#ah lird.
ratcandy · 6 months
unforeseen predicament number 2: Never written dancing before, am gonna have to do that . more than once
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mindshelter · 1 year
bee: 0 pts
LG smart dryer: 10 pts and counting
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digifag · 1 year
i feel like in all the critiques i've seen on the way chibnall's written dr who everyone always fails to look back on the episodes he's written before becoming the head showrunner
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keeps-ache · 2 months
i think that's strike three on accidentally rbing to the wrong blog, is anybody counting hfbshfv
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newspecies · 2 months
video make me go insane
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cr0wc0rpse · 9 months
I officially have a job now 👍 however it is not an industry I want to stay in but unfortunately it’s the only thing I currently have experience in and am good at
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fakemon-archive · 2 years
ASTRA DEX, created by DarkNe0s (2009)
Did you ever make your own pokemon when you were younger? Maybe drew them, sprited them, and then shared them on some long-gone corner of the internet?
What kind of pokemon did you make?
Today, we have plenty of guides to making fakemon that more closely match the design style and philosophy of official pokemon designs, and MANY creative and incredibly talented artists bringing these fan-made dexes to life. But even still, it's hard to say what exactly makes something a pokemon design- especially when it's something that varies so much between generations.
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Good Lird. The similarities between these seems to start and end at "IT IS GREEN".
Ultimately, what a pokemon should look like is entirely subjective- but that's obvious enough, isn't it? That's just the base line of fakemon design itself. Everyone and their mother knows it.
Let's have some fun. What should your pokemon look like? Do they need to be as close to official design styles as they can be? Or can they be frightening, cool monsters? Maybe something more cartoonish? What's the weirdest you can get with them? Who's to say you can't get any weirder? What should limit you?
You can answer that on your own time. Let's look at the ASTRA dex!
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The Astra region begins with a TERRIFICALLY creative grass starter- a samara, or "helicopter seed", which becomes an actual helicopter before its final stage- a powerful grass/flying-type jet! It's a very fun and well-designed line.
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There's also the more... "up-to-date" version on deviantart, or at least as up-to-date 2009 can be considered. The most noticable difference lies in the middle stage, given a much 'beakier' face. It and its first stage have also been given a lighter shade of brown, as well as dark pupils that match with the final stage.
Meanwhile, Jetrang is the perfect animal- the only change it recieved was being made just slightly more aerodynamic.
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How cute! It's a magma gopher with a gradually cooling shell of rock forming over it- AND it's a landmine! If this thing ends up in your golf course, you best just give up. Once again, other than slightly lighter colors, only one stage has received particularly noticeable changes- this time the final, being given clearer markings and removing the lava pit on its back to be a more solid shell.
One of my favorite bits of this line is how the middle stage is given the typical angry Sugimori eyes, while the final has those dark sweet-looking cute eyes you see on things like eeveelutions and vulpix. A very darling creature- I think I'll take it to the local golf course!
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Oh. Oh
As you can tell by the complete lack of difference between the video version and the deviantart version, this is THE perfect beast. There's very little to say on it- it's a poor little shrimp that grows tough armor, and becomes practically untouchable! ... Except for its antennae, which are quite vulnerable.
Actually, it reminds me quite a bit of a certain videogame extraterrestrial... though, it's hard to say whether that's by design or pure coincidence.
Ah, this got pretty long already! As such, the rest of the post is simply going to be an image and link compilation of the rest of the dex that exists. The purpose of this is both to showcase the dex, but also to preserve its existence.
How much digital information is lost in a day? A youtube video from 2005 could be taken down for using copyright music, and nobody might even notice. An old, forgotten forum could finally shut down, throwing years of shared comments and ideas to the wind. It's insignificant to most, you don't need to cling to everything really.
My main interests lie in creature design. Both in original creations and fan-made. Not as a professional, but in general- I love seeing what fantastical things people create, and what you can learn about their own thought process through them. What they imagine makes a good design, or a cool concept, or an awesome creature- in these cases, what they imagine a POKEMON to be on their own terms.
This blog is meant to archive old and unique fakemon projects wherever I can find them as best I can, in case they should otherwise be lost to time. If you have any projects of your own that you'd forgotten, or if you know of anyone else's, please feel free to share! I have a lot of love for these things, and I'm hoping to spread that love to others.
Anyway, most images should have links to their original playlist / video / deviantart upload. Now, do note that unless explicitly stated by the original creator, these designs and sprites are not for free use in other projects.
And of course, if you are the original creator of these and have your own comments / would like the post to be removed, please feel free to speak! No need to be shy on these webpage
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DarkNe0s deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/darkne0s
DarkNe0s youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@DarkNe0s/videos
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enbycrip · 11 months
My OH: “I know you just get your words mixed up sometimes and that’s fine, but can you *please* try not to pick up “lirding our goins” as a regular phrase?
Me: “Yeah, sure, but how come? Just annoying sound? I thought it was quite nice.”
My OH: “No, it *is* a nice sound, but the image it creates is just…unhelpful when we’re out and about.”
Me: “Ah, waiting til we’re home where we can lird to our goins’ content?” *waggles deeply suggestive eyebrows*
My OH: *sighs in demi* “And not if it’s going to upset the cat. Or the pup.”
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eyelessfog · 1 year
ah fuck me im watching a movie set in france and its pulling the few french words i still use out of me. dear lird
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rebel-dritch · 2 years
Diavolo tries to be romantic
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Full context under cut
Okay so I noticed Diavolo always has a jacket hanging off of him or some piece of clothing always hanging off of him while Barbatos always wears his coats prim and proper. So I imagined this scenario where they're out walking at a chilly night. Diavolo loves his early mornings but he's accompanying Barbatos because he loves walking at night
Diavolo: It's cold, don't you think? *takes off his coat and places it around Barbatos*
Barbatos: But I'm already wearing a coat???
Diavolo: Ah, well
And his mind freezes. He does the gesture because (1) he registers Barbatos' coat as a part of his wardrobe and not as a separate coat and (2) he wanted to be romantic lmao help me I wrote this at night Good Lird. Have this crappy edit done at 3 AM
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ratcandy · 8 months
everything clicks into place so easily for me when writing Sozo I think he possessed me last night much like Zote did three years ago to tell me exactly how he became like that and all i could do is watch my hands move in horror
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bettimbellis · 1 year
A Collage (of Yelling)
I saw someone do something like this to advertise their fic- they linked the fic, and then put in a little collage of various comment snippets. I can’t find the post to show off- someone please do let me know if you’ve seen that, I want to credit them. 
Either way, my Hollow Knight post-Black-Egg-Temple fic (linked here) has 209 comment threads on it. I’ve gone through and found some bits. These bits were mostly chosen for entertainment/intrigue value out of context- a lot of my favorite comments didn’t get in. 
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Got some good reviews there, I think. Anyone wanna see the collection I have of Discord screenshots from folks yelling at me about this fic?  (Seriously though, thank all of y’all who comment, yell in the tags, whatever- I love it. Really helps keep the writing muse going, too.)
Image descriptions below the cut. 
[Image ID: a collection of bits of text placed on a light green background, in several groups. Text is as follows. 
Excuse me who gave you the right to hit me with this line at seven in the morning”, with an arrow pointing to the left. also it feels like there are many things to be concerned about lmao  God, Hollow is such a poor baby. A lanky wet cat left in the rain. Hollow, that feeling is love, dear, no need to feel so confused about it. Hornet, my sad dumb little spider baby, go to bed. in summary holy shit this is fucked sounds like stressTM can these characters stop being so relatable good Lird *smacks my face* Hornet. Hornet. the fuck HOLY FUCKING SHIT [all caps] It was so soft!!!! And then it became *so goddamn angsty-* *squints harder*  Wet rag is my new favorite character. *thunks my head on a wall* Gosh darn it Oro course you had to have integrity But also OW MY HEART?! SHATTERED?1 POOR BABY HOLLOW IM GONNA CRY Gosh dang. The last chapter was a little lighter, but apparently you were just holding back for this one.  (Chp. 3) I stg this whole chapter made my emotions whip back and forth between “awww :)” and “awwh :(” and “oh. Oh no baby do not think like that”.  Augh. just, augh. / ...except that bit at the end. ...except that last sentence, ‘cause, yeah. / *hides face in hands* this has been exhausting for everyone, apparently. Hollow knight or: when you are so touch starved that your standards for touch that you want are somewhere in the abyss that has spawned you.  Whatever the FUCK happened in the last section is Oh Lord Oh God What The Heeeeeellll Ohhhh My Goood No Waaayyyy... Will be waiting for the next chapter STARING at ao3...
i was so relieved to read this that i accidentally put my phone in airplane mode trying to respond “it is startled out of its pleasant memory-” pLEASANT???? PLEASANT!?! Hollow no. HOLLOW NO- / why does this for some reason almost feel like fluff.  My urge to keysmash at you is strong Just. God. Everything about this is so fucked in so many ways.
Something about this line just makes me want to. Maybe stab the king in the chest. Repeatedly. And then throw them off a bridge. Idk Actually many things about this chapter make me want to stab the king in the chest repeatedly and then throw them off a bridge. Because *holy shit* Hollow, honey, you have so much trauma. OMG ghost, what have you done [stressed emoji] Okay then. Well. Um. That’s a lot to happen.  God it’s such a mess Ah yes, the eldritch nonsense trying to approximate a living creature, my beloved PK you ass. PK you absolute ASS get over here I wanna hit you with something heavy-  oh / im immediately punched in the face okay thank you for that Right off the bat I am mildly excited about this chapter solely because you played with text formatting and that makes my serotonin levels rise. I don’t know why but thank you for that.  CONFUSION SOUP I’M FHDHDJFKFKGH I wanna join the cuddle pile :<<< let me in [holding Hollow gently in both hands] / I will get you all the fresh-dirt-scented soap Fucking superb you funky little vessels. Oh boy! Spiraling!
Oh this chapter hurts ‘specially bad. Because it wasn’t enough to be possessed and neglected and quite literally tortured and driven insane, now we gotta have more medical issues and amnesia-  I fuckign cried at this one, oh my god. Pain is always a tearjerker, but it’s nothing compared to someone who’s been in pain so long finally getting that first big moment of *realizing they’re wanted* and *heard* and *healing*  And I gotta say, (this is gonna sound bad) I really do love Hollow’s victim blaming. Or how it’s written. I love how you write characters in pain <333 “Oh, just a quick chapter to read before bed,” I thought to myself. “I will enjoy it and feel a normal and manageable level of emotions about it.” / ...Thanks for making me all teary in the wee hours, now I’ll never get to sleep! (...I mean this as praise.) Oh. Oh Hollow. So wrapped up in the need to be useful. So incapable still of seeing that their own gut-wrenching familial love might be returned in kind, whether they have some designated purpose for their existence or not.  Yeah. Relieved. / Oh, Hollow... You have already left kudos here :) [three times] / Have I ever been told the definition of insanity?  honestly the body horror was the /least/ disturbing thing in this chapter. not to say! that it was not disturbing - even then, less the horror and more the. context. i want to punch TPK. into a lake. that is on fire.
First comment of my first reread, and MAN. This opening hits just as hard the second time.  Keep in mind Hollow Knight was made by Australian people Hollow 100% deserves a nice date at the palace if they so wish. anyway, I feel very emo about Hollow, all the time.  HOLLOW IS LETTING THEMSELVES HAVE WILL, LET’S GOOOOOO Ghost is doing Fine:tm:, Hornet is doing Fine:tm:, Hollow is *actually* doing pretty well Good news! Hollow is an emotional wreck!  Hornet is doing sooo normal right now (lying).
TLDR; amazing story, glorious update, poor Grimm, I Am Desperate For Shield Lore, someone please tell Ghost it isn’t their fault, the entire gaggle of siblings needs a group hug, I Am Going To Put The Pale King’s Corpse Through A Shredder, and Hornet needs another good cry. 
anyways fuck you for writing this keep it up
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ohabeeeeeee · 4 months
i see the baguette in the timekeeper enclosure i see them. ah. hm. Oh my.
oh good lird
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whitebookposts · 6 months
Ah, I see you're open for the boops. Okay
This is for supporting my Megabird interpretation!
This is for supporting my art!
THIS is for believing in my Pantheon au!
THIS IS for reading my huge lore posts!
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lostacelonnie · 10 months
Ah hell my bad i did get. Really busy & really tired the end of year holidays are busy & really draining. I am a sea person but im glad that resonates with non sea people too. People try & talk to you often there? I dont know a whole section of verb conjugation so im not sure how id do there. Fried bread & cinnamon sugar what a peak combination thank you churros. Same i need to pick up more spanish food recipes. Oh? Thats a good start actually. Knowing simple stuff like eggs or grilled cheese or uh. Chicken noodle soup are good baselines. I mean. Yeah same to a degree. I turn them on when im reading or walking/going places. Keeps me focused. Mag is good. Same with nightvale & alice isnt dead. Thats some solid luck kudos to everyone for not getting attacked by gulls. Id wonder about that too australia seems. Nice but very weird. Like their one prime minister who walked into the ocean & disappeared. Kudos to her for finding one she likes & gets along with enough to move there. Ah nothin like light hearted roasting among friends love that for you. Oh jeesh thats like my geometry teacher i had once. Dude would get distracted & then skip stuff he was supposed to help us learn. & still test us on it. Had a different math teacher help me sometimes because he was better at teaching. Hell yeah english teacher for the save. She sounds cool. I dont have time for meta so like. Why bother when if something works it works? Oh is honkai meta that hard? Do i need to focus on that on the way through the story? Oh thats way better like star rail having a pick your own on standard after x amount of pulls. What genshin's fate system could be if it was good. Hmm im not sure where even to start. I guess about himeko. Like her place in the story & what her story in hi3 is. Since i doubt its similar to in hsr. Hell she does have that vibe doesnt she? Chill piracy milf in a way. I hope she becomes playable. A thirty minite backstory? Must be a heck of a joke. Or because of all the polish nuance. Thanks! Ill have to see how she plays of course but personality wise she's good. Fontaine has killed it with interesting characters. Oh? Why the screen limit is it a doctors orders thing? & no worries about that life hit me hard so i understand. Ah thanks im getting to where gear matters a bit so ill need that luck. Need to up talents & such more though. Makes sense then but damn 4 pm as the other option? Both of those aren't super great. I live close to my work which is nice but i still have to wake up 2 hours before for early days because otherwise i wont wake i am not a morning person. 4 am? Hell mad respect for that i could never im barely a person some days at that hour i definitely wouldnt be. Oh nice congrats! On the exam & the history memes. At least your friends are becoming nerds with you. Important group activity. Im caught up on show & manga releases but i do need to read the spin off still when i can find it. Claire has protag rights to one name
AH ITS OK i just. Dont trust tumblr to function properly AJSKFJJH. but ah wishing you some time to chill soon. i understand tho since its the end of the first semester in my school so literally every teacher is trying to squeeze in as many tests as possible. yeah sjdkfkkskdf thats one thing everyone can agree on i suppose!! and it really is like that!! the stereotype about spanish people being seemingly All Extroverted is. much more true than i expected it to be. especially when compared to poland where everyone just more or less minds their own business. and not knowing the language that well proved to be less of an issue than i thought actually!! as in. i do Not speak spanish very well but through a series of trial and error combined with a lot of gesticulation i managed to communicate well enough. AND FOR REAL good lird. they were so right for that. and thanks!! i can more or less follow intermediate recipes so i can Survive more or less. and ahh thats fair, i unfortunately cant really listen to stuff outside my house as i only own headphones and not earphones and i dont like being Completely disconnected from the sound around me when im not at home. but very understandable. ANYWAY YEAH AUSTRALIA IS. A PLACE. i heard about that one prime minister yeah..... wild...... and yeah ajdkfjg me and my friends have been dissing each other for a Long time since i did the same thing in my previous school. always fun. AND AOUGH I FEEL YOU i have. a Lot of teachers like that. but eh im pretty decent at studying on my own [if i find the energy.....] so its managable. with math teachers too actually which is very funny bc last year we had this one teacher [we called her The Brick] who just. did not explain Anything just start doing exercises on the board and then be disappointed when we didnt understand anything. so obviously we were very happy to hear that were gonna have a different one EXCEPT??? SHE DOESNT KNOW HOW TO COUNT???? LIKE GENUINELY SHE DOES SOMETHING ON THE BOARD THREE TIMES AND EACH TIME ITS SOLVED INCORRECTLY. IN A DIFFERENT WAY. ah well. but yes my english teacher is very epic. if nobody got me i know she got me can i get an amen. and exactly i agree with you!! as in. i like when theres a Big Number so i try to more or less build my chars but im not gonna wreck my sanity doing the same domain over and over again. the honkai meta however IS pretty hard so i try to keep up with that. but im much less excited for part 2 so when it drops im probs gonna focus on gearing the chars i already have instead of pulling the new ones since you can do anything with a good support and i have. pretty good supports [HERRSCHER OF TRUTH FOR THE WIN]. id generally recommend Not Completely Ignoring it yeah. tho i did and still managed to pull myself out, but it wasnt a pleasant experience [god. superstring dimension with ungeared teams. Augh.] so. yeah. AND RIGHT???? honkais meta may be painful but the gacha sure is not. I WILL GET INTO HIMEKOS STORY BUT ITS GONNA TAKE A SEC SO ILL JUST PUT IT UNDER A READMORE AND ALSO BEWARE OF VERY VERY VERY HEAVY SPOILERS. since im not exactly sure in what point of the story youre in. AND YEAH shes just. chillen. and the joke is [linguistic rant incoming] actually not That long [i just love hyperboles] although there is one joke that is Actually pretty hard to explain. anyway what i wanted to say is that she has ESSA which. first of all this is slang but its slightly outdated slang [which, of course, doesnt stop me from using it] and it just. well when you say someone has essa it means theyre like. chill in a cool way. cool in a chill way. but also essa itself can be used like. hm. for example if you manage to do sth, say, pass an exam, and you wanna say you did it and also it wasnt very hard?? you can just say NO I ESSA. its not quite translatable into english but needless to say i shall now begin using it. AND YEAH FR rare occurence where genshin made me actually care about male characters. as in. i love furina forever but neuvilette has actually proven to be someone i like as well.
[once again. tumblr forcing me to do a paragraph break] his autistic swag has captivated me. and yeah ajdfkgjsj as it turns out im both farsighted and have astigmatism so i should be limiting my computer usage...... its ok tho im trying to get into traditional art more and also studying is easier. so Its Joekay. ahhhhhh talents are such a pain to level up.... i just never have enough stuff for them seemingly. yeah my history classes have godawful times good lird. and we actually do less material bc of that since our teacher just refuses to do anything on the 6pm classes and just does twice the material in the monday block instead. i love my life. fair enough tbh, i picked up an ADDITIONAL 7am class bc its not mandatory and was close to disbanding but my classbestie really likes it so i joined to make it less likely to fall apart but ah. im regretting my decision. but at least the teacher is nice so. AND FOR REAL i do not understand where they get their energy from. or the dedication. ESPECIALLY for this godforsaken school. and ah thankies!!!! and good luck with catching up!!! i LOVE the manga sm omg...... im also very excited for the anime since the love scale arc is starting today and its my favorite........ big hype. and ah i started playing noita recently!!!! very fun i love games that are engineered to hurt me personally
i Should mention that im not an expert on himeko lore BUT ill do my best hehehe. however i will reiterate that heavy spoilers ahead, especially for chapter 9.
SO himekos backstory is revealed in the alien space manga [which, admittedly, i read only because i found out shub niggurath appears by the end and i love niggurath] but it goes more or less like this. i wont go into detail about what Exactly happened because truth be told this is a pretty long manga and i simply do not have the motivation to do an Entire Summary but basically. when she was in university, her father, who was working for schicksal and also the host of an Actual Literal Alien kiiiiiind of went berserk [without her knowledge, of course] and welt had to Kill Him. which is pretty bad because they knew each other and were Kinda friends. anyway since her mother was already dead and she was infected with honkai at the time, this caused her to join schicksal! of course, the entire time kept in the dark about what exactly happened to her father. so when she was in schicksal, she was in the squad let by ragna lothbrok, who also ended up dying in action, and himeko ended up in saint freya. she also made bianka join schicksal! so anyway this is where we get to the main story. i wont go into chapter chiyou bc im gonna be honest i remember Nothing from chronicles. but she was kiana and the others from the main squad mentor, guiding them through their journey as valkyries. when kiana awoke as the herrscher of the void during the void arc, she was also Actively Dying from honkai poisoning [since valkyrie gear uses the honkai in it but she had pretty low natural resistance to it]. fu hua gives her an antidote that Could save her life but, during the final lesson, she uses it to temporarily seal the herrscher of the void so that kiana can live on. and dies in the process. i cry watching it to THIS DAY. but himeko remains as somewhat of an Afterlife Guide to the end of the series, appearing as flashbacks and visions in the chapter 11 ex cg, meteoric salvation, like an entire section of set tomorrow ablaze, everlasting flames, and graduation trip. to summarize, I LOVE HER AND WILL CRY ABOUT HER AGAIN. AOUGGGHH. she actually means so much to me you have no idea you have NO idea
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midoribai · 1 year
that’s the whole appeal, silly, that they have cats to pet. ooh, this is so exciting!! i’ve never gone anywhere with you that wasn’t asunaro!
MIDORI: "You've been to Asunaro? That's.."
MIDORI: "..A-Ah?" (a cat rubs its head up against him. lird,,)
MIDORI: "..Moon. Look. Eheh.."
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