duskforged · 2 years
4, 5, and 6 on that worldbuilding ask please
Hello, Kasha! Thank you for the ask. For this, I'll largely talk about Anazesan cultures.
4. How does someone propose marriage in your culture(s)? How long do they stay engaged, and what marks the marriage?
In Anaseza, marriage is usually asked by someone to another person, who may ask their ancestors or living relatives for input before agreeing or disagreeing. It is frowned upon for anyone under the age of 21 to become betrothed, but it can happen, especially among the nobility.
Generally, an engagement lasts three or four years, and it's regarded as scandalous to marry before then. The marriage is marked by a wedding, which consists of vows, followed by either a binding ceremony (if they are forming their own family) or a transferring ceremony (if one partner is joining the other's family), then a bonfire, which might include feasting, dancing, etc.
Occasionally people may exchange their weapons with their partners', but they will not do so for a long period of time.
5. What weather-based customs exist in your culture(s)?
In Anaseza, none come to mind. More northern cultures of the continent may have what we call siestas - closing down at midday due to the temperatures.
6. What customs surround death and burial? Are the people of your culture(s) even buried?
In Anaseza, it is very common for the dead to be burned on a pyre, and their ashes placed on, near, or under the ancestral altar if applicable. One may also scatter the ashes, but burying them or putting them into water is said to bring bad luck.
Burying the dead is also regarded as bad luck in many Anasezan groups, especially if they died violent or sudden deaths. They have deep connections with flame and sky, and burning the body essentially allows their spirit to escape.
(Spirits are, of course, a nebulous research topic - spirits themselves tend to follow the traditions set by their people, rather than following a particular set of so-called scientific rules.)
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Mujhe Sati ke har ahvan par jana hi hoga kyonki satya toh yahi hai ki main usse alag nahi hun 🔱❤
#ardhnarishwar #shiv #shiva #mahadev #devonkedevmahadev #reels #reelsfb #reelsviral #reelsvideo #reelsindia #feelitreelit #feelkaroreelkaro #mahakaleshwar #shivshakti #lordshiva #mahakal
#shivshaktilove #harharmahadev
#maakali #parvati #sati #rudra
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pen-of-roses · 2 years
So, I've read that your conlang for Eshaven (I hope I'm spelling that right!) is based on Arabic. Hilariously enough, one of the language families in Ahvan, the Adrosian languages, is loosely based off of it as well. Adrosian languages including Old Adrosian, New Adrosian, Emyrian, and Osarani. Mind rambling about it a little? - @duskforged
I had an answer for this all typed up and it got deleted! Thanks tumblr.
(Evashen, but honestly impressed you remembered it that well!)
(I am in no way an expert in Arabic, nor do i fluently speak it, I have studied it for a couple years in school, and can hold a basic conversation, but I find it linguistically really interesting especially the morphology. In addition, my conlang is not nearly developed enough to definitively say what the influences will all be, I just know that Arabic will be a loose inspiration, probably unintentionally at best because of having been exposed to it and having studied it for as long as I did)
However! That being said! My phonetic alphabet is a mix of that and another language I have studied (because I wanted a more one to one system than what English offers)
Additionally, the conlang is much more root based than English, and I know that when i get to working on the vowels, I will be using a root pattern system based off that in Arabic to create the meanings because that was so cool, and made so much sense and I love morphology okay? My current noun system is already very root based (realized I had unintentionally also kept it to primarily three "letter"/sound roots, so heyy there's that influence!)
It's not going to be a gendered language though, and is more vowel heavy.
I do know it's probably gonna be a pro-drop language though, because affixes, and likely no indefinite article. Sentence structure is still way further along than I've gotten, though, so can't speak too much to that sadly
(is a baby conlang)
Though when I imagine the script it's definitely closer to Arabic than Latin because I like flowy-cursive style writing, it looks cool okay? Print is weird.
What the main inspiration for the words will be is...honestly unclear? Mostly because they've been kind of keyboard smashy-up until now, with some unintended rules placed on it
thanks for the ask though!
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kanalmalatya · 8 years
Şanlıurfa'da inşaat iskelesinden düşen Suriyeli yaralandı
Şanlıurfa’da inşaat iskelesinden düşen Suriyeli yaralandı
Şanlıurfa’da inşaat iskelesinden düşen Suriyeli yaralandı Şanlıurfa’da inşaat iskelesinden düşen Suriyeli yaralandı Şanlıurfa’nın Akçakale İlçesi’nde, belediye tarafından yaptırılan Kültür Merkezi inşaatının çöken iskelesinden beton zemine düşen Suriyeli Muhammed Ahvan isimli işçi yaralandı. Şanlıurfa’da inşaat iskelesinden düşen Suriyeli yaralandı Şanlıurfa’nın Akçakale İlçesi’nde, belediye…
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duskforged · 2 years
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duskforged · 8 months
Badly Described WIPs Tag Game
I was tagged by @pen-of-roses (thanks!), so I'll, uh, do my best, I guess!
I will be counting both long form fiction and webcomics and ... yeah! No fanfic in here, this time, but I will include the Ahvan group, which I am, unfortunately, not actively working on at this time. Sorry!
Also including a couple of random side ideas floating around.
tagging: @mjjune @writingmoth @wildswrites and uhhh anyone else who wants to tag in!!
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duskforged · 2 months
artblr intro 3.0
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Hello there, it's me again. This is the third iteration of my writeblr/artblr intro. Consistency is ridiculous and I have never made a choice in my life if procrastination was an option.
I'm tentatively going by Ezra, but you can call me Dusk as well! My pronouns are exclusively they/them, and I am trans/non-binary. This is more of a catch-all artblr, though it was originally made as a writeblr.
All my links can be found here.
Projects, past and present, under the cut, but I will be marking down the ones I intend to be putting most of my attention on at this time. This time I will organize them by world and then by type (e.g. fanfic will be its own section). As I said, I'm not the best when it comes to consistency, but I'm always up to answering questions!
I mostly prioritize fantasy and some sci-fi but I do love a good speculative story whether or not it's historically accurate. Though I'm not actively writing at the moment, I really would like to hear more from y'all.
Sanctuary inactive | fantasy novel | wip intro
After becoming a war hero in New Ánasezan Movement, Lady Alessámira Nasánza Solsinat is a knight who has retired from fighting. Three years have passed since the old monarchy was overthrown, and Ánaseza has finally returned to something resembling contentment and peace. Unfortunately for Alessa, darkness still lurks underneath the veneer of this new nation…
Amid Wisteria inactive | fantasy novel | wip intro
Having grown up on the isolated western coast of Aeros, Arêllan ve Povunra Aelisâm is only 29 years old when their mother, the Lady Matriarch Povunra, declares they will be adopted into the esteemed Llanaere family and live in the distant capital of Maêla…
Unto Summer Kings hiatus | fantasy novel | wip intro note: this is originally based on Arthurian legends, but I eventually intend to move it into its own fantasy world, which is tentatively called Urathla.
Arthur lives in a lull period between greater moments in history - the fall of the Roman Empire came before he was born and the future is yet unwritten…
Wolf In Shepherd's Clothing hiatus | fantasy comic note: takes place many many many MANY years before USK and in a very different place. Mesopotamian-inspired.
What's happening isn't their fault, Lahar thinks. But there's no explanation for why it keeps happening. Sheep stolen from rival herds - blood on their hands - and no memory of the full moon at night. Just dreams - nightmares - of hunger and pain. Only they can venture to find what is causing all of this.
The Vespertine active? | fantasy novel | wip intro
Aselhi is one orphan among many on the streets of Kestramore, eking out a living as a servant in a minor household. Unlike other orphans, they’re one of the vespertine, an alien people who ate through the cosmic Weft separating Moia from the other realms and setting the Causeways alight.
These Absent Gods hiatus | fantasy comic note: TAG might move from Moia to a different world, depending on how I feel about it
Malachi was built for battle - all war demons are. But they certainly weren’t built for cleaving to a pact, much less one written by an idiot and enforced by the blood of an innocent. But here’s what that idiot doesn’t know: the one who bleeds is the one who owns the pact. Albae is just unfortunate enough to be that sacrifice.
EARTH note: unless otherwise stated, all these stories take place in different "save states" of Earth.
Lodestar active? | speculative, near-future sci-fi | wip intro
When Lieve was young, they used to dream of visiting Earth. Now an adult, they know that is but a wish made by a foolish child. Now, they toil on the inner asteroid belt, alongside most of their peers. But when one A.I. goes rogue and their own starts developing her own independent thoughts, they're not sure they can stand idly by.
Loveless active | visual novel | developed by nightlotus studios
Loveless is a dating sim through the eyes of an aromantic. Get to know seven different characters, their stories and their interests, and watch them get to know each other too! Grapple with amatonormativity in a world built for romantic relationships, make wise choices to garner affection, and figure out if partnering is really best for you.
FANFICTION note: many of my fanfics are currently on hiatus, or pending rewrites. I often run into the problem of running out of hyperfixation before I can finish them, which is frustrating, but you have been warned.
these are my current/primary fics.
For Want of a Broken Nail active | supernatural | si/oc-centric | multi-chapter
Ezra's not entirely sure how they ended up halfway across the country, twenty years in the past, and fifteen steps to the left, but they'll do the thing they do best: doing everything incorrectly and off-script. They start by tripping over a Winchester, because the universe never gives anybody a break.
The Burning Comes Firstactive | asoiaf | si/oc-centric | multi-chapter
What do you do if you're reborn as the brother of the Mad King? What can you do? Aemon's got their work cut out for them, and they're no Daenerys. With their head wrapped up in the South, at least they have a good three decades before the White Walkers wake... Right?
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duskforged · 2 years
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AMID WISTERIA (working title) | wip intro
Having grown up on the isolated western coast of Aeros, Arêllan ve Povunra Aelisâm is only 29 years old when their mother, the Lady Matriarch Povunra, declares they will be adopted into the esteemed Llanaere family and live in the distant capital of Maêla.
Arêllan's siblings are all grown up now, after all, and they're the youngest, ought to do their duty for once. After their family's banishing from the capital nearly 50 years ago, the Queen has graciously allowed the child born amid that banishment to return. But no others.
Finding themself lost amidst a culture they barely know, surrounded by people who seem so very unorthodox and seeking to break free from millennia of tradition, Arêllan finds there is far more to their family's banishment than they ever thought...
fantasy, lgbtq+
found family, identity, growing up, fitting in, change vs tradition, coming of age (minimally)
target audience
undecided; likely YA or younger given the age of the protagonist
draft 1
general tag: #amid wisteria
worldbuilding tag: #ahvan
(please reply to/reblog this post specifying if you'd like to be added to the taglist)
photo: Annie Spratt on Unsplash
font: The Simbiod
editing: duskforged
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duskforged · 2 years
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(tags, links, and comments under the cut)
draft 1, chapter 1:
The Aelisâm manor stood near the shore, at the top of a hill, with a small village for their servants and landowners to the northwest. Arêllan thought it was the biggest building to have ever existed, but elder brother Aerumon said the family used to live in the shadow of the Spire of Stars in the capital. But that was long before Arêllan, small and sickly, was born.
Amid Wisteria WIP Intro
taglist: @wildswrites (if you'd like to be tagged in future excerpts and updates about Amid Wisteria, please comment/reblog the WIP intro saying so!)
So, it's been a few months since I introduced AW and honestly, I did mean to keep posting on it. However, I got sidetracked by creative blocks that affected both my art and my writing, and have barely been able to get back on track again.
My hopes and dreams for 2023 are quite large - I want to write some more short stories relating to the worldbuilding of Ahvan in more depth. I want to work on my Rohalla worldbuilding project, on Sanctuary and Amid Wisteria, and I want to work on my most recent WIP (to be introduced! But in case you're interested, its an Arthurian legends retelling, with fantasy and LGBTQ+ elements), The Round Table. This is all in addition to various art projects (my adoptables, for instance).
Hope you enjoy! And I hope to write more to share with you all soon.
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