#ahhh hes amazing
cheeriochat · 7 months
I am so in love with vergil it's crazy.
He's just my little guy I put in my pocket and carry around
He's my sweet pookie girlfriend wife
He's the guy I chew on and shake around like a dog
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writingjourney · 2 months
no headcanons just Secondo retired
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no but omg goat dad secondo my treasured and beloved, this is adorable and i love him so much ahhhhhhhhh 😭♡
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kermitthesog · 7 months
the fact that everything Apollo does in all of the books after the burning maze is for Jason. He turns so human, always remembers what he promised to him, and even dreams about Jason to help him get out of Nero’s prison in the tower of Nero.
the impact that Jason had on all of these people is so powerful. He was literally amazing.
I don’t want to have to say this again, if you hate jason then we have a problem
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eggyboyoart · 8 months
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arkeusruin · 20 days
Tell me how I have the COOLEST boyfriend ever!!!
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gummidon · 7 months
He’s crying again
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taegularities · 7 months
the way i can't even imagine how hard it must be being an idol who's under pressure to do well and improve all the time :/ hurts how bad they feel whenever they think they didn't deliver.. but like, they do so well and try their best and that's already so much. i wish i could tell kook how proud we are of him no matter what and that even a fully flawed performance would be forgiven, just bc of how hard he works every other single day in his life </3
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silvixxen · 30 days
ok what if puppy had friends over at the house (a rarity) and a really bad storm happened and all power and wifi went out. what then? :0 impromptu sleepover?
For sure! Shed prolly make any excuse for her friends to stay over during a rainstorm, especially if it got bad bc lightning gives her anxiety </3
The night would def end with a cuddle pile and shed sleep soundly
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heres a mini comic leading up to it too lawl
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franeridan · 9 months
I was thinking about how hug-y opla luffy is and I realised that if you strictly consider instances in which he meant to hug someone and not just hold them (so take out every single time he's picked up someone and either lugged them around or flung them across a battlefield) in the manga he hasn't actually hugged that many people at all, has he
#off the top of my head i can remember#chopper right after the second round of the davy back fight#chopper flings himself at him and luffy goes through the whole talk with foxy after while hugging him#it's SUPER cute and also I'm pretty sure the first time luffy hugs anyone in the manga after shanks loses an arm for him#ace. we all know when.#sabo! when he finds out he's still alive!!!!#and zoro when they meet back up in wano#not to zolu but that's the only hug luffy starts himsef that doesn't involve copious amounts of tears#he's just extremely happy to see zoro !!!!!! can't blame him I'd be as well#these are genuinely the only times i can remember him hugging someone in the whole 106 volumes of manga?#though i had forgotten about the chopper one until i reread that arc so maybe there's more I'm forgetting#ah allow me to zolu again but isn't that amazing that oda obviously doesn't think about hugs as something luffy would do casually#but still drew luffy fling himself at zoro on sight after a few weeks of separation#ah#AHHH#anyway yes very interesting#you'd assume with that personality luffy would be hugging people more often and yet#that said a lot of people hug luffy while luffy just lets them hang off him and goes about his way#so he IS pretty casual about hugs#he just doesn't start them or partake in them a lot#i had never realized honestly#very very inchresting#coming back to this a trillion years later to add that he hugs von chan in impel down!!!!#extremely important so let's jot that down
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pardonmydelays · 5 months
An appropriate response 😂
Oohhh, what about him with glasses????
you're welcome? actually, one of my hottest takes is that he wrote this song about himself, i mean:
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everybody say thank you mr miranda
ok, so i've been waiting for this ask forever, cause apparently i have a thing for glasses & i am just saving everything i see... & i am more than happy to share:
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i thought i had more oh shit-
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ghostlypanda · 2 years
reasons to watch rise: "and raph thought i couldn't do this all by myself! hah, solo mission complete!"
please go support rise of the tmnt by watching the show and movie over on netflix! 🙏🧡
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
Squiggily I am not ok rn
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For anyone who can’t make it out “I’d like you to remove your head from your ass, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon!” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 HELP THAT’S SO YUSUKE WBDBWNDNSNSNNS
This made my entire month! Thank you for sharing that friend! 🤣🤣🤣
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caiabresebun · 1 year
Hello! I discovered your art from the game Paper Soldiers! I got 2 questions : 1) How many card illos did you make for that game (because I have not lasted midway yet haha...) 2) What was your process like for making each lil character?
hello! going to answer out of order so i can show you all my card illus under the cut hehe
making each chara was really fun! andriy gave me a list of character classes as well as what effects they would have on the board and gave me full freedom to design however i liked which was SO COOL. since the game was subbed under the Ukrainian division, i wanted to make charas that looked looked like they came from a fantasy world but with a look that would bring to mind Ukrainian design.
unfortunately i didn't have as much time to research as i'd like but i think i did ok! i made pinterest boards with outfit inspirations and scribbled up charas traditionally before drawing them digitally, which is something i really never do since im not good at trad art.. but with digi art i get really bogged down fixing mistakes and there was a really tight turnaround so concept art had to be trad
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i had the privilege of designing 33 cards and writing flavour text!! :D
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redundantz · 2 years
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inaflashimagine · 1 year
only nanami fans can make fun of his high school emo hair or else !!
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fagexe · 2 years
Ray being utterly angelic and Gerard's little smile! I'm coming undone!!
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