#afac dub
the-undertale-mouse · 3 months
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lynxgriffin · 6 months
What do you think Undertale/Deltarune AU's such as
Drunk Chara, Ask Frisk and Company, Twinrune, and Candleholder?
I think I watched dubs for the first two a looooong time ago, and I don't know how they have progressed since then, but I remember preferring AFAC as a whole! Obviously if you follow me then you know I'm also following Twin Runes and enjoying it a lot! I don't know Chandleholder, though.
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askfriskandcompany · 3 months
What is your favorite of the dubs you've seen?
There are like two of those, and I personally know the ones who made both those dubs, so I’m not gonna rank them. It’s two dubs. I like them both.
Unless there are more dubs of AFAC I’m unaware of, in which case please tell me so I can gush over them too.
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
May I dub the echo flower flirt fail comic?
It's really cute!
yeah absolutely! also hi did you know i used to watch your stuff on the youttubbe when you and studio catbird's AFAC dubs were still coming out and i was like 12 years old??? wild how time flies. anyway please send me a link afterwards, I'd love to hear how it turned out :]
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askcharaandfriends · 8 months
So when I watched your dubs of the Mettatonland arc in AFAC, I noticed that some of the sound effects sounded off. If you want, I can give you a link to all of the sound effects used in the game. Really hope you don't take any offense to this, I'm just genuinely asking if you want the link.
Early on, I used a crappy mic, went to YouTube and typed in "undertale sound fx" and hit record. In my ears, it works. I simply have been too lazy to fetch a better set. It's a lot of sounds! It takes organizing! I've not the spoons. But I won't say no to a link to that. I may change my mind one day and it would be nice to have it on hand. I have also recorded other sounds with varying levels of quality. And sometimes I alter the sounds for a specific effect. You may have heard that as well.
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consumeroflemoans · 2 months
I think it was easier because I was both relatively young and english is also a very common language for, well, most things on the internet, so it's easy to find an overlap with other areas of intrest
Though there was one dubbing of an ask-blog I watched through for a little, Ask Frisk And Company, I was watching the two minute ones way more and big compilations of them sometimes, found them before I ever figured out what Undertale even was in the first place so at first I thought it was the original work of the creator that made the first comic I watched
I figured it out pretty quick after I typed it into the search bar though I still didn't know it was a game at that point or even really what the plot was at all, did a little game where I puzzled it together through context clues before I even thought about, you know, watching a playthrough
I did mention how I messed up the meaning of "afraid" for a while, I remember the comic that taught me what it meant very clearly, that was one of my favourites
I couldn't find it sadly, but it was about Flowey talking to Chara, though they weren't physically present, he was talking to himself like they were there and telling them about how he's feeling, it was drawn in black and white, I swear it was such a good one
A lot of the comics I watched were about Flowey, he was the main guy in the first comic and I liked seeing more of him, I did branch out after I got a better grip on what happened in the story
I have also mentioned puns and honestly those were really just an absolute hit with me, it was a riddle that you got a joke as a reward for figuring out so I rewatched comic dubs about various characters just saying puns a lot
I also remember liking this one specifically, but there were a whole lot more:
With comics that I didn't watch for jokes it was mostly angst for me, the amalgamates were something I liked focusing on, but I was happy as long as everyone in the comic was sad
I still really admire just about any voice actor from there, like I cannot overstate how much that added and they were so good so often
I think I watched a bunch of AFAC but for the life of me I cannot remember the plot. All I can remember is Sans singing a parody of Ajll Star to psychologically torture Chara stuck in his head.
Focusing on Flowey comics is honestly so real they were always some of the funniest and angstiest.
I fell down the AU rabbit hole pretty quickly so most of the comics I’ve watched have been related to those:
Honestly I’ve always wanted to get into voice acting because I do have some talent for doing different voices and I’ve been told I have a good voice. It’s such a cool profession and I admire all the people that just do it for free
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studiocatbird · 6 years
Beloved AFAC Editor & Lead Actress Chi is recovering from Mono, an illness that often takes months to recover from. Do not worry we will be picking up AFAC again when she’s ready to return. In the mean time we’re going to continue to work on content for you guys.
Auditions for Dolphin Detective,  "A noir-ish style comic about a Dolphin who falls in love with a horse." are up. Male and Female voices are needed for this one. Deadline  Sep 22, 2018 https://www.castingcall.club/projects/dolphin-detective-comic-dub ~CK
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mangofritter · 7 years
*Internally screaming*
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paintedhen · 3 years
WAIT i just remembered another decent VA that came closeish to how i imagine mettatons voice, if not a little higher pitched than what’s in my mind, but it was the mtt from the studio catbird AFAC dubs
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ask-scpgaster · 3 years
wait u said "those two blogs" in the tags but I'm not sure what you are referring to, did i miss something?
I was referring to MWSIH and AFAC. They are pretty popular undertale ask blogs, and the youtube dubs by Studio Catbird are what introduced me to the concept of an askblog.
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catboymoments · 3 years
afac anon - yeah, i just can’t find the tag that has all the comic pages
There must’ve been an error with the blog- they have an official comic dub on yt?
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the-undertale-mouse · 2 years
Ask Frisk and Company Index
A friendly tool for navigation because the blog is huge and while they organized it chronologically, tumblr makes it hard to work on mobile. they used to have other links on their header but i think tumblr broke them. and scrolling either from the beginning or the latest to any point in the middle is a lot of work! (wip because this blog is very long!) CatBird (CB) and Miamouse (mm) dubs included!
The Beginning 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 IT STARTS (CB), You Started an Ask Blog (mm), 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, THE TALK (CB), 15, 16, Beware the Man Behind the Couch (mm), 17, 18, 19, FRISKY MONSTERS (CB), 20, 21, Love Trouble (mm), 22, MASTER OF ROMANCE (CB),  23, 24, OMG YOU’RE LIKE TOTALLY OUR OPT (CB), Return of the Flirt Master (mm),  
Red Echoes 25, 26, RETURN OF THE FALLEN (CB), 27, 28, Your Very Best Enemy (mm)  29, 30, END OF DETERMINATION (CB),  31, 32, Myths and Mystery (mm),  33, ONE JOB (CB), 34, 35, 36,  37, CHARA STRIKES(CB), 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, Hostile Takeover (mm), 43, MK HAS ACQUIRED A BEA(CB), 44, 45, 46, LAMENTATIONS (CB), 47, 48, 49, Dodging Fate (mm), 50, 51, THE TRUTH IS REVEALED (CB),  52, 53, Not Easy to Kill (mm), HARD TO KILL (CB), 54, 55, HOW TORIEL GOT HER GROOVE BACK (CB FIRST PART IS DUB ONLY), 56, 57, 58, SINS OF THE FATHER (CB), 59,  Gaster’s Darkness (mm),  60,  61, SWAN DIVE! (CB),  62, 63, Frisk’s Confession (mm),  64, DON’T GIVE UP(CB), 65 [Meme Lord!], 66, 67, 68, 69, IF YOU MEME IT, HE WILL COME (CB), Rise of the Meme Lord (mm), 70, 71, A PAINFUL METAPHORE (CB), 72, 73, 74, Self-Sustaining Tornado of Feels (mm), NEVER AGAIN (CB),  75, 76, ORANGE SCENTED ERRORS (CB),  77, 78, 79, 80, 81, AN ENDING? (CB),  Soul Searching (mm)
Man Who Speaks in Hands Guide
Just before the crossover: M138, M139, M140, M141, M142, M143, M144, M145, M146, M147, M148, 
Sweet Dreams and Nicecreams 82, 83, M150 M151,M152, M153, M154, M155, M156, 84, 85, 86, SEXY BURGER DREAMS (CB), 87, M157, M158, 88, M159, 89, SPONTANIOUS NICECREAM (CB), 90, Sweet Dreams and Nicecreams (mm), 91, 92, 93, 94, 95,  MEETING THEIR MATCH (CB),  96, 97, M160, M161, M162, M163, M164, M165, Dark, Darker, Yet Darker (mm), SECRETS SPAGHETTI & SHORTCUTS (CB), M166 98, 99, 100, 101, A FISH WEARS A BRA (CB),  102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, BURGERS AND NICECREAM (CB), 108, M166 Forget Me Not (mm), NOT AGAIN! (CB),   109, 110, 111, 112, M168, M169, M170,  M171, M172, M173, M174, M175, M176, M177, M178, M179, M180, M181, M182, 113, I FEEL ANGRY! (CB),  Gilded Tears (mm),  M183, M184,  114,  M185, 115, M186, M187  116, 117,  HERMANN’S NEW HIT SINGLE (CB), Un Gooping the Goopster (mm)  M188,  M189, M190, M191, M192, M193, M194, 118, 119, 120, DON’T DO THE THING! (CB),  121, 122, 123, 124,  125, 126, All’s Fab in Love and Science (mm),  SUCH SWEETHEARTS (CB),   127, 128,  M196,  129, 130, TEXTING TROUBLES (CB),  131, 132, 133, 134, 135, SHE’S AWAKE (CB),  136,  M197,   M201,  137, 138, M 203,  Never Gonna Give You Up! (mm),  139, M 204, M 205,  140, 141, 142, GOTTA MAKE YOU UNDERSTAND (CB),  143, M198, M199, M200,   144, 145, 146, THE MOTHER REMEMBERS(CB), 147, Some Complex feelings (mm), 148, 149, 150, 151, M 202, M 206,  M 207  CHOCOLATE HEALS ALL (CB), A Nicecream Miracle (mm),  M208, M209, M210, M211, 152, 153,  154,  M212  155,  BACK WHERE THEY BELONG (CB), Goatally Grounded (mm),  156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, Sibling Rivalry (mm), 168, 169, TACTICLE SANS INCOMING (CB), 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, PORCELAIN PIGGIES (CB), 180, 181, 182, 183, AN IRREDEEMALE WORLD (CB),  Don’t hurt de Pokemans (mm)
Extra Dark Chocolate 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, THE ENIGMATIC STRANGER (CB), 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, Shadows Approaching (mm),  “THEY” (CB), 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, UNSPEAKABLE MEDIOCRITY (CB), 206, 207, 208, 209, 210,  The Dark Knight and the Sand Guardian (mm), 
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You ever thought of doing a crossover with ask frisk and friends?
There’s a few ask frisk and friends blogs so, I’m not sure which one you’re talking about.
However on the top of crossovers, I do plan on doing a cross over with @askcharaandfriends at some point! They’re the swap AU of Ask Frisk and Company (was that the blog you meant to ask if I’d crossover with?) Mia is super cool and dubs the AFAC comics and thought about crossing over with me because I have a similar vibe as her and Trash Queen’s blogs. (Probably because TQ first gave me the inspiration to create my own ask blog and has been a big inspiration, if that’s not already evident by Azerian’s resemblance to Maverick Chaos Dragon. I didn’t really mean to ripoff but they are extremely similar.)
Anyways, asides from the future cross over with ACAF, I haven’t thought about crossovers too much. I’m definitely interested and open to collabing with other ask blogs though! I mean, due to the portal situation in Undertale-ish, It’s kinda the perfect crossover situation, ya know?
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askfriskandcompany · 7 years
In case anyone hasn’t seen the latest episode of the dub. It’s probably my new favorite. And not just because I composed most of the music in it. The comedic timing on that ending is perfect.
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comikatva · 7 years
One of my favorite Storytime with Ask Frisk and Company episodes.
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askcharaandfriends · 1 year
I got a stupid idea to make this blog in gacha club and dub it
along with afac
I just wanna make sure you're cool with it
(Also Paolo is definitely my favorite character)
I'm cool with dubs but it's the gatcha club thing I'm not sure about. Why not just use the comic? And anyway I'd rather you ask stuff like this off anon. I'm going to say no to the gatcha part until I learn the deal with gatcha.
My general rules for dub is this: give me credit for this, and give trash queen credit since afac is my inspiration. Send a link of the dub so I can watch.
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