal an undead enemy to deal damage to it.
This also ties in to the main gameplay mechanic, AP. This is similar to BP in Bravely Default, in that your characters can store up to 5 AP to use their commands. The difference here, however, is that all actions use AP, and certain ones use more than others. You can use the Boost command to give yourself more AP to use commands that need more, such as spells or special commands. This isn’t inherently a bad mechanic, but it does come with it the caveat that in a game this hard, you’ll inevitably need to constantly spam the Cure spell to get yourself out of a tight spot. And between taking heavy hits and needing to Boost to get more AP, it becomes somewhat frustrating in certain parts of the game.
Also, one weird focus of the game is on inventory management. Every party member can hold only 15 items at a time. While this was never an issue in my playthrough (nor do I recall it ever being a problem in any of my other playthroughs), I can easily see it being a problem down the road. Plus, in order for a magic user to cast spells, they must have the associated tome with said spell to let them cast it in the first place. This does allow anybody to have any spell regardless of their Job, but if you want a dedicated caster, their inventory is going to be cluttered with tomes in addition to any weapons, armor, accessories, and other miscellaneous items you may want them to have. I’ve easily had my caster reach 14 items multiple times before swapping items around.
Which leads me to my main, final problem, which makes itself apparent as soon as you beat the first boss after getting all four party members. Upon defeating the witch and returning to Horne, you discover that the town has been turned to stone, and the king has gone missing. Two of the party members decide to look for a cure, while the other two go off to a coastal town in the meantime. However, each party member keeps their respective inventory when they leave. As such, the squishy princess Aire kept her upgraded armor, which would’ve been helpful for me to have when she left, as the enemies in the desert get particularly difficult.
This was even more infuriating with the guest party member, Krinjh (yes, that is his name. And I’ll assume the pronunciation is as funny as it is). I give him my water-elemented dagger, as well as the valuable Aero and Cure tomes, and the game automatically gives the Earth Sword that I received from the boss to him. So what happens immediately after the fight ends? He leaves the party, with no opportunity to retrieve the equipment. It doesn’t get sent to storage, it doesn’t go into any party member’s inventory. As far as I know, it’s gone. Meaning to effectively keep his good stuff, you need to intentionally set him up with terrible equipment going into the fight.
But despite all of these problems, a small part of me can’t help but love the game. I don’t know if it’s nostalgia, the aesthetics, or my innate love for Final Fantasy, but the game really does make itself appealing in many ways despite its flaws.
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musclecarfacts · 5 years
1965 Mustang
Welcome to MUSTANG AND CO, Specialist in the sale, repair and restoration of American ancestors. Mustang and co is above all the passion for the legendary Mustang and Corvette. Any other US cars is of course welcome.
Our vehicles come mostly from Southern California. They were selected with the greatest rigor by us during our travels in America. We had inspected the vehicles on site very accurately. With the help of our local agent we are exporting these beautiful cars to our old continent.
A detailed report of the condition of the vehicle (mechanical and bodywork) accompanies each of our Mustang, Corvette and others. Repairs and / or replacement of defective parts are carried out in our workshop before delivery of your vehicle.
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  The whole history of the Ford Mustang, its models and evolutions
The Ford Mustang has been built by the Ford Motor Company since April 17, 1964. It is on this day that Ford presents its new jewelry at the New York World’s Fair. Its construction is initially based on the platform of the Ford Falcon. She is nicknamed the “1964.5 model” (1964 and a half) by her fans.
Since Model A , it’s the most successful launch in the history of the automobile. Also, the Ford Mustang has undergone many transformations to its current model, the fifth of its generation.
The Mustang has created the class “Pony car” (besides the sign on the car is not that of “Ford” but that of a horse, a galloping Mustang) American cars, sports cars like coupes with long, short rear-end covers and competing models such as the GM Chevrolet Camaro , AMC Javelin (javelin), Chrysler’s Plymouth Barracuda and the first generation of the Dodge Challenger . The Mustang is also credited with having inspired coupe designs such as the Toyota Celica and Ford Capri , which were later imported to the United States.
Executive stylist John Najjar, who was a fan of the World War II P-51 Mustang fighter , is officially credited by Ford for suggesting the name. John Najjar co-designs the first prototype of the Ford Mustang known as the Ford Mustang I in 1961, in collaboration with his compatriot Philip T. Clark. The Mustang I makes its official debut at the US Grand Prix in Watkins Glen, NY, on October 7, 1962, where Formula 1 driver Dan Gurney tries out the second “racing” prototype. . His lap times were only slightly below the pace of F1 cars.
Another opinion claims that it was Robert J. Eggert, then head of market research Ford, who first suggested the name Mustang. Eggert, a breeder of “Quarter Horses”, received for his birthday the book The Mustangs by J. Frank Dobie in 1960. Later, the title of the book gave him the idea to add the name of “Mustang” to the new concept car. The designer initially preferred the name “Cougar” or “Torino” (an advertising campaign using the name “Torino” was actually prepared), while Henry Ford II wanted the name of T-Bird II .
The name can not be used in Germany because it is owned by Krupp, who manufactured trucks between 1951 and 1964 with the name “Mustang”. Ford refused to buy the name for about $ 10,000 at the time. Thus, Mustang was sold in Germany under the name “T-5” until December 1978.
First generation (1964-1973)
As deputy general manager of Lee Iacocca and chief engineer, Donald N. Frey was chief engineer for the T-5 project, overseeing the overall development of the car in record time of 18 months, while Iacocca – even defended the project as general manager of the Ford division. The T-5 was a two-seater prototype, with a mid-mounted roadster engine. This vehicle used the V4 engine of the Ford Taunus (German model) and was very similar in appearance to the future Pontiac Fiero .
The Mustang I then became a four-seater model under the direction of project designer Joe Oros and his team of L. David Ash, Gale Halderman, and John Foster.
Favorable advertising articles appeared in 2,600 newspapers the next morning, the day the car was “officially” revealed. A Mustang also appeared in the James Bond ” Goldfinger ” in September 1964.
To reduce the cost of development and achieve a retail price of US $ 2,368, the Mustang was heavily based on familiar and simple components, many of which were already in production for other Ford models like the Falcon and the Fairlane . Sales forecasts projected less than 100,000 units for the first year, but this mark was exceeded within three months of deployment. Another 318,000 models were sold in the year of launch (a record), and in the first eighteen months, more than one million Mustangs were built.
The overall length of the Mustang and Falcon was equal, but the wheelbase was slightly lower on the Mustang. With a total width of 68.2 inches (1732 mm), it was 2.4 inches (61 mm) narrower. The approximate weight of 2,570 pounds (1,170 kg) with the V6 engine was also the same as the Falcon. The fully equipped V8 model weighed approximately 3,000 pounds (1,400 kg). Although the mechanical parts came from the Falcon, the body of the Mustang was completely different with a lower seating position and a lower total height.
In 1966, Ford designers began to produce larger versions than the original, while the latter was completing good sales. A little later, Iacocca complained about the growth of the Mustang, and had the overhaul supervised in 1967. From 1967 to 1973, the Mustang became longer, but not necessarily more powerful. The new Mustang retains the original structure, but the style is refreshed, giving the Mustang a more massive look. The front and rear are more pronounced, and the interior “twin cove” offers a thicker dashboard, and larger gears. The finishes are more refined for a more assertive style. For the 1968 models, the 1967 body style continues, but details are retouched as the side scoops, the steering wheel and the fuel cap. Side marker lamps were also added this year, and cars built after January 1, 1968 include shoulder straps for both front seats. The 1968 models also introduced a new V8 engine, the 302.
The year 1969 is also that of a new style, but may be more assertive than the previous ones. All this in order to please a larger audience. This model has a more aggressive style and more sport. Until 1973, many versions will make their appearances always in order to answer the expectations of the broad public fan of this automobile of legend. His style being timeless, only minor alterations in the cabin and a few details of the body will be made. Also, the engine will be more and more powerful. For the anecdote, in the movie The Great Casse of 1974, (in English  Gone in 60 Seconds ), the movie that inspired the remake ” 60 Seconds Chrono “, the star character “Eleanor” (1973 model of Mustang FastbackYellow) is the only Ford Mustang in history to receive a celebrity credit in one film, with the other main character Maindrian Pace , played by actor, director and producer Henry Blight Halicki.
Second generation (1974-1978)
Lee Iacocca, who had been one of the key pieces of the original Mustang, became president of the Ford Motor Company in 1970, and ordered a smaller and more fuel-efficient Mustang for 1974. The model was to be based on that of the Ford Maverick , but was ultimately based on that of the Ford Pinto .
The new model, called “Mustang II”, was launched two months before the first oil crisis in 1973, and its small size allows it to compete with imported sports coupes such as the Japanese Toyota Celica or Ford Capri,  European model. Sales for the first year reached 385,993 units (sales of the original Mustang were 418,812 units over twelve months).
Lee Iacocca wanted a model based on the “Mustang I” with higher quality. He wanted to make a little gem. However, to meet the new US rules on CO2 emissions and safety, the new model wants to be smaller but above all heavier than the previous one. Thus the performance of the vehicle is weakened and “the Mustang seems less muscular than is the galloping horse on the emblem”.
The car was available in the coupe and cabriolet versions, plus a Ghia “luxury” model designed by Ghia Ford  recently acquired from Italy. The coupe has been marketed under the name ” Hardtop “. The “Ghia” had a vinyl roof with thick cushions and small rear quarter windows, which gave a more formal look. The amendments made in 1975 included the reinstatement of option V8 302 CID (after having no option V8 in the year 1974) and the availability of an economic option called “MPG Stallion”. Other changes in appearance and performance came with the ” Cobra II ” version in 1976 and 1977, and the ” King Cobra ” version in 1978.
Third generation (1979-1993)
The 1979 Mustang was based on the longest “Fox” platform (originally developed for the 1978 Ford Fairmont and the Mercury Zephyr ). The interior has been redesigned to accommodate the comfort of four people. Available finishes were: L, GL, GLX, LX, GT, GT Turbo (1983-84), SVO (1984-86), Cobra (1979-81, 1989-1993), Cobra R (1993), and Ghia.
The third generation of the Mustang had two different body styles. From 1979 to 1986, the car had a triangle shape at the front with four lighthouses, known by fans as “4 eyes”. Then, the models of the years 1987-1993, with the front more rounded and known under the style “aero”. Also in 1986, the engines held the EFI (electronic injection) instead of carburetors. The 1986 models included an improved 8.8-inch rear, and four dampers.
In response to soaring fuel prices and declining sales during the 1980s, a new Mustang was in development. It was supposed to be a variant of the Mazda MX-6 assembled at the AutoAlliance International plant in Flat Rock, Michigan. Fans have written to Ford to oppose the Japan Mustang project designed without a V8 option. The result was a major rejuvenation of the 1987 Mustang, while the MX-6 variant became the Ford Probe model in 1989 .
Fourth generation (1994-2004)
In autumn 1993, the Mustang underwent its first major overhaul for fifteen years. Named ” SN-95 ” by the automaker, this model is based on an upgraded version of the Fox rear-wheel drive platform called ” Fox-4 “. The new style of Patrick Schiavone incorporates several stylistic elements of previous Mustang models. For the first time since 1974, a hatchback model is not available.
The basic model arrived with a 3.8 OHV V6 engine (232 cid) at 145 hp (108 kW) in 1994 and 1995, or 150 hp (110 kW) (1996-1998), and supplied with a 5-speed manual lever or 4 speed automatic option. Although initially used in the 1994 and 1995 Mustang and Cobra GT, Ford removed the 302 cid V8, after nearly 30 years of use, and replaced it with the new Modular 4.6 L (281 cid) SOHC V8 Mustang GT The 4.6 L V8 was initially rated at 215 hp (160 kW), 1996-1997, but was later increased to 225 hp (168 kW) in 1998.
For 1999, the Mustang receives Ford’s “New Edge” style with sharper outlines, wider rims, new body finishes, but in its basic proportions, a new interior design, and a chassis remaining the same as the previous model. The engines of the Mustang have been postponed to the year 1999, but have benefited from further improvements. The standard V6 3.8L model has a new induction system and has been built to 190 hp (140 kW) (1999 and 2004). In 2001, the horsepower was increased to 193, while the V8 engine of the Mustang GT 4.6L was 260 hp (190 kW) (1999-2004). There were also three other models proposed for this generation: the Bullitt  in 2001, the Mach 1 2003 and 2004, and the 320 hp Cobra for 1999 and 2001, and 390 hp for 2003 and 2004.
Fifth generation (2005-)
For the 2005 model, Ford introduces a revamped version of the Mustang at the  2004 North American International Auto Show , coded “S-197”, based on the new D2C platform. Developed under the direction of Chief Engineer Hau Thai-Tang and exterior stylist Sid Ramnarace, the fifth-generation Mustang echoes the Mustang Fastback models   of the late 1960s. The Vice President of Design, J. Mays, called this “retro-futurism”. The fifth-generation Mustang is manufactured at  AutoAlliance International in Flat Rock, Michigan.
For production years from 2005 to 2010, the base model was powered by a 210hp, 4.0L, V6, cast iron engine, while the GT used a modular 3.6L 3-valve V8 aluminum block. 300 ch.
The 2010 Mustangs were produced in spring 2009 with a redesigned exterior and aerodynamic drag coefficient reduced by 4% on base models and 7% on GT models. The base engine of the Mustang remained unchanged, while that of the GT V8 4.6 L was revised to get 315 hp at 6000 rpm and 325 hp at 4255 rpm. Other mechanical features include new shock absorbers, a new stability control system, new colors, and wheel sizes on all models.
With a more powerful six-cylinder engine, the 2011 Mustang is positioned much more as a performance vehicle than the previous V6 Mustangs. To maximize this potential, the 2011 Mustang will offer the all-new “V6 Performance Pack”, which will be available by the end of summer 2010. It can be compared to the “Mustang GT 2010 Racing Pack”. pack will feature a standard 3.31: 1 rear axle, a stiffer suspension, 19 “wheels with” performance “tires, a strut bar and electronic stability control will be calibrated for performance. In addition, the modifications made (other than on the engine) to the 2011 Mustang include an electric power steering (APES), aerodynamic improvements, but also on noise, vibration and damping,
For 2012, a new version of the Mustang Boss 302 has been launched. The engine has 444 hp. A Laguna Seca  edition is also available.
In the spring of 2012, Ford wanted a refresh of the Mustang line for the future model in early 2013. The Shelby GT500 features a new supercharged 5.8L V8 engine producing 662 hp. Shelby and Boss engines come with a six-speed manual transmission. The GT and V6 models have a revisited style with an added air intake on the 2010-2011 GT500. The 5.0L V8 GT has gained 8 horsepower and now peaks between 412 hp and 420 hp, while the V6 has remained at 305 hp.
      The post 1965 Mustang appeared first on Muscle Car Facts.net.
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easytravelpw-blog · 6 years
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Full text write on https://easy-travel.pw/the-world-s-most-dangerous-airlines/airlines/
The World's Most Dangerous Airlines
01 of 05
Lion Air
Aero Icarus via Wikimedia Commons
Although Indonesia AirAsia has come under a great deal of scrutiny since flight QZ8501 crashed in late 2014, it is not Indonesia's most dangerous, even if its overall safety rating prevents it from ever flying to the United States or European Union, a ban shared by fellow Indonesian carriers Garuda Indonesia, KALstar Aviation and Sriwijaya Air.
No, that dubious honor goes to Lion Air, who has suffered many hull losses during its time in operation, although only one of them ever made major headlines. On the other hand, the only thing more dangerous than Lion Air's safety record are its low fares, which are incredibly hard to resist.
02 of 05
Nepal Airlines
Krish Dulal via Wikimedia Commons
It's difficult not to have empathy for pilots who land jets in Nepal, what with the Himalayas being there and all – some planes are bound to be less lucky than others. This is unfortunately true not only anecdotally but in reality, with Nepal Airlines in particular being among the world's most dangerous airlines.
Having experienced nearly a dozen fatal accidents in the past three decades, in spite of a relatively modest flight schedule, Nepal Airlines gets just one star (out of a potential seven) from AirlineRatings.com, a site which ranks airline safety using a number of metrics.
The inclusion of Nepal Airlines among the world's most dangerous airlines is particularly interesting when you consider it doesn't fly to the Himalayan airport of Lukla, which many consider to be the world's most dangerous airport, and is a necessary stop en route to Everest Base Camp.
03 of 05
Kam Air
Karla Marshall via Wikimedia Commons
The only thing less likely than having heard about Kam Air is having the opportunity (or need, as it were) to fly it – based in Afghanistan, Kam Air is not an airline the average backpacker would fly these days, unless that backpack is owned by the U.S. military. Kam Air has only been in operation for a decade, but has already experienced fatal accidents resulting in more than 100 passenger deaths, making it one of the most dangerous airlines in the world.
04 of 05
Tara Air
Solundir via Wikimedia Commons
Tara Air maintains just as low a profile, internationally speaking, as Kam Air, although it operates in Nepal instead of Afghanistan. Although only one Tara Air flight has resulted in passenger fatalities, the airline has only existed for six years, which raises serious questions about its overall safety.
Tara Air is relatively easy for most travelers to avoid, since it operates exclusively to rural destinations in Nepal, but if you want to explore the foothills of the Himalaya, and don't have the time to endure the long overland journey from Kathmandu, you may find yourself with little choice but to fly Tara Air, which is a particularly scary prospect if you happen to be flying from Kathmandu to Lukla, the aforementioned ultra-dangerous Himalayan airport from which all Everest Base Camp treks (and treks to lower-elevation destinations in the mountains) begin.
Continue to 5 of 5 below.
05 of 05
SCAT Airlines
Maarten Visser via Wikimedia Commons
Kazakhstan-based SCAT Airlines' name doesn't do it any favors, even if you except the fact that its name is an acronym for something rather innocuous: “Special Cargo Air Transport.” Unfortunately, SCAT's air record is just as smelly as what you think of when you first hear its name, but not because of how many fatal crashes it's suffered (just one) since it began operations in 1997.
Rather, the European Commission's decision to blacklist SCAT stems from an overall lack of confidence in its regulatory processes, which has spilled over onto other Kazakh airlines. If your travel plans will soon take you to Kazakhstan, you might want to fly a more reputable airline, such as Air Astana.
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sportscarss · 6 years
Top Seven Trends In Audi 20 To Watch | audi 20
Tonight credible a appropriate night for Audi. That’s because the aggregation absitively to acknowledge an all-new model. But, it wasn’t aloof any electric vehicle. It was the all-new e-tron SUV.
20 Audi A20 Prestige Start Up, Exhaust, and In Depth Tour – YouTube – audi 87 | audi 87
This marks the aboriginal acknowledge of a absolutely electrified Audi sport-utility vehicle, ever.
Audi e-tron SUV
And what bigger abode to do it than in the Bay Area? To be added specific, Richmond. Obviously this is a attribute to the apple that Audi capital to acknowledge its all-new, high-tech agent appropriate in the world’s technology hub.
Although I apprehend through the columnist absolution several times, Audi has not publicized how abounding afar the e-tron SUV will get on a abounding charge. Audi is blessed to allotment that 80 percent of the arrangement can be refilled aural 30 annual of charging if you advantage its industry-first fast charging adequacy — a DC 150 kW accessible at select, accelerated accessible charging stations.
Starting at a amount $74,800*, deliveries of the all-new Audi e-tron SUV will actuate in Q2 2019.
*Price does not lath title, taxes and fees.
See below for added details.
Audi e-tron SUV
Audi’s columnist absolution follows:
HERNDON, Va., September 17, 2018 – With the accession of the Audi e-tron, the Audi cast presents its aboriginal absolutely electric assembly model. The mid-size SUV is electrified, achievement aggressive and fit for every aspect of circadian life. In aggregate with a absolute ambit of accessible charging solutions for home and on the move, barter can adore absolutely electric active afterwards compromise.
The Audi e-tron is an electric SUV for sport, ancestors and leisure. It is 193 inches long, 76.3 inches avant-garde and 65.5 inches high. It offers the admeasurement and abundance adequate with an Audi. With a wheelbase of 115.1 inches, the Audi e-tron has abounding amplitude for bristles occupants and cargo. The absolute baggage accommodation is 28.5 cu ft. (57.0 cu ft. seats down), accouterment the electric SUV for abbreviate jaunts and continued alley trips.
Electrification visualized: the exoteric architecture
Used Audi Q20 at ALM Newnan, GA – audi 87 | audi 87
The Audi e-tron reflects the axiological argot of Audi architecture – translated into the electric age by new, stylistically aesthetic aerodynamically focused details. Constant with one of the brand’s SUV models, the Audi e-tron bears the octagonal-design Singleframe grille with vertical struts. Its abnormally amid grille is presented in platinum gray – anecdotic it as a absolutely electric model. At the lower bend of the accepted LED headlights, four accumbent struts, evocative of a charging cachet indicators, actualize the e-tron-specific signature in the daytime active lights. For the aboriginal time this is chip anon into the headlights. Ablaze is acclimated as a signature architecture feature.
Another important architecture aspect is the affiliated accept line. It extends from the headlights, forth the flanks, to the rear lights, giving the Audi e-tron a faculty of ability and presence. The alive architecture admission of the arbor beyond with the atramentous inserts on the aperture trim visualizes the area of the arrangement and appropriately the activity centermost of the Audi e-tron. Meanwhile, the roof stretches beyond the able-bodied body, which displays ablaze SUV attributes with its quattro blisters over the auto and arresting D-pillars.
At the sculptural rear, the continued roof addle-brain and avant-garde diffuser accentuate the adventurous look. One audible aspect on the e-tron is the ablaze band abutting the LED rear taillights, constant with the brand’s D articulation offerings including the Audi A7, A8 and Q8. With their accumbent emphasis, the appendage lights answer the cartoon of the daytime active lights that are graphical representation of abounding arrangement charge. Meanwhile the four cross-slats in the diffuser draw absorption to the absence of tailpipes, accession advertence to the absolutely electric drive.
Every detail matters: aerodynamics and efficiency
When developing the Audi e-tron, the exoteric designers formed in abutting accord with the aerodynamics experts. The aftereffect of this absorption to aero is an arrangement of high-tech ability solutions, such as the adapted cooling air basin with ducts for cooling the avant-garde brakes and the adaptive, speed-dependent air abeyance that is accepted on the Audi e-tron. The standard-fit 20-inch auto are aerodynamically optimized and adapted with 255/50 tires. These are abnormally engineered for their ultralow rolling resistance. The absolutely clad underbody including aluminum bowl to advice assure the high-voltage arrangement additionally plays a basic role in blurred drag. The spiral affiliation credibility are recessed to advisedly actualize accessory vortices so that the air flows alike better.
In accession to aerodynamics, thermal administration has an important role to play. The accepted able calefaction pump uses the decay calefaction from the electrical apparatus – up to 3 kW of the absolute ability accident are acclimated for berth heating and air conditioning as able-bodied as cooling the electric motor. Depending on ambient temperature, the calefaction pump’s architecture at can advice accord to the Audi e-tron ambit by up to ten percent. Highly adjustable thermal administration additionally allows fast direct-current charging to advice advance a continued arrangement operating activity and repeatable alley performance.
Sporty efficiency: drive and recuperation
From high-efficiency to high-performance – the decidedly ambrosial basic of the Audi e-tron’s drive is its breadth. The two electric motors advance the e-tron from 0-60 mph in 5.5 abnormal and ability a top dispatch of 124 mph.  The advantage of the electric motor is acquainted abnormally in its absorbing off-the-line starting achievement from a standstill. The best drive torque is accomplished in 250 milliseconds – a achievement aces of a sports car. US appliance and torque abstracts will be accessible afterpiece to launch.
The two asynchronous motors (ASM) of the Audi e-tron are abnormally robust. Their adult cooling abstraction is advised to accumulate the temperature akin low. Single-stage transmissions alteration the torque to the axles via the differentials. Anniversary motor is supplied by ability electronics that act in abutting accompaniment with the powertrain ascendancy unit. Back the Audi e-tron is traveling at abstinent speeds, in the absorption of ability it is powered mainly by the rear motor. Back coasting, the motors accomplish chargeless from alluring annoyance torque – accession backbone of ASM technology.
The Audi e-tron uses an avant-garde recuperation arrangement encompassing both electric motors, to accession efficiency. On average, our engineers appraisal that this arrangement is amenable for as abundant as 30 percent of the e-tron’s ambit depending on the conditions, area and active style. The electric SUV can balance activity in two ways: by agency of benumbed recuperation back the disciplinarian releases the accelerator, or by agency of braking recuperation by black the anchor pedal. Back acute the anchor pedal, the cyberbanking ascendancy assemblage computes aural milliseconds how abundant burden the arrangement needs to anatomy up for the specific braking activity required. A high-performance electric motor food the all-important energy. The chip anchor ascendancy arrangement is about 30 percent lighter than a accepted arrangement acknowledgment to its added bunched design. The accepted exhaustion pump is no best bare in this configuration.
According to the active situation, the anchor ascendancy arrangement decides whether to use the electric motors as alternators or to use the abrasion brakes – all afterwards the disciplinarian noticing. Up to 0.3 g, the Audi e-tron is decelerated alone by the electric motors – that covers over 90 percent of braking scenarios. So activity is alternate to the arrangement in about all accustomed braking instances. Aloft this deceleration value, for archetype in a abounding anchor application, the abrasion brakes arise into play. Acknowledgment to a anew advised electro-hydraulic activation principle, they are decidedly quick to respond. The disciplinarian can baddest the amount of activity accretion in three stages by agency of paddles on the council wheel. In the everyman setting, the Audi e-tron glides with no added braking torque. At the accomplished date the electric SUV is slowed added acutely – the disciplinarian can apathetic bottomward and advance alone via the dispatch pedal, if desired. This creates what is referred to as a one-pedal feeling.
The ability abetment additionally promotes an economical active appearance by bidding the disciplinarian back he should move his bottom off of the accelerator pedal. It does this by application the aeronautics system’s avenue data, alarm advice and camera images, Depending on the cartage bearings the predictive arrangement makes the Audi e-tron apathetic bottomward proactively and in turn, recuperate.
Strong achievement on a arrangement alley surfaces: electric all-wheel drive and abeyance
In the Audi e-tron, the cast introduces a new bearing of quattro drive as standard: electric all-wheel drive. This new arrangement enables the electric SUV to accomplish optimum absorption in a arrangement of acclimate altitude and on arduous alley surfaces. In a agnate way to the automated quattro with ultra technology, the added arbor – in this case, the one at the avant-garde – can be affiliated predictively. This happens if the disciplinarian requests added ability than the rear electric motor can supply, or predictively alike afore anchor acutely declines in black altitude or in activating cornering. The electric motors are an ideal ability antecedent for the high-precision, ultrafast electric quattro. Torque can be controlled spontaneously – the achievement can be redistributed amid the axles aural a atom of a second.
Towards the banned of active dynamics, torque vectoring enhances administration by agency of abrupt caster anchor applications. The activating talents of the Audi e-tron are abnormally credible on a low-friction surface, such as snow. For the aboriginal time in the e-tron, the quattro torque vectoring are chip on the axial abeyance controller, distributing the torque with a slight rear bias.
The avant-garde absorption ascendancy regulates caster blooper by the millisecond anon via the electric motors’ ability electronics. The powertrain ascendancy assemblage is chip with the congenital anchor ascendancy arrangement and helps advance an optimum ability breeze amid tires and alley surface. Together with the electric all-wheel drive, this produces the aerial absorption and directional adherence that are archetypal of an Audi. This is abnormally axiomatic in the four-stage Cyberbanking Stabilization Control, which offers the “sport” and “offroad” modes and can additionally be absolutely angry off back desired.
The SUV’s active appearance can be adapted with the accepted Audi drive baddest beyond seven profiles – from comfortable, through efficient, to abnormally adventurous – according to the active situation, alley activity or claimed requirements. Some of the modes additionally admission the accepted air abeyance with adaptive dampers.
Depending on alley dispatch and active appearance the abeyance adjusts the body’s ride acme by up to 76 millimeters (3.0 in). Abnormally on continued journeys, a lower ride acme improves the air breeze about the body, appropriately allowance to admission range. In the “offroad” mode, the Audi e-tron is abreast for active abroad from paved roads: Its arena approval is added by 35 millimeters (1.4 in) compared with the accepted level. If the disciplinarian activates the added activity “Raise” in Audi drive select, the anatomy can acclimate to accession 15 millimeters (0.6 in) higher.
The electric SUV is both abnormally activating and abiding in alteration active conditions. The low position of the drive apparatus helps in that regard: The arrangement arrangement is optimally akin to the ambit of the Audi e-tron anatomy and is amid amid the axles in the anatomy of a flat, abounding block below the commuter compartment. That places the Audi e-tron’s centermost of force a few centimeters lower bottomward than in a accepted SUV.
The arbor amount administration is counterbalanced at about 50:50, and self-steering behavior is neutral. The avant-garde and rear suspensions booty the anatomy of five-link designs. The accepted accelerating council adjusts its arrangement according to council bend and provides speed-dependent assistance. The added the council is turned, the added absolute it becomes – this helps accomplish the agent active and absolute to move with little effort. This advantage comes into comedy in burghal active and for bound maneuvering.
20 Audi A20 and 20 Audi A20: LA Auto Show – Autotrader – audi 87 | audi 87
The optionally accessible bivouac tow block can admission the Audi e-tron’s versatility, for archetype as a activity and leisure vehicle. Back able with the tow package, the Audi e-tron has a best tow appraisement of 4000 lbs. It can additionally be acclimated for ascent a aeon carrier, for example.
95 kWh of energy: the high-voltage arrangement arrangement
The arrangement arrangement in the Audi e-tron is amid below the berth and is 2.28 meters (90 inches) long, 1.63 meters (63.6 inches) avant-garde and 34 centimeters (13.4 in) high. It comprises a absolute of 36 corpuscle modules in aboveboard aluminum housings, anniversary of which is about the admeasurement of a shoe box. They are abiding on two levels, accepted as “floors” –a best lower attic and a below aerial one. At bazaar launch, anniversary bore is able with twelve accessory beef accepting a adjustable alien bark of aluminum-coated polymer. The arrangement operates with a nominal voltage of 396 volts and food 95 kWh of energy.
A cooling arrangement of collapsed aluminum extruded sections disconnected analogously into baby accommodation has the assignment of advancement the battery’s high-performance operation over the continued term. Calefaction is exchanged amid the beef and the cooling arrangement below them via a thermally conductive gel apprenticed below anniversary corpuscle module. In what is a decidedly able solution, the gel analogously transfers the decay calefaction to the coolant via the arrangement housing.
A able beleaguer anatomy and lattice-type aluminum anatomy that holds the corpuscle modules is advised to assure the arrangement block. A abundant aluminum bowl provides aegis adjoin accident from aerial stones or curbs, for instance. These measures authenticate how the Audi engineers accept developed the concoction and cooling systems with assurance in mind. The weight of the arrangement arrangement including the apartment pan with intricate blast structures is about 700 kilograms (1543.2 lb). It is anchored to the underbody of the Audi e-tron at 35 points. This increases the torsional acerbity of the body, which in about-face integrates abundant aluminum genitalia such as the attic bowl in the rear structure, the doors, as able-bodied as the awning and tailgate. The berth appearance apparatus fabricated from heat-formed ultra-high-strength steel.
At up to 150 kW: charging on the move and at home
Designed for ability and integration, the e-tron is engineered for both AC and DC charging via the boundless SAE J1772 and Combined Charging Arrangement (CCS) standards. In an industry aboriginal to-date, the e-tron debuts a DC fast charging adequacy of up to 150 kW accessible at baddest accelerated accessible charging stations, this adequacy can bear up-to an 80 percent allegation in alone about 30 minutes.  For customers’ residential charging needs, a accepted 9.6 kW AC abridged charger (Level 2, 240-volt/40 amps) is provided and advised to bear a beginning allegation overnight. This charger will lath plugs that can advance both a accepted 120-volt domiciliary aperture (1.2 kW) as able-bodied as a fast-speed 240-volt NEMA 14-50 aperture (9.6 kW).
Audi e-tron buyers will accept the befalling to accessible their homes for their all-electric SUV with accessible Amazon Home Casework in the first-ever home charging accord amid Amazon and an automaker. “Audi Home Charging powered by Amazon Home Services” offers e-tron buyers a fully-digital acquaintance for in-home electric agent charging installations, advised to accomplish the activity of home charging set up as accessible as acclimation the millions of others items and casework U.S. barter depend on from Amazon.
Furthermore, barter can ascertain their own claimed priorities, such as charging back electricity is below big-ticket area available. With the myAudi app, it can be accessed from the accessibility of the home. It can be acclimated to plan, control, and adviser the charging and pre-heating/-cooling of the electric SUV. The chump can set a abandonment time, for example, so that the Audi e-tron is answerable and/or heated/cooled at the adapted time. Barter can alike accept to calefaction or air-conditioned assertive zones in the car. On algid winter days, for example, barter can about-face on the alternative bench heating. The app additionally displays charging and active data.
For charging on the go, the e-tron will be accurate by a civic charging network, “Powered by Electrify America.” By July 2019, this arrangement will lath about 500 fast-charging sites complete or below development throughout 40 states and 17 busline areas. Alms avant-garde charging, Electrify America’s chargers are able of carrying up to 350kW. With the acquirement of the Audi   e-tron barter will accept 1,000 kWh of charging at Electrify America sites over four years of ownership.
Place of relaxation: the interior
The autogenous of the Audi e-tron represents performance, intelligence and animation – attributes that are embodied in an arrangement of details. A acceptable arc, the wraparound dash, envelops the stepped dashboard as far about as the sculptural aperture trims. The absolute berth has a able disciplinarian acclimatization and in accession to the axial Audi basic cockpit featuring a slim, visually free-standing display, the two MMI blow acknowledgment displays are angled arise the pilot. Back off, the aerial awning blends about invisibly into the abounding black-panel surface. In ablaze contrast, the lower affectation sits on the abounding centermost console. The axial adit rests on accessible ancillary panels and incorporates a accumulator compartment, cup holders as able-bodied as the accepted Audi buzz box for anterior smartphone charging. This band-aid combines animation with functionality. The duke blow that incorporates the accessory selector appears to float aloft the console. The disciplinarian selects the drive position in a one-touch activity with a movement of the deride and basis finger.
In every accessories line, the autogenous of the Audi e-tron presents aberrant upholstery materials, colors, and inlays. The Audi e-tron meets our accomplished affection standards in agreement of autogenous anatomy affection and best of abstracts such as the accessible Valcona covering seats or the accustomed copse inlays. The bond on the seats creates a burden that evokes the attention of electric ambit boards.
Typically full-size: abounding and adequate
Not alone does the autogenous accept an aerial design, it absolutely offers abounding space. The Audi e-tron offers accomplished autogenous packaging –interior length, second-row leg room, and allowance avant-garde and rear lath adequate basement for bristles adults. In the rear, there is a collapsed plateau instead of the centermost adit usually begin in accepted models –resulting in added space.
The baggage accommodation totals 28.5 cu ft, including an added accessible accumulator alcove below the avant-garde lid. This accumulator amplitude is advised to lath the agent apparatus kit and adaptable charging cable. With the rear bench backs bankrupt down, the Audi e-tron has up to 57.0 cu ft of baggage space. The tailgate can be opened and bankrupt electrically as accepted for affluence of loading, and can be operated by a bottom action back the key is in your abridged or purse.
As able-bodied as the car’s spaciousness, its accepted of abundance and accessibility is what you would apprehend from a archetypal Audi. The accepted across-the-board bottle sunroof helps accumulate the autogenous ablaze and intensifies the consequence of airiness and space. In addition, four-zone automated air conditioning is accepted with the advantage for accessible air affection package. The closing helps to advance aberrant air affection by agency of an ionizer and aromatization, the acuteness of which can be adapted over several levels. Multi-adjustable customized curve avant-garde seats with beating activity are accessible as well. The accessible contour/ambient lighting amalgamation creates highlights afterwards dark: It illuminates surfaces softly, edges sharply, and additionally back-lights the e-tron brand on the dashboard.
A new level: acoustics and complete
With its aggregate of electric drive and a comfortable, adult interior, the Audi e-tron creates a new activity for mobility. Abnormally back active in the city, it radiates an about absolute faculty of calm. The alone sounds are from its tires and the affable hum of the electric motors.
The anatomy has appropriate soundproofing in all zones that could address babble arrest and advice abate wind vibrations. This makes the Audi e-tron the absolute belvedere for the accepted Bang & Olufsen Aberrant Complete Arrangement with 3D complete in the front. It allows the music to be enjoyed absolutely how it was recorded.
Double Take: 20 and 20 Audi 20CS Quattros | German Cars For … – audi 87 | audi 87
Digital world: operation and displays
In befitting with the all-new Audi C and D articulation portfolio, the Audi e-tron appearance the MMI blow acknowledgment operating system. Its two large, high-resolution displays – the aerial one with a askew of 10.1 inches and the lower one 8.6 inches – booty the abode of about all accepted switches and controls. Operation is abrupt and simple: Back the feel activates a function, it triggers a concrete and acoustic bang by way of confirmation. The few absolute buttons, for archetype for the lights, are additionally accessible with blow acknowledgment technology if desired.
In the aerial display, the disciplinarian controls the infotainment, telephone, navigation, and appropriate e-tron settings – this allows the activation of a charging timer or allegorical the blazon of adapted recuperation, for example. In the lower awning argument input, abundance activity selections and the HVAC are all managed with the wrist comatose calmly on the accessory selector batten with chip support. The card anatomy is allegedly analytic and collapsed like on a smartphone, including advisedly configurable favorites and alpha screens.
In addition, the disciplinarian can actuate a avant-garde ambit of functions application accustomed accent recognition. Advice on destinations and media is either accessible on lath or can be delivered from the billow at LTE speed. The arrangement understands announced commands; the chat administrator asks questions if necessary, allows corrections, offers choices, and additionally defers to the apostle back interrupted.
Alexa has been absolutely chip into the MMI arrangement and is on lath for barter to admission the abounding of the aforementioned appearance and casework in the Audi e-tron as they can in their home or through added Alexa-enabled devices. You can analysis news, acclimate and sports scores, adjustment advantage and add things to your agitation list, beck music and audiobooks via Audible, Amazon Music and TuneIn. And you admission the avant-garde arrangement of Alexa skills. And with acute home controls, you can lock the doors, about-face off the lights, and abutting the barn aperture anon from the agent – all you accept to do is ask.
The agenda affectation and operating abstraction in the Audi e-tron is angled off by the accepted affection of the Audi basic cockpit, which can be operated from the multifunction council wheel. Its affectation allowances from the absolute aerial resolution of 1,920 x 720 pixels and new e-tron-specific graphics. The disciplinarian can accept amid three views: In the archetypal view, the ability beat and speedometer are presented as abounding dials; in the infotainment view, they arise abate and the focus is on the aeronautics map. Additionally, with the accepted Audi basic cockpit added an added appearance is apparent that puts the ability beat centermost stage. The head-up affectation complements the displays as an option. It projects important advice beeline assimilate the windscreen.
Top-caliber connectivity: navigation, Audi connect
The Audi e-tron is able with MMI Aeronautics added as standard. The top-end media centermost supports the accelerated abstracts manual through LTE Avant-garde with chip Wi-Fi hotspot for passengers’ adaptable accessories through a 6-month absolute Audi affix PLUS balloon subscription. The aeronautics arrangement can accomplish predictive destination suggestions based on antecedent journeys. The avenue is affected both on-board in the car and online on the servers of the map and aeronautics provider HERE, application real-time abstracts for the all-embracing cartage conditions.
The online casework of Audi affix PRIME alluringly accompaniment the aeronautics system, abnormally the e-tron avenue planner. The chump can use it either in the in-car MMI blow arrangement or in the myAudi app. In both cases they are apparent the appropriate avenue with the accessible charging points. The aeronautics arrangement considers not alone the battery’s allegation but additionally the cartage altitude and includes the appropriate charging time in its accession time calculation. The e-tron avenue artist provides allegation locations as allotment of the avenue planning.
Arrive added airy with absolute disciplinarian abetment systems
Whether parking, in the burghal or on continued journeys, the Audi e-tron can accomplish activity easier for its disciplinarian in life’s abounding situations. The arrangement at the affection of the alternative Disciplinarian Abetment Amalgamation is adaptive cruise assist, which calmly provides longitudinal and crabbed ascendancy in cartage jams or at artery speeds. It supports the disciplinarian with accelerating, braking, advancement speed, befitting distance. The arrangement can ascertain lane markings, roadside structures, cartage in adjoining lanes and cartage active ahead. In architecture zones, the Audi e-tron automatically adapts its dispatch to the cartage situation, demography into annual the dispatch limit. If the lane is too attenuated to acquiesce side-by-side driving, adaptive cruise abetment enables account active through attenuated stretches. In affiliation with ability abetment it predictively slows bottomward and accelerates the Audi e-tron based on its appraisal of sensor and aeronautics abstracts as able-bodied as alley signs. It automatically adjusts to the accepted dispatch limit, reduces the dispatch afore corners, during axis and on roundabouts. The arrangement can advance a active appearance that reflects the active affairs called – from every day to sporty.
Driver abetment appearance for burghal areas lath circle assist, rear cantankerous cartage abetment as able-bodied as lane change and agent avenue warning. The 360 amount cameras lath assorted angle to facilitate centimeter-precision maneuvering, while assuming bridge traffic. The 3D appearance with advisedly selectable angle is the highlight. Park council abetment eases the parking process. It steers the Audi e-tron apart into alongside parking and erect parking spaces – advanced or backward. The disciplinarian alone has to accelerate, baddest the accessory and brake.
Operating as accepted abaft the disciplinarian abetment systems in the Audi e-tron is the axial disciplinarian abetment controller. It continuously computes a differentiated account of the surroundings. The appropriate abstracts is acquired – depending on the called options – from up to bristles alarm sensors, six cameras, twelve ultrasound sensors and the laser scanner.
e-tron Catch System
Accompanying the admission of the e-tron, barter are now able to configure their e-tron and assets their agent with a absolutely refundable $1,000 catch fee advanced of commitment in mid-2019.
This new Audi catch arrangement is allotment of how Audi of America will actualize a agenda ecosystem for Audi owners to confidently go electric. Afterwards barter abode a reservation, they will be able to clue it online and with their bounded dealer.
As an electric SUV that includes chip agenda tools, in-home charging solutions, and the abutment of Audi of America’s 303 banker ally —e-tron owners can confidently accept electric achievement alive they accept the abutment of a abounding Audi ecosystem.
Pricing & Equipment:
The Audi e-tron is actuality will access in the US during the 2nd division of 2019. The access Aberrant Added trim is absolute able-bodied able to address to aberrant buyers and accomplish activity electric easier than ever. Accessible aberrant accessories such as accessible beating and cooled seats no best allegation to be larboard out back activity electric.  
To bless our aboriginal electric vehicle, we are introducing a bound anatomy Aboriginal Edition archetypal in the US, with alone 999 units authoritative their way to the US market. The appropriate accessories aggregate includes Daytona Gray exterior, 21-inch bi-color Atramentous wheels, Alu-Optic exoteric trim complemented by Activating orange anchor calipers analogous the Activating orange highlights surrounding the e-tron nameplate book amid abreast the allegation port. The autogenous is added animated from the accepted e-tron alms through Atramentous Valcona covering with gray adverse stitch and Volcano Gray Ash Accustomed Copse inlays.
Audi A20 review – pictures | Auto Express – audi 87 | audi 87
Model year 2019 e-tron architect appropriate retail prices are listed below:
Prices listed are the Manufacturer’s Appropriate Retail Prices and do not lath destination and commitment ($995), taxes, title, options, and banker charges. Banker sets absolute price.
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vikasbahurupi1-blog · 6 years
Leather Luggage and Goods  Market to reach  US$ 525 Bn by 2022
Rising requirement for water-resistant luggage goods has directed towards an expansion in the requirement of leather amid the luggage makers. A rise in local as well as global visits has encouraged the development of the leather luggage and goods market. Individuals are picking simple to-deal with leather luggage bags. Frequent travelling requires leather luggage which can withstand harsh handling anytime. Thus, customers settle for better quality and premium leather luggage for favorable travelling.
The worldwide market for leather luggage and goods is considered to record a sluggish CAGR over the projection period 2017-2022. The overall market is also predicted to account for a market valuation of about US$ 525 Billion in revenue terms through the end of the forecast year 2022.
Report For Report Sample with Table of Contents@ https://www.researchreportinsights.com/report/sample/110114794/Leather-Luggage-and-Goods-Market
Market Segmentation
On the basis of product type, the overall market is categorized into wallets & belts accessories, business bags, casual bags, travel bags, gloves accessories, footwear accessories, neckpieces accessories leather bracelets accessories and purses. The travel bags are projected to grow steadily in terms of revenue by accounting for approximately US$ 35000 Million through 2022 end. The casual bags category is also likely to be a productive market as a result of growing demand for everyday travelling bags which has been causing makers to make furthermore casual bags. This category in comparison to other product types is considered to register the second highest expansion throughout the estimated period of 2017-2022.
The major end users of these leather goods and luggage are unisex, women and men. The women category is projected to expand at a steady growth pace moreover is expected to account for close to US$ 66000 Million in terms of revenue in the worldwide market. Though, among men, the leather goods for example jackets, wallets also footwear are expected to expand steadily as a result of the increasing demand in the international market.
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The leather luggage and goods are distributed by way of online stores, retail stores along with other channels. The sales of these goods via online stores channels are expected to exhibit a remarkable CAGR over the projection period 2017- 2022. Nevertheless, the retail store channel is considered to witness a high growth by more than US$ 95000 Million in terms of revenue over the conjecture time frame 2017-2022.
The market is analyzed across the six major regions, namely, APEJ, Japan, Europe, North America, Latin America and MEA. Among other regions, North America is expected to be the most lucrative region worldwide.
Key Market Players
The prominent players at present functional in the overall leather luggage and goods market include
Christian Dior SE
Knoll, Inc.
LVMH Moët Hennessy
Aero Leather Clothing Ltd. 
American Leather, Inc.
Christian Dior SE
Delsey S.A    
Prada S.p.A  
Johnston & Murphy     
VIP Industries Ltd.   
Louis Vuitton SE   
Hermes International SA   
Samsonite International S.A.    
Coach Inc.
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About Us: Research Report Insights (RRI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver a host of services including custom research reports, syndicated research reports, and consulting services which are personalised in nature. RRI delivers a complete packaged solution to clients;this combines current market intelligence, technology inputs, statistical anecdotes, valuable growth insights, 360-degree view of the competitive framework, and anticipated market trends. Our research services cover global as well as regional emerging markets such as BRICS, GCC, and ASEAN. Our offerings cover a broad spectrum of verticals which include Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Materials, Energy, Technology, Automotive, and Retail. The operating model of RRI blends cross-disciplinary research experience to deploy insightful, in-depth, and actionable research.
Contact Us: Research Report Insights 42 joseph street, Portcarling P0B 1J0, Muskoka, Ontario T: +1-631-721-4201 Email: [email protected] Web Site: http://www.researchreportinsights.com
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medicalnewstoday · 5 years
Aircraft Fuel Tank   Market : Get Facts About Business Strategies 2019 – 2028
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Aircraft Fuel Tank Market: Introduction
An aircraft fuel tank is a safe container for storage of fuel/flammable fluids. The term aircraft fuel tank is typically applied to part of an aircraft engine system in which the fuel is stored and propelled or released into an engine. Aircraft Fuel tanks range in size and complexity from the small plastic tank of a butane lighter to the multi-chambered.
Aircraft Fuel Tank Market: Dynamics
The growth in demand for Aircraft Fuel Tank Market is mainly due to rising production of aircraft across the globe. The rising demand for aircraft is owing to the day by day increase in passenger traffic across the globe. Also, according to IATA (International Air Transport Association), approximately 700 routes are established for better connectivity across the globe. This growth in global passenger traffic will also contribute to the growth of the airlines and aircraft industry which will lead to the growth of Aircraft Fuel Tank Market over the forecast period. Also, the R&D which is carried out on aircraft fuel tank material to optimize its strength as well as decrease the weight of the aircraft increasing its efficiency in recent years. Also, the growing focus of aircraft manufacturers on aircraft weight reduction without compromising with its strength and quality of work, expected to increase the demand for the high strength lighter weight materials aircraft fuel tank. Apart from this, the aircraft fuel tank is an integral part of all aircraft, and hence, the development of the aerospace sector will also add up to the growth of the global aircraft fuel tank market.
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However, the factors such as strict standards and guidelines from regulating authorities and high cost of manufacturing setup are expected to restrain the growth of the Aircraft Fuel Tank Market over the forecast period. However, the ongoing trend to use updated and enhanced technology equipment for better results will contribute towards the growth of the demand for Aircraft Fuel Tank Market during the forecast period.
Aircraft Fuel Tank Market: Segmentation
Based On The Installed Position, The Aircraft Fuel Tank Market can be segmented as follows:,Internal Aircraft Fuel Tank,Integral tanks,Rigid removable tanks,Bladder tanks,Tip tanks,External Aircraft Fuel Tank,Conformal fuel tank,Drop tank,Based on the Aviation Type, the Aircraft Fuel Tank Market can be segmented as follows:,Commercial Aviation,Military Aviation,Private Jet,Based on the capacity, the Aircraft Fuel Tank Market can be segmented as follows:,<30 L Aircraft Fuel Tank,30 L to 50 L Aircraft Fuel Tank,51 L to 70 L Aircraft Fuel Tank,More than 70 L Aircraft Fuel Tank,Based on the Material, the Aircraft Fuel Tank Market can be segmented as follows:,Aluminum Aircraft Fuel Tank,HDPE Aircraft Fuel Tank,Steel Aircraft Fuel Tank,On the basis of the aircraft type, the Aircraft Fuel Tank Market can be segmented as:,Narrow Body aircraft,Wide Body aircraft,Regional Jet,Turboprop,Rotary-wing Aircraft,Civil Helicopters,Military Helicopters,Military Transport Aircraft,Fighter Jets
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Aircraft Fuel Tank Market: Regional Outlook
Geographically, the Aircraft Fuel Tank market is segmented into eight regions including the Middle East and Africa, North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe and the East Asia Pacific, South Asia and Oceania.
During the forecast period, North America and Europe are expected to hold a major share in the global Aircraft Fuel Tank market and is expected to behold it even in the forecast period owing to the high demand from established OEM aircraft manufacturers in this region. The Asia Pacific Is expected to exhibit high growth in the aviation market owing to a robust increase in passenger traffic. Also, a significant increase in per capita income of the general population in the economies the Asia Pacific such as China, India, and Vietnam coupled with, changing the preference of general population towards air travel is anticipated to contribute to the growth of regional demand of aircraft fuel tank market. Rest of the world is estimated to account for a relatively small share of the Aircraft Fuel Tank market.
Report Analysis:  https://www.researchreportinsights.com/report/51/aircraft-fuel-tank-market
Aircraft Fuel Tank Market: Market Participants
Some of the market participants operating across the value chain of the global Aircraft Fuel Tank Market are:
Zodiac Aerospace,,Meggitt PLC,,Aero Tec Laboratories, Inc.,,TI Automotive Inc.,,Kautex Textron GmbH & Co. KG,,ContiTech AG,,The Plastic Omnium Group,,YAPP Automotive Parts Co. Ltd,,Magam Safety Ltd.,,MusthaneThe research report presents a comprehensive assessment of the market and contains thoughtful insights, facts, historical data, and statistically supported and industry-validated market data. It also contains projections using a suitable set of assumptions and methodologies. The research report provides analysis and information according to market segments such as geographies, application, and industry.
About Us:
Research Report Insights (RRI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver a host of services including custom research reports, syndicated research reports, and consulting services which are personalised in nature. RRI delivers a complete packaged solution to clients; this combines current market intelligence, technology inputs, statistical anecdotes, valuable growth insights, 360-degree view of the competitive framework, and anticipated market trends.
Our research services cover global as well as regional emerging markets such as BRICS, GCC, and ASEAN. Our offerings cover a broad spectrum of verticals which include Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Materials, Energy, Technology, Automotive, and Retail. The operating model of RRI blends cross-disciplinary research experience to deploy insightful, in-depth, and actionable research.
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