#again i spent so much time reading and looking at pics when i should be studying
endofbeginings · 6 months
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Anatomy of an Idol
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joeys-babe · 6 months
Joey B Imagines: Birthday Boy
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Summary: December 10th, Joe’s 27th birthday spent with you and your twin boys.
Warnings: Fluff, *he's not injured!!*
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: Into The Mystic
December 10th, 2023
Joe had awoken in bed by himself this morning to his surprise. He had expected you, his wife, to be waking him with smooches all over his face but your side of the bed was empty.
He rolled over to grab his phone off his nightstand when the setup sitting on it made him smile. Every year since you and Joe got together in high school when you guys were 16 and 17, on Joe’s birthday you'd get him white roses. The number of them would be the age he was turning that day. There they were, 27 white roses in a vase.
Realizing there was a card and a gift bag propped up next to it, Joe leaned up in bed and picked up the card first.
Happy Birthday, Joey!
Gosh, how are you 27?! You're getting old babe. JKJK. I just wanted to tell you that I’m so happy to share another birthday with you, this is the 11th one that we've celebrated together and I hope I've made every year better than the last. 26 was such a year for you, and I'm proud to say I was by your side for all of it. Cheers to another year of getting to show you how much I love you. You're my husband, my rock, my happiness, my high school sweetheart, and most importantly my best friend. I love you more than words can explain, Joey Shiesty.
To my nerdy, quirky, antisocial, video game, Kid Cudi-obsessed boy, Happy 27th birthday.
Love, your y/n.
Joe didn't realize tears were streaming down his cheeks till he put the card down and saw a wet spot on the blanket on his lap. He quickly composed himself and grabbed the gift bag.
Pulling the contents out of the bag, he felt his eyes well up again when he realized it was a photo album.
It was white leather and on the front in gold font, it simply read “Us.”
Joe flipped to the first page and it had a song lyric quoted.
“When they wanna see how true love should be, they'll just look at us.”
Flipping the page again, it was a collage of pictures of you and him as high school lovebirds. A picture of him picking you up after a win while you were in your cheer uniform, one of you two sitting next to each other at lunch just smiling from ear to ear, you and him sitting in the back of one of his friend's truck while at a drive-in movie, a pic of you two at senior prom, and finally one of you guys graduating.
Joe flipped the page and wasn't at all surprised to see it was the Ohio State era of his life. Since Joe was a year older than you, you were stuck in Athens still when Joe was a freshman at OSU. Long distance sucked, but you guys made it work, and multiple pictures were showcasing that. You took screenshots of you and Joe's face timing that he had never seen before. There was a lovesick look in his eye that made Joe giggle knowing he's still just as infatuated with you. His favorite picture was the one of him lying on top of you in his dorm bed, you were running your fingers through his mullet as you cuddled him.
The LSU page made Joe’s heart warm, so many pictures of you standing to the side and smiling at him just so proud of everything he had accomplished during his time there. There was one slightly spicy photo that made Joe do a double take. That was the first photo you had ever sent him with the intention of turning him on. While Joe was out doing something with the team after winning the national championship you put nothing on but his letterman jacket and the “Big Dick Joe” that he had.
The next few pages only made Joe smile get bigger.
In order it was him getting drafted, the 2022 AFC Championship win + engagement, the wedding, finding out I was pregnant, the gender reveal, the boy's arrival, and everything in between.
When the last few pages were empty for more memories Joe shut the book and put it off to the side. He again had to compose himself and wipe his eyes after the emotional walk through memory lane, you guys had been through so much together and Joe couldn't a picture his life without you.
Joe was about to text you but as soon as he went to grab his phone you were walking into the bedroom. Truthfully you had been downstairs listening to him secretly through the baby monitor you had put up in the bedroom. You had heard him wrestle around in the sheets before sniffles were heard. After it went quiet for a bit you went upstairs and watched him through the cracked bedroom door as he wiped his eyes.
You walked towards the bed with a stack of pumpkin-flavored pancakes topped with candles singing Happy Birthday as Joe wore a huge grin.
After you were finished singing, Joe blew out the candles and you placed the plate on his lap.
“G’morning, Joey. Happy Birthday, my love. - you
He pulled you into a hug and squeezed you so tight.
“I love you so much, y/n.” - Joe
You rubbed his back and kissed him after you pulled away, his arms still around your waist.
“What did you wish for when you blew out your candles?” - you
“Can't tell you, you know it wouldn't come true if I did.” - Joe
“You're no fun.” - you
“I'm just kidding, baby. I actually didn't make a wish.” - joe
“What why? Did I not give you enough time to? I'm sor-” - you
“No. You gave me plenty of time. I just don't have anything to wish for. I have everything I could ever want or need so there's no need for me to wish for something. I have a beautiful amazing wife, perfect twin boys, a good career…” - Joe
You stared at him dumbfounded, wondering how you were ever able to bag this sweet man.
“You’re gonna make me cry.” - you sniffled
“C’mere.” - Joe opened his arms to you
Immediately in his embrace, Joe held the back of your head and kissed your temple.
“I've already cried twice.” - Joe giggled
“Awe Joey. Okay enough sappy stuff, you eat your birthday breakfast while I go clean the kitchen up.” - you pulled away from him and headed for the door when he stopped you
“Wait don't go! I'll help you clean later, can you stay with me right now?” - Joe
You smiled sweetly at him before waking back over to the bed and getting under the covers with him.
Joe turned on Spongebob and ate his pancakes, a few minutes in you heard little feet in the hallway before knocks on the door could be heard.
“Mommy? Daddy?” - Tyson
“You can come in, Ty!” - Joe
The twins happily opened the door and toddled over to the bed. You lifted them onto the bed and they sat with their backs against the footboard.
Tyson giggled as he jokingly got his hand under the covers and tickled Joe’s foot. Joe played along with it for a little bit, loving the sound of his son’s laugh before he started fighting back.
“Do you boys remember what today is?” - you
“Uhm… no momma.” - Miles
“It's someone's birthday!” - you
Tyson and Miles looked at each other for a second before they gasped at the same time and yelled out the answer in unison.
“Daddy’s!” - The twins yelled
“Mhm! Remember what you guys made yesterday?” - you
The boys nodded and you instructed them to go retrieve what they made from their room.
Joe gave you a skeptical raised eyebrow look, but you just leaned in and kissed him while you still had the chance.
It wasn't long till you could hear those little feet again and Tyson and Miles were running back into the bedroom. They handed Joe a few pieces of paper after he put his empty plate on his nightstand.
Tyson drew a picture of him, his daddy, and his uncles passing football at the practice fields.
Miles drew a picture of him and Joe playing with Hot Wheels tracks.
The drawings had Joe feeling a different form of bliss, his heart warmed to an insane level as he looked at the little details in his boys’ drawings.
“I love them, boys. Thank you.” - Joe croaked
“You welcome!” - Tyson beamed
“Dada? You sad?” - Miles
“No, Daddy’s really happy.” - Joe
“But you cryin'…” - Miles
“He’s crying happy tears buddy, really happy tears.” - Joe
“Oh… okay!” - Miles
“You guys should go play. Mommy and Daddy are gonna clean up before Gramps and Grammy come.” - you
When the boys left the room you turned to Joe who was still crying. You softly kissed his cheek and wiped his tears off of his cheeks.
“You okay, baby?” - you
“Never been better. This is the best feeling.” - Joe
“Good. They worked hard on those. Come follow me downstairs. I have something cool to show you.” - you
“You gonna give me my 27 birthday spankings? Or is that later?” - joe
You laughed as you pulled him out of bed and shoved him into the closet, asking without words for him to put clothes on since he was only in boxers.
He returned in sweatpants and a T-shirt and followed you downstairs.
“Is the cool thing you have to show me a sink full of dishes? Or do I have to unload the dishwasher?” - Joe
“You’re exempt from those chores today since you are the birthday boy. But no, I’m giving you one of your gifts now.” - you
Joe smiled and I told him to close his eyes as we started walking into the kitchen. He did as you said and you took his hands in yours to guide him to where the setup on the counter was. You smiled at the secret camera you had recording and dropped Joe’s hands.
Telling him to open his eyes, Joe looked around rather confused but when he looked down at the counter his eyes went as wide as saucers.
There was a positive Clearblue test next to the same onesie you showed Joe when you found out you were pregnant with the twins.
You watched Joe’s eyes start to water as his chin started quivering, causing your own eyes to get misty as you smiled at him.
“You’re pregnant?” - Joe grinned
“Mhm.” - you smiled as tears dripped down your face
Immediately his arms were around you, lifting you and spinning you around as he cried into your neck.
“We’re having another baby!” - Joe cried
When he put you down, Joe picked up the pregnancy test with shaky hands and fell against the counter with his head buried in his arms. He was so overcome with emotion.
“Are you happy?” - you rubbed his back
Joe stood up abruptly and nodded vigorously.
“I've never been so happy. What if we have a girl, y/n? I could be a girl dad.” - Joe cried again
“Oh baby.” - you pulled him into your arms
Joe hugged you so tight but was now trying not to put pressure on your stomach now that he was aware his baby was in there.
“I love you so much, y/n. You and our family are the best things to have ever happened to me. I can't believe we're having another baby.” - Joe
“I love you and our babies so much. I can't believe it either, I'm so excited.” - you
“How long have you known? Well about the baby?” - Joe
“Not too long, found out a couple of days ago and thought I'd wait till today.” - you
Joe nodded and leaned down to be level with your stomach. It hasn't gotten bigger yet but Joe didn't care, his baby was still in there.
“Hey, baby. It's your daddy. Me and your momma already love you so much. We can't wait to meet you.” - Joe
“I have an ultrasound next week. Think you can go?” - you
“For sure. I'll make it happen.” - Joe
The rest of the day Joe couldn't keep his hands off of you, always making sure you weren't farther than arm's length away from him.
Robin asked what was up later at dinner when you rejected your usual favorite wine that she and Jimmy had brought.
You and Joe were ecstatic to tell his parents about Baby Burrow #3 coming next fall and they were just as happy finding out about their next grandkid.
That night after dinner, dessert (pumpkin pie of course), and putting the boys to sleep, Joe and I were lying in bed talking about everything baby.
“y/n, you know, I've only been 27 for a day but I feel like it's going to be the best year yet.” - Joe
“You think so?” - you
“I know so because I’m gonna spend it with you, our boys, and baby Burrow.” - Joe
You had a strange feeling that Joe was right, but also an overwhelming feeling of love washed over you. How'd you get so lucky with Joe?
Authors note: happy bday Joey B!
there was a birthday imagine request in my messages so here you go!
hope you enjoyed! 💕
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itstheghostofmypast · 3 months
Meow (Chp-3)
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Choi San x (f)Reader
Summary: He had spent an entire millennia in solitude, waiting for her to come back to him, bearing this curse that was a constant reminder of his ignorance, his mistake, and his guilt. He had forgotten how fate had always been cruel to him, punishing him for all he had done, and so be it, meeting her in the 21st century should have brought him joy- there was only one problem, his love for her may not have decreased a drop, but she may love Poofy more than she ever loved him.
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 4.3k
Est Read Time: 21 min
Warnings: death of a major character, war, PTSD.
Rating: nc-17
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels
Masterlist I Chp-2
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Sighing for the nineteenth time, Wooyoung growled, glancing at Jongho who just shook his head letting out a dry chuckle, walking "Stubborn as ever."
"You really think I’d buy this crap?" Yunho sat up, rubbing the back of his neck, "Where the heck is he anyway? You guys give me poofy- I  MEAN SAN and I'll let you all go."
"It's almost time." Wooyoung sighed, staring out the penthouse window, watching the sun sink over the horizon, its streaks of orange slowly fading, "Yunho, you may not believe us, but you need to understand that San doesn't mean to harm her. He didn't back then as well." Yunho stood up, walking over to the glass wall, amazed at the view, how exactly did a few hooligans like them afford a penthouse in one of the most expensive places in the city?
"How do you even afford this place" he turned to look at Wooyoung, though he saw nothing in his eye view, "Wooyoung?"
A little chirp caught his ears, eyes flickering down to spot a red fox staring up at him, its fluffy tail swishing side to side at the back, "What the -"
"He's growing weaker." Jongho interrupted him, walking into the room, Yunho turned to look at Jongho who threw something at him.
His muscle memory reacting, with quick reflexes he caught the item, before opening his palm and staring at the keys, the keychain in particular, the golden retriever shining in all its glory. A gift, more like his graduation gift, he remembers when she gave it to him, once he graduated from the police academy.
“Lock the door on your way out, I’m going to my room”, Jongho mumbled, eying the way he had been standing there, staring at the keychain, he could smell traces of her on him, hell, all of them could smell her scent on him, and even if Seonghwa was not going to admit it out loud, all of them could see why San had decided to trigger her memories without consulting with them first. He was scared, and unlike last time, he was not going to risk losing her, not again, but this rashness would bring nothing but the worst, and as much as Jongho loved his brother, he knew the others, nor him, could physically or mentally endure for any longer, and knowing San had been using magic almost every night just meant his condition was worse than theirs combined, which would explain the man’s calm behaviour when Yunho had socked him in the face- it wasn’t guilt the only factor that had forced him to accept the beating, but his depleting health as well.
“Wait!” Yunho called down, speeding walking after the man who went down the corridor, finally stopping at the door at the end of the hallway, he was about to close the door when Yunho stopped him with his foot, “Finish, the story, what happened next, I-
“I don’t have enough time Yunho, I- I don’t want you to see me like this… you need to remember, just think, it’ll come to you…hopefully.” With that, he closed the door before Yunho could even ask what he even meant by that, he was about to knock on the wood until he heard a low animalist growl, a cry if you could call it. Something at the back of his mind nagged him to open the door, to see what was on the other side, and perhaps he would have, but when he heard his phone’s ringtone, his body went on auto, moving towards the sound. Luckily he had found it at the console table, next to a sticky note and coupon, picking up the coupon he looked at the deal, ‘buy one kitty-kat cupcake  and get a beverage of your choice for free’, he stared at the neon sticky note, the knot in his stomach tightening at the feeling of unease settling in,
‘A thank you gift, for letting Sannie go. PS- really missed you, Yuyu – Love Woo.’
“Where have you been?” Mingi asked, not looking away from his phone, “Captain almost lost a kidney when he found out you took a sick leave.”
Sighing as he got into the elevator the taller man glanced at his friend before shaking his head, “Yeah, I felt…under the weather.” He said before walking out onto their floor, Mingi followed after, noticing how Hongjoong’s door was closed, he must be having a meeting. He sat down at his desk, right across Yunho’s, usually his friend would be radiating the same energy as a golden retriever, hence the nickname, and the uncanny keychain of his, but tonight he just looked a bit too glum. Clearing his throat he eyed the man, who was busy cleaning out his desk drawer, slamming file upon file on the table.
“You okay there, buddy?” he asked, turning on his monitor, though his eyes never left the brunette’s mumbling form.
“No, Mingi, because I just realized I’m in love.” He sighed, stopping his little sissy fit as he looked at Mingi, who looked like he was about to implode at the revelation.
“Never mind.” Huffing he got up, pulling on his jacket, “Don’t tell the captain I came, although knowing him he’s already seen me, if he asks, tell him I have diarrhea or something.” With that he walked away, not even waiting for Mingi when he pressed the elevator button, instead choosing to go down the emergency staircase, it was all getting a bit too loud, his thoughts, the people, the constant ringing of the phone, to top it all off, he had realized how he had not received a single text from her all day, not even a reply to his good morning, so what exactly was he chasing after- when did this become a chase anyway? Were they not just friends, best friends at max?
 Slamming the car door shut he sighed, leaning back against the headrest, Yunho was not one to lose composure, in fact, he rarely lost his cool, but the thought of her- this pestering lingering thought of losing her was bothering him, on top of that today’s events had begun to haunt him, he had seen and gone through hell today; first, he encountered a naked man in her apartment, then he took said man to his place of work which was filled with creeps he called his brothers, a man spoke in his head, he got flung across the room by another man and finally he witnessed someone morph into an animal- the worst part of the situation was that no one was ever going to believe him. Not even her, in fact, she would just laugh at him and how on a normal day he would love to hear the sound of that, he would not appreciate it being directed at him when he was so overstimulated by his feelings and the situation at hand. Picking up his phone he stared at the time, 8.09 pm, she should’ve been home by now, yet, he had received not a text from her, nothing at all. What if something had happened to her? What if that man had done something to her? But they did keep on saying how they never wanted to hurt her, especially the man, San, he was persistent that his intentions with her were pure and- Officer Jeong, since when did we pay mind to emotions over rationality?
He was almost about to go into cop mode until his phone tinged, a familiar tune – a special tune- he had set only for her. Pulling out his phone he stared at the notification, tapping the screen for the message to open,
“Heyy, sorry I was busy today. How was your day? Mine was shit- I want a whole year off. We should definitely go on a vacation- like somewhere warm? Tropical? Though it should be somewhere we can take Poofy, I’d like my beloved boys to get along. Speaking of getting along, my poor baby has a swollen eye, idk, who hit him, or maybe it was another cat? Anyway, enough about us. I hope Gotham is a bit safer tonight thanks to you my knock-off Batman. Again, I’m sorry I couldn’t reply today. Stay safe, Yuyu.”
Sighing he locked the screen and tossed the phone to the passenger seat, of course, she’d apologise to him, of course, she’d take the blame and beat around the bush, of course, she’d make his heart clench, but what was worse that he may have not been losing his mind. Poofy and swollen eye, memories of today flashing before his eyes, how he had punched Poofy, knowing very well the man would have a black eye. Moreover, she had called him Yuyu, she was the only one to ever call him that, yet tonight, someone else had called him that too, the fox guy, and not once did he ever mention his name to anyone there, especially not his nickname. So, the real question is, if it were true, and the whole past life scenario was true then why couldn't he remember? Why couldn't she remember? He kept jumping from one train of thought to another, no longer driving home but to the only place that made him feel safe, he didn't care what time it was, or the gravity of the information that was brought down upon him today.
He wasn't even sure when he had reached the door, until his knuckles knocked on the wood, echoing in the quiet of the night. He knew everyone was asleep, he knew it was late, he knew she was asleep, but he couldn't wait, he couldn't think straight when something at the back of his mind kept bothering him, the question he was too afraid to find the answer of; am I... going to lose her in this life too?
The persistent knocking didn't stop until the door swung open, revealing a tired, dishevelled woman, staring up at him through sleep-deprived eyes, her bedhead hair just adding to her appeal, suddenly the dread that had been simmering within him began to settle down, replaced by a wave of admiration, wanting nothing more than to be surrounded by her.
“May I come in?” he whispered, watching her glare at him.
“It's midnight.”
The statement meant nothing, it held no malice or anger and wasn’t even a warning, but for him, he knew what it meant, she was upset and she wanted him to know, of course she was, he never responded to her goodnight note, for which he knew he was going to pay later, but perhaps he wanted to hear her yell at him too, just till it lasts.
“I know, I’m sorry…I- I’ll make us my midnight special dish?”
Reluctantly, she moved to let him in, locking the door once he was inside, sighing when he strolled inside like he owned the place, technically he did, he was often found here, if not at the precinct, which would explain why her neighbours assumed the two had something going on, until she had clarified to the old lady next door that the two were in fact just very good friends, though she chose not to truly believe her.
“Wake me up once your apology is ready.” Mumbling she stomped into her room, earning a sigh from him, as she slammed the door shut. Poofy snapped awake, his head snapping in every direction, eyes wide and glowing in the dark, looking for her, how did he not notice her leave? Were his senses getting duller or was he getting weaker? Was this because of the overuse of his powers or because he was injured? Truth be told he hadn’t even seen Yunho when he pounced on him, after deflecting the knife he almost lost all focus, the fatigue getting too much- that would explain how Yunho had found him in the first place. He had slipped away before she woke up,  
“It’s okay baby, I’m here.” She whispered, fingers brushing over his fur causing him to purr, muzzling into her palm as she chuckled, leaning closer to peck the top of his head, scrunching her nose at the scent, “Did I give you a bath with my shampoo last time? You smell like my shampoo- damn I should be more careful, sorry baby.” Snuggling deeper inside her blanket she pulled him closer like a teddy bear, he let her do as she pleased, enjoying the attention. Truth be told he smelt like her shampoo because that’s what he used, Jongho had told him to change it but he didn’t follow, he wanted to be enveloped by her scent all the time, it helped calm down his nerves, relaxed him and considering how he was always on edge, he really needed the stimulant.
Yunho sighed, ripping open a packet of instant ramen, and placing it aside, watching the water boil. He had chopped all the vegetables and even fried the chicken tenders for her, sliced them up nicely to decorate her bowl later. They had invented this dish back in their fun days at college, way before Poofy had entered their lives, when he had her undivided attention and affection, though who was he to hold her accountable for playing with his feelings when it was him who had led her own then let go of her whenever things got a bit too serious for him, to afraid to ruin their friendship.
“And now you place the tenders like this,” she smiled in triumph, garnishing his bowl and hers, before coming over to the small table and placing the tray down. He sat there legs crossed on the heated floor, looking at her in the small open kitchen, smiling at the thought of what their domestic lives would comprise together. Turning back to stare at the table in front of him, she had called him over to her dorm at 2 am, their child psychology exam waiting for them at 7 am, yet, he was here, ready for a late-night snack with her, one she had just invented instead of studying.
“Hmm?”  he looked down at the bowl she placed in front of him, smiling at how he had received the bigger one. ‘A big serving for the lanky growing boy.’ She’d always say, much to his pleasure.
“I’m telling you, once we have this and go to sleep, tomorrow will go great.”
“Oh?” he cocked a brow, before reaching for her glass, pouring her some soda, “Because we’ll remember everything for the exam?”
“Nah girl, that we might fail tomorrow, but we’ll have our tummies full of yummy food.” With that she began eating not even looking up at him when he choked on his spit, laughing louder than anyone would want at 2 am, sure, leave it up to Jeong Yunho to get you kicked out of the girl’s dorms for laughing too loud.
Indeed, the two did fail the exam the next morning, but the memories they had created were far better than any result.
 Poofy was almost asleep, blinking slowly at her drowsy form, until they heard a pot fall in the kitchen, followed by a masculine apology- shit, who was that. He didn’t even wait for her to answer and ran out at full speed, making a sharp turn to the kitchen, bouncing off the wall, ready to pounce on the intruder, he couldn’t transform into his beast form, especially since that day, he couldn’t even morph back into a human till sunrise, but that wasn’t going to scare him. With a hiss the cat pounced into the kitchen, landing on the tiles right in front of the intruder- Yunho?
Yunho’s ears caught the bell chiming across the hall, he could hear the quick padding of the cat’s soft paws, and he prayed to God that it was just a normal cat and not who he feared, but once again fate was not on his side, for as soon as his eyes landed on the cat’s swollen eye, he knew for a fact this was his doing. Sighing he placed a bowl of milk in front of the cat, who looked at it then Yunho, only to smack it away and hiss at him.
“Look, I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you last time buddy, but, I- I can’t just- I need some time okay?” he sighed before picking up the tray of food, turning to walking out the door but the cat stopped him, standing in front of him growling.
“You don’t understand San, I can’t let her go…I love her.” With that he walked over the frozen cat, who was staring blankly at nothing, too stunned by his words to even process what was happening, the only thing that had brought him back to reality was the sounds of her muffled laughter, causing him to turn and look down the hallway, noticing how her bedroom door was closed- she never closed the door, it was always left ajar so he could come and go as he pleased, yet here he was staring at her door with blurry eyes, feeling more nauseous than he did that day.
Yunho walked towards the main door, glancing at the ball of fur curled up on the far end of the couch, sighing to himself, a part of him telling him what he was doing was perfectly fine, he had no reason to believe or help out these people, but something deep down begged at him to stop, to not give into his ways and listen to the good that resided with him. With one more glance he closed the door, leaving both sleeping parties alone in the cold of the apartment, while he had tucked her in, he left the cat there, cold as ever, leaving at the early hours of the day.
His ear turned to the door once it closed, sitting up he stared at the turned-off TV, staring at his feline reflection, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath once he heard the subtle chirping of the birds from outside, waiting for the curse to lift, welcoming the gentle, warm light of the sun. At one point in his life, he loved the night, the way the stars would shine above him, watching him perform his duty wholeheartedly, keeping the valley safe and quiet. Moreover, he loved how the moon had witnessed the first time he declared his love for her, the moon had witnessed when she had shied away from the kiss, coyly mumbling how they were not wed, thus they could not perform such an act of intimacy. The moon had watched her favourite soldier proudly, watching him with great intent as he held himself back, trying not to fall onto his knees in front of her, to cry in joy at her innocence and pure heart, he truly wondered what he had done to deserve to call someone like her his own.
Unfortunately, as much as the moon had witnessed her favourite being an exemplary creature, she had also been there to bear the sight of her favourite turning into a beast, of him letting envy wrap him in her green cloak, watching him push away the one he claimed to love, the one who had given him her everything, body and soul, yet, the moon still gave him time to make amends, to try to heal the wounds he had caused, much to her displeasure, he had not, both pride and envy being his companions, letting him destroy the plan destiny had laid down for him, leading to an eventual demise of everything and everyone he had loved, holding onto her limp form as she stared up at him with a broken resolve, too afraid to ask for anything, too afraid to beg him, but not afraid of death that was awaiting her, even though he begged her to stay. The moon had witnessed how he broke down over her, watching how even after what he had done, she had saved him once more, only this time, it had cost her life, proving to the stars that their choice of candidate was not wrong, and it was not a human characteristic to deceive or lie, but a trait brought with pure love, one that he had felt for her, but accepted the little green dot that begun to spread upon the canvas of his heart. The moon had watched him cling onto her lifeless form before he lost all control, his brothers lost all control and did the one thing a guardian is not supposed to do, ‘harm a human’, for the moon had witnessed these fools let their emotions take over, watching them disobey her and end the fleets sent to fight them, watching them tear them down, her final straw perhaps was when her exemplary soldier’s claw’s dig into the neck of the emperor, his teeth bearing the blood of his four sons the beast had ripped apart before his eyes, eyes as black as the moonless sky, resembling the hole that lay in his chest, a cavity which was once occupied by his warm, romantic heart. The moon watched him snarl out in disgust, one last question before the head of the emperor was flung across the royal hall, his body falling limp on the ground,
‘Do you still think your daughter’s life was worth nothing?”
That was all it took for the moon to take back her blessing, perhaps the stars were on the same page, angered by this act of blasphemy, turning what was once a blessing into a curse, one that would shackle them down, bringing their egos and pride to its knees, watching them slowly succumb to their end, until they had not only made amends but had repented to fate itself, earning her favour.
He stared at the reflection, sighing as his feet pressed against the soft carpet, glad that the moon was no longer out to taunt him and mock him, but she was replaced by her brother, showing him some form of mercy for a few hours. He made his way to her bedroom, San stared at her, watching her sleep in bliss, her steady breathing almost lulling him to sleep as well, welcoming him. It had been so long since he had held her in his arms since he had laid next to her, felt her close to him- not like a feline, but all his manly glory. What if he just slipped in for a minute or two? Would she notice? Would she wake up?
Standing above her, he leaned closer, his knuckles caressing her warm cheek, watching as she nuzzled into her pillow, mumbling something about Poofy- ah yes, she still loved Poofy, this was another issue, only Yunho being in love with her just added more to his plate. How was he going to handle all of this? At this point, he knew that time was not on his side and even though he would willingly succumb to death, if it meant that she would remain happy and safe, even if it were with Yunho, he could not let his brothers suffer because of him- how were his actions justifiable, if they had partaken in the war, it was only because they had lost their brothers as well, which was only caused by the ripple effect of San’s own action’s, his prejudice and disdain. Leaning closer he pressed his lips to her forehead, whispering the usual spell, making sure the enchantment was well recited to keep her safe and out of harm’s way.
“How I wish I could hold you once more, my love.” He whispered, before pulling back and going across the room to open the window, staring up at the pastel colours of the sunrise, taking a deep breath he turned to glance at her one last time, “I beg you, do not forget me, for as much as I am in pain right now, the thought of my memories leaving your essence will rip me apart worse than death could possibly intend to, even at his peak.” With that he hopped out onto the emergency staircase, slowly making his way downstairs as he thought about doing that one thing he did not do the last time he was in trouble, ‘ask his brothers for help’.
‘In love?’ Seonghwa mumbled, staring at his phone, still trying to understand why Wooyoung was digitally poking him through this application. Yeosang hummed in agreement, still trying to understand what San had said, narrating the events of the previous night, this was worse than the mage could imagine, the time of the course now had to be altered, perhaps increased in terms of pace.
“Aww Sannie, don’t worry I’m sure Yuyu is just confused.” Wooyoung pouted, wrapping his arm around the taller man’s shoulders, trying to help him out, only noticing how his shoulders slumped even more at the mention of Yunho’s name, “I mean, he…this isn’t the same Yunho, he still has to come to terms with it and- I bet as soon as we revive the old Yunho he’ll come to his senses.”
“This isn’t about him though, and it’s not about us,” Jongho mumbled, placing a tray of coffee on the counter, and giving each one of them their mugs, only San didn’t get a coffee, he got Jongho’s special hot chocolate to make him feel better. San had been staring at the red napkin, thumb caressing the small sunflower stitched onto the corner fabric, its once bright colours now faded into a duller tone, much like the matted red of the cloth
“Then who is this about dear baby bear?” Wooyoung snorted, at the sight of San’s ceramic purple cat mug.
“I think Sannie has the answer for that.” He sighed, before taking a sip of his bitter beverage while the other turned to look at the man who was staring at a San who was still looking at his napkin, fingers gripping onto it tighter,
“It’s about her.”
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Taglist: @edenesth @mlysalt @yessa-vie @spooo00oky @cereal-simp
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faghubby · 17 days
Fishing trip
I was looking forward to this trip for months. The four of us had rented this cabin. Well not sure you can call it a cabin. Four bedroom two floor, huge porch, balcony over looking a pool. Set on a hill over looking a lake. We had use of a fishing boat. And ATVs not to mention the streams and river near by. The weather was going to be perfect. I was packed and set to leave. When tragedy struck. The deal I had been working on, my huge bonus to close the deal. Went sideways I could fix this but it meant a trip to Cincinnati.
I called Walt, Pete and George and broke the news. Maybe I could meet them later in the week. After some teasing on how at least I wouldn't scare the fish they all understood and hoped to meet me there.
Phoebe , my wife of 15 years. drove me to the airport the next morning, she had already planned on me being away. Where I went didn't really matter. I was kinda complaining about missing the trip the money already spent.
"Maybe I will go so it's not a waste" Phoebe told me. She hated fishing.
"And do what?" I said knowing she was just trying to make me feel better.
"Sit by the pool, kyack, walks in the wood" she told me. As I kissed her goodbye. My flight being called.
"Go then have fun with three guys who smell like fish" I said jokingly.
"Okay I will" she told me in defiance of my joking. I didn't think about it again. Till I had already landed met with the clients lawyers and checked into my hotel. When I read a text.
"Cells are spotty at the lake, George is driving me" the text read as she showed me a pic of her loading her stuff in his SUV. I called her they where still on the road.
"Hello sweety, you're on speaker " she sang.
"You really are going fishing" I laughed.
"She promised to cook, buddy" I heard Walt say. They where driving up together. Pete was going to meet them there. After a brief conversation of their plans she took me off speaker.
"Hurry up if you can, miss you already" Pheobe told me and hung up.
I spent the next three days talking them out of walking away from the contract. And two more writing changes to a new one.
We arrived at the cabin after midnight. I was still wide awake from too much coffee or general curiosity. Went exploring. The guys gave me the master bedroom saying I should have the private bathroom. I went to shower and couldn't figure out how the shower worked. It was one of those showers with all kinds of different showerheads. I went to the bedroom door.
"Hey guys, can someone help me" I called out Walt appeared.
"Um I can't figure out the shower" I said fully aware I stood in front of him in nothing but a towel. Walt ever the perfect gentleman. Went to investigate. He gave me a quick explanation. But as he went to leave he paused for a brief moment. It was nothing.
"What?" I asked.
"Sorry never knew you had a tattoo" he said excusing himself.
"OH, here it goes up" I raised my towel to show him the tattoo on my thigh of a dragon and unicorn some thought they where locked in an epic battle. I thought of it as both sides of my personality. But as I did my towel slipped and exposed my breasts.
"Sorry, I should" Walt said. I grabbed his shoulder to steady myself as I grasped the towel. He took it differently. He turned and pulled me into his arms. I should of pushed him away. I wanted to.
But I looked up into his deep brown eyes, he was a very handsome man. White hair sprinkled in his beard. Contrast to his ebony bald head. His body hard from a life time of hard work. He stood alot taller then Paul. I let the towel fall. His huge hands grasped my breasts. My c cups still not big enough to fill them. He kissed me. Then stopped
"Nothing has happened yet" he told me. I jumped into his arms and he carried me to the bed. I watched as he shed his clothes. His cock. My God I had never. It jutted out from his body, Paul's always pointed up. But I think the sheer size of Walt didn't allow that. He must be twice my husband I thought. As he climbed on top of me.
"Go slow, you are so much bigger" I pleaded. Despite his strength he was gentle and carresed my body. He didn't fuck me he made love to me. I came twice. Loudly as he did. We laid there in the afterglow. I admired his tattoos.
"I love my husband" I shared.
"Paul is great. Let's just call this a fling" he told me. As he held me tight I fell asleep. I woke and took that shower finally. It was already 10am the guys where gone. I figured out early.
I put on a bikini and laid out by the pool. It was mid afternoon, when I put down my book. Romance smut I thought after reading a well description of sex. I thought about Walt. I was alone the sun warming me. My fingers slid under my suit and I was soon rubbing my clit. Suddenly I opened my eyes to see Pete standing there watching me.
"Pete, I " I turned beet red. He sat at my feet. He rubbed my feet
"Don't stop on my account" he smiled. I couldn't I mean I had fucked Walt last night. I thought back to a time in collage when I had allowed 5 guys to gang bangs me. I pulled my bottom down exposing myself and started to masterbate. I felt Pete kiss my thigh higher and higher. Soon he pulled off my bikini and was sucking my clit. I wanted him I pulled his hair pulling him on top of me. He smelled of sweat and push. As I tried to tear his clothes off of him. Pete took his time. He liked to tease me. Get me close then stop. He even worked two fingers in my ass. He offered me his cock to suck. As much as he teased me it was like a present. I sucked it down my throat, he wasnt hss big and think as Walt but still bigger then Paul. But before he came he pulled out. And slid it into my very wet cunt. It didn't take long for me to dig my nails into his back as we came together. I didn't want to let him go but we heard the ATVs co,ING back. I jumped in the pool and fixed my suit as Pete vanished into the house.
In less then 24 hours I had fucked two of my husband's friends and cum more then I had in a year. I knew Pete was married. His wife and I friends but I hadn't cared. Later that night I sought out George.
George was funny, probably Paul's best friend. I found him in the hot tub.
"I am sure Walt and Pete" I said.
"Well Pete has a big mouth" George said. I looked at him and removed my robe. I was naked as I got in the hot tub.
"You are a nasty little mink" he told me. He pulled me onto his lap.
"Have you and Cindy ever talked about" he asked me. He pinched my nipples. Cindy was his long term girlfriend. They had been together for years.
"No" I moaned. He pushed me up and bent me over the edge of the hot tub. Without warning he drove his cock balls deep into my pussy. He fucked me like a man just out of prison. He pulled out and spun me just to cum on my face. Then shoved his cock innmy mouth. As I sucked him hard again.
"I am going to take that ass" he told me. As soon as he was hard he pulled out and bent me over again.
"Please some lube" I begged. He squirted something on my ass and again drive his cock in balls deep. I was in tears as he fucked my ass. Whatever he used was no longer lubricating but he didn't slow. Petre came all over my ass. He didn't even let me rinse off instead marched me naked back into the house.
"You are the cabin slut for the weekend, I don't want to see you even wearing clothes" he told me both Pete and Walt where in the room.
Pete, George and Walt although all friends where very different. Although I abided by George' s rule of no clothes. Other then when we went into town. And then I wore a sundress, no bra or panties. I had some kind of sexual experience with each of them. Everyday. Walt gentle and kind. George forceful and dirty , while Pete was funny and playful. By Wednesday night Pete and George even split roasted me on the balcony.
Thursday I sucked Walt's huge cock. Proud I had managed to take it all before they headed to the lake. When a car pulled up.
I glanced out the window to see Paul pulling up. I rushed upstairs and jumped in the shower.
I finished up in Ohio and rushed to the lake. I would still get in a long weekend. As I entered the cabin I heard the shower, the guys must be on the lake I was right I found Phoebe in the shower. I joined her. She kissed me surprised to to see me. Fishing could wait . I took her to bed.
"Paul, I have to tell you" she stopped me. "I don't know exactly how it happened but I slept with The guys" she confessed, I was stunned.
"What? Who?" I stuttered
"All three of them. I had to tell you.i am sorry" Phoebe cried.
"At the same time" I asked but I was kissing and pawing at her. I was so turned on by her being a slut.
"Paul?" Phoebe asked as she grasped the stiffest hard on I have had since I was 15. "You're not mad" she stroked me.
"Tell me about it" I begged. She stopped me pushing me back.
"I was so worried you would leave me" she yelled at him hitting him in the chest. Then she looked me in the eye. "Walt is very big" she held her hands apart to show me. I pinned her down. I wanted her.
"Stop, if it turns you on so much I should just finish the week out ad their slut" Phoebe told me. She reached down and stoked my dick.
"Sit up" she told me. Never letting go of my now leaking penis. I came in her hand.
"Let's go down to the lake" she suggested. I got dressed. But Phoebe only wore sandels and a sheer rap. Like woman wear over thier bathing suit on the beach. We reached the dock and called the boat on the shortwave radio. They headed right in. They took one look at Phoebe. And laughed.
"You okay with your wife dressing like that Paul?"
"Yes, she looks awesome." I replied. Phoebe kissed me.
"Maybe they will let you watch later" she said and smacked my ass.
The four of us spent the day fishing. And Phoebe was the topic of the day. The three of them compared notes, and told stories about the last few days. I was rock hard the whole time. Even sharing a story of my own back when me and Phoebe had first met.
As we got back to the cabin Phoebe was cooking diner. George walked straight up and bent her over the counter. He started to play with her ass.
"George please' She begged handing him a tube of lube. He took it.
"Paul finish dinner don't let it burn" George picked Phoebe up and took her outside on the patio. I could hear them bit not see focusing on not ruining dinner.
"You are really okay with this" Walt smiled
"Yes" was all I could muster.
"Well I guess you get the couch then" Pete laughed. They treated me like a bitch after that. I was the butt of every joke or prank. Not permitted to drink to much since I wasn't man enough. I don't know if it was Phoebe or the guys but she made sure I got a good look at each one of their cocks over the next two days.
Phoebe fucked all of them at least once a day. I got even more turned on. As they teased me.
"Maybe you should ride on the back of thefour wheeler. It might be too much for you to handle" they even made me fish with Phoebe's pink pole I had bought years ago. She never used. But hadbought along for the weekend cause you never know.
Friday night. Phoebe came down stairs sat on couch where I was sleeping. I woke up. She wore her robe.
"You need to come clean, explain this all to me" She said. "You get excited when I fuck your friends, but also when they treat you like a sissy" she told me. I was rock hard and rolled to rub against her.
"Explain first" she told me.
"I don't know, I always loved it when the guys would talk about how hot you where. Made me feel like a million bucks. I had fantasies of you fucking George. I knew what he is like. Way he talks about his conquest. Plus I know I am not very big. And it's hard for you to finish with me,
"I will admit I have had more orgasms this week them in the last 5 years" she told me.
"And you let them have your ass" I moaned. We had never. I had asked her to try it once but she was unsure about it and I let it go.
"Walt took it tonight I don't think it will ever go back." She laughed stood up and showed me her still stretched asshole. I kissed it even running my tounge along the rim. This made Phoebe giggle. She spun and showed me her gapped pussy as well. I went to kiss it too. She pulled back.
"He finished in" she started I grabbed her ass and pulled her back kissing her pussy. My tounge probing the creves. I could definitely taste Walt mixed with her. Phoebe just let me continue.
"It's in there deep" Phoebe reminded me. Soon she was rocking back on forth riding my face. I made her cum she regained her composure.
"Be right back" as she got up and went upstairs. She returned a few minutes later.
"Put these on" she held a peach colored panties, with lace across the ass.
"Phoebe?!" I said surprised
"If you're going to suck men's cum out of my dirty cunt. You are going to wear the proper underwear" she told me. I got up took off my boxers as she slid them up my legs. She rubbed my never ending erection thru the soft material till I came. It didn't take long. Then went back to bed.
I was up first showered and dressed. When Phoebe came down in just her robe and made breakfast. As we ate Phoebe just crawled under the table and sucked Pete's cock. She came up. And kissed me. She hadn't swallowed Pete's load. Instead she fed it to me. Forcing me to swallow it. To laughs from the three of them.
"Last day" she handed me a flower print bikini. "Since you love to eat cum so much you should dress the part on the lake." I felt warm. I couldn't not in public. Not with my friends. Suddenly they where all insisting. I went and changed. The suit was very small barely covering my ass. And I had not tits. I wanted to protest but everyone could see my erection straining against the material.
We went out on the boat. But fishing was done. They had fished for the last 8 days. Today they made sure I got a nice tan. They went and jumped off the cliff into the lake. I wasn't allowed to try I was delicate. And although it pissed me off. It excited me also. So inplayed the part of the unimpressed girl watching them be jerks. But at noon they headed back to the cabin. We surprised Phoebe. They sat me down and I watched as they all fucked her. In every hole. She was covered in there sperm by the time they finished.
"Go clean your slut up" they told me. Phoebe was exhausted and falling asleep as I started to lick and slurp up 6 or was it 7 loads of cum off of her. The guys left us alone. But I didn't want to stop. Phoebe even fell asleep until I sucked two loads out of her cunt
"Sissy, don't forget my ass" is all phoebe said rolling over to give me better access. I let Phoebe sleep. The guys left rather then spend another night. I spent the rest of the day in Phoebe's bikini. When Pheobe woke she gave me another handjob.
"Paul, I am going to at least counting to see Pete. Since he is technically the only one single. And I will have to find some more since I know now you are a total cum fag" Phoebe told me. We left in the morning.on the long drive home. Phoebe made me make a detour to an adult store. Where she made me pick out a strapon along with other toys. After a brief breakdown where I admitted I wanted it. She also had me change right in the parking lot. Into a pair of her panties. She let me choose. Since she hadn't worn any all week.
All I could think about was when was the next fishing trip?
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ironstrange1991 · 1 year
Anything For You
+18 Smut
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Pairing: Sinister!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Looking for something to distract herself, the reader finds a session in the library with quite interesting content. When she suggests to Stephen that they should try a different sex practice he doesn't seem very confident, but decides to do it to please her, after all it's Valentine's Day.
Word Count: 6k
Warnings: Slight male dominance, oral sex with male receiving, fingering, p in v, creampie, cock warming, choking, love bites, mentions of spanking and violent - consensual -sex.
A/N: This is the same pair from Make Love To Me.This fic was inspired by the two new pics Marvel released of Sinister Strange. Although it is mentioned, I don't consider it to be a Valentine's Day fic, but that's up to you. I really got carried away with this one and it ended up being a bit long, but I'm sure it's worth it.
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You were bored. But other than that, you were super bored. Usually you could handle your reality trapped inside the Sanctum while the universe fell apart, but that day since you woke up you felt upset. It wasn't the world or the incursion that was slowly destroying everything around you, much less Stephen you were upset about, but you.
You were never happy, your life in your universe was mediocre and as strange as it may seem, being kidnapped to that universe by a sorcerer who swore that you two were soul mates and therefore should be together, was the most incredible thing that ever happened to you.
But why were you feeling so low? Of course it took you a while to accept your reality and you were afraid of Stephen for a while until you became friends and finally had your first night together, but Stephen showed you what love was, what it was like to be loved by someone, touched and - my god, Stephen touched you like no other ever did.
But if everything was fine and you loved Stephen as much as he loved you and cherished every second you spent with him, why were you feeling this way? Maybe it was just the boredom that was finally showing up after months of being there, but it was a not pleasant feeling from which you desperately wanted to escape.
The first few months you arrived you didn't have time to feel bored. There were so many feelings running over each other inside you, vying for which one to take over. Fear, disbelief, shyness, apprehension, interest, affection, passion. But now that you've been there for a year all the feelings have had enough time to be explored and finally you're getting your inescapable dose of boredom. Dreadful and merciless boredom.
Stephen was distracted in his office. Ever since you've gotten closer, so to speak, he's become obsessed with the idea that he needs to stop the incursion, so he's been reading, reading extensively. You could have sworn you've seen him read a gigantic volume in a single day. These readings usually left him annoyed because he couldn't seem to find anything that would solve the present situation and the only solution seemed to be the book he carefully put in a safe place promising you he would never touch it again.
You didn't understand anything about magic and spells, but if there was one thing you understood it was the existence of spells considered good and others bad. Stephen explained that the Darkhold was evil. He said that it was through him that he managed to bring you into his universe, but before that he caused the incursion looking for you in different realities. Anyway, you understood very well that using the book was bad for Stephen and you were grateful that he decided not to touch that thing anymore, but at the same time you feared that failing to find answers elsewhere he would resort to the Darkhold again.
You've already spoken to Stephen about how you've been feeling the last few days and he didn't seem to mind much suggesting that you find something to distract yourself with in the library. You were obviously irritated by his lack of consideration, but you soon understood that he was really just overly concerned about the present state of the universe and the fact that the incursion seemed to have accelerated in recent months. You were sure Stephen wasn't afraid to die, but he needed to protect you, that was his real concern.
You sighed, deciding to give in to his suggestion and look for something in the library that would make you forget your boredom and all your other worries.
When you entered the library you found it empty and dusty like everything else. You were busy keeping your bedroom, the main room, the kitchen and Stephen's office clean, but everything else was too much work for you. The Sanctum was so big and full of weird things you were scared to death of.
The library also smelled of mold and it didn't take long for you to find the reason: several walls had water infiltration. There were overturned shelves and books on the floor which made your little tour of the gigantic room more difficult than you imagined, but you soon became distracted by the variety of books that were there.
When Stephen suggested that you find something to read you turned your nose up at the idea thinking there would only be books of magic and such, but walking through the west wing of the library you noticed that the shelves were filled with novels. There was so much amazing stuff to read.
You didn't even notice the time passing while you were distracted choosing the books to take upstairs and when you finally decided on the ones you wanted, you noticed a small shelf further away with what looked like magazines.
As you approached, you couldn't contain the heat that rose to your face when you notice that that small wing of the library, nothing more than a set of shelves in the corner of the wall hidden by other larger shelves filled with suspense books, was devoted to erotic content. A variety not only of extremely explicit magazines, but books as well. One of them was called "Anatomy of Sex: Discovering the Paths to Pleasure."
You found yourself wondering why there was that kind of stuff in a library that should have  open access to anyone, but you couldn't deny that the curiosity to read some of those magazines and books totally disappeared with the boredom that was consuming you.
Stephen closed the book he finished reading and threw it on the desk abruptly. Another day passed and he didn't get the answers he needed. At the same time the universe seemed to consume itself faster and faster and he was trying to control himself not to give in to despair, but each day that passed seemed like one less day in the fight against fate. He needed to stop the incursion, he knew he had the power to do it, he just needed to know how.
He leaned back in his chair sighing heavily and pinching the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb. The Darkhold - closely guarded - seemed to sing to him, drawing him in like a siren draws a shipwrecked man to the depths of the ocean. He had resisted the cursed book for months because of you, but now he feared that for the same reason he would have to resort to it.
Stephen got up taking the stack of books from the desk and walked quickly to the library. There were thousands of books in there, one of them must have something written about incursions, and he wouldn't give up or succumb to the Darkhold unless all other options proved useless.
He returned the books he had read to the shelf and walked silently, hands in his back, through the halls looking for other options that looked promising. He barely realized you were there until he heard you laughing, completely distracted, lying on a divan in the farthest wing of the library. The sound as always made his heart skip a beat. It was undeniable that you brought life to that dying universe and obviously to his heart.
Stephen fought the urge to go to you and take you in his arms, but there was work to do, books to read, an incursion to stop and then, only then would he be free to enjoy every second of the day with you. Until then, he had to be content with the nights. God, the nights were ravishing.
He shook his head trying to control his thoughts and focus on the task at hand, but just the thought of you was enough to make his pants tighten around his hips. He sighed, walking away and finding three more promising books, he left the library, striding back to his office - before desire made him change his mind.
You totally lost track of time reading a magazine with very explicit photos, but what really mattered weren't the sex photos, but the surprisingly educational content you found there. In addition to tips on positions you would certainly like to try, there was a lot of information about intimate health and tips on how to spice up a relationship - not that you needed such a thing. Your sex drive was put in good use with Stephen and Stephen was insatiable.
You felt your face flushing the whole time like a teenager seeing that for the first time. Everything you read, every tip and different thing you discovered you wanted to try with Stephen.
In addition to the positions, you read about a very interesting practice that apparently came from tantric sex. It was something suggestively called Cock Warming and oh my god it made you blush. You wanted it, you needed to experience it with Stephen.
You finished reading the magazine and put it back where you found it, but you took the volume called Anatomy of Sex and hid it among the books you had already selected to take to your shared room. You climbed back up to your room realizing that the candles were lit and the day had quickly turned to night already. Although it was difficult to distinguish one from the other, practice and time living in that gloomy environment made you learn.
You placed the books carefully on the nightstand on your side of the bed and tucked the volume about sex into your lingerie drawer. Heat rose throughout your body and you noticed that there was a certain wetness between your legs that you hadn't realized that was there. Deciding to put your little plan for the night into action, you filled the bathtub and ran a bath with your favorite bath salts.
Stephen was fully absorbed in his reading when he heard a timid knock on the door. You never walked into his office without knocking. He sighed feeling mental fatigue and heavy eyes. "Come in"
He almost gasped in surprise when he saw you. You looked stunning dressed in a black silk nightgown, barefoot, your hair loose falling to your lower back. Your scent flooding the room. He couldn't contain the wide smile on his lips.
"Too busy?" You asked uncertainly still standing in the doorway.
He gestured with his hand for you to come in and pushed his chair farther away from the desk so that you could fit there facing him. "I'm never too busy for you kitten, especially when you dress like this for me."
You smiled walking around his desk and approaching "I needed to find a way to get your attention, it's been hard to keep up with your readings."
He sighed closing his eyes and nodded in agreement "I know. I know I've been busy, but only because I care about you." He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head on your belly sighing heavily "I love you so much, kitten. You are everything to me, you know that, right?"
You agreed wrapping your arms around his neck and stroking his hair gently "I know. I love you too, Stephen, but I need some attention right now. You can leave the books for tomorrow, can't you?"
He nodded in agreement "When you ask like that" He said inhaling deeply "God, you smell so good."
You grinned pondering how to approach the subject and reveal what you wanted.
"I was in the library this afternoon and found some pretty interesting stuff on a shelf in the west wing." You said it as naturally as possible.
Stephen hummed backing away and leaning back in his chair. There was an interested look in his eyes, "There are many interesting things in this Sanctum's library, my love. You'll have to be more specific."
You sat in the desk in front of him and couldn't help but notice how his eyes seemed to never leave you.
"Porn, Stephen. A lot of books and magazines. Some very interesting ones."
He chuckled "Oh, that stuff." He spoke naturally, but you noticed his eyes darkened with lust.
"I'm no prude. As long as it's not an addiction I have nothing against porn. I am just curious. Of all the things I thought I'd find in that library... porn?!" You whispered the word on purpose.
"It's safe to say that the Sanctum’s library holds every type of literature ever produced by mankind. Many years ago it was fervently curated." He smiles at you "It's just files kitten. To be honest I've never read any of that stuff. If you want to know I didn’t even remember those things were there."
You bit your bottom lip hesitantly, but Stephen was looking at you intently.
"What's up princess? Don't say you're jealous of those silly things."
You shook your head "I was reading one of the magazines...well you know I'm curious and once I was there I couldn't help but look through it and although there was a lot of explicit stuff what really interested me was this article about tantric sex and some practices..."
You realized that you were looking anywhere but at Stephen and when you finally forced yourself to look at him there was a mischievous smile on his lips, a cocky sideways smile.
"Tell me all about it, love."
You felt your face heating up, but continued "It's a sex practice called Cock Warming... well the name is not discreet at all and you can guess what it is." You were losing your courage with every word that came out of your mouth "Anyway, I don't know why I'm talking about this, I just found it... interesting."
Stephen dragged himself to the edge of the chair to get closer to you and without warning he spread your legs and untied the knot of your night gown moving it out of the way. "You can tell me anything, kitten. There's no need to be shy, you know that." He brought his lips down to your belly and kissed there, the contact of his goatee making your skin prickle. He continued down until his face was between your legs and placed a chaste kiss on your black lace covered slit.
You couldn't contain the soft moan that escaped your lips.
He sighed heavily taking a small bite there and then used his hands to pull your panties to the side and penetrated you with one finger. He moved his finger in and out a few times and then took it out and brought it to his mouth. "Fuck kitten, whatever it is that you read made you this wet?"
You shook your head trying to clear your thoughts "Actually it was you Stephen. I was thinking of doing that with you"
He smiled confidently getting up and positioning himself between your legs. He cupped your face with two scarred and trembling hands and kissed you. Wet, rough, passionately. You moaned into his lips and he wasted no time, he supported your waist with one hand lifting you off the desk and with the other he took off your panties passing them by your feet and throwing them on the floor. You struggled against his robes, finding it difficult to unbuckle all those belts, but he moved his fingers quickly to undo his clothes and one second later he was  gloriously bare for you.
He unfastened your bra and cupped one breast squeezing it as his lips trailed your collarbone in search of your other breast. He licked your nipple, circling it with the tip of his tongue and then took it in his mouth, sucking it as his fingers teased the other one.
You leaned on the desk with one hand to keep your balance, the other hand was in his hair, gripping it tightly while moans escape your lips. When he was finally sated he allowed himself to pull away from your breasts, but not before giving one of your nipples a light bite making you hiss.
He held his cock in his hand giving it a couple of jerks and then rubbed the tip on your slit collecting your arousal. You moaned even before he entered you "Stephen..."
He spat on his cock spreading the saliva with his fingers and then he positioned it at your entrance and he penetrated you with a single thrust and you gripped the desk to stay in place. "Oh my god, Stephen... you feel so good..."
He interrupted what you were saying by placing a wet and deep kiss on your lips. His tongue penetrating your mouth and completely dominating you as he thrust mercilessly against you.
Sex with Stephen was usually rough in the first round, after he got his first release he'd calm down and fuck you slower, but no less intense. That was just the way he was and you loved that about him.
You knew what you wanted seemed to go against all of his instincts, but you were obsessed with the idea, you had to try. You were jolted out of your fast reverie by a thrust that hit exactly that special place inside you that Stephen always found so quickly. "Oh my... right there Stephen, right there."
He grabbed your waist with both hands and increased the intensity of his thrusts, each one hitting your g-spot and making you see stars.
"You feel so good, kitten. You're going to tell me everything about what you read in that magazine, aren't you? Such a dirty girl reading porn like that. You liked it? All those pictures? Did you imagined it was me doing all that to you?"
His moans grew louder and louder, your walls fluttering around him with every word that came out of his mouth.
"Answer me, princess" He demanded.
"Yes" You said whimpering. The pleasure so strong it was hard to think. "Yes Stephen, I want to do that with you. Please tell me you gonna make that with me."
He chuckled amidst his moans and groans that grew louder and more animalistic "I don't even know what that is, kitten, but you know I'd do anything for you."
He kissed you feeling your walls contracting and squeezing his cock so hard inside you.
"Fuck, kitten, your pussy is so tight right now" You moaned with him, the room flooded with the obscene sound of your lovemaking and your breathing and your groans and grunts. "Stephen, I'm gonna cum"
He bit your bottom lip in response "Already? Okay, princess, you can cum, but you know I'm just getting started, right? We've got the whole night ahead of us."
You nodded in agreement. Stephen had a lot of stamina, his sex drive was absurd and not a day went by without you having sex, three, four rounds a night. "Yes, please, I need to cum now, fuck me harder. Make me cum."
Stephen grinned, pleased to see you fully surrendered to him. There was nothing that turned him on more than seeing you with that cock drunk face, mouth agape, eyes closed as he fucked your brains out. He tightened the grip of his hand on your waist even more and the other hand he brought to your throat choking you not so hard, but enough to draw a surprised moan from your lips.
You were so compliant, Stephen loved how you gave yourself to him and let him do whatever he wanted to you. He in turn loved torturing you by biting, choking, slapping your ass so hard you got marks for days.
You were his and you loved every second of it.
As if possible Stephen increased the speed and intensity of his thrusts even more and quickly you felt your orgasm building in the pit of your stomach. He must have felt it too because he grinned devilishly at you and grabbed your chin making you look him straight in the eyes "Gonna cum for me princess? Tell me how amazing my cock is making you feel right now"
"It feels good Stephen, so good, please don’t stop, make me cum, I'll be good to you, I promise."
He grinned releasing your chin and putting his hand between you, his long fingers reaching your clit and circling it and making you groan obscenely "Good girl, let go, kitten, don’t hold back, cum for me, do it now"
You moaned loudly in compliance and your entire body convulsed with your orgasm and the whole time he kept thrusting, prolonging the sensation as you creamed him with your cum and at the same time seeking his, thrusting so hard against you that he made the desk creak beneath you.  "Fuck princess, you are so wet right now, so fucking tight..." He hissed "I'm gonna cum so fucking hard inside you. Tell me you want it, I need to hear how much you want my cum"
He grabbed your throat again and it was hard to talk with the grip of his hand choking you like that, but you loved every second of it "Please... I want your cum... so fucking bad. Please cum for me... please"
He kept his pace hard and rough pounding you until he stopped completely and groaned outrageously loud, his load spurting inside you. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, his ragged breath in your ear.
You were silent as your breathing returned to normal, Stephen remained hard inside you, pulsing violently. He wasn't sated and neither were you.
"Did you know today is Valentine’s Day?" He said kissing you. You looked at him in surprise. You didn't even know what day it was, it's been a long time since you gave importance to days. "I didn't know that" You replied pulling him back to your lips.
"I should have made something special for you, instead I spent all day reading... I'm sorry"
You shushed him "It's okay. I don’t mind. For us, every day is Valentine’s Day, right?"
He gave a small laugh stroking your face affectionately. Like you said, Stephen used to be more affectionate with you after you made him cum.
"You are right, princess, but I want to please you anyway. Tell me, what do you want me to do to celebrate the special date?"
You smiled openly "Lets go to bed" You asked and he agreed kissing you softly and a moment later you were in his room. You still weren't used to his magic, but you were certainly grateful for the comfort it brought you both.
There was cum running down your thighs and Stephen loved it. He had a fixation on seeing his cum on you, marking you as his. He conjured a tissue and cleaned you gently and you barely waited for him to get rid of the dirty tissue to throw yourself into his arms again.
Stephen hold you in a tight hug and pulled you onto his lap, your legs wrapping around his waist, your arms around his neck pulling him back to his lips and kissing him so passionately. He laid you down on the bed, the weight of his body making your legs open for him, but he didn't enter you, instead he settled down leaning on one arm and caressing your face with the back of his hand.
"You are so beautiful. I never get tired of saying this." He watched the skin on your face turn slightly pink and then decided to get back to the subject you started in his office "So, are you going to tell me about what you read? I confess I'm curious to know more."
You bit your lower lip and Stephen felt provoked every time you did that, it made him completely crazy to kiss you. He waited for you to respond, but he could see you were too embarrassed to say it, so he came back to reassure you "Kitten, no need to be shy, the most important part you already told me."
You looked at him blankly and he grinned biting your bottom lip gently "You just told me you were reading porn magazines and you got so fucking horny you were dripping wet. Whatever it is that you read its just a detail."
You nodded in agreement.
"It’s not very inventive actually, I... you'll probably hate it..." You took a deep breath and exhaled slowly "... You just have to stay inside me. No moving, just... it seems nice, I don't know."
He raised an eyebrow "And how do you expect me to stay inside you without moving? Princess, I don’t know if I can do that!"
You nodded "But would you try?" You glared at him with puppy eyes "There's something about this that makes me really want to try it. Please?"
Stephen kissed you lightly and then rolled onto his side on the bed reaching out for you to snuggle close to him. He stared at the ceiling in silence for a second and could feel your eyes on him the entire time always afraid he would be mad at you for whatever reason, never understanding that there was nothing in the world you could do that make him mad at you.
Stephen loved you, he destroyed the entire universe for you, he would do anything for you.
"I can try…" He said finally and you smiled "...After all it's Valentine's day and I owe you a present, don't you?"
You agreed pulling him to your lips and he kissed you now ardently which made his cock throb demandingly "But first you're going to make me cum one more time, kitten, because I swear to you that I won't stand to stay inside you without moving when all I want is to fuck you."
You agreed. You also doubted you could handle it when your body was crying out for him so desperately. "Okay"
He smiled widely and you kissed him, taking one of your hands to his cock, stroking it slowly, but with enough force to bring a moan from the back of his throat. "Do you remember the first time we made love?" You asked looking at him, you had the sweet voice of an angel, but your hand was skilled and was stroking him with such malice. He squeezed you in his arms and gripped the sheet with his other hand so hard his knuckles turned white. "How could I forget? You ran into my bed looking like a scared kitten."
You hummed "And you took care of me so well." You said propping yourself up on your elbow so you could better look at the work you were doing. Stephen's dick was wet with precum already and the sound of your hand stroking him was so arousing.
"You were so irresistible that night. I couldn't help myself"
You smiled kissing him and he moaned when you increased the rhythm of your hand "Fuck, it feels so good but I want your mouth, please, kitten, give me your mouth."
You nodded, happy to please him and quickly positioned yourself kneeling on the bed. First you spat on his dick and then you spread the spit all the way down his length and taking so much time before putting it in your mouth, but when you did you were merciless. Stephen loved the way you sucked on him. No shame, just lust and love. He loved the way you sucked on the head as you continued to stroke him with your hand, but he lost control of his own body when you took him whole inside your mouth like that, forcing yourself to swallow until the tip of it was against the back of your throat. "Oh fuck, just like that, you always suck my cock so good, princess, I love it"
You moaned satisfied with the praise, the vibration making him see stars. You took it out of your mouth to breathe, but then you swallowed it whole again and started taking turns between putting it all the way to the back of your throat and sucking only the tip.
Stephen brought his hand to your hair, gripping it tightly as he lost himself in his own pleasure, his roughness showing again as he neared his release. He started to thrust up which made you gag around his cock. He let go of your hair and you took him from your mouth, saliva running down your chin, your eyes filling with tears. He caressed your face "I'm sorry kitten, you just feel so good swallowing my cock like that."
You smiled reassuringly, but instead of going back to sucking him, you wrapped one of your legs around his hip. He grinned satisfied. "You gonna ride me, princess?"
You shook your head directing his cock at your entrance and lowering it slowly. Stephen was so big, it always amazed you how his cock make you feel so full. "Fuck, you feel so tight, so good"
You leaned into his chest and began to move up and down, back and forth, riding him fast and hard.
He groaned gripping your hips, his eyes fixed where you met.
You kept your pace chasing your high with a voracity that surprised even yourself "Oh my god Stephen, it feels so good, I wanna cum, please..."
He grinned "Cum for me, my sweet girl, show me how good I make you feel."
You curved your body forward, your hands reaching for his hands and pinning them around his head on the pillow, your fingers intertwining with his, your face now just inches from his as you continued to move on his cock.
Stephen noticed you were tired and took over thrusting up and in that position he hit you sweet spot with absurd precision making you gasp and search for his lips. You kissed him desperately, a big, wet, desire-filled kiss that brought a moan from the deep in his throat. The sound going straight to your core.
Stephen could feel that you were on the verge of orgasm and he kept the pace never stopping until he felt your walls clenching around him. "That’s right kitten, cum for me, I am right after you."
You moaned loudly tightening your fingers around his fingers, searching for his lips. Your entire body trembling as your orgasm enveloped you.
Stephen kept thrusting, riding you through your high "That’s it, princess, you did it so well." He grabbed your hips turning you around and placing you underneath him on your back on the mattress, with one hand he guided his cock back inside you and he thrusted again, hard, fast, mercilessly as he sought his own high.
You wrapped your legs around his hips making him moan loudly, the position making his cock go even deeper and pulling a surprised gasp from your throat as you felt another orgasm building in the pit of your stomach.
Stephen felt your walls fluttering around him "Gonna cum for me again, kitten? I am almost there, you feel so good."
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders kissing him "Yes Stephen, please cum for me, fill me with your cum, I want it so badly."
He kept his pace violently rough and then suddenly stopped groaning and you felt his hot load spurting inside you and pulling you towards your third orgasm.
"Yes, yes, Stephen... please..."
He grabbed your chin and kissed you hard and then pulled out rolling over onto his side on the bed breathing heavily. You crawled into his arms resting your head on his shoulder and touching his face, making him look at you and then kissing him softly. You were silent for a minute, your hand stroking his goatee, his hand tracing circles on your back. The silence of the room broken only by your breathing that slowly returned to normal and the external noises of the ongoing incursion.
"Do you remember the day you got here?" Stephen asked, his voice a bit rusky. "Uh hm"
He sighed heavily "You asked how I could live in this universe and not be afraid..." He was silent and you stared at him.
"The truth is, I was never afraid before you arrived, but now... I'm afraid of losing you."
You looked at him surprised, but he needed to be honest with you. He needed you to understand why it was so important to stop the incursion.
"I've been trying to find a way to fix this..." He pointed to the window from which you could see the terrible vortex that seemed to swallow everything outside "I won't stop until I get it. I can't, I need to keep you safe ."
You cupped his face and made him look at you "I know. I understand what you're doing and why you're doing it, but Stephen... I accepted our fate here a long time ago." He looked at you confused. "I just want you to know that I'd rather spend the days I have left here with you by my side than watching you despair to find a solution that maybe doesn't exist."
He shook his head in disagreement "I cannot accept this. The Darkhold may have..."
"Stephen, no. The Darkhold has already taken too much out of you. Let's enjoy the time we have left together just like this. This is what I want."
He squeezed you in his arms. Stephen couldn't be further from agreeing to surrender, but he understood your point of view and couldn't say you were wrong. He sighed, deciding to leave that subject for another time. "You're right, princess."
You smiled "Of course I am" He hummed as you moved your hand down to his chest and held it directing it to his hip where his cock waited relaxed but not fully flaccid. Stephen couldn't complain about his stamina, despite being twice your age, he always lasted three, four rounds with ease.
However, he didn't want to get too carried away. He just wanted to get hard enough to fulfill the promise he made to you. He definitely wasn't sure about that, but frankly there was nothing you could ask him that he wouldn't do for you.
You stroke his cock slowly up and down and buried your head into the crook of his neck inhaling deeply "You smell so good" You whispered and he couldn't help but smile. He loved how affectionate you were with him, even if he was rough with you sometimes, you were still extremely sweet, always clinging to him. "Fuck, kitten, look what you do to me, I'm already completely hard for you again."
You pulled him to your lips and then turned your back so he could spoon you. He brushed your hair away from your face and neck, his hand guiding his cock to your entrance, sliding his cock easily into your pussy completed soaked with his cum. You curved your hips back so he could go as deep as possible and you both sighed heavily at the sensation.
Stephen had to restrain himself so not to thrust, instead he put one arm under your head making you better settle next to him and the other he rested on your waist keeping your bodies glued to each other.
He was pulsing violently inside you and your walls were clenching around him, yet you remained still and somehow Stephen understood the meaning of it. There was something extremely intimate and rewarding about being inside you that way. You were so warm and tight. It felt amazing.
"You feel so good, Stephen." You whispered and then gave a long yawn and he kissed your neck in response "Does it feel good for you too?"
He hummed "It feels amazing, princess. Happy Valentine’s Day”
You hummed satisfied and little by little Stephen felt your body relaxing, your breathing becoming more steady and he knew you had fallen asleep. He moved his fingers in a quick gesture and the candles went out, with another gesture he conjured a heavy blanket that enveloped your naked bodies. Another move of his fingers and the fireplace was lit.  It was always so cold in that broken universe.
Stephen contemplated how lucky he was, even if the world outside was falling apart, he had you and you were the only thing that mattered to him.
When he finally allowed himself to relax he felt sleep approaching and even though his cock was throbbing inside you, he remained still, surrendering to the possibility of finally getting a good night of sleep. Stephen hadn't slept well in years, he usually left you asleep and went back to his reading and always went back to bed before you woke up so you wouldn't notice. That night however he fell into a deep sleep without disturbing dreams, he slept as well as he could not remember sleeping before.
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing ;)
Tag list: @doctorstrangelovemusic-blog @rachelessfreedom-world @a-tong @ppatricia34me @strangesgirl @dreamxonxx @benaddictcumberpatch @iamsherlocked1479 @evelyn-kingsley @veryladyqueen @notglucose @wickedscribbles @agathassscribbles @rmoonstoner @fanartka @katehawke @nicoletk @azu21 @captaincarmel416 @harlekin6 @singhfae @kentucky-criedfricken @coffedraven @withalittlehoney
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sunlightwoo · 10 months
pairing: hueningkai x g.n reader
genre: comfort fic, almost bff2l, slight angst warnings: mentions of running someone w a car rating: 13+
wc: 654
a/n: originally this fic was supposed to be posted in july as a gift but happy late late (like literally 3 weeks late) birthday @fairybinie <3 i hope that your birthday was spent so so well and i feel like it's been such a pleasure to call you one of my close friends :(( i also wanted to say happy birthday to hyuka as well!! this fic is for both val and our favorite maknae so i hope you guys enjoy reading this!!
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“I can't take another moment with him.” You groaned before tossing your phone into the backseat of the car and slumping down even further into your seat. 
It was another one of your late night drives with your best friend, Kai, when you had been distracted with the sound of your buzzing for the past 2 hours. The individual that you had been texting, or at least trying to cut off, was someone that you thought would reciprocate your feelings but it ended like any other situationship that you found yourself into. The only thing coming from them was just the same three words that you weren’t looking for. 
‘Send a pic.’
“Am I allowed to run him over with my car?” Kai asks but you sigh to yourself, shaking your head at his question. 
“I think you should be, at this point.” But you always wondered why it was so hard these days to find someone genuine. 
It had been over a year or so since your last relationship, and to say that you were still in your healing process was a bit more extreme said than done. You wanted to find your inner peace at some point, but it was hard when every other person was just like the last, making you want to rip your hair out and never be in another relationship again. 
“Why can’t I find someone that actually wants to know more about me?” You mumbled to yourself quietly and stared at your fingers that were in your lap, but what you failed to notice was the latter’s glance that was focused towards you. 
For the past three years that Kai has known you, he could’ve mistaken all of the supposed platonic dates and actions that you two have done together as purely platonic and just that. He never had thought of you in the light before where you had meant much more to him than a friend. But ever since the start of you looking for other guys to date and find love in, he realizes that he was stuck as the friend that comforts and heals your broken heart at the end of the night. 
Even if it had meant running some of them over, hypothetically, with the car that you both were sitting in right now. 
“I always like knowing more about you.” He speaks up with a small smile, making you turn your head to look at him as a playful scoff leaves your lips. 
“You’re obligated to say that, you’re my best friend.”
Right, he was stuck in the friend zone. 
Maybe someday he will tell you how much you mean to him, in terms of wanting to protect you against the world. The way that love should feel as though you’re a feather floating around in mid air, letting it take its course with ease from the moment that you have found that right person. Maybe that one day will be the day that he tells you about how he wants to be the soft summer breeze that helps keep you afloat in happiness, if you were a feather.
But that day isn’t going to be for today, as he knew that you needed him more now than any other day. 
“Then as your best friend, let’s just go home and watch some Netflix, hm? No more being sad, and let’s just take our time debriefing ourselves at home.” He suggests while holding up a french fry as an offering, a silent one that definitely has more meaning than it should at this moment. 
Another day, Kai tells himself, as he watches as you take the fry with a small smile and eat it, while nodding your head towards the direction out of the parking lot.
And when that day comes, he promises to himself that he’ll be there to keep you safe at all times; to be happy like a feather.
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permanent taglist: @viastro @wooyoung-a @pwttychannie @sunwoahkim @karsohn @escapewriter @awfullytiredbuthealing @fylithia @i4deonu @flrtsbin @whereisgyu @myluv-yeonjun @allorysayshi @nlnkm @jannine00742 @rebsmoonn @jjhmk @ilvaussie @idontwanttobehereanymore @beomgyugyu @99cyj @butterflx @theoskies @biuebinnie @ja4hyvn @ilovechanhee @wccycc @invuwrld @ahnneyong @bambi-vixey @soobprised @comic-wanda @ksunwooqt @black-rose-29 @jaysbestie @glyxiebear @strawbrinkofdeath @vatterie @marsophilia @soonyoungblr @jinjccns @rosymetal @justalittlwtooshy @ineedsomezzz @serendipityjaemin @lilactangerine @baekberrie @theskzvibe @watanabehan (add yourself to my permanent taglist here!)
cannot tag: @brinnalane @iovaki @cowboyjaehyun @soobin-chois @kpoploverforever27 @Xoxozainab @f1usw @flowergirl95 @sadbixth11 @yoonslefttoe @allyg-onz @smolmochiminie @lilyluvsgyu @luv-ivi @Msxflower @ashxxkook @ineedaherosavemenow  @yurikkiri @magicalstudentwhispers @artgukk @sunwooskies @fairy-of-sugar
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madeofsweetness · 2 years
Book Talk Continuation @2pretty
I honestly loved reading your thoughts (the analogy to junk food was perfect!) and I agree with everything you said. The most beautiful thing you wrote was, "Our time should be spent in a way that makes us love life, not distracts from us living it." It’s the whole conclusion of the book really! I’ve noticed that many people in our generation are almost against the idea of this. They call everything cringe, make fun of people who are happy, disrespect anyone who doesn’t believe their nonsense, and try to drag others down. This is the problem of social media I guess and I’m sure you’ve talked about it before.
Also let me point out, the quote at page 202 is spot on! When I began to limit my sm usage and do No Social Media Sundays (thanks to you girl!), I felt anew. I now do not wanna spend no more than like 20 minutes on apps like twitter and tumblr cause it feels weird😭 Cultivating a life worth living is the ultimate freeing state to be in and a lot of these apps become extremely wasteful, once you start filling your schedule with higher quality activities. It’s just like Outkast said, you need to get up, get out and get something. Don’t let the days of your life pass by! 
I would love to hear about any habits you have or will do as well! But here are my habits I would like to implement after reading this book: 
Calling people instead of texting. Honestly, the only people I call are my family but when I make more friends, I want them to know, calling is my preferred method of communication. I want to be even more human again and only texting doesn’t allow for that. (Reference to page 145 about irl communication vs digital)
Printing or writing out directions instead of using google maps. I love google maps but I want to be able to have an internal compass, know which street will come after the other and be able to ask people around me for help like my parents do, without feeling so sure that “oh my phone will tell me”.
Only accessing social media on my laptop instead of through the apps. The apps are there to make the process convenient and addicting but I’m planning on using these apps for a sole purpose which means, I can’t keep caring about conveniency!
Only looking up words in my physical dictionary. As a kid, I loved reading my dictionary and encyclopedia but as technology progressed, it became easier to quickly open the next tab and search "what does [blank] mean?" without thinking. I honestly miss the feeling of cracking open a hardcover book and scanning through the words until I finally landed on what I was searching for. Plus I think dictionaries are good for truth/historical purpose, it’s not based in emotion ;) hehe
Buy photo albums again!! I still use disposable cameras so that’s not a problem, but instead of keeping my pics digital, I want to print them out from my phone and keep them safe in a beautiful family album like how my other memories are. I also was totally inspired by my mom bcs I seen her photo book from her teen years and it warmed my heart completely. Memories will always be cherished, even the silly ones. 
Praying 24/7. To talk, to reflect, to ask for guidance, etc. I’m realizing that praying isn’t to be done only when in a [blank] state of mind nor is it to be "perfect". (Direct reference to page 95)
Learning to not just whip out my headphones when I feel awkward. On page 100, I felt sooo called out when he said iPods created this way of living that now enables you to have a musical backdrop for your entire day lol. I love music too much to give it up whenever I’m outside especially since it helps with my emotions, but I do recognize that being plugged in constantly will not want to make people talk to me, and I want to look approachable and friendly!!
I eventually want to start taking 2 hour walks. That’s it.
Months ago, I wished badly to have love letters written about me from my future man haha, but I realized I could write myself love letters! I decided that every year I could write about what this year was about for me. I don’t know if I will still do that or if I’ll just write everything down in my journal and label that as my "love letter" but either way, I’m documenting off of my phone.
Just like when I was a kid, I now always carry a current book im reading, my word finder book and a notebook whenever I leave the house. Only problem is I need a bigger bag haha.
As a (Black) American, I think it’s crucial for me to learn the skills that my grandmother and great grandmother knew, things like sewing, quilting, and cooking without recipes lol, are what I want to know how to do as well. I think it’s a wonderful way to honor them and when I have my own family, I would love to teach my children too. These crafts should not be forgotten, it’s culture.
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bigwishes · 2 years
Fuuuuck, it feels so good to be an Asian muscle bull, filled with nothing but the lust for muscle. I thought I would be satisfied at this point, but what is this feeling of wanting even more? Could you grow me even bigger and ramp it up to the max? I need to be unmistakably obsessed with muscle!
Wow, you really spent the your last bit of receding IQ on this? I warned you to try and make a dating profile whilst you still understood what one even was but nope, guess you want to be even bigger than before.
So lets see how we left you off,
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There he is, my favourite Asian muscle bull. Massive, stupid, stupidly mass, and leaking pre through his pants. Well mate lets just get straight too it and completely unbind any limits. Mass is the aim of the game and mass is what is coming your way, but we cant just turn one aspect of your wish up, we gotta turn all aspects all the way up. We are doubling down on what your asked for or rather, tripling down.
I see you have put your clothes back on, ready to leave the gym? well why don't you put on a little show. Feel your body getting bigger and bigger? well what are your standing around for take some pics whilst you still understand how the camera works.
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Looking big king! but ya know I don't think you're big enough. No, you want it to be absolutely clear muscle is all the matters and I dunno, having the ability to wear a shirt might give the wrong impression, it might have people thinking you are worried about getting too big so why don't you go ahead and get bigger.
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There you go, no more shirt, or rather no more shirts ever, You'll never fucking wear one again mate, the closest thing you get to cover up is a tank top that'll be more of a crop top to show off those abs and it'll probably split off of you within the hour. I see you are finally making that dating profile but we don't want you catfishing anyone, you can't appear smarter than you already are so again I think it's time to scale that IQ down even more. You had already become a moron, I think its time to upgrade, or rather downgrade to complete fucking imbecile. Too big a word for you? okay let me rephrase it, you dum dum muscle, only know to lift heavy circle. With drool forming in the corners of your mouth you finish the dating application Your Name Here: your name Hobbies: big Describe Yourself: big
As you sloppily whip the drool from your mouth you feel a sensation in your pants, that hard on of yours is getting bigger. I gave you a nice 12ichs something massive but could still fit in the average guy with enough effort but goodluck even finding a guy to take this one. I know you can't read a measuring tap anymore but that is a 16 inch hard on now. That 12 + 1, 2, 3, 4!! good job! and it is permanent, that word means that you'll never ever see or feel your dick soft again, and you'll never ever be able to hide it again. But you said you want more, you are getting more, I already made you insanely virile but that is going up even more too! You balls might be feeling full, almost like they are gonna burst but relief is coming. Thats right, instead of leaking pre all day long you've been upgraded to leaking cum all day long. Less from you actually cumming and more because your sack can't hold the amount its producing and well, it has to go somewhere! but even sex wont relieve this. No matter how much you go at it you'll always have a dick dripping with thick liquid manliness.
I can hear some guys in the gym saying you should really put a shirt on, clearly it isn't clear that you aren't nothing but mass, so lets turn it up a notch one last time.
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There you go! you are nothing but mass now! that it big can't describe you anymore, you are just mass, and you'll continue to put on more and more. I'd say you are about 7ft tall right now, don't worry when your frame can't put on more size you'll get even taller. I know I already made it that you can't truely make yourself cum, for that you still need another guy. But that doesn't stop you from still wanting to play with the dragon in your pants. To make sure your don't get distracted and take a break from the grind I over sized your shoulders, pecs and arms. You've lost the mobility to touch your own dick but don't worry it won't effect your workouts. Hmm now I'm seeing you I see pants might cover up those thick muscled legs, but I won't do anything about that now, I give you maybe a month, 5 weeks tops before the only thing able to be on your body at all is a poser. Hope you enjoy the endless growth, because there is no limit to how big you'll get now mate!
(A big thank you to @maxmorphs for letting me use their morph in this story, check out their page if you haven't already!)
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rockitmans · 1 year
Blaine Anderson Vs Valentine's Day
Summary: Blaine drunk posts on his Instagram asking for a date for Valentine's Day. He gets one.
Notes: Written for the @klaineccfanficlibrary Valentine Challenge. I'm gonna write this daily so chapters will probably be short and sweet. Today's song is Lovely Day by Bill Withers.
Warnings: Drunken decision making, unsolicited dick pics
Read on AO3 or below
The Instagram post is obviously a mistake. But in Blaine's defence he was:
very drunk
unwilling to give up a reservation at Di Fara, a booking he'd made nine months previously to guarantee a table for Valentine's Day, and 
clearly losing his mind because of very justifiable reasons and therefore found the whole thing hilarious. At the time. 
It probably would have been fine except Blaine has, at this point, gathered quite a respectable following with his reels of genre bending interpretations of popular songs. There reaches a point where one becomes an actual Influencer and posting dumb shit on the internet stops being a joke between friends and starts being an example of youth culture going off the rails. Or something. He's not even a youth. He's in his late twenties. 
He winces through his hangover as he looks at the post again. He'd gotten Sam, who is an enabler more than anything, to take it. He's shirtless, posing like a total fuck boy with his hair artfully tousled and giving the camera his best sultry expression. An expression that he would never willingly admit to practising in the mirror. It's so cringey he can barely breathe. 
Which is nothing compared to the caption. 
Wanted: Valentine's Day Date
I have reservations for two at Di Fara, but SEBASTIAN decided he was more interested in fucking some guy from the gym than eating the best Italian food in New York. I thought it was weird that he couldn't even pick me up with all the time he was spending at the gym. Your loss SEBASTIAN, I would hate to waste such an amazing dining experience on a rat face LIAR. 
Offering: This hot body. A fully paid meal comprised of aforementioned excellent Italian food. Salvation from a Valentine's Day evening spent Sad and Alone. 
Seeking: A man that is not Sebastian. 
The comment section is flooded of course. There's well over four hundred, a massive number for him, and probably includes some non followers. If he knew it was this easy to manufacture engagement on his posts, he would have done it a long time ago. A quick skim indicates a range of reactions. From sorrow for his break up with Sebastian - who was once a regular on his feed - to hilarity at the nature of the post, to quite sincere sales pitches as to why they should be the one to get the date. 
sebsational94 my name is sebastian but I am not THE sebastian. I would never play you like that boo. can I still qualify? 😇
boooomers Can't believe this is the way we get to see Blaine Anderson shirtless. I am UNWELL
wlfricbea brooo you really be callin out ur man like this omg. rip king seb u will be missed 
cherycool When you say you are offering your hot body, what are we talking here? 👀
tinbd @ cherycool Right? Is Blaine Anderson a Slut? 
sofee.bailey Alexa, play Lovely Day by Bill Withers. Because it's always a lovely day when people take out the TRASH
musicallymotivatedd … still waiting for this cough syrup cover you keep promising 🙄
Blaine's phone buzzes in his hand and he almost drops it out of pure fear. But it's just a message from Tina laughing at him. And then demanding to know why he didn't just ask her to a fancy dinner. Which is a valid point. Blaine has several single friends he could have a fun evening with. But he was drunk on Peach Schnapps, not making functional decisions. He really is a slutty drunk and he literally never learns.
After a moment to psych himself up, he flips to his DMs, which are much worse. He's not particularly stringent with his privacy settings and his inbox is full of chat requests and a LOT of dick pics. As if he's going to pick a date based on the shape of someone's dick. It's exhausting. 
He taps out a message to Tina. 
Blaine: I've never seen so many dicks in my life
Queen T: Sorry can't relate 
She's useless.
Blaine: This isn't funny. I'm in an ocean of dick
Queen T: A sea of penis. A sea-nis if you will
Blaine: I won't
Queen T: Aw Blainey Days. Are you traumatised? I can come and make you some breakfast 
Blaine: Yes please 🥺
Queen T: OMW
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yakumtsaki · 2 years
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Welcome to the last update before we fuck off to college! I feel I have really ignored the teens this generation thanks to the adults being such disasters, so now that Cyn’s horrid LTW is done I take the boyos out for a fun(??) night Downtown. I’d really like to find Sophito someone alive and age-appropriate so I can get him off this Sandy Fairchild kick-
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-and Sugar’s uhhh.. along for the ride.
-Something’s lodged in my ear!!!
Probably Joe Carr’s character file. Sugar no offense but please maintain a respectful distance from Sophito tonight because I don’t want people realizing you two share a gene pool.
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Ok when I opened this pic in Photoshop I lold for a solid 10 secs, you have Sophito literally looking like he’s on the cover of a teen magazine:
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I curse you, Don. I curse you to damnation. 
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-Um, Sug, not to ruin your underage drinking binge but you’re the only one of us who can drive.  -Sorry, Sophito, maybe you should have spent less time ‘sTuDyInG tO gEt iNtO CoLLeGe’ and more time stealing your mom’s car to try and cut the brakes. -You’ve cut the brakes of the car we drove here in?! -Nag, nag, nag, you’re alive aren’t you??
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We change venues due to the tragic lack of teens and finally, we find one! Sophito likes her, go talk to her, be your charming self! 
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Sugar also likes her, let’s see if he fares better (doubt). 
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OF COURSE. Alright then, clearly ignoring you two losers was the right call, let’s go home.
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Whatchu reading, Sandy?
-I̵ S̸T̷O̷LE̵ G̷ILB̸ER̸T̷'S̵ D̷I̷AR̶Y̶ T̶O̷ S̵E̶E ̶IF H̴E̷ L̷O̸V̶ES̵ M̵E🧟
Nice, does he?
-N̶O̵T A̷S M̶U̶CH̴ A̴S̴ H̶E D̴O̴E̶S H̵IS M̸O̶THE̵R̷🧟
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OMG IT’S WHATSHISNAME. MAKOTO aka Blonde Teen Townie that our teens keep rejecting who was also Sophie’s bestie from her townie days! He’s still wearing his toga from that terrible college party we invited him to LOL
-Here I am again, ready to be rejected :(
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Well look who’s socially competent all of a sudden!
-Makoto, we just met 4 hours ago, but I can tell we’re gonna be best friends forever!!!
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-I can hardly believe a Union finally wants to hang out with me! In a hot tub, no less! What an honor! 
Ya not to rain on your parade, Makoto, but Sophito literally lives in the hot tub. If game coding allowed it he would eat, sleep, and attend digital classes from there.
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-Oh Sophito, let me offer you this shirtless goodbye hug that I’m sure won’t awaken anything in you!
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-Yes, Makoto, I’m sure it won’t!
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Makoto sure is, which is why we’re not taking him to college with us and forcing him to watch you have your 50 first dates.
-BUT I WANT HIM!!! To come along to college I mean!!!
Well I don’t know what to tell you, kiddo, you chose the himbo life. Now keep getting stoned while I deal with Sugar’s attempts at finding love: 
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-WHAT THE FUCK, THAT HURT, YOU FREAK -I told you I was ripped but you wouldn’t believe me!
Sugar seriously, God help me with you.
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We call over the matchmaker and spend max amount to hopefully find someone Sugar has some chemistry with..
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..and we get Lakshmi aka Daniel’s first love, LMAO. Lakshmi wtf, are you this legacy’s designated first gf for losers?
-It definitely looks like it. 
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Things are actually going shockingly well with Lakshmi and she even accepts Sugar’s invite to stay over?? I’m like great, more time for her to get used to the extremely acquired taste that is Sugar, but I didn’t count on the entire household conspiring to ruin his life:
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-So, this was a super fun weekend, right Lak? Are you Stockholm Syndromed yet or do you need more time?
Get our of here, Lakshmi, RUN
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Well well well look who’s back, dressed inappropriately for the season.
-Omg he’s so cute when he’s getting hypothermia!
Omg he is but don’t get attached, I told you we’re not keeping him. 
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-Hey bro! Wanna fake punch each other on the arm? -Sure!
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-Wanna have a bro hug? -Ok!
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-Wanna have our first kiss while iVan and Sandy kill each other? -Totally!
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-Oh Makoto, I wish I didn’t have to leave for college in literally one hour. -𝙳𝙸𝙴, 𝚂𝙰𝙽𝙳𝚈, 𝙳𝙸𝙴; -I̴ C̷AN̸'T D̶I̷E, Y̴O̷U̷ D̸U̶MBA̶S̷S̴ W̵E̵S̵T̸W̴O̸R̵LD R̷EJ̶E̵CT̸🧟
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-Just remember, Makoto, when it’s cold and rainy outside, the warmth of our youthful love- -I̸'̶M G̵O̶N̸NA̵ S̶H̵O̴V̶E Y̴O̵U I̸N T̵H̴E F̵UC̷KIN̸G̸ F̶O̵U̵N̴T̵AIN, i̸VA̴N🧟
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-Oh Sophito, let me take a mental picture of this moment so I can always rememb- -SOPHITO COME QUICK, SANDY RIPPED OUT iVAN’S MOTHERBOARD -NOT NOW, SUGAR
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-Makoto, I just wanted to say- -𝙸 𝚆𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝙱𝚄𝚁𝚈 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝚂𝙰𝙽𝙳𝚈, 𝙱𝙰𝙲𝙺 𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙼𝚂 𝚆𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙴 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝙱𝙴𝙻𝙾𝙽𝙶; -MY BEEEED, WHERE’S MY BEEEED👻 -SOPHITO I WANT CHILI, COME HELP ME COOK! -Listen, Sophito, I’m just gonna go. -Yea, good call, see you around.
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Time to fuck off! Sugar let me tell you something, and I truly mean it, I can’t believe you’re going to college. 
-Me neither, I’m basically illiterate :D
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As Sugar is departing, his ‘go to taxi’ action gets cancelled because he stops to cry one last time about Cyn cheating on Don LOL. 
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And we’re off! Perfect timing too, because right after Sophito leaves..
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Now in college we are of course taking with us Daniel and Melody’s twins, Julian and June, aka JuJu..
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..our cousin, Wulf and Angel’s horrible son, Wilfred..
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..Brittany and Gunther’s horrible son, Reginald..
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..and Ti Ning and Frances’ horrible daughter and Reginald’s girlfriend, Eliza. Quite the eclectic bunch of douchebags, if I say so myself. See you next time in college!
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negotiumcrucis · 2 years
Hi! It is just me or the last Luca/Marwan pic is giving such an omegaverse vibes? pregnant Omega Nicky (with a great ass) basking in the Sun while alpha Joe is trying to protect him
Sorry, nonny! You sent me this a while ago, but life has been pretty chaotic, so let it be known that I have been thinking about this ask ever since then and, in short, HELL YEAH The Pic has e v e r y t h i n g
Not only did it assure us all that Joe's precious curls are safe and LONGER, but also reminded this whole fandom of how privileged Nicky is in the ass department and, of course, I have to mention The Tummy™ ~ so you're absolutely correct, the omegaverse vibes are *:・゚✧perfect✧・゚:*
I can so easily imagine a scenario where alpha!Joe and omega!Nicky became infertile due to the whole immortal business, so they went through centuries without ever contemplating the possibility of having kids of their own and that was fine by them for they always had each other... but after Kozak's experiments something drastically changed and Nicky goes through the first full-blown heat since 1099 (which, hm, is basically the plot of a super fluff Christmas fic I wrote with the amazing @instantpeach back in December) and maybe Joe's rut aligns with it and boom -- Nicky is pregnant for the first time ever!
And Joe is obviously besotted by the news, and he can't quite believe it when Nicky finally tells him -- of course, he had sensed something was off when Nicky's scent abruptly changed -- but then after his suspicions are confirmed, Joe is not-so-secretly trying not to freak the hell out. It's all too new, and he is happy beyond words, but also so, so scared and Joe starts reading everything on the subject (with Nile and Copley's help), and man, if only Nicky would just let Joe take care of him, because what if something happens to them...
But Nicky-it’s-not-our-time-yet-Di-Genova pretty much believes everything is meant to be so ALL WILL BE WELL and how can Joe argue with his mate? Obviously, Nicky doesn't put himself through unnecessary risks, but just imagine it... Nicky has let his beard grow so they can be incognito for this new mission (it took Joe and Andy some convincing they should even take the mission, but Nicky and Nile won the argument in the end), and it's summer and there's a heatwave and now Nicky has cravings on top of everything else, so at some point he just gets up from the shade and starts walking towards a gelato stand without a mask on because his beard itches like hell and again, it's so hot, so Nicky also begins to remove his shirt so he can free his arms and be only on his t-shirt...
That's when he picks up Joe's sharp scent as his mate catches up with him, carrying an umbrella, and Nicky has to admit the shadow is very welcome, but Joe's presence is even more so. He smiles when he feels Joe's hand on the small of his back, and he wishes they were alone so Joe could touch his growing stomach as well... Nicky's bump is barely visible yet, but he has started to feel some movement for the past week and Nicky simply cannot wait for it to become strong enough so Joe can feel it too... ◕.◕
Well, thanks so much for the ask! I know I spent a couple of months without sharing any new omegaverse content, but thanks to one of my TOG Reverse Bang projects (in collaboration with the lovely @pochiperpe90) I am happy to announce I am back on my omegaverse bullshit (◕‿◕✿) and no, don't worry, my other omegaverse wip isn't abandoned, I promise I will get back to it as soon as possible!
Also, in a related-ish note, you know I went through my blog's archive to retrieve the link for the pic in question... and just look at the number of notes the post had right as I checked it?
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As a very wise man once said...
it's like destiny ♥‿♥
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munku-collar · 1 year
Would you care to talk about your cosplay? It's sooooo pretty and I love seeing pics of it bc you look v happy
Bless you!!!
Yes!! I am definitely my happiest when I'm in it. I never feel more Me. Like I put it on and look in the mirror and it's like "ah There I am, I've been missing!"
While it's mostly based on 98 because 98 is the closest to "reality" for me/kin experience, there's some intentional changes not only for kin reasons but aesthetic/design reasons to work with my current body features.
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The wig is 98 through and through; you just never really notice how vibrant it actually is because you always see it under colorful stagelights.
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The overall paintjob (hand painted by me) is 98 as well; spent 2 days painting all the markings on. It was very important to me to give it more of a weighted/gritty feeling though compared to modern unitards and other people's cosplays. Oftentimes unitards have these thin "sharpie" lines and they don't read as well to me in terms of a finished product, they feel more manufactured. Also a coarser pattern is more in line with Deme's fur, having been out on the streets for years it's not as soft as it could be.
In a similar vein the tail is fluffy, but not as fluffy as it could be; the illusion is that it's a little scruffy, again, because although she has owners now and gets properly groomed, it doesn't quite grow as well as it should. The only place her fur is really as lustrous as it should be is around her shoulder/chest region because it's her biggest defensive area, she always shrinks in on herself and covers it or doesn't like to be touched there(unless you're very close.) So her shoulder fluff is quite nice and soft. This is one of the instances of dual purpose though-- I have a pretty blocky & wide body shape so to help emphasize my waist I had to extend my shoulders further.
I also had to consider color when it came to the unitard, because a true gold undertone would blend too much with my skintone/wash me out unless it was Very vibrant, and I couldn't find one like that. So I went with a brighter yellow, painted the orange undertones of course. In terms of kin and such the orange on Deme's paws/gloves in 98 is very important to me; they read as a reminder of the blood on her hands/guilt she harbors from things she did with Macavity, but frankly that's something I didn't want to think about every time I put my gloves on, so I opted to keep them yellow entirely, and split the difference with painting orange nails. The white is also still quite yellow or not true white, again emphasizing Deme's past (she's not pure & innocent like victoria) and also working in favor of my skintone, because white makeup can easily fade on my skin.
Makeup is the biggest deviance from 98 because, shocker, I'm not a thin white woman, so my features are quite round and different shapes and such. I have in the past done Aeva's makeup, and while it looks Okay, it doesn't read as well on me from a distance & is at odds with my face. So I had to redesign it to suit my features. I went through a few iterations but I'm happy with where it's at right now. I think it emphasizes the feline aspect, especially with my eyes.
Here's the difference.
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Now my makeup is pretty cheap, just snazaroo because I can't afford better stuff, so my white muzzle tends to be quite faded but I may figure out a way to get it more vibrant again soon.
My collar is also its own design to suit my features. The spikes are pretty short/small and I alternated jewels matching the overall colorscheme. It being tiny helps to make my shoulder fluff stand out more, and I don't have much of a neck tbh so I don't want it to look Even smaller by putting a huge collar on it. While the ornate spikes in 98 are pretty, it would be too at odds with the heavy shapes in the rest of the design. Plus it's a texture thing; I really love the way the smooth spikes feel.
There are some kin things that are left out of the cosplay (like I mentioned the orange paws) such as the scar on Deme's thigh from Mac, and she has some darkness under her eyes, a bit of a subtle haunted aspect that I opted to do without to make it more "friendly" but yeah. So basically everything has a purpose that most people wouldn't even realize unless I mentioned it. Thanks for asking ♡♡♡♡♡
If you can guess who's in this photo with me I'll post it 😜
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lady-of-imladris · 6 months
end of year asks, 1 - 25 and everyone in between (you can skip the ones you have already done)
wow. Okay. Sure. But I am putting a cut lol
what did you learn about yourself this year? Already answered
best moment of the year? I'd say it's a tie between getting Eras Tour Tickets and getting my apartment :)
worst moment of the year? The one that first comes to mind is failing that one exam at the beginning of March? I've had a pretty great year! I'm sure there were worse things but this is the first I thought of.
what was the biggest change you experienced this year? Moving out from home for the second and third time (I spent March-June in student accommodation and got my own apartment shortly after that)
best song of the year? SO MANY!!! But my favourite this year, not counting any Taylor Re-Releases is Margaret by Lana del Rey
best album of the year? Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Boulevard? by Lana del Rey
what’s one thing that happened this year that you want to change? I'd like to have used my summer more productively! I did FUCK ALL for 3 entire months :( I mean... I really didn't feel like I could have done anything tbh, I was recovering from the horrors
best book/book series of the year? Definitely not the fourth From Blood and Ash book, that was a total flop imo (Em if you are reading this and wondering why the fuck I recommended the series to you: you should still read it it's good, just be prepared to be disappointed by book 4 lmao). Idk, I'm not usually reading books that just came out? idk?? I really enjoyed The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes :)
best television series? *thinks really hard about everything*... I REALLY enjoyed The Great!!
how was your love life this year? ahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa. Let's maybe not unpack the details but uhhmmmm. Unchanged? But like... shoutout to anon fiancé for brightening my days <3
what made you cry the most this year? Moving out from home!!!! The third time specifically, the first two were less emotional. But I still think that's a tie with the video of the raccoon trying to wash cotton candy. That ALWAYS makes me cry
biggest regret of the year? Not spending more time in the summer with my bestie! Not going out more often? (but then again, with whom?)... I'd just say all the things I didn't do!
best movie of the year? Already answered
favourite place you travelled this year? I only went one place this year and it was the Czech Republic!
did you make any new friends? Already answered :)
did you learn anything about your sexuality this year? Not sure, I am still questioning things on occasion but all in all I'm still a bisexual disaster!
what are some hobbies that you developed? WRITING!! I started writing again for the first time in YEARS
what surprised you the most this year? That I literally became a fanfic writer
do you look different from the beginning of the year? let me just grab my phone and look at some pics... I look exactly the same lol. Same glasses, same hair
how did this year treat you in general? Very kindly :) my new years resolution last year was to be happy and I think I did well.
what message would you give yourself at the beginning of the year? Already answered
has your fashion style changed this year? Already answered
one of the best meals you’ve had this year? Going (mostly) gluten free has been a challenge and tasting a croissant again, or a cinnamon roll when I was feeling like taking a risk was SO GOOD. And also the potatoes I made in the air fryer when I was drunk! (I literally had to take a cold shower first because I didn't trust myself with a knife but I was super super hungry and I love me my drunk potato dinners!)
who has made the biggest impact in your life this year? a lot of people! But... especially you? And I'm literally not saying this just because you sent this ask but you were kinda the first person to come to mind when I read this question because I'm doing so much wild stuff now? Like??? WE ARE GOING TO LONDON??? YOU ARE LITERALLY COMING OVER TO STAY AT MY PLACE NEXT YEAR????
what’s one thing that you hope will continue next year? I still want to be happy (obviously). I've had a really great year and I just want that to continue <3
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chuluoyi · 6 months
It's okay! I hope you enjoyed your break!!
YES there is a Xmas event omg I'm broke... BUT you have a chance bbg let's gooooo
😭😭 Unholy blood is so SO good tho!! Like Tbh I never liked vampires and stuff but this plot is so interesting I LOVE it. And to top it all off with ROMANCE- *chef's kiss*
Omg tell me once you've read it! I just started reading it haha!
omg right? No longer a heroine is so good like I love her character development! I also recc "Sister's war". It's by the same artist! It's so drama but I live for it.
hehe no probs Chu! I love giving reccs hahaha
OH and that's on my TBR omg glad to hear it's good I'll read it soonnn
.... No surprises there... Ngl she's a walking red flag... no offence but I have really no words...
AW it's an honour 🥹🥹
hahaha I can't sleep in I've got like 3 projects due in Jan... My trip to Kuantan [YES KUANTAN] was only 4 days long.... I need a longer break istg banking and finance isn't being good to me AT ALL.
YEAH I GET YOU I can't even go to school without light makeup cause I feel like everyone would judge me if I went bare faced bruh. Plus in my school, we don't have a uniform so everyone just dresses up. I don't have much clothes but I still gotta dress up cause the other girls look like they're going for a fashion show... Eyeshadow eyeliner and lipstick too! Like my extracurricular activity is makeup but I don't even feel like doing makeup everyday before going to school like PLS I'm there to study not to look good?!
Sorry for ranting HAHAH and yeah that's how I spent my secondary school breaks too! I love "Haikyuu" my first anime was "Yuri!! On ice". The 2nd one is gay but it's pretty good in my opinion. I love Violet evergarden too omg. For shows... I watch a LOT of K-dramas and my fave is "While you were sleeping" and "The Hymn of death". The latter is a short one, 3 eps if I rmb correctly! But it's so good and angsty HAHHA
YEAH I think I know that acc omg! I don't follow her but I always receive notifs from her- I DO hope he's alive tho! My non-JJK friends like to send me pics of half Gojo... You know the kitkat one?? Brutal...
YEAH LEVI SO FINE FR!!! Hotness at it's finest oh my goodness Idc if he's half blind and short and older than me he's the definition of a MAN
Oh my OH MY Taytay supremacy 🥹🥹🥹 I agree it's all so relatable like every song is a story itself!
Thanks for the tips, Chu 😭😭😭 I should try the forum... I hope it can help me....
Hahah totally relatable! When I started Accounting 2 years back I was like ?!??!?! More than half the time HAHAH like JUST BALANCE 😭😭😭 You'll make my life a whole load easier.... 1 financial statement is worth 20 marks... so you can imagine how much I'll suffer if I don't balance it.. Okay but I prefer my maths and languages over sciences 🫠🫠 I suck at Bio... But I kinda like chemistry ngl it's quite fun
hehehe it's nothing!!! and thankss I did enjoy it!!
Also, when I went to Kuantan heard the mayor was planning to build a LEGIT REAL LIFE memorial for Nanami 😭 She's in the midst of liaising with Gege and JJK editors. Its so cute how Kuantan is using Nanami as their marketing strategy 😭😭 Istg all the Nanami girlied will FLOCK to Kuantan just to take a pic with the memorial HAHHA
Okay I think I've written too much 🤭🤭 Hope to hear from you soonnnnnn 🩵🩵🩵🩵
disco anonn!!🥹🥹 i have just gotten back from luke's bakerlon card omg i'm positively swooning it's my most fav card now AAAAAA
it's the same childhood friends luke rosa but takes place in bakerlon, really. and there's this little angst between them, forbidden love trope, and rosa is as brilliant as always if not more!! i love luke so much he's always there for her like aaaaaaaaa
and in the beginning, we get to see luke all serious and with that lower voice too🫠🫠
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and the xmas event!! good lord i put all schips i have again and got marius so i think okay that's worth it🥹 i haven't read it yet but will after this! thank god they make luke an SR one or else😭😭
samee!! i used to think vampire stories are usually over-the-top but unholy blood makes it so modern i love it sm😭 it's to the point that i'm rereading it several times because the ending is just tooo bittersweet don't you think?😭 like we won but at what cost... pastor michael's sacrifice at the beginning of the chapter never fails to bring me to tears ugh
wait i actually didn't find the author's new work because i got tangled up somehow. is it apostle's creed? i ended up reading that🥲 but i think it's one of her older works...
okay okay i live for all drama!🥹 as of now i'm still on death is the only ending for villainess! it's so good omg thank you for the recs i just realized that i once read it too but then forgot it halfway🥲 i totally remember callisto's smirk alright. now i'm picking it up AHAHAH
you're going to kuantan!? omg i hope you have fun there!!🥹 to be honest silly me didn't know than kuantan is in malaysia before jjk🥲 but yes i saw this one ad that features nanami for kuantan😭 and yes me too! year end means work after work so i'm quite literally dying these days🥲 once january comes i'll be submitting my one-week leave!
i so relate to you!! but it's so cool that your school doesn't have any uniform and that you have makeup as an extracurricular?! i used to hate my high school skirt sm because they made it so long i had to cut it🥲 AHAHHAA omg like going to fashion show🥲🥲 i used to get this hate(?) from these group of questionable boys for wearing powder at school whereas they also mocked girls who were bare-faced as well. istg they were simply weird😩
that's perfectly okay!! you can rant whenever you want with me!🥹 ahh i've heard of yuri on ice too back then it was kind of booming?🥹 and HYMN OF DEATH I WATCHED IT LEE JONGSUK omg his dramas are always good🥹 and shin hyesun's acting is always top-notch too. i love shin hyesun in angel's last mission the most though because the story is just generally sweet!
that KITKAT HAHAHAHAH😭😭 i know that and also this one meme of gojo's half body with christmas hat. gods i hate that meme sm😭 my bf loves it he's so insufferable
hotness at its finest is so real ahahahaha
you're welcome!!🥹 i personally feel the forum is so helpful even though we asked the basics so i hope it'll help you too!
THAT'S SO TRUE or the exams would only consists of 2 financial statements which means each of them worth 50 marks?!😭 that sort of headache is what makes me choose engineering as my major in uni but then now at work i'm somehow back to dealing with finances and such *siiiigh*
omg you like math? i used to hate that even more than economics🥹 because i'd tear my hair out for finding x and y and for the life of me, i can't solve those kind of questions fast😩 and same! i suck in bio bcs i have trouble remembering complicated things but chemistry is so fun there was one time i remember all things in the periodic table even though i have a short-term memory aha
REALLY?!😭 wait but how, is it the same or different with the nanami memorial that's in the google?? even i'm interested to visit kuantan too if there would be a nanami shrine there!!🥹🥹
that's okaaay! my reply is sooo long too omg and i'm waiting for your reply too!🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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apocalypticavolition · 11 months
Let's (re)Read The Eye of the World! Chapter 11: The Road to Taren Ferry
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Welcome back to my Wheel of Time reread! Since the pic's a little small today, I should note that the artist is Arsenije Kojic; it might be hard to make out the signature. What's not hard to make out is that this reread is about 33% spoilers for the entirety of the series, so if you're still reading the books you should read them first before coming here.
Once again, the chapter icon is the barren tree in front of the moon; once again, our heroes are traveling at night.
Lan led the way, black horse and shadow-clad rider all but invisible in the cold night. Moiraine’s white mare, matching the stallion stride for stride, was a pale dart speeding through the dark.
You just know Lan's been begging Moiraine to get a less conspicuous horse for years and she refuses on the grounds that she didn't have a emo phase as a teenager and she's not going to start now.
If Trollocs appeared behind, or the Fade on its silent horse, or that flying creature, the Draghkar, it would be up to Rand to sound an alarm.
Lan is testing his new son.
Rand had to keep a firm hand on the reins to hold him back. Cloud lunged against his restraint as if the gray thought this were a race, fighting him for mastery with every stride. Rand clung to saddle and reins with every muscle taut. Fervently he hoped his mount did not detect how uneasy he was. If Cloud did, he would lose the one real edge he held, however precariously.
I think one of the reasons Rand channeled tonight and not last night is that the horseback riding he's having to do is so similar to channeling saidin that he was put in the right headspace by circumstances.
With all his heart and desperation he silently shouted at Bela to run like the wind, silently tried to will strength into her. Run! His skin prickled, and his bones felt as if they were freezing, ready to split open. The Light help her, run! And Bela ran.
And here it is, his first definite channeling (though possibly not his first incident if Shadowspawn detection requires touching the source first). Note that it's Aine 9 / March 24, in a couple chapters we'll be seeing the backlash.
He looked for Egwene. She was leaning against Bela, slumped with weariness. The others were climbing down as well, with many a sigh and much stretching of aching muscles.
Rand may well be the least wearied of the non-bonded crew since he got to have a midday nap. The other kids spent much of the day plotting and counter-plotting and who knows what rest Thom got, if any.
“But the horses,” Rand protested. “We’ll run them to death if we try to go any further tonight. Moiraine Sedai, surely you—”
Another bit of Jordan's skill over some other fantasy writers: his horses are not furry motorcycles but living beings with their own needs and limitations. I think this cliche is mostly dying out at this point, but for awhile it was rampant in fantasy.
“You were right about your Bela, Rand,” Moiraine said from where she stood by the mare. “She has a good heart, and as much stubbornness as the rest of you Two Rivers folk. Strange as it seems, she may be the least weary of all.”
Quick correction to my above point: least wearied of the HUMAN non-bonded crew. Anyway, Moiraine now has another data point for "Rand is clearly the DR," but thankfully for existence she's not tossing away the other candidates just yet.
With a start Rand realized that instead of trying to mount Cloud he had been standing there staring at the sky in a vain attempt to locate the source of those vile shrieks. More, all unaware, he had drawn Tam’s sword as if to fight the flying thing.
Probably when LTT heard draghkar shrieking he did exactly the same thing. If Rand knew who he was, he'd probably be less embarrassed and more horrified and ranting to himself about it. Without the full knowledge of himself, he has no reason to reject it and just assumes he's being a dumbass.
Stout Bela ran with neck outstretched and tail and mane streaming in the wind of her running, matching the larger horses’ every stride. The Aes Sedai must have done something more than simply ridding her of fatigue.
No Rand, she didn't have time. You told Bela to run and she is going to run. This isn't denial though like some of his other reactions; he just isn't thinking straight under the pressure and doesn't know all the rules anyway.
Fog enveloped the riders for a brief moment and was gone, came again and vanished behind. The icy mist left a chill dampness on Rand’s face and hands. Then a wall of pale gray loomed before them, and they were suddenly enshrouded. 
Another bit of Rand not really understanding what's happening: he's getting the shivers because Moiraine is channeling, not because of the results of her channeling.
Lan encouraged them to keep close, now, to stay where each could see the outlines of others in that damp, frosty grayness. Yet the Warder still did not slacken his stallion’s dead run. Side by side, Lan and Moiraine led the way through the fog as if they could see clearly what lay ahead. The rest could only trust and follow. And hope.
I wonder how this is working exactly. Can they still see what's ahead of them? That's not really how these sorts of things work in the series as a whole; Moiraine's weave here has to be a real fog and not just an illusion that somehow effects Shadowspawn she can't even se. The bond doesn't provide any sensory bonuses that I can recall either, so that's out.
Early book weirdness I guess!
One and all, Taren Ferry folk had a reputation for slyness and trickery. If you shook hands with a Taren Ferry man, people said, you counted your fingers afterwards.
Who doesn't have a reputation for trickery in this world? Everyone is trying to screw over everyone else, from Shara to Seanchan, and not by way of the Morenal Ocean. Y'all are suspicious mofos who don't talk to anyone.
“Master Hightower,” Lan said. “Just the man I need. We want to cross over on your ferry.”
Oh, and on the Lord of the Rings rip-off front, this whole sequence is an echo of the Buckleberry Ferry bit, though quite a few things make this rather different in the end.
Gold glinted in the lamplight as the Warder counted out coins one by one into the other’s palm. Hightower licked his lips as the coins clinked, and by inches his head moved closer to his hand, as if he could not believe what he was seeing.
This bit of bribery seems rather less generous when you consider what's going to happen to the ferry next chapter. It's really just preemptive damages. But that's next chapter, and just because we're at the end of this one is no reason to get into the next one. That can wait for tomorrow. See you then! :)
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Thank you for answering my question. Both Murphy and Daryl are of course Norman, but their coloring is a bit different as well as their hair length, muscle, and like you said, tattoos. Like Murphy is pale compared to Daryl who spent so much time outside (Though I'm sure that will change) and his hair is a little darker, etc. And you definitely do a great job at writing them as different men.
Hey again Anon!!
Thanks for the compliment!! I'm glad that my goal had been achieved. Just to add on additional differences that I made for the characters (both Daryl and Murphy amd possibly Connor and Murphy or just certain physical characteristics they have that they already had or I tweaked) if I haven't really mentioned yet:
Murphy's hair is a darker brown than Daryl's. Im having Daryl's hair color be in between shades with the MacManus brothers. I did this on purpose to, again, keep Murphy and Daryl separate characters. Connor's hair is more of an ash brown which kind've makes it look like a dark blonde in certain lighting. Daryl's is more of a chestnut color I think (that's a decent medium shade of brown, right? Might have to go back to my notes for that).
Norman's tattoos (the actor) had to he split between Daryl and Murphy to make them separate individuals as well as to avoid them basically being clones despite being different characters. I had Daryl keep most of Norman's tattoos with Murphy getting the Norman tattoo for him. I'm also thinking of other characters getting tattoos which is opening up a small headcannon that I like which is that one of the any odd jobs Daryl had when Merle wasn't around is that he used to be a tattoo artist. I even have a cute scene woth Daryl and Sean about tattoos in part 6 (season 3, though it's towards the end of the part). Daryl is also going to be the one who gets the skull tattoo that Norman got a few years ago to celebrate his involvement to Death Stranding
I also plan for all three of them to grow their hair out, but at different lengths and styles. @lilythemadqueen had a possible look for BDS3 Murphy since there have been rumors and rumors about a 3rd movie. It's Murphy with hair linger than what Daryl grew out and had for the last few seasons, but had the bangs pulled back into a bun (like what Jesus had in s9 I think). Connor's is kinda more viking looking I think. I need to go back and find the pic that I really liked to show it. He does like the undercut with long hair on the top of his head that can be pulled back into a short ponytail (like Sokka from ATLA). That's in much layer parts though, but I don't mind spoiling this for everyone 😉
I'm also thinking of possible crazy scars to give the ManManus brothers. Though, they have some pretty crazy ones from their days as the Saints. Like scars around Connor's wrists from when he was handcuffed around the toilet. Even OC has a couple scars on her arms from when she'd been grazed by stray bullets (both in BDS1 and BDS2). Along with the scars the two have from burning their wouldst closed after the shootout with Il Duce (Noah).
Basically, I'm really trying to keep tabs over their looks. From their hair to tattoos to scars. You wo t believe how many times I've had to go back to see how many tattoos I gave my OC (the answer: too damn many, but it's too late to change that lol).
Then, there's also trying to remember that every character has gone through some kind of trauma (I'm now realizing that my characters baseline is TRAUMA), so I'm trying to make sure to honor that and have them act in a way that they should and adapt around it to survive what they're going through (and maybe even one day learn to move past their trauma so it doesn't hinder them in the future (looking my OC for that (see s5 lol)).
Sorry 😅😅😅 I got so excited talking about this that I ended up rambling too much. Anyway, thanks again for your previous ask and thanks for the compliment. I really do hope you continue to enjoy reading my series as it progresses.
Feel free to reach out if you have anymore questions in the future (if they're spoiler-y questions, I'll probably have to be vague/cryptic, if only so I dk t give away all the fun details).
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