#again I ALWAYS forget how dark it would be inside these kinds of places if there are no lights on
lullabyes22-blog · 2 days
Snippet - First Kiss - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
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Jinx finds sympathy in an unlikely quarter...
Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
"I've gotta ask a question," Vi says. "And I need an honest answer. No games. No riddles. Okay?"
"Last night. When you dipped out on the dinner. Did you... meet anyone?"
"What? Like, a fling?" Jinx's smile cuts into the curve of Vi's neck. "'Cause, yeah, sis. You're not the only one getting busy."
"I'm serious. Did you meet somebody?"
"Maybe, what?"
"Maybe I did."  There's a singsongy tenor in her voice, one that's not entirely fake. But also, Vi can't help but think, distressingly sad in its lightness. "Maybe I didn't." 
"And whoever it is, did he hurt you?"
"How d'you know it was a guy?"
"Just a feeling."
"Hm. You're smarter than you look."
"Answer the question." 
Silence, but it's not the kind that Jinx wields as her ally. It's a silence with a heartbeat: the girlish giddy-up of excitement, undercut by a deeper, darker pulse of uncertainty. 
Vi thinks of how there are hunches that go gut-deep. Others that stop just shy of the liver. She knows—gut-deep—that Powder could sense when Vi lost her virginity to Nao. Her sister was too little then, and too innocent, to fully understand what that loss meant. But she'd known Vi was altered on some chemical level. Some molecular splitting, so Vi wasn't one, but two. 
The girl she'd been. And the woman she was becoming. 
Now, with her sister's body in Vi's arms—it's not the same. After last night, Vi no longer buys that Jinx and Silco are a package deal. Nor does she believe any longer that Silco's inveigled his way into Jinx's pants. She knows her sister well enough to realize that, for all Jinx's wildness, she's still the same girl who used to chase after Vi, begging to be let into the places of grownup vice. Places where Vi would always say no.
Because Powder, her Little Star, wasn't ready.
Jinx, the Bombshell, isn't ready, either. For all her flaunting and flirtation, the fact is, Jinx is a late bloomer. Vi would bet folding money that her sister's never even gotten her hands inside someone else's pants. Silco keeps too close an eye on her. Sevika would chug a triple-shot of cyanide before trying anything untoward. And the crew are too disciplined, too terrified, to get in their boss' bad graces. 
Not without ending up floating facedown in the river.
And yet there's a raw-edged tenderness in her sister's bearing. Her atoms aren't splitting. They're reeling, in the wake of a transformation that's in its first, dazzled throes.  The lingering aura of it—and of whoever's touched her—is a radioactive glow.   
The kind that makes Vi's hackles rise.
"Who was it, Jinx?"
The name, spoken with gentle firmness, does the trick.
"Doesn't matter," Jinx says. "It was a mistake." 
"What was?"
"Meeting him. Being so damn stupid." Her hand lifts. For a moment, her fingertips touch her own lips. "So damn... close."
Vi's own eyes, inexorably, trace the little gash on her sister's upper-lip. It's more pronounced now; a quarter-inch cut. Almost perfectly straight. Like a blade had nicked her there.
Or a kiss.
"Close," Vi repeats, and her throat crimps. "As in kissing-close."
A little up-and-down nod.
"First kiss?"
Again, that tiny dip.
"It wasn't Viktor, right?"
The scoff is the verbal equivalent of an eyeroll.
"A stranger, then?"
"Not a stranger. Someone old." Her fingertips press the gash, as if trying to re-create the sensation. "Someone new."
"Did this someone... force themselves on you?"
Vi is choosing her words with the painstaking precision of a tooth-splinter tweezed from a split lip. She has to. If her sister's been hurt in any way—if her trust has been violated—
Jinx only shakes her head.
"He made me... feel. Not a bad feelin.' Just... it's like it woke a voice in me. One I've had under my skin for a long while. Kinda whispering in the dark. I didn't mind it. The dark's a safe place. Nothing can hurt me when I'm there. I see everything. Everyone. And nobody sees me." A deep, shuddering breath. "Not until him." 
"What d'you mean?"
"He kissed me. And it came outta nowhere. Just—boom. A flashbang. The dark went away, and I was there. Smack-dab in the light. So shiny. So strong.  He kissed me, and the voice wasn't whispering anymore. It was singing. This beautiful, beautiful song. One that's been there all along, and I just never knew." She touches the gash again, and her fingers shake. "I never knew." 
"I didn't plan it!" It bursts from Jinx on a hitched little cry. "I didn't mean to—but he made me want to mean it! He looked at me like I wasn't crazy. Like I wasn't a bomb or a monster. He looked, and he kissed me, and the darkness was gone, and the song was so bright, and gods, I didn't want him to stop. I didn't want it to end." Her body burrows into Vi's, clinging fiercely. "I didn't."
Vi keeps her voice steady. "What happened then?"
"I ran away." A sniffle. "Like a damn coward."
"Did he chase you?"
"For a bit. Not far." The sniffle thickens. "It's not neutral territory. Not where I am. Not even close."
Vi doesn't understand what Neutral Territory signifies. But she hates the pitch of distress her sister is radiating. The tears are hot and bitter and real. But there's also a yearning there. A livewire ache that Vi knows all too well. 
She'd felt it, every minute, when she was with Caitlyn. 
"I'll kick his ass," she says.
"Whoever he is. I'll track him down and break his knees. Then I'll break his arms. Then I'll make sure he never, ever, lays a finger on on you again." Her arms enfold Jinx tighter. "Ever."
Shock leaps off Jinx's skin. For a moment she's all jellyfish softness and barbed-wire stiffness. Then the shock fades, and a laugh bubbles out. Not the villainess' high-pitched cackle, or the trickster's guffaw. This laugh is soft, shaky, a little too close to a sob. 
"Oh, sis," she says, and there's a strange wonder in her voice. "You really do care."
"Of course I do."
"Enough to go to war?"
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rust-bearer · 4 months
Another zombie au writing exercise, feat: a bookstore
First Aid imagined, before, that places after the end of the world would be much more… dilapidated. Weed-filled and destroyed by both weather and time. But, surprisingly, these places were often just… fine. Speaking from that perspective, at least. The area wasn’t prone to flooding, so there was no water damage, barring extreme circumstances. There were no tornadoes, no hurricanes. There were some earthquakes, occasionally, but nothing major. So maybe some downed power lines, maybe some toppled trees. Old car crashes, some that had crashed into storefronts, some into each other. Destroyed windows… and maybe, rarely, a few adventurous plants trying to creep inside.
But mostly? They were all fine. When he entered the bookstore, the only ravages of time that he beheld were dried blood, slumped corpses melting into the floors, and layers of dust over the store that no one had any reason to scavenge. Some of the bookshelves were toppled over; many of the books were on the floors. Expensive things, like television shows and electronic reading devices- they were mostly smashed up and stolen, by those early days of chaos and looting. Maybe, if First Aid had been trying to scavenge from the old coffee shop in the corner, he would have had more trouble- but he wasn’t here to try and take moldering bags of coffee.
Instead, he was here to take their board games.
There was a lot of board games left, actually. A lot of card games undamaged, tossed onto the floor- old style games, simplistic ones, mixed in with the kinds based off of television shows and movies. First Aid fingered the plastic covering on a board game version of Halloween, checking out the price tag on some idle instinct- 60$, it said, and he smiled sadly at the knee-jerk reaction to put it back because of the price. He set it down anyway, not really interested in it. Instead, he picked up some variant on monopoly, stuffing it into his bag. The store had fidget toys that the kids would enjoy, and he grabbed a few of those too, letting them mix with the classic card game packs he’d picked up off the floor. He was pleased to find a normal version of Uno, too.
How do you pass the time without normal activities? It was like this. First Aid imagined he wasn’t the only one thinking of scavenging these games, because many were missing from the shelves- but he knew that, most of those missing were before ‘now’. When people thought this would blow over soon, and they jumped to take things they’d wanted, things they suddenly craved to have. Still, after a beat, First Aid grabbed one of those television board games and put it into the bag. This one was… based on the Thing, yeah. He’d actually wanted to play it before all of this. Maybe it be good?…
As First Aid got up to leave, he cast a wistful, wary glance to the darker sections of the store, the parts where the sunlit, shattered windows didn’t reach; textbooks, informational guides. Not this time, no.
But he did, on his way out, manage to stuff a few stray candy bars into his bag. He hoped they wouldn’t melt like the last time.
@mr-miss-anonymous for youuu
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kaleldobrev · 8 months
In the Cover of the Night
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Pairing: Felix Catton x F. Reader
Feat. Character(s): Reader & Felix Catton
Summary: Felix fingering you on the steps in the middle of the night
Word Count: 939
Warnings: Cursing (5x), Smoking (Brief), Smut (Fingering - Semi-Public) & Praise Kink (Implied)
Authors Note: Semi-public sex tag as this is taking place outside | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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There was a slight summer breeze as you sat out on the steps with a lit cigarette between your fingers, looking up at the almost full moon in the starry night sky. You were severely under dressed to be outside this time of night; only wearing one of Felix's light dress shirts with absolutely nothing else underneath, as it was the first piece of clothing you had managed to find from the scattering of clothes on yours and his floor from the needy and desperate sex the two of you engaged in after yet another Catton dinner party.
As you placed the cigarette into your mouth, you turned your attention to yours and Felix's bedroom; the darkness completely consuming the space — the moonlight trying it's best to make it's way into the room but ultimately failing because of the curtains completing covering the windows.
You heard footsteps coming from behind you, and you turned to see who it could be. Your first thought was Venetia as she would usually be the one to come and spend time with you this time of night; the two of you often enjoying staring up at the moon together. But it was Felix who was making his way toward you with an already lit cigarette in hand wearing just his robe and nothing else. "Were you peeping at me before you decided to come and join me?" You asked, as your boyfriend took a seat on the same steps your feet were placed on.
“For a bit. You look very tempting like this; couldn’t help myself,” he smiled, popping the cigarette between his lips.
"I was just having a little smoke and looking up at the moon. What's so tempting about me this way?" You asked as innocently as you possibly could while nonchalantly starting to part your legs, and putting out your cigarette on the steps.
You noticed his eyes starting to move from your own to your legs as he placed a single hand on your thigh, smirking as he did so. “You’re wearing one of my shirts with no panties on, love,” he stated. As he spoke, his hand moved up your thigh slowly, stopping at the hem of the dress shirt. “And you know how much I love fucking you in my clothes,” he added, keeping that signature smirk of his on his lips.
He removed the cigarette from between his lips, and put it out in a spot next to yours before his fingertips started to inch their way higher so they were completely underneath the shirt. He brushed them ever so slightly against your clit, and you were starting to get wet from the insanely brief contact that he was giving you. You used to be embarrassed by this, embarrassed by how turned on he had made you by barely doing anything; how instantly there would be such a pool between your legs the second he even remotely looked in your direction. But as time went on, you didn’t care, didn’t care because you knew how much he loved having this kind of effect on you, because you had the exact same effect on him.
“Always so ready for me,” he whispered; two fingers running up and down your clit. “Want to fuck you just like this,” he whispered again, his fingertips still teasing the outside.
“Then do it,” you stated; and his smirk grew even wider — you didn’t think it could get any wider. He didn’t say anything in response; he simply just started dipping his two fingers inside of you, starting to fill you with the sensation you always seemed to crave. Despite having sex with him only a few hours prior, you would never get tired of the feeling of him filling you up.
Your head automatically went back and you shut your eyes; but it was so brief as his other hand went to your jaw, making you focus on his face. His fingers went in deeper, slightly curling. “Lift up the shirt a little so you can look,” he said, an octave above a whisper. “Want you to see how beautiful you look like this.”
Without hesitation, you did as you were told, and lifted the hem of the shirt more, your pussy completely exposed out in the open as you watched his fingers disappearing and reappearing inside of you — the moonlight providing the most erotic looking type of light. "You're so fucking beautiful," he whispered, and he finally leaned in to capture your lips; which caused his fingers to go even deeper inside of you. You moaned into his mouth as you kissed; his fingers starting to pick up the pace just only slightly. Your moans were so muffled, and that's one of the things he had loved when it came to fucking you like this out in the open. He loved how you tried so hard to remain quiet, but always failed.
You started to clench around him, and he smirked into the kiss. "Does my girl need to come?" He whispered in your ear; slightly nipping at your earlobe before starting to kiss your neck.
"Yes," you moaned out, as he continued to suck and kiss your neck — ultimately wanting to leave hickies on your skin.
"Then come," he said softly, his lips attaching themselves to your chest; almost peppering kisses just below your collarbone.
With a few more pumps, your whole body started to shudder as you came; but his movements didn't let up as he helped you ride out your orgasm. "You're so fucking beautiful when you come," he praised against your skin. He always praised you.
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@savagemickey03 | @deanbrainrotwritings | @rachiem4-blog | @syrma-sensei | @justletmereadfanfic | @deans-daydream | @midorimachisenpaii | @anamiad00msday | @fartcrunchies | @snakebxtez | @catsareawesomek | @zulema222 | @lialocklear
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mrsrdlw · 6 months
warnings: problems with body image; angst; caring!boyfriend!eddie (the sweetest guy in the world); fluff; he makes sure you understand that he doesn’t care how your body looks, you’ll always be the prettiest girl he has ever seen.
that’s a bit short i know. but i had this draft for a while and i wanted to post it. i just love the idea of eddie comforting the reader. at least i genuinely think that he would always try his best to make you feel better if you’re not or make you laugh when you need to. HE IS THE BEST!!!
“Sweetheart, are you still doing you makeup thing? Because if you’re ready, we have to leave.” He knocked on the door hoping he was not using a tone that seemed like he was rushing you. He knew better. You were in your house, getting ready to go to one of the famous Steve Harrington’s parties.
You were in your room for hours, at least that’s how Eddie felt. He wasn’t the most patient person ever, but you were taking too long. Longer then you normally take. Little Eddie knew that you were sobbing in front of the mirror for 20 minutes by now. You tried your hardest not to cry. That seemed only to make things worse. Now you were miserable, mascara all over your cheeks, red eyes and nose, freaking out. Fuck! What were you supposed to do. You forgot that you also had to deal with your boyfriend. So you cleared your throat, trying to sound chill so he could just give you a minute.
“Hey Ed, just give me a minute ‘kay? i’m almost done-“ You were cleaning your face when he cut you, opening the door to your room. “Eddie!”
“What happened?” How did he knew? you thought to yourself. Like he read your mind, he answered “i heard your crying voice. Do you need something, baby?”
“No sweetie, i just-“ You looked at you reflection in the mirror again. He gave this dress to you as a valentine’s present. According to him, he wanted to see you even more hot. The dress was extremely pretty. It was a dark green dress, tight on the waist. But for some stupid reason, you thought you looked… not extremely pretty in it. “Do you think i look too fat in this?”
“Babe, why would you even say that?” He looked concerned when your eyes locked with his and the tears started to stream down again. “No no no, i’m so sorry i said that. I meant like, you’re not fat, not at all.”
He opened his arms welcoming you to a tight hug. He knew that sometimes you would compare yourself to models and singers you liked. Or even the Hawkins High Cheerleaders. And they were all very skinny. Eddie was pretty sure that some girls of the last group didn’t even eat right. But he could not stand that you couldn’t see yourself the way he did. To him, of course you were so much more than your body, but if he was talking body, you were the whole package. Always kind to the ones you loved, funny, making him laugh so much sometimes, he would have to pee, AND your sexy smokin’ hot body.
“You know me angel, i would never care only with your body. I’m not dating you because of your body” He separated from your hug to wipe your tears and placed his hand on your cheek. “I love you, this person inside here” he placed the other hand right up your heart. “And really, I, Edward Munson, think you are perfect, inside and outside. And i know i can’t make you just forget about this angst your feeling right now, but i need you to know that. That you are beautiful. And still, you have so much more. Honestly lady, i could keep going for hours.” seeing you smile at him, made him feel a bit better. He hated seeing you sad about this shit.
“Can i kiss you?” He asked. You were sensitive and he didn’t want to push things
“Of course you can.”
You always loved the way he made you feel safe. His arms around you and his soft lips pressing into yours, kissing you so tenderly. It almost felt like you were never sad.
“I’m sorry-“ You whispered, still close to his lips, caressing his chest but he kissed you again.
“Don’t say sorry for feeling things. I just hope you’re feeling better. If you don’t want to go to the party anymore that’s totally fine too!”
“No! I want to go. Just give a minute to fix this mess” You pointed to your face and started to clean it with a tissue. He was smiling at you now, sitting on your bed, he whispered to himself “That’s my girl”.
In 5 minutes you were ready. Eddie was a little scared by the way you made it look like you never cried.
“I’m better now, thanks Eddie. What would i do without you?” You took his hand in yours, ready to leave the room.
“Oh please baby, that’s what you deserve. I only work with princess treatment here. Now turn around, let me see you.” Giggling a bit, you did as he said “Yeah, we’re good to go, my love. After you” He gave you the space to leave the room first, extending his arm dramatically.
“I love you so much!” It was the only thing you could say now.
“And i love you more!”
•for the one who would like to send me a story request, please do! my inbox is open! so feel free to send me your ideas to stories or headcannons there. :)
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luimagines · 19 days
Flower Petals
Another commission!!
They commissioned me right after He Realizes You like Him and died. I made this as a companion piece to Legend's since they liked it so much. They asked for Legend and to make it hurt. This was written in the chaos that was February so I have no idea if I delivered or not.
Content under the cut!
There was a time when his life was nothing but monotony. 
Wake up. Fight the deadline. Go to his apprenticeship. Work. Come home. Go to bed. Repeat.
Sure there was the occasional hiccup where he had to leave his village to save the world and defeat the darkest known evil known to man. But that was only going to happen so many times, right?
Following his typical routine, he gets out of bed and relishes at the thought of not going into work today. Link stretches and pulls his arms over his head. His spine pops a few times- easing the constant ache in his bones for a moment before everything settles back into place.
He yawns and gets out of bed.
It’s weird, he thinks, to actually have a routine that normal people have.
There’s no coffee in the house.
Link groans loudly in the safety of his own home. He needs to go shopping.
He collects his things and slings his satchel over his shoulder. Walking outside, he’s momentarily blinded by the bright light. Not that his house is particularly dark on the inside, but maybe he should have opened up the curtains inside so the transition would be easier on his eyes. 
Too late anyway.
Link buys his food and his coffee and avoids as many people as he can until he gets back into his house to make his cup of bean juice. He… marginally successful. One elderly lady asked why he was in a hurry and another was wondering why he looked like a racoon. Both were kind ladies with little to gain from talking to him so he spoke with them, not wanting to be rude. 
His uncle would be rolling in his grave if he ever thought Link would be disrespecting his elders.
Link gets home and puts everything away, getting started on his coffee first thing. With only a minor hiccup of spilling the water before it could even go to the strainer, Link can say that it’s a strange sort of boring to be home with nothing to do.
He’s not used to relaxation.
He’s always on the move.
He’s always doing something.
It feels almost… wrong to just sit around and watch the time go by. Surely someone is in need of help around the town. Finishing his cup of coffee at last and no longer feeling like a hog troll climbing out of the bog at three in the afternoon, Link decides that he’ll go around town just to see if there’s anything he can be of assistance for.
He searches. He asks. He’s denied. Again. And again. And again.
“Oh come on.” Link mutters under his breath as he re enters his house, shaking off all the tools and items he didn’t even get to use. He doesn’t bother putting them properly away. Link shucks them into a corner and rubs little circles into his temple.
His whole center of balance has been tilted.
What good is today if he’s not doing anything with it?
He makes his way back to his kitchen. Aside from the hasty cup of coffee, Link realizes that he didn’t actually have anything to eat once he woke up. And then he ran everywhere talking to everyone and everything so he’s more than a little hungry at the moment.
But cooking? Seriously? He doesn’t want to. Can’t he just have something that doesn’t require any prep? Doesn’t he have anything that he can just shove in his mouth and call it a day?
Link opens a cupboard and starts shoving things about with reckless abandon, looking for something to eat. There’s a book that he pushes aside that opens slightly. A few pages fall out due to age and decay but that’s not the only thing. 
He sees a flower.
He pauses.
You gave it to him.
“He has everything! What do you give to a person who doesn’t need anything?!”
Link smiles and picks it up, twirling the delicately pressed and dried flower between his fingers.
He remembers that day. How can he forget?
“I really, really like him! Help me figure out what to give him!”
Link hadn’t meant to over hear your conversation. In fact, when he had passed by, he thought you were talking about a different person entirely. You certainly weren’t talking to him when he heard you say those things. It was only until later when he gave up on trying to fish that you walked up to him and handed him this very flower.
He promised himself that he was never going to lose this flower.
It is his most prized possession. 
Delicately, he takes the book out of the cupboard and picks up the papers that had fallen out earlier. It’s a cookbook, he notices as he puts the papers back in order. Once the fallen pages are in their rightful place, he picks a new, sturdier spot and opens the book to that page.
He slips the flower inside and closes the book.
It ends up back on the cupboard where it was before and Link has decided to make a sandwich instead of making an elaborate meal.
It gets the job done and he once again finds himself with nothing else to do.
His front door opens and his heart jumps into his throat. His half eaten sandwich drops from his hands onto the plate in front of him as he dashes to the entrance.
“You’re back!” He yells and all but dives towards you, crushing you in the biggest bear hug.
“I was only gone for three days.” You grit out, barely restraining your laughter as he spins you around the living room. “This is a bit much don’t you think?”
“Link, please.”
“I’ve been so booored! There is nothing to do anymore.”
“Spoil sport.” You flick his nose and dig through your bag. “I did manage to get you something though.”
You hold up a new flower.
“I love it.”
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hansensgirl · 9 months
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summary. | Andy Barber’s wife has taken one step forward, but also two steps back.
prompts. | Andy Barber + Mob/Mafia + “Take you home? This is home. You aren’t going anywhere.” + Stockholm syndrome, requested by Anonymous.
pairing. | dark!mob boss!Andy Barber x fem!reader.
warnings. | NON/DUBCON, captivity, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, conditioning/grooming, pet names, ex-basement wife, past use of restraints, manipulation, gaslighting, housewife kink, and more. 18+ MINORS DNI!
author’s note. | this is a part of my Dark Concepts (2023) request form. thank you for taking part in this event! please enjoy and don’t forget to reblog. MINORS DNI, 18+ ONLY! taglist: @hansensfics.
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When Andy’s associates ask him—their boss—how his wife is doing, he always smiles and says you’re doing great. 
At first, this was not true. 
You were quite the brat—kicking, screaming, and crying at the mob boss whenever he’d come close to you. You did not adjust well to the basement until he had to teach you that this was your new life now, whether you liked it or not. And he promised you will like it—you must. 
But now, Andy’s words are honest. He even goes as far as to share your newest creations, like a cherry pie or a hand-knitted scarf. They all marvel and remark that he’s a lucky man. That he is.
The lock turns, and you know your husband is home. Anxiety fills you—you usually watch the time, but today, it seemingly slipped your mind. You enjoy your time to yourself, since you are free from the looming threat of messing things up for the mob boss.
You smooth your skirt and stand up, placing your cross-stitching hoop on the table beside you. You fold your hands and force a smile, hoping that the evening and night will be lovely. 
You have awaited his arrival all day, not knowing what to do with yourself when he isn’t around. It’s odd—you never were like this. But then again, your life was much different then. 
You’ve been preparing your request all day. You know it’s far-fetched—a dream so distant from your reality—but it doesn't hurt to try. Andy always says never to be afraid to ask him for something. 
Andy walks in and enables all the security features, though they’re no longer necessary. You know better than to try and escape. “Honey? I’m home,” he calls out, and you step out of the library he installed just for you. 
It was a gift for your five-month anniversary. That night, he fucked you for the first time without the need for restraints. 
“Hi,” you greet, walking up to him and pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek. Andy’s beard tickles your face, and for once, you don’t fight back your giggle. The first time it happened, he smiled so hard. But you were disgusted with yourself—you threw up a few moments later. 
“How was your day, sw– sweetie?” you ask, voice breaking. You’re not used to this, but you try just for your sweet husband. 
Andy grabs your arm and leads you to the dining room. Your steps are much shorter than his. Your ankles wobble in your heels, but he slows down just for you. How kind of him. No regular man would ever do that. 
“Oh, it was nice. Better now that you’re home,” you hum. Ever the gentleman, Andy pulls a chair out for you first and gestures for you to sit. You do as he says. You can’t help it. 
“Oh, yeah?” he chuckles, sitting down as well. You nod your head. Your smile doesn’t drop.
“You’re adorable, honey,” Andy coos. He rolls the sleeves of his dress shirt up and loosens the top button, exhaling deeply.
“Long day?” you question, squeezing the edges of your seat. Your leg bounces, and you hope Andy doesn’t notice. He doesn’t need to worry about you—he already has so much on his plate. You would hate to be a bother. 
“You know it. But I’m glad to be home with you now, baby,” he says. “How about I get you a drink?” you offer, already standing up. Andy reaches for your wrist. “Later, sweetie. I just want to spend some time with you,” he tells you. 
Obediently, you listen. “Good girl.” The praise makes your inside warm. You love his kind words. You regret ever insulting him during those days. 
“Oh, well, I did want to ask you something…” you begin, exhaling shakily. Andy’s brow furrows in word, and he’s quick to place a hand on yours, rubbing your skin soothingly. “What’s wrong, honey? Are you alright?” he asks, and you quickly nod.
“Then what is it?” Andy urges, waiting patiently for whatever it is you have to say. “Don’t worry. I won’t get mad,” the much-feared mob boss promises.
You bite the bullet.
“I… want you to take me home,” you whisper, looking down at the table so you don’t have to watch his wrath form. 
A few moments of silence pass. Your breathing becomes rapid as you panic inwardly. 
“Take you home?” Andy eventually repeats, as if making sure he heard you right. You nod. “I mean– Us,” you quickly correct, though you know it does nothing to fix your blunder.
You curse yourself. How stupid are you? How selfish? Andy has given you so much—he has loved you like no man ever could. And here you are, throwing it all back in his face. 
You already start forming an apology, ready to take whatever punishment he’ll dole out. Even the basement. 
“This is home. You aren’t going anywhere,” Andy growls, fists and jaw clenching. 
Your vision blurs, and sobs swim in your voice. “I– I know. I’m sorry—I’m so sorry,” you begin, bursting into silent sobs. Your tears fall onto the oak table, streaking down your cheeks. 
Andy doesn’t say anything. “Pl– Please, Andy. I’m sorry. I don’t know why I asked,” you continue. He stares at you, his gaze hard. He swallows.
“Please, can we start over?” you beg, finally looking up at him. Andy subtly nods, and you’re about to thank him when he speaks up, interrupting you.
“What for dinner, sweetie?” Andy asks, looking at the kitchen. You go with what he does. “I haven’t made anything yet. I was waiting for you to come home,” you tell him.“How about we skip dinner, hm?” he offers, and you can see his eyes go dark. 
You smile at the innuendo. Whatever your husband wants. 
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httpkaulitz · 4 months
crawling back to you
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2010 x Female reader
SYNOPSIS: You and Tom have a complicated relationship and don't know how to get out of it.
WARNINGS: none I think
A/N: sorry, I was in the mood for it I guess
You woke up, the darkness of the room swallowing your senses. Blinking in the darkness, you could just make out a figure sitting next to your bed, dark hair and brown eyes shining through the moonbeams filtering through the closed curtains. You would recognize this face anywhere.
"Tom." You whisper, and both anger and relief flood you, amplified by desperate need. The pain hits your heart like lightning. Even though you know he's a lot busier than you, you don't generally think of him as the kind of person who would break promises, and he promised to stay here all day the last time you saw him, which was a few weeks ago. As if he could sense your thoughts, he reached towards you, cupping one of your cheeks.
"Sorry darling." You hear his silky voice murmur. “I know I said I would be here all day. I'll make it up to you."
You bite your bottom lip softly in anxiety, running a hand through your hair before letting your fingers rest on top of his hand. You really worried about your relationship with Tom sometimes, he was always distant and somewhat avoidant, and of course he was very difficult to reach.
And you knew you weren't the only one. In fact, he always made a point of making this clear. Sometimes you felt your heart burn when you think about it. But even knowing that, you couldn't help but fall in love with Tom every time you saw him again. Even though shame burned inside you every time you undressed for him or moaned his name in desire, you would do it all again just to feel his physical love.
You feel the mattress shift under a new weight while Tom lay down next to you. Your heart wins over your mind again and you can't help but move closer to him, snuggling into his chest as his arm covers yours.
“Oh Lieb, I know you’re upset. But I can change that.” Tom whispers softly into your ear, his warm breath fanning against your face.
Even though you fight your mind and your desires, you feel a tremor run through your body, desire and anticipation as the images of you two fucking flash through your mind once again.
''We need to stop this.” You whisper, trying to ignore his hand running down your body.
''I can't do this anymore, Tom.” You said pushing his hand away before it reached your thigh, even though you knew you would give in in the end.
''That's cause you hate me.'' It wasn't a question but you felt the need to answer.
''I hate you." You said, placing emphasis on each word.
''Yes, but you still love me.'' He whispered in your ear and bit your neck.
You sigh softly and give in to your desires once again, though you know it won't be the last. He's so charming and attractive in a way you'd never fully understand, you think as you lean forward and gently cup his face in your hands, forgetting everything and plant your lips on his. He kisses you back before his hands are suddenly on your torso as he rolls you onto your back, sitting on top of your thighs, running his fingers down your chest lovingly.
''Believe me, I try to stay away from you, I try all the time.'' You shudder a little before he leans in and kisses you, and soon your lips are moving together in slow harmony as his hands slowly knead and massage your breasts, his fingers occasionally playing with your nipples, already hard and sensitive.
His lips parted from yours briefly to trail down your jaw and the soft skin of your neck, planting light, flighty kisses that left faint, tingling goosebumps every time, a sharp pinch occurring every now and then as he left delicate kiss and love marks over your body.
''I always end up finding my way back to you.'' He murmurs against your collarbone as he kisses his way down.
''For some reason I don't understand, I can't stay away.'' Tom purrs as he plays with your nipples with his tongue. The coldness of the night sends more goosebumps all over your body, and you let out a low moan as he continues stroking your other nipple with his fingers.
''You don't know, but sometimes I come here just to watch you sleep.'' Tom sits down and his hands goes to the inside of your thighs, running his fingers lightly and slowly over your skin. The tickling and teasing gently makes you feel the desire and sensation as you spread your legs.
“But I shouldn’t come here anymore.” He says getting up.
You choke in anger. He was just leaving again and leaving you wanting and needy.
''I'm going to go, I have some things to take care of.'' Tom said as he picked up his coat that was on the chair next to your bed.
''Are you going to come back?'' You asked, walking towards him like a puppy that was being abandoned by its owner. It's pathetic, but you can't help it.
''Probably.'' He said and continued walking to the door without even turning to look at you.
You knew this wouldn’t be the last time you saw him. You two didn't know how to stay away from each other and you didn't know how to be together. It was torturous.
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Just a Girl 5
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as possible cheating, low self-esteem, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: you move in with your sister when your luck turns for the worst.
Characters: Walter Marshall, possible Andy Barber
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
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You stand in the open garage, gangly and out of place. You hear the back door snap again and sense Walter as he strides through the open gate. He comes up beside you and presses his arm against yours. 
“Here,” he holds out the stemless glass of wine, “figure one of us should enjoy it.” 
“Oh, thanks, I...” you stifle the complaint that you don’t drink. You suppose one won’t hurt.  
“Not much for wine,” he wiggles the can in his hand. You can smell the hoppy beer from there, “so, I was thinking shelves right across the back wall,” he spreads his fingers in a gesture across the breadth of the garage, “what do ya think?” 
“Right, er, what kind of shelves.” 
“I got storage in the basement. Mostly beer glasses and the like. Some car models. It’s gonna be a little bar or whatever. Need somewhere to chill,” he nudges you with his elbow, “’specially since I’m making lots of new friends.” 
You glance over at him from the corner of your eyes and step forward. You go to the wall and touch it. They’ve been newly put up and finished. Sturdy. You knock on it so you can hear where the anchoring is. 
“Could do,” you mutter, “when did you do these?” 
“Just finished them. A regrettable winter decision,” he chuckles, “don’t forget to try the wine. I’m sure your sister wouldn’t want it to go to waste.” 
“Oh, yeah,” you shift, standing on an angle to him. You raise the glass and take a sip, your face scrunching up at the acrid but sweet flavour. 
“You really don’t drink, do you?” He scoffs as he nears. 
“Never really saw the use in it,” you shrug. 
“Should be clearer after living with the jackass Barber,” he snorts, “you seem like you could use the escape. Must be awkward pent up with the newlyweds.” 
“I guess...” you rub your neck. “So, the shelves, how tall--” 
“We can talk business tomorrow,” he interrupts, “I’ll get dinner on. How about you come hang on the deck while I cook?” 
“Sure, er,” you turn to him stiffly, “I could help.” 
“That’s sweet,” his eyes flick up and down, “but I invited you. You sit back and relax and enjoy the wine. It gets better the more you drink.” 
You clamp your lips shut and follow him back through the open door. He hits the button for it to close and directs you through the gate. You head up onto the deck and look around as you clasp the glass in both hands. 
“Sit,” he insists as he points to the cushions on the wicker frame. “I’ll get this going...” 
You take his command. You sit in the very corner of the patio couch and cross one leg over the other. You have a habit of trying to make yourself as small as you can. Next to him, it's easy. 
You sit and shrink as he moves around. He lights the barbecue then disappears inside once more. He brings out a plate of burgers and some veggies to grill, along with foiled potatoes to bake. He returns one more with the bottle of wine. 
“In case you want a top up,” he winks. 
“Thanks,” you murmur. 
He picks up his beer and sips as he goes to work. He puts the potatoes on first and closes the lid. He turns to lean on the railing and watches you. You drink to keep yourself busy. 
“So, you hear Jack White is coming to town?” He asks. 
Your eyes flit to him then away, “yeah.” 
“How about you tag along?” He offers. 
“Oh, I can’t--” 
“My treat,” he interjects. 
“It’s nice but...” 
“But what? You’re a fan.” 
“Sure, but er, it... would be too much.” 
“Hm, who says so? Seems like you got too many people in your ear. I wanna take you out. We can get some dinner too.” 
“Oh, would that... are you... asking me out?” You blanch. 
He guffaws, “uh, already did. You think I brought you over for your thoughts about shelves? It’s a bonus.” 
“Uh. I didn’t think... oh.” 
“Oh? I thought I was pretty forward. Why are you here if you’re not into it?” 
Because you told me to. Because you made me. Because I can’t go back. 
You shrug, “guess I misunderstood.” 
“You’re cute, you like good music, and I like you.” 
“You do?” You frown. 
“Don’t act so surprised,” he scoffs and nears the couch, he sits next to you. Close. Too close. “The other women around here, they talk too much. You’re calm, quiet. I’m too old for all that. I know what I want.” 
You nod as your throat tightens. 
“And you need a man, not a boy,” he tickles your side and swigs from his beer. 
You fidget. A chill ripples over you. You’re reminded of another instant, another touch that made you unsure, another man who told you what you wanted. 
You wince at the sliver of a memory and the glass slips in your hand. You garble as it tips before you can right it and it splashes onto his shirt, soaking the sleeve and down the side. He retracts in surprise. 
“Sorry,” you squeak, “I’m sorry, Walter, I didn’t mean to.” 
He stands and puts his beer down. He chuckles and you squirm, preparing yourself for his rage. You stare at him as you straighten the wet glass. 
“I’m really sorry, I don’t know what happened.” 
“It’s good, just some wine,” he peels his shirt over his head and your eyes widen at the reveal of his thick torso. You gulp as you can’t help but notice the thick muscles and dark trim of fur. “You get any on you?” 
“Uh, no, I don’t think so,” you look down, thankful for the excuse to tear your gaze away from him. 
“I’ll go grab a fresh shirt,” he says. “Can I get you anything?” 
“N-no,” you stammer out and stand up, “I’m sorry.” 
“Relax,” he nears and rubs your shoulder, “it’s adorable when you get all flustered but I’m not mad. Pour yourself another glass.” 
You keep your eyes down and nod. He brushes by you, too close for your liking, and you go to the round glass table. Adorable? You don't know if you've ever been called that.
You take the wine and pour from the long neck. You don’t know what else to do. You’re so nervous. Maybe the alcohol will help. You’ve heard it called liquid courage. 
You pick up the glass again and go to the railing to look off into the green yard. You didn’t notice the hot tub before. His yard is just as well kept as any. As you try to distract yourself from what he said, your mind resists. 
He likes you? You’re not that stupid that you don’t know what’s going on. You’re only unsure. He’s moving so fast and you hardly know him really. He doesn’t really know you and yet he acts like he does. 
Even so, you don’t feel like you can deny him. You try, over and over, and he just bulldozes over you. Still, you can’t name one thing he’s done that’s been so wrong. 
The back door snaps again as Walter appears. He pulls down a tee shirt and smiles as he shakes out his hair. He combs his fingers through his curls. 
“Thought I got this mop under control,” he chortles as you watch him over your shoulder. He grabs his beer from where he left it and approaches, “so... you checking out the hot tub?” 
“Oh, uh, no, just... the flowers--” 
“My daughter deals with those,” he says, “you wanna hop in after dinner? Get in a soak?” 
“Erm, I don’t think so. I don’t have a suit.” 
You blink at his suggestion. Naked? You look down at the wine and gulp another mouthful. 
“You keep drinking that wine and think about it,” he taps your butt and backs up, “I should get those burgers going.” 
You keep your eyes ahead of you, staring off across the lawn as your heart races. What do you do? You can’t go back to your sister’s house, not after your run-in with Andy. You’ll just have to stick it out and hope he forgets about the hot tub. 
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milksuu · 11 months
Hello! What do you think about a scenario where Aphelios and reader meet in OSU or another game?
Like reader creates maps and uses songs that aphelios actually likes and so he ends up being the player that she always sees on her stat map charts with almost always being top 1. And one of them gets curious so they reach out on the app/netsite and they get to know each other?? Like kinda how they met and how their relationship would evolve over time. I'm not good with words but yeah!
❥ prompt: You were a revered OSU! map creator. He was a map farming legend. Especially your maps. He was always at the top of the stat charts. Praised or scrutinized, he was the daily hot topic in the /osu subforums. His username was the only thing you knew about him : m00ncake. You had no idea he would end up being Aphelios from the band Heartsteel. That's until he showed up at your job by accident, and you connecting the dots. Oh, did you forget to mention you worked at a maid café? ❥ content/warnings: fluffy fluff, mild hurt/comfort, minor angst (?) ❥ characters/pairings: Heartsteel!aphelios / f!reader
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This was it. Your magnum opus! Once your song map hit the platform, thousands of players immediately clicked to dominate it. It wasn't going to be easy for them. You'd taken special care of making it more challenging than your previous maps....especially for one certain player.
m00ncake had a history of over-taking any map within the first try. After every song, there he was: placed at number one. With astronomical stats that would take days of practice for any top streamer to compete with. It's what made the whole scene that much more competitive.
But every gamer had their weakness. And you made this map specifically to exploit m00ncake. You had analyzed his replays. Over and over again. In the darkness of your room, till the desktop screen stung your eyes dry.
He was exceptionally good with rhythm, timing, and anything technical. If you could throw him off, even a little, you'd consider that a flawless victory. This time around you would delay the kick sliders, just by a fraction, before the uptick. The rhythm theoretically the same, but the minuscule margin of delay would throw any muscle memory built up from your previous maps alone.
You waited with baited breath. m00ncake played and finished your map. The stats were posted. Yet again, he proved to be the legend he was considered to be. Despite your best efforts. With the numbers alone, there was no way another player could possibly over-take him.
A few moments later, you received a direct message:
m00ncake: nice song. also fun map. can i ask a question?
You heart thumped inside your chest. Gulping, you allowed your fingers to type back:
mcreader: oh, thanks! and sure, go ahead. m00ncake: did you purposefully slow down the kick slider at certain parts? if you did, it was actually pretty challenging for me. i'm usually on auto-pilot so that kind of threw me off. haha
After that message, your friendship blossomed. Frequently messaging each other on the platform, to then adding each other on Discord. Whenever you posted a new map, m00ncake would call you, and have you listen to his insane key-board clicking sounds. The most intense ASMR one could experience, really.
It was always great to get feedback from him after he would finish. Being the professional OSU! player that he was, it was nice to get insight on possible map formations, songs, to just general technical suggestions. To no surprise, you both enjoyed the same style of music. It explained why his play history consisted of mostly your maps. Even your least popular ones.
But he never spoke. Not even a whisper. And you never pressed it. If he was just generally shy with speaking, you could understand. You didn't mind doing all of the talking, and him replying with short text, emojies or tts.
mcreader: i found a great song for a new map. but i have work now, so i'll probably do it later tonight. maybe post it if im not too sleepy. m00ncake: sounds good. i'm excited to play it when it comes out. i'm usually up at night so if you need some company, let me know. have a good day at work. ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
mcreader: will do! and tysm! have a good day too! ttyl! (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
You pressed your phone to your lips. m00ncake was always so sweet, supportive, and always a treat to talk to (Well, text to). You just wished you knew his name. Or anything more about him, really. He was always very secretive. It made you wonder why.
When you made it to work, you dressed and fitted into your maid outfit along with the rest of the girls coming in for shift. You heard giggles and whispers, "Hey, did you see that guy that's at that one table? He looks just like Aphelios from Heartsteel!" Another girl wiggled excitedly, nodding her head. "Totally. But it's so hard to tell. He's got his mask on and has his hoodie up. No, there's no way it's not him. As a die-hard fan, I can tell!"
"That's enough, girls." The manager clapped her hands at attention. "Everyone already has their table assignments. And there will be no switching. Whether we have a special customer or not, we always provide excellence in our service. Understood?"
After learning your table assignments, you were ready for your shift. And looked like you were assigned the very table everyone seemed to want. Whines erupted around you. "How come she get's to serve Apehlios? I bet she doesn't even know who Heartsteel is." The mass of complaints silenced as the manager clapped her hands once more.
They were right. You weren't too knowledgeable on the up and coming band. But if they were right, then that made you all the more nervous. It wasn't everyday you served someone of musical prestige. You usually served single college guys, the occasional cute couple, or a group of high-school girls on a fun after school date.
"Welcome back, Master! It's an honor to serve you again today." You sang your rehearsed spiel at the customers table. 'Masters' were always treated as if they had come home from a long journey. "I'm glad you're back safely. You must be tired after being away from home so very long. Please, let me recharge you by taking your food and drink order."
What on earth? You almost broke character. You watched as the young man had his phone out, playing OSU! in the most casual way imaginable. He rolled his blood-moon eyes to acknowledge you, expression veiled. He placed his phone on the table, but his fingers continued to tap his screen while he scanned the heart-shaped menu.
D-Did he memorize the whole song!? The whole scene was out of this world. So distracted by this detail, you almost didn't realize he was trying to communicate. You looked down. He pointed and tapped a finger at his order. A lavender latte and dessert combo.
"Wonderful choice, Master. I'll let the fairy's know right away. Your dessert and drink will be out shortly."
You scurried away with the order. When you returned with a tray, you sought to investigate your customer a little more. It was customary to draw art on the latte foam. You smiled sweetly, drawing the shape of a rabbit. "I'm so happy you returned home, Master. I was so worried because it had been so long. Once I heard you were coming back, I couldn't help but be excited for today. The day when we would finally see each other again."
Honestly, you were just trying to ramble and waste time. He never bothered reacting to your whole gimmick. That gave you security to scan your eyes over his phone screen. Your breath hitched. His username...his username...his username...
You practically squirted the whole bottle of chocolate sauce on the table. Recovering with an innocent laugh, and wiped the table dry, and ran away to take cover in the employee's only section. You pulled out your phone and opened Discord:
mcreader: hey! super weird question, but um, what're you doing rn??????? m00ncake: ...me? just out and about. having something to eat. why ( ° - °) ??????? mcreader: i was just wondering, and im sorry if this is random but...is....is your name aphelios by chance?
After pressing send, you peeked around the corner. You watched as the young man tapped on his phone. After a pause, his eyes snapped wide. Panicked, he looked around the space. As if trying to find a proper response to your question.
It is you, you pressed your lips firmly together. You went back to his table and took his wrist, encouraging him to follow you. "Oh! Master, let me guide you to the restroom." You announced loudly, leading him away. You dragged him into the dressing room. Since next shift wasn't for a few more hours, no one would bother walking in.
"m00ncake, Aphelios--whoever you are. What're you doing here?" How embarrassing. If you ever decided to meet in person, you didn't want it to be like this. With you and your silly frilly outfit and cringey maid character (even though you did enjoy it). But this was way over the top than you imagined!
Aphelio's backed up slowly against a locker. He didn't say a word. Blinking wildly at your question. You pulled out your phone, revealing your Discord and OSU! conversations with him.
"You see this? That's you! And now I know that it's you...you're m00ncake...and Aphelio's from Heartsteel...and I-I'm..."
Why? Why? Why? Why couldn't he have been anyone else than a supposed famous idol star? Why couldn't he have been some normal guy with an obsession with online rhythm games? Someone weirdly normal, like you.
So why....why did you have to like someone so out of your league?
Girlish talk and laughter bounced outside the changing room door. Fearing the worst, you dragged you and Aphelio's into your clothing locker. You made shushing gestures to your lips, which was ironic, since you knew at this point he never said a word.
A couple of girls walked in, laughing to one another. "Wow, I can't believe I lost one of my hair ties. Thanks for letting me borrow yours." The other then replied, "No problem! I always keep spares in my bag. Hey, look. Whose headphones are these?"
In the frantic mess of your actions, Aphelio's lost his headphones. The pair continued to laugh and talk, wondering exactly where the headset even came from. You shifted your gaze upwards. And your heart squeezed horribly inside your chest.
Aphelio's had his eyes half-lided, almost closed. Breathing laboriously through his mask. He looked as if he was in pain. Flinching whenever one of the girls giggled too loudly, or the other raised their voice in excitement. In the condensed space, he had no room to move his arms and cover his ears.
Your eyes widened at the realization. This...this is all my fault. Carefully, you squeezed your arms up, cupping his ears in your hands. In this angle, your cheek condensed into his chest. You felt the erratic thumping of his heart. Slowly, it settled to a steady rhythm. The heaves of his chest dissipating to normal breaths.
When the girls finally left, you uncovered his ears, both slipping out of the locker. You picked up his headphones, adjusting them against his ears. You then fitted the hoodie over his head, wearing a sad smile, "I'm so sorry. About all that. About everything, really. Can...can you forget about today? And don't worry about paying for your meal. I'll cover it."
You didn't let him type or gesture a single word to you. Resuming character, you escorted him out of the maid café, with a take-home box in hand for his troubles.
Your shift dragged on. You didn't bother sending any messages to m00ncake. Or actually, Apehlios, you should say. And no messages came from him, either. Good...it's better this way. The two of you living in two separate worlds.
When end of shift came, the sky had darkened. With your dress bag slung over your shoulder, you left the café. When you stepped onto the sidewalk, someone familiar stood at the side.
"A-Aphelios, why did you..." before you finished, he messaged you on Discord. You opened the message:
m00ncake: i didn't want to forget about today. in fact, do you want to ride the train together?
You paused. A smile then formed across your lips. With a nod, you placed yourself at his side. In a comfortable silence, the two of you walked shoulder to shoulder. Your phone buzzed. Another ping:
m00ncake: i shouldn't probably say this but, i actually have a thing for girls in maid outfits. you can shove me in a locker and call me master anytime. (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
You blushed furiously, grabbing his arm and shaking it with a whine. Thinking maybe, just maybe, two totally different notes could be part of the same song.
an: omfg what a cute idea this was! honestly, im not versed in rhythm games, but i tried my best. maybe i went overboard too. thanks so much for the request @timetoeatthebread-blog!
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dairy-farmer · 2 months
imagine this, right? i js got the idea. might not be the best one in the world, but here.
dick and tim have been married for anywhere around three years. tim’s twenty four at this time, dick’s thirty-one. their love life is incredible, sex life just as good. tim kisses him in the mornings. they go out every sunday. the batfamily’s come to accept it because they’re so in love. their honeymoon phase is literally their whole marriage.
‘disgustingly in love,’ — jason.
‘dick has stooped so low,’ — damian.
‘please don’t make out on the couch,’ — duke.
they’re the kind of couple people hate, the bond that people want to have, and—
then dick cheats.
it wasn’t a good decision, but happened with this villain—‘and you know how the men in this family are with villains, tim, how the villains are with us. she was hot. and it had been going on for weeks. i refused until he didn’t. i tried, tim.’ dick doesn’t have a good excuse. tim’s out of his life within a week, divorce proceedings already starting.
it’s dick’s all time low. tim doesn’t even look at him. dick begs him to stay as he packs his bags. he says he’ll never do it again, it was a one-off occasion, but tim’s trust is like stained glass, so pretty when he has it, so devastating when it shatters.
tim’s friends despise dick. kon-el always challenges his authority on joint missions now. steph outright says the divorce was his fault and disinvited him from outings because it was still so fresh and tim would be there. wally and cassie give him looks and fall into whispers whenever he passes. jason jokes about it and has it in every low blow he can muster.
he still sees tim every other day, because of their careers, but tim avoids his patrol areas and bruce purposely sets them apart.
once or twice, bruce mentions how they should forget grudges on the job, but he can’t help it.
almost a year passes, and tim’s birthday happens. dick watches it happen from his phone, scrolling his socials, and breaks down. it’s a cycle of him wanting tim to feel as useless as dick without him, to him wishing the best, until he admits he wants nothing more than tim again and hates himself for losing that.
he buys him a gift that night. leaves it on tim’s usual work space in the batcave. that evening, he finds a sticky note on his door with the word “thanks.”
he places one on tim’s desk, so sure it’s him, giddy with the idea of them talking again, he writes back, “ur welcome.”
it should be the end. instead, dick finds a “how did u know i’d want this?” on his nightwing suit. he replies with, “because ur tim” and places it on the zesti can in the bundle, because tim takes one around this time, and always follows their placement.
“what does that mean” on dick’s shoes in the morning.
“u like collections” on a figurine tim left in the parlour.
“i know and i couldn’t even get my hands on this one” the inside of dick’s smoothie mix bottle.
“what? u can’t get ur hands on a simple superman figurine?” the side of the leg extension/curl machine in the home gym, timed before tim’s work out.
“there was only five of this one ever made.” the mirror in dick’s en-suite.
“and now u have one of them :)” tim’s degenerate energy dark chocolate bar container.
they go on like this for a couple weeks. start hanging around the manor that much more often to encounter their next note.
“did u see what she wore to the gala? (he forgot her name, so there’s a doodle of a woman with pronounced ears and a bad tiger print scarf crammed on the note)” “didn’t you wear five toed shoes to a gala?” “it wasn’t tiger print.”
“i love alfred’s cookies.” “ur sticky note has crumbs.” “don’t talk to me about sanitary stick notes, piss stain” “u could smell the apple juice stop with the piss allegations :(”
and so forth. eventually, dick musters the courage to talk to tim again. he says hi one night they cross paths on patrol. it’s the most awkward reaction he gets, silence, then a returned, ‘hi.’
the sticky notes stop.
dick hates himself for a total of three days before tim asks if he wants to work a case together. he hops on it fast.
they spend all night looking through it, figuring it out. it’s difficult. they spend the night after that to finish it. tim’s speaking to him again, a bit more like a friend, more sarcastically, and dick knew he couldn’t stay away forever.
a month later, and he might mention something of their past, hinting on it. dick hasn’t gotten over tim. ever. tim replies, in the kindest way possible something that translates to ‘we’re never getting back together.’
dick is heartbroken.
their interactions change as soon as tim is aware dick’s still into him. not in the way he distances, but in the way he talks to dick, leaning over his shoulders to show him new installations and software, holding his forearm time to time, casually, like his hand just slid there without thinking, and hanging an arm over his shoulder enough for dick to ask himself why.
dick once asks, while tim is dealing with a bad gash and he’s in daring spirits, ‘do you ever miss us?’
‘maybe,’ tim says, ‘i miss the other stuff.’
‘the other stuff?’
‘like, the sex.’
he realizes quite soon that tim’s ‘we’re never getting back together’ euphemism wasn’t a full sentence, or concept. he did say something else after, to further soften it, but dick stopped listening then. he mentioned he didn’t mind them being friends, something other with benefits, and it clicks then.
we’re never getting back together, but we can hook up if you want.
tim didn’t say that word for word, but it’s clear he meant that now.
dick wants the same relationship with tim he had then, beyond sex. they were better than sex. sure, the sex was incredible, tim felt so good for him, and remembering it now starts a craving in him that furthers when tim’s fingers brush along his skin.
‘i meant more than that.’
tim shrugs. dick should probe, keep trying to pry something out of him. but dick is a weak man when tim offers him something.
‘but that’s fine. i miss it, too.’
dick wishes he could take the betrayal back. he hasn’t touched anyone else since the divorce. it felt like cheating, seeing someone else, made him sick and he wasn’t in the hottest mood without tim around. but now tim is, for him, and he’ll take whatever he can get.
that’s how dick ends up with his ex-husband on top, insisting he does all the work because he just sterilized and bandaged his side, and it’s best he stays down. tim slips down him, and it’s been a while, such a long time dick is throbbing before tim even starts. he grabs his hips so hard, and can’t even thrust up before tim scolds him and breathily threatens to stop if he keeps writhing so much, that he needs to keep still if he wants this.
dick strains not to lift into tim, trembling beneath him, running hands along his smooth torso. so, so pretty.
tim’s thighs work, slapping onto his flesh, his cock dripping on dick’s abs. dick wants to sear his finger prints into his hips. to account for how he can’t thrust his hips without tim aggressively palming at his stomach, shoving him down or making him jerk down with pain, he manhandles tim by his hips, plunging him down on his cock. tim sings so lovely, hunching over. he tries to kiss tim when he hovers close enough for it to work, but tim rights his posture the last second, bouncing on dick’s cock and he loses his mind. he squeezes his hips one handedly, the one thing anchoring him, focusing his other on rounding tim’s cock and rubbing.
hair haloes his bowed head, his blue eyes dazed then shutting tight, pretty lips falling ajar in a gasp. dick swallows down the i love you clawing in the back of his throat, and comes after tim, spurred on by how he tightens, his trembling, and that look on his face. tim slips off of him, first checking the bandages for any bleeding, and relaxing when there’s none.
finally, they clean up, but it happens again. and again.
it’s good for the reason hook ups often are. better because tim knows him, knows what turns dick on, and where on his body causes tremors to race about his nerves. it hurts for the reason that’s all it is. hook ups. tim never kisses him during them or stays too long for after care before he finds something to do.
dick is still so in love. he can’t complain. but he wants something more. he can be casual with anyone else, but not his timmy.
however this ends im not sure but it was an idea i had ig.
!!!!!! dick being so desperate to take back what he did and to be able to have tim again but not being able to. the most he can get is the occasional hookup but even then tim still keeps his distance and does not treat dick affectionatly and doesn't act like them meeting is anything other than a hookup. i love the idea that when tim starts treating dick more civilly, maybe even nicely he gets so happy and exxcited that it might mean more only to deflate when tim tells him no again.
dick starts getting affectionate, starts reaching for tim because he thinks maybe because tim is nice to him now, that because tim talks to him, doesn't look at him with dead fish eyes that it means...more.
and then any hope dick feels collapses when tim holds his hands and starts softly talking like dick is a child. "just because i can work with you and just because i laugh with you and am nice to you, it doesn't mean i forgive you dick. it doesn't even mean i miss you,"
just dick always getting his hopes high and then having them knocked out from under him.
dick was always stuck in this cycle of relationships. cycling through the same partners again and again and after cheating on tim it ends. he never enters that cycle again. instead he enters a new one. one where he reads into tim's behavior and words thinking he has a chance again, building his hope up again. only for it to be dashed.
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unicyclehippo · 1 year
‘you know i’m like this all the way down, don’t you? it isn’t - it isn’t an act, i do laugh it off sometimes dear, it can be terribly funny but. i am like this. forever. and it’s—could you—do you think you might be able to withstand that for a long time? i should like to be with you for a long time but it would depend on - on when you get exhausted, you see, because i must live with this or - ha - not live with, i suppose, but survive, contend, with this for however long i shall live but you, well.’ laudna’s twists her face into graceful acceptance. soft, understanding, hardly sad at all. it’s very easy to do, once you have the trick of it. ‘you needn’t. deal with this. the bark and the hair and the nails. the popping joints. the ichor, the aches, the smell, the stares, the rot.’ the word drops between them, gross, embarrassing, like she’d spat by accident. her teeth are hatesharp in her mouth. ‘the teeth,’ she adds.
imogen looks up from the book she studies with such careful, wonderful intent. so smart. she quirks a brow, amused. ‘i know what you are, laud. you forget we’ve been travellin’ together awhile now?’
‘no, no.’ her stomach twists, her hands twist, knot, roots. so is she, rooted in place. ‘i know, dear, i only mean to remind you—should you need a moment to yourself, or, or should something in particular sicken you—‘
she sinks low. imogen isn’t listening. of course not. she is kind. she lo-hmm. yes, well, laudna can surmise imogen likely loves her. which is, well, lovely! but they haven’t been in love for very long and laudna has never done it before, romance, love, but she knows herself. how she clings to things. she knows herself. love to her is like…tar. sticky and black, bubbling and pouring up and up around their ankles their calves their knees her beautiful knees. if imogen doesn’t know that now then gods help her, what if she drowns her—them—in it? and she would, imogen would stay with her she would be pleased by it, even, because she loves her, but there is something wrong with it. impossible to know if it has always been this or if it’s all the death and the accessories she’s obtained through it—lady d, trauma, blah blah blah—but she thinks she has a capacity for love like a pyre, grease-fire and rising choking smoke; like a hungry dog, snapbite shut around the hand outstretched. and she knows what she wants for imogen, the kind of love she deserves, and how far it is from what she has to offer.
‘what are you afraid of, honey?’
laudna nibbles at her bottom lip. she takes up the bone she has been carving and turns it between her fingers, not wanting to see the moment imogen sees her, maskless, exposed.
‘i want to hold you until we both die,’ laudna says, sad and sweet. ‘i want to lay down in a grave with you side by side and i shall never move again and every worm that comes to eat us up will be little versions of us, because they’ve fed on us, and they will be in love and they’ll feed all the farms and chickens and we’ll be a thousand souls in love. i want to open up your scars and see what is under your skin, what your magic does under there. i want,’ she says, and folds her elbows close to her rotten chest, folds herself small, words small, so not a page stirs, not another soul could be stirred by what she admits. ‘i want to taste it. i want to grow into a tree and grow around you like armour like a second skin so you are always safe and maybe grow taproots, grow into you. through you. i want you as part of me forever. i want to touch you, i want to always be touching you, i want you to never be able to move without feeling me beside you, i want you to crack me open and see how vile it is inside of me and plunge in neck deep and when you struggle to get out, i want to hold on.’ she pauses. ‘i want to dislocate my jaw.’
imogen sits very still. her eyes very dark. she lets out a slow breath, pink tongue flicking out to wet her lips. ‘what-‘ she clears her throat. ‘what does that last one have to do with me?’
‘it doesn’t really. but. i’ll always be quite horrible to be around and i want you to be with me anyway.’
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gyuuberryy · 2 years
break the ice
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pairing: tsundere!sunghoon x reader
summary: sunghoon shows that he dislikes your presence most of the time, but secretly he really appreciates your kind gestures. maybe he should’ve reciprocated it instead of pushing you away completely, because the aftermath was not pretty.
genre: tsundere and sunshine trope
warnings: lots of angst, fluff, mean!sunghoon, yelling, crying, toxic family relationship, slight mention of violence and divorce, very very very little swearing, lowercase intended
note: my first enhypen fic!!!!! i’m so excited to share this with you guys. this went a bit different than the prompt i made the poll on but it’s basically the same thing. enjoy! (also i might sound desperate but PLEASE interact with me i really need more friends here AHAHAhhhh)
word count: 3k ish
If you liked it please reblog or comment to give me your feedback! <3
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a hand slammed on top of the wooden table where sunghoon’s head rested atop his arms. he slowly looked up, already knowing who it would be since you were the only one who ever approached him. 
“hi hoonie!”, you beamed at him in excitement. your nickname for him made his eyebrows furrow slightly, but he didn’t let his annoyance completely show on his stoic face.
“it’s early morning, why are you so happy?”, he grumbled.
you completely ignored his unenthusiastic response and placed a brown disposable box in front of him.
“i made some simple fried rice, i was running a bit late today.” you smiled and slid the box towards him when he didn’t react, “i hope you don’t mind!” 
when he realised that you weren’t going to move if he didn’t take the box, he sighed and stuffed it inside his schoolbag. your smile widened at his gesture but immediately fell when you looked at your watch.
“oh no i’m running late for my next class.” you waved at him, “i’ll see you at lunch!” 
sunghoon’s eyes followed your figure as you pushed past the people crowding at the entrance of the classroom and dashed off. his eyes glazed over in thought as he contemplated about why you even put up with him everyday, afterall you were a really jolly person who’s loved by everyone. and he, he was just loner with no emotions everso.
you both had met each other at the beginning of high school. you had approached him when you found him sitting alone at lunch on the first day. you mistook it for him being lonely but he pushed himself away from everyone on purpose. since then you’ve always been around him, constantly playing the part of a friend he didn’t ask for but secretly appreciated. he still remembers how upset you were when you found out he started skipping lunch in senior year, so you started making lunch for him everyday.
he sighed once again when his phone’s screen lit up with your text message. 
i’m so sorry i won’t be able to visit you during lunch today TT
i have the club meeting for robotics
enjoy your lunch&lt;333
and don’t forget to recycle your lunchbox!!
his lips turned up slightly at the cheery tone of your text, brightening his mood a bit.
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the soles of his worn out shoes crunched on the fallen leaves as sunghoon sluggishly walked on the pavement. the cool january breeze blew gently, leaving a trail of goosebumps on his skin. he looked above him and watched as the sun sunk into the sky, lighting up into flames of orange and yellow which set the wispy clouds ablaze. he was broken out of his peaceful gazing by the shouts of his name. he paid no heed to it and continued walking towards the bus stop. stiffening when a hand grabbed his arm, he turned his head.
“hoon did you not hear me?”, you gasped out, panting for breath. falling into step with him you giggled, “i need to start running, i get tired so easily.”
sunghoon gave no reaction and continued to walk in silence. you noticed that he hadn’t made any attempt of moving your hand away from his arm and cheered mentally at the progress. observing his features, you frowned in worry becauset his eyes had dark circles under them and his lips looked really chapped. 
“did you not sleep well last night?” you jogged up in front of him and grabbed his face, “gosh your eyes are swollen.” 
sunghoon’s cheeks slowly turned a light shade of pink at the gentle way you were holding his face. he immediately pushed your hands away and resumed his walking, slightly increasing his pace so that you would not see him blushing. you eventually caught up with him and handed him a beige coloured lip balm stick.
“use this for your lips. i swear they’ll become smooth and soft overnight, just like they were!” you attempted to make a serious face but it looked more funny, “and drink lots of water, this is a sign that you’re dehydrated.”
sunghoon watched you carefully as you babbled on about some home remedy to get rid of dark circles, the ever present blank expression etched onto his face. he felt something bubble up inside of him that happened every time at the fact that you noticed even the slightest change that he went through. he felt cared for.
“thank you”, he spoke out softly.
you stopped in the middle of your sentence and your eyes widened at his words. this was probably the first time he ever said the words ‘thank you’ to you. you felt like you had achieved some sort of big accomplishment and your face immediately broke out into a wide smile.
this feeling lasted like a warm blanket over you both the entire day.
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you had to miss out lunch once again the next week due to another robotics club meeting, which you were the vice president of. you had a free period currently so you decided to look for sunghoon since he was in the same class. after you found him missing from the classroom, you decided to go look for him at the benches he usually has his lunch at. maybe he decided to stretch it a bit longer?
you stopped on your way at a vending machine and got him his favourite cold coffee. smiling to yourself, you resumed walking. the school dance was coming up soon and you really wanted to attend it with sunghoon. so, you were going to do everything possible to get him to like you enough to be your date. and recently he had been slightly reciprocating your advances.
your face lit up when you found sunghoon right where you thought he would be. you were just about to call his name but stopped when you saw him holding the bento box you had given him today. you decided to watch secretly to see his reaction after eating the food cooked by you. he had never really given you any feedback about it, only taking the lunchboxes from you with a small huff.
your smile dropped when you saw him walk towards a dustbin and roughly throw the box in it. was the food not good? are you not hungry?
“do you do this every day?”
it looks like you voiced this thought out because sunghoon turned around and looked at you like a deer caught in headlights. this was probably the most noticeable expression you had ever seen on his usually blank face.
“are you okay? your eyes look really red.”
sunghoon remained quiet and just looked blankly at you. why did you still care about him when you clearly caught him throwing your food away. why were you the only one who was nice to him? he was trying really hard to control himself from lashing out on you but he couldn’t help it when you reached out to grab his face.
“will you stop this”, he yelled out in frustration.
“calm down hoonie-”
“stop it, just stop it!” he spat out in anger, “my name is sunghoon.”
just when you were about to open your mouth to say something, he cut you off once again.
“i’m so sick of everyone and everything. sick of you.”
a look of hurt momentarily flashed across your face as he pushed your hand away, but you immediately replaced it with a look of concern.
“what's wrong sunghoon? you never behave like this.”
“what’s wrong is that you won’t leave me alone.” he threw his arms in the air, “you’ve been constantly glued to me like a leech and i’m so damn sick of you.” 
you felt as if your heart was being run over by a bulldozer at his exclamations. you tried really hard not to cry in front of him but you were sure he had noticed your glossed over eyes. 
“you don’t mean that-”
“yes i do”, he gritted out. “and yes, i throw your food away everyday. i don’t want your meaningless pity.”
he watched as streams of tears rolled down your cheeks. 
he watched as the girl he cared for cried silently in front of him.
you bit your lip to prevent an ugly sob from bursting out, “i’ll leave you alone then, if that’s what you think about my feelings for you.” 
looking down at your shoes you walked towards the dustbin and chucked the bottle of cold coffee you had bought for him inside it. “might as well throw this away since you don’t want my pity do you.”
tears blurred your vision as you looked at sunghoon one last time and walked away, muttering about how it was a good thing you didn’t ask him out to the dance.
but this did not go unheard by him. 
once you were gone, he dropped to the hard floor on his knees and covered his mouth with the sleeve of his sweater as he sobbed. he had done it once again. he pushed away one of the few people who truly cared about him.
his tears dropped to the floor, creating wet patches. and his heart felt like it was being ripped apart.
once again.
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today was a very happy day for sunghoon. he had finally gotten rid of what was troubling him the most. 
now he had finally decided to apologise and make it up to you. 
the past few days had been torture for him. he deeply regretted acting out like that the other day. he felt like he was going crazy without your presence and whenever he saw you around school, you turned the other way and avoided him, making him feel even worse. he finally understood your importance. and maybe even about his feelings for you.
people looked at him in shock as he weaved through the crowd at the corridors with a bright smile on his face. the park sunghoon, who was always depressed was smiling today? this was shocking for sunghoon himself, but he couldn’t stop imagining what your reaction would be when he would ask you out to the dance.
he walked into the class where your first period took place and found you looking out the window with your chin on your fist. you were silently gazing outside, lost in your thoughts while your friends were excitedly talking about the dance. 
their chatter immediately died down to whispers upon sunghoon’s arrival. his figure loomed over you, blocking the sunlight, but you made no effort to look up. he cleared his throat awkwardly when you remained unmoving from your position.
“what?”, you grumbled out.
sunghoon felt something pull at his heart when he saw you turn around. he noticed how puffy your eyes were and how your face had red irritated scratches from constantly rubbing it. a wave of guilt washed over him as he realised that he was probably the cause for it.
“hi”, he spoke out meekly.
you were surprised to find him standing in front of you because you did not expect him to talk let alone even approach after what he did last week. you were even more surprised at the fact that he had a shy expression on his face. he did not look like the cold boy he usually was.
you scowled, “what do you want sunghoon?”
he flinched at the lack of your use of his nickname and your cold tone. your usually bright and cheery persona took a complete turn today. it wasn’t your fault though, he expected this reaction after what he did to you the other day.
a perplexed look overtook your features as you watched him place a glittery, yellow, heart shaped box in front of you. this emanated giggles from your friends, making sunghoon rub the back of his neck nervously.
“i’m really sorry for the other day.” he gulped, “i baked some cookies for you. i don’t know if they’re nice since it was my first time so..” he trailed off at the blank look you had on your face. 
“you really remind me of the colour yellow so i-”
“sunghoon please stop.” you sighed, “you told me i was clingy so i stopped approaching you.”
“i didn’t-”
“i really don’t understand why you’re doing this now”, you cut him off. “just go away.” with that, you turned back to the window.
sunghoon was just about to reply when the ringing of the bell interrupted him. he panicked as everyone moved around to settle in their seats. he had no choice but to leave now. 
with a heavy heart, he walked out of the class
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you were filling your bottle at the water cooler when someone tapped your shoulder. you were kind of hoping it was sunghoon, but when you turned around you were met with jake. he was the president of the robotics club you were a part of.
“hi y/n”, he gave you a toothy grin.
you smiled back, “hey jake! what's up?”
your eyes widened when he grabbed your hand and placed a big bar of chocolate. 
“i really like you and want to take you to the dance.” his grin widened, “will you go with me?” 
before you could comprehend what was happening a voice laced with poison spoke up behind you.
“no she won’t.”
the voice belonged to sunghoon who grabbed your wrist gently and pulled you away from jake. you shook his grip off of you when he stopped at the benches where you would meet up with him at lunch.
“what the hell sunghoon? why did you bring me here?”
he didn’t respond and only stared at you with a furious glint in his eye. his face was twisted up into an angry expression as he questioned you.
“were you going to go with him?”
you scoffed in disbelief, “why do you even care? aren’t you sick of me?” 
sunghoon’s face fell at your words that repeated what he said to you the other day. he remained silent and just stared at your face. you closed your eyes and shook your head.
“just stay out of my business if you don’t care about me”
you had just turned around to walk away when a pair of hands snaked around your waist and pulled you back into a warm chest.
“i’m sorry, please stay”, sunghoon’s voice came out muffled as his face was buried in your shoulder. 
you were sure that your heart was going to explode any moment now from the intimate position you both were in. sunghoon had barely ever even held your hand and now he was back hugging you. you couldn’t stop yourself from blushing like a beet.
“w-what are you doing?”
sunghoon panicked and immediately removed his hands from you, assuming that he was making you uncomfortable. you frowned at the loss of contact and turned around.
“sunghoon, you’re really confusing me.”
he froze for a few moments then took a deep breath and began his explanation.
“that day..” he looked you in the eyes, “i didn’t mean anything i said.”
you looked at him intently, urging him to continue.
“you know how my parents got divorced last year right?”
you nodded. his mom was really toxic and controlling and used to emotionally abuse sunghoon’s dad. she was an alcoholic and sometimes lost control of herself leading to her showcasing violent behaviour. with the support of their friends and family, sunghoon’s dad had finally gained enough courage to divorce her.
“yeah so my mom has been fighting for custody of my little sister.” his voice cracked, “and at that time things looked good for her.”
he sniffed and looked down at his feet, “neither my sister nor did we want her to live with my mom. she would’ve ruined her life as well.”
“i took my anger out on you instead and i feel really horrible about it. you’ve been nothing but kind to me since day one, even after how coldly i treated you.”
his eyes welled up with tears and turned red as he tried to stop himself from crying. he looked so broken and hurt right now, and you wanted nothing more than to hold him. and so you did.
wrapping your arms around his torso you tried to calm him down by rubbing his back. he slowly reciprocated your gesture
you spoke softly, “i’m so sorry you had to go through this hoon. you and your family deserve none of this”
he sighed in relief at your reuse of his nickname and tightened his grip around you. your words were simple, but comforted him like no other.
“it’s okay, everything is fine now. my dad won the case and i finally feel relieved for once.”
you pulled back from him at the revelation and smiled in glee.
“really? that’s amazing, i’m so happy for you!”
you were back to your normal, jolly personality which sent a surge of joy through sunghoon, making him give you a full smile. you gasped in surprise.
“oh my god, your smile is so pretty!”
sunghoon’s cheeks turned rosy at your compliment and shyly buried his face in the crook of your neck, making you giggle. who knew a boy who behaved so coldly was such a softie.
“i never threw out your food by the way, except for that day because i had no appetite”, he stated guiltily. “you are an amazing cook.”
“thank you sunghoon, but”, you paused. “i don’t think we can be friends.”
sunghoon pulled away from you in alarm. did he mess things up that badly?
“not after those amazing cookies you gave me.” you pecked his cheek softly, “you have to promise to be mine.”
sunghoon chuckled in relief, “you really got me there.” 
“i promise to be yours, love.”
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queenofthedisneyverse · 5 months
Fall little Wendy bird fall - Chapter 1? (Please watch video first if you haven't seen it) - Discontinued
TW: Mentions of child death (I added Wendy's brothers in here just for extra angst)
Peter couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t even look away. He wanted to. Needed to. But the shock prevented him from doing so. Tears fell down his cheeks as he saw her lifeless body atop of the rock. The blood flowing from her skull and painting the rock a sickeningly dark red color.  
“Wendy…” he wanted to scream it out but his throat…his body…he didn’t know what to do with himself. What was this feeling? What was it called? He was in so much pain but couldn’t describe it. 
His first and last true love…dead. Died the most horrific and tragic death without even knowing why. Hell, he doesn’t even know why. The other lost boys were being put on land by Tink and the other Faes. confused and scared they were. What the hell just happened?! 
Vidia was still holding him in the magical bubble, and she saw that hurt look in his eyes. The look of grief. The very first stage. She knows that feeling all too well. And she felt bad but…what had to be had to be done. And he’ll get over it soon enough…hopefully. 
All the boys were taken back to the treehouse to rest. They were explained the situation but…with lies and the half-truth.  
Tinkerbell and the others informed them that Wendy was going to take them to a horrible place. A place filled with monsters and people only wishing to harm them. Not only that, but she was going to make them forget the fairies. 
“She was going to hurt you and us. We couldn’t let that happen, we had to protect you.” Tinkerbell touched the cheek of nibs and wiped his tear away. 
As children do, they believed them. somewhat. There was a small feeling inside them that told them she was lying but they didn’t want to say anything. 
“Come on boys. It’s been a long day, how about a bedtime story? Afterwards, you sleep” Rosetta said softly. The boys always loved bedtime stories. One of their favorite things. 
The boys all cuddled in their signature sleep spot near the window. Peter was sat down next to the lost boys and let out of the bubble by Vidia. But he wasn’t mentally here right now. He was still picturing the lifeless body of his true love. The blood…that color. He for sure despised the color red now. 
Tears still ran down his cheeks as he sobbed. He hasn’t stopped crying since the incident. He didn’t even hear the cover story. Not that he would’ve believed it. Wendy was a kind soul. Peter noticed that. No lie would or will tarnish his perception of her. 
Tinkerbell noticed his mental absence and flew up to his face. She looked into his eyes. The once brown and hopeful ones were devoid of color. Barely a light brown. Tink knew she messed up with this one. 
She never experienced true love before so she couldn’t empathize with that part, but she did love her friends. She loved those friends of hers, but they all died the more children started to lessen their belief in them. 
She knew the feeling of grief very well so she could empathize with that. 
“Peter…come on now. Everything will be alright. Wendy was only trying to trick you” 
Don’t do it Tink!
“She didn’t love you, it wasn’t real” she tapped lightly on his nose as a small way to bring him to reality. 
Yep…she just had to say it. 
Peter had memories of him and Wendy having fun together. How she looked at him and made him laugh. How she made his brothers laugh and experience what having a mother was like. Even if it was small. 
Her kindness. Her gentleness. There’s no way that was a trick or a lie. 
“What?” he said quietly. His eyes zeroed in on her in less than a second. He stopped crying. 
“She didn’t love ya pete.” Rosetta flew up next to tink. Some part of her knew this was wrong but had to try to get him to understand. 
There it was again. That word, love. The way Wendy made him feel…there’s no way…
“We had to do it. There was no other choice” Vidia said with a stern tone but it was a little soft. 
They had to do it?! Why?! What reason could they have to kill AND lie on an innocent girl?!
“You…killed…her” Peter said slowly, his fists balled up. The rage was seeping through. One more wrong word and he might snap. 
Cubby sniffled and tugged at Peter’s short sleeve. “Tink said she was going to take us to a horrible place peter. The faes saved us”. Cubby wasn’t sure to really believe the fairies but…surely they wouldn’t hurt Wendy for no reason. 
Peter snapped his head over to Cubby. The look in his eye was evident that Peter was…not okay to say the least.
“What?!” He barked
Tink knew what was about to happen. Seems like he’s going to be hard to get through to. 
“Peter please! We did this for you, all of you” she flew up to his face again and looked into his eyes. Searching for any sign of him believing her. In an instant. In less than two seconds. Peter smacked her away from his face. Smacked her hard enough for her to hit the ground. 
“For me?! You did this for me?! You killed her! The only person that…that..that I LOVED! She was kind to me. Not a monster!” Peter seethed as he looked down at her. 
The other lost boys stood there in shock. Peter would never hurt Tink or her friends. Sure, he swatted her away when she was annoying but never a full pledged smack. Pete basically did the equivalent of smacking your aunt in the face. 
The other faes were shocked too but instantly got into action. Iridessa constrained Peter back with vines. Rosetta and Vidgia helped tinkerbell off the floor with concerned expressions. 
Peter squirmed and thrashed relentlessly. His rage boiling over big time the more he was tied up. 
“Let me go you monsters! You killers! Let me go, you bugs!” Peter tried to get away but he couldn’t. Some of the lost boys began to cry and hug Peter to calm him down.
“Peter stop!” screamed skunk
“Peter please” said nibs
The boy of discussion wasn’t listening to them at all. His main focus was tinkerbell and the other faes. Peter has never felt this much anger in his entire life…which is a long time. The color came back to eyes but it was the same color as Wendy’s blood but with a brighter more glowing hue. 
“I’ll kill you Tinkerbell if that’s the last thing I ever do!” Peter fumed as he still tried to get out of the vines that were wrapped around his arms and legs. Tinkerbell looked into his eyes. There was real truth and intent in them.
This made her angry, but she stayed composed. Vidia was about to smack Peter, but Tink flew up behind her and put her hand on her shoulder. “Vidia, Rosetta, Iridessa…take the boys further up the tree. I need to have a talk with peter” 
The Faes did as she asked and took the boys out of sight. Rosetta was a little hesitant, so she added an extra layer of vines around him just in case, then she left with the others. 
Tink flew up to Peter’s face…and smacked him. Not as hard as she pushed Wendy but hard enough to leave some pain. It hurt. It really did. Tink wasn’t one for physical discipline, that was Vidia and Rosetta’s job but a lesson needed to be taught. 
Peter let tears fall down his cheeks. He wasn’t sure if it was because of the physical pain of the slap or the emotional pain of Wendy’s death. Either way, he was hurting. 
Her face was composed but eyebrows furrowed. “Peter…you know what happened to my kind. We died off one by one. Because little brats out there stopped believing in us. You and those boys were going to leave us behind and forget…I couldn’t have that.”
Peter's eyes widened at the realization. He forgot all about tink and the others while he was on that ship, the boys did too. But still…Wendy didn’t deserve that…wait..her brothers. Where were her brothers?! They were on the ship to…oh sweet neverland. 
“John…John and Michael. Where are they?!” Peter asked with fear but anger in his tone. 
Did this boy not hear her? Did he just blatantly ignore what she just said?! This angered Tink further. So much so that…she wasn’t mindful of what she’ll say
“Dead! Their dead peter! All three of them! They drowned and died just like their sister!” Tink yelled at him. And she regretted it as soon as she said it. The hurt look in Peter’s eyes was all it took for her heart to sink.
“No…no. You're lying…please tell me you're lying!” Peter begged as more tears left his eyes. 
Tinkerbell wanted to lie, to tell him all of it was some big joke. But how could she?  He already saw Wendy die and she already yelled that her brothers were dead. Wendy’s death was already an indication that she couldn’t even lie if she wanted to. 
Her silence was loud, loud enough for him to know the answer. The dam broke further and he bursted out in full uncontrollable sobs. It hurt Tinkerbell to see him like this but she had to do what she needed to do. 
“I hate you” Peter breathed out as he sobbed, “I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you, you monster!”
Those words shocked Tinkerbell. Off all things that was the last thing she would ever expect him to say to her. That hurt worse than the slap he gave her. No, she couldn’t show weakness. Not at a time like this. 
“You ungrateful little brat. I gave you this home! I gave you brothers and the chance to never grow up! You have every child's dream yet you dare speak to me that way?! I gave you everything” She reprimanded. 
“I DIDN’T ASK TO BE HERE! You could’ve taken any other kid yet you took me! You ripped my life away once and did it again! I was going to have a life with-.” Peter felt sick as he saw the dead body of Wendy in his mind again. Not to mention her brothers bodies are at the bottom of the ocean by now “you took their life…you killed them”
How could he not see that this was not necessary?! 
“ We would’ve died if you left!” 
“You think we would’ve forgotten you?! We care about you as much as you do for us. How could we possibly forget you?!” Peter sobbed louder as the pain in his heart grew bigger each second. 
“Why didn’t you just come with us?” his voice was small and faint, the crying was making him lose his voice. 
Tinkerbell was caught off guard by that question. 
“What?” she didn’t need to ask him that. She understood the question very well-
“...you could’ve left with us…”
Tink didn’t think of that. Not at all. You mean to tell her she didn’t have to kill three innocent children? No, that’s not possible. 
No, all of it was for a reason. That’s final.
“You killed them” Peter repeated as his mind and heart continued to shatter into pieces. 
“well…I didn’t bring them here. The only person to blame here is you” more words she regretted as soon as they slipped out of her mouth. Did she really just say that?! Take it back, take it back!
“No wait I’m-”
“My fault...MY FAULT?!” Rage settled over Peter again as tears flowed. 
“No, Peter please”
“I just wanted to give them a better life YOU KILLED THEM YOU MURDERER!”
The argument went on back and forth until Peter refused to listen to anything she had to say. All words that came out of her mouth fell on deaf ears as he had one thing set on his mind. 
He wasn’t even looking her in the eye. Just at the floor as tears dropped onto it. He spoke his final words “....count your days Tinkerbell”
Tinkerbell stopped trying to get through to him. That was a threat. Not an empty one either. Tink decided it was best to leave Peter alone to cool off because right now he wasn’t in the right space to talk to. And she was a little bit scared of his presence. 
She flew out of the window and sat on top of a tree branch. 
“He’ll come around Tink, everything will be fine and go back to how things used to be” she told herself with a smile. She actually believed that. 
For the following days, weeks, and months, Peter wouldn't talk to any of the Faes. Hell, he wouldn't even speak. Not even to the lost boys.
He did a couple times, but to only tell them the fairies were lying to them. After that, Vidia banned the boys from ever going into Peter's room.
They were only allowed to visit him when it was feeding time. Peter wouldn't take food from the fairy girls, so the boys were the best way to ensure his health.
At these times one of the boys would be accompanied by a fairy to make sure Peter wouldn't tell any lies. Or put down any belief in them if he did manage to say something.
Tink was the only fairy who refused to see him. She couldn't bare seeing him in that condition. That pure hatred and intent to kill in his eyes.
It hurt all of the fairies honestly, to the very core of their being. It hurt to lie. It hurt to see the boys being unsure and skeptical around them. They never wanted none of this to happen. But it did...and they were paying for it internally everyday.
They didn't want to treat Peter as if he was some prisoner who did a heinous crime but if they let him go their lives would be at stake.
And Peter didn't know is that...he would remain in that room..,for a very long time.
To pixie hollow/Tinker bell fans I'm letting you know now that I only watched Pirate Fairy and Secret of the wings in the entire franchise. So, I don't know that much about the characters. I'm basing half of my knowledge off of the Peter Pan movie in 1953.
If you want to drop some info in my inbox, go ahead and if you have any questions drop them there too.
Likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated!
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tadpolesonalgae · 1 year
Demon!Azriel x reader: Teeth and Talons - Part 9[***]
A/N: idk even know what to say about this one. I think I traumatise myself a little more with every chapter (in a good way…?)
Warnings: blood—like a lot of blood, obviously unsanitary but ✨magic✨, biting, blood play, smut, 5.7k words
-Part 8- -Part 10-
He’d breathed power into you. Power that your human body is not meant to carry. And while you can feel the tips of your fingers, the nails pressing onto your toes, and every tooth in your mouth, you know it won’t last. The sun is setting within you, and when the last ember of his magic dies in your womb, you’ll go with it.
“Where are you taking me?” You ask, padding quietly over that stone floors of the dormitories, hidden deep within the temple’s nest. Crypt is more like it.
He’s still wreathed in shadow, appearing no clearer than a reflection in muddied waters. His form ripples as he moves, keeping his gaze ahead—knowing you’re following on his heel. He’s keeping an eye out for something—someone.
That someone is waiting for you at the steps that lead out from beneath the holy building.
Robed in white and pale blue, silver circlet perched on her brow, Elain watches you with hard eyes. No—she’s staring at Azriel. He stops a little way from her, just out of reach of the carved, wooden thyrsus. Slender, pale fingers tighten around the staff, knuckles pressing out beneath the constraint of skin. “You have made your choice, then.”
It’s no question, but you nod. Cold, hollow eyes flick to you, “remember what I told you,” she says quietly, that strange glow appearing about her again. Brown melts to cocoa, mouth softening from its hard line. “You will always have a place here, remember that,” she says to you, “no matter what form you take. Do not forget yourself. Do not forget the human woman inside of you.”
Elain’s words are little more than a low buzz in the back of your skull as Azriel brings you to an outcropping on a weathered mountain ledge.
There’s no light in the sky tonight, the stars seemingly taking shelter within the darkness. The air is still, humid, but you’re on the wrong side of tepid. Your temperature has been rising gradually, in almost unnoticeable increments, but sweat is dampening your hair, trickling down the notches of your spine.
Azriel prowls forward to the flat rock face, canines slipping out as you hear a distinct ripping sound. He presses his taloned hand to the hewn stone, and lightening crackles in the air, fizzling in your ears, sizzling your skin. The mountain rumbles in response—Ramiel, Elain had called it—and strange symbols glow on the stone, as if lit by the light of a forge. A mix of runes and sigils that are too old to be recognised by any of your kind—perhaps even by his.
Then the wall gives way. Simply disappears. Revealing a looming passageway, sinking downward.
He turns toward you, eyes the colour of the descent that’s patiently awaiting. Why would it be eager? It know you’re going into its mouth one way or another, there’s no need for hurry.
A warm breeze licks up your spine, reminding you how your night robe is sticking uncomfortably to your skin, suctioned on by sweat. A shiver wracks your stomach, muscles seizing and spasming in the night. You take a shaky step toward him, toward the cave mouth, waiting to step foot on its cold tongue, but he stops you.
Instead, he takes you by the jaw, a razor-sharp claw presses in your mouth, a metallic liquid flowing across your tongue followed by a dull warmth. His canines press into his thumb before he pushes its pad to the incision on your wet muscle, blood mixing in your mouth. Your senses go dim, the cold biting into your feet little more than a slight pressure, the sweat on your skin little more than a light brush of misty fog, the night a little more than varying inky splotches.
A deep shadow towers over you, leaning down as you’re lifted from your feet. “Hold your breath,” he orders, softly. You follow the command, rasping in a ragged huff of night-warmed air. He steps into the rock’s mouth, and the mountain seals.
Cocooned within the damp passages, you curl into yourself, keeping air tight in your lungs. The walls press in, smelling of mildew and tilled soil. You keep tucked into him, instinctually recoiling from the passage way, the darkest grabbing at your ankles; tugging at your hair. Shadowy nails rake down the bloody chambers of your heart, eyes squeezing shut as Azriel pulls you tighter to himself.
“Release it.”
You exhale softly, feeling dizzy with the strain, like your torso will collapse with the slightest breeze. Like your ribs are full of cobwebs and dust. You head pounds the deeper he takes you, the temperate dropping steadily until you’re shivering. “Azriel…” you whisper weakly. He shushes you, fingers gently squeezing your skin, “a little longer.”
You swallow down the whimper, nestling closer, delving into his warmth as silky shadows encase your bare legs, wrapping over your arms; flowing over your chest like a thin blanket. Elain had warned you of this, had told you what to expect; how to prepare yourself for the crushing intensity of Ramiel’s stomach. How to cope with the insane pressure that’s strangling your bones of life.
Taking in a breath, you cast your mind back to the conversation, recounting the description she’d given you of her own Ritual.
“What happens in the Ritual?”
The tea is piping hot, almost scalding your throat as you swallow your first gulp. You gasp for air to cool your mouth, and Elain smiles softly, offering a glass of water which you take gratefully.
She sighs, leaning back in her chair, eyes going a little cloudy with memory. “It wasn’t…I struggle to speak about it,” she begins, hands cupping her mug as she peers into the milky tea. The edges of her mouth droop, shoulders sloping, “even with Lucien, it’s difficult.” She raises her head a little, meeting your gaze, something sad and remorseful flitting through her cocoa eyes.
“I thought I loved him at the time. Azriel, I mean. And I think he thought he loved me, too.” Her brow wrinkles, lips pursing as she tightens her hold on the cup. “They have a sacred mountain. It’s the only place the Ritual will work, though I never learned why. Something about a build-up of power, every Ritual performed requires a small sacrifice which infuses the mountain with magic. I don’t— I don’t know much about it, nor do I have an interest in learning.
“Even under his thrall, I knew there was something wrong with it. Like Ramiel was rejecting the very essence of my humanity. It was a discomfort deep in my bones, like something ancient and unseen was pressing down on me, making it hard to breathe.” She sucks in a deep breath, straightening, taking a sip of her tea. You don’t miss the shake to her delicate hand.
“I have no time frame to offer you; everything was so distorted I have no hope of untangling it. I’m not sure what happened, just that my mind was scrambled the second he took me inside. I can recall vague impressions: some runes on the passage walls, pathways leading away—deeper into the mountain, fractals spinning in the damp rock. What I’m trying to express, is it’s unlike anything created by man. Entirely other. As if fashioned with darkness in mind; forged for the occult.
“After the descent, the narrow passage opened into a vast cave that smelled damp. Musty and unused. I can’t remember the cave in great detail—it was very dark, you see. So dark only a creature like him would be able to navigate the chamber.
“I do, however, recall being set on a raised, stone platform. It was circular, and had no end I could feel within my immediate reach. That being said, I didn’t have much control left in my body at that point so my area of mobility was severely limited.” Her eyes are milky white.
You don’t dare speak, in case it washes away the last scraps of memory she’s dredging up.
“The Ritual… As I said before, it’s not something I care for. I have no interest in understanding how it works—I’m not entirely sure any of them know what happens, or how it was set up. I remember my younger sister telling me what she knew, but it was all rumour and myth passed on tongue, predating written language.
“He warned me it would be unpleasant. He gave me a choice of how it could happen, just two options.”
You hold your breath, tea forgotten.
“I could endure it as I was, experience the change on my own. Or I could…” she stammers, features becoming a little paler. A hint of colour dusts the crests of her cheek, though she refuses to lower her head. “Or he could relieve the intensity by taking it with me.”
Your brow furrows, “what do you mean, taking it with you? I thought the Ritual…” you trail off. You don’t really know what you thought. “You said something about becoming stronger? I thought that meant being changed into one of them,” you say, swallowing. “One of you.”
She nods. “The Ritual will make you immortal, so you can live like them; exist in the Underworld and the Holy Lands.”
“What’s…? That sounds…good.” You say, slowly, considering your words. “What’s the… I mean, I can’t see an obvious reason why not to take it?” Her brow narrows slightly, and you worry you’ve said something wrong. “Living forever is not as wondrous as you might think. Watching those you love grow old while you remain young? Watching their bones crumble with the weight of the world while yours stay strong? It is not a pleasant experience.” Her voice is sharper, terser than before, and you realise this might still be an open wound for her.
You open your mouth, “exactly how old are—”
“You’re getting off topic.”
You snap your mouth shut.
She releases her grip on her teacup to take a sip, drinking daintily. “He will most likely offer you a similar choice. It is up to you which path you take. I most certainly will not fault you for either.”
You wait, fingers fidgeting in your lap, but she doesn’t continue. You shift, “is there anything else?”
Milky eyes begin to darken, returning to their colourful state of warmth. Elain shakes her head, “as I said: I remember very little. Though I would advise you to take his offer, when he gives it to you.” She shivers, but there’s no breeze. “I imagine it would be quite unpleasant without the distraction.”
He takes you down further, runes decorating the rock wall.
He carries you by winding passages that seem to have breezes blowing inward, as if trying to suck in wanderers. He remains steady. Fractals spin at the edges of your vision, disappearing when you try to look directly at them.
Stairs wind down, going deeper into the mountain, until you’re surely below ground level. And still you go deeper.
He carries you down until the passage opens up, revealing a vast cave, a flat stone altar at its centre. The place Elain spoke about.
You’re here.
Azriel takes a step forward, then halts. Even with your poor eyesight, you can feel the weight of his gaze. Goosebumps prickle over your skin, and you nestle into him, greedily sucking in the warmth and power that’s humming around his person.
“Isn’t this it?” You croak, feeling like death. Sweat beads on your brow, perspiration slicking your already damp skin. His eyes narrow on you, judgement weighing heavily in your stomach.
Then he turns from the altar, grip tightening on you, lips pursing.
Desperation trickles down your spine, fingers trembling as you hold him tighter. “Azriel…” you rasp, “what…? Where are you…?” Breath catches in your throat and you manage a weak cough. Shadows swirl over your torso, wrapping tighter, as if keeping you together.
“You’re weaker than the others,” he says quietly, a soft growl dragging form his throat. Shame tightens in your gut at the reminder, and you look away from him. “You’re going deeper. Where it will be more concentrated.”
Darkness writhes at his back, building over his wings as they flare, magic crackling in the air. The rock trembles, then gives way, revealing another passageway. Leading down.
You whimper, pushing into him, away from the opening. “Azriel…” you pant, “please…I can’t—” Another round of wet coughs bubble from your throat, barely enough force to dislodge whatever’s getting stuck there.
His dark eyes flick down to you, then he shifts you in his arms, lifting and moving you so your legs are tucked around his waist, arms guided gently over his shoulders. If you had the energy, you could purr. Nestle closer into him, feeling the firm press of his chest against your own, the strong muscle lining his body, the soft, silky locks at the nape of his neck.
“Hold on,” he murmurs to you, one arm beneath you to keep you up, the other around your back, pressing between your shoulder blades then trailing down to grip your waist. Your spine arches, dipping as his forearm brushes the bone, holding just above your hip.
“I just want it to be over,” you whisper onto his skin, head resting on his shoulder, tears blurring your vision. “It will be,” he replies quietly. “Just a little longer.”
Tremors skitter over your skin, limbs going limp in his arms as you weigh onto him, relaxing into his strength. Feeling each smooth step as he takes you deeper. Darker still.
The air grows thicker; more stagnant. As if previously untouched.
You shiver in his arms, only focusing on where you’re connected, the shadows soothing your skin. “How much did she tell you about this?” He asks into the darkness. You know who he means.
“A little,” you rasp, feeling weakness sink into your muscles, turning them to mud.
He nods, probably for your benefit. “This is going to be different,” he murmurs, and his hands might have tightened on you just there. You have no energy to inquire, so you wait for him to continue. He doesn’t.
“You’re going to be fine.”
It doesn’t reassure you like you had hoped.
Silence swallows your senses, and you’re pretty sure you pass out for a little, because when your eyes next open, things have changed.
No longer in the passageway, but within the mountain’s stomach—wide and cavernous. A quiet splash sounds as Azriel moves, a faint metallic smell wafting about, a suggestion of iron. Light flickers on the walls, dimly registering in your eyes as he continues forward. Carrying you to your end point.
“You’re doing this with me, right,” you whisper. Your voice breaks at the end, betraying your quiet terror. Muscle stiffens beneath you, but he continues moving.
“Yes,” he says at last, equally softly, coming to a stop. His hold lessens on you, giving you the chance to pull away. You try and sit a little straighter, weary and tired. A fatigue that’s settled into your very bones. Even sleeping forever wouldn’t get rid of it.
You peer at him through the darkness, his arms supporting you as you do so. “What’s going to happen to me?” You whisper again, tongue trembling in your mouth, feeling at once dry and like lead. Your lower lip wobbles, but you bite down, keeping it stiff. Eyes flick across his features, searching for a hint.
Something passes through his gaze, but it’s gone too quickly for you to read. Instead, one of his hands cup your cheek, pushing away the damp hair that’s plastered itself to your skin. “I’ll make sure it feels good,” he says.
Then his mouth slants delicately over yours, and you recognise the feeling it brings in.
It’s like that first time with him all over again.
Heat sings in your blood, making it boil and bubble. Scorching your skin. His name whispers through your mind, lips forming shapes of letters you’ve forgotten.
The cave is vast, a dark liquid coating the floor, and he’s taking you deeper. Red washes the stone, fire burning in tall stacks at five different points within the chamber. Humid air washes down your throat, filling your lungs, smelling faintly metallic but everything’s so dim and dark it’s impossible to tell. How bright is the flame for your eyes to pick it out?
Heart pounds in your chest, and you curl into him, needing to feel his skin. Need to feel his touch, the soft dust of fur grazing your thighs and stomach, the scratch of claws through your hair. A small sound drags from your lips, sweat beading on your brow, head twisting to bury into him.
His hands tighten around your legs, pressing your shoulders closer, tucking you into his heat, his scent wrapping around you. If you had the energy, how wonderful it would be to have him. Taste, lick, swallow, gulp. Take, need, have, own.
“Azriel…” Letters rasp from your tongue and he’s doing something—moving you. “Azriel…I need you.”
Sweat slicks your robes, dampening further as he sets you down, breasts dragging over his chest, body dragging against his own, until your feet touch that wetness. Up to your ankles. Up to your calves. Metal and iron.
Blacked out eyes find yours and breath whooshes away at the raw sight of him. Some kind of veil has been ripped off, fire and shadow burning in his pitch black gaze, an intensity thrumming beneath his skin like a heart beat, loud and clear to your ears.
The flames burn hotter, glowing brighter, pale bones holding the massive fire bowls. Blood bubbles around your feet, the cave floor flooded with the dark liquid, the vastness of some past slaughter vaguely dawning in your mind. How much life is contained within the dark lagoon, the immense strain of power that’s glittering just beneath it.
“This isn’t…?” You look at him weakly, his hands on your hips, keeping your pressed to his front. “…where am I?” He blinks, and you catch the thin layer of film that slides across his eyes just before his eyelids snap shut, and open. “Undress.”
You stare at him, too sickly to muster up a reply. You just stare. “Where am I?”
When he leans down, fingers hooking in your robe, making to pull it off, you don’t have the will to protest. The scrape of his talons up the backs of your thighs setting the liquid heat in the pit of your belly bubbling. A reminder of his touch, how it feels to have his hands on you. How it feel to have him on you. It’s what you’re craving.
So you melt.
Eyes roll to the back of your skull and you stagger, shadows winding up your legs, sliding up your spine, bracing your torso as the arousal slams your mind into a stone wall. Hands grip onto him, nails stabbing at his tough skin as you cling for stability. “Azriel…” you pant, panic twining with your plead.
His eyes gleam in the ruby light, orange and gold flickering across his skin, “yes?” Fangs glint under the flame, catching the sparks on the white enamel. Grinning.
Your vision tilts, and your grip tightens, skin pressing onto him, arms winding around him, fingers dragging over him as you begin to push yourself into his body. You nose at him, taking in his scent and you can feel him shifting beneath your finger tips. Liquid arousal gathers between your thighs as leather dissolves to soft fur, the constraint of clothing turning to nothing. Warm, sturdy muscle surfacing. Should you look up you would be met with a beast. Fangs to slice into your throat, talons to dig into your flesh, eyes to pierce into your soul.
A moan spills from your lips, breaths becoming shallow as that incessant itch becomes deeper and deeper and you need him, need him, need him.
He laughs, deep and dark, tipping you upward by a hand to the throat. Feels you swallow. “Want me?” He asks. The ghostly brush of his lips over your own. Your brows curve upward at the cruel question.
Of course you want him. Can barely think of anything else.
Eyes flutter shut, tilting toward him. Elongated fangs graze your lips. Press closer, and they slice.
You tip over the edge.
Hands slide up over his shoulders, hooked talons wrap around your waist, trapping you against him. Mouth opens up, teeth slicing at your lips but blood tastes good. Thick and rich. Aches blossom on your tongue, stinging dulling and healing then reopening as his saliva heals and his canines create those delicious incisions as you kiss him. Tongue flicks out, pressing up the razor-sharp canine, hot, spiced liquid bursting between you, dripping down your chin.
You moan loudly into his mouth, his name playing on repeat in your head as you plead for him, arousal thrumming and humming and buzzing across your sin, zapping the sensitive space between your legs.
Nails drag through his hair, pressing up onto your tiptoes to be closer. His hands slide down over your rear and you moan into his mouth, blood and pleasure mixing and his claws rip through the white robe. Skin is bare and wonderfully free. Fur soft and silky and you could cry at the sweet sensation.
Azriel snarls into your mouth and you want to give him more, want him to bite into your flesh and take you apart in the most appetising way possible. With great control, you pull away, only in favour of moving his hot lips to the soft expanse of your throat. Urging him to bite, to drink, to feed.
The wet muscle laps out, pleasure and pain singing down your spine seconds later as he buries himself in you, hot, thick blood spilling down your shoulder, saturating the remains of your dress. Head tips back, lips parting in silent euphoria. He growls at the taste, pushing deeper, drinking more and more, until you’re swaying on your feet.
Hands release you, blood swallows you.
Falling back into the sanguine pool.
You moan as the rich liquid warms your skin, coating you, bathing you in power. Darkens your hair with wetness. Spine arches at the sheer immorality of the scene. The darkest depravity as you bathe yourself in blood. Gleams on your teeth, colouring your lips as you smile, tongue flicking out as you stare up at him.
His grin is like none other he’s given you. Pure beast, pure animal. Too wide, and too eager to be anything remotely human. You don’t care.
He steps forward, and you move back, pushing away from him slowly—teasingly. It’s never a good idea to taunt a wolf, but here you are, a lamb wandering into the butcher’s hands, trotting up and pleading for the carving knife. Bowing her neck for the severing slice.
The rock shifts beneath you, blood growing shallower, beast drawing closer. Herding you to the butchering block. You follow his guide, moving to be atop the hewn stone, where the hot liquid laps at your sides instead of swallowing you whole.
Dark lines pulse beneath his skin, veins of blackness thrumming beneath the fur lining his stomach, mapping a pathway down his abdomen. He reaches the foot of the slope, and begins prowling upward, slowly closing in on you. There’s not a single part of you that’s afraid of him, every inch of skin craving to be adored and devoured. Absolutely massacred.
His clawed hand encases your ankle roughly, pulling your leg toward him, blood dripping from your calves down into the pool. Teeth open over your flesh, bitting and kissing his way up as your spine arches at his own form of worship.
When you have fangs like his, you’ll return the favour.
Dark eyes pierce into you, your legs bend at the knees, flickering with interest. Your grin doesn’t belong to a lamb. He know that, too.
Starving hunger blazes in his gaze, a quiet moan exhaling from your lips as you open wider for him. Lips pull back from his teeth in a snarl, and he pounces. One hand slams down on your shoulder, rock biting into your back as he snarls, low and viciously. Blood drips off your chest, nipples peeking beneath his ravenous attention. Teeth bite into your neck, and you know he’s hitting that first scar mark, setting it deeper, making sure it sticks.
Rough stone slices into your skin, but you don’t care. The blood from the cave seeps into your skin, but you don’t care. Something powerful and wicked, ancient and entirely malevolent claws at your insides, rendering you anew, and you just. Don’t. Care.
You moan louder when you feel the weight of his length over your slick heat, a growl rumbling through his chest, and you could swear deep whispers fill the vast cave. Chanting, speaking in tongues. He pays them no mind, so neither do you. Not even as the blood really does begin to bubble, or as the fire drips from the golden bowls, beginning to form a ring.
Nails dig into his back, wings flaring in a display of dominance and ownership as the tip of his cock presses against your entrance. Your hips wind against him, begging for him to push in, to fill you so full there’s no room for anything else. Until everything is out of you, and you’re left empty and gloriously silent.
Azriel’s fingers thread through your hair, thumb smearing the blood across your cheek, and you catch the tip of his talon on your tongue. He groans at the action, pressing the plushness of your lower lip, angling the digit so his claw can slide inside. The wet muscle flicks over the pad of him thumb, eyes latched onto his as you slice and carve yourself upon him.
The head of his cock pushes inside, and your eyes roll back with pleasure, knowing what’s coming. So caught up in his web of sin you don’t notice as the sickness burrows deeper, curling within you, painting you in his self.
“Azriel…” you pant, “deeper.”
His eyes gleam with satisfaction and something far more sinister but you have no care to examine it in detail. All you care about is how big he is, how he’s filling you up as he presses in, keeping you pinned to the bloody floor of the dim chamber. His lips twist into a hellish smile, teeth slicked in red as they gleam with golden firelight. Fire that’s still spilling from the bowls, tightening the ring until it’s trapping you both inside.
Slowly, they begin to carve a five-pointed star through the pool.
The two of you at its epicentre.
His hips press tight against your own, and whimpers ebb from your lips, flowing to his ears as your iron-tinged scent wraps around him, keeping him locked in a haze of pleasure. He basks in the wet heat of your cunt, the soft press of your thighs tightening around his hips, urging him to move. He dips down once more, mouth opening over your own in a messy kiss—messy from the razor-like teeth. A mouth filled with tiny blades.
The world spins a little as his hips drawn back, then push in.
The dark cave pool heats, steam rising from its surface as the fire blazes brighter, finally completing its symbol. Trapping you within. No matter this is nothing like what Elain described. This is so much better.
He slams in to the hilt, and fire crackles in your heart. Lightening sizzling your bones, scorching your skin. Cooking you from the inside out. Pain blares in your marrow, inner lips stinging as your gums ache from tiny lacerations, splitting.
Splitting as fangs force their way through your flesh, ripping at tissue as teeth grow. Teeth matching his. Two canines protruding from your upper lip. You can hear his hearts beat, tripping in a triple rhythm of three.
You open your mouth over his shoulder, still pounding into you, and you bite.
He howls, the roar sending ripples through the bubbling blood, making the flames flicker. He coats your tongue, spilling into your mouth, filling your stomach as your bones and muscle shift. Tighten over one another, bonding to become stronger. Other.
The cave becomes lighter, snapping from blinding colour to pitch black, until they finally settle. The smell you’d be veiled from finally hits you, and you gag. The metallic stink shoves itself up your nostrils but magic crackles in the air and it’s gone. His magic.
Azriel pulls away, and pleasure tightens in your belly as you mark the puncture wounds stamped onto his shoulder. His hips slam up against yours and claws rake down his back.
His pupils dilate, and he’s shoving you down into the pool, one massive paw splaying across your chest, talons hooking you in place. A scream rips from your lips as the transformation passes over your lower body, unimaginable pleasure crashing into you, bludgeoning your brain as it’s sizzled and scorched. Vision blurs as euphoria rips at your skin, head tipping back, saturating your hair in the liquid magic.
There’s hardly time for breath before your muscles are acting for you, guiding you to what you need.
Claws dig into him, sinking into flesh as he’s flipped onto his back, allowing you to straddle his hips. You snarl down at him, revelling in the pulse of power that’s gliding through you, filling you with life and energy and anger.
So much fury that had the cave not been cast in red before, it would become bloodied to your eyes. All the repressed rage that had been slowly building, every snap of jealousy, every burn of envy. Everything gloriously sinful, awakens.
The mountain trembles as ire glitters in your blood, keeping Azriel trapped beneath you as you finally take. You take, and steal, and rob, just as he had done to you.
He snarls in fury but there’s so much power within you now, binding and raging at the sight of freedom he remains floored.
Your hips wind over his, cock buried deep inside of you, and the snarl cuts to a blissed out moan. Hands grip your hips, talons unable to slice your leathery skin as he helps lift you up to his tip, then slam you down. He bucks upward simultaneously, spurred on by the sharp jerk of your hips as you grind onto him. Pleasure sings and your head falls back, allowing him to use you—to give you the world.
Snarls and growls rumble in your chest, tongue flicking over your blood-coated teeth. His blood. And you smile.
Wild. Feral. Unhinged.
You look down at him, the red, toothy grin on your lips as claws slash out from your fingertips. Moans flow as you bring them down upon him, slicing into his skin, crimson droplets beading in their wake before the lacerations heal.
His eyes gleam with pride as you raise your nails to your mouth, tongue flicking out to taste him, pleasure buzzing in your head, fluttering between your legs. His satisfaction curls deep in your chest, sharpening the edge you’re riding.
Your hips swirl over his and it’ll only take a few more…
A few more and then—
You scream.
An otherworldly, beastly howl.
His eyes widen with hunger and awe as your head tips back, and you come on his cock, nails stabbing into the muscle of his stomach, burying in the soft fur that trails to his abdomen.
Words once again rip from your mind, leaving only feeling and wonder as he continues slamming up into you. Overstimulation wracks your body, but you can’t summon the will to order him to stop. Spasms tense your muscles, everything going taut then supple, Flashing so quickly between the two that it’s absolute heaven for him. Pounding up into your heat as you flutter and tighten around his cock, urging him to spill into you.
Your hips move of their own accord, as if able to sense how much he wants to fill you up, how desperately he needs to pump you full of is cum until you’re unable to move or breathe without some spilling.
You urge him on as you squeeze him, hips winding and bucking even as your mind goes blank, world spinning and tripping with the overload.
The pentagram flares with power, zapping your skin until you’re tingling all over and he roars. Hot, thick cum spurts into you and you moan. Vision blurs with pleasure, fangs biting into your lower lip until blood trickles down, dripping from your chin onto your breasts, splattering across his stomach.
The muscles flex as his hand slides into your hair, dragging your mouth to his as your fangs collide, carving up one another in the frenzy. You groan as his cock shifts inside of you from the movement, body answering as you grow, fur dusting the soft skin between your legs in luscious, thick swirls.
His lip pulls back from his teeth with pleasure, matching your shift, cock widening beneath the base as you continue roughly winding over him.
You’re still so dizzy and so dumbed out—tunnel vision leading you to the next high.
You grip him back, hands brutally gripping his silky, blood-slicked hair as you eagerly devour him, breasts dragging over his chest. Nipples grazing his skin, bodies pressed so tight against one another you could pass for one single, hellish creature.
Soft snarls bounce off the cave walls that had been previously untouched for centuries, smelling slightly damp but now filled with arousal.
Claws click together as you grip and grab.
Teeth and talons snap, biting and scraping over skin.
Humanity shredded to pieces.
General Taglist: @myheartfollower @tcris2020 @mali22 @amygdtjhddzvb
Az Taglist: @thekingravkadeserves
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tragedry · 6 months
Now we need you to write a tyden confession scene............ y'know, to make things even. Or you can talk about when they realized their feeling for each other 🥺
the fact that y'all are starting to associate me to both ashler and tyden is hilarious cause i'm pretty sure i started this side blog to only talk about ashler asfhafla
but here we are, so let me try to put together a coherent enough tyden confession for you at 4 am:
side note: this got really long way too fast, and i'm pretty sure this only tackled aiden's feelings, but i hope you like it anyway anon!
when aiden realizes he's starting to like tyler, everything just clicks.
he's laying on his bed, his eyes staring up at the glow in the dark stars he's poorly glued on his ceiling back when he was ten when the realization hits him, and he's finally put a name to the emotion tyler manages to invoke inside his chest whenever the other boy would stop scowling and actually offer him one of those once-in-a-blue-moon, downright stunning smiles that probably belonged on a movie poster whenever one of aiden's jokes finally lands.
it's like the last step of figuring out how to solve a brand new rubik's cube, and for a moment he revels in the satisfaction of just knowing, except by the time he tries to figure out how to proceed from such a revelation, he’s coming up blank.
for the first time in his life, his crush on tyler is the only puzzle he has no idea how to move forward to.
if he’s being honest with himself, knowing that he actually likes the halfwit doesn't really change much of their situation, if anything it would probably only make things worse if tyler found out.
and it's not like he's stupid enough to actually believe he's got a shot, not when he's made it his entire personality to annoy the ever living shit out of the baseball player any chance he’s got.
the thought of tyler’s possible rejection inflicts a pain that courses through his entire body, stilling him until he has to remind himself to breathe.
aiden decides he doesn’t really like thinking about this particular puzzle anymore—not when his own emotions have cursed him.
he refuses to think about the problem any further. he’ll set his feelings for tyler aside and ignore it till it goes away completely. 
he’s always been good at ignoring his problems, and this is no different.
with his mind made up, he lets himself relax until the pang in his chest dulls out and he’s ready to forget it was ever there in the first place.
and just when things were finally starting to feel normal again, that’s when the halfwit decided to reply to his text. 
the reply is short, dry, and straight to the point– and it’s just so like him that aiden catches himself snorting when he reads the simple, “fuck if i know.” right after aiden’s last annoying question. 
he hadn’t even expected the other boy to reply, except tyler always did.
no matter how much he purposely tries to piss him off or how many memes he sends the other boy, tyler will reply, whether it was a sarcastic comment or a curse, all of his messages are read and answered.
it was kind of addicting, to be heard-to have his existence acknowledged by someone who had every right to tell him to shut up and walk away.
he can feel his heartbeat racing all over again as he re-read tyler’s text, and as he typed out a reply he knew it was going to be hard for him to fall asleep.
the clock on his phone reads past 1 am, and he wants to point it out to tyler cause he’s always complaining about staying up late whenever aiden’s in the mood to mess with him.
but before he could say anything about it, tyler’s already sending him a brand new text, and this one’s even more humorless than before.
his earlier thought is momentarily forgotten, and he ends up sending the other boy a series of memes pointing out how badly tyler’s killing their convo with his lackluster replies, and aiden selfishly hopes that tyler takes the bait and talks to him even longer, even if just to prove him wrong.
aiden wonders if tyler would hate him for it.
he lifts his eyes back to the stars on his ceiling and hopes.
he hopes that tyler won’t hate him for being selfish, hopes that his feelings for the other boy won’t last, and hopes that by the time he wakes up the following day, the pain in his chest disappears completely. 
his phone lights up with a brand new text and aiden begins to type out a reply without really reading what the text said.
'can you promise you won’t hate me too?'
the reply gets deleted, and he sends tyler another meme instead.
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werelosingdaylight · 2 years
Any AIB Character x GN!Reader
SUMMARY| It’s one of your worse days, will they be able to catch you this time?
WARNINGS: Mentions of death & suicide, Reader struggles from depression, if I’m forgetting something let me know!
Adm Note: This honestly started off as me venting and I just turned it into a story. Everything I wrote is below the cut! Feel free to imagine any AIB character you want, this takes place in the real world but you remember everything from the borderlands! I am going to sleep, Goodnight/morning/afternoon and I love you all! <3
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Standing on the roof of the building, nearing the edge slowly but surely, like a sailor being lured into the water by a sirens song. It's like a wire was wrapped around your body, making you walk closer to the edge but being the only thing keeping you up from the fall. but you didn't hold fear in your body from the possibility that you could fall.
It's not that you truly wished for death but you welcomed the feeling of peace that came with the idea of death. There are many things you wished to accomplish, and experience but was it worth the fight? Was it worth waking up everyday and struggling to find the strength to get out of your bed? Was it worth the not being able to take care of yourself, not getting up to shower or eat?
You didn't know what would hurt the people you cared for more. If you were to let yourself fall from the roofs edge, or if they notice you had slowly been rotting away before their eyes and they were to late to stop it? You knew it was selfish, to put them through that pain just for you to find peace, but you couldn't keep up the act anymore.
The act of going about your life as if you weren't dying inside from the evil whispers of death that plagued your mind daily.
It's like you're drowning, but no matter how fast and hard you swim through the water it's never quick enough. Sometimes it takes years to finally break through the surface, and even then it's not over. At some point you will be swept back into the dark waters and start your struggle all over again.
You can choose to keep fighting against the currant and to find the will to live your life to to fullest, make the happy memories you craved to have with people. You can win your battle, even with tears in your eyes and a burning in your eyes; you can win.
Or you could succumb to the currant and let the water fill your lungs after you blackout, being yet another soul to lose the war with yourself; the kind of soul that is so broken the grim reaper himself sheds tears for you. You can let your demons win, but what would you win? Peace?
Peace would get lonely after a while, and you will watch everyone move on, leaving you in the past, until you were forgotten completely.
Your fingers curled into your palm, battling with your mind once again as your desire to live crawled from the cage it had been trapped in. "Y/N?" That voice caused all the battling to stop, the voice filled with worry at seeing you so close to the edge.
Your shoulders visibly relaxed, you weren't going to leave them; you didn't want them to go through that pain. You didn't want to be the cause of their heart ache, you wanted to protect them from it.
Stepping back down from the ledge, you noticed how they let out a sigh of relief from the corner of your eye. Turning you tried to send them a small smile, but your lower lip trembled as salty tears pooled in your eyes; but that didn't compare to the sting of them watching you like that. Like you would slip through their fingers, like you were grains of sand that would fall from their hands when the wind blew to hard.
They wordlessly walked over and pulled you into them, a hand on your lower back rubbing soothing circles into the fabric of your hoodie; their other hand was cradling the back of your head like you would disappear the moment they let you go.
This was one of your worse days, but they were always there to catch your fall. Maybe, they were your peace. Your safe haven in the middle of the whirling storm of your mind; and even if it's only temporary, you would appreciate every effort they made.
The warmth from the hug radiated pure love and relief as they tried to ground themselves of the fact that you are still here, not caring about the silent tears that had fallen from your eyes and soaked through their shirt as you found comfort in their arms.
You're okay, You're still here. They can still feel your pulse beating heavily. They can still feel your warmth. They can still feel you.
For now, you were okay being in their arms underneath the billions of stars that decorated the skies. Yes, sometimes you had bad days, but moments like this made you remember why you wanted to be alive.
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