ratremusagere · 1 month
Hey yall! This was a request over on AO3 (RatRemus - Sanders Sides Agere/Kid Fics) by Voidlunaluci :)
Caregivers: Logan and Janus
Littles: remus and Virgil
Prompt: It's Halloweens and remus wannas goes to a horror maze whiles smalls but virgils scare so Janus and Logan work together to helps
Please and thankies!!
Papa: Logan
Dada: Janus
Remus: 6
Virgil: 3
Word Count: 1077
Virgil and Remus were supposed to be napping. Supposed. In actuality Remus was drawing out his big idea for a haunted maze that they, the two little and their caregivers, could go to. It wasn’t Remus’ fault that he was too excited to nap!
Virgil on the other hand was entirely too tired to deal with Remus keeping him up, he was just a little guy after all. However after Remus let out a happy squeal after finishing his project Virgil jumped and started crying, as the poor baby was easily startled.
Janus walked in and sighed at the sight in front of him before going to scoop up Virgil. He gently patted Virgil’s bottom “shhh it’s ok spiderling, no need to cry” he hummed softly and rocked the overgrown toddler. Logan then walked in too and saw Remus out of bed, coloring. Remus at least had the decency to look sheepish.
“Remus, what did you do?” Logan said fondly, he didn’t have it in him to truly be angry at the kid. It wasn’t his fault he had an overactive imagination and had a hard time napping or staying quiet.
“Nothing papa!” Remus immediately lowered his voice at the pointed look Logan gave him “sorry papa but really, I was just drawin and came up with a really good idea for a haunted maze for us to go in and and I squealed cuz happy stim and then I woke up the baby. I’m sorry”
“Buddy, it’s ok thank you for the apology, how about we go in the living room and after dada finishes calming down your baby brother we look over your drawing together? Does that sound good?” Remus immediately jumped up, very excited by that prospect and ran to the living room. Logan chuckled fondly and walked after the hyperactive little.
Soon after, Janus followed suit, the now calmed Virgil in his arms. His eyes were still a bit teary but he was okay now. “So kid, what’s this I hear about your haunted maze?” Janus said, sitting next to Logan on the couch as Virgil crawled into Logan’s lap and Remus crawled into Janus’.
“Well dada! I’m so glad you asked! I drawed us all going to a haunted maze and it was so scary you pooped your pants! And papa got so scared he punched somebody! And me and baby vee completed the maze and and we won a prize! And there’s so many zombies and skeletons and guys with chainsaws trying to chop your heads off!” Remus seemed really proud of his idea but Virgil on the other hand started crying again.
Logan started rocking Virgil as Virgil whined “I…I don wan people cuts our heads off!!” He sobbed loudly. Remus whined as well “but it’s not real vee! It’s just pretend.” That seemed to help Virgil a little. “How about we make the maze a little less scary ree? Just so Virgil can enjoy it too? I promise as soon as you’re both big again we can go to a very scary one” Remus pouted at Logan’s words. “Fineeee but I better get to keep the severed fingies!” Remus giggled. Janus blinked and frowned “absolutely not ree, that’s not happening. I love you but we aren’t putting any real body parts in this maze. How about we make some severed finger cookies instead?” Janus quickly added the cookie part because he could tell Remus was going to throw a fit over his words.
Remus still pouted but nodded, he was hungry anyways. “Ok dada, after that can we go to the haunted maze? Pleaseeeee?” Janus nodded “sure honey, how about Vee, you, and I go do that while papa and Roman work on making this maze for us?” The boys seemed excited so that’s exactly what they did.
It was now a couple hours later, the boys wound up needing a bath and another nap after cookie making so it was closer to sunset. Remus was dressed in his zombie rat costume and Virgil was dressed in a cute spider onesie. He felt comfortable enough to walk as long as either his papa or dada held his hand so they were all walking together to the maze.
Remus had tried to run off three separate times so his caregivers forced him into a leash backpack. “Ok baby we are here do you want to be picked up?” Virgil shook his head no at Janus “m a big boy dada!!” Logan smiled at him and ruffled his hair.
Just then a zombie jumped out of the maze at them. It spooked Virgil a little so he clung to the side of his dada a little more but Remus seemed happy enough so they kept going. Virgil seemed to get braver as they kept going and Remus was excited by that, happy his baby brother wasn’t being a scaredy cat anymore.
Just as Remus turned around to look at his papa and dada another zombie jumped out at them. Virgil squealed and ran to his dada but was giggling, he thought it was funny. However Remus, not expecting it, jumped and started crying. He plopped down and was suddenly not the brave big 6 year old anymore but a frightened baby who needed his papa.
Logan was quick to scoop Remus up and hold him “oh baby doll it’s okay, shhhh it’s alright darling” he hummed a little lullaby to Remus. Remus’ crying also startled Virgil who began to tear up and reach for his (now) baby brother. “Dada he’s cwyin! Poor baby gotta help him!” Janus smiled fondly at Virgil “I know baby he’s just a little spooked. How about we head home and come back another day?” Virgil adamantly said no to that “ree ree was soooo excited!! We can’t leave without finishin da maze! And gettin da prize! For baby!!!”
The two caregivers looked suprised at that, thinking Virgil would want to leave but nodded anyways “okay spider we can finish the maze” Janus said following after the now determined young boy.
Remus let out soft coos and attempted to eat Logan’s tie whilst they walked. Logan, very fond of the baby in his arms, just let him do so. Once they found the end of the maze both boys let out happy squeals. Happily claiming their prizes (a squid themed paci and a stuffed spider) they headed home to be coddled and doted on by their caregivers.
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chaos--gremlin · 1 month
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Uh oh guys...... I think I sneezed myself back to 2017 (and took Mr Fuzzy with me)
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roman-sanders-crown · 7 months
Sanders sides agere Headcanons
(Read pinned post before starting drama with me)
Roman - flip, loves being a caregiver for the littles, and loves being small himself his little Disney and theater kid heart love the feeling of being a care free child again.
Orange - Caregiver, very much a strong figure(this is based on my personal Headcanons of orange)
Janus - Caregiver, is all about caring for one’s self and they know how much little ones can struggle, so he’s there for comfort.
Remus - Little, is a chaotic tiny gremlin. That’s it…
Patton - The most caregiver-carer that ever cared! … that was stupid… anyway he loves caring for tinies! He loves taking care of kiddos
Logan - Flip, he doesn’t enjoy how vulnerable he is when regressed, but it can be very therapeutic. He and Janus are the wine moms of the carers
Virgil - Little, like Logan it’s very therapeutic, he loves when Patton and Roman take care of him and Patton especially can make him real small. (Also petre, he’s a little kitten)
Bonus: C!Thomas - Caregiver, loves when the littles of the sides regress and he likes spending time with them.
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ruler0feverything · 4 months
Little Virgil board!! Might make a matching Janus caretaker board at some point :D
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babysizedfics · 2 months
1k words of my little!grian & cg!scar wip
“Scarrr,” the all-too-common whine resounded around the room.
“Daddy’s busy,” Scar replied absentmindedly, distracted for that very reason.
He had invited Grian to keep him company while he waited in the upper levels of his Jellie farm, letting it do its magic. After a good hour of regular conversation and kidding around, it was time to enter the lower chamber to collect the fluffy grey treasures that awarded their patience. Scar was currently chasing around these treasures in his wheelchair, shoving raw fish in their faces until they loved him.
“Yeah, well Grian’s bored!” Grian groaned, dropping his forehead to a block of glass to drive his point home. The ginger cat that resided in the chamber behind the glass startled and darted around its confined space. (They had agreed to let the spare cats roam the server, just as soon as Scar had had the chance to tame his Jellies.) “And stop calling yourself that, s’weird…” Grian grumbled, his face smushed against the glass.
Tempting a Jellie towards him with a raw, slippery salmon, Scar hummed a faux noise of agreement and/or interest. Whatever it was that Grian had said, surely that covered what he wanted in response, Scar theorised.
“Scarrr!” An even louder whine, followed by a muted thump that Scar could only assume was a pathetic attempt at a foot stomp.
Theory disproved. Scar relented, dropping the fish on the floor and letting the wild Jellie snatch it and scurry back to the corner of the room. He had already acquired fourteen Jellies after all. Some people would say that was enough.
“Alright, alright, I know a cry for attention when I see one,” Scar teased, spinning his chair around with a big smile at his fluffy haired companion. “What’s got you all wound up, little man?”
“Gee, I dunno, maybe watching you chase fifteen versions of the same cat around a room for, like, half an hour?” Grian’s voice was all sarcasm, but not too much frustration. In a blur of red, Grian swung his arm up and a bunched up rag came flying at Scar.
He shrieked, arms flying up to shield his face. The rag (which was soaked in what Scar assumed, and hoped, was water) landed by complete chance in his hands with a wet slap.
“For your gross fish hands,” Grian explained, clocking Scar’s confused disgust. He dragged his feet on the floor over to where Scar was parked. Before Scar could argue that his hands weren’t that fishy, Grian had grabbed one of his wrists and lightly tugged it up to exclaim, “Oh my god, dude, your fingers are literally wrinkled!”
Scar’s own hand was shoved in his face to confirm that, yes, his fingertips were wrinkled from the amount of raw fish he had been handling. He sent a guilty (yet charming, he was sure) smile over at his best friend.
“Y’know what, Grian? I just had the best idea.”
The other’s eyebrows raised and his lips quirked into a light smile. “Oh yeah, Scar?” Grian played along, placing (not dropping) Scar’s hand back to his armrest. His fingers stayed resting on Scar’s wrist. “And what’s that?”
“Well, I’ve decided that we have been here long enough and should leave,” Scar explained casually, then grabbed Grian’s hand tight and whispered desperately, “Now.”
Grian broke into a burst of giggles. “That’s what I’ve been saying! And get your gross hands off me!” he cried, shaking Scar’s greasy grip off and leading the way to the door.
Scar hummed to himself in thought as he wiped his hand off on the rag, his chair also humming beneath him mechanically as he drove behind Grian. “No, I don’t think you’ve said that at all today.”
They broke out into the daylight, and Scar admittedly was glad to see the bright blue sky and fields of green stretching into the horizon.
“All I’ve heard you say were ‘Scar’, and ‘Scarrr’, and ‘Scarrr’—” Scar counted on his fingers, doing his very best Grian Whine, before the originator of said whine batted his hand back down.
“Okay, okay,” Grian groaned, though still with a smile.
“Can we please do something fun now?”
“Sure, fire away,” Scar indicated to Grian with the rag before chucking it to his other hand to finish cleaning off. After fussing for a good moment with a rascally scale that wanted to stay put under his fingernail, Scar looked up, only just realising Grian hadn’t said anything in reply. “Bud?”
Grian was looking a little lost, bashfully shrugging his shoulders. “Uh, I kind of hoped you could think of something?” he asked hopefully, voice raising to a pitch that meant he was trying to smooth things over.
“You didn’t even have anything in mind when you were begging to leave the Jellie farm?” Scar asked, playing shocked and affronted but really just mildly put out and amused.
“I— I just always think your ideas are, uh, more fun,” Grian lied, voice raising in a half-question by the end of the sentence. The smile on his face was a combination of smug, playful, and timid. “C’mon you always think of new games when I’m, y’know—” Grian’s shy code for regressed “—surely you can think of something on the spot.” The challenge was clear in Grian’s tone. Then it was made clearer by Grian’s finger poking repetitively into Scar’s cheek. “No pressure or anything. No pressure, Scar. No pressure.” 
Argument on his tongue, Scar was ready to insist Grian think of something for them to do, he was the one who begged for it after all… But then he had an idea. Oh, and this was a fine idea indeed. One he had been waiting for. One that was so very welcome.
You see, after being thoroughly swindled out of a hefty amount of diamonds by Bdubs, Scar had broken the cycle of pranking that was so common in their would and had instead gone quiet. Suspiciously quiet, he knew it seemed from the outside. But inside, he had been sitting back and waiting patiently for just the right scheme to come upon him. One that would annoy the heck out of Bdubs, be enough to get him grinding those perfect pearly whites to mere stubs, but one that didn’t cost too much in damages—to either his base or his ego.
That is, Scar’s base or ego of course; Bdubs’ pride and property, on the other hand, were about to take a major hit. Nothing too permanent, nothing out of bounds, nothing Bdubs wouldn’t recover from, eventually. Something teetering right on the edge. The perfect place for a prank to be.
Scar felt his face twist into a huge grin (and imagined himself as the Grinch) as he caught Grian’s persistent finger in a gentle pinch. (Was he even rhyming like the Grinch now?)
“Someone’s getting kinda testy, huh?” he asked with a very specific, practised voice—softer, bouncier, more teasing than his usual tone.
It was rewarded with an instant dusting of pink across Grian’s cheeks. Step one of the plan was officially in action.
muuuuch more to come soon :3 pls feel free to reblog/comment/yell at me (kindly) as u see fit - and follow to catch more updates and hear some cute headcanons!
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candied-peach · 1 year
ao3: “ain’t as bad as it seems” rating: T warnings: platonic dukexiety, age regression, crying, internalized ableism, chronic pain genre: hurt/comfort description: Virgil has Feelings about his new mobility aid.
Virgil eyes his new rollator hesitantly, chewing on his bottom lip. It looks okay. The frame is purple, just like he wanted. It isn't going to bite him if he sits down. And god, does he want to. His lower back is absolutely killing him. He could go and sit down in his office chair or a kitchen chair or the couch. But his rollator is right there. Fitted for him and everything, the guy just left after making sure it worked for him and he knew who to call if it broke. He can just...sit down. At any time.
He bursts into silent tears instead. He should clutch the handles, should sit down, should do something because it's not good for his pain levels to just stand, but his mind is rapidly going fuzzier and fuzzier and he just wants his squid.
As if he summoned Remus, he hears a key in the front door and Remus's cheerful voice announcing his presence. Virgil hiccups, rocking back and forth, his arms wrapped around his middle. He's unsteady on his feet, but he still doesn't know what to do. He's glad he has the new rollator. It should make getting out a lot easier.
But people might point and stare and laugh and jeer because he's so young to need a rollator of all things, and it's not like horrific back pain and arthritis actually show easily. Maybe his feet, he does walk on the outsides of them a lot, but it's not like most people just look at your feet. So he doesn't even look like he needs it and-
"Whoa there, scare bear," Remus says, interrupting his downward spiral. His green eyes are surprisingly serious as he bends down a little to stare Virgil in the eyes. Virgil stares back, vision blurry with the tears still dripping down reddened cheeks. "What's wrong?"
Virgil points at his new rollator. Remus inspects it.
"Is it the wrong color?" Remus asks. Virgil shakes his head. "Does it not fit right?" Remus's next question. Virgil shakes his head again. He had to sit in it for the guy from the mobility aid company. It fits okay. He can sit down.
"So what's the problem, little bat?" Remus questions. Virgil's voice wobbles as he explains.
"Means it's real."
"Oh," Remus says, and his whole face softens. "Oh, storm cloud, I'm sorry."
"An'- an' what if people laugh," Virgil continues, his face crumpling as Remus carefully draws him into his arms.
"Then I'll throw them in a river," Remus promises, startling a little watery laugh free.
"Okay," Virgil agrees, readily enough, as he sniffles.
"You look like you're in pain, Virge," Remus continues, his face getting a little serious. "Do you need to sit down? It doesn't have to be the rollator. I can carry you, if you want. Or help you to a different chair. It's all in your bat wings."
Virgil giggles at that, studying the rollator. It's just there. Just a mobility aid. He can decorate it with some stickers later if he wants.
"I can sit down there," he says, a little hesitantly, as he wriggles free and sits down in the rollator, making sure the brakes are on. His back instantly feels a little better, and his feet hurt a little less.
It's not so bad after all.
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littlecloudprince · 8 months
The Little Duke
Summary: "Love this:-)♥️ Can I please request secret regressor Remus (0-3) where no one is aware that he does it? Please and thanks 😊" Request by gamblerezra (on AO3), hope I did your request justice! And sorry it took me so long to get it out ^^'
Warnings: Mentions of accidents/bedwetting, auditorial hallucinations, a meltdown scene, brief mention of blood (very, very brief, not graphic at all), skin injury/rash
A/N: …So remember how I said I'd try to be more consistent with my writing? Well, as it turns out, writer's block and executive dysfunction disagreed! I am still updating this tho, so yeah! I promise you guys, I really am trying! Time just goes by so darn fast! But I'm always open for requests!
Remus woke up small and wet. It wasn't unusual, it had been happening for a while now. Usually he just went back to sleep, and dealt with it later, when he was bigger again. He didn't know what it was or why it was happening, but he knew he couldn't go to the others. They'd think he's gross. They wouldn't like it. They wouldn't like him. They'd think he was doing it to annoy or disturb them. But he wasn't! He wasn't doing it on purpose, he didn't even know what it was!
Remus sat up, he didn't want to sleep anymore. But he had to. He was wet, and he couldn't do anything about it like this. But Remus wasn't sleepy! He huffed to himself, not knowing what to do. Why was he like this? He tried to reach out to Thomas, to have him do something, anything that could help. But nothing happened. He tried again, still nothing. He huffed, laying back down. Guess there was no other choice.
Thomas woke up to an unusual feeling. He shifted lightly, before freezing like a deer in headlights. He sat up, heart beating in his chest like a mini drum. He peeled back the covers, his face flushing bright red once they were fully off of him. No. No, he hadn't. There was no way, he couldn't have! He's an adult goddamnit, this just doesn't happen!
"Care to explain why I'm up at—" Virgil grumbled, words drying on his tongue as he processed what was going on.
"I—" Thomas started, feeling so embarrassed that tears were threatening to form in his eyes.
"You wet the bed??" Roman rose up. Thomas could only nod meekly, rapidly trying to blink away the stubborn tears in his eyes.
"I didn't mean to!" he squeaked.
"Aw, kiddo, it's okay! Accidents happen, even to adults! Let's get this cleaned up, okay?" Patton rose up as well. Thomas nodded, taking a few deep breaths and wiping his eyes.
"You— You're right. Sorry," he breathed out.
"Nothing to apologise for hun," Patton soothed.
"Yeah. Sorry. I mean— Y'know."
Right as Thomas got out of bed, it was Logan's turn to rise up.
"First step; strip the bed," he reminded.
"I know, Logan, thank you," Thomas smiled weakly.
"After you're done with that, you're taking a bubble bath," Janus appeared to give his two cents.
"Sure, Jan. Thanks," Thomas attempted to smile again. As he went on about stripping his bed, the Sides all sunk down one by one. No one noticed that one of them hadn't popped up at all.
Back in the Mind Palace, Remus had woken up, only to discover that he was still small. He didn't understand, he was supposed to be back to his big self by now! And he really, really didn't want to sleep anymore! He huffed, deciding to get out of bed. Maybe he could find something to do while he waited? He could just stay in his room all day, it's not like the others would notice anyway. His bed would have to wait, but Remus didn't mind too much, he'd just clean it before going to sleep. Maybe.
Remus looked around his room, trying to find something to do. He wanted to colour! Or draw! But all the art supplies were in Roman's room. Hm. Remus flicked his wrist, attempting to summon himself some crayons and a colouring book, but nothing happened. Remus growled quietly, scratching at his inner thighs. Why were they burning and scratchy? And now Remus' tummy growled, too! There was no way he could sneak in the kitchen without getting caught. They'd yell at him. Usually, he didn't mind, but today, he really didn't want to be yelled at. He just wanted... Well, he didn't even know what he wanted. Remus' tummy felt rotten, and not in the way he liked, either!
"They don't like you," a voice said.
"I know," Remus replied. This wasn't the first time he heard voices, it happened a lot. Usually it didn't bother him, but today was different.
"They'd be better off without you."
"You sound like the Emo," Remus shot back. The voice chuckled coldly.
"You really don't get it, do you?"
"Go 'way."
"You want them. You want them to want you. But they won't. They never will, will they?" the voice taunted.
"Go 'way!" Remus stomped his foot for good measure. He hated the way his bottom lip wobbled, and how his vision blurred as salty tears welled in his eyes. He hated feeling weak.
"They left you. They're not coming back. They have a new family now. Without you."
"They don't need you anymore. *He* doesn't need you anymore. He hates you," the voice kept going, mercilessly jabbing at Remus' sensitive spots. Remus saw two strips of colour take form. Yellow and purple. Janus and Virgil. They stared down at the duke, disgust shining in their eyes. They wouldn't speak, only staring menacingly.
"Stop!" Remus closed his eyes and covered his ears, firmly pressing his hands on them in a desperate attempt to silence the voice. He fell on his knees, curling up to be as small as possible.
In the meanwhile, Thomas was trying to work on songwriting, but something kept gnawing at him. He couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. It bothered him. He had gone to the bathroom before going to sleep, like he always did. He hadn't drunk too much water, or anything else for that matter, and his dream wasn't particularly scary. So why had he wet the bed? What was wrong with him?
"You're not making any progress, Thomas," Logan pointed out after rising up.
"I… I know. Sorry. Just…" Thomas trailed off.
"About what?"
"Just… Ah, you know, nevermind. It doesn't matter," Thomas shook his head a bit.
"If it bothers you, it does matter," Logan stated.
"Is there something wrong with me?" Thomas bit his lip. He looked up from his notebook, but avoided Logan's eyes.
"Why would you think that?"
"I mean…" Thomas didn't finish his sentence. He bit his lip, his gaze wandering uncertainly.
"I just…" his voice wavered, and he swallowed thickly as he felt a lump growing in his throat. He rapidly blinked his eyes, not wanting Logan to see him cry. He didn't even know why his tear ducts were threatening to betray him, there was no reason to cry. It was… illogical. Thomas let out a shaky sigh, hiding his face in his hands.
"Hey…" Logan sat across his host, unsure what to do.
In the Mind Palace, Remus was getting closer and closer to meltdown territory. It was getting harder to breathe, the voice was getting louder, and the burning and itching of his tighs was getting to be unbearable. He hated this. He hated this, he hated this, he hated this! Remus let out a scream, fiercely ripping his pants off before aggressively scratching at his inner thighs. Angry tears burned in his eyes as he reached for the first object he could reach, before throwing it at the general direction of the taunting voice.
"SHUT UP!" Remus shrieked, clawing at his ears for a moment before throwing himself on the ground, shrieking incoherently as his thighs demanded to be scratched again. There was a knock at Remus' door, causing his hands to fly from his thighs right back to his ears as the sound pounded at his eardrums.
"NO!" he screamed, throwing whatever object he could get his hands on toward the door.
"Ow!" Patton yelped, getting hit in the face with an empty deodorant container. He rubbed at the tip of his nose, processing what was happening. He flinched as he realised the state the still shrieking little duke was in.
"Hey…" he entered the room, and sat on the floor, making sure to give Remus some space. He reached out to the red-faced boy, carefully stroking his hand once. When Remus didn't protest, Patton continued, slowly but effectively getting the toddler to calm down.
"There ya go, Dad's here buddy, Dad's gotcha…" he coo'd gently. By now Remus had completely stopped screaming, but silent tears were still running down his face, his anger melting down to sadness. He reached his little hands out, choking back sobs, a quiet whine escaping his throat.
"Aww, you want Dad to pick you up?" Remus didn't answer verbally, instead just clenching his fists in the 'grabby hands' motion. Patton took the cue, and gently picked the boy up. Remus winced as his thighs pressed against the fabric of Patton's clothes. He had scratched them so vigorously that they were now completely raw, dried up blood covering his fingernails.
"You poor thing! Dad thinks you need a bath, hun. And then, once you're all squeaky clean, we'll put some lotion on your thighs so the hurt will go away. That sound good?" Patton murmured softly upon inspecting Remus' thighs closer. The boy nodded, rubbing his eyes, exhausted from his meltdown.
"What got you so itchy in the first place?" the fatherly Side asked. Remus just shrugged, not quite sure himself. Patton looked around, only now noticing the pants on the floor.
"…Oh," he understood now, the lingering smell in the room making more sense. Truthfully, he had not paid much attention to it at first. It was Remus' room, it was subject to strange smells, and generally, it was better to not ask questions. By now the other Sides had learned to tune it out. Now, however, was not the time to dwell on that.
"Well," Patton said, "let's get you cleaned up!"
Some time later, as Patton had finally gotten the freshly-bathed toddler in a pull-up and t-shirt, and the washing machine running, he felt the ever-so-familiar tug of someone, likely Thomas, summoning him. So, Remus on his hip, he sank down.
"Oh! Logan! Did you need me for something?" Patton asked, surprised to see that it hadn't been Thomas who summoned him.
"I…" Logan started, his words drying on his tongue as he processed the fact that Patton was holding what appeared to be a toddler.
"Is that… Is that Remus?"
"…Why is he a toddler?"
"No clue! So what's up?" Patton asked.
"Right, well, Thomas is experiencing a sort of… emotional crisis, and that's not exactly my area of expertise. I figured you would be able to help," Logan explained, gesturing to the host, still hunched over the desk, hiding behind his hands.
"Huh, okay," Patton frowned a little before walking to Thomas.
"Hey, buddy…" he started, gently laying a hand on his host's back. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, nothing, just…" Thomas trailed off, taking a breath and rubbing his face before turning to look at Patton. His eyes were a little shiny, and he seemed exhausted. His brows furrowed in confusion once his brain registered the toddler Patton was holding.
"Remus," Patton explained.
"I don't know either, I just found him like this."
…How small is he?" Logan asked, furrowing his brows as well as he thought.
"Can't be older than two, I don't think. Poor guy had wet the bed, so we had a bit of a bath, and got some lotion on that nasty rash," Patton explained, gently moving Remus' legs a little so the other two could see how red and raw they were.
"Is… Is that why I…" Thomas trailed off, too embarrassed to say it outloud.
"Of course!" Logan suddenly explained, smacking his forehead as the realisation dawned on him.
"Remus' regression must've had a side effect in affecting you, Thomas!"
"A *Side* effect? Eh?" Patton grinned.
"…Yes? I'm not sure what you're implying here, Patton."
"It's- It's a pun, just ignore it," Thomas shook his head a bit.
"…Anyway, we can't leave a two-year-old on his own. I trust you'd be willing to care for him until we figure out a way to get him back to his adult self, Patton?" Logan said, raising his eyebrow slightly.
"Oh! Uh… Of course!" Patton tried his best to conceal his surprise, quickly regaining his composure and giving Logan a grin. Taking care of Remus couldn't be *that* hard!
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Little space Janus.. Regressing in the middle of an argument? Anyone as caregiver?
((I'm so sorry for how long it took me to write this! I'm always up for a bit of hurt/comfort :)
"And if you would just listen, just once! Then maybe we wouldn't be here! But look at what happened!"
"Oh come on, like you're innocent! At least I don't project my issues onto others!"
"Oh, I know you didn't just try to pull that card!"
"Oh, I absolutely did! And let's not forget the whole 'hide Remus and Janus from the others' game!"
"Seriously? That again?!"
Janus couldn't really decipher who was saying what anymore. The conversation had started out like any other - curt smiles, civil phrases like 'how's your day', everyone pretending like they weren't not-so-secretly mad at each other. Then Virgil had found Remus's sock in the coffee grounds, Remus had vehemently denied that it was his ("It's covered in octopi and has a big red stain on it! Who else could it belong to?"). Remus mentioned that there were cobwebs on his ceiling that definitely hadn't been there the night before ("Your stupid spider probably went in there when I scared Roman in the Imagination! How else would they get there?").
From there, it had turned into insults. Insults turned into airing dirty laundry, and now the two were caught in a screaming match where they took out their frustrations on each other.
Normally, Janus would be fine with a situation like this. After all, he had his own feelings surrounding how Virgil and the others had treated him and Remus. But today it was too much. He'd had so much going on lately, what with talking more with Patton, Virgil drawing further and further away, and Roman outright refusing to even look at him now. None of that included his usual responsibilities of keeping Remus in check, making sure Virgil's worries did not send Thomas into an outright panic, having Thomas take care of himself, and keeping back the ever-wrathful Orange until the right time.
In short, he was stressed and overworked. He couldn't handle it all anymore.
"Ssssstop!!!" The lights flickered for a moment and flashed between bright white and deep yellow while something unseen slithered along the kitchen floor with a low hiss and a rattle.
Virgil and Remus froze. Janus never lost control like that.
"Janus? You alright?" The deceitful side curled into himself and began to sniff. He remained silent.
"Jan, come on, what's wrong?" Remus and Virgil glanced at each other, wondering the same thing.
"'S too loud."
Virgil mentally cursed at himself for not noticing how upset Janus was. Between him and Remus, he was the one most responsible when it came to times like this. After all, he'd been taking the caretaking role for Janus for years now.
Virgil stepped forward and hugged the other side. "Hey, no one's mad at you. Remus and I just got too angry and should have taken a break. You didn't do anything wrong, ok?"
Janus remained silent. He clung onto Virgil, hands fisted in his sweatshirt.
Remus walked off to the living room, switched the tv to some kid-friendly channel, and headed off to his room. As much as he would love to stay and comfort Janus, he tended to scare him more than anything when he was small and scared.
After sitting with him for a little bit, Virgil took off Janus's hat to pat his head. "Hey, let's go sit and watch tv for a bit, alright? We can talk when we're both calm. Does that sound ok?"
Janus nodded slightly and held onto Virgil tighter.
"Alright, let's go sit down, buddy." He picked up the other side and carried him over to the couch to sit. After making sure they were both comfortable, Virgil waved his arm and hoped that he was summoning the right thing. Janus was always better at summoning items from places other than his own room, Virgil tended to overthink and grab the wrong thing.
Luckily though, he grabbed the right one this time. "Hey, I've got Bananaconda here. He looks like he wants a hug." Janus reached out for the stuffed twin-headed snake and immediately drew it in close to himself.
"Is that a bit better, Jan?" Deceit nodded and kept his face hidden.
"Alright, let's just relax and watch some tv. We can talk if and when you're ready to later. Let's just rest for a bit." Janus nodded and curled into Virgil's side.
If you asked them later, it never happened. Remus would deny it outside of their personal circle and Virgil would insist that he and Janus weren't talking to each other. Janus could deceive his way out of almost any conversation. The trio may have their differences and be going through a rough patch in their relationship with each other, but they still looked out for each other when it mattered.
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askdeceitsanders · 3 months
(should i make a ask agere janus blog or a general ask agere sides blog where jan is the only little and everyone else is his caregivers? if i should make one, which?)
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god being an age regressor and doing a road trip is so fuckin annoying shkfkfjd like its nice that i literally have my entire group of caregivers with me at all times but like,,,, i don’t wanna be annoying shfkfkdjdjd -virgil
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ratremusagere · 6 days
(If the answer is yes I’ll upload another question about who will be regressor/caregivers based on some au’s I have :) ))
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tinylittlet · 7 months
Noooo mustach gettin too long snd its botherinh with paci 😭
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dannyisdone · 2 years
Day 2: Ghosts
“Hey, Prince of ‘leaves in the middle of a conversation', why did you ghost me last night?” Virgil asked as he walked into the living room. Janus looked up from where he was sitting on the floor. He had been engaged in a staring contest with his snake plushy, but Virgil was far more interesting.
“I told you, I was in the middle of a breakthrough! And then when that breakthrough, ya know, broke through, I accidentally maybe forgot to text you back.”
Janus was barely paying attention to the conversation, instead reaching out toward Virgil as he approached Roman. For all his efforts, all Janus received was a ruffling of his hair as Virgil walked by, causing Janus to huff in frustration.
“Well, do you want to help me bake Halloween cookies or not?” Just as Janus was about to turn his attention to his toys after the indignity of his uppies being ignored, his attention was immediately captured once more by the word cookies.
“Cookies?” Janus said. Virgil looked down at Janus and smiled slightly.
“You wanna help Vee make some?” He asked, and just as Janus was about to give an enthusiastic nod, he felt arms reaching under him, and he was being lifted off the ground.
“Sorry Chef Boy-ar-scream, but I’m watching Janus. Go find another baby to snag.” Roman said, kissing Janus on the cheek. Janus giggled in delight, trying to hide away from the kisses,
“You ghost me AND you’re a baby hog? Does your betrayal know no bounds?” Virgil teased with an eye roll, before giving Janus one more head pat, before walking off to the kitchen. But a frown settled on Janus’s face as he watched his friend leave.
“He’s just moody because you came to me regressed.” Roman said with a chuckle before looking back at Janus, but his caregiver’s smile turned into a frown to match his own. “What’s wrong, python?”
“Vee a ghost?” Janus didn’t understand. Had Roman turned Virgil into a ghost? But he didn’t want Virgil to be a ghost! He liked Vee just the way he was!
“With that complexion, one would think.” Roman said with a laugh, before adjusting Janus in his lap. “It’s fine, Bananaconda. Vee is just as human as he always has been, which isn’t saying much.”
And with that, Roman waved his hand and the television came to life, a cartoon playing. But Janus’s baby mind couldn’t stay focused on the show. All he could think about was Virgil. He couldn’t be a ghost. He didn’t say boo, he wasn’t white all over. Those were ghost things!
Just at the end of the first episode, Janus finally managed to convince himself that surely his Vee wasn’t a ghosty ghost. He was going to inform Roman of his discovery, but when he looked back at his caregiver, his eyes were closed, and he seemed to be sleeping. Janus made sure to poke his cheek, just to make sure.
Well, if he couldn’t tell Roman that he was very super positive Virgil wasn’t a ghost, he might as well go tell Virgil. It would probably be such a relief for him to know, and maybe he’d give Janus a cookie as an extra special treat for figuring it out! So he slid off of Roman’s lap and headed towards the kitchen, but stopped short when he heard Virgil yelp.
Janus stopped short as he heard groaning coming from the kitchen. That sounded like Vee…but he didn’t normally make sounds like that. Could it be…no. He wasn’t a ghost!! Janus had learned that all on his own!!
But still…he was careful as he peeked around the corner to look for his friend, and what he saw caused Janus to grow stock still.
Virgil was covered in white! Virgil was a ghost!
So Janus did the most logical thing he could think of at that moment.
He started to cry.
“Huh?” Virgil called from across the room just as Janus began to wail.
“I-I dun wan’ you b-be a ghost!” Janus cried. If Virgil was a ghost, he wouldn’t be able to hug Janus anymore, and he’d have to go away during the day time. He would be see through so Janus wouldn’t be able to hide behind him and scare Logan ever ever again. No no no! He didn’t want this at all! He wanted his Vee Vee back!!
“Jan, bud, what?” Virgil said, rushing over. Janus could also hear footsteps from behind him approaching,
“Janus! Are you--” Roman stopped his sentence short, before promptly bursting into laughter.
“What happened to you?!” He barked out. Janus sobbed.
“Ghost!” He cried, turning to hide his face in Roman’s chest, using his shirt to clean his face off. Roman continued to laugh, even as he wrapped a protective arm around Janus.
“The flour was too high! Who put it up there anyways?” Virgil grumbled. Janus then felt a hand on his back. He sniffled and turned around, to see Virgil was touching him. He wasn’t going right through him as a ghost should!
“Jan, I’m not a ghost. I’m still me. Just…covered in flour.” Virgil said, causing Roman to snort. Virgil shot him a quick glare, before looking back at Janus with soft eyes.
“I’m still me.” He said. Janus stared at him for a few seconds, trying to decide if he believed him or not. He didn’t sense any lies…but maybe his powers didn’t work on ghosts.
“No ghost?” Janus asked, just to make double extra sure. Virgil nodded, before holding his arms out.
“See for yourself.” He said as he offered a hug. Well, Janus certainly couldn’t refuse that. He rushed forward and felt himself be wrapped up in Virgil’s comforting embrace. He wasn’t cold like a ghost would be. And for the first time, he noticed that a lot of the white on Virgil was falling off as he moved. Directly onto Janus now that he was close.
“I’m here, I’m real. And I think we both need a bath now, huh?” Virgil asked with a chuckle, before hoisting Janus up onto his hip. Janus allowed him. He didn’t think he would be able to let Virgil out of his sight, just to make ultra sure he wasn’t really a ghost.
“Wait, let me get a picture--!” Roman yelled, summoning his phone.
“No way!” Virgil yelled before hurrying off, Janus’s giggles trailing behind them as they went.
Janus flipped through his book, casually reading in the living room, when he felt a hand ruffle his hair. He frowned and looked up at the offending ruffler.
“Can I help you?” He asked Virgil, who simply smirked down at him.
“Just wanted to make sure you knew I wasn’t a ghost.” He teased, causing Janus’s face to turn red.
“Keep it up and I’ll make you one myself.”
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peachie-bun · 1 year
i am simply trying to write some cute fluff but my brain WILL NOT give me a pet name idea for logan to call regressed virgil >:(( I JUST WANNA WRITE SOME AGERE FLUFF BC I HAVE AN IDEA BUT I CANT THINK OF PETNAMES >:(((
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babysizedfics · 2 years
HI DIZZEE here is a hc for you :3
all of the fam are havin comfy cosy time in bed one morning (maybe roman wanted to sleep with patton/logan and the other cg brought vee into bedroom in the mornin hehe) AND and they’re singing
‘there were four in the bed and the little one said-‘
and vee just piped up like “… ro’ lower :3”
‘and they all rolled over and one fell out!~’
so they all roll over and ROMAN is on the end of the bed so he gets bumped off but he’s clinging onto the side of the mattress shrieking and giggling bc he’s in a silly excitable mood!
and logan is like ‘ah ah no cheating!’ and starts tickling him til he falls off but then he lands on the floor (softly!) and he’s like :’((( bc he still wants to play so papa lets him climb back up next to him ahsjdjfgh
and next time it’s logan’s turn to get bumped off the bed (gently!) and roman is like >:3 REVENGE HEHE
and when it’s just vee left it goes ‘there was one in the bed and the little one said-‘
and fae says ‘nunite :3’ and cuddles minty and falls asleep right in the middle of the mattress
(luv you mwah :3) - bella
evryone pls read this important canon headcanon bella wrote !!! i made her send it in so i can post it hsjsjjss bc this is EXACTLY how this would all play out hehe
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esperinkdraws · 1 year
I finally posted another fic in my Taking Care series!
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