#after I clean my lizard's tank
stars-align17 · 1 year
I'm Ant. I just finished Stars Align and now I'm super autistic over it so I decided to carry the fandom myself.
I'll most post art and rants about the series, maybe other stuff, I just want to try my best to revive the fandom.
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shardshouts · 7 months
im so mad about current events but im not well enough to really have any bearing on my life right now. fucking hate that i cant even call my reps bc im terrified of calling people. fuck.
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infinite-hearts-333 · 3 months
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Meet: Ouřa Thorn!
Hi hi I have a hyper fixation on the smiling critters the size of fricking Saturn and all you amazing beans are making me feral enough to post on this site again PFTT- SO here’s my take of the space rider au that was made by the AMAZING @onyxonline (dude your art is like my world rn good job 👍🏾✨)
Also what would I be without a lil lore drop so that’s all below hehe :3
Ouřa Thorn is based off of a Armadillo girdled lizard, though due to their horns, and massive size, many confuse them for a dragon or a wyvren of some sorts (not that they care to correct).
They joined the space riders in their teens, and just never left- doing the odd jobs where ever they could, cleaning, cooking, maintaining crafts, ect. They had no powers to their knowledge, and if they did they weren’t noticeable or activated yet.. and well many crews don’t have room or need for a wannabe space maid. So Ouřa Thorn stayed at the base.
They were fine with this, they would be a little bit of a sore thumb in the crew since lack of fighting skills, powers, and that they couldn’t wear any of the cool uniforms without shredding them with their spines. (Sure they could flatten them, but it only takes one spook for them all to spike up and poke someone or rip something :<)
The world however, always has other plans. Whilst they were working in the supply section, checking out crates that came with make, gear, food, what ever critters had mailed to base had to checked through carefully to ensure nothing sketchy was put inside. Standard precautions, and for a good reason.
One of the closer priests had tried to mail some their followers straight to the base to try and breach and take over it, or to lay low and snoop out info.
Ouřa Thorn heard one of their fellow mail sorters shriek as a gang of the cults follows breached into the docking bay. Sirens filled the air as the base was alerted of the breach, and hopefully some of the riders would be able to get to the docks and stop the cult before any casualties or damage happened.
When the riders arrived at the scene- well. It was quite the scene. Ouřa Thorn always had powers. They just need the right amount of pressure to kick start it.
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Under the stress of critters they cared about being in danger from the cult, Ouřa Thorn gained their only ability. Their symbol is the Ouroboros, representing the cycle of rebirth and destruction, as well as the World Serpent.
Over all, it was a little bit of a shock of see a massive Lindworm aggressively hoarding all of the docking staff while hissing angrily at a heap of cultists, laying still on the floor.
This form is absolutely a last choice move, due to its destructive behavior and the factor that it is high in energy to maintain, leaving Oura Thorn exhausted afterwards. Though with all those spines and thick skin, they’re practically a tank for charging through lines hehe.
After the docking incident, their started to consider being a space rider :>
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l3irdl3rain · 7 months
Quick random question: how do your pets, who are Eligible For Kissies (I don't know much about lizard and parrot welfare!) react to them?
All the cats besides Petunia tolerate kisses very well. I’m big on returning my cat’s head bonks and rubbing my face against theirs so they tend to get used to my face being close to theirs very quickly.
You shouldn’t really kiss reptiles, they give you salmonella. So as much as I’d love to be kissing on Stanley I must resist. I try to practice good hygiene with him and wash my hands after handling him or any cleaning of his tank.
Chester doesn’t get kisses for obvious reasons (I like my face intact). I’ve had / worked with birds who “give kisses” on your lips but Joey isn’t one of them. He tolerates me kissing his head occasionally, but even then it’s not his favorite. He likes me and loves to hang out with me but he’s not an overly affectionate bird in terms of enjoying me petting him and stuff.
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WIBTA if I move into my own apartment for an internship instead of with friends like I initially said I (more likely than not) would for a while?
CW: kinda long but I don’t think I can put a readmore on anon :(
I (20sNB) have an opportunity to do an internship in spring of 2024. My friend (20sF) and her husband (20sM, we’re all within ~3yrs of each other) have been working on renovating a single-wide trailer in a trailer park in the same town as the internship, and it will be done with them living in it for at least a good few months before my internship. I’ve helped them with renovations whenever I’m in town and they’ve promised/shown me the room they’re reserving to be my space because they’re so sure I’ll move in with them.
I’ll be honest, I was planning to at first. But that changed with a variety of factors contributing, including but not limited to:
The trailer was reportedly full of black mold. Abandoned dressers would be opened and a puff of mold dust would emerge from the doors. It was also previously a hoarder’s house possibly due to the amount of junk in and around the trailer. Nobody wore PPE during renovations as far as I’m aware, and seem to believe they’re “in the clear” as they’ve shown no side effects yet. They’ve literally kept up only exactly what’s required to legally say they’re ‘renovating’ instead of tearing everything down and reusing the foundation, but it’s still a concern for me due to the casual way it was brought up and addressed.
My friends admitted that the neighbors don’t like them much due to the loud noises day in and day out from the renovation, resulting in the cops being called on them several times as a noise complaint. I have a rough time as it is being close to strangers, and that anxiety/paranoia? isn’t alleviated by hearing that and seeing people come out of their own trailers to glare at us whenever we work on the property.
My cat (20F) would be moving in with me. She’s indoor-only, but cats are bound to run around at some point. There are numerous unvaccinated and unfixed strays in the park and I’m concerned for her health; she’s having a hard enough time just keeping down food, a virus or infection would make me put her down.
My friends own a Pomeranian that does not respect other animals and continuously harasses them by barking and chasing after them. My cat does NOT like dogs, and my repeated warnings that having them in the same room would result in the dog getting blinded and possibly even more severely injured have been waved away with “The dog will learn soon enough to leave her alone!”. I would also have two relatively small lizards with me, both of whom leave their terrariums regularly for general holding sessions and to run around while I clean their tanks. There is a nonzero chance of them being beyond the safety of the glass and the dog eating them as the dog has a high prey drive.
Being with them would save me and my parents MASSIVE amount of money as rent is nearly nonexistent with how low it is in the park; I would mostly help with other bills (such as water, electricity, groceries) and general housemate things like cleaning up after myself and helping cook or chip in for takeout every now and then. Both friends know how restricted my ability to really develop is in my house due to my family (such as not knowing how to make anything more complicated than air fryer food) and have expressed that they are eager to help me learn and watch me grow into who I am.
But for a while I’ve been very strongly leaning towards an apartment instead despite rent being crazy (my parents are willing to pay half but with 0 guarantee of a paid internship and uncertainty as to whether I can hold a part-time job at the same time it would still be a blow to my savings). It’s gotten to the point where my language is full of “My future apartment will have….” “When I move into an apartment do you think I should….” when discussing the matter with my parents with zero verbal room for considering living with my friends. Advantages to the apartment include having my own space, being much closer to my internship location (though my friends weren’t all that far out themselves), and no concerns about my pets being around strangers or other animals. My parents and grandma agree that an apartment sounds the safest for my pets’ physical health and my mental health.
However, I have yet to tell my friends. The F is a friend of a decade now, and the M and I aren’t exactly close but regard each other as siblings. While she might be hurt but understanding, I don’t know if I want to risk him or both of them blowing up on me for my decision after at least 6mo of helping here and there and encouraging them to finish renovating their own place. The closest I’ve gotten to saying anything is warning them that it isn’t guaranteed I’ll move in with them when they use language suggesting it is and that I’m trying to keep my mind open to all housing options, including renting a space in a family friend’s basement. Neither of them seem to have caught on to what I’m doing, though. So, WIBTA if I finally break it to them that I’ve decided on an apartment and move into a space without them? This might seem like a non-issue to outsiders but it very much is to me :(
(For slight additional context: my friend is typically very understanding and we do our best to communicate our feelings about joint activities especially. Her husband is the type of guy to get mad at the ‘politics’ of the new Barbie movie and the joke made out of the Kens.)
What are these acronyms?
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 4 months
the misadventures of peony
aka the fic that shouldn't exist (tm) it's done! this cracky "little" "should have been hammered out in one night" fic is done! thank you to @narcissusbrokenmirror for the idea and granting me coparenting rights. i hope I did peony right by you! tagging @legolasghosty @innytoes and @jmrothwell with NO pressure whatsoever to read! Y'all were my ask box cheerleaders (thank you) so if you were waiting to see this, here ya go!
on ao3 (2584 words), Rated G. CW for pet snakes and all that entails!
“No, you guys. We don’t have enough room. We don’t have enough time. We can’t get a dog!” Luke looks between all four of his friends and roommates, each sporting their best puppy dog faces, and he sighs before waving them off and turning away, “And put those away. It’s not fair.”
“But Luke! We’ll take care of it! We promise!” Reggie pleads, clasping his hands in front of him to really sell his point.
“Dude, you forget that I TRIED THAT! For years. And literally never once actually followed through on it. We aren’t home enough.”
Alex decides it’s his turn to try, “But you were a kid! We’re all adults!”
He’s met with a chorus of “yeah”s from the group and Luke rolls his eyes.
Everyone huffs in frustration as they resign themselves to his veto vote. They’d agreed that decisions like this needed to be unanimous but they don’t have to be happy about the results.
“But what if... what if it wasn't a dog?” Willie asked.
“What do you mean?”
"What about... a bunny?"
Luke rolls his eyes, "You know just because it lives in a cage doesn't mean it's less work than a dog, right? No.”
"So that's a no on a hamster too?" Reggie chimes in
“Yes Reg, that's a no on the hamster too.”
“What about... a bird? They’re chill,” Willie tries again.
“We're not getting a fucking bird, Willie.”
“A lizard? Oh! One of those bearded dragons! Those are cool.”
Luke glares at them, “No dragons.”
Willie's face falls into a mock pout. "It doesn't even breathe fire!" they exclaim pitifully. 
This time, Alex joins Luke in glaring at Willie. “Really?” he chastises them.
Willie offers an unabashed shrug in response.
"What's the lowest maintenance pet we can think of?" Reggie asks in an exaggerated whisper.
Julie huffs, "A goldfish."
“No water!” Luke cries.
“Why not?” Julie counters harshly, hands on her hips. They’re all a little bit frustrated with how stubborn Luke is being and it’s unfortunately starting to break through.
“We have way too many electronics for water to be a good idea. We do NOT need another Reggie fixing his amp in the rain situation.”
“Dude, it's contained in a TANK,” Willie explains. 
“You are seriously no fun,” Reggie quips as he fiddles with his sleeves.
Willie's eyes widen as he comes up with a new idea.
Luke sighs before Willie even opens his mouth. "No."
WIllie's face falls into another pout. "You don't even know what I was going to say!"
“I don't need to. No.”
“You only need to feed snakes like once a week. And there's no water,” he pauses to consider his words before continuing. “Well, almost no water. And they're PRETTY!”
Luke’s face pinches in confusion, "What?!"
"A ssssssnake. We should get a snake."
"A snake? Seriously?"
"Yeah, people have them as pets all the time. And they're super chill and low maintenance. Look!" Willie pulls out their phone and starts typing. He stops and turns his phone around for Luke. “See?”
Julie crowds in behind Luke and coos over the picture on the top of the screen.
After giving Luke a moment to read, she plucks Willie's phone out of his hand. Julie walks around to Alex and Reggie showing it to them.
Reggie's jaw drops and a contemplative look crosses Alex's face.
"Willie has a point, you know," Alex says after a moment.
"How do you mean?"
"We could have a super cool, super fun pet. It's low maintenance enough that we could ask Carlos to feed it like once a week when we're away. We don't need to take it out for walks. Just... clean the tank every once in a while."
Luke groans, "Are you serious? Can we at least sleep on the idea of it before we start talking about it?"
Reggie grins, "So you're saying we can talk about it?"
Luke offers a resigned sigh, “Tomorrow.”
That earns Luke whooping cheers from everyone else. He can't help the small quirk of his lips at their excitement but quickly returns his face to its solemn expression before they can notice. 
“Can we get back to rehearsal now?” he asks once the others have started to calm down.
“Sir! Yes, sir!” Reggie salutes. He’s met with an eye roll from Luke and laughter from the others but they quickly find their positions, picking back up where they��d left off before being derailed by the pet talk.
They’d agreed, some with more resistance than others, that this was for the best. Reggie and Julie didn’t need to know EVERYTHING and it was fine.
Except that when Willie got home with that week’s meal for Peony, he was surprised to find both Reggie and Julie hanging out with her. 
Reggie notices Willie’s entrance and lights up. He eyes the package in Willie’s hands and nudges Julie. She turns and directs a smile Willie’s way.
“Whatchu got there?” she asks, pointing at the box.
“Uh, nothing?” They reply awkwardly as he tries to shield it from them. 
“Uh huh, convincing,” Reggie says with a grin. He takes a few steps toward Willie, who moves backwards each time Reggie gets closer. 
Julie looks between the guys and lets a mischievous grin take over her own face. “Is it something we can’t see?” she asks carefully.
“No?” Willie answers, cursing himself for apparently completely losing the ability to lie at some point in the last five minutes. He puts the box behind his back for good measure.
Julie joins Reggie’s mission to solve the mystery of the box. She swoops behind Willie to grab it from their hands. 
Willie sighs in resignation as he watches her peel back the lid. 
Julie squeals in excitement as she holds the box out to Reggie. “Look at it! It’s so cuuuute!”
Reggie joins her and lets out a squeal of his own. 
They fawn over the mouse for a moment before turning to look up at Willie.
“How’d you convince Luke?” Julie asks.
“Uhhhhh, I didn’t?” he tries and Julie narrows her eyes at him but otherwise accepts their answer. Apparently she has better things to do than interrogate them. She returns her attention to the mouse. 
Willie runs a hand down his face as he muffles a sigh. They know this is going to end poorly. He lets Reggie and Julie take their time cooing over the small animal while he tries to figure out how to get them back out of the house so he can feed Peony.
They send a quick text off to Alex and Luke who promptly respond with a plan. A few moments later, Reggie’s phone rings and he’s ushering Julie out of the house on whatever errand Luke had sent them on.
They somehow manage to make it a few more weeks without any questions from Reggie and Julie. The half-lie that Luke didn’t let the mice stay seemed to do most of the heavy lifting for them and casual deflection worked for the rest. Until it didn’t.
Julie and Reggie burst through the door with a very resistant Carlos in tow.
“I told you I don’t want to!” he exclaims as he struggles against them.
“Just come meet her!” Julie insists as she gives another tug of his wrist.
“She’s a sweetheart,” Reggie adds, “you’ll love her.”
“Just give her a chance!” Julie pleads. She turns her most powerful puppy dog eyes on Carlos. He rolls his eyes back at her. She sighs. Right, sibling immunity. She nudges Reggie who immediately takes the hint. 
He widens his eyes with his most pathetic expression and it’s Carlos’ turn to sigh, “You can show her to me. But I’m staying back here.”
“Yes!” Julie cheers. She turns toward the room, confused by the sight she’s met with. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” Willie says from their position in front of Peony’s enclosure. They’re flanked on either side by Alex and Luke, blocking the others from being able to see their pet snake. 
Reggie gasps as panic overtakes him, “Is she… Is she okay?!”
“She’s fine,” Alex sighs. 
“You weren’t supposed to be home yet,” Luke adds, directing a quick look over his shoulder. 
“What’s… why are you blocking her?” Reggie asks. He walks toward them and the trio tighten up their formation. 
Julie makes her way around Reggie and stands in front of the others. “Move, please,” she says, less of a question than it probably could be.
“No, I don’t think I will,” Alex replies casually, crossing his arms over his chest for good measure.
“I assure you, you do not want to see what’s behind us,” Willie adds, silently pleading with his eyes for her to drop it. 
Luke directs his own puppy dog look her way and she rolls her eyes. “That doesn’t work on me, remember?”
Julie’s about to just push through them when Carlos speaks up from his spot by the door, “They don’t know how you feed it yet, do they?”
Everyone’s eyes widen at once and Carlos would laugh at the sight if he wasn’t halfway terrified. Julie and Reggie both round on him. Then look back at the guys. And then back at Carlos.
“Show me,” Julie insists, pushing between Luke and Willie. Her hand immediately covers her mouth in horror. Reggie’s at her side in an instant and his own jaw drops. 
“You… I…” Reggie stammers. His eyes turn glassy.
Reggie turns to Julie and the tears in his eyes seemingly grant hers permission to fall. 
“Oh, that poor little guy,” she cries feebly. 
Alex, Luke, and Willie exchange concerned looks. Alex wraps Julie up into his arms while Luke does the same for Reggie. They hold the pair as they let out their cries of distress.
“I told you this would happen,” Willie huffs at them, though any annoyance in their voice is belied by the fond look on their face. They can’t really fault Alex and Luke for wanting to delay this moment for as long as possible.
Carlos coughs out a bitter laugh, “Why do you think I didn’t want to do this?”
Julie’s lip wobbles as she turns to him. She doesn’t leave Alex’s arms but he loosens them slightly so that she can move. “I… I just thought maybe you were just weirded out by snakes.” 
Carlos rolls his eyes. “I told you I was never coming here again after you got it-”
“Her!” Reggie corrects forcefully through his own residual tears. He pushes himself away from Luke, wiping at his face.
Julie offers him her hand and he grabs it immediately.
Carlos corrects himself with another eyeroll, “Her. You thought I’d refuse to be here if I was just ‘weirded out’ by snakes?” Carlos accentuates the words with finger quotes. 
“She’s harmless!” Julie cries.
“Well, mostly,” Reggie murmurs woefully. “If you’re not small and adorable.”
“I’m small and adorable!” Julie pouts. 
Reggie squeezes her hand in silent comfort. “And squeaky,” he adds. “You’re not squeaky.”
Julie grins at that. “Not most of the time, anyway.”
“Anyway,” Carlos interjects from his position by the door. “I came, I saw, I’m leaving. You can find someone else to help with your weird pet. It won’t be me.”
The five of them watch him leave in stunned silence before Willie realizes that he’d probably not driven himself there. They run after him, stopping to grab the keys and slip on their shoes on the way. 
Willie just manages to get his second shoe on when Carlos pops his head back in the door. 
“Yes, I’ll drive you home,” Willie tells him preemptively.
“Thanks.” Carlos waves back at the others, “Bye! Good luck with…” he gestures toward Julie and Reggie, “that.”
He disappears out the door again and Willie follows him. “Try not to inflict any more trauma on them!” they call out as they shut the door.
“Is it… is she… done?” Julie asks with a small voice.
Luke hazards a look into Peony’s enclosure. “Well, as done as she can be for now,” he tells her.
“Do they have to be,” Reggie shudders and Luke wraps an arm around his shoulders, “alive?”
“We tried,” Alex explains slowly, “but unfortunately she’s a bit picky. We didn’t want you to have to see it.”
“So when Willie had that…” Julie trails off.
Luke turns to her with a sad look in his eyes, “Yeah, Peony snack.”
Julie takes a deep breath and leans her head back, holding back a fresh set of tears. She crawls into Alex’s sweater as best she can. He groans but doesn’t otherwise fight her. He even tries to give her some extra space. It’s an emergency situation and if anyone’s going to be granted the right to stretch it out, it’s Julie. He almost goes as far as offering to take it off for her but stops when she glares at him. 
After another deep breath, Julie speaks up again, “Okay, Peony snack. I guess now we know.”
“And you can tell us when it’s time to feed her and we’ll just make sure we’re somewhere else,” Reggie adds. He shudders, “Anywhere else.”
“But now we have to figure out what to do if we can’t rely on Carlos,” Luke says. “She won’t last our full tour without food.”
“I’m sure there’s somebody who can help. And if not, I guess we’ll just have to hire someone,” Alex responds with a sigh. They don’t yet make enough money to spend on too much frivolity and none of them will be very excited to lose what little they do have to a pet sitter. Even if it’s only once a week.
“We have time,” Julie assures them. They still have a few months until their next tour kicks off.
“Guess Luke had a point,” Reggie pouts. He quickly raises a finger and sticks it in Luke’s face. “Not a word!”
Luke mimes zipping his mouth closed but can’t mask the beaming look on his face. It intensifies with Julie’s giggle. 
“Who knew Carlos was scared of snakes?” she wonders aloud. Julie grins as she shakes her head in amusement, “You think you know a person.”
Luke sighs as he takes in their wall of tanks and enclosures, each housing a different pet that he’d somehow been talked into. “You say no to one dog,” he mutters under his breath. “How did this even happen?” he wonders aloud, slightly louder than before and Julie manages to hear him and laughs as she walks over to stand beside him.
“Peony loves her friends. And now she’s not lonely when we’re gone,” she tells him with a grin.
“She’s a freaking snake,” Luke mumbles. “How lonely can she get?”
Julie chuckles and pats him on the shoulder before handing him his guitar, “Well, think of it this way: now you have a built-in audience for rehearsals.”
Luke groans as he slips the guitar strap over his head, “Fine.”
“Could have just said yes to the dog!” Alex chimes in from his spot behind his drumkit and Luke glares at him. “But I do love Crush and Squirt, so thanks for that,” he grins at Luke and is met with another harsh glare.
“No more!” Luke insists as he settles in behind his microphone and nods his head toward Julie and Reggie to get themselves situated which they quickly do.
“Yes, Dad!” Reggie giggles as he nods toward Alex who counts them in.
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Settling In (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: It’s another freezing night in Wabang and you and Rhett decide to get the kids settled in for the night
“Alright miscreants!” Rhett called up the stairs. “Dinner’s ready!” 
Seven little Abbotts all came barreling down the stairs, nearly slipping and falling over each other on the way down, only to be pulled up to their feet by Amy. 
Hannah was the first to grab her plate for dinner as you loaded it with potatoes and pot roast. Royal was the last one through the door, stamping his feet off on the doormat before shutting and locking the door, only to have one of the skunks curling around his leg the same way Willy and Tiny usually did with visitors. 
“Damnit Rhett!” Royal cursed. “I told ya’ll to keep these rats with stripes down in the basement.” 
“Dad c’mon, they’re basically domesticated cats,” Rhett chuckled. 
“Yeah, domesticated cats that smell like Willie Nelson’s tour bus,” Royal muttered under his breath.
Kaya shakily carried her dinner plate to the table before Royal took it from her, scooping her right up off the ground and reveling in his granddaughter’s giggling. You and Kaya were the last to take your places at the table, surrounded by everyone but Cecelia as Royal said grace. 
Dinner was eaten with the kids chattering away about all the things they had done during school. Hannah couldn’t stop talking about how her teacher was teaching the class how to knit and how she planned to make mittens for everybody. The twins on the other hand, had their first grade teacher in stitches after they had been discussing Thorny Devils during their main lesson on animals, unwittingly letting their poor teacher know that their father had shared the nickname “horny toad” with the funny looking little lizard while also remaining morbidly fixated on the fact that it could shoot blood from its eyes. 
“So Daddy’s a horny toad huh?” Royal laughed. 
“It ain’t funny dad,” Rhett warned him, his face going red. 
“Royal, c’mon, as funny as it is, there are alot of little ears present,” you said, trying to hide your own laughter. 
“Aw c’mon (y/n), ya’ll should’ve heard the shit that my dad used to say in front of this one,” Royal said, pointing to Rhett. 
As soon as everyone was done and the dishes loaded into the dishwasher for the night, it soon came time for the utter hell that you and Rhett had down to military precision.......bathtime. 
Rhett had each and every one of the kids lined up in the halls with Amy going first since she was the oldest of the bunch. Hannah had been no trouble at all, but the twins had been a different story. The two little troublemakers had gotten it in their heads to use Rhett’s Irish Spring as bubble bath, but despite you and Rhett’s exasperation, you didn’t care as long as the boys were clean. Kaya was  next and the last set of twins, Harvey and Franklin, were the last to go before each of the kids were in their pjs and ready for bed. 
“Oh, hey now,” you chuckled as you looked at your phone. “Guess what?” 
“What? Wes’s septic tank exploded again?” Rhett said with a shit eating grin. 
“No,” you answered. “No school on Monday. Every school in Amelia County is closed.” 
“Oh damnit,” Rhett groaned. 
You laughed as you handed Hannah her pink blanket, fresh from the dryer. “You gonna go and see if your Ma needs help?” 
Rhett nodded and headed straight up the stairs to the bedroom the two of you had shared for the last ten years, only to find Cecelia sitting in the rocker with Dallas falling in and out of sleep in her arms. 
“Oh ya’ll are just too cute for your own good,” she cooed as the tiny little boy drifted in and out of sleep. “Pretty soon girls will be fallin all over you just like they used to do for your daddy.” 
“Let’s just hope it ain’t too soon for that Ma.” 
“Jeebus, Mary and Joseph!” Cecelia jumped. “Need I remind ya’ll Rhett James, that I happen to be holding a little one?” 
Rhett laughed a little before Cecelia handed Dallas off to him. Even now, it still made Rhett nervous as hell to hold something so small and completely dependent on him and you. “Ya’ll gonna go get in bed for the night, Ma?” 
“I think I might,” Cecelia yawned. “Your father and I might watch one of the old James Bond movies and sleep in tomorrow since it’s Saturday.” 
“Ya’ll can go,” Rhett told her. “I’ve got this.” 
Rhett seated himself in the rocker near the small woodstove in your room, calmly rocking the little one all wrapped up in his Irish knit blanket that Cecelia had made for him. Rhett couldn’t believe that he was still this small, worrying every day if Dallas would grow or if he’d have problems later in life, despite the nurses telling you and Rhett that he’d turn out perfectly fine. 
Rhett began to hum a song that Russell Redwood had taught him as a child, one that the Nez Perce mothers used to sing to their children to help them sleep at night during the frigid winter months. He hardly noticed the sound of small feet on the hard wooden floors when Kaya came trailing in with a book in one hand and her little velveteen bunny rabbit tucked under her arm. 
“Daddy?” she whispered.  
“What baby?” he asked. “Whatcha need?” 
“Can you read me a story?” 
“Let me get your brother into bed and I’ll read it, ok?” 
Kaya nodded and jumped up onto yours and Rhett’s bed when you entered, fresh from the bath and taking Dallas from Rhett before placing the little one in the knotted pine cradle next to the bed with plenty of blankets. Tiny, the calico house cat, crawled right in beside him, purring as she laid her head right near his and one of her paws slung across him. Thankfully, Willy was downstairs, much like he always was and their kittens nested safely in their basket near the fireplace. 
You and Rhett crawled into bed with Kaya between you before Rhett began reading “The Mitten”, a favorite of hers which Kaya had pestered Rhett to read every winter. 
When he finally reached the end of the book, Kaya was snoring away before Rhett turned off the lights and pulled the covers over the two of you. “Think we should carry her to bed?” he whispered. 
“Nah, let her be,” you answered. “We’ll be up before her anyways.” 
You could see him smiling in the dark before he kissed the back of your hand, the both of you hugging Kaya as she slept with the two of you joining her in sleep very soon. 
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cheddar-inq · 5 months
my current favorite thing about rolly is that she is world's chillest lizard
like i have had five cases now where she has started puffing up her beard and i panicked
and the next three? YAWNING. thats it.
shes so silly????
also for two of her yawns she yawned so big that she slipped on her rock and caught herself but immediately acted like nothing happened i love you rolly
also one thing she's taught me is that the best time to shit is literally not even a minute after youve been put into your new spotless house. bestie we just cleaned your house and you pooped on the floor already
and then she got her tail in it so i had to pick her up and wipe off her tail
love you rolly <33
heres a video from shortly after i cleaned up her poop and everything this morning
her tank is perfectly fine btw, the humidity went down and is back to staying stable in the desert levels and the thermometer is a bit wrong
her rock is about 95 at the hottest after we added in a heat pad for her on the other side of the glass, the rest of her tank is about 75 at the lowest
it could be warmer but its much better than when we got her !!!!
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shiningforcegirlpower · 3 months
Battle #12.1, Pao Prarie, Second Attempt
It takes around 3 turns to finally get to the point where my girls can fight. And what do you know, Tao, the mascot starts off every turn!
And she's first to attack too. I could keep her safe, but I'll inch further to get the max amount of use for Blaze Level 3. Keep forgetting I have that.
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Good thing I did because we are at a new level!!
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Def +1, Spe +2 and NOW Mae can destroy the Pegasus knight to keep Tao safer. These two are the dream duo.
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And Khris is in PRIME healing Range.
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Let's hope Amon can join in some prime cleanup and tanking. (She will die in 2 hits).
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Of course, the two lizardmen try to attack her, one getting her down from 21/21 to 8/21. I salute her in at least getting 16 exp... BUT SHE EVADES IT! SHE COULD PROBABLY GET HEALED AND GET A KILL!!!! AMON!!! I knew I could trust you.
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Or... Tao will get the kill before Khris or Amon can move. As long as we get kills and enough gold to revive for what will undoubtably be our next battle... with Elliot...
And Tao found a Heat Axe! That... No girl can use. (Why no female dwarves!?) Oh well, free gold.
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I'll let Mae kill the Pegasus Knight so Amon can (hopefully) get her kill with the Lizardman.
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Or Anri gets a kill. Sure. Why not. The game HATES the bird people.
Yeah... so Amon never got to move and Khris also never got to move before ANOTHER Lizardman came up and... killed Amon. It SUCKS that Balbaroy and Amon are the same class but Amon is supposed to have worse stats.
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Khris will get revenge via use of the Power Staff.
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Also the enemy AI is SO dumb. They could have went after Mae, or Khris, or Diane... but they just LINE UP to DIE. MAE HE HAD ONLY 3 HIT POINTS LEFT WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT.
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Diane gets a kill.
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So while I'm moving the ladies forward, I get them attacking a Lizardman. Some PEGASUS KNIGHT comes over to ANRI and Hits her- for 7/14 damage. I sigh out of relief. BUT THEN IT DOES A DOUBLE ATTACK AND- ANRI LIVED. ON ONE HP. THAT'S WHY SHE'S THE GOAT!!! THE GOOOOAAATT- A lizard man killed her.
Khris can't get ANY healing in. Until THIS turn. Where she heals Diane for 6 HP. ... WHO THEN IMMEDIATELY GETS ATTACKED BY A PEGASUS KNIGHT FOR 9 HP ARE YOU SHITTING ME-
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I only have one left...
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And the Lizardman TRIES to kill Tao, but fails. Tao gets healed by Khris, and the Lizardman gets killed by Diane. Who still needs healing. But then the SILVER KNIGHT COMES OVER and tries KILLING TAO with a Double attack....
This battle is going to kill them all again I feel it. We're not even to ELLIOT YET. Tao and Mae work together to kill the Silver Knight. I think I'll have Diane focus on the Knight attacking Khris, and use level 1 healing the best I can.
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Huzzah, let's hope it's a good one! ATK +2, SPD +1
And Tao comes over to clean up Diane's leftovers. Mae, meanwhile, delivers a nice attack to get rid of the Pegasus Knight.
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Current Plan - Tao and Khris are the melee in front. Diane between them. And behind these two priests is Mae to tank from Elliot's crew behind him.
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Khris can't quite make it but the other ladies are handling themselves fine so she'll just heal herself.
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DEF +2!
While I had the other girls kind of huddling to hide from the Artillery... Mae can take it down in one hit.
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Let's see how useful Blaze level 3 is against this dragon. 10 points... okay... good to note.
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Alright, let's start the futile assault.
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... honestly fuck the regeneration mechanic. THIS MAN CAN DO 31 POINTS OF DAMAGE (deadly attack but still). And you're supposed to be a LOWER LEVEL THAN MY CHARACTERS.
Diane is an INFLATED LEVEL 12!!!
"Oh but GirlPower doesn't that balance with the rest of the game?"
Sure, maybe, but at the same time he's got a MASSIVE evasion stat. This battle can be absolutely brutal if you don't know where to pick up Gong, with Khris and Lowe having less MP than Khris has now, and PEGASUS KNIGHTS and SILVER KNIGHTS that are either impossible to hit or impossible to kill for your level. A LIZARD MAN has a HEAT AXE which you COULD farm for the Blaze spell but it will BREAK after a FEW uses!
Even if I had the evasion stat not kick in for Elliot, Mae and Diane only do averages of 13+8 damage. That's 21 damage. Practically 6 when thinking about the regeneration mechanic.
It would take me ten turns of getting consistently lucky to not trigger the evasion to kill him with just Mae and Diane. And that's only IF I can keep Khris up as a meat shield. Or have other meat shields survive like a no MP Tao, Anri, or Amon. But unfortunately one "STUNNING ATTACK" deals 32 hp to my hyperbuffed Khris, killing her.
And with his luck, Diane and Mae are as good as dead. Attempt number 2 is a bust.
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(Here's another screenshot edit I commissioned from @paimaniagalaxia. This is from 'The VVV' episode. Right now, that one is my favorite because we get to see a lot of Black Hat. As you can see, there are stark differences in Esther and Black Hat's facial expressions. Even though she loves her Uncle, she doesn't always condone his actions. For example, making Flug fight Mascara Macabra while he was controlling Dementia. Here's how I think this scene would play out with Esther.)
Dementia straightened up as the mask finally took full control of her. "Yes, yes." She said as she turned back around. Her voice was synthesized and sounded like both her voice and a mans were talking at the same time. "This host is so much stronger. Esto es increíble! This girl is a real monster." She flexed and felt her biceps. She glared up at the screen with a big grin on her face. "Well, Charrito? How many more do I break for you to come down?"
Black Hat merely cocked his eyebrows at her and Esther looked up at him. Everyone else in the arena turned to Flug, who now had a spotlight shining on him. The scientist made some terrified noises as he realized that he was going to have to go up against Dementia. Everyone started laughing.
Dementia briefly look of disbelief on her face. "What? You're kidding me? That lunch bag?" She started laughing as well.
Black Hat threw down his glass of 'wine' and laughed as well. Esther had a look of fear and worry on her face. They couldn't really expect Flug to fight her, right? When she felt her Uncle wrap his free hand around her to hold her in place she knew he ment it. She leaned against her Uncles chest and tried to find some form of comfort in his heaving form.
Black Hat spoke when he was done laughing. "Doctor, be a lad and bring her back."
He gave his boss a nervous look. "Uh, sir. Wouldn't it be easier to put a job posting online instead?"
Black Hat gently nudged Esther off of his lap and she moved to stand beside his throne. He literally phased through the screens with a terrifying look on his face. He glared at Flug and drooled a bit. "OBEY!"
Flug was transformed into a luchador uniform. A purple mask with red accents around the eyes appeared on his paper bag. He now sported a purple tank top with red accents on the straps. A sandwich picture was plastered right in the middle of the tank top. A white elbow-length fingerless glove covered his left arm. Instead of a glove on his right arm, there was a gold-colored wrist cuff. His shorts were also purple with red on the bottom. His shoes were red as well and he hand on white knee braces.
"Sorry, sir." Stammered Flug. "Just getting rattling, sir."
He made his way to the wrestling ring. "Of course, it had to be me." He fumed to himself. "I don't get paid enough to clean up after this lizard brain mess everytime-" He cut himself off when he tried to climb into the ring and briefly got tangled in the rubber wires.
Dementia laughed when he fell flat on his face. "I’ve had tacos with more spice than-"
Flug stood up and brushed himself off. "Shut up, you uncreative parasite!"
"Let's find out if your whole body fits inside that little bag!" She then charged at him on all fours.
Flug flinched. "That must be a metaphor, right?"
The announcer popped in behind him. "No. No, it's not."
He gained a hard look on his face. "Is that so?" He struck a pose. "Hat bots, attack!"
Two huge hat bots landed in the ring. One had on a leopard print luchador uniform and the other had on a green and pink one.
"What a twist, ladies and gentlemen!" Exclaimed the announcer. "Will El Alebrije be able to defeat that pair of mechanical grills?" Flug turned to leave but was stopped when the announcer spoke again. "Aaaand, they're junk."
The scientist turned back around in disbelief. "But, how?"
Dementia laughed on top of the now ruined robots, their heads in her hands. "You're next, bolsa!" She literally ran her tongue over her sharp teeth.
Esther glanced at her Uncle and noticed he was completely engrossed in the fight. She quietly took a few steps back and teleported herself next to the ring. Summoning a small glass platform, she hopped on it and peeked into the ring. She looked just in time to see Flug starting to panic. He turned to the crowd and quickly found 505. "Quickly, 505! Hand me the Tranquilizator!"
The bear turned to him and shrugged. It looked like Flug was trying to not lose it. "What do you mean you don't have it?! I thought we brought it!"
He turned around to see Dementia wrap her hair around him and toss him across the ring. When he sat up she was looming over him.
"What's wrong, chico holgado? Are you scared?" She said mockingly.
Esther couldn't take it anymore. She climbed into the ring and ran straight for Dementia.
"Dementia," Said Flug. "stop this at once."
She wagged a finger at him. “There is no more Dementia. Just Mascara MacabraAAAAHHH!”
She yelled when Esther pulled on her long hair. Flug jumped and his sights immediately went to the small preteen. “Esther?!”
“Esther!” Thundered Black Hat. Fear could be heard seeping into his words. “What do you think you are doing, young lady?!”
“Saving Dementia!” She answered.
Dementia yanked her hair out of her hands and turned to her. “Kid, get out of here. I don't fight children. They’re too easy to beat.”
Esther glared at her and kicked her in the shin. The older woman merely grunted. “Let Dementia go right now!” She made an attempt to punch her, but the older woman grabbed her by the back of the shirt. When she was lifted at eye level with her she took the opportunity to kick her in the chin. “I said let her go, right now!”
Dementia rubbed her chin as Esther tried to reach for the mask. “Okay. I’ll make an exception for you.”
The small preteen was about to say something, but Dementia threw her out of the ring before she could even make a sound. Before she hit the ground black shadows swallowed her and she was dropped onto someones lap. She looked up to see her Uncle.
“That was idiotic and dangerous, young lady.” He scolded as he wrapped his arms around her. “Let the adults handle this. You’re much too young to be getting directly involved with advanced villains like Mascara Macabra.”
Esther sighed as guilt gripped her. “I know. I just wanted to help. I’m afraid for Dr. Flug and Dementia.”
Black Hat briefly petted her head. “I know, baby.”
“Am I in trouble?”
“Not this time. I’m not going to punish you for trying to help someone. But, I except you to stay with me until this is over. Understand? You gave me quite the scare”
“Yes, sir and I’m sorry”
“Good.” He shifted so she would be more comfortable and kissed her on the head. “It’s okay. Now, let’s see how Flug handles this, shall we?”
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vampirzina · 2 years
Sharing is Caring ; Pet Headcanon Series
(rq) Lizards: Bearded Dragons
You have a bearded dragon. Highly territorial, yours only has room for one more in their heart, the victim of their sweet affection—you. How would the moon boys react?
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Masterlist | AO3 | Table of Contents
notes: hi :) i tried my best with this one too. sorry this is so late
Marc Spector
When you say you have a bearded dragon, he needs an actual picture for reference just to be sure he’s thinking correctly
He’s cool with it, but when he sees the actual size of your pet he’s shocked
Your lizard is very standoffish.
So seeing you being followed by him towards his tank provokes much head-bobbing
“Oh, stop it,” you coo, feigning upset as you pick them up. “Marc’s a good man.”
Marc is just confused as your lizard still mean-mugs him, but they both keep distance
Is he afraid? No… Just a cautious person.
He doesn’t think being cautious and scared can happen at the same time
Your pet does calm down though, but it takes a while
He doesn’t make a move to pet them after, even as they’re on your lap right next to him
When Marc wants to put hands on you to shower you in kisses, he’s wary of the lizard still watching him with head tilts
Though calmer, he’s still wary until you put them away because they were getting fussy
“They’re such a handful sometimes,” you sigh, and it comes out rather wistfully. “Are you scared? I saw you looking at them funny.”
He didn’t lie too much when he said no
So the next time you took them out of the enclosure came, and you had him look after them
He was tense the entire time even though your lizard was still and doing nothing
How did Marc and your lizard start to get along?
The lizard closed their eyes when he ran a finger down its back
Steven Grant
Brilliant! He can’t wait
Steven is a bigger animal person than Marc and Jake, so you didn’t have to do much to make him excited
It also meant he’d have a little bit more sense about pets in general
When your lizard started to head-bob, he wasn’t confused much like Marc. Instead he found it cute
“They’ve got nothing to worry ‘bout, love,” Steven grinned. “Promise.”
Your lizard tries multiple times to challenge him when you three are on the couch but ultimately fails
Steven is hardly intimidated
He seems to be the only one of the three not fazed by your lizard (??? somehow)
Laying in bed, he talks about them for a brief moment
“Quite feisty for a lizard, you know,” he recites his thoughts aloud. “Don’t want them to think I’m takin’ you from them. I can share.”
It’s not that Steven didn’t think he was getting anywhere bonding with your lizard, it was just a comment
But it had you thinking
So you told him about the next time your lizard is to shed, and offered him to let you help you clean up the sheddings during and after
He was much thorough, even researching how to help without intruding on your lizards space
It didn’t go unrewarded, by the way
You gave him much affection and your lizard started to relax around him and get along
Jake Lockley
First of all, what
Second of all, he’s not too sure about them even when you’re fawning over them
Because they looked exactly as he expected them to look. Sharp and mean. It’s his style, but the way your pet was looking at him…
So the apartment visit is much like how Marc reacted
Wary, cautious, but genuinely not an ounce of fear in contrast to Marc
Your lizard doesn’t head-bob when he walks in, which is a little bit of a relief but confusing nonetheless to you
Maybe Jake looks scary? You know he’s a big softie on the inside so it doesn’t matter
Your lizard is not too bothered with you picking them up, but they eye Jake just as hard as he’s eyeing them
Jake just doesn’t want your lizard to try anything, and he’s voiced it to you as well even when you deny your lizard will because they’re too sweet
“They’ll love you, J,” you pet the lizard laying on your arm. “They didn’t even try to size you up. I think that’s a good thing, don’t you agree?”
Size him up? As in challenge? Yeah, he’d want to see what that looks like
At the end of the day he’s not worried, because he has you all to himself when the lights are off
“Can’t do much behind the glass, can you?” Jake leans down to come eye-level with them from behind the glass, and the bearded dragon fluffs its neck.
Surprisingly, Jake isn’t as standoffish right now
“Alright, alright. Tranquilo. I’m leaving,” Jake stands straight again to return back to your sleeping form.
He’s not too poised to earn their acceptance right away, because your pet is chill so far, so it’s really not too rushed
It just comes… So naturally. You don’t know when they started getting along
Either that or you weren’t paying attention to Jake
You just saw Jake napping and your bearded dragon on top of his belly
And it was so casually, like your lizard wasn’t just aiming for Jake’s hand the other week ago when he offered to try and feed them
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lcstinfantasy · 4 months
so i fell asleep after cleaning and i have to be up in 5 hours to drop 2 of my cats off at work to board for the day AND move my lizard/snake tanks to my car. hehe i love having to get my apartment inspected lol
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fat-fem-and-asian · 9 months
Pet lizard??
oh my god pet lizard. we (me and @jeniffercheck) were trying to freak audrey up and i have this old hc (thank u mish and alex <3) of karolina having a pet bearded dragon. i see audrey as quiet, responsible, liking her day to include a lot of routine, and godbless do reptiles fit that bill. anyways. kendall, i'd say the family member audrey is closest to, gets her a bearded dragon for their 10th birthday and its the best day EVER. shiv is, at best, neutral to the lizard, and insistent on audrey having a minifridge in their room to keep all the bug stuff. karolina listens to audrey ramble on about books they read about herptology, and occasionally helps audrey clean the tank (who insists on doing it herself). talia's poked at the lizard, decided she didn't like the smell, and leaves it alone after that.
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Random fun question time!! If you were to give each Amis a pet, what animal would you give them and why?
ooooh EXCELLENT question, here's my answers. Some are die hard headcanons I have and others I just thought of, but all of them are right because I say so
Enjolras- Cat. He's a cat person 100%. He likes them because they're independent and self-sufficient, which is probably a quality he appreciates in people too. But also....they're soft. Lil paws. Slow blink. Also I feel like he had a cat when he was a kid, like a big fancy Persian or something. When he's an adult he adopts from a shelter.
Combeferre- African 👏 Grey 👏 Parrot 👏 Combeferre thinks people don't talk enough about the fact that parrots can literally speak. They fascinate him. So he has an African Grey and he teaches it tricks and phrases and speaks to it like it's human and it's the smartest bird you'll ever meet in your life. Also he taught it to mimic Courfeyrac, its impression is uncanny.
Courfeyrac- oooh he needs a big bouncy dog with as much energy as he has- a Labrador or a Collie or something. He loves big goofy dogs with big smiling grins, and he loves how every time he comes home his doggo is waiting there and is always so excited to see him again, it warms his heart. And he likes to go on jogs with it too.
Jehan- Is Jehan a dog person? No. Is Jehan a cat person? No. Jehan is a lizard person. They have an iguana and they like to put a lead on it and take it on the metro with them lmao. They actually like the amount of work that goes into caring for them, from cleaning the enclosure to the heat lamps to the live bugs they have to feed it. Plus it looks really cool.
Bahorel- everyone knows about my "Bahorel has a Newfoundland dog called Nemo" headcanon by now, it is an absolute classic. Bahorel loves big dogs because they look kind of fearsome and scary but most of the time they are gentle giants, and Bahorel can relate to that. Nemo in particular is the biggest ball of fluff and drool you will ever meet <3
Feuilly- Feuilly likes fish. He has a tank with a few goldfish, because they're low maintenance and nice to look at, but if he had more time he would love to get a tank full of tropical fish, he just thinks they're gorgeous and there's something very serene about watching them glide around the tank
Joly- Cat person Joly is canon so there's that for starters. He likes the easy affection and chilled out personality of cats, and plus he just thinks they're funny. He has lots of photos and videos of his cat doing dumb shit, and hundreds more photos of it just existing because.,,,.,,, so cute. Any time he speaks to anyone he's like Hello Would You Like To See My Son and then boom. Five hundred cat photos. He has a sphynx cat and likes to joke that it reminds him of Bossuet (he thinks he's hilarious- and he's right).
Bossuet- Pet rock because it's the only thing he can keep alive lmao. Ok not really. He likes cats because of osmosis from Joly (he does not look like Joly's cat- He doesn't), but I can also see him with gerbils or hamsters or something similar? I have no real reason for this he just has hamster vibes honestly
Grantaire- Dog guy. Not a purebread, a mixed breed. I feel like he likes dogs that aren't hugely energetic, but he likes the way having a dog forces him to get out of his bed and go for a walk at least once a day. He likes how loyal they are too. I feel like he didn't even try to adopt a dog, one just wandered into his house one day after him and a week later it was still there and he was like "huh. Guess I have a dog now?"
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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I am real tired. Stupid exhausted. I will be alright. But it was very hot today and that didn't help my energy level. I wish I accomplished more but it was hard to do anything at all honestly.
I slept alright last night but I had very very active dreams and woke up pretty sore and tired still. But my hair looked great and I felt very pretty. Some kids would even tell me that today so that felt nice.
I bright a little breakfast with me. And remembered to bring my clean clothes with me back to camp. My bathing suit was found but my tank top is still Mia. I'll look around on Sunday when I do some organizing.
When I got to the car I saw James bike back home and run upstairs. I texted them asking if they were alright and they would come back down and let me know they just forgot a work shirt. Good thing they remembered! Didn't need to be in a tank top at work. They would have more clothes issues though later in the day when a child grabbed their back packed and ripped their pants??? Like a full giant hole torn in the seat of their jeans. My poor James.
Work was done. Apparently there is drama all over camp and I would hear rumblings about it. But it wasn't to much in my space. And I would have a very busy day. Honestly I was a little checked out with my older kids, like not totally, but I would sit quietly a lot more then normal. I did my best.
My hand was doing better. Still hurts when I use it to much but it wasn't to bad. I have developed some bruises though so that's interesting. And I wasn't as nauseous from the medication but the heat made me feel not good inside. I tried my best to smile through it but it was hard.
I had some very sweet kids today. I would watch them do their art and I would work on sewing my bracelets onto my fanny pack. I had an idea about rolling the bracelets into rosettes and sewing those down and I think it looks so fun. And it was nice to have something to do.
Lunch wasn't great. I enjoyed Laura's company. She came and spent some time at my program during a free hour and we played silly music and it was a good morning. But I tried to do to much carrying of food at lunch and hurt my hand more. Mistake. And the food they made for vegetarians wasn't my favorite. But we did get some very good watermelon. So it wasn't the worst thing.
The afternoon was busy but I had two older groups so it was more chill. It is always nice when people don't want to leave. And I got to teach the kids more bracelet loom making and bead lizard making and there was painting and because they were all just doing their thing I was able to clean up the art building and start working on laying out the stuff for next week.
I'm not positive how were going to go about sewing next week. But I have half a plan. Some will machine stitch, some hand stitch. I am not 100% how I'll do it but last year went well so it'll be fine I'm sure. At least it's set up.
After I finished cleaning up I took a little snack break (after the groups were all done for the day) and started working on figuring out how to make felt flowers for our wedding banner. I'm not sure these are exactly what I want but it was a lot of fun to figure it out.
I did some more work for next week. And went down to the office to do some wifi stuff. I also made a little TikTok for the summer so far and that was fun. And after I checked in Elizabeth I was ready to go home.
I would help Cody load up the truck with stockade suitcases. And then I would head out.
I was really excited to go home. James was ordering pizza. And I had a nice drive. I was so hot and tired when I got back here but eating helped. Holding Sweetp was nice. And once James was done their podcast they came to hang out with me.
I have been really really tired. My head hurt so bad and I was very dehydrated. Eventually I would take a bath and that mixed with drinking water made me feel a lot better.
I have been resting in our room since then. My headache has mostly gone away. And I am just looking forward to sleeping. I am running the market tomorrow because Ann won't be there. So a little more money this week will be nice. I just hope I can hold it together.
Sleep good everyone. I hope you have a great day tomorrow. Goodnight!!
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May 2024 Goals
Early June update uwu but it's my blog, my rules LOL
Paint craft room closet doors-not until spring, haven't gotten paint yet LOL
New tank for the Lizard of Oz- ✅
Grow out my hair, no dying or cutting it- Last hair trim June 2024, shoulder length with short layers! I can't wait until it's grown now. Kinda going for a wolf cut meets bob rn
Study 30 minutes a day about spirituality- Yeah! Might remove this because I don't know how to update this!
Go to two workshops- no
Go to the observatory- Summer!
30 minutes to one hour of exercise per day, 5-6 times a week- no
Aim for 10k steps a day- no
Learn to rollerskate-I'm learning!!! No progress since last update tho!
Explore two new hiking trails- ✅ Done!!!! Went on a different route at Mission Marsh Conservatory and also visited the updated Mount McKay mountain top area!
Sewing- on hold, sewing machine is out of commission, still not working with new parts, gotta tinker
Sew one spring/summer dress, bell sleeve 60s swing style dress-not yet, maybe not
Use up fabric stash with various projects or one big patchwork project-not yet, honestly fabric stash isn't too bad! I ended up organising it and downsizing to just one storage bin! I do have lots of pieces for patchwork projects.
One embroidery project-✅DONE, Mom's Embroidery #2
Read 12 books in total-Started The Hobbit! Haven't been reading much!
Read 3 Classic Novels-not yet
Read one old forgotten favourite-not yet
Movies and TV
Re-watch The Lord of the Rings trilogy- 1/3
Watch the Hobbit movie series-0/3
Watch the new season of Rising of the Shield Hero-not yet
Watch the new season of Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear- not yet
Spice and Wolf- not yet
Re-watch The Big Bang Theory- not yet
Watch the new season of Young Sheldon-✅
Re-watch Toradora!- ✅
Re-watch Bones-Season 2
Gundam series watch- Watching Gundam Build Metaverse, we're on Re:Rise now and almost done!
Nature walk journaling (foraging, birdwatching, stargazing, etc)- idk if I'll do this!
Fire starter perlers- ✅ Torchic & Cyndaquil
Crochet plush hammock- ✅
Complete one model kit or 3d puzzle- Nine ✅ Orange Haropla + Chinagguy + Beargguy III + MG Wing Zero EW Ver.Ka + HG Rx-78-2 Revive +Alcremie + Acguy HG + Beargguy Ohana Aloharo HG
Video Games:
Persona 3 Reloaded- Started!!! We got the physical copy of the game!
Persona 5 Tactica- dropped
Metaphor: Re Fantazio Fall 2024
Visions of Mana 2024
EC: Hundred Heroes April 23, 2024
Finish FF7R:Intergrade
SMT:3, started but then dropped for P3R
Started a small community garden in the apartment yard!!! Pumpkins, zucchini, carrots, bell peppers, lettuce in raised bed planters, plus hanging flower baskets!
Twitch has been scheduled for a tooth cleaning!! Went into the vet and our boy is healthy, just with nasty teeth. Excited for him to feel fresh and clean!!
My brother came to town for work and we got to visit! He stayed with us for a couple days and it was so nice to reconnect and see him after years.
Went to the casino for the first time! Won a little bit of cash that I then spent on a new Ver Ka model kit at Lakehead Models hehehe, such a fun afternoon!!
Built 3 new model kits this month dang!! Love it!
Not many more updates this month, trying to keep things short and sweet for highlights! It's been a nice and simple month of May leading into June!
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