#ah well.. here goes nothin
maddogofshimano · 1 year
The Boss’s Date Coaching
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oh baby it's another Goromi event! this one's a board game with Nishida as our protagonist
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the board music was Receive You the Madtype
I thought it was kind of funny that they were squeezing another Goromi event in when her character story and past event already covered............. basically every single moment available in YK1! but that's okay.
because this one doesn't take place in YK1
as a brief aside on pronouns, I’m sticking with she/her for any references to Goromi. the term for boss Nishida uses for her, 親父, is explicitly masculine in the same way that patriarch in english is, but I’m not factoring that in for this translation
I will put a content warning that there's a brief attempted sexual assault in this, it's only a few lines and is resolved very quickly but it is there
summary: It is 2006. Goromi is waiting for Kiryu to arrive at SHINE to help out a hostess so she can (once again) surprise him. Nishida has a date coming up, and in her boredom Goromi decides she'll teach him the secrets of a woman's heart.
[2006] [After Kiryu Kazuma was released from prison….] (Tl note: the first time I completely blew past the fact that this said 2006 and not 2005. But I guess 2006 is technically after Kiryu was released from prison, so.) Goromi: ……Kiryu-chan, you're takin' so long~.
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Goromi: Nishida! Are ya absolutely sure ya actually emailed him?
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Nishida: Y-Yes! I'm positive I did...
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Goromi: Then why ain't he come here? Nishida: Kiryu-san is… a really busy person, so… he must have gotten himself caught up in something…. (tl note: Nishida refers to Kiryu as Kiryu no ojiki, which is literally your uncle who is younger than your dad, and in yakuza terms usually means a patriarch less senior than your own. I'm going with -san for simplicity of showing he's being deferential)
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Goromi: ……..Well, a burly guy like Kiryu-chan probably gets tons of invites. Goromi: But I got all this time to kill~. …Nishida, ain't there just nothin' interesting? Nishida: I-I guess so… Goromi: Kaaa~… When there's a girl this cute with nothin' to do, ya oughta be helpin' her kill some time! <phone buzzes> Nishida: …! (tl note: this is literally the first time Nishida has looked not extremely worried)
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Goromi: Oh! Is it from Kiryu-chan!?
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Nishida: N… No, it wasn't. Goromi: What the hell. Who's it from? Nishida: Umm… well… Goromi: …You're stallin'. Give it here! Nishida: Ah… Goromi: …"I had a lot of fun on our date on Saturday, Rina"… This is… Nishida, did'ya get yourself a girlfriend? (Tl note: it's not……….. it's not YK1 SHINE hostess and known lesbian Rina, right? it's a different Rina……. right???) Nishida: No, it's not that serious…! We just met when I went to a group-dating event the other day… Nishida: Then we emailed a little… and she ended up asking me out on a date… Goromi: Ohh~… Seems like she's into ya. What kinda girl is she? And what do ya think of her? Nishida: Umm… here's a picture from the group dating. Nishida: She's a really sweet, attentive, and kind, and we get along… I think it'd be really great if we ended up dating…
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Goromi: ……… Nishida: …Boss? Is something wrong? Is there something strange about the photo? Goromi: …Just shocked. A beautiful lady like her is all but wasted on ya. Nishida: …Y-Yeah, I think so too. I'm not even sure why she ended up contacting me at all… Goromi: ….I got it! This situation calls for me to step in and help ya, yeah? (Tl note: Goromi is using "washi" as her personal pronoun here, which is what Majima usually uses when he's speaking as a boss, or "ore". Goromi usually goes with "watashi" but does use "ore" when Kiryu catches her off-guard) Nishida: Eh? Goromi: To make sure yer date goes well, I'm gonna teach ya all about a woman's heart! Nishida: Eh… Goromi: And I've got tooons of free time right now… aren't ya lucky~! Goromi: Hang tight! This is gonna be "the heart of a woman: lesson 1"! <Goromi leaves, presumably to make slides or get props or something> Nishida: I-……… I have a bad feeling about this… Nishida: I think my boss is just… doing something absurd to me to kill time while waiting for Kiryu-san to show up… (Tl note: lol this time it was actually -san. just gotta be EXTRA formal talking about Kiryu around Goromi, I guess) Nishida: No… it's bad to assume. It's possible that my boss might honestly be trying to help me… Nishida: …She said this was lesson one on a woman's heart… How many lessons is she planning? <scene transition to later> Goromi: …I've come~! And I've brought pleeenty of booze~! (Tl note: Goromi says お・ま・た~! which I presume is a shortening of お待たせしました as in "sorry to have kept you waiting" but omata on its own is uh. it's vulva. it's vulva and that sort of crotch area. hence my translation of trying to get some kind of weird double entendre there) <sound of a cork popping> Nishida: Wh-Why are you filling that tower of glasses with alcohol… Goromi: I thought I'd show ya how to drink. I brought a buncha different kinds. Goromi: Sake, shochu, wine, whiskey, cocktails, plum brandy, beer, take your pick! Go on, drink whatever ya want! Nishida: A-Alright… Nishida: (…Boss… did say she was going to teach me about the hearts of women… so does that mean this is a test?) Nishida: (In that case… a cocktail is probably bad… that's something a girl would pick, I think…) (tl note: NISHIDA NO DON'T LOSE TO THE TOXIC MASCULINITY) Nishida: …Boss. I'd like a whiskey and cola to drink, please. Goromi: Ohh… Whiskey, huh…? Nishida: Well then… cheers. Nishida: (The way I drink will probably also be judged… the manly way to do it is in one shot…)
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<horrible gulping sounds and the glass hitting the table> Nishida: …Thank you! Goromi: Oooh, yer a big drinker, huh? Goromi: Although… did ya notice anythin' strange? Nishida: Eh? Something strange…? Now that you mention it, the taste was a little bit peculiar…  <stomach noise> Nishida: My… my stomach's… Wh-What did you put in that, boss!? Goromi: Dumbass! You were so complacent ya didn't even realize that thing was fulla laxatives! Nishida: L-Laxatives!? Why did you.. guhh… Goromi: And now ya know lesson one of how women's hearts work: "I don't want to be with a man who would easily be poisoned to death!"  Goromi: If you're a man, ya gotta be cautious of anythin' that gets served to ya, cause ya could get poisoned!
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Nishida: Th-That's… unreasonable… Nishida: (…I think my worries were correct… She's just using me for amusement to kill some time…) <stomach gurgling> Nishida: Ughhh… S-Sorry… gotta… bathroom… Goromi: …No can do. If ya wanna go to the bathroom, ya gotta beat up that guy. Nishida: …Eh? <footsteps> Beefy Majima Family Member: …Sorry, Nishida no aniki. Boss says I gotta.
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Nishida: Y-You… Goromi: Now, after poisonin' ya, this ruffian's here to snatch your pretty girlfriend! Goromi: Nishda! Endure that stomach ache 'n win! Show Goromi-chan somethin' good! Nishida: Ughuugh… Y-Yes… boss!!!! Beefy Majima Family Member: Well… I hope you'll forgive me, Nishida no aniki. (Tl note: I did shorten that name to "beefy member" and then reconsidered)
<fight happens> <sounds of a toilet flushing> Nishida: Haa… Haa… Just in the nick of time… Goromi: Heh, ya gotta a lotta willpower to avoid havin' an accident like that, huh? Here, drink this so ya don't get dehydrated. Nishida: Ah, some water? Thank you, Boss. <drinking sounds> Nishida: …What the… it's a little bitter…? Boss, what's up with this water-- <Nishida hits the ground> Goromi: Dumbass! I just told ya, don't make it so easy to slip ya sleepin' pills like that! Goromi: …When ya wake up, I'm gonna train ya until ya can identify every kind of poison by taste. Buckle up, buttercup. Nishida: Uugh… uughhh… that's……. impossibleee…. <END PART 1>
[While waiting on Kiryu to finally arrive, Goromi learns of an upcoming date and uses her free time to instruct Nishida on the matters of a woman's heart.] [After drinking poisoned booze, Nishida has learned lesson number one, "girls don't want guys who are easily poisoned".]
Nishida: (Boss… She told me to wait outside for the next lesson on a woman's heart…)
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Nishida: (This lesson comes after poisoning… What sort of terrifying part of the female psyche is she going to teach…) Goromi: I've come~ 🎶 (Tl note: yeah. yeah it's the same one. yeah) Nishida: Ah, boss. What's the next lesson going to… be? <Goromi appears with a whole army of goons> Goromi: A woman's heart: lesson 2! "Obviously I like strong men 🎶"! (Tl note: this is probably the same line she says to Kiryu about her type of man, but I'm too lazy to double check OR look up what she exactly said in english)
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Goromi: A man's not a real man at all if he ain't tough! Now you're gonna tussle with these guys! Goromi: Smash up these ten opponents, and show a gal what she likes to see in a man! Nishida: No… this is… just the boss's pastime… Nishida: She said this was about a woman's heart… but this is more like training in a battle manga… Goromi: Let's get it rollin'! Get it done nice 'n quick! Goromi: Oi, everyone! No goin' easy just cause it's 10 on 1, I want everyone goin' all out against Nishida! Majima Family Members: Roarrrrrrrr!!!! Nishida: ….Crap… Guess there's no avoiding it…! Nishida: Haa… Haa… (tl note: THIS WASN'T THE OBLIGATORY FIGHT? I THOUGHT THIS WAS GOING TO BE THE FIGHT IS THERE ANOTHER??)
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<a goon slides in> Nishida: !?
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<Nishida gets smacked> Nishida: Guh…! <A new goon slides in> Majima Family Member A: Haa! Nishida: Crap! <Nishida steps away> Nishida: Haa… Haa… Nishida: (When there's this many opponents… while you're busy with one guy, another will circle around behind you…) Nishida: (They're not that strong if I can take them on one by one, but I can't fight them properly when they're in my blind spots…) Nishida: (What the hell do I do…) Nishida: …..! That's it….! Goromi: …Seems like ya figured it out. Goromi: Everyone! What're ya standin' around for! Go beat the shit outta Nishida! Majima Family Member A: Y-Yes! <scene change> Nishida: Yes… right here…
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Majima Member A: Oi! It's too cramped to go together! Majima Member B: Shit… this is… too narrow! Nishida: (Yes… This narrow alleyway forces them to come down it one at a time…) Nishida: (Since I don't have to keep watching my back, this negates their numbers advantage in close quarters.) Nishida: …What's wrong, come at me! Otherwise it'll be the boss that's hitting you! Nishida: …Time to go…! Nishida no aniki! Please don't hold this against me!
<actual fight time where you do indeed take on 10 goons>
Majima Member D: Gahh…
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Nishida: Haa… Haa… Somehow… I won… Goromi: Ya did it, Nishida! Now ya don't gotta be worried when ya get jumped by a buncha thugs!
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Nishida: Um… I think I will still be worried… Goromi: Well, if they really wanted ya dead they woulda done ya in the first time you stumbled… Goromi: Eh, we'll call it good enough this time. Ya passed lesson 2 of a woman's heart, "Obviously I like strong men 🎶" ! Nishida: Th-Thank you very much… Goromi: Now, this will be the final thing I can teach you about a woman's heart… A woman's heart: lesson 3… Are ya ready? Nishida: Y…..Yes. Nishida: (Next is the final one, huh…) Nishida: (I figured that if she's just doing this to kill time, she'd get tired of these sorts of antics… but this is faster than I thought.) Nishida: (But I can't let my guard down. Lessons 1 and 2 were seriously absurd… What on earth will lesson 3 be?) <music changes to the more emotional soft track> Goromi: A question for ya. Right now… what do ya think Goromi-chan wants? (Tl note: I misread it as "what do you think of Goromi-chan" at first and was like, so scared to continue. I was shook by the possibility of Goromi emotional vulnerability momence)
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Nishida: …Eh? Goromi: What's wrong? Answer already. I wanna know whatcha think I'm after. Nishida: Eh… Well… Nishida: (What do I say… The number one thing my boss would probably want is to fight with Kiryu-san.) Nishida: (But, that would be way too easy for this quiz… what the hell… what is it…) Goromi: …Figured out your answer? Nishida: ……….. Nishida: ……Sorry, I don't know. Nishida: I thought getting to fight Kiryu-san would be it, but… I'm not confident enough in that to commit to it. Goromi: …Ya got it. "I dunno" is the right answer. Nishida: Eh? Goromi: The final lesson on women's hearts: "Don't presume to know a woman when you're only looking at one side of her".
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Goromi: Every woman has her own circumstances. Goromi: A woman who loves sweets can still have days where she wants something spicy, and there are women who will claim to hate what they actually like. (Tl note: .............................................................................hey when this is in direct response to Goromi's number one desire being a fight with Kiryu. there's. hmm.) Goromi: So, don't look at just one aspect of a woman and think ya know everything about her, okay? Goromi: Women are deeply complex, living beings, despite what men think. ...Got it? Nishida: Y-Yes...! I will take your words to heart! Goromi: ...Alright, good. I taught ya about the female psyche, so make good use of it on your date. Nishida: Y... Yes! Goromi: Well then, time to head back to the club. I got a feelin' that Kiryu-chan might be there soon.
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<she leaves> Nishida: While the other two were obviously farces... it feels like that last one was surprisingly genuine. Nishida: Guess it makes sense, after she got tired of doing the absurd. But, that doesn't seem quite right... hmmm... Nishida: Still, something to make use of on my date... Nishida: "Don't presume to know a woman when you're only looking at one side of her" is good to keep in mind... Nishida: But "I don't want to be with a man who would easily be poisoned to death!" and "Obviously I like strong men 🎶" are-- Nishida: Maybe not as helpful... <END PART 2>
[I'm skipping the recap lol but today's the day of the date] Rina: Hehe, I thought the same thing during the group date, but talking to you is really easy, Nishida-san...
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Rina: I was really nervous to ask you out, but I'm glad I gathered up the courage 🎶 Nishida: Oh, nah... I was worried we wouldn't be that good of a fit, too. Nishida: ........ Rina: ...? What's going on? You keep looking around the perimeter. Do you have a friend here? Nishida: Ah, no... it's nothing. Sorry, it's just nerves. Rina: Ah, no worries then! Really, I thought it was cute, you looked like a baby animal. Nishida: C-Cute...? Is that so... Nishida: (I can't tell her that I'm traumatized from my boss's training, and that I'm looking for a good spot to fight a pack of thugs...) Nishida: (Or that I'm being cautious about drinking the water brought to me in case it's been poisoned...) Nishida: (The boss's lessons on a woman's heart... my body sure remembers them, huh... ha...) Rina: Ah, that's right! Listen to this! I'm not making this up, the other day at the park, I saw a squirrel-- (Tl note: I thought that was just, the end of her sentence at first. she's just REALLY excited about squirrels) <scene transition to outside> Rina: Nishida-san, your recommendation of restaurant was delicious! I'm definitely bringing all my friends there 🎶
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Nishida: I'm glad. I like going there because it's fairly cheap while still being delicious. Rina: Cheap and delicious restaurants are the best. I feel like it being cheap makes it taste even better, you know? Nishida: Ah, I get you! It's really a question of mood. This restaurant here is also good. There's this pork fried with ginger and grated daikon on top-- Rina: Hehe, you sure know your eateries Nishida-san. I'll have to rely on you next time I can't decide where to go eat~. Rina: ................So...... What are you doing after this? (tl note: NISHIDA SCORES?) Nishida: Eh? Umm... What am I doing. Maybe... getting drinks? Rina: ...Could we go somewhere to rest a bit? There's a place where we can talk slow and relaxed. (tl note: NISHIDA GETS SCAMMED?) Nishida: Eh? Somewhere to rest and relax? That's... Rina: Hehe... You'll have fun if you go. Come on. <another scene transition> Nishida: This is... the place?
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Nishida: (BAR, huh... The hallway to the bathroom would be good to use if I'm outnumbered...) (Tl note: yeah the bar is named. BAR. in english. which is just great for translating) Nishida: (I'm still hung up on my boss's training, it really messed me up... I'm not the protagonist of a battle manga...) Rina: What do you think? I find it very relaxing, and since it's a hole-in-the-wall kind of place there's not crowded so you can really take your time and talk. (Tl note: very funnily hole-in-the-wall is fairly direct, the jpn being 穴場 or "hole place") Nishida: Ahh, you're right, this is a very relaxing place. Rina: Yeah. ...Hmm? Nishida-san, did you perhaps think it was something naughty? (tl note: well I sure did) Nishida: N-No... I-It's nothing like that...! Rina: Hehe, no need to panic. I just said it to make you conscious of it 🎶 (Tl note: struggling with the second sentence here, it's ふふっ、 慌てなくてもいいですよ。ちょっと意識させようと思って言いましたし🎶) Nishida: Eh...? Muscular Bartender: ...Are you ready to order?
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Rina: For me, a kahlua milk! Nishida: Umm... How about... Barley shochu. (Tl note: 麦の水割り, which probably has a better word for it but that's my best guess) Bartender: ...Alright. Here's your kahlua milk and barley shochu. Rina: Well then, kanpaiii 🎶 Nishida: Ahh, kanpai! (Tl note: Nishida why do you say kanpai in full kanji you fucking dweeb) Nishida: (I keep thinking my boss might emerge from beneath the bar, so I'm worried about this drink being poisoned...) Nishida: (There's no way it's actually poisoned... though... hmm... there's a bitterness...) Rina: ...? Is something wrong, Nishida-san? Nishida: No... it's just, this tastes like the sleeping pills my boss made me take... Bartender: ....! Nishida: Yep... My boss made me take sleeping pills over and over, and this... tastes exactly like those sleeping pills. I don't know why it would be sleeping pills... Rina: IIII have no idea why that would be. Right, bartender? Bartender: ...Sir, we are an upstanding business. We don't take false accusations lightly. Nishida: Ah, no, I didn't even say you put them in there... Nishida: But someone could have put them in there to cause trouble for you, so the police should check the other drinks to be sure Bartender: ....Tch. Oi. <a bunch of thugs jump out> Nishida: !? Bartender: You all, this guy's making up lies about us. Shake him down for some apology money to make up for it. Nishida: No, I'm not accusing you of anything. All I'm saying is a quick confirmation-- Bartender: You all! Get him! Nishida: (They aren't listening... I'm getting the feeling that the sleeping pills weren't in there on accident.) Nishida: (I'm up against 4 opponents. If they surround me I'm done for..... that's it! I just need time.) Nishida: Rina-san! Hide in the bathroom! Rina: Uh... r-right! Bartender: Wait! Do you really want to hide somewhere with no exit? Bartender: ...What's the point...? Is he going to bunker down in the hallway... Nishida: I know there's no way out of this... Only Rina-san will be hiding. Nishida: (This narrow corridor in front of the bathroom, it'll force them to come one at a time. This is my only way to win.) Bartender: ...Heh... You went through all that trouble to run, only to go for a narrow hallway with no way out.
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Bartender: You'll regret ever speaking a single false word about my drinks!!!!
<fight time>
Bartender: S-... stupid...
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<he hits the ground> Nishida: Haa... Haa... That was close. Nishida: If I didn't make use of those tight quarters, I would have been a goner as soon as they got behind me. Nishida: All thanks to that training my boss gave me on fighting multiple opponents... Nishida: And the fact that I had to drink sleeping pilsl and laxatives so I'd know what they tasted like... that ended up being useful too. <the door opens> Rina: N-Nishida-san... are you okay? ...Eh!? You... beat all of them? Nishida: Yeah... somehow, I managed it. I think we should get out of here before they wake up. Rina: Umm, no... I'm... Nishida: ....? What's wrong? Rina: I-It's... it's nothing... L-Let's go. <back outside> Rina: ...Yeah, I had no idea it was that kind of establishment. I really never thought they would attack you and try to take your money...
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Nishida: ...Hey, Rina-san. Earlier, why did you want to stay in the bar? Rina: Eh... th-that's... well... Nishida: ......... Nishida: ............If... If you're... an accomplice to that bar, it would be a good idea to stop doing that. Nishida: If you keep it up... I think you'll end up in a really bad situation some day. Rina: .....That's my choice, isn't it? Nishida: Eh...? Rina: ...Don't start talking like you're my boyfriend after one date! All you are to me is a source of revenue! Nishida: R-...Rina-san? Rina: It was me, I'm working with that bar, I took you there specifically to fuck you over! So? Happy now!? Rina: And now you've ceased to be useful to me. ...Never contact me again. <she leaves> Nishida: R-Rina-san... Nishida: ...I thought she was nice girl, too... Nishida: "Don't presume to know a woman when you're only looking at one side of her", huh. It's exactly like my boss said. Nishida: Boss... There's no way you expected all of this to happen, right...? Nishida: Rina-san went back to the store. I wonder... does she plan on doing the same thing again? Nishida: ............. <END PART 3>
Bartender: Shit... What's with that helmet bastard.... (Tl note: this is when I realized this was for real in 2006 and not a typo or a timeline mistake. which also means that Goromi hostess dates with Kiryu were a recurrent thing)
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<Rina enters> Rina: .................. Bartender: So you're back... Why the fuck did you bring such a huge pain in the ass here? Rina: ......I already told you, this is was the last time. I'm done. Erase the photo of Keiko from your phone. (Tl note: name is 恵子 which has multiple readings) Bartender: What was that? Rina: The nude photo you took of Keiko and blackmailed me with! You said you'd erase it if I brought 10 people here! Bartender: Ain't happening. I didn't get any cash from that last one. You gotta do it again. Rina: That's bullshit! You all messed up, not me! Rina: If you try to make me do any more I'm going to the police, so hurry up and delete the photo already! Bartender: You really want your bestie's nude erased, huh. If so... going to the cops is going to be a problem. Bartender: So... <another goon slides in> Rina: !?
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Bartender: I'll just have to get a photo of you next, so that doesn't happen. <goon grabs her> Rina: L-Let go...! Bartender: Just some nudity won't be enough for opposing me. We'll make an extra hard video... heheh. Rina: N-.... No-- <the door slams open> Bartender: !? <a punch lands> Strong looking man: Guh...
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<he hits the floor> Nishida: ...I heard what you said. Rina-san, you did this all to help your friend.
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Rina: N-Nishida-san... Why did you come here? Nishida: "Don't presume to know a woman when you're only looking at one side of her", that's what my boss taught me. Nishida: It was a really horrible feeling, when I thought I had been betrayed by a girl who seemed nice and kind. Rina: ........ Nishida: But, at the same time I had another thought. Fucking me over was just one aspect of you. Nishida: So I came here to see the whole picture and be able to understand it. Nishida: ...I'm glad I believed what my boss taught me. I would have regretted it if I left the situation alone, thinking I understood it. Rina: Nishida-san... Bartender: Heh, I get to see some cheap melodrama. It's real convenient you came back here, shithead.
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Bartender: I was careless last time, but it won't happen again. You're going to regret coming back to rescue that woman!!!! Nishida: (This time I won't be able to make use of the bathroom hallway.) Nishida: (So far I've been able to scrape by thanks to my boss's special training...) Nishida: (But I wasn't taught anything for this situation. This will be a test of my own strength!) Nishida: I may not have any help from my boss, but... I will protect Rina-san, with my own power!
<fight time>
Bartender: Fuck... er...
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<he hits the floor> Nishida: Haa... Haa... I... won... <Nishida also hits the floor> Rina: N-Nishida-san! <and he's back up> Nishida: ...I'll be fine... Quick, go delete... your friend's photo from his phone, please. Rina: Ah, r-right! <scene transition, police sirens wail> Nishida: ...Sounds like the cops are coming. Rina: Seems so. I'm... going to tell the police everything. I'm not going to run from my punishment. Nishida: You only did it because you were being threatened... I'm sure the punishment won't be that harsh.
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Rina: ...Nishida-san. <she hugs him> Nishida: ...!
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Rina: ...Thank you. Rina: My boyfriend is going to be mad that I'm saying this, but... you looked really hot... seriously, thank you. (Tl note: ohhhhhhhh I knew this wouldn't work out but RIP Nishida. he never scored) Nishida: Eh... <outside now> Nishida: ...Well, I guess she really has a boyfriend.
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Nishida: But, it's fine. It's not like this kind of thing is about dating. Majima Family Member: Oh! Nishida! Are you okay!? I've been worried sick! Nishida: ...Eh? Wh-What? Majima Member: Lately, there's been a lot of nasty sleep-robbery bars. There was this picture of a woman floating around that we're supposed to watch out for... Majima Member: Here, this woman. And someone saw you walking around with her, so I got worried, you know? (Tl note: bisexual rebound time?)
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Nishida: This is... Rina-san!? I guess she did say she'd done that a lot, so it makes sense there would be rumors... Majima Member: Hold on... You already knew? Nishida: Ah, yeah... But, she's washed her hands of it all, so could you please stop circulating that photo? Majima Member: ...Well, if you don't want me to, then I guess there's nothing more to be done. Nishida: I'm glad... Um, did that photo possible get shown to our boss? Majima Member: Hm? Ah, yeah he was shown it. About 3 days ago, I think. Nishida: 3 days ago... So all those lessons about a woman's heart from yesterday were... for this. <flashback> Goromi:  What kinda girl is she? And what do ya think of her?
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Nishida: Umm... here's a picture from the group dating. Nishida: She's a really sweet, attentive, and kind, and we get along... I think it'd be really great if we ended up dating... Goromi: ......... Nishida: ...Boss? Is something wrong? Is there something strange about the photo? Goromi: ...Just shocked. A beautiful lady like her is all but wasted on ya. <flashback over> Nishida: (Now I understand that reaction... Boss must've realized who Rina-san was...) Nishida: (All those lessons about a woman's heart... In the end it was what saved me.) Nishida: (Was... all of that just so... I wouldn't get sleep-robbed...!?) Nishida: ...Do you know where our boss is right now? Majima Member: The boss? Pretty sure she said something about waiting for Kiryu-san at SHINE. Nishida: Thanks. <Nishida walks off> Majima Member: H-Hey. Nishida! (tl note: RIP unnamed Majima Family Member, he never scored)
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<now at SHINE> Nishida: Umm... The boss is... there!
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Nishida: Boss! Thank you so much! Because I kept all of your lessons in mind, the date today went perfectly! Nishida: Boss... You knew about what Rina-san was up to, didn't you... So you secretly did all that for my sake-- Goromi: ...Ooh, Nishida! Perfect timin'! Nishida: Eh...? Goromi: Kiryu-chan just came to the club! The plan was a massive success! Goromi: That surprised look on Kiryu-chan's face... Fun conversations leading to a fun fight! I had the greatest time!
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Nishida: A-Ahh! Is that so! That's really great! Nishida: So anyways boss, about what I was telling you regarding the date... Goromi: Your date? What's that got to do with Kiryu-chan? Nishida: Um... nothing I suppose... Goromi: Then why would I wanna hear about dumb shit like that? Goromi: I'm busy draftin' up a plan for my next fight with Kiryu-chan! Ya better get plannin' right away too!
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Nishida: Ah, r... right... Got it. Goromi: Hehe, my blood's already pumpin'! Now, what next to entertain Kiryu-chan~! (Tl note: "blood's already pumping" is 腕が鳴るでえ which is more literally "my arm is ringing/rumbling" or "I'm itching to put my skills to use") <she leaves> Nishida: (...Well, that's fine. No matter what the truth is, I'm certain that it's all thanks to my boss that I'm still alive.) Nishida: (More importantly... I need to properly return the favor.)
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Nishida: Boss! Wait up, please! I'll think of something great too! <END>
and then here's all of Nishida's various thoughts on things from the board game:
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A man known as the Dragon of Dojima who is absurdly strong in a fight. He’s my boss’s very favorite. Only as a fighter, though...
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Drinking alcohol is a great stress reliever! But you have to be careful not to over do it. You should drink rather than be drunk.
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Boss’s High Heels
My boss wore these while working at a cabaret club and turned them into a deadly weapon. Getting kicked by them would surely kill...
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A cabaret club where my boss occasionally works as a hostess. The store has a good reputation, but the customers my boss serves must have a difficult time...
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My boss. Occasionally my boss puts on a dress and works as a hostess, but there’s never been any complaints. Though, would anyone really push on that...
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Butterfly Necktie
The necktie I wear while working as a waiter. It may look like a ribbon, but it’s actually very common in formal settings. 
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Downtown Chinpira
Is this guy running shakedowns!? Bullying the weak is something only cowards do! Guys like this need to be taught a lesson!
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The Majima Family A leading group within the Tojo Clan that's known for its violent conflicts. The family is a group of ruffians, I don't know why I ended up in it...
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Majima Family Members
They're a violent and strange bunch, but if you take the time to really talk with them they’re surprisingly pleasant company. Well, they do still look scary...
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Painted in gaudy neon, it’s Japan’s number one entertainment district. The first time I came here, I was shocked at how many people there were.
and VERY FINALLY bonus stuff, namely the two cards! Goromi, the dreadful luck hostess, and Nishida, the mad dog’s errand boy.
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this one was sooooooooooooooooooo long but also we got lore that Goromi was NOT a one-off event. which is so much more than I could have ever hoped for. I also love that Kiryu has apparently gotten the text from Nishida on multiple occasions and is shocked every time that Goromi is there waiting on him. and they still go on the date, every time
it’s not even rituals at that point they’re just using Nishida as a date coordinator with the flimsiest pretext in the world. this is that guy fighting the waffle house cook levels of pretext
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Elvis first time eating pussy?
homely girl; 60s sarge elvis ☁️🫣
summary: his first time giving 🤞
a/n: I’m so sorry that it took CENTURIES. (And it’s prolly not that good *not to be a compliment fisher* but my mind was dizzy at this point 🤧) side note: I’m kinda taking from a pic of a page I’ve read way back about how Elvis used to despise stories of going down on women before doing it and falling in love with it !!
He used to despise this, no no no, he still does, he clicks to himself
but it was only for an attempt, a shot at the dart…how did it get to this?
By the time he gently pulled off your panties, you, his new girl, he suddenly became absorbed in interest.
he saw the prettiest thing he didn’t know existed…and “despised” this? Yeah no, never ever thinking that again.
The first that sought his eyes, was your curly dark pubic hairs. His cock immediately awaken, starting to firmly harden as he glares at every thick wiry strand, and he lets out a stuttering breath.
He saw your pretty flushed skin, his bottom lip glistening from his lick, before being caught at his teeth. His blue eyes wander down your vulva, capturing the sight of sticky, damp lips of pretty pink skin. And his eyes immediately find your lil hole, letting out a soft groan…he’s been fucking this pretty thing and not batting an eyelash to what was going on here?
Your breathing staggers a bit, watching his plumped, gelled black and looped hair above your tummy, and feeling his eyes watch you.
“S-s’anything wrong?” You perk up and prop yourself up on your elbows.
his eyes shoot up to meet yours and he forgot that you were there. Well erm in a term-
“no! No baby, nothing is wrong. S’the opposite dollface, fuck y-you didn’t wanna tell me what I was missing?” He shakes his head in disbelief and glaring down at your pussy with a growing hunger.
You only shrug, blushing deeply at how he seems to be so stuck on your most private parts…
Then in curiosity, he leans down his a little bit more, hovering over your cunt and his warm breath on your thigh, your thighs twitch a little.
“O-okay hun, I’ve got a plan. I-I’m gonna fumble around here and you tell me how it feels m’kay?” He glances up to meet your eyes for your consent, and you nod and hum an okay.
when he then gently pressed his fine plump lips to your pubic mound, peppering that in sweet kisses to then bend his neck and reach down to your slit.
you giggle and hum at the sensation, hearing him mumble to himself as he pours in almost uncertainty. “Heard the guys say sumthin’ bout tongue… so here goes nothin’, doll.” He whispers out before dragging his hot, wet tongue up your slit.
You immediately let out a long whine, scrunching your face in pleasure and Elvis glances up to look at your face. Contorted in pure bliss.
Ignoring the foreign taste of your tangy, honeyed savored arousal, white and sticky on his tongue, he’s eager to have more sounds…they were so pretty, and he can’t believe he made you do them.
Coming up with a mental mission, he closes his eyes and just lets his tongue wander and flick, no idea what he’s doing but your squeals and squeaks are feeding him.
with you laying there, panting softly and whimpering prettily, he fluttered his doll lashes up to capture your eyes with his blue orbs, and then connecting eye contact with your sloppy cunt.
propping himself up as if going in for another dive, he holds your thighs softly on the outside and hugs them gingerly, humming in approval at the position.
And in some way…your pussy is more open and spread to his use.
Watching as your cunt glistens with every heaving breath you take and your erected nipples darted to the air, he glances down at your small lil opening…maybe if he just stuck his tongue in there?-
diving down with no warning, he shoves his whole pink muscle into your vagina. Elvis lets out a loud, muffled groan into your cunt that vibrates and leaves you clutching at your hair and the pillows.
“Oh my, a-ah, Elvis! W-what ah” you pant out, squirming around as his arms tighten the grip on your thighs and he closes his eyes in focus, becoming in love at the taste, the scent, the whole arousing tension.
“Elvis, Elvis, Elvis.” His name comes off your lips like a prayer and it has his tongue fucking in and out of your needy, gummy gushy pink walls that engulf and take him so nicely. How you scream his name, has his hips rocking into the mattress that you lay above.
he doesn’t know what he’s doing, just sticking his tongue in and out in a fast pace, the same pace he uses as he ruts into the soft plush bed. “Fuck” he growls into your pussy and he doesn’t notice your screams in pleasure, the flooding of your sweet syrup dripping down his cheeks…from your orgasm. It’s all blocked out.
he just needs everything. He fuels himself, rutting his hips into the matress with every dripping white syrup that rolls onto his tongue, and his thighs clench around his own cock at the way your hungry, gummy vagina walls swallow and hug his tongue, the way you taste so fucking divine on his tongue.
he’s so into the mission, that you have tears of overstimulating pure bliss running down your cheeks, and when you tangle your pretty fingers into his thick black locks, he growls and grunts, panting and breathing in your natural scent and taste of your woman hood, clinging your thighs to hug his head as he then slamming his hips into the mattress that the vibration shakes you.
Hot cum springs down his slacks but that doesn’t matter, not right now. You pull and whine at his hair as, nearly pulling out his precious locks, before he finally pulls away and follows your hand becuase since it’s his first time eating out his first meal, he doesn’t know when to stop. Even when his girl’s wall is clenching around his tongue like a vice.
He’s breathless and panting, your white shining arousal down his chin and dripping down to his shirt collar, long strings of saliva that mingles with your nectar.
he’s found a new obsession.
homely girl.
taglist: @jhoneybees@your-nanas-love@pomtherine@atleastpleasetelephone@lustnhim @jkdaddy01
note: ugh okay, writing a whole ass fic might be tiresome for many but the shit that tires me out is the tags, so if anyone can please lend a hand, write any tags that you feel fits this!
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badaleesbish · 3 months
Hi love! May I please request a angsty/smutty and fluffy Tiffany x fem reader fic? Where reader is younger (26/27 range) and the leader of a girl group.. They met at an awards show a few years prior and they grew close, then one day reader works up the courage to confess her feelings but Tiffany turns her down due to being scared of the age difference. Leaving reader a bit heartbroken but understanding.. Reader starts pulling away to heal and try to move on, in comes Solar trying to swoop in but Tiffany doesn't like that and realizes she made a mistake and decides she doesn't want reader to be with anyone else but her.
Age Ain't Nothin' But A Number. | Tiffany Young x Reader
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𝚒𝚍𝚘𝚕!𝚃𝚒𝚏𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚡 𝚒𝚍𝚘𝚕!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛, 𝚒𝚍𝚘𝚕!𝚂𝚘𝚕𝚊𝚛 𝚡 𝚒𝚍𝚘𝚕!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛, 𝚏𝚎𝚖!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝙽𝚂𝙵𝚆, 𝙼𝙳𝙽𝙸, 𝚠𝚕𝚠, 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝, 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏, 𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚐𝚊𝚙, 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜
𝚂𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚊 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚎, 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊 𝚑𝚘𝚝 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚝𝚎 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝙸'𝚖 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔. 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚜 𝚜𝚘𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚎. 𝙸 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚒𝚌!!! 💙
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"Okay, let's go over the schedule for the group for the upcoming promotion period, shall we?" Your manager said as she turned on the projector and passed out the stack of papers that looked like a dictionary from how thick it was.
'This is going to be a long meeting...' You thought as you sighed, not wanting to deal with the stress of the upcoming promotion.
"Unnie, aren't you excited?" One of your members said excitedly as she bounced around in her seat.
"Chae, calm down. Unnie is always excited for a new comeback, right, Unnie?" The girl next to you said, waiting for your response.
"Of course, I'm excited, guys... don't I look excited, Ryu?" You said, forcing a smile onto your lips.
"Unnie, are you okay?" The girl across from you asked, leaning across the table to grab your hands. "We're worried about you."
"Yuna, I'm..." You were about to respond, but your manager interrupted as she began the meeting. You give the girls a reassuring smile and look down at the dictionary of papers in front of you.
"Let's get started, yeah?" Your manager went on and on about the promotion period from the concept to the album cover to the award shows. It was a lot of information to digest, but as the leader of ITZY, you have to be ready for anything.
"And Y/N, you will MC with the solo artist Tiffany Young... this week, I think, ah yes, this week."
Your ears perked up like dog as you sat up from your slouched position. The Tiffany Young, like 'Lips on Lips' like 'Only One' Tiffany? Like Stephanie Hwang, Tiffany? Your idol and the love of your life since you were like five... this can't be real.
"Oh my gosh, really? Like the actual Tiffany Young? Like Girls Generation, SNSD but now is an independent solo artist, Tiffany Young?"
"Yes, I think there's only one Tiffany Young in the industry."
"There she is, our happy leader." Yeji said smiling at your gush of happiness.
"Unnie, it's only because she is her little crush." Lia said with slight sarcasm and in high pitched voice.
"Correction. She is the love of my life. My wife, you could even say."
"Here she goes. Someone get a mop." Ryujin said gesturing towards the floor beneath you.
The room filled with laugh at Ryujin's joke causing your face to warm in slight embarrassment as you hid your face with your hands.
"Okay, Okay. We still have a lot to cover girls."
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"Ms. Y/N, it's time." The staff member of the award show said as she knocked at ITZY's dressing room. You were going the finishing touches on your makeup and dress when the palms on your hands felt wet and your stomach began to flutter. You don't normally get this nervous meeting anyone but this is someone you really admire.
"You'll be fine, sweetheart." Your stylist said as she wiped the palms of your hands clean, well so what clean of the sweat. You gave her warm smile before turning to your members, who all gave you thumbs up and compliments on your appearance which warmed your heart.
"Aw, thanks guys!" You said placing your hands over your chest.
"Okay, stop stalling. You have to go." Yeji said as she pushed you towards the dressing room door.
"Wait, I forgot..." You're still trying to stall that's how nervous you are.
"Forgot what, Unnie?" Chaeryeong said standing before Yeji with her hands on her hips.
"Forgot..." You looked around for something logical to bring with you.
"Exactly! See you out there, Unnie." Yuna said as Yeji pushed you out of the dressing room.
"Ms. Y/N, are you ready?" The female staff asked, clutching onto a clipboard in her hand and the other against the ear piece attached to her ear.
"I don't have a choice, do I?" You sighed as the staff member shook her head. "Yeah, I'm ready."
The walk to the backstage felt like forever, the hall leading got longer the more steps you took. Finally reaching backstage another staff member hands you a mic and cards that you assume have each artist in the category and the winner of the category. As you look through the cards, there was a tap on your shoulder as you look up your eyes avert back to your cards. It's her.
"Hi, I'm Tiffany Young. It's nice to meet you."
Her voice...
You slowly lift your head to the older female as she stands there with her hand extended for a handshake. You took your hand into hers, shaking it gently.
Her skin...
"Hi, I'm umm... Y/N L/N, leader of umm... girl group... ITZY. It's nice meet you as well, Unnie." You said stumbling and stuttering over your words.
'This is so humiliating.'
"Oh, you're a leader? You must have your hands full, huh?" Tiffany said, chuckling lightly.
Her laugh...
"Yeah, it was hard in the beginning but I think I got the ropes now." You said.
"Ladies, you're on." The staff gesturing the two of you towards the stage entrance.
"Ready? Tiffany said, still holding your hand, giving it a light squeeze.
"Yes. Are you ready, Unnie? You said, looking down at your hands and then back at Tiffany.
"Let's go."
The women walk on stage hand in hand. Little did they know this was going to be the start of a beautiful friendship that could never be broken or could it?
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'I should just say it, right? I mean, what's the worst that could happen? I can respect if she doesn't feel the same.'
"We're best friends, right? So we can tell each other anything no matter what? And it won't ruin our friendship?" You asked as you sat on your bed alongside your best friend, Tiffany Young.
"Yes, of course, just say it. I'm all ears." Tiffany said, repositioning herself on your bed so now she is face you, grabbing your hands into hers.
"Okay, I'm just gonna say it. Unnie, I really like you. Like more than a friend. We're been friends for so long and this feeling I have for you has been there for a long time. I tried to push it off but there was no use because it would just come back again." You kept your head down to avoid her eye contact as much possible but her touch left yours as she got off your bed.
You looked up as Tiffany stood at the edge of your bed with her hands running through her long black locks. You crawled to the edge of your bed and went to grab her hand but she stepped away.
"No, Y/N, just like you said, we are friends, and I think we should keep it that way. I mean, how do you think people, media, our fandoms would look at us?" Tiffany said
"Who cares about..."
"I care that who, Y/N. I do. I'm going look like a fucking creep dating someone as younger as you." Tiffany shouted as grabbed her coat and purse.
"Unnie, please..." You stood from your bed, grabbing her hand, pulling her into your arms. "I just thought that... we had gotten so close... that... maybe you would feel the same."
"Well, I don't, so just please understand for my sake." Tiffany said, removing your arms from her waist and back away towards your bedroom door. "Umm, I'll see you later."
"Yes, I guess." Your heart shattered as you watched your best friend and love walk away from you. The sound of your apartment door closing felt like a fucking knife destroying your already broken heart.
'I guess that's the worst that could happen.'
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"Thanks for coming over. I've been so bored since the group has been on this break. I don't know what to do with this free time." You said as you step aside, allowing Solar to come inside.
You and Solar had been hanging out for a while after the previous event. She had been a big help with keeping your mind off of Tiffany and the heartbreak and embarrassment of your confession. Pulling away and healing was the best option besides moping around all brokenhearted and sad. Yes, of course, you miss your best friend and feel absolutely horrible for ruining your friendship but you feel that staying away and distancing yourself was for the best.
"Of course, Y/N! Anytime you need me, I'm here. No matter how late or early." Solar said as she kicked off her shoes at the front door and took off her jacket. "So what's on the agenda?"
"I know that's might sound boring, but I don't really want to go out tonight. I'm still recovering from last Friday night. Maybe just watch a movie and cuddle?" You said, hoping that the plan was too boring for Solar considering she is a party girl on a Friday night.
"Okay there's one movie that I really want to watch, but I haven't gotten around to watch it." Solar said, agreeing with the plans for the night. "I'll find the movie and you get the snacks?"
"Okay." You said as the two of you went your separate ways.
'Tonight should be fun.'
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Another call that goes straight to voicemail, another text that goes unanswered and another stop by being ignored. Tiffany felt like she lost her best friend for the dumbest reason ever, just over a simple confession, a simple crush. But the truth is, she really missed you. She missed being able to call, text or even stop by whenever she wanted to rant, cry or to simply just talk to her best friend but that's all gone because of her own fearful reasons.
"She doesn't seem to care too much. She's with Solar right now." Tiffany's friend said as she scrolled through her Instagram feed.
"What!!" Tiffany said, snatching the phone from her friend's hand and began to scroll through your profile to see different photos of you and Solar together.
"Yeah, I mean, they have been hanging out for the past couple weeks. Now that I think about it, I saw them at the club last Friday and... they were really close like they were very touchy." The friend hesitated saying the last part not wanting to upset Tiffany anymore.
Tiffany threw the phone down on the couch as she started to grab her keys and jacket. She had to fix this and fast before she lost her best friend forever.
"Tiff, where are you going?" The friend said as she watched her friend frantically grabbing her things. "Oh, don't tell me you're going over there?"
"Why not? I need to fix this. She confessed to me, and I rejected her because I was scared. I was scared of what others would think of me instead of following my heart. My heart is telling me to fix this because I love her." Tiffany said on the verge of tears. "So yes, I'm going over there."
"I don't think that's a good idea, Tiff." Her friend said trying to convince her not to go to save her from the possible heartbreak to follow.
"No, I'm gonna fix this." Tiffany said as she walked towards the front door. "So don't wait up for me, okay?"
'How stupid could I be?'
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"That was good movie, Solar. I could watch it again."
"I don't know what you're talking about. I nearly shit myself. Why did you let me pick the movie?"said Solar, who was basically in your lap by the end of the movie.
"No, you sa..." The doorbell rang, followed by a knock at your door interrupting you mid sentence. You looked at Solar in confusion. "Did you order something?"
Solar shook her head, "No."
"Who would come here this late?" You said as you got up to at your camera. Your heart dropped at the sight of your best friend at your front door.
"Y/N, who is it?" Solar said as she grew somewhat concerned as her friend stared at the camera as the knocks continued but this time followed by a voice.
"Y/N, I just want to talk to you. I miss you. Please open the door." The voice of Tiffany filled your ears as you walked towards the door. Hand on the knob as you brought up the courage to open the door to face your heartbreak. You hadn't seen or spoken to her since that day.
"Hi..." Tiffany said as you opened the door. "Can we talk?"
"Hey, Y/N, I'm gonna go. See ya later, okay?" Solar said as she slipped into her shoes and jacket, wrapping her arms around you, she whispers into your ear, "Call if you need me."
"Yeah... bye..." You said as your responses could only come out short from the shock of Tiffany just popping up after all this time.
It's just the two of you now, standing there, not saying a single word to one another, just staring at each other, waiting for the other to say or do something.
"Um..." Tiffany clears her throat. "Can I come in? You know to talk?"
Without speaking, you step aside, allowing Tiffany to walk inside. As Tiffany removed her jacket and shoes, she began to speak, but you walked away to sit on the couch, waiting for Tiffany to speak.
"Okay... I know you probably don't even want to see me, let alone speak to me right now, but..." Tiffany sat on the couch next to you, her eyes staring at the side of your face as you couldn't even look at her again. "I came to fix this."
"We're... we were best friends, and our friendship was ruined for no reason at all. I miss you so much, and I want to fix this to make it better. I rejected you at the time because I was scared. I was scared of others' opinions on me, you, us and I didn't want to put you through that."
"But I realized that I really like you too, and I don't care about what anyone has to say or think. I love you, Y/N. I really did." Tiffany said, grabbing your hands into hers. You look down at your hand in hers, which reminds you of when the two of you first met.
The soften of her skin against yours...
The pureness of her voice filled your ears...
"I completely understand if you don't feel the same anymore. I just thought I would..."
You listened as your best friend, lover rambled on and on, you looked her with lustful filled eyes. You leaned in, placing a small peck upon her lips, "You talk a lot."
"Yeah..." Tiffany laughed. "I should maybe shut up."
"Yeah, you should shut up and let me love you." You said as you straddled her lap, watching as her eyes shift from your eyes to your lips and back again. You laughed she was so needy for more just from a little peck on the lips. Her hands rested at your waist as she desperately yearns for more.
"Kiss me again, please." Tiffany said, biting her lip as she rubbed at your waist.
You laugh. "Is that what you want? For me to kiss you, hmm? You're so cute."
As your hands find their way to her neck, tilting her head back, you lean down and push your lips against hers once more. The feeling of your soft lips pressing together so in sync made Tiffany pull your body as close as she could, your chest pressed firmly against each other as moans fell from her lips into yours. The kiss grew more and more desirable and stronger. You just wanted to be in each other's skin, molded into one another. The heat between the two of you grew, heavy, labored breathes arose as you pulled away for an open pocket of air.
"I missed you so much." You said breathing heavily as your foreheads rest against each other's.
"I missed you too." Tiffany gulped as she tried to catch her breath. "I should have come sooner. I need you right now."
Tiffany's hands yanked at the hem of your shirt, placing it over your head as your lips found hers again. Your bra straps fell from your shoulders as Tiffany had unhooked it from behind. Her hands cup over your breast, kneading the skin and pinching your nipples. Your moans seep into your best friend's mouth as she swallows your sound. Her lips left yours, kiss travel down your neck, leaving a hickey or two to your collarbone. Her lips feel so nice against your skin, your head fell back in satisfaction as Tiffany's lips went lower, attaching themselves to your breast, her tongue lap around the sensitive skin, humming at the softness of your skin.
"It feels so good, Unnie." You moaned.
"Unnie is just getting started, my sweet girl. Unnie is gonna take good care of you." Tiffany said seductively.
Tiffany laid your body against the couch. Her clothed body created a function against your skin as she lowered herself onto you, hooking her fingers into the fabric of your underwear, pulling them down your legs slowly. Her tongue dragged along your skin as she kissed down your stomach. You propped yourself up on your elbow, watching Tiffany inch closer to your core. She kissed along your thighs she spoke to you,
"Is there something you need? Hum? What is it, baby?" Tiffany's eyes locked with yours.
Every word she spoke, her breath would hit your core as she drew closer and closer. You couldn't even make out the correct words to have her give you want, what you need. You buck your hips upwards towards her lips, gasping as you feel Tiffany's lips lightly tap against your awaiting core. Tiffany smirked, watching you grow more and more desperate to be satisfied.
You whined. "Unnie, please..."
"Oh you want me to take care of this? You want me to give this little pussy some attention, hum? You're so cute." Tiffany said, mimicking your words from earlier. "So fucking cute."
Tiffany pulled your waist towards her face, causing you to gasp as your body hit the couch. She parts your labia, focusing on your clit as she drags her tongue through your folds. Her tongue flicked so experimental as if she had done this before, sending shivers down your spine the more she licked.
"Unnie... s' good... s' good..." You whined, back arching against the couch as the pressure bulit and bulit. Now, this is not your first time, but it's never felt like this before, never felt this good.
"Uh, you taste so fucking good." Tiffany said, her face stuff into your dripping core. Her lips latched onto your clit, sucking and swirling her tongue around the sensitive bud until moans fall from your lips. She loved hearing how vocal you were, letting her know how good she was making you feel.
So full... you felt so full... Tiffany's fingers sunk into into starting with one... then two... pumping in and out of you whilst she watched you through her hooded eyes as your expressions changed. Your body shuttered under her touch, legs locking around her head as your hands pull at her hair.
"Un... nie... I..." You could barely make out words between the licking, sucking and pumping, your brain felt like mush, your vision began to blur as tears pooled in your eyes. She was fucking you dumb and she knew it. Her fucking smirk against your core when she curls her fingers inside of bringing you higher and higher.
"Come on, baby... give it to me..." Tiffany said, unlatching herself but still pumping her wrist faster and faster. "Let it go, pretty girl... for me..."
"Pl... ea... se..." You grip onto her wrist, arching against the couch while Tiffany's pace only quickens. "Un... nie..."
"I know, baby..." Tiffany brought herself close to your lips, pressing her lips against yours as she continued to whisper sweet words between the kisses and thrusts.
The pit of your stomach began to full with the tension of euphoria and warmth. It was so tight, you felt like you were about to burst. Your body began to tremble, head lolled to the side as your orgasm rippled through your body. Tiffany kissed your cheek and neck, slowing her pace as you rode down from your high.
"There you go, baby..."
"Unnie, can I touch you?" You said, still coming down from your high. You didn't want to leave her untouched or uncared for just because you got yours. That's just not fair.
Tiffany, of course, was not about to turn you down, stands and began to remove her clothing, keeping this intense eye contact with you the entire time, each clothing item dropped to the floor. Your thighs clinging together whilst Tiffany removed her clothes. You felt like you could have burst once more just from the simple removal of clothing. Tiffany stood there with complete hunger in her eyes. "Well..."
You grab her hand, pulling her towards you. Your hands grazing over her body, lips kissing over her stomach as she grips the back of your neck.
"So beautiful, Unnie." You said, pulling her down onto the couch before placing yourself before her legs.
You looked up at her as you begin to rub through her folds, feeling how wet she is. You place your lips onto her core, leaving a few kiss before running your tongue through her folds. Tiffany bit her lip as she threw her head back let out a soft whimper.
"Oh, baby..." Tiffany looked down at you whilst your eyes were closed as you focused all your attention on her and only her.
You latched onto her similar to how she did to you, rolling your tongue all over her clit. You curled your arms around Tiffany's thighs, locking her in so she couldn't run as you continued to bury your face into her core. Stuffing your tongue in and out of her as you rub her clit, Tiffany began to squirm at your touch and this sort of new feeling. She watched as your eyes squeeze tight as she clenched around your tongue.
"Oh my... I can't..." Tiffany couldn't take it anymore. She felt like she was gonna burst, like she had to pee. She tried to wiggle from your grasp but she felt too weak, she really had to pee though. "Y/N, wait I... I have... to... pee..."
But you didn't stop. You just went faster and deeper. Tiffany's body would shift to the side so you would shift as well. You wanted to be soaked in her juice, her sweet, sweet juice.
"Y/N... I... think..." Tiffany's body began shake as her orgasm arose, rippling through her body like a huge wave crushing into the shore as she gushed into your face. You hum in satisfaction as you lapped around her core, slurping up all her juice.
"Too much... please... stop..." Tiffany whined, pushing your head away from her core as she came down.
You leaned down, laying your body against Tiffany's, nuzzling into her neck. Tiffany lifted your head from her neck leaning into a kiss, her fingers tracing over face as she smiled at you.
"I'm sorry..." Tiffany whispers, apologizing once again. "I love you so much."
"It's okay, Unnie... you're here now and that's all that matters right now." You said softly, placing another kiss onto her lips. "This is everything I wanted. I love you too."
"We won't regret this, right?" Tiffany asked.
"No... no we won't." You said confidently. "Not at all."
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𝙸 𝚍𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚛𝚢 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚜𝚘 𝙸 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚒𝚌. 𝚃𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚌, 𝙸 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚌, 𝙸 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚖𝚢 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝. 💜
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bumblekastclips · 5 months
KYLE CROUSE: Alright, here’s one from HappyTimes. “Everyone is sent a notice to come help take out Eggman's new base immediately. It's a floating fortress out above the middle of the ocean, so Shadow has to take a 4 hour plane ride to get to it. And because of how everyone's schedule happened to line up and where they were all located, he coincidentally has to share it with just Tangle for the whole trip, which he only finds out after the plane had started taking off. How does the flight go between the two? P.S. He has no chaos emerald so he can't warp away. He's stuck on the plane with her.”
IAN FLYNN: So Shadow is obviously and immediately nettled, and Tangle’s like [interrupting] “Ah tut tut tut tut tut! Look! Look, I know about ‘ya! I know you like your boundaries,” —she says as she makes, like, a force-field gesture with her hands— “I get it! My bestie’s just like it. So, I got my earphones, we got our in-flight movie, I’m just gonna watch that and not say another word to ‘ya! We cool?” And he just kind of blinks, and then nods, like yeah, okay, he can work with that. And so she plugs in her headphones and she queues up her movie… well, she tries to, the touch screen’s kind of hard to work with, and the glare makes it hard to see. She pokes a little harder, maybe she pokes it with her tail— [as Tangle] “Ope, sorry! You’re kinda tangled around—” [escalating] Don’t worry, she’ll completely untangle it, she’s got lots of experience! This tail gets all over the place! KYLE: [chuckling quietly] IAN: [as Tangle] “Ah, anyway, do you mind if the armrest is up? No? Okay, cool! I’m gonna— finally!” Alright, there’s the movie, and oh, she loves the musical number in this part and she’s gonna sing! Along! Out loud! KYLE: [laughing] IAN: And Shadow is just sitting there… KYLE: Seething. IAN: Ever-so-slowly grinding his teeth to dust. KYLE: Figured he already did that, considering how many coffee beans he eats. IAN: [chuckles] KYLE: But sure. I do enjoy that they are seated side-by-side, and I’m assuming they’re the only two on the plane. [laughing] IAN: Yes, all the other seats are occupied, somehow or another… KYLE: Not with people, just with stuff. [laughing] It’s just them. Just those two, they’re the only— and they’re— and they sit next to each other! IAN: Plane lands, and Sonic goes, “Great! You made it. Shadow, I thought you were coming with somebody else?” [as Shadow] “I did.” [as Sonic] “Where- where’s Tangle?” [as Shadow] “Overhead compartment.” KYLE: [laughing] Oh no! IAN: Sonic pops the latch and Tangle kinda comes out like a can full of snakes and she kind of stretches and goes, “You know what? Honestly, the leg room in there was a lot better than the seat, not gonna lie.” KYLE: [cackles] Oh, but she has a problem with small spaces! She didn’t freak out? I mean… IAN: [laughing] Look, you want continuity in my joke answer, man? KYLE: Yes! IAN: I got nothin’. KYLE: [laughs, then as Tangle] “No! No! No!” Shadow would stuff her in there anyway. [sigh] No, no… maybe it’s Archie Shadow, not current-canon Shadow. That would be better. IAN: [chuckles] KYLE: That would go better. IAN: He would just be sitting there with the Shadow face the entire flight. That’d be hilarious. KYLE: [chuckling] Which Shadow face? IAN: The Shadow face. KYLE: [chuckles] Okay. That one. Yee… I love it.
—– TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It’s just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don’t like an answer, you don’t have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It’s all just for fun!
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wayfayrr · 1 year
I know a lot of people give Twilight a country accent… how do you think the chain would react if reader had a southern/country accent aswell? (If you don’t wanna answer this, dw)
Sorry this one took so long!! It took a few tries to write something I was happy with plotwise!! I hope you'll like it! But for the accents, I have to thank my wife @angry-trashcan for helping me out with them, and by helping I mean rewriting the all dialogue perfectly for me 💖💖💖 they're incredible and I really recommend anyone who hasn't goes and reads hair holds memories because it's an absolutely amazing fic!!!
Where am I? It feels like I’ve been hit by a truck, but worse… This place clearly isn’t my room, because the last time I checked my room wasn’t a forest. 
The last thing I remember was playing twilight princess, then this weird red-eyed shadow and now I’m here? The amount of pain I’m in proves that it isn’t a dream, no matter how much I hope it is. The area I’m in looks vaguely like… no, no that couldn't be possible.
This place is a game. This can’t be outside of Ordon, It can’t be.
“Is anyone there? Anyone at all?” 
No response, but if I really am in… or somewhere similar then I know where to go. After that revelation, it’s a fairly easy decision to follow the path I’ve memorised from many playthroughs. It doesn’t take long to get to find my way either, a matter of moments until I’m on a more well-worn path. With nine people who look like Link standing in front of me… Great… 
"Uh, you 'right, darlin'? We found ya on the trail, passed out. And ya don't look like you're from 'round here."
"Sorry I just... Yeah, I ain't from 'round here."
Why does he look so happy, I’ve not really even said anything have I? He doesn’t recognise me, he can’t it was dark link who’d always look at me in the games when he shouldn’t have, not link. Except for… No let’s not get into that right now. I’m speaking to, I’m speaking to the link from twilight princess and he’s got the same accent as me. HE’S GOT THE SAME ACCENT AS ME. Is that why he’s so excited? It’s part of why I’m so excited.
"You do seem kinda familiar though, darlin'. Even though I ain't know exactly where... just how, but now I could listen to ya all day long."
"I think I may be able to answer that, though I'm not sure if ya'd like the answer I'd give ya."
"I'm fairly certain I can, darlin'. 'Sides, it's not like I don't already know."
“What was that?”
He looks obsessed and a bit ashamed? Is my accent really that impressive to him? His voice is nice as well, but his voice isn’t the only reason I’m flustered right now. Link, the hero of twilight is standing over me like he’s never heard anything like me before.
"so [name], are you feelin’ better now?"
"I-I haven't told ya my name. How do ya...?"
“Ah, sorry darlin’ lucky guess, mayhaps??”
"Lucky guess!? I know for certain that that ain't a rare name here, let alone a common one."
"And what you was sayin' under ya breath earlier, you already know who I am, don't ya?"?"
Seems he still has the decency to look ashamed of how eager he was there, but now that brings up so many more questions. Was he aware the whole time, how much has he heard? If he has heard all of that why is he so excited to see me? 
"How much do ya know ‘bout me, link."
"Well, it's a uh, long story."
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sadlilghostt · 10 months
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sʜᴜɴᴛᴀʀᴏ ᴄʜɪsʜɪʏᴀ x ғ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ.
► in which chishiya met a girl who's unbothered like him and literally have peeked his interest and couldn't help to find out about the girl more.
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𝘔𝘶𝘳𝘮𝘶𝘳𝘴.. 𝘎𝘶𝘭𝘱𝘴..𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴.. 𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘤 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨...Ah.. Another night with people dying.. Wonder how will this turn out.
𝘛𝘢𝘱... 𝘛𝘢𝘱.. 𝘛𝘢𝘱.. the sound of boots hitting the ground as another person walked in the room.
Jellyfish haircut, white dye under, piercing gaze, a black face mask, black oversized T-shirt, and a baggy cargo pants.
Now what on earth this person is wearing? Such an entrance, I chuckled as I observed the girl took out a phone from the desk and let or scanned her. And then pocketed it and walked into an isolated corner.
Huh.. Another lone wolf I see. As the time goes by, more people fills the room till it reached the player limit.
The ambiance of the room got more tense and panicked as the familiar female robotic voice announced the difficulty of the game.
𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞, 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞.
Slowly each person took the collar some refused but still went away with it or else it'll be the end of it. I saw the girl again took the collar and wore it like it was just nothing.
She's not bothered by it? She's oddly calm then other people here.. Well I am calm myself but never met someone as calm as me.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐒𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐄𝐑𝐒. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝟏 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞. 𝐀𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐬. 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐤.
The robotic explained the rules. Two seekers? Never knew there's such things. But something is not right about that one.
And avoid the seeker at all costs?..
"Huh.. That's it? "
"This is easier then i thought.. "
"I'll definitely win this. "
Murmurs from other players as they slowly walked away from the registration room and find their hiding spot.
I glanced at the girl once again as saw that she was not making a move. I quirk a brow at her wondering why she's not even moving or concious about what will her role be.
Sometime later, the room was now emptied. It was now just me and the girl.
I heard a small blink on my collar indicating that our roles will be given.
Ah... Here goes nothin. I glanced at the girl again and saw her more relaxed then before, seriously what's up with this girl. Whatever she really got my attention now. I then decide to approach her.
" aren't you going to hide? " I smirked. I saw her opened her eyes and looked at me unbothered before letting out a small 'no'.
"Why not? You do know what will happened after right? " i asked once again getting more curious on why isn't she moving a muscle, does she have a death wish or something? I don't care bout her personal reason on why she's not moving but can't help but feel a little curios.
I heard her let out a sigh as she looked at me once again.
"I should be asking you that. " huh?
" did you listened carefully on what the robot just explained? " why is she looking at me like I'm the most idiot person she ever met-
" I'm guessing your role is a seeker, yes? " I nodded.
" good, less trouble for me. "I heard her muttered the last part, what was that about? I felt my brows furrowed at her statement as I leaned into the table in front of her observing her.
" just wait. " she hummed as she closed her eyes.
Seriously what's up with this girl, I've never met someone like this before. No one have made me this confused, like never.
She's really hard to read.
" what are those two doing? Why aren't they hiding? " I heard two players murmured behind us walking past us.
" let those idiots be, now let's find our spot. "
I heard a scoffed and a soft mumble 'idiot' from the girl in front of me which made me quirk a brow at her.
"What's your name? " I finally broke the silence between us.
"Why would you want to know? " she replied with her eyes still closed not even bothering to look at me.
" nothing, don't you know it's rude to not look at someone who's talking to you? " I smirked as i inserted my hands in my pockets observing her reaction. Though her eyes still remain closed.
" well, will it still be rude if I say the reason why I'm not looking because I don't want to talk? " she grumbled her eyes are still closed. Well that make sense, I chuckled at her response.
I looked at the phone and saw it there is only 1 minute left till the game finish.
" you know the time is running out and you're still not making a move? " I spoke as I pocketed back the phone in my pocket.
"It's because I don't have to. " huh? Seriously she's not making a sense. I squinted my eyes at her trying to read on what she ment.
She's still dead come. I become to think back to the rules.
2 seekers.. Must about the seekers at all costs..
I'm not very familiar with children games since I don't go out much back in my childhood.. But I heard that there is only one seeker in that game..
I was busy brain storming before the girl grabbed my arm and dragged me somewhere more isolated when people were coming I'm our direction.
Why is she dragging me? She then bring us to the second floor and to the railings which we saw the other players there all gathered in the first floor.
" don't make eye contact with them " what?
"Rokuta-kun, after this.. Let's date. "
"H-huh.. Sure.. "
" can't wait to go home and sleep after this.. I'm glad I don't have to do running and shit in this game.. "
More murmurs from the players as they started to become excited from how "easy" this game was.
I side-glance the girl beside me I can tell that she was smirking tho. But why..
" hey guys.. Don't you think it's strange? "
"This is an 8 of hearts game and it's this easy?.. "
"Yeah.. Now that you've said it, heart is about betrayals and mind twisting games right? "
"Yeah.. And.. Hide and seek doesn't normally have 2 seekers.. Unless..
"Hey hey enough thinking! We're about to win this so enough brain storming. We're clearly playing this game right! "
" but jiro-san.. I don't think we're actually playing this right.. It's an 8 of heart.. There's probably something wrong here.. "
Slowly the other players starts to figure it all out and I heard a soft chuckle beside me.
" they should've known about it sooner. " oh.. So that it all about.
"Guys... I don't think.. It suppose 𝘶𝘴 who suppose to run from the seekers.. " slowly every players looked at the teenboy direction with fear and realization took their expression.
" I think.. It supposed to be the 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘬𝘦𝘳𝘴 who suppose to run from.... 𝘜𝘴.. " realization hits me as the boy said that. Damn how can I have not figured it out sooner? Damn..
" SHIT FUCK QUICK FIND THE SEEKERS!! "The Jiro man panicked.
" too late. " the girl beside me chuckled. I quickly have closed my eyes before their eyes met mine, she also have her eyes closed to prevent them stealing our roles.
" see you all in hell I guess.. " she added.
"GET THE-! " before the Jiro man finish his sentence his collar beeped and it exploded to his neck.
The man dropped dead with blood spilling on his neck.
Screams of the players erupted from Beneath us as more explosions came and I could hear the blood squirting from their neck and also the gurgles from them chocking from their own blood.
Once the screams were over I slowly opened my eyes and saw the girl beside me had her eyes are now opened. And I'm not going to like I found her E/C eyes fascinating.
Especially the the light shown down to her eyes perfectly reflecting her eyes well making her look 10x better.. But I'm curious on what's beneath that mask to.
I then looked back down the deceased players below us and I furrowed my eyes slightly at the gorey sight. To be honest I've seen worst since.. I'm a med student before all this.
" that's nasty. " I chuckled as I look back at the girl beside me who was unbothered.
The girl nodded in response as she removed her face mask that got my heart stopped beating from a moment. Weird why is my stomach making this feelings.
Well she is.. Quite.. A bit... No never mind. She's breathtaking.
I stared at her for a moment and watched her wipe off the sweat below her nose and forehead.
I didn't even heard the robotic voice telling us that we've won not even felt the collar on my neck unlocked .
" aren't you going to take that off? " she asked completely cutting me off from my trance.
"Huh? " I awkwardly smirked as I filter my head to the side a bit.
"I said, aren't you going to take the collar off? This shit is extremely uncomfortable. " she groaned a she took off the collar and yanked it somewhere I don't know i was to focused on her.
" unless you're a masochist. " she shrugged.
"No.. No it's nothing like that. " I chuckled awkwardly as I took off the collar and throw it away.
" just distracted that I forgot about the thing on my neck. " I smirked which she only responded a human in response.
" wanna get out of here? It's weird to have a conversation when there's corpses below us you know? "
".. Right" I chuckled as we left the scene.
"So what's your name? You never really told me earlier. " I glanced at her and saw her pushing back her bangs away from her face. Each of her movements just give me this little spark of excitement in my heart I don't know why but it's very pleasant.
She looked at me for a moment before smirking tiredly.
" L/N Y/N. " she finally answered. Such a beautiful name from a beautiful woman.
I smirked back before holding my hand in front of her.
" Chishiya Shuntaro, pleased to meet you. " I felt my heart flutter when she held my hand and shook it. Her hands are soft and delicate, I want to hold them forever..
" pleased to meet you too. " when she let go of my hand, I had to held myself back from taking her hand back in mine. I also mentally slapped myself from acting this way. I've never have felt more acted this way.
Whatever this is, it was pleasant but I am not liking how this girl is making me feel.
" say, wanna come with me? "
" to where? " she asked.
" to the place I'm staying, there's plenty of people there. "
" I don't really like people, well apart from you I guess. I can tolerate you even though you processed slowly earlier. " she chuckled and I felt embarrassed about my performance in that game earlier but I covered up my embarrassment perfectly with my usual smirk.
Ignoring her last remark I just shrugged and told her more about the beach.
" well it has electricity and foods. " she quirk a brow at me.
" and uh.. Party's? "I honestly don't know what more to add to actually persuade her to come, I'm not really this persuasive when inviting someone. I don't even invite someone.. She's the first one actually.
I was cut off from my thinking when I heard her soft chuckled. God it was a music to my hear.
" sure I'll come. "
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓ 𝑯𝑶𝑷𝑬 𝒀𝑶𝑼 𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑳𝑰𝑲𝑬𝑫 𝑰𝑻 ! ~ ✩ 𖤐 ٭
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honeyjars-sims · 6 months
2.27 Old Wounds
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TRIGGER WARNING: This post contains C-PTSD flashbacks relating to child abuse. While not graphic, please use your own discretion in continuing with this post if those topics are triggering or upsetting to you.
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Bonnie: I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for coming out to celebrate my birthday with me. We’ve been through a lot as a family, but I’m so glad that we’re all here together now.
Johnny: Happy birthday, Mom!
Chantal and Destiny: Happy birthday!
Trinity: Just cut the cake already!
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Johnny: So you’re the kid who’s dating my little sister. What’s your deal? Got a job yet?
Demarcus: No, sir, I’m only 12.
Johnny: Hmm. Well, I hope you’re treating my sister right. I know how 12-year-old boys are. I was one, after all.
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[Johnny starts to put his hand on Demarcus’ shoulder]
Demarcus: Ah! Don't hurt me!
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[Johnny has a flashback of Jimmy: Don't be such a brat and I won't have to!]
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Johnny: I won't, why would you think that?
Demarcus: I dunno. Isn’t that what big brothers do?
Johnny: No! I was just messing with you. I would never…I’ll be back.
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[Johnny goes to the bathroom to compose himself] 
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Bonnie: [holding Darien] And there’s your Auntie Chantal!
Chantal: Hey sweet boy!
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Destiny: Sorry Mom, I’m gonna have to take him back so I can put him down for a nap. 
Bonnie: Aw, sweet dreams little guy! [to Chantal] Doesn’t he make you want one of your own?
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Chantal: Nope! I’m done with men anyhow.
Bonnie: I can’t blame you for that one. They cause nothin’ but trouble.
[The front door opens]
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Trinity: Dad!
Jimmy: Hey princess! I thought I’d stop by to say hello since I didn’t get to see you this weekend.
Chantal: Mom, what the fuck? Why is he here?
Bonnie: Jimmy, I told you not to come!
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Jimmy: Relax, I’ll just be a second. Hey, Johnny! Listen, I've been wanting--
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Chantal: Don’t you fucking get near him!
Destiny: Stay back, Jimmy!
Jimmy: I just want to apologize!
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[Chantal and Destiny block Jimmy from getting near Johnny. Johnny runs out of the apartment]
Bonnie: Johnny! Wait!
[Everyone follows Johnny outside]
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Chantal: Jimmy, get the fuck out of here before I fucking end you!
Destiny: Leave, Jimmy!
Jimmy: Fine, I’m leaving! This wouldn’t be a problem if he wasn’t such a pussy.
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Destiny: [to Bonnie] We’ve got him.
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Johnny: [to Chantal] Please take me home.
Bonnie: Johnny, I’m so sorry, I told him not to come. I–
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Chantal: Stop! You’ve done enough. Let’s go, bubs.
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jungle-angel · 10 months
Family Ties Are Stronger Than Time (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: You're supposed to beon bedrest for a bit after just having had the boys so Rhett decides to take Amy with him to visit an old friend and learns something about a family member that shocks him
Notes: A very, very Happy Hannukah to all who celebrate, I feel bad I haven't done much but this has been sitting in the back of my brain for a while. I hope it came out well enough, I was nervous writing it but I'm hoping it came out well enough 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Warnings: Mentions of war, birth etc.
"Alright sweetheart," Rhett said to Amy. "You ready?"
"Yeah!" she exclaimed excitedly.
She hopped down the steps of the general store you both owned with Rhett helping her down onto the snowy sidewalk and into the truck where he buckled her into her carseat. He placed the blue and gold box full of baked goods next to her, hoping that they wouldn't spill over on the ride out of town. He and Cecelia had painstakingly made them for three days, hoping that they turned out alright.
Down the roads they went, out of downtown and back to the more rural areas in town where ranches became a more common sight than buildings. They passed by the Waldorf school where Amy and Hannah both attended kindergarten and preschool respectively, the grounds now covered with snow and the farm across the street with it. Rhett had to laugh a little as he had lost count of how many times he had gone to the farm across from the school to help fix a tractor or help the farmers with their cows.
Finally, they came to a lonely little stretch of ranch, the old farmhouse sitting on top of a little hill with stretch after stretch of fence surrounding it. He pulled up to the garage and parked the truck, letting Amy out and taking the box with him.
"Go ahead Doodlebug," Rhett told her. "Go ring the doorbell."
Amy rang the little bell next to the door and in a split second it was opened by an elderly woman with white hair, her eyes lighting up when she saw Rhett and Amy.
"My sweet I didn't think you were coming!" she exclaimed happily.
"What, Sara? Ya'll thought we were gonna ignore ya'll?" Rhett chuckled.
"You.....you, you get in here, come, come in," Sara beckoned.
Rhett and Amy both went into the house and removed their coats and shoes. "Elie around at all?" Rhett asked.
"No, no, he went to go help Officer Joy or something," Sara told him. "Here, I'll fix you both something."
Rhett loved coming down to visit Sara. Ever since he was a little kid, he loved the way the elderly Polish woman made him feel welcome in her home and had even taught him a little bit of her language. Sara and Elie Abramowicz were as close with the Abbotts as the Duttons were, more like family than friends.
"Where is (y/n)?" Sara asked.
"She's all holed up in bed," Rhett chuckled. "Boys were born two days ago."
"Ah and on the first night of Hannukah no less," Sara said with pride.
"Oh, speaking of which," Rhett said, seating himself on the old, rickety barstool at the kitchen counter. "Made these a few days ago."
He gave Sara the box and when she opened it, her face lit up. "You didn't!" she exclaimed.
Rhett laughed before he and Sara hugged. "Didn't burn the kitchen down makin'em either," he laughed.
"Oh Rhett," Sara sighed. "You know I haven't been able to make sufganiyot since Mama passed away. Thank you. As if Elie and I didn't owe your family enough already."
"Sara what the hell are ya'll even talkin about?" Rhett asked her. "You don't owe us nothin."
"Oh but we do," Sara insisted. "And it all goes back to your Oma."
"My grandma?" Rhett asked.
Sara nodded.
"Wh.....what'd Oma Heidi have to do with anything?"
Sara scrunched her deeply wrinkled brow. "You mean to tell me that your Papa never told you?" she asked him.
Rhett shook his head.
"Here," Sara said, putting the box of fresh sufganiyot next to the toaster. "You stay and I tell you."
Rhett stayed put, keeping a careful watch on Amy who was in the living room playing with Elie and Sara's boarhound, Boris. He waited for Sara to finish making a mug full of heady black tea before she seated herself across from him.
"You know that Elie and I used to live in Warsaw?"
Rhett nodded.
"I remember a long, long time ago after the invasion," Sara began. "We were trapped in our city like animals, nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. Elie and I, we were so young, fifteen and seventeen years old and in terrible danger. Every night we all prayed for a miracle."
Rhett could almost see it before his very eyes and the terrible scene that played out in his mind like a movie.
"Your Oma had come to us with a group of people who claimed they could help," Sara continued. "French and German resisters who were bent on getting people out of the hands of the Nazis. We didn't trust them at first, but quickly we realized we had no choice. "Six hundred of us fled from Warsaw in 1943," Sara explained. "Six hundred. We went on foot, by rail and by truck, all the way to a safe place where we hid."
The more Rhett listened to the story, the more the shock ran through his very core. Royal had never said anything about his mother or about what she had done before leaving Switzerland.
"You see Rhett," Sara said. "It is because of your Oma that we and so many others lived. That is why Elie and I remain close with your family. After we came to America, your Oma and I remained very close friends, so much so that she came to fetch me the night you were born. I made a promise to your Oma that I would watch over you when she passed Rhett.....and Elie and I intend to keep that promise."
Rhett could feel his eyes burning. He had never known. "Why didn't Dad say anything if he knew?" Rhett asked her.
"Do not blame your father Rhett," Sara answered. "That was your Oma's wish. Your father knew how much pain she had gone through for others and didn't wish to inflict that pain on anyone else."
He felt a few loose tears falling from his eyes when he heard Sara's story. "Wish she was still here," he croaked.
"Ah but she is," Sara assured him. "I know she is Rhett."
It took him a while to process the story he had just heard, but after a while, Rhett felt an immense sense of pride, knowing how strong his ties were to the people who were like family to him.
Rhett heard a truck pulling up a little while later when who should appear but you and Royal with Hannah, each of you carrying a little carseat that safely held Tatum and Tanner, your twins.
"Hey Sara," Royal called as he entered. "We come bearing a Hannukah gift for you and Elie."
"Royal Abbott, you march into my house while your son is here...."
Royal laughed, unable to make out the rest of what she had been saying.
You and Sara talked a good long while while Rhett talked things over with Royal. Surprisingly enough, Royal was more than understanding about the whole thing.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell ya'll sooner son," Royal said. "I saw how much pain it had caused Oma.......I didn't want any of that pain passed onto you guys."
Rhett tried hard to hold back the tears in front of his father but he couldn't. Royal pulled him in and held his son when he saw that look in Rhett's eyes.
When all was said and done and everything had settled, you and Rhett gathered in the living room with Sara and Elie when he had returned, the two of them absolutely head over heels for your boys. Cecelia had joined you a little while later along with the rest of Sara and Elie's family. The grandkids all taught Amy and Hannah how to play dreidel and the delighted shrieks and shouts that came from the living room had you and Rhett in the best of moods.
"Think they'll sleep ok tonight?" you asked.
"No doubt darlin," Rhett chuckled. "Just wait till Christmas Eve."
You half laughed and half groaned at the thought, knowing Amy and her Dutton cousins would all be up till some ungodly hour, having eaten all the candy in their stockings. You and Rhett shared a sweet kiss as you watched the kids. Rhett looked out the living room window and saw that one of the stars was shining a little brighter that night, mouthing a silent "thank you" to his Oma Heidi, who he was sure, was watching over you all.
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deke-rivers-1957 · 8 months
Pacer's Flaming Heart
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After another identity crisis, Pacer finds himself wandering the lands of Texas until he's bordering Kiowa territory. He finds a young woman foraging for food. Despite knowing better, he's still a young man seeing a visually beautiful woman. So naturally he slowly approaches her.
"Hi. I'm Pacer."
She gets spooked by his presence.
"Hey, relax. I ain't gonna hurt ya."
It takes her awhile to recover as she takes in Pacer's appearance.
"You are dark for a settler."
"Yeah I'm half Kiowa."
She looks surprised by this. It's not like mixed raced relationships were a common thing. Or even a rare occurrence. It's just so unheard of in this part of the world.
"What are your parents names?"
"My mother's name is Neddy."
Her eyes widen with recognition.
"Then you know Ph'sha Knay."
"Yes, I know Ph'sha."
"She is friend of my mother."
Pacer smiles thinking he has a way to make a connection with her.
"What's your name?"
"That's a pretty name."
She giggles and Pacer can see her cheeks reddening.
"Thank you. What brings you out of your settler village?"
"I took my horse out for a ride."
"But you are so close to Kiowa territory?"
"I know, and your tribe don't like us."
There's a growing tension as she thinks Pacer is ignorant as to why that would be.
"We don't like settlers because they force us off land meant for us."
"I see what you mean, but you're not gonna kill me or nothin', are you?"
She pauses. The once tense energy in the air starts to dissipate. She takes in Pacer's face and gives a slight smile.
"I like your face. I won't kill you."
Pacer can't help but blush. Despite the cultural differences damaging family relations, he still feels attracted to her.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"What do you want to know Man-with-cute-face?"
"You really think I'm cute?"
"Yes. You have good features."
Pacer starts to have this warm feeling in his chest. As sad as it is, this is the first time he feels like there's a mutual feeling of attraction.
"No one ever says nice things like that to me."
"And why is that?"
"Well, I'm part Kiowa, ain't I?"
"Yes, but you were born to a white man."
"I know, but some people think it's wrong for a white man to have relations with a native woman."
Pacer sits down against the tree. The warm feeling starts to grow cold as he goes back to his identity crisis.
"Have you ever felt that you could be part of a crowd and still feel so alone? Can you understand how someone who is half Kiowa could feel ostracized?"
"No. I was born and raised in Kiowa village. Even with my English I could never understand why settlers act the way they do."
"It's hard for me because I'm half and half. The Kiowa don't accept me because my mother walked away from their world, and neither do the whites because my mother is still one of THEM."
She sits down beside Pacer and takes his hand. Pacer blushes some more but doesn't move his hand away.
"What of your family?"
"They love me, and I love them, but..."
"They are not half and half like you."
"No. If things were different, if I was full Kiowa, I wouldn't have any problems, or if I was white, but I'm not."
He feels Dome-be-ah-ty squeeze his hand. Since Pacer feels like he has nothing to lose he decides to take a chance with her.
"Do you think you could accept me as I am?"
She boops Pacer on the nose.
"I think I can Sad-eyes-man."
That seems to cheer Pacer up as the cold feeling of doubt is gone.
"Can we sit here for a while?"
Dome-be-ah-ty looks at the sun and shakes her head.
"No. I must go. Sun is setting too low."
"Oh. Can I talk to you again?"
“Meet me back here in 2 moons.”
Pacer nods but then gets an idea.
“Kiss me goodbye.”
“I can do that Flaming Heart.”
Pacer pulls her close and leans in to kiss her, her lips feeling soft. She pulls away with a smirk.
“I think something else is starting to warm up isn’t it?”
He looks down and looks completely red faced. He kisses her hand.
“I’ll see you in 2 moons.”
“Yes. Farewell Pacer.”
Pacer smiles and takes one last glance at her before she goes. He sits against a tree and stares at the sunset.
Tagging: @burnthheparaphilia thank you so much for the request! Please let me know if you would like a part 2. @xanatenshi, @arrolyn1114, @atleastpleasetelephone, @eapep, and @vintagepresley.
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f4y3w00d5 · 4 months
And to finish up for the night here is my brief description of Every Song in Danger Days: True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys, by My Chemical Romance
Okay so basically  this is their most recent album, 2014, and it follows the Killjoys as they fight against BL.IND (Better Living Industries) who seek to ELIMINATE all  individuality. (Spoiler: They die saving The Girl in the music video for SING) 
Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) - 
Upbeat!!! Dancing!!! Fast!!! You jump around screaming about doing crime and partying and sex!!! I love it!!! (you should listen to it after Look Alive Sunshine, which is the intro to the album and its just Dr D speaking, and at the start of Na Na Na, it goes ‘THE FUTURE IS BULLETPROOF! THE AFTERMATH IS SECONDARY!! TIME TO DO IT NOW AND DO IT LOUD! KILLJOYS, MAKE SOME NOISE!!!’) 
Bulletproof Heart 
Uh so this is sorta less fast and stuff but its SO cool and idk how to describe it but its sorta jaunty? First song I listened to by the band!!! (Fav part is ‘and tho, I know, how much you hate this. Are you gonna be the one to save us? From. The black. And hope-less feelin. Will you meet ‘em when the end comes reelin? Hold, your heart, into this darkness. Will it ever be the light to shine you out? Or fail. And leave you stranded? I aint gonna be the one left standin. You aint gonna be the one left standin, and we aint gonna be the ones left standin!!!’) 
Aaaaaaaaa this ones so cool, took a bit to grow on me, its mostly slow and repetitive but the BRIDGE ‘Cleaned up corporations PROGRESS! Dyin in the PROCESS! Children that can TALK ABOUT IT livin on the WEB-WAYS, people movin SIDEWAYS, sell it til your LAST DAYS, buy yourself the motivation GENERATION NOTHIN! Nothing but a DEAD SCENE! Product of a WHITE DREAM! I am not the SINGER THAT YOU WANTED BUT A DANCER! I REFUSE TO ANSWER! TALK ABOUT THE PAST SIR! WROTE IT FOR THE ONES WHO WANNA GET AWAY! ……. Keep runnin.’ 
Planetary (GO!)  
Okay so like omg. I love this one. Everythings amazin. Starts off slightly slow, and then starts movin faster around the verses? AND THE VIBES!!! Ive got a few favs and ill save them here (I love the way theyre said too-) ‘Ladies and gentleman, truth is now acceptable! Fame! Is now injectable, PROCESS THE PROGRESS, This core is critical, faith is un-a-vail-a-ble, Lives, become incredible-‘ and also ‘Youre unbelievable, ah, so unbelievable, ah, you ruin everything, oh, you better GO HOME! Im unbelievable yeah, im undefeatable yeah, LETS RUIN EVERYTHIN, BLAST IT TO THE BACK ROW- they sell presentable, young! And so ingestible! Sterile and collectable! SAFE, and I cant STAND THAT! This is a letter, by word, is the beretta, the sound, of my vendetta against, the ones that PLANNED IT!’ So uhhhhhhhhh yeah lol 
The Only Hope For Me Is You 
Likeeeeeeeee holy SHIT this one just sorta- idkkkk- ‘Where? Where were you when, all of the embers fell? I still remember them… covered in ash. Covered in glass. Covered in all my friends, I still… think of the bombs they built- IF THERES A PLACEEE THAT I COULD BE, THEN ID BE ANOTHERR MEMORY, CAN I BE THE ONLY HOPE FOR YOU? BECAUSE YOURE THE ONLY HOPE FOR ME! AND IF WE CAN FIND WHERE  WE BELONG, WE’ll Have To make It on our own!! Face all the painnn and takeee it on, because the only hope for me, is you alone…’ its one of the slower ones tho 
Party Poison 
This one starts in Japanese for some reason??? Its hard to explain… another fast and dancy type one ig, but sorta raw-er?  Its sooooooo weird- not one of my favs but its semi popular 
Save Yourself, I’ll Hold Them Back 
Okay so idk how to describe this really- sorta gives Only Hope type thing but faster and sorta rockier? Idk. My fav parts tho!!! ‘Get offfff the ledge, and drop the knife… Not a victim of a victims life! Because… this aint a room fullla suicides- WE’RE BELIEVERSS I BELIEVE TONIGHT-‘  OH AND ONE OF THE MORE POPULAR LINES PEOPLE KNOW ‘Ill tell you well how the story ends, where the good guys die and the bad guys win… (WHO CARES?)- THIS AINT ABOUT ALL THE FRIENDS YOU MADE, BUT THE GRAFFITII THEY WRITE ON YOUR GRAVE-‘ then the last two ‘Im the only friend that makes you cry! Youre a heart attack in black hair dye! So just save yourself, and Ill hold them back tonight….’ And ‘We can live forever if you’ve got the time- YOU MOTHERFUCKER (OHHHWHOAAAA) Youre the broken glass in the mornin light! Be a burnin’ star if it takes all night!’ 
OHOHOH APPARENTLY THIS ONE IS TO SOOTHE THE KIDS WHEN THE NUCLEAR BOMBS HIT AND GET THEM INTO THE SHELTER!!! (yes there are nuclear bombs, its post apocalyptic lmao) I love the bridge- ‘Love, love, love wont stop this bomb, bomb, love wont stop this bomb, bomb, love wont stop this… bomb……. Run, run, bunny, run. Run, run, bunny ruuuuuuuuuuun’ One of the slowest in the album also 
Okay so this is prolly my fav? Idk how to describe it tbh….. I know what it describes for me buuuut you don’t wanna hear me be weird about people……. Ill just tell you my fav parts (that I relate to!!!) ‘Terrified of what I’d be, as a kid from what Ive seen… Every single day when people try and put the pieces back together, just to smash them down… turn my headphones up real loud…. I don’t think I need them now…. Cos you stop the noise!!!’ 
………………fucked up robot song where you scream and moan. What else is there to say? (the porn bots In the story worship a ‘god’ called Destroya who will supposedly come save them) 
The Kids From Yesterday 
I love this one too. Sorta slow ig. Nostalgic maybe? ‘Well now, this could be the last of all the rides we take…. So hold on tight and don’t look back……… we don’t care about the message or the rules they make…. Ill find you when the sun goes black…..’ 
Vampire Money 
Dance!!! Sex!! Upbeat!!! Fast!!! ‘Three two one, we came to FUCK-‘ and my other fav line ‘and get your finger on the trigger tap the barrel of the gun! Hair back, motherfucker, jet black, SO COOL-‘ 
@terrencetheshark14 you might be interested in my weird ass mcr related ramblings
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miscreantroses · 1 year
Not another heartbreak (Diluc x f!reader)
"You had enough of dating. Until he thaw your heart."
Genre: fluff??
A/N: Been a while since I made fanfics... here goes nothin.. enjoy haha
It's been over a year since you arrived at Mondstat. You left Fontaine when you found out that your ex was cheating on you. After that incident, you decided to come back. Start over.
But... no dating... its tiring
You just finished the day and decided to head over to Angel's share to have a drink. The commissions weren't that hard, it was just errands. And a bounty.
"Ah. Welcome y/n. Please have a seat." Charles waved and smiled as you sit in front of the counter. You missed this kind of atmosphere. And this time of day, the taverns are always full.
"I'll just have an Apple Cider." You smiled at Charles. And he quickly nodded. You took a quick scan in the room. And noticed....
It's full of girls???
"We're not doing an event. If you're starting to ask." Charles laughed as he handed down my drink. "They're just here for Diluc."
Ah. Diluc, the uncrowned kind of Mondstat. The owner of this very tavern. And a friend of yours. You started to became good friends after you recovered, from your collapse the moment you returned to the city. After settling down, and went back adventuring. You always visit the tavern for a drink. You always thought of him as a bit of a cold type of guy. But as time goes by, you started to talk about your days. He sometimes would scold you when he sees you covered in cuts and bruises. And just give you grape juice instead of wine.
"Okay. Weird. Why?" You tried to construct a question. Only to realize that the place if full of women. "This is... disturbing?" You glanced back at Charles only to chuckle at your facial expressions.
"Well... The people heard that the Master has taken a liking on someone. And she's currently living here at the city."
"Diluc? Liking someone. Huh. I never thought that I'd see the day." You smiled. "Who's the lucky gal?" Leaning on the counter. Thinking that he might know who she is.
"Actually we have no idea. No clues." He shrugged.
You pouted at his response. There goes a chance to tease the red head. You always sees him to be reserved with his feelings and kept his private affairs to be...private.
"Well... That's a bummer." You hummed and take a last sip of your drink. And decided to call it a day. You were going to head out early tomorrow since you had a commission at Liyue and will be gone for 2 weeks. You were asked to assist in a caravan and needed manpower. And for some reason you were enlisted.
You stood from your seat and paid for the drink. "Well, I'm calling it a day. I'll back in 2 weeks." You smiled at left the tavern.
"Huh... Never knew you had quite a fanclub." You hummed as you make your way to your house.
Little did you know... that certain redhead smiled as he watches you leave the tavern with a smile.
...and you were the woman that he likes
After two weeks, you finally came back from Liyue. The caravan went smoothly. No one was greatly harmed. It's just another day for you.
Until... you went back to your house and was full of flowers.
"How.?" You were completely dumbfounded to see the state of your house. It was completely covered by flora. It was something out of the story book. You were just standing in front of it, you dropped your bags and your mouth.
"Oh, y/n. You're finally back." You turned your head, to see Margaret. "Yeah we didn't know who did that. It started as a bouquet and one thing led to another. And we just noticed your house is completely covered by it." She chuckled as she noticed that you haven't said a word. Everyone in Mond knew that you weren't dating anyone. Let alone do something as grand to cover your house with flowers.
"Well, someone likes you and good luck with that." She patted my shoulder before walking back to the town's square. "If you ever found the culprit is, don't try to punch them."
"What am I gonna do with these flowers?" You fell to your knees and continued to stare for another hour or so.
"Kaeya..." Diluc summoned his brother at the winery. "You did what to her house?" He slammed his desk and gave a scornful look at his brother.
"Oh Diluc. You should be thankful. She'll love those." The Cavalry Captain laughed. "Besides women likes flowers. She should be happy."
"I've known her for quite sometime. And her initial reaction would be pure speechless."
"Because she'll love it." Kaeya cuts him off. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing."
"Y/N is still in the state of shock." One of the winery workers butted in to the brother's conversation.
"Oh come on, Diluc." Kaeya laughed. The room was getting a bit hot. Diluc has a pyro vision after all. "Let's just take a trip to the city. And see that I'm right."
"Ugh fine." Diluc scowled. You were back after a 2 week journey. It was best for him to not lose his cool. "But if she's... mad. You're banned from entering my tavern."
"Y/N, you sure you're just giving away these flowers?" Bennett asking for the nth time already. "They look pretty."
"For now, and will wilt after a couple of days." You sighed as you're removing the flora on your abode. "I think its better to give it away. Or replant them."
It took you a good hour to process everything that happened the moment you arrived back. Your house... was covered in flora while you're away. Cecilias, Lilies, Roses, and Windwheel Asters. Who in the world would do that? You’re never had been the attractive type. So, you only sighed as you continue to remove the flowers. Thinking its just another prank.
An hour passed and your house was back to normal. Exhausted, you entered your home and stared at a letter that was hiding among the flowers.
The brothers were standing a few feet away from your house, you removed the flowers one by one, most of them were given away, the remaining ones were potted and placed at the front door. 
Diluc turned away as you entered your house.
“That’s it. You’re banned.”
“Oi. She loves it.”
“She saw it as an eyesore.”
He walked away, thinking that you had no feelings for him.
You kept on staring at the letter. You were too shocked to process the contents of the letter. Someone likes you? Diluc likes you. You knew Diluc would not be so grand when it comes to confessing. You knew him. It was probably Kaeya’s idea to covered the whole place with flowers. And judging the letter, it should not be seen since it had a lot of scribbles. You only chuckled as you try to imagine Diluc writing this letter to you.
You shook your head. You don’t want to be so sure. You’ve been through many heartaches. You promised to yourself that you don’t want to love again.
“Maybe a good rest can help.” You sighed as you lay down on the couch.
But no, hours had passed and your were inching a confession from the Red Head. You were in denial for so long, you like Diluc. The whole reason you always go to Angel’s Share was to see him. At first, he gives you a cold shoulder. But overtime, he was the sweetest person you knew. The people of Mondstat saw how the both of you grew closer overtime. Even Donna, who adores Diluc even told you that the both like each other.
You went outside, and noticed it was nightfall. The streets of the city were barren. You enjoyed nights like this, and decided to take a walk to Windrise. If you’ll go to Angel’s Share, you might see Diluc behind the bar. He was the last person you need to see. Today was too much for you to process.
“Going somewhere, y/n?” Swan asked as you exited the city’s walls. “It’s a bit late for a night stroll.”
“Just need a breather.” You smiled. “Besides, if I get in trouble... I can fight.”
As you were approaching Windrise, you noticed someone standing in front of the tree. You weren’t sure who was that since they’ve cloaked themselves. You thought it was an enemy. So, you slowly crept behind them, as you went closer you slowly draw your sword.
“You're here? I was about to go to you.” Diluc turned around to face you. You noticed he was holding a bouquet of flowers. “I had something to say to you. I like -...”
“I know, Diluc.” You drew back your sword. “I’ve seen the letter.”
“What letter?”
“This letter.” You gave the letter to Diluc. “It was hiding amongst the flowers.”
“You weren’t supposed to see this!” Diluc covered his face in embarrassment. You could notice a faint tint of pink on his ears. “That damn brother of mine, he snooped around my office.”
“But at least, I like it.” You smiled. “Shocking, yet I like it.” You blushed.
“I also wanted to tell you that I like for a while now.” You stared at the ground. “I... I’ve just been through a lot of heart breaks. So, I put up my walls. But when I met you, I didn’t knew that I’ve fallen hard for you. I was always in denial with my feelings. I just decided to shut myself, taken on more commissions just not to see you even though it aches my heart. But I can’t go through another heartbreak.” Tears starts to well up, Diluc reached out his hand and lifted your chin. You were now staring at his eyes. His crimson eyes, that you fell for. “I...I don’t want to be hurt... again.”
“But I won’t hurt you.” He spoke softly. “Those bastards didn’t knew your worth. But I knew... I love every aspect of you, your bravery, humility, kindness... You never back down from a fight. You always try to find the good even though you were envelop in darkness. I saw you build yourself. You’re strong, y/n.”
He cupped your face and you finally let yourself cry. Those were the words that you were longing to hear from him. You were fighting your own demons, he saw your strength which made him fall hard for you. “I like... no... I love you, y/n.”
And to that, you hugged him. You let out an ugly cry, making clothes wet from your tears. He hugged back and kissed the top of your head. “I love you too...”
“You sure, you won’t...break me?”
“I promise.”
“Diluc~” you shouted as you ran towards to your lover. You completed another commission from the guild. He embraced you as you landed on him. “I miss you.”
“I miss you too, love.” He kissed you on the lips. “How’s your trip to Inazuma?”
“It was fun. There’ll be a festival by next month. So, I’ll be going there with some fellow adventurers. I’m glad the Sakuko Decree was abolished. It was a pain to venture around the country. You should come with me.”
“I’ll think about that.” He chuckled as you let go from the warm embrace.
The two of you had been dating over a year. And it was a complete bliss. 
“Two hearts had been thawed.” Charles smiled at the distance as you continue to talk to Diluc about your adventures. 
A/N: Okay... This had been in my drafts for so damn long. I've been writing fanfics for as long as I can remember, but I've stopped and decided to give it another shot. Don't know if I'll write another, but I'm currently working on a series lmao.
Okay see you around~
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quaranmine · 2 years
45 for the drabble game if you're still taking them? :3
I already did 45 here, so i did a random number generator instead and got 31! honestly this drabble took an entirely different tone than this song i swear the vibes are not the same help
What? Me, worry?
┈ ┈ ┈ ⋞ 〈 ⏣ 〉 ⋟ ┈ ┈ ┈
Scar likes to work on a project during the evenings in Tumble Town. Jimmy spots him in the tavern nearly every night, huddled next to the warm light of lantern. He's always writing in a book, or sometimes sketching.
Jimmy decides that tonight, he's gonna check that out.
"Howdy, Scar," he says, sitting down in the chair directly opposite of the man.
Scar jumps practically out of his chair. "Oh!" he cries. "Oh my goodness, you scared me!"
Jimmy grins. "You were awfully into that book, weren't you?"
"Oh this?" Scar asks, shutting the book. "Nah, it's nothin'. So what can I do for our illustrious sheriff tonight?"
"Didn't have much to do," Jimmy responds. "Just wanted to come over here and see what you were working on. Can I see it?"
Scar deliberates for a second, before passing the book over. "Sure."
Jimmy flips it open. It's filled with sketches of beautiful buildings, alongside messy notes and lists of blocks. There's some areas of color where it looks like Scar had been experimenting with block palettes.
"Dude, this is gorgeous!" Jimmy says. "I had no idea you were an artist!"
This succeeds in making Scar a bit bashful. That in itself is a feat, one which does not escape Jimmy's notice. He smiles a bit smugly. "Are these for Tumble Town?" he asks. "I love them!"
"Ah, well, no not exactly--" Scar says. "They're for my theme park."
"You're building a theme park?" Jimmy asks. "Like, here?"
"No," Scar says. "I was building it at home."
Jimmy looks at the drawings. They're a little messy, with lines going every which way, but in a way that still looks somehow careful and deliberate. Maybe practiced is a better word than messy. They're sketched in the hand of a practiced artist. Some pages have been marked off, and Jimmy realizes that they're all failed iterations on the same building design.
"You built all this at home?"
Scar takes the book from Jimmy and flips to some pages closer to the front. He points out a building on the page. "Not all of it. I built this one before we left. But the park was still unfinished when we went through the rift. It's been my project since we joined that world. I've wanted to build one for years and finally got the chance."
"Can you show me it?"
Scar laughed. "Well, not until the rift gets fixed at least. We're not going anywhere right now. But I guess you can come visit when all this is over."
Jimmy's chest squeezes a little at that. He doesn't want the rift to be fixed, because he doesn't want the hermits to leave. He doesn't want Scar to talk about his home, because he wants this to be his home.
But he can see the effort put into these plans. And they're exactly that, plans. He's seen how Scar works on them diligently every evening. Scar's not going to stay. Scar's going to leave eventually so that he can execute these plans.
"No, like, walk me through it right now. Here."
Scar's eyes light up at that, and he wheels himself around the table so that he can sit closer to Jimmy. He starts at the beginning of the book.
"My good sheriff," Scar says, in the voice of a showman, "allow me to introduce you to the greatest theme park in the world. It's a place of magic and mystery! It is a place where all can come and leave their worries at the door."
Jimmy hangs on his every word.
"Welcome," he says, "to Scarland. This is my concept art for the park, but I have built all of this already. I created this main walkway, you know, so it could be this grand entrance! And I landscaped these gardens to go with it."
"They look amazing," Jimmy says. "Man, you're such a good builder. I can't imagine how great it must look in real life."
Scar's smile is radiant. He goes on to to explain his choices for each building facade. He explains how the lights on top of the building swivel to provide light when needed but be out of the way during the daylight. He explains the purposeful placement of trees to keep the area aesthetically pleasing. He tells Jimmy about how he recorded morning and night messages to be played through the park loudspeakers, and gives Jimmy a demo of what they sounded like.
By the end, Jimmy almost feels like he's there. He flips through the book once more, looking at all the concept art for Scar's future builds. They're all beautiful, each and every one. Scar has even included plans for rides and exhibits in each one. He's made notes about what components he would need to make them run. He's written ideas for shows that could be put on in the theater he's going to build.
"This is the most magical place on earth, you say?"
"Of course," Scar says.
"I think I can feel it," Jimmy says. "I think I can feel it."
>> still accepting asks! give me a number 1-100 and specifiy if it's for spotify, and i'll try to write you a short drabble based on the song. i may or may not get to it though full disclosure <<
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jewwyfeesh · 10 months
3rd anni enstars IF story -- story 1
Writer: @ inlandeempire
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Characters: Kiryuu Kuro, Kagehira Mika, Hakaze Kaoru, Oogami Koga
Theme: "If they're to pick out flowers for someone…"
Disclaimer: this was performed as part of the enstars IF section during the CN 3rd Anniversary stream (37:16 - 40:57). the stories are submitted by fans and two were picked out to be performed live.
translated from CN subs with reference to the script that they posted on screen.
this is story 1 of 2.
Kuro: Is Kagehira workin’ here? It’s pretty hard work.
Mika: ‘Tis not for monetary reasons, but rather ‘cause I’m stuck tryna think up some ideas for a performance… Notta mention, the store owner’s taken care of me before… So I’d thought that maybe takin’ care’of the store might change my mood ‘round.
Koga: Mm, this method’s pretty effective. When I hit a mental block, I’d bring Leon out for a run. A change of scenery really does call forth new ideas.
Mika: Kiryuu-senpai, are’ya here to buy flowers?
Kuro: Mhm, my lil sister’s birthday’s comin’ up soon, and I don’t really know what a girl of her age would like as a gift… Even if I were’ta sew her some clothes, I’m likely to be shunned. Maybe a cute flower bouquet would be to her likin’? Or… would it be more fashionable to pick a potted plant instead?
Kaoru: Yaho~
Mika: Today’s customers are all familiar faces I see.
Kaoru: Sorry, I accidentally overheard your conversation, and couldn’t resist butting in.
Kuro: Hakaze, do ya have any recommendations?
Kaoru: What about making accessories out of preserved flowers? It seems to be the in-thing these days.
Mika: Mm, this particular store’s able ta help preserve the flowers chosen by the customers!
Kaoru: Not to mention, Kiryu-kun would definitely want to gift his sister something that he made with his own two hands, no? Preserving your carefully selected flower, before turning it into an accessory… it’s way more meaningful than any regular flower bouquet out there~ ♪
Kuro: That ain’t a bad idea… I’ll think it over…
Koga: Aa—ACHOO…!
Kaoru: Koga-kun’s wearing a mask in a flower shop and he’s still unable to avoid sneezing altogether… Poor thing…
Mika: Uwaaaah… I forgor that there’s another customer! Oogami-kun, are ya here to buy some flowers too? Yer can tell me what’cha want!
Koga: Mm, I’d like’ta reserve one of those flower baskets[1] congratulatin’ a successful performance, and have it delivered to the nearby Livehouse next week. Is that possible?
Mika: Lemme write that down… Is the flower delivery address the same Livehouse that Hakaze-senpai used’ta manage?
Kaoru: Well, someone else has replaced me in the managerial position~ Even so, I do go back once in a while to check on things. The performance next week… Say, is that the band that Koga-kun’s been looking after?
Koga: Mhm. ‘Cause its meant for a Rock’n’Roll band, I needa pick a super duper cool flower basket!!
Kuro: Hakaze’s still plenty familiar with his own business.
Mika: Yer can have a look at this catalog for the various flower basket arrangements! Though yer need to book them in advance… same goes for Kiryuu-senpai’s preserved flowers.
Kuro: In that case, I’ll go pick out the flowers I’d like to use from the shelves.
Koga: A-a-a… ACHOO! Lend me that catalog, ‘m goin’ out to have a look! Hakaze-senpai, since yer free, help me decide which one’s more suitable!
Kaoru: Ehh? Kiddo, you’re asking for my help so naturally?
Koga: It’s gonna be placed at the door of the Livehouse, so it’s not like it ain’t got nothin’ to do with you.
Kaoru: Ah. Yeah, that’s true. Let’s look through the catalog together, then~
Mika: Hehe, I, too, have found inspiration for ma’ design. The decor for the next stage will have flowers as its main theme… fresh flowers, potted plants, dried flowers, preserved flowers… Creatin’ different results through a variety of combinations…
Translator's notes:
[1] he's talking about those flower baskets that you prop up on huge stands?? that are like "from X to Y, congratulating you on a successful shop opening" or whatever www
Story 2 →
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mino-diabolik · 8 months
DARK FATE — Mystic 「Dark 05」 [CG]
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[ Dark 04 ]
(Disclaimer: This chapter contains explicit content, not suitable for all readers.)
[ Location: Living Room— Eden Castle ]
Ayato: ——Hahaha!
Laito: ... I thought you'd be able to handle your alcohol better, Mys...
Ayato: This guy...! Hahaha!
Mystic: What'd ya talkin' 'bout? I'm perfe'tly aight!
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Mystic jerks his arm up. Wine spills over the edge of his cup. It splashes his shirt.
Mystic: Ah...
Kanato: Fufufu... so much for a mighty prince.
Mystic: Like y’all got anythin' to say, ya fuckin' child. This's why yo papa don’t like you.
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Kanato: ... ...!
Just a few hours ago, Laito rushed into my room with an unlabeled bottle. It was only a matter of minutes before it was emptied between me and the triplets. It was mostly me that hogged the bottle, anyway... I wasn't sure what it was, but it had certainly been fermenting for quite some time...
Mystic: ( Gods, I needed this... I thought I was gonna go insane. )
Mystic sprawls over the sofa as he plops an arm over his eyes.
Ayato: Hah. You sick now?
Mystic: Fuckin' sick of hearin' ya talk. That's what I am.
Ayato: You...! Tsk, I bring you something good to share and this is how you're treating me.
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Laito: It was me that brought it to him—
Ayato: It was still my idea!
Kanato: Sigh... I'd call him embarrassing, but it is becoming down right pitiful.
Mystic: ... ... ...
Ayato: ...? Did the bastard fall asleep?
Laito: Looks like it?
Ayato: Oi, Kanato. Nudge him up a bit.
Kanato: Why should I?
Laito: Last time he left me with a bruised nose for a week! Do you know how embarrassing it was to have to walk around school like that?!
Ayato: I still think it was hilarious.
Kanato: So, I ask again, why should I wake him up?
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Ayato: ... Hm? Ah, it's just you.
Ruki: What are you three doing here?
Mystic: ... ...!
Mystic flinches. It goes unnoticed.
Ruki: Mystic? What is the matter with him?
Kanato: He's drunk.
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Laito: He grabbed the bottle and wouldn't let go!
Ruki: ... Unbelievable.
... ...
Ayato: What's the matter with ya?
Ruki: ... ... Nothing.
Ruki leaves. Mystic slides his arm off his face and opens his eyes.
Laito: Ah. He's alive.
Ayato: Barely, it seems.
Mystic: ... Sigh...
Mystic stands. He downs the remaining wine and puts down his glass. He begins walking away. His stance doesn't appear like that of a drunk individual.
Ayato: Oi, where’re ya headed now?
Mystic: ... For my chaser (1).
Ayato: Ehh?
Laito: Fufufu... Oh, my.
Kanato: Sigh…
Ayato: What? I don't get what y'all are talking about at all.
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[ Location: Hallway ]
Ruki continues down his path. Footsteps approach.
Ruki: ... ...?
Mystic: ... ...
Ruki: Oh? Are you finally raising the flag? Or perhaps you need help to get to your room?
Well... you seem to be perfectly well for someone reeking of liquor.
Mystic: ... ... Don't like it...?
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Ruki: I cannot say I do.
Mystic: ... ...
Mystic glances down as he lifts his hand. He rests it on the crook of his neck. He meets Ruki's gaze once more.
Ruki: ... ...! What are you...?!
Mystic digs his nails into his skin. Deep crimson drips along his collarbone. Ruki stares in disbelief.
Mystic: ... This...?
Ruki: ... ...
Mystic: ... Does it smell better?
After all... you like it, don't you? The smell of my blood?
It’s the only reason you ever paid me any mind, right?
Ruki: ... You——
Mystic: You remember, yeah? How it melts on your tongue… and burns down your throat…
Mystic follows this path down Ruki’s neck and chest with his hand as he speaks.
Ruki: ... ...
Mystic: Bringin’ out the most despicable part of you…
You’re nothin’ but a bat, after all. Taking advantage of wounded prey...
Ruki: Stop talking.
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Mystic: Oh...? You’re gonna tell me I’m wrong?
That’s not what happened? That you didn’t drag me off with other intentions?
Ya think I’m fuckin’ stupid? I know perfectly well what the effects of my blood are… that you bunch have not the slightest self-control…
Mystic leans closer to Ruki. He slides his arms over Ruki’s shoulders and locks his hands around his neck. The Vampire tenses up, but doesn’t move away.
Ruki: ... ...
Mystic: Truth is…
——You’re no better than any other Vampire.
Succumbing to your instincts at the sight of something you crave…
Ruki: ... ...
You’re wrong.
Mystic: ... ...?
( What? )
Ruki: You just don’t get it at all——
Ruki cradles Mystic’s waist in one arm. He swiftly digs his fangs over the bleeding scratch marks.
Mystic: Wha—!? Ah!
Ruki: Nn... mm...
Mystic: Ugh... ahh...
( He’s... biting down with all of his teeth. )
Ruki: Mm—ah...
Mystic: Sigh...
Ruki: ... ... Come here.
Mystic: ... ...!?
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[ Location: Guestroom ]
Ruki tugs at Mystic's arm. The Founder trips on the edge of the mattress. The Vampire doesn’t waste a moment as he climbs over him.
Mystic: ... ...!
Ruki: Mn... mm!
... Huff.
Mystic: Ah?!
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Ruki pushes Mystic down. He tugs the edge of his jacket and yanks it over his head. The garments bind his limbs together.
Mystic: ... ...?!
( My arms... )
Wa—wait, Ruki... I can't mo——
Ruki: Nn——!!
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Mystic: Agh...!!
Ruki: Nn... sigh. The wine… I can taste it…
Mystic: Huff, huff...
... Mng...!?
Mystic hitches up. Ruki traces the path from Mystic’s stomach to the edge of his trousers.
Ruki: Hah... just as back then—
Your body is sincerer than your mouth.
Mystic: ... ...!
( I don't know what to do——
My head is spinning. And my body is doing as it pleases.
Even so... )
In a haze, Mystic’s head drops forward. His body is kept upright by Ruki’s arms. The Vampire gently rests his head on the other’s back. He breathes in slowly. The hair on the back of Mystic’s neck stands on end.
Garments are discarded. I feel Ruki’s hands wander across my skin. They caress every place they please, bringing comfort and anxiety all at once. The coldness of his touch lingers with an odd warmth. Every nerve of mine desires him with an ache I wasn’t aware was there. His words, as much as they are meant to subdue me, ripple every heartbeat. This man will shatter every part of my being. Engrave himself into it. ——So, let him. Crawl under my skin. Scratch at the itch that has been taunting me since the first moment I laid eyes upon you.
[ Location: Guestroom ]
Mystic nearly tears the sheets with his fingers. His body sways to the rhythm of Ruki’s vicious thrusts.
Ruki: Huff... huff...
Mystic: Ah... haah! I—
I can’t——huff!
Ruki cups Mystic’s chin in his hand momentarily. He lifts his head slightly. Two digits break through Mystic’s lips and denture, twisting with his tongue.
Mystic: Mmf—!?
Ruki: Nn——!!
Mystic is consumed by a wave of immense pleasure. He trembles with anticipation and from the terrible thoughts he wasn’t sure he could contain.
Mystic: Mm... ugh—
Ruki: That’s it... good boy.
Mystic: ... ...!
Startled by the Vampire’s words, Mystic’s jaw tightens. Ruki’s finger bleeds and its taste pricks Mystic’s tongue.
Ruki: Kgh...
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Mystic: ( Oh... shit. )
Ruki: Fuck...
Mystic: Ah! No! Ugh! I'm... sorry!
——Ah!! Haah!
( Ah...
My head is... spinning. )
Ruki rests his body weight upon Mystic. He melts into the mattress. Mystic buries his head between his arms. His fingers flex aggressively each time Ruki pushes deep into him.
Mystic: Huff...
The Vampire plants a kiss on Mystic's shoulder. He jolts. He subtly reaches up and manages to catch the tips of Ruki's hair. Almost immediately after, however, he lets go.
Mystic: Ru... ki——
Ruki: Huff...
There is a short pause from Ruki. He rests his forehead against Mystic's back. He listens to Mystic's quiet sobs and broken breathes. The heat blinds him momentarily.
Ruki: ... ... Damn it...
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The endless night is lost through the liquor in my veins and the aching pleasure brought upon me by the Vampire. Ruki's sweet nothings were but intelligible echoes at the back of my mind. His embrace would stop the air from reaching my lungs. Just as a serpent would coil around the ideal prey. Refusing to ever let it go. Not until it squeezed every drop of life within the grip of its scales.
「 Dark 05 — End 」
[ Dark 06 ]
(1) Mystic is referring to the drinks that are meant to immediately follow after a stronger one.
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ask-the-badman · 1 month
My breath hitches in my throat when his hand suddenly shoots out from under his pillow and grabs my wrist tightly. The force alone making me hiss through my teeth till he finally released me from his grasp. “Ah- M’sorry to wake you, I know it’s late..” I trailed off. Watching him slowly pull himself up to a sitting position. My other hand rubs at my wrist and my eyes glue to him unintentionally, catching myself staring just a little too long at his bare chest and arms. The dim lighting doing nothing to hide my wandering gaze, I quickly avert my eyes to the floor. Sitting down in front of the couch.
“Well I- I was woken up to Sissy and Nancy arguin’ back and forth down the hall. I tried not to listen, honest but my name was mentioned.” My throat goes dry with embarrassment and I swallow harshly. “..Nancy doesn’t like that I’m here much, thinks I’m trouble. But Sissy started talkin’ about how it’d be 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹 easy for someone like me to draw people in, that the attention alone would bring ‘em in like bees to honey.”
My voice trembles with uncertainty and I look up at him through heavy lashes, struggling to keep up with the thoughts rolling through my mind. “Johnny, I don’t know the first thing about killin.’ I’ve seen it done, I’m no stranger to death. But I know that’s part of the reason my Daddy brought me here, to learn y’all’s ways. I just didn’t think it’d be so soon. I- I know it’s late and I didn’t want to bother you with this, but I didn’t know who else to come too.”
Johnny sat with both elbows on his pillow covered thighs, hunched over and with hands laced together in front of the lower half of his face enough to cover his mouth. Just his eyes and nose the only part of his face showing with brows knit to convey he was more than just listening to the greenhorn's concerns. He closed his eyes after they were finished, thinking on it before heaving out a deep sigh. Knowing just how stressful all this could be.
His first time wasn't a picnic either...
"Ain' no easy way ta say it but yer first kill will change ya, even if it's jus' handed ta ya like mine was. All tied up an' helpless... Either ya get used ta it or you kin choose ta do somethin' else, not all'a us need ta kill, but it does help." He murmured quietly, solemnly, "Drayton says he don' like killin', a damned lie, but he's more fer the cookin' aspect of it all. Ya don' have ta be like Nubbins or Sissy, goin' off down a long highway hitchhikin' fer a kill if ya don' want. Hell, if Sissy thinks you kin lure them in then all it'll take is one'a us ta take care'a them. An' if ya don' like that either, jus' be like Big Boy an' help with preppin' the meat. If ya don' want ta actively be out there like that then ya don' have ta be."
He sat up then, leaning back to rest fully against the back of his couch as he idly scratched at one of his sideburns, "Honestly up ta you on what ya wanna do, or how ya wanna do it. But don' pay no mind ta Nancy, she's nothin' but a miserable old bitch hog who hates everyone. Best jus' ignore her an' lissen ta Sissy anyways, she's got a better sense of things. Even if she's a lil... wild."
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dexaroth · 2 months
tagged by @blyszczopies to answer questions and tag mutuals id like to get to know better :3 tag list is at the bottom!
⭐ Favorite color:
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i honestly have had some 'color opinions' sloshing through my head for a while.. its complicated but you can rarely go wrong with these ones 👆 these are the ones I like the most! specially when combined together!
for favorites.. it depends a lot on how you use the colors and if they're alone or accompanied! some things look bad if they're just completely sky blue and such..
(putting this under a read more bc its a Very long post)
for the purposes of having an ultimate favorite color.. man i honestly don't know. it's a completely even match between purple and blue, though only the non-100% saturated shades of blue bc true blue is quite unbearable. I think the ultimate champion in questions of how many things can work with it would be blue. sometimes too much purple can be unbearable, but too much blue not so much
red Can be beautiful in many cases, but orange is simply superior between pure yellow and pure red. pure yellow specifically is literally unbearable for me. i hate it so much. for me to like a yellow it HAS to be going towards orange or its nothin'. lime green is super beautiful but pure green is also too much, and so is cyan. though the specific range of teal/green-blue can be nice, but it does not come close to lime green, instead it accents it quite nicely.
we don't talk about pink. or magenta. or any of its hideous nicknames. perish the thought!
⭐ Last song played: erm. well. you see, most of the music i have downloaded came from youtube. and quite a bit of them from compilations of songs all in one usually 30+ minute video..
the one currently playing is by Lauren Bousfield. i've tried searching for the - actually paragraph cancelled. i thought it was one of the comps by the pavor nocturnus1 channel but it turned out to be from some random other channel. i was having trouble identifying which song it was because it's a single audio file but it turns out the song currently in that queue to be playing is the song Cascading Retail Spaces!
i've had this album compilation downloaded since.. 2017! damn! and other albums of hers too. I don't know anything else about her though, but her music slaps :3
⭐ Currently reading: ah.. i dont read at all sorry 😭 does looking at the drawings from the morpho books series grant me any pity points perchance..
⭐Currently craving: WAFFLES!!!! GOD PLEASE!! and cookies..
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^my cookie pile in project zomboid. can you tell?? (no waffles bc they're randomly found and not able to be baked like cookies..)
⭐Coffee or tea: neither soz.. i did try to enjoy coffee like 10 years ago but its just meh. tea as well, very boring. not counting the fact i have to load these suckers with sugar for them to even be worth drinking >.> but i suppose i'd choose tea over coffee simply due to variety and that some are naturally sweet :J
tagging: @moodycarcass @oxu @crazysodomite (maybe even u again timo if u wanna awnser my curious inquiries below.. muahaha)
additionally might i add my own questions... for funsies :33
favorite stone pattern:
favorite time of day:
favorite cloud pattern:
actually hm its quite hard to come up with somewhat potentially universal interesting questions. fuck. erm
FAVORITE ANIMAL!!! this question never disappoints. additionally favorite family of animals maybe?..
also from the makers of the best question ever above.. what's the silliest/weirdest animal off the top of your head?
last dumb mistake in a game?
last triumph in a game? (life cant all be losses afterall..!)
favorite clothing pattern?
worst + best texture(s) to feel?
and finally.. name one cool thing that happened this week. no matter how small. it is your duty now! commence!
actually i suppose it'd be weird to not awnser my own questions.. well here goes:
i like the one stone pattern that's a bunch of thin slabs slotted together. the ref image i have says its name is cliffstone/bluff stone! i also like the 'bavarian castle' one!
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time of day: DUSK!!! MY LOVELY DUSK!!! though dawn is veeery nice as well. i used to be fonder of the night but dusk is just sooo niceys. dawn loses points for giving way to the boring middays though. but every time of day has its charm
cloud pattern; i actually dont know their names besides cummulonimbus..? lemme search..
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according to this chart ive found on ddg. nimbus! i love gray skies and i love rain and i love fog. stratus and scuds are also nice
fav animal: erm.. got myself in my own question! i dont think i have a true favorite? i suppose ill go with jerboas.. as for the family. rodents of course. im the rodent mutual how could i not choose rodents! blasphemy!
silliest animal: off the top of my head? its a worm-like animal with a goofy face.. i thought it was legless lizards but that's not quite it.. i dont remember the name 😞
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though there is a guy that's named worm lizard apparently.. oh such a foofy goofus
last dumb mistake in a game: most recently i was trying to go back to my base in a car in project zomboid and ran straight into a insane zombie crowd. the car got stuck in the grass bc it was loaded to the brim and i tried to move it backwards and let zombies approach me with the hope i'd run away from them on time, but it was not moving and then i panicked and stepped outside the car near a zombie with the sprint key enabled, bumped into the zombie, fell on the ground and by the time the get up animation started the zombie was already eating my guy. i was so mad
last triumph in a game: not much of a triumph but i got to fitness and stregth to lvl 6 in pz which are grindy time consuming skills to lup. but i have a base and crops and my coogieeees
favorite clothing pattern: i also dont know!! id say checkers that arent too busy or its derivatives. but also star/celestial patterns of course
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^ from my fashion inspo folder
worst + best texture(s) to feel: i hate silk and those ones that are like a million little hairs that i dont know the name in english. best i suppose would be plush/cotton? i dont know their names either lol
and finally.. name one cool thing that happened this week: hmm. i suppose the nice sky i saw earlier today? though also one my af attacks has gotten a lot more notes than i expected. which is epic 💪🐁
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