#afangst bingo
blackwood4stucky · 2 months
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hoping these roses dull the pain, cover the scars and turn the page
author: aspen blackwood
james “bucky” barnes x steve rogers | mcu
masterpost | 🅴 | 🔞 | word count: 3,360 | complete
tags: alpha x alpha, drugged, forced sex, non con body bod, non traditional omegaverse, triggered mating, secondary gender modification, dark elements
"A peculiar scent fills Steve’s nose as he wakes slowly. He knows that scent, it is one that still haunts him, that whispers his failures in his ears like prayers." - There were turncoats on the Lemurian Star.
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bingo fills + event prompts
ch. 1: hoping these roses dull the pain, cover the scars and turn the page
@anyfandomangstbingo | barely conscious
@anyfandomdarkbingo | fuck or die
@anyfandomgoesbingo | possessive alpha
@anyfandomkinkbingo | handcuffs
@badthingshappenbingo | mutilation
alpha bucky april | breeding kink + purring + double minimum requirement babb 2023 | failed mission [april prompt] babb 2023 [babb060] | held down connect 4 [c4013] | c1: sex slave
@catws-anniversary | theme: bucky barnes - metal arm
frisky february | drugged sex monsterfcking march | shapeshifting: transforming during sex
@eclipsingbingo | trail of blood
@fandom-free-bingo: valentine’s edition | aphrodisiac, bound
@hurtcember | forced
@julybreakbingo: post-july | sex pollen
@kinky-things-happen | transformation
@marvel-smash-bingo | forced orgasm
@mcukinkbingo: open round | torture
omegaverse | forced mating round 2 [1028] | free space
scalding hot: consent issues bingo | non con body mod: extra fuck holes
@sebastianstanbingo | sex slave
@stuckybingo [5080] | kink: breeding
@stuckygeekevents: stucky geek bingo | captivity, kidnapped
@yearoftheotpevent | april: canon divergence
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read: ao3 | ffn | sqwa
mini playlist
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faithfulcat111 · 8 months
Stonathan Sunday
Okay, actually writing this a bit early while I'm breaking for the long one. Also, this will fulfill a few different things, so enjoy:
Title: Stonathan Sunday - Chapter 13
Pairings: Jonathan Byers x Steve Harrington
Word Count: 701
Warnings: Fist fight, ganged-up on, teeth, blood, whump
Stonathan Sundays Prompt: "Think of it as a compliment."
Whumptober - Day 1 - “But now this room is spinning while I’m trying just to fill in all the gaps.” | Safety Net | Swooning | “How many fingers am I holding up?” - @whumptober
Halloween Horror Bingo - Going to the theater - @halloweenhorrorbingo
Any Fandom Angst Bingo - Teeth Knocked Out - @anyfandomangstbingo
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"Think of it as a compliment."
Jonathan glared up at the boy over him the best he could. Hargrove was apparently an even worse vain peacock than Steve ever was. But he also didn't care how it made him look to have two of the other morons holding Jonathan down on his knees while he took shots at someone who couldn't fight back. Another one of his punches to Jonathan's jaw and the tooth he had felt loosened popped out of place, leaving Jonathan no choice but to spit it out with the mouthful of blood.
"After all," Jonathan tuned him out because, frankly, he really didn't care why Hargrove had chosen to target him today. He wasn't the first bully Hawkins had ever had that chose to go after Jonathan and he probably wouldn't be the last. Jonathan still had a whole year and a half left in this town for more to set their sights on him.
Another punch and Jonathan was trying to blink the spots out of his vision. He wasn't entirely sure if the piercing sound was from his own ringing head or from outside the ally that Hargrove's minions had dragged him into. Turns out it was from outside the ally as his arms were suddenly released and he tried to catch himself on the hard concrete. Stomping and screaming echoed around him as he curled harder in on himself, trying to get away from everything around him.
He startled, jerking away when he felt something clamp around his shoulder. Jonathan brought up one arm to curl around the back of his head, doing his best to calm the shaking starting up in every limb. More noise above him and then he felt something firm against the back of his hand still planted on the ground. The noise closest to himself became soft and familiar and Jonathan cracked one eyelid open. He blinked his eyes wider as he recognized the person in front of him as his boyfriend who was rocking back on his heels with his own bruises from Hargrove just barely noticeable around his left eye.
"Hey there, Jonathan," Steve's voice came into focus. "Are you with me?"
Jonathan blinked, looking up and down the ally. The lights that were causing him to squint still were coming from a cop car that was blocking off one end of the ally and there were a few cops including, from Jonathan's best guess as his vision still was wavy, Hopper at the other end.
"Hey," Steve's voice brought attention back to himself. Yup, he was still a bit of a peacock, had to be. "How many fingers am I holding up?"
Jonathan, with what felt like great effort, shifted his eyes from Steve's face to the hand right beside it. They were just as wavy, but when Jonathan opened his mouth to answer, he just started coughing instead. "Hey, hey, hey, it's okay," it took a couple of tries but Steve's hand eventually landed on his upper back without an immediate, involuntary flinch from Jonathan. After a moment, Jonathan finally raised his hand to mimic Steve's fingers from earlier.
"Very good," Steve trailed off, reaching to carefully take Jonathan's hand to rub a finger carefully over the grit on Jonathan's palm. He blinked down, his focus narrowing to Steve's finger on his hand. "Let's get you moving, sound good?"
Jonathan looked back up at him and nodded, grasping onto Steve's arms as the other boy helped him into a standing position. "Shit," Steve ducked to sling one of Jonathan's arms around his neck. "You are so lucky I was heading to the movie theater to try and pick you up and saw what was happening."
Jonathan looked down, vaguely remembering that he was supposed to be at work and wondering if he would be able to get the blood spots out of his vest before his shift after school tomorrow. "Hey, keep walking," Jonathan looked back up, trying to refocus on the task Steve had given him as they made their way over to where Hopper (it was him, Jonathan was 90% sure) was talking to the EMT who had arrived at the ally entrance.
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endlesstwanted · 1 year
1930s Valentine's Day Blues
This story was inspired by a prompt from the @stuckonyvalentinecards collection and I love how it turned out. Happy Valentine's 🌷
Fandom: Captain America (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Tags: Light Angst, Flowers, Pining, Friends to Lovers Summary: Steve had never enjoyed Valentine's Day, and he can’t help but hope for this year to be different. Wordcount: 1,604
Created for: · @stuckybingo prompt R1 — “Jerk” · @avengersbingo prompt — Best Friends Since Childhood  · @anyfandomangstbingo prompt — Unrequited love · @allcapsbingo prompt — Free space
“She?” Bucky frowned. “You mean, your mum?” “No, I mean your date, jerk,” Steve nervously chuckled, aiming to smoothen his nerves. “What date?” His friend seemed to be in the mood to mess with him, apparently. “Don’t you have a Valentine’s date?” Now Steve was really confused. “Yeah, but not with a girl.”
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bluebellsinburbank · 1 year
Title: Everything is Going To Be Okay Pairing: Chuck Bartowski/Bryce Larkin (pre-relationship) Rating: Teen Word Count: 2,729 Warnings: mentions of injuries Summary: Stuck in a cell with an injured superspy, Chuck is really not having a good day. But it's all going to be okay. Right? A/N: My first ever attempt at writing angst, over 2000 words longer than I'd intended.
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onmywaytofanfic · 2 years
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So here is my Bingo card @writercole @anyfandomangstbingo has given me so I can started to expand my fic world. Soon we will see some fics over here exploring this world through the cards.
Thank you and keep buzzing!
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holylulusworld · 2 years
AFG ANGST BINGO masterlist
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Preview for the upcoming fics to fill the squares.
Stories written for: @anyfandomangstbingo​
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Square 1: Little angel (Michael!Dean x FallenAngel!Reader): Too late to save them
Square 2: Htfbh (4) - Trick the trickster (former Steve x Reader/Andy Barber x Reader): “No one can break your heart if you keep it broken anyway.”
Square 3: One summer night (Cult!Leader Thor Odinson x fem!Reader): Cult AU
Square 4: Htfbh (3) - Bend until you break (former Steve x Reader/Andy Barber x Reader): “I knew she’d never change, she was too stubborn, too similiar to me.”
Square 5: Htfbh (1) - Boulevard of broken dreams (Steve x Reader/Andy Barber x Reader): Free Space
Square 6: The hammer (2) (Biker!Thor Odinson x Reader): House Arrest
Square 7: Every step you take (??? x Reader): Stalker AU
Square 8: ??? (??? x Reader) Psychiatric Ward
Square 9: Htfbh (2) - New dreams and old feelings (former Steve x Reader/Andy Barber x Reader) “Please don’t do this.”
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Find more special events/bingos here: Special Events & Stories Masterlist
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anyfandomangstbingo · 3 years
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Any Fandom Angst Bingo - Masterlist
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This is my card for the @anyfandomangstbingo​ ! I asked for it to hurt, and I love that card so much!
All the fics will also be posted on my main masterlist under the proper character/fandom/actor!
Rejected proposal:
House fire:
“Silence gets us nowhere fast.” :
Avalanche: Keep From Drowning (Jensen x reader)
Stuck on the road at night:
Stalker: The One  (Homelander x Reader)
“I’ll remember that as I’m slowly getting tortured.”: Already Cursed (Dean x Reader)
Bound and Gagged: Collateral Damage (Soldier Boy x Reader)
No way out: 
Free space: The Night We Met (Dean x Reader)
Gun Play: Dangerous Attraction (Dean x F!Reader)
Caught in a lie: 
Drunk cheating: How It Feels to Float (Meg x female!reader)
Plan gone wrong: 
“You walked away. Not me.” : Peaches and Plums (Quentin x Eliot)
Gunshot wound:
Boot worship:
Calling someone as you die:  It All Fell Down (Dean / Charlie x Reader)
Covered in blood: Isn’t it Lovely, All Alone? (Dean x Reader)
Emotional manipulation: In The End (Dean x Reader x Sam)
Stockholm Syndrom: His Perfect Doll (Michael!Dean x Reader)
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writercole · 2 years
Stranger In My House
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Squares: Loss of Feelings for each other @anyfandomangstbingo
Words: 599
Warnings: Angst.
Credits: @wildbornsiren for looking over it and assuring me that I'll be killed by some people.
A/N: I love this song and it works so well for the angst I was craving.
Part 2 | Part 3
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A relationship takes work from both partners. It’s a fact that is universally accepted. Sometimes, the relationship has bumps and one partner has to compensate for the other. Eventually, as it goes, they start getting used to putting in less work so the compensating partner just says fuck it and and quits putting in the work. But there are rare times that those bumps help both partners realize what they need from the other and repair the relationship.
This is not one of those times.
You walked through the house, staring at photos you’d memorized ages ago. You and Bradley had been so happy for so long. But lately, something was off. He still looked the same. He dressed the same. He still drove the Bronco, he still slept in the same place. But he was different.
He’d been leaving without saying goodbye, getting home without saying hello. His touches had become clinical instead of passionate, he’d been distant, cold. Sex had diminished to maybe once a month. 
The first thought, the obvious thought, was that there was another woman on the side. But you hadn’t found any evidence of it. No numbers balled up in his pocket, no lipstick marks on his collars, no foreign perfume. Just the constant smell of jet fuel, leather, and musk.
Besides, his work friends are also your friends, especially Tasha. They’d tell you, right?
You heard the door open and shut, taking a deep breath as you walked towards the kitchen. He barely glanced in your direction as he took off his boots and hung up his keys. You stood your ground, blocking most of the doorway into the hall, the only exit in the room, just to see what he would do. 
He stood in front of you, looking down at you with a sad smile. “I’m filthy today, babe, I need to shower first,” he said.
You nodded and stepped out of the way, following him towards the bedroom, turning into your closet while he showered. You started pulling your clothes out of drawers and off of hangers, tossing them haphazardly into one of the two suitcases you’d pulled out. One of your suitcases was full and zipped by the time Bradley stepped out of the shower.
He stopped short when he saw what you were doing. “What’s going on?” 
“I’m leaving, Bradley,” you sighed, “I can’t do this anymore.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I don’t know when it happened, but we aren’t ‘us’ anymore, Bradley. You don’t talk to me, you don’t touch me, you barely even look at me. And I don’t know if it’s because we just drifted apart or if I started wanting more for myself. But we’re not working,” you explained as tears fell from your eyes.
“Baby, I -”
“No, Bradley, just no. Please don’t try to apologize and beg me to stay. We need to be apart; we need to figure out what we want. We’re not the same people we were when we got married,” you sobbed, zipping the final suitcase.
“Where are you going to go?”
“I don’t know,” you sighed through the tears, “but I can’t stay here and pretend when it feels like I’m living with a stranger.”
“I’m not giving up on us,” he declared, still in only the towel from his shower.
“It feels like you already did,” you whispered with a sad smile.
You turned and walked out of the house, dragging your suitcases behind you to your car. You made it around the corner before the sobs overtook you and you had to pull over.
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Everything: @thelastpyle @deangirl93 @evergreencowboy @katelyn--renee @fictional-affairs @lassie-bird @paintlavillered @buckys-zomdoll @polireader @b3autyfuldisast3r @welcometothefandommultiverse @mlovesstories @supraveng
Top Gun: @princessmisery666 @evansrogerskitten @bradshaw-fanclub @saiyanprincessswanie @luckyladycreator2 @princessphilly @ahockeywrites @clints-lucky-arrow @wildbornsiren @w0nderw0man-reading @shanimallina87 @fuckyeahhangman @blue-aconite @hope-love-equality2 @peachiicherries @marvelousmermaid @therebeccaw @green-socks @imjess-themess @jostystyles @mayhem24-7forever
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writercole · 2 years
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Summary: The heart wants what the heart wants. But sometimes, it needs a push to figure it out.
Squares: Denied Proposal @anyfandomangstbingo // Rejected Proposal @taylorswiftbingo // Picnic @anyfandomfluffbingo // Hurt/Comfort @supernatural-jackles TMAS bingo // Make Me Cringe @howbadcanitbebingo // @callsign-phoenix 500 Follower Challenge Words: 1485 Warnings: Few? Um. rejection, pining
A/N: I formally pre-apologize for what I’m about to do but I do fix it all in the same fic because I’ve tortured you guys a few times now with making you wait and I really need this to be a one-shot.
Tag lists are through. Please follow @coleslibrary and turn on notifications for updates.
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Bob led his girlfriend, Laura, through the meadow, his fingers entwined with hers as he guided them to the picnic spot he’d set up. 
“Bob, where are we going?” she asked for the tenth time, her tone getting more and more impatient.
“We’re almost there, honey,” he cooed. He could see the picnic blanket spread under his favorite tree, the one he’d been running to since he was a kid. It was a special place for him; this would only be the second time he shared it with someone.
“I’m tired of walking,” she sighed.
Bob ignored her outburst, knowing that everything would be worth it and forgotten soon enough.  “Here we are,” he smiled as he pulled her in front of him, facing her towards the romantic date he’d planned with the help of his best friend, Y/N. 
“This is different,” Laura commented as she looked around, seeing her favorite flowers, her favorite champagne, her favorite fruits and vegetables and cheeses. 
“Mhmm,” he hummed, placing a kiss under her ear. “I wanted today to be special. Come on, let’s sit.”
They sat on the blanket and snacked, silence filling the space between them. Bob watched her closely, happy to be in his favorite spot with his girlfriend.
“Hey, Laura,” he said, slipping his hand into his pocket discreetly. “Did I ever tell you what was special about his place?”
“No,” she sighed again, facing him with a blank expression.
“It’s the one place I’ve always found peace. When I needed a break when I was a kid, I’d come here and just sit. Even now, as an adult, I come here when I need to think. But I find peace somewhere else. I find peace with you.” He pulled his hand out of his pocket before continuing. “You make me want to be a better person. I would run out of breath trying to describe all the ways I love you. I could call anywhere home as long as you’re with me. I love you, Laura. Will you marry me?” 
Bob held out his hand, a simple diamond ring laying in his palm. Laura was quiet, her face unreadable. The soft smile that had been etched on Bob’s face since he picked her up fell away. He closed his fingers around the ring and pulled his hand back, his heart shattering. He knew her answer.
“Bob, I’m really sorry,” she started.
“Don’t,” he interrupted, shaking his head. “I can’t believe I thought we were on the same page. I was so sure you’d say yes.” He started packing up the remaining food, trying to hide his pain by keeping his face down. “I can’t believe I shared my spot with you. Over a year of my life just…”
“I wish there was something I could say,” Laura whispered.
“Yeah, well, there’s nothing,” he snapped. 
“I just don’t see a future with you,” she continued.
Bob froze in his actions, hanging his head and squeezing his eyes shut, taking long, even breaths to calm himself. "So why stay as long as you did, Laura?"
"I thought…" she started, pausing when she needed to rethink her words. "I hoped that my instincts were wrong. The day that you approached me I saw it. The way you looked at Y/N. You've never looked at me that way. I just couldn't…I didn't want to be right. I didn't want to let you go."
"How did I look at her?" he whispered, confused and heartbroken.
"Like she's the first drop of rain in a drought, the first gasping breath after you wipe out. The one thing that can save you from dying." Laura's voice wavered and she shuffled, standing and resting her hand on his shoulder. "I do love you, Bob. But I can't compete with her."
Laura strode across the meadow, leaving Bob in his favorite spot, alone, grieving a love he thought was forever and wondering if that girl had been in front of him the whole time.
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The clock struck midnight and Y/N rubbed her eyes, slipping the photo strip into her book as a placeholder. She stretched with a groan and stood from her spot in the living room, looking out of the window to see that it had started raining while she was engrossed in the story of childhood friends turned lovers. 
Her eyes lingered on the photo sticking out, her and Bob at the arcade, making ridiculous faces. The strip was wildly appropriate to use as a bookmark; she had been friends with Bob since they were in middle school, one of the only people to still call him Robby. Somewhere along the way, she fell in love with him, realizing it shortly after he got serious with Laura. 
He proposed to her. Y/N helped him plan everything. Laura was going to accept and she'd help plan the wedding and hide her broken heart as long as she could.
Y/N switched the lamp off and quietly walked towards her bedroom. As she stepped into the short hallway, a pounding sounded through her apartment. 
She froze in her spot, completely terrified. Should she try to get her phone and call 911? Call Robby? Check and see who it was?
Did she have a weapon? An escape route? 
Another knocking made her jump, her shoulders relaxing slightly when she heard a voice call through the closed door.
"It's Robby. Open up, I need to talk to you."
She breathed a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding, her head a little dizzy with relief. She rushed to the door and unlocked it, throwing it open to see her best friend standing in the rain, alone, the expression on his face unreadable.
"Robby, what are you doing? Get out of the rain," she insisted, gripping his forearm and pulling him inside. "You're soaked. Let me get you a towel."
Bob stared at the spot where her hand had been, turning his arm slightly. The spot she'd wrapped her fingers around was warm, tingling, where the rest of him was shivering from the fall rain. 
"Here, dry off," she said when she came back in, two towels in her hands. 
Bob lifted his head slowly and met her gaze, his lips parting as if seeing her for the first time. "She was right," he muttered with a scoff.
"Who was right? Robby, what's going on?"
"Laura said no," he told her quietly. 
 "What?!" she exclaimed. There was no way Laura turned him down. Everything was perfect. He was perfect.
"She said she didn't see a future with me," he continued, "that I wasn't as in love with her as I thought I was."
"That's ridiculous," Y/N scoffed as she unfolded a towel and started drying off his arms. He was obviously upset and hurt and needed her help.
"I thought so too, at first." His eyes never left her face as she patted the towel around his hands. "But she said that I was in love with someone else. And I still didn't believe it once she said it. I sat there for hours under that tree. Did you know it started raining about two hours ago?"
"It's been raining that long? I've been sucked into the latest story I'm reading. But back up," she said, "Laura thinks you're in love with someone else?"
"Yeah," he confirmed. "And she's right."
"She is? Who?"
Bob slipped his hand around her neck and pulled her close, his lips finding hers with a roughness borne from years of pent up longing and passion. His arm slipped around her waist, pulling her close, molding her body to his.
She melted against him, the rainwater seeping through her clothes ignored as she pressed herself against him, her arms wrapping around his neck. The towel dropped to the floor as Bob turned them, pressing her back against the wall and swiping his tongue across her bottom lip.
She moaned quietly as she parted her lips, allowing him to deepen the kiss. The heady sensation buckled her knees and her head spun, overwhelmed with the sensation of his chest pressed against hers, keeping her from falling to the floor.
The painful burning in their lungs forced them apart, their eyes fluttering open as their heaving breaths mingled in the miniscule space between their lips.
“I -” she started.
“Wow,” he interrupted with a whisper. 
“Please don’t be a dream,” she begged, “I can’t bear it if it’s just a dream.”
“It’s not a dream,” he promised as his hand cupped her cheek, “it’s real. It’s you. It’s always been you. I was just too stupid to see it.”
“Are you enlightened, then?” she teased as her fingers played with the ends of his hair, goosebumps erupting on his neck.
“I’m the wisest man on Earth,” he smirked as he dipped his head down, capturing her lips once again. 
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writercole · 5 months
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Summary: Being childhood best friends with a porn star was hard. It was worse when you were in love with her. And even still when her husband had gotten arrested. Again.
Squares: Lyla Winston @anyfandomgoesbingo // Quote @anyfandomangstbingo // Childhood friends to lovers @lgbtqbingo
*Photos from google and canva
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writercole · 2 years
Holding Out Hope
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Squares: “Apologize right now” @anyfandomangstbingo​​ // “Good. I meant it to hurt.” @anyfandomfluffbingo​​ // Hurts To Breathe @badthingshappenbingo​​ // Excessive Tense Switch @howbadcanitbebingo​​ // Red Carpet Event Sons of Anarchy Bingo // “I wanted to leave him. I needed a reason” @taylorswiftbingo​​ // Mutual Pining TMAS @supernatural-jackles​​ Words: 3115 Warnings: mentions of cheating, assault (on a skank) Credits: The wonderful @princessmisery666​​ for being my sounding board and beta. A/N: Please don’t come at me for the tense switch. It’s for how bad can it be bingo! 
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You woke with a heaviness in your heart and a sinking feeling in your gut. You know it’s going to be a bad day but you didn’t anticipate the reason. You couldn’t if you tried. Grabbing your phone off of the nightstand, you trudged to the kitchen in your sleep shorts and tank top, finding your assistant, your publicist, and your bodyguard chatting in hushed tones over steaming cups of coffee.
“Did we really schedule a pow-wow this early?” you grumbled as you poured your own cup of caffeine, sipping the black nectar,  and turning to face the three people who keep your life on track.
They share a glance, one that seemed to hold a lengthy conversation. Your bodyguard sighed and faces you with a sympathetic look.
“Some photos were released this morning. Of Jax,” he said, tentatively holding out his phone to you.
You eyed him suspiciously as you took it from his large, outstretched hand. As you refocused your gaze on the screen, you nearly dropped your mug. Your boyfriend of ten months was photographed with that slutty waitress from the diner in town, Ima. His hands tangled in her hair as she sucked his dick. Another showed him buried balls deep in her from behind as he fucked her against the wall of the alleyway behind the diner. Classy as ever. 
You sucked in a deep breath and hand the phone back. “Okay. Opie, you’re driving me over to his house. Fiona, I want you with me. We’re going to draft a press release.”
“You’re sure about this?” your assistant, Venus, asked with a furrowed brow.
“I wanted to leave him. I needed a reason,” you replied coolly as you set your mug down. “Venus, I’m gonna need you to go through everything he has access to and revoke it. Take his name off of all of my upcoming events and guest lists. Get me an updated schedule of parties and events so that we can reconsider my attendance.”
“When do we leave?” Fiona questioned, her thick Irish accent comforting you slightly.
“Twenty minutes,” you stated plainly. You grabbed your coffee off the counter and nod at your team as you strut towards freedom.
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By lunch, you were single again and seated at a private table in your favorite restaurant with your team, treating them to lunch for helping you out with so much trust and compassion. You truly didn’t know what you’d do without them.
“You have your movie premiere tomorrow,” Venus reminded you as you went over the details of your schedule.
“Shit. Guess I should see if anyone needs an extra ticket since I won’t have a date,” you sighed.
“Unless we find ye one,” Fiona smirked, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
“And how do you propose we do that, Fi? Everyone will be busy on such short notice.” You hope she didn’t suggest what you expected of her. She was the only one who knew about your crush on your bodyguard, her Irish motherly instincts picked up on it almost immediately.
“Well, we know one lad who was planning on being at the event anyway,” Fiona explained, “an’ I think it would be easier for him if he were on your arm instead of on the sidelines.” Fiona didn’t mention that she also knows about Opie having feelings for you, though he almost gave it away by the way he glanced between Fiona and you with wide eyes and a look of hopeful panic.
“What?” you squeaked, “you can’t think I’m going to force my bodyguard and friend to endure the cameras and paparazzi and questions.”
Opie’s shoulders sagged when you said ‘friend,’ even though he knew there wasn’t any other way to phrase it. He opened his mouth to offer to accompany you but Venus cut him off.
“Hon, we know it isn’t ideal but what other choice do you have? It’s either take someone you’re close to or go alone and let those reporters grill you about why Jax cheated on you,” she said quietly.
“That was harsh, Venus,” you chided.
“Good. I meant it to hurt,” she replied stubbornly. “It got your attention, didn’t it?”
“If I may,” Opie calls across the table, drawing the attention of all three women. “I could be your date. I’ll be there anyway. It’ll be fun to be able to hang out with you instead of being on the sidelines.”
You ducked your head to keep your composure, your heart wanting to burst at the idea of hanging out with Opie all night long. “Ope, I can’t ask you to do that,” you decline half-heartedly.
“You aren’t asking. I’m offering,” he shrugged.
“And I’m insisting,” Fiona interjects. “That’s settled. You’ll answer ‘no comment’ to all of the questions, have a great time at the after party, and get home in one piece.”
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Opie pulled Fiona aside after you’d all arrived back at your home. “Fi, why were you pushing for her to take me as her date?”
“Oh, you know why, boyo,” she sassed.
“I can’t tell her, Fi. Not now. Not after what Jax just did.”
“Dun you worry about that,” Fiona told him, patting his chest. “Just trust me, lad.”
Opie watched as she strode back in the house, his thoughts drifting. He didn’t realize how long he had been outside, sitting at the patio table while the afternoon sky turned red and orange as the sun set.
Above him, without either of you knowing, you were sitting on your balcony with your own train of thoughts running through your head. You’d asked Fiona why she even suggested Opie to be your date. Things between the two of you were perfectly fine how they were and you didn’t want to ruin your friendship by adding romance into the mix.
All she did was offer a knowing smile and pat your cheek before leaving for the evening, promising to call you after the premiere. 
Your stomach growled and you headed down to the kitchen to make a quick dinner to take back upstairs. That plan changes when you spy Opie still sitting on the back patio. You made enough food for the both of you and carried the plates outside when you were done.
Opie spun around when he heard the door open, surprised to see you walking out with two plates and a soft smile.
“Since you’re still here, I made you some dinner,” you explained as you set the dishes down on the outdoor table. “Eat with me.”
Opie nodded and you both sat down, eating in silence, stealing glances when the other looks away. You secretly hoped that he would take his time so you could continue watching the way the evening sunlight caresses his face.
“So what time should we leave tomorrow night?” he asked between bites.
“You know you really don’t have to be my date if you’re uncomfortable with it,” you whispered as you pushed your food around on your plate.
“I offered,” he insisted, “I wasn’t bullied or forced. I’m more than comfortable being your date tomorrow or any other time.”
You were stunned into silence, your head tilting in disbelief, your lips slightly parting as you try to wrap your head around what he just said.
“I mean, we’re…we’re friends, right?” he adds, breaking your heart.
“Yeah, Opie. Friends,” you mutter, standing up and clearing the dishes quietly. You stood at the sink with your back to the door, trying to compose yourself. You remind yourself that you broke up with your boyfriend today and that you shouldn’t be worried about if Opie looks at you as nothing more than a friend.
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You sulked in your room for most of the day, hiding in case Opie stopped by. Venus came over to help you get ready, graciously being your hair stylist and make-up artist for the red carpet event.
“So you and Opie, huh?” Venus smirked as she lined your eyes.
“We’re just going as friends,” you sigh dejectedly, trying not to move much.
“Yeah, right,” she scoffed. “You might have yourself fooled but I’m not blind, honey. I see how you look at him.”
“How do I look at him, Venus?”
“Like you're planning your wedding or imagining yourself riding him into oblivion,” she told you bluntly.
You groan in embarrassment and roll your eyes, unable to hide from her knowing smile. “Am I really that obvious?” 
“Nah. I didn’t notice until Fiona said something one day,” Venus laughed.
“That Irish bitch,” you muttered, causing Venus to laugh again. “I really like him, Venus.”
“You should tell him,” Venus shrugged as he dusted your lids with a shimmery shadow.
“I can’t do that,” you hiss at her quietly while your eyes dart to the door.
“Because I’d rather pine for a man I’ll never have than be rejected and lose my friend,” you confessed. Every word was true and the thought of putting yourself out there to be hurt made you want to vomit.
“Why on earth would he reject you?” she scoffed. “And why would you lose your friend?”
“I wouldn’t be able to look at him the same way and neither would he. And seriously, how many other men have rejected me? Most recently by publicly fucking another woman,” you reminded her.
“Jax Teller is a dumb slut. I warned you about him from the moment you met,” she admonished as she sprayed your face with setting spray and applied another coat of hairspray to your elaborate style.
“Yeah, but -”
“No, enough of that,” Venus interrupted. “You need to tell him.”
“But -”
“It’s time to get your dress on so this conversation is over,” Venus instructed you with a flourish of her hands before turning to get your dress.
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Opie was leaning against the arm of your sofa, his fingers tapping lightly against his legs. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest and squeezed his eyes shut, silently begging for it to slow.
He quickly stood when he heard the door open, taking a discrete deep breath as he turned to face the hallway. Venus walks up first, looking him over and mouthing that he looked great. She rushed to get out of the way and stand next to him.
Opie felt the world melt away the second you entered his view. His jaw drops in awe as he watches you glide towards him like an angel. He felt his chest burning, realizing that he had forgotten to breathe the second he laid eyes on you.
“You look great, Ope,” you say as you eyed him up and down.
“I…you…wow,” he stuttered, his cheeks turning red beneath his beard.
Venus stands smirking in the doorway as she watched the two of you, lost in your little bubble. Neither of you noticed when the sound of a car horn punctured through the silence, so engrossed in each other.
“Okay, kids,” she called as she stepped towards you. “Time to go. Remember, ‘no comment’ to paparazzi, have fun. Opie, you’re gonna be with her all night and I’ll be back in the morning to let you go home. I’ll lock up. Bye!” she rushed out while physically pushing you and Opie to the door.
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The red carpet was filled with reporters trying to find out any kind of gossip they could. Your grip on Opie’s arm tightened as you walked towards the waiting crowd.
“You don’t have to answer any questions you don’t want to,” Opie muttered. 
You nod in response and take a deep breath as you reach the first mark. You were grateful that the first three reporters stuck to questions about the movie and the dress you were wearing as opposed to the beefy brunette on your arm.
By the time you reached the final mark, and the final reporter, you were feeling relaxed and calm. The reporters were respectful and avoided any questions about the recent press release and your split from your boyfriend. You got too comfortable.
“Hey, Y/N. Maureen Ashby with Charming News. When did you first find out about Jax and Ima?” she asked.
Suddenly, the cameras were all trained on you, waiting for your response. The lights were blinding and hot, your dress constricts your chest, your lungs refuse to expand. You start gasping for air, reaching behind you for someone, anyone. Every breath felt like knives stabbing between your ribs, the pain making your stomach turn.
“It’s okay, I got you,” you heard as a pair of strong arms wrap around you, pulling you into a broad, muscular chest. 
You felt your breathing stabilize as Opie held you, his large hand rubbing up and down your back. You closed your eyes and breathed him in, his leather and cedar scent filling your lungs and calming you. You were reluctant to pull away after your breathing returns to normal but you do, looking up into the concerned eyes of your bodyguard and date.
“Are you okay?” he asked quietly.
“Yeah, I think so,” you reply. “Can we go inside?”
“Anything you want,” he says as he places his hand protectively across your waist and guides you to the venue, leaving reporters and camera people calling after you.
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Opie guided you into the bar area and snags two glasses of champagne, handing one to you and downing the other in one gulp. Your eyes scan the room as you sipped from your glass. You turned back to Opie, freezing when you laid your gaze on a familiar face.
“Oh my god,” you whispered.
Opie followed your gaze and stiffened.
“What is she doing here?” you asked as you watched Ima strut across the room in a black sequined gown.
“Nothing good,” he answered as he stepped to your side.
Ima noticed you standing with Opie and sneered, stalking your way purposefully. “Find another boyfriend for me to play with?” she taunted as she looked Opie up and down with a hungry gaze.
“Just go away,” you sighed, the energy you have for the event rapidly draining while you dealt with the skank.
“Did Jax tell you why he came to me?” she questioned. Ima stepped closer to you, leaning into your space. “Did he?”
“You should back away,” Opie warned as he noticed your jaw flex and your hand clench.
“It’s because your pussy was boring,” she said in a low voice.
You cock your arm back and jam your balled up fist into her nose, a satisfying crack echoing before blood started dripping down her chin.
“You broke my nose,” she cried. “Apologize. Right now. I have an audition tomorrow!”
“Oh sweetheart,” you cooed condescendingly, “you’ll be blacklisted with every director, producer, and studio by midnight. Should give you plenty of time to keep your pussy exciting for that cheating piece of shit.”
You strode away with your head held high, proud that you stood up for yourself. Opie called the car around and followed you outside, standing behind you while you sent texts out to your agent as well as all of your friends in the casting department.
Opie helped you into the car when it pulled up, settling in the back seat next to you for the short drive home, smiling proudly at you the whole way.
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You walked into the house, Opie hot on your heels, and went straight to the kitchen. You’d made sure that no one would cast Ima in even an adult film while you were en route and now you needed a drink. You filled a glass with ice and second guessed yourself, deciding to get a glass of water instead.
“Are you okay?” Opie asks as he followed you into the kitchen.
You nodded while you swallow, hoping that he wouldn’t push the issue.
“Let me see your hand,” he demanded.
You obliged, holding your punching hand out to him, inhaling sharply when his large hands engulfed yours, the warmth immediately relaxing and calming you.
He inspected each knuckle gently, softly brushing over the swollen flesh. You were certain that you had forgotten how to breathe when your eyes met his. Suddenly, you were very aware of how close he was to you and how you wanted to be even closer.
You moved towards his face slowly, your free hand cupping his bearded cheek. He released your hand and wrapped his arms around your waist, the gap between you closing as your lips met his. What started out tender quickly morphed into something passionate, filled with the pent up longing and want the both of you had been hiding for months.
You moaned into Opie’s mouth and tangled your fingers in his hair. His arms tightened around you even more, pressing you into his chest. Opie pulled back, leaving the two of you panting, gazing into each other’s eyes.
“Does that mean what I hope it means?” you whispered hopefully.
“If you hope it means I’ve been wanting you for too long and I can’t stand the thought of not being with you anymore, because that’s the truth,” he told you, caressing your cheek with the back of his knuckles. 
“Then it does mean what I hoped,” you grin. 
“Maybe you should call Venus and tell her not to come by in the morning, then.”
“On the way to my bedroom,” you winked.
“Is that right?” he smirks.
“Then what are we waiting for?” 
You turned, picking up your phone and dialing Venus as you started to walk towards the bedroom. Opie was right behind you, unzipping your dress and helping you out of it. You start pulling on his belt behind you, fumbling with the buckle with one hand while the phone was still ringing. 
“Well, hey there, suga,” Venus cooed when she answered the phone.
“Hey, Venus,” you giggled, Opie kissing your neck as you crossed the threshold into your room. “Um, you probably shouldn’t come by tomorrow morning.”
“Is that right?” she replied, a knowing tone in her voice.
“Yeah you may wanna give us like…two or three days,” Opie chimed in as he pushed you down on the bed.
“Oh my,” Venus chuckled. “Have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
“Bye Venus,” you both called before you hung up.
Opie’s lips slotted against yours again before trailing down your jaw and neck. You whimpered and writhed, desperate for his touch.
“Opie, please,” you begged.
“What was your old record?” he asked with a cocky smirk.
“Uh…three I think. Why? Can you beat it?” You really hoped he could. Even though you knew that one with him would be better than three with anyone else.
“Oh sweetheart,” he scoffed, “I got this.”
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Everything: @thelastpyle​​ @deangirl93​​ @downanddirtydean​​ @katelyn--renee​​ @fictional-affairs​​ @lassie-bird​​ @paintlavillered​​ @buckys-zomdoll​​ @polireader​​ @b3autyfuldisast3r​​ @welcometothefandommultiverse​​ @mlovesstories​​
Sons: @princessmisery666​​ @stephv213​​
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blackwood4stucky · 3 months
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of spies and sunshine | aspen blackwood
lloyd hansen x nick fowler | gray man x 355 fusion au
🆃 | word count: 750 | complete
tags: no major warnings
synopsis: As Nick awaits his fate, a supposed stranger makes their move.
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bingo fills + event prompts
@the-slumberparty: eight types of love | pragma: on-and-off again 
@anyfandomangstbingo | thrown under the bus 
@anyfandomdarkbingo | toxic relationship
@fandombingo: rpf card | free space 
@fandom-free-bingo: valentine’s edition | just let me take care of you
@sebastianstanbingo | shared ex
snippet: "The paralytic was slow-acting but Nick could feel it working. The feeling in his lower extremities went first. It was one thing to see his legs, to know that they were there but it was disconcerting not being able to move them without outside influences. Mace and her merry band of idiots had left mere moments before, the promise of his impending abduction before being tossed into a black site still ringing in his ears."
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read here | mini playlist
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faithfulcat111 · 10 months
Title: ...Again and again...because those I care for best, do me Most harm...
Pairings: Jonathan Byers/Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler
Word count: 2029
Warnings: Major Character Injury, Coma, Broken Bones, Amnesia, Hospitals, Hospital Battle, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Canon-Typical Violence, 
Any Fandom Goes Angst Bingo Square Filled: Broken Bones
Characters: Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Will Byers, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Joyce Byers, Jim "Chief" Hopper
Fandom: Stranger Things    Summary:
A screech got her the push she needed to start running again, clinging to her own brother’s hand as they wound through the halls towards the sound before they found El standing in front of another room. She looked up at them, her eyes wide, and Mike finally dropped Nancy’s hand to run up to her. Nancy stopped just behind him, looking into the room. Will and Max were both crouched on the floor with Jonathan laid out on his stomach. Will was whispering, completely incomprehensible, and Nancy slowly stepped into the room, begging silently for him to be alright. That was answered when Max looked up at her, face clearly pale with all her hair tied back, but she said, “He’s alive. I just… He isn’t waking up.”
@stoncyweek2023 - Written for Stoncy Week Day 5: “I’m sorry, who are you?”
@julybreakbingo - Fills square ‘Came back Wrong’
@anyfandomangstbingo​ - Fills square ‘Broken Bones’
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anyfandomangstbingo · 3 years
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Q: What’s the due date? A: We don’t have one! You can request another card as soon as your first is blacked out but that could be 2 weeks or it could be 2 years. No sign up period either.
Q: What kind of works do you accept? A: Any! Fan art, poetry, fics, playlists, amvs. The only requirement is that it be original content.
Q: What fandoms can I write for? A: Any fandom! It’s in the title. A lot of the fluff bingos I’ve seen have been fandom-focused and it’s a lot of effort to have to find each bingo and get there within the sign up period.
Q: How do I ensure you see my work? A: Easy. You tag @anyfandomangstbingo​ and use either #anyfandomangstbingo or #afangst. I track those tags on all my blogs.
Q: Is there a discord server? A: Yep! It’s optional but we would love to have you 
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