#ahsoka refuses to go out in public now with him just in case
tennessoui · 3 years
33 obikin 🙏
bless i can't write anything straightforward or normal to save my life
33. Celebrity/Fan AU (modern AU, singer Obi-Wan)(1.8k)
Obi-Wan had only wanted to cook, really.
He’d decided on Tuesday night that he would take Friday off as a sort of self-care day. He needed it. In the midst of a world tour, finally with a week to breathe back in his home city, he’d wanted to relax for a day. One day without music or an audience of any kind, just him in an apartment filled mostly with dusty counters and almost expired foods.
He loves his fans, because of course he loves his fans. He loves the fact that people relate to what he writes enough to listen to his albums, although he has gone through several different sounds over the course of his career. He loves that he can be 39 and still touring the world, even though he started his career as a 13-year-old-child-actor turned teen-pop-sensation turned serious musician turned perhaps-washed-up-serious-musician turned very-much-serious-musician-actually-this-time.
If not for his fans, he wouldn’t be able to afford this house on the outskirts of his town. He wouldn’t be able to boast his performances in three-fourths of the world’s major cities. He wouldn’t be able to continue to have a career. No. He loves his fans.
It’s just that sometimes he doesn’t. Sometimes he just wants peace and quiet, a moment to himself, where he can float away without concerning himself with the flow of the setlist, the timing of the encore, the lyrics and rhythms of songs he wrote a decade ago when he was practically a different person.
It’s just such a shame that Obi-Wan leaves the handle of the wooden spoon too close to the stove’s open flame when he stirs and adjusts the heat to low for an hour so he can go soak off his stress in the bath.
It’s just such a shame that the smoke alarms from the kitchen cannot be heard over the music he’s playing in the master bath.
Obi-Wan sinks beneath the water, enjoying the unyielding pressure. He doesn’t want to retire, he tells himself. He has so many more songs to write. Sure, he hasn’t written an actual good song in two years and people are starting to notice. Sure, the intense scrutiny is driving him up the wall and killing anything creative that he’s ever harbored in his soul. Sure, his muscles and bones ache and he had almost had a breakdown the other day when he first walked through the door of his home and couldn’t remember if there was a bathroom on the first floor, but.
But he doesn’t want to retire yet. He just has to admit he’s waning, even to himself. Whatever inspiration he had has been used up or otherwise escaped. All he has now to his name are songs that have already been sung.
He doesn’t know how long he spends in the bath, really. Long enough that the album changes twice. Long enough that his fingers prune up and his eyes grow lax. Long enough that he tells himself that no matter how soothing the lavender essence is, it would be very dangerous for him to fall asleep in the bath because the news articles alone would be enough to raise him from the dead only to strike him down again.
(Long enough for the wooden spoon’s handle next to the pot to catch on fire. Long enough for that fire to burn down to the oil on the spoon itself. Long enough for the dishtowel it was resting on to ignite as well.)
The smoke alarm clues in before Obi-Wan does.
Luckily, Obi-Wan had paid extra for a smoke alarm that, when registering a certain threshold of smoke, sends a notification to the closest fire department.
Luckily, this all happens while Obi-Wan is unaware, but before he becomes in peril.
He actually remains unaware of the whole thing right up until the moment a fully-suited firefighter kicks through the door of his bathroom.
That’s when he jerks up, very unceremoniously. “Fucking Chr--what?” he shouts, raising a hand to cover his exposed chest for reasons unknown.
“Obi--??” the masked firefighter starts to say, in something akin to shock, but like Obi-Wan is going to give ground here and now. He’s cornered the market on shock on this occasion, thanks much.
“What the--”
“Your house is on fire!” the man yells over him, looking around the bathroom wildly until he sees a fluffy off-white bathrobe hanging by a hook near the door. He throws it at Obi-Wan, who just catches it before it can get wet.
“My house is what?” Obi-Wan splutters, standing automatically to put on the piece of clothing. The helmet of the firefighter turns away to give him privacy. Despite himself, he finds it rather endearing. He ties the belt around his waist tightly, stepping out of the tub.
As soon as he’s out of the water, the other man swoops him up and over his shoulder. Obi-Wan lets out a scream which he’ll probably be absolutely mortified about later.
But now, what’s more distressing is the way his body is responding to the hold he’s been placed in. He’s thirty-nine years old. He’s definitely too old for this. He should definitely know better than to be even slight aroused by such a display of...strength and stalwartness and--
The man walks him out of the bathroom and the very first thing he notices is the heat that hits his skin. “Oh!” he whimpers and then yells wordlessly in absolute panic as he realizes what this heat must mean. His house is on fire. Actual fire. Actually on fire. There’s a fireman here. Because his house is on fire.
He’s only a little ashamed to admit that there’s a fair amount of thrashing that happens immediately upon this realization.
Enough so, in fact, that the firefighter transfers him from over his shoulder to cradled in his arms, so as to hold tightly against the movement of his limbs. “Stop--moving!” the man says irritably. Obi-Wan wants to tell him to work on his bedside manner, seeing as how his house is on fire, but he doesn’t have time before they descend the stairs and he can see the actual flames.
The stairs themselves are fine, which makes sense. Hot air rises. The dining room, parlor, and entryway look like they’re absolutely covered in fire though, so really his fireman was just in time to save him.
The smoke is acrid against the back of his throat, and Obi-Wan buries his face against the textured shoulder of his rescuer's uniform just so he doesn’t have to look or breathe the air, although he feels the smoke already working its way through his lungs. Well. That might just be his imagination.
They’re out of the house in a matter of seconds, and Obi-Wan’s eyes water immediately at the difference in air quality.
The man who’s been carrying him sets him down gently on the lip of the fire truck, far enough away from the house that he’s not in any danger--though most of the place is fine still--but close enough that someone can keep an eye on him. He doesn’t know why he hadn’t remembered to grab his phone. That phone was very important. Hopefully the other firefighters will be able to stop the fire before it reaches his bathroom.
His firefighter seems intent on hovering close to him, even as there's a fire raging in the background. Obi-Wan supposes that there's around five firefighters on his property, including the one in front of him. The other four should probably be able to handle it, whether or not the fifth decides to join in or stay hovering around Obi-Wan like he's a sickly orphan.
“Are you okay?” An earnest voice asks him from under the helmet.
Obi-Wan opens his mouth to say he’s fine, that at most he just feels like an idiot for being stranded outside in his bathrobe as a group of public service officials fight a fire he certainly, most likely, probably caused.
But he starts to cough instead, and his firefighter steps forward immediately, placing one hand on his back and the other on his chest, both beneath his robe. He hopes the man can't feel his shiver. That would be even more mortifying than his current situation.
“Do you even know what you’re doing?” Obi-Wan wheezes after the coughs have passed. The helmet the man is wearing only shows a quarter of his face, but he looks awfully boyish. “Aren’t you a little young to be a firefighter?”
“Deep breaths, please,” the man (boy?) tells him, which isn’t a proper response. “There’s an ambulance already on the way--it’s protocol, sir--but yes, I’m trained in emergency medical response.”
“A man of many talents,” Obi-Wan says dazedly, rubbing a hand against his chest where it aches as he watches a few men run around his house with a house. “And here all I can do is sing.”
“Hopefully you still can, sir,” his firefighter responds. “Only I’ve got tickets for your show in two days, and my little sister has been excited for weeks over this.”
Obi-Wan laughs despite himself. He’s sure it sounds at least a little bit hysterical. “Would you like me to dedicate a song for you? The man who saved my life?”
Even the helmet can't hide the nice shade of red his firefighter blushes at those words.
“What’s your name?” Obi-Wan asks, smoothing down his still-damp hair. It feels important to know his name. It feels just as important to look his best, given the circumstances.
The firefighter ducks his head and takes off his helmet. Obi-Wan wonders if the man should be going back to work, or if he’s been assigned victim duty. Either way, Obi-Wan isn’t going to complain, definitely not after his firefighter shakes out his hair and turns to face him with a sheepish grin stretching across a handsome face. “‘M Anakin,” he says. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Kenobi.”
Obi-Wan is awfully aware that he’s dressed only in his bathrobe in front of a very pretty firefighter who seems to know who he is--who seems to have tickets for his upcoming show. “Call me Obi-Wan,” he tells him, already trying to remember his manager’s phone number so that he can bump Anakin and his sister’s tickets up to the VIP section. It’s the least he can do, after all. Anakin had just saved his life.
“Wish it was under better circumstances,” Anakin says with a shy sort of twist of his mouth. Obi-Wan gets the impression that it isn’t just his little sister that’s been excited for his concert. An impression that is solidified quickly as Anakin tacks on, “I’m a huge fan of your work.”
Obi-Wan laughs incredulously at this, at the entire situation, at the man in front of him, at the fact that some part of his brain has started composing a song the second his firefighter had smiled at him in his bathrobe with his tired face and wet hair, kitchen burning his house down because he’d forgotten basic fire-safety rules in favor of his own self-care soak.
“Well,” he says, patting his firefighter’s knee, “I don’t have to tell you that I’m a huge fan of your work as well.”
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padawanlost · 4 years
I fully agree on your stance with the Yoda problem the Old Jedi Order had got going on, but why do you think the order was corrupted? Is the EU a source? (Because I haven't seen them as corrupted in the films.) Thanks for the great blog and sorry for my bad English!
Because the Prequels are about corruption, about how power corrupts (all kinds of power). Because George Lucas literatlly spelled it out to everyone who was interested in hearing. Because the Prequels are allegory for political instability and the role society and organizations play in the rise of authorianism.
The story being told in ‘Star Wars’ is a classic one. Every few hundred years, the story is retold because we have a tendency to do the same things over and over again. Power corrupts, and when you’re in charge, you start doing things that you think are right, but they’re actually not. – George Lucas in 2005
[The Jedi] sort of persuade people into doing the right thing but their job really isn’t to go around fighting people yet there are now used as generals and they are fighting a war and they are doing something they really weren’t meant to do.They are being corrupted by this war, by being forced to be generals instead of peacemakers. – George Lucas for E! Behind the Scenes - Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith
The prequel trilogy is based on a back-story outline Lucas created in the mid-1970s for the original three “Star Wars” movies, so the themes percolated out of the Vietnam War and the Nixon-Watergate era, he said. Lucas began researching how democracies can turn into dictatorships with full consent of the electorate. In ancient Rome, “why did the senate after killing Caesar turn around and give the government to his nephew?” Lucas said. “Why did France after they got rid of the king and that whole system turn around and give it to Napoleon? It’s the same thing with Germany and Hitler. “You sort of see these recurring themes where a democracy turns itself into a dictatorship, and it always seems to happen kind of in the same way, with the same kinds of issues, and threats from the outside, needing more control. A democratic body, a senate, not being able to function properly because everybody’s squabbling, there’s corruption.” [x]
I’ve said this before and i’ll say it again: corruption is so more than embezzling money or bribing officials. Corruption is dishonesty; it’s a change of purpose. It’s not as simple as being ‘evil’. And it’s not just about the big events, it exists in our daily lives too. It’s in our behaviors, our choices, even in our beliefs.
When you create a organization with the purpose of protecting all human life but then you take control of an army of slaves, that’s corruption. When you’re an elected official lying to the public and your superiors to protect your romantic interests, that’s corruption.
As I wrote before:
In the Jedi’s case, they corrupted themselves when they, by choice, failed to perform their duties. The Jedi Order maintained its status by promising to defend the Republic and all its citizens. When they failed to act on that promise and still claimed the rewards that function provided, they became corrupt. They were no longer providing the service they promised they would but they still were collecting the rewards of that position.
They corrupted themselves when they failed to stop slavery; when they allowed the rampant corruption in the Senate to go unquestioned, when they failed to investigate claims about criminal activities; when they caused mass starvation; when they refused to return missing children to their parents; when supported untrustworthy politicians to maintain their own political status; when deployed children into war zones; when they refused to send any kind of help to protect people from criminal activities; when they expelled their own members without a proper investigation or trial; when they put political prisoners in secret prisons without trial, investigation, legal council, visitation or chance of parole; when they allowed themselves to become militarized; when they played a role in the enslavement of clones; and when they lied and withheld information from the Senate.
These are all examples of the Jedi council putting what *they* thought was right above the law and above their own initial role in the Republic. It’s them breaking their promise to the Republic. Palpatine kept pushing them into making terrible decisions, and to keep their position, they wielded, thus, they corrupted themselves. Ahsoka’s trial is a perfect example of this. All the evidence was circumstantial and they were not entirely sure she was guilty but because of the political pressure they were under, they expelled her and forced a 16 years old to face a potential death penalty by herself. That’s corruption. That’s putting your own interests above the interest of the greater good. It’s doing harm to keep your status.
Anakin’s relationship with Palpatine is another great example: it was forbidden for padawans to leave the Temple with a Jedi companion, especially to spend alone time with a political. But, the moment Palpatine used his influence, they wielded even though Palpatine had no legal claim over Anakin. But, because pleasing the Chancellor was more important than keeping tradition, the rules were broken. It is another example of them forsaking their own rules and tradition for political gain.
Want another example of the Jedi corrupting their purpose and believes in the movies, just look at how Yoda and Obi-wan handled the Vader situation. They lied to Luke to get him to kill his own father. Instead of showing compassion, they plotted to kill Vader without any sort of real attempt to reach him. if luke had listened to them the rebellion would’ve been destroyed and all hope would have been extinguished. That’s why Luke is the best Jedi, because he didn’t corrupt his purpose.
I know I’ve said this a million times already but NONE of that makes the Jedi the bad guys, or worth of extermination. It only serves to make them human.
It’s not that hard to see. I mean, we are living pretty chaotic and desperate times, people are angry and afraid and it seems more and more people are letting themselves be influenced by such times. fear makes people do desperate things. that’s what happened to the Jedi. they weren’t evil people who needed to die. They were just people, normal people who were pushed into a desperate situation and in their fear and despair, they made some wrong choices that led bad things.
PS: thanks <3
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saradathesalad · 4 years
read me your life
For Star Wars Soulmate Month
Anakin has never been a fan of the whole soulmate-book thing. Some people found it romantic to be able to read all about their soulmate’s life before they’d met, but for Anakin it just showcased the worst years of his life; the years he spent as a slave. 
As a child he’d wanted to burn his book, so his soulmate would never have to know that he’d once been a slave (he’d known down to his bones that he’d be free by the time he met his soulmate), but his mother had talked him out of it, telling him he’d never be able to find his soulmate without his book.
Anakin still thought about it.
He never read his book, not because he believed that only his soulmate should ever lay eyes on it like some did, but because every time he tried he felt the hot flush of shame and anger. Even the joy a soulmate was meant to bring was tainted by slavery, the one thing that he thought might be able to help him get through until he was free. 
He hated Watto, and Tatooine, and the whole stupid universe that let him and his mother be slaves.
And then came Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, who freed him and promised him training as a Jedi. Even at nine, Anakin had had some reservations, but the thought of being free, being able to travel the stars instead of being stuck on Tattooine won him over in seconds.
So he wins the Boonta Eve Classic and he gets freed, something he hadn’t known about until it was happening, Qui-Gon’s promise of him becoming a powerful Jedi seems in his grasp. 
But he has to leave his mother behind. It’s the hardest thing he ever does, even later after he’s gone on several missions, even after he fights in a war, even after he has to kill the old man he’d thought was his friend but wasn’t, leaving his mother and not looking back remains the most difficult.
He almost left his book behind then, with his mother. Almost. Even if she couldn’t see the writing on the pages, it was still something to remember him by. But she’d refused, and Anakin had been strangely relieved.
He’s glad he didn’t when later, after the Jedi told him they wouldn’t allow him to be trained, after he blew up a spaceship, after Qui-Gon’s funeral, after being assigned as Obi-Wan Kenobi’s padawn, he checks his book, to read about the past few days, to remind himself that they were real and that he’s really free. 
And he finds blank pages from the moment he climbed aboard the Naboo cruiser that first time. He’d met his soulmate. He’d met his soulmate and he hadn’t noticed. All those stories about sparks flying and knowing instantly were wrong. Anakin should’ve known. Nothing good is that easy.
His first thought is that it’s Padme, the beautiful angel, the Queen of the Naboo, Anakin’s first friend off Tatooine. But the timeline doesn’t add up. He’d met Padme days before his book stopped writing, but maybe that’s how it works? The only person he’d ever been able to talk about it with was his mother, who’d never met her soulmate and would never know unless they showed her their book.
Hers had been burnt when she’d fallen pregnant with Anakin.
Over the years he convinces himself that it’s Padme. He slowly chips away at all his doubts, refusing to back down. It’s Padme, it has to be. Who else had been kind and gracious to him, who else had made him feel like the most important person in the room whenever they spoke to him? No one. It had to be Padme. If it wasn’t Padme then who could it be? He didn’t want it to be anyone else. 
He trains, he gets better, he fights with Obi-Wan and gets scolded by the council more often than not. But Obi-Wan is always there after, to apologize, to be apologized to, to hug and to take him to Dex’s. To reassure him that he’s wanted. 
Anakin is sure he got lucky with his master. His fellow padawans always complain about theirs, and while Anakin and Obi-Wan clash over many things, they work well together and get along very well when neither of them are being stubborn. He’s glad, most days, that he landed with Obi-Wan instead of Qui-Gon. He gets the feeling that the other man had far too many expectations for him he’d never be abe to live up to.
Anakin never speaks about his soulmate to Obi-Wan, for all that he trusts his Master, he’s far too embarrassed to say anything to him about it. He doesn’t want to feel stupid anymore, and after his peers reactions to his inability to read, Anakin is hesitant to admit any gaps in knowledge to anyone at the Jedi temple. 
So he keeps quiet about his questions and silent suspicions. He doesn’t want to be made a fool again. He waits in excitement for the day that he’ll be able to see Padme again and find out whether his decade-long suspicions are true. 
And then he meets her again. He and Obi-Wan are there to guard her from assassins, and as he’s terrified as that time he’d accidentally kicked Master Yoda across the hall and into Master Windu’s face. 
He’d had a rough time during his growth spurts and hadn’t been able to control any of his limbs, okay? He’s sure half the reason Master Windu hates him is because of that day. Anakin maintains that he should’ve dodged. What is the Force for, if not for sensing when a young teen with no control over their newly elongated limbs punts your weird-speaking toad boss at your head?
No, Anakin is not victim blaming. 
In any case, he feels like throwing up, passing out and running away all at the same time. He’s about to meet his soulmate for the first time in ten years. 
He sees Padme, and those feelings fall away. So does the feelings of passion and love he’s been associating with her for the past decade. Instead he just feels nostalgia for those fleeting days of almost-perfection when he’d first met Padme.
Something inside him tells him that Padme isn’t his soulmate. 
He’s right, he finds out later. When they’re hiding on Naboo Padme confides that she’d thought he was her soulmate for the longest time, but had found out it was actually one of her newer handmaidens she’d met around the same time as she’d met Anakin. 
Anakin tells her that he’d also thought she was his soulmate, up until they’d met again, but he doesn’t think so anymore. 
They try to read each others books, but they can’t. They laugh at their childish foolishness and spend a few days fooling around and revelling in their lack of responsibilities. Anakin gets to meet Lorde, Padme’s soulmate and he revells in the way they fit together. Even if Padme wasn’t his soulmate he’s still glad she gets this. 
And then Anakin dreams of his mother again and they leave for Tatooine. Anakin meets his step-father and mother’s soulmate and he rescues his mother. He barely stops himself from slaughtering the whole village, but his mother needs him more. And Obi-Wan would be disappointed in him.
His mother almost dies twice in one night, but Padme’s Naboo cruiser has very good medical supplies. Anakin gets to speak with his mother again, gets to hear all about how her life has gone and how happy she is with Cliegg. When Obi-Wan’s message comes through she encourages him to go help him. 
So Anakin leaves his mother with a promise to visit when he can and he and Padme set off for Geonosis. They get captured, they escape, they get rescued, they chase down Count Dooku and Padme falls out of a ship and Anakin loses his arm. 
The Clone Wars begin. 
Padme gets married to her soulmate and Anakin is there at the small ceremony, hosted at the same place where they’d spent their last war-free days. Padme tells him she wants to keep it quiet, because Padme has a target on her back and has no interest in endangering Lorde
When he gets back to Coruscant Obi-Wan gives him a strangely sad look, but Anakin chalks it up to the loss of his hand. 
The war rages on and Anakin gets knighted, far too soon in his opinion. Despite his chafing against Obi-Wan’s occasionally tight leash, he’s well aware that he still has a lot more to learn. Nonetheless, its still near the beginning of the war and they still get their seven days together after the ceremony, a luxury not afforded to newly-knighted jedi later on. 
The war rages on and Anakin sees Obi-Wan a surprisingly large amount. They become the Team, the face of the war. They’re sent on large scale public missions together more often than not, and Anakin is glad for it. 
The war rages on and Anakin gets a padawan of his own, Ahsoka Tano, though she’s as much Obi-Wan’s padawan as she is his. She’s far to young to be in war, but tragedy doesn’t care about age. It only seeks to inflict itself on whoever is most vulnerable. Anakin teaches her to be a Jedi, but he also teaches her how to deal with her emotions healthily. He wants her to be better than him, he wants her to suffer as little as possible. Obi-Wan shares this desire and helps in whatever way he can.
The war rages on and Satine dies, Obi-Wan’s soulmate dies and Anakin figures that if there’s any time to break their mutual silence on soulmates it would be now. 
“I’m sorry. Losing your soulmate must be hard,” Anakin says, doing his best at trying to comfort his ex-master. He’d never had to comfort Obi-Wan before, if he’d ever got upset he’d always go and meditate. But not this time. 
His comfort doesn’t seem to be very good because it brings a grimace of pain to Obi-Wan’s face and Anakin wishes he could travel back in time a minute to prevent that expression from crossing Obi-Wan’s face. 
“She wasn’t,” Obi-Wan starts, “My soulmate. I was hers but. She was never mine.”
Anakin doesn’t think that makes losing her any easier for Obi-Wan. He wants to comfort him, but instead his stupid curiousity that he’s been suppressing for years comes to the surface. 
“Do you know who is?” he asks and immediately wishes he could just erase this entire conversation. 
Obi-Wan has a lot of issues that he’s repressed over the years. His feelings of inadequacy and fear of abandonment are well hidden to everyone except Anakin. Anakin knows how to recognise that in someone else, he knows those feelings well enough. 
Which is why he notices Obi-Wan withdrawing into those feelings at Anakin’s question. 
“Yes,” Obi-Wan whispers, “I’ve met them.”
Obi-Wan doesn’t say anything else immediately, but Anakin can tell he’s got more to say, so he waits in shocked silence.
“It’s,” Obi-Wan says, faltering. “It’s you, Anakin.”
Anakin blinks once, everything quickly falling into place, and feels like a complete idiot. Of course it’s Obi-Wan. He met Obi-Wan right when his book stops. 
How had it never occurred to him?
And based on Obi-Wan’s sad but hopeful expression, his years of being an oblivious idiot have hurt his master. 
“Oh,” Anakin manages to get out. 
Obi-Wan deflates at that singles syllable, clearly misreading Anakin’s reaction. Before Anakin has time to fix his mistake, Obi-Wan opens his mouth to say, “I know your soulmate is Padme, but, well. If there’s any time to tell you it’s now. I finally understand how Satine feels. Felt.” 
And if Anakin doesn’t feel like absolute garbage. Obi-Wan is already having a horrible day and Anakin has gone and forced him to bare his soul and 
“It’s not Padme, it’s you,” Anakin says. Obi-Wan’s eyes widen. “I thought it was Padme for a long, long time. But. It’s not. Hers is one of her handmaidens. And mine is you.”
Obi-Wan still hasn’t moved, and Anakin decides to continue. “I didn’t realize until now, but I’ve been an idiot. My book finished writing right before I first met you. It never occurred to me until now-”
Obi-Wan hugs him. It’s been years since Obi-Wan has hugged him, but Anakin’s instincts cause him to bring his arms around him almost immediately. Obi-Wan squeezes him tightly to his chest and Anakin knows immediately that they’ll be fine. They’ll figure this out together.
They’ve always been the perfect team.
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swfanficbyjz · 7 years
Untitled One Shot - SW AU
Pairing: Brotp Anakin/Ahsoka
It’s been a year since Ahsoka left the temple, she misses him.
"Ahsoka?" His voice came through the comm. Even the staticky, mechanical version made her shiver. In just one word, she'd been able to hear everything she needed to know; he was tired, things weren't going well, he missed her... she missed him too. That's why she was calling. Also... she was worried about him.
Just because she wasn't a Jedi anymore, didn't mean she no longer cared. "Are you on Coruscant?" She asked. He was silent for a moment, she held her breath. She didn't hear blaster fire in the background. It was the middle of the night, she hadn't really expected him to answer if he was here. She heard some shuffling.
"Are you okay?" He asked finally.
"Yeah." She said, wondering if he could hear the loneliness in her voice. Just like she'd heard all of that from him. Another long pause. She wondered just how to explain to him why she'd called him.
"Meet me at these coordinates." He said, punching a readout through the communicator. He knew. He always knew. She relaxed again. Had she really thought he'd forget how to hear her? He was the only one that really got her.
"Okay." She said, tapping it off again. She took a deep breath. Maybe she'd been afraid he wouldn't care anymore. But obviously, that wasn't the case.
The diner was dimly lit, and mostly empty at that hour. One other patron on a bar stool at the other end of the room. They slipped into a booth near the door. Their greeting had been a little awkward, she'd felt his pain and anger about her leaving him. She supposed she should be thankful he was even talking to her. She had trouble looking up at him. She didn't feel so fearless right now.
They each ordered something to munch on when the waitress came around, but otherwise sat in silence. She felt a little guilty pulling him out of bed just to stare at each other. But his presence was comforting, even with the wound between them now. She saw him glance around to see if anyone was in earshot and lean towards her. "Are you in some kind of trouble?" He whispered.
She shook her head numbly, wondering why she had the sudden urge to fall apart on him. He reached across the table and set his hand on hers. She closed her eyes, swallowing hard. He didn't ask anymore questions. She could feel his senses reaching out, she didn't even bother to pull away. Maybe he could make more sense out of what she was feeling than she could. He let go of her and sat back as the waitress returned with their food.
She risked a furtive glance up at his face. He was staring out the window as though lost in thought. She picked up a piece of her food and took a bite. It was too greasy to be delicious, but she chewed on it anyways. She traced the lines of his face with her eyes, wondering when the last time he got a decent night of sleep was. The bags under his eyes were darker than normal. She hoped she wasn't responsible for that.
The trial and subsequent departure had all happened so fast. She had no chance to explain to him what she'd been feeling or even how scared she really was. How scared she still is. She haunted the holonews everyday for word on the status of the war, but more importantly, for news about him. He was the reporters’ favorite subject, it was the only time she was grateful for their obsessive need to talk about the ‘chosen one’. But she never listened to their commentary, she listened to what they weren't saying. They weren't saying how he was. They weren't telling her if he missed her. They couldn't report how he felt about the Jedi or his views on politics. No, every report of him was glowing. The hero with no fear. What a stupid nickname. He was brave, it was true. He was a grand strategist and a compassionate leader. But he wasn't fearless, he'd never been fearless.
She watched the other patron pay their bill and leave. "Anakin?" She whispered. He turned his head slowly to look at her. It had started raining outside, at first she hadn't been sure if it was a tear running down his cheek or a reflection of the weather.
"This war is killing me." He said, his tone low and hollow.
"Me too." She said, unsure of how to comfort him. What could she do to change anything? He looked down at his food, absentmindedly playing with it. She sat forward. "Run away with me." She whispered before she could stop herself. Heart racing in her chest at just how crazy she sounded. Would he do it? Would he save himself?
He stared at her a moment, no surprise registered on his face. His long wavy hair fell around him like a halo. The weight of everything he was told to be, as oppressive and life-sucking as an Anzat. She'd taken the first step, she'd left the door open for him. He hadn't followed like she'd hoped. But if he refused her now, the door would close forever. She stared up at him earnestly, unblinking; challenging him to take the step, to free himself.
But as the minutes ticked away, she was starting to lose faith that he would. Then she noticed his eyes change. It had been so subtle at first, she'd thought it was a trick of the light. Her own were ready to boil over from the stare she refused to give up. Maybe they were playing tricks on her. Without a word, he pulled out a stack of credits, dropped them on the table to pay for the food they'd hardly touched and beckoned her to follow him.
She raced after him in the pouring rain. His pace was fast and deliberate. She felt the rain soaking through her tunic, he'd at least had the sense to wear a robe. They came to a taxi station and he held the door for her. The cab was open to the air, so once they sat down, he pulled his arm out of the robe and wrapped it around her too. Huddled against him under it, she felt excitement building in her. For the first time since she'd left the order, she wasn't afraid. She glanced up at his chin, he was staring straight ahead; jaw set... the immovable object she knew him to be. He was why. Whenever he was next to her, she felt like she could take on the world.
At the Jedi temple she stood at the top of the stairs she'd used to exit before. He'd left his robe with her. She stared across the city trembling. Would she miss it? She looked over her shoulder at the temple. Did she miss it? She turned slowly taking it in. She'd once thought it was breathtaking. The four peaks rising one on each corner, the middle one rising above to symbolize a higher understanding and purpose. In the dreary rain, it was gloomy and haunting. It reminded her of the prison with which she'd escaped from before. Now they were escaping together. Assuming he came back.
Her eyes flew up to the central tower, blinking as the rain fell across her face. She couldn't see anyone in the council chambers from this far away, but for a split second, she felt as though she was being watched. A torrent of rain flew across the building like a tidal wave; a giant shadow that enveloped the light. Anakin was running towards her, but it felt as though the shadow was chasing him.
She burst into a run, racing to him. Her instincts firing on full alert. It was just the weather playing tricks on her, but logic didn't stop the feeling. She flew into his arms so hard, they crashed to the ground rolling. Her eyes were closed in concentration, throwing up the force shield around them. The intensity with which the darkness hit her shield, felt like a battle zone bombardment. It took every ounce of energy she had to hold it off.
She barely registered the surprise on his face before collapsing on top of him, completely drained. Had he seen it? Did he know what all that was about? Or had he simply been surprised at her actions? She didn't have time to find out, her brain fogged and her lids were suddenly heavy. She hoped what she'd done was enough.
She felt warm and safe, which was not at all how she'd felt after the last thing she remembered. She opened her eyes, but couldn't make sense of what she was seeing. Wherever she was, wasn't familiar to her. She reached out with her hand first and senses second.
They hit a wall. No, it wasn't a wall. It was breathing. She saw him more with her hands than her eyes. He was laying with his back to her, but protecting her even in his sleep. As her eyes adjusted to the dark, she realized they were on a public shuttle. He'd somehow managed to cordon off a corner with his body so that she could sleep protected from the other passengers between him and the hull of the ship.
His energy was defensive, as though he'd laid down giving off a vibe even non force sensitives would respond to. She smiled, letting herself relax. Sleeping in public is something she'd never considered before, but again... with him there, she wasn't so scared. She didn't want to disturb him, he needed the rest. But she was grateful they got away from whatever it was she'd witnessed at the temple.
She didn't want to worry about it now, she just wanted to put one foot in front of the other and get far away from everything for awhile. She knew they couldn't escape the war, and likely, inaction and idleness would drive him crazy. But for now, for awhile... they could take a break. They could learn to breathe again. Feel the force, maybe where it wasn't so clouded. The future didn't scare her nearly as much as the present. But they'd survive. She knew that for sure. She knew it, because they were together again. And that's what they did best.
Anakin was on his feet suddenly, moving towards the front of the shuttle. She was right behind him because she'd felt it too. "Drop out of hyperspace, now!" He ordered the droid pilot. When it argued, he pulled out his lightsaber to threaten it and then reached past it for the lever.
Ahsoka turned to the other passengers. "Everyone hold on!" She said, gripping two seats. The shuttle, shuddered violently as Anakin pulled it out. It spun for a few moments, several people screamed. There was a baby crying in the back. Ahsoka did her best to calm them down. She glanced over her shoulder at Anakin who was studying the ships radar and ignoring the droid's protests.
"Republic shuttle 2-5-7-4-5-9, calling Coruscant." Anakin leaned over the communicator. "Separatist forces are amassing in the Arkanis sector near Tatooine. There appears to be a droid control ship, two light destroyers and five municifent-class frigates. I repeat Separatist forces are amassing in the Arkanis sector near Tatooine. There appears to be a droid control ship, two light destroyers and five municifent-class frigates." Ahsoka admired how quickly Anakin had jumped into the fray even when they weren't on a mission. She supposed that was just what he did, and she would do it too.
She turned back and looked at the passengers now huddled together in small groups, their fear almost palpable. "It will be okay." She reassured them.
After clicking off the comm, Anakin spoke directly to the pilot. "As soon as the escape pod is away reroute the shuttle to Naboo. And await word that it is safe to proceed to Tatooine." The droid agreed and he brushed past her to their corner and picked up his robe and the pack she had no idea when he'd picked up. She followed him to the escape pod and climbed in behind him without asking questions. He hit the release and they both watched the shuttle turn and jump to hyperspace. She breathed a little easier knowing at least the civilians will be safe, though she wasn't so sure about them.
As he punched the buttons turning the pod back towards Tatooine, she set her hand on his shoulder. She realized for the first time since she'd asked him to run away with her, that every day was going to be an adventure, many will probably be a bloody fight for their lives. So much for relaxing. Connected to the Jedi temple or not, they were both Jedi at the core; neither of them could just stand aside and do nothing. Today, it was protecting a shuttle full of civilians, tomorrow could be something else entirely. That was if they lived that long. She glanced up at the light destroyer they were headed straight at.
"Feeling adventurous, Snips?" He asked, smirking to hide his mental battle prep. The odds were against them. But to her surprise, she was ready. For a moment, it felt like old times, when nothing was too daunting or too much. She hadn't loved the battles or their costs, but she'd thrived in them. Being in the element, surrounded by the force, feeling unstoppable; it was the Jedi equivalent to stimulants. This is what they lived for; to do the impossible.
"You bet!" She flexed her fingers.
"I figured you'd say that." He said, picking up his pack and pulling out her lightsabers. She stared at them in disbelief, turning them over in her hands as their familiar weight comforted her.
"This is why we stopped at the temple?" She asked, not ungrateful.
"Yep." He said simply. She threw her arms around his shoulders, kissing the side of his cheek and then she let go. He hadn't tensed when she'd touched him, actually, he'd seemed to enjoy it. It was just a little weird to fall so easily back into old habits. "Do you remember back on Kiros, when you promised me we'd travel around the galaxy freeing slaves?"
"I do." She replied. How long ago that seemed.
"Well, I was thinking... it won't be easy not being backed by the Jedi. Or the senate for that matter... but if you're still willing...?" He trailed off, falling silent. She studied the side of his face. He was still the same man she'd known and loved. But there was something different about him now. He didn't seem so heavy. Maybe it was a sense of freedom, maybe it was relief. Maybe it was something else entirely. But she felt him and what he was saying. He needed this. Not just to rescue the helpless souls, but to also feel as though he's rescuing himself. After years of slavery and servitude, he wanted to break the bonds that held him captive in his brain. He wanted, for once in his life, to feel in control of the situation.
"Right beside you, Skyguy!" She said, clapping him on the shoulder. He grinned for the first time since she'd known him; the most genuine smile she'd ever seen. The need she'd sensed in him might very well get them killed. But as long as she went down by his side, everything she'd fought for will have been worth it.
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stonefreeak · 7 years
Will Depa Billaba ever make an appearance? She and Obi-Wan would get along
I also had an ask about Depa from a logged-in user—they had a Depa icon, that’s why I remember—which is now gone. :I Both of these asks actually came just when I was starting to write this ficlet, but since it’s taken me like TWO MONTHS to finish, I can’t exactly say that “oh wow, these came at such a convenient time! :D” because the two months makes that sound a bit ridiculous, lmao!
Anyway, YES. Finally finished this ficlet. I have no idea why it took me so long, I even cut off the beginning of it so I could at least get something posted (which is why there’s a ficlet with nothing but Obi-Wan meditating. that was actually supposed to be a lead-in to this ficlet, hahaha). 
Uni is a time and energy thief and pls help me. :’I
ANYWAY, enough ramblings from me, I hope y’all enjoy the update!
“Barefoot, Master Kenobi?”
The amused voice cuts through Obi-Wan’s meditation, and he surfaces quickly. He opens his eyes and finds himself face-to-face with Depa Billaba, a faint smile on her face.
“Master Billaba,” he says as a way of greeting, keeping his face placid. “Grass against bare feet is excellent for meditation, I’ll have you know. It helps ground me when I stretch my mind out… and it tickles quite comfortably.”
They look at each other for a long moment, both faces serene. It’s Depa who breaks out into a smile and lets out a chortle first, though Obi-Wan quickly follows.
“As you say,” she says, voice full of mirth, before she too removes boots and socks to sit down next to him.
They don’t say anything for a few moments, instead basking in the peace of the Room of a Thousand Fountains.
It’s Depa who breaks the silence. “You’ve been busy, or so I’ve heard, Chancellor Kenobi. How many committees to investigate and possibly repeal laws have you instigated now?”
Obi-Wan looks at her and winces at her choice of title. He far prefers it when his fellow Jedi call him by his name or his Jedi titles. She just gives him a wry smile and raises an eyebrow.
“… Twenty-three,” he admits with a sigh. It’s been quite a few already, and most likely more to come. It feels like every day he finds more and more worrisome legislation.
“Out of those twenty-three, in how many cases have you failed to convince the committee to bring it up for a repeal vote?”
“… None.” Obi-Wan looks away. The Negotiator indeed.
“And on that note, how many have failed the vote to repeal the law?”
Depa looks genuinely surprised. “Oh really? What was that one about?”
“It was an utterly ridiculous law that allows members of the Republic Senate to break any traffic law on any Republic world without consequence.” Obi-Wan sighs again and runs a hand through his hair. “Why would you ever legislate such a thing?” Legislations that allow Senators to circumvent Republic laws… No, he doesn’t like it at all.
“That’s ridiculous.” Depa pushes some hair out of her face, eyebrows knitting together and mouth turning down. “Though I’ll admit I’m not surprised they didn’t repeal it.”
“Neither am I. Disappointed? Absolutely. Surprised? Not at all.” Obi-Wan shakes his head. There is no doubt that there is corruption in the Senate. It is so very clear that it no longer serves the people of the Republic, but rather the Senators themselves.
Change will be slow in the coming, but he will work for it. Things must change if there’s to be any hope for peace in the galaxy and a functional Republic. Obi-Wan knows his duty.
“So, what does your schedule look like for the next week, Chancellor,” Depa says, breaking Obi-Wan’s train of thought, with a small smirk on her lips.
Obi-Wan rolls his eyes at her, but cannot stop the way his mouth twitches towards a smile.
“Tomorrow I have almost nothing scheduled except for paperwork, paperwork and some more paperwork. I’ll spend the day at the Chancellor’s office, unless an emergency comes in.” He falls silent for a brief moment, then looks at Depa slyly. “Considering Anakin is only shipping out tomorrow, that looks unlikely.”
Depa throws her head back and laughs, hand coming up to cover her mouth. She gently shoves him in jest as they laugh.
“To return to your question” he continues, the smile refusing to leave his lips, “I also have a meeting with the committee looking over Republic Legislation 34-X5-32DL—it’s about fuel standards in public freight ships—because they had some questions for me regarding the report I wrote on it. Then on Centaxday it’s more paperwork and negotiations with the forty-five planets who wish to return to the republic.”
“Wait,” Depa stops him, “you mean another forty-five beyond the first ten?”
Obi-Wan nods. “Yes, exactly. Since the negotiations with the first ten were ultimately successful, another forty-five have shown interest in returning.”
“Your work, I suppose?” She raises an eyebrow.
“Now, I wouldn’t say that—”
“So it was.” She nods resolutely. “Good to know. Do go on, Obi-Wan.”
He huffs a small laugh and shakes his head at her. If she wants to think so… well, he can’t stop her. He doesn’t think it’s really thanks to him, though he might have held the Senate’s more… disagreeable Senators in check.
“Taungsday is dedicated to the war effort, and in trying to end the war in general. Which means trying to organise the fleets and getting an update from Anakin and Ahsoka, as well as from Cody and Admiral Yularen… And I’ll be reaching out to the Separatist Senate again in hopes of starting a peace process.” He pauses and considers that for a second. “You know, Depa? I rather think someone is trying to deliberately stop that from happening.”
She looks at him gravely. “Likely someone who benefits from the war, then.”
“Likely,” he agrees with a nod.
They sit in silence for a while before Obi-Wan gently shakes his head.
“On Zhellday I have a meeting with a group of Senators who wish to discuss some of their ’worries’ about my work ethic, apparently” he continues. “After that it’s the last day of the week, so more Council work, unless they cancel it again,” he says with a smile and a small shrug.
“The following week is much of the same. Many meetings, Council work combined and work as a General in between the large piles of paperwork I must get through…” He strokes his beard in contemplation. “I do have a meeting with Senators Biwa, Himesh, Ha’han-ash and Chuchi before lunch and a meeting with Senator Organa during the afternoon of the following Zhellday. Occasionally I have meetings booked in without actually knowing what they’re about. They get booked in long in advance since the meeting spots are limited, and I assume the Senators hope they’ll think of something before the meeting.” He rolls his eyes. Either the Senators are trying to catch him out, which doesn’t sound like Chuchi, Ha’han-ash or Bail, or they don’t know what they want to speak with him about… though that doesn’t sound like them either. 
It is possible that it’s something important and possibly in need of secrecy, of course.
“Sounds like you have quite the busy schedule.” Depa’s voice brings him out of his thoughts.
Obi-Wan doesn’t look at her, but he’s rather sure she’s wearing the same expression he’s caught on Mace and Yoda’s faces a few times: worry.
“Well, let’s just say I wasn’t wholly surprised that the Council decided to do this little coup of getting me a day off for nothing but meditation, saberwork and relaxing.”
They share another smile, before a comfortable silence descends.
Obi-Wan returns to his meditation, clears his head and reaches for the Force. It wraps around him like a blanket. It’s not as warm or as easy as he remembers from his childhood—the Force has grown darker and harder to connect to as deeply as he used to over the years—especially since the war started.
When Obi-Wan surfaces from meditation, he finds that Depa is no longer meditating either. She looks troubled, and her shoulders slump.
“How are you, Depa?” He doesn’t want to pry; if she doesn’t want to talk, he won’t push her. But perhaps it would do her good to talk to someone besides the mind healers.
“I’m… better.” She sighs and bites her lip momentarily before she lets her face smooth out again. “I’m having trouble accepting what happened. Or… no, not accepting. I have trouble forgiving myself for it.”
Obi-Wan says nothing, but gently places a hand on her shoulder, lightly enough that she could easily shake it off. She leans into him instead, and he wraps his arm around her shoulders.
“We speak of Falling as if it’s so easy. An accident, almost. But I know… I know it’s a choice.”
Obi-Wan can feel tension practically radiating off her.
“I was losing my men at such a rapid rate, and I felt powerless to stop it. I thought… I thought if I was just stronger, if I just had more power, I could stop Grievous, and save them. So I made my choice: I stepped into the Dark, channeled the Force through my fear and my wish to protect my men, and I Fell.”
She closes her eyes and takes a deep, shuddering breath. “I chose to Fall, I chose to turn my back on the Light completely. That power, Obi-Wan, it was overwhelming. It was like stepping right into the middle of the rushing river.” She takes another deep breath and releases it slowly. “I understand why the Jedi have chosen to not channel the Force through emotions, even though we could channel the Light through joy, love, or other positive ones. If you start channeling through one emotion, it is so easy to slide into channeling through another. Like Master Yoda says, fear leads to anger…”
She opens her eyes again and her face hardens for a brief moment. “I lost myself in a feedback loop. The more powerful I became, the stronger my anger became, and the stronger my anger was… You understand.”
“I do,” he whispers.
“I lost my sister on Geonosis, right when the war started.” Depa stares at the water. “She was the last of my blood family. But Mace has long been like a father to me, and I love him…” She pauses for a moment, collecting herself. “But there on Harun Kal, on his home planet… It didn’t matter. I lost myself to my anger and fear, not to mention that seeing him made me feel ashamed. So I… I tried to prove myself. Prove how strong the Darkside made me.”
She laughs, watery and bitter. Obi-Wan gently squeezes her shoulder, and she leans further into his side, resting her head on his shoulder.
“There is no denying that he’s a more skilled duellist than I am. I was overpowering him only because of the strength the Dark gave me, and because he was on the defensive. He was trying not to hurt me, you know… But I was trying to hurt him.”
“Depa…” Obi-Wan isn’t sure what to say. It’s too sincere, too raw.
“It’s alright. I’m still talking to the mind healers. I’m… getting better. And they always remind me that I stopped, that I chose to come back.” She snorts. “That’s what caused the coma, you know? Mace was getting desperate, I was pressing the advantage and he knew the longer the fight wore on, the greater the risk either one of us would get killed. So he… He Force pushed me. He was just planning to get some distance between us.”
“So what went wrong?” Obi-Wan glances down at her.
“I stopped. Mid-attack. I stopped because I chose differently. I reigned myself in, and stopped, just as the Force push came. So I went flying into a cliffside.” She closes her eyes. “You know the rest.”
As a Councillor, Obi-Wan does know what happened. Mace brought Depa back to Coruscant, hurt and unconscious. The knowledge that she Fell is private, known only by the Council and the mind healers she started seeing after she woke up from her coma.
“He feels guilty, you know. That he pushed you, I mean,” Obi-Wan murmurs.
“I know. He shouldn’t. What choice did he have? What choice did I give him?”
“You didn’t give him a choice. But he still faced one very similar to the one you faced on Harun Kal: he could keep faith in that he would hold out long enough for you to come back to him, or he could try to change the situation to his advantage.”
“Oh…” Depa says softly. “I did know help was coming, but I… lost faith that it would reach us quickly enough. So I acted—to defend my men.”
“Yes, you did.” Obi-Wan squeezes her shoulder gently and rests his cheek against her hair. “The one most hurt by your actions was Mace. He’s already forgiven you, and carries his own guilt. Perhaps… Perhaps you’ll find it in you to forgive yourself, if you can make him do the same?”
Silence descends. Obi-Wan wonders if he crossed a line, said something he should not have. He’s no mind healer, this is not his area of expertise.
“Perhaps you’re right. Thank you, Obi-Wan,” Depa finally says.
“You’re welcome, Depa.”
A comfortable silence takes over for a brief moment, before Depa lets out a watery chuckle and straightens. Obi-Wan lets his arm fall from her shoulder and places both his hands in his lap instead.
“You’ve grown so wise. What ever did happen to that fiery little Padawan who rushed into things before he thought them through, hmm?” Mirth has returned to Depa’s voice.
Obi-Wan huffs out a laugh. “He grew up, as all children do—sooner or later.”
“I believe Qui-Gon would be very proud of you, you know…” She pauses and turns to him with a smile on her lips. “Even if you are on the High Council.”
They share a laugh at the thought. Oh yes, Qui-Gon would most likely have a thing or two to say about that.
“Thank you, Depa…”
They share a smile, and peace and calm reign in the Room of a Thousand Fountains once more.
(Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan Kenobi masterpost)
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arielsojourner · 8 years
Part 6 of Luke and Vader save the Galaxy by going back in time to the Clone Wars. 
-Luke has made sure that their cruiser has more than just an “egg” for Vader to sit in without his mask. He retrofits an entire suite for his father and makes sure his adjoining rooms are safe too. Luke wants to have meals with his father but Vader hasn’t had solid food in decades, nutrients are pumped directly into his stomach. Luke knows that medical tech is 20 years behind the timeline they just came from but Luke has his right hand and he can clearly see his father’s prosthetics are torturous. Luke knows that if they work together they can do better.
-Ahsoka suggests that they split up. They can cover so much more ground that way. Vader can go infiltrate Separatist planets. Luke can lead the clones in battle. She can take a squad and do some recon. Chatterbox, Hardcase and Fives can go lead their own squads. When Ventress comes back she can work with Master Aayala or Master Fisto to undermine the Separatist. They can divide and conquer. Vader points out that that is the Sith strategy at its heart. Divide them up so they are easier to conquer. Luke also refuses to just let his students go off and fight in a war without support and Ventress is highly unlikely to work with just any Jedi. Then there is Vader. It will be a cold day on Mustafar before Vader campaigns across the galaxy far from his son. Vader makes this terrifyingly clear. Ahsoka does not suggest it again.
-They stop by two medical stations on their way to Kamino. In both cases they find the Kaminoans unwilling to let them treat the clones and fix their genetic defect or remove the chips. Rex and his squad are hesitant to just attack the Kaminoan doctors, their training to follow orders is strong but Fives has no such qualms. He pulls a lightsaber on one of them and Hardcase is right beside him. Luke, having given this some thought and having broached the subject as a hypothetical when he met with his mother some weeks ago, just arrests the Kaminoans on charges of slavery, kidnapping, murder for “deactivating” non conforming clones,  violation of sentient rights and battery, all crimes in the Republic. The Kaminoans say that no court will convict them, they are too important to the war. Luke replies “What war? We have peace now, haven’t you heard?”
Captain Rex whispers that “He may have a point, sir.”
“There is always the court of public opinion,” Luke reminds him.
“Because of intergalactic security a trial should be delayed at least until all normal galactic relations resume which will be at least two years,” Vader suggests. “Until then, I know of several places where such prisoners can be kept . . . undisturbed.”
“Problem solved!” Luke says with a smile as he slaps binders on the Kaminoans.
-The clone medics are stunned by what news the 501st brings with them but they are quick to adapt. Kix takes over the entire operation, processing brothers as fast as he can. When Luke presents freedom and choices to the injured but recovering troopers, he is met with stunned silence. They don’t believe him. Rex and all the brothers of the 501st go and talk one on one with them and try and convince them this is real. It takes Hardcase drawing his lightsabers for an impromptu demonstration against Chatterbox and Fives levitating a med droid for the truth to sink in.
-A shiny named Flare and a blue squadron pilot named Kickback both prove to be Force sensitive once their genetics have been repaired. Since they are not headed for open combat and they are both on the mend, Luke invites them both to go with them and learn more about the Force. It isn’t an order, Luke is very clear on that. He is not ordering them. They get to choose and they can change their minds. Flare is overwhelmed. He isn’t sure what to do or say. He has only been in one fire fight and nearly died. But he looks at the Jedi dressed all in black with the kindest eyes he has ever seen and over the Jedi’s shoulder, he sees three brothers wearing lightsabers, armor, and cloaks. One is nodding and gesturing silently that he has to come with them. Flare takes a deep breath and agrees. Kickback has flown with Jedi before. If training with the Force gives him the ability to fly like that, he is ready to start training yesterday. He jumps out of bed, ready to go.
-When they reach Kamino, Shaak Ti initially greets them in a welcoming manner until she senses the Force presence of Vader. She draws her lightsaber but Luke steps between them both, urging calm. It is Ahsoka’s presence that causes her to initially lower her weapon and it is Luke’s explanation of why they were there and the danger the clones and everyone was in that convinces her to put away her saber and listen. Shaak Ti wants to take the matter immediately to the Council and Coruscant. Vader flatly refuses to let her. Things nearly dissolve into violence again until Luke implores her to acknowledge what he senses within her, the conflict between her obedience to the Order and the Republic and her feelings and attachment to the clones she trains.
“There is no conflict,” Shaak Ti says firmly. “Whatever claims you may have, they must wait or be brought before the Council to be resolved.”
“There is nothing to resolve. Sentient rights are guaranteed by Republic law. If you refuse to honor the law you have violated every oath your Order claims to abide by and are in violation of the law.”
“Your attachment to the clones is clouding your judgment and we take our direction from the Senate and the Council and that mission involves leading the clones into battle. It is wartime and the for the greater good--”  
And Vader uses the Force to pull her lightsaber into his hands and Luke slaps binders around her wrists.
Shaak Ti is shocked. She turns to Ahsoka. “They cannot do this!” But it is a moot point. They can and they do. They proceed to arrest their way through the rest of the clone facility. No new clones will be created and the ones that are there, their chips are removed. With so many clones to treat, anyone with Force sensitive training not in binders is pressed into service to free the clones. Luke shepherds the others through the delicate technique. It is Flare and Kickback’s first use of the Force. Chatterbox grasps the technique first. Even Vader who’s Force touch feels like a desert storm helps.
-They find 14 Force sensitive clones. Six of them are children or infants. “Are we going to take them to the temple?” Ahsoka asks. “Why?” Luke queries. “They have family and should stay with them. We are going to let them grow up and age normally and their own brothers can train them and with them if they want.” Hardcase is thrilled. “I can have apprentices! I am going to teach them everything!” Fives suggests they need to finish their own training first. Hardcase knows that it may be a few years but that doesn’t mean they can’t start early!
-Captain Rex isn’t quite sure what do with all the half trained troopers and teenagers and children and toddlers and babies. There are babies! Baby brothers! With another 1,000 or so still ready to be decanted over the next several months. He knows nothing about taking care of babies. What are they going to do with all of them if they are going to grow up slow? Who will teach them? What will they teach them? They can’t stay here, can they? Where will they go? Who will take care of them? What about the Kaminoans? What if they invade the facility? They need to get off planet! They need to secure the base and–
“Captain Rex,” Vader says stopping him in the midst of pacing he didn’t realize he had started.
“Yes sir?”
“We will find a way to protect your brothers. You will have help. They will be kept safe,” he assures him. Vader places a careful hand on his shoulder. “We have the time and the means to see this through.”
Vader is not what Rex would naturally call comforting but he speaks with such certainty, Rex believes him. Rex nods, fear calming. “Yes sir, thank you sir.”
-And they do have the means. Between Luke, Vader, Ventress and Slice and his squad they have amassed a fortune of resources from the Seperatists as well as over 2,000 star systems working towards their peace. Resettlement and security for the clones with free lives will be challenging but they can make it reality. If worlds want “reconstruction funds” the only thing Luke requests in return  is peace and freedom, specifically freedom for the clones.  Vader takes command of every Republic ship present at Kamino and they double up on the cruisers and ships they have, and they being their exodus, destroying all records that would allow the Kaminoans they have not arrested to begin again.
-When Plo Koon arrives on Kamino, having traced the 501st and Ahsoka there, the first ships are pulling away. His signals to Shaak Ti have gone unanswered and then the comm line opens and Ahsoka is there to greet him. While attachment is forbidden by the Code, Plo cannot deny a feeling of relief to see her well but there are other, more important things. It is true? he asks. The chips, the deliberate genetic tampering? And if it is, can it be fixed? Ahsoka insists that it is and then turns to address someone outside of the holocam’s view. She tells him that she will join him on his ship and come back with him to the 104th Battalion. She has mastered the technique of genetic Force manipulation for this one tiny fix and has the medical protocols for the most efficient and least damaging way to go about chip removal. She will show him how to do it.
“I would be most pleased to learn, little Soka, but what about the Jedi Luke and the Sith, Vader? And Ventress? Are they there? And what are you doing on Kamino? Where are all the ships going?”
And Ahsoka smiles at him. “The ships are taking the clones to their new homes, Master Plo. They are free. The war is over.”
-When the time comes to face Palpatine, Fives, Hardcase and Chatterbox insist they wanted to come (Well Chatterbox isn’t really insisting, he just packs his gear and gets on board with them). Flare and Kickback and even the little ones like Loops and Mouse want to come but Vader refuses. Only the three of them are the most trained and when they demand that they be there in the name of all their brothers, Luke agrees. Palpatine doesn’t realizes the clones are there as Force sensitives. His overconfidence is his weakness. He screams at them to execute Order 66 and kill and it fills Fives with fierce joy to say “no” and punch him in the face. His fist hits Palpatine’s jaw with a satisfying crack. The fight is long from over and there will be blood shed before the end but when Fives is old and what is left of his hair is white, it will still be the story that all of the children want him to tell over and over again, he tells the story of the time he punched Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Grand Sith Master Sidious in the face.
-Luke feels it in the Force. Something is wrong with Master Yoda. The clones are on their way to new homes and they have access to Republic intelligence to know where Master Yoda is on the Outer Rim. Luke plans to take a shuttle and go to him. Vader does not want to go see the green troll nor does he want Luke anywhere near him. He doesn’t even know how Luke knows Yoda unless . . . he’s alive? He’s alive in the future and taught Luke? Luke trained under that goblin and his fatalistic anti-attachment drivel? Vader boils with rage. Obviously Yoda had perpetuated Obi-Wan’s lies about Vader murdering Anakin Skywalker. Thank the Force Luke left his training early before he could be turned into an unfeeling weapon for the Jedi Order’s revenge.  Luke does not appreciate his father thinking it was a good thing that he tortured his friends until Luke came to Bespin. 
“Son, if you go to him, he will only berate you for feeling attached and sentimental towards him. He will not return your feelings, he is not capable of doing so.”
“I don’t limit who I care about based on whether they return my feelings, Father. I am going. You do not have to see him.” There was no question in Luke’s mind that his father was coming with him but he didn’t have to meet with Yoda as well. It would probably be safer if Vader stayed on the ship nearby.
“I am not letting you meet with him without me,” Vader says waving his finger at Luke, reading his son’s intent loud and clear.
“He won’t hurt me.”
“He will,” Vader insists. “He will consider you a heretic, a child born of a Jedi that should never exist. A student trained too old, a danger to him and his precious Code. He may even realize who you are and prevent you from existing, from being born. He will look at you and see nothing good at all in you or about you and I won’t have it. I won’t! He has no right, no right to judge you!”
The Force hints there may be some truth to what his father says, but for Luke there is still no choice. “He is my teacher,” Luke says sadly. “I must go to him. I promised to return and finish my training.”
“Not to him!”
Luke shrugs. “There is no other. You said it yourself, I am not a Jedi yet.”
Vader shook his head. “Son, you are more of a Jedi than any other being I have ever met. And if he does not see it when you meet with him, I will make him see it. ”
14 notes · View notes
The Clone Wars         Voyage of Temptation
        (Season 2 Episode 13)
...... ^^            Any     way...    Episode          Opens           Up            With            .        Guard
  Ah      yes
       “ Obi-Wan apparently fucks things up,”
[Why the focus on the       guard’s blue eyes?]
The       Sequel;
Old        Friend
  [With no        familiarity-
 This     is really focusing on all the wrong scenes     . ....   Whelp
*Gets       glass*
‘pparently       I’m      ready       for      some     nonsense
.  .
 How      deep    does       this       go?
 (Almost         all the      bad scenes]
  Even the narrator-         Seems           To        Struggle            -        Making           Sense-
   ‘Satine claimed neutrality
   Then there was an attack by        -Deathwatch
   So Satine
     Had to go pled her innocence            To the Senate?
     -See how that     doesn’t make any sense
    Involvement             in           the war
         She-                -               She           didn’t               do            anything                  -               You just said it was a     terrorist organization.
          Anyone who didn’t watch the last episode-                         Is going to be so lost                                  (Even those                            that did..)
[We’re not even    passed that recap]
   Why stick       bug?     (Skeleton         thing)
    As-sassinate her
Since     when?        I         mean        Okay...
       (For those of you that don’t know      the deathwatch,               Totally bitched                 out,                  When it had a           chance to kill her)
    After their    plan had been            revealed,
        Legit         “let her go”,           Ominous                  empty              Hook.
         Now     apparently giving            chase              . . .
       With more       bodyguards     and protection            . . .
One unaccompanied               ship..
       yeah they’re screwed
     [at least there’s no Ahsoka-]
      “Retnu”               ?
[Retinue; a group of advisers, assistants, or others accompanying an important person]                Oh
How to take the        clones
      Show          offs             “Anxiety,”
[can someone just say ‘feel’.      once?      Not everything has to be   “sensed”
              Stupid Jedi                  mind reading                     bullshit
Safer      Hand
The idiot   that got knocked out     by one of them
And   Anakin.
[also is there like a Padawan      babysitter?
  Don’t want to see them
  Just           Cur.]
  Any way
   He doesn’t seem     too anxious
     Oh observant one-
    [I know somethings can only be   feel-  But seriously,      ed
      You’d think             it’d show up in his body language
       No dreamy look.               ...   
        No wrist       ful          ness
        Just          rubbing              his          beard           You        need             to do           better than that
[Because           at this rate I’m starting to believe           they were just friends
    Which I don’t think the writers              were going for]
    Also, geez, was that sharp           And with no defensiveness        Just anger
Let’s try it     again, with a little     more- sadness                  Emotion-
   “Ah! No, it’s           It’s all the past,”           [Sadness]
      More intensity on the             hair grab
      Narrowed               Eyes                (Eyes              Only,               Eye                 Brows                   Taut)
        [Look                  Ing                   at                 Ground]
         Possibly                    Shift-               Ing                   -                   Hands                       -                     Into           Pockets                  —-                  Head                  tilted                upwards                   ——                       For                  absolute                  dejection                       - - -                      And                 Des                    -peration                   - - -                   Neat  
          ‘How                  Do                    I-’
[Like,       that’s not a typical reaction,        Shout          Ing-              No emotion-       I have just decided to       -shout,’
   ‘Okay,’         Anakin
  Why is everything          dark?
This is a very important Person,     yes?
  Why are there crates?
  Are you storing         Salt       Ine            with        the     luggage?
  (The Se-          nate’s gonna              kill-
   [Wait, was there a     perspective change?]
    Are-        Are we dealing with the other       clone troopers?
  That- was     very     badly   done-
You went from one area       with people in an enclosed space
 To people  who look exactly the same
  Coming out-     
[You-          You needed more      distinction      .there.]
 Investigating crates
 In the dark
 On a ship
Supposedly    escorting     a very important person         [you’re telling me the           Senate couldn’t     splurge,     On the       lights,         For their very important  person      escorting        plane?
  What happens if she wanted to get     something for herself?
She has to walk through the dark?
Probably trip     on a lot of            things,
   And      possibly-
   This         set       wasn’t thought out well,
    Gotta            Say,
  [Ah, the music is a little         blaring]
  It’s-     been going on for several      minutes-
 [nothing against     music        [or sound         effects]          Just...     This      one     doesn’t       really      match        the       tone        (Being       pretty        loud       bumbling         and       curious)         (Needing            less          Brass,            Or           to           be         played            at             a           lower         frequency)                For            Shorter            Periods                Of            Time)        As It’s         really fighting         with the other            effects,                ....     
      Worst transport vehicle     ever,]
     War is intolerable          Uh, did  I walk into a      philosophy       seminar?
Also;          SUBTLE!
  And       sorry to be a           complainer;
      The colors            clash-                  Horribly                (Which could be the point,        the red of blood     against     her blue                  Red                   Oni-
             But     it’s not-
  The red in this scene     is clearly        Displayed    as nobility  
  (But        that’s         gold.)    
     And this scene        - it clashes          (Sorry to        critique.)
    The nobility music is     drowning out her words
    Which are not ones;       you would speak with acquaintances or       court;         Far too uptight
   It just doesn’t work
 - Gives me a          -headache-
   (Not good)
   What is     dude doing here?
 Er,             Not        As         Bad        As         The          .     Abo     mina        tions.
   She’s         got             a          point             ...   Admittedly.             It              Is          Framing-         Her           As         Claiming            . . .             God? 
     . . .        Gathering         thoughts                 ...                 My          issue             with             the            scene-                (Besides-             the music) is how it presents Dutchess
         Here she’s calling     about the power of life               And this     could work;               There’s nothing wrong     with poking fun at   authority     assumers-
   The excessive           involved                 -               The            words             with            no           meaning               -           Extrava          gance-
    But it isn’t doing     that
    It’s presenting hi-     larious antics straight           (Like this is normal     behavior          Or        Just         Urgh-       Every-thing’s        off         And     everything’s          so    overwhelming         that I can’t pinpoint the       exact problems..         ...                   It’s not            Played             Up               ...           For           Humor
                 *Some                          Of                              It,                         But                        Could                          Be                          More
    That’s           The          Ish
    Small            fix;          Gold,         Extrav            agant           Music,           Lower             Tempo             (Volume)               Calling                Up             Obi-              Won                  To              Chat,              “The               Jedi”.       Jedis?               There’s                   Your                   Scene                     . . .             Neutral                   . . . .               Aight     Doing      The      Ey-
            She invited
           Yeah you    should’ve    knocked-
              And not come out swinging
         Confusing this is
   Also a lot       more people..
       Seriously          emotions                      .                ?
Yeah I don’t know what     kind of emotions are going on here either buddy
           Just                 that               the               writers                are           playing          defense               for          Obi-Wan            again
          2              In                 A              Row                 All               For            Obi-won
         The only     emotion     and responsibility being       when Duchess is talking
Author favoritism     isn’t cute            
          Let            them            argue             like               adults
Not     lowering      the   standard          -        ?
 Peace keepers
  There’s          a     difference
       They’re              both            authority              assumers.
      So is         enabling           for peace            .
     Okay, seriously
               Look                 effects                   can                      be                      used                           To               Accentuate                         What’s                    already                      there,
            Not             replace
Your     audience         will       know            who’s   right and wrong          Regardless of how many cheap tricks        You use
   All         it     does         is     make      you        look      bad              Have          faith         your       audience          can           tell            right          from       wrong
 And   don’t use cheap tricks    to try        and avoid     accountability
 (Equal         Accoun           tability                   In             The           Narra.            Tive)
   Any Way                 -
        No           such         thing
      Yeah, why are these fuckers     here?
      Last we saw they were getting on     Anakin’s ship and leaving
       Now this
It feels     a little       Ret-con   -y
And      the   story      isn’t    much    better        to    justify        it
              Also did you just call them up here so you could                                                                                      lambaste                                                                                      him                                                                                        in                                                                                      front                                                                                          of                                                                                        your friends?
                                                                                   Don’t                                                                                           get                                                                                         me                                                                                     wrong                                                                                       she’s                                                                                       being                                                                                         damn                                                                                         tox
                                                                             But                                                                              Obi-Wan                                                                                 is                                                                                an                                                                                 adult                                                                               and                                                                               can                                                                               get                                                                          himself                                                                             out                                                                                of                                                                 ��            the                                                                           situation.
Now, moving on;      Did
  Even        they        looked        confused      ... Hide
She’s got a point
 Aight,      Stop,      How        is this        happening       .        Two         Sides
If only the     authors would let them argue as equals
  No avail
   [Also what even was the     argument?
    “A lot of people want to stay neutral because we don’t want to screw over our lives and that’s how I’ll be presenting our case”
     “ A lot of people like taking the initiative and being involved             in the action,”
      I don’t recall.. .
       [Public hum.]
       [Puppy Dog]
[You’re nice]
 [slightly guilty]  Yea,            I am
      [Here’s Anakin]
     [Puppy               Dog] 
      “Your couriers asked me to do it,”
          Couriers- no
      “You’re         hiding behind people,”
       Blue dude             steps in
 I know she was the only one       contributing any actual philosophy
  Obi-Wan getting one line in
  Before the writers went         full defense..      ...    
   That was like the junk food        (the potato chips)         Of         Arguments
  Something        happened        but         there          was          no        value              . . .
   There was more dead air      in the conversation than anything          else,
   That was junk food
   Stop padding yourself on the back         For writing      a void argument
  Also I really don’t trust the courier      guy...
  [Call it       old grudge]
   Why would Duchess    invite one of a her servants...
    To a high class          Senator         event..
   Look        at         this           guy           ...          Look at everyone else          . .        He    sticks       out           like      a sore      thumb         . . .          And        he’s      done       nothing         but         be   insubordinate        this          entire         time.
   Essentially           being           Obi-Wan’s            “Yes”             hype            man,
   (Are we sure     guy isn’t a court jester)
    I think       multitude makes discord and       not a good counsel
(Constant character     ization!)
Do it
[or hold them accountable to          hypocrisy!)
        So far this is neither mentally engaging or     funny,]
       And it’s ONLY to screw with Duchess
    Seriously,            Stop playing           defense for                Obi-won
    [I know it’s called Star Wars        but that doesn’t mean you have to glorify militarization]
    Outside of in universe characters
      Two            Sides
     (For            five seconds)
     Before you started hiding behind meat shields and puppy dog eyes
    As do you
  [That wasn’t funny,           Movie,          Save the soundtrack       for when      something funny         happens)
    Now,           Oof
   See, that was emotion
   Somethings the writers      Refuse to let Obi-      Wan do,
    It’s either a bad ass or         puppy dog eyes,
    - -
    You know what as   nonsensical as this is           It’s better than the      fake   arguing-
  Can’t see   anything in here
  And a high-class vehicle        meant to escort a very important      person
    Yeah I’m aware       thanks for rubbing it in my        face
    Doesn’t it make any sensical, or fix the problem          Or make it funny          ...
  “Not funny”
 Hey, my thoughts when watching this    episode
   [except that was actually funny and            slightly good foreshadowing]
  Guess we know where we disagree,
Prefer laughing at their own un-balanced narrative,
          Made by cheating...
Hey an actually argument         where they treated as equals!
You don’t get a star for that
Why did you bother with the other shit       instead of just skipping   to stuff like this?
This is     good
Also shut up     courier guy
                  [you have helped no one ever]
Hey this is actually good
That was almost a     facial expression
Who these guys ?
Where did they       come from?      -      Aight,          Neat-
  That’s unfortunate-
    ?       Ship?
(What is that design?)
See you look at all these lighted and gold..  Extended         Mission,
Okay,   that’s good to know.       - -        Would’ve been nice to be clued into that the   previous episode.
Bountry             Hunters
  That sounds really         traumatizing           (Aka. terrible)
  That actually does sound pretty     terrible for him
   Still an enabler
But nice     characterization.
Hand to mouth
Now realizing how terrible that sounds
 No     sounds     terrible
  Also they were children       likely,
   (Don’t think that’s cool,)
    That wasn’t really an emotion
   Whelp,         Crud
(Now     you’ve    scared     the          baby      droid)     /j
  Wait did we just miss      her whole backstory?
  Also whoa, whoa,       Whoa
   Did you just try to assume authority over a grown woman’s decision to not like violence?
   (People aren’t just buttons and numbers decided by the trauma of their childhood- or lack there of-             (If so)
   And tried to claim authority   over a grown woman‘s decision
    What the HELL           movie?
     (I want to believe     that’s a mistake and Obi-Wan is meant       to come across as the asshole        For saying that,)
     But all the writers   previous choices regarding      writing women          Leave that up to      concerning amounts         of doubt)
  Difficult task
    Which she seemingly manage      quite well until you showed up
   Yeah, jedi Masters don’t really do not being over involved      assholes
  Else where
  And your        master
   Hold up we saw one decent episode (instance) where they were characterized as being equals
   A) That doesn’t mean            necessarily romantic love
   B) we have seen         literally none of it
    No instance          where there actually seems to be any fondness
   Between, the both of them
     Just...           Toxic
   (If you need to pull that off you need some actual       emot        ional stimuli        Aka.         Emotions         Where are       they actually care about each other
  So far it’s been snipping with no     personal        (Romantic)              Attraction
  Example;       (Note         Romantic is not naturally       my field)
   “Satine - I,”
     “ I wish to keep this         strictly professional)
     (Under             “For both of our       Breath               sakes,”                     To            Her           self;
   “Well, I at least don’t          leave        the          people who require my assistance,”
                    “I’m a better peacekeeper                           than you,”
     And so forth;
   It’s about the      longing;
  These two;      nothing..
Seriously, why are we watching this,       passive tone. .
Which you haven’t felt this entire         episode,
 Also,        regret     and       longing are better     synonyms.
Aight  ...
Oh yeah and the other half of this “love” story is a horror story       (Completely unconnected,      No one’s going         T’sundre)        What ever
    . .
  The rest           is        pretty good              Also it was totally the courier guy,        I call it,
  That’s almost    charming.   . .
  Find          Out.
   Seriously no one   checked it?
   Worst security ever
    This security    sucks
 . . .
 Worst ship ever      ..
  He changes his opinion on a dime    and starts shit
  And not attacking   shit        Logic,
Everyone just got attacked
Surprised    everyone’s not jumpy
Or decided   to go to bed
On this nightmare   cruise
  (”The luggage compartment is       under-lit,         Senator,”
     “The - Security         is horrendous
      “Bugs in             All the             Food!”
     The HR department is        going to have a fecking fit          (As well as anyone         managing           quality)
   Again, what does the little things do?
    They just seem to be      basic annoyances
 That makes   some sense.
 I mean it is   logical
  But he is being a dick
(Also bold you to assume none of the   clones did it)
  Knew         It
I thought he was a courier, or some       kind of servant?
 Throw the table     will you?
Tumblr media
R.I.P one Senator dude          (Who I don’t think was        ever named)
Shall be missed       (The bug     Obi-Wan will definitely hit that       senator)
Tumblr media
WHERE THE           FU-
Worst.     Security.        Ever.
Tal       Merica
I have problems that     I haven’t found
 He’s learned     well from Obi-wan
 And will make the Jedi     Masters groan.
   Team        Command.
  Oh yeah   those guys got screwed over?
 But they’re totally dead      now right?
One nuisance         bug. .
Clone’s have bug      phobia     (Dis    like)
How do you know?
Tumblr media
S’up guys
Straight out       of a puppet show,
Saltine’s probably   gone       by now.
Are there     no escape       pods?
W-h       -elp
Aight     apparently     not
 Also         the     centerion      guard       are   bitches)         (Non       derog)
  That..     line
Also Satine,       Why did I bring the weakest         freaking guards
                 And                       everything involved                        in it.
You literally-
“Get used to it”           
  .. .
  Do you just took out the Centurion     Guard, Ain’t some   clones       gonna stop him
   Or deter,”
.. .
Dude you were just spilling your fecking   epilogue   a few seconds ago        (Also wrong     tone to make this work)
 Not reasonable     progression of emotions,
How does this help?
Aight,     Okay,
“Deathwatch command,        You’re listening to our talk tunes        at-”
 - -
They’re    not gonna be any help
They’re a    small moon   base     .
Possibly a   Gaztrillion miles away,
Not likely
 Aight-         -
Like if this is supposed to be a luxury ship design for the best of comfort and greatest of experience,  
No way dude’s   caught up in that quick a time
Especially   with the little support
It’s just went   downhill. .
Into   crazy nonsense.
That hasn’t       even been remotely established   enough
No gun
You        gonna..
(Please        Do)
 Did pretty good at getting    hostage        Chips         . . .
Four (five counting     her)
And I don’t know how many others in terms of clones
Point being, it seems to be a         mostly empty ship
Run by droids
  Anakin              Do            Thing?           - - -          Okay
    Guy already             dead.
  Hey, the centurion          guards actually did something,
 Who are those     guys-
  ? ?
  Whelp         . .            Okay
   .               “I don’t know how to say       this,”
   I swear if you say “I love you       in that tone of voice, With       ‘no emotion,
   The lack of understanding of     love       And any emotion in this scene,         Does it for             me,
  Neither do I      Gag me
It’s so       poorly       done       . .. Hardly
 (Screw the music     you didn’t earn that       and you know it)
  The       Episode           ...                 Was better than its predecessor,              Which isn’t        saying       much,           From             Me
The first bit is as dis-jointed a mess as it’s predecessor
 The middle        reaches good levels
    Then promptly       declines       back         into      (less-than)        mediocrity
    And      Nonsense
     The romance is     nonexistent..
      Only getting     to friendship            At around     beg      in        ni       ng        Of          The       Half        Way.
             The love confession so forced..
           (There’s a reason                        The- cheesy- in the                   middle- of battle
               Was                    Dis      Continued
                Note; cheesy as in badly     done
                 And ‘dude has     a point’ is the                        least                           I                          Can                           Say                        about                           the                          Snark                           To-ward   s                               It
  Fix         It;
   Episode-wise;          Separatist pre      -sence         causes             Obi-won             And          Anakin            To            Be           Inter-            rupt              ed
       Only            Anakin             Being         In-         Vited           Obi-           Won            Heart-              Broken             But            Return-           Relent
[i’m sorry     I just can’t    work     with       the, “have                  to              answer                     /              defend                before                       the                     Senate (For         no       Reason)         Nor        the      mystery      train          bit
  (With         The        Chara           C-ter          I-zat      ion)
     Anakin            Just        Chill            -ing there
  A cross        Un- requited          Love         (For-         Bidden-)         (Episode)     Mashing          This         Episode            And        “Hostage,”         Elements,           Specifically             the    professionalism         argument;         Obi- wan’s             Side            Show            -ing           The     Consequences             Of        Restriction          (Self       Restraint)          Gone             Too           Far               .          Anakin            (and         Padme’s)             Too            Little             ...           Possibly              a             Cross      where         they        both         lie         to         each         other         about       their     relationships          ....
   For     Symbolism           ...       And       Toxin         Is        Still       Toxin             ...
   Anakin             Takes           Obi-wan’s            Place             And      Learns           About           The           Hist     -ory
    Acc-      identally        Stumbles        Across       Death       Watch
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tennessoui · 3 years
Please tell me the first Anakin album is called 'Burning Up' or something and the cover photo is Obi Wan's wrecked house. Reviews all call it his comeback album but are really surprised at how gushy and lovey it is considering the title and art. (A guy uses a cheesy lyric from it to hit on Ahsoka in a club and she straight up punches him in the face, Cody escorts her out)
this ask reminds me so much of the tags on the original firefighter AU snippet:
later anakin gives obi-wan such a huge earfull about proper fire safety in the kitchen never leave something unattended for more than like five minutes >:( but also later obi-wan writes an entire album full of fire related songs and or songs about burning only some of them would call to mind mustafar and theyre all anakins least favorite ones because they're sad break up songs and anakins like >:0 every time he hears one of those in public tries to contain the urge to be like 'my husband LOVES ME BTW and this song is A FICTIONAL WORK not based on ANY actual EVENTS we're SO happy together and if he were here I'd MAKE OUT WITH HIM RN' just in case any gossip rags got any ideas from the new albm ahsoka refuses to go out in public now with him just in case so does obi-wan
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