#ahhhhh too cute!
egophiliac · 3 months
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(almost) four years in, and I finally had time to draw something for the anniversary! woo! 🎉🎉🎉
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way-of-water · 4 months
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THE BABIES (Avatar The Way Of Water 2022)
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owrgenother · 6 days
so i saw the new update, and i saw something..
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credit to @notherpuppet of course, love your work ❤️❤️
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devilart2199-aibi · 1 month
some humanformers KOBD mayhaps?
Absolutely! :D They were very fun to draw 💕
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aurorangen · 8 months
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Someone has a massive crush ❤️
Vincent: You alright there? You've been staring for a while now [smiles] Renee: [voices in her head are distracting her from answering] His voice omg his accent, how's he so hot? I'm gonna faint…what do I say back? Ack he's staring at me! [tries to stay calm but blurts out] V?
Vincent: Are you a mind reader? I go by V, also Vincent, Vinny, Vince. Whatever you wanna call me! Renee: [his grin broadens and her heart continues to race, could he really be…] I'm Renee. Renee Reichmann. Vincent: Reichmann? That's why you look so familiar, you must be related to Charlie.
Renee: C-Charlie? He's my cousin. Do you- Vincent: I knew it [checks the time] Shit, I'm gonna be late. I'll see you around Renee. Renee: Wait! [nervous] Are you going to the freshers events?
Vincent: Of course I am. What's your number? Renee: Umm [fumbles in her pocket] Vincent: I gotcha. Just add it here, or your simsta.
Renee: Thanks [still processing everything] I can't believe I got his number! Vincent: No problem! Text me when you get there. Renee: See you later! [he waves and then walks away but stumbles] Aww he's clumsy too.
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seasonalberries · 1 year
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Morning cuddles 🥰 🥰😴
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I've just discovered that qpr polycules exist and thats such a cool fucking thing oh my god.
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zella9012 · 8 months
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Decided to color this sketch of prismo I did, business party prismo and casual hangout party prismo are very different
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discordica · 3 months
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banana-jar-studio · 5 months
Heeeey banana 👀 how are you doooing? I'm just hopping in to remind you that you're awesome and all us your moots love you<3
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Also what are your pronouns
Hi Copper<3!!
I’m doing ok atm, tho this really made my day! I love how my sona looks in your style❤️
Gosh I just wanna cuddle u Copper cuz you’re so kind!!
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Also pronouns such as he/him/they/them are fine by me <3
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insectaesthetics · 2 months
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I love when it's dark out and I turn the lights on because I get to see the isopods all congregating around the food bowls :')
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marclef · 6 months
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art trade for @misdreavusplush! oh god i hope i drew eyelashes well enough
but uh. first time drawing a genderbent peppino i guess too? i think all forms of funny italians are pretty cool.
also........ did somebody say character designs with big eyes and no mouth
*sheepishly pulls out character design i made a while ago but haven't done much with*
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2005 Chinese Grand Prix - Fernando Alonso(ft. Flavio Briatore)
#not pictured but: CRYING LAUGHING AT THE FACT THAT NANDO SET HIS OWN CAR ON FIRE BY REVVING FOR FUN TOO MUCH 😭😭#and the commentators saying 'well kids will be kids' abt it ^ im having a moment 🥺🥺🥺#not pictured: NANDO SINGING WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS ON THE RADIO 🥺🥺 I DIDNT REALIZE IT WAS FROM THIS RACE IM CRYINGNGGGG#all of the nando/flavio moments....if i speak-#theres just so many things i am staring intently at#SCREAMING CRYING THATS HIS BOY!!!! HIS BOYYYYY!!!!! LOOK AT THEM!!!!!!#im glad no one is around me when i watch race podiums bcs i make so many embarrassing squealing noises AHJDKFLFLLF#hate this podium(/s) bcs its peer-pressuring me into watching 2006 next...ahhhhh i might..#renault nando is just so....hes just sooooooo...he is my blorbo and i want more of him but ahhhh....#its really really so cute to imagine that zhou is somewhere at the racetrack watching nando win the wcc#apologies to ralf and kimi who are also on this podium but not pictured here but this is fernando's podiums theres too much good content#i hate to cut down these gif posts to 10 but then again i cant just post all 20 gifs i did make#speaking of gifs that didnt make it into this post theres one of him holding up '7' which will be included in a dif post!!#anyways im v sad that this journey is over but proud of myself for finishing it and posting all of these#tysm to everyone whos been here since round 1!! its been a lot of fun and i appreciate your support sm heheh#but worry not! the grind never stops! 2005 may be done but theres so many seasons i wanna watch#fernando alonso#fa14#2005 chinese gp#2005 chinese grand prix#renault nando#renault#flavio briatore#f1#formula 1#formula one#we do a little bit of f1#(2005: 19/19 races watched)#<- well that was satisfying to type out! :D
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lamiaoflilith · 9 months
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my gal calliope in her regular fit and her nurse scrubs!!! done by @crownedinmarigolds thank you so much they’re so amazing!!!
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l3viat8an · 1 year
Heyyyy, cryptic pregnancy anon here again! I just wanted to say you were right; there’s no way the brothers wouldn’t all sense MC was in labor, or at least in a great deal of pain.
So here’s my better, more accurate hcs (with NO bloody details dw)
* Lucifer is probably the first to notice something is up, followed by Satan, then Mammon and Asmo, then Beel and Belphi, and Levi is the last to catch on, let’s be real here.
* Satan is the one to do all the, erm, medical stuff, because he has the most knowledge; he tries to tell lucifer something seems off about the baby (something about there being gold on the baby?), but lucifer is either too busy or the room is too loud for lucifer to properly hear him, and he’s more focused on Levi who’s looking rather feint. Lucifer focuses on keeping everyone else calm and barking orders at them. Mammon runs and gets the phone to call a real doctor, Asmo brings the fluffiest dry towels (warmed on his heated towel wrack to keep the baby warm ofc), Beel brings ice chips, Belphie holds MC’s hand to keep her calm, and Levi…is passed out on the floor atp. Beel and lucifer carry him off to a corner of the room so he doesn’t get stepped on or tripped over lmao.
* Once things have settled down, and the doctor has determined MC and the baby are ok, Lucifer orders everyone out of the room so MC can have some peace and quiet (everyone complains but ultimately comply when they see how haggard she looks). When they’re alone, Lucifer finally pulls her into his arms so he can hold her and get a good look at the new edition to the family.
* He damn near faints when he sees the little wings and horns just barely peaking out from their head and back. They’re both too small to have much shape yet, but the tips have an unmistakable gold coloration. And when he gets a good look at the gold triangular pattern on their little arms when they flail out of the fluffy towels bundled around them (Satan is very capable in a lot of areas, but probably not so good at swaddling a squirmy baby, so the swaddle was a little loose lmao), he knows immediately who the father is.
* Lucifer practically leaps from the bed and frantically pulls his DDD out to call Dia. He’s frantically speaking in infernal (so MC can’t hear him), and he looks like he’s about to cry. Not because he’s jealous or mad, but because he know how this could hurt his lovers.
* He and dia manage to work it out, but the like of paperwork on both men’s desks is historically tall. Barb and the brothers pitch in as much as they can, but even then the pile seems never-ending.
* With all the older bros and dia and Barb tied up with paperwork, Dia and luci decide it would be best for everyone to just stay where they are until the living arrangements can be properly sorted out.
* It’s hard on everyone, but when MC brings the smiling, cooing bundle into Lucifer’s office so Luci and Dia get a chance to bond with the baby too (Barb too but not as much since he takes over paperwork duty so the boys can hold the baby and whatnot), everyone decides it’s all worth it. Bonus thought for this one too: sleepy luci with a pen in one hand and the baby tucked snugly against him in the crook of his arm, fast asleep, while he does paperwork. Dia comes up behind him and kisses his forehead, and demands baby time.
* Speaking of dia with the baby: he’s a baby hog. He has them cradled in his arms as much as he possibly can. The way they yawn and snuggle into the warmth of his chest melts his heart and he genuinely starts crying every damn time.
* luci and dia can’t always take care of the baby tho bc of paperwork, but that doesn’t mean mc is alone in this; Uncle Asmo to the rescue! Asmo and Beel are basically co-parents atp. Beel loves bottle-feeding the baby, and Asmo loves bathing them and planning their outfits bc he gets to pamper them; no, really, this baby already has a 10-step skincare routine at two weeks old 😭🙌. Asmo isn’t as fond of diaper changes and spit-up, but he cleans them anyway because he genuinely worries about MC’s sleep, or lack thereof.
* Mammon tries to take care of the kid, but is too nervous to do it alone so he usually helps out in other ways, like cleaning the bottle when the baby falls asleep in beel’s arms so Beel can’t do it himself.
* Levi refuses to even be in the same room with the baby at first, but after a while warms up enough to try to talk to them and coo back at them. He nearly died of happiness when MC took them to his room when the baby was fussy and couldn’t sleep, but fell asleep as soon as they were in his room (Levi’s room is very blue and dim, both of which are calming to toddlers and babies, so it’d be a prime nap spot for a fussy baby).
* Speaking of naps: belphi is always there when it’s time for the baby to sleep, even if it cuts into his own nap time, so he can make sure the baby gets to sleep easily. MC has to buy a second bedside bassinet so the baby can sleep with belphi lmao (we promote safe sleep in this house! Even for titanium-strength royal demon babies!)
* Omg I just thought of when the baby is old enough to eat solid foods! Barb, Simeon, and Luke all have a “Baby Bake-Off” where they make baby-safe desserts for them to try, and whichever one they like the most wins! (C’mon, it’s dia’s baby, we all know Barb has this in the BAG, and wins every round lmaooo. He does remember what the young master liked as a baby, after all. Luke complains he has an unfair advantage).
* Context I forgot to mention earlier: I hc baby demons have little round stubs for horns and wings when they’re first born; both with sharpen and gain more size and definition/shape in about a week or so.
Hiiiii anon!!!
Satan being the most responsible and being the midwife is honestly so fitting-
I Absolutely lost it for a second at Levi passing out lmao because yea, we all know he would-
God all the paperwork is definitely a nightmare for everybody, Lucifer is skipping sleep the most tho and MC has to drag him into bed all the time (and he’ll only sleep an hour or two before going right back to work)
But whenever Lucifer has even a second of time he’s cooing over the baby and playing with them and letting MC get a break.
Diavolo is such a baby hog!!! He wants to constantly hold the baby, even doing paperwork or in meetings, whatever. He’s sure he can do everything one handed and keep the baby snug in his other. 
Barbatos wants more time with the baby and he’s always asking Asmo for little pictures and update. For the young mater of course! It’s actually for a baby book or something- cuz yes Barbatos would be that uncle-
Another cute thing is Belphie and the baby go to Levi’s room for naps all the time!! Like if the baby is crying or MC needs a break and it’s Belphie turn to watch them he’s grabbing the baby and bassinet, going to Levi’s room and settling in. It’s just quieter, then the rest of the house and like you said the lighting is softer and relaxing. The baby sleeps almost the whole time and it gives Levi a chance to watch over them a bit too!
Ya know how they say a healthy baby has glowing skin? Yea this baby has glowing skin for life, with the way Asmo’s pampering them and making sure their sink is already flawless!
Mammon is constantly buying the baby little stuffed animals and toys whenever he’s out and see one he likes. Like the kid has sooooo many toys from uncle Mammon-
the baby bake off would be so cute and Barbatos half cheating by basically raising Diavolo is so funny to me hsjs 
Ahhh there’s so much that could be added!!
Like, Dia and Lucifer arguing over baby outfits and if matching outfits with the baby is tacky or not dkhsks-
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killuaisaprincess · 3 months
Killua glances up, pouting.
Gon smiles softly.
“Nothing, just you’re so cute-”
Killua cuts him off by pressing his face into his bicep, and Gon laughs.
He’s just proving his point.
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