#and despite my stupid hangups:
aeroknot · 2 years
whenever my dad would check in on my dungeons & dragons campaign he would listen with a smile and then unironically say “i think it needs more dragons”
well, dad: we met and made friends with a dragon last session, and he owes us a favor now, so we’ll probably see him again. i miss you. i hope it makes you happy.
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eff-plays · 6 months
On these notes, can I umm ... have Tavs who are like ... their own people. With personal issues and hangups and conflicts and preferences. I need Tavs who have spines, who don't just exist to be soft and gentle for Astarion's sake, who don't exist to be therapists for him. Like I get it, it's self-care for writers to some extent, but it just makes for such boring reading when a Tav is always 100% understanding and pliable for Astarion. When they're head over heels instantly and understand him perfectly with minimal explanations. When they can somehow tell, feel his pain through nothing but his eyes. After knowing him for days, hours, seconds.
Need Tavs who don't let him drink from them and/or tell him to only bite enemies because it's more pragmatic. Tavs who don't get off to his bites and in fact find them painful and inconvenient. Tavs who disagree with him to his face. Tavs who call him out when he's being a cunt.
"I didn't tell anyone you're a vampire because it's not my secret to tell" but why? He never asked to keep it a secret, and he attacked you. In your sleep. You owe him nothing, and he could pose an active danger to the others if you don't tell them? How do you know he doesn't? He's done nothing to earn your trust, yet you offer it anyway. And you're not written to be stupid, just that you innately know he's important/damaged somehow, so what gives?
It annoys me that the only time meta knowledge is used it's in his favor. Like Tav just knows he's good deep down somehow. Despite him being a huge cunt constantly. Like, he kills Tav if they fail to make him stop. Without remorse. He even jokes about it later when they have the audacity to be upset about it. But that's never even a fear some Tavs have. When it makes far more sense to be suspicious he'd do that than trusting him instantly.
And another thing like ... So many Tavs are just orbiting Astarion. Just straight up fail to make connections of friendships with anyone else. They'll also have some sad backstory of course, but only Astarion is somehow aware of it, he's the only one who has any insight into their inner turmoil while everyone else doesn't give a shit, I guess. Which is just. He gets to both have the benefit of the doubt and special insight and understanding of Tav. He gets to have all the cards.
Where's the mess. Where's the conflict. Where's the intrigue and fun of two actual individual people learning to overcome their differences and/or finding comfort in their similarities?
Idk I realize I'm barking up the wrong tree because this is generally the state of most fic and the romance genre in general but it's extra evident in the Astarion fandom where he's elevated to the status of the ultimate victim and ultimate sex god so any conflict is untenable because he's soo vunlerable and sensitive and all situations must have him coming out on top or else it'll be ... idk, problematic? Abusive? Traumatic to him? What's the reason?
It ends up just doing him a disservice? Part of what makes the romance so compelling-in game (at least the Spawn route) is that Tav challenges him and his assumptions. That they push back. But in fic these Tavs "push back" by just accepting his bullshit with a smile and waiting for him to realize he's being a bitch on his own, I guess. He's also rarely allowed to be silly or cringefail, which he canonically is, and he's so coddled that it makes it look like this grown-ass man can't handle anyone disagreeing with him or teasing him, so he's always paired up with the most weaksauce spineless soft quirky manic pixie dream Tav imaginable.
Like. It's always "Uwu how can I make him happy? Anything to make him happy!" What about you hon? What do you get out of this relationship, babygirl?
And tbh this is headcanon of course but I just don't think he'd respect a doormat Tav very much. He needs to be sprayed with water every now and then. For his own good.
Whatevs. I mean write whatever you want. But. Man. I just want more cool Tavs. And less stunted and flattened Astarion who can't take a joke or a goof or a gaff, who's always too cool to fail or be wrong.
And before someone says "this is why Durge is better!" I have no interest in Durge and do not read Durge fic sorry. Also that wound't even be true.
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azol-otl · 2 years
It probably says more about me than anything but one of my favorite JayKyle dynamics is 'Tried Really Hard but Failed' ex-boyfriends.
Like they got together despite all of their hangups and they were *good* together and *happy* but over time they started being bad for one another and broke up.
It's a dynamic that works really well in a bunch of settings and y'know maybe they do get back together like a decade or two later when they've matured or maybe they become friends eventually.
Like just imagine middle aged Jason and Kyle who dated for years but broke up decades ago slowly relearning one another again. Time has passed and at least one of them is retired and they just, fall back into one another without thinking about it and it's just easier than they would have thought considering how they ended. They're different people, they have more experiences and have grown from their volatile days and they just learn to like one another again.
Or a Kyle and Jason who were on the same Titans team (like a Young Justice elseworld) and were teenage sweethearts. And then like canon happens and Jason dies. And when he comes back he's completely different and Kyle just can't reconciliate the drastic change from *his* Jason to *current* Jason. Also, imagine the added angst during Kyle's 'Trying to revive his Mom' moment when he has the biggest example on why he shouldn't in the form of his ex-boyfriend who came back a villain.
(A less angsty version of the above is just Kyle punching further and further up in hero weight class while Jason stays firmly in Gotham and the gulf that would arise between them.)
Or divorced JayKyle where they got married when they were young and stupid. Depending on the universe maybe there was an unexpected child acquisition/pregnancy and both of these losers have *severe* parent issues that kept them together/made them get married out of some misguided attempt at giving their kid a good life. Except it wasn't a good choice and they're desperately trying to save their failing family before they separate because it's what's best for the kid and their kid's well being always comes first. And they end up having a much better relationship as divorcees than they ever had as husbands. (And then the first scenario happens again because I'm trash).
Like I prefer non-angsty endings to these scenarios but the dynamic is open to any sort of use, fluff, angst or anything else
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internerdionality · 2 years
So, I’ve been seeing everyone posting that meme again about how Cohen’s Hallelujah is a song written by a Jew about fucking and shouldn’t be used as an xmas song and the discourse has been making me a bit uncomfortable so I finally sat down to talk about why.
Firstly, is the original meme correct, is it a song written by a Jew about fucking? Yes. But y’all are REALLY putting the emphasis on the wrong part of that. Sure, it’s about fucking. And relationships, and failures of communication, and consent, and you know what? It’s also a LOT about humanity’s relationship with the divine, and the Jewish conception of what makes things holy, and yes, it IS about religion. And there’s... nothing inherently wrong about singing a song about sex in a place of worship? Like, ummm have y’all read certain parts of the bible? Looked at the Song of Songs recently? I don't know what you Christians and your fucking hangups are, but Jews don't inherently see sex as sinful. Sex can be sacred, and sex can be profane, just like everything else in existence.
The important part of that meme that y’all seem to be ignoring is JEWISH. The song is JEWISH, through-and-through, written by a Jew—the fact that he also explored Buddhism and frequently borrowed imagery and themes from the hegemonic Christian mythos we’re all steeped in DID NOT make him any less religiously, observantly Jewish, despite what I see some of y’all implying—and his Hallelujah is steeped in Jewish concepts and theology. THAT is why it’s inappropriate to use it as a Christmas song, THAT’S why we as Jews get fucking pissed off when Christians try to read religiously Christian themes into Cohen’s work or co-opt his songs for their celebrations.
It’s not about “ooooo, haha, the stupid religious people didn’t get the naughtiness.” It’s about “y’all have taken SO MUCH from us, persecuted and oppressed and murdered us and tried to outlaw our observances for centuries, and now you’re going to come in and steal the sacred work of one of our great artists and use it for your celebration, which it wasn’t written for? FUCK THAT.”
I did my best, it wasn’t much I couldn’t feel, so I tried to touch I’ve told the truth, I didn’t come to fool you. And even though it all went wrong, I’ll stand before the Lord of Song With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah
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mr-leach · 10 months
I need to psych myself up to do something that will most likely be unpleasant please bear with me
So the kitten situation from weeks ago has. Developt. In that the juvenile cats belong to someone so there would have been no need for me to take them in in the first place. So like. This is good, this was a great relief.
However one of the adult cats had very recently had kittens and the owner mentioned that she was looking for homes for them. I told her about my friends who were already on board for kittens before I knew the juveniles had an owner and that I could reaxh out to them for her. Also, in my selfishness, I offered to take one in myself.
Now, I know my roommate is not gonna want to let me do this. I know it in my soul. He is unfortunately that predictable a person.
This is despite the fact that, after double and triple checking with him, he stated that the ONE AND ONLY reason he was uncomfortable with me rescuing kittens was because "well they probably have diseases and what if they make me sick and then I visit my grandmother and she dies and it'll be your fault". Like, I could smell the bullshit steaming hot fart clouds from that excuse and asked him multiple times to just be honest about why he didn't want me to do it and he chose to triple down.
So like, you would think I have a gotcha, right? These are kittens that have never been outside and have an owner that makes sure they are as healthy as she can manage in her situation. He can't claim they are dirty wild animals that will give him every disease and since that was his ONLY hangup and he confirmed that much TWO MORE TIMES he should have no problem with it
But like this guy is allistic and doesn't operate on logic (this is a joke hashtag not all allistics) so I fully expect him to start shit with me over it
And like him starting shit with me amounts to him coming over to whatever room I'm in, cornering and terrorizing me until I have an hours long meltdown and so like im high key scared about it;;
But like. This lady is not in the best situation, she has a lot of shit to deal with, I want to help her....and like also im a grown fucking adult and I want to adopt a cat!! I want Victor to have a companion for when Malcolm is working!!
I know I have every right. Especially when he screwed me over SO bad and still does not care. When he mistreated me and used me for clout and bullied me like he bullies all of his friends. Like the logic lines up it does not track that I should feel bad about wanting to adopt another cat when I know he does not have allergies or anything like it should really be a non issue. But the fear is so potent like I just am so scared lol. It's stupid.
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llycaons · 1 year
ep10: and then there's THIS asshole
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THAT BITCH. sitting on roofs is wangxian's thing!
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xxc looking SHARP. the very very obvious exposition here is so funny
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see I don't even think the fans are exaggerating when they talk about him being a kinky bitch I think it's heavily implied in the canon text
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oh! people write xxc and sl as traveling together but actually before this scene they were doing their own thing and just knew each other as friends
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aww, younger jc had some principles after all. along with hopes and dreams. the ability to empathize with other human beings. a chance at getting married someday
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they keep talking about xy being so young but wwx and co. are only like 16 here and xy is clearly around their age so??? how young could he possibly be. he was younger in the novels but the timeframe is different anyway
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LOVE this response. it could be him saying "I have no shame and you can't scare with with your implications because I don't care about my reputation' OR it could mean 'I'm already gay and everyone knows it, you bitch. your move'
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huaisang they are literally surrounded by corpses. why do you think
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wwx latching onto this and them smiling SO big at lwj...jc getting mad at him...ough
side note I think that we can assume that he's at peace with his sexuality and any resistance he has to being into lwj is much more about his hangups around commitment and being loved, and about his embarrassment over being attracted to someone so strict and unfun (and maybe also he feels like he's not allowed to want/have things in his precarious role in the family and therefore ruins his own opportunities reflexively)
lwj I think does have some internalized homophobia to work through but a lot of HIS resistance is related to feeling shame over having desires/emotions esp romantic/sexual ones (father issues, also maybe his upbringing and personality too) and also embarrassment that he likes someone as wild and unconventional as wwx. anyway
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nhs waxing poetic about handsome gentlemen for the second time in two episodes and people still write him as straight?
wwx looks so fucking miserable watching xxc walk away with no more info on his mom and jc SEES that oughhh
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BIG SEXY IS HERE!!!!! I am of course referring to both nmj and baxia but I couldn't get a good pic of baxia and there's a limit on the number of images per post anyway
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jc and wwx looking so pleased at the praise is ADORABLE. I actually think a fun hc is that nmj is the reason wwx knows he's into dudes
also, nmj being the ONLY person to call lwj 'wangji'! he's such a big brother...
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oh shit I forgot this. wwx is the one to save xy's life here! honestly this was for the best. despite all the horrible things xy did later, I don't think it would have been okay if nmj personally killed a defenseless man in cold blood just because he was angry
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WHAT A DICK I know I just said killing xy in cold blood out of a personal sense of anger would be bad but honestly I don't even begrudge jgy for taking his chance and murdering this guy
he's also SO stupid for letting prejudice and his ego get in the way of doing his job and carrying out his SECT LEADER'S orders
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iirc this is literally the only time jgy and wwx are alone in a scene together and it's just a very polite exchange and wwx thanks him for all his hard work while everyone else is feasting after the commander was a dick to him aww. flash forward 20 years and wwx is like 'I never hurt you! Why did you ruin my life!" and jgy was like 'well SOMEONE was going to and it may as well have been me!' insane
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this line is more romantic than "'l'll sleep on your roof tonight" imo
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ah the gentle longing of first love, unceremoniously doused in the cold water of the realities of war. one of the more background tragedies of this show
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fun fact: apparently this is a very famous shooting location and it's used in a ton of cdramas
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despite this action I don't think he genuinely cares about nmj, honestly. appreciated, almost certainly. but I don't think he truly respected or cared about many people. it's just that he could see his death right there in nmj's eyes and this choice was a last-ditch gambit to preserve his own life by risking it in the most performative way possible
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isn't it wild that wen chao and jiang cheng have the same advice for wwx which is: stop interfering in the affairs of other clans?
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even the ego-blinded wen chao can tell that wwx is into lwj
honestly wwx's crush just makes me so sad in this arc. so delicate and new and he's so young and so many terrible things will happen
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see I think lxc valuing jgy and publicly supporting him and praising him earned him one of the only spots on the list of people jgy genuinely cares about. I don't think he respects him, at least not enough to not use him to murder his friend, but I will argue that jgy feels genuine affection for lxc and BELIEVES he never hurt him/never wanted to hurt him. this dialogue is mental, it's not a performance
this is also why jgy/lxc is more emotionally true to me than either of them with nmj (even tho I obviously don't support it or thinks jgy would be a good romantic partner), sorry nielan fans I appreciate your perspective but I think this is the more textually supported one, even if it ends much worse
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jgy is so fascinating to me like the way he'll twist himself into whatever he needs to in order to survive. he defends himself saying 'he said horrible things to me and beat me' then 'he insulted my mother' then 'he took credit for my accomplishments' and each one seeming to flow naturally to the next as nmj rejected those reasons…very interesting that nmj criticizes jgy for wanting praise and credit, contrasting characters like lwj, who are widely praised for not caring about credit or glory
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this last shot of nmj IS haunting tho. jgy may not have cared about him but I think nmj really cared about and trusted jgy, and this betrayal of someone who values justice and loyalty was very hard to take
personal highlights:
wwx comparing himself and lwj to xxc/sl
nhs complimenting xxc and sl in a gay way
wzl in his first appearance!!
wen chao noticing how much wwx likes lwj, which is kind of horrifying but also it's a good measure of just how obvious he is and people do not talk about wwx being hopelessly in love enough
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crystalelemental · 2 years
What’s dumb about the whole dont ship Caitlin/Cynthia thing is that BW takes place 12 years after DP. Meaning if Caitlin was 14, she would be 26 as an elite four member
That's definitely one of the big stupids, though my biggest hangup is that I have never, ever seen anything that cites her age as 14 officially. I know Bulbapedia lists it as such, but their citation is a blog post. Where, admittedly, I cannot read Japanese, so I can't translate it. But the images presented are all coming from Black and White, and don't have anything at all to do with Caitlin barring her appearance on I assume a popularity poll? Basically, nothing to do with ages. The whole "Was 14 in DPPt" is made up. I've never seen confirmation of this. Ever. Though I also don't know any confirmation of 12 years being the official time lapse between the two games. That seems to be based on some dex entries from the Porygon line which talk about years elapsed, and is based on real world years since the Pokemon came out. And the link to their official timeline discussion on Bulbapedia openly admits that the series creator doesn't have a rigid timeline, just "came before/came after." Literally no one making the series thought about this, it's fans working backwards on estimations from an unreliable dex that constantly makes shit up, like how half the fire types breathe fire hotter than the sun. I'm sorry for harping on all of this being made up, but this is what bothers me most. The entire premise and reason this is such a "problematic" ship is the age gap that is, and I cannot stress this enough, FUCKING MADE UP.
But even if it were true, I've further never seen any confirmation of Cynthia's age. Even Bulbapedia doesn't hazard a guess. People just assume "20s." Despite the most iconic master of Pokemon being a 10-year-old. I'm not saying there's no age gap at all, but I think people also jump very quickly to Cynthia being much older, when we have...nothing to confirm that. At all.
But the third issue is exactly as you say. Presumably, they didn't meet in DPPt. They would've met after events, sometime in Unova. When they're both adults. So it's absurd to complain about this at that point.
The whole thing drives me insane if I think about. So I try not to think about it. But then you go looking for art of your favorites and it's like oh right. This again. Thanks, prevailing fandom theory. I can always count on these to remind me why I don't like engaging in fandom broadly.
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penandwind · 2 years
I don’t have the courage to face the world anymore.
So recently I matched with someone on a dating app. And it threw me at first because how fast she was moving and pushing for. I’m so used to having to constantly prove myself and vie for someone else’s attention that it was strange having someone pursue me. Not unwelcome, just different from what I’m used to. But she was coming on strong and seemed really really into me, which part of me though was a  bit of a red flag, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt and we went on a date.
And I thought it went pretty well.She looked noticably different than her pictures, not enough to say I’d been catfished but it was noticiable. Despite that, things went pretty good. Conversation was flowing, my stomach was a little upset from outside reasons but it didn’t hamper things much. I had a fun time, and she said she did too. After I found myself conflicted, I wasn’t sure what to do, if I should see her again. Her really forward interest in me threw me for a loop, but I wasn’t sure if that was genuine discomfort on my end, or my own dumb psychological baggage/hangups that I needed to power through. But with the wise counsul of a friend, I decided to give her another shot and see because she seemed genuinely nice and into me.
And I tried to, only to find she ghosted me.
To say it was a blow to the self esteem and ego is an understatement. There is something so abhorrently absurd of the situaiton. Someone I’m worried about that seems to into me immediately loses all interest in me as soon as she meets me. Were ghosting me and endless romantic woes not the norm, I could see myself laughing at it all. Instead, I find myself collapsing deep into myself.
I’ve been trying to “go out” more and make new friends and try to meet people moreso lately. That was what I had planned for this weekend. Instead, I found myself too scared at the prospect of even going out into the world, and instead sat staring at my screen, desperatelly trying to not think of how pathetic I am.
One of the things I struggle with mentally, is the idea I’m not “good enough” at anything, and I’m not good enough to take part in anythign in the world. Because a lot of times, it seems like the world doesn’t want me in it. At a cosmic level it certainly seems like fate is doing its best to drive me back into my cold, dank cave. It take a lot of courage, a (comparatively) lot of audacity to think myself important enough to insert myself in someone’s life, to distub them with my mere presence. Ive tried and failed so many times, and each failure is a little bit more weight to the stone in this sysiphean endeavor.
And gods help me I wish I knew what I was doing wrong. I’ve tried so much trying to figure myself out. I’ve worked out so much of my shit in therapy, I’ve been trying to learn better communication skills, I’ve tried so much. Im even undergoing painful, and expensive surgery to try and curtail some of the symptoms of my disability just so I can exercise and get in better shape. Because lets face it, if I was 30% prettier I wouldn’t be having this problem. I’d be a fucking shy tortured artist type or whatever people say.
Of course I’m not innocent in the “pretty” bullshit either. I fucking hate how there are people out there who are perfectly compatible for me personality wise. But, because I’m not attracted to them in a physical way its a no sale. My therapist says its ok to be attracted to certain people and there’s not a way to change that. But its bullshit and stupid that it limits me in such a way.
I read a long time ago LSD permanently alter’s one’s neural pathways, they think differently after even just one dose. And thats what I need. I need enough LSD to MK ULTRA myself into a completely different person. Because every day it becomes just a little more certain that no one can romantically love “me.”
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
Ok, this has been on my mind for a while (esp since I'm obsessed with Double Trouble ATM) but how would Double Trouble react to their darling riding their face?? Or just indulging them in general???
I need to touch grass lmfao
-⌛Anon (I hope it's ok if I use the hourglass?)
You can touch all the grass you want ⏳️ Anon, it won't stop the obsession~ >:3c
Double Troubles reactions to their darling riding their faces-
[CW: NS/FW lemon, body issues, overstimulation, unsanitary, mention of drowning, Sal x [reader] x Larry (V poly) at the end]
Love-Sick Sally~
Sal at any level of lovesickness would be really hesitant and shy about having his face ridden. As much as he wants to please his [darling], he still has his hangups. The first obstacle is making him feel secure enough to have his prosthetic off in front of them at all, and the second would be convincing him that they find him desirable enough to have his face be the focus of a sexual act. They'd have the choice of discussing it with him beforehand, very slowly warming him up to the idea until hes feeling brave enough to initiate it himself, or [Darling] could choose to take the initiative, throw him into the deep end and tell him not to drown with a flirtatious wink (and trust me, he'll start swimming as soon as enough of him gets wet). Either way, if [Darling] is convincing, enthusiastic, and generous with the praise, Sal will forget his own self-consciousness for a few blissful moments while he focuses on giving [darling] some generous (and very sloppy) head and soaking in the amazing view until [darling] is completely satisfied. 💖💦
Bonus things to think about: The uneven texture of his lips, his good eye rolling back when he gets into it, his ears blushing, how gently he touches and holds onto [darling] during, his excellent sense of rhythm
Scary Larry~
Scary Larry, on the other hand, gets this huge cheeky grin and tells [Darling] to climb on up and hold on tight as soon as they propose the idea of riding his face. Despite [Darling] being physically on top, Larry calls the shots from the bottom, keeping a firm grip on their thighs and ass, lifting, repositioning and holding them in place as he sees fit in order to both pleasure them and get the best view. He does a good deal of showboating, flicking his tongue out so that [darling] can see it while he 'works his magic,' and makes a lot of eye contact, loving watching [darling] watch him as they fall apart in his grip. The teasing could go on indefinitely if [darling] doesn't eventually grip him by his hair to keep his mouth where they need it and tell him to stop fucking around. He'd keep them on edge until they were shaking, begging to come, only staying upright because of his strong hold on them, and would keep them trapped in that position through their orgasm until they started begging him to stop. 🥵💦
Bonus things to think about: His thick brows furrowing as he ramps up the intensity, the scratch of his stubble, his self-assured grin after [darling] has 'painted his face', the other stupid dirty jokes/puns [darling] would be subjected to through the entire thing
Side notes:
>Double trouble 1000% exchange crib notes about their shared darling, so [darling] shouldn't be surprised if one of the boys tries doing something the other did during a previous sexual encounter.
>Sal, being the less experienced and more anxious of the duo, might be into the idea of [Darling] and Larry giving him a 'demonstration' (+possible lengthy hands-on workshop) of proper face riding before attempting it himself (so he can take note of what to expect, what [darling] seems to like, where he should put his hands, etc.), and Larry would of course be down to give his partner in crime a few pointers if he needed them 👌
Obligatory links:
'Would Sal like having his face ridden?'
Drawing of Larry eating out an AFAB viewer [VERY NS/FW]
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bihet-dragonize · 2 years
Between people outright lying that this website didn't run wild with homophobic conservative rhetoric to make pride "family friendly" and random mother fuckers deciding to take a shot at the "lesbians should like men actually and if they don't they're misandrist and transmisogynists" despite lesbianism being defined as "an exclusive attraction to women" and plenty of trans lesbians saying "hey don't compare us to men?" I don't think I'll be taking "pride" off of my filtered list. Y'all are still stupid as hell and refuse to deal with you hangups with your identities so you lash out at others for stupid shit. And then you turn around and fucking LIE when you seeing the consequences in the form of laws or social ostracism. It's pathetic and ugly.
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pelman · 2 years
Give me one fun fact of each of your interpretations of the G&W characters
oh fuck tony i love u /p
uhmm fuck this is hard to choose. uh. im doing as many as i can come up with
GaW: real name is Gamen Watch. Gamen is pronounced kind of like how people pronounce Gaben. he makes music. it is literally this accounts content. in his mid 20s so he feels really really weird when people call him "mister" and act like hes older than he is. adoptive brother of the right judge. can freely shapeshift with little to no limitations, as is shown in both rhythm heaven and smash ultimate. very gay, possibly polyamorous. also actually my husband.
Vermin: real name is Vernon Kasperski. can also shapeshift- something which is held alongside his brother- but to a lesser degree than GaW. has numbers on his feet like his brother, like this comic i did shows. has been absurdly tall since about 16 years old, when he had a massive growth spurt. has lightning powers. has a giant soft spot for marcus since theyve been best friends for 11 years as of present day. can drive, but isnt very trustworthy with it because he road rages and also can barely fit in a car. occasionally hits his head on doorframes. probably listens to nu-metal or something. also gay, but caedsexual because of stuff that happened when he was ~8 years old.
Flagman: real name is Carson Kasperski. can shapeshift too, as is shown in the comic above. is not actually a pirate; he calls himself a "treasure hunter" but really he just scavenges old shipwrecks for possibly-valuables, refurbishes them, and then sells them off. is friends with the divers and calls him his "crew" because its part of the bit. makes jokes about his foot numbers being representative of rule 34 because hes funny sillay like that. has powers of psychic manipulation and suggestion. has a very good memory but is also impenetrably stupid so he gets confused a lot. is 5 years older than vernon and uses this as an excuse to affectionately "bully" him sometimes. bisexual and generally male but doesnt care about pronouns
Stanley: full name is Stanley Fairley. was raised basically-catholic so has a lot of hangups about a lot of things. doesnt actually like killing bugs so his sprayer just incapacitates them instead. has a very strong green thumb and cultivates plants by himself. could drive if he wanted to, but bikes everywhere instead. twink. greatly enjoys jazz and basically all of its variations and is actually pretty good at singing, but doesnt do it a lot. would probably be considered more of an alto than a tenor. very very gay for his boyfriend chief.
Chef: real name is Chief Manson. loves cats, and owns a cat named Brisket that he keeps in his food establishment away from the food itself. lets people pet Brisket as long as they are gentle. got the symbol for capsaicin tattooed on his left arm as a joke on being "hot-headed." would probably give cooking lessons if he were any good as a teacher. can drive. is trans (post-top surgery, non-bottom surgery) and very very gay for his boyfriend stanley.
Manhole: real name is Manny O'Connor. had their name legally changed to manny, which is not short for anything. is incredibly perceptive and can immediately pick up on peoples' emotions, but enjoys being very chaotic and silly as a mode of self expression. is incredibly physically powerful and, if they had the element of surprise, could probably actually beat vernon in a fight, which is extremely rare. hates getting wet. gets wet very frequently because of their job. is probably one of the only people physically capable of doing their job. no thoughts gender empty and pansexual.
Oil Panic: real name is Marcus Hermoso. absolutely annoying and pretty stupid but also capable of real emotional sensitivity and is 100% a big brother type. highly compassionate and affectionate if you get to know him. is very good at making friends despite his tendency to be an annoyance. has bad knees because of all of the running around he does at his job. moved out at 18 and took his younger brother with him because his parents were neglectful as hell. can drive, but dear lord, please do not trust him to do it. music taste overlaps incredibly closely with mannys and basically just boils down to "loud, fast, intense electronica." has pretty great endurance despite the fact that the cartilage in his knees is basically gone. bisexual.
Rainshower: real name is Míchael Hermoso. the accent is very important to his name. generally annoyed at the fact that most people say "miguel" and not "míchael." youngest person in the au by far. (14 years old in "present day") doesnt go to public school because marcus is gone all day, so they get tutored while they take care of the house. doesnt actually mind this arrangement very much. more passionate about sports than he might initially look. generally male but doesnt actually know what their thing is so they flip-flop between gender and no gender.
Left Judge: real name is Chen Teller. yes these are different people. very autistic and very introverted. generally quite lucky. special interest is plushies and textile work. custom-makes its own plushes and sells custom-made close-to-seamless clothes made specifically for autistic people online. hates being touched and the sensation of things rubbing against its skin. does not get enough sleep and tends to ignore bodily sensations quite a bit. likes quite a bit of music ranging between orchestral to deconstructed club-type stuff, though it all has to be pretty gentle. is "gender ambivalent," but uses it pronouns because it likes to feel detached from its own personhood. very weird about attraction.
Right Judge: real name is Barrett Riley. probably the only neurotypical person in the entire au. also the only cishet, though the "het" part is pretty ambigous. works an office job by day. not typically very lucky but is jovial about it so he doesnt mind. can drive and is actually one of the better people to trust with driving you around. generally very friendly and accommodating. adoptive brother to GaW. helps around the area of Flat Zone they live in because they want to. probably does yoga. also is probably a vegetarian. is kind of annoyingly positive to many people. cis dude but primarily uses they/them around other people because he likes to copy chen.
anyways ty for asking there u go
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barbatusart · 2 years
did garv honestly think that the other guys were gonna join him on [redacted] despite the fact that 2/4 are gay and 1 had obvious massive hangups about sexual violence against women? is he truly that up his own ass? (actually wait i think i just answered my own question. the answer is yes.)
genuinely Sincerely stupid dude LOL zero foresight
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slimeypuppy · 3 years
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Summary: Tabitha just wants to have sex that doesn’t end before it’s even started.
Tags: Roman/Tabitha, Smut, Pegging, Oral, Mommy Kink, Degradation
WC: 4.3k | AO3
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It comes up on a Wednesday night, when Tabitha and Roman are home from some family dinner of sorts that was really a cover for a strategy meeting among the Roy family (featuring significant others, Gerri, and shouting). He’s in the middle of trying to get his cufflinks off. She’s brushing her hair out by the sink. From what Tabitha understands, Roman is not the kind of person who shares space or feelings easily, so she takes this for what it is: one of his quiet declarations of love that he’s too broken to verbally express. If this relationship ever goes anywhere, he’ll need to learn the words, but for now, it’s enough to shift her eyes to the side and watch him play with the buttons on his shirt. 
“What gets you off?” she asks him. 
He pauses and looks over at her, flicking his gaze from her face to her body and back again in search of the answer he thinks she wants to hear. That’s part of the game, with Roman. He’s just as likely to be brutally honest as he is to disguise his true meaning by spitting out the answer he thinks makes him look the smartest or most valuable to the listener. All night, she’s listened to him do so for his family. 
“I’m not like, accusing you of anything, babe.” She reaches for him and for once he lets her, leaning his scruffy jaw into the palm of her hand when she makes contact. “I know you’ve got hangups and kinks and it’s okay. I just need you to talk to me so we can figure out what works for us.”
“Didn’t know you were trying to get in my pants tonight.”
“It doesn’t have to be tonight. I just wanted to ask.”
He shuffles closer and tilts his face up in a wordless request for a kiss, which she leans down to give him. Despite his other ineptitudes, Roman is a good kisser, and his wandering hands spur a warmth in her that she knows he won’t be able to resolve. She doesn’t mind taking care of herself. Tabitha is more than capable of working a vibrator, and if not ever having sex was a dealbreaker, she’d be long gone by now. It’s just that she does understand him, and she understands how horny he is, just that he doesn’t quite know what to do with those feelings or how to turn them into real pleasure most of the time. 
“It’s okay if it’s another ‘wrong’ thing,” Tabitha tells him. “We’re both adults, and if it doesn’t work for me, I’ll tell you. So.” She hops up on the counter and parts her legs for him to step between. The height of the counter lifts her even taller than him, and he looks like something small and pathetic staring up at her, soft hands skimming her thighs like he has the guts to do anything more than that. “I’ve been around a few times, you know that. I’m hard to scare off. I even have a strap, if that’s what you’re into.”
His eyes darken at the mention, then dart away from her just as quickly so she can’t see the reaction. But it’s too late, she’s seen. The grip of his hands on her legs betrayed his reaction to the notion anyways. 
“We can do that, Rome. Is that what gets you off?”
“Possibly, I don’t- I have no fucking clue, most of the time.”
“Does Gerri know what makes you come?”
The mention of her name makes him stiff. He searches her face for a clue on how to respond, like he’s weighing the possibility that she knows something. Contrary to the opinion of most of Roman’s family, she’s not stupid. She knows he’s had a handful of phone calls with the general counsel of the company, and that he went over to her room that night at Tern Haven that they failed spectacularly at trying to have sex. It hurt, at one point, but they talked about monogamy some handful of weeks ago, and came to an explicit conclusion that they’re going to stick with each other. Prior to that, Tabitha had her share of liaisons as well, just to relieve the buildup of tension. The point is that they’re past that tumultuous time, and she assumed he knew she was aware of his choice in side chicks. 
“Tabs, I-”
“I’m not mad,” she assures, wrapping her legs around him to keep him close. Her ankles cross against the middle of his back, which in turn causes him to slide his hands closer to the junction of her thighs and lean in close enough to press a soft kiss to the base of her throat. “I’m really not. We hadn’t agreed on exclusivity yet. I just think that, you know, if she helped you figure out what works, I could take care of you if I knew.”
Roman turns his face to the side so he can simply rest it against her chest, nestled in under her collar bone like a flighty bird. She traces the faint muscles in his back with her fingertips while he decides what to say, imagining for the briefest of moments a version of Roman that can both get hard long enough to get inside her, but has the stamina to fuck her while he’s there. He wouldn’t be good at it, for the first few times, but it would be nice to feel that. 
“It was always just talk, while I jerked off,” he admits. “Never anything more than that. It did, though, uh, make me release my little man milk all over various surfaces, so I guess she knows something I don’t.”
The humor to deflect isn’t anything new, so Tabitha holds back her smile and gently pushes him away. “You go ahead and shower, then, while I talk to her. Do you know how to clean yourself up?”
“Yes, mommy,” he teases in a whiny voice she’s only heard him use when mocking his alleged conquests. 
She raises an eyebrow, which is enough to send him from the room with his proverbial tail between his legs to prepare for her. What Tabitha thinks but doesn’t usually say is that she can practically smell the submissiveness of Roman from a mile away. He’ll talk a big game, but when it comes down to it, the closest they’ve gotten to him actually coming was when she used his tie like a leash and pulled his head between her legs. 
Once the shower starts running, she picks up Roman’s phone and scrolls through it for Gerri’s number, since it’s not saved in her own cell. The fact that he trusts her with his passcode, knowledge he gives no one else, makes her warmer than anything else in their mess of a relationship. She presses the dial button and tucks the phone between her ear and shoulder while she goes over to her box of things in the corner of Roman’s -  their - bedroom to search for the right equipment for the job. 
“Roman, if you’re going to bother me about-”
“It’s Tabitha, actually.”
“Oh.” Gerri pauses on the other end of the line to take a deep breath. “Did something happen to Roman?”
She finds her favorite bottle of lube and tosses it toward the bed, but must keep digging in search of other goodies. “Not yet. I’m sorry to ask this of you, and please don’t take this the wrong way, but you talked to Rome until he came, right?”
“Uh, well-”
“This isn’t a jealous girlfriend call, I promise. I just wanna know what you said to him to actually get his dick to stay hard.”
“Honestly?” She hears Gerri shifting, getting more comfortable on her couch or bed, perhaps going starry-eyed as she reminisces. “He just likes it when I’m mean to him. As long as I kept insulting him, he’d moan and beg for more. I think what he really needed was for me to praise him, but he got a little freaked out the one time I tried. Said it felt like I was trying to kiss his ass at the same time I was spanking it.”
“Spanking Is not a bad idea.”
Gerri huffs a laugh. “He’d probably like that.” 
“Thanks, Gerri, I appreciate it.”
“Have a good night.”
She hangs up and sets Roman’s phone on the dresser so she can focus on finding her harness. She has a couple of different options for the actual strap, and part of her wants to wreck him with something big, but she starts with the slimmer one for now. It’ll be less intense for their first time, and less likely to overwhelm him beyond the point of pleasure. She fixes the harness and the chosen toy in place on her hips, and replaces her dinner clothes with an oversized tee shirt for now. By the end, she aims to be naked, but coming on too strong is liable to shut all this down before it even starts.
The shower shuts off just as she’s tying her hair back into a ponytail to keep it out of the way. She sits on the edge of the bed, playing with the cap of the lube, until he emerges with a fluffy towel around his waist and his half-dried hair sticking up in various directions. He looks younger without the tailored Armani and crunchy gel. Softer, too. Tabitha reaches for him and he returns to his space between her legs. His bed is low enough to the ground that they’re about the same height this time, perfect for her to take his jaw in hand and kiss him. 
Roman gets his hands on her waist immediately, thumb smoothing over the bottom of her ribcage through her shirt, relaxing more and more with every second they pass kissing. He hardly seems to notice when she unties his towel. It pools around his feet seconds before he joins her on the bed, straddling her lap and trying to nudge her to lie back beneath him like most times they attempt to get hot and heavy. This time, however, she holds her ground, and his shifting causes him to unintentionally press against the toy hiding in the folds of her oversized tee shirt. A small sound escapes him as he meets her eyes. 
“Don’t be surprised that it’s bigger than yours,” she teases, “you’re not exactly well-endowed, Roman.”
His cheeks go pink and his breath stutters, the first tiny drop of precum beading up on his cock. He’s the type to get wet and messy fast, she knows, so it’s no surprise that he’s already leaking for her. Now that she’s drawn some kind of line in the sand, he goes easily when she guides him in switching positions, so he’s on his back on the bed and she’s on top of him. He rucks her shirt up to get a good look at the silicon toy strapped to her body, an almost offensive shade of purple and so smooth that it’s only phallic by virtue of its placement on her. Luckily for Roman, Tabitha knows how to use it.
She grips his chin in one hand to tilt his face up and to the side, exposing his pale throat to her. It’s not smart to leave marks, but she can’t resist open-mouthed kisses on the sensitive skin, culminating in a sharp bite just low enough that he can hide it with the collar of his shirt tomorrow. The jolt of pain makes him whimper. He doesn’t pull away though. Instead, he winds her ponytail around his hand and holds her head in place for more. 
“Let go,” she chastises gently. “Let Mommy take care of you.”
That one’s a shot in the dark based off his earlier comment, and she fully expects him to laugh or push back against the title, but he just gasps and releases her, hands finding purchase in the sheets to avoid touching without permission. He does want to be good, it seems. He just needs someone to be mean along the way. 
“That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
Roman shakes his head. 
She sits back on her heels and studies him laid out before her. She’s never gotten this far. He’s always at least partially clothed when he takes care of her, and none of their previous attempts at getting him off have made it to the nude stage. It’s nice, intimate, to have the entirety of him on display. Miles of soft, unmarked skin practically beg her to bite and bruise. His pleading gaze demands the same. Tabitha skates her fingers down his stomach, bypassing his already red cock. He’s not usually one to last long, based on his noisy shower sessions, but she doesn’t need him to tonight. This is just about making sure he feels good. 
“Hands and knees, I need to get you ready to take my cock.”
He mumbles something, but she doesn’t ask him to enunciate it as he obeys her instructions, turning and positioning himself as she requested. She traces a hand from his heaving ribcage, down his narrow waist, over his quivering thighs before she spreads his cheeks. Tabitha spits on his hole. Immediately he whines, instinctively clenching. She watches his hands flex in the sheets, unsure where to go or what to do.
“Hand me the lube, it’s by the pillow.”
It takes a minute for his hand to close around the bottle and pass it back to her, but she doesn’t mind the wait. Tabitha can almost hear his rational brain shutting off. She coats her fingers liberally before pouring lube directly onto him, just to hear him stifle a sound at the cold sensation. She rubs her fingertips through the mess, warming it up as he settles down enough for her to slip the first one inside. 
Roman curses, his head hanging between his now tense shoulders. She pets his flank to soothe him. “Relax,” she says gently. “I know you can take it. A slut like you has probably taken your fair share of this, right?”
He shakes his head, so she doesn’t push on that line of degradation. That’s okay, she’ll figure it out. Slowly, she pumps her finger in and out, getting him used to the sensation before she adds another. The slow stretch causes his cock to drool precum, the bedside lamp casting just enough light to catch it dripping onto the mattress below. 
“Messy already, Rome? Don’t be disgusting.”
That works for him. He whimpers but nods, pushing back into her touch. There’s no ambiguity here on whether he likes it or not, she learns; he can’t hide it when she says or does something that gets him going. She rewards his enjoyment by crooking her fingers, searching until she feels a slight bump and he cries out, going tight around her and shaking from the sudden burst of pleasure. 
“You're so pathetic. Stay still.” 
He makes a hurt noise at the same time that she brings her other hand under him to wrap around his dick. She strokes him lazily as she rubs his prostate, getting him both worked up and relaxed enough to take it when she adds another finger. She doesn’t need to get him too stretched to take the strap currently fastened around her hips, but she also has to do enough prep work that she doesn’t hurt him beyond what rides the line of pleasure when she fucks him. Now that he’s starting to settle into the feelings, it’s almost easy to work him open to take it.
When she withdraws her touch, he whines and squirms, but stays where she’s left him. Praise comes to her lips but she doesn’t offer it. Not yet. Instead, she stands up and drags him down the bed so he’s kneeling at the edge of it, creating the perfect height for her to fuck him properly.
“Put your hands behind your back.”
“I’ll fall-”
“There’s a bed under you,” she reminds. “Behave for once and listen to Mommy.”
It takes another minute for him to comply. She knows he will, so she doesn’t begrudge him the time to gather his thoughts as she removes her shirt, waiting for him to lower his chest to the bed and cross his wrists one over the other at the small of his back. The position accentuates the shape of his body, his broad upper back following the angle of his arms in until it reaches his hips, the perfect height and angle to be held in a bruising grip while he’s fucked. 
Tabitha grabs onto his hands instead to hold him in place while she slicks up her cock. She doesn’t warn him, simply presses the smooth tip to his hole and begins to push inside, careful not to move too fast this first time. The air seems to punch out of his lungs, leaving only a breathy moan behind that increases in pitch with every inch she presses into him. Slowly, she pushes forward until her hips meet his ass and she’s fully buried inside of him. 
“Look at you. You take Mommy’s cock so well, don’t you, Rome?”
“Yeah. Yes.”
She pulls out slightly to thrust back in with a bit more force. “I can’t believe this is all it takes. You can’t get hard to put your worthless dick in me, because all you want is for me to pin you down and make you take mine.”
He moans and nods. 
There’s a rising urge in her to take pictures of him like this, or even a video, to remember the sounds he makes and the flush of his skin, but that would be a betrayal of the trust he puts in her to see him so vulnerable. Tabitha has him completely at her mercy right now, just the way he likes it, but with the expectation that this is something shared only between the two of them. She would never break that trust. 
Slowly, she works her way into a proper rhythm, pulling about halfway out before slamming back in with enough force to drive a quiet noise out of him every time she’s once again fully sheathed in his ass. She uses her free hand to palm one of his cheeks, debating if she should spank him. It might be too much, with all the newness of the act, so she holds off, even if she does enjoy the weight in her hand and the red mark left behind after she squeezes too hard. 
“You’re basically a bitch in heat, aren’t you?” she taunts. Her bangs are beginning to stick to her face as sweat builds on her brow from the exertion. “All you want is for someone to bend you over and fuck you until you forget whatever was in your empty little head to begin with. I would’ve done this months ago if I knew you’d be such a slut for it.”
As Tabitha talks, she subtly adjusts her angle, looking for the right one to hit his prostate again. She knows she’s found it when his whole body goes rigid and he chokes on a sound that might have been her name. She’s never heard him so noisy, even when he was jerking off in the shower after he ate her out for an hour straight. Heady power floods her thoughts. No one else can take Roman apart like she is right now. 
She uses the grip on his hands to pull him back to meet each thrust, but after only a handful, he catches on and moves of his own accord, fucking back onto her strap like he’s been walking the desert for forty years, and this is the water he craves. He won’t last much longer. Tabitha doesn’t mind. He’s finally going to come for her, after months of dancing around the idea of sex. 
“Truly, Ro, I should’ve expected that someone as filthy as you couldn’t come without a cock up your ass. It’s obvious. You talk a big game, but all you want is someone to hold you down and put you in your place, isn’t that right?”
He sobs in a sound that’s equal parts humiliation and pleasure. Roman lives in that space between extremes where he needs to keep a hand on both ends of the spectrum, absorbing the sensations and words until the contradiction tears him apart and he makes a mess of himself. 
“Yes, Mommy. Please. Yeah. Yes.”
“Are you gonna come for me?”
She punctuates her sentence with a particularly brutal thrust. He doesn’t manage a verbal response, but the way he cries as his body shakes, she can all but picture the come spurting out onto his stomach and the sheets beneath him. Tabitha slows down gradually, working him through his orgasm until the little sounds of pleasure turn to whimpers and he starts squirming away. Only then does she pull out and join him once more on the bed.
As soon as she lays down, Roman blankets her body with his, his cheek against her sternum between her breasts, catching his breath. His face is red and tearstained. Now that the sensations have begun to wane, he starts crying properly, hands grabbing on tight to any part of her that she can reach. Tabitha cards her fingers through his damp hair. 
“Shh, it’s okay. Let it out. You did so good, Ro, so good for me, baby.”
After a moment, he sniffles and wipes his eyes. He starts to shift, but before she can ask where he’s going, he slinks down the bed to settle between her legs, shoulders keeping her thighs spread. 
“Rome, sweetheart, you don’t have to-”
“Can I?” he asks anyway.
Her heart melts. “Yeah, of course, if you want to.”
Roman manages a watery smile and tugs at the buckles around her hips until the harness is loose enough for him to pull it off her. She’s soaked from their activities, something she knows usually freaks him out, and Tabitha honestly had already resigned herself to a long solo session in the bathtub once he falls asleep. This is better, though. He looks up at her through his lashes as he kisses her inner thighs, gradually trailing closer to her pussy. He squeezes her hip for a moment, brief, but hard enough that she knows there’s something he’s trying to tell her without saying. He’s still watching her, mouth occupied, but restless under her gaze. 
“You don’t want me to watch?” she guesses.
He nods slightly. 
Not being able to watch him isn’t her preference; he does look good there, focused on making her feel good, cheeks flushed and eyes still glassy from being fucked, but she doesn’t deny his request, and lets her head fall back against the pillows. The first touch of his tongue is tentative, just like every time he gets brave enough to give her this, but her encouraging moan and hand in his hair gives him confidence. 
He works her up with slow kitten licks, testing the water, before one of his hands drifts from her hip to join his mouth at work. Two fingers slip inside her easily, curling up to find the most sensitive spaces inside her. If there’s one thing Roman does know, it’s how to get her off quickly. That’s a skill she doesn’t want to learn the process through which he perfected, but she enjoys it nonetheless. More than anything she wants to look him in the eyes as he tastes her. She’s patient, though. Next time. 
“Put some work into it,” she goads, even though he’s doing fine. “If I’m letting you eat my pussy, have the decency to make me come.”
She tightens her grip in his hair to hold his head in place while she grinds up into his tongue. He takes the direction beautifully as always, keeping his tongue flat and letting her use it to get herself off. At the same time, he lazily fingers her, more glancing over her g-spot with every short thrust than actively trying to wreck her. She appreciates the nearly placid way he allows her to use him to get off. 
“Fuck, Roman,” she sighs. “Just like that. You wanna make Mommy come?”
He hums in approval, the vibrations taking every sensation up a notch. Tabitha squeezes her eyes shut and pulls him closer. 
“Again. Again, baby, don’t stop.”
As her own climax approaches, finally, she feels him smile against her at the exact moment he slips a third finger in alongside the other two. The sudden stretch combined with everything else he’s been doing takes her over the edge with a silent scream. He whines from how hard she pulls his hair as she comes, but doesn’t even think of pulling back until she releases him and sinks boneless into the mattress. 
Roman crawls back up the bed, face glistening with her juices, and offers her a little grin that usually only comes after a whispered ‘I love you’ in the middle of the night. Tabitha opens her arms for him and he falls into them like the two of them were made to fit together. She rubs his back and praises him in soft words as he goes from calm to crying and back again. They cycle through his emotions a few times before he tilts his head up for a kiss. She can still taste herself on him. 
“Thanks, Tabs,” he whispers. “I mean it.”
“Thank you for trusting me to give it to you.”
He rests his head on her chest once more and the two of them fall asleep intertwined and spent atop the messy sheets.
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bruh--wtf · 4 years
Trust Issues
Part 3
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Stiles Stilinksi x Reader
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That night you were at Lydia's when your phone rang. You look to see Stiles calling you. You smile at the girl who was reading a book.
"I'll be right back," you tell her. She nods and waves you off without looking up. You roll your eyes at the girl who acts like an idiot infront of her boyfriend.
You go into the hall and answer the call. "Hey," you say. "What's up?"
"Where are you?"
"We need to talk to Scott. And about Derek. Scott thinks he was at the party on Friday." You press your lips together, not responding. "Y/N?" You look down at your bruising wrist and nod even though he can't see you.
"Uh, yeah, he was there," you say. You hear the phone moving and Scott soon speaks.
"What do you mean? You saw him?" He asks. You chuckle humorlessly.
"I might have, completely hypocritically, went up to him at the party," you say.
"What?!" You hear Stiles yell. You look behind you at your friend's room.
"I'll be home soon, calm down!" You say.
"We're at Stiles'," Scott says. You bite your lip.
"Well, I'm going home."
"What, why?" Stiles asks.
"Because I'm with Lydia. And she doesn't know where you live!"
"You do! Give her directions!" You clench your jaw and hear the window open down the hall.
"Um, I have to go, I'll be there soon," you tell them. You hear something but hangup and shove the phone in your pocket. You turn into Lydia's room and smile at ger, grabbing your jacket. "Hey, I'm gonna head out. My brother's being an idiot." She scoffs and nods.
"Do you want me to drive you?" You shake your head.
"No, you stay. I'll just walk. Stiles doesn't live that far anyways," you tell her. She raises an eyebrow at you and smirks.
"Stiles?" Then she pauses, looking confused. "What's a Stiles?" You chuckle.
"A boy, surprisingly," you tell her. She chuckles and waves you off.
You leave the house, saying bye to Natalie. You start walking towards the boy's house. After a few minutes, you hear a noise in the woods and quickly turn to see where it came from.
Your breathing picks up a little. You look around, trying to find the source of the sound. You see something run by, and start running.
You were on his street.
When you felt a hand on your bad wrist. You cry out, but a hand clamps over your mouth. Your chest was heaving.
"Where is Scott?" Derek. Shit.
He lets go of you and you turn to him. You punch him, but he's not fazed. It's probably more painful for you, but you ignore it.
"It bruised, asshole! And I happen to live up to my promises." His glare was enough to make you want to run away, but you didn't. You were stubborn.
"You're an idiot."
"I'm an idiot?! What did you do to my brother? Fix it," you tell him. He scoffs.
"Didn't he tell you about our little conversation."
"Yeah, and I don't buy it. Fix. It." He looks you over.
"You should be thanking me right now," he says. You raise an eyebrow.
"Oh? And why is that?"
"Because whoever it is, wants to give you the bite. I'm not the only one looking around, Y/N," he says. Your eyes widen.
"What happened to 'the bite is a gift' and all that shit?" You ask. His glare hardens.
"I could easily kill you right now," he says. You smirk.
"On the sheriff's street? I don't think so. Because unlike if you died, someone will actually miss me," you say. "You might be stupid, but you're not that dumb."
"I could easily get away with killing you," he informs you. You scoff.
"Oh yeah? Then do it," you say. He raises an eyebrow at you and you hear footsteps running up to you.
Scott soon appears infront of you, inbetween you and Derek.
You feel a hand on your wrist again and flinch away from Stiles. He looks down at your wrist confusedly. Then he grabs your hand, lifting up your sleeve. Even in the dim lighting he could seen the bruise.
He looks at Derek. "You hurt her?" He asks, stepping up to Derek. Scott looks at you questioning you. You grab onto Stiles' arm, pulling him back. Derek smirks a little at you, and you remember what he said at the party.
You hold onto Stiles' arm, glaring at Derek.
Eventually, Derek leaves, making the two boys finally turn to you. You didn't let go of Stiles despite Derek being gone.
"When did that happen?" Scott asks. You bit your lip.
"The party. I have a habit of ticking people off," you say. Stiles looks at Scott, but was clearly thinking about something.
"Why didn't you tell me? I was with you that whole night and you didn't tell me," Stiles says. You press your lips together.
"I didn't want you guys to freak out. It's fine. It's not like I haven't been hurt before," you say.
"Yeah, but not by a freaking killer," Stiles says. You couldn't help the frown that made it onto your face.
"Let's get back to the house," Scott says. You nod, finally releasing the boy, despite your body's protest for his warmth. Scott walked a little ahead of the two of you, probably purposefully.
When you get to the house, Scott goes to Stiles' room and Stiles pulls you back before going inside. You barely look at the boy, a little upset.
"Are... are you mad at me now?" He asks. You look up at him, a softened gaze.
"No, I'm not mad, Stiles," you tell him.
"I just... I can't believe he even touched you," he says. He looks down at where he still holds your hand. "I hate that he touched you." You stare at the boy.
"Why does it bother you so much? It doesn't even bother Scott that much," you say. Stiles glances up at you, a small smile on his face. "Do you like me?" It comes out faster than you can think and he looks up at you.
"Yeah, I do," he admits. Your eyes widen a fraction. "And I get it if you don't like me, that's fine. But, I've liked you since the third grade." You stare at the boy in shock.
"You... you actually like me," you say, surprised. He scoffs.
"Why are you so surprised? You're perfect," he says. You meet his eyes again.
"Do you really think that?" He smiles at you.
"God, how could I not?" You smile a bit, and his widens.
"Stiles," his dad says from the door and you turn to look. "Get inside, it's getting cold." He gives you a small smile, and goes inside.
You turn to look at Stiles, who takes a step to pull you inside. You pull back and he gives you a confused look.
"I can't do that to Scott, Stiles," you say. He turns to fully face you.
"What do you mean?"
"You're basically family to him. And, I don't exactly have the best track record. So, I'm sorry. But I won't do that to Scott," you tell him, slipping your hand out of his. He glances down at your hand then back up at you.
"I'm... I don't-"
"I like you, Stiles! But nothing can, or will, happen between us. Because, I always find some way to mess it up, and if something happened between you and me and it didn't work out, we'd only hurt eachother. And Scott. And he needs both of us, especially now." The boy stares at you.
"You won't even give it a shot?" He asks. You press your lips together and shake your head.
"No. I'm sorry," you say. Then you walk past the boy and go inside.
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trashogram · 4 years
I would like to smite whoever instilled the association between Ryuk and Ariana Grande’s most salacious songs into my head. You forced my hand as soon as I heard her new album, even though I’m dead tired. 
Ryuk/Reader smut stuff pt. 3 
Warning: Some body image issues, but less focus on that than I intended. Reader is pretty fem as well. Tagging @aescela, @spookyghoullover, and @slager1349 just in case y'all wanted to be tagged for stuff that isn’t exactly my main fanfic idk lemme know if I should change that. 
“Hey,” Ryuk started. Instinctively he reached out to take your arm and pull it away from your face. “Why’re you hidin’ from me?”
Your breath stuttered in your chest, and you felt the heat intensify behind your cheeks. Ryuk’s grip on you was gentle, but you could see the way his spindling fingers overlapped each other because of how tiny your wrist was compared to his claws. You felt weary for a second, caught between the mortification of having your reaction pointed out very plainly and the fluttering in your stomach over the size difference.  
Licking your lips, you tried to look him in the eye. “I… I’m just shy, I guess.”
“Huh?” An indent formed on Ryuk’s prominent brow, clear confusion in his exaggerated look and the downturn of his lips against the usual Glasgow grin. “Why’re you shy?”
His pupils darted over your face, then lower. “I’ve seen you without clothes on before.”
His quick perception of the issue had your mouth fall slightly, honest surprise forcing a lump in your throat. Ryuk pulled you by your arm delicately, taking advantage by rolling you onto your back so that you could no longer hide in the pillow.
Nervously, you laughed. It was becoming such a commonly-employed tick that you found yourself growing annoyed over your own habits. “You’re right.”
“It’s stupid.” You shook your head, eyes less focused. “I mean obviously, we’ve been living together for a long time and we’ve… done that.”
God, you wanted to crawl into a hole and die. “But not like this.”
Your shinigami cocked his head, still perturbed. In the back of your mind, you admired the way his facial structure flexed and changed if he truly wanted it to. And the privately cherished implication that he was only so emotive with you. No one else.
“You - You’re looking right at me.” You mumbled, face burning. “Usually we just do it and you’re not this close while you’re -”
You stopped, letting out a frustrated sigh. As you turned it over in your head, you could see how you were making a fuss over nothing. “I’m sorry, it’s just a dumb human feeling.”
The hand that had been wrapped around your arm released you just as Ryuk finally touched down from where he’d been hovering right above you. His bony knees landed on either side of your legs as he slid both hands down to curve around your ribcage.
You gasped softly, keenly aware of the way his fingers curled, digging themselves into the comforter beneath you so that he could get a proper hold on you. At the same time, his face drew nearer, until he filled up your worldview.
His thumbs smoothed over your lower rib bones, tracing up to your breasts all while his black talons skated along your skin. Your skin turned to gooseflesh as he took his time, the curiosity that colored his entire being coming out while he drifted up to your collarbone.
You didn’t know what to expect with a partial admission of your own insecurities. Ryuk was always questioning, ever-intrigued and had patience that surpassed any human’s, so he could’ve continued asking about it. At the same time, he was always hungry, especially now that intimacy was on the table. If you ever even hinted at wanting, he was now there in a flash as if you were on par with apples, pawing at you and your clothes.
The god didn’t question it when you gave him those juicy apples and you as well, so you might’ve expected him to whine away your silly hangups.
This, him - touching you with deliberate slowness and eyeing the way your body responded... was a strange amalgamation of the two. It was somewhat like when you’d first engaged in intimacy with him, but less clumsy. His cold hands could span over large portions of your body in a wandering sort of way, touching on little scars, freckles, moles, and stretch marks.
You winced at that. Dumb human feeling or not, you’d been raised on the notion that your body was shameful and imperfect.
“Quit saying that.” Ryuk said candidly, as if it were a catchphrase. “You think I don’t like what I see?”
His words made you blink.
“Um,” Your back arched as the death god smoothed over your nipple. “M-most guys -”
“I’m not ‘most guys’.” Ryuk’s goofy grin returned as he flicked at the sensitive area again.
In his hands, your chest started to rise and fall, shaking, as you couldn’t help but laugh, slightly disbelieving at your partner’s shrewdness. It only escalated as one of Ryuk’s thumbs swept over your belly, pressing into you lightly to make you squirm.  
His thumb wriggled mercilessly, despite you immediately trying to shove him away amid full-body giggling. Your head fell back into the pillow with a cry as the shinigami replaced his thumb with his long, slimy tongue.
“Hey!” Your laughter was hysterical, limbs turning into jelly though you still prodded at his grip on you with your meager strength. “Stop it! Enough. Stop. Please!”
Ryuk’s otherworldly chuckling was muffled over a busy tongue, but hearing it made any remnants of being grounded by shame dissolve. It was so instantaneous that you didn’t notice the change at all.
Your laughter caught in your throat, and a startled ‘oh!’ left your mouth as the stroke of his tongue finally found what had been Ryuk’s goal all along. His dark hands had already glided down to grip you by your hips, steady as they lifted you up by your bottom.
His red eyes gleamed at you from between your legs. You could practically hear his guttural voice in your head. 
                                              I love what I see.  
The sight grew fuzzy as you slackened, eyes rolling back in your head when his tongue swirled eagerly, hungrily. Always hungry.  
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dear-kumari · 4 years
What's your thought abt ch204 esp. regarding suwon snapping at our yas queen yona?
Hi, anon!  After reading the fan translation (still waiting for LMS of course, but I trust the fans' work), I give this chapter a grade of Not As Bad As I Thought It Would Be.  It wasn't that good, but it wasn't terrible either.  I love Meinyan despite her cloyingly cute animal sidekick and I'm glad we got at least a glimpse of Suwon's reasoning for hating Hiryuu (it's not just about the stupid illness, yayyy!).  Also, shoutout to Keishuk for making me lose my mind, jfc.
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Call this Akatsuki no Yona ch. 2 because he's still coming for Yona's life.  What an icon.
As for Suwon snapping a bit, I liked it!  It's far from everything I want from him or for Yona, but it's a good start.  I think both he and Yona were very much in-character during their actual confrontation, so it felt like an genuine culmination of their tension and not just a Yas Queen moment.  Her body language parallels the "give yourself to me!" scene with Hak (which, btw, was not a romantic gesture on her end, so idk why some HakYona fans are worried about this parallel?) and she's making a very Yona-typical leap that Suwon sees her as Hiryuu just like everyone else.  And Suwon doesn't cave for once — he looks her in the eyes and tells her, in no uncertain terms, that this isn't about her.
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Ahh, the angery kitty face.  Almost too adorable to take seriously. :3
Suwon is responding to her meddling, yes, but he's also responding directly to her "you don't need me" line.  She hears "I'm so sick of … King Hiryuu" and "I don't need it" as applying to her, but he's saying no, that had nothing to do with you.  It's … honestly very sweet that he's still drawing a line between her and Hiryuu.  He thinks better of her and probably doesn't want her to be burdened with whatever Il told him about that night.  idk if Yona actually understood the second meaning of his words, but from our POV, it's very important.
That's also why I hesitate to see this as the Snapped Suwon content we've been waiting for.  Although he doesn't validate Yona's assumptions, Suwon still isn't really calling her or Hiryuu out on their hypocrisy.  I get the vibe that he's just trying to protect her, both from whatever that Il flashback is hiding and from the hard decisions that he himself has to make.  His expression reminds me more of when Jaeha tried to stop Yona from investigating nadai than of someone reaching an emotional limit; he's pissed, sure, but not because he's bitter and in pain.  This is probably mostly anger from a place of love, not from a place of being fed up with everything and everyone.  If Suwon could dip into the latter for once, I'd really appreciate that …
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My only real hangup about this moment is the "look at me"/"look into my eyes!" thing.  It's applicable to this specific moment, I guess, but it's also weird because, like … Suwon has been looking at her?  And not only during the castle arc, either; their confrontation during the nadai arc had some pretty intense eye contact.  Dramatic stares are kind of their thing.
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It's a little hard to tell because Yona is so short, but their eye lines match up in each of these scenes.  Suwon doesn't always look away.  He tries to avoid interacting if he can, of course, but I think it's weird to imply that he hasn't been meeting her eyes when he obviously has, and very recently at that.  This scene in ch. 204 is one of the few times when their interaction was clearly marked by lack of eye contact from the beginning.  idk, it's just a really weird thing for her to "call out" as though it's an ongoing problem.
(Also, I personally don't like that the narrative/Yona is making the common association between avoidance/disrespect/guilt and lack of eye contact, because I myself have a lot of trouble with eye contact that doesn't tie into any of those states of mind — i.e. undiagnosed neurodivergence go brrr.  I see forcing eye contact as a huge violation of boundaries, even if the other person is avoiding it out of guilt/disrespect/whatever; so, I really can't "side" with Yona here.  Again, it's totally in-character for her to do, but it's just another example of her Cool Girl Badass actions rubbing me the wrong way because of my personal experiences and my empathy with the person on the receiving end.)
Anyway, yeah, I liked this two-page moment they had!  As far as the next page where she pulls the Yonhi Card again, uhh … I don’t really wanna get into that, but suffice to say that it's getting old.  As much as Kusanagi is seemingly going out of her way to prove me right about Yona’s core character traits (I'm telling y'all, she’s presumptuous! that’s part of who she is!!), I still think she doesn’t see Yona’s flaws as flaws.  Yona’s compassion is conditional and largely based on conveniently correct assumptions about the people around her, so I’m at least glad that Suwon pushed back on one of her assumptions; but when I think about Snapped Suwon, what I really want to see is him pushing back on the kind of behavior that Yona and Yonhi have embodied.  Just because you have good intentions doesn’t mean that, say, selling your son out to his father’s killer or lighting a false war beacon are okay things to do.  Even if Suwon just told Yona to stop bringing up Yonhi as if she understands how he feels about her, that’d be great.  He’s still very soft on Yona and reticent about his mother, though, so idk if we’ll ever see him snap like that.
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