#ageist bs
bihansthot · 1 year
The western VKei fandom pisses me off. Some chick on TikTok thinks she just discovered Madeth Gray’ll and talks about how great they are. Me, an actual fan of Madeth Gray’ll from when they were active commenting about how great they were. Them giving me 😰😰😰 emojis for being old enough to have been a fan of theirs while they were active. Sorry sweetheart Vkei is not just for “edgy” Gen Z, Alpha whatever the fuck you are us Millennials and Gen Xers crawled with our bands in the 90s and 00s so you could fly with them. Fuck off with that ageist BS, Vkei is for everyone.
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gojoest · 2 months
Ai the amount of brainless ageists on this app is scary!!!
ESPECIALLY with some of them being minors 💀😭
This is exactly why I didn’t put my exact age in my bio so the age police doesn’t come and cuff me for being “too old”
Might as well send me to a retirement home for a jail 🥲
ageists are miserable ppl in general but yeah, it is scary how stupid they can get sometimes …. my inbox is usually pretty tame and hate free but every now and then someone pops up to spoil my mood but this attempt to hate on me bc i am 30 and i talk about childhood friends to lovers trope was beyond ridiculous ngl 😭 they sent another one, more personal yet still bs level type, but i chose to silence them with a block bc why bother …. and, i’ve never hidden my age, i casually mention it every now and then and i’ve never had any issues with my followers regarding that up until now. maybe i should write a retirement home fic with satoru bc that suits my age now ☹️ i’ll make it super cute ☹️
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fancylala4 · 1 year
I so sick of tangled fans acting like Disney doesn't care about this movie or that it’s underrated!  It was everywhere when it came out, and Disney still strove it down our throats.  Why is it I have still seen more things that have Rapunzel on it than I do of Moana.  Despite the latter being the more popular of the two and being more iconic.  Why is it Tangled got a bathroom at Disney World and a TV show way before PATF got anything?   Just because it’s not as popular as frozen doesn't mean that Disney doesn't care about this movie.  It cares more about this movie than it does about the movies starring characters of color! Whether if their movies are popular or not
Another things fans lie about is that the movie wasn’t made for mainstream audiences.  That’s BS, that movie tried so hard to be marketable.  The Shrek like jokes, the sexist reason for changing the name, and the movie being super safe.  How can fans say this when Rapunzel wears that ugly bootleg barbie as Rapunzel dress though out the movie?  That was obviously created to sell to little girls!  Not to mention, this movie copy scenes and characters from other popular Disney films. Rapunzel is basically Ariel if she was bland, The boat scene is just kiss the girl if it was poorly written and the scene was boring. Also, the abusive relationship in the movie is ripped from HBOND if it was played off for laughs and the villain sucked. They even ripped off movies from other animation studios for this movie. Flynn is basically a DreamWorks character if they were poorly written. The horse is ripped from the El Dorado movie. The lost princess plot point is ripped from Barbie as Rapunzel and Anastasia. Hell, This movie even ripped off other Rapunzel adaptations! This was all an attempt to make tangled more appealing to the general audience! This movie had no risks and was super safe. I would make the argument that frozen was less safe and took a risk.  What’s more risky for Disney?  A movie about two sisters with a handsome prince as villain, or a creepy age gap romance movie with a sexist and ageist villain? It’s annoying how the tangled fans act like this when Disney gives them more content for this trash ass movie than any other good movie. And for what? This movie sucks!
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introvertedlass · 2 years
For those dragging us older gals (I'm 40), you do realize that someday you will be our age? My hope for you is that don't have to deal with the ageist shit that we get thrown our way on a daily basis.
For the record, I'm loving being my age. My tolerance for BS is extremely freeing.
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victoriadallonfan · 1 year
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YOU DID THIS @ragingcitrustree
Ben Shapiro: I could not be more excited to speak with Max Anders—well, as Max knows. Before the show, we talked for an hour about interesting things. We should have caught that on tape. But now we’re actually going to get the chance to do it live. Max new book, if you haven’t bought it yet—everybody on the planet has bought this book. I was walking through the office today; we didn’t have a copy in the office; the person at the front desk had a copy of your book just sitting on her desk. 14 Words: How To Strengthen and Empower Our Country’s Blood and Soil . A fantastic book, obviously topping all the bestseller lists, all over the world. Max, thanks so much for joining the show. I really appreciate it.
CEO of Medhall, Max Anders: Thanks for the invitation.
BS: Obviously your prominence has just blown up in the last year and a half. We were talking before the show about why that is and why there are so many people suddenly very angry about you. I noticed there was an article in the Brockton Bay Gazette suggesting that young, angry white males—you are now their leader. So congratulations.
MA: Oh, yes.
BS: I wanted to ask about that: why do you think that, number one, your profile’s become so big of late? And number two, why do you think it is that so many members of the left are so angry about that? Why are they characterizing people who listen to you as "angry" and "enraged young white men"?
MA: Well, we can look at the characterization to begin with. I think it speaks to the pathology of the radical left, instantly. They’re absolutely incapable of viewing the world except through group identity terms. If someone comes out and disagrees with them, then they have to characterize them by their fundamental group attribute, whatever that happens to be. Maybe it’s gender, because that’s a favourite, or maybe it’s race. So "angry young white man"—there we go: sexist, ageist, and racist all at once. They’re angry, young, white, men. Well, it has to be that way, if you’re going to play the leftist game, like New Wave does, because that’s the only way that you can look at the world. It’s strange that they would attempt to make them reprehensible on the grounds of race, age, and sex, since that’s precisely what they stand against, hypothetically. But if you can’t make your enemy reprehensible along some dimension, then you have to contend with them seriously. And so if I’m not an alt-right fascist like Hitler or supposedly Allfather, which was how I was characterized in Canada—because the radical leftists can’t even get their bloody interests straight: "he’s like Hitler or Allfather." There’s no obvious difference between them, right? It’s just another attempt to pillory, as far as I can tell. I think that it’s dreadful. I really think it is.
There was an article written by, I believe, The New York Review of Books, which was just republished in The Globe and Mail, talking about the emergence of hyper-masculinity, and how I was somehow responsible for that or contributing to it, like Mussolini or Crowley Brothers. I read that and I thought, "ok, so what are you doing? I see: you’re conflating masculinity and hyper-masculinity at the same time. Then you’re virtue signally by being against hyper-masculinity. But really, what you’re trying to do is bring down whatever it is that’s masculinity. And what masculinity is, in this frame, is something like competence." And so it’s part of the radical leftists’ general war on competence as well, which I think is one of the most pernicious elements of the culture wars—the dissolution of hierarchies; the assuming that every hierarchy has to be based on power and serve the needs of your group, whatever that happens to be; that there’s no such thing as competence. And then the other thing that’s reprehensible about it—because that’s not enough—is that it’s just wrong.
So I was in L.A. about a month and a half ago. I was downtown L.A, and downtown L.A. is kind of rough, because you know what hero runs that city. I was wandering around with my wife, and this young guy pulled a car up beside me and hopped out. He was kind of a stylish looking twenty-one-year-old Latino guy. No Alexandria shirt but even then I was like, “oh no, here comes trouble”. But he was all excited. He asked me who I was, and I told him. That’s what he had presumed, so he was kind of excited about that.
He said, "I’ve watched all your lectures, and it’s really helped me. I’ve been straightening out my life and trying to get my room clean"—he laughed about that—"developing some aims and trying to tell the truth. I’ve really fixed up my relationship with my father." Then he said, "wait, wait. Just wait a minute." I thought, "sure." So he went back in the car, and he got his father out of his car, and he came over with his dad. They had their arms around each other. He said, "look, we’ve really improved our relationship," and they’re both smiling away. That’s… Man, if you’re going to target me for that, just go right ahead.
BS: Yeah. It sounds real "white supremacist."
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cloudsofbespin · 2 years
not people talking ageist bs about a canon couple where one half of said couple is literally several hundred years old be serious now
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xitty · 8 months
Ain't it fun when people are ageist to both older Enstars seiyuu and players? 🙃 How do these people think the world works?
Do they seriously think that gacha games would survive if only teens played them?
Another thing I find weird is how teens are saying adults shouldn't play this or that or be in fandoms... do they expect themselves to drop their interests too? Or never get excited about things after certain age? You'd think it'd be other way round these days: young people see more and more adults of different ages being into games and animanga and comics etc., so why don't they think that's them in the future?
I look at someone like Britta (Food4Dogs) and am like, that's so cool, I'm gonna love my anime girls and boys and others at her age too.
I'm always open about my likes and I wish younger people thought something similar when they see me. That they don't need to ever stop liking what they like.
And for that other matter, stop your bs about Midorikawa, Toriumi and Suwabe and others. (tbh, there were cool comments too)
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hellshee · 2 years
that anon is totally off lol I mean there are unhinged people from every section but people who enjoy alysmond like their potential and what they could be and are constantly getting private quote tweeted on twitter for no reason. most of them literally stay in their lane and tons of people who want helaemond are annoyed that alys is a character who is his canon love interest. there’s literally nothing that ties daemyra and them together 💀 she didn’t know him as a kid and there’s also a big likelihood they’ll be casting a younger actress since her age is debated due to the youthfulness she had (which is why people speculated she practiced witchcraft).
disagree. i am on hotd twitter and have been bullied by alysm*nds for no reason. a lot of people in hotd fandom who didn't even read the books didn't know who she was until alysm*nds started making some lame tweets about how "those people's ship will crumble when alys comes on". they're the most antagonistic part of green twt and the green fandom in general so i will have to disagree.
and there is. huge age difference (it's very funny to me that from what i witnessed the alys takes went from "yess give me 40 year old sexy milf" to "i'm sure they'll cast someone young, the maesters were misogynstic"), there is reason to interpret their book relationship as non con to a degree (towards alys), alys stans use the "you're a misogynst if you don't like this character" just as rhaenyra stans do, and not that i disagree but throwing around "aemond is 19 when they meet" sounds exactly like da*myra discourse.
i'm sorry but when it comes to this, the discourse is unhinged. funniest but also most disgusting insult i got was from an alys stan tweeting to their mutual saying i'm being a misogynst ageist towards alys and in the same breath calling me a 30 year old hag who should get a job.
i've been called a number of names and for a while i really did try to scroll past the "not these freaks not shipping aemond with his wife tweets" and "see y'all freaks when alys comes on and your ship crumbles" and "can helaena manic pixie girl dies faster so they stop projecting on her" tweets but i'm also really tired of letting this bs fly.
not to mention the amount of greenies who use "you're secretly team black" and "you're just a da*myra stan undercover" on people who enjoy helaemond.
so no, i do not think they are the victims and i do think they started the discourse around it and until they're not gonna keep each other in check about taunting everyone else, the discourse will never end.
not interested to discuss this further tho! so if you disagree we will have to agree to disagree!
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catgoesboom · 1 year
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Thank you weird anon who were grasping at straws to emotionally attack me through my art, and in the process showing you didn't know shit about my art, are weirdly ageist and also probably very frustrated with your own art. I know it seems like bullshit but your "you only make art palatable to people and has the same skill of a highschooler" hate actually pulled me out of an artblock I was right about to have and made me appreciate my art and process more. Not to prove you're wrong even though you are, mind you, if you're still sticking around to hate-watch me, that says more about you than me, but because in that hate, you said my art had no soul, and instead of getting butthurt, I decided to take it at face value and reanalyse it, both my current art and my art back when other people tried to say the same shit in the past, and despite me still not agreeing with your loaded words, it gave me a new sense of pride in my work. Cause I'm not stupid, my skills greatly evolved from back then to now (not all of what's in here is the full scope of my skills as an artist) and it makes me glad I didn't heard those people back in the day bashing my art and telling me to quit, the same way I'm not letting your projection triggered by me criticizing your pet artist stop me from doing what I love. I'm mostly writting this as a testimony for other people who bash themselves for "not having the same artistic skill of other people their age" cause not only that is bullshit, is a very harmful mindset, each artist journey is very VERY different and a lot of of external things affect it some of them capitalism, and also those who get anon hate like this. Your art is good for the person you are now and if you keep going, with time you'll get to where you want to be, whoever says otherwise is probably having their own personal problems going on and doesn't know how to process that without aiming it at other people. Recently a popular figure in my country passed away due to old age, and in the process of learning their history I learned they only began doing their profession in their 60s! They weren't THE BEST, but they were proud in what they did and that kinda said to me that there's always enough time and to always love what you do, cause then others will follow. So thank you. And hey, maybe next time someone else tries to pull the same bs, I'll be good enough for them to call my art "freshmen art student"! :)
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personally, i've never had any strong feelings about who should play diana (other than not gadot, obv) but i've always felt they missed an opportunity not casting gina torres to play hippolyta!!
See but that's the thing my ideal pick for wonder woman was Gina Torres. And like now they want to go even younger than gal which is really messed up ageist bs.
mod ali
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rivertalesien · 1 year
Crappy Political Prediction:
I don't think Trump will be president again. I don't know if he'll end up in prison before the election or after, or at all, but I don't think a second term is in his future. I think the GOP is going to pivot to maintain power *and* calm some of the extremist shit around them (while not actually doing anything). Business is business and it's not hard to see with the number of strikes going on, that there's a massive mood shift away from far-right politics in this country. In spite all of their gerrymandering propaganda BS, the fascist views of the GOP are not popular nor widely-held and they know it. They'll switch tactics as necessary. If they can't force the country to accept their neo-nazism, they'll just keep the downward slide going.
DeSantis isn't a viable candidate: he's off the rails, but he's a useful tool. They'll let him carve Florida out and use it as their lesson to the rest of the country. RFK jr is an ego-driven distraction. That really leaves one guy out there and the grooming has already begun.
The media is already depicting Mike Pence as this moral guy who stood up to Trump. It's pure bullshit, but it's the narrative they're going with. Set between the two extremes of Trump and DeSantis, Pence seems like a calm elder statesmen, a "principled conservative" and another Reagan in the offing.
Biden has dug himself into too many holes: his stand on migrants, the massive failures over Covid (putting the economy before people's lives and insisting we all return to in-person jobs that can be done from home is ableist af and disrespectful to the million-plus who have died in this country alone or the millions now suffering with long Covid), the blind support for Israel as some of the worst of its apartheid policies are widely condemned; the country is under massive labor strikes on his watch as he refuses to support raising the federal minimum wage during an economic depression where gas and grocery prices are overwhelming people, especially families, and assistance is even harder to get. He's barely visible to the public and doesn't speak to the country much at all. This just fuels rumors of his competence (also ageist and ableist, but we're talking perceptions here and how the media will use them against him. Tends to work).
Oh, and he still hasn't declared a climate emergency during one of the worst years of extreme weather we've seen so far.
Yes, he's put more progressive judges on the bench, but he's failed to expand the Supreme Court to counter their deep corruption. This is nonsensical. As the invasion of Ukraine continues, the cost of sending military aid balloons and that creates mistrust the GOP will happily exploit (and Putin will applaud).
Biden is in his 80s during a time when elder politicians like Mitch McConnell and Dianne Feinstein are being clearly abused for political gain. The GOP continues to rub his son Hunter's runaway capitalism in his face, even as they can't make anything else stick.
Pence is 64 and gets around.
He's also notorious for his evangelical beliefs that led to some of the worst anti-LGBT legislation in Indiana's history. He supports the end of public schooling, tried pushing "creationism" against science in public school curricula and has promoted conversion therapy.
Pence supports the coal industry and has shown no interest in the climate crisis or offering any solutions for it. While governor of Indiana, he worked against any plans to curb carbon emissions.
His tenure in Indiana saw a return to HIV outbreaks thanks to Pence's stand on needle exchange programs. His views couldn't be more anti-LGBT.
He's pro-gun, anti-public health, anti-abortion. But he's also fairly soft-spoken about it all and easily flipflops his positions when its convenient.
A quiet fascist, in other words.
He enabled Trump's worst behaviors and actions, including the assassination of an Iranian general, lied to and misled the people throughout the remainder of Trump's presidency over Covid and its effects, and still got called a "decent guy" by Joe Biden.
It will be fairly easy for the press to spin Pence as a victim of Trump and even heroic for "standing up to" the orange menace (but only when politically expedient), whose followers called for Pence's execution following the events of January 6, 2020. He'll be touted as a moderate, an antidote to Maga-extremism and the worst of his own beliefs and actions will be suppressed and conveniently shoved under a rug.
Since at least 2022, Pence has been positioning himself as this moderate voice, assailing the GOP's stance on Putin, while doubling down on his stance for "parents rights" -- the anti-trans dog whistle. He's old-school GOP, playing nice with Dems, while subverting democracy the way they used to do it: in the dark.
He and Biden are almost weird mirrors of the other, but Pence is the younger version.
Dems might be hopeful that Pence will be so divisive a candidate for the GOP that Biden will prevail over that alone. Liberal political analysts love suggesting the GOP will follow Trump right into the ground. I don't think so.
I think Pence could very well be their not-so-surprise candidate.
Half this country is perfectly fine with the far-right's turn to explicit fascism. The GOP will want to put a polite face on it.
Biden and the perpetually unseen Harris will have nothing to offer against it. He coasted into the Dem nomination without doing a thing and they'll try to coast again, thinking the country is sick of the GOP and Trump. Maybe they'll be right, who knows.
But they're not inspiring people to rush out and vote for them, is the point. Dems and their lack of energy and momentum toward dealing with the climate crisis and burgeoning fascism is a real problem. It is *the* problem. It makes them look more like enablers.
People showed up in unprecedented numbers to vote Trump out; they didn't have any choice over the Democratic candidate, but I don't know anyone who was truly enthusiastic for Biden. There's the odd blue maga out there who tries to spin it, but it's hard when the man himself reneges then futzes on his campaign promises, like student debt. Hard to spin him as a good president when he offers gas and oil contracts while the world's science community is screaming over tipping points and globally we are experiencing the last step toward the wet bulb moment.
Pence could mop the floor with him.
And that's when fascism becomes "respectable" and not an "extremist" position.
Because demoralized Dems might stay home next year (listen to Black folks on this one). But the GOP won't.
Organizing against this system is the only way forward. Dems won't get us there.
You want change? Support unions, support strikes and vote in every local election to put progressives on school boards and energy boards and every other community organization, including libraries.
This is where the big differences are made: a progressive community can stand against its would-be oppressors. There are more of us. We need to act like it.
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traceofexistence · 2 years
okay wow, I just read in the dramalist a comment about the actresses being too old to play young adults.
that was some ageist bs out of place for sure, they look like their manga counterparts so whatever that person even had in mind.
in fact we wouldn’t freaking have this show at all, without the experience these actresses have, we would instead have a mockery of the manga that that person claimed to like.
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cloysauce · 8 months
gonna risk sounding a ha*er, but respectfully, what are they doing with the crash landing on you musical in japan?
the seoul production happened at a time when c0vid was still wreaking havoc so i couldn't go then. when i heard a japan staging was in the works, i was completely set on going.
but when they announced the cast for japan? i was confused.
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as a theatre fan myself, i would be the first to vouch for musical theatre actors in an adaptation work. i will defend their right to interpret their roles in a live stage performance, one that original actors won't be able to execute. the skillset and presentation are different.
the original seoul musical production selected an impressive slew of actors for ri jeong-hyeok, the likes of min woo-hyuk (who is now jean valjean in the current kr production of les miserables), lee kyu-hyung (whose theatre roles outnumber his movie/drama filmography), and lee jang-woo (who was maxim de winter in rebecca).
the current japan production cast a member from astr0 and a former theatre gu seung-jun. for ri jeong-hyeok.
"but they are singers!" sure. but there's singing for the theatre and singing for a concert?
honestly, i'm not even strict who plays gu seung-jun and seo-dan, i feel those roles can be good entry points for newcomers.
but i think you have to have some heavyweights for ri jeong-hyeok and yoon se-ri?
now the se-ris are fine, kim ryeo-won originated yoon se-ri in seoul with a lot of theatre work behind her wings, while linzy is a kpop singer turned theatre actress.
but the astr0 member playing jeong-hyeok, who has top-billing of the show, only has one theatre work under his sleeve. maybe he could play the guy after a few more shows and years of stage experience, but right now...??
not to be ageist too, but there's currently a 6-14 year gap between the lead couple cast for the japan staging and cloy isn't...really...a noona drama? the strength of cloy was it revolved around a main couple who neither outshone nor exceeded the other. they complimented each other in every way. and the awkward part is the disparity shows.
so yeah my main gripe is stunt casting.
and i can see it now as the musical is being promoted, they focus heavily on the astr0 member and gu seung-juns (both kpop idols), more than the other cast members. the commercials and merch would speak for themselves. the fan clubs also had ticket priority.
i've yet to see the official jp twitter account promote the musical on the merits of how huge cloy was in japan or the fact that it's a musical adaptation of cloy at all. is this really a musical or an idol concert? with the social media interest, i'm quite sure it's being successfully marketed as the latter.
these are some of the merchandise.
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my interest has gone from 10 to say around 3. they are one week from premiering in japan and i'm losing hope that the musical will remember its source material and it's really disappointing as a cloy and musical fan (and even say as a frequent japan visitor).
so it's a huge bummer, and i'll just be waiting for the filmed version of the seoul musical to somehow make its way to me. it's now screening in singapore, so i guess there's hope for that.
i was excited for the japan production and hoped it would do well because it will be the basis of whether the musical will visit more overseas territories. but if they're just gonna use cloy as a vehicle for idol promotions then miss me with this bs.
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rebeleden · 1 year
Watch "Marques Houston On Why He Avoided "Grown Women" & Single Moms: "That's A Red Flag" - HP News" on YouTube
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nehswritesstuffs · 3 years
How come Whouffaldi shippers get villainized in other parts of Doctor Who fandom? I had to leave social media because of how I was treated just because I liked 12 and Clara together romantically. Even me innocently and non combatively pointing out that I wasn’t just imagining it, it was intentionally intended as a romantic relationship by the creators and that there are multiple indicators supporting this got me accused of trying to force a false opinion. I want to enjoy 12 and Clara in peace😔
They're merely threatened by our presence and lash out in an attempt to appear dominant. It's because that we acknowledge three things:
that Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman are hot as hell together and cannot--should not--be stopped in the roles of Twelve and Clara
that a Moffat Doctor might have the hots for someone other than River
that the Doctor as a whole might have someone more important in his/her/their life than some whiny child whose name rhymes with Toes Piler
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Person: But he’s old enough to be your dad!
Me: And the problem is…?
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