#after i scoop his poop and he does NOTHING
rollarcoasting · 9 months
me when my cat sleeps on the COUCH instead of snuggling with me in the scary darkness
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ratremusagere · 5 months
Hey yall! This was a request over on AO3 (RatRemus - Sanders Sides Agere/Kid Fics) by Voidlunaluci :)
Caregivers: Logan and Janus
Littles: remus and Virgil
Prompt: It's Halloweens and remus wannas goes to a horror maze whiles smalls but virgils scare so Janus and Logan work together to helps
Please and thankies!!
Papa: Logan
Dada: Janus
Remus: 6
Virgil: 3
Word Count: 1077
Virgil and Remus were supposed to be napping. Supposed. In actuality Remus was drawing out his big idea for a haunted maze that they, the two little and their caregivers, could go to. It wasn’t Remus’ fault that he was too excited to nap!
Virgil on the other hand was entirely too tired to deal with Remus keeping him up, he was just a little guy after all. However after Remus let out a happy squeal after finishing his project Virgil jumped and started crying, as the poor baby was easily startled.
Janus walked in and sighed at the sight in front of him before going to scoop up Virgil. He gently patted Virgil’s bottom “shhh it’s ok spiderling, no need to cry” he hummed softly and rocked the overgrown toddler. Logan then walked in too and saw Remus out of bed, coloring. Remus at least had the decency to look sheepish.
“Remus, what did you do?” Logan said fondly, he didn’t have it in him to truly be angry at the kid. It wasn’t his fault he had an overactive imagination and had a hard time napping or staying quiet.
“Nothing papa!” Remus immediately lowered his voice at the pointed look Logan gave him “sorry papa but really, I was just drawin and came up with a really good idea for a haunted maze for us to go in and and I squealed cuz happy stim and then I woke up the baby. I’m sorry”
“Buddy, it’s ok thank you for the apology, how about we go in the living room and after dada finishes calming down your baby brother we look over your drawing together? Does that sound good?” Remus immediately jumped up, very excited by that prospect and ran to the living room. Logan chuckled fondly and walked after the hyperactive little.
Soon after, Janus followed suit, the now calmed Virgil in his arms. His eyes were still a bit teary but he was okay now. “So kid, what’s this I hear about your haunted maze?” Janus said, sitting next to Logan on the couch as Virgil crawled into Logan’s lap and Remus crawled into Janus’.
“Well dada! I’m so glad you asked! I drawed us all going to a haunted maze and it was so scary you pooped your pants! And papa got so scared he punched somebody! And me and baby vee completed the maze and and we won a prize! And there’s so many zombies and skeletons and guys with chainsaws trying to chop your heads off!” Remus seemed really proud of his idea but Virgil on the other hand started crying again.
Logan started rocking Virgil as Virgil whined “I…I don wan people cuts our heads off!!” He sobbed loudly. Remus whined as well “but it’s not real vee! It’s just pretend.” That seemed to help Virgil a little. “How about we make the maze a little less scary ree? Just so Virgil can enjoy it too? I promise as soon as you’re both big again we can go to a very scary one” Remus pouted at Logan’s words. “Fineeee but I better get to keep the severed fingies!” Remus giggled. Janus blinked and frowned “absolutely not ree, that’s not happening. I love you but we aren’t putting any real body parts in this maze. How about we make some severed finger cookies instead?” Janus quickly added the cookie part because he could tell Remus was going to throw a fit over his words.
Remus still pouted but nodded, he was hungry anyways. “Ok dada, after that can we go to the haunted maze? Pleaseeeee?” Janus nodded “sure honey, how about Vee, you, and I go do that while papa and Roman work on making this maze for us?” The boys seemed excited so that’s exactly what they did.
It was now a couple hours later, the boys wound up needing a bath and another nap after cookie making so it was closer to sunset. Remus was dressed in his zombie rat costume and Virgil was dressed in a cute spider onesie. He felt comfortable enough to walk as long as either his papa or dada held his hand so they were all walking together to the maze.
Remus had tried to run off three separate times so his caregivers forced him into a leash backpack. “Ok baby we are here do you want to be picked up?” Virgil shook his head no at Janus “m a big boy dada!!” Logan smiled at him and ruffled his hair.
Just then a zombie jumped out of the maze at them. It spooked Virgil a little so he clung to the side of his dada a little more but Remus seemed happy enough so they kept going. Virgil seemed to get braver as they kept going and Remus was excited by that, happy his baby brother wasn’t being a scaredy cat anymore.
Just as Remus turned around to look at his papa and dada another zombie jumped out at them. Virgil squealed and ran to his dada but was giggling, he thought it was funny. However Remus, not expecting it, jumped and started crying. He plopped down and was suddenly not the brave big 6 year old anymore but a frightened baby who needed his papa.
Logan was quick to scoop Remus up and hold him “oh baby doll it’s okay, shhhh it’s alright darling” he hummed a little lullaby to Remus. Remus’ crying also startled Virgil who began to tear up and reach for his (now) baby brother. “Dada he’s cwyin! Poor baby gotta help him!” Janus smiled fondly at Virgil “I know baby he’s just a little spooked. How about we head home and come back another day?” Virgil adamantly said no to that “ree ree was soooo excited!! We can’t leave without finishin da maze! And gettin da prize! For baby!!!”
The two caregivers looked suprised at that, thinking Virgil would want to leave but nodded anyways “okay spider we can finish the maze” Janus said following after the now determined young boy.
Remus let out soft coos and attempted to eat Logan’s tie whilst they walked. Logan, very fond of the baby in his arms, just let him do so. Once they found the end of the maze both boys let out happy squeals. Happily claiming their prizes (a squid themed paci and a stuffed spider) they headed home to be coddled and doted on by their caregivers.
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nemobeatrice · 1 year
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FuGio Week 2023 Day 7: Pets - Underneath Our Nose
Giorno and Fugo rang Narancia and Mista’s doorbell, waiting patiently.
“Just a sec!” Mista yelled. He sounds like they were in a rush.
“The two live together, but I can hear them tumbling around,” Giorno said. “Are they late for their date? The date that they agreed to?”
Fugo sighed. “Those two idiots.” He pounded on the door. “Come on. It’s getting dark. Do you want the stores and businesses closed on your date?”
Narancia opened the door, looking fancy in his suit. Mista less so, but he wore something different. A cat, a British shorthair, was also in his hands.
“Is that Lil Meow Meow?” Fugo asked as he walked in.
“Yeah, and he’s a good boy!” Narancia tried to convince him.
He looked at the scratched furniture and curtains. “I can tell.”
“He’s so soft and fluffy.” Mista handed him the cat. “Take care of our baby.”
Giorno got into the apartment. “Don’t worry. He’s in good hands. Have fun on your—” Something smelt awful, and it came from the bathroom.
“We will!” Narancia took Mista’s hand. “Don’t have too much fun in our house, though!”
They left, leaving the blond couple alone with their cat.
“Yeesh, finally,” Fugo said as he closed the door. “This will be—what is that smell? Don’t tell me one of those two forgot to flush?”
“I’ll find out.” Giorno went into the bathroom. Nothing was unusual except the cat litter needed to be scooped. “It’s just cat poop.”
“Disgusting! How long was that there?”
“The cat didn’t cover it.”
Fugo looked at the cat in his arms. “Seriously?” The cat growled, and his ears went flat. He immediately put Lil Meow Meow down, and the cat hissed. “I knew this cat was a demon!”
Giorno rushed out of the bathroom after cleaning the mess. When he returned, Lil Meow Meow back Fugo, broom in hand, into a corner.
“Get him away from me!” he panicked.
Giorno knelt and brought his hand out. “Pspspsp!”
The cat turned around, sniffing his hand before rubbing himself against it.
“Why does he hate me?”
“Maybe because he never got to sniff you.”
“Tch. I was holding him. He should’ve had my scent. Whatever. I’m going to watch TV and doze off. Want to join me?”
“Let me check the cat’s food bowl first.” Giorno went into the kitchen and saw his bowl lacked food. He refilled it before sitting with Fugo in the living room. His boyfriend flipped through the channels. “Nothing good is on. Should we watch some of the movies they have here?”
“I already watched all of them.”
Lil Meow Meow sat on Giorno’s lap, watching TV with them. He looked bored, but Fugo switched to a nature channel, grabbing the cat’s attention. A lion devoured a zebra. Sharp fangs ripped apart the zebra’s legs. Lil Meow Meow got into it until Fugo switched the channel again. Angered, he clawed Fugo’s legs, hissing with ears flattened.
“What the hell?” Fugo glared at the cat.
“I think he was watching the nature channel,” Giorno said. “Put it back.”
“But we went on a date to the zoo two days ago.”
“Lil Meow Meow wasn’t with us. You wanted to doze off, right? You can doze off while watching the nature channel.”
“I supposed we could watch it.” Fugo switched the channel back. Lil Meow Meow seems happier now. “What a violent cat. Of course, he would enjoy watching this.”
“Did you know cats play with their prey before eating them?”
“Another reason why I’m a dog person.”
After a few minutes, the blonds dozed off, and the channel no longer showed lions in the wild but commercials, boring the cat once again. Lil Meow Meow got off Giorno’s lap and decided to do cat things.
Giorno slowly woke up, and the channel was still on the nature documentary but discussed polar bears. Fugo rested on his lap, but Lil Meow Meow wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Giorno tapped his boyfriend awake, causing him to hum as he woke.
“Are they back yet?” Fugo asked, turning in his lap to face him.
“No, but don’t panic.”
“Why would I panic?”
“Lil Meow Meow is gone.”
Fugo sat up. “I’m sure he’s fine.”
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right.”
Fugo grabbed the remote and switched the channels again. He changed it to the news, and the reporter announced an increase in cat slaughters near their area.
“Okay, I’m worried now,” Fugo said.
“He’s probably somewhere,” Giorno said. “Come on. Let’s find him.”
They searched the rooms but couldn’t find the cat.
“Where the heck is this cat?” Fugo questioned.
“Maybe we didn’t search thoroughly enough. Let’s check if Meow Meow hid in something or a small gap.”
Giorno checked the kitchen, using Golden Experience to sense where Lil Meow Meow was. Meanwhile, Fugo went into his friends’ bedroom and searched the drawers, closet, and under the bed. No luck. The two returned to the living room.
“I think he might’ve gotten out, but how?” Fugo questioned.
“I don’t think he did. The windows and doors were closed the entire time. Do you think he might’ve snuck around rooms while we kept searching?”
“Yeah. Maybe we could use a treat or catnip to draw him out.”
Giorno headed to the kitchen and searched the drawers for bait to draw Lil Meow Meow from hiding. He took a bag of catnip and poured some onto the cat scratch post. Lil Meow Meow showed himself, revealing that he hid underneath the couch.
“Right underneath our noses,” Giorno remarked.
Fugo got a text message on his cell phone. “They’re returning soon. Let’s just play with the cat.”
“I think that’s a good idea. I’ll watch him while you search for some toys.”
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iambilliejeanok · 3 years
💜Konoha 12 cuddle bugs💜
Pairings: All the konoha 12 members x reader
Warnings: Language. Just fluff. A little sexual. Very rare that I write innocent stuff but I’m in a cuddly cozy mood.
And all the images I used in this post I got from Pinterest on a page called Wattpad. IT IS NOT MY OWN. Pinterest didn’t give me much information about individual creators so if you’re familiar with one let me know and I can @ the creator
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The cuddliest cuddle bug in the world dattebayo.
You thought you really loved cuddles until you met Naruto. He really enjoys cuddling.
He usually gets all touchy and cozy with you when he’s feeling down or super tired. Ever since he met you napping or bedtime just doesn’t hit the same when he’s alone. You’re like his comfort.
You’ll be in the kitchen cooking dinner and hear him come home. He will usually give you a nice long hug and a kiss hello before excusing himself to shower, which gives you more time to finish cooking and prepare a plate for the two of you.
After a long day of training or a tiresome mission he wants nothing more than to be close to you. It’s kind of just a habit he picked up. You wonder if it has anything to do with his childhood. It probably has everything to do with it.
Before you even sit down he’s already patting his lap for you to come and sit with him and he doesn’t understand why you’re acting brand new. “Y/n what are you doing?”, he asks, watching you place your plate down and sit on the chair beside him. “It’s dinner time”, you reply, knowing exactly what’s coming next. “Why do you act like this baby?”, he sheepishly asks before patting his lap again. “Come sit here and stop messing around babe”. And you’ll give in like you always do to entertain his whining and give him soft kisses midst conversation.
When you’re done eating he will place his head on your chest and hold you close while you run your fingers through his tangled hair. And you two will just sit like this and talk about anything and everything before turning all the lights off and snuggling in bed.
Yes Naruto is always holding you throughout the night. He will even scoop you up and plop you right on top of him in the middle of his sleep, wrapping his arms and legs around you like you’re some kind of teddy bear.
You’re his teddy bear believe it.
Of course you can sit in his lap and cuddle while he’s pooping. Absolutely does not mind. Sometimes he’ll call out to you when he’s there or when he’s heading there. You’ll walk into the bathroom while he’s on the toilet and he’ll just pay his lap with that big stupid grin on his handsome face. Shit he’ll probably even let you hold his dick for him while he’s peeing but he hasn’t thought of that one yet. For now you can just hug him from behind.
Overall you love it too and wouldn’t change a thing about him. 10/10 best cuddles of your life.
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I wouldn’t say he’s a cuddle bug, more of a cuddle butterfly…if you catch him you catch him if not then you’ve missed him. That’s on you.
Usually feels bad about starting his day without cuddles from you. He’s so used to you snuggling into him every morning that he will wait for you to wake up or go back to sleep until you wake him up for some cuddles. He won’t ever admit it but it’s the perfect way to start his day.
He needs space when he’s feeling a little too warm though. He doesn’t like being touched or touching you when it’s super hot. It annoys him when your skin sticks together and then you have to separate like velcro.
He’s more the type who’s comfortable as long as your comfortable. He’s just going to lay there and you can use his body all you want lol.
He loves you but you gotta stop waking him up so early in the morning to ask for cuddles. He will just sleepily throw his arm over you and pull you close to him then he’s back to sleep.
He does things sometimes to tempt you into holding him or being held by him when he doesn’t feel like asking you. He’ll have a big stretch in front of you to get your attention, deeply hoping and praying that you’ll wrap your arms around him and snuggle into his chest. He totally wasn’t expecting it the first time he did that and now it’s his go to move and that always melts his heart.
He loves to lay his head on your lap or tummy during his afternoon naps. He didn’t request for you to join him during his cloud watching sessions but always complains about how lonely he gets up on the building. Therefore you’re there to massage his scalp while he watches the clouds, dosing into a blissful nap. You’ll nap with him when he’s in the mood to cuddle but when he has his head on your lap or tummy you just like to listen to him lightly snoring while reading or going through a few scrolls.
Hold him and snuggle your head into him , relaxes him when he’s up thinking in the middle of the night. You’re like medicine to him, he could swear it’s magic how you always help him feel better.
Shika is okay with you being in the bathroom with him and doesn’t mind you hanging around even when he’s pooping. He will let you hug him from behind while he’s peeing but that’s as far he will go with that. No sitting on his lap while he’s pooping. Just no. Why would you even want that?
8/10 because he needs to be more vocal about expressing his need for his partner.
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Knows that cuddling is the way to any woman’s heart so he’s always excited about the rewards that come with it.
Kiba’s the type who will pull you incredibly close to him to a point where you’d feel his boner pressing against you. Cuddles always turn into sex with Kiba. Cuddles before and after sex does him good when he needs it!
Please lay in top of him, mans lives to rub your back and ass. His very touchy and always does this whenever you hug him or lay on him. Dry humping is also something Kiba is a big fan of. If you let him dry hump you while you’re cuddling he won’t ever let you go.
He’s also very clingy and naturally follows you around the house, lightly holding your hand everywhere you go. He also loves sucking on your neck and maybe your breasts if you let him but he does that more for himself than to try and pleasure you. I mean, his mouth just feels so good all over you so naturally you usually end up with little orgasm from that. He’s so hard and rough when he does it without even realising, but when he finally has to stop he will give you the most gentle kisses all over your chest and neck area you’ll probably be asleep by the time he reaches your lips. You’re always scarred because you two are always cuddling which leads to him biting. He’s basically just as touchy with his mouth as he is with his hands. He just has to have something in this mouth, whether it’s a sweet or your skin, it’s very soothing to him.
You’re more than welcome to sit on his hap and hug him while he’s pooping. He loves how close you wanna be with him and starts hanging out with you when you’re using the bathroom.
10/10, you get great cuddles along with his interesting fetishes.
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One thing about Gaara is that you’ve gotta hold him when he sleeps at night. You either have your arms and leg wrapped around him as a big spoon or he’s got his arm wrapped around you and his thigh tucked between yours as a big spoon.
He loves those little hug sessions when you come into his office while he’s working and sit on his lap, resting your head on his while he snuggles your bosom. You’ll also just sit on him and snuggle into his chest while he works. He absolutely lives for you cuddles and hugs and looks forward to working from home all the time.
He’s so very gentle with you and loves it when you baby him. When you’re playing with his ear while he’s laying on you that puts him to sleep so good. Or fake draw on his back/ face. Puts him out every time.
Gaara is the type who loves to sleep with a handful of titty. He just needs your breast in his hand to even doze off. He’s also super touchy and likes slipping his hand under your shirt/skirt or inside your pants. He needs that skin on skin contact, especially when he’s feeling down. It’s completely non sexual, he just likes feeling your skin in the palms of his hands.
Yes you’re more than welcome to sit on his lap while he’s pooping. The first time you wanted to do that he got really shy and defensive but after getting to know you better he opened up to it and now he asks you to hold his dick when he’s peeing 💀
Please be dressed as minimally as possible. The more skin the better.
He’s much better than you at waking up when your alarm goes off, pressing the snooze button to spoon you and press lazy kisses against your shoulders, neck and back or face. That really helps you wake up and he gets to hold you at the start of the day. Hold him to please🥺 this is the hardest part about getting out bed.
10/10 very cute and cuddly.
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She won’t directly ask you for cuddles, she’ll just scoot closer and closer to you until you unconsciously put your arm around her.
She’s always moving around so you have to wrap her up in a blanket and hold her so she can actually keep still and fall asleep.
She’s definitely the little spoon. Loves all the cuddles and kisses you have to offer her. She loves sitting on your lap too, leaning into you and relishing your arms snuggly wrapping around her.
Go poop on your own. Stay tf out when she’s using the toilet. She’s very serious about her privacy.
Please play with her tits during cuddle time. She’s also a big booty rub fan. If you tweak her nipples a little she’ll start moaning in no time. She’s very sensitive and has a high sex drive so try your best to not awaken her sexual beast or she’ll end up needing all of you to sit still the rest of the time.
8/10 very cute and soft. Feels good to be held by her.
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I mean honestly if anything he’s really just happy to be involved. Look at his face bro. Simple man this one.
He’s so damn good at kissing and that’s usually all you do when you’re cuddle. Passionately making out. Beautiful.
His body is just so soft and cuddly, so it’s a bit of a challenge to not resort to doing just that after a long day of work.
No feeling better than your body against his. Just how calm and relaxed you are on him feels like a high he’s had before. He has mini panic attacks over thinking it when you’re upset with him. He’s mind will go from 0-700 in one thought but it helps him more than you could ever know to just hold him when you’re arguing or something like that. Like simply holding his hand or resting your head on his shoulder and random hugs during the day really keep him sane.
He doesn’t care if you’re hanging around while he’s pooping or peeing just please don’t touch him during this moment. Please and thank you.
Will seek you out during the day sometimes for a cozy ten minutes if your time. You use lunch as an excuse to steal him from work for a few minutes and he’ll use his ninja art dragon on anyone who dares to stand in his way.
Big yes to morning cuddles. Even though his friends have to shake him up a little to loosen away that lovey dovey mood you usually leave him in.
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Very kind woman but only opens up to cuddle after getting to know you. She takes things slowly so be patient with her.
Loves being cradled like a baby and also loves cradling you to sleep.
Big spoon all the way. Take it or leave it. Please take it🥺
She tends to clench her hands in fists when she’s asleep so please hold them and plant kisses on her palms every now and then. That would help her so much.
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How dare you let go of him!? How are you not touch him in this exact moment when your hands are perfectly fine to yourself.
Hugs 24/7 every day! He might even manage to outcuddle you.
Lee has quite the impressive size so you always feel him pressing against you while cuddling. You’ll scoot back into him if he’s spooning you but that’s as far as goes. He knows what you’re trying to do and won’t let you get anything. He’s teaching you discipline. Learn to control yourself!
He smells so good so you’re always snuggling into his chest just to inhale that naturally therapeutic aroma of his.
Cling to him!!! He will literally train with you wrapped around him like a vest. He’s done it before and is looking forward to the challenge of doing it again!
Loves snuggling into your chest area when your sitting on his lap. He’ll place random kisses there just because he loves you so much.
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Just woke up? Forehead kisses. Using the toilet with the door open? Forehead kiss. Just had an intense argument? Angry forehead kiss. It’s all forehead kisses with Shino☺️ now I want a kiss.
Very much vocal about his need to hold you. He’ll wake up in the middle of the night and search the whole house for you on one of your busy work nights. He’ll sleepy walk into your home office, his eyes squinting and nothing on but a pair of briefs. “Come back to bed please “, he will sleepily argue, reaching out his hand to you to emphasize on how this isn’t an option. He wants cuddles!!!
Holds hands when he sleeps. Doesn’t matter how the two of you are sleeping, he’s always gonna be holding your hand and if he doesn’t feel it in there with a small squeeze of his hand he’s going to instantly wake up. Hold his hand gotdamnit!🥺
Big fan of PDA and will always stand really close behind you or have his hand on your lap you’re hanging out with friends. Lives for the way you slowly lean in for a cuddle monster when it gets a little too cold. He needs the body heat just as much as you do.
Please plant small kisses all over his chest during tv and chill time. Please please please, he will love your forever!
Big hugs over here too! And did I forget to mention that he likes holding hands? Whenever or wherever just hold his hand so he can gently rub your knuckles and take in the fact that you exist.
10/10. So soft and comfortable to lay on
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Let’s you cuddle him
Just use his body and if hugging him for hours on end makes you happy he’s happy really.
Also is into forehead kisses. He’ll pull you into his coat and place three soft kisses on your face. One for your forehead and one for each cheek. He likes to save your lips for later.
You’ll just stand in his coat like that, waiting for him to finishing deeply inhaling and holding you. A creep if you will but he WILL NOT even admit to himself that your presence is addicting to him. Your cuddles? NEEDED! Your kisses? NEEDED! Back massages? NEEDED RIGHT NOW! Just love him without him having to ask basically
The biggest baby when the sun goes down. He wants you to feed him and give him kisses while running your hands though his hair. It happens a little too often for you to consider it being playful. This man is serious.
He also loves being pampered by you. The long warm baths you have with him and the way you choke on his dick right after is a blessing like no other to him.
Please wrap your arms around his head and hold him close, he loves this so much and will gladly wrap his arm around you to pull you closer to him.
He rubs your whole body when you’re snuggled up against him, including your ass and tits, giving them the best massage ever. After how good he has you feeling be ready for a small or big and very satisfying orgasm while he rubs on your puss a little.
He literally worships you.
10/10 such a sweet bean when he’s not around other people.
Sorry it ain’t no space for more people on here. Enjoy😀
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anjanettexcordonia · 3 years
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A/N: mentions of kidnapping, language
Word Count: 956
A/N: I have been MIA for about 6 months or so, so I have decided to start over with tags, so if you would like to be tagged just let me know or shoot me a message.
I woke up today. I woke up and that’s as far as I’ve gotten. I called in sick for my shift tonight. I don’t know if it is due to fear of the weird shit going on in my life or the fact that I have had a solid two hours of sleep. Sleep when you're dead, I think that’s a saying. But nonetheless I’m a realist, remember, I need to get up, push the bullshit to the back of my mind and take Chance to the dog park. Some fresh air would do me some good.
An hour later, Chance & I are on our way to the local dog park. Treats and poop bags in tow, today is a self care day I decide. Maybe the spa, no fuck that, a large pizza and crime documentaries on the couch, is my definition of self care. Real high class Riley. And to that realization, I can’t for the life of me think of why some rich foreign KING would want ANYTHING to do with a regular girl like me.
After a vigorous game of fetch and a jog around the park, I’m sitting at a green metal bench watching Chance tennis balls with another pup friend when.. “Riley Brooks?” My blood froze in my veins. The voice sat down beside me without invitation mind you. “I didn’t get to properly introduce myself last night. I’m Liam.” It’s him. It’s him. Jesus Christ it’s him. “CHANCE.” I grab his leash from the table. “CHANCE LET'S GO BUDDY.” “Riley, please wait.”
“Are you following me?” I interrupt.
“No, I just uh, I need to talk to you.”
“I know who you are. I do not appreciate being followed to my place of business, my home or here. I don’t care what you have to say or what information you think you have. Leave me alone.” I took a step toward Chance to retrieve him, he was still playing.
“You’re home? Riley has someone been to your home?”
“Like you don’t know Mr. King Liam of whatever country you’re from. And judging by your accent it’s a long way from here.” I took another step creating as much distance as possible but I could feel myself being pulled toward him. His eyes were like Caribbean waters, so enticing I just wanted to bathe in them. Naked.
“You’re right I am King but you have to listen, Riley, you’re in danger.” At his words, another man adorning black sunglasses, a suspiciously authoritative black suit and ear piece. Straight out of a damn movie. “I need you to listen to me.”
“What the fuck? Are you trying to kidnap me?” My voice grew louder with each word.
“Shh no Riley, I just need you to trust me. We need you to get you to safety now.” Liam’s tone was hushed. He noticed the eyes around the park land on him and his bodyguard. Bodyguard I assume. A guy like him would have a bodyguard.
“Trust you, I don’t even know you!” My tone not really matching my words. I was intrigued to say the least. Not really sure why but I was. There was a magnetism and a curiosity to Liam I wanted to get to the bottom of. Needed to, a primal need.
“Sit down, please.” He motioned to the bench. I sat reluctantly.
“Riley, your parents.” I put my hands up stopping him.
“My parents are dead. Whoever you’re speaking of are not my parents, so tread carefully.”
He nodded in understanding. His blonde hair sparkled in the sunlight. His chiseled chin with at least two days worth of hair growth tensed.
“There’s a dangerous faction of people in my government, that are after you. The order of the White Dove is what they call themselves. We have been unable to identify any of the exact members but we have suspicions. This group is responsible for the deaths of your biological parentage Elizabeth and Joseph Malcolm of Edinburgh. And we have reason to believe you are a target since your discovery.”
“But how do they know who I am? And how do I know you’re not a part of this order of the dove?” I didn’t want to believe it but I did. For some reason none of the things he had just told me surprised me.
“I am here to protect you, that’s all.” The softness of his smile instantly made me believe him.
“There’s more, but I’ll have to show you. Will you trust me?”
I mulled over his revelation. If he’s lying, he’s probably going to kill you; if he’s telling you the truth someone else is going to kill you.
“Here.” I handed him the business card I shoved in my pocket before I left my apartment this morning. “Chance is coming with me.”
Liam handed the business card to his guard who started talking into his piece.
I scooped up Chance and followed the men out of the park to a suv. “I’ll need to stop by my apartment to grab some things.” I spoke softly.
“No need, my team is there now. Everything you need will be on the jet.”
“The jet? I didn’t agree to that.” I sat up in my seat. “I need to let my roommate know what’s going on.”
Liam brushed his hand against mine. A feeling of security washed over me. I immediately snatched my hand from him.
“Where are we going?”
“She’s with him. It’s time to go.” Drake stood in Olivia’s bedroom.
“What does she know?” Olivia slipped on her novel black stilettos.
“Nothing yet. Except that her parents were killed and she’s in danger.”
“Did the plan work?”
“I’ve been undercover way too long.” She slide the gun in its holster on wrapped around her thigh.
“Ready to go home Livvy? The jet is waiting.”
Tags: @txemrn @gkittylove99 @busywoman @kingliam2019 @tessa-liam
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jenonctcity · 4 years
My Ending - Part 2
Differences – Na Jaemin
Part of the Bad Boy Series.
Badboy!Au, Streetracer!Au
Disclaimer: This is going to be a very dark themed story, please do not read if you are triggered easily by the mentioned subjects in the warnings.
Warnings: Minor Character Death, Mentions of Suicide Attempts, Mentions of Suicidal Thoughts, Mental Health Issues (Depression and Anxiety), Mentions of Drug Use/Overdose, Mentions of Drug Addiction Effecting Baby After Birth, Explicit Content.
Word Count: 8.3K
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It was only a small lie. A teensy, tiny, white lie that couldn’t hurt anyone. And it boosted Jaemin’s confidence enough for him to flirt like he wasn’t unexperienced. He had no idea how Renjun had managed to lie so much throughout his life. Every time Jaemin made up stories of fucking random girls, he felt a burning fire in the pit of his stomach from the guilt of lying about it. Still, he didn’t see the harm in lying about being a virgin. He knew the only time it would matter would be when he got a girlfriend, which is why he decided to be transparent and tell you the truth instead of lying. You gave him a raised eyebrow and wide-eyed look. He tilted his head at your reaction and gave you a knowing smirk.
“You’re a virgin?” Your voice came out higher pitched than you had expected it to, causing Jaemin to laugh softly, nodding his head in confirmation.
“I am.” He leaned in and kissed your lips hard, overcome with want for you that he couldn’t stop himself from stealing your lips in his. “Does it bother you?” He mumbled into your mouth, his hot tongue pushing against yours as his hands stroked up your thighs to your hips, his fingers digging into you from how tight his grip was.
“No, it’s kinda hot actually.” You mumbled, not drawing away from his lips. He made a deep noise that rumbled from his throat, his kisses moving from your mouth, down your jaw, and to your neck. Your eyelids became heavy as he sucked at your sensitive spot, his tongue swirling around sinfully and his hot breath coming out in puffs against you, sending shivers down your spine. “Why though? You’re so confident and flirty surely you can get any girl in bed?” He chuckled against your neck and pulled away, his lips red and glistening with spit.
“I’ve never had a girlfriend before, and I didn’t want to have sex with some random girl who would forget my name the next day.” He shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips as his fingers worked in slow circles on your waist. You felt your heart bloom like a flower in the spring at his confession, your bottom lip coming out in a pout.
“Jaemin that’s so cute, you’re adorable.” You took his face in both of your hands, squishing his cheeks together and making his own lips form into a pout. He whined and tried to draw his head back, his cheeks flaring up bright red from being called adorable. The only person who had ever called him adorable was his grandmother, and that hadn’t been for many years. “Have you ever done…like other stuff with girls though?” You tilted your head in wonder, your thoughts drifting as Jaemin’s tongue poked out between his pouted lips. You let go of his face and instead placed your hands gently on his shoulders.
“Yeah I’ve been sucked off before and eaten some pussy.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal when in fact your heart started racing at the thought of his tongue in your intimate areas. “Have you had sex?” The question was nagging at his mind until he finally couldn’t take it anymore and had to ask you.
“I have, only like three times though with my ex-boyfriend.” You smiled and shrugged. “It was…mediocre, he cared more about his own orgasms.”
“Men aint shit baby girl.” Jaemin whispered, stealing a kiss from your lips again as a loud laugh erupted from you at the irony of his choice of words.
“But you’re a man?” You narrowed your eyes in amusement, his teeth on full display as he gave you a big cheeky grin.
“I’m not like other men though.” He winked, leading you to fake gag from the cheesiness, his fingers digging into your sides and tickling you as a punishment. “Just you wait and see!” He pushed you onto your back, your head hitting his pillows and his body slotting between your legs. You felt a firework of butterflies go off in your stomach from how having his body there made you feel. He reached over you, placing his hands on the bed either side of your neck, your body now completely caged in by his.
“I’m excited to see what you can do.” You smirked up at him, raising your eyebrows suggestively. His cheeks glowed pink and he bit his bottom lip, his eyes boring into yours without breaking contact even for a second. “Virgin.” You sniggered, his mouth dropping open as he sat back, faking offence and letting out a gasp. His hands finding your sides again to tickle you mercilessly. As he tickled you, he couldn’t help but realise that he’d met his dream girl. You weren’t afraid to tease him, you were kind, and you and him just instantly clicked. He didn’t want to voice his thoughts just in case you weren’t both on the same page, but he was almost 100% sure that you were going to be the girl to take his virginity.
Having a newborn baby in your arms was strange. Also a blessing, as not everyone would get to experience the wonder of holding a new life in their arms until they had their own children. Her smooth skin, fluffy black hair which she had a surprising amount of, her tiny fingers, and the little noises that would emit from her when she moved around in her sleep to get comfortable had you feeling soft. In the past two months of dating Jaemin you honestly could say that you’d beenhappier than you had in a long time. Jaemin was a whirlwind of everything perfect. He was the best boyfriend you could possibly ask for. His pores seeped with romance and affection, he was funny, and he did everything he possibly could to make you smile. It didn’t even bother you that you hadn’t had sex with him yet, you were happy to wait until he initiated things with you whenever he was ready. You had found out that he was an absolute master of using his tongue though, so you couldn’t complain.
This was your first time babysitting with Jaemin, and so far, everything was going great. Renjun’s newborn baby Jihyo was an absolute dream to watch over, mostly because the only bad thing she could do was cry, which she had only done briefly when she’d pooped, luckily Uncle Jaemin took care of that. Renjun and his girlfriend had decided to take Jiyeon to the zoo for the day without Jihyo, wanting to make sure that Jiyeon was still receiving as much love and attention as she needed. So when Renjun had mentioned in their group chat that he needed a babysitter, Jaemin had volunteered you both for the position.
“She’s so cute, how can anyone make something this precious?” You looked up from her peaceful face to Jaemin’s delicate face. He was sitting with you on the sofa, your back pressed into his chest as he cuddled the two of you. He looked into your eyes and smiled a wide smile, pressing a light kiss to the tip of your nose. You didn’t notice how he had literal hearts in his eyes from watching you hold a baby. Jaemin had always had a craving for the perfect family, and he knew he wouldn’t ever have that until he met the love of his life, got married, and had a baby. So he couldn’t help the way his heart kept speeding up as thoughts of wifing you up and making babies with you flashed through his head as if he was looking into the future. He didn’t want to rush things and end up scaring you away though, so those thoughts stayed locked inside of his own head for his eyes only.
“Well someone made you.” His reply had your eyes rolling, but you leaned your head back against his shoulder anyway, a gentle laugh tumbling from your lips at how corny he was.
“I bet you were a precious baby.” You commented offhandedly, not realising the emotional turmoil it would throw Jaemin into. He didn’t know how to tell you that he was anything but precious when he was born. He sighed and leaned the side of his head against yours, his arms tightening around you.
“I was born addicted to heroin.” He whispered, his stomach curdling at the words leaving his mouth. You whipped your head around and pulled it back slightly so that you could look at him properly. He gave you a small smile that didn’t reach his cheeks and it broke your heart slightly.
“Jaemin…you never told me that…” You furrowed your eyebrows in question. Now that you think about it, Jaemin hadn’t ever really spoken about his mother or father, only making a comment about his mother being dead. You didn’t want to pry, and you knew eventually he would open up to you about it, you just hadn’t expected it to be in this moment.
“My mother was an addict, and my father ran away as soon as he found out about my impending existence. My grandmother is my fathers’ mother and she was the one who took me in. She has nothing to do with my father either, I don’t even know where he is.” He shrugged like it didn’t matter, but by the look in his eyes, you could tell it tore him apart and had had an effect on him in the past. “I recovered but it stunted my growth growing up and I was bullied, a lot.” You wanted to grab him and give him a big squeeze, but with Jihyo in your arms it wasn’t possible. Instead you gave him a sad look, one that he could tell you were sympathising with him. “I’m okay now.” And all of a sudden, that Jaemin was gone, like he had never even existed. A big smile took over his face and it was if he had just told you that he’d won the lottery. His eyes moved from you to focus on Jihyo. “Come here my pretty girl, it’s uncle nana’s turn for a cuddle.” He shuffled out from behind of you, now sitting beside you as he scooped the sleeping tot from your hold. You opted not to ask any questions or say anything, just faking a smile and stroking Jihyo’s hair down after it fluffed up from the transfer. You couldn’t even think of what kind of questions you could ask him about his past, and you didn’t know what would be triggering for him.
“You love kids don’t you.” You decided to comment, keeping it positive and a good conversation changer. He nodded his head quickly in agreement; thankful you didn’t insist on talking about his past.
“Oh! I almost forgot,” His eyes flicked up to look into yours and you felt almost stunned by how beautiful he was. Sometimes you’d forget that he was your boyfriend and when you remembered you felt giddy inside. “I have a race on Friday, would you like to come?”
“You’re okay with me being there?” You raised your eyebrows in surprise at his offer. You’d asked him if you could see him race before, and he’d told you that he wasn’t sure if he wanted you there or not.
“Yeah, I want to see your beautiful face after I win.” He looked down at the baby in his arms and pressed the softest kiss to her forehead, bouncing her very gently to soothe her after she started to make a fuss, quiet whines emitting from her and her little body attempting to twist around. His words left a feeling of warmth inside of you, and you knew that you wouldn’t miss his race for the world.
“Then I’ll be there.”
“So are you going to be in the car with him or watching with me?” Haechan’s voice dragged your attention from a girl wearing the tiniest pair of shorts you’d ever seen, back to him. He smiled at you in amusement of your shocked expression. He was clearly used to this type of environment, seeing the scantily dressed women, and men who looked like they could break all of the bones in your body with a flick of their wrist. But you felt safe with Haechan, since you considered him to be someone who was able to protect you. The starting point of the race was also the finishing point, and it was behind the old railway tracks that weren’t in the populated areas of the city, less likely for the police to find it. There was a lot of people attending the race, and you had lost sight of Jaemin after you’d arrived with him. He’d passed you over to Haechan, pressed a kiss to the side of your head, and told you he had to ‘take care of something’.
“Watching with you,” You smiled up at him, then furrowed your eyebrows as you thought about it. “would I even be allowed in the car with him?” He shrugged, biting the inside of his cheek as he also thought about it.
“Probably, it’s not like you would affect his racing at all.” You didn’t want to ask Jaemin though, because you didn’t actually want to be in the car whilst he was racing. It was a scary thought to you, but you were just curious as to if you could or not.
“When does it start?”
“In about 10 minutes.” You gave him a small smile and let out a sigh, your eyes scanning the crowd to see if you could spot Jaemin. You couldn’t, so you just turned your attention back to Haechan.
“Where’s your girlfriend? Did she not want to come?” His shoulders sank and he gave you an awkward smile, scratching the back of his head before clearing his throat.
“We’re kind of on a break right now, things got a bit too much with the whole Jeno situation and I’m not sure what’s going to happen.” He shrugged, but you could tell he was bothered by it, his eyes drifting to the floor as he kicked at a stone on the floor.
“Oh I’m sorry, Jaemin didn’t tell me!” You felt bad, but you didn’t know so there wasn’t much you could have done to avoid the awkwardness now floating in the air between you both. He shrugged again and gave you a genuine smile, shuffling over from foot to foot.
“Don’t worry about it, come on let’s go wait by the starting line.” He grabbed you by the shoulders from behind and steered you towards where a white line of paint had been marked on the floor. You stood behind the metal barriers, Haechan standing close to you to stop any of the sleezy men from approaching you. He bumped his shoulder against yours and nodded towards the cars approaching the line. “It’s about to start.” You felt your heart sink slightly that you didn’t get to give Jaemin a good luck kiss. You knew what he did was dangerous, and if anything happened to him during the race without you kissing him before hand, you’d be absolutely heartbroken.
“I’m nervous.” You mumbled, glancing at Haechan quickly before giving Jaemin’s car all of your attention. The car visibly rumbling from the strength of the engine and how Jaemin was revving it, the sound loud but muffled with the rest of the other noisy cars.
“Don’t be. Jaemin is probably the best racer here and he knows what he’s doing.” Haechan’s words reassured you but there was still a slight nagging feeling in your stomach that something bad was going to happen.
Everything flashed by quicker than you could have ever imagined. A girl wearing nothing but a bikini top and jean shorts stood in the middle of the dirt road, the white flag in her hand falling to the floor to signify the start of the race. The cars took off with a cloud of dirt left in their wake, the loud engines fading as the cars went down the dirt road. Haechan had told you that after the dirt road finished, they’d race through the city, then they’d loop back around and finish exactly where they’d started. Everyone went back to chatting and mingling with each other as they waited for the tell-tale sound of cars approaching. Haechan got you a can of beer from the cooler in his car and he kept you close to his side. He tried to convince you to dance to the music coming from someone’s car, and as you tried to brush him off, he grabbed you and twirled you around, forcing you to dance with him which had you both wheezing of laughter from how chaotic it was. You didn’t realise how fun Haechan could be, and you felt bad for having assumed he was dangerous and having tried to avoid him as much as you could. You still knew he was dangerous, but you knew he wasn’t a danger to you.
The sound of the car’s engines getting louder brought everyone out of their mingling, and you rushed with Haechan back over to the metal barrier. Jaemin’s car skidded around the corner with perfect control on the dirt road, the rest of the cars close behind him, but he was in the lead. You watched with bated breath, unable to even cheer like the rest of the crowd as Jaemin crossed the finish line first. You felt Haechan’s arms around you, lifting you up and spinning you around.
“He won!” Haechan’s confirmation of what you already knew had you laughing, and you couldn’t control the grin on your face. You felt an overwhelming sense of pride in your boyfriend, knowing that racing means a lot to him and winning is such an accomplishment. He’d told you before that when he doesn’t win, he gets into a funk for a few days, feeling like a failure because the only thing he was really good at was driving. You wanted to disagree with him, but in typical Jaemin fashion, he changed the subject before you could address it. Haechan took your hand in his own and almost dragged you with him to where Jaemin had parked his car. Jaemin was sat on the hood of his car, his arms folded over his chest with a big smirk painted on his face when he noticed you approaching him. He pushed himself off of the car and picked you up as you ran into his arms, holding you by your thighs and pressing his lips to yours.
“You won baby!” You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck and holding onto him like your life depended on it. Haechan came up beside you and patted Jaemin on the shoulder, mumbling something in his ear before disappearing off. “Where’s he going?” You tilted your head, your eyes following Haechan until he disappeared out of sight.
“He’s a drug dealer babe, I think you know where he’s going.” He chuckled, still holding you in his arms. He laid a soft kiss onto your lips, humming against them in satisfaction with his hands rubbing against your thighs in a massaging motion. “We need to celebrate my win, don’t you think?” He whispered against your lips, nipping at your bottom lip with his teeth.
“Mmm we do, how are we going to celebrate?” Your lips brushed against his as you spoke, your fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. Jaemin’s smirk grew and he glanced down at your lips, pecking them with his quickly and trailing kisses down to your ear.
“I want to fuck you.” He whispered in a seductive tone, his grip tightening on you as you gasped in surprise. You felt a fire ignite in your stomach at his suggestive words, the thing you’d been waiting for finally about to happen. He dragged his lips back to yours, his tongue licking into your mouth and making it feel like fireworks sparked between you.
“Please do.” He set you down on your feet, pulling his phone from his pocket and quickly texting Haechan to tell him that you were both leaving. You let yourself into the passenger side of Jaemin’s car, almost bouncing in your seat at how excited you were to finally have sex with Jaemin. Jaemin disappeared for a few minutes before climbing in beside you, revving the engine and placing a big bag of money underneath his seat.
The two of you drove away, and you were surprised to find out you weren’t going in the direction of either of yours homes, your eyebrows furrowing in question but you didn’t bother asking Jaemin about his intended destination, instead just going with the flow, all of your trust in Jaemin. The trees on either side of the rural road were only lit up by the moonlight and the headlights of the car. No other cars were anywhere to be seen as you looked at the clock and noticed is was nearing 2am, so you felt as if it was just you and Jaemin in the world, no other people mattering to you as Jaemin pulled the car into a grassy car park next to a nature trail, obviously no one around to disturb you. You glanced over at Jaemin as he turned off the ignition, the moonlight shining against his beautiful features. You could see that he took a deep breath, clenching his fists and then rubbing his sweaty palms against his thighs.
“I should have known you would want to lose your virginity in your car.” You giggled, reaching over and taking one of his hands into your own. He let out a soft laugh, his gaze switching from his steering wheel over to you. “Are you nervous?” You lowered the sound of your voice, it coming out soft and as your words hit Jaemin’s ears they almost melted from how delicate they sounded.
“A little, I just want to make you feel good.” He found his courage and swooped in, catching your lips between his own and moving his hands from his thighs to rest one on your thigh, and the other on your waist.
“I want you so bad.” You mumbled into his mouth as your tongue fought for dominance, his tongue winning and turning the kiss heated and sensual immediately. You grabbed his hand, popping open the button on your jeans and guiding his hand inside of your panties. He let out a soft gasp, his lips pulling away from yours.
“Fuck you’re so wet for me already.” He almost growled, his fingers moving up and down your folds, spreading your essence up to your clit before circling it with two of his fingers. “Does that feel good?” He laid a kiss to your neck, prompting you to tilt your head away from him to give him easier access.
“Yeah, oh Jaemin.” You let out a breathy moan, sinking slightly in the seat as he started sucking on your neck, his fingers working magic against your over sensitive bundle of nerves. You’d started getting wet from the second Jaemin mentioned fucking you, all of the thoughts that had ran through your head turning filthy and making your thighs clench together on the way there, needing friction in the place you couldn’t wait for Jaemin to touch. You even thought about all of the times Jaemin had eaten you out, licking you to completion like an expert with your thighs thrown over his shoulders, your toes curling as he sucked on your clit like it was his lifeline. What he lacked in experience, he sure made up for in natural talent and enthusiasm. You also thought about how well his cock would fit inside of you, the few times you’d seen it when you’d sucked him off or given him a handjob giving you a lot of hope for how good it could make you feel inside of your tight pussy. So by the time Jaemin slid two fingers inside of you, you were already ready and gagging for his cock to be inside of you.
“Will you ride me?” He muttered against your neck, licking a stripe up your soft skin and blowing cool air against it, a shiver running through you that shot straight to your core. You nodded your head eagerly, grabbing his wrist to stop his fingers. He pulled his hand out of your pants, waiting for you to make the next move as he held his breath in anticipation. You lifted your hips from the seat, tucking your fingers into the waistband of your jeans and tugging them down your legs with your panties in tow. You kicked off your shoes and rid yourself of your jeans and panties, leaving them pooled in the footwell of the car. It was all very hurried, but you didn’t want to waste any more time, and Jaemin was so nervous that he just wanted to get things in motion. Jaemin unzipped his jeans, pushing them down slightly and pulling his half hard cock out of his boxers. He gripped his shaft in his shaky hand, giving it a few pumps.
“Let me.” You pushed your hair behind your shoulders and leaned down, kissing the tip of his cock with a teasing peck, before swirling your tongue around the head. Letting out a sultry moan, Jaemin tipped his head back to rest against his seat, his eyes staring up at the ceiling as he got lost in your mouth. You sunk down on his cock, hollowing your cheeks and bobbing your head on him, forcing him to squeeze his eyes shut in pleasure, placing his hand on the top of your head and threading his fingers through your hair. He tugged on your hair gently in encouragement, guiding your head up and down his length with his breathing picking up.
“Baby stop,” He gulped, pulling your head up with his hands cupping your cheeks, his thumb rubbing against your hot skin as he leaned in and pecked your lips with his own. “I wanna cum inside of you.”
“Have you got a condom?” You were on the pill, but you didn’t want to risk getting pregnant, it was something the both of you had discussed before and you’d both came to an agreement that if you have a baby together then it would be planned. Jaemin had seen how badly unplanned pregnancies had been on Jeno and Renjun’s relationships, and even though he knew not every relationship went through tough times because of an unexpected baby, he didn’t want to take the risk.
“Yeah.” He reached over and opened the glove box, pulling out a foil packet and giving you a smile. You watched as he rolled the rubber down his fully hard cock, your stomach fluttering from how hot the sight looked. “Okay, I’m ready.” He pushed his seat back slightly, making room between him and the steering wheel for you. You awkwardly clambered over the centre console and settled down into his lap with your legs either side of his. “Hi.” He chuckled weakly, his cheeks already red from how nervous and shy he suddenly felt.
“Hi.” You nuzzled your nose against his, laying a gentle kiss on his lips as you placed one hand on his shoulder, the other one gripping his cock to line it up with your almost dripping centre. Jaemin’s hands found purchase on your hips, his breath hitching as you slowly lowered yourself onto him.
“Oh my-” You cut him off by smashing your lips into his, his moan melting into your mouth as you circled your hips, sitting comfortably and ignoring the slight sting from the stretch you hadn’t felt in so long. “Shit.” He mumbled; the words muffled against your lips. You couldn’t help the big smile that stretched across your lips, overjoyed at giving Jaemin something he’d been waiting for long for and getting such a positive reaction from him. You felt a rush of heat go through you as you realised how hot it was getting in the car, your eyes drifting from Jaemin over to the windows that were all fogged up from the heated situation between you both. He followed your gaze and mirrored your smile, lifting his finger and drawing a heart in the condensation. You laughed and laid your head against his, almost forgetting that his cock was buried balls deep inside of you as you placed a tender kiss on his cheek.
“Can you take your shirt off?” You whispered, your hands coming down to sit at the hem of his long-sleeved, black shirt. “I… wanna see your tattoos.” You felt shy admitting it, but Jaemin’s tattoos were a huge turn on for you. They had an array of colours from wrist to shoulder, mostly black but the colour fitted perfectly with the designs. When he was wearing his long-sleeved t-shirt you couldn’t even tell that he had both arms completely covered in tattoos, and you loved how it was a complete contrast to his butter wouldn’t melt face and baby pink hair. His smirk grew and he nodded his head fast, lifting his arms as you shimmied his shirt over his head, quickly discarding of it in the back seat. “You’re so hot, I’m so lucky.” You dived your face into the crook of his neck, licking a stripe up his slightly salty skin before latching your teeth onto him. You lifted yourself up as you sucked on his neck, his hands settling on your hips as you dropped back down, a dull pang of pleasure mixed slightly with pain blooming to life inside of you.
“Baby! oh…oh!” Jaemin’s moans were like music to your ears when you started to circle your hips, getting a perfect rhythm until you were bouncing in his lap, the car moving up and down in time with you both. Jaemin started to buck his hips up, chasing after the euphoric feeling he’d never experienced in this way before. The heat in the car was rising, and Jaemin’s chest was starting to shine from sweat underneath the moonlight streaming in from the little heart Jaemin made on the window.
“You feel so good.” You praised him, grabbing his face in your hands and licking into his mouth. Jaemin keened at your praise, his hips quicken up as his tongue flicked with yours. You slipped your hands down to the side of his neck and could feel his muscles tense up in, his fingers pressing into your hips tight enough that you were sure they would leave little bruises. You kept your lips on his, trailing your hands down to his biceps and gripping onto them to keep yourself stable. “Right there!” You squealed as you dropped down onto him and he bucked up at the perfect time, the tip of his cock hitting your sensitive spot to your surprise. You knew it was a place that not many men could find, and you hadn’t expected Jaemin to hit it dead on with his first time, but he did, and it left a fire burning inside of you. He smiled, proud of himself for making you feel so good, but it was short lived as his orgasm creeped up on him.
“I’m close,” He whispered, his head falling back and eyes shutting, stars starting to fizzle against the black of eyelids from how hard he was squeezing his eyes shut. “Fuck I’m cumming!” He stopped thrusting, his hips stilling as his cock spurted cum into the condom, a long drawn out whine leaving his parted lips that had also stilled against your mouth. You were close, and you knew if he could deal with some oversensitivity for a few moments then you’d be able to chase your own high. You gripped onto his shoulders and started to bounce on his lap faster than before, short pants leaving your parted lips and your head falling to rest on your left hand on his shoulder. It was when he lifted his hips one final time, his half hard cock slamming once more into your g-spot that you felt your thighs start to quiver, your fingers digging into his skin as your orgasm crashed into you. You’d never came so fast before in your entire life, and it was even more shocking to you that someone who’d never fucked before in their life was the one to bring that onslaught of a feeling to you. It made sense that Jaemin came so quickly, but you had no excuse apart from Jaemin being naturally gifted in the bedroom and from how wound up you were waiting for him to fuck you.
“Fuck.” You huffed out, Jaemin’s arms wrapping around you like a blanket to secure you against his body as he came down from your high. He laid butterfly kisses to your neck as you nuzzled into his shoulder, feeling secure and loved in his hold.
“(Y/N)…” You lifted your head lazily to look him in the eyes, the moon reflecting in his dark irises and causing a pool of something unfamiliar to form in your gut. He took a few deep breaths as you stared into your eyes, his gaze flicking down to scan over your face before lifting back to your enchanting eyes. “I love you.” You then realised what the unfamiliar feeling you were feeling was. It’s what lead you to utter the words back to him.
“I love you too.” In perfect synchronisation you both leaned in, your lips meeting in the middle and sealing the love you’d just confession to each other for the first time.
You hadn’t heard from Jaemin yet. It was 5:30pm and really strange that you hadn’t heard from him since the day prior, when usually on the days you had work, you’d pick your phone up to multiple messages from him. But today, none. It caused a tiny spark of worry in your stomach, mainly because you knew he was very reckless with his car, even though you trusted his driving 100%, you couldn’t trust every other driver on the road. So instead of heading home, you jumped into your car and headed over to his apartment. His car was out the front, in perfect condition as usual, so you crossed that off of reasons why Jaemin hadn’t messaged you. You let out a sigh in relief, stopping your car behind his own, also noting that Haechan’s car was parked on the road, so at least you’d have someone to answer the door even if Jaemin wasn’t home.
As you approached the door you took a deep breath, knocking timidly and knotting your fingers together in anticipation as you waited for someone to answer the door. It wasn’t long before the door opened, Haechan appearing behind the door with a lopsided smile on his face.
“Oh hey (Y/N), Jaemin didn’t say he was expecting you.” He stepped aside, wordlessly telling you to come in. You walked in, taking off your shoes and smiling up at him nervously.
“He isn’t expecting me, but he hasn’t messaged me today and I was just stopping by to see if he was okay. I’m just happy he hasn’t wrapped his car around a tree.” You laughed softly with no amusement in your voice at all.
“Oh…he’s in his room.” He nodded in the direction of Jaemin’s room and watched as you started to walk towards it. “(Y/N),” He called out quietly causing you to turn around before you reached the door, tilting your head in question. “He hasn’t had a good day…just a heads up.”
“Okay.” You nodded and gently knocked on Jaemin’s door before letting yourself in. The first thing you noticed was the curtains were drawn shut, only a few rays of light peeking in through the gaps where the curtains meet. Then you noticed the big lump on the bed. You had a feeling Jaemin was the lump, his back to you and the duvet pulled up over his head. “Jaem…?” You called out, waking around the bed and catching the eyes of Jaemin. His eyes were completely bloodshot, and only his head was poking out from the duvet, his hair messier than you’d ever seen before.
“Hey.” He mumbled with no enthusiasm evident in his voice. He sniffed, poking a hand up from his duvet to wipe at his eyes, giving you proof that he’d cried at least once today. He made no effort to get up, simply staring at you with a horribly emotionless look behind his eyes.
“What’s wrong?” You sat down on the bed beside his body, your hand settling on the top of the lump where you assumed his hip was. He let out a long sigh and momentarily shut his eyes, as if he was bracing himself for something. You’d never seen Jaemin in this state before. He’d always presented himself as a positive, happy person, so to see him looking as broken as he did when he opened his eyes to look at you again shook you to the core. But even the happiest person on the world has their moments of sadness too.
“I don’t want to burden you.” He settled on, the lump moving as he shrugged his shoulders, his lips naturally pouting like a stubborn child.
“Are you sick?” You quizzed on, your stomach starting to curdle from the worry you felt at seeing your normally bubbly boyfriend looking so glum.
“Did something happen?”
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No, it’s not you.”
“Did something happen with the boys?”
“Did something happy with your grandma?”
“No.” You were starting to feel defeated and slightly frustrated that he wasn’t cooperating with you.
“Okay.” You shrugged, completely giving up and letting out an irritated sigh. You stayed silent, turning away from him slightly to look around his room. You noticed his phone on charge across the room, his normally put away clothes just strewn across the floor as if he’d completely just thrown them there. You pulled your hand away from him and instead knotted it up with your other hand, twiddling your fingers together as you got lost in your thoughts. You felt sick with worry, not knowing how when he would recover from whatever was floating around in his own head. His voice pulled your out of your thoughts, your stomach dropping at what he said.
“I have severe depression, and today I woke up and wanted to kill myself to stop the feeling, the only reason I didn’t was because I saw the text you sent me this morning telling me to have a good day and that you love me. Then I felt awful because I know how it feels to lose someone, and it isn’t ever a feeling I want you to feel.” He let out a soft sob, his eyes squeezing shut and taking in a deep breath as he looked up at the back of your head. He could tell from how your body was shaking that you were crying silently. Your face was creased up as you cried for your boyfriend, feeling your heart crack at this confession.
“Jaemin…” You stood up and turned to face him, tugging the duvet out of his grip. You stripped off your uniform, mainly for hygiene reasons, so you were just in your underwear before you climbed into his bed with him, pressing your forehead against his own. “Thank you.” You whispered, your hand finding on of his underneath the duvet and threading your fingers with his.
“What for?” He gulped, his pillow now wet and uncomfortable but he couldn’t find it in him to care as he felt you there with him.
“For not doing it.” You couldn’t even think of the words to describe the horrible feeling you had swirling around inside of your tense stomach. Your boyfriend had just admitted something so incredibly crushing to you, and the only thing you could think of was how he had kept this to himself for the past five months of your relationship. You weren’t mad. You didn’t think you could ever be mad at him for this. No, you were heartbroken. Heartbroken for him because he had been fighting an internal battle all on his own when you could have been there as a support beam for him. “Talk to me in future, I’m so in love with you and I never want you to fight anything on your own.” Your voice was shaky, small sobs still falling from your lips as you gripped onto his hand tightly.
“I’ll be okay.” He whispered, moving his head up and placing a lingering kiss on your forehead.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He pulled his hand out of your grip, instead wrapping his arms around your torso and holding you tightly against his chest. He didn’t want to see you cry because of him, so if he hugged you it would block your face from his vision, and he could bring you comfort. He also didn’t want you to see the tears falling from his red eyes.
“I wanted to pretend everything was perfect. You’re perfect for me, and I wanted a life to match that. I’m sorry baby.” He breathed through his mouth to try and steady out his breathing, his arms tightening around you like a vice.
“You haven’t got to apologise…can I ask why you have depression?” He took a deep breath at your question. You could feel and hear his heart beating against your ear, the steady thumps bringing you more comfort that you thought it ever could. Jaemin poured his heart out to you completely, not missing out any details about his past, answering all the unasked questions you had in your head that you had waited patiently for him to open up to you about. He told you more about his birth, going into detail about his parents and his grandmother. You’d heard this before when you had babysat with him, but this time he told you everything in finer detail. Then he told you about his stunted growth and how he was bullied severely at school, which is what caused him to be the person he is today. It made sense that he wanted people to see him as a positive person, but you found it hard to wrap your head around how someone who went through all of that could be as positive as he had always appeared to be without having an episode like he was currently going through. It made perfect sense to you, and you felt like you understood Jaemin a lot more now. The final piece of the puzzle that was Jaemin fitting into place.
“I promise that I don’t go through phases like this often, and I don’t really have a trigger…it just randomly hits me, and I guess today was one of those days.” His hands rubbed up and down your back, his fingertips tracing circles in on your bare skin sending shivers through you.
“It wouldn’t matter to me if you went had phases like this all the time, I love you for you, depression included.” You laughed very softly, closing your eyes from how his heartbeat and your eyes, tired from cry, was making you feel sleepy. He let out a gentle laugh, his lips placing a firm kiss to your head. “Tell me in future, I’ll call in sick and we can spend the day as bed burritos together okay?”
“Bed burritos?” He raised an eyebrow in confusion, already feeling a flicker of positivity burning like a tiny flame inside the pit of negativity inside of him.
“Yeah, you were wrapped up in your duvet like a burrito. Bed burrito.” You yawned, totally relaxed with him now, a complete contrast to how you felt when you’d entered the room. Jaemin laughed again, the flicker inside of him growing again.
“Okay beautiful.” He moved a hand down to pat your butt affectionately and with no intention behind it. It was when you fell asleep on his chest, and he looked down at your peacefully sleeping face that he realised you were the woman he’d dreamt of every time he’d fantasied about his perfect future. The mysterious woman in all of his visions, the one walking down the aisle, the one holding his faceless children’s hands, the one growing old beside him, now having a face and a name.
Jaemin had never felt so nervous before in his entire life. And that was saying something, considering the rollercoaster of a life he’d lived. But even the nervousness of going to school, the nervousness of his first race, and his nervousness to lose his virginity couldn’t compared to this. But he’d made his mind up, and he was determined not to chicken out. ‘Chill out man, it’s not like you’re going to ask her to marry you, you’re only asking her if she wants to move in with you. You know she’ll say yes, so be chill.’ Jeno’s words rang through his head as he held you in his arms, swaying with you in the darkness of the night, the moon and the stars the only witnesses to his nerves since you hadn’t seemed to have caught on to his slightly tense body and shaky hands.
“Are you cold?” You spoke to softly Jaemin almost didn’t catch your words as you spoke them into his neck, your head tucked under his chin in your favourite spot. You felt so secure and loved when you snuggled into him like that, and he always pulled you to that position if he held you. “Your hands are shaking.” You could feel how his fingers were tapping against you from the way they shook, and even though you were enjoying your little slow dance under the moonlight, you’d prefer Jaemin didn’t catch a cold. The breeze was slow, and the air was warm, but you knew everyone reacted to temperature differently. Something you’d been made aware of working as a carer, most of your elderly clients feeling the cold a lot more than you and complaining about it despite the sweat you had on your forehead from being so hot.
“No, I’m okay…are you cold?” He glanced up at the sky, the moon being bright and easily visible through the clearing in the trees. This was the spot where he’d lost his virginity, and he loved to come here not only to relive that moment in his thoughts, but because it was peaceful and serene, nobody around to disturb the calm.
“I’m toasty.” You giggled, your arms wrapped around his neck as you snuggled into his warmth further, if it was even possible. He let out a quick laugh and then gently tugged you away from him, his eyes darting over your face quickly. You furrowed your eyebrows at how he was looking at you, about to ask him if he was feeling okay when he leaned in, catching your lips with his own. You closed your eyes, moving your lips slowly with his as his hand came up to stroke your cheek with so much delicacy you could hardly feel his feather light touch. He broke the kiss and whispered against your lips.
“Keep your eyes closed.” He took a step back from you and took a deep breath. You kept your eyes closed, slightly scared he was going to run away and make you play a sadistic game of hide and seek in a dark forest. But then you felt stupid because you knew Jaemin would never make you do that. You almost giggled to yourself from the thought when Jaemin spoke up again. “Okay so, I’ve waited for you for what feels like forever. And now that you’re in my life I know I never want to you leave again, and I want to wake up beside you every morning. You’ve brought so much joy and love I never knew I could feel from anyone other than my grandma,” He let out an awkward laugh after he said that, then carried on, swallowing the lump in his throat. “You’ve shown that you’ll support me through thick and thin these past six months and I’ve never been so sure of something before in my life as that I’m sure you’re the love of my life…Okay open your eyes.” When you opened them you were confused for a second, wondering when Jaemin became a magician and could disappear so fast when his voice was clearly in front of you. You had been told by Jeno a few days prior that Jaemin was going to ask you to move in with him, his excuse for telling you was ‘he’s going to be super nervous so if you’re going to say no then at least you can plan your way of letting him down gently.’ And you assumed this was his way of asking you to move in with him, expecting him to be holding a key when you opened your eyes, and you were definitely going to say yes. However, when your line of sight drifted down and your jaw almost hit the floor when you saw him down on one knee, a ring in a box in his hand and a nervous look on his face, not so expertly covered by a smile.
“Will you marry me?”
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degeneratekitten · 4 years
To Love and Cherish as Long as I Live.
!!!WARNING!!! This is a very very very sad story. If you have EVER lost a child and it would upset you to read about something similar DO NOT READ THIS FIC! Also make sure to read the tag and if anything there upsets you you probably wont like it when it happens in the story.
The owner in this story is a random woman, not the ranch owner.
This story was inspired by @bitesized-degeneracy comic of the blueberry having its baby sold.
“Mommy was so excited to hear I was pregnant, but why was she acting so weird after learning who its dad was?”
Mommy's face when I told her had been the second best thing in the world. The first was obviously, the tiny blue heart in my tummy. I grinned up at her and put my hands on my cheeks and danced around a little, I was so happy!
“It’ll be so awesome mommy! I, the Magnificent Dooby, will be the bestest mother in the world!” Mommy chuckled at your statement and suddenly a thought occurred to me.
“After you of course mama!” I added, and ran over to hug mommy’s big hand that was sitting on the table.
“This is great news!.” Mommy said, picking me up and snuggling me against her cheek. “I’m sure Aunty Sarah will be thrilled!” She exclaimed, looking at me with stars in her eyes. The day couldn't get any better, I couldn't wait to tell Stretch too!
I knew I wasn't supposed to sneak out, but mommy was so strict about that rule, and I still had friends outside from before mommy took me. Stretch was one of them, he made me feel good during what mommy called my heats, and I loved him most beside mommy.
Bounding to the little cardboard box I once called home I shouted for the bestest friend in the world.
“Stretch! Stretch!” I shouted, and burst into the box with glee. One thing I didn't miss about the box was the smell, Stretch didn't have a toilet and I remember pooping and peeing in the corner before mommy gave me a toilet! Mommy is just the best.
Stretch was lying on the old rag we used to share, he was still dirty but that was ok cause I’d sneak him in the house to have a bath with mommy soon. She was sure to love him! I loved him so of course she would too!
“Blue? Whats it? Aren’t you supposed to be with your mom?” Stretch asked, as I sat on top of him.
“Yeah, but I have news!” I shouted, earning a groan from the mean edgy who was in the tin can next to the box. What a poopyhead!
“Oh?” Stretch asked, putting one of his hands on my hips and tickling, I giggled and pushed his hands away.
“Yeah! Look!” I exclaimed, and unzipped the nice taco pajama’s mommy got me so I could show Stretch the good news. I watched his face light up at seeing the blue heart there, then he started crying! Oh no!
“Stretch!? Stretch?! I’m so sorry! I thought you’d be happy!” I felt heartbroken, Stretch was supposed to be happy at this news. I felt tears in my eyes! Stupid Stretch!
“Blue no! I’m happy! I don’t know why I just felt like crying! But it’s like… A happy cry!” He explained, and I guess it made sense. I let him wipe away my tears, while I wiped away his, and he put his forehead to mine so I could look in his eyelights.
“I’m gonna be a dad!” He laughed happily, staring at the blue heart in my tummy.
“You’ll be the bestest dad ever!” I added.
Mommy wasn't happy when I came home that night. I couldn't get my pajamas on after Stretch started snuggling me in the way he does in my heats. Mommy looked mad at seeing I had left them behind.
“Where are your pajamas! I told you to stop sneaking out!?!” She yelled, and I felt embarrassed.
“I had to tell Stretch though!” I said, looking down at the floor, I felt more tears again.
“Stretch? Wait, I thought you were seeing Aunty Sarah’s little Sansy next door?” Mommy said, and she almost seemed like she was going to fall over when I talked about Stretch as if I was doing something really bad by not being with Aunty Sarah’s Sansy.
I thought about the Sansy next door and pulled a face, sticking out my tongue at the thought. “No way!” I replied, and cradled my naked tummy. “Stretch told me to stay away from Sansy! Sansy always judges me cause I lived outside!” I added as I thought about the stuck up Sansy from next door. He always made stupid jokes, Stretch could do the same jokes but better!
Mommy looked a little pale at the thought of my friend Stretch for some reason though, and scooped me up and yelled in my face. I covered my ears because it was loud.
“I thought I told you that you need to be nice to Sansy! He’s my best friends bitty and I wont have you being a brat about him! He’s sweet and funny and probably too good for a tramp like you!” I looked at mommy’s face as it turned red. What did she mean tramp? I only loved Stretch!
I felt so many tears coming at that, and I wanted to get away from mommy but she held me tightly. “No! I only need Stretch! He’s the daddy and we’ll be a family!” Why couldn't mommy understand that? Stretch was the daddy and Aunty Sarah’s stupid Sansy was a big ol poopyhead!
Mommy only got madder at that, and I found myself suddenly locked in my cage, with mommy looking at me with her purple face.
“You will stay in there until you give birth! I will not have you seeing this “Stretch” again!” Then mommy left me alone as I cried into my hands.
“Mommy please! I promise I won’t sneak out again.” Mommy hadn’t let me out, just like she said she wouldn't, and it was getting so boring in the cage. I couldn't even let Stretch in anymore, so he had taken to staring at me from the window. Mommy never noticed, cause as soon as she’d enter the room, he’d run away. She gave me things to do, but it just wasn’t the same as playing with Stretch.
I held a picture in my hand, and offered it to mommy, it was my best one, and I wanted her to see it so she knew how I felt. It was of Stretch, me and the baby in the house, with mommy smiling as she hugged all of us.We were a family in the picture. Like we should be.
Mommy looked at me strangely, I didn't understand some of the looks she had, human fleshy faces were so weird. She took the picture from me, but didn’t let me out. I struggled a little to get to my feet, my belly was so big now. Mommy kept commenting on how I was getting so big and would “pop” soon. She had weird words, so I ignored it.
“What’s this?” She asked as she stared at the picture, I was worried maybe she couldn't see it since it was so small so I explained.
“Its us! Mommy, Stretch, baby, and me! We’re a family!” I explained. I was so proud of that picture, surely mommy would understand what I wanted. “Stretch is baby’s dad so he should live with us!” I added, really it only made sense, we’d raise the baby together! We’d all color together, go out on trips together, get into tickle fights with mommy, we’d eat together, bathe together, and at the end of the night after all the fun we’d sleep in the same bed! It was perfect! Mommy would love Stretch as soon as she met him, just like I did.
Mommy looked at the paper, before turning away from me. She loved it! I could tell by how much she was shaking! She was so happy she was shaking!
“I knew you’d love it mommy! I’ll even go get him if you let me out of the cage! He’s been living in a box! The same box I did before!” I almost fell over, but caught myself, then held up my arms to be picked up, we had so much work to do for the baby! We had to get Stretch, then we could get new toys and everything!
Mommy stopped shaking for a moment, but still didn't turn back towards me. Only after I waited for a long time did she turn back with a weird looking smile. It was actually a little scary.
“Alright.” She said, and I was the happiest bitty in the world.
I couldn't walk as far anymore, so I had mommy carry me to where Stretch was. She looked really interested in everything around. So much so that she was on the phone the whole time telling someone about where we lived, they seemed really interested in us too as they kept asking how many bitties were living with us, and the conditions. I didn't know who this “humane society” was so I ignored it and kept introducing mommy to all my old neighbors.
Eventually we got to the box where Stretch and I used to live, and I asked to be put down so I could find him.
“Stretch! Stretch! Come look! Mommy came to get you!” I shouted, as mommy set me down. I felt so bloated and I couldn't run anymore, but I went inside slowly. Once inside, Stretch looked incredibly startled at the fact I was there, and ran to hug me.
“You brought your mommy?” He ended up asking, with that voice he got when he was being a silly worrywart.
“Yeah! She’s here to take us home!” I told him, it was such good news, but he didn't look happy.
“She said she’s take me in?” He questioned, and you giggled.
“Of course she did! She loves me and I love you! So of course she’d let you live with us.”
Stretch didn’t look convinced, and I was too happy that I didn't hear whatever mommy said to the “humane society” person. Stretch tensed up though at whatever was said, and I was worried.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Lets leave.” He started to pull me away, but I dug my heels into the floor.
“Why? Mommy’s gonna take us home!” Why was stretch acting so weird?
“Blue, we gotta go! Your mommy wasn't serious, she’s not takin me home.” I was confused at this, there was no way mommy would lie to me like that. She was MOMMY, everything she did she did with love.
“Of course she is.” I giggled at how silly Stretch was, then added the thing that EVERY bitty wanted to hear.
“She’s gonna be your mommy too!” I added, and Stretch seemed to completely change at this.
I don’t know the exact reason, but I was worried about Mommy too before, but as soon as I heard the words “She’s gonna be your mommy” it was like nothing else mattered. That sentence made the world so much brighter and lovely and I would do ANYTHING to keep make it last forever. Nothing else mattered.
I could see the heart lights suddenly appear in Stretch’s eyes at my words and I knew he felt the same now too.
I led him outside, where we held hands and looked up at mommy, she stared at Stretch for a long time before smiling. 
“Hi there. Do you want to come home with us?” She asked, and with her smile Stretch became timid, and shy. It was funny cause that’s what he used to be like with me before he said he loved me. I knew he was hooked.
“Hi… Uh… Do you mind if I say goodbye to some people first?” Stretch asked, and although the heart lights were still there, he looked sad as he looked around the neighborhood.
“Yeah! Lets do it together!” I shouted, what a great idea, and pulled at Stretch’s hand again. Mommy chuckled though and picked me up. 
“No, let’s give Stretch some privacy, I’m sure he needs time to think.”
Stretch looked at the ground, shyly looking up at mommy every once in a while then quickly looking back onto the ground. I was sure he would come with mommy, but I also guess he wanted to stay for a little bit longer as well.
“Ok! I’ll wait with mommy while you say goodbye Stretch!” I relaxed into mommy’s hands looking down at my bestest friend. He would come back, he just needed time.
Mommy let out a sigh at this, and nodded! She was so understanding. “Don’t take too long.” She added, giving Stretch a really scary smile. You don’t make friends like that mommy! Stretch looked smitten with Mommy, but he ended up disappearing into the grass, no doubt to see Tori. I giggled, and watched as a big truck with a bunch of men pulled up nearby.
I waited for a long time, and I could feel the tears coming on as it started to get dark. My old neighborhood had gotten quiet. Mommy took me away for a little bit to get food as soon as the men with the truck pulled up. We came back afterwards, and I saved Stretch a bunch of french fries as a congratulations on getting a new mommy. But, when we got back EVERYONE was gone, the edgy next door, Toriel down the lane, Papyrus up in the tree, but most of all Stretch wasn't there either. It was so wrong, he had been so smitten with mommy, but now he wasn't there!
“T-t-t-t-t *hic*hey left *hic* without telling me *hic*” I sobbed into mommy’s neck, Stretch hadn’t come back, we’d gone to get lunch and they all disappeared. Mommy rubbed my back comforting me.
“I knew this would happen.” She said, as she rubbed my skull the way I liked. “Stretch was so mean. He must have hated you so much to leave you like this.” Mommy said, and my eyes widened at that.
“NO! Stretch loved me! We were gonna be a family! Take baths together, play together, eat together, and at the end of the day mommy would tuck us all in. Baby me and Stretch!” This wasn't right! Stretch wouldn't have done this, he was so happy to be adopted, he was just shy.
“NO!” Mommy shouted, and I flinched. “Stretch was a no good bum who left the mother of his child all alone! You need to accept that!” Mommy stared at me with a very intense look in her eyes, and hugged me close to her neck, where I could feel her words shake me.
“I told you he would do this.” She added, and suddenly everything made sense. Mommy was always right, and while it hurt, mommy would never lie to me. Sniffling into her neck I wailed, sad that Stretch wasn't coming, but knowing that just me and mommy would be all the family baby needed.
Things went back to normal after that, I scribbled out stupid stinky Stretch’s face from the pictures I drew, and started cuddling with mommy more. She started to sing to me, and I didn't try and sneak out once. Stretch was gone like a poopyhead and I only needed mommy and baby.
Then it happened, I felt the baby coming. Mommy was at work, but I knew what to do, so I moved to the towel she told me to use when I felt the baby coming and squatted. It hurt so much and I wished mommy was there.
“MOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMYYYY!” Maybe if I shouted loud enough she’d hear me, I wanted to go to the phone, but it was up where I couldn't get it anymore. So instead I just shouted for her.
‘MOOOO-------AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!” I stopped shouting, as the pain was just too much, I felt tears coming from my eyes as something so big pushed itself on my special place.
“MOOOOOMMMY!” I cried, as I squatted on the towel, it hurt so bad and I wanted her back rubs.
I kept pushing though, and eventually I heard the most magical sound in the world. Looking down I saw the face of my little blue baby. I cried more, holding him close. The world was complete, I didn't need Stretch, baby was enough. We’d play, laugh, and love, with mommy forever and ever. I’d love and cherish him as long as I lived. I fell asleep with him in my arms, smiling and dreaming of everything we would do together.
When I woke up mommy was home, she was humming a song and counting a stack of green papers she called money. I was eager to show her the baby, but when I felt for him he was gone.
I shot up, my special place still hurt and it was sticky on the blanket, but that wasn't important. Where was my baby!
“BABY?!” I cried, catching mommy’s attention, and she looked at me funny. “BABY!?” I shouted again, looking under the towel this time to see if he was there. I felt my world falling apart as I searched for him. I couldn't lose him too! What if Stretch came back for me? What would he say if baby wasnt there? Wait, what if he DID come back and just took baby? What if the baby was dead? What if he was hurt and I had been asleep and he...
I wailed as loudly as I could, and slumped down. 
“BAAAAAABY!” I cried, as I hopped off the bed and ran around the house looking for him. I ran for so long that my legs gave out. Baby was nowhere to be found. He was gone.
“He’s gone forever...” I heard mommy say, and I couldn't hear anything after that. Someone was screaming... Oh, it was me.
I couldn't hear what mommy was saying to me, she looked happy for something, how could she be happy, baby was gone! She said forever! Mommy never lies but that couldn't be true!
What about our future? What about the meals? What about the baths? What about getting tucked in by mommy? Why did this have to happen?
Big fat tears rolled down my face, and everything was just WRONG, why wasn't mommy hugging me? Why did Stretch leave? Where was my baby? Why was mommy smiling?
Mommy just stared at me, but even she didn't matter anymore. My baby was GONE, I’d never see him grow up, I’d never take a bath with him. I’d never have a meal with him. I’d never give him hugs or kisses. I’d never get to be tucked in with him by mommy! All I had left of Stretch before he ABANDONED me had been in my tummy! My idea of a happy family shattered and my world fell apart as all the things I would never get to do with my baby raced through my mind.
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jowritesthingss · 4 years
Excuse Me Sir This Is My Emotional Support Eldritch Being
Fandom: The Magnus Archives
Pairing(s): n/a
Rating: Teen (for swearing)
Content Warning(s): rabbits, food/drink, mild(ish) swearing, not!Sasha, eldritch beings, spoilers through early s3-ish
Length: 2,190 words
Brief Summary: The archival team adopts a rabbit. (Part one of the Emotional Support Eldritch AU!)
AO3 link in reblogs bc Tumblr is a biatch!
“What is it?”
Jon levels a suspicious glare down at the fluffy blob comfortably stretched out in the middle of the overstuffed break room couch.
Tim blinks owlishly at him from behind his mug of tea. “A...rabbit?”
“Yes, but are you sure it’s a rabbit?” Jon asks insistently. “Not a—a spirit, or...an animated doll, or a clown in disguise or something?”
Sighing, Tim sets his tea down on the counter. “Look, I get the whole ‘suspicious of us being murderers’ thing—no I don’t, actually, but that’s beside the point—it. is. a rabbit.” For a good measure, he walks over to sit on one side of the rabbit, reaching a hand out to the little guy’s fluffy head. If a rabbit could smile, he suspects this one would be doing so as it leans up into his hand.
“No fleas or ticks...or worms, so it’s not some Jane Prentiss Pet Sematary crossover, I promise—” Tim rolls his eyes, “—the veterinarian confirmed as much when I brought the poor thing in. Out of the mud and the rain of the gutter,” he adds, not even attempting to hide the guilt-trip. He wishes Martin were here, with his ridiculously effective puppy-dog eyes.
Tim knows this is Jon he’s talking to, but surely even he can’t be that cold-hearted. He rather thinks that Jon will enjoy not being alone anymore down here during all his late nights. If he’d let himself, surely Jon would enjoy having company in the form of a teeny tiny creature that can’t and won’t harm him—which, uh, certainly is not why he’s lying about his current flat not permitting pets, no siree.
“...Fine. Whatever.” Jon points an accusing finger at him. “But we’re not keeping it,” he stresses. “The moment you find it a different home, it goes. The moment.”
“Sure thing, boss,” Tim chirps, although as he begins a staring contest with the rabbit’s curious red eyes, he has no intention of actually doing as Jon says.
Martin chooses this moment to walk through the door. His eyes light up. “Aw, is that a rabbit?”
“No, this does not mean you’re allowed to bring in more strays,” Jon snaps.
The light in Martin’s eyes fades. “Okay,” he says mournfully as he crouches to pet the rabbit, sulking.
“So what should we name him?” Tim asks Jon when the Head Archivist comes into the break room the next morning.
“Oh—my—” Jon startles where he stands by the counter, attempting to make himself some toast with the Archive’s horrible fifteen-year-old toaster—toast that now splatters across the floor. Somehow in his sleep-deprived stupor he must’ve missed Tim sitting on the couch with a white rabbit on his head. He never seems to really notice Tim, but at this point it’s fine enough; Tim has accepted that the guy has impossibly poor taste.
The rabbit clambers down from Tim’s shoulders, jumping off of the couch and padding over to investigate the new human(?) and the mess he made.
“How about Thumper?” Tim puzzles aloud, stretching leisurely and acting as if he doesn’t notice Jon frantically scrubbing up raspberry jam and trying to avoid the rabbit’s investigative snuffles all in one. “No, no...that’s too cliché.”
“I really don’t see the point in naming it when it shouldn’t be here more than a few weeks,” Jon comments, shooing the animal in question away before it can try to lick up any jam.
“Maybe Joe?” Tim continues loudly, as if he hadn’t heard the other. When the rabbit ambles back over to him, he scoops them up, pressing their noses together. “Ligma?” He shakes his head at the rabbit. “No, no. We need to have more sophistication as we go about this.”
“You could do with applying that sophistication to your work,” comes the grumbled retort.
“Nothing.” Jon abruptly turns to burn another piece of bread in the toaster.
“How about Marshmallow?”
“What on Earth—” Jon shrieks, jumping in his desk chair, and a sheaf of papers is sent flying around the office.
“The rabbit. Should we call him ‘Marshmallow’?” Tim smiles as innocently as he can manage, standing out in the hall with his head peeping into his boss’ office. “Marshie for short?”
“I am in the middle of a statement!” Jon sputters. “Get out!”
“Okay, okay....” Tim fluidly shrugs his shoulders. “What about ‘Bob’?”
But Tim continues to pop into Jon’s office unannounced throughout the day, tossing out name suggestions. He even manages to rope Martin into doing it too, and notes with savage delight that between the two of them and his work, Jon doesn’t get much more than a moment to wallow rest for the remainder of the day.
Between the two of them Tim and Martin manage to compile a surprisingly long list of names:
Posy (Martin is partial to this one because he thinks it’s cute),
Bungen Leitner,
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt (“is that too American of a reference for a fanfic taking place in the UK?” “what?” “what?”),
the Bunholding,
Michael (Jon is especially averse to that one for some reason),
Fluffy Bastard (Tim’s own favorite),
Bugs Bunny,
Eldritch Horror (Tim tosses that one in as a joke; no way the rabbit that eats his own shit is some kind of otherworldly being),
Big Bungus (“it’s a play off Big Chungus!” “d’you seriously think anyone else here even knows what memes are”), and
the Vampiric Count Sir Maximillianus-Who-Is-Also-A-Werebun
(Despite badgering Sasha multiple times in an attempt to get her thoughts on the matter, the only name she offers up is “Dinner”, which makes Martin cry, so that one is out.)
None of the names quite seem to fit the little white puffball that has now taken over the realm of their break room, however—so Tim and Martin find themselves going back to the drawing board. They reluctantly leave the Institute at the end of the day, still without having decided upon a name.
“JON JUNIOR!” Martin screeches excitedly the next morning as they’re congregating once more in the break room, zombie-like before their tea and mid-morning snack time (primary schools don’t get all the fun, okay).
Jon and Sasha startle, and for once even Tim himself jumps. The rabbit doesn’t seem to care much where he is, nibbling at some hay in his corner litter box.
“I—what?” Jon asks, flabbergasted, although he manages to not drop his toast this time. Character development.
“We should name him Jon Jr! After you!” Martin explains eagerly.
“Absolutely not,” Jon tries to say, but before he can finish, Tim is jumping in.
“I think that is an excellent idea,” he says, grinning broadly. “Thoughts, Sasha?”
“I’m not emotionally invested in this.” Sasha shrugs, uncaring. “I’m going back to my desk.” She takes her drink and walks out of the room, letting the door slam shut behind her.
“All right, since Sasha doesn’t care, I’ll decide her vote for her,” Tim says, carefully containing his glee. “So that’s three votes for and one against, then. Majority rules.”
“What? No!” John protests, but Tim is too busy looking at the rabbit for confirmation.
“What do you think, little guy?” He walks over, bends down, and lightly boops the rabbit’s nose. “Are you a Jon Jr?”
The rabbit twitches his nose in agreement and poops.
“Well then!” Tim stands, clapping his hands together. “That’s been decided upon.”
No, it hasn’t,” Jon insists, but Tim cares little for his boss’ objections. He’ll accept his fate as Jon Senior eventually.
To Tim’s utter surprise and fascination, it happens sooner than later.
Jon, Tim quickly realizes, is a lot like the one dad who says “no dog” and then ends up loving the dog more than he loves his own children.
Despite his initial objections, the daft fool ends up getting caught up in Jon Jr’s big, innocent, rabbit-y gaze (worse than even Martin’s puppy-dog eyes, they conclude gravely), and by the end of the day Friday Jon has announced that he supposes the rabbit can stay with him over weekends and holidays.
“We’re still not keeping him,” Jon reminds them all, even as the rabbit gathered in his arms, giving his nose kisses and knocking his glasses askew, says otherwise.
He gets caught trying to sneak the rabbit into his office on more than one occasion, but Martin raises a fuss about it.
(“He’s all of ours! Jon Jr is our department’s mascot now,” Martin protests defiantly. “You can’t take him away from the rest of us.”
“Yeah,” Tim adds, mostly just to stir up drama—he doesn’t particularly care one way or another. “You can’t just swoop him up and file him away like one of your statements.”
“Just don’t let it get out and chew at my electronics,” Sasha says, distractedly typing something on her phone, probably to that weird new boyfriend.)
To stave off the imminent coup, Jon Jr becomes an officially-declared resident of the break room. He slowly amasses chub around his middle and a cardboard kingdom of bunny toys, houses, blankets, and treats. A rabbit could want for nothing more.
And perhaps—perhaps a human could want for nothing more, too, Tim thinks as he looks down at the figure curled up on the sofa, rabbit nestled against his chest.
He doesn’t love the man, not by a long, long shot—doesn’t even particularly like him half the time—but Tim can’t deny that the scene is adorable. And, regardless of his very vocal protests, Jon Jr may very well be what Jon Sr needs to finally process things and move the hell on with life.
Tim smiles grimly. It’s about damn time.
He quietly closes the door to the room and heads back towards the Archives. He’ll leave Jon to wake himself up.
(And to discover for himself that Jon Jr has peed on his pants leg.)
Of course, this is the Archive we’re talking about, so naturally the peace is abruptly shattered, and everything goes horribly, horribly wrong.
Tim isn’t entirely certain what happens or why, but all of a sudden Sasha isn’t really Sasha, and he and Jon have gotten backed up and cornered in the tunnels as this not-really-Sasha stalks towards them, predictably with the intent to kill, just like the rest of the spooks they are so lucky to deal with.
Tim and Jon Sr slowly back away until they hit a dead end. Meanwhile, Jon Jr licks at Tim’s arm—he’d been scooped up as they ran into the tunnels, Tim doesn’t entirely know why—and despite the fact that they are most probably about to, y’know, die, the little kisses almost feel strangely reassuring.
The thing-that-is-not-Sasha cackles, her—their?—its?—voice distorted and echoing throughout the tunnels. It stalks towards them.
All of a sudden, Jon Jr wriggles loose and leaps smoothly down onto the ground. He scampers in front of Tim and Jon, heading towards bitch-give-me-my-Sasha-back.
“No! Get back here!” Tim hisses at the rabbit, even though he knows it’s pointless. He hates to admit it, but he’s becoming rather fond of Jon Jr, even if Tim mostly brought him in to piss off and totally not help Jon. Jon—who, speaking of, seems to be equally fond now, judging by the deflating tire of a terrified squeak he makes, and the adorable immature grabby arms he makes at the little bugger.
“Junior,” Jon calls out, sounding like a toddler who’d just been told Santa wasn’t real (he is, they have the statements to prove it, he is). And Tim wants to laugh, albeit hysterically. The first time he sees his brick wall of a superior cry and it’s over a rabbit, and he’s not even going to have time to gloat over it because they’re about to die. “No! You’re going to—”
Jon Jr stops and sits in front of wholly-absolutely-totally-not-Sasha-what-the-fuck, who looks down at him, bemused through its murderous bloodlust.
The rabbit lifts a dainty paw up to his mouth, and suddenly—suddenly it’s twisting and huge, towering up to the ceiling of the tunnel, its skin hairless and tinted a sickly, glowing gray, with five, six, seven...a whole lot more limbs than a rabbit is supposed to have.
The not-rabbit unhinges its now meters-long jaw and snaps up the creature.
Tim and Jon stare at each other, wide-eyed.
There is a loud gulping sound, then a deafening crack, and suddenly there is a very normal white rabbit sitting in front of them again, carefully cleaning one paw with a very normal pink tongue.
“Wh—” Tim chokes on his own words.
The holy-shit-it-really-is-an-eldritch-horror-after-all stretches, yawns, and flops over in a dead sleep.
“...We’re keeping the rabbit,” Jon says faintly.
“I—yeah.” Tim nods, light-headed. “We’re keeping the rabbit.”
Jon Jr the rabbit-slash-eldritch-abomination gets a very hearty dinner of romaine lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumber peels that night.
(Tune in next time* for the terrible, terrible realization—“Jon Jr is a girl?!” (Also why is there another dead body again, dammit, can’t we go one week))
First || Next
(There may or may not actually be a next time. It depends. )
Behold. What very well may be the stupidest thing I have ever written. Ahem. Did I say stupidest? I meant most brilliant. Clearly I meant it’s the most brilliant thing I have ever written. Obviously.
Let me know if you enjoyed this! I have a bunch of ideas to continue this ridiculously silly AU of sorts, but idk if I’m going to quite yet and am not certain that I’ll be continuing to write for TMA. atm I’m focused on a different fandom, and I’m only on s3, so the really big idea I had has to wait, anyway.
Want to chat or be added onto any of my taglists? Shoot me an ask or a message here or via my other social media!
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p-artsypants · 5 years
Bad Day (1) Morning
Marinette was Ladybug! This was Adrien’s luckiest day ever! Except it wasn’t, because all his good luck was used up in one go. Turns out this might be the worst day of his life.
Ao3 | FF.net
Part 2
I’m still working on Longest Night. This was just supposed to be a one shot, but it got out of hand. There should only be three chapters. Crack, Angst, Fluff, in that order. 
Also, this story is super gross. Because 14-year-old boys are super gross. 
“Pound it!” Ladybug and Chat connected fists after a job well done.
His ring beeped right on schedule, having used his cataclysm earlier than she had used Lucky Charm.
“Go ahead, I’ll take care of the victim.” She smiled so politely and rested a hand on his arm.
He nearly swooned.
“Go!” She chided with a laugh.
He blew her a kiss as he departed. It was an early morning, just before school. Early enough that classes probably wouldn’t be cancelled. The akuma had been a quick run, though the time he had intended to use for studying in the library was gobbled up instead. Oh well. That was the whole point of studying, staying ahead so when the akumas overwhelmed him, his grades didn’t suffer.
The courtyard was still relatively empty, as there was still a good twenty minutes before classes started.
He rushed to the bathroom, keeping a careful eye on the students, though no one noticed he was there.
He took the first stall, and his transformation fell just as he cleared the door.
Plagg fell in his hands, immediately begging for cheese.
Adrien laughed and gave him a little wedge. “There, I have more in my bag, but I have to go while we’re here.”
“Go? Go where?”
“You know…go.” He gestured to the toilet. “It’s poo-thirty.”
“Aw man,” Plagg whined. “Couldn’t you hold it until we got home so I can leave the room?”
“Don’t be such a baby.” Adrien chastised, dropping Plagg in his pocket. He undid his buttons, dropped trou, and let nature take its course. Aimlessly, he scrolled through the Ladyblog on his phone while he did his business.
Then he noticed that the door was slightly cracked open.
“Oh narts, this the stall with the bad lock.” He sighed. Reaching his leg out, he toed the door, having it hit the jam and rebound back, opening wider. Adrien groaned, “Plagg, can you—“
“Nuh uh. I’m not coming out until you’re done with your disgusting human behavior.”
Adrien rolled his eyes at his ridiculous kwami. Oh well. It was still early, and he’d be done in a minute. Surely it was no big deal?
Except someone was running towards the bathroom.
And then running to his stall.
Into his stall, with their back to him.
A gorgeous back, with an adorable butt, covered in red and black, and hiding. Then, there was a flash of pink, and the red and black gave way to a dark gray jacket and soft pink pants. An outfit he had seen nearly everyday.
He choked on air, wanting to say something, and also very aware of the fact that his pants and boxers were around his ankles.
Not how he imagined the reveal would go down at all.
So he simply held his breath, vying his time.
She didn’t wait long, only a couple seconds really, it had just felt like an hour being in that space with her. As she left, he made eye contact with her kwami.
She saw. She saw that he saw.
Then he was alone again, his eyes staring forward, unseeing.
Marinette was Ladybug.
Beautiful, sweet, kind, and righteous Marinette was his Ladybug. Of course she was! It made perfect sense! They had the same eyes, the same black hair that shined blue in the light! The same laugh! Oh it was perfect!
It was—
Oh no.
He had to tell her. But she HATED the idea of him knowing her identity! Hated anyone knowing!
Why did it have to happen while he was on the can?
How was he supposed to explain this without completely embarrassing both of them? It was completely unfair!
“Sorry Marinette I saw you detransforming while I was dropping off the Cosby kids at the pool, sorry!” Like that was a good option!
But then again, he was finding it too hard to be upset about it when the truth of ‘Marinette is Ladybug’ reverberated in his head.
They’d work it out. Somehow. But now he just had to get through the day without melting into goo around her.
Maybe he’d turn on the Chat Noir charm.
No, that’d be too suspicious.
“Are you gonna poop or what?” Asked Plagg.
Adrien scoffed at him.
Then his kwami chuckled, lowly, manically.
“What are you up to, you little creature?”
“Oh, I’m not up to anything. I just had…a premonition, if you will.”
“Care to enlighten me?”
“Do you feel lucky?”
“What kind of question is that?  Uh…I mean, I just found out who the love of my life is, so…yeah?”
“The luckiest you’ve ever been?”
“Yeah, in a way.”
“That’s what I thought.” Plagg snickered again.
“Oh nothing…really. Just that…I have a feeling you used up all your good luck for the day.”
“What? Is that a thing?”
“Just hurry up and finish. Nasty boy.”
Rolling his eyes at his kwami, Adrien finished his business. Afterwards, he left his stall just as Kim came in.
Kim took his stall, and Adrien went to wash his hands.
“Holy shit!” Kim shouted.
A bad feeling settled in Adrien’s stomach. Did I forget to flush?
Ah, it was probably no big deal.
He finished up, and went into the locker room, where Nino was putting his stuff away.
“Hey man,” Adrien greeted pleasantly.
“Sup dude! If I had known you’d be early, I would have waited out front for you.”
“Oh no, no worries. I’ve been here for a while. Needed to use the library.” That had been the initial plan, before the Akuma had struck. So not a complete lie.
“For the essay?”
“I haven’t even started, dude. I mean, I have a topic idea but..” Nino went on, but Adrien’s mind had begun to wander.
Back to Marinette.
His lady.
His bugaboo.
He giggled.
Nino frowned at him. “Dude, what’s so funny about the holocaust?”
Adrien’s eyes widened. “No no I wasn’t—no, sorry. I was listening! But I was also thinking...uh, so you’re doing your essay on the holocaust?”
“Well, I’m thinking of doing a comparative piece between the holocaust and...”
And he was off again.
Not that he didn’t love Nino immensely, but this was the biggest revelation of his life! He wasn’t going to pay any attention to anything for the rest of the day.
Oh how badly he wanted to sit behind Marinette, so he could stare at her all day.
A little creepy, but cut him some slack.
“…it’s not really comparing the Holocaust to country music, but it’s finding similar themes, you know? Is that the dumbest idea you’ve heard?”
“Yeah…” Adrien said with a pleasant smile on his face.
“Yeah? My idea is dumb?”
“Sure is.”
“Well…thanks for that, I guess.”
“Hmm mmm…say Nino, is Marinette interested in anyone?”
Nino blinked a few times. “What?”
“I just thought you might know, since you’re dating Alya and all.”
Nino snickered. “Oh, I see what this is about. Finally got your head out of your ass, huh?”
Adrien blinked heavily at him. “W-what?”
“Oh come on. Everyone can see when you give her your patented ‘soft eyes’.”
“My what?”
“You know, you get this dopey smile on your face, and then your eyebrows turn up and your eyes get all misty, and then you look like you’re going to cry.”
“What! I do not do that!”
“There was a spider on Rose’s desk, and Marinette gently scooped it up and put it outside, even though she’s scared of spiders too.”
Adrien’s heart melted. “Aw, she did?”
Nino snapped a picture on his phone. “Bam, heart eyes.”
Adrien narrowed those heart eyes into slits. “What’s your game, Lahiffe?”
“You’re in love with Marinette.”
Adrien blinked. “Yeah, I was getting to that.”  
Nino gawked. “You-you were!? You are!?”
“Yeah, I mean…I just realized it today. I thought I was in love with someone else, but…” Technically, he still was, but knowing that Ladybug was Marinette only made his feelings stronger and feel more solid.
Marinette was Ladybug!
Adrien then realized Nino was giving him a knowing look. “You’ve got it bad, dude.” He chuckled.
Adrien huffed and crossed his arms. “Well, are you going to tell me who she likes, or what?”
It was then that Kim came out of the bathroom, and made hard eye contact with Adrien. “I see you there. It’s on, Agreste.”
“What’s on?”
“You know Le Chien Kim doesn’t back down from a challenge!”
“What challenge?!”
“As if you didn’t know!”
“I don’t know!”
Kim just gave a smirk and walked out of the room.
“Uh, what the hell was that?” Asked Nino.
“You’re guess is as good as mine with Kim.”
“So anyways...Marinette? Her crush? Help a guy out?”
Nino rolled his eyes. “Look dude, if I tell you, I’m dead meat, per Alya. But, you should absolutely ask her out. She won’t say no.”
“...is it me then? Does she like me?”
“Again, I’m a dead man. But her fondness for you surpasses ‘friendship’, ya dig?”
His lady liked him! She liked Adrien!
“God, you make me sick.” Nino chuckled. “You make sure to turn those soft eyes on Marinette. She’ll turn to goo.”
“Noted!” Adrien beamed. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go woo Milady.”
Adrien haughtily tossed a smirk over his shoulder, and then turned to rush out of the room.
Only, Plagg’s premonition would come true. With a vengeance.
In one step, his shoelace broke and he stepped completely out of his sneaker. With the momentum he created in takeoff, he launched several steps until he collided his pinkie toe with the corner of the lockers.
Oh mama.
He was down.  
Clutching his foot like his life depended on it, Adrien dropped to the floor and let out a string of curses that would make Chat Noir blush.
“Oof, dude, you okay?”
Adrien couldn’t tell if he was laughing or crying.
But oh, did it suck.
“Let’s go to the nurse.”
“No.” Adrien wheezed out. “I’m good.”
“Like hell you are.”
“If I go to the nurse, she’ll call my dad, and he’ll pull me out of school for being in an unsafe environment. I’m fine!”
Though the tears streaming down his cheeks did not have Nino convinced. “Whatever dude. Let me help you get to class though, kay?”
Nodding through the pain, Adrien took the offered hand, and together they tottered to homeroom.
As they approached the room, they could hear Kim talking. Everyone in the school could hear him, he was so enthused.
“No, you guys don’t understand! It had to be at least two feet! The thickness of my arm! This thing was massive!”
Nino snickered, “What, did he take up fishing?”
“That’s not physically possible.” Said Alix, just as loud.
“Oh yeah? I took a picture! Look!”
There was a collective shout of ‘ew! Kim!’ from the class, when Adrien and Nino finally reached the door.
Everyone went silent.
Dead silent.
Adrien’s gaze drew immediately to Marinette—His Lady—only to see her avoiding his gaze, with a very red face.
Then he noticed that everyone was staring right at him.
“Uh…good morning?” He detached himself from Nino and used the desk to get to his seat.
Alix stood, and just started clapping.
This caused some of the others to start laughing.
“Uh…what’s going on?”
“Tch, like you don’t know.” Said Kim, in a way that inexplicably reminded him of an anime villain.
Adrien rolled his eyes. “I already told you in the locker room, I don’t know what the heck you’re talking about!”
“You, sir, are the Dump King of Collège Françoise Dupont! And I intend to dethrone you!”
Nino and Adrien looked at each other, and then at Kim.
“Dump King?”
Marinette had her head buried in her hands, unable to look at him. Whatever this Dump King thing was, it was bad.
“Yeah dude! I used the bathroom right after you and you left this massive turd! It was two feet, easily! It was standing up in the bowl!”
Adrien’s face burned, embarrassment outweighing the pain in his, presumably, broken toe. “Kim…”
“You’re so clean and perfect…you’d never leave a message like that unless it was a challenge! And I’m going to start eating fiber ASAP!”
Now it was Adrien’s turn to hide his face in his hands.
Nino clapped a sympathetic hand to his shoulder. “Oh man, you broke the number one unspoken rule. No pooping at school.”
“If we’re not supposed to poop here, why are there toilets?” Adrien whispered back, harshly.
“It’s not a hard rule, just a globally recognized one.”
“Now you tell me!”
“Oh don’t play all naïve, Agreste. I know what you’re about.”
Adrien trembled in front of the class, because now he had to explain to Kim, in front of all his classmates, and the love of his life, that that hadn’t been any kind of challenge. He had simply forgotten to flush. And he normally didn’t poop logs. Just, regular sized poops.
Oh man, if it sounded this terrible in his head, it would sound so stupid out loud!
His mind really had to have been gone if he hadn’t noticed he left that behind.
“Listen, Kim…” He began, sitting on the edge of the desk. “It’s not like that. I’m not the kind of guy that shits and tells.”
That was not the right thing to say as everyone erupted in laughter, and Adrien’s embarrassment only grew deeper.
Fortunately, Marinette was the only one not laughing, as she was probably reeling from second hand embarrassment.
Kim noticed, and draped himself over her shoulders. “Oh come on Mari! Everyone loves a good poop joke!”
“Yeah, when they’re five.” She muttered.
“You have to admit, Adrien is always impressive. Even his deuces are deuces.”
“You’ve got to be a little impressed, aren’t you?”
Marinette finally met his eyes and he was fully prepared to cry at her sympathetic gaze. She smiled. “I’m just glad you’re healthy.”
“I’m doing school under my desk today, thanks everyone.” Adrien withered and crawled under their table.
“Dude, come on.”
“Adrien’s not here right now, he’s at the humiliation station. Population: me.”
“Don’t be so dramatic sunshine, everyone poops.” Alya said, by way of consolation.
And it probably would have worked too. If it were any other day. But the day had just started and he was already overwhelmed. He was acutely aware of Marinette’s eyes.
Nothing was worse than being embarrassed in front of your crush.
Well, as Chat Noir, he always managed to embarrass himself in front of her. But this was different! He was Adrien! Embarrassing himself as Adrien wasn’t just bad for him.
It was bad for his father.
Oh no.
Could his father find out about this? He didn’t have a sense of humor, he wouldn’t find this funny at all!
“Adrien? Where’s Adrien?” Miss Bustier called in attendance. He had been so deep in his self loathing, he hadn’t even realized the teacher had come in the room.
“The Dump King is under his desk.” Called Kim.
“Dump…? Never mind, I don’t want to know. Adrien, please sit in your seat properly.”
Resigned, Adrien went to stand but hit his head on the table, eliciting a ‘ooo’ from the room.
Adrien sat in his chair, slumped in defeat.
Plagg vibrated in his pocket, barely able to contain his laughter.
The kwami was right, today was not going well at all. Despite the wonderful knowledge that Marinette was Ladybug, everything else seemed to go wrong.
He failed his physics test.
He, Adrien Agreste, top grade in Physics, Physic nut, had failed his test.
He just stared at the paper with growing horror. “Miss Mendeliev, there must be some sort of mistake!”
“Sorry Adrien, you know the rules, you don’t show your work, you don’t get points, even if the answer is right.”
“If you find the paper you did the problems on, I will regrade it. But it will be a zero in your grades until then.”
Frantic, Adrien dumped his backpack out on his desk and began searching for the lost paper.
“Not right now, Mr. Agreste.” She said sharply.
Feeling small, Adrien gathered his supplies and stuffed them back into his bag.
During lunch, he was called back to the mansion, even though he had asked to eat with his friends. Though, this wasn’t that much of a disappointment, considering that he dealt with it fairly often.
As he left the school, he found Marinette waiting for him. Beautiful, sweet, understanding, and patient.
As he walked up to her, she stuttered and stumbled on her words. “H-Hey Adrien! I’m sorry about what I said in class. Not that I’m not happy that you’re healthy! I’m very glad you are! You look great! You always do! I mean—! I just wanted to say...I could tell you were embarrassed by Kim, but I’m sorry I didn’t say anything to help.”
Adorable. Simply adorable.
He realized that he hadn’t responded, and only continued to stare at her longingly.
“Marry me...” he sighed.
Her eyes blew wide as her mouth went slack.
Quick! Play it off!
“Mari! You Mari! Me Adrien! Yes, good! Thanks!”
“Bye!” He damn near shouted, and he hauled ass to his car, limping with each step.
Plagg giggled in his shirt, and whispered up to him. “You’re such a dumbass.”
After lunch, it was time for gym.
Which was a fun activity with a, presumably, broken toe.
“You going to be okay, dude?” Asked Nino. “You know, if you just show Mr. D’Argencourt your foot, I’m sure he’d let you out of gym.”
“I’m fine, I just…need to walk it off.”
Nino gave him a flat look. “You’ve been ‘walking it off’ for several hours already. It’s not getting any less purple.”
“I looked it up. There’s nothing they can do about a broken toe. They can’t set it or anything, so don’t worry about it.”  
At this point, Nino decided to officially give up. “Fine, suffer. Be my guest.”
It had to be soccer.
Why not tennis? Why not frisbee? Why not pickleball? Any game! Any other fracking game, except for the one that demands you use your foot the entire time!
Adrien reconsidered his life choices. “Excuse me Mr. D’Argencourt, I stubbed my toe really bad earlier. Can I sit out?”
Mr. D’Argencourt, shrewd man that he was, gave Adrien a once over and huffed. “If you must. You can sit with Miss Rossi.” He gestured over to Lila, who was beaming at him.
Adrien winced.
“How about goalie?”
The coach was much more willing to have Adrien participate and consented.
Whatever forces on earth that had been responsible for Adrien’s crap day came back with reinforcements.
On Adrien’s team was Rose, Juleka, Nathanael, Chloe, Sabrina, and Max. Against them, was Kim, Alix, Ivan, Alya, Nino, and Marinette.
Whoever picked these teams is a moron. He thought to himself.
Adrien, humble as he was, was an excellent goalie. Of course, he’d give the credit to his time as Chat Noir. The game was almost over, with the score tied 0-0. His team hadn’t gotten anywhere near the other goal, but Adrien hadn’t let a single ball in on his side.
His was bruised, battered, sweaty, and exhausted.
Of course, most of his teammates hadn’t even broken a sweat.
Marinette stood nearby, waiting for the assist to the goal. Of course, having her so close was immediately a distraction, and all of his attention was on her.
“You’re amazing,” she told him, adorable blush on her cheeks. “Sorry we’ve been so ruthless, you know how Kim and Alix are.”
He meant to thank her, to assure her there was nothing to apologize for.
But his brain decided to remind him, yet again, that he was talking to Ladybug.
“Thank Kay, you’re not apologize. Amazing, yes!”
Her eyes widened slightly. “Are you okay?”
A low whine came from his throat, as he felt the need to shrivel up and die.
“Hey Dump King!” Kim shouted, “Block this!” And he kicked, with all the power in him.
To Adrien’s credit, he did Block the ball, but it was with his face.
“Adrien!” A cacophony of voices called out to him.
He was on the ground, wetness on his face. And in too much pain to move.
“Adrien? Are you alright?” Marinette was above him, looking down at him with concern and so much love. “You’re bleeding.”
“Bleeding...” he swooned.
“Alright, alright,” Mr. D’argencourt shooed everyone away from crowding him. “What happened.”
“He took a ball to the face, and I think he hit his head on the way down.”
“How many fingers am I holding up?” The coach stated, holding up three fingers.
“Three.” Adrien said simply.
“Oh, he’ll be fine.” The coach said. “Will someone take Adrien to the nurse?”
Marinette opened her mouth to volunteer, but Lila shouted out first. “I’ll take him!”
Adrien used Marinette’s hand to climb to his feet, and then waved Lila off. “I’m fine, I can go on my own.”
Lila latched onto his arm. “Oh please, let me help you.”
“No, really, I’m—“ He sneezed, flinging blood right on Lila’s face and clothes.
She shrieked.
“Ah! I’m sorry! I didn’t know I had a bloody nose!” He cupped his face, not really doing any good. He turned to Marinette, “Does it look okay?”
“I mean, you’re bleeding, but nothing looks bruised yet.”
Lila weaved her arm around his again, and pulled him away from Marinette. “Come on, let’s take you to the nurse.”
As she yanked him down the hall, Adrien looked down, and saw an absolutely menacing look on her gaze.
But it was gone just a moment later as she smiled up at him. “It’s okay Adrien. Accidents happen.”
He wasn’t completely convinced.
The walk to the nurses office was quiet, and Lila departed just as they arrived.
The examination went smoothly as well. “Well, Mr. Agreste, you don’t have a concussion, and your nose will be fine. It might be a while before it stops bleeding however.”
“Will I bruise?”
“You might. But the skin isn’t broken, so makeup should be able to cover anything.”
He hated wearing makeup, but it was better than getting yelled at. He sighed. “Thank you ma’am.”
“But you can keep this icepack on it for a little while. That’ll help.” Gently, she molded the icepack around his nose, and placed his hand on it to keep it steady. He sighed in relief. “Um, while I’m here…” He reached down and took off his shoe and sock. “I stubbed my toe earlier.”
“Oh honey!” The nurse exclaimed. “Why didn’t you see me earlier about that!? Look at how dark it is!”
Adrien hunched his shoulders. “I just…Didn’t want you to call my dad.”
The nurse considered it for a moment. “Alright, I won’t call your father. But try to keep off of it, and ice it as much as possible. Alright?”
Adrien managed a smile. “Thank you.”
After about 15 minutes, when his face went numb, he gave back the ice packs and decided to head back to class, a wad of tissue still up his nose.
In the hall, he ran into Lila, her face clean of any trace of blood, and her shirt damp, but clean as well. “Hey Adrien!”
“Oh, hi Lila…” He greeted cautiously.
“Is your nose still bleeding?”
“Yeah, the nurse said it’s not broken though.”
“That’s good! I actually was on my way to the nurse’s office to give you this.” She held up a cylindrical wad of cotton, with a string on the end.
“Uh…what is it?”
“It’s for packing nosebleeds. I get them all the time, so I always have them handy. All you have to do is put it in your nose and leave it there for an hour.”
“Oh! Well…thanks! I…I just I’ll go put this in now. Thank you!”
“It’s no problem Adrien. I just wanted to make sure you were all better for our photoshoot this afternoon.”
A chill ran down his spine. “Our…what?”
“Our photoshoot? I could have sworn it was today?”
No. Today was Friday. He was going to Marinette’s for his first sleepover with friends! He made sure to clear his schedule! Quickly, he whipped out his phone and pulled up the spreadsheet with all his events.
Right there, in a block after school until late evening, a photoshoot was scheduled. Edited as of 10am this morning.
He growled in his throat, and then called Nathalie.
“Adrien, do you really think it’s appropriate to call during school hours?”
“I had today off from modeling.” He said by way of greeting. “I was supposed to hang out with friends.”
“Yes, you were. But your father insisted on a shoot anyways. But he made sure to get your friend Lila as a model so you wouldn’t feel too bad.”
“Well, as long as I can hang out with them afterwards?”
“No, your father wants you to come home tonight.”
“He just does, Adrien.”
Adrien hung up, angry, upset, frustrated.
“I’m sorry Adrien, I thought you knew?” Lila said, with her little sing song voice.
“Well, it was scheduled at 10am, so no. I didn’t.”
“Weird, I got a text about it. Sorry!”
“Whatever,” He huffed. He was done. This day officially sucked, and he’d find a way to cataclysm it right off the calendar.
Well, at least Lila had been kind enough to lend him this…thing. Whatever it was. He went to the bathroom to change out his tissues.
Yeah, he was still bleeding.
But the new cotton wad fit like a dream and he jammed it as far up into his nose as he could stand, and then went back to class.
Lila was already there when he returned, and Miss Bustier was in the middle of her lecture when he walked into the room.
She stared at him. “Oh…uh, glad to see you’re alright, Adrien. But…um…”
“Dude,” asked Nino, when no one else would, “why do you have a tampon up your nose?”
Adrien paled, considerably, “…this is a…?”
Nino nodded.
Kim burst out laughing first, and the rest of the class followed suit, while Adrien hid his shame with his hands.
Marinette, blessed, beautiful, and kind, did not laugh. Instead, she stood and went to him. ”Come on.” She grabbed his hand and tugged him along to the bathroom.
Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed Lila glaring at them, glaring at him, with a smile on her lips. It seemed she had changed targets.
She led him to the boys room, and opened the door. “Anybody in here?”
When there was no reply, she pulled him in, and steered him toward the sink.
“Go ahead and pull it out.”
He did, the bleeding starting up again.
“Sorry I just commandeered the whole situation, but I had a feeling Lila was going to be less than helpful.” She wadded up a ball of toilet paper and handed it to him. “Hold this to your nose for now.”
With the ball under his nose, he just continued to gaze at her. “No, thank you for rescuing me. I’ve never dealt with a bloody nose before.”
Marinette gave him this sympathetic little smile. “Well, lucky for you, I have. A handful of times.”
Adrien remembered a dozen or so times when Ladybug got knocked a little too hard and ended up a little bloodied.
“Here,” she took a strip of toilet paper and twisted it into a long string. “Now, you’re going to fish this up your nostril as far as it will go. It will tickle and be uncomfortable, but I swear the bleeding will stop in a few minutes.”
Adrien took the tissue and did as she instructed. He got the urge to sneeze again, but held it back.
“There. Now we’ll just wait a little while and see if it stops.”
“Thank you, Marinette. You really are our everyday Ladybug.” He kind of felt stupid saying so, but it was so true.
Marinette tinged a lovely shade of pink, flicking her eyes away from his. “You’ve been having a pretty bad day today, huh?”
He groaned and almost collapsed on the floor. “The worst.”
“Well, we’ll just have to make up for it tonight, right? I know. You versus me, Ultimate Mecha Strike 4, battle to the death. What do you say?”
“That sounds like so much fun! But…”
“My father…he changed his mind this morning. I can’t go. I’m sorry Marinette, I really really really wanted to.”
She deflated. Her shoulders dropped, her smile faded, even the light in her eyes snuffed out. “Oh.”
He wanted to cry. “I’m serious, I’m really upset about this! I was so excited!” He choked.
The life came back into the girl in front of him, and she rested a gentle hand on his arm. “Hey, it’s alright. We’ll try again. If we’re persistent, eventually your father will have to let you go, right?”
Despite the optimism in her voice, Adrien could she she was severely disappointed.
Maybe she really did have feelings for him.
“We better get back. How’s your nose?”
He carefully extracted the tissue, only to find part of it still clean. “I think it’s good. I’ll just tuck a little bit in there just in case.”
“Good idea.”
“Thank you. You’re wonderful.”
She blushed, and some of that light came back to her eyes.
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littlesparkyabdl · 5 years
Sora’s Shopping Trip
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it was a few weeks after the last trip Sora made, and the little guy had more or less gone full toddler mode at least when at home with daddy.
The only problem with the whole situation however was the fact Sora apparently was all bowels for internal organs, or that's what daddy liked to tease when Sora was once again, on his his knee, getting a stinky horsie ride.
This meant that A) Sora's bedroom (now his nursery, with a crib and EVERYTHING!) always smelled like poop (though Riku found it funny that the stink seemed to soothe the big baby) and two, they were going though diapers like crazy.
Riku had been joking about how he was getting on a first name basis with everyone at the local shop where he got their diapers, having to go just about every other day and sora had had enough of it. "Fine! I'll go and do it today!" he insisted, in his favourite pair of tight tight shorts that always made his diapers stick out. "Look buddy daddy didn't me-" "No! I'm going! so deal with it!" he huffed, put his hands on his hips and then waddled off towards the door as Riku watched, sweatdroping and waiting for him to come back, to realise what shorts he was still in and smiled. there was Sora, looking sheepish, coming back over to him.. thank god the diaper boy wasn't that clu- "Oh uh...I need money for the diapies." the dork said. "...here you go buddy. and JUST the diapers.. no little candy bars or anything." daddy said, mentally noting he'd better follow his little dork. this was NOT going to end well.
Sora marched proudly on his way to the shop, a naughty little grin on his face All he could think of was the triple diapies he was wearing and how NOBODY knew he was just a biggg baby. Passing a playground some of the kids turned and pointed, and he waved to them.. sure it was just the legend of his awesomeness getting their attetion though some of the little kids were pointing and laughing now. Twirling around sora looked for the soruce of amusement, again sure that it wasn't him and then saw that a bird was flying kinda funny and chuckled. "Little kids..so easy to amuse." he said to himself, then bent down to tie his show, his red short being sketched out and his fat diapered bottom poking out of the top.. the kids were hooting with laugher now and Sora grinned and chuckled. "it's just a bird guys!" he called to them, which..oddly got more laughter but he shrugged it off and headed toward the shop again.
making his way to the shopping district, some people were giving him amused smirks and he just assumed that they had been there for his last lil display and just gave nerous little waves, his tummy getting sort of upset and he paused by a trash can to put a hand on his tummy. meanwhile back a few hundred feet Riku was watching Sora, he'd paused at the park to bribe the kids with candy to just keep everything to themselves, so his little guy wouldn't end up crying and now, seeing him with a hand on his belly had to fight the urge now to rush over and give him a little check over. then he looked at his watch and groaned. Sora was semi predicable in a way, if he had his normal breakfast of mashed food and bran ceral (which he had this morning) you could almost set a clock to his afternoon bowel movement, which was about 3-5 minutes away. "this is Noooot gonna end well.."
As Sora got closer to the market, one of the working girls, all done up super sexy and trashy smiled at the big baby. "Awww did widdums daddy trust him out alll on his own? Hope widdums does get all scared and go boom boom in him's pants." she teased, getting a giggle from her freind while Sora huffed, blushing. "I'll have you know I'm the daddy now." he lied. "and I'm here to get diapers for him. I'm in undies." he said proudly, and then glared as the hookers burst out laughing at that "What’s so funny!?" he demanded. ":N-Nothing at alll~ go get your 'baby' diapers Mr. daddy dom." snorted the second hooker, waving him in. Huffing and mad Sora stomped his way inside as daddy came over to have a word with them.
getting inside Sora waddled over to the diaper aisle and looked over the different brands..and stopped as he saw a new brand, lil duckies with a duck print on them and giggled.. grabbing a pack and holding it to his chest, eyes closing and a silly smile on his face.
"Can I help you little guy? " came the voice of one of the workers, a young guy about Sora's age and size who was semi blushing as he looked at him.
"O-POO nope..I'm..just..getting some diapies..for..my boyfriend." Sora said quickly and the other boy giggled and nodded.
"the lil duckys are super good" the clerk said and then looking around to make sure no one else was looking, tugged down the front of his baggy pants, showing a flash of one of the little duckys but then tugged his pants back up and put a finger to his lips, the international symybol of 'don't tell anyone!'
"Oh wow.." Sora coo'ed and almost blew his cover (that only he thought he still had) and flashed his diapers back but caught himself and came over, giggling and giving the other diaper boy a pat on the bum. "your secrets safe wiff me!" Sora coo'ed. "I know how much MY widdle guy would..would.." Sora trailed off as a pain shot though his tummy and then he started to pop into a squat, trying to will himself to stop, how could he hide what a big baby he was if he went boom boom right here!?
the other diaper boy (who's nametag said his name was Sparky) brushed the brunette hair from his eyes and giggled a little..then tried to pull a cart with baby powder he was supose to be stocking in the way to try and block any view of sora from anyone in the store, though the sercurity caemras were surely going to get even gloruis detail. "D-do you want me to keep pretending like i don't see your diapers?" Sparky asked, giggling as Sora started to grunt and groan, tears welling up. "W-Wait you c-can see my..my.. DIAPERRRRRRSSSS!" Sora went to ask and ended up howling as a massive mess forced it's way out of him, quickly filling up the back of the diapers and pushing to the front. with the added bulk it was just too much for the hero's shorts who would be messed as they lost their last hit point and ripped open. leaving just the waist band of the shorts around Sora's waist and the tattered remains of the shorts dragging around as Sora's diaper ballooned out further, not free from the confining shorts and Sparky grinned watching,. till he got a whiff of the smell then he was holding his nose and whining about how stinky the former hero was. Sora.. didn't hear any of this as he just started to wail out loud for daddy and SOMEHOW (Daddy later told him his love and need summoned him there) daddy popped up and scooped him up, hugging him and telling him it was ok and giving him butt squishes. Putting the big baby on his hip Riku went and paid for the diapers, bouncing the whining Sora on hip, and getting a pacifier he popped in the little guys mouth. As Sparky watched them both leave.. he felt a twinge of jealously and wondered if just maybe.. if he made a boom boom at work..maybe he'd get a daddy too..
As Sparky thought about it, and started to pop a squat.. the other employee on at the time, one Gary Malcore walked by and muttered "Don't even think about it, I'm not wiping your ass."
"...I wasn't gonna!"
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secretblog1212 · 5 years
Fuck, Marry, Kill.
So this is kind of really shit but I can’t figure out how to make it not shitty so here you go folks. XD sorry. Pretty much more High Steve with Robin just chilling with hints of sad because oof. Not a ship, they just friends.
The store was empty for the first time in three, long, trying, and teenage filled hours. Needless to say Steve and Robin were dead on their feet as they closed up shop.
Robin was quick to lock the doors, and Steve sped threw mopping the ‘poop deck’, otherwise known as the shops front. Chairs were flipped and scoops were washed at record speed. Robin was about to grab her purse when Steve stopped her.
“Hey Rob, I was wondering if you wanted to smoke tonight? We could just throw a movie in or something.”
Well that was new. Not that she didn’t know Steve smoked every now and then, but she’s never been invited before. They had been getting closer over the summer, so it kind of made sense, and hey, if he was going to offer it out for free who was she to say no.
“Sure, just let me go home and change first, meet you at yours in about an hour?”
Steve’s smile was damn near blinding. He nodded along eagerly, and they split off, Robin heading to where her mom was picking her up and Steve to his car.
After five minutes of small talk Robin decided she couldn’t put it off any longer.
“Hey mom, I was wondering if I could hang out at a friends house tonight. They’re having a movie night, I know it’s kind of last minute but I thought it might be okay since I’m off tomorrow anyway.”
She hummed in thought, “Who’s house is it?”
“The boy I work with, Steve, I’ve told you about him before.”
“He won’t try to get in your pants?”
Robin couldn’t hold back her laugh, “Not a chance, he knows I like girls mom.”
The elders face lit up, “Oh of course then Honey, I’ll drop you off whenever your ready and maybe he can take you home tomorrow.” She relented, relaxing back into her seat.
They pulled into their driveway and Robin made quick work of showering and getting comfy close for the night. Clad in sweat pants and an old band t-shirt she threw her still wet hair up in a messy bun and gathered her favorite blanket in a bag. Down stairs her mother was watching the end to the nightly news.
“Ready Mom!”
The brunette turned and did a once over of her daughter. Concluding that she was appropriately dressed for a sleepover she picked her purse up from the coffee table and the two made their way out the door.
A quick drive later and they were pulling into the Harrington’s long driveway, the first floors lights sprinkled to show where exactly Steve was.
Her mom wished her well and Robin made her way to the doorbell. Soft chimes sounded through the house.
The double doors were yanked open to reveal none other than Steve Harrington himself, ushering her inside and waving to her mom as she pulled away.
“Welcome, welcome to the wonderfully cozy Harrington residence. We have two of fifty rooms occupied, my bedroom and the living room, feel free to pick either to get fucked up in.”
Robin eyed the blank walls of the too clean house. It just wasn’t Steve at all, it seemed empty? Lonely? Like some Hallmark mansion, just not realistic at all. Down the hall she could see the flashing glow of a television and pointed. “There.”
“Living room it is then.” Steve hummed with a soft nod. “That’s where I got everything prepared so I was hoping you’d say that.”
God he was a dingus.
There was a large L shaped couch in the middle of the room, a TV facing it against the wall on top of a dresser like stand, and a coffee table littered with snacks, movies, and a few blunts between the two. Given the stack of blankets already pulled out Robin assumed that tonight was going to be filled with warm, cozy cuddling and lazy conversations.
She wasn’t complaining though. She plopped down on the bouncy cushion and reached to flip through the movie choices.
“Anything in mind Harrington?”
“Nothing particular. They’re mostly horror though.”
That raised an eyebrow, hadn’t he already had enough horror in his life already? “You a big fan of horror then?” she asked.
Steve just kind of huffed then chuckled. “My dad says a real man doesn’t watch musicals or romance stuff. He only allows ‘manly’ movies in his house, don’t you want to watch a manly movie Rob?”
Robin just rolled her eyes and mumbled. “Wouldn’t know good movies if it hit him.” But she loved a good horror movie herself, she grabbed the copy of Nightmare on Elms Street and waved it in Steve’s face. “Pop her in then buddy.”
A minute later and they were situating blankets across the two of them as trailers flickered across the screen. Really Robin thought five blankets was a little excessive but Steve seemed to think it was lacking. He leaned forward and grabbed the pre popped popcorn, a lighter, and the first blunt of the night.
Ever the gentleman Steve gave her the first hit. She held it in her mouth, coaxing it down her throat while he took his own puff. After a few seconds she opened her mouth and let the smoke find its own way out, floating from her mouth and into the air like a cloud.
Steve was not as patient or content to see the slow going process, after a few seconds he blew the air out like flames from a dragon's mouth.
They traded it back and forth, watching each other’s different tricks as the drug slowly took effect, till the movie started up, their eyes glued to the screen.
Something Robin realized fairly quickly was that Steve was not a fan of horror movies. She could feel him slowly pressing further against her, flinching when things got too jumpy. She couldn’t blame him, besides if she could help comfort him through this one then she could find at least one happy movie to put in next, right?
After a particularly gruesome scene she decided she couldn’t wait that long. You might be thinking, why doesn’t she just say she wants to change the movie? Well, the thought didn’t even cross her mind. Instead she moves in with a quick distraction.
“That Nancy Thompson is pretty cute right?”
Steve stares up at her for a few seconds before nodding. Hell yeah she was cute.
“And that Glen dude, any character Johnny Depp plays is going to be eye candy.”
Good. If she had him talking then he wasn’t paying attention to the movie.
“Quick! Fuck marry kill, Johnny, Nancy girl, or Tina?”
He stuttered for a few seconds, his mind wrapping around the character selection. “Umm, kill Tina, Marry Johnny and fuck Nancy?”
Robin couldn’t help but laugh at how unsure he sounded.
“Hey well how about you?”
“Mmm,” she paused to think. “Kill Johnny, Marry Tina, fuck Nancy.”
The game kept up with characters before moving onto people they knew in real life. “Clair Burk, Tommy H, and Carol.”
Steve huffed long and hard for that one, taking another drag before even contemplating. Robin thought about her own answer as well, Clair was pretty cute, and surely Carol would have some redeeming qualities. Tommy was a nice guy if you caught him around the right people, but prone to violence, she’d have to go with “I’d marry Clair, fuck Carol and kill Tommy.”
Steve actually laughed at that one. “Understandable, understandable. But get this okay. Fuck Tommy, kill Clair, Marry Carol.” He was quick to continue when Robins head jerked to look at him, eyebrows raised. “I’ve known them for a super long time, right? So marry Carol cause we could just act like friends, and like I know you like girls and all but Tommy is kinda cute. He has freckles Rob, freckles. And he’s super strong-“
She stopped him before it could get graphic “Woah woah woah keep it PG, I don’t need a full description of how you’d want him to give it to you.”
They’d cycled through most of the kids in their grade that they both knew by the time the credits started to roll.
Steve sat up and stared her down, excited not unlike a golden retriever.
“Wait wait wait okay okay. So. Watch, sleepover with, or dinner with, kid addition.”
Color her intrigued. She gestured for him to continue. “Okay So Mike, Dustin and Max?”
The kids had grown on her since that night at the Mall, she’s like to think they were all friends. “Okay so watch Max, Sleepover with Dustin and Dinner with Mike.”
Steve burst into laughter.
Fine, if he was going to just laugh at her she’d give him something to laugh at.
Robin turned to face him and reached to grab ahold of his side, squeezing away at the fleshy skin. “Oh your going to laugh at me? Well you have a better idea Dingus?”
Steve’s laughter doubled and his hands grabbed onto her wrists. No matter how hard he tried to squirm to the other side of the couch he was stuck. Their legs had gotten tangled in the many many blankets about an hour ago, and neither had the motivation to unstick themselves.
Boy does he wish he had.
“I was lahaughihing cause mihine is the sahahme! Ihits the sahame.”
Oh. Well, no reason for her to stop. “Yeah, cause Mike's a shithead and gets in trouble, of course it was going to be the same! But now look at you Stevey, Hmm let me think of one.” She slowed down for a second, focusing in on who she would pair up. “How about Lucas, Jane, and Will? I won’t stop tickling you till you answer.”
I Steve kicked out as she moved her way up his ribs, digging between the bone. Somehow he ended up with his back against her, trapping himself.
“Wahahtch Lucas, dineher with Jahanehe, Wihihill sleheep ohover!”
She slowed down her fingers, not quite stopping but changing to fluttery touches that left him giggling.
Steve’s arms felt heavy and all he could think about was the tingling of her nails over his stomach and neck. He let his hands drop into his lap and threw his head back onto Robins shoulder.
“It feheheels weirherd.”
Robin leaned down to his ear to tease the poor boy. “Do you mean it tickles Steve?”
The boy nodded, hiding his blush in the crook of her neck.
“Come on, you can say it buddy. Tick-le, easy peasy.”
Steve burrowed deeper into her neck, hiding himself away from the word.
“Fine,” she huffed. “If you won’t say it then at least tell me that you like it. It’s kind of obvious at this point.”
He only leaned further onto her, probably hoping to disappear.
“Well that just confirmed it Dingus.” She cooed.
She kept up the light touches till Steve’s face had lost some of its pink. He was still squirming occasionally when her fingers strayed a bit to close to his side, and he rolled himself so they were chest to chest.
If she was wondering what kind of stoned Steve would be before she had her answer. He was touchy and clingy when high, and it somehow fit perfectly even with his previous bad boy routine.
His breathing evened out and he was fully slumped against her.
Robin stretched as far as she could for the remote and a bag of chips before laying herself back down. Now that Steve was actually asleep she could try and really watch the movie. What were best friends for if not being a pillow anyway?
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langdvnshepherd · 6 years
Headcanons: Duncan Shepherd as a dad (Duncan Shepherd x fem!reader)
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Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: none really it’s literally all tooth-rotting fluff I’m sorry lmao, mentions of smut
A/N: Someone requested more dad!Duncan and I, uh, had to do it. Definitely message me if you ever want to hc dad!Duncan because I can do this shit all day. I’d love some feedback as well as some suggestions on what to write next!
We’ve discussed how Duncan would act before his baby is born, but what about after?
First of all, he would not be able to keep his eyes off of them
He’s in awe at all times that someone as cold as him helped create the most precious thing he had ever seen in his life
Even when he’s exhausted from taking care of them all night and changing diaper after diaper, he would opt to just watch the way their little nose twitches and their fingers flex as they sleep
Every little coo or grunt that comes out of them is the cutest thing he’s ever heard
Their cute little toes are his favorite
Loses it every time he sees how tiny their clothes are
sorry idk how to make the cut work so this line has to be here lmao my b
Also really loves watching you breastfeed because those are his two favorite people and they get to bond in this very special way
Obsessed with how their eyes get droopy and they get all sleepy after their bellies are so full of milk
Going a little off topic— I picture that this is when he’d ask you to marry him
It would be super casual
You’re cuddled into his side while you’re feeding your little bub one morning and he’s contently watching the two of you and it just dawns on him that there’s literally no other way he could/would want to picture his life being like
He wants it to be you, him and the herd of babies the two of you create for as long as he lives
He says it plainly and matter-of-fact-ly that he wants you to marry him because this is it for him and he doesn’t want anything else
“I was gonna get you flowers and a giant ass ring and take you to a fancy dinner and be dramatic and with the whole shebang, but this just felt right. We can figure the rest out later.”
I would say he takes to fatherhood fairly well
Always offers to get up in the middle of the night and rock them back to sleep
Spit up and poop doesn’t gross him out
Thinks their little burps and farts are hilarious
“Heyyyyy, impressive! Just like your daddy.”
Cherishes skin-to-skin contact
At any and all times he can be found sitting on the couch or nursery rocking chair shirtless with his baby tucked into his chest
Also does the thing where if the baby falls asleep on him he refuses to move until they wake up regardless of what position he’s in
“My leg has been asleep for an hour, but there’s no way in hell I’m moving and waking up this sweet baby.”
You have an entire photo album on your phone of him and the baby asleep in the weirdest positions looking like identical versions of each other
Duncan’s arm tucked behind his head and slumped into the corner of the couch with your baby’s chubby cheeks smushed into his chest and legs tucked into their chest like a little football
When he has to take care of them alone for the first time he feels like he’s gonna puke
He’s convinced that something bad is going to happen even though you’re just going to work for half a day
If something happens it will be his fault and he won’t be able to live with himself
He calls you to before everything he does to make sure he’s not going to accidentally hurt them
“They have a rash on their butt, is the diaper cream the blue tube or the red tube?”
“Duncan, you know which one it is. You put it on them last week.”
“Yeah, I know. I just wanted to double check.”
He measures every breath they take until you get home because he doesn’t full trust himself alone with a child
You end up coming home to a quiet house and find Duncan and the baby knocked out on the floor with an old Mickey Mouse cartoon playing softly on the tv
He was going to be perfectly fine, you tried to tell him
The first time the baby gets sick he’s so heartbroken
Usually their cries can be softened with a boob in their mouth or some gentle rocking and pats on the booty but knowing he can’t do anything to help them this time makes him feel so sad
He just hold them as close as he can and tells them he’s sorry there’s nothing he can do until they finally drift off
Duncan also probably withdrawals himself from work gradually after the baby is born
Also chills out on the shady business because now he has a kid to consider and if he gets caught he isn’t the only one that will suffer the consequences
Taking on less of a work load to he can spend time with you two but also because having a kid has made him reflect a lot
He wants to be the parent he never really had
He wants to look back and say he was able to provide for his family, but was also still present for all of the little moments
Him and his baby are best buddies and I am a firm believer in that
You can calm them down and make them laugh and they love you so much but it’s nothing compared when they see Duncan walk into the room
They’re immediately in a better mood or having a giggle fit
They love it when Duncan tickles them with his beard when he gives them kisses or blow raspberries on their tummy and they love making grabby hands at it and scratching it
He talks to the baby like they’re grown and like their little babbles are actually words and it’s hilarious
“What’s that? You thought the State of the Union was pure shit? Well that makes two of us! I couldn’t believe the hot garbage coming out of his mouth either! What an idiot.”
It only encourages the baby to mumble and speak more gibberish because they’re thriving off of the attention they’re getting from their dad even though they have no idea what the fuck he’s saying
He fake wrestles with them by pretending to choke-slam them but he just softly flips them around and gently flops them down on the couch
Walks around the house with them hugging his leg or on his shoulders while they hold onto him by his hair
Duncan is always letting them do things you don’t want them to do like crawl around butt-naked or letting them suck a tiny bit of cake frosting off of his finger when you aren’t looking
“Duncan, you can’t keep doing that! All of that sugar’s going to upset their stomach.”
“But look at them, they LOVE it. You can’t look at that face and tell me that they don’t absolutely love it.”
Their first steps are towards Duncan one day when he’s home alone with them
He’s working on his laptop while the baby was messing around on the floor with their toy piano and chewing on the ear of their stuffed elephant
For whatever reason he diverts his attention from the screen to the baby and sees that they’re fully standing on two feet and rocking back and forth and concentrating super hard on staying upright
Duncan realizes what’s about to happen and eggs them on with the bowl of dry Cheerios they had been eating for breakfast
“Come on! Oh my god oh my god, come on you’re so close you can do it!!! Come here!!!”
They make it clear across the living room and stumble right before falling but Duncan scoops them up and tosses them straight up in the air out of excitement and the baby is a squealing mess from the kisses Duncan covers them in
Their first word is “mama” and he’s honestly a little salty because he thought he was special
“After all I do for you? All the times I get yelled at by your mom for feeding you sweets and cuddling you at night when you should be sleeping in your crib? You betray me like this? I see how it is.”
He definitely finds it extremely entertaining to make them say random words like “shit” or “fuck” and 100% gets yelled at for it after they made a habit of screaming it around the house
IMAGINE their first birthday
You know Duncan spends way too much money on unnecessary things that a one-year old will never remember
A giant cake that they’re inevitably going to smash to pieces with their tiny fists
He buys so many expensive baby toys and it doesn’t even matter in the end because all the baby wants to play with is Duncan’s cell phone and try to chew on his watch
Given that babies and toddlers are a handful to say the least, the relationship between the two of you definitely changes
Not in a bad way, just different
There’s not a lot of time when it’s just the two of you, so you have to make accommodations
Quickies in the shower or cuddle sex 20 minutes before the alarm goes off in the morning
Most of the time, you’re both too exhausted to do anything so it’s a lot different from when it was just the two of you and you were constantly trying to jump each other’s bones whenever possible
Random, domestic things that the other does start to turn you on
Watching Duncan in the kitchen in his glasses and boxers on a weekend morning teaching your kid how to peel an orange
Duncan watching you frustratingly change tops for the third time because you kept leaking through the fabric
Daddy kink takes on a new meaning
You fall more in love with each other after going through the adjustments of parenthood together
When they start going to daycare, Duncan is pretty sad
His baby isn’t really a baby anymore
But he lightens up when he sees how much fun they have when he picks them up everyday
They’re so excited to show him their new friends and where they put their mat for naptime and the finger-painting they made of your family (they insist that’s what it is but it’s really just a bunch of giant blobs but Duncan refuses to acknowledge that and congratulates them on being such a talented artist and puts it on the fridge it as soon as he gets home
They also love getting into the routine of getting ready with Duncan in the morning
Duncan let’s them stand on the counter and brush their teeth beside him and they make faces at each other in the mirror
Once, they tried to go for the razor because they saw Duncan do it once and Duncan’s life flashed before his eyes
They always give him a big, fat kiss and a tight hug with their tiny arms around his neck right before they run off into their classroom
He is the dilf of the daycare and we all know it
Everyone already thought your kid was the cutest in the class, but loses their shit when they see how hot their dad is
Comes in handy when he finds out another kid was mean to his one day and pulled their hair or called them a mean name and has to bitch to the people in the office about it
They started crying as soon as they got in the car from being picked up and Duncan’s heart hurts so bad
They’re so tiny and young and there’s no reason for anyone to be mean to them
He lays with them in their toddler bed and rubs their tummy and pets their hair until they fall asleep
Tells them that sometimes people are mean for no reason and they’re not whatever name they were called and they should never do those things because that’s not how you treat people
He’s obviously still upset about it when he gets into bed with you later that night
He didn’t think his kid would be subjected to the cruel world at such a young age and he hates that he wasn’t there to protect them
“There’s only so much you can do. You did everything you could, and that’s what matters to them. That you love them, and that you’ll always be there for them to talk to.”
Duncan nods but it’s clear that he’s still beating himself up over it
“Donut, if you don’t stop moping I’m gonna have to show you how good of a dad you are by making you another one.”
“.....is that a promise?”
Ok I’m done now I think please send in more hc’s if you think of them dad!Duncan is my lifeline that’s it thanks
Some of you asked to be tagged and idk if you meant just in the sugar daddy fic or in everything so lmk what you meant lmao
@sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 ​ @langdons-rep ​ @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @venusxxlangdon
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ivywing · 5 years
OCs- Visit
I feel like 56kg of awful today, so I wrote some fluffy shit to feel better. Dedicated to @kurtwagnermorelikekurtwagnerd, who still owes me a piece with his OCs, and both @camis-place and @we-with-the-wings-of-freedom, my darling friends who deserve all the good things.
Andy sighs, turning onto her belly. The pitter-patter of rain on the windows is soothing for only the first five minutes- after that, it’s just boring. She groans and picks up Mama’s phone, unlocking it in search of the weather app. Mama’s phone isn’t meant for people who have eyes, but Andy’s smart for her age- that’s what the doctor said, anyway- and she eventually manages to get to the weather app, which says that the rain isn’t letting up until late at night. She whines and puts Mama’s phone back where she found it.
The sound of vacuuming from upstairs stops and Andy lifts her head, half expecting Mama to come walking right down. Of course, she doesn’t, and Andy presses her face into the pillow and groans. “I’m bored,” she announces to no one in particular. She wishes, idly, that Uncle Maqi and Auntie Esther would stop by like they did the first few months she and Mama lived on their own. She could call them, she has their numbers on her bracelet, but knowing her Uncle he’s probably working. Plus, she doesn’t like making the phone calls- her voice always sounds stupid on the phone.
Hiro trots in, fluffy tail wagging as he spots her. He noses under her hand, brown eyes staring lovingly at her, and Andy runs her hand through his fluffy ears. She can’t help it- he’s a good boy and he knows it, and so long as he’s not working, she can play with him as much as she wants. Or she would, anyway, if the stupid rain would let up.
She groans and throws her head back. “This is the worst day of my life,” she mutters, throwing an arm over her eyes.
A warm laugh is the only warning she gets before she’s scooped up in her Mama’s warm arms. “Why’s that, pumpkin?”
Andy sighs and burrows into Mama’s arms, letting out a happy trill at the fuzzy sweater she’s wearing. For a moment she forgets her anger, her boredom, and just clings to Mama happily. But that fades, and the irritation sets back in. “There’s nothing to do,” she mutters into her Mama’s shirt.
“Now, that’s not true. You could go check on the chickens.”
“Last time I did that, Totemo pooped on me.” The chickens like Mama better than her, and it frustrates Andy to no end. She feeds them, repairs the henhouse, and all they do is bite her!
“Alright, you could watch the new episode of Vashi’s Playhouse.”
“Vashi is for babies, Mama.” Andy presses her hands to her Mama’s cheeks, trying to instill through contact the extremely important information that every kid knows. “If I watched Vashi, that would make me a baby!”
“Well, you’re my baby.” Mama’s fingers dig into her sides, and Andy shrieks with laughter. She wriggles as she tries to escape, and eventually, Mama plunks her down on the couch. “Fine, fine. What do you want to do, then?”
“I ‘unno.” Andy puts her head in Mama’s lap, sighing her biggest sigh. She tilts her head up as Mama begins braiding little strips of her hair. “When’s Gramma Ayla coming back around?”
Mama chokes a little and coughs before answering. “Don’t let her hear you say that.”
“Why not? She’s old, right?”
Mama puts her hand to her mouth, and though she clearly doesn’t mean for Andy to see it, she’s smiling. “Don’t let her hear you say that, okay? She’d have an old person fit.” Mama holds one braid up and runs her thumb along, feeling for any imperfections. “And Auntie Ayla is busy, sweetheart. She has a very important job to do.”
“But there are two other queens! Why does she have to do all the work?” Andy knows she’s being whiny, but Mama says that she’s allowed to be whiny when something’s bad, and this is definitely something bad.
Mama sighs, running her long fingers through her hair. “She doesn’t do all the work, buggie. Linh and Niru do their part, and she does hers, but Ursisa is still a big country.”
“How big?”
“Big big.” 
“Can’t be that big.” Andy turns and takes Mama’s hand in her own, sighing as she presses the cool fingers to her face. She giggles softly as Hiro hops up onto the couch, his fluffy tail thumping the cushions rhythmically. “Mama, I want to be a dog.”
Mama makes a curious face, tilting her head. “A dog.”
“Mhm.” She runs her fingers through Hiro’s fur. “Then I could be fuzzy and fast and I wouldn’t have to be bored ever.”
Mama gives a soft laugh. “You think the dogs aren’t ever bored?” She gives a sharp whistle, and after a few seconds, Juni comes trotting in, her favorite toy hanging from her jaws. The wolfhound drops the tug and gives a low bark, then flops onto her side. Maqito follows after, hopping up onto Andy’s lap. Mama presses a loud kiss to Maqito’s head. “Where’s your brother, Qi?”
“Fershi’s paw got hurt the other day, so he’s probably resting.” Andy’s a big kid, so when any of the animals get hurt, she’s allowed to take care of them. “He ran into a badger hole and got it all twisted, but he’ll be fine.”
Mama’s face goes all sad, and she runs her fingers through Andy’s hair. “I’m sorry, pumpkin.”
“Why?” Andy sits up in her Mama’s lap, taking her cheeks in her hands. “You haven’t done nothing wrong.”
“Just- I feel like you haven’t gotten the chance to have a childhood.” Mama sighs, taking Andy’s hands off her face. “Kids your age should only be worried about what cereal to eat and how to tie their shoes, not running a farm.”
Andy brightens up. “I can run the farm?!”
“No!” Mama presses a finger to her nose. “You know what I mean, kitten. Just- you shouldn’t have all this responsibility on your shoulders.”
“I don’t mind.”
“It’s not about minding. I’m your mother- I should be taking care of you, not the other way around.”
“But you do!” Andy wiggles until she’s next to Hiro, the dog laying his head in her lap. “You feed me and you take me on playdates and to the doctors and stuff like that.”
“No self-depercation! Only self-love!” Andy just knows she’s mispronouncing that word, but she doesn’t care. Dr. Catiri set that down as one of the household rules, and if Andy has to follow it, so does Mama.
Mama laughs, scooping her up into a hug and spinning her around. “Oh, alright! I can’t argue with you, can I?”
“Nuh-uh.” Andy clings to Mama as she pulls her to the stairs, watching the rain patter down across the window. She hums and decides to change the subject. “It’s the rain’s fault. If it weren’t raining, we could all go outside and be happy. Even Juni wants to flush, but she can’t because of the rain.” She throws her arms out. “The rain should go to America and leave us alone.”
Mama shrugs, “I would do it if I could, kitten, but-”
There’s a knock at the door. Juni rushes to the front of the house, bellowing loudly at the sound. Mama groans and gropes for Hiro’s collar. “Andy, sweetie, go see who’s at the door, would you?”
“Mhm!” She shuffles into her slippers and navigates her way around the wiggling dogs and undoes the sliding lock, then the door chain, and then the deadbolt, and finally unlocks the door. She shoves the dogs behind her and opens the door. There’s a strange woman holding a covered basket in one hand and an umbrella in the other, looking soaked to the bone, but Andy still tries to make her feel welcome. “Hi, I’m Andy! What’s your name, ma’am?”
The woman blinks in surprise, but after a moment she smiles. “I’m Taerlyn, dear. It’s nice to meet you!” The woman props the basket on her hip and leans down to shake Andy’s hand. “I’m assuming Arusa is home?”
“Yep.” Andy steps aside so that the lady can come in- that basket looks heavy, after all. “What’s in the basket?”
“Oh, right!” The woman gives her a conspiratorial grin- which is not too big a word for her, Mrs. Versan, because she’s not a baby- and places the basket down on the kitchen table. “It’s a gift for your mother- and you, of course.”
Andy pulls herself up onto a chair. “What’s in it?”
Before the woman can respond, Mama comes in, a hand on Hiro’s collar. “Taer? What- what are you doing here?”
The woman at least has the good sense to look embarrassed. “Well, um, I was thinking that you might be lonely, so I brought some stuff, but you’re clearly busy, so-”
“No! No, it’s fine.” Mama lets go of Hiro, who lays down next to one of his squishy toys, and heads over to the kettle. “Do you want coffee? Tea?”
“Coffee would be great, actually.” The woman strips off her raincoat and hangs it on the coatrack. “I don’t know how you can live out here so far from the city- it took me forever to get my bike out of the mud.”
Mama laughs softly. “Yeah, the roads aren’t so great, but other than that I like the simplicity. Though,” she says, turning slightly towards Andy, “I do wish there were other kids nearby.”
Andy frowns at that. “Other kids are stupid! They all want to play games from TV or with dumb toys.” None of them would last a day on the farm- Andy’s sure of it.
The woman shrugs, wringing water out of her curly red hair. “I’m sure with a large enough group, you’d be able to find someone else like you.” She trains her eyes on Mama, a soppy expression on her face. “Say, Rue, sit down for a moment. Vander helped me put the basket together- no point in letting it just sit here.”
Mama smiles in a way that Andy doesn’t quite understand and sits down next to Andy. “Alright, I’ll bite. What’s in it?”
The woman pulls the blanket off with a flourish, and Andy can’t help the little gasp that escapes her. There’s so much food! Cheeses and fresh-baked bread, jars of honey, cookies, spiced carrots, beets- Andy gives a little squeal. “Can I have some?”
Mama places her hands gently on the food, feeling what each item is. After a few moments, she nods, and Andy gleefully shoves a peach cookie into her mouth. She moans a little as the sugary icing dissolves on her tongue, filling her mouth with juicy goodness, and kicks her feet happily. Whoever this lady is, Andy likes her already.
The woman gives her a strange look, warm and soft, and then turns to Mama. “Alright, you win. She is the cutest kid.”
Mama gives a little trill of pride. “I told you. She’s my baby girl.” At Andy’s scowl, she added, “but not a baby. She’s four now.”
Andy swallows around the cookie, her throat burning a little at the too-big mouthful, and speaks. “Four and a quarter! It’s been three months, that makes it a quarter.”
The woman nods. “Yeah, you do have to count those months.” She puts her head on the table, fixing a stare on Andy. “Your mom speaks highly of you.”
“Really?” Andy knows that Mama’s gone sometimes, but she’s never really thought about where she went aside from what Aunt Esther told her. “What do you say about me?” she asks.
Mama shrugs. “I don’t talk that much about you, but usually it’s about how smart you are.”
The woman points a finger at Mama. “Yes, you do. I think a third of our conversations revolved around your daughter, maybe more? And to answer your question, she tells me that you take care of the animals, and that ice cream is your favorite food, which, good taste. She says you can read already, and that you like it when she reads The Journey of Cexina to you, and that-”
“Enough!” Mama shoves the lady away by the shoulder, a pale flush creeping over her ears. “Okay, so maybe I talk about her more than the average person. But who wouldn’t brag about their daughter?”
The woman shrugs. “My mother didn’t. She didn’t brag about Vander, either. Said it would give us swelled egos.”
Mama gets an offended look on her face. “Taerlyn, for the last time, your mother was an abusive piece of sh- garbage.”
Miss Taerlyn sighs. “Yeah, I- I know. Logically, I know she abused me. But…”
“The emotions don’t go away,” Mama says, with a kind of soft understanding that Andy, for once, is glad she doesn’t understand. She knows what abuse is- the CPS lady was very clear about that when she came to investigate. But Mama is anything but that, and Andy’s happier for it.
“I’ll bite her,” she suggests, bearing her teeth like a dog. That gets a laugh out of the adults, but Andy means it- she bit the guy who tried to take her away that one time, and she got ice cream for it. Bad people should get bitten.
“Thank you for the offer, Andy.” Miss Taerlyn gives an affectionate smile. “But she’s in Wales right now, and I don’t think the Queen would approve of taking a plane there just to bite my mother.”
Mama gets up and stretches. “I was just about to start on dinner. Care to stay?”
Miss Taerlyn beams. “I’d love to.”
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saccharii · 5 years
Todofam Month, Day Three: Therapy
Retail Therapy
AO3 Link
Todofam Month masterpost
Shouto still didn’t know what to do with his days off. Months had passed since he moved into the dorms, and every weekend he still had that itch in the back of his head that he was doing something wrong, that his old man would be furious at him for slacking.
The bag of convenience store soba bounced against Shouto’s leg as he made his way back to UA. A cyclist passed him on the sidewalk, the second he’d seen this morning. Despite the fact the road led to the most prestigious hero academy in Japan, there weren’t many people out.
A car roared down the street and screeched to a stop next to Shouto. The frame of the car jerked forward and back from the momentum. Alarmed, he stepped away and raised his left arm slightly, fire tingling under his skin.
The window rolled down to reveal a tight lipped Fuyumi, staring straight ahead. Natsuo waved cheerily from the passenger seat. Tension melted out of Shouto and he lowered his hand.
“Get in,” she hissed, not sparing him a glance. She gripped the steering wheel so tightly the leather creaked.
“Wanna come shopping with us?” Natsuo said. “It’s on the old man.”
Shouto raised an eyebrow. “What did he do to piss you off?”
“Nothing,” Fuyumi gritted out through clenched teeth. Her nostrils flared.
“Must be a pretty big nothing.” Shouto looked to Natsuo, who shrugged.
“She won’t tell me either. Hop in. We’re going to buy the most expensive things we can think of,” he said with a grin. “Beside something like a private island or a house, of course,” he added after a second thought.
Shouto slid into the backseat and put his seatbelt on with a click. “You know that won’t bother him much. With how much money he has, he might not even notice.”
“It’s the thought that counts.” Fuyumi sharply turned into traffic. She slammed the horn. “Get out of the way you idiots!”
“I’ve never seen you this angry before.”
“It’s happened a few times,” Natsuo said.
Fuyumi swerved so quickly around a corner Shouto had to hold on to the grab handle to keep from falling over.
“Are you guys thirsty?” she asked with a vicious smirk. “I’m thirsty. Let’s go get some water.”
Fuyumi hummed and swished the bottled water around in her hand. “They’re right. It does taste different from tap water.”
“It tastes nasty.” Natsuo gagged, and held the green plastic bottle away from him by his forefinger and thumb. “It tastes like it’s from two thousand meters under the sea,” Shouto said drily. “We’re drinking fish poop.”
“Don’t be dramatic. They filter it.” Fuyumi took another drink. She grimaced. “It does leave something to be desired.”
Shouto eyed the large package of water bottles. “Did we really have to buy the hundred pack?”
“What are we going to do with the rest of them? I’m not drinking any.” Natsuo tossed his bottle into a nearby garbage bin.
Fuyumi tapped her finger on her lips. “The grass in the park near the elementary school has been looking pretty brown.”
“Hey I know you,” the store clerk said. “You’re Endeavor’s son — from the Sports Festival.”
“Yes,” Shouto said blandly. “That’s me.”
The girl giggled. “That’s so cool.”
“And I’m Endeavor’s son not from the Sports Festival,” Natsuo said cheerfully.
“Oh, um. Okay?” She peered up at him like she was trying to tell if he was joking or not. “I didn’t know he had any other children.”
“Most people don’t,” Natsuo said, still smiling.
 “What’s the total?” Shouto asked.
“That’ll be, um.” She adjusted the cash register screen. “Three hundred thousand yen. Holy shit.”
The clerk fumbled with the bags. When Shouto took them, their fingers brushed and she turned bright red. “I’m a huge fan of your dad.” Her eyes went glassy and she gazed off into the distance. “He’s just so cool.”
Shouto suppressed a wince. At least it wasn’t a rant about how Endeavor was the greatest hero of all time. He wasn’t sure if he could endure that again.
“I’m paying.” Fuyumi handed over the credit card.
The clerk took it; she looked at Fuyumi’s eyes and hair, then at Shouto’s right side, her brows furrowed. With a shrug, she swiped the card through the reader, and glanced down at it. Her eyes bugged out.
“Todo- Todoroki En- Oh my god. This is Endeavor’s credit card. I’m holding Endeavor’s credit card,” she said numbly, swaying on her feet.
Fuyumi plucked the card from her fingers. The clerk didn’t seem to notice.
“Thank you,” Fuyumi said and tucked it back in her purse. “We have to get going now.”
Shouto and Natsuo hefted the (many) bags filled with various game consoles and video games and followed Fuyumi out the door.
“Are you sure this is okay? It’s really starting to add up.” Natsuo asked quietly as they stepped out into the sun. “What if the old man reports you for identity theft?”
Fuyumi smiled grimly. She popped open the trunk so that Shouto and Natsuo could put their bags in. “He won’t. I asked his permission to use his card for a few things. He won’t risk his precious reputation by reporting his children to the police.”
Natsuo and Shouto exchanged glances as Fuyumi slammed the trunk shut just a bit too hard.
“We drank fish poop water; now we’re drinking ferret poop coffee.”
“They’re civets, not ferrets. There’s a difference.”
“Thank you, Fuyumi-sensei.” Natsuo took a drink of his coffee and made a face. “Ugh. It tastes like crap.” He barked out a laugh. “Ha! I didn’t mean to do that.”
Shouto smelled his coffee then took a long drink. He ran his tongue along the inside of his teeth and pursed his lips thoughtfully. “I like it.”
“That’s because you have no taste. Have you ever drank coffee before?”
“Heathen. Trust me. This-” Natsuo waved the coffee cup at him. “-is complete garbage.”
Shouto shrugged and took another drink. “The old man never let me have coffee. Said it would stunt my growth and other bullshit.”
“We need a yacht, right?”
“Absolutely. I don’t know why we didn’t have one before. How are we supposed to vacation without a yacht?”
Fuyumi signalled a marina employee. “Excuse me, sir? Can you show us your most expensive yachts?”
“A private jet is taking it too far, isn’t it?”
“Really, thank you so much, Todoroki-san,” the executive director of the Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Foundation said in a thick voice. Her lip trembled. “This is a very generous donation.” 
Fuyumi smiled, and it was softer and more sincere than any Shouto had seen that day. “It’s no problem at all. No amount is too much for such an important cause.”
The director shook her head. “We don’t get as many donations as you’d think. Too many people think that suicidal people are weak or that mental illness is shameful and should be hidden away.”
Shouto shifted uncomfortably. It hit too close to home.
The woman’s assistant scurried back into the room. “I just got off the phone with the bank. They say she’s an authorized user.”
“Wonderful. I’m sorry for taking up your time, Todoroki-san. We have to check any time there is a large donation.”
“Oh no, not at all. After all, this is a very important cause to us, personally.”
The woman’s eyes widened, then softened. She nodded. “I see. We will put your donation to good use. Please give your father my thanks.”
Fuyumi smiled sharply. “Oh, I will.”
Shouto hoped he’d be there to see that reaction.
“No offense Todoroki, but I hope your dad pisses off your sister more often. I’ve never eaten so well in my life, and I probably never will again.” Uraraka sprawled over the dorm couch, and rested her hand on her stomach. “I shouldn’t have eaten so much, but it was sooo good.”
Shouto slurped salmon roe off of his spoon. Fuyumi knew him well enough by now to order it by the jar rather than buying maki.
Bakugou snatched a piece of fatty tuna before Midoriya could get it, and ate it while maintaining aggressive eye contact. 
Kaminari moaned from where he lay on the floor. “Oh god, I ate too much. It hurts. I can’t move. Why did I do this to myself? Kirishima, buddy, get me some more.”
“Sure thing. What do you want?”
Kirishima dropped the squid sashimi on to Kaminari’s face and it landed on his top lip. He scrunched his face up a few times until he managed to get ahold of it with his teeth.
“You’re going to be so sick tomorrow,” Ashido said with a laugh, and stuffed her twentieth piece of nigiri in her mouth.
“This is very high quality, Todoroki-san,” Yaoyorozu said, daintily dipping a piece of nigiri in soy sauce. “And there is so much. It must have cost a lot, even for you.”
“That was the point.”
“Ah, yes... Well, I hope you and your siblings resolve your argument with your father.”
“I don’t.”
Yaoyorozu smiled awkwardly and went back to eating her food in silence.
“Do you feel better now?” Natsuo asked.
Fuyumi sighed. “I don’t know. It’s just...”
Shouto scooped up a spoonful of gelato. None of what he ate today was in compliance with the old man’s strict dietary plan for him. He ate another, bigger spoonful. Maybe he’d get seconds.
The air cooled as the sun set. For most, it would be too cold for iced treats. But not for Shouto and his siblings.
“It doesn’t fix anything,” she continued slowly, “but I do feel a little better, I guess. I’ve never been able to really stand up to Father. But no matter how petty or meaningless this was, I actually did something.”
“I understand that,” Natsuo said. “I just gave up caring about the shit that comes out of his mouth. I don’t have the energy for that.”
“I got to spend time with you two. That made me feel better.” She bumped her shoulder into Shouto’s and smiled at him.
The corners of his lips curled slightly as he stirred the melting desert in his cup. Shouto had never spent the entire day with his siblings before.
“Yeah, today was nice,” he said.
He hoped they could do it again.
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survey--s · 2 years
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1.) What was the last strong scent you smelled? The candle I have burning, which is “summer spa” apparently. It kind of smells like coconuts and suncream and the beach.
2.) When was the last time you changed your outfit? About an hour ago when I had a shower and got dressed for the day.
3.) What did you buy the last time you went shopping for new clothes? Just a new pair of trainers for work - nothing excited, lol.
4.) What is your favorite meal of the day? Brunch.
5.) Do you typically eat breakfast or skip it? I always eat breakfast but not necessarily first thing in the morning. Sometimes I’ll get something and go back to bed with it, but other days I’ll get up, walk the dog and shower before eating something.
6.) What was the last thing you took a picture of? The cats being cute and having a cuddle on the bed with me earlier.
7.) Do you have a collection of anything? Wax melts.
8.) What was the last thing you threw away? Rubbish. I think it was some old cat litter.
9.) What is the cause of your current emotional state? I finally got a good nights’ sleep so I feel pretty chilled and relaxed today. I have work later but not until about 4.30pm so I have most of the day to myself.
10.) What were the last plans you made? How about cancelled? Uh, I said to Mike I’d meet him in Silecroft tomorrow morning if that counts. I have an early job but if I meet him there, he can go straight to St Bees and I’ll take the dog home after his walk. Susie cancelled plans with me on Tuesday as Mark tested positive for COVID.
11.) How did you discover your favorite band? My dad introduced them to me.
12.) Does the weather affect your mood? If so, in what ways? If I’m at home anyway, the weather doesn’t really bother me, but if I have to go out and it’s pissing down rain or stormy, then I get really irritable lol.
13.) When are you most likely to be bored? I don’t really get bored, there’s always something to do. But I sometimes get restless if say, I need to leave home at like, 3pm and it’s 2pm and I have a weird amount of time to kill where I can’t really do much except wait, lol.
14.) What was the last big decision you made? To take Fridays off this summer. All my set Friday clients are term-time only so I’m going to take full advantage of that and have some long weekends as I never get them normally.
15.) Where was the last place you traveled to, and what did you do while there? I went to feed Monty last night - and yeah, I fed Monty? lol. He’s a horse I’m caring for while his owners are away - he’s very easy. I go to his yard, soak his food, water the flowers, poop scoop his yard, mix his food and feed him, make sure he’s eaten and then go. Last night he decided to have a mud roll so I videoed it for his owner who said he was utterly ridiculous, lol.
16.) What is your favorite thing to go shopping for? Books, clothes (but not shoes).
17.) How organized are you? I’m one of those annoyingly organised people, lol. I suppose it’s part of my autism - I just find it really stressful if I don’t know what I’m doing in advance, and if I don’t know where things are. Mike, on the other hand, is not organised and it drives me to distraction, lol, especially when he moves things and doesn’t put them back and I end up spending ages searching.
18.) What were the positives and negatives of your last week? Positives were that I didn’t have to work through the heatwave - the negatives were that I lost money as I couldn’t work through the heatwave, lol. 
19.) If applicable, how did you decide what you wanted to study in college/university? I couldn’t decide so ended up doing a triple-subject degree that ended up being a total waste of time and money ha.
20.) What was the last thing you received in the mail? Some promotional thing for car insurance.
21.) What is one of your wildest dreams or ambitions? I want to travel to every continent in the world someday.
22.) When was the last time you performed in front of a group of people? Uh, university I guess, so well over a decade ago.
23.) Who was the last person to upset you? How about the last person to cheer you up? I don’t remember when I was last upset, but the last person to cheer me up was Jenn as her message about the dogs made me laugh.
24.) Is there anything or anyone you’re trying to get over or let go of? No.
25.) What was the subject of your last phone conversation? My mum rang me by accident and ended up telling me she’d shown my dad the video I sent her of Monty rolling yesterday? lol. Totally pointless but there we go.
26.) What are your plans for tomorrow? How about the weekend? Well, it is the weekend already. Tonight I have to feed Monty, then go and do an evening sit for George, Dudley, Nero, Herman, Poppy, Spencer and Knox and get them all sorted, fed and ready for bed. Tomorrow morning, I’m back with George and co. for breakfast and a walk for Dudley, then nothing all day until around 4-ish when I have to go out and feed Monty, Tommy and Millie.
27.) When was the last time you were sick? I couldn’t tell you, it’s been ages.
28.) How close do you have to be with someone before you’ll consider them a friend? That depends on the individual relationship.
29.) What did the last jacket you wore look like? I have’t worn a jacket in weeks, it’s been way too warm.
30.) Name five things you can grab from where you’re sitting. Apple TV remote, TV remote, my phone, Layla and a bottle of moisturiser. I’m just about to go and make myself another mug of coffee, though.
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justjen523 · 7 years
Miniature Gods
The Gods Children Series   
(Book 1 - Early Years)
     They were practically screaming. All of them. It had become common knowledge throughout the Heaven’s that the former goddess of fate had gifted the twelve a child carved from her very soul. No one had actually seen any of them however making the gossip overflow. The three of them decided to finally emerge and the goddesses squealed in delight at the vision before them. 
     Ichthys, Teorus and Dui had decided to take their precious one’s out for a stroll in the sunshine. Each of them donned a front carrier with their infants facing forward bright eyed and smiling. Dui’s was the same, just designed for two instead of one.
     “Oh my goodness! Lord Teorus, your son is SO beautiful just like you!”
     “Lord Ichthys over here! Can we see him up close? He’s too adorable!”
     “Lord Dui! Your daughters are absolutely lovely! What’s it like having such gorgeous twin daughters?”
     The Trio gladly allowed the gaggle of goddesses to fawn over the newest additions to the Heaven’s. It had never been easier to pick up women since becoming Father’s. It was not meant to last however as the two department heads for Punishments rounded the corner and saw the spectacle.
     “Eh-hem!” All it took was Zyglavis clearing his throat and a severe glare from Scorpio to quickly clear the area. 
     “What’re you morons try’n to do, get us all mobbed to death?”
     “Geeeze. I SO thought becoming a dad would mellow him out but...”
     “I’m perfectly fine as is, it’s only ‘cause you idiots do stupid shit to constantly annoy me.”
     “Scorpio, while this may prove a difficult task for you, you are going to need to refrain from using profanity from here forward in front of the little one’s.” Scorpio stares at Zyglavis with disdain upon hearing something he considers ridiculous and unnecessary.
     “Do not look at me in such a way, I meant what I said. I do not want my daughter hearing such vulgarity. If you feel you are unable then please excuse yourself from the room first. Is that clear?”
     “As for you three-”
     “Oh come onnnnnn! You can’t possibly be this uptight with that little cutie smiling so happily.” Unfazed by Zyglavis’ icy cold glare Ichthys saunters up and bends forward to peer into Elliana’s smiling cherubic face. When she starts squealing with excitement Zyglavis finally snaps.
     “Would you kindly refrain from getting so close to my daughter.”
     “Awww, c’mon Ziggy don’t be like that. After all we’re like family now right?”
     “We most certainly are not.”
     “You knooooow, if you keep behaving like that poor little Elly here is gonna grow up without any friends.”
     “I beg your pardon?!” 
     “I hate to admit it but that pain in the...”butt” is right for once Zig.” That was certainly unexpected coming from Scorpio making the other four stare at him in awe and silence.
     “The fuck you lookn’ at me like that for?!”
     “Whatever. Stop lookn’ at me like I don’t know sh-.....stuff.”
     “Oh I know! How about we all go visit the garden and let our little one’s interact with one another?”
     “I would prefer not-”
     “-Zig, member what I said bout daddy issues and sh-....stuff? You better fix it now before you do somethn’ ya can’t undo.” Scorpio speaks lowly close to the Minister so only the pair of them can hear. Sighing in frustration Zyglavis reluctantly agrees. The five of them head toward the garden together with high hopes.
     When the group arrives at their destination they find that they were not the first or only to have the same idea. Huedhaut, Tauxolouve, Aigonorous and Partheno are all sitting together under a nearby tree while their little one’s experience the outdoors together. 
     “Heeeey there guys! Looks like you had the same idea we did.”
     “Care to join us?” Lou offers with a million dollar smile. The five join the group removing their carriers and gently setting their young one’s together near the others. Unable to walk yet the little group of tiny gods sit cooing and gurgling happily at the sights and sounds around them. 
     “I must admit, that is one group of gorgeous children.”
     “Don’t say it like that Partheno it sounds....weird.”
     “They ARE super cute though right?”
     “Ichthys you make it sound like they are pets or something.”
     “That’s not what I meant at ALL. Look at them! Little mini us’s.” The nine of them observe their precious treasures and cannot refrain from smiling. Their sweet and heavenly appearances coupled with their innocent curiosity make for a wonderful and comforting sight.
     “It’s like she’s here with us.” Dui offers watching his daughters affectionately as they take in their surroundings. The rest say nothing but also smile and nod wistfully as they too stare at the ten perfect miracles before them.
     “Hey you, just where do you think you’re going?” Leon scooped up the tiny force of destruction that was his daughter. Not that he minded, of course she’d be, just like her daddy. She was quick even though she only could crawl at this point. He knew once she learned to walk the real work would begin. 
     “I must say Leo, fatherhood looks good on you. I never imagined you with kids but you seem to be enjoying yourself far more than I would have guessed.” Karno smiled ear to ear at the sight before him. 
     “Yeah, and I see fatherhood has made you into an ever bigger push-over.”
     “Now now, I meant it as a compliment. No reason to get testy.”
     “Who said I was being testy?” Leon smirked at his friend, his daughter trying desperately to crawl up his shoulder. The adorable view had Karno practically beaming. 
     “You’re being awfully brave tonight, what exactly are you hinting at?” When he grabbed her and held her in front of him she lit up like a candle smiling and cooing merrily. 
     “Pffft. Yeah, you know exactly who I am don’t you?” Her little body wriggled around as gibberish spilled from her mouth making Leon smile.
     “Da-da. Dadadadada!”
     “Tell me you just-”
     “I did! Awww congratulations Leo how precious. Looks like she’s already aware that she’s daddy’s little angel.”
     “I don’t know about that. She’s a great many things but she’s definitely not that. This stinker is always causing me trouble.”
     “You say it like it bothers you but lets be honest, you love every moment of it.”
     “What about you? You seem just fine with your situation.”
     “Of course! I always wanted to be a father someday, who knew I’d have my own wish granted for once.”
     “She looks just like you but she sleeps an awful lot.”
     “Of course, she’s happy, content and safe in her daddy’s arms, what more could she want?”
     “You’re too easy going, you know that’s gotta change when she starts walking and talking right?”
     “Nah, something tells me she’s gonna be the sweetest little princess in the whole wide world.” Karno rocked her as she slept cozily in his strong arms before pressing a tender kiss to her forehead.
     “Sweet dreams my precious girl.”
     Krioff and his daughter sat across from each other on the floor simply staring at each other in silence. A rather impressive feat for an infant. She seemed to love just sitting there and watching her daddy do everything. He on the other hand was constantly tending to her every need. No one would have ever guessed he’d actually be a pretty responsible father. Sure his social skills needed some improvement but she absolutely wanted for nothing.
     “Hey, you poop yet? I’m not gonna bathe you till ya do. I ain’t clean’n that kind of mess up.” She simply stared at him wide eyed and curious. It sometimes made him slightly uncomfortable seeing as looking at her was like looking into a mirror. Same eyes, nose, lips and chin. Even her hair was cute little messy tufts of silver that practically sparkled when the light hit it just right.
     “Errr....yur kinda cute or whatever so, just wanted you to know I uh, love ya and stuff.” Suddenly a perfect little grin spreads across her tiny pink lips making Krioff nearly cry at the sight. Nearly doesn’t mean he actually did, just so ya know.
     “Hey, what’s yur deal all of a sudden? You were fine a minute ago.” Scorpio frowns as he pulls a crying Alex into his arms.
     “Maybe he’s hungry?” Lou offers as Scorpio rather awkwardly inspects his son from every angle.
     “Nah, can’t be it, I just fed him before we left. And I ain’t smelln’ any poop so he doesn’t need to be changed.” It isn’t until Scorpio turns him over that the source of the problem is revealed. 
     “H-Hey! Just waddya think yur doin’ ya little fart factory!” The others erupt into laughter as Scorpio scowls and slightly blushes.
     “It seems it was only some trapped gas, I’m sure he’ll be fine now. I do recommend burping him a little longer if he is having gastrointestinal or digestive issues.” Hue offers though Scorpio says nothing in return as he sulkily sits back down.
     “Oh, well hello there!” Hue smiles at the curious silver eyes and blue hair staring at him in wonder.
     “Zyglavis, may I?” The minister hesitates for a moment but then allows Hue to pick her up. She doesn’t seem to mind being held by a stranger as she touches his face making all sorts of incomprehensible sounds.
     “Oh is that right?” Zyglavis finally smiles and relaxes watching Huedhaut have a “conversation” with his little girl. Meanwhile Tauxolouve covers the dozing daddy daughter duo to his left. 
     “Looks like Ai’s met his match.” Teorus teases before practically getting tackled by the twins.
     “Woah! Hey now there’s plenty of Uncle Teo to go around!”
     “Pffft!” Dui bursts into laughter as the troublesome two fight for Teo’s attention. It isn’t till he sees two eyes barely peeping over his knee that he realizes he has company. 
     “Why hello! What are you doing little guy?” Dui smiles lifting the little fella into his arms.
     “He looks a lot like her Ichthys.” Dui offers rocking the little boy in his arms.
     “Yeah, I mean, I totally see me in there too but yeah, he really does doesn’t he.”
     “How is everything going with him?”
     “I have never been happier man. For real, this kid is everything to me. How bout you Dui, what’s it like having twins?” Dui smiles wearily at his friend before chuckling.
     “Honestly, it’s utter chaos. Those two may look identical but they are total opposites in every way.”
     “Hey, look at the bright side, it’ll make it easy to tell em apart right?”
     “That’s the least of my worries haha!” While Ikky and Dui are chatting, a few feet away Hue’s daughter and Partheno’s son are playing side by side. His son picks up a flower petal and puts it on her head making her giggle. Partheno watches affectionately with a knowing sort of pride that his son is already a lady’s man. Hue on the other hand is not particularly pleased. No one is generally allowed near his princess but he had made an exception today. He will always be the most important man in her life.
     Slowly but surely all twelve gods have begun to adapt to their new lives as proud fathers. Remembering the fun they once all had together is reawakened as the next generation meet who would become their best friends, worst enemies and even potential lovers in the not so far off future. 
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