#after lunch i perked up but i considered spending a half hour napping in my car
praesaepe · 8 months
this morning i was so tired i literally could not focus my eyes on the screen for half the morning
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crispyjenkins · 4 years
Hullo, you said you’ll take prompts? I’ve never asked anyone here before but could you maybe write Ahsoka and her (too many) parents? Like Plo,who is very wise, anakin and Padmé who she flees to if she needs cuddles, obi wan who she goes to to play strategies games with and maybe if she’s upset (if you want you can also thrown in her visiting Obi because she’s upset and Jango teaches her some fighting stuff and obi shows her how to make it a healthy meditation thing) Just Ahsoka and family fluff
(i uh. accidentally put this in my jangobi fix-it ‘verse ‘cause i’m soft for senator Obi and i hadn’t done anything with Ahsoka yet, and it’s very found family-focussed anyways. Obi just like. collects children. Anakin wasn’t even the first. gonna call this the hunger ‘verse because reasons. sorry this took so long! it super got away from me)
  Ahsoka supposes she shouldn’t be surprised that Anakin takes them to Naboo as soon as they drop the clones off on Coruscant, but she’s thankful for it anyways. They haven’t had leave in months, and though she’ll miss Rex and the others, she’s so tired she wants to cry, and would like nothing more than to curl up with Padmé’s handmaidens for a long kriffing while.
  And, as if the Force is blessing her for being patient, Obi-Wan is there to greet them in the hangar on Theed with Padmé, rich green robes certainly giving the former Queen a run for her money.
  Obi-Wan takes one look at Ahsoka, stumbling down the shuttle ramp, and opens his arms; she takes the invitation full-heartedly and crashes into him despite the numerous guards surrounding the landing party. Chuckling deep in his chest, Obi-Wan wraps himself around her, and his robes are even softer than they look.
  “Hello there,” Obi-Wan laughs softly. “Miss me that much?”
  She pulls away just enough to smile up at him. “We thought you were still on Coruscant.”
  He snorts and pats her head, sending Padmé a good-humoured glare. “I’m quite sure I told Massere Amidala to tell General Skywalker that I would be on Naboo during his leave,” he says, and Padmé laughs, with a hand on Anakin’s elbow to pull him over to join them.
  “Senator,” she says loftily, as Anakin rolls his eyes, “you should know better than to trust subspace communications that far into the Outer Rim.”
  Ahsoka grins and lets Padmé whisk her away from Obi-Wan to give her a hug of her own. Anakin sniffs jealously, and it’s almost funny how long he’s held onto his puppy crush, especially with Sabé standing just a few yards away with an amused expression. Padmé either doesn’t notice, or ignores it outright, and holds Ahsoka indiscriminately with a soft murmur of,
  “It’s good to see you, Snips.”
  “You as well, Massere,” she replies happily, sending a smug smile to her master when Padmé kisses the top of her head. 
  Anakin surprises exactly no one when he rolls his eyes again and loops an arm around Obi-Wan's shoulders; despite his disgruntled expression, Obi-Wan still lets him, and Ahsoka thinks Naboo had been a very good idea indeed. 
  She finds Obi-Wan in the gardens of the Naberrie household the next morning, where Ruwee and Jobal had been kind enough to house her and Anakin while the Queen sorts out guest quarters in the palace. Apparently her master had given Padmé all of half a cycle's notice before arriving on Naboo, and the court had been wholly unprepared for a war hero to be staying with them.
  It's still early enough that the humidity hasn't set in for the day yet, and Ahsoka doesn't bother changing out of her soft sleepwear before joining Obi-Wan in the centre of the garden; there's already a second meditation mat laid out across from where he kneels near a fish pond, with a Togruta focusing crystal sat between them. 
  She tries not to disturb him as she settles onto the mat, folding her legs into a full-lotus before easing into her own meditation. 
  Anakin is a good master, and she's thankful to be his padawan, but he can't meditate for kark, and Ahsoka is thankful Obi-Wan is more than happy to fill those needs when they see each other. 
  Which is more often than she would have expected, considering the war, but if there's one thing Obi-Wan can't do, it's keep out of trouble. The senator is driving Anakin spare, and Ahsoka is all too happy to watch it happen. 
  She must have projected the thought further than intended, when Obi-Wan's presence brushes against hers in amusement. He never asks to enter her shields, even though she would probably let him if he did, and it still amazes her that someone with so much control could have been sent away by Master Yoda. 
  She releases her confusion back into the Force and allows the hum of the focussing crystal to draw her back on task. Such thoughts could wait. 
  They have three ten-days of leave before the GAR wants them back on the front lines, and after the first night, Padmé's Queen sets them up in adjoined chambers in the palace. They aren't the standard guest quarters, which are currently occupied by a few foreign dignitaries — and a “friend”, Padmé had said with a suspicious twinkle in her eye. 
  But her and Anakin's rooms are in the same hall as Padmé's remaining handmaidens, and Ahsoka doesn't even spend her first night in the palace in her own bed, having stayed up so late talking that they let her stay over.
  The next morning, she meditates with Obi-Wan before breakfast, and then spars with Sabé and Rabé; she wonders where Anakin has gotten off to when she doesn’t see him until lunch, because she has it on good authority that Padmé had spent the morning with Obi-Wan.
  After reminding herself that it isn’t her job to know where her master is 24/5, Ahsoka takes a nap in one of the courtyards, tucked under a flowering tree and wrapped up in one of Rabé’s cloaks. It’s a little more humid than she’s used to after so many months in space, but the temperature is perfect spring warmth, and she happily loses a few hours there doing absolutely nothing. 
  The sun is only just beginning to think about setting when she senses someone approaching the courtyard. She reaches out with the Force, hoping it’s Padmé or one of the handmaidens, but she doesn’t recognise the Force signature that stops in the little archway across from her tree.
  Frowning, Ahsoka pushes herself up and finds a young boy watching her with brown eyes slanted in suspicion; he’s oddly familiar, for how much darker his skin is than most of the palace Naboo.
  “Who’re you?” the boy asks with a slight accent that is decidedly not Nabooian, and a glare that Ahsoka swears she recognises. 
  “I’m a guest of Padmé and Obi-Wan,” Ahsoka says, noting with surprise that the boy perks up at Obi-Wan’s name. 
  “Are you a jetii?” he asks. At her confused silence, the boy makes a swishing motion with an arm and Ahsoka has to laugh. 
  “Am I a Jedi?”
  He nods vigorously and finally steps into the courtyard properly, though he stays several paces away, and she tries not to be disturbed by the blaster strapped to his thigh; they’re at war, after all. 
  “I’m an apprentice, yes,” she says, trying to look as non-threatening as possible; if he’s a friend of Obi-Wan’s, Force knows where he managed to pick the boy up from. “My name is Ahsoka.”
  “I’m Boba. Are you a general?”
  He inches closer as Ahsoka laughs again. “No, but my master is!”
  Boba perks up even further, but it doesn’t click for her until he excitedly asks, “You fight with the vode?”
  Well, when you lay it out that obviously for her. 
  “You— You’re Jango Fett’s kid?”
  His smile immediately disappears back into that glare that of course looks familiar, she’s seen it hundreds of times on the faces of her men— “Why do you say his name like that.”
  “Um, no reason,” she quickly amends. “I was just surprised. A lot of my troopers have mentioned him, but I’ve never met him.”
  “Obi’s still mad at him about the vode, he tries not to get involved.”
  Ahsoka frowns, at both the nickname (he never lets her call him ‘Obi’), and the implication that Obi-Wan has known him that long. She had always thought he only got involved in the war because of Anakin, but if he personally knew Fett...? It certainly raises more questions than answers.
  “Are you here to visit Obi-Wan, then?” she asks, instead of any of those questions, and is pleased to see Boba start to relax again. 
  “Yeah, buir was helping him with something. I don’t know what, though, I wasn’t allowed on that mission.” He scrunches his face cutely, and Ahsoka laughs as she gets to her feet; if her quick math is right, he can’t be older than eleven, though she still isn’t clear on the clones’ aging cycle. 
  With this in mind, she doesn’t offer her hand as she would to the temple younglings, but still smiles down at him and gestures for the hall. “You wanna go find Obi-Wan and ask, then? I’ll teach you how to give him tooka-eyes until he can’t say no.”
 Boba gets a sly little smirk then, and Ahsoka wonders if she won’t instead be learning from him. Force, Naboo had been a great idea.
Mando’a— jetii: singular jedi vode: brothers/comrades, specifically the clone troops buir: parent
Other— massere: gender neutral address of high respect, specifically those in government or of cultural importance
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tsukikento · 4 years
Empathetic Ch. 9
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Summary: After your mom, the number 1 hero in America, gets offered a teaching position at U.A., you two pack up your things and head to Musutafu, Japan to start a new life. Pressure for you in America was at an all-time high, and now you’re in Japan, where almost no one knows you, or your family’s past.
This tale starts on your first day of class where your new teacher decides the best way for you to fit in is to fight against the strongest person in your class: Bakugou Katsuki.
Warnings/Genre: This multi-chapter fic has fluff, angst and everything in between. There is only some slight swearing, although the reader’s dad is a shit head and that will be addressed in future chapters.
A/N: Sorry for the wait :( I hope you like like it! Please let me know what you think!!
(series masterlist)
When you woke up on Friday, you could already tell the day was going to be rather uneventful. Although you couldn’t complain when last night was more than enough action for you. You sat up in your seat and sighed, running a hand through your hair, and thought back to the previous night.
Hopefully, today will live up to being as uneventful as you wished.
After getting up, you went about your normal routine and had only a few interruptions by people wishing you a good morning.
Your school day was even more boring than your morning routine. You found yourself doodling in your notebook more than you were taking your notes. You also spent your lunch with Ashido and the guys. Kirishima and Sero led the conversation while you, Ashido, and Kaminari practically napped while munching on the food.
Jeez, I guess everyone is tired, you thought as you looked at your bored and lazy friends.
When lunch ended, it was obvious that a handful of the class was missing, all of them working in extra lessons with your mom. Within your now significantly smaller class, Aizawa instructed the rest of you to simply work on homework peacefully.
“I’ll have something more educational planned next week,” He reasoned while drifting off to sleep in his iconic yellow sleeping bag.
When the snores of Aizawa filled the class, each student got up and moved to sit in different seats, everyone was forming groups. You were now sitting with Hagakure and Ashido, who were each pulling out their homework.
Something rather weird you noted was how Ashido would easily hang out with boys during lunch, but stick with the girls during class time. Although I guess everyone does that, you noted as your eyes wandered to see Kirishima and Sero sitting with Sato. It seemed that the only exception to this rule was Iida, Uraraka, and Midoriya.
“You know what,” Ashido began, looking up from her paper and drawing your attention back to the small group. She had a wide grin spread on her face that made her look like a cheshire cat. “We should get ice cream after class. It’s starting to get so hot now.” She leaned back in her chair and used her hand to wave cool air onto her face.
“Ooh,” Hagakure exclaimed. You saw the uniform she was wearing shake as if she was wiggling in excitement. “I am so down!”
The two girls looked at you, expecting you to agree. Sheepishly, you looked down at your lap and bit your lip. “I actually have to feed my mom’s cat after work,” You explained. Although feeding your cat was absolutely necessary, you felt a small tinge of guilt because of how often you skipped out on hang-outs.
In America, you often spent time on your own because no one really asked for you to hang out with them. However, here, it seemed everyone was friendly and willing to invite you out. It was something you weren’t used to, and you definitely had to adjust your schedule to fit these new friends into your life.
Although you couldn’t see Hagakure, you were sure she was pouting just like Ashido was. “Lame,” The bubbly girl complained while Ashido rested her chin on the palm of her hand in thought.
“Well, what if we come with?” Ashido suggested. “We could get changed after class, go feed your cat, and then get ice cream!”
“Yes!’ Hagakure agreed, once again excited.
Ashido looked over to you, anticipating your reply.
A nonchalant grin spread across your face. “Sounds great,” You replied. Although you were tired, the prospect of a cold, sugary sweet was one you didn’t want to pass up.
On top of that, you knew it would make your mom happy. A bad habit you had back in the U.S. was isolating yourself. Your mom was always encouraging you to spend time with people, but you just wanted to either focus on hero work or laze around in your bed.
Overall, you knew that going to get ice cream was the next step in your friendship and it was a step you definitely needed to take.
At the end of the day, the three of you casually walked back to the dorms, changed into street clothes, and finally made your way off-campus.
As usual, Ashido and Hagakure led the conversation. You made a note in your head to bring up Kirishima and Ojiro at some point. However, now was not that time because the walk to your house was brief and you were already approaching the doorstep.
When you unlocked the door, your cat, who had been asleep on the couch, perked up. He stretched out his limbs, his gray fur moving with him, and then finally made his way to sniff you.
You bent down and put out the back of your hand so he could smell you. It had been a few days since you saw him, but you were sure he would remember you in an instant.
“Hi, sweet boy,” You soothed as he sniffed your hand.
When he began nuzzling your hand and legs, the two girls behind you cooed at the cuteness. That brought his attention to them and he proceeded to sniff both of their hands while you pet him to show him they were friends.
Once your cat was comfortable with Ashido and Hagakure, you stood back up and made your way to retrieve his food.
“What’s his name?” Hagakure asked as the cat wandered around her with a curious look on his face.
“Jerry,” You replied. “Like, Jae-Ri,” You added, trying to make the name just a bit easier for them to pronounce.
“Aww,” Ashido gushed, “Hi Ko-di!” Before the girls could continue to pet Jerry anymore, the sound of you opening his food can caused him to perk up and rush over to you.
Overall, the three of you stayed there for about half an hour so you could feed him, clean out his litter box, and make sure he had enough water. By the time you were thinking about going, your cat was perched on your lap, really getting into all the attention he was receiving.
You picked up the small, gray cat and moved him to be next to you. You stood up and Ashido and Hagakure followed while chatting away.
“So,” Hagakure mentioned, “It’s about a 10-minute walk to the nearest ice cream shop.”
“Perfect,” You replied, “Let me just get the roller for cat hair.” You explained as you wandered around the house in search. Once you found the roll of sticky paper, you cleaned off your pants quickly before leading your friends to the door. You turned off the lights, said your goodbye to the cat, and shut the door.
The three of you left the apartment and made your way down the street. The sidewalk was too narrow for all three of you to walk side by side so Ashido led the way and you and Hagakure followed behind.
Considering now was as good a time as any to bring up Kirishima and Ojiro, you cleared your throat and looked towards Hagakure. “So, how are you and Ojirou?” You inquired.
Considering last night, you knew more about Ashido’s relationship than Hagakure’s. Mainly you wanted to test the waters in order to find the best time to bring up Bakugou. You didn’t think it would be anytime soon, but you liked to plan ahead.
The invisible girl squealed at the thought of Ojiro. You were sure that if you could see her, there would be a blush spread across her cheeks.
“Oh, we are good,” The bubbly girl mumbled. You noticed that she got much more shy than usual when talking about Ojiro, making you not want to push more.
“You guys had lunch together today, right?” Ashido interjected.
“Yeah, it was a lot of fun,” Hagakure gushed, and you were sure there was a shy smile on her face. “We ate in the courtyard under the blooming cherry blossoms.”
“That’s so romantic,” You added, more curious if Ojiro was confident enough to plan something so obviously a date than jealous of her date
“I know! I can’t believe he suggested it!” Hagakure exclaimed.
“So, are you guys official yet?” You proposed as the three of you turned the corner onto a quiet street.
At your question, Hagakure gasped and took a step back. You and Ashido stopped walking and turned to look at the girl. “Of course not!” She snapped. “ I can’t believe you would ask such a thing!”
At first, you were worried you crossed a line with Hagakure, however, Ashido’s high-pitched laughter echoed through the empty street. You joined in to tease the shy girl about her ‘almost-boyfriend.’
“You guys should go official, you guys would be such a cute couple,” Ashido reassured Hagakure, turning around to flash her a friendly smile.
“Like you’re one to talk,” You bellowed, smirking and squinting your eyes at the pink girl, obviously judging her confidence.
Ashido feigned innocence with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. “I have no idea what you are talking about, Y/L/N-chan,” She replied. She pursed her lips and turned around to continue walking toward the ice cream shop.
“Jeez,” You teased, “It’s only been one day since you had that date last night and you are already denying how much you guys like each other.”
Ashido guffawed at your statement and placed her hand on her chest. “How dare you?” At this point, you weren’t sure if she was actually joking or not.
“What was last night?” Hagakure probed.
“Ashido and Kirishima went on a date,” You deadpanned, a smirk once again spreading onto your lips.
It’s so easy to tease these girls, you thought as Hagakure gasped at the new fact.
“I need details now!” The invisible girl practically screamed.
And so, for the rest of the trip to the ice cream shop, Ashido explained the date from when Kirishima first asked if she wanted to have a movie night to Kirishima grabbing her hand after the kiss scene.
The whole story just reminded you of how happy you were that you didn’t bring up anything about Bakugou and you that night. You were sure that this night would be a fond one to remember for them. If you had mentioned anything about you and Bakugou, this story would be different from how sweet it currently sounds.
“That’s so cute,” Hagakure sighed as you pulled the door to the ice cream shop open.
A bell attached to the door rang to signal new customers, but the busy workers were too preoccupied with the current customers to welcome you in. It seemed that everyone had the same idea to get some ice cream today.
Ashido, whose face was pinker than usual, replied with an “I know!” The excitement in her voice was obvious.
“Are you going to confess this weekend?” You inquired, as your eyes went over the menu.
“Idk, maybe, probably,” Ashido babbled while moving her hand up to her lips to nervously bite on her nails.
You swatted her hand away and scolded her. “You said you would confess,” You reminded her.
“I know…” She sighed as you all stepped forward in the line. “I just kinda like where we are right now.” Her eyebrows furrowed in concentration as if debating what she should do.
Before anyone had a chance to say something, the worker welcomed you to the shop and asked what you would like.
You all focused on the workers and each of you ordered your respective flavors before paying. Once done, you all sat outside on the small patio the store had. No one else was sitting outside and only a few pedestrians past by making it a very private area.
Hagakure was licking at her ice cream cone while Ashido fiddled with her bowl of ice cream. “You know,” You began, grabbing their attention, “I think it is totally okay for you to not confess.” You took a quick bite of the sorbet you were currently nursing before speaking again, “it can be difficult to confess and as long as you are happy, you may not need to make a change.”
Ashido smiled brightly and grabbed your hand to silently say thanks.
“Well,” Hagakure interrupted, “I may not be following this advice, but why wait? If you are sure he likes you, wouldn’t you rather have all of Kiri-kun?”
The comment made Ashido groan and she covered her face in her hands. “I hate this,” She mumbled, the sound slightly muffled by her hands. “I hate boys.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at the comment. “Same,” You sniggered while trying not to laugh too loud for the environment. You grabbed the small water cup you got inside and took a sip to try and calm down.
“Honestly, Y/N,” Hagakure lamented, her tone much more somber than usual, “You are so lucky you aren’t crushing on a clueless idiot like us.” Although you couldn’t see the invisible girl, the way her uniform hunched over made you incredibly aware of her depressed attitude.
Oh, if only they knew…
Not only did you like an oblivious idiot, but that idiot also happened to be a ticking time bomb of anger with no interest in a relationship.
“Yeah…” You mumbled, trying to play off your lie. Although you knew Ashido and Hagakure would accept you and help you out where possible, you found it more important to help them when you still weren’t sure what you wanted to even do with your crush.
The conversation died down with your plain response, each person becoming overly preoccupied with their ice cream. You picked at your partially melted bowl of ice cream and took a few bites till someone finally spoke up.
“Oh my god!” Ashido exclaimed, “I can’t believe I forgot!”
Both you and Hagakure looked towards the horned girl who had sat up straight in her seat. The wide grin on her face made your worry dissipate, it was clear she was excited about something.
“What?” Hagakure inquired before taking a bite of her ice cream cone.
“The new spring line is out for ADEAM!” Ashido practically shouted as she grabbed out her phone to find the photos.
“Really?” Hagakure gasped, also pulling her phone out to look up the photos.
You, however, were completely unaware of what they were talking about. From what little information you had, you were fairly certain ADEAM was a clothing brand. Regardless, you still felt ridiculously clueless and decided to speak up. “Um,” You interrupted as the two girls showed each other outfit after outfit on their phones and screamed over them. They stopped and turned to look at you with curious faces. “What is ADEAM?” You asked.
Both girls gasped before looking at you with wide eyes.
“You don’t know ADEAM?” Hagakure hissed, a slight judgment to her tone.
You shook your head and both girls immediately shoved their phones into your face to explain just what ADEAM was.
By the time you got home, the sun was in your eyes and the temperature was starting to cool down. When you, Ashido, and Hagakure walked through the door, Yaomomo, Tokoyami, and Tsu were all just starting to work on dinner.
“Ooh,” Hagakure squealed while skipping over to the kitchen, “What’s for dinner?”
“Soba noodles,” Tsu responded while filling a pot with water.
You and Ashido stayed a little farther back and you took this space to stretch out your limbs that were a bit sore from walking in the heat. “I have to do some work,” You groaned while thinking about your hero costume and the mass amounts of work ahead of you.
Ashido hummed in understanding. “Would you like me to text you once dinner is ready? I won’t let you skip dinner like last night,” She scolded while pointing her finger at you.
A small chuckle fell past your lips at Ashido’s glowering face. “I know,” You bashfully replied like you were being scolded by your mom. You pulled out your phone, “Here, put your number in and I’ll keep it right next to me.” You unlocked your phone and pulled up the contacts page before handing it over to Ashido.
Ashido gladly accepted the device and pulled it close to her to put in her number. Once done, she handed the phone back to you, a wide grin still gracing her lips. “Text me so I have your number,” She instructed.
In an instant, you nodded and began typing out a text to her number. Her phone dinged and her smile somehow grew bigger. She rapidly typed something back and hit send. When your phone vibrated, you looked down to see her hello text followed by multiple emojis.
You smiled at the text and looked back at Ashido. “I’ll see you at dinner.”
“Sounds good,” Ashido nodded and turned to go hang out with Hagakure.
You silently left the common area to go to the elevator. Once upstairs, you emptied your pockets and changed into a slightly more comfortable outfit. It took you only a few minutes to get yourself seated at the desk with a notebook, pencil, and laptop splayed out in front of you.
The first thing you did was look up the costume designer Bakugou had mentioned the other day. You scrolled through the website and social media pages he had, admiring his work. Eventually, you turned back to your notebook, debating whether to continue sketching or not.
It was an easy decision to choose to go with Bakugou’s designer. Although you hadn’t seen Bakugou’s hero costume, the possibility of a discount or at least quick help mixed with the great work you had seen so far made it worth it. However, you weren’t sure it was necessary to sketch out a horrible drawing of what you thought you would want when you really should go meet with the designer.
Unfortunately, Kobayashi’s store was currently closed and you, therefore, could not call to schedule an appointment. That left you with nothing to do moving forward.
You found yourself thinking back to the previous night when Bakugou insisted you tell him when or if you went to go see Kobayashi.
Does he want to come with me? You thought, wondering if you should reach out to him and make a plan to go together. Ugh, like he would hardly want to go.
Putting aside your insecurities, you decided to text Ashido, the only number you had of a classmate, to see if she knew where Bakugou was. You weren’t a fool and knew not to just waltz up to his room.
Before you could regret it, you grabbed your phone and typed the message. You didn’t want to overthink it or worry about how your search for Bakugou would seem to Ashido.
Do you know where Bakugou is?
And send.
You put the phone down and stared at your notebook until you heard the buzzing notification sound. Before the vibrating tone even finished, you snatched your phone back up.
You took in a deep breath.
Jeez, I feel so whipped.
You looked at the message.
Why do you want to know? ;) But also he is at his internship with Midoriya and Todoroki at Endeavor’s agency.
You bit your lip, not just because you were nervous about Ashido’s comment, but also because he wasn’t home. By the time he got home, you were sure your confidence would be gone and you would once again be too nervous to ask him.
I had a question for him but didn’t want to bother him if he was angry rn ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You subconsciously bit your lips, wondering if this partial lie was worth it. It was true that you had a question and wouldn’t bother him if he was in a sour mood, but you did not need to give Ashido more details than that. You hit the send and put your phone screen side down so you could continue to focus on your costume.
Before you even met with Kobayashi, you knew you needed a list of features to make sure you were wearing the best costume for you.
You wanted a suit that would allow for quickness, but also make up for the lack of offensive skills your quirk had. Additionally, something else that had crossed your mind while admiring other costumes was the mystery that multiple people tried to have. Thinking back to your fight with Bakugou on the first day, you reminded yourself that Aizawa left your quirk a mystery because you don’t get to know people’s quirk ahead of time. Considering your mind-reading allowed you to keep a distance from people, it might be essential to keep yourself hidden during missions
Ugh, this is so complicated. I’ve never had to think so hard about my hero costume before.
“Ughh,” You audibly groaned as you ran your hand through your hair and let your head fall forward onto the desk. You pushed yourself up and used your hands to rub your tired eyes.
Just then, your phone buzzed once more, and you tiredly grabbed it to see two texts, one from Ashido that was sent a few minutes ago and one you just received from your mom.
You unlocked your phone and pulled up your mom’s text first.
Hi sweetie, busy day but thank you for feeding Jerry. Depending on how the other classes go, I might need you to feed him more often. All the classes are on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Also! Feel free to keep bringing your friends over, I’m so happy you are getting along with your classmates unlike before :)
The text somehow made you simultaneously smile and groan. It was nice that she was being supportive and checking in, but frustrating that she was being such a mom.
You quickly typed out a reply that you would be happy to feed Jerry and then moved on to look at Ashido’s text.
Lol, okayyyy...he should be home around dinner time, but he goes to bed pretty early most nights.
You typed out a quick thank you before putting your phone back down and looking back at the list you had going.
“Hmm, what else...what else,” You mumbled to yourself as you tapped the end of your pencil on your chin. “Oh, I know!”
Blades. Swords. Anything sharp!
Although you already wrote down that your costume needs to enhance your offensive skills, you decided it was best to mention your want to show off your weaponry. It was important that you kept a focus on the skills you already had. You didn’t want to risk getting stuck with a weapon you weren’t familiar with.
I do need to get better with combat though, you reminded yourself as you remembered how you haven’t been able to use your weapons over these past few days.
Just as you finished writing on the paper, your phone buzzed once more. When you looked at it, you realized it was a text from Ashido telling you that dinner was ready.
Before Ashido had a chance to storm up and demand you come downstairs, you closed your notebook and left your room. When you exited, you noticed that Kirishima and Shoji, or at least you hoped that was his name, were inside the elevator.
You rushed through the hall to try and make it to the elevator in time and Shoji used one of his arms to keep it open for you.
“Thanks,” You graciously mumbled as you entered the elevator.
Shoji then pressed the ‘close door’ button and once it dinged, you three were left in silence. It wasn’t an awkward silence, but it wasn’t comfortable either. Regardless, you purse your lips and keep them closed instead of trying to start a conversation.
The elevator dinged once more and the doors opened. Each boy allowed you to exit first and followed behind you towards the kitchen and dining room. When you entered the room and were greeted by most of your classmates, you waved hello and made a beeline to Ashido.
Considering you didn’t know the whole class very well, you wanted to stay by the person you were currently closest to. Not only was she outgoing enough to introduce you to everyone, but she was also naturally able to keep the conversation light and balanced for times you may not want to be the center of attention.
“Wow,” Yaomomo greeted, smiling at you, “I’m glad you’ll finally be eating with us today.”
You sheepishly smiled at the backhanded compliment. From the few conversations you’ve had with the elegant Yaoyurozu, you knew she wouldn’t mean anything horrible by it. However, the comment still hurt a bit. “Yeah, it took me a few days to adjust and get back to a normal schedule,” You explained.
Yaomomo once again smiled. The grin on her face was kind and welcoming, making her previous comment seem even more innocent.
Currently, everyone was standing in a line, waiting to grab a plate or bowl for salad and noodles. You were standing with Ashido and Kaminari who were currently complaining about the math homework Ectoplasm had assigned for over the weekend.
“I know,” Kaminari whined as he grabbed himself a bowl. “Not only am I going to spend the entire weekend trying to figure out the math homework, but I also have to do the special lessons homework.” The frown on his face was evident and you could already tell he was even more tired than he was during lunch today.
How hard are these extra lessons?
You grabbed a plate and filled one side with salad and the other with cold soba noodles. At the end of the counter, you grabbed a pair of chopsticks and poured a raspberry vinaigrette over your salad. After capping the bottle, you followed Kaminari and Ashido to one end of the large dining table. Already sitting there was Sero and Bakugou.
“Kaminari!” Sero cheered, “How were the extra lessons? Bakugou won’t say anything.”
“It was good, just an introduction day,” He shrugged while sitting next to his black-haired friend. “Elemental talked for a while and then had us do some light sparring to show off our quirks.”
Kirishima then walked up, taking a seat next to Ashido, which definitely didn’t go unnoticed by the group.
As the boys continued to talk about the extra lessons, Ashido leaned over to you and whispered, “Are you gonna ask Bakugou whatever question you had?”
Reflexively, you swatted her on the arms. “Shut up!” You hissed. “Obviously not!”
Ashido snickered and luckily the boys were polite enough not to ask what your whispering and laughing was about. Before you had a chance to continue the conversation with her, she turned away to face the rest of the group and you turned your attention to the salad on your plate.
“Bakugou, how was the class for you?” Kirishima asked, leaning over the table to get closer to Bakugou.
Currently, Bakugou was at the head of the table. To the right of him was Sero and Kaminari and to the left was you, Ashido, and Kirishima respectively.
At the question, the ashy blond-haired boy grunted and shoved more salad into his mouth.
“Use your words,” Sero joked, putting on a voice that made it sound like he was talking to a baby. He had pushed his hand out, using his chopsticks to point at Bakugou.
In response, Bakugou swatted away Sero’s hand, using a little more force than necessary.
“Ouchie,” Sero whined, bringing his hand to his chest and rubbing where he was hit. “Punish your child!” Sero jokingly said to Kirishima.
Kaminari, Ashido, and Kirishima all laughed loudly at Sero. Kaminari then breathlessly spoke through his laughter, saying, “Come on, man! It wasn’t that bad!”
Bakugou scoffed at that. For someone so loud, it seemed like he was incredibly reluctant to actually speak. You found yourself observing the blond boy, trying to figure out just what he was thinking without actually taking your earbuds out.
Without staring at him for too long, you noticed his furrowed eyebrows and pursed thin lips. His face was surprisingly pale and he was clumsily picking at his salad as if he couldn’t find the perfect bite. The hand grasping his chopsticks was pale and the grip he had was ridiculously tight. His jaw was clenched and his teeth bared.
Anyone could see that he was angry.
And yet, it seemed you were the only one being conscious of it. The rest of the group was still laughing at and teasing Bakugou.
“Honestly,” Ashido began, bringing you back to the conversation at hand, “I wish I was in the group. I would love to have some personal lessons from the number one hero in America.” Ashido nudged your shoulder and smiled at you while referencing your mom.
“Just drop it, idiots,” Bakugou finally spoke, his voice low. His jaw clenched again and he shoved a large bite of salad in his mouth.
“Are you really saying you got nothing out of training with Elemental?” Kirishima questioned.
“I personally had so much fun today!” Kaminari added.
“Yeah, dude, what’s up?” Sero asked.
After three rapid comments and questions, Bakugou stood up and slammed his hand on the table. “It was a waste of my time! Is that what you want me to say? Why do I have to train with a stupid hero that doesn’t even live here when I already work with Endeavor?”
The whole table was silent, Bakugou’s voice resonated throughout the common area. It was the loudest you had ever heard him yell outside of playing capture the flag with him.
After a few beats of silence, Kirishima stood up and walked over to his friend. He grabbed Bakugou’s elbow to pull him close and whispered, “Dude, you need to chill. That’s Y/L/N-chan’s mom.”
Bakugou pulled his arm back rapidly and ground his teeth. The blond-haired boy hissed, his voice surprisingly quiet, “Like I give a shit.” Bakugou looked at you for just a moment, his eyes unreadable. If you weren’t mistaken, there might have been a small glint of regret. However, before you could read more into it, Bakugou stormed off.
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[Image ID: A chapter image done in the style of Wizardess Heart. A large, off-white imagine with a guy on it. He’s wearing a dark gray uniform. There’s a lavender bar over him that reads “Tsukasa Kuze.” The rest of the text reads “Normal Ending” /End ID]
I groaned as my alarm went off. I just wanted to sleep in, especially since this was usually when I was going to bed. But my Judgment was in an hour and half and I couldn’t be late for that. Begrudgingly, I got out of bed and got ready. Strange. I can smell food cooking, but Dorian should be asleep right now.
Once dressed, I went to the kitchen to get something to eat only to find I’d been right. Like so many mornings before, Dorian was cooking breakfast, piling pancakes onto a plate. Isabelle and Aika were at the table, all of them looking exhausted.
“Good, you’re awake. I thought I’d have to go and wake you up,” Isabelle said with a weak smile.
“What are you guys doing up? It’s so early,” I asked. Dorian and Aika glanced at each other, brows furrowed. “… Am I missing something?”
“We’re withdrawing from the academy,” Aika said after a short silence.
“What?! Why?” My heart was cleaved into two.
“I don’t have my magic anymore. That was why I made a deal with Dorian in the first place. I wanted to be a wizardess and he made it happen. Now that I can’t do magic, there’s no point in us being here,” she said.
“But… But can’t you just make another contract with Dorian and get it back?!”
“I can only make a deal with someone once,” he informed me. His words weighed on me and my shoulders slumped.
“Don’t look so sad! Dorian and I have a place in town. You can come visit us on weekends if you like!” Aika said. That’s true, I could. But it wouldn’t be the same. The thought of our suite just being Isabelle and I felt wrong. Even if I wasn’t particularly close to them, our suite was the four of us, together.
“Good morning.” I heard Tsukasa’s voice in my ear as I felt his arms wrap around my waist and pull me close.
“Good morning!” I managed to turn around and give him a quick kiss. “Why don’t you join us for breakfast?”
“Would that be all right?” he asked, looking to Dorian.
“Yeah, of course. I can’t say no our new boyfriend’s brother, after all. Plates are in this cabinet,” Dorian said. He tapped one of the upper cabinets. Tsukasa’s hand slid into mine and we got our food. We’d always had lunches and sometimes dinners together, but this was the first time we’d ever had breakfast together.
I hoped we could do this more often.
“You didn’t have to come with me. After all, you need to be resting up,” I fussed over Tsukasa. He just laughed.
“I’m fine. My body isn’t shutting down now and I feel great. And besides, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you go by yourself?” He squeezed my hand and calmed a bit of my nerves.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better, but how much sleep did you get?” I asked.
“How much sleep did you get?” he asked back. I laughed, leaning into him.
“Okay, fine, I’ll stop asking question.”
“How about we take a nap after this?” he suggested. The thought was tempting. It was more than tempting.
“If I get accepted we can, but if not, I have to start packing…”
“Hey, don’t look so glum. You’ve got this. You’ve improved so much since you got here,” he pointed out.
“I know, but I’m still so far behind in the Night Class.” I sighed. “Maybe if I was a Day Class student, it would be enough.”
“Maybe, but I’m glad you’re not a Day Class student. We wouldn’t have met otherwise.”
“That’s true.”
It was strange to think I was so close to never meeting Tsukasa. That if one thing was different, none of this would’ve happened and things would be so drastically different. It was honestly a bit hard to wrap my head around.
The Day Class side of campus was so… bright. I mean, of course there was a lot more natural sunlight here, but the buildings weren’t the same dark, goth kinds we had back on our side of campus. The school felt like a whole different place over here. Huh. I wonder why they did that…
Even the inside of the main building felt so different. I really felt like I was entering a prestigious boarding school instead of a small goth school for misfits. We quickly found a large set of wooden door, the plaque beside it telling us it was the auditorium. My nerves started up again.
“Good luck. I believe in you,” he said encouragingly. We leaned in for another kiss, his lips warm against mine.
“Thank you, Tsukasa.”
The auditorium was huge and lofty. The ceilings were so high, much higher than the ceilings in the library. Cream-colored pillars supported everything and to be honest, part of me thought how fun it’d be to play hide-and-seek in here. Headmaster Randolph was in his daytime forming, smiling warmly at me as I entered. In front of him was a podium with a set of golden scales on it.
“Good morning, Headmaster,” I greeted him.
“Good morning. Are you ready for your Judgment?” I nodded, steeling myself. “Great. Let’s get started. May I see your Acceptance Letter, please?”
“Of course.” I pulled it out of my bag and handed it over to him. He carefully placed it in front of the scales.
"Oh Scale of Judgment... This student shall be judged to be a rightful student or not. Reveal your judgment now! … Please your hand over your letter,” he instructed.
Silently, I obeyed his orders. As soon as my hand went over the letter, the scales started to shine bright. The light got brighter and brighter and I shut my eyes. But then it suddenly dissipated. I opened my eyes and my letter was gone. My stomach sank into the floor.
“I’m sorry, but you didn’t make it this time. But you’re always welcome to apply next year. I hope you’ll do that.”
“I will. I won’t give up.” This was just a set-back. That was all… Right? That’s what I had to keep telling myself. I refused to lose it in front of the Headmaster.
“I’m glad to hear that,” he said with a soft smile.
“Headmaster, can I ask you a question?”
“Of course. What is it?”
“Why was I accepted into the Night Class instead of the Day Class? I never had any proficiency with dark magic at all, so why did I end there?” I asked.
“Not all the students in the Night Class are chosen to go there because of their skill with dark magic. In fact, only a few of them are good at it prior to enrollment. Students are chosen for the Night Class because of their background or other skills. You were accepted into the Academy because you have what it takes, but I decided to put you into the Night Class because your healing skills were needed there. The Night Class isn’t just a student body; it’s a safe haven for people who need one. And I thought your skills as a healer and someone people back in Reitz considered a kind soul would be a welcome addition to the Night Class. Does that answer your question?” he answered me.
“It does. Thank you.” A safe haven, huh? I supposed that checked out. Tsukasa and his frail state. Aika from her abusive family. I’m sure even more people in the Night Class had tragic stories that I didn’t even know about. I just wish I could’ve helped them more.
“I look forward to seeing you again,” he told me.
“I look forward to returning.”
“Did you make it?!” As soon as I opened the doors, Tsukasa was on me.
“I… No. I didn’t make it.” His excitement crumbled in seconds.
“Oh…” We embraced each other tightly. “I… I don’t know what to do,” he murmured.
“I’m going to keep applying for the academy. I’m not giving up on being a student here,” I told him. We leaned away. Tsukasa gave me a warm smile.
“I’m glad to hear that. Even if we’re apart, I’m going to do everything I can to support and help you,” he told me, tucking some hair behind my ear.
It’s true, it hurt that I wasn’t accepted. But I needed to keep my head up. This wasn’t the end. This was just another obstacle Tsukasa and I would make it through together.
Months later…
My alarm was going off and I screamed, jumping and flinging pasta sauce into the air. My wooden spoon clattered to the floor and I dove for it, quickly throwing it into the sink. Giddiness jolted through my body and I could barely stand still. It was time! And I didn’t have dinner ready.
I groaned.
I pulled the pasta sauce off my burner and turned it off. I hoped Tsukasa wasn’t starving when he got off the train. This still needed a couple of minutes to cook, but I needed to go pick him up at the train station. I turned my alarm off and quickly grabbed my things, rushing out of the door.
The sun beat down on me as I hurried through Reitz. It’d been months since I came back home and now it was summer. Tsukasa was coming to stay the whole summer and I couldn’t help but skip along the sidewalk, thinking of all the time we were going to spend together.
Reitz was a sleepy town, but a few people were out. We greeted each other with smiles and waves. Normally, I’d stop to talk, but Tsukasa was on his way and I couldn’t wait. I turned the corner and my heart raced. Tsukasa was standing in front of the station, suitcase in his hands.
“Tsukasa!” He perked up and we ran to each other. He threw his arms around me. I forgot how wonderful and warm his hugs were. I held him tightly, leaning in for a kiss. The butterflies in my stomach started fluttering as he deepened the kiss. I could’ve melted right then and there.
“I missed you so much,” he told me.
“I missed you too. It’s felt like years.” There were no words to describe how truly wonderful it was to be with him again. All those months of loneliness were gone. He was here with me and that’s all that mattered.
“It really has.”
Our hands clasped together and I lead him back home. Our home. At least, for the summer it’d be ours. Of course, I hoped I’d get another provisional acceptance letter from the Academy, but for now, I just wanted to enjoy my time with Tsukasa. We had the summer to ourselves and I full intended to make the most out of these few months. After all the hardships we’d been through, it was time for Tsukasa and I to sit back and live our lives together, worry-free.
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sofhyuck · 5 years
Teach or Be Taught
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Genre: elementary school teacher!Jaehyun, elementary school teacher!reader, fluff, gender neutral
Word Count: 7.2k
Excerpt: “Here, you can lean on my shoulder. You have like forty-five minutes to take a nap.” He scoots a little closer, supplying you with the maximum amount of comfort he can. You thank him quietly, nuzzling into his side while leaning your head on his shoulder. Jaehyun looks down at you, admiring every eyelash, every freckle, every part of you his eyes can reach. He’s never been in love before, but he swears this is what it feels like.
A/N: I tried a different writing style (which is heavily inspired by @dreaminghaos hi i love your writing style sm I aspire to be like you) bc why not???
Day 1 [8:00 am]
First days are the epitome of all things anxiety inducing. Meeting new people, trying to make said new people like you, all while in a new environment: any anti-social person’s worst nightmare. Every first day of school nerves never failed to bubble up in your throat, palms growing sweaty from mild fear. And, right at this moment, you feel as though your heart is going to fall out of your ass. You know this is what you’ve been waiting for, spending years at uni to work yourself up to that coveted teaching certificate. Now, you have that certificate as well as a job to go with it. Speaking of which…
You’re stood in front of the entryway, wringing your hands together, unable to shake yourself free of your anxieties. The door opened, revealing a tall middle aged woman who beckons you over. Slowly you make your way over, wiping your dampened hands on the front of your pants.
“Are you the new second grade teacher?” She inquires, looking you over.
“Ah, yes. My name is Y/n, it’s nice to meet you.” You give her a small bow.
“You’re here bright and early, aren’t you? Come on, I’ll show you to your classroom!” She smiles brightly, holding the door open wider to usher you inside. “I’m Han Ana, Mrs. Han to the kids. I’ve been teaching the fourth grade here for about twenty years now.”
You balk at her revelation, feeling like a child next to her. She leads you through the halls, chatting happily about the school before stopping in front of a room.
“Here, room 202 is all yours. You can situate yourself for now, but there’s an all staff meeting in twenty before the kids get here. It’ll be in the staff lounge downstairs. If you need any help I’m right down the hall in 204!” She leaves you at your classroom and you make your way inside. It’s your typical classroom, small desks in rows with one larger sat in the front. You place your bag and laptop on the front desk and open the shades covering the windows. Sunlight bursts throughout the room as you make your way around, inspecting every inch while rearranging desks where needed.
[8:18 am]
You glance up at the clock, only to find that you have less than two minutes to make it to the staff meeting. You race out the door, nearly falling down the stairs before you finally make it to the lounge. Every pair of eyes is on you as soon as you enter and you flush, ducking your head and sitting down next to Ana at one of the many round tables placed precariously around the room.
The staff meeting doesn’t last very long and you’re left with a good half hour before you need to get back to your classroom. Unsure as to what you should do next, you glance nervously around the table you’re sat at. All the unfamiliar faces make your head spin, each of them in their own conversations. Just as you’re about to get up and leave, Ana perks up.
“Oh, right! This is our new teacher, Y/n! They’re taking over for Mr. Park.”
“Thank god, that old man was really getting on my nerves.” A voice pipes up from across the table, pulling laughter from your coworkers.
“You look rather young, Y/n, how old are you?”
“I’m twenty-four. Just graduated a few months ago.” You flush as everyone gawks at you.
“Looks like you’re no longer our youngest teacher, Jaehyun. Think you’re ok with that?”
“I can live with it.” A deep voice chuckles a few seats away from you, and you turn to find the source. His eyes are already on yours and he greets you with a kind smile. “I’m Jung Jaehyun, previous youngest staff in the school. I’m also teaching the second grade.” You give him a soft smile in return, cheeks flushed slightly at his attention.
“It must be nice to finally have someone around your age, Jaehyun. I bet it can be tiring to hang around us old geezers all the time.” Ana pipes up.
“Ahhh, you guys aren’t so bad.” He teased, dimples poking at his cheeks. “But I’m excited to get to know our new addition.”
“We should probably head back to our classrooms. The kids should be arriving in about ten minutes now.” You stand up with everyone else, following them out the door. You feel a light nudge to your left, and turn to find Jaehyun walking beside you.
“What room are you in, newbie?”
“202. What about you?”
“Ah, damn I’m down here in 110. I was hoping we’d be on the same floor. Oh well, guess I’ll see you at lunch.” He grins before turning the corner, leaving you with a parting wave.
[11:50 am]
You’re exhausted yet probably the happiest you’ve ever been. Your students are absolutely adorable and seem to get along as well. The morning was filled with name games and little get-to-know-yous. Now, as you walk your students in a single file line to the cafeteria, you’re sure that you know all of their names by heart. They wave goodbye once they’re settled in the cafeteria and you make your way towards the staff lounge. Upon entering, you scan the room to find Jaehyun sat at a table in the center of the room. His gaze lifts from his lunchbox to rest on you and a smile tugs at the corner of his lips. You give him a short wave, going to grab your lunch from the refrigerator before sitting beside him.
“How are your kids? Any trouble makers?” He probes once you’re comfortably seated.
“Oh, they’re all so wonderful! I can already tell this year is going to be amazing!”
“That’s great! I knew as soon as I saw you that your students would love you.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” You flush, feeling small under his gaze.
“I mean, you just have this air of comfort about you? Plus, the kids always take better to a pretty face.” Your blush only deepens and you laugh nervously, gaze shifting to your lunch.
“What about you, Jaehyun? How long have you been working here?”
“This is my fourth year.” He hums happily, leaning back in his chair. “I’ve never had any issues with my students, although I do get a few proposals every year.”
“I’m not surprised.” You laugh, shovelling rice into your mouth. Jaehyun quirks an eyebrow at you, a smirk playing at his lips.
“I think you might give me some competition for most marriage proposals.”
“Hmmm, we’ll see. Although i’m not sure that’s a title we should fight for.”
“It’s nothing but a friendly competition, Y/n.”  You shake your head, smiling slightly while packing up your lunch.
“I’ll see you later Jaehyun.”
“See ya!” He gives you a small nod, turning back to his lunch.
Day 6 [7:00 pm]
Jaehyun oftentimes wonders how and why he’s friends with the idiotic group of children he considers his closest friends. But now, sat on the floor of Doyoung’s nearly empty apartment with cookie crumbs covering the front of his shirt, he understands that he himself is one of those children.
“Hyung, I thought you were supposed to be mildly more responsible than the rest of us. It’s been like, what, a week since you moved in and you’re still not done unpacking?” Mark snickers from beside Jaehyun.
“Some of us have actual jobs that require them to be available most of the time, Mark.” Doyoung quips back, shoving the younger at the back of his head.
“Dude you can literally ask any of us for help, you know that right?” Johnny chimes in.
“Like I’d let any of you touch my belongings. Besides, you guys won’t know where to put anything.”
“Oh ye of little faith. Come on, why don’t we help right now!”
“Hold up.” Jaehyun sits straight up, brushing the crumbs from his shirt. “This is not what I agreed to! I’m exhausted from dealing with the kids all week, I don’t need any more exertion.”
Mumbles of agreement chime from around the room, Doyoung physically relaxing knowing that his belongings are no longer at risk of being tampered with; at least for now, that is. Jaehyun reaches for the pack of chocolate chip cookies in Sicheng’s grasp, nearly having to wrestle it out of his greedy hands. Sicheng finally releases the pack, causing Jaehyun to fall back on his ass earning a chorus of laughter from his friends.
“How are the kids this year anyways, Jae? Any wedding bells ringing?”
“Not yet, Tae.” He chuckles.
“Didn’t you mention that you were getting a new teacher?”
“Yea replacing that old asshole, right?”
“Ah, yea, they’re our new youngest staff member.” Jaehyun revealed.
“Ooooh are they cute?”
“They must be. Look! His ears are turning red!” The room once again erupts into laughter at the expense of Jaehyun. He looks around, gaze settling on a paper book that he then throws at whoever’s closest.
“Ow, c’mon man.” Yuta mumbles, rubbing his stomach.
“We’re just teasing you dude. I mean, it’s been like four years since you last dated someone, it’s about time you got back into the game.”
Jaehyun rolls his eyes in response, digging through the nearly empty pack of cookies in hopes of distracting himself. So what if he had been single for awhile? What was it that people said, married to your job? In fact, his last relationship ended right after he got his current job, something about him constantly smelling like baby powder now. Since then, he hasn’t really bothered to start a new relationship. Out of the odd single mother or father, Jaehyun doesn’t really come across people his age. He traded that part of his life to be surrounded by seven to eight year old children instead.
“Do you have a picture of them?”
“Uh, maybe, hold on a sec.” Jaehyun opens his photo app only to be faced with the picture of you that he most definitely had not been smiling at on his way over to Doyoung’s apartment. It’s a picture of you when you were on recess duty together. The two of you had been stood talking to one another, both keeping an eye on the children, when one of your students had ran over and tugged lightly on the side of your pants. You had immediately knelt down to be eye level with the child, asking her what was wrong. Blushing, the girl brought out a flower from behind her back, holding it out to you. You smiled gratefully and reached out to take the gift from her small hands. Jaehyun couldn’t help himself and immediately pulled out his phone, snapping a quick picture before turning away, feigning innocence. You had caught him, of course, and immediately demanded he send the picture to you.
“Hmmm, yea they’re cute.” Mark’s voice sounds directly next to Jaehyun’s ear. The boy cranes his neck to look over the elder’s shoulder for a peak at his phone screen.
“Oi, back off.” Jaehyun nudges Mark, turning his phone to show the rest of the group the photo. They hum in approval, a few exchanging nods and giving Jaehyun a sly thumbs up. Jaehyun feels his ears burn and he quickly snatches his phone back.
“Have you made a move yet?”
“Knowing our Jaehyun he probably already has.”
“Leave me aloooone.” Jaehyun whines, fully prepared to throw another book at the group.
“Sorry Jae, it’s just so fun to see you ears turn red. It’s so rare that we get to see you all flustered.”
“You’re not helping Johnny.”
“I know.”
Jaehyun decides that he really needs new friends who aren’t mentally, or physically, seven years old.
Day 33 [10:00 am]
A knock sounds at your classroom door, causing you to halt your current lesson. Your students immediately begin tittering amongst each other as you walk over to open the door, revealing a bashful Jaehyun stood in your doorway. You can hear your students shuffling in their seats, hoping to catch a glimpse of whoever is at the door.
“Hey Y/n, I was wondering if you had any extra white board markers? My last one just ran out in the middle of class and I’ve been meaning to buy new ones but I keep forgetting.”
“Sure, Jaehyun, give me a second.” Jaehyun follows you into your classroom, a chorus of “ooooh’s” from your students echoing around the room. You immediately shush them, flushing at their teasing. You reach into your desk drawer, pulling out a new marker and handing it to him.
“Thanks, Y/n.” He smiles, the classroom again bursting with teasing sounds and you usher Jaehyun out the door. It takes you almost five minutes to calm down the kids, although they continue to bring up Mr. Jung until the lunch bell rings. Once you drop the class off at the cafeteria, you heave a sigh of relief, happy to be free of their taunting. Jaehyun greets you in the staff’s lounge, sliding a rice cake over to you.
“What’s this for?”
“A little thank you for the new marker.”
“Ah really, it was no problem. But why didn’t you just go to someone on your floor.”
“Why, I wanted to visit you, of course! You’re worth the perilous trek.”
You roll your eyes. “Ah yes, the treacherous single flight of stairs, how brave of you.”
Jaehyun points his chopsticks at you, dropping a piece of chicken in the process. “Hey, you never know when you could trip and injure yourself. People fall and break their necks on those death traps all the time.”
“Lovely, Jaehyun. As if I wasn’t already afraid of falling down stairs.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll catch you if you fall.” He grins, reaching over to pat you on the head. You swat away his hand, ready to reprimand him for messing up your hair when Ana pulls out the chair next to you, calling for both of your attention.
“What are you two lovebirds up to?”
“L-lovebirds?” You choke out, eyes widening at her question.
“Haven’t you heard, you two are the new hot couple of the school.” She giggles, taking a bite out of her egg sandwich. “Even the students are gossiping! My, it’s so exciting, we haven’t had a school couple since Suzy and Haseul left.”
“We - I mean we’re not a couple…”
“Oh but you will be soon, I call it.”
Jaehyun, noticing your discomfort, cuts her off. “C’mon Ana, give it a rest for now. We’re just trying to eat our lunch in peace.”
She raises her arms in surrender, returning her focus back to her sandwich, voicing her complaints to the room. “I swear, the school lunches just seem to be worsening every year, more and more parents are making lunches for their kids.”
“It’s not that bad, they’re still better than anything my school provided when I was a kid.”
“Hm, little baby Jaehyunie must’ve been so cute.” You tease, pinching his cheeks.
“Ay, come on now.” He whines, ears turning red at your ministrations.
“Well, I better head out now, you kids have fun.” Ana stands up, wiping the crumbs from her hands.
You both bid her farewell, Jaehyun’s fingers tapping a soft beat onto your wrist.
“I’m sorry if all that coupley stuff made you uncomfortable. We’re all kind of like a big family here so most of us are used to that kind of teasing. You’ll probably get used to it, but if you ever feel uncomfortable again just let me know, ok?” He gives you a warm smile, his hand now settled over top your own. You smile, thanking him in return.
[3:50 pm]
You’re sat in the entryway to the school, one of your students sat beside you. You’re attempting to distract her, but it’s been twenty minutes since her mother was meant to pick her up and you can tell that she’s growing nervous.
“Mommy’s running a little late, Bora, don’t worry.” You attempt to soothe her, patting her lightly on the head. “Here, I have some markers and paper, why don’t you draw me a picture of your family?” She smiles at your suggestion, nodding happily while reaching for the supplies. You ask her about each figure drawn, attempting to engage her and keep her attention off of her absent mother.
“What are you two still doing out here?” You look up to see Jaehyun stood over you, smiling down at the two of you.
“I’m drawing, Mr. Jung! Look, there’s me and my little brother and my mommy!”
“Wow, you’re quite the artist!” He crouches down in front of you, leaning on your knees to get a better view of her drawings.
“Thank you!” She giggles. “Teacher’s keeping me company while I wait for my mommy to come pick me up.”
“Oh, well that’s very kind of teacher!”
“Yea! Teacher’s the best!” Bora leans over to hug you tightly and you laugh, wrapping your arms around her.
“Yea, they really are.” Jaehyun gazes up at the two of you, completely enamored. Your eyes sparkle in the sunlight, happiness radiating off of you.
“Mr. Jung!” Bora cries, poking him in the cheek. Leaning in closer to Jaehyun, she beckons him in closer. He leans in and she cups her hands around her mouth. “Are you and teacher dating?” She questions in a poor attempt at a whisper.
“No, Bora, at least not yet.” He whispers.
“But I want to marry you Mr. Jung.” She pouts.
“Maybe in a few years, ok?’ He chuckles. He grins up at you slyly, holding up two fingers. His second confession.
“Bora, baby I am so sorry, traffic was terrible!” A young woman comes rushing over to you, immediately sweeping her child into her arms.
“That’s ok mommy! Teacher and Mr. Jung kept me company.”
Her mother turns to face you, relief evident on her face. “Thank you so much for taking care of Bora, and I’m sorry for being so late.”
“That’s ok!” You smiled. “Just give me a call next time, you should have my number.”
“Right, of course, again I’m so sorry. I’ll be on time from now on.”
“Have nice night, ma’am! Bora, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Bye teacher! Bye Mr. Jung!”
Jaehyun gets up from his spot on the ground to stand beside you, both of you waving goodbye to the little girl. He can’t help but to gaze at you, heart practically on his sleeve. The way you treat your students so kindly, always sure to show them affection all while keeping an appropriately firm hand.
“Looks like we can go home—”
“Do you want to get something for dinner—” You both speak at the same time, laughing following shortly after.
“Isn’t it too early for dinner?” You question, checking the time on your phone.
“Factor in travel time plus walking around a little, we’ll find a restaurant right before the dinner rush.” Figuring why not? you nod in agreement, heading back inside to gather your belongings.
[4:45 pm]
So, maybe it is still a little too early to have dinner. And by a little too early you mean almost a full hour before you normally would eat. Jaehyun doesn’t seem to mind, however, happily pulling you along the fairly empty streets. You look upon him fondly, following him wherever he goes. Not that you had much choice considering how firmly his hand grasps yours.
It’s inevitable, the way your heart flutters whenever his gaze locks with yours. Sure, the boys you had met in the past were attractive, but Jaehyun’s pure beauty is utterly incomparable. Not to mention his affinity with children and all around gentille manner. If you were being completely honest, Jaehyun is your ideal man, and he’s practically fallen right into your lap. Now if only you could act upon your feelings…
“How about chicken and beer?” Jaehyun suggests, stopping in front of a restaurant.
“Jae, it’s still so early, I’m barely hungry!”
“Fine, why don’t we get takeout instead and then head back to my apartment?”
“Hmmm, trying to get me all to yourself Mr. Jung?”
“Oh god Y/n, please don’t call me that.” He laughs, pulling you inside the restaurant. “Now come on, what do you want to order?”
[5:30 pm]
Jaehyun’s apartment is almost excruciatingly neat, something you honestly didn’t expect from the boy. His classroom is almost always in a state of disarray, a trait you had assumed translated over into his home life. Instead, you’re faced with pristine white walls, not a single book out of place, all stacked neatly on the shelves lining the walls. Your shoes are lined up in the entryway, inked drawings hanging around the apartment. You’re stood gazing at one of said drawings when Jaehyun comes to stand behind you after placing your food on the counter.
“These are all done by my friend Taeyong.” He hums, placing his hands on your shoulders.
“He’s quite talented, does he do commissions?”
“Oh definitely, I bet I could even get you a discount!”
You laugh, pulling him back over to the counter. He grabs some plates from his cabinets as you unload the chicken. Each plate is decorated with a floral design around the brim, a fact you’re sure to take note of. You take a bite of chicken, humming at the savory taste. Meanwhile, Jaehyun’s hands are getting sweaty. It has been so long since Jaehyun dated someone, let alone invited someone over to his apartment who wasn’t a part of his friend group. Especially someone he held such a strong attraction to. He found himself unable to meet your gaze, quite the 180 from his usually confident demeanor.
“Jaehyun, did you know that your ears turn red fairly easily?”
Jaehyun immediately drops his chopsticks, bringing his hands to cover his ears. Of course his ears are red, they always are around you. You laugh at his reaction, muttering a soft cute  as you turn back to your chicken.
“I’m not cute,” he pouts, “I’m extremely handsome.”
“You can be both, Jae. In fact, you are.” Jaehyun’s hands are still over his ears, fully aware that they’ve only grown redder. “Eat your chicken, it’s gonna grow cold.”
Day 76 [8:30 am]
“Oh, Jaehyun! Just the teacher I’ve been looking for!” Jaehyun abruptly stops his conversation with one of the third grade teachers. He smiles, turning to face you.
“What’s up?”
“I’m trying to take the kids on a field trip to the science museum but the principal told me I need another teacher to come with me since I’m new. I was hoping you’d be ok with coming along. Our classes get along well too.”
Jaehyun thinks it’s rather odd that the principal is requiring you to bring another teacher along. He didn’t have to do that during his first year. He chooses to shrug it off for now, exchanging his confusion for relief. Thank god you were comfortable enough around him to ask for his help.
“I’d be glad to! I take my classes there every year anyways.”
“Oh, thank you so much, you’re a real lifesaver!”
“Of course, we can discuss the details later at lunch today, yea?
You give him a quick hug before dashing off to your classroom.
“Aren’t you guys dating yet?”
“Not yet.” Jaehyun smiles softly, gazing at your retreating figure.
Day 82 [8:30 am]
The students arrive half an hour earlier than usual so that they have enough time to explore the museum. You and Jaehyun are ushering your students onto the bus, chaperones already assigned and sat with their groups. The final student gets on the bus and you and Jaehyun follow. Considering that there are two classrooms plus chaperones on the bus, there are only two seats left, sat next to one another. Jaehyun allows you to sit first, giving you the window seat, and promptly plops himself down next to you.
He leans down to whisper in your ear. “I heard you got another confession yesterday. What does that make, five?”
“Are you still keeping track of that?” You snort. “I’m not even counting anymore.”
“Of course, I need to keep my status as most popular teacher!”
“Well if you must know, I’ve actually gotten six confessions.”
“I thought you stopped keeping track?” He pokes your side, teasing.
“You’re just jealous I have more confessions than you.” You huff.
“…maybe so.” Jaehyun sits back with a pout. “Just wait a few weeks, I’ll take you over.” He gazes over at you out of the corner of his eye, hoping to have pulled a reaction out of you. You’re already looking at him, smiling stupidly at his sulking figure. Jaehyun’s heart flutters, an almost foreign feeling after going so long without a relationship. If there’s one thing his friends are actually right about, it’s that he doesn’t get out enough. Whenever they ask him to hang out to drink, he opts to stay in, worried that one of his student’s parents might see him. Not an ideal situation, seeing your child’s teacher stumbling around in a drunken stupor. It had happened once during his first year of teaching, and Jaehyun is not about to let that happen again. Thus, he rarely has the ability to meet new people, let alone a potential lover. Then here comes you, the cute new teacher who steals his heart in less than five minutes. Damn his vulnerability.
[12:00 pm]
The students have congregated at the museum cafeteria, slightly exhausted from their morning spent running around the museum but still excited nonetheless. Jaehyun is sat next to you, both of your groups situated around the table. Happy chatter flits around the room, making it hard to hold a proper conversation. Jaehyun is forced to lean into your side so that you are able to hear one another, not that either of you mind. A light tug at the back of his shirt calls for Jaehyun to turn around, one of his students stood behind him.
“What’s up buddy?” He laughs lightly tickling the boy’s stomach. The boy giggles, breaking off into a long winded spiel about how exciting his day has been so far. Jaehyun diligently listens to every word, reacting when necessary and answering all of the boys questions to the best of his ability. You can’t help to gaze fondly at the two of them, heart fluttering at the sight (but then again, when doesn’t your heart flutter when Jaehyun is around).
“You’re my favorite teacher!” The boy finally states, hugging Jaehyun before skipping away. Jaehyun turns to you giving you a pointed look and a smirk.
“That does not count.” You state, rolling your eyes.
“Oh it totally does, this competition is for who’s the favorite teacher and he said I’m his favorite.”
“Yes but we’re only counting confessions.”
“Hey, we never made a rule like that.”
“Fine, I’ll count it. But only because you’ll still be behind me.”
“Only by one.” He teases, leaning over to snatch a piece of meat from your plate. You swat away his hand, Jaehyun laughing jovially in response.
[1:00 pm]
“All right kids, get back with your chaperones, we only have a few more hours left at the museum!” A chorus of groans sound throughout the museum cafeteria, your students not quite yet ready to leave. You round up your own group of kids, counting meticulously to make sure they’re all still present. The students are all fluttering about, fully energized from their lunch. A few have taken to hanging off your legs, giggling madly.
“How much sugar did you monkeys eat?” You laugh, leaning down to gently pry them off. “Come on, don’t you want to go back into the museum? We still haven’t gone to the weather room, I heard there’s a cool lightning exhibit.” Your students immediately let go of your legs, now wanting to explore the museum as soon as possible.
“Y/n!” You look up to see Jaehyun and his group of students coming towards you. “Heard you’re going to the weather room, we haven’t gone either and were hoping we could tag along.”
“I don’t know kids, do we want Mr. Jung to join us, I heard he’s a little smelly.”
“Hey! I am not smelly!”
Your students all giggle, taking great amusement in your back and forth.
“I think we should let them join, teacher! Mr. Jung is really handsome.” Bora sounds, a few of the other students in your group agreeing.
“Alright Mr. Jung, you can join our group but only because you’re so handsome.” You laugh, his ears reddening in embarrassment.
“Wow thank you guys so much.” He grins shyly. “Shall we go?”
You nod, gesturing for your students to follow close behind. Jaehyun sidles up to you, bumping your arm with his.
“Do you really think I’m smelly?” He whispers, half joking but also half worried you’ll say yes.
“Only a little,” you tease, “but, like, not in a bad way.”
“Ayyy, what’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean, like, I guess…”
“I guess…” He repeats, egging you on.  
“You smell nice.” You mumble, face flushed at your confession.
“Cute.” Jaehyun grins. “You smell nice too, in case you were wondering.”
“I wasn’t, but thanks for the affirmation.”
You turn into the weather room, giving your students free reign to walk around while you keep a close eye on them. Jaehyun stations himself across the room so that you have the whole area covered, but that doesn’t keep him from shooting dumb faces at you from time to time.
“Teacher!” One of your students bounds up to you, beckoning for you to crouch down to his height.
“What’s up Taegeun?”
“Is Mr. Jung your boyfriend?” He asks shyly, fiddling with his hands.
“No, why do you ask?”
He perks up at your answer. “Good, because I want to be your boyfriend.” He states proudly, puffing out his chest.
“Hmmm, I’m not really looking for a relationship right now.”
“That’s ok, I can wait.” He says, running back to his group of friends.
You stand back up and make eye contact with Jaehyun. You give him a smirk, holding up seven fingers. He glares back, shaking his head in mock anger at your popularity. You’ve stolen half the school’s hearts, including his own.
[2:35 pm]
The bus is waiting in front of the museum, a few students already sat on the vehicle. You’re standing by the doors, keeping count of the students entering the bus. Ticking off each student as they pass, you finally mark off the last one and make your way onto the bus. Jaehyun gestures for you to sit beside him, scooting over slightly to give you a little more room. You drop down into the seat, exhaustion radiating off of your slumped body.
“The kids tuckered you out, huh?”
“Mmm, just a little.” You hum, eyelids growing heavy.
“Here, you can lean on my shoulder. You have like forty-five minutes to take a nap.” He scoots a little closer, supplying you with the maximum amount of comfort he can. You thank him quietly, nuzzling into his side while leaning your head on his shoulder. Jaehyun looks down at you, admiring every eyelash, every freckle, every part of you his eyes can reach. He’s never been in love before, but he swears this is what it feels like.
Day 97 [9:00 pm]
Another Friday, and Jaehyun once again finds himself sat on Doyoung’s, now fully furnished, apartment. Even though there is a couch, Jaehyun arrived later than everyone else, thus he was left with the floor. His back is flush against the couch and Sicheng’s foot is currently kicking his head.
“Sicheng I’m going to kill you.” He snaps, reaching up to grab the boy’s foot.
“Only if you say you’ll go out with us tonight!”
“You know why I don’t want to!”
“Oh come on, Jae. It happened once years ago, what are the chances it’ll happen again?”
“Well that’s what I thought but look what happened.”
“Dude come on it’s been so long since you went out with us.” Johnny calls out, joining Sicheng in kicking the boy’s side. “Literally just come out with us this one night, we’ll never ask you again.”
Jaehyun hesitates.
“Look, if one of your parent’s sees you we’ll, I don’t know, we’ll pay for your dinner for a month.”
“Wait hold on we’re not agree—”
“Deal.” The thought of being seen by one of his student’s parents is terrifying, yes, but the thought of free dinner for a whole month far outways that potential embarrassment.
[10:00 pm]
Thankfully, his friends choose a more bar-like atmosphere instead of a full fledged club, knowing he probably wouldn’t be up for the high speed environment. There’s loud music playing, various games strewn around the building.
“We’re gonna head over to the pool table, you up for it?”
“I think I’m just gonna hang here for awhile, I’ll catch up with you later.”
A few of his friends head over to the pool table, leaving him at the bar. Jaehyun takes a sip of his drink, eyes scanning the room. He’s not really sure what he’s looking for; there’s not really much to find in the mass of sweaty bodies. His gaze travels to his friends making a bit of a scene by the pool table and he chuckles lowly, amused by their idiocy. He quickly looks away, however, because Ten is about to climb over the table, ready to grab Doyoung by the collar. Not a sight he wants to see. Scanning the room, he looks past the seating area, only to do a double take. There, sat on top of one of the many square tables, is a completely inebriated you, head thrown back in laughter at something your friend just said. The ends of his lips curl up in a smile and he observes your figure for a moment. Downing the rest of his drink, he places the empty glass on the bartop and stands to make his way over to you. Your friends must take notice of his towering figure because they all start frantically waving their arms at you, gesturing towards his approaching figure. You look up with a start and, upon seeing him, abruptly climb off the table. He rushes over to you, stabilizing your shaky figure.
“Mr. Jung, I did not expect to see you here. Like, never.” You giggled happily, poking his cheeks.
“Ah, Y/n, how much have you had to drink?”
“You know how many of the kids have confessed to me?” “Yea?”
“That many.”
“Holy shit.” He mumbled, studying your face. He turns to look at your friends who are all not so subtly checking him out. They turn away at his gaze, tittering amongst themselves before he calls for their attention. “Can I steal Y/n away from you guys?”
“Of course!” One of them giggles. “In fact you can steal me away too if you’d like.”
“Sorry, I only need Y/n.” He smiles kindly, already wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you away..
“Keep our baby safe!” They call after your retreating figures.
“Where are we going?” You mutter, clutching onto his bicep.
“We’re going to get some water into your system and then I’m taking you home.”
“Aw c’mon, you should have some fun! I know you haven’t been out since your first year. Have you even had something to drink yet?”
“I have and right now your safety is more important than me having fun.”
“Ayyy, I’m not gonna let you not have fun because of me. Are your friends here? Can I meet them?”
“Y/n I should really be getting you—”
“Ayo Jae, who’s the cutie?”
“Johnny you dumbass that’s that new teacher he’s been pining after.”
Before Jaehyun could steer you away from his rowdy group of friends you break out of his grasp, heading over to the pool table.
“Shit.” He mumbles under his breath, jogging over to you. Yuta’s already got his arm around you, engaging you in an animate conversation about god knows what. He sighs heavily, pulling you from his friend’s grasp, much to Yuta’s protests.
“Come on let’s get you some water.”
“Jae you can leave ‘em with us while you get the water. We want to get to know your new coworker anyways.” Yuta says with a wink, pulling you back into his side. Knowing he’s fighting a losing battle, Jaehyun hurries to get you a glass of water so that he could rescue you from his friends as soon as possible.
Through your haze you barely register the men surrounding you. They chat happily, asking you about work and, most importantly, your relationship with Jaehyun. You don’t take the questions particularly seriously, too drunk to actually pay attention to what they’re saying. An arm wraps around your waist and you turn your head slightly to find Jaehyun holding a glass of water out to you.
“Here, drink.” He commands softly, raising his eyebrows. You part your lips, too hazy to reach out and take the glass. Jaehyun rolls his eyes but brings the glass to your lips nonetheless. Slowly, he tilts it back, examining how your lips close around the rim as your eyes close. Your cheeks are rosy, this time not out of embarrassment, and your hair’s a bit of a mess. Still beautiful, though.
After a few sips your eyelids flutter open, signalling that you’ve had your fill. He lowers the glass, eyes locked, time at a standstill. Slowly, he raises his hand to run a thumb over your bottom lip, teasing at the plump flesh. Before either of you can make a move, Mark stumbles into Jaehyun, pushing him into you in the process. You giggle as Jaehyun attempts to steady you, glaring at the younger.
“Ok, time to get you home.” He says sternly, pulling you away from his friends.
“Ok.” You giggle, waving goodbye cutely. His friends all coo over you and Jaehyun has to keep himself from doing the same. Happy to have finally gotten you out of the vicinity of the bar, Jaehyun quickly hails a cab and pulls you in after him. You situate yourself as close to him as possible, snuggling into his warmth. You’re slightly more sober now although still a little hazy, and Jaehyun is like a walking space heater. A heavy sigh falls past his lips but he still wraps his arm around you, basking in the comfort you provide.
“You gotta wake up now Y/n. We’re at your place.”
You hum sleepily in response, clambering out of the car. Jaehyun practically has to carry you up to your apartment, making sure you drink more water and wash up before you flop onto your bed. Smiling fondly, he pats your head and leaves your apartment. He wonders if you’ll remember anything tomorrow morning.
Day 100 [3:20 pm]
“Ok kids, we’ll have reading time for the last ten minutes.” Your students all rush to pull out their books and you give out a small sigh of relief, happy that you’ll be able to relax. Before you can get too comfortable, however, a knock sounds at the door. Groaning under your breath you stand up to open it. You’re immediately faced with Jaehyun and his entire class.
“What’s this for?” You gasp, stepping back to let them in.
“Do you know how many days it’s been since you started working here?”
“100!” He claps excitedly, grabbing a cake from one of his students, a big 100 written in frosting on top. Both your students and his cheer happily, mostly at the sight of the cake but also because of you, and you gladly take the cake, cheeks turning red.
“You have pretty poor timing, Jaehyun,” you whisper into his ear. “The kids have to leave soon and they’re not going to be happy once they find out they won’t get any cake.”
“I know, I was hoping it’d be a boost in my popularity.” He said with a wink.
“You’re the one who brought the cake, we’re both going down with this one.” You say pointedly, poking him in the chest.
Your students intermingle amongst themselves, books long forgotten in all the excitement. After a little chatting the bell rings and your students race out the door. Thankful that they weren’t too upset by the lack of cake, you make your way back to your room only to find Jaehyun already there, cake cut into slices. He holds a plate out to you, gesturing for you to sit on the desk beside him. Gratefully, you take the plate and sit down, digging into the cake.
“Oh my god this is delicious.” You moan, savoring in the taste of the fluffy dessert.
“Mmm, I know right? Paris Baguette really knows what they’re doing.” He hums happily in agreement. “You know, two of my students have confessed to me since the museum.”
“Damn, so we’re tied now huh.” You pout jokingly.
“You’re about to be winning again.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” You question, turning to face him.
“I know this is supposed to be a competition and everything, but you’re probably going to win anyways—”
“Hey we’re tied right now—”
“Let me finish ok?” You shut up, letting him finish his mini speech. “As I was saying before being so rudely interrupted,” you roll your eyes at that, “We’re not going to be tied anymore because I’m going to confess to you. Or, well, I am confessing to you.”
“What? Are you serious?”
“Oh come on Y/n, it’s obvious we like each other, the whole school has been waiting practically with baited breath for us to get together!”
“No I know all that. I’m just surprised that you’re confessing so early into the year! You were taking this competition so seriously I thought you’d make me be the one to do it.”
“I can’t believe you Y/n.” He scoffs, leaning back on his hands.
“What? A competition’s a competition. Oh well, looks like I’m winning again.” You shrug, turning back to your cake, a teasing grin stuck on your face. Jaehyun sits there for a minute, shocked at your confession. Once you finish your cake, however, Jaehyun gets a brilliant idea. A mischievous smile creeps across his face and you stare at him in mild fear.
“What exactly are you thinking of doi—” You get cut off by Jaehyun shoving the rest of the cake in your face.
“You’re dead Mr. Jung.” Wiping the cake off of your face, you move to wipe it all over his face. But, before you get the chance, Jaehyun places his lips over yours in a deep kiss. Your lips move together in harmony, the kiss slightly sticky from all the cake residue. Eventually, he pulls away, grinning at you with cake crumbs and frosting covering his lips.
“Sweet.” He chuckles, licking his lips. You grab his cheeks with your cake covered hands and smoosh them together.
“Yes,” you laugh, “very.”
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wordtotherose · 5 years
Ahh, thank you kindly for your reply. =) Truly, I appreciate the reassurance. It is only that as mentioned, there a couple scenes I would dearly love to see. I found myself wondering -- when Crowley volunteers to take Aziraphale's job in Edinburgh -- how Crowley would go about blessing someone, and how it would work? (Crowley being mistaken for a priest would be doubly funny!) But I also wonder how Aziraphale might go about blessing someone? May I ask for a fic on this, please? Thank you!
Hiya! Here it is! I hope you enjoy, thank you so much for the prompt! :D 
1 - Edinburgh
“Toss you for Edinburgh.”
“Fine. Heads.”
The coin turns in the air and for a millisecond Crowley considers cheating, he doesn’t particularly mind Edinburgh after all and he knows Aziraphale is having a swell time lately hanging around Shakespeare. The journey up there is by far the hardest part of the job. He claps the coin down onto his hand and uncovers it so Aziraphale can see too.
“Heads. Looks like I’m off to Scotland.”
Aziraphale’s smile is worth it.
He stays for the end of the play, whispering into Aziraphale’s ear quippy comments about the performance. It doesn’t escape his notice that Shakespeare has edged closer to them again and is squibbling down on his parchment. He makes a point to make Aziraphale laugh in the gloomy parts of the play, earning dangerous looks from Burbage on stage. If Shakespeare overhears his jokes he is more than welcome to use them, the comedic plays are always better than the tragedies, in his opinion.
When it’s over, Aziraphale has to be dragged out of the Globe because he keeps making himself look like an idiot as he compliments Burbage and Shakespeare profusely. He’s getting funny looks from the spattering of other play watchers. Crowley also hasn’t eaten lunch and could do with something filling. Alcoholic too, just to take the edge off the annoyance at having to ride a horse all the way up north. It’s another half hour before they leave in the end. Turns out he still can’t help indulging the angel.
He gets the rundown on what Heaven wants Aziraphale to do and then they spend the rest of their meal arguing over the finer points of having so many soliloquies in a play and what counts as appropriate audience participation. Crowley steadfastly argues against shouting ‘buck up’ at the actors.
He gets to Scotland and makes a mental reminder to find a carriage or something to go home in because there’s no way in Heaven or Hell that he’s taking the trip again by horse.
Of course Aziraphale’s blessing has to do with rewarding a long-time church-goer for their faith which means the only time he knows they’ll be about it is when they’re leaving church on a Sunday morning. So he loiters and lurks outside the church until the session is over. He gets his fair share of funny looks, what with the tinted glasses, but encourages them to forget they’d seen anything easily enough. It takes a while but eventually the doors open again and he perks up from the bench he’d been lounging on and strides across the square to sift the intended woman out from the crowd. It’s a minor shock when he sees the child in her arms. A little girl. She looks deathly pale.
“Madam Stuart?” He asks when he’s in range, standing confidently and trying to exude the sense that she can trust him. He’s also trying to smile at the kid who just blearily looks through him. 
“Miss Stuart, Sir. Are you a priest? I heard a new priest was coming in from out of town.” 
Crowley looks down at his dark clothes. Then back up at her. Then down again, then at the woman’s eyes, trying to figure out if his ‘sense of trust’ has actually made him appear all holy and proper to her. She doesn’t wither under his gaze or do anything more than adjust the child in her arms. He shrugs internally; it makes things easier. And gives him something to bitch about to Aziraphale later.
“Sure. That’s me. The travelling priest... Would you follow me please?”
It’s really a testament to humanity’s stupidly trustful nature that Miss Stuart just nods and follows Crowley through the streets to loop round to a small grassy area, a couple trees. Almost a park. Empty, perfect for a quick blessing and minor miracle. Only. The minor miracle, Aziraphale had told him, was due for Miss Stuart which didn’t make sense when she wasn’t the one who was ill. Why reveal his wings to her to reinforce her faith in this difficult time when he could just heal the kid? Surely that was both more Good and more practical. It’s like Heaven wants the kid to die and for her to return to her faith during...during the grief…
Crowley stops under a tree and spins to face the woman who looks a little startled at their sudden stop. She squints up at him, trusting. So trusting. What was with humans and trusting people they don’t know just on their word? So foolish. He runs a hand through his hair and holds a hand out. She hesitates before taking it. She’s cold. Not surprising. Calloused fingers. She works then.
“Miss Stuart, I am on a mission to help you in this difficult time. Will you accept my blessing of good will?” He goes through the rote message, he could do it from afar but he likes to give them the option to refuse. 
Something falls in disappointment in her eyes but she nods. 
He digs into his power and uses part of his focus to try and mimic the soft, chilly feel of Aziraphale’s divinity when invoking the ‘blessing’. She’ll have some good luck for the rest of the year. But she isn’t technically blessed. He can’t actually do that. But the results are the same. Mostly.
“I- Pardon me for asking, Sir, but could you also give your blessing to my daughter? She is ill, you see, and they say there is no cure,” her voice trails away and Crowley can’t help the pang of anger in his chest. 
Kids. What is it with Heaven and not caring about kids?
“Of course, can I hold her hand?” 
The kid blinks up at him, a little spark of awareness resurfacing as he holds her small fingers in his. She’s feverish. Skin clammy and it makes Crowley feel sick himself. That Aziraphale was meant to be the one doing this. That, if the coin flip had gone a different way, he’d have sent Aziraphale to do this. And for all Aziraphale is sweet and compassionate and as in love with humanity as Crowley is, he knows deep down that Aziraphale wouldn’t have done what he’s about to. He wouldn’t have enjoyed leaving this child to die, but he’d have still done it. Faith in Heaven’s orders ranking higher than his personal moral qualms. 
Crowley shakes his head and squeezes the girl’s hand comfortingly. He isn’t going to leave her behind to this fate. 
2 - London
“Crowley, my dear. I really must get going now,” Aziraphale says, shuffling on the sofa he’s sitting on. 
Crowley is currently settled in his lap, heavy and soaking up the angel’s warmth. He doesn’t move. “Take me with you,” he rasps. 
“Crowley I cannot take a snake with me to do a blessing. They’ll get all flighty when they see you and if I don’t do this blessing I’ll get another note.” Aziraphale says all this in his ‘I mean it this time, you wily demon’ voice but also continues to stroke down Crowley’s scales. 
“Not moving, angel.”
They pause at this stand-off. Neither of them willing to budge until eventually Aziraphale huffs. He gathers Crowley up in his hands and drapes him, ignoring his hissed protests, onto his shoulders. Crowley readjusts, looping round to stop from sliding off and drops his head next to the angel’s neck. He flicks his tongue out to tickle Aziraphale.
“Who we blessing?” He asks as they leave the bookshop.
Aziraphale is gaining a fair few strange looks but they’ve only just started talking again after the holy water argument and Crowley isn’t willing to let go. It’s new now. Just ever so slightly different. That moment in the car had confirmed things for both of them and now they were readjusting, making the best of it as they can. It’s scary and thrilling and very freeing. 
“Just a quick in and out one at the homeless shelter. Teenager needs some unconditional love and faith and all that.” 
The weather’s not too bad, for London, but it’s chilly enough that Crowley goes through the complicated motions of burrowing under Aziraphale’s coat, popping his head out where he’d been before just this time under a layer of warmth. Lovely.
“You gonna talk to ‘em or just wave your fingers through the window?”
“Dream this time, I think.”
“If they’re not already asleep I’ll tempt them to a nap for you.” 
Aziraphale’s smile is obvious in the way his walk bounces a little. Crowley holds on a bit tighter. “Oh, thank you, my dear. That’s very sweet of you.”
“Eh, don’t shout it.”
“I do wonder how many people like them are out there, you know. So many people I could be helping...”
“Help too many and you’ll get reprimanded,” Crowley reminds him as they turn a corner. 
Aziraphale sighs. “I know but it just doesn’t seem fair. I’m allowed to reaffirm her faith and all but I could do so much more. She hates her body, Crowley, and I could change that! I could give her the body she wants but--”
“But you’d be in trouble. So would she. You know how humans are, they’d poke and prod her instead of leaving her alone to live her life. You don’t want to give her that.”
Another sigh. Crowley tickles his neck again, less in an attempt to make him laugh this time and more to try and comfort. “I’m sorry, angel.”
3 - Earth, Somewhere
It’s early days in their...acquaintanceship and they’re wandering around a desert. Just because they were both going the same way, towards a town where they’ve been assigned some odds and ends jobs. A couple blessings. A couple temptations. It’s still new and they’re feeling things out. Slowly. Carefully. 
They’re having a small debate over nothing really when Crowley pauses, wrinkling his nose. Aziraphale stops a step later and turns to face him, already asking what’s wrong but Crowley’s focused on the strange feeling building up. He waves away Aziraphale’s lifted hand that had been reaching for his arm and takes a step back. 
Then he sneezes.
Aziraphale cracks up laughing at Crowley’s expression but still gets out a quiet ‘bless you’ because he does have some manners still. Crowley’s terrified expression, morphing from his disgusted confusion, is more than enough to instantly sober Aziraphale up. 
“What did you just say?” Crowley asks, eyes darting across Aziraphale and looking for all the world like he expects himself to spontaneously combust. “Angel, did you just? Really?”
“Oh! Oh, I’m sorry! It’s not a real blessing, I promise.” Crowley’s terror eases a little with the reassurances but he’s still shifting his weight around. “My dear, I promise. I haven’t actually blessed you. You’re okay. It’s just a polite phrase.”
“Stupid phrase more like. What if you’d actually meant it? Who invented that, seriously.” Crowley shakes his head but starts walking again. “What were you saying about grapes, angel?”
And they continued on. Blissfully unaware of the tiny aura of luck that was following after Crowley like a shadow.
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amehanaaa · 5 years
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
Last chapter at last! Isn’t it great that we just get to read our OTP fall in love like 10,000 times and it never gets old? Thank you all for joining this story, your love, and your support. Writing professionally is a dream right now, but you all make me feel like it’s possible someday. Please, take care of yourselves! Happy summer! (Also can be read here.) Chapter 9 – Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 Words: 4500 Summary: Lucy and Natsu are determined to take the necessary steps to fulfill their lifetime dreams. Little do they know, they have both given themselves 10 days to achieve it.
“This wasn’t what I was expecting, Lucy.”
Lucy watches her boss flip through the printed article. Erza pauses to read a few pages before going on to the next. Although she wears a poker face, Lucy has never seen Erza’s eyes gleam like this before.
With uncomfortable bags resting beneath her eyes, Lucy uncontrollably bobs her knee while she waits in her seat. Not because she’s nervous, but she is certain that she will fall asleep if she doesn’t find a way to keep herself moving.
Instead of processing her breakup with Natsu last night, she spent all night polishing her notes into a cohesive article. She feels as though she poured her heart and soul into this article. At this point, she doesn’t care what Erza thinks about it anymore.
One of Lucy’s eyelids is in the midst of closing when Erza looks up from the manuscript. Lucy perks up in her seat, noticing Erza’s sparkling grin.
“It’s even better than I thought. Congratulations!”
“Thank you,” Lucy replies with a tight smile.
Since Erza isn’t one for hugs, Lucy awkwardly leans over the desk to give her a high-five. Erza doesn’t notice the atmosphere as she marvels at her story.
“I think you’re ready to be a real journalist,” Erza tells her proudly. “Anything that you want to write about—it’s all yours!”
Lucy raises her brows. “Everything? Even politics?”
“Mmmm, not quite.” Erza waves her finger in the air to dismiss her. “You just have more flexibility on shoes, makeup, therapy, and trends. Use your imagination for once.”
Lucy can’t hold back her disbelief, slowly shaking her head. “Thank you for this opportunity, but I’m turning this down.”
Erza gazes at her with bewilderment. “What?”  
“I’m finished, Erza. I’m done.”
“You’re going to regret—”
Not allowing her to finish, Lucy pushes herself up from her seat. She doesn’t bother to look back as she exits Erza’s office. She walks through the office, passing by Cana’s desk to find her with curious eyes.
“How did it go?” Cana asks.
“I quit,” Lucy answers simply.
“You what—”
“Let’s go out for drinks sometime,” she interrupts her. “See you.”
“I-I’ll call you,” Cana responds, obviously flustered. She isn’t able to say anything else as she watches Lucy leave the office.
The moment Lucy steps out of the building, she can physically feel the shackles on her wrists breaking free. She has never sacrificed so much for a job, which caused her to feel trapped within her articles. Now, she is free to pursue her lifetime dreams.
Her surroundings are a fog as she returns to her apartment. Although there is a part of her that feels liberated, she still has a pressuring sense of the rest of her emotions. Even if she has this newfound freedom, her heart is more broken than ever.
Since Levy decided to spend last night with Gajeel, Lucy isn’t expecting for her to be home. However, she finds Levy sitting on the couch and waiting for her expectantly. They lock eyes for just a moment. Levy can already tell none of this will be good.
“Tell me everything that happened,” Levy tells her.
Everything spews out of Lucy all at once. She can hardly see Levy through her tears as she joins her on the couch.
“It was a bet. Natsu was only with me because of a stupid bet.”
Levy’s eyes widen, but she lets Lucy continue.
“And I quit,” Lucy manages to say through her sobs. “I don’t work for Erza anymore.”
“It’s okay. Everything is going to work out,” Levy says gently, allowing Lucy to cry in her arms. “You’re worth more than any bet.”
“I don’t even care about losing my job,” Lucy says in between hiccups. “What I had with Natsu felt so real. Do you even think any of his feelings were real?”
“I think that’s for you to discern,” Levy admits. “There had to have been something real between you two, though.”
“I really liked him,” Lucy cries out.
She takes such deep inhales that her back begins to hurt at how strong her sobs are. Never in her life has she wept like this—all for a guy she has known for ten days.
But she doesn’t care. Even if she shouldn’t be the one crying, or all of it is pathetic, or Natsu doesn’t deserve her tears, she simply doesn’t care. Right now, all she cares about is expressing the sadness in her heart.
Levy rubs Lucy’s arms to comfort her as she continues to hiccup. After a while, Lucy is honestly surprised that she had all of these tears pent up inside of her.
“You’re doing the right thing,” Levy assures her. “How about I make dumplings tonight?”
“Please,” Lucy whimpers.
Levy nods, spending a few extra moments with her best friend. Living and growing up together since they were 15, Levy thought she had seen every part of Lucy. But this is entirely new—she has never seen her best friend this hurt.
Watching her become like this, Levy recommits to be the best friend that won’t let her ever become this way again.
“I’m here for you, Lu,” she whispers to her.
Lucy stays silent, closing her eyes and resting against the couch. The lack of sleep catches up to her suddenly, crashing over her all at once. She doesn’t resist to give into a much-needed nap.
Lucy isn’t sure how much she has slept for when she feels Levy lightly shaking her awake. It’s dark outside, meaning it has been at least three hours. Lucy wipes away the dried tears on her face and looks at Levy.
“The dumplings are ready. You don’t have to eat them now if you don’t want to, though.”
“I’ll eat them now,” Lucy replies, her voice hoarse. She pushes herself up from the couch and follows Levy into the kitchen.
Quietly, they eat their dumplings. As always, these are the best dumplings Lucy has ever eaten, but she can’t bring herself to express that. There is only one thing on her mind right now.
“I’m going to bed,” Lucy says after their meal. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
She doesn’t even try to shower or brush her teeth—all she wants to do is sleep. She curls up in her bed, allowing the blankets to envelop her. When she is half asleep, it reminds her of Grandeeny’s comforting warmth.
Again, Lucy loses track of time as she sleeps. One moment it’s completely dark; the next moment sunrays are illuminating her room. She doesn’t wake up naturally, however. Her sleep is interrupted by a tsunami of notifications.
She rubs her eyes to clear her vision. All of the notifications are comments on her newly published article. She taps on one of them, directed to the online version of the weekly magazine. There are already a handful of comments, all praising her for the experiment.
She feels a sense of nauseating regret, so she hastily turns off her phone and forces herself out of bed. After an imperative shower, she feels a bit more like herself again. It is as though she is finally washing off the past ten days.
With her hair wrapped up in a towel, Lucy discovers Levy at the kitchen counter. She sips on a cup of coffee and reads her phone.  
“Are you reading it?” Lucy asks hesitantly.
Levy nods. “I can’t believe you wrote this.”
“I know,” Lucy sighs out. “It’s—”
“Beautiful,” Levy cuts her off. “Even if it was a selfish experiment, I can feel all of your pain in this. If Natsu reads this, I’m sure he’s going to feel it, too.”
Lucy would have never thought that her article could be considered beautiful. She is convinced that the article is borderline public humiliation.
“Even if Natsu understands, I don’t know if either of us want to see each other again,” Lucy responds simply. “And I’m done writing that type of stuff. I’m sick of writing articles that are meant to destroy someone.”
“What do you want to do then?” Levy raises a brow.
“I want to reinvent myself,” Lucy states. “I’m determined to create a new company for myself.”
Levy takes another sip of her coffee. Lucy is taken aback to notice a grin on her face.
“You definitely have your ambition from your parents.” Levy’s eyes sparkle with admiration for her friend. “I know you’re going to achieve that dream, Lu. I believe in you.”
Lucy truly doesn’t know where it comes from or how it’s even possible, but tears form at the back of her eyes. “Thanks for your support,” she says softly.
“So, what’s the next step now?” Levy questions.
“No more pity parties.” Lucy begins, standing up to brew her own cup of coffee. “I had my crying moment, but now I don’t have time to wallow in sadness. I need to start researching.”
Levy nods in agreement. “Sounds like a plan. I need to start heading to the bakery, but I’ll come back for lunch. Take your time today, alright?”
“Okay,” Lucy says as she waves goodbye. With that, she tosses her towel into her room, grabs her mug, and takes out her laptop.
The screen lights up to the document of her article. She stares at it for a few moments.
It’s easy to relapse into sadness when she is reminded of everything, but she doesn’t allow herself to. She doesn’t have time to sort out her feelings. If she wants to reinvent herself, she needs to tackle this project immediately. Without another thought, she deletes the file from her laptop.
Now is the time to seek a new part of herself. It’s time for a redemption season.
Although the wound from her relationship with Natsu is just two days fresh, she can sense a new page turning over—with or without him.
Natsu can’t remember the last time he felt a sense of emptiness like this. No matter how much food, sleep, or movies he watches, there is still a sensation of longing for more. He can’t put his finger on what made his relationship with Lucy so satisfying, but whatever it was, he misses it.
Natsu has never been one for holding a grudge against someone, so he only waits less than twelve hours to knock on Gray’s door the next morning.
Gray doesn’t hold back his bewilderment when he opens the door. Natsu doesn’t pay too much attention to it as he forces his way in, immediately going for the pantry.
“Are you upset?” Gray asks cautiously.
“Yes and no,” Natsu responds, shoving some crackers into his mouth. “I came here to hear your side of the story.”
Gray nods while swallowing thickly. He sits at the kitchen counter and invites Natsu to sit down as well.
“Where do you want me to start?”
“From the beginning.”
Gray pauses, twisting his necklace around his neck. “Well, I almost killed Lucy with my bike.”
Natsu’s eyes widen. “You almost killed her?”
“I wasn’t looking to see if anyone was crossing!” he explains quickly. “The next time I saw her was when she was leaving your apartment after the second night you spent together. That was when I overheard her experiment.
“I wasn’t sure if I should have told you because of our bet. I didn’t want to see you get hurt, but I didn’t think you’d want to end it. You’ve always been a man of your word.”
Gray’s piercing eyes don’t break eye contact with Natsu. That way, both of them know that he is completely serious. Natsu returns the eye contact, being able to feel the sincerity through Gray’s words.
“I’m genuinely sorry that I let it keep going. I should have looked out for you more. I wasn’t being a good friend to you.”
“I appreciate that,” Natsu responds honestly. “And you’re right. If I had known the experiment was going on, I still would have gone through with the bet. The way Lucy started to act would have made a lot more sense, too.”
“She really put you through some hell,” Gray states. “I don’t know how she could be so—”
“I don’t want to talk about her,” Natsu interrupts him. “I can’t decipher what was real with her and what wasn’t. I just want to forget about everything. You’re forgiven, alright?”
“Thanks, Natsu,” Gray sends him a grateful smile. “The bet paid off, didn’t it?”
“In some ways,” Natsu replies with a shrug. “It probably wasn’t the best move to fall for the girl after ten days, though.”
Natsu doesn’t realize his words until after he says them. The two stay silent for at least a minute with Gray blinking incredulously.
“You fell for Lucy?”
“Yeah,” Natsu breathes out. “I did.”
“Even after everything she did to you?” Gray asks in disbelief.
“I-I can’t talk about it yet,” Natsu stumbles over his words. He tries to change the subject. “But anyway, you’re forgiven.”
Gray scratches the back of his head. “You know what? The old you would have never come and talked to me so calmly. What gave you more compassion?”
It isn’t until then when it dawns on him. Natsu takes a deep breath, knowing exactly who gave him compassion. That is what he misses—the unpredictable, profound lessons he learned from Lucy. Even if it was only ten days, he grew more than he expected.
But instead of telling Gray the truth, he responds with his second thought.
“Redemption,” Natsu reveals. “I wanted to give you a chance at redemption.”
Gray leans over to shake Natsu’s shoulder. “Thanks again.”
The two share a heartwarming moment for the first time in weeks. Even though they’ve known each other since college, Gray has officially seen two of Natsu’s messiest break ups ever. It’s in that instant when Gray recommits to be the best friend that won’t let Natsu ever become this way again.
The moment is interrupted when Gray’s phone lights up with a call from an unknown number.
“Hello?” he answers.
Natsu strains his ears to listen to the voice on the other end. Since it comes out like a distant whisper, he listens to Gray occasionally hum. Natsu notices his dazed eyes when he ends the call.
“Who was that?”
“That was my coworker,” Gray states. “There’s a crew member position available for you.”
“Already?” Natsu raises his brows. “Where?”
Natsu pauses for a second, trying to sift through his memories. He has heard of the town a few times, but has no idea where it is on a map.
“It’s a three hour plane ride,” Gray informs. “I’ve been there several times on business trips. It’s smaller than Magnolia, but it’s a gorgeous city.”
Natsu is at a loss for words. All he can do is continue listening.
“They’re giving you a week to commit,” Gray tells him. “If you say yes, then they expect you to be there.”
“In a week?” Natsu repeats. A tingling sensation scatters across his body as he watches Gray nod. “Okay, I’ll think about it.”
“Alright,” Gray responds.
By the look in Natsu’s eyes, Gray can see that he is thoroughly considering the opportunity. He is about to give the subject a rest, but Natsu talks before he does.
“I’m in.”
Gray gapes at him. “You already decided?”
“I’ve been here too long. I don’t have a reason to be here anymore.”
Gray notices that Natsu was going to add without Lucy at the end of his sentence. That is when he recognizes how much she impacted Natsu these past ten days.
“Okay,” Gray says finally. “I can help you pack your stuff when I’m off work. When do you want to leave?”
“As soon as possible,” Natsu answers while standing up from his seat. “I need to go to the station to tell them I’m leaving.”
Before Gray has the chance to say anything else, Natsu leaves the apartment. He is already set on his mission, stopping by his apartment to get his keys and making his way to the station.
Suddenly, everything comes all at once for Natsu. One second he is giving all of his colleagues goodbye hugs, the next second he is talking on the phone with the landlord for an animal friendly apartment in Acalypha, and the following second he is packing all of his belongings.
Lucy is simply a distant memory as he prepares for the next step in his life. He can physically feel a new page turning over; however, there’s still that feeling of emptiness inside of him. In the back of his mind he understands what he needs to do, but he can’t bring himself to act. If he suppresses it enough, he’s sure he’ll forget it someday.
Soon enough, three days have passed since their breakup. Natsu is actually impressed with himself that he cleaned out his entire apartment. Being so busy has allowed him to be distracted enough to slowly forget about Lucy.
The worst times are at night once he’s about to fall asleep. When he closes his eyes, he can still see the brightness of her smile. When he tosses in his bed, he can still smell the sweetness of her hair.
But if everything goes to plan, he’ll be leaving Magnolia in two days. After that, there won’t be any traces left of her.
Because it’s not worth buying ingredients to cook with, Gray’s courtesy lunch is now courtesy dinner. Each night, he visits Natsu with a meal that they share while sitting on the floor. Tonight, Gray brings over a box of pepperoni pizza.
“You’re the best,” Natsu groans out as he takes a slice. “This is great.”
“How much else do you have to pack?” Gray asks in between bites.
“I’m pretty much done,” Natsu answers, pointing at his bed. “Laxus needs a new bed, so he’s coming the morning I leave to pick it up.”
“It’s so empty,” Gray points out. “I think I can hear an echo in here.”
“Isn’t it cool?!” Natsu shouts, his voice travelling across the room and bouncing against the walls.
“It looks like you’re really leaving this place,” Gray admits.
“Are you saying you’re going to miss me?” Natsu smirks at him.
“Don’t worry, Juvia and I will be visiting you more than you’d like,” Gray assures with his own smirk. “But yeah, it’s going to be weird not having you live above me anymore.”
“I’m excited,” Natsu replies with bright eyes. “It’s finally happening.”
“You’re going to be living your dream,” Gray reminds him.
Natsu eagerly nods. “It has been a long time coming.”
It isn’t until now when Natsu begins feeling the reality of his move. He is truly starting all over in Acalypha, living in an unfamiliar place with more strangers than ever. Living in Magnolia his entire life, he can’t believe the time has finally come to leave.
“I have something to show you,” Gray mentions, bringing Natsu out of his thoughts. “You don’t have to read it, but I wanted you to see it.”
Natsu’s heart pounds in his throat as he watches Gray take out his phone and extend it out to him. After he reads the headline cover, he doesn’t feel like eating anymore.
“I don’t want to read it,” he declines. “I can’t read it. Why are you showing me that?”
“I didn’t agree with it when I read it, but the last part is worth reading,” Gray says.
Natsu isn’t sure how much he can agree with him. Even though it has been three days, he doesn’t think his heart is ready just yet.
Nonetheless, Natsu’s hands move on their own as he reaches for the phone and reads Lucy’s article. His eyes almost race across the screen as he takes in each of her words. He freezes once he reaches the end of the article.
So, I lost the guy. What went wrong, you ask? When I started writing this week’s article, I didn’t realize that I was making the biggest mistake of all. I lost the guy I had fallen for.
“Natsu, what are you doing?” Gray asks at his sudden movements.
“I’ll be right back,” he answers, hastily taking his keys while leaving the apartment.
Natsu has never ran faster than he is right now. He has wanted to do this all along, but he couldn’t muster up enough courage to act.
Everything that moves past Natsu is a blur as he jumps down multiple stairs to the parking garage. He doesn’t hesitate to rev the engine on his bike and roll out onto the street.
Yes, he may look out of his mind. Yes, he may be making a mistake. And yes, he has fallen for Lucy.
That’s why he needs to see her. Even if he’ll regret this, it doesn’t matter—Natsu desperately wants to show her how all of this can be redeemed.
Since he has only been to her apartment complex a couple of times, he can’t remember where it is exactly. He parks his bike where he believes is the general area and begins his search.
“Which one is it?” Natsu gasps out as he tries to catch up with his breaths. Sweat trickles down his forehead. Suddenly, all of the buildings look exactly the same.
It isn’t until he recognizes the set of stairs leading to the building when he heads inside. He jogs up the front steps, wiping his forehead with his arm. He pauses in the lobby for a moment.
“I have no idea where Lucy lives,” he realizes aloud. He has no choice but to pull out his phone and call her. The phone only rings once after she answers.
“Where do you live?” he demands.
“I’m on the fourth floor,” she responds slowly. “Third door to the left.”
“Okay,” he replies before hanging up.
Knowing that the elevator would be too slow, Natsu takes deep breaths as he hikes up the four floors. When he reaches her floor, he notices that he has been here before.
As Lucy calmly sets her phone back on the counter, her heartrate instantly speeds up. Not only because she has missed the sound of Natsu’s voice, but because she has no idea what is going on.
She wants to know how close Natsu is, so it’d give her enough time to prepare for what is about to happen. Meanwhile, Levy obliviously sits on the couch and watches TV.  
Lucy is about to tell her that Natsu may be coming, but she doesn’t get the chance to. A round of persistent knocks sound on the front door. Lucy gulps as she watches Levy stand up and head for the door.
Levy opens the door with a smile. “Hello—”
On cue, Levy yelps and instinctively slams the door. She turns to Lucy with wide eyes.
“I’m going to my room. I can’t do this right now,” Levy states as she rushes into her room.
Lucy rises from her seat with trembling hands, forcing herself to open the door. She can feel her breath escape her body as her eyes connect with Natsu’s.
His eyes flick behind her for a moment. “She wasn’t a real doctor, was she?”
“N-No, she wasn’t,” Lucy nervously laughs.
He lifts his brows, but then dismisses it. “Well, that’s not what I’m here for. Can I come in?”
Lucy stands back to invite him in. Now that he’s in her home, she feels vulnerable. She sits on the arm of the couch as Natsu rubs the back of his neck.
“I read your article. Is it true?”
Lucy freezes for a moment until she slowly begins to nod. “I meant every word.”
They stare at one another, feeling a familiar ripple of electricity form between them. Even though only three days have passed since they separated, it feels so much longer than that.
“Come with me to Acalypha,” Natsu says immediately.
Lucy’s jaw drops before she can stop it. “Wait, what?”
“I got a job offer over there,” he reveals. “You can reinvent yourself. We can do everything we’ve ever dreamed of.”
There’s a ringing in Lucy’s ears, which tells her she’s not in the right state of mind to be deciding like this. But this feeling inside of her is too evident to suppress. She slowly opens her mouth, her voice soft.
“Are we running away from Magnolia?”
Natsu shakes his head. “No, we’re chasing our dreams.”
A grin forms on Lucy’s lips. Finally, their dreams have aligned.
“Let’s do it! Let’s go to Acalypha!” She excitedly jumps up.
“Yes!” Natsu exclaims. He doesn’t hesitate to wrap Lucy in a hug, spinning her around as they share delighted laughs.
Once he sets her down, she blinks a few times in realization. “This is happening. We’re leaving Magnolia.”
There’s a sound behind Lucy; she turns around to hear Levy clearing her throat.
“Levy,” Lucy says hesitantly. “What do you think?”
“Follow your heart, Lu,” Levy replies with a warm smile. “I’m supporting you, remember?”
Lucy swallows as she returns her gaze to Natsu. “Wait. You’re not mad at me?”
Natsu takes one of her hands and brushes his thumb across her knuckles. “I also came here to apologize to you. I should have cut the bet off with Gray the moment we met.”
“But you wouldn’t have gotten the opportunity in Acalypha,” Lucy reminds him. “I’m the one who shouldn’t have done the experiment.”
“It looks like both of us need an extra chance at redemption and forgiveness,” he replies gently.
Lucy’s heart leaps into her throat at his words. It isn’t until now when she realizes she has overlooked a crucial part of compassion—having it for others means you must also have compassion for yourself.
Although she isn’t sure why, tears well up in her eyes.
“Thank you, Natsu,” she whispers.
Natsu sends her a smile, causing warmth to dwell inside both of their chests.
“When do we leave?” Lucy questions.
“The day after tomorrow,” he responds. “I can help you pack your things.”
Lucy nods gratefully. She looks over her shoulder to find Levy with puffy eyes.
“I’m going to miss you so much!” Levy shouts as she rushes to wrap her arms around Lucy’s shoulders from behind. “Natsu, you better take care of her, okay?!”
“I promise,” Natsu says firmly. “I’m going to make sure of it.”
Lucy can’t help but laugh as Levy happily cries in her arms.
Suddenly, everything feels to be shifting into place. Natsu is redeemed, Lucy is forgiven, and they are both ready to take on Acalypha.
And just like that, a new page has turned over—together at last.
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Operation: Krautland: Tourist & Tour Guide
Hallo, Lieblings! It is my third morning in Berlin and I am excited to tell you first and foremost that Berlin is just as magnificent as I recall it and that I am extending my stay to Thursday, after some travel plan confusion regarding the ladies I am traveling with (sorry, London! But I think you’ll manage without me, as changing my reservations has not been too difficult ;) ).
So what have I done in 48 hours? I ventured to The Reichstag first thing. Arrived a few hours before my appointment, as I did not know how to gage how easy it is to get through German custom with an American passport--at least in Berlin. I recall Munich being a bit of an affair. So, got there early and wandered around a bit. Saw the memorials to the Roma and the members of Parlaiment who were executed by the Nazis, then grabbed some coffee to perk up before my lunch and tour.
It is impossible to travel Germany without seeing a memorial to the victims of its governments, be them WWII or Cold War or something else less obvious, and I think that is one of the things I find so attractive and intense about this place. Berlin especially. It is something we do not have at all in the States and I think that is a source of some frustration for me. Here, you really do have to stare history in its face and be reminded of who you are, where you came from, and to do better. After all, mass genocide was perpetrated--is perpetrated--on US soil, but where and when do you hear about that, let alone experience some of the most thought provoking and intense memorials pieces? Real art, centered on contemplation and remembrance, not just giant statues to white dudes? Though Germany of course has its share of those, but I doubt people spend as much time looking upon Otto von Bismarck, or even my beloved Siegessaule, the way you could spend a day looking at the reflection pool for the Roma or walking through the epic rowed monoliths of the memorial to the murdered Jews of Europe. In the States, if you do accept the atrocities of white people, we tend to compartmentalize. We blame the past and those who perpetrated it as individuals, completely ignoring culture and our (as white people) inheritance  of that hate and responsibility to be and do better than those who came before. 
It's fascinating and honestly not something I had spent much time considering before. Because, again, American. Why would I need to? Too fond of polite conversation.
Anyway. Enjoyed my first meal in Berlin at the top of the Reichstag. Rotbusch tea, veal meatballs and pickle do potato salad (natch!) and some bottled water. I forget that all water comes bottled here. Nothing from the tap. I and forget just how expensive that can be at .25 liters at a time...beer is cheaper and so more of that is ordered. Whoops!
After lunch, I viewed the dome and felt ill--a combination, I think, of the building being a touch vertigo inducing, plus carrying around my damn backpack (which was filled with my clothes, etc). The thing is heavy as all out, and the added weight of my purse, which I strapped to my hip, did not help.
I then headed to the East side to meet my travel partners. Got some hot chocolate with a shot of amaretto at a cafe across the street, then we hit up our hotel, which is actually an Air B&B and more room than we anticipated. The beds are a little rough on the spin (they are a lot like dorm room mattresses), and the sink is tiny (typical), but otherwise delightful. Not to mention near the U2 and other stations. Convenient!
After settling down and taking a quick 30 minute nap, I headed out to Mauerpark and enjoyed the final hour of it's Sunday flea market. Live music, handicrafts and vintage everything. I didn't buy anything (except the most bland strudel and another's hot chocolate--time with a generous shot of rum!). Funny how I never have hot chocolate, but manage it twice here in a few hours. It's partially because you can see its real melted chocolate, but also because it's too damn cold to not have a hot drink in hand. After that, we wandered back. Not a lot of shops or restaurants were open--Sundays are always weird in Europe--so we hit a convenience store and grabbed some strange new chip flavors not found in the US, German beers, and Kinder Surprises (also not found in US--and actually illegal!). The chocolate eggs aren't great, but they're fun for the novelty. The beer was fantastic and the “African Style” chips were superior to the Thai Chili ones. The flavoring I actually associate more with Indian food (masala?), but whatever.
After our feast, we went to bed. Big day ahead!
Monday was a delight. Walked to a nearby cafe and had a simple breakfast, then headed to Stadtmitte. Experienced the aforementioned holocaust memorial, then went to the nearby Mall of Berlin. Did some shopping (my travel mates forgot some items and one needed to go to the craft store), saw some security do some serious work (the place shut down for a few minutes, but we never knew what happened), then headed on to Checkpoint Charlie, where we chatted up the “American” soldier actors and had the first currywurst of the trip. Yum! Not as fantastic as I recall, but I know we will have it again at a better location (Alexanderplatz, maybe?). We then hopped on over to the Ritter Sport store where we made our own chocolate, walked through their little museum, and bought even more of it, as well as enjoyed some chocolate fondue (the first time I've ever had real fondu, I think?!). Sehr Lecker! The chocolate I made is dark chocolate with caramelized almonds, sour cherries and chili flakes. I wish I had made more of it, but at 8€ a brick, it's a bit expensive (albeit 100% worth it). We then headed back to our neighborhood.
One of my travel partners, Nobo, really wanted to try out the Absinth bar by us, so I did some research and discovered they had a happy hour at midnight. So, we went and had dinner--Italian food, and some good Italian at that! Spaghetti bolognese and gargonzola tortolini that we shared--before grabbing a pizza to go for our other mate, who was too tired to go back out, before hitting up the absinthe bar, Druide. The place was pretty quiet--Monday night after all--aside from a hostel bar crawl that came and went at about 1AM, that was loud and annoyed the bartender, but also gave us a round of drinks and invited us to their next stop. It was a club, so we didn't go. I tricked a Scotsman into thinking I was German, and enjoyed lighting the sugar cubes in our drinks. 2AM hit and the bar back was kind enough to allow us one more round, before we wandered back home. I themed each one because the names were so fun: Delirium & Hypnotic; Ramses & Sun King; Dark & Blonde; Killer & Suicide.
Getting home, we ate half the pizza (whoops!), drank some not-too-tasty tap water and broke into the chocolate, which again ate too much of, and nearly finished the chips from the night before. So,I am doing my part in gaining at least 10 lbs on this journey--even with the 20K+ steps each day.
Today we are taking it easy. Some local shopping in our neighborhood, then headed to the Berlin Cathedral, with a tour of the river Spree, then maybe some cheesecake at Barcomi’s before coming back to go to the nearby beer garden for real German cuisine! Not sure what we have to do tomorrow, our last day in Berlin, but this has been a great success for me. :)
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