#ahhh 100 notes!! thank you :3
cometcats-fr · 8 months
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His name is Knife, let him into your house and home
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bl4cktourmaline · 5 months
Okey!!:3 so blade x male reader who Invited him to a haunted house for fun and reader actually got scared and like uhh blade becomes his bodyguard:3 very cliche but I don't care:33
🎋 . 鳥居 — blade
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✿ — ♬ ⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ : yue is typing... ✉!
✿ — ↻ SYNOPSIS : when your plan to get a reaction out of the quiet man end up backfiring you...
✿ — ♯ GENRE : fluff, male reader
✿ — ↠ NOTE : pyon-yahoo~!! This is my first attempt at blade's character so not 100% confident about this one for a while ahhh but I still hope you like it anopyon so thank you for the request and enjoy~!!
✿ — ♪ REMINDER : reblogs & likes are appreciated, in doing so will motivate us to continue delivering stories to you, thank you for all of your supports ~ !
✿ — ► ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : going to a haunted house with blade...
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✿ You, a young man first met Blade during your travels in the Luofu and when you found out that he was a wanted man, you honestly didn't care because...you were just fascinated by his mere existence as a whole.
✿ He is a man of few words but he doesn't really ignore or push you away which is why a man like you can't really stay away because you were slowly getting attached to him, the more time you always seek to be in his presence to the point that the other members of the stellaron hunters end up knowing your name.
✿ When you invited Blade to investigate an old house that was rumoured to be haunted, you honestly expecting him to say no but surprisingly, he agreed to it.
✿ You only took the job because you think it's would be interesting and fun to go with someone like Blade just to get a reaction out of him, not like ghosts exist anyways right?
Oh, how wrong you were.
"It's raining..." Blade mumbled, sounding husky and quiet before turning his eyes on the young man next to him, looking very pale in the face "...You alright?"
"H-Huh?" You flinched, holding onto his sleeve while putting on a brave face "Y-Yeah! I'm fine, no worries here haha-"
A single eye appeared in the dark, wild, unhinged laughter breaking the silence unexpectedly as it filled the room with its unsettling sound.
"AHHHH!!!!" Screaming, you wrapped yourself around the taller male's arm with tears gathered up at the corner of your eyes.
As you were freaking out, Blade just watched a small figure falling onto the ground, slowly rolling over before stopping at his feet.
"It's just a broken doll" He stated with a blank expression.
"A broken doll don't laugh like a maniac normally!?!" You shouted, practically shaking uncontrollably. "L-Let's just move on...uhhh I-I don't want to stay here any longer!"
"Alright..." Blade let the shorter man dragged him through the empty hallway.
You could hear the sound of your footsteps echoing throughout the dark hallways and whenever you got close to a room, high-pitched piercing cries could be heard from the other side of the door which never failed to spook you more.
"Why did I even agree to this?!" Hands on your head, scratching and pulling out of frustration.
a blue flame appears above the chandelier, giggling mischievously as its watches you freaking out down below...
"Huh, what was that sound-WOAH!!"
A loud crash occurs, breaking the wooden floor, leaving behind a big hole.
You turn pale at the sight, that thing could have easily killed you!
"I...uhh thank you for saving me-" You cut yourself off when your eyes meet his.
Before you could even register what happened earlier, somehow his arms were around your waist as you were being pressed against his own, warm breathes hitting your ear and if you listen carefully...you might hear your own heartbeat. He was so close .
"You should be more careful on where you're going next time" Blade said in a stern tone but his eyes have a soft look to them...
"I-I will..." Pink hues spread across the young man's cheeks, hands clenched on his clothes tightly.
... maybe going to a haunted house wasn't so bad after all.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 2 months
Oooooh that one was a lot. Very sweet though! I honestly love the AUs where Shigaraki owns V.
I don't doubt that Shigaraki pays attention to all of his workers, but Dabi, I don't think he memorized your preferences for nothing.
I do love the collar as part of the uniform. Something to show that they're under Shigaraki's protection. At the same time, I do not want to know how often Shigaraki had to stop himself from staring at Dabi, wearing his collar, his colours, trusting Shigaraki to (indirectly) keep him safe.
God I hate Muscular. From what I can tell, one of the onlookers noticed Dabi safewording and since Muscular didn't react, they got security involved, which is how the information reached Shigaraki.
I honestly adore the idea that Shigaraki took over La Venus, made it reputable, but absolutely is still a criminal and employs criminals if they prove to be trustworthy and not cause trouble.
Oh, Dabi, no. Poor baby is so convinced he did something wrong, that he will be thrown out. The abandonment issues are hitting hard here. He is convinced that he did something wrong.
Shigaraki is so sweet on Dabi. Ahhh, they're so cute. On that note, Dabi is right. Shigaraki didn't have to stay the entire night and also sleep with Dabi. He didn't have to jump in through the window. But he did, because he will make sure people follow his rules or so help them God. Also, he is an absolute simp. That too.
You don't question what happens to the people who mistreat staff at La Venus, you just accept that everyone who behaves is safe there <3
Like, Compress definitely knows what goes on in the basement, and Twice does too, obviously.
I think Shigaraki watched Dabi absolutely burn Muscular's face off and fell in love all over again.
Dabi makes rational choices! Well, kind of. Taking a week off to think was a rational choice at least. On that note, I think while Shigaraki would have accepted if Dabi didn't come back and kept his distance, it would have absolutely destroyed him. Dabi would be safe, but at the same time, he would habe lost him. He would have lost him with no way of ensuring he stays that way too. Good that that isn't the timeline they live in!
Love the fact that Dabi absolutely recognizes that Shigaraki would destroy the world for him and is just immediately ready to help him, just like the others are, lol.
They're together now! Kind of! I bet they'll talk about it and then Dabi will get his own custom collar that he can wear while he isn't working ;)
Very very good.
This one was definitely a lot, but Shigaraki happily gave Dabi everything he needed to feel better 💕 He was 100% simping for Dabi since he showed up at the club and by the end of the story they are essentially married because Shig is never going to let Dabi go (unless he's asked, but he's gonna do his damn best to never reach that point). You nailed the sequence of events and Dabi definitely should have done more rational thinking in this story (not sleeping with someone immediately after such a severe drop) and being down for murder .25 seconds after it was offered to him as an option, but babyboy is a little unhinged too, and we (and Shiggy), love him for that
Thank you so much for commenting!
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hyunverse · 3 months
hi my love! i’ve slowly been getting into skz fics so i’ve been watching you from afar for a little while now and reading your amazing fics (i have so many in my liked posts, waiting to be read - i promise i’ll get to them soon 🙏)
i just wanted to say congrats on 5k and i was hoping i could join your event !! it’s such an adorable idea and sounds like so much fun hehe <33
my ideal date is something unplanned, romantic, and childish. i’d love to go to an arcade and play all the games and lose track of time and later maybe we could go out for ice cream on a late night drive with no destination in mind or we could stop at the beach and it’d be cold so he’d give me his jacket while we walk around and talk about everything and nothing under the stars 🤭
sorry for being a hopeless romantic anyway, just wanted to say i love your fics and i look forward to getting through your masterlist eventually <33
— the cupid's heard your wish, your match is yang jeongin .ᐟ
note: ahhh you're so sweet and kind ^.^ thank you so much for the kind words, do take your time to read them!! i hope you'll like them, and that you'll like this <3
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back to the old house by the smiths ・ because you're pretty by giriboy ・ 18 by one direction ・ bad by wave to earth ・ 10,000 hours by prettymuch ・ dance, baby by boy pablo ・ every summertime by niki
boy next door trope!! jeongin's the boy next door you've had your eyes on throughout your teenage years. one day you become friends with one of his brothers and with his help you manage to get closer to jeongin. i feel like he gives off such boy next door vibes tbh.
dating jeongin = spontaneous dates. all the time!! if he has time after practise you'll get a call and he'll ask you to dress up and takes you out on a spontaneous date.
due to his tendeancy of having impromptu dates, i think you'll end up discovering a lot of secret spots together. a beautiful pond that overlooks the city, a hidden gem of a cafe in the corners of the city, and instagrammable spots. you name it!! jeongin keeps track of these places to revisit with you.
loooots of time spent in arcades. he gets competitive!!! always either trying to beat you in a game or trying to win you a plushie. either way, you're pretty sure he's used up a lot of his money in arcades.
your instagram game will 100% be upgraded. seriously. jeongin would take so many pictures of you and insist for you to post them because he's so proud to have you <3 occasionally, you'll wake up to see a candid photo of you posted in his instagram story.
losing track of time while hanging out with jeongin is so easy. he's just so comfortable to be around with. some nights, you get to stargaze with him in a field as you lay on his lap and he plays with your hair <3
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t-nd-rfoot · 1 year
✨🎆 w/ Fanboy
3...2...1...! aka New Years with Mickey Headcanons
Time for Mickey to ring in the new year.
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Pairing Mickey Garcia x reader
Theme fluff
Word Count 381
Note Ahhh it is officially New Year's Eve Day where I'm from so I'm taking this as the perfect opportunity for a New Year’s fic! 😌 and who better to write about than our favorite Fanboy! This is a short one but I loved writing it! I hope you like it and thank you for this request!
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If you enjoyed this, please reblog! Reblogs are the best way to support creators (writers, artists, gif makers, everyone!) on this platform. Share the content, share the love!
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New Year’s was almost always a particularly special holiday for Mickey
It wasn’t his favorite holiday (it’s a tie between Halloween and San Diego Comic Con weekend, and yes, he considers it a holiday), but there were a few traditions he liked to follow to for a truly happy new year
First: set 3 resolutions he wants to fulfill in the next year
Even before he entered the navy, Mickey always considered himself to be a diligent person
He was always a good student in school, and never liked to disobey his parents when it came to chores
When he sets goals, he has to have an actual, tangible, visible list so he can really see his progress
(He has good memory but he loves being able to cross out or check off an item on paper rather than on an app or just mentally)
He has a little “resolutions” notebook that he started using in high school
Every year, he goes through the existing list of goals he’s had ever since he started the notebook
There are goals from years ago that either have yet to be done (star in a Star Trek reboot) or he had just crossed off recently (reach 100 days on Duolingo)
But no matter how many goals he’s done or hasn’t done, he will always add 3 new resolutions
Next: Prepare 2 of his favorite New Year’s dishes
Food was always a hit at the Garcia’s New Year’s celebrations (and just in general)
His whole family would gather in their abuelita’s kitchen and spend days planning and preparing the menu
His favorites were most definitely the tamales and the stuffed pork loin his family would prepare together
Since joining the navy, he knew that there may come a time he wouldn’t get to spend New Year’s at home
Luckily, he knew how to make them on his own from all the times he would help make them
He even video called them so that they could make it together even if they were apart
His didn’t turn out as perfect as the ones his abuelita or his mom would make, but they were pretty close
Lastly: kiss his 1 favorite girl at the stroke of midnight
He thinks your kisses are better than fireworks, anyway
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Disclaimer  I do not own Top Gun: Maverick or any of its characters. Please do not copy my work or translate without my permission.
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bronzeeditsx · 6 months
Maya fanfic part 11!
Only here would you find writing about halloween on Christmas eve. (It just happened to fit with the timeline ok.)
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- The next day -
The away game against everton ended comfortably at a 3-0 win
Now on the coach home you looked over to Maya who was looking through emails for the 5th time today.
“I don’t think they’ll accept our offer in a day”. You laughed.
“I know i’m just too impatient”.
“They said they’ll let us know soon so i’m sure we can manage for a few more days”.
“I guess so”. She smiled.
- An hour later -
As soon as you entered Maya’s house placing your bags to the side you noticed a fresh scent coming from somewhere.
Walking into the kitchen you looked around and noticed a fresh set of flowers sitting on the counter top and there was a note next to it.
“What’s this?”. You asked.
“I guess you’ll have to find out”. She replied with a smile.
‘ Dear y/n,
I know i’m not perfect and I feel terrible for getting mad at you lately when you don’t deserve it, not even one bit.
I’ll try and do better, be a better girlfriend for you, always be there for you no matter what because I love you deeply, more than anyone in the world. ( ok maybe tied with Mocha. )
This is a small gift for now, but there will be many more to come, so I hope you forgive me. You are the reason why I can get up in the morning. You are the reason I can get on any football pitch no matter the opposition and be filled with confidence knowing you are by my side.
Thank you for putting up with me, I don’t know what I would do without you.
Love from Maya x ‘
“Oh my God Maya this is beautiful, thank you!”. You said turning towards her and instantly bringing her into a hug holding her tightly.
She wrapped her arms around your lower back. “No problem, you deserve the world”.
“You’re the best girlfriend ever, you don’t need to apologise”. You said, softly kissing her neck, your bodies still pressed together.
“I felt like I had to”. She replied rubbing your back and slightly pulling away, now looking deeply into your eyes.
“Like i’ve said before, I forgive you 100%”.
“Thanks”. She smiled.
“You’re welcome softie”. You joked.
“Ughh i’m not a softie”. Maya exclaimed.
“Yes you are”. You chuckled.
“No”. She shook her head.
“Prove it then”.
“I do every time I step on the pitch”.
“Not good enough softie”.
“Do you want me to really prove it”. She said holding your hips, slightly towering over you.
“Sure but it won’t change my mind”.
“We’ll see about that”. She replied slowly walking towards you, making you walk backwards until shortly you hit the counter.
You chuckled at her finding it difficult not to smile, enjoying teasing her too much. This led to Maya trying to keep a straight face as much as she could, but eventually it was impossible due to the way you were looking back at her.
She started giggling uncontrollably, leaning over your shoulder in an attempt to hide her face.
“See”. You laughed, placing a hand on her cheek moving her face back so you could see her fully again.
“I-I..I’m not”. stumbling with her words, her face still saying the opposite.
“It’s okay, lots of people are”. You rubbed her back.
She then attempted to compose herself, trying to pull a serious face. “I’ll prove it now”.
“Go on then”. You smirked.
Gripping your thighs tightly she pulled them around her waist and sat you on the counter. Her body then edging tighter onto you so that you were soon lay horizontal and she was straddling you. With ease she ripped apart your shirt as it was only cotton and she knew it didn’t carry any sediment to you.
“You’re going to have to buy me a new one now softie”.
She smirked shaking her head.
Leaning down towards you she placed strong kisses on your neck and her hands had a strong grip on your body.
Suddenly she brought her mouth onto yours and kissed you so strongly your head slightly banged against the hard counter.
“Ahhh”. You said through the kiss.
This made her pull away instantly.
“oh sorry, you okay?”. She asked worriedly, her hand now moving to the back of your head.
“Yeh, yeh i’m alright softie, but it wouldn’t be ideal having to explain to everyone how I got concussed again”. You chuckled.
“I know, my bad”. She said getting off the counter now by the side you, her hand still holding your head.
Slowly you sat up to face her and held onto her hands. “It’s okay, don’t worry”.
She helped you down and wrapped her arms around you kissing your head.
“Okay maybe I am a softie”. She chuckled looking back at you.
“You’ve finally realised”. You smirked, holding onto her hips. “but maybe i’m not”.
- The next day -
Today it was halloween but unfortunately training was still on.
Mary came over to you when she realised Maya wasn’t next to you, which nowadays is usually never.
“Fancy scaring your girlfriend for a tiktok”. She said, as Maya had left the room only to get the granola bars she had left in her bag. You reckon that Maya would happily live off them if she could.
“Of course”. You smirked.
She handed you a ghost mask and told you your position from behind the door and she found a way to get a perfect shot of it all.
“Wow this is scary”. You said holding the mask.
“Quick put it on”.
Shortly you heard Maya walking back down the corridor, you heard the crinkling from the wrappers before you even saw her.
She was getting closer and closer until suddenly you leaped from behind the door. “BOO”. You shouted reaching your arms out towards her.
“AHHH” She yelled dropping all her granola bars on the floor.
You and Mary burst out laughing as she moved her phone in Maya’s face.
“I knew it was going to happen as well, I saw you for a split second behind the door”. Maya giggled, trying to hide her flushed face.
“Ughh Maya save some granola for the rest of us”. Mary joked.
Maya laughed and bent down to start picking them up.
You got down to help her as well, still with the ghost mask on.
She then reached over and pulled the the mask of you. “ahhh”. She joked “there’s the real ghost”.
“Wowww”. You laughed “I guess my ghostly hands won’t be able to hold these then”. You said, dropping the bars back on the floor.
“Aww i’m only joking, come here”. She replied stuffing the granola in her pockets before wrapping her arms around you making you falling back to the floor.
“Ok i’ll think we’ll end it here”. Mary said, quickly stopping the video and leaving back to the cafe.
You laughed kissing Maya’s head, now feeling her heartbeat pumping against your chest.
“I really got you good”.
“Yes you did”. She chuckled, getting off you and holding out a hand for you. After you stood back up she bent down for the mask and put it over her head. “Don’t worry, I will get my revenge”.
You placed a kiss on the mouth of the mask and started walking out the room. She then pulled the mask off and followed after you.
“You missed”. She called out.
“If you’re good, maybe I won’t next time”.
As soon as you both entered the cafe most of the team were looking at you. You sat down next to Millie, Lessi and Ella.
“What?”. You asked after a minute of constant looks.
“Why are both of your hairs messy?”. Ella asked then looked at Russo with a sly smile.
“Oh I had to put a stupid ghost mask on for Mary’s tiktok to scare Maya”. You replied, quickly redoing your ponytail.
“Oh did she now”. Mille said sounding like she didn’t believe you.
“Yes she did, and made me drop all my granola bars”. Maya said, still slightly upset by it.
“They’re in wrappers they’ll be fine. If you really want i’ll buy you some new ones”. You replied with a smile. “actually you owe me a new shirt”.
“Oh yeah”. Maya said nervously, trying to avoid eye contact with the others.
“How come?”. Lessi asked.
“Oh um, I just spilt something on it and it stained”. she lied. You smirked back at her finding her reaction amusing. She obviously wasn’t going to admit 24hours ago she was ripping that shirt straight from your body.
- A few hours later -
You were holding hands with Maya walking around the park with Mocha as usual, except this time there was kids dressed up in halloween costumes playing on the swings. You noticed Maya looked over and slightly chuckled at them.
“Have you thought about ever wanting kids?”. You asked. This slightly caught her off guard.
“Oh um I don’t know really, i’m still twenty so anything could happen”. She replied, giving you a smile but then it started to fade.
“Yeah I know, sorry It just came to mind”. You replied squeezing her hand.
“It’s fine”. She said nodding her head, giving you a small smile.
“Dinners ready”. You called out to Maya who was in the lounge.
You poured yourself and her a drink and noticed you still hadn’t got a reply from her.
After a few more seconds you assumed maybe she didn’t hear you because of the tv.
Picking up her bowl and her drink you carried it to the lounge. When you entered you noticed she wasn’t there, only Mocha was on the couch where Maya was the last time you looked.
Confused you turned back around to the kitchen but as soon as you did you noticed a figure jump out from behind the wall.
“AHHH”. You screamed dropping the glass, watching it smash into tiny pieces, but luckily you managed to save the bowl of food.
You heard giggling from behind the ghost mask.
“Maya you gave me a heart attack”. You said laughing at how naive you were, reaching to the side to put the bowl down before you drop that as well.
“I told you I would get revenge”. She said slightly muffled. You pulled the mask off her revealing her face that was red from laughing.
You jumped on her but as you did your foot got caught in a shard of glass.
“Ahhh”. You winced, noticing blood pooling your sock.
Maya quickly carried you back to the lounge and lay you on the couch then went back to the kitchen. She soon came back with some bandages and helped you treat your cut.
“I’m sorry about this”. She sighed.
“It’s not your fault”.
“But I made you drop the glass in the first place”.
You shook your head. “but I did warn you earlier, you’ll only get kisses if you’re good”. You joked.
“I guess that’s valid”. She replied disheartened, wrapping the bandage around your foot.
You chuckled at her face, but softly kissed her lips. “Go and get my dinner then before it goes cold”.
“Fine”. She giggled, now with a big smile across her face.
Sorry this chapter might seem kinda all over the place I just wanted to write as much as I could as soon as possible before Christmas for all of you. I hope everyone has a great Christmas. 🫶
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kissagii · 2 years
Hi hi hi!
Congrats on 100 followers!! \(ϋ)/♩ Your stuff is so comforting to read istg- You totally deserve it.
So, for your event, I'd like to ask you for summer + cherry tree and I really liked how you wrote Kuroo, so I'll go with him.
ahhh tysm!! i was a little worried about this prompt combo but honestly it's really cute haha
kuroo + summer (strangers to lovers) + cherry (place you first met)
warnings: none it's just pure fluff <3
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There was a back corner of the local library that you had informally claimed as your own. You were there almost every day, occasionally accompanied by friends or classmates, and every time the table was blissfully unoccupied.
Until, of course, it wasn't. A quick snack run meant you were fifteen minutes later than usual, and when you went to find your favorite little table, you found a somewhat familiar person sitting in the chair you always used. Though you couldn't remember his name, you knew roughly who he was - the guy from physics who sat in the very front seat and answered the teacher's questions without fail. Someone who, you realized, might be a valuable study partner.
"Can I sit here?" You asked quietly, pulling out the chair opposite his.
"Oh, sure," He says, looking up to see who decided to join him. At the sight of you he was awestruck, staring in silence as you sat down and began to arrange your things on the table.
"You alright?" You whisper, looking at him with concern.
"Yeah, just... you look familiar but I guess I've forgotten where I saw you," The young man grinned awkwardly, silently cursing himself for staring, especially at someone he had just met.
"I'm Y/n, from your physics class. I know you sit in the front table, but I can't remember your name for the life of me."
"Kuroo. And speaking of physics, can I see what your lab data looks like? I think we botched ours," The black-haired boy, Kuroo, turned his laptop to show you the various graphs from the experiment you did that morning. And, from what you could tell, it was very botched.
You spent the next hour and a half working through the lab report together. Mostly you had to selectively choose data points to make the graphs look less insane, the product of cheap motion sensors that couldn't make nice data if they tried. You quickly learned that he wasn't only smart, but friendly, and completely willing to poke fun at his own mistakes.
"And that's the last of it," You say with a sigh, typing out the last few words on your conclusion.
"Thanks for the help, you probably just saved my ass," Kuroo said with a quiet laugh.
"Say, would you want to study together again? I'm here about every day if you ever want to work through a few problems together," You placed the offer out casually, though secretly you were a bit desperate to spend more time with your classmate.
"I can do you one better - let's go get coffee on Friday. No botched physics labs, no math problems, just you and me," He shot you a cocky smirk, passing you a folded-up piece of paper as he stood up and slung his messenger bag over his shoulder.
"Yeah, that sounds... amazing," You felt a flush in your cheeks. Did he seriously just ask you out? A quick peek inside the yellow note confirmed your suspicion, the handwriting beautifully messy.
Are you C12H22O11? Because you seem pretty sweet to me.
Call me somtime : (xxx)-xxx-xxxx
Friday couldn't come soon enough.
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kuroo 100% uses dumb chemistry pickup lines and you can't convince me otherwise
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lovediives · 5 days
i cant believe my adrien post is nearly at 100 notes i didnt expect people to like adrien as much.. its still makes me really happy!! ahhh thank you so much everyone <3
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 months
Hey about the smut thingy, there are some things I have always liked while reading them ig, (all of these with consent obviously), these are some things you already include so idk if it ll be of much help-
1. Desperation and restraint- idk why but I like to see a sense of desperation and urgency in smut, along with that feeling of okay I really fucking want this rn but I need to really calm down now. This and the "please, please,please" just like the "faster" and the car sex scene in LBAF, two of my favourites.
2. Surprises- I like it when sex scenes are not predictable, idk if that makes sense? Like okay it might happen but the chances are very low so it just crosses my mind but when it actually happens im like oh-? Like lmao I didn't expect this person to get horny over this..
(I tried to think of examples but I can't come up with any rn sorry u can choose to ignore this one)
3. I like it when the premise of the scene is some kind of emotion- even when it's something like hate, triedness, frustration, sadness, jealousy, as I mentioned desperation. Obviously with consent though. I just like how raw it makes the scene. And I guess it doesn't make the scene very predictable?
4. The thoughts inside a persons mind when they want to have sex with someone? It's so much fun to read just how much the person wants to want to be with the other person, they whys, the hows all of that good stuff. Them describing how the person looks is always a bonus.
5. Pet names during sex.
6. The length of the scene- like I think the bathroom scene in that story you wrote in all good boys go to heaven was a really good length, 100 words plus that wouldn't be bad either...
I dont know if this was what you wanted but I am so glad you are being open about wanting to write good smut or sex in stories...it's so rare to see..
Best of luck Dani!!!
These are extremely specific and yet so good????
I liked the little things you noted. Like the "lmao I didn't expect this person to get horny over this." and "It's so much fun to read just how much the person wants to want to be with the other person"
So helpful, babes. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
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queenofbaws · 11 months
hi queenie, how are you doing? I got into the ud fandom a few months back and found your works AMAZING. I could not put the (almost)s down (particularly LOVE chapter 17, have reread it a few times; just love the tension of that one), and your ghost hunting AU is being such a delight to read (oh goodie, it‘s a hoodie has become one of my comfort fics, among a few others of yours). I‘m slowly making my way through your works (here and in ao3), thank you for sharing all your ideas with us <3
!!! ahhh, oh my gosh, hi there!!!
genuinely, i cannot tell you how big a smile this note put on my face - i'm always so, so, so THRILLED to hear that any of the stuff i'm throwing out into the internet ether has brought people any amount of comfort or joy, it's 100% what keeps me going askdlfjklsdf
thank you for this kind, wonderful message, and thank you again for giving my writing a shot! i'm going to be rolling around in these warm fuzzies all weekend, i swear!!! :P
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eyeofhurakana · 1 year
Holy crap... Nearly all the fluff fics hit 100 notes. Wow…
Thanks so much, everyone! Honestly, I’m pretty stunned. I just got back from vacation and this was a very pleasant thing to come back home to. Plus all the comments and reblogs were fantastic to read. XD Ya’ll are a great bunch and I’m happy to be here. 
Soooo it’s that time again~! Response time!  
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From Last Week's Responses
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@avast-me-alien XD You are so funny. Oh my gosh. And thank you for your words! I’m super happy to hear that my writing helps sate that Sampo Koski Itch. I am delighted to make even more as this game carries on. 
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About Tag Lists
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@avast-me-alien Absolutely! I will ensure that you are well-fed, fellow Sampo admirer.
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@https-jjessica Ahhhhhh... I want to tag you but Tumblr won't let me. What in the world...? And thank you so much for the compliment! *swells with happiness* Now if I can just figure out how to tag you... Do you have another tag that I can use to notify you? (I get the feeling that Tumblr will magically work after this posts, but just in case... if it doesn't tag you, then let me know. I'll do my best to fix it on my end.)
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From Chapter 2 of “Bouncing Brings Us All Together”
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@mleegi Thank you!! Plus, bless your kind soul for your patience. I am still rehashing the final chapter. I’m so darn picky. I’m sure it’ll come to me soon enough. It’s gotta have the Koski flare before I give it the green light to post. =D
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@rebeccawinters I’m so happy to hear that! Ahhhh! I hope the final chapter meets expectations. Thanks so much! 
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From Chapter 1 of “Unlike Fiction”
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@baby-lisuga I will! I'll make a post for everyone being tagged when I get the chance!
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@rebeccawinters Daaaang. The keyboard spazz response is always a great compliment. XD I’m glad you are enjoying him. 
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@haliyamori YEAH. I KNOW. I’m the one writing this and even I’M MAD. Tsk tsk, Gepard. TSK TSK.  
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From Chapter 2 of “Unlike Fiction”
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@lunasun Oh my god. I know, right? I gotta make a mini blurb where the reader just squeezes his exposed hip, catching him by surprise. Oh, and about getting kidnapped… Honestly, any time spent with Sampo is time well spent. Worth it.
As for why the reader isn’t with him anymore… Well, that’ll get explained soon enough. But I’ll be nice and drop a hint. “What does Gepard have that Sampo does not?” If you can answer that, that’s pretty much the reason. 
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@hansel-the-pierrot Yessss. I always love hearing these comments. He’s so perfect. This is why I can’t stop writing him. XD UGH. He’s just so much fun. The fact that he’s so easygoing is great.  
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@eugeeneshwed No problem! I gladly contribute to the Koski cause and feed my fellow Sampo admirers. Heavens know that ya’ll need it. 
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@https-jjessica For real. I was just doing single pulls on the regular warp and was stunned when he came home again. Now he’s eternally in my party. That DoT is no joke. 
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@rebeccawinters *spazzes* Ahhhhh! Three comments!!! This is like getting a 5 star in one pull with no pity! Oh my gosh! Thank you!! I’m so glad you like him as well as the fic! It’s such an honor to make people obsessed. XD It truly is. As for having a tag list, I'm working on it and I'll definitely have you added on. I'll make a separate post for it too so everyone can see where they stand on the list. And oh my god, you are such an amazing fan. Being blog-stalked for updates is like... the ultimate compliment. <3 I can't stop feeling so giddy now. Thank you very much for this.
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@helloyuki Awww. Of course. I’m glad you liked it. =D
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@worriedvision Awwwwww!! Thank you for the endorsement! Whoo! Definitely got a smile out of me.
XD AHHH! I thought the same thing! But that’s what makes him wonderful, eh? Always keepin’ us on our toes. 
Me too. Ugh. This man won’t leave my head. Though I bemoan this with an endearing tone, of course.
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Anywho, thanks so much to everyone that commented, reblogged, or even just remembered to poke that little heart button. Seriously, you're all wonderful and I hope that we can all run around HSR's universe with E6 Sampo Koskis.
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ashalle-art · 2 years
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I posted 548 times in 2022
150 posts created (27%)
398 posts reblogged (73%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 291 of my posts in 2022
Only 47% of my posts had no tags
#mass effect - 103 posts
#ashalle art - 100 posts
#dragon age - 73 posts
#dragon age inquisition - 59 posts
#ashalle commission - 53 posts
#dragon age fanart - 51 posts
#garrus vakarian - 43 posts
#mass effect fanart - 36 posts
#shakarian - 35 posts
#mass effect fan art - 32 posts
Longest Tag: 81 characters
#i went full apex predator with garrus being great white inspired because i can xd
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Ahhh look what I can share today <3 One of my pieces for the @normandyzine I just had to put my take on one of my favourite scenes in :D Psst, leftover sale on August 6th for everyone who got to miss buying one! :D
863 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
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@/secretagentr asked for "Solas picking a flower" I hope you are alright with it not exactly being a flower but Elfroot, because I love the thought of the whole party just picking them up like crazy xD
897 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
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This Sundays work <3 A comic strip between Garrus and Thane for my Polyship with Jane :D
But the real question is: What did Garrus want to ask? XD
1,214 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
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"There is no Shepard without Vakarian" 🥲
YCH for @dalish-rogue Thank you so much for squealing together about Garrus saving Shepard after priority earth Q///Q
1,277 notes - Posted March 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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♥ Happy N7 Day ♥
I wish I could have added all of them, hopefully next year XD So this year there only is my most regular party members and of course Joker :3
2,572 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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taegularities · 6 months
okay hello, i am much calmer now (no im not)
RID THAT WAS SUCH A ROLLERCOASTER OF A CHAPTER, i am in shock. i cackled, i was stressed, i physically jumped up and screamed - 100/10 i recommend ‼️ HERE ARE MY NOTES (i went crazy, i have a lot to say)
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when i tell you i literally JUMPED OUT OF BED AND YELLED when i saw the ending... my brother yelled at me but it was worth it 🙏 i cant believe im caught up im so happy ‼️
i also read your responses and from now on i will be writing essays about your masterpieces (just kidding... or am i??) BUT I CANT WAIT FOR 11.5 🙏
E YOUR REACTIONS ARE SOOOO FREAKING PRECIOUS LMAOOO no i mean it, please never stop!!! do write essays, you're so funny and cute!!! like, wdym you screamed and your brother looked at you weird i cant ksjdjskksha i love you :')
another banter lover ahhh!! it'll never stop, they will always annoy tf out of each other 🤣 and yes, they're soulmates indeed 🥺 not their own surprise wedding jsksjdhes you'll see i guess LOL (no im totally kidding). is arc 3 about him going to prison? we'll see 2.0 (kidding again 😁), no but there willlll be smth that will have to do with perhaps sueing someone and perhaps getting vv angry and... i mean what? 💀
in any case, thank you babe ahh :') i'm so happy you reacted the way you did, like i could see and hear your enthusiasm in just the capslock calling of my name alone lol i love that sole "RID" at the end of your notes so much :') i so hope you like 11.5 just as much, like we're super close!! i love you, thank you, my love 🥺🤍
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(I couldn't pick just one zbzbxn)
AHHH FELLOW GRIM <3 <3 <3 <3 THANK YOU FOR THE ASK! 💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
GOD this one feels so goddamn arrogant like even more than the compliment one lol but my favorite comment I’ve ever gotten (and I’m by no means asking anyone else to do this) was from someone who saw their trauma and their flaws and shit in a character in my fic and commented telling me about it and how MY GODDAMN FIC of all things was helping them to work through it because the way I wrote the character was something they’d never seen before and it really connected with them. I JUST-. Like I said I am NOT asking anyone else to get that personal, I don’t expect that much from anyone but I still feel like I have to shout it out because it is ENTIRELY the reason I am still fighting to finish that fic through the burnout even after abandoning it for an extended period of time. 
On a much more general note I always write about my blorbos and my very specific headcanons of said blorbos so anything like musing on my portrayal of my blorbos will send me into a flurry of hand flaps. 
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
I love that I always (sometimes unintentionally) make very flawed and very broken characters. In TMDORG Janus was once a very toxic and selfish person and literally killed someone (inadvertently but still) , Remus ran away from his long term partner and completely shut him out for a solid year and Roman is- well- was an arrogant jackass who’s too wrapped up in his own problems to notice when he hurts other people. My OCs and my portrayal of other characters are all so mean and co-dependant and nihilistic and do fucked up shit without thinking first and sometimes even with thinking first they do it anyways. There’s a specific scene I’m thinking of from a series of un-posted vignettes I wrote where there’s some very DEEP intense longing going on and its like: this is the culmination of at least three years of headcanons and about a solid month of struggle to write this scene in this fic in this series alone, right? I work up the nerve to reach out to a friend of mine to read it and they’re like “Yeah this is fucking creepy and bad” and it stung a little (a lot) because I hadn’t really been thinking of it like that. But I turned around and re-read it and agreed with them. It killed a part of me I think but another grew to take its place: it IS a little fucked up because these are deeply fucked up people I’m writing and I’M GLAD its fucked up. I love my fucked up little people. But also the flip side to that is that I LOVE that they can be all that but still be good and lovable and deserving of love and good things, they can bounce off eachother like fucking cattle going down a round pannel shoot for medical treatment and still love and care about and try their goddamn hardest to do what’s right by each other. Am I giving myself too much praise? Yes. But is this more about how I personally see my characters and not how they actually are? Also yes. 
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
100% the characters above all else, I write dreadfully slow painful character explorations and nothing else LOL. I do always try to make sure that something HAPPENS IE the “Murder mystery” in TMDORG or a better example of what you’re usually gonna get the slow build of a relationship in my most recent baby MWBEYH but exploring characters and their relationships is where my heart lies and is the reason I come up with stories and write them in the first place. I get an idea about a scenario or a very specific headcanon and I have to put the characters into the little Webkinz movie maker (side note you couldn’t say root beer in that stupid thing and it pissed me off SO MUCH) with the right pieces and press play. Usually this is to my detriment LOL if you want an example of this in action look at TMDORG: Initially the plot was a much heavier focus and it was going to BE an actual murder mystery, the character’s screen time/focus was going to be a lot more balanced but I got super caught up in the very very fraught relationship between Janus and Remus in the world I’d made and WHOOPS everything else fell to the wayside. Hopefully in the future I will have actually written another one of my bigger pet projects that I can reference besides TMDORG lol.  Thank you again! :)
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theshatteredrose · 7 months
Hi hi, congratulations on getting a date for your surgery! While I've hardly known you for long and have only been familiar with your posts after I picked up the EO Origins Collection and fell in love with the series since then, your posts have been a source of inspiration for me in creating all these stories and dynamics with my little parties, ahahah. (Honestly, how does EO not have more fanfiction? With how thin the plot/story gets in the way and how much it pushes you to use your imagination and creativity, you'd think there'd be more out there, but...)
You don't have to answer this immediately - or at all, since I'm sure you've got a lot more to be doing and preparing for ahead of you, but just out of curiosity, what's your favorite stratum music in EOs 1 through 5? Just a fair note though, I'm only in the middle of my second playthrough in EO3 (going for the Deep City ending this time, I wanna get all the endings before moving on to the 6th stratum) and have only 100%ed the first two EO games so far. So - if it ever comes down to it, please try not to spoil too much about the other games, ahah. You can just skip 4 and 5 if you'd like.
That's all; apologies that this ask kind of got lengthy, I wish you a good week and an even better surgery ahead of you!
Ahhh, thank you so much~! You're not a bother at all! It makes me so happy that my posts/prompts have been a source of inspiration for you. That's all I ever wanted. EO is a wonderful series, prime for making your own characters and fanfics.
Now, onto your question. It's a hard one, I must admit. All the music is just so good. I'll do just the first three. Even then, it's hard T^T
EO1: Stratum 3
Though, it's honestly a tossup between this and Stratum 5
EO2: Stratum 4
I love the entire EO2 soundtrack, though.
EO3: Stratum2
Honestly, though, all of the stratum music is just so good. I love them all so much~
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jazzythursday · 10 months
Jazzzyyyy, hello!! So sorry for taking ALL DAY to get to this, but I am here now, so let's goooo!! <3
4. The best ship you've written for
well okay obviously I'm going to say wesper but I'm gonna say it specifically because I wanted to say that your micro fics on the server have given me a taste for how you write them and I'm just very fond of it! You really nail their banter, the snark and the sweetness, the fluff and the angst all mixed together in their dynamic... it's wonderful and I'm excited to read more lengthy works of yours ft. these lovelies <3
5. A fic I haven't read yet from you, but I want to
SO MANYYYY. I have like your whole AO3 on my TBR and I promise one of these days, I'm going to start haunting your inbox as I work my way through them. Top three that I've been itching to read: Science and Magic (the very premise makes me weak in the knees), In careful moderation (of all good things) BECAUSE WYLAN & NINA FRIENDSHIP ahhhh, the summary alone is so cute pls, and Familiar Strangers b/c hello we NEEDED that scene in the show, so thank you for the food, I can't wait to eat djakgjdkgd <3
6. Something I remember vividly from reading one of your fics
Ahhh, the chemistry metaphors micro fic dajkgdjkgd. The banter just made me giggle and I was smiling the whole time I read it which is certainly memorable because nowadays I've been so stressed, I latch onto anything that makes me happy with my whole heart, so yeah <3
Sparrow! This definitely made my entire day! 🥹🤧💕
Thank youuuu 🥹 banter and angst mix is my bread and butter honestly. I’m so glad you like my little micro fics! Also I’ve turned some of them into sections of longer fics so it’s really the best of both worlds!
Please do haunt my inbox! And you’re 100% right on Nina and Wylan friendship! We need more of it.
CHEMISTRY METAPHORS. I love Wylan saying science-y things, and I love Jesper loving Wylan saying science-y things! That scene is so indulgent honestly for so many reasons but also because I literally wrote myself a note the day before along the lines of “why haven’t I ever had Jesper pick Wylan up? I need to get on that” and I STAND BY IT.
Thank you for this! 💖💖💖
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