#african witchcraft
afro-wiccan · 8 months
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oboiro13 · 1 year
You would be taking over control (TOC) by replacing their control with your control. The Oboiro is four-persons-in-one---(a.),b.),c.) and d.)) “He is with a complementary ET-self.” His words are their words. When you command, you take over control.
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peacefulandcozy · 2 years
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Instagram credit: grevholm
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wytchwyse · 4 months
Witchcraft Supplies & Occult Publishers
A growing list of resources for Magic.
It is imprtant that we support our occult shops and publishers. but also all relevant supplies are helpful as well.
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blancabitchcraft · 1 year
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Run me that birth certificate!!!!
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wanderingsorcerer · 1 month
can you give any information on voodoo
I am not a practitioner of voodoo or houdu as it is a closed religion which you need to be initiated into. If you are black and would like to get into the practice of ancestral work and Louisiana voodoo, I would recommend speaking with a high priestess or mambo. As they would be better to speak on the topic than me.
That being said I do know a little about its history and cultural relevence, so i will give you a small insight as to answer your question in part.
Louisiana voodoo as it is known today derives from Haitian Hoodoo. Its origins stem from the slave trade.
The enslaved people, in order to continue practicing and communing with their ancestral spirits assimilated their pantheon, The Bondye and the Iwa into Catholic Saints. The practices are an amalgamation of different African cultures due to hundreds of years of shared struggle amongst the enslaved.
So there are many different types of practitioners and traditions depending on which region of the world you look at.
Voodoo as many western Americans know it as, was demonized by the white oppressors. Depicted as a savage religion, in which they summoned the devil and cast curses upon people and raise the dead.
But many of these demonizations stem from racist, dehumanizing tactics done in order to create fear in the Christian majority of the late 19th and early 20th century.
Voodoo is a way for practitioners to remain connected to their ancestors and bridge the gap between modern day and their ancestral time in Africa before the slave trade.
This is why it is a closed religion. It is intrinsically tied to the shared trauma and struggles of enslaved people and their descendants. And how they dealt with oppression and rose against the status quo.
I apologize I wasn't able to give you more information but as I said it is not my place to speak.
If anyone who is a practitioner, and is informed on the subject would like to add on to this post I welcome any and all input. :)
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akonoadham · 7 months
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ebster777 · 7 months
Wicked City
If you like Black witches, you need to watch this show!
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drawing-cards · 2 months
I feel as if materialism takes away from the purpose of practice. You are trained to believe that with more, you can achieve more. That is not the case. Realize that you can achieve your goals within your practice without spending money. When you understand that, you may be interested in studying more and engaging in meaningful practice.
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afro-wiccan · 6 months
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oboiro13 · 1 year
We are Witnesses of Holy Mountains (WoHM); The Oboiro, along with Personal Extraterrestrial Companion is writing. Take Over Control (TOC): Take over control by replacing the control of the Witchcraft-Priests (WP) and their idols, with your own control.
Oboiro Pendant ※ We are Witnesses of Holy Mountains (WoHM). The Oboiro, along with personal Extraterrestrial Companion is writing.※ Take Over Control (TOC) Continued from PART II: (261) FINAL SOLUTION TO AFRICAN-WITCHCRAFT PART II – ASSEMBLY OF WITNESSES OF HOLY MOUNTAINS (newworship.info)   (4841) SOLUTION FINALE A LA SORCELLERIE AFRICAINE PARTIE II – ASSEMBLÉE DES TÉMOINS DES MONTAGNES…
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lionheartapothecaryx · 2 months
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In light of a tragedy involving Mystic Lipstick aka Akoya, here are few quick witch tips that are invaluable for practitioners of any skill level.
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Hey all!
Im offering $ 2 readings on my kofi! Im struggling financially, and trying to move out and get my own place because living with my family is emotionally toxic. But im also workong hard on creative witchy projects that are in the making of being published soon! If you want to help a fellow witch/hoodoo practioner out; requesting a reading/sharing/donating would mean the world to me!
Private Readings OPEN
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cantva190 · 6 months
Crab Shell Podwer🦀
Crab Shell Powder Is Used To Reverse Damaging Situations And Attacks. This is why Crabs Always Walk Backwards.
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Brujas reblog please!
I need to find my people!!! 
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Reblog if you’re 
a Brujería practitioner
a latin american ATR (African Traditional Religion) practitioner
or just latine practicing some kind of magic or witchcraft!
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drawing-cards · 6 months
White women, Christian’s, and the past actions of Jews have affected the trajectory of modern hoodoo as a whole. Everyone outside of African Americans see the practice as primitive or bastardize it. At the same time they monetize it or try to attract more people who don’t have the birth right to practice hoodoo to profit from.
For a practice that already lacks a lot of history due to not being recorded, many outsiders contribute to the issue by trying to make money from it. These white PhDs and self proclaimed masters of the practice do not give a fuck about the loss and bastardization of our history. They see these practices and traditions and change them to fit their narrative. African America academics are doing what they can to keep the history accurate but I can only imagine how difficult it is to spread academic information with how open science works right now.
Cat Yronwoode and Starr Casas and other white American women have made business off black practices. They get the facts and folklore wrong while being rude to those who try to correct them. Hoodoo is not just some magic practice that you make business from. Hoodoo in it’s nature is about liberation, good fortune, and protection from oppressive forces. Reading playing cards is not hoodoo. Forcing curio shops to close is oppressive. Taking these this practice and twisting it’s origins to make it more “open” is the antithesis of why it formed.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk I just wanted to go on a little rant.
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