#age regression bsd
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woah tiny dazai for regressuary day 18 - idia
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goldetrash · 6 months
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Babyzai fanart from @play-rough's classification AU fic series
Lil guy has been living rent free in my head and I finally got the courage to actually draw him and fishy... Thinking of drawing more scenes from the fanfic keke
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ur-fav-is-agere · 9 days
Ranpo from Bungo Stray Dogs
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Is a kitten regressor!
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play-rough · 3 months
Happy Birthday Dazai 🥺🤧🩵
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I really wanted to have the next classification au finished by Dazai’s birthday, but it just didn’t happen rip
So here’s a chunk of chapter one under the readmore instead! Since it’s a wip, everything below is subject to change 🩵 tw for child abuse and s/h (i know it’s Dazai but it’s more directly referenced idk idk) also let me know if something is incomprehensible because now’s the time to fix it haha 🩵🩵
Thanks everyone for enjoying and encouraging my work 🩵 I hope we have all have a wonderful Dazai birthday celebration 🩵🎉
The first thing that Dazai hears is the sound of writing tools scratching against papers. Someone is at a desk working.
Dazai whines, tongue pressing against something rubber on the edge of his mouth. He recognizes his pacifier after a second, almost falling out. With a quick flick of his tongue, the soother is back in Dazai’s mouth, and he clamps his teeth around it to keep it in place.
The pen against the table paper is a nice soundtrack while Dazai sucks on his pacifier. He feels small, but also something else. More detached than he’s been before, but weirdly less panicked.
He’s not sure who’s writing at the desk, and logically he knows that if he’s resting on a couch, and there’s someone writing at a desk, he could be in Mori’s office.
For some reason, that’s not something that worries Dazai right now, and opening his sleepy eyes a bit to observe his surroundings proves him right. He is in an office, but the Port Mafia’s boss isn’t the one working quietly.
A familiar orange floods Dazai’s vision, and he doesn’t even have to focus and pay attention to know it’s Chuuya.
Dazai whimpers softly, and holds out grabby hands towards the direction of the sounds. The only thing Dazai hears is a soft sigh, but no chairs scraping against floors or footsteps towards a sad baby.
His arms start to get tired, and cold, so Dazai tucks them back against his side. He whines louder instead, hoping to snag Chuuya’s attention.
“Dazai,” Chuuya huffs. “I played with you all morning.”
Dazai bites his pacifier, and then he opens his eyes fully to look at Chuuya.
Chibi is hunched over a desk that’s piled several feet high with paperwork. Despite seeing this, Dazai can’t stop himself as he mewls out another whimper being his paci.
“Dazai.” Chuuya says sternly, and it causes any remaining sounds to die in his throat. “I’m busy. Can’t you go bother someone else?”
He can’t, Dazai only wants Chuuya. His mind is full of memories of being held and rocked to sleep. It makes Dazai wonder why he’s ever fought regressing so hard in the first place. Chuuya’s hands make him feel like jelly, and Dazai can’t help but melt and become putty in his grasp. It’s so nice, and Chuuya feels so warm and safe.
Dazai can’t help but let out another sad whine.
“Fuck, fine,” Chuuya grumbles out, and he couldn’t possibly sound less enthusiastic. Dazai is suddenly sitting in his lap in the blink of an eye, but there’s no back pats or rocking, to his disappointment. “Just stop crying, you’re giving me a headache.”
Dazai can’t stop, he just got started, and doesn’t Chuuya know how long his tantrums go on?
“Stop, I’m holding you aren’t I? Would you rather have a time out?”
That makes Dazai freeze in place, he hates timeouts. He’s suddenly overwhelmed with feelings of boredom and loneliness, so he bites down on his pacifier and grips Chuuya’s shirt, willing the crying to stop.
Dazai can’t, though, as hard as he tries the tears keep coming, and he can’t calm down. Especially not with Chuuya shouting every five seconds.
“Just stop, Dazai,” Chuuya snaps. “You’re being a nuisance!”
The harsh words sting, and also come with a sudden shove. Dazai tries to hang on to Chuuya, but the shirt slips from his grasp, and he falls off of his caretaker’s lap and into inky darkness.
The falling sensation seems to last forever, until Dazai finally opens his eyes with a frantic gasp. He can’t breathe for a good few moments, struggling for air as his stomach flips. It takes an embarrassing amount of time to put together that he’s had a nightmare.
Dazai lays on his bed for a long time, chest hiccupping and stuttering uncontrollably. He feels like crying, no doubt leftover feelings from his dream.
He breathes unsteadily, in and out around his pointer and index finger, nibbling softly at his nails. Dazai must have slipped his fingers into his mouth at some point during the nightmare.
At least, Dazai hoped it was during the nightmare, and he hadn’t slept with his fingers in his mouth all night. He was dreaming of sucking on a pacifier, and the shame he feels tells him that he’s probably been doing this for a while.
Indulging this isn’t going to get him anywhere, it’s his worst habit. While comforting temporarily, it ultimately just makes him feel closer to headspace. Counterproductive, Dazai doesn’t want to drop, so he needs to get his fingers out of his mouth.
Despite telling himself this, Dazai has to forcibly take his hand away, and he definitely feels the loss of comfort when an emptiness washes over him. Stupid. Dazai is so pathetic and stupid.
It’s morning, and his whole day is already ruined by a stupid dream. Dazai feels empty and clingy, a familiar feeling that makes him want attention.
Staring up at the rusty ceiling, his eyes follow a small leak. A drip of water falls a few inches from his head every few moments, and Dazai watches it like seconds ticking away on a clock.
This gets boring very quickly, and boredom only lets Dazai’s thoughts run wild. His nightmare is the only thing in the front of his mind.
You’re being a nuisance!
Dream Chuuya was right, of course. Dazai was a nuisance.
Even if in his dreams he doesn’t remember, Dazai knows why he has to fight it, why he can’t just let go and trust Chuuya will catch him every time he falls.
Chuuya’s not going to be around forever. Flashes of Dazai being shoved away, Chibi’s look of disgust as Dazai calls out for his attention. It reminded Dazai of the face Chuuya made when he bit Tsu. Chuuya is capable of disgust and rage and loathing and Dazai knows one day this softness will end. His partner will grow tired of how difficult he is. Everyone eventually figures out that Dazai isn’t worth the time, the effort, or the headaches.
Dazai rolls over in a huff, hoping to end this train of thought. Wallowing in self pity was another terrible quality of his.
When Dazai’s ear hits the mattress, an uncomfortable ache travels down the side of his face. The pain is a surprise, but it’s also incredibly fast, leaving almost as soon as it starts.
Once that’s over, Dazai still can’t get comfortable. His next distraction is a crawling feeling across his skin. It’s not the worst pain he’s ever felt, but it’s enough to make him forget about his ear for now.
Dazai is no stranger to feeling uncomfortable in his skin, and usually the bandages help. Dazai’s arms are a mess, nights spent doing things he doesn’t want to think about and then weeks following picking things back open whenever he gets nervous. The soft bandages at least keep the sensitive injured skin from rubbing against clothing.
But today, it feels like electricity is sparking up and down every inch of himself, and the bandages itch horribly. Dazai runs a palm up and down his forearm roughly, and it helps the icky feeling for a moment.
Just a moment, though. The second Dazai stops scratching it comes back, maybe even worse than before with the added irritation from disturbing injuries under the bandages.
Everything is uncomfortable this morning. Even the bits of sunlight peeking through cracks in his crate, shining and hitting his eyes. Dazai squints and whines, rubbing his eyes, and then scratching at his other arm.
These bandages are a few days old. Chuuya is always harping on him to change them, and Dazai does. But he’s also thrifty, and a recycler, so there’s a lot of flipping and rewrapping going on. He probably just needs to rewrap his arms and change into something fresh.
Changing his bandages isn’t as easy as it sounds, though. For one thing, Dazai is pretty sure he’s out, so he’s got to get more from the store. Before he can even get to the store, he’s got to get up and get out of bed. Getting out of bed seems impossible. It’s cold.
Really he should just be glad that he doesn’t have to drag himself to the Port Mafia today. He should have been able to lounge in bed all day, recover from a restless night of tossing and turning through nightmares. It’s just his luck that a day when he should be free to lay in bed all day is halted by a need for something stupid like bandages. This is another problem that Dazai has created all by himself, he can’t stop fucking things up, and he can’t avoid punishment, but he’s not responsible enough to keep some stupid bandages around.
Dazai really isn’t good for anything, a barely functioning burden on everyone. He’s a nuisance.
It’s that hatred burning in his tummy that finally gets him to throw the blanket off of himself in a sudden motion, letting it slump onto the floor. From there, a full body shiver sparks up and down his thin form, and it’s a good thing he’s alone. His body lets out a pathetic whimper, and that’s the cherry on top of Dazai’s motivation-cake to get moving. The sooner he gets his bandages, the sooner he can lay down again.
Dazai considers changing his clothes before heading out, last night ended with him falling asleep in his dress pants and white button up again. But, a new set of clothes would be cold, his body heat has made these ones just barely tolerable. It seems pointless when Dazai already had his shoes on, it’s easier just to throw Mori’s coat over his shoulders and leave.
At least if Dazai is walking, he’ll be warmer.
Dazai’s container is out of the way of pretty much everything. This is of course, by design. If Dazai wanted to be within easy access, he’d just live in the Port Mafia dorms. Or better yet, sleep under Mori’s desk, so the boss could use him as a footrest.
No, the shipping container is safe and hidden in plain sight. Surrounded by hundreds of others that look just like it, miles and miles from the Port Mafia.
Also several miles from the nearest drug store.
Actually, there’s one about a mile away from the shipping yard, but if Dazai is spotted there enough, you could theorize that he lives in that surrounding area. That was far too close for Dazai’s comfort, he always tried to avoid the stores that would be considered in his ‘neighborhood.’
He started today off terribly, letting himself be bothered by a stupid nightmare. Dazai should have never left his bed, and this is evident on the walk to the store. Every step makes Dazai’s skin hurt even worse, the cold biting and the textures of his clothes chafing.
Scratching is really all he can do, even if the relief is quickly fleeting. Dazai isn’t sure how long he has to walk, but his joints feel sore. The air is dry, and it makes him realize that at some point his sinuses have begun to hurt. Dazai swallows, feeling his ears pop.
That’s how Dazai continues on all the way to a drug store about a half a mile from the Port Mafia. Swallowing and scratching, willing all these uncomfortable feelings to go away. Dazai brings a hand up to tug on one of his ears as he enters through the automatic doors, hopefully the swap from outside dry air to inside artificial air will help.
Tugging on his ear certainly doesn’t, and Dazai winces at another uncomfortable pop that makes his jaw ache, and goes back to scratching his forearms instead.
The store was big, and there was no large blinking arrow directing Dazai to the bandages. Frankly stupid design choice, and Dazai suddenly remembers his hatred for being out in public.
A store clerk looks like she’s about to acknowledge Dazai, perceiving him even, and he makes a beeline for the back isles. If he walks with purpose, she will assume he doesn’t need help.
Dazai may need help though, because by some miracle he’s found the medical section, with every kind of dressings and ointment except for his. Only the sticky bandages seem to be sold at this drug store.
He searches through surrounding isles, and he’s starting to get a bit frustrated. An ugly feeling sparks in his chest and makes his stomach churn, his face is starting to feel hot and he wants to stomp his foot when something catches Dazai’s attention instead. It’s a colorful display of pastels out of the corner of his eye.
Dazai came here for a reason. He needs bandages. But he’s only been awake for a few hours and today is already so hard, so Dazai’s discipline and focus maybe isn’t the best right now.
There’s a display of baby blankets at the end of one of the isles. Dazai is frozen in place, staring at them. For a moment, it feels like the world stops, until his arm starts itching again.
That’s right. Bandages.
Dazai can feel his cheeks flushing as he stares at the blankies, a different uncomfortable warmth that makes him squirm in shame instead of wanting to throw a fit. He needs to keep looking for bandages, he’s not here to waste time, but he can’t turn his attention away.
He can’t stop himself, his body moves on its own as he takes a few steps towards the display. The blankets look soft. There’s all kinds of colors, but right in front of Dazai is a pastel pink.
Dazai does not have a favorite color. Sometimes if he’s given choices between objects, he goes for a blue, like Chuuya’s eyes. Or, since he really can’t be bothered, he chooses whichever item is closer.
Dazai has never really had the opportunity to choose a pastel pink, and now it’s also the closest one right in front of him. The color was… sweet. It made Dazai think of starfish, and strawberries, and other things that make him feel mushy inside.
Before he knows it, Dazai has spent who knows how long trembling in front of the blankets, like a starving animal looking at food in an obvious trap. Dazai can feel how hot his face is, and he knows he must be beet red. He needs to leave, Dazai has no business standing here in front of a blankie display, but his feet are glued into place.
Dazai isn’t sure what he should be more ashamed over, the fact that he’s wasted so much time fawning over a stupid object, or the fact that the object in question was a pink blanket.
It almost makes him want to throw up thinking about it. It looked like something Mori would get for Elise, a frivolous waste. Dazai was better than that, he didn’t need anything like blankets and toys.
Fishie didn’t count.
He doesn’t dare to reach out and touch the item. If he did, Dazai knew it would all be over. It’s tempting just to flip it over, and view the price, but he knows better.
How expensive could a piece of fabric even be? It’s not like Dazai doesn’t have the money. And blankets are a normal thing to own, not just for babies.
Chuuya owns blankets. Lots of them. Dazai has one blanket, and it’s pretty threadbare, so one could even argue that he was just getting some home necessities. That’s not a crime.
Dazai entertains this idea for half a second, but it’s quickly tossed aside. A small baby blanket isn’t going to make a difference on the cold windy nights. There’s no point.
Besides, this thing was so pathetic, and if Dazai wants to be seen as an adult, he needs to act like one. If Chuuya found out he bought a blankie, Dazai would never hear the end of it.
Of course, he could always keep it hidden under his mattress. The Slug would never know, and then Dazai would have something to cuddle at night in his container.
Dazai’s stomach flips, realizing where his thoughts had gone. Not okay. He quickly pinches himself, up near his inner elbow, for some kind of negative reinforcement. Punishment is the only way he learns.
Dazai doesn’t need something to cuddle at night, just like he doesn’t need to suck on his fingers, and he doesn’t need to regress.
Not to mention that if someone saw him, word would get back to the boss so fast. He could always say it was a gift for Elise, but then Dazai would have to give her his blankie. It’s an unfortunate series of events that makes him feel nauseous just thinking about it.
Dazai’s arms start itching again, and he doesn’t hesitate to scratch them. His joints have started to hurt again too, but he’s probably just tired from another restless night, and walking a few miles to the store didn’t help.
His nails rake up and down his arm, and then Dazai swaps hands after a moment. His cuts are starting to burn, and it makes Dazai want to itch them even more, but with every scratch it just gets worse and worse and worse.
He needs to stop. Something is gonna open up, and then Dazai is going to start bleeding. He’s going to have to deal with the eyes on him as he buys new bandages while actively spotting through his current ones.
If he gets blood on the blanket, he’ll have to buy it.
Dazai can’t entertain that string of thoughts for too long, because his phone suddenly goes off in his pocket. He answers quickly, in case it’s Mori, but the butterflies in his chest tell him it’s Chuuya.
I’m making a new pasta sauce recipe, if you want to try it.
Dazai has never been more thankful for Chuuya’s incredible timing (not even when Slug has shielded him from stray bullets). He’s invited over.
He doesn’t need an invitation, Dazai can do anything he wants, including showing up at Chuuya’s house unannounced. But the fact that he’s got a reminder that Chuuya doesn’t actually hate having him around temporarily makes him forget about his itchy skin and pressured sinuses.
This shopping trip has been a complete disaster, and Dazai hasn’t even figured out where his bandages of choice are kept in this stupid store. He couldn’t get past the stupid fucking blankets.
Without thinking about it, Dazai shoves his hands into his pocket, and marches out. Deep down, he feared that if he hadn’t left at that moment, Dazai would be walking to Chuuya’s house with a blanket tucked in his arms.
Instead, it’s better to pretend that Dazai’s trip to the drug store never happened. Chuuya has bandages he can steal, and Dazai does not need a blankie under any circumstances.
When Dazai slips into the apartment, he can immediately tell Chuuya is in the kitchen. Chuuya isn’t quiet when he cooks, he bangs pots and pans around and laughs and swears. It’s easy to sneak up on Chibi standing by his stove, stirring something in a pot.
Dazai wants to tease, or make some kind of joke about if Chuuya could even see over the stove, but it dies on his tongue as he watches his partner cook for a few seconds. Chibi looks horribly domestic, stirring the pot and tapping his foot while humming a song Dazai doesn’t recognize.
It suddenly hits Dazai again that all of this is fleeting, and the joke dies on his tongue.
At this moment, Dazai doesn’t want to ruin this, like he’s ruined so many things before. He’s feeling weirdly clingy, and he knows indulging this is a mistake, but right now the attention Dazai is vying for isn’t negative. Most of the time, anything will do. Dazai will take scraps and crumbs of whatever Chibi will throw at him until he’s kicked out.
Today, Dazai doesn’t want to be kicked out. His box is cold, he’s out of bandages, and his skin hurts. Dazai just wants to sit on Chuuya’s couch and enjoy the warmth of a blanket that he doesn't have to have a crisis over.
Dazai just watches, until eventually Chuuya looks back over his shoulder.
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d34d-ch4nn · 2 months
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Favorite character stimboard with ferret and possum stims for me
(Credits to gif makers<3)
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etrevil · 1 year
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dazai being dazai, an insufferable bastard, and sigma being done with his bs /// “Isn’t it more fun to have someone show surprise and awe over my actions?”
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collecting-rocks · 5 days
Some BSD Wan! Paci edits!
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♡ please like & reblog if you use/enjoy! ♡
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cub-den · 4 months
Bsd characters that I think canonically age regress
Whether or not it's done on purpose, there's a few bsd characters that have scenes that could fit with them being age regressors!
1) Ranpo
The most obvious age regressor. He's the oldest ADA member (after Fukuzawa) but still indulges in childish things and has tantrums sometimes.
And even when he was 14 he started regressing when he finally had a guardian, like asking Fukuzawa to pick him up and expecting treats from him.
Even at 14, Fukuzawa took care of Ranpo more like he was a young child.
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2) Chuuya
I'll never be convinced that Chuuya doesn't age regress and this Wan chapter plays a big part in that. I know wan isn't technically canon but I find it more fun to see it as semi- canon at least.
- Loses an important (/comfort) item
- spaces out and asks for his mother
- cries and has a temper tantrum on the floor
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3) Lucy
Fitzgerald is of course a girldad and let's Lucy indulge like the little princess she is.
She's allowed to bring as many dolls and plush toys as she wants!
She names all her dolls and even brings the adults into her game by giving them doll names.
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Also there's the older Guild members parenting Lucy, with Fitzgerald listening to her ramble about her ideas and the other man having to be the strict parent and tell her to tidy up her toys.
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Honestly I can see most of the bsd cast being age regressors! But these three stand out to me because they have actual scenes that could show them as age regressors.
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mydearestdrabbles · 1 year
bring your stuffies and your smiles to work
a cglre story | bsd | cg + reader | doppo kunikida | pet names | co-working
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doppo kunikida may be known as an idealist, short-tempered, by-the-book kind of guy but to you,, to you he was doppo, he was papa, he was home.
on this particularly grey yokohama weekday you found yourself in a place too big in a mindset far too small… so as you clung to every last ounce of your big headspace you navigated yourself straight towards the agency building.
the door opened louder then you’d liked and you’d managed to depart with your big headspace as soon as you saw him your partner,, your caregiver as he looked away from his work and towards the door.
it took everything in you not to run towards his desk, but that didn’t stop you from keeping up with a little skip- finally arriving at his desk you couldn’t help but fidget, almost forgetting to flash the signal you’d both agreed upon to signify you’d regressed.
kunikida’s gaze softened as he saw you, paying close a mind to your hands waiting patiently for the signal- upon its display he made eye contact with you saying
“hi my sweet thing, i’m so happy to see you!” he said softly using one of your pet names he knew would help you slip. “can you tell papa what brings you here angel?”
you shook your head, face getting hot and tears threatening to trickle within the second- but before they could doppo was scribbling something in his notebook and showing it to you.
it was a pacifier, the same ruby red as his ribbon.
graciously you accepted it, the comfort of the object subsiding the overwhelm that had come from his question.
doppo glanced between you and his desk when he proposed another question, this time even softer and gentle than the last.
“did you bring any of your little things with you love?” he asked as he began opening one of the drawers in his desk.
you shook your head, when you’d left for the agency it was too much to grab anything more then your headphones and stuffie, you showed him the items that had been tucked beneath your arm as his desk drawer revealed that would be more than enough.
a series of small fidgets, art supplies, picture and coloring books were all neatly organized with handwritten labels relating to their purpose or the people in the agency whom certain items belonged.
doppo gestured toward the drawer saying patiently “why don’t you pick out a thing or two to keep you busy while papa finishes up his paperwork,, does that sound alright love?”
you nod, though it’s not his undivided attention you’ll still be in his company, and it’s hard to resist a good coloring session.
doppo smiles as you walk to the other side of his desk and take a seat, carefully laying out the various items you’ll be using for todays masterpiece as your caregiver returns to work.
time passes quickly with periodic check-ins and doppo’s occasional “you’re doing such a good job little one!” and “i’m so proud of you angel” easing you through headspace.
before you know it doppo has shut his computer and is stretching his hand towards you. the sun making the agency floor almost glow- the two of you are the only ones still working.
“thank you love for waiting for me” he began “i know it took a while and you were so well behaved for me… shall we go home little one? i think there are some warm blankets waiting for us.”
and with that, you took his hand and began for the exit smiling behind the pacifier he’d gifted you- today was a good day.
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yourlocalmoon · 8 months
Caregiver Dazai hcs
Warnings: None! (Surprising considering its Dazai right?)
Notes: I ACCIDENTLY POSTED THIS WHEN I HADN'T FINISHED IT YET :( anyway, I don't understand bsd characterization yet.. So if Dazai seems reallyy ooc I'm sorry :[ This is centered around reader or you~ But if you want him for actual characters feel free to send an ask and request :D
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- Dazai is a very excited caregiver, he likes taking care of you and he isn't afraid to show it! He's very affectionate- Hand holding, kissing your forehead, holding you close. Lots of hugs!! And I mean lots.
- But Dazai is also secretly, very overprotective. He keeps you safe in ways you wouldn't notice unless you looked closely, but you are much too small for that !! So let Dazai cuddle you instead of walking near that alleyway- "Oh- Nope! No going over there~ It's cuddle time!!"
- Speaking of him being secretly overprotective, he's so silly that you won't notice him glaring at anybody who comes a bit too close for his liking!! If he even hears of port mafia members walking near the place you two are headed (because he obviously can sense Chuuya coming a mile away) he will switch walking routes instead of doing his thing where he purposefully walks down that road.
- He will probably baby you even when you're big, which means it's impossible to ignore your regression with him.. And you better not try. You're too busy? Not anymore!! You wanna focus on a project? Uh.. Nope!~ You can't regress? That's alright! Just let him wrap you in a blanket, give you a paci and watch your favorite cartoons together.
- Dazai uses you as an excuse alot to get out of doing paperwork- Kunikida is yelling at him and Dazai is just pouting, "My baby needs me! I can't stay here when my precious baby needs help-" and the thing you need help with is changing your cartoons, somehow it takes three hours before Dazai comes back to do paperwork.. But oh! Atsushi finished it already sooo-
- Dazai coos at you. Constantly. 24/7. You will literally breathe and Dazai is dying from how adorable you are, People know to avoid the room where you can hear the high pitched- "Awh you are such a cutie!!!- oh you need help? Ofcourse- AWHHH~~~"
- In the agency, no one cares you regress. However.. Kunikida IS TIRED OF DAZAI AVOIDING HIS PAPERWORK. So after a bit, they build you a little area near Dazai's desk where you can play.. Now he can't LEAVE. BECAUSE YOU ARE HERE- *Ahem.* anyway.
- But!. If you don't want others to know you age regress, or more specifically the agency- Then Dazai will keep it a secret! He's good at excuses, and very good at knowing when you are regressed or slightly drifting near your headspace. So if you guys are in a important meeting but you're starting to regress, Dazai literally does not care. Man will just pick you up and go "Okay cool, we are gonna leave now :D" just up and leaves with you in his arms.
- Dazai doesn't seem like much of a cook, and he isn't, but he can make the basics. You know those mom's who cut their children's lunch into shapes? Dazai does that. If you are older when regressed, he will make your food into funny shapes and HE LOVES IT. You caused him to start following millions of mom's just so he can keep getting new shapes and ideas.
- Dazai is SO into doing funny voices when you two play together, just hand him a stuffie you want him to play and he's already going into a voice and acting out things.. No matter how dramatic. And no, he isn't embarrassed about getting caught. He'll just drag whoever caught you two into it, so congrats! You'll have another playing buddy!
- If you prefer coloring, he's happy to color right with you! He started using the agency's printer to print out coloring sheets for you, (It also gets on Kunikida's nerves, I mean he loves you too! Thinks you are adorable, but seriously- please Dazai the printer is for agency matters-) and will happily buy you whatever materials you need.. Including finger paint. He's so supportive when you're messy. "All the great artists have caused messes!!" He reassures you.
- But if you are a smaller regressor, or maybe a more calm/sleepy one, he's good at being just quiet enough but still excited enough. If you are tired, he'll carry you. It's comforting to have you rest your head against his chest while he walks around, it's nice to know you are close.
- It's even cuter if when tired, you talk or do sleepy babbles because Dazai literally just nods quietly and goes "Mhmm... Oh really? Wow!" He's trying to stay as quiet as he can, but internally he's cooing :( look at his sweet baby, so sleepy.
- Dazai loves being called 'Dada', I mean, he loves whatever his baby will call him but dada makes him feel all warm inside because yes!!! He is your dada!! It makes him feel even more happy about being able to take care of you.
- Calls you 'His little star' or the most common 'his baby', Usually adds 'his' instead of just baby. A bit possessive, but he adores you too much for someone else to take care of you. "My little star, how about we cuddle and go to sleep together hm? Dada is so tiredd~"
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zerooup · 9 months
Hi hello!
I wrote a thing! Little!aku with main cg!chuuya, and cg!dazai is there too
woe; baby be upon ye
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littleprincerianne · 2 months
Hello!! Your moodboards are so cute ^^
Could you maybe do an agere one of Dazai from Bungo Stray Dogs if you haven't already? /nf
Thank you, and no worries if not!!
hai ! i'M BACK FROM THE HIATUS TRENCHES ヘ⁠(⁠ ̄⁠ω⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠)
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ur-fav-is-agere · 9 days
Dazai from Bungo Stray Dogs
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Is a kitten regressor!
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baby-kitty · 20 days
Young Ranpo (BSD) agere stimboard ^^!
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I know there is a criminal lack (by lack I mean none) of sweets in this but I wanted to focus on something other than those with this because of course Ranpo likes sweets ^^!
All images from Pinterest!
Requests are open!
Agere headcanons about him under the cut!
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I think he'd also regress quite little, not as little as Atsushi but little nonetheless. 4-6 maybe.
Despite what I see other people say, I think he'd be shy about his regression. As someone who's always been the "mature beyond their years" type I definitely find it a little embarrassing sometimes even though it shouldn't be. Kind of like "I shouldn't feel this way".
Fukuzawa would definitely be his caregiver, no questions about that. And probably the only one he'd really want to regress around.
If he ends up slipping and Fukuzawa isn't around though, he goes to Yosano and then Dazai in that order. And if those two aren't around and he's feeling brave he'll head over to Kunikida. He told Yosano at some point and she had already kind of puzzled him out, and Dazai had taken one look at him one of the afternoons he wasn't masking well and thought, "yep, he's like me". (I hc Dazai as a regressor as well, though I think he could also take on a caregiver role semi-easily if in the right headspace). With Kunikida, Ranpo had figured out that he wouldn't mind at all if he asked him for help, he just prefers to go to the other two first.
I think he'd enjoy kid's mystery novels when little, (like for kids 8-10) , and writes his deductions for them out in a little notebook with crayon. Never wrong in his predictions. Also enjoys puzzles! Solves them quite quick, likes small ones (like 500 pieces).
I think he'd also enjoy colourful baths, lots of toys, bubbles, bath bombs, etc. totally loves them.
Also aquariums! Take him to an aquarium regressed or not and you'll be his favourite person forever (exaggeration).
Extra sensitive to sensory input when little. Especially noise. One "shrieking" noise and it's crying time.
Of course he still loves sweets. Maybe even more. Doesn't want to eat anything but them. Whoever his caregiver is would have to goad him into eating something healthy with the promise of a small sweet afterward. Grilled cheese sandwiches often go over well without any bribery needed though.
Actually pretty low needs when little! Would prefer to have all your attention forever, yes, but is mostly content to sit and read or do puzzles.
Thank you for reading all this! I could just keep going on and on... I am him...
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d34d-ch4nn · 27 days
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Fyolai stimboard
(Credit to all gif makers<3)
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puppy-clownery · 6 months
this is me btw, if you even care /jref
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