agruss · 9 months
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The Bond Between Us ~ 27
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Word Count: 3,085ish
Summary: You, Obi-Wan, and Rex are taken to the educational center where slaves are broken.
Warnings: torture, enslavement, rape (not in detail)
Notes: This one can be a real tough one guys. Brace yourselves and read with caution.
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You woke up upon receiving another round of electricity. You screamed as you tried to writhe but quickly realized that you were tied up by all four limbs. As you panted, you slowly opened your eyes. You noticed that you were still in your slave outfit. You were hanging in a hot boiler room, where the people of Kiros were working as slaves. Using the Force, you could feel Obi-Wan nearby. And it wasn’t long until you heard him.
“No, stop!” Obi-Wan shouted. “It’s my mistake! Leave her alone!”
You came to realize that he was shouting for your shake. Looking around, you saw him just before you were shocked again, this time seemed more unrelenting than the last.
“Beg!” The Zygerrian guard demanded. “Beg me before she dies because of you!”
Obi-Wan got on his knees. “Please,” he begged. “Forgive me, Master.”
The electrocution stopped, allowing your body to go limp. Barely looking up, you met Obi-Wan’s gaze. Guilt was written all over his face. You wished that you could take it away, bring him some comfort, but you couldn’t find any for yourself. Obi-Wan pushed his signature to you and, due to your tired state, caused you to fall back into unconsciousness.
Obi-Wan used the Force to keep you unconscious while he worked. Every time he defied orders, you were electrocuted. Eventually, he held back. It was your life on the line and he would not endanger it more than he had already.
The next time you woke, you were chained to a bed. Each limb was tied by electric chains to one of the four posts. You could still sense Obi-Wan’s signature with you as you could also feel that you had been electrocuted more times than you remembered. Your body was weak, your heart breathing roughly in your chest. As you barely glanced around the room, you noted that this was one of the guard rooms. Due to your position and the state of your dress, still being in that slave outfit, you knew that this wasn’t a good situation to be in. You had to remain calm, no matter what happened.
Your head snapped toward the door as it slide open and the Zygerrian over the educational center floated in on his hover chair. Most of the Zygerrians were tall and skinny, this man was different. He was overweight, barely even able to walk.
“Hello my lovely Jedi,” he smirked, coming closer to the bed. “I am Agruss.” His clawed hand came out and ran up your exposed leg. “What might your name be?” You didn’t answer, simply scowling at the man. “So that is how this will be? Okay, this is something I can enjoy.” He pressed a button on his chair, causing you to be electrocuted. When he stopped, you were panting heavily again. “Let’s try this again. Your name, Jedi slave.”
“Y/N,” you rasped.
“Y/N.” A sinister grin grew on his face. “This will be fun.”
Agruss began shocking you again as he got off his chair and straight onto the bed. He crawled over you until he was hovering over your writhing body. He chuckled as he stopped the electricity, leaving you completely dazed.
“This will make it so much easier to get what I want out of you, my slave,” he whispered into your ear, fur rubbing up against your face. “I’ve heard that Jedi are often untouched. I suspect you haven’t been yet… I’m excited to be the one to introduce you to the pleasures that life has in store.”
Agruss’ mouth began traveling down your face, leaving open mouth slobbery kisses in his wake.
“Obi,” you called through the Force, trying to get some help.  “Obi, please… I need you.”
Obi-Wan was working on shoveling coal next to Rex when he heard your cry for help.
“Obi… Obi, please… I need you.”
He could feel the desperation and the fear seeping from you. As he pressed forward, Obi-Wan felt like he was going to throw up. It was clear to him that you were experiencing unwanted touching and you were too weak to do anything about it. Looking around, Obi-Wan was reminded that he was unable to do anything about it without putting the people of Kiros in danger and you. Guilt filled him at the thought that he was failing you. He pushed his signature to you with full force, hoping that it could be of some comfort. He felt you grip onto it with such desperation.
Once you grasped onto Obi-Wan’s signature, you could feel his guilt and you knew that he could not help you more than that. You were on your own. Taking a deep breath, you used the Force to move Agruss’ hand off your body as it trailed toward where no man had touched. He growled in anger as he shocked you again. This time he kept it going as he tour of your undergarment and pushed his fingers into you. Tears slipped pasted your clenched eyes as you gave into the darkness around you.
Obi-Wan felt you pass out. Your signature had lost its grip on his own. Rex watched as the Jedi Master began to silently weep as he continued working. Rex could only assume that you had to do with Obi-Wan’s current state. Despite trying to hide your relationship, Rex knew. He was never told by anyone but he had seen the way you two interacted and he knew that you two were much more than friends. His heart ached at the sight of seeing the strong and wise Jedi General, crying over you.
You were grateful to wake up alone. It allowed you time to cry without being ridiculed. You were still tied up to the bed posts. The main difference really was that you were now completely naked, your clothes having been torn off. You felt sore and pain and blood. Before Obi-Wan could sense you or worry, you closed off from him. Needing to cry alone.
You quickly began to blame yourself. You were a powerful Jedi, possibly the Chosen One. How could you have let this happen to yourself? Why didn’t you do more to stop him?
Even with shutting yourself off from Obi-Wan, all you did was long for him. His comfort. His embrace. But you knew that he would be unable to help you. He was a slave, just as you were currently. 
Obi-Wan and Rex were shoved into the main control room of the educational center. Forced downstairs and onto their knees in front of a holo table and Agruss, who was floating on his chair.
“Someone wishes to speak with you,” Agruss told Obi-Wan before Count Dooku appeared in hologram form.
“Obi-Wan Kenobi,” Dooku greeted. “In chains once again, I see.”
Obi-Wan glared at the hologram. “Count Dooku, still afraid to get your hands dirty?” He retorted.
“I would gladly make an exception in your case, my friend. I wanted to say a proper farewell before Keeper Agruss puts you to death.”
“Keeper,” a Zygerrian called from his post at a screen, “the slave ship Tecora is making an unscheduled landing on platform two-four.”
“Skywalker,” Dooku stated. “Begin firing.” They wanted from the screens as Ahsoka, Anakin, and R2 were fired on, avoiding them easily. “Kenobi, tell your young friend, Skywalker, if he does not surrender, the slaves will be terminated in his name… and the Council’s precious Y/N.”
“But she is mine, Count,” Agruss said. 
Obi-Wan had never felt anger like this in his life. He now knew who had made you beg for his help and who had touched you without consent. He nodded, wanting to talk with Anakin and try to save you from more pain. He at least knew you were still alive, though you had cut him off from your signature. They put a camera on Obi-Wan so that Anakin could see him.
“Anakin!” Obi-Wan exclaimed. “I’m glad to see you, but I’m afraid our host feels otherwise.”
“You can’t make everyone happy, Master,” Anakin responded.
“They’re threatening to kill the slaves and Y/N unless you surrender.”
“It’s good to see you’re always ready to negotiate. But I’ve had enough bargaining with slave drivers.”
“Anakin, you must realize this is a fight you cannot win alone.”
“Who said I was alone?”
“Keeper, a fleet of warships has dropped out of hyperspace in sector six,” a Zygerrian announced.
“Jedi reinforcements!” Agruss exclaimed.
The building started shaking as the reinforcements began firing. Obi-Wan used the Force to get himself and Rex out of the collars around their necks.
“Rex! Now!” Obi-Wan ordered.
“About time,” Rex commented.
You could feel the presence of other Jedi as the building trembled. Taking a deep breath, you used the strength you had to unchain yourself from the bed and free yourself from the collar around your neck. Clinging to yourself for modesty, you slowly sat up. You looked around to see a cloak lying on the floor. As you stood up to grab it, you immediately fell to the floor, too weak. You used the Force to pull it to you and slip it over your naked form. You were panting and trembling as you tried to reach the door to escape but were in too much pain to fully stand up. Instead, your body collapsed to the ground. You put down the shields that kept Obi-Wan from your signature and prayed to the Maker that he may find you.
Obi-Wan had never been more grateful for Rex. They had fought off the entirety of those in the main control room, leaving only Agruss left. He could see in the Zygerrian’s thoughts what he had done to you, only making him angrier. Before Obi-Wan could kill the unarmed man, Rex threw an electric spear into Agruss. He placed his lightsaber on his belt before rushing to one of the screens. He needed to locate you quickly.
Once he was sure he had found you on the map, he could feel your signature. Obi-Wan bolted from the room, Rex on his tail, as he followed the pain in your signature. It only grew with each step closer he took to you, even Rex could feel it.
When the door to the room you were in slid open, Obi-Wan found you laying face first on the ground. Without warning, he quickly picked you up and started running. You whimpered in his arms even though you knew who it was and that you were safe now.
“I’ve got you, little star,” Obi-Wan whispered. He wasn’t sure if it was more for his comfort or for yours. “I’ve got you.”
He ran out to the landing platform and jumped onto the ship that Anakin was also getting on. Anakin was speechless at the sight of your shaking form. Your eyes were closed, but tears trailed down your cheeks. Everyone on the ship could feel the pain you had endured. 
Once the rescue ship was back on the cruiser, Obi-Wan immediately took you away to a private bunk room. He knew that you probably needed medical attention, but you could wait until they reached the Temple. You were clearly in too much trauma shock to handle that right now. In the private bunk, Obi-Wan went to lay you down on the bed but your fist gripped onto his dirty robes, not willing to part from him. Obi-Wan sat down on the bed, holding you closer to him as you started crying into his shoulder. He kissed your head as he murmured that you were safe now and how sorry he was. You couldn’t respond, simply sobbing into him, breaking his heart further.
Being back at the Jedi Temple brought you a slight sense of peace. Obi-Wan had immediately, and personally, taken you to the med center. He, unfortunately, couldn’t stay by your side, having his own injuries to get checked over and the nature of the injuries you needed to get looked at. Once he was checked over, he waited outside your room. His signature had stayed with you, thankful that you weren’t willing to let it go. Obi-Wan paced and sat and paced again as he waited to hear any information on you. Anakin and Ahsoka joined him as soon as they could. They all stood up straight when the medical droid exited your room.
“How is she?” Obi-Wan asked. He could feel that you were alive and knew that you weren’t mentally okay, but he also worried about you physically.
“She is on the mend,” the medical droid responded. “She needs a lot of rest. But she will heal. She is currently unconscious and will be that way for the remainder of the day. Tomorrow, she may go back to her room.”
“Can I— can we sit with her?”
“Of course.”
“I will go inform the Council,” Ahsoka said. She knew the Council would immediately get the information on you, but she was going to fight to keep you here as long as possible.
“Thank you,” Obi-Wan said before heading into the room. 
Anakin stayed out in the hall to connect Padme in secret. He knew that she would want to know of your condition and come to your aide. Obi-Wan walked inside and pulled up a chair beside your bed. His hands grasped your hand that was nearest to him. He couldn’t stop the tears that sprung into his eyes, not that he really wanted to.
“I’m so sorry,” he rasped. “I’m so sorry that I couldn’t be there when you needed me… I have failed you…” He kissed your knuckles, allowing tears to fall onto your fingers. 
Padme arrived at the Jedi Temple quickly and rushed to meet with the Jedi Council. Anakin had explained what had happened to you and she knew that you needed to rest away from this place. Away from the pressure of the war and the Jedi Council. Padme offered to have you stay at her place for as long as you needed and was surprised when Master Yoda readily agreed, much to the disgruntle of a few other Council members.
“Rest and recovery, our Padawan needs,” Yoda said. “Stay with you, she will.”
Anakin and Ahsoka had been in the meeting with the Council, while Obi-Wan sat vigil at your side. The Council had also agreed to allow Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka a few days off to allow them to recuperate from their latest mission. Padme, Anakin, and Ahsoka headed to the med center after the meeting to inform Obi-Wan of the news. Padme was the one to enter the room. She was saddened to see her friend—her secret sister-in-law—lying unconscious and bruised with Obi-Wan clinging to her hand.
“Hello, Obi-Wan,” Padme greeted with a soft smile.
Obi-Wan barely glanced her way, too scared to look away from you for even a second, afraid you’d disappear. “Hello, Senator,” he responded.
“I came to inform you that I have talked with the Council. They have given you, Anakin, and Ahsoka a few days of rest before your next assignments.”
“Thank you.”
“They have also approved of Y/N staying with me as she rests and recovers.” This caught Obi-Wan’s attention. He didn’t want to leave your side as much as he could help it. “You are welcome to stay there as well.”
He knew that he shouldn’t, for the shake of the Code and the Order. But screw them. You had just gone through a traumatic experience and he was going to be by your side as much as he was able to.
“Thank you, Senator,” Obi-Wan replied, turning to face Padme slightly. “I would like to take you up on that offer.”
“Great,” she smiled briefly. “I will set up a transfer to my apartment and have the guest room put together.”
You were transferred to Padme’s apartment within the hour. Obi-Wan never left your side once. He was even the one to place you onto the guest bed and tuck you in. Padme watched knowingly. She stood in the doorway as she watched Obi-Wan fuss over you.
“I hope you know that your secret is safe around here,” Padme told Obi-Wan quietly. “Please feel free to stay by her side without judgment.”
Obi-Wan nodded, unable to speak because speaking would be admitting to anyone else besides you that the two of you were breaking the Jedi Code. Padme took that as a sign to leave, letting the door slip shut behind her. Obi-Wan waited a moment before slipping his boots off and climbing into bed beside you. Your signature reacted positively as he pulled you into him to hold you as close as he could. He was careful though, knowing that you were still very injured and would probably wake up confused. 
The only reason you didn’t freak out about someone holding you as you woke was that Obi-Wan’s signature was wrapped around yours. Peeking your eyes open, you saw that you were curled up against Obi-Wan’s chest. His arms were holding you securely to him, almost as if he was scared that you would disappear at any moment. You looked at his face, noticing the dark bruises and scabs that littered it. You leaned in and began to press light kisses to his injured areas. Obi-Wan slowly began to stir awake at the contact. When he opened his eyes, he was all too relieved to find you looking back at him.
“Little star…” He breathed out, carefully putting his hand up to caress the side of your face.
“Obi,” you responded softly.
He could feel in the Force how heavy your heart weighed. “Please, tell me what I can do to help you… I need to do something for not being able to get to you fast enough… please.”
You nodded, tears filling your eyes. “Just hold me right now, please. That’s all I want from you… hold me and don’t let me go.”
Obi-Wan pressed a kiss to your head. “Of course.” He pulled you closer at your bidding. “I can do that… as long as you need, little star. As long as you need.”
next chapter >
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what's your favourite song at the moment? or a song you've been listening to a lot lately?
Agruss - Morok
Very underrated. Definitely recommend :D
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Scale and Bone
Pairings: None CW: violence, slavery Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Rex, Agruss, Anakin Skywalker, Kix, Plo Koon Summary: The Zygerrians know all the best ways to break a person. Between the electrowhips and the starvation and the Togruta being punished in his place, Obi-Wan is struggling to hold himself back. Tearing the slavers apart with his teeth and claws is becoming more and more appealing.
read on ao3...
They had separated him from Rex again today, leaving Obi-Wan to shovel rock by himself while the Captain was taken somewhere else to complete some other menial, back-breaking, mind-numbing work.
It was both better and worse this way. Better, because Obi-Wan didn’t have to worry about Rex getting hurt when he acted out or wavered in his work or forgot not to speak, but worse also because Obi-Wan was fairly sure the Captain was half of his sanity at this point. The only thing standing between him and losing himself to the mindset the Zygerrians were trying to force on him.
He loaded another shovel load of rock into the cart, his spine aching from his tailbone to his skull and every muscle weary and weak. He didn’t think he’d eaten in at least two days, not after the slavers had caught him trying to share his food with a young Togrutan and decided that meant he shouldn’t get food at all.
It was hard to restrain himself from stepping in to the Togruta's defense, and he hated himself for his inaction, hated groveling at the feet of his masters to avoid a worse punishment. Rex had been able to keep his head down, but Obi-Wan had been trained since birth to be kind, to lend himself to others, to help wherever and whenever he could. Such things were engrained in him, part of who he was, part of his very nature.
Keeper Agruss knew how to take advantage of that.
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darthlokke · 7 years
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Escape from Kadavo (4x13)
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kwebtv · 3 years
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From the Golden Age of Television
The Rack  -  ABC  - April 12, 1955
Running Time:  60 Minutes
A presentation of The United States Steel Hour
Wendell Corey as Capt. Sam Moulton
Keenan Wynn as Lt. Steve Wasnik
Marshall Thompson as Capt. Ed Hall Jr.
Nicholas Joy as Colonel Edward Hall Sr.
Melville Ruick as Colonel Hansen
Peggy McCay as Agatha
Mitchell Agruss as Lt. Anderson 
Haskell Coffin as President of the Court
Harrison Dowd as Colonel Smith
Len Doyle as Colonel Fielder
Rod Serling’s play was the basis for the 1956 movie of the same name in which Wendell Corey reprised his role but with his rank upgraded to a Major. 
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kriffclone · 2 years
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revenge-of-the-shit · 4 years
Another thing I love about The Clone Wars is that it actually shows Obi-Wan's darker side at times.
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Warden Agruss is undeniably a bastard - even so, the way Obi-Wan smiles when he turns to Rex is definitely something that doesn't exactly fit the Jedi Code.
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Also, this? Damn. Damnnnnn. We know Obi-Wan is one of the most powerful Jedi in the Order, yet we rarely see him use the Force in a way like this. It's far more aggressive than the abilities we've seen him using.
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And here, just for a moment, we see Obi-Wan giving way to his rage. You can see it in his movements - they're wider, more aggressive, less balanced than the traditional Soresu we're used to seeing. Maul mentions it explicitly: "Your rage has unbalanced you. That is not the Jedi way, is it?"
In conclusion, damn.
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cc-0420 · 3 years
sometimes i feel like obi-wan was meant to fall
the emotional kid in the crèche and had a tough time controlling his anger
rejected by qui-gon
sent to bandomeer and ended up being a slave in the mines
finally becomes a padawan
then, the mission to melinda/daan
he leaves the jedi order (the place he tried so hard to belong) to help the young in the war
the amount of distrust that grows between him and qui-gon
when anakin comes along, obi-wan is basically disowned publicly by qui-gon so he could take on anakin as a padawan
(not that he blames anakin, because he is a kid who has no clue what’s going on)
yet when maul comes to fight, obi-wan is still willing to die for qui-gon because he is so loyal (and attached)
the fight with maul is the first time he touches that anger to use the dark side. there is no way a padawan can just beat a sith apprentice without the dark side
when the fight ends and he “kills” maul, i think he suppresses it enough because he wants to complete qui-gon’s final wish to train anakin
(wtf, why would you put that burden on him it’s basically a soon to graduate high school kid now having to raise an elementary student)
so obi-wan suppresses any darkness to become the perfect jedi to train anakin
when the war starts, things begin to change
when arriving at kamino, obi-wan feels the millions of lights, with different personalities
obi-wan is introduced to his commander, cc-2224, who, when asked a name, is hesitant due to pure fear of what happened to past troopers
he slowly learns of the horrors of kamino, the reconditioning and decommissioning of former troopers. the clones are afraid of the jedi due to stories heard from the kaminoans, i mean, they’re just products to be sold
obi-wan goes out of the way to make an effort to learn all of the 212st’s names. yet as the war goes on, he feels the lights blink out on the battlefield
then his ex-padawan gets his own padawan. now, ahsoka is bright, but her training is very different from past generations. instead of learning about cultures and preserving life, they are taught to fight separatists and serve the republic (and that is the exact reason he got kicked out in melinda/daan)
than umbara happens. right under obi-wan’s nose. he was on the planet, sending his troops into massacre
pong krell was a jedi, yet treated the clones like droids, not the life forms they were. while filing the report, obi-wan let himself truly grieve for the first time in the war
when before, obi-wan was rolling down a hill to the dark side, he begins to fall on kadavo
each action obi-wan did wrong became punishment for the tortugas. as they worked pointlessly for “training” the tortugas lost all hope on the jedi. they were the ones to blame for the punishment
the mission was to get the citizens of kiros back. any other action could be seen as an act of war for the republic
this is what the order has become is all obi wan can think, the republics slaves. jedi are supposed to protect the people, not whatever the republic demanded
his spirit begins breaking down. no physical torture can match the guilt of not being able to save others.
unlike bandomeer, he is not the one getting punished for his actions
when he and rex get free, obi-wan wants to kill agruss and his eyes flicker yellow for a moment. but, like canon, rex does it for him
afterwards, rex and obi-wan talk about the horrors of the facility and the lack of faith for the republic and what they are fighting for
rex points out that the clones are a slave to the republic anyway and that they have no other options with their lives (he would never say it straight out to a commanding officer, but this is a headcanon)
“what would you do if we weren’t fighting this war?” “i wouldn’t exist, but i sometimes think many of the vod would prefer that”
that’s when obi-wan snaps. the clones deserve rights more than anyone, yet they will never get it from the republic
the 212th join him with no questions asked cody would follow obi wan till the end of time
obi-wan offers the idea to anakin. he says he is betraying the republic and the chancellor. obi wan says anakin is betraying his troops, yet makes sure he knows that he and ahsoka would always have a place with him
“why?” “the jedi have lost their path. in zygarria, it was get in and out with the tortugas, yet so many remain in slavery.”
“what about my mom?” “what about your mom?” obi-wan was never told anakin was a slave
“i need to stay here. padmé, the chancellor, ahsoka. they need me.” “ok anakin. i am always here for you if you want to reach out about anything” ahsoka stays for anakin
rex wouldn’t leave anakin and ahsoka, but allows for the vod to make their own decision and half of the 501st leaves
so obi-wan, with a battalion and a half leaves the gar and the jedi unannounced. he travels the galaxy picking up clones (who want to join) as well as anyone in need
it is uncalled for and brings the senate and the order to chaos. how can the perfect jedi leave?
as a sith, he isn’t fighting for power or revenge. he is fighting for freedom and justice for the people in the galaxy
the only reason he would fall would be to help others
(he tried so hard to be the perfect jedi, which makes it impossible in his eyes to leave, but is also a great excuse for falling)
he wears armor b/c he wants cody to be happy (the only reason he wasn’t before was b/c it was unjedi-like and straying too far from his beliefs)
he keeps the blue saber, yet also uses blaster now because he became uncivilized
he does read about the powers of the sith and explores what he can do
obi-wan was always good at force suggesting people
while the senate and the public panics (how could they not, the great negotiator has deflected with the best battalion in the galaxy), the order uses the time to reflect. no one joins obi-wan, but there is an unspoken agreement to support his cause
he never explicitly fights against the republic, but doesn’t mind fighting separatists when ever he gets a chance
if a jedi was asked, they didn’t get mysterious help when they were previously losing. yeah, a bunch of clones disappeared, but we won. the senate doesn’t know the difference
falling is a disgrace, but that doesn’t mean plo koon and shaak ti doesn’t send some troopers kenobi’s way as the vod’s honorary buirs
palpatine’s plans begin falling apart
it allows windu and yoda to sooner recognize the flaws in the order and in the senate
barriss leaves the temple sooner, but goes to obi-wan instead of bombing the temple
anakin is now able to trust obi-wan with his and padmé’s relationship, in which he can voice his approval and anakin doesn’t have to feel guilty
when palpatine promises anakin a way to save padmé, he asks obi-wan if that’s true
obi-wan kills palpatine for being a pedo (or he lets fox a clone do it if they want ceaser style)
everyone lives happily with palpatine dead
anakin leaves the order to become a trophy husband (and learn more from obi-wan)
as does ahsoka
the clones get a vacation
i got this idea from @curioscurio ‘s sith!obi-wan fan art
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Star Wars Alien Species - Zygerrian
The Zygerrians hailed from Zygerria, a planet located in the Chorlian sector of the Outer Rim Territories, on the outskirts of the galaxy. Organized under the Zygerrian Slave Empire, the species prospered on slave trade across the galaxy and especially within the Outer Rim. Eventually, the Zygerrian Empire came to dominate a large portion of the region, stretching from the planet Argazda down the Salin Corridor hyperlane.
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The slavers were also in control of the Triellus Trade Route, which provided access to the planet Ryloth, the homeworld of the Twi'lek species. At the height of their empire, the Zygerrians provided slaves to other powerful factions operating in the region, such as the Hutt Empire and Chevin slavers.
During the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, the planetoid Zygerria Four underwent bombardment with an attempt to drive off slavers who had settled there. The bombardment drove away many slavers, with one rich slave trader abandoning an entire palace. The bombardment also uncovered the ruins of an underground city on Zygerria Four, which various archaeologists gathered to study.
Thousands of years before the Clone Wars, the Republic outlawed slavery, and the Jedi—who served as the guardians of peace and justice for the Republic—began an anti-slavery campaign within the Outer Rim. As part of that campaign, the Jedi Order especially targeted the Zygerrians. After a brutal conflict, the Zygerrians were crushed, and many of their enslaved species were liberated.
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Their empire having fractured, the Zygerrians retreated to their homeworld, and they were not considered a threat by the Jedi or the Republic after that incident. However, ever since their defeat, the Zygerrians longed to restore their slaver empire to its former glory. By the year 22 BBY, the Zygerrians, along with the Karazak Slavers Cooperative and the Thalassian slavers, had once again emerged as one of the leading slaver organizations in the galaxy, with an estimated income of billions of credits. As of the beginning of the Clone Wars later that same year, the species had created the secret Zygerrian Slavers Guild, a successor organization to their former slaver empire.
As the war raged on, the leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Count Dooku, offered to supply the Zygerrians with slaves captured by Confederate battle droids on the battlefields.Dreaming of stretching the Zygerrian influence across the galaxy and believing the Republic too preoccupied with the war to stop her from reaching that goal, Zygerrian Queen Miraj Scintel allied her people with the Separatists. Aided by pirates and mercenaries, the Zygerrians began preying upon systems isolated by the war. They also established slaving outposts on many planets, such as Kowak and Listehol.
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During the second year of the war, the Confederacy invaded the planet Kiros and captured its entire Togruta population. On the orders of Dooku, the Togrutas were handed over to the Zygerrians, and Scintel hoped to sell them at the Royal Slave Auction on Zygerria with the hope of restoring the Zygerrian slavers' glory.
Most of the slaves were transferred to a labor processing hub on the planet Kadavo, which was run by the Zygerrian Agruss, known as the Keeper. Meanwhile, Togruta Governor Roshti was kept on Zygerria to be presented at the auction as an example of the goods available for sale.
After liberating Kiros from the Separatists and finding the entire population gone, the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker embarked on a search for the missing Togrutas and infiltrated the Zygerrian homeworld. While Kenobi set off to search for the Togrutas, Skywalker posed as a slaver named Lars Quell, who wished to present a Togruta slave—in reality, Skywalker's Padawan, Ahsoka Tano—to Scintel. However, Kenobi was soon captured while trying to rescue Roshti.
Scintel held the auction as planned, which was hosted by a Zygerrian auctioneer, and many wealthy individuals came to bid on the Togrutas, but the bidding was soon halted in order to present a new exhibit—the captive Kenobi. At that moment, the auction was interrupted by Skywalker and Tano, who—with the help of clone trooper CT-7567—attempted to liberate Kenobi and to force Scintel to surrender.
However, after the clash of lightsabers and shock whips in the auction arena, the Zygerrians overwhelmed and captured the Jedi. Scintel kept her new captives alive, hoping to break the Jedi's will and make them her obedient slaves. Kenobi, CT-7567, and Roshti were transferred to Kadavo, while Tano was imprisoned on Zygerria and Skywalker made Scintel's personal slave. The queen's unwillingness to kill the Jedi prompted Atai Molec—the Zygerrian prime minister and Captain of the Guard—to invite Dooku to Zygerria to reason with her and execute the Jedi. After the Separatist leader arrived, Scintel refused to listen to him, and Dooku killed her. Meanwhile, Skywalker and Tano escaped and headed for Kadavo, prompting Dooku to contact Keeper Agruss with orders to kill Kenobi and CT-7567.
As Skywalker and Tano attempted to break into the Kadavo processing hub, Dooku ordered them to cease, lest the Keeper drop the captured Togrutas into the maw of a volcano below the facility. In response, Skywalker called in Republic reinforcements that he had requested earlier. In the ensuing battle, the slaves were liberated, the labor processing hub was destroyed, and the Keeper was killed, dealing another blow to the Zygerrian business.
The species recovered yet again, as Molec—who had ascended to the Zygerrian throne as the new king after Scintel's death—successfully resurrected the Zygerrian Slave Empire. Meanwhile, the Clone Wars ended in 19 BBY with the fall of the Galactic Republic and the rise of the Galactic Empire in its place. Although the Galactic Empire quickly seized control of most of the galaxy, the Outer Rim Territories initially refused to acknowledge its authority.
The Zygerrian slavers were no exception, as they entered an alliance with Tervig slavers and Sikurdian pirates and established illegal trade routes along the Listehol Run and the Shaltin Tunnels. The slaver union also began raiding the newly reorganized Corporate Sector, an independent territory that shared borders with the Outer Rim.
The Galactic Empire was quick to respond to such insurgencies along the Outer Rim and began a campaign to subjugate that rebellious territory. In 18 BBY, an Imperial task force led by Admiral Wullf Yularen and Captain Bannidge Holt began the Listehol Campaign. A fleet of Invincible-class Dreadnaught Heavy Cruisers, Venator-class Star Destroyers, and TIE fighters under their command defeated the Sikurdian swarms at the Battle of Sagma. Yularen and Holt then besieged Zygerria, forcing the Zygerrians to negotiate peace with an Imperial advisor dispatched to the planet. Placed under Imperial control, Zygerria served as a base of operations for a series of unsuccessful Imperial raids on the planet Tervissis.
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The Zygerrian people were organized into clans and classes. They had a noble class, many members of which, despite their high status, pursued a career in the military. The Zygerrian Head of State was a monarch; female rulers held the title of queen, fully styled as The Most High Queen of Zygerria, while males were addressed as kings.
Male heirs to the throne bore the honorific title of prince, while the entire family of the monarch was referred to as the Zygerrian Royal House. The monarchs resided within the Zygerrian Royal Palace. A group of elite soldiers called the royal Zygerrian guard was specifically trained to protect the royal family and ensure the prosperity of the species' slaving business.
Individuals responsible for handling archives of the Zygerrian Slave Empire were called royal archivists. During the tenure of Queen Miraj Scintel and later King Atai Molec, the position of royal archivists was held by brothers Jorec and Mard Gemen. Zygerrian News was a media outlet that operated on the planet during the Clone Wars.
A warlike species, the Zygerrians held strength—both physical and mental—in great esteem, viewing it as a means to gain power and authority. The Zygerrians were cunning, ensuring that they had the upper hand in any situation, and traditionally settled their differences with an unarmed fistfight.They believed that it was the natural order of life for the strong to dominate the weak, so slavery was normal for the species, and a display of weakness could mean death or enslavement in their culture. Those unfortunate enough to become their slaves were viewed as inferior species by the Zygerrians. As such, a slave market thrived on their homeworld of Zygerria.
Because of those views, the species willingly cultivated its image as dangerous and unpredictable, in order to discourage others from challenging them. This tactic worked, and the Zygerrians were feared in spaceports across the galaxy, earning fame for their history of violence, piracy, slavery, and war. Despite their predations, the Zygerrians were nonetheless an advanced civilization.
Founded centuries before the Clone Wars, the Zygerrian Slave Empire focused on slave trading in the Outer Rim Territories for many years, until it was defeated by the Jedi. Eventually, the Zygerrians reestablished their business under the Zygerrian Slavers Guild, which thrived due to its disciplined and structured approach to business, as well as the Galactic Republic's diffuse presence in the Outer Rim. Each Zygerrian slaver had to pay a yearly membership fee to join the Guild and was then allocated a patch of space in which to work. The size of that patch varied from one planet to an entire system, depending on the level of membership the slaver paid for. The Twi'lek species preferred to use Zygerrians over other slavers, since the Zygerrians' "honorable" business approach reduced the damage that slavery inflicted upon Twi'lek society.
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The species' natural physical strength was well-complemented by their mastery of various weapons, such as retractable shock whips. The shock whip was a traditional weapon of the Zygerrians that ensured that the target ensnared by the whip's electrified metal wires experienced great pain and muscle spasms. In combat, the Zygerrians tended to resort to non-lethal tactics, in order to maximize the number of prisoners captured.
In addition to shock whips, electrostaffs also saw widespread usage by the Zygerrians. The species also utilized firearms, such as the Zygerrian blaster rifle, which could fire both regular blaster bolts as well as shots that detonated on impact, creating an explosion.
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The Zygerrians used shock collars to control their slaves, punishing those who displayed disobedience with painful jolts of electricity. Sometimes, those collars were outfitted with an explosive device that could be detonated if a slave tried to escape.
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The Zygerrians utilized various creatures to travel on their homeworld, including the winged brezak creatures that the royal guard used to patrol the ground for escaped slaves. In order to transfer slaves between planets, the species used highly durable freighters, called the YV-865 Aurore-class freighter. The transports came equipped with grappling turrets that could be fired through open bay doors to ensnare victims and reel them inside the ship. Each transport contained space for numerous enslaved individuals but only required one pilot to operate it. The Zygerrians also used the versatile, long-range HH-87 Starhopper to patrol the airspace of their holdings.
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Zygerrian clothing was characterized by a number of distinctive trends, both among royalty and other Zygerrian citizens. A typical male outfit consisted of a matching loose-fitting shirt and pants, with a piece of fabric worn around the neck, and a waistband held by a belt. Female clothing fit more tightly to their figure and typically consisted of a short skirt worn over pants. Females also donned various accessories, such as neck rings and coiled armbands worn above the elbow.
Both males and females generally wore dark-colored clothes, with shades of gray, brown, and dark-green being fairly prevalent among the Zygerrian people, although brighter colors were also an option, such as red, orange, or blue. Contrasting with the dull color scheme, Zygerrian clothing was often accented with bright stripes of red or gold. Some Zygerrian outfits were adorned with patterns, reminiscent of designs appearing among the species' architecture.
Individuals who held positions of power in Zygerrian society dressed in much more distinctive clothing. Zygerrian royalty displayed a lavish sense of style, exemplified by Queen Scintel's richly decorated long dress, golden neck and arm accessories, and a golden headpiece. Another member of the Zygerrian Royal House, Prince Sono Molec, wore a purple-colored outfit, complete with a long, flowing cape that was gold on the outside. During the Clone Wars, Prime Minister Molec wore a brown long-sleeved jacket with gold adornments. While stationed on Kowak, royal archivists Jorec and Mard Gemen wore identical blue-black outfits with white trim and white half-capes held at the neck by bead necklaces.
Zygerrian traders wore a set of armor, consisting of a sleeveless tunic that ended in flaps of varying lengths at the waist. Their outfits were combined with large helmets that imitated the shape of Zygerrian ears and left only a small part of their faces exposed. Zygerrian royal guards, such as Omus Krill, wore a uniform that looked similar to the traders' attire.
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The Zygerrians were a bipedal sentient humanoid species. In appearance, the species possessed strong, angular features and large, pointed ears. Other distinctive features included long fangs that jutted from their jaws and claws that extended from their hands. Some Zygerrrians had faces and ears that were entirely covered with fur—ranging in color from brown to gray, red, or black. Other individuals displayed a certain amount of bare skin on their faces, which was light in tone. The Zygerrians' eye color varied between yellow and blue.
Males traditionally had more hair than females, with bands of fur growing on their cheeks. Male Zygerrians also displayed a number of bony spurs protruding from the chin. Females lacked the chin spurs, but they instead had smaller protrusions on their forehead. They generally had sallow complexions and were physically strong, but some individuals suffered from obesity.
Medium-sized, they usually grew up to 1.7 meters or 5.6 feet and weighed around 60 kilograms or 132 pounds on average.
The Zygerrians, who were originally depicted in the EU as resembling humans with pointed ears, long red hair and bony spurs on their forehead and chins, were redesigned. Dave Filoni felt this look was too close to a live-action TV show with limited makeup resources for aliens, and opted to blend them with a coyote-like appearance, stating the coyote's trickster reputation helped the Zygerrians look more cunning and deceitful.
Zygerrian age at the following stages:
1- 9 Child
10 - 16 Young Adult
17 - 39 Adult
40 - 60 Middle Age
61 - 80 Old
Examples of Names: Agruss, Darts D'Nar, Atai Molec, Miraj Scintel, Atlee Thanda, Marko Tyne, Zolghast.
Languages: The Zygerrians spoke Galactic Basic Standard with a pronounced accent. They also had their own language, which was spoken among the Zygerrian slavers on the planet Kowak, the species' major outpost active in the years following the Clone Wars.
Skug: A common Zygerrian insult.
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agruss · 9 months
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crispyjenkins · 4 years
fic with ahsoka as Obi-Wans Padawan? Maybe some angsty jangobi? (Used to be together but broke up and now they pine from afar™️)
(i’m devastated that i don’t get to write ahsoka much, especially as obi’s padawan, so that an anon would come into my inbox.... and request jangobi on top of it..... seriously, though, thank you! can’t say i wasn’t inspired by @autumnchild22’s Kenobi Tano AU, but this doesn’t share almost anything with their take of events (ノ*´◡`) i’m flattered y’all thought i could do something of theirs justice lmao
i have written entirely too much backstory for this one, i think my brainstorming ended up longer than the actual fic so like. rip. 
support artists and writers by reblogging, message me for more info if this confuses you!)
  It surprises everyone except Obi-Wan that not only does Jango join the clones on the front lines, but he does so as the ARC troopers’ medic. That the son of the Mand’alor murdered by the Jedi would allow his kid to be apprenticed by a lifetime Council member is already hard enough for the galaxy at large to swallow; believing that the man who had at once been the most feared bounty hunter in the Outer Rim wouldn’t even ask for a command position? Impossible.
  Obi-Wan knows better. Just as Obi-Wan had picked up Soresu because he could not protect his master on Naboo, Jango had learned to put people back together because he could not save his buir on Korda 6. 
  Besides, Obi-Wan thinks Mace is a wonderful match for little Boba, even though he’s joining the Jedi older than even Anakin had been. Knowing Mace was among the Jedi to liberate the spice freighter Jango had been sold to, and that he had continued to check in on Jango for years after he got his armor back, Obi-Wan actually finds it rather silly that others on the Council had thought Jango would trust Boba to anyone else. 
  Which does leave Obi-Wan in quite the predicament, when less than a year after Anakin's knighting, Mace sends him a new padawan in the middle of a campaign. 
  Ahsoka smiles with all canines, and calls Anakin Skyguy, and has to be tricked into wearing more armor because, according to Cody, she is "not to take the General's lack of self-preservation as the status quo, nor as the basis for field safety." Which, rude, Obi-Wan wears plenty of armor when the situation calls for it; he simply doesn't find many situations where plasteel has kept his men or the Jedi from dying horribly.
  Letting Ahsoka gallivant around a battlefield in a tube-top without even a cloak, however, is out of the question, and Obi-Wan thinks Waxer does a brilliant job in sizing down the armor to fit their collective padawan over the next few months. Force, had Anakin really been younger than she when he first started taking him on missions?
  Obi-Wan blinks, and smiles down at Ahsoka standing next to him, his apprentice looking quite dashing in the orange paint of the 212th. "Sorry, my dear, what were you saying?"
  She shrugs, eyeing him suspiciously. "'Was just asking if we would be working with the ARC troopers on Kiros; Captain Fordo said he would show me how to use a blaster rifle next time they were on the Negotiator."
  The Kaminoans intended for a few ARC troopers to be sent with each battalion, but it had quickly become clear that Jango had not trained them that way. Instead, he had raised and created a strike team so efficient, it would have been a waste to separate them; Obi-Wan knows Jango had hand-picked them from cadets, had searched for a spark in them that the Kaminoans hadn't already snuffed out completely. Jango had been like that once, too.
  "I would be surprised if we didn't," Obi-Wan decides on, turning back to observe the 212th loading into the Negotiator, and he would be, because the ARCs are often deployed with Obi-Wan’s men, have been since the Battle of Kamino. "But I have not heard anything from Master Shaak Ti, nor Captain Fordo as of yet."
  Ahsoka scrunches up her face into a pout, an amusing show of her age that she usually does not allow. "We'll probably get halfway through the mission and they'll just show up."
  Obi-Wan chuckles. “Hm, yes, probably,” he agrees, starting to make his way down to the hangar to join his men with Ahsoka trotting along behind, “but perhaps I can convince Captain Fordo not to surprise us too badly this time.”
  When the ARC troopers finally storm the Kadavo Processing Facility with Anakin and the Jedi on their heels, the warden Agruss is already dead.
  The sudden swell of Jedi presence is nearly blinding after a month of helplessness, but Obi-Wan can't tap out, not yet. Rex, satisfied and vindictive and relieved, sways dangerously and automatically reaches out to Obi-Wan to steady himself. 
  That Rex trusts him enough to not even think about rank before asking for help warms Obi-Wan in ways he doesn't yet have the words for — he wraps Rex's arm around his shoulders and takes half his weight happily.
  "Thank you," Obi-Wan finds himself murmuring as he helps Rex towards the doors, and only smiles at the captain's bemused expression. 
  "Whatever for, General?" he asks, even as he looks back over their shoulders across the room, to Agruss impaled to his chair with the electrostaff still sparking. Then he returns Obi-Wan’s smile, shaking his head. "That's not very Jedi-like of you, sir."
  "I'm afraid I haven't felt much a Jedi since Kiros, my dear." Which is perhaps too honest to allow himself before he's had a proper meal and a full night's rest, but if there is anyone who will understand, it is the man that lived it with him. "We could wait up here for Anakin to find us, but it will likely be a while before they can spare him to start looking; do you think you can keep your feet long enough for us to reach the ground floor?"
  Rex snorts and gives a vague wave of his free hand towards the elevators. "Well, I'm certainly not going to wait up here like some damsel, sir, and General Skywalker would kill me if I let you wander around on your own."
  "Well!" Obi-Wan laughs, for the first time in weeks, and hitches Rex up to get a better grip on his waist. "In that case, we really should not keep him waiting."
  They somehow time it perfectly for what the 187th and the 501st to have just finished rounding up the slavers in the courtyard when he and Rex hobble out of a side door of the warden's tower. Lieutenant Law oversees the Togrutas' move to Mace’s flagship Solace, and Obi-Wan easily picks him and Boba out from the crowd, standing at the base of the loading ramp and speaking with the Kiros colony's governor. Anakin is nowhere to be seen, but Obi-Wan doesn't get the chance to keep looking before Kix spots them from his place by the medical frigate; a shout passes over the nearby clones like a wave, until Kix and an ARC trooper break away to (gently) manhandle both him and Rex to the frigate. 
  The 187th's medic, Oro, is already on board seeing to the Togrutas too injured to wait for triage on the Solace, snapping a distracted salute that Obi-Wan quickly waves off as he helps heft Rex onto a hoverbed. He fully intends to duck back out and check in with Mace, though things seem well in hand without him, but the ARC with Kix takes off his helmet and glares, until Obi-Wan meekly shuffles to the next hoverbed over.
  He could never refuse Jango, after all. 
  "You repainted your armor," he says conversationally, as Jango pulls a scanner from the bandoleer around his chest and has Obi-Wan roll up his right sleeve. 
  "'Lost the last set to a sarlacc before our deployment to Kiros," Jango snorts, Concord Dawn accent stronger than any of his clones. "Though it looks like your mission had its fair share of excitement." Running the scanner over the electrical burns on Obi-Wan’s arm, Jango raises an eyebrow at the dried blood on the shoulder of his tunics; Obi-Wan honestly doesn't remember if it's his or not.
  And he can only smile at Jango, because even with a decade and a war between them, the corner of Jango's mouth still twitches when he's stressed. "Well, it certainly wasn't boring, my dear," Obi-Wan says, opening the neck of his tunic enough for Jango to stick him with a hypospray that hopefully won't make him too high. "And I can't say I'm looking forward to what is surely going to be a long dip in the bacta tank."
  He gets a laugh for that, and can't think of the last time they had done more than make eye contact from opposite sides of a ship. Perhaps it had been Kamino, when Taun We had first sent for the Jedi to meet the army created for them. 
  Obi-Wan had rather thought Jango dead until then, when he had disappeared from the galaxy abruptly as if he had never lived in it at all. For a time, Obi-Wan believed he had just gotten cold feet, that finally meeting Anakin made it all a little too personal too quickly, but then even Mace could not get a hold of him and no one had seen a Mandalorian bounty hunter in months.
  Their... conversation, Jango's stilted explanations of his absence and of how little he actually knew about the purpose for the clones he helped create, left far too much unsaid, but then Obi-Wan had been sent to Geonosis and, well. It's been nearly two years now, and Obi-Wan isn't sure if he's even seen Jango without his helmet since then. 
  His eyes flick over Obi-Wan’s face, the left side of his lips twitching as if knowing exactly what Obi-Wan is thinking — and he might not put it past him. 
  "Where are Anakin and Ahsoka?" Obi-Wan hears himself ask, when the silence grows heavy with those unsaid words. And he really would like to check in with his padawan, he can't imagine her last month has been a picnic either.
  Jango sticks him with another stim before answering, "Mace sent Skywalker to make sure no slave is missed, and no slaver isn't arrested. As for your new foundling..." That little smile comes back, as Jango nods out the back of the frigate to where someone is cutting a line through the clones guarding their new prisoners. 
  "Oh dear," Obi-Wan mumbles, barely having time to brace himself before Ahsoka is launching herself at him, and all he can think is how relieved he is to see her out of her slave disguise. Jango steps cleanly out of the way to let Ahsoka smother herself in Obi-Wan’s chest, though it doesn’t stop him from starting to prep bacta patches to tide him over until they can get to the Negotiator’s medbay.
  “Hello, little one,” Obi-Wan murmurs, carefully loosening the tight net of his shields for the first time since Zygerria and letting Ahsoka’s presence flood his mind. 
  “It’s good to see you, Master ‘Nobi,” she says into his tunics, and her voice does not waver at all.
  He manages a chuckle, though it does not hold nearly as well as Ahsoka’s, as he feels himself finally relax. Anakin, of course, senses the both of them immediately and prods at their minds, but neither Obi-Wan nor his padawan acknowledge him. “I take it the Queen is dead?”
  Ahsoka sighs and pulls back enough to nod. “Count Dooku was there, Skyguy barely got us all out.”
  “That was a week ago,” Jango adds, not looking up from the datapad he’s logging Obi-Wan’s injuries into. “Even with the Queen giving us the location of the Processing Facility, we had to wait for the 187th to catch up.”
  Running his palm from the top of her head down her hind lek, Ahsoka melts back against him with a Togruta churr he rarely has the pleasure of hearing from her. “Hm, and I imagine Boba was thrilled to work with the ARC troopers.”
  Jango snorts, because they both know Boba is thirteen and his rebellious stage where he wants nothing to do with his father for fear of losing his independence. “Originally, the 104th was the closest battalion, but were held up in their own campaign. ‘Honestly didn’t think we could keep Skywalker from rushing in anyways.”
  And Obi-Wan has to wince at that, because no matter what he does, he can’t seem to find a way to teach Anakin about attachment in words he understands; truthfully, Obi-Wan wouldn’t have had him knighted until he had at least attempted to master that part of his mind, but, well, the War had different opinions.
  “I’m actually just surprised he didn’t try to fight Dooku,” Ahsoka admits, finally releasing Obi-Wan only to hop up on the hoverbed next to him. Jango immediately pulls Obi-Wan’s bare arm back to himself to start slapping the bacta patches over the worst of his burns. “Master Windu had a talk with him, though, I think it was good for him.”
  “I’d like to see that!” Jango barks, only half sarcastically: he knows better than most, the sorts of things Mace Windu can talk someone out of, and if it worked for one ex-slave, why shouldn’t it work on another?
  Ah, perhaps that shared history should not have slipped Obi-Wan’s mind, not here with thousands of freed slaves needing aid for injuries Jango is intimately familiar with.
  “And are you alright?” he asks before he can talk himself out of it, as Jango is cutting his sleeve further back. His brow ticks back up, clearly bewildered by what Obi-Wan could be referring to, but it’s Ahsoka that leans around Obi-Wan to sniff triumphantly up at Jango.
  “I told you he still likes you,” she says, and Jango’s hand freezes on Obi-Wan’s wrist.
  Obi-Wan sighs. “Ahsoka.”
  But instead of denying that he might have actually had such a conversation with Obi-Wan’s padawan, Jango coughs on a laugh. “So you did, edee. To be fair, I did not think that was the issue.”
  Ahsoka rolls her eyes, leaning back into Obi-Wan’s side as he automatically raises his arm to accommodate her. “He thinks he lost his chance, Master ‘Nobi,” she tells him. “Even Cody thinks he’s full of banthashit.”
  Where Obi-Wan feels a little shell-shocked by the turn in conversation, Jango simply keeps that tiny smile — even if it looks bittersweet and self-deprecating now. “Your foundling has spent the last week talking me in circles about this, I almost think she’s as stubborn as you.”
  “I’ll take that as a compliment, I think,” Obi-Wan returns, sarcasm an automatic, subconscious response. 
  “I wouldn’t need to talk you in circles if you two just talked to each other.”
  Shaking his head in bemusement, Obi-Wan gently fixes Ahsoka’s slika beads to lay properly around her montrals. “I’m afraid there’s quite a lot of history there, little one; most of which I’m sure Jango did not actually share with you.”
  She wrinkles her nose. “No, he refuses to tell me anything except that you met on a mission. And that he saved your ass from Jabba the Hutt.”
  Obi-Wan snaps his eyes to Jango, who looks absolutely anywhere but at him. “Is that how you remember it going, my dear?”
  “Could we do this later?”
  “Because if I recall correctly, and I do, this is not the first time you’ve lost your armor to a sarlacc.”
  Jango looks to the ceiling for patience. 
Mando'a: buir — “parent”, gender neutral  Mand’alor — “Sole ruler”, contended ruler of Mandalore. edee — “teeth”, “jaws”, used here as an affectionate name for Ahsoka. because she teeth.
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greenreticule · 3 years
cw: fatphobia
Thoughts On Another Fat Star Wars Character Because I’m Still Pissed About What They Did With Bib Fortuna In The Mandalorian And How Mando: Gallery Treated It Like A Good Artistic Decision What The Hell
(Rogue Pod does a good breakdown of the Bib Fortuna issue here with a transcript here)
There are two types of Early Imperial Era takes on Dexter Jettster:
The Last of The Jedi (tired): "Dex is fat, therefore he can't actually go on the adventures, because that would require movement."
The Smuggler's Guide (wired): "Dex is fat and takes a 12-day jungle hike by himself to help others. Fuck you."
Honestly, with whatever other good stuff The Last of the Jedi had, I just can’t get over the fatphobia with Dex. Even beforehand, with Jedi Quest, there’s a weird obsession Jude Watson has with describing his weight. Every time she mentions a body part (foot, finger, etc.) she HAS to let you know that he’s fat, and it’s not in a good way.
In Jedi Quest, she doesn’t write him with his characteristic guile, keen observation skills, or compassionate nature that shows up in every other depiction of him. He actually comes off as oblivious and caring primarily about profit.
Which would just be an annoying OOC writing for him if she hadn't also hyperfocused on Dex being fat in her descriptions, using terms that are intended to elicit disdain from both the audience and Obi-Wan.
Watson's writing makes Dex's size one of the reasons why Obi-Wan and Anakin react to him as a lesser substitute to a previous informant character; being fat is part of the reason Dex is to be endured rather than loved.
What an ugly message to send to fat kids reading this series
Then in The Last of the Jedi, Watson does a complete 180 on Dex's personality. Suddenly, he's cunning, a respected leader in a burgeoning rebellion, sacrificially compassionate. It's one of his most heroic portrayals.
And yet. She just can't get over his weight.
She still hyperfocuses on it in her descriptions. She treats it as a liability, something that makes him require assistance. The indication that he's bouncing back from near death isn't him diving back into the intel network he just mourned losing; it's him yelling for food.
And then to cap it all off, his NEAR DEATH makes him lose weight down to half his size, and that is treated like A HAPPY ENDING.
The Last of the Jedi acted it like it was better for Dex to have nearly died than to be fat.
(thank God this series isn't canon anymore)
That is such a goddamn dangerous notion to put out into a kid's book, because that is how our society treats fat people: that it is better if they do harm to their bodies and their mental health for daring to be the size that they are. That fat bodies are deserving of violence.
Now I picked Dexter Jettster as my example here, because I know the character pretty well, but this is an overarching issue in Star Wars.
It's not that we don't have thin evil characters; it's that when fat characters are introduced, their size is usually used as a shorthand for villainy or some lack of moral character. Orn Free Ta, Bib Fortuna, Ugg, Agruss, Azmorigan, etc.
The few fat characters who are good - even arguably heroic at times - consistently have their weight treated as a punchline or worse.
And the fact that they are almost all aliens is another way in which fat people are being “othered” in the GFFA. For more discussion on this, I recommend the fatphobia three-parter from the Lousy Beautiful Town podcast.
Lucasfilm can drop those "Star Wars is for Everyone!" shirts every dang day if they like, but that sentence is an aspiration, not a statement of fact. Because as long as their stories are sending messages like these, they are also sending the message "...but not for you."
Fat fans, fat kids, and fat people deserve so much better.
If you want to start learning why it's important to fight fatphobia, here's a quick overview with many links.
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What is your top 5 favorite bands right now?
I've been going through some classics lately.
So here goes:
Cannibal Corpse
Nocturnal Graves
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feybarn · 4 years
To Break a Jedi
The Togruta in front of him stumbled over their feet, shovel half-full of rocks falling from their grip and crashing onto the ground with loud clatter. Trask felt his excitement flair, already reaching for his electro-pike.
This part never got old.
The Togruta was already trembling, aware of what was coming, and Trask would hate to disappoint them.
He stepped forward, jabbing the electro-prod into the small of the Togruta’s back right where he could see another burn mark festering.
The Togruta cried out, convulsing.
Around them the other Torgrutas kept their heads down, wanting nothing more than to slip past his attention, as the
They were broken.
Pain, tedium, fear, lack of purpose. It broke most people so very quickly. And this particular group had been no exception. With the war keeping the Republic in turmoil, and the Jedi far too busy keeping the galaxy from falling apart to keep Zyggeria from doing what they did best.
The galaxy would soon remember what a Zyggerian-broken slave looked like.
Trask’s eyes darted across the room to where their newest product was shoveling rocks.
Oh yes, the galaxy would see.
And they had the prime piece of product to show it off.
There was a misconception that it was hard to break a Jedi. Trask wanted to scoff.
From Trask’s vantage point he could watch as another Togruta stumbled and the fool of a Jedi lunged forward to help them.
The warden, Agruss, smiled in a way that made even Trask feel slightly afraid.
The Torgruta scrambled away, sending fearful looks at the Jedi as Agruss sauntered forward with his electro-pike.
Agruss let the Togruta slip away, and Trask could see that Agruss already had a target for the Jedi’s attempt at help.
Trask almost wished he’d been stationed in that quadrant. Oster and Moret obeyed Agruss’ signal and grabbed the clone that shadowed the Jedi’s every footstep, pulling him forward to present his back.
The Jedi pleaded, presenting his own back to take the beating. Agruss paused as though to consider it, and then nodded.
Trask felt himself smile. It was one of Agruss’ favorite ploys.
The Jedi took the beating, and if he reacted, then Trask was too far away to hear or see it. A true shame, there was something sublime about watching those who thought they were strong learn just how weak they were.
The Jedi finished taking his beating, and then Agruss nodded to the two guards holding the clone.
The Jedi, the fool, protested.
One of the Torgruta in Trask’s quadrant stumbled and Trask wasn’t able to watch the clone take the Jedi’s punishment as he was busy applying his own punishment, but he finished up with his own slave-fodder in time to see Agruss throw the clone at the Jedi, the two guards following up by dropping the shovels at their feet.
Trask watched as the two both pushed themselves to their feet, leaning on each other, and his eyes narrowed in on the way their foreheads brushed together.
He dismissed the thought a moment later, it had likely been nothing more than an accidental bumping of heads, and there was a slacking slave that needed Trask’s electro-pike in their back to get them back to speed.
A week later and Trask could see that the treatment was wearing on the Jedi.
The beatings he took with clenched teeth and fierce eyes, Trask had given a few of those beatings himself, and had disappointed by his inability to force a cry pass the stubborn fool’s lips.
But it was no matter, the pain, after all was secondary. The beatings given to others on the Jedi’s behalf while still taken with grace, were taking a far more significant toll. Trask could see the cracks in the man’s eyes.
This. This was how you broke a Jedi.
Sure, the pain was useful as a method to wear him down.
But the true damage was done in forcing him to watch others hurt because of him. Those fools that thought Jedi couldn’t be broken were fools who didn’t understand what a Jedi was.
Jedi were not the strong people that the galaxy had fooled themselves into believing in. They were pitiful creatures, compassionate to their core.
It was such an easily exploitable weakness.
Trask liked his job, most of the time. But the night shift was his least favorite. Most slaves were far too exhausted to try anything and because of that, there was no one for Trask to keep in line. It was, essentially, boring.
He sighed to himself and started on another patrol through the sleeping slaves.
Halfway through his patrol he caught sight of the Jedi. He’d earned another beating, both for him and one of the Togrutans working alongside him, just before the day had ended, and Trask could see the blood staining the small cot.
Trask stared for a long moment, considering the Jedi.
As though sensing Trask’s eyes, the Jedi struggled awake, and his eyes met those of Trask’s.
The Jedi stiffened a little, before shifting minutely. It took Trask a moment to realize that the Jedi was trying to place himself protectively between Trask and the clone that shared the cot.
Trask bared his teeth in a mocking smile.
As though the Jedi could do anything to protect the clone, or any of the others for that matter, from Trask.
The Jedi just met his eyes evenly.
Trask searched the eyes carefully. He could still see the cracks in the slave’s composure. But he was unsettled to find that, for all that they were doing their best to beat the compassion and strength from the man, it was still shining from the man’s eyes.
Trask snarled again. He wanted to bring his electro-pike to bear on the foolish Jedi. He would too, if he didn’t know that it would annoy Agruss to have to deal with a middle-of-the-night report.
“You’ll break, Jedi. They all do. Your heart makes you weak.”
The Jedi didn’t respond, and Trask left him there to finish his patrol feeling a little unsettled.
In chains.
Trask wasn’t meant to be the one in chains. He wasn’t like the Torgrutans, he wasn’t weak. The Jedi and his clone were helping the Togrutans make their way outside to where even more of those pathetic clones were waiting to help them, while Trask and his fellow guards were now the ones in chains.
It was only a small comfort to know that the Jedi was far too weak, his heart too soft, to give Trask and the others the same treatment they’d given the Torgrutans.
The last of the Togrutans were making their way out, and the Jedi was speaking with a squad of clones about what should happen to Trask and the others.
Trask bared his teeth, raising his voice just enough to be heard. “You’re weak, Jedi. A week and we almost broke you.”
The Jedi glanced at him seemingly disinterested, but then looked away. But Trask wouldn’t be ignored.
“You were powerless, you’ll always be powerless. It doesn’t matter how hard you try, you’ll never be able to help anyone. Just like you couldn’t help the Togrutans, you only ever hurt them! What did your compassion ever do, but cause harm?”
The clone whirled, and despite the fact that he was beaten and bruised, weakened from his time as a slave, Trask found himself suddenly afraid. “His compassion is the only reason you’re still alive, scum. If it was up to me and my brothers, you’d all be dead.”
“Rex.” The Jedi’s voice was quiet. “He is not worth your energy.”
The clone just bared his teeth again, letting out a downright terrifying snarl. Trask suspected that this man would rip Trask apart with his bare hands if he was given half the chance.
“Come, Rex. I’m sure Kix would like to see you. I suspect he has a bed with your name on it.”
The clone gave Trask a final glare, before finally turning away. Dismissing Trask as though he was unimportant as he turned back to the Jedi. “Only if you come with, sir.”
The Jedi hesitated at that, but the rest of the clones were quick to assure him that they had everything well in hand.
The sharp smiles they gave Trask made him suddenly wish that the Jedi wouldn’t leave, if it was the Jedi’s presence that kept the clones in line.
Trask watched the Jedi and clone leave. There were bruises and cuts still lining their skin.
They were all weak.
But Trask couldn’t help but feel a touch of failure.
Because the two of them were weak. Their hearts tied to their sleeves where anyone could lash out and destroy them.
Yet they hadn’t broken.
Worse, Trask didn’t think they would.
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The Clone Wars Bechdel Test Rewatch- 4x12 “Slaves of the Republic”
To locate the missing colonists, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka go undercover to infiltrate the slavers on Zygerria. Anakin struggles with his emotions as a wily Zygerrian queen forces him to take questionable actions in order to carry out his mission.
Female Identifying Characters: 2
Ahsoka Tano, Queen Miraj Scintel 
Male Identifying Characters: 6
Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Captain Rex, Atai Molec, Governor Roshti, Keeper Agruss
Does it pass? 
Yes, just barely. Ahsoka exchanges just enough dialogue with Queen Miraj Scintel for it to pass.  This is the first episode of Season 4 to pass the test. I have always loved this arc, and it was really enjoyable to revisit. It has such a strong Return of the Jedi vibe, and I like seeing Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Rex without an army behind them. Ahsoka does have to disguise herself as a slave in this episode, but the male characters are all eventually captured and enslaved along with her. The Queen is pretty despicable all around. 
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