#ai powered personal trainer
getfitterai · 4 months
Best Exercises for Functional Strength and Mobility
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1. Squats
Squats are one of the most fundamental exercises for building lower body best exercises for functional strength and mobility. Focus on maintaining proper form, keeping your chest up and your knees tracking over your toes.
2. Deadlifts
Deadlifts work multiple muscle groups, including the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. They also help improve hip hinge mechanics, which are essential for functional movement patterns like bending and lifting.
3. Lunges
Lunges are excellent for targeting the muscles of the lower body while also improving balance and coordination. Variations such as reverse lunges, walking lunges, and lateral lunges can add variety to your routine.
4. Push-Ups
Classic push-ups are killer for building up our upper body strength, especially in our chest, shoulders, and triceps. And don’t forget, they’re also engaging our core muscles for stability.
5. Pull-Ups
Pull-ups are the real deal for beefing up our upper back muscles like the latissimus dorsi and rhomboids. If you’re not quite there yet, no worries — start with assisted variations or inverted rows.
6. Planks
Planks might seem simple, but they’re seriously effective for firing up our core muscles, including those abs, obliques, and lower back. Just keep that spine neutral and our core engaged.
7. Russian Twists
Time to twist it out with Russian twists! These babies are killer for building rotational strength and stability in our core, not to mention hitting those obliques and hip flexors.
8. Bridges
Bridges are our ticket to a stronger posterior chain, hitting those glutes, hammies, and lower back muscles. Plus, they’ll have us nailing that hip extension for movements like running and jumping.
You can increase your best exercises for functional strength and mobility by including these 50 exercises in your workout regimen. This will improve your performance in daily tasks and lower your risk of injury.
Always start off cautiously, and as you gain proficiency, progressively up the intensity and intricacy of your routines.
Moreover, pay attention to your body’s signals and adjust as necessary to maintain good form and avoid overdoing it. You can attain your fitness objectives and lead a more active, healthy lifestyle with commitment and perseverance. Visit Us!
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malestransforming · 6 months
Chronivac Twins
The moment I saw this AI image, I knew I had to write something. Probably one of the hottest things I have ever seen.
Special thanks to @octuscle for the image inspiration. Here is a link to their original story.
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Empty beer cans filled the table in front of the two men. The room was silent, the TV showing the console home screen, and darkness was creeping in from the night. The night was winding down, and the two friends were enjoying peaceful moment before the night truly wrapped up.
Mason breathed a heavy sigh, comfortable in his current state. He was clearly drunk, but happily drunk. He fished around in his pockets, feeling for the recent purchase he had received that day: a brand new Chronivac tablet. He pulled it out of his pocket, powering it on for the first time, watching the screen suddenly brighten, flashing the Chronivac logo. 
“Check it out!” Mason suddenly exclaimed, surprising even himself with his boldness. “I got this new Chronivac in the mail.”
Beside him sat Chris, Mason’s best friend since grade school. Chris was drunker than Mason was, with his eyes closed and his body still, but he too was in happy state of intoxication. 
“Oh yeah? What is that?” Chris slurred from the other end of the coach. The back of Mason’s head was resting on the top of the sofa, leaned back in an almost unnatural position. A massive drunken grin was plastered on his face, highlighting the comfortable state he was currently in.
Mason held up the sleek tablet to an oblivious Chris. A loading screen flashed again as the system booted up. 
“Yeah, it’s a tool that lets me change a part of my body. Actually it will change a part of both of us. They had a deal on the twins package.”
“Cool…” Chris breathed.
“Yeah. I know you have been feeling down lately, so I thought it would be nice to spice things up for you. Plus, you know you’re my bro. We’ve been buds since we were five years old. I figured it was time we made it official.”
Mason began tapping at the screen, swiping at different sliders and dials. There were dozens of different settings with labels like “Hair”, “Muscle Levels”, “Race/Nationality”… Mason balked at the overwhelming choices and options, but forced himself to stay focussed; this was a change he had wanted for a while.
“So I was thinking of doing some kind of mixed race. Hmm. Japanese and Mexican? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before. I bet that would look hot. With jacked muscles, like body builders. And since we’re gonna be twins, you’ll get it too. Sound good to you Chris?”
Chris only smiled and laughed to himself, the way drunk people often do. It was clear he was not fully present in the moment. Mason took Chris’ drunken laughter as a sign of agreement and continued with the settings page. He slid up the muscle slider to the max, added jock personalities and details such as personal trainer and fitness influencer. He double checked the ‘Race’ tab, making sure that Japanese and Mexican were both checked off. Pleased with his work, he continued on to the last section, “Target Selection” and “Transform”. He allowed the device a few moments to calibrate before confirming the two bodies in the room. He double checked that the “Twins” button was selected and hovered over the Transform button.
“All right bro. This is it. See you on the other side!”
And with that he tapped the button. The screen went blank for a moment, creating a quick sense of panic in Mason’s heart, but reappeared with a white, animated progress bar.
Mason looked down at his hands and arms. “I don’t feel any different,” he said. 
He checked the screen again. The progress bar had moved up by one pixel and showed a time remaining of 1440 minutes. 
“Oh shoot! I set the transformation duration to be 24 hours. Well that’s okay. When we wake up tomorrow, we’ll definitely see some changes! Next time you see me Chris I’ll be be a huge muscled-out bro. And a completely different race. And so will you! We’ll be twins. Pedro and Miguel. We’re gonna be so fucking hot.”
A gentle and rhythmic breathing came from the other end of the couch. Mason turned his head and grinned at Chris who had passed out on the couch. 
“See you in the morning, Miguel,” he whispered. 
Bright sunlight was pouring into the apartment. The morning was late, but the day was still young. Chris stirred on the sofa; he was now lying horizontally on the couch, shirtless and in his underwear. He blinked his eyes in the sunlight, rubbing his eyelids with a balled up fist, and stretching against the soft cushions of the sofa. His broad feet pushed against the far armrest, and his arms stretched off behind him. He sat up, and noticed his first change.
Looking down at his chest, Chris saw his pectoral muscles had ballooned out in front of him to a God-like proportion. He cupped his chest, making note of how his nipple had slipped down below his eye line, and squeezed the new muscle. 
“What the fuck?” He exclaimed. “Why do I have tits?” 
Mason launched himself off the sofa and dove into the bathroom. The flickering fluorescent light clicked on, revealing the extent of Mason’s initial changes. Below his chest were the unmistakeable beginnings of 6-pack abs. Mason ran his fingers over top of his stomach, remembering the slight beer gut that had been there the night before. 
He leaned in closer to the mirror and begin poking and prodding his face. His nose seemed wider and his eyes were narrower. His lips were plumping as well, into two thick pillows. He ran his meatier fingers through his darkening hair; it seemed thicker, curlier and shorter than it had before. He pulled a strand and watched it bounce back into place on his scalp. 
The sound of a door slamming brought Chris out of his trance. He stepped out of the bathroom and back into the main room.
“Bro!” Mason called from the entry-way. “Are you up?”
“Yeah! What the fuck is happening to me?” Chris replied in anguish.
Mason came around the corner and Chris immediately became aware that the changes he was going through were also happening to Mason. Mason appeared to be several inches shorter, and Chris noticed that he was roughly eye-level to himself now. His chest and abs were similarly large and muscled as Chris’ were, except Mason’s shoulders and arms were much wider. Veins pulsed across Mason’ skin and over his bulging biceps. His nose and eye shape seemed strangely familiar, as did the plumpness of his lips. Mason noticed that Chris’ hair was shorter on top with a shaved, faded appearance on the side.
“Mason, what the fuck is happening? I pass out drunk and wake up all top heavy like this! And then you waltz in looking like that! What the fuck?”
“Chill out bro,” Pedro said. “And my name isn’t Mason anymore. It’s Pedro. And your name isn’t Chris, it’s Miguel. You’re turning out to be such a hot twin.”
Chris/Miguel was unable to get anymore words out as sharp pains coursed through his arms and legs. He hunched over, wrapping his growing limbs around his torso. In front of his eyes he saw the muscles in his arms and legs double, triple and quadruple in size, into massive slabs of muscle. His trap muscles ached and burned as the fibres inside re-stitched themselves, growing to match the mass of his arms and chest. Across the room Pedro grinned in anticipation, as his adonis belt thinned out, becoming lean and chiselled, into his tight pelvis and butt. 
“Miguel, we’re going to be so hot!” Pedro’s voice was deeper and more coastal sounding. His jock-instincts were bubbling in his brain, overwriting whatever personality he had before.
“Don’t call me that. My name is Miguel. I mean Chris.” Chris stammered. “How did you even do this?”
“Bro, it was the Chronivac. I told you last night. Just embrace it. I paid good money for this twins package.”
“I need to call them. There has to be a way to reverse this.” 
With a wide stride, Chris/Miguel walked over to where his phone was, but doubled over as a burning pain seared through his stomach. He squeezed with his hands, feeling the muscles underneath swell and grow under his touch. Before his eyes his abs went from flat and empty to being completely ripped. His waist got tighter as his adonis belt and hip muscles also tensed and flexed, just like Pedro’s had.
“Bro, I have a six pack!” Chris exclaimed, his voice cracking as it matched the timbre of Pedro’s.  
“They match mine, bro!” Pedro said.
Chris shook his head. If he could just call the company and explain what the problem was, then he figured he could stop the changes. He found his phone and brought it to his face, waiting for Face ID to unlock. The phone vibrated in his dark and meaty hand, refusing to unlock. In the black mirror of his phone, he saw a completely different face than the one he was used to. His nose was wider, and his jaw was leaner. His eyes had narrowed into Asian-like features and his hair was shorter and darker than before. His face was looking identical to Pedro’s, right down to the plump lips.
In a panic, Chris typed in his passcode and Googled the number for Chronivac. The phone began ringing.
“Hello?” said a voice on the other end.
“Hello, is this support? My name is Miguel, I mean Chris. My name is Chris. I don’t own your product, but my brother Pedro — I mean my best friend Mason does. He used the Chronivac on me last night and I woke up with big muscles and my face is looking Japanese and Mexican? And the same thing is happening to him! He says we’re becoming twins. This has to be against your Terms of Service! I didn’t agree to this.”
A dark skin spot formed on the back of Chris’ hand, spreading across his skin and up his bulging arms. His skin was darkening, to match his new ethnicity. 
“It sounds to me like it might be too late to intervene. Our records show Pedro and Miguel Watanabe.”
“That’s right,” Miguel interjected. He was Miguel, not Chris.
“Yeah,” the agent continued. “So your brother got the Twins Package, and since you are legally twins now, there’s nothing that can be done to change back the transformation. But it’s going to be great being a pair of super hot Latino-Asian influencers, right?”
“Yeah,” Miguel replied absent-mindedly, and in a voice that was deepening. “Thanks anyway. Peace.” 
He hung up and tossed the phone aside. Pedro wandered over and wrapped his hand around his twin brother’s shoulder. 
“It’s at ninety-nine percent,” Pedro said, indicating the transformation process on the Chronivac. 
Miguel felt another spasm in his thighs and legs and saw his skin was now completely browned and tanned now. His legs were thick and bulging, and so was the rest of his body. A wave of emotions came feelings rolled over his brain, and Miguel stood silently in place as his brain and personality adjusted to match his new physique. Pedro stood still for a moment too, as the twenty-two year old twins realized they could speak English, apanese and Spanish and had a long history of lifting weights and posting work-out videos on TikTok. The transformation progress bar clicked up one last pixel to one-hundred percent, snapping the twins out of their daze. 
“Bro,” Pedro said. “You wanna get a workout in?”
“You know it!” Miguel said, high-fiving his twin brother with a grin. 
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zecroswe · 1 year
Theory on Terapagos and the true natrue of Tera crystals
So I played the Teal mask a while ago and I really enjoyed It. There is a lot to talk about regarding the characters and the story. I cannot wait until the Indigo Disc comes out! Now, the theory. So after playing the DLC and thinking about the lore within It, I had a realization and a lot of pieces would fit together if It is true. I am gonna put this post into sections to detail the evidence before I write down the conclusion. Spolier warning for Scarlet and Violet, the Teal mask DLC and The Pokemon Horizons anime. None of the game play images are my own.
Section 1: The Crystal Pool.
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The crystal pool is such a tease for things to come and I would be surprised If It didn't have any importance in the Indigo Disc. The intresting points about the Crystal pool is that the crystals grew in the pool after being "brought" there. It sounds to me that someone (likely Ogerpons old trainer/gaurdian) brought the crystals and some of It got into the pool and grew from there. The crystal seems almost alive in a sense, like It's just a extension of Terapagos. But the real intresting thing is what the sign next to the pool says and by extension, Carmine in the story. (Couldn't find any footage of It specifically)
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When you interact with the sign, It says that there is a rumor that one can see the spirits of the departed within the pool. That is interesting and I doubt It's just flavor text, considering Carmine mentions It too.
But what significance does this have? Well within the games It's unclear, but I think the Horizons anime might be hinting at something important to do with this.
Section 2: Pokemon Horizons, Terapagos.
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Terapagos plays an important role in the Horizions anime series. Now I haven't seen the series myself, so I might get facts wrong.
From what I understand is that there is a story arc about these Ancient poke balls.
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Now the only way to open them as I understand is by using terapagos powers, but that's not what interested me. No what got me curious is this.
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So in episode 23, the main group find a Galarian Molters within one of the ancient pokeballs. After they battle It, Terapagos shows the group a vision of what seems to be Moltres old trainer. Now I admit, I don't have a full context on how It works and what connection terapagos actually have to this trainer. But I find Terapagos ability to show visions from people who seems to have passed away interesting. Either terapagos met this person in the past or It made the vision in some other way.
So here is my theory:
Terapagos has power over memory and so do the tera crystals!
Think about It, If terapagos had power over memory and create visions based on peoples memories, then a lot of things would make sense.
AI Sada and Turo explain that they have the original professors memories, and that no person could make a advanced AI without the tera crystals. A important question is this, How? How do you transfer/convert your own memories into code? Well, if the tera crystals can store memories within them, then It would be possible. The risk could be the fact that the persons memories gets blurry, fragmented, warped or at worst erased.
This could possibly explain why Sada and Turos mental state became one of obsession. It could be that being around high concentrations of tera energy for a long time causes parts of the mind to deteriorate: so instead of terapagos manipulating Sada or Turo, It's just a unfortunate side effect of the Tera energy It creates.
Terapagos having memory powers could also explain the Crystal Pool. The crystals are reacting to the people around It and is showing them visions based on their own memories: the result being what seems to be ghosts of the departed.
Now with that in mind: What does this mean for the Lousy three? What about Ogerpon
Section 3: The Loyal/Lousy three and Ogerpon
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Now the Loyal three is a bit of a curve ball in this, considering the fact that they just got brought back to life; Full on necromancy. Or is It?
Now Kieran punched the monument while holding the teal mask and shortly after, the loyal three were resurrected. Now this could be because of a pokemon we haven't seen yet, seeing as It's very much hinted at that the loyal three have a boss. So this boss and their power could be behind this. But I believe the Teal mask is a important piece in this.
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The Teal mask was made with Tera crystals and Ogerpon had that mask on her when she killed the loyal three. So If my idea of the Tera crystals storing memories is correct, then the crystals within the mask might have reacted to the monument and manifested the memories of the loyal three. In that case, they weren't traditionally brought back to life, but instead got recreated based on the what was stored in the crystal. In other words: The loyal 3 were recreated based on Ogerpons memory of them! (Or at least the information stored in the crystal).
The reason the crystal reacted in this case could be because the mask was were the loyal 3's graves were, so the crystals reacted to the location and activated (with the help of Kierans punch and/or the loyal 3s boss).
Another point considering Ogerpons mask is her Boss fight.
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Ogerpon in the fight switches mask with each phase of the fight and the text for each highlights that she is getting strength from her memories.
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It makes me think that It what Tera energy really is, It's memories from either the past, present of maybe even future (If terapagos exists outside of regular time normally) in crystal form.
Crystals that can then either manifest those memories into strength or into full fledged beings. This theory could work both with the Time Travel and the Dream theory
The true time travel idea would be that the paradox pokemon did exist in the past and future, and that Sada and Turos time machine just made the crystals recreate the pokemon based on the stored information.
If the dream theory is true, then the pokemon could be created from memories, just incorrect ones. The human mind isn't infallible and If Heath saw paradox pokemon, It could either be that the crystals activated for unkown reasons; or that the crystals created paradox pokemon based on what Heath and his team thought they saw. Example: The two paradox Dophans within the book could have been a different looking Donphan or machinery and they thought they saw what we understand as a Great Tusk or Iron Threads.
So Sada and Turos paradox pokemon would be based on their memories of the scarlet and violet book. Creating the paradox of these Pokemon existing.
I am so excited for part 2 of the DLC and I really wanna see how the story will continue!
TL:DR: Terapagos might be a timeless being that has the power to make memories physical. Memories can be stored in Tera crystals and then show visions of those memories. Tera crystals might activate under certain conditions to give Pokemon strength or recreate beings based on the information stored inside them. Long periods time around high concentrations for Tera crystals might cause damage to the mind.
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doktorpeace · 1 year
The Great All Generation Nuzlocks Roundup
This is gonna be long and have multiple parts thanks to the image limit on posts. Each game will be headlined by their title in Bold Print so if you're only interested in certain games it'll be easy to filter through. These notes will also only be on the Successful Run of each game. I'll note how many times I wiped in each game, but largely won't mention those runs for sake of relative brevity.
All runs were performed with the following rules - Only One Encounter Per Route/Zone/Area/Cave [Unique Names Denote Separate Areas] No Duplicate Encounters No Using Items In Battle No In-Game Trades No Overleveling the next Gym Leader or Major Boss Purchased/Gift Pokemon Are Allowed (Though there is only one case where I use one) but count as your encounter for that Area. No Use Of 'Affection' Based Mechanics.
RED - Kanto is a genuine joy to Nuzlocke for a few reasons. It's quick to get going, most early game Pokemon are quite strong (Ratticate, Primeape, Nidoking/queen, and Fearow are all genuinely incredible encounters), and it has probably the most balanced set of starters overall with regards to choice. All three have viable reasonings to be picked in the context of a nuzlocke. I, personally, went with Bulbasaur because my primary goal was to Win The Game and not to flex.
Kanto's also great for developing basic skills for nuzlocking. Team building, knowing when to switch, resource/Power Point management, moveset scouting, etc. all go much farther than normal in Kanto thanks to the poor AI and generally weak enemy trainers.
My favorite thing about it, though, and what made it very fun and a great start is that unlike every other region you can 100% assure yourself VERY powerful encounters in the mid and late game, and I don't mean gift Pokemon. There's just so many routes where all the encounters are filler you're 100% going to have out of the way early (Ratata, pidgey, etc.) that it's a surefire thing that you WILL get a Doduo right outside Celadon, for instance. Extending this to the whole region, you can guarantee you get other extremely potent Pokemon like Slowbro, which I did.
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My team in this one was a strong Water/Fire/Grass core and otherwise strong goodstufts that compliment one another well. The surprise of this run was definitely Arcanine. I remember as a kid really being underwhelmed with trying to raise a Growlithe and never really getting the hype behind Arcanine outside of a VGC setting. However, I realized as an adult that keeping it a Growlithe until level 50 for flamethrower is Stupid. I immediately evolved that sucker and taught it Dig, which has 100 base power in gen 1. Arcanine was able to coast off of Dig and Body Slam until we beat Blaine and got the Fire Blast TM. It can also learn Reflect in this gen! All in all a stellar team member whose absolutely massive stats right after obtaining at level 19 really let it shine!
I always forget just how absurd the level swing from even just Lorelei to Blue is though. Just an absolute cliff of increase. Thankfully, however, leveling up in Kanto is a non-issue, so I was able to keep pace even while abiding Hardcore Nuzlocke rules. Total Wipes - 0
CRYSTAL - My overall opinion on Johto really hasn't changed at all, lol. It's still suffers a lot from what I'll call 'Fake Nonlinearity'. Like, sure, you CAN go to a lot of places after beating Morty but like...why would you do anything but go Chuck->Jasmine->Pryce and their associated content? It's not like you can meaningfully get strong early since the entire region has a dearth of strong trainers and wild pokemon alike. It's simply not productive to do things outside of the obviously intended order, except perhaps in the context of a Nuzlocke and trying to get some encounters early.
What does give Nuzlocking this region a unique flavor is that the best pokemon in the game, Alakazam, is a 100% ensured encounter assuming you're willing to pass over the free Eevee from Bill, which you should be. For a mere 200 coins at the game corner, you can get an Abra which can immediately be taught all 3 elemental punches on the cheap and raised up. Johto Nuzlockes thus take the form more of building an ensemble cast to support your clear Main Character, rather than building a cohesive team. As a result, Steelix and Machamp greatly stood out for being so dramatically different from Alakazam that they could patch up his few deficiencies.
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We faced a setback VERY late and lost our Tauros on Victory Road, leading to the emergency training of Golly the Politoed. He ended up doing almost nothing, but that's true for the entire team besides Pugilist, who swept the entire Elite 4 and Lance unassisted.
It was definitely a fun time and had a very unique flavor compared to other regions. What Johto offers it does offer uniquely, at least.
Total Wipes - 2 (Rival Fight in Azalea Town Gym Leader Morty)
EMERALD - I'm gonna be totally honest. I love Hoenn and I love Gen 3 but I had somehow never actually pushed all the way through Emerald before. I've beaten Sapphire and ORAS each several times, so there was some nice new stuff to me waiting. Emerald is the first game you can play that still feels 'Modern' even without the Phys/Special split. The gameplay design, routes, and everything else just feel much more well realized and iterated upon, which makes sense. Gen 2 was made to capitalize on the Pokemon Craze where Gen 3 was made with the idea of 'Oh, we have a long running thing on our hands.' They worked to impress!
That said, I don't have all that much to say! Emerald is a very Standard Pokemon game and I had a lot of fun with it. I did end up repeating a single pokemon on my endgame team, Gyarados, but most of the run was played without it. I simply blundered a good number of strong encounters away in the midgame and had to fall back on a Pokemon I knew would be strong and could help get me through the Elite 4 and Juan!
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This team has a very funny Water/Fire/Grass/Water/Grass core and it's also the first game where I actually EV trained my team on purpose. Thanks to Gen 3's thoughtful encounter design, training up Sp. Attack, HP, Speed, and Defense are all trivial, which greatly helped out. Sunny Day on Ludicolo was specifically to counter Juan, and we NEEDED it too because we lost Gyarados to Drake and Juan got TWO FREEZES in that final battle, so I needed Ludicolo to put in extra work. All in all, this was definitely one of my weaker Final teams, but I partly blame that on my relative unfamiliarity with Emerald's mid and late game. I also simply was not using all the resources at my disposal, which would dramatically change starting with the next game. The big surprise was honestly Electrode, who was a pretty stellar and reliable teammate all through the late and endgame due to fast, strong thunderbolts and screens support.
This game had a nickname theme - Fruits.
Total Wipes - 1 (Gym Leader Brawly)
PLATINUM - If you've followed me long enough you know I've historically been very hard on Gen 4. I do not like Diamond/Pearl and have started and dropped Platinum many times. However, this run I had a genuine joy playing through. Really and truly, playing in this format with the momentum of three runs behind me energized me to see Sinnoh in a new light and I can truly appreciate the dramatic improvements Platinum makes to the region. Most importantly, I've made a new, lifelong friend.
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Encountered as a Nosepass at level 14 in Mt.Coronet, Cao Cao was a true champion and help throughout the midgame and into the early late game. Stonewalling tons of trainers, enabling easy captures on lots of encounters, offering free and important switches at critical moments, and just generally being a reliable member of our core duo for most of the game with Rotom Fan...but we lost him at Iron Island in a completely optional double battle... (artist's rendition in the workbench room at my office)
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To make matters worse, the teammate we went to Iron Island for, our Scyther so we could evolve her into Scizor, would also be lost shortly before the Elite 4, rendering his loss all the more painful! I knew, for him, we had to carry on and we had to win.
And win we did. My total unfamiliarity with Platinum past the first couple gyms had me doing much more planning and research out of game on upcoming trainers to help ensure a strong run. As a result we lost far less team members than in the past three runs. In particular I was really sweating the encounters with Barry, who is dramatically stronger than previous rivals. But really, we didn't have any noteworthy losses to him.
Platinum is certainly a challenging game in its back quarter but it also really squanders its otherwise quite excellent pacing in the first two thirds or so of the game. After the sixth gym the game gets really long in the tooth and I was just ready for it to be over by the end. Nonetheless, I did have quite a lot of fun and when I play Platinum again in the future I'll definitely do it as a more casual nuzlocke, for fun.
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For the vast majority of this run I had a Rotom Fan, Probopass, and Scizor but they were all lost somewhat to VERY late and were replaced with the bottom row. While Whiscash and Porygon 2 stepped right up and were excellent performers, Bronzong was absolutely abysmal and did nothing but provide a single free switch against Cynthia. This run also came closest to dying, with only Crobat surviving the champion battle. (in my heart, however, any team that completes the game all get to go on and I have in fact transferred them into pokemon home, lol) Wuxuan the Crobat was basically my true starter. With me from before the first gym and all the way through to the end. A stellar pokemon. While this run endeared me to many Pokemon I hadn't used in game - or at all - before in Rapidash, Crobat, and Rotom Fan, above them all stands my new true friend, Probopass.
This run was downright cursed when it came to natures, too. Basically every single encounter had a nature that was negative on their most important stat. It was really frustrating, tbh!
This game has the second and final case of a team having a duplicate species of a previous team - Machamp This game has a nickname theme - Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Total Wipes - 0
Post will continue in a Part 2 because of the post image limit.
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celestialholz · 1 year
Rock/Poison/Corrupted? (or 'is Geeta evil? Probably not, she's just a bit awkward, but here's why if she is')
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... Huh. Are y'all good? There's a fair amount of evil!Geeta speculation online, and like... I can't honestly sit here and say to you that she isn't a little sus, but...
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And I know that I've personally commented before on how the Elite Four are the AU Treasures of Ruin and that if they are, that must mean Geeta is their evil 'king' (because, y'know... Kingambit. Her name means 'heightened surface', like the stakes. She picked her own Elite Four. She runs several institutions, and she also just so happens to give you this.)
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... But evil? Really? We actually out here assuming this woman's Volo incarnate for being a bit socially awkward and giving you a King's Rock? Yeah nah, sorry. You're going to need a little more than that to convince me, friends. At the moment, she just looks like a woman in a position of power who's a bit curious maybe but is slaying. When you write as much meta as I do, you need the good shit.
Except... I think we already have it, two generations ago. I'm sure we all remember this lovely lady...
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Hello Lusamine, long time no see! How have you been, completely unhinged?
And what does this woman have in common with Geeta, aside from being a research-involved girlboss? (Because yep, we know Geeta was pals with the professors...)
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Oh, now we're talking. This is the good shit. :D
There are only two Rock and Poison types available in all of the Pokemon world: one has a very close association with Lusamine, and the other is owned by Geeta.
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And, er... we all know how well this ended for Lusamine...
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Mmm. Purple, black, and gold accents... now where have I seen that before?
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... Oh, yeah. Casually stalking me around Paldea after I bother getting a decent number of badges. Well, fuck...
The purple for the Poison, the gold for the Rock, and the black for... well, they do call the Dark type 'Evil' in Japan... that's my kinda colour symbolism. ;) And before you come at me and tell me the Rock type's more brown... not in Paldea it isn't, pals, because this is a Rock Tera den.
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Now, whilst Lusamine had an emotional trigger that left her more susceptible to the neurotoxins Nihilego produces...
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... Geeta is permanently walking around with this shit.
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This is her day job, yeeting the sentient embodiment of poison at you in all its concentrated glory. And whilst I could make a good case for her having the exact same emotional trigger as Lusamine, I can't prove it, and I don't deal in pure speculation. :) But I can happily prove that she has own issues - issues that could quite easily be twisted to darker purposes, and perhaps already have been.
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This is an excellent example of pure, and unrepentant, arrogance. She shows zero remorse in saying no one can get through her, and yet you and I know that she has very little on her team to back up this overconfidence. She's seen by most people as the easiest champion we've ever had, and... maybe this is why. Because she must have known at some point, right? No one gets this far without being damn good at least earlier in their life...
Maybe once upon a time, Geeta did know exactly how to construct a team. She knew to put Kingambit last, and she knew to put Glimmora first. But... well, I've analysed final slots before, with Larry and Staraptor/Flamigo, and concluded that the last slot in a trainer's party symbolises potential - what that trainer could be, for better or for worse.
And, well...
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The 'Top Champion' can't be a Kingambit, because she already is.
(Hilariously, this is the Violet dex's version of Kingambit, which is also ringing a little bit close to home.)
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But if the final slot is potential...
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... Oh. Oh, hell. The genuine definition of 'toxic' there...
It's also very worth mentioning on the battle front that whilst Lusamine is also a powerful trainer, her AI is... questionable when you face her, to reflect her erratic nature under the influence of Nihilego. I don't know man, it's almost like there's a link here... /sarcasm
And although the anime's a separate canon, the idea is very much the same.
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So, whilst I'm not expecting some weird Glimgeeta fusion-ha! shit going on here, if you take the already-present social curiosities of our Top Champion, throw in the arrogance and the power she holds, and combine it with sentient venom...
Is Geeta evil, friends? Pffft, still not convinced. The great majority of her in-game time is spent being (seemingly, anyway) genuinely supportive of you, Nemona, and anything you both do to achieve greatness. Even those gym leaders who have a problem with her - Tulip, Katy, Larry and Grusha - all have their reasons, but they spring from a place of circumstance. Larry admits later she was right to ask him to use a new type and broaden his horizons; Grusha is afraid of her because she could fire him, and yet he's still gym eight; Katy understands that she can't go all out because of where she is, it just frustrates her... the only one with a truly viable case here is Tulip. Because if the Psychic-type gym leader thinks your vibes are off... your vibes are probably a bit off. But, despite all of that... I can't ignore the sus here. I can't ignore the Glimmora; I can't ignore the potential, whether it's been realised yet or not.
And so, if Geeta's evil... it's not because she's a woman, or a bad champion, or a tyrant, or whatever the hell else. It's because she shares a luxury apartment with a Hell Crystal.
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... a Hell Crystal that doesn't tera Poison. Maybe, so far, the Rock's been strong enough to hold out... let's see if it stays that way in the DLC, shall we?
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🏥 Calling all nurses and nursing students! Have you heard about ReadyRNs yet? I use this ai powered site to improve my skills, gain new skills and prepare for real-world scenarios. It's the best learning resource I've found to help pro nurses, new nurses and students learn and become confident with new skills regardless of their location in the world! I love how ReadyRNs gives you tons of realistic clinical simulations to choose from and provides instant personalized feedback! The feedback lets me know what I did well and things I need to improve. This helps develop critical thinking and decision-making skills as it mirrors the complexities of real patient care. I also love how I can repeatedly engage over and over again with these scenarios until I'm confident in the new skill. It's an easier way to learn compared to the stress of real-time patient interactions.
What a stress free way to learn new skills at my own pace from the comfort of home!
🏥 You can choose from Vocabulary Mastery, Lab Results Trainer, Medication Mastery, Clinical Decisions, Nursing Tutor and more! All this is possible through AI technology! Today I worked on wound care and had fun learning new skills through all the patient scenarios and answering the ai generated questions. The feedback was exactly what I needed to brush up on these skills. Right now you can try it for yourself with a 7-day free trial and let me know what you think!
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sonicasura · 1 month
Ok hear are the stages we know so far for Shadow
- Ark
- A twisted combination of Westopolis and Radical Highway
- Rail Canyon
- Kingdom Valley
- Chaos Island
- Resistance Base, Sunset City ?
Trainer's stages will be
- Isle Of Armor
- Mt. Coronet
- Sky Pillar and The Surronding Islands
- Split-Decision Ruins and The Dynamax Tree
- Citadark Isle
- Poni Island with the focus being on Vast Poni Canyon and the Alter Of The Sunne And Moone
Mission Structure
Select Stages
All stages will always begin with only one of the Main Trio being able to enter, when one of the Main Trio reach the end it will allow all of the Main Trio to enter
These Will Be 1 Act
Trio Stages
The Main Trio will form a team of 3 with choosing one of the Pokemon to accompy them. Shadow will lead with Omega and the selected Pokemon at Shadow's side as they traverse the stage Sonic Heroes Style
These Will Have 2 Acts
Battle Stages
These stages are a brawlers with there being swarms of both Sonic and Pokemon Remnant enemies. Everyone of the Main Trio will be there, Trainer will send out 3 Pokemon to fight alongside Shadow and Omega as they advamce through the stage
I imagine these stages being like Kingdom Hearts styled fights from like 2 or 3 if you ever played or seen gameplay of that.
These Will Be 1 Act
Rivals And Bosses
Since the full game is still a ways of this will be speculation for some of Shadow's fights
Shadow Bosses
- Biolizard
- Metal Overlord
- Egg Wyvern or Egg Emperor
- Dark Gaia
- Hyper Eggrobo
Shadow Rivals
- Infinite
- Emerl
- Any ideas for the third rival?
Trainer's Bosses
- Cyrus
- Lusamine Nihilego Fusion
- Eternatus
- Greevil
- Ai Professor Sada
Trainer's Rivals
- Paul
- Bede ( This would be N, but the story of Black and White has yet too take place or maybe I should add N and change up the timeline a bit?
- Kieran
Boss Stages
The Stage these fights take place on is unstable so all Heroes may enter too fight the boss, same goes for the rivals. Each fight however will be drastically different as the Bosses and Rivals are controled by the remnants of The Time Eater and Black Doom, teamwork between the Main Trio will be the pathway to victory
This will be a big adventure for the Main Trio, as they face the remnant of The Time Eater and Black Doom. A lot is at stake and it will force our Heroes to face the one that brought Shadow's world to the brink and the one who tears apart Space-Time too stop both from fulfilling the end goal of the plan
Thankfully Ultimate Lifeform, The Most Powerful E-Series Robot, and The Frontier Brain will fight back this catastrophe and at the end find out quite a lot about the others past
Any Suggestions or Changes?
Shadow's third rival should be Mephiles as it's perfect for a mirror match between the two. For N, I say the clash is wrought because Trainer has the Black Stone. This enemy actually belongs to the Pokemon that been slumbering beside our unaware heroes: Zekrom.
An illusion bringing out a twisted form of Reshiram which causes the opposite to awaken in fury at the duplicate. Plus it further expresses Trainer's character to our Team Dark members. They are a person of ideas who doesn't care about the dark truth behind their companions, only who they choose to be.
So what if Eggman made Omega or Shadow is part Black Arms? They chose to follow their own paths and are Trainer's friends. A powerful heartfelt sentiment that convinces Zekrom to fully help the group without a required battle(like in Pokemon White game).
Plus it gives Trainer reason to explore the Unova region as to learn more about their newest companion.
Completely unrelated but I also thought about Zekrom awakening in the KN8 crossover. Why not give the cast(especially Kafka) a fucking heart attack than to witness Trainer battling a Legendary Pokemon as they want to test their strength. I won't be surprised if Zekrom been watching them while slumbering in Black Stone state.
Or for the Defense Force's jaws to drop when the Pokemon bows afterwards and Trainer catches them. The shock value would be immense if this is before the Tachikawa Base invasion. Like imagine their faces seeing a big dragon disappear into a tiny ball?
Although it might put a target on Trainer's head that No.10 could change his attack plans. How mean would it be if he goes for Reno's house instead? Or Trainer on their own during a night outing because that's Mina and Kafka's worse fear right there.
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cyborb · 9 months
there have been some asks sitting unanswered in my inbox for an embarrassingly long time so I'm just going to go through and answer a bunch of them at once haha.
Sada and Turo / Paldea
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now that the dlc is out I can play around with my own version of paldea's story and the professors (that I may or may not actually talk about), but they won't be in the rainbow rocket stuff with supersymmetry. "officially" at least. maybe I'll draw something for fun, but I don't intend them to actually be in rr like the rest. they're more interesting to me within the story of paldea, especially with the ai aspects and ... other things going on there.
but to the anons who sent me these: those ideas are cool and honestly you should pursue them yourself!
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absolutely yes. in the base universe, her "unification" with nihilego kills her pretty quickly. iota lusamine is luckier since her nihilego seems to prefer keeping her around for longer. slow-acting vs fast-acting poisons, I suppose. by the time lusamine is picked up by rr, it's been about 6 months since she became jellyfish. who knows how much time she has left but her mental (and physical) state will continue to deteriorate along the way. an unsurprising consequence of willingly jumping into the mouth of a parasite
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possibly? I haven't given that much thought tbh. considering lillie and guzma's proximity to lusamine when she goes motherbeast, they'd both be lucky to make it out alive hahaha. but I could see all three of them trying to help people and pokemon in the UB-overrun world too
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honestly, no clue. I don't even think she knows, and she definitely doesn't care. who needs regular pokemon when she's got ultra beasts now! if lillie is still around she might have taken in a few of them herself though.
Other AU stuff
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I've actually made a post about team galactic here!
one fun fact about each of them:
maria/mars is giovanni and ariana's first child, and she ran from her home in kanto when she was 16 to become a pokemon trainer and get away from her parents. sorry silver (she hasn't contacted him in a while).
juno/jupiter makes traditional (hisuian) style pokeballs as a hobby despite the fact that they absolutely are not practical to actually use anymore. but they look nice
sterling/saturn helps run the in-universe equivalent of pokemon showdown because he's a nerd. he enjoys simulated battles more than the real thing most of the time
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great news: the rainbow rocket invasion all his fault!
by that I mean the choice of the base universe for invasion wasn't entirely arbitrary; rainbow rocket didn't just Show Up and hope this universe had what they wanted. beforehand, someone from rainbow rocket (either giovanni or archer, maybe even colress) scouted things out, and approached faba for information about the general state of the world and necrozma in particular. faba essentially sells out the universe (and aether's work with necrozma) in exchange for the promise of power and whatever tantalizing rewards the rr emissary offers haha. it's possible some of this involves planting a device to let rr come back to the right universe when ready too. what faba is up to when everything is going down in rr is not something that I've thought about, but he definitely gets found out for his actions leading up to it. oops!
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unfortunately probably not. the rr stuff is happening on the other side of the planet and I can't think of a situation which might result in them getting to meet up. I'm not enough of an expert on the two of them to say how such a meeting would play out either, but it would definitely be... interesting considering their own universe's version of the other person has been dead for several years.
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rose would probably be the least upset about it but cyrus wins the award for most upset (he has control issues). lysandre absolutely would have the most violent response to it though
while I'm not going to share the collection of complimentary messages I've gotten over time, I want everyone to know that I really appreciate hearing that you enjoy my ideas and art! it's encouraging and I'm glad people like my pokemon playground hahaha. and that applies to tags too! it's always great to see... I don't always get around to actually answering the stuff in my inbox (whether it's actual questions or otherwise) but rest assured I do see it!
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valiantstarlights · 1 year
tumblr fics masterlist ✨️
My AUs are growing by the day, so here's me trying to list them all in one place. I hope you enjoy reading them! 😊
Fics, fanarts, playlists, etc. inspired by my writing are most welcome. 🙏 Tag me! I would love to see them.
Due to the entire AI scraping thing going on, my fics in AO3 can now only be viewed by registered users. I apologize for the inconvenience. 🙇‍♀️
Last updated: September 15, 2023.
AU List
101 Dalmatians Meet Cute AU - Dream's dog is a purebred named Jessamy (very calm, very regal), and Hob's dog is a mutt named Matthew (excitable and energetic).
Art by designtheendless
Android Corinthian AU - (Hobrintheus) Dream and Hob are husbands who bought a sex android (Corinthian) for them to use.
Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji) AU - featuring Hob as a demon butler, and Dream as a monsterfucker nobleman.
Canon Divergence
Enlightenment - Hob takes Dream's words in 1889 to heart, and realizes that he has never had a single friend in his entire life.
The origin story of monsterfucker Hob Gadling
Recently recovered amnesiac Hob and currently amnesiac Dream inspired by beholdme's prompt. 🔥? 😂!
Chef Hob AU - Hob is a chef who owns a food truck selling authentic Indian food, and Dream is someone who doesn't really eat well. (He had a bad breakup a year ago and it caused him to eat less. He's trying to eat better with his siblings' help.)
Food by carnelianmeluha
Dungeons and Dragons AU - The Endless siblings and Hob playing DND. Details about their characters, that kind of thing.
Fae Dream and Vampire Hob AU - Fae!Dream runs away from home in the middle of winter and has no choice but to shelter in a castle. Coincidentally, Vampire!Hob lives there.
Hamilton AU - 1789 Albany NY. Hob has amnesia and is going by Capt. Gideon "Leon" Roberts. Dream is masquerading as a rich foreign lord named Mr. Thomas Murphy to better keep an eye on him. (Also an American Gods crossover.)
The Feeling of Freedom (AO3 link)
Keep Me in Comfort For All My Days (AO3 link)
Mermaid AUs
Little Mermaid AU - Dream is the king of Atlantis, Orpheus is his only son who is all about that land stuff, and Hob is a (human) thief being transported with other convicts to a penal colony.
Little Mermaid AU ft. Human Hob and Merman-turned-mute-human Dream inspired by designtheendless's art. 🍬🤗
Teacher Hob and Merfolk Performer Dream AU inspired by (OP: cosmic--static's prompt. 🍬!
Personal Trainer Dream AU - Dream is a personal trainer trying to be professional while being horny on main for his newest trainee, Professor Robert Gadling. (Except he's not trying very hard, and Hob also thinks he's super hot.)
Priest Hob and Demon Dream AU inspired by alexxuun's art.
June 7 episode 💀! 🔥? (Kyrie Eleison on AO3)
December 24 episode 💀! 🔥! (Offertory on AO3)
Shadow and Bone AU - Dream is the (sad wet cat) Darkling and Hob is the (soft dom) Sun Summoner. There are two versions of this AU: one where Dream is in the position of power, and one where Hob is.
Show x Comic Swap AU - Basically Comic!Dream x Show!Hob, Comic!Hob x Show!Dream, and other variations. inspired by alexxun's art.
The angsty version 😭! (The Burning House on AO3)
The spicy+happy(?) version 🔥! 💀! (The Gilded Cage on AO3)
The actual happy ending 🤗🍬 (Fidelity on AO3)
The Truth Can't Hurt You, It's Just Like The Dark (AO3 link)
Slice of Life
Professor Hob and Thirsty 24/7 Dream inspired notallsandmen's Kirby!Dream meme. 🔥! 😂?
Tiny Dream AU - Sometimes, when Dream is in the Waking World, he likes to be small. So he retreats into a Barbie doll house that he has since renovated into a Dream doll castle.
Playtime 🔥 (AO3 link)
Urban Fantasy Spy AU - Dream (half-eldritch being, tech officer) and Hob (full human with an immortality mutation, field agent) are co-workers working for The Agency, and they have a 600 year history of not liking each other.
Try to Hide Your Hand (AO3 link)
Vampire!Dream Soulmate AU (a.k.a Lord Dimitrescu!Dream AU) - History professor Hob Gadling wins an annual faculty raffle that enables him to take a 3 days, 2 nights trip to anywhere in the world, and he chooses to visit the little village of Dreaming somewhere in Eastern Europe.
Here at the Boundaries of Dream, All Shadow-Wrapped on AO3
Wedding Planner AU - Dream is getting married to Calliope, and the wedding planner is Hob, the one that got away.
events/commissions for charity
Dreamling Week 2023 by (OP: mr-sadman)
Day 1: Meowpheus - 5 Pictures of Dream as Meowpheus, and 1 Picture of Dream as Himself (AO3 link) [Canon Divergence] 🍬 😂
Day 2: Dragon - A New Beginning (AO3 link) [The Hobbit AU] 🍬 🤗
Day 3: Curiosity (killed the cat) - An All-Consuming Kind of Love (AO3 link) [Human AU, Professor!Hob/Student!Dream] 💀! 🔥!
Day 4: Fake Dating - Fidelity (AO3 link) [Show X Comic Swap AU, Show!Hob/Show!Dream] 😭 🤗
Day 5: Jealousy - The Feeling of Freedom (AO3 link) [Hamilton AU] 🍬 🤗
Day 6: Sick - In Sickness (AO3 link) [Canon Divergence] 🍬 😂
Day 7: AUs or Crossovers - Of Surviving (AO3 link) [The Hunger Games AU] 😭 🤗
Dreamling for Ukraine by (OP:dreamlingforukraine)
Try to Hide Your Hand (AO3 link) for seiya-starsniper
Keep Me in Comfort For All My Days (AO3 link) for bazzybelle
The Truth Can't Hurt You, It's Just Like The Dark (AO3 link) for hoblingtyrant
Sandmanniversary 2023 (OP: mr-sadman)
Day 1: Size Kink - Playtime (AO3 link) [Tiny!Dream AU] 🔥!
Day 2: Soulmates + Hunt - The Helpful Stranger (AO3 link) [Vampire!Dream Soulmate AU]
miscellaneous stuff
The Dreaming Loyalty Card
Chat Posts | Meme Edits | Speech Bubble Posts | Random Text Posts | The Sandman Text Posts | Visual Novel Posts
Lord Byron AU memes
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cosmermaid · 11 months
This has been on my mind for probably two days now so I'm going to make this post. I took the Knights Radiant order quiz for three Mewtwos, or in other words every Mewtwo in the Pokemon franchise that has enough characterization to pull from and make the test work. I also did it for Mew, because even though we don't have a lot to go off of for Mew's character, it's personality seems to be pretty consistent every time it appears.
If you're a Pokemon fan wondering what I'm talking about, the Knights Radiant are ten orders of magic heroes from the book series the Stormlight Archives, which is probably my favorite fantasy series of all time. Bond a spren, swear the oaths, get superpowers. Fun times. (And yes, non-human characters can and do bond Spren.)
Alright, on with my post then. Pokemon Adventures Mewtwo
Okay, so the first one I did is probably the least known Mewtwo which is the one from the Pokemon Adventures Manga.
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The one with the spoon. This Mewtwo does take inspiration from events from Pokemon the First Movie, but as a character they are a pretty different individual. Also they have a big spoon. Good for them. :)
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The Stormlight Archives as a series doesn't have any Stoneward characters that the story explicitly focuses on, with only three appearing as minor/background characters. However, the defining oath of this order fits Adventures!Mewtwo incredibly well. One of the biggest differences between this character and other Mewtwos that have made appearances is their relationship with humans. This Mewtwo has a trainer, (the Gym Leader Blane, who also created them) as well as a few humans it is fiercely loyal to. (Such as Red, and absolute pure bean forest fairy Yellow). This Mewtwo has willingly stepped up to help these characters out in difficult situations, and they have also taken an active role in protecting a Pokemon village. This Mewtwo has also pulled out of battle to look out for the well-being of their human friends, putting them above their own goals. Now I'm not entirely sure if this Mewtwo would get much benefit out of the powers gained from the order of the Stonewards, which according to the Coppermind wiki are
Cohesion Cohesion allows them to manipulate or alter objects at a molecular level.[9] Their exact Powers are so far unknown, but they are able to reshape stone to some extent.[6] This ability lets them reshape things other than stone, but not flesh or anything even slightly Invested.[10] Tension Tension allows them to alter the stiffness of an object.[11][12] Stonewards are able to control the hardness of an object, allowing them to harden clothing into weapons, and have the ability to shape stone at their will.[13] Much like Cohesion, Tension is highly resisted by Investiture.[10]
I don't know how precise this particular Mewtwo's psyonic abilities are, but this Mewtwo was shown to be smart enough to find flaws in traps/technology and outsmart an AI. They would probably find practical applications for the surges of cohesion and tension that they weren't able to do as easily with their pre-existing powers.
Also this Mewtwo would probably be delighted to summon a magical shard-spoon.
M16 Mewtwo (or Newtwo, I guess.)
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This is one of those ones that I didn't expect but SHOULD have seen coming. It also made me realize that despite the fact that we don't get a whole lot of this Mewtwo's story, from what we do get, she is an incredibly similar character to Kaladin Stormblessed.
While this Mewtwo isn't explicitly hostile towards humans, she doesn't particularly like them either. And yet, without question she will go out of her way to protect them from harm. "I will protect even those I hate, so long as it is right." -Kaladin Stormblessed.
Both Kaladin and this Mewtwo have been enslaved and tormented in the past, both characters find freedom and comfort in flight, and both will fight viciously to protect the innocent from harm. Both have been hunted for their power and their reputation.
In the stormlight setting, people are divided into a caste system of light-eyes and dark eyes, and Kaladin has dark eyes, so he's of the lower class. He has been betrayed, branded, enslaved, and his younger brother killed at the whims of light-eyed nobility, and as a result he understandably very cold towards light eyed people for their privilege and lack of understanding of the injustices he and his fellow dark-eyed people have faced.
This Mewtwo has a similar outlook on humans. She doesn't like them, but she will prioritize what is right over her own feelings, stepping in to prevent a city from being terrorized by Pokemon (who she was also trying to help.)
The powers gained by windrunners are
Adhesion Adhesion creates an extremely powerful temporary bond between two objects.[27] Full Lashing Using the Full Lashing, a Surgebinder can pool Stormlight into an area. All objects that subsequently touch this area will be bonded to the object, sticking them there and hindering their movement. The bond ends when the Stormlight runs out.[28] Gravitation Gravitation allows the Windrunner to change the direction and strength of an object's gravitational attraction.[27] Basic Lashing The Basic Lashing allows a Surgebinder to bind people or objects to different surfaces or in different directions, effectively changing the direction that gravity pulls them.[27] Reverse Lashing By using the Reverse Lashing, a Surgebinder can increase the gravitational pull of an object, allowing the infused object to pull nearby objects toward it. The Surgebinder must maintain contact with the object to Reverse Lash it.[28] Items that are airborne are pulled more strongly towards the infused object.
M16 Mewtwo can already fly and throw things around with telekinesis, though she would probably find some practical use in using adhesion and lashings to manipulate an object without having to focus on it. She'd probably get more fulfillment out of simply being bonded with an honorspren, though I can't imagine she'd seek out much use for a shardblade or shardplate.
M01 Mewtwo
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Everyone already knows who this character is so I'm going to take a moment to highlight an absolutely iconic moment from the only known elsecaller in the Stormlight archives.
"I refuse this," he said, tossing his sword aside. "I will not face a woman in combat. It is demeaning." And so, Jasnah stabbed him straight through the throat.
Okay, M01 Mewtwo is a character most frequently viewed through the lens of nostalgia. People remember him for the drama and a few key quotes, but I don't think his actual character gets looked at enough. So let's review.
Mewtwo can and has killed people for objectifying him. Mewtwo's entire motivation from birth has been about reaching his potential. How he is supposed to be the strongest, else he has no business existing. Mewtwo is an absolute genius, able to teach himself engineering across multiple fields on the fly. Mewtwo is very focused on philosophy, driving himself to the brink of madness for the sake of finding a place in the world.
Jasnah is a bit ahead of the curve when it comes to a similar character arc, by nature of simply being older and more experienced. But she is every bit as ruthless and driven by cold logic as Mewtwo is. She is a world-renowned scholar, but when she took on a student, she took her student into an alleyway to lure out some robbers, then killed the men robbing them as a lesson in philosophy.
She also dedicated quite a bit of thought of what it means to have a place in the world, although through a feminist lens rather than a artificial/naturally born one. In an empire ruled by men, Jasnah became the queen.
So how does the oaths of elsecaller fit Mewtwo? Every time we see him, he is self-reflecting, trying to find where he fits, and pushing the extent of what he can do. Despite his rocky start, he is brilliant, able to solve problems as he comes across them. He was the only surviving clone made by humans, but he recreated a few that died and brought them into the world fully evolved. He built an isolated sanctuary in the middle of an island to make a safe haven for Pokemon that had been abused by humans.
I do want to take a moment to talk about Inkspren, the spren associated with the order of elsecallers. See, the reason that Jasnah is the only known elsecaller is because Inkspren do not trust humans. They are willing to go as far as to get human elsecallers killed to free their fellow inkspren from the bond, even if said spren bonded willingly.
Though Mewtwo mostly moved past a similar attitude, he would still be largely sympathetic to it. I could even see an inkspren trying to bond him in a bid to convince him to kill Jasnah. (Though I don't think Mewtwo would go that far.)
So the powers that Elsecallers gain are
Transformation Transformation can be manipulated to change an object into one of the ten essences.[9] Soulcasting transforms one material into another, though Soulcasting into one of the Ten Essences is easiest.[10] To Soulcast, the Elsecaller shifts their perception to see into the Cognitive Realm, and communicates with the Cognitive aspect of the object they want to transform.[11] This is normally done through direct contact with an object, however, can be performed from a distance. Elsecallers are more skilled at doing this than Lightweavers.[12] Elsecallers tend to view Soulcasting differently from Lightweavers.[13] Transportation Transportation allows the transfer of one's physical body into and out of the Cognitive Realm.[14] It works by creating a miniature perpendicularity that the Elsecaller can go through.[15] It is significantly easier to enter the Cognitive Realm using Elsecalling than it is to leave it.[16] It is possible for Elsecallers to leave the Cognitive Realm without seeking a perpendicularity however this is a more advanced skill than entering.[17][18] Elsecallers are able to use this ability to worldhop.[19][20] It is implied that the more Investiture one uses in the Surge of Transportation, the more people they are able to bring into the Cognitive Realm.[20]
So effectively transmutation and plane shifting. These are not abilities that Mewtwo inherently has, and I can absolutely see him figuring out some insane practical uses for it, very quickly. I can also imagine him seeing his psychic powers as being as much a part of himself as his body is, and using that to summon a shardblade into somebody's heart hundreds of meters away.
It's also worth noting that this Mewtwo has some experience wearing armor and would get comfortable using shardplate probably almost immediately.
Mew. (All of them.)
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What the hell else was I expecting for the Hoid of the Pokemon universe?
Lightweavers are the orders of absolute enigmas who either can't or won't tell you who they truly are, hide behind illusions, vanish into thin air, make a professional sport out of insulting you, and showing up because they think the plot got juicy.
Mew would be a lightweaver solely because it would get a massive kick at out of using transform on other people, and because it would gain a spirit-starfish that is an absolute math nerd and goes "mmmmm" whenever somebody lies.
I'm going on a tangent because every criticism I have of Mew can easily be applied to Hoid and vice versa. Mew makes a game of being chased by everyone and caught by nobody. Mew is the roadrunner and the entire world is Wile-E Coyote.
Do you want to know who Hoid is? In the beginning he was given the opportunity to become god and turned it down. Now he's a professional clown. He is frustratingly immortal and has likely gotten other people killed by his own choices.
Just like Mew did with Lucario. You can try to claim that wasn't Mew's fault but nobody would have been getting eaten by the white blood cells of a massive tree if Mew didn't kidnap Pikachu without thinking about it.
By the way, if you've only seen the English version of the first movie, you don't know Mew's character. When Mewtwo was basically in the middle of a psychological breakdown over clones deserving some basic respect, Mew told him "Real is real. Fight me and find out."
Now Hoid can't actually fight, he's restrained from doing so. But if he needs some teeth conveniently knocked out so he can disguise himself as a beggar, he'd walk up to Mewtwo and say the exact same thing.
Mew can do the right thing. Occasionally. It saved a baby pokemon from falling into a river once. Good for you, Mew.
What powers do Lightweavers get?
Illumination Illumination is used to craft illusions by weaving light, sound and various waveforms.[10] This can be used to change their appearance for disguises or other purposes, create illusions of walls and rocks to hide behind and in, and to create illusions to confuse or distract. Each Lightweaver needs some kind of focus to make Lightweaving function, such as drawings or paintings.[11] It is also implied that they may be able to create a solid illusion by combining their Illumination surge and their Soulcasting.[12][13] There are some differences in how they use the Surge compared to Truthwatchers.[14] Transformation Transformation can be manipulated to change an object into one of the ten essences.[10] To Soulcast, the Lightweaver shifts their perception to see into the Cognitive Realm, and communicates with the Cognitive aspect of the object they want to transform.[15] This is normally done through direct contact with an object, however, can be performed from a distance. Elsecallers are more skilled at doing this, though it is not impossible for a Lightweaver to be able to Soulcast from afar.[16] Lightweavers tend to view Soulcasting differently from Elsecallers.[14] Using this Surge, Lightweavers are able to enter the Cogntive Realm, but are unable to bring others with them, or return on their own.[17]
Mew already does both, but mainly to itself. I can't really imagine Mew using a shardweapon with those tiny arms, either. Though Mew would probably summon it, leave it on the ground, watch people fight over it then dismiss it.
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getfitterai · 5 months
Get Fit, Stay Motivated: A Holistic Approach to Well-being
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If you’ve ever felt like achieving your fitness goals is an uphill battle or struggled to maintain consistency, fret not. We’re getting into the nitty-gritty of what it takes to build a sustainable, fulfilling fitness routine that encompasses not just physical health, but mental and emotional wellness too.
First things first, let’s break down what we mean by holistic well-being. It’s about more than just hitting the gym or sweating it out on the yoga mat (though those are definitely important!).
Holistic well-being means taking care of your body, mind, and soul in equal measure. It’s about finding balance in every aspect of your life, from nutrition and exercise to stress management and self-care. Read More!
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xxenia14 · 1 year
Inspiring rise
Summary: y/n being one of barça‘s photographers but one faithful training session changed everything.
Story written by AI/ChatGPT because I am the most uncreative person on this planet 🤣 don‘t like ChatGPT written stories, don‘t read it. Hate messages and name calling is unnecessary!
Y/n was ecstatic when she received the news that she had been selected to join FC Barcelona's media team. It was a dream come true for her, as she had always been passionate about both football and photography. She knew that this opportunity would allow her to combine her two loves in a way she had never imagined before.
As the newest member of the media team, Y/n's main responsibility was to capture moments during the training sessions. She would often find herself standing on the sidelines, camera in hand, capturing the intensity and skill of the players. While she loved her job, there was a small part of her that yearned to be out on the field, playing alongside these incredible athletes.
Y/n had grown up playing amateur football in her tiny town in Spain. She had always dreamed of making it to the professional level, but being from a small community, she never had the opportunity. Football had remained a beloved hobby, and she poured her heart into it every chance she got.
One sunny day during a particularly lively training session, Y/n's attention was caught by two players, Alejandro Balde and Pablo Torre. The duo was engaged in a friendly competition, shooting long passes to each other during the water break. Y/n marveled at their technique and precision getting closer to them while capturing their every move through her lens.
Suddenly, Pablo became distracted by Ferran shouting for him from across the field. He turned his head at the wrong moment, completely missing the ball that was headed his way. Y/n, who had been paying close attention, instinctively reacted. In a split second, she reached out and skillfully plucked the ball from the air and sending it back precisely to where Alejandro was standing.
Balde and Torre were stunned by Y/n's reflexes and ball control. Little did they know, someone else had witnessed the entire scene unfold.
Xavi Hernandez, a legend of Barcelona's men's team and now being their coach, had been observing the training session from the sidelines. He was impressed by Y/n's ability. After the session, he approached the Barcelona Femení trainer and inquired about Y/n's possibilities for a trial with them.
The trainer, intrigued by Xavi's interest, decided to give Y/n an opportunity to showcase her skills. She was invited to a trial with the Barcelona Femení team, the renowned women's team associated with FC Barcelona. Nervous but determined, Y/n stepped onto the pitch, ready to prove herself.
To everyone's amazement, Y/n aced her trial with ease. Her passion, skill, and dedication were evident in every move she made. She seamlessly integrated with the team, showcasing her abilities as a versatile and talented player. The Barcelona Femení players welcomed her with open arms, recognizing her as a valuable addition to their squad.
Word spread throughout the club about Y/n's success. A few started attending the women's team's training sessions when they had time, eager to see Y/n in action. They were astounded by the level of play she achieved in such a short time. Y/n had become more than just a teammate to all of them; she was an inspiration.
As Y/n continued to grow and excel within the Barcelona Femení team, she never forgot her roots. She cherished the support she received from her fellow players and the entire club. The women's team became her second family, and together, they set out to conquer new heights in women's football.
Y/n's journey from a small town in Spain to the professional ranks of FC Barcelona was a testament to the power of determination and talent. She had defied the odds and shattered barriers, proving that dreams can come true with hard work and a little bit of luck. And as she stood on the pitch, wearing the famous Barcelona jersey, Y/n knew that her journey had only just begun.
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everyonewooo · 2 years
Virtual reality AU
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_Player 107 Wonwoo
_Oneshot (Part 1)
Genre: Action/Science Fic
Warning: Shooting will be mentioned.
Enjoy :)
“You gotta be kidding me.” He laughs.
“It’s true Woo, you gotta believe me!”
“That sounds ridiculous, you know that right?” He side eyed me.
Oh come on.
“Me? Dying?” He coughs.
“It looked so real…” I pouted.
“I’m not going anywhere cupcake.” He pets my head, lips forming a smile.
“She’s just being dramatic.” Mingyu spoke from the kitchen.
“Oh come on Gyu, you’re worse.”
Wonwoo laughs.
“Shut up.” Mingyu answered.
I smiled like a kid.
“Come on guys, we need to go complete a mission.” Scoups called out.
I’ve been living with Seventeen ever since I woke up in this strange place.
They found me at my most vulnerable state, and they took me in. They’ve been my brothers and protectors ever since. Since I’ve been with them for almost a year, those nice mannered men had definitely changed. If you know what I mean.
We are currently living in 2032 where humanity has been taken over by the AI and we were a few of those humans left. Before we get on to the present, let me introduce to you to ‘The Boys’
SCoups: The fierce leader who has to take care of 13 + 1 (me) children, who can’t stay still when they are together on normal days. He may be strict and manly, but he has a soft heart in the inside and sometimes will just be a big cute softie. A great combat soldier. You can never win him in fights.
Jeonghan: The second oldest in the group. A huge prankster who also has great skills in a mission. He’s like a mom. I would go to him for emotional support.
Joshua: He’s the gentle sexy guy of the group who has good looks and is smart. He’s good in every language and also good in searching information for missions. I call him Shua hyung like the other guys. He gives me great hugs.
Jun: He’s the most naive guy in this group. But he is also very smart. Tend to find Plan B just in case Plan A doesn’t work out.
Hoshi: Horanghae of the group. Do I have to say more?
Wonwoo: A super cold guy at first. But at first sight I thought he looked like a black cat. He’s a gamer dude so killing robots are actually his speciality. He’s the ace in this. Tall, Black leather jacket, black hair, sharp eyes…you might want to stay away. (whisper) He’s actually a softie inside too, only to certain people.
Woozi: The mastermind behind all the missions. Also the smallest and fittest person in the group. Our group combat trainer.
DK: The clown. But don’t be fooled. He can kill you too.
Mingyu: The big tall athletic muscular guy. Don’t be afraid tho, he’s a huge softie that always gets bullied by his older brothers. He will protect you tho. A drama Queen too.
The8: The kungfu master. Can kill ten in one shot. No kidding. You do not want to piss him off. A advice giver too.
Seungkwan: Mr Boo. He’s my diva. He sings really well but he can be a diva at some times, no actually most of the time. He’s always talkative and I love to talk to him. He’s abit sassy tho.
Vernon: Swag. He and I share the same face expressions.
Dino: The maknae, sometimes I wonder why his hyungs treat him so badly. I mean look at him, he’s such a baby. Sometimes I have to stand up for him. He treats me the best and always gives me dance lessons.
Okay that was a long introduction. Oh and there me, Y/N a girl who just randomly ended up in this big family. Someone who also gets spoilt a lot for being the only girl to exist here. Somehow from what I heard, I have vision powers. And my vision tends to happen. That’s why I was concerned about Wonwoo in the first place.
“Wonwoo stay here, Gyu come with me.”
“Oh come on, you can’t expect me to stay here and wait for you guys to complete the mission right? I’m faster then all of you.”
I rolled my eyes. Him and his ego.
“She’s right hyung, we can do this.” Mingyu answered.
“Don’t worry guys, I’ll stay here and back up.” Joshua said.
“Thanks Shua Hyung.” I waved and ran off with Gyu.
The floor creaked as we entered the building. Mingyu cocked his rifle walking ahead of me, light shining into the dark dusty building. I held my rifle tightly to my body, fingers on the trigger pointing the gun straight ahead preparing to shoot anything that was going to jump infront of me. We walked quietly surveying the place, going to one of the rooms to find the piece Woozi asked us to look for. As we walked deeper in, I sensed something was off. I couldn’t quite tell. The air smelled different. Like there was humans, living here.
I shrugged it off and followed Mingyu. We looked into the room and found the piece that Woozi wanted in a cabinet.
“I got it.”
“Quick let’s go.” Mingyu whispered.
I nodded. We quietly exited the room.
I turned back towards Mingyu.
Someone is coming. He mouthed.
Panicked appeared on my face.
He placed a finger on his mouth asking me to stay right where I was.
Shit shit shit.
He slowly stepped towards me silently as I slowly retreated back into the room.
Bullets starting flying towards us.
“Take cover!” Mingyu shouted as we both hid behind this huge slab of cement.
“Shit, how did they know we were here?” I exclaimed.
“I have no idea.” Mingyu answered.
Now what?
“Joshua, we’ve been attacked. Are you guys okay out there?” Mingyu sent a message on the radio.
Bullets we’re still flying as we took turns to shoot back.
I raised my gun towards the enemy as I saw, they were humans. Just like us.
But why?
“Gyu, they’re not AI, they are humans.”
He peek up from the slab of cement. “But they’re still shooting!”
We raised our hands up hoping they would recognise us being the same kind and stopped.
Of course they didn’t.
“Gyu watch out!” I pulled him away as a bullet flew pass my arm, grazing it in the process.
Ah great.
“They’re not humans Y/N.” He said with a serious tone.
“I saw they had blue robotic eyes, with no life in them like they were just ordered to shoot.”
The radio buzzed. “ Gyu, it’s not looking good out here.” Joshua shouted gun firing sounds heard in the background.
What are we going to do? This was an ambush. They know we were coming.
Wait. Wonwoo.
Is this what I saw in the vision?
“Hey Y/N! Listen to me!”
I looked at Mingyu face covered in dirt. He looks bad. Probably I looked like that too.
“We need to get out of here now. You got the piece right?” He told me.
I nodded.
“We can do this. On the count of 3.”
We held our guns up and shot any many as we can. Mingyu was right, they all had blue biotic eyes, emotionless expressions. Just walking and shooting forward. Their target was us. They were programmed to kill us. We managed to destroy all of them, one by one falling to the floor. I bend down to check if they were dead and saw on their neck there was a mark, and a chip was installed. Biochips on humans. They were creating humanoids. The AI are getting smarter now. Turning the creators into their machines.
Once the building was cleared, we ran out of the building, only to see the car we came in on fire, a pile of humanoids, and Joshua and Wonwoo nowhere to be seen.
“Josh, where are you?” Mingyu said into the radio.
No response.
Did it happen? My vision? Is Wonwoo.. gone?
I was too late.
The sound of roaring was heard from afar.
I turned around my gun ready to shoot…
Two motorbikes were coming our way, with a trail of AI running after them.
“Y/N don’t shoot! It’s them.”
Two guys in black suits, motorbikes roaring.
As one zooms and stops infront of me.
He opens his visor and I immediately recognise those eyes.
“Quickly put this on and get on.”
I fumbled with the helmet as I got onto the bike and put it on.
He grabbed my hands and placed it around his waist.
“Hold on tight.”
A sudden screen appeared inside of the helmet.
[ Player 108 ]
You have received a message from Wonwoo
To be continued…
Part 2? :)
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ecargmura · 1 year
Pokemon Horizons Episode 15 Review: Iono Where Liko Is!
Where’s Liko? Iono! Get it? That was supposed to be a pun on Iono’s name being based off “I’unno” in a way; I’m a dad joke enthusiast, so I’m sorry for future bad jokes. This episode gives us the debut of Iono, Dot development and Liko getting her memories back. All in all, this was a rather entertaining episode to watch.
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Amnesia plots can be contrived, but fortunately, Liko doesn’t lose all of her memories; her amnesia seems to be a temporary thing as she manages to remember things clearly by the end of the episode. She remembers that she’s Liko, her partner is Sprigatito and that she attends Indigo Academy, but has no idea why she’s back in Paldea. The collaboration between Iono and Nidothing helped Liko recall events that had happened to her and pieced herself back. I’m glad that the writers wrote it in a way that Liko didn’t lose all of her memories and that she worked hard to get them back herself. Everything got resolved in the end and she even managed to remember the Beheeyem that hypnotized her.
Iono’s debut was amazing! The Horizons staff really know how to respect the Paldean trainers like Nemona, Brassius and Iono without going too out of character. Like with Brassius, Iono retains her outgoing streamer personality and is also the reason why Dot became Nidothing. Her personality is the same and the fact that her Gym Challenge, “Where In Levincia Is Mr. Walksabout?” Is used to find Liko as a nod to the actual challenge in the game where the player had to find Mr. Clavell. While her voice actress is different from the promotional trailer for the game (Ai Fairouz), her anime voice actress Kaede Hondo does a great job capturing Iono’s energy. I can’t wait to see the day the other Paldean trainers make their anime debut. As someone who loved Pokemon Violet, it makes me happy to see the writers respect game canon.
Dot gets positive development in this episode. She actually leaves her room to search for Liko! Talk about the power of friendship indeed! She teams up with Roy and Friede to search for Liko who was in Levincia and not Artazon (that was fake info that Spinel threw in to distract the group). Liko’s kind actions from previous episodes helped Dot break out of her shell; Roy and Liko meet her in person for the first time, which is exciting because it means that Dot will most likely be the tritagonist of this show since she’s Quaxly’s trainer. The fact that Dot is willing to collaborate with Iono to find Liko shows how precious she is to her. I want to see them bond in future episodes. It’s a must!
The fact that Friede goes “Did I forget to tell you?” again shows that this is really an issue that Friede needs to fix. I feel like Friede needs to trust his fellow RVTs more and that the RVTs need to berate him more for this bad habit. Fortunately, Friede makes up for his flaws by helping the kids out. Now that the group finds who the enemy is, they’re going for a counterattack for the pendant.
There are two things that weirded me out in this episode. The first is that Liko had one of Roy’s Ancient Pokeballs in her possession. How did it get there? Why does she have it? I thought Roy was taking care of them. I find that a bit odd. Second, how did Roy get from Artazon to Levincia and only got tired out after arriving at the city? I remember that in the games, the distance between the two cities was quite far by walking. I know that he was chasing after his Wattrel, but still! Roy’s stamina is platinum-leveled confirmed.
Spinel’s a very excellent villain in my opinion. He’s sinister and deceptive. He stalled the RVTs time by giving out fake information about Liko being in Artazon when she was actually in Levincia. Previous episodes had him use his Magnetons to interfere with technology and his Beheeyem hypnotize Liko while he disguised himself as a civilian walking his Umbreon. The fact that he does all these dastardly things makes him such a formidable foe. I wonder where his hideout is and what will happen when he loses the pendant.
What are your thoughts on the amnesia plot point for this episode? Was it contrived? Was it not? How was Iono’s anime debut? I hope you electrifying readers stay tuned for next week for the possible showdown between the RVTs and Spinel. I’ll be tuning in for sure!
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profutured · 2 years
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for the sake of keeping all this information in one place, here's a full list of AIdrés' abilities for as long as he remains within Area Zero. these are not public knowledge!
Locking or opening doors within Area Zero. This can be as simple as keeping the research stations open and accessible to outsiders, or a more complex process of creating/lowering the walls of security barriers in order to force people along a specific path. There is only one door he cannot unlock, and that is the single entrance into Zero Lab.
Manipulation of Zero Lab's facilities, such as lights, temperature, and the elevator that leads down into the time machine room. Should the lab ever become compromised by an unwanted presence, AIdrés is under instruction to make their descent as difficult as possible, and the easy first step is to plunge the whole building into darkness and shut off access to the elevator. The temperature control is to keep the technology working under optimal conditions, so is always being adjusted to account for the outside conditions and the body heat of those present.
Pokeball manipulation, mainly the 'locking' mechanism that prevents a pokemon from being summoned or recalled. He can lock the pokeballs of a specific individual (by targeting their unique Trainer ID), or simply do a blanket attack on every ball not registered to Turo's ID. This only works within Zero Lab, and is most effective in the time machine room.
Giving himself full access to an individual's phone or other digital device. This is an automatic process within Area Zero, usually just a surface-level monitoring of their GPS location, but it can be done outside of this area once he has the target's number or can find them via another's contacts list. It's the easiest way for AIdrés to keep tabs on a person and make sure that they are following any instructions he's given them, even once they've left the crater.
Scanning and investigating every person entering into Area Zero. What information he gains from this will be dependent on just how much of your muse is publicly known, but it's very, very likely that he's going to find something unless we have plotted otherwise. If they are/were a student at the Uva Academy, he'll already know their current grades, class attendances, registered pokemon, student ID number, full name, family address/es and contact information, etc.
Full, unrestricted access to any and all digital databases. There is nothing that can outsmart his AI, and no amount of protections can prevent him getting into those files if he really puts his mind to it. I go into more detail about this here. This isn't usually part of his initial introductory scans, but should you give him reason to become interested, concerned or suspicious, he'll be much more inclined to start delving through the supposedly 'secret' information hoards.
Supreme intelligence, just in general. Aldrés has the intellect of a supercomputer from a billion years in the future, the same time all of the paradoxes are being pulled from. His technology is impossible, it should not exist, but he does. It's fair to say that he goes far beyond the limits of organic intelligence, even when compared to powerful psychic pokemon like Mewtwo.
Pre- or during ScVi, he has control over the Iron Serpent, Miraidon. Not only will it obey his commands in battle, but he has possession of the Master Ball it's bound to and can call it back at any time. Miraidon is never used in the initial confrontation, and instead time machine will summon a team of Paradox pokemon once the phase one Battle Protocols have been activated.
The recognition of different gimmick items, such as Z-Crystals, Dynamax Bands or Mega/Key Stones. They all resonate at a slightly different frequency to Paldea's own Tera Crystals, and can easily be picked up by his sensors even if the item itself isn't visible. He's likely going to ask about these techniques, once he's confirmed someone is indeed capable of using them. He's curious.
On a similar note, he can detect all levels/types of radiation and the particles shed by people like Fallers. The latter will not be immediately identifiable as the influence of Ultra Space (not until he researches further or scans an Ultra Beast), but he will detect something is off.
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g1ga-byte · 2 years
Please tell us about the evil greeta theories and also both professor au pretty please with a cherry on top
Sit tight! It’s gonna be a long read!
This is a common, shared theory that’s been floating around youtube about this subject, but it does make sense. The theory goes that Geeta is the true villian of Paldea, and is recruiting “champions” for her cause: to bring power to the region. Whether she’s preparing for a war or is looking to go to war. Geeta is the only person to hold the rank “Top Champion”, with noone advising her, she’s also the chairwoman of the school and she dictate what is being taught at the school.
While everyone praise her and views her as a great leader, like Nemona, the only ones who show discomfort with her are the Gym Leaders and the Elite Four, who are pretty much governing figures of the region; best example is Larry, who out right saids he does not like her. Speaking of, I have this other sub-theory that the Elite Four are Geeta’s secret service (Hassel can spy on his students for any potenial trainers, Larry can spy on his fellow Gym Leaders, and Rika evaluate those who are taking the league challenge… still trying to figure out Poppy).
Continuing with the E4, Rika saids that Geeta strong armed them into taking these positions, so she has so much power over them to bend them to her will. Another sub-theory I have is that Poppy might be Geeta’s daughter for the reasons, 1) Poppy has the same yellow lines on the back of her head like Geeta, and they both have the same eye color and yellow highlight on them. And 2) Rika said they were force to work for her, what parent(s) in their right mind would do that to a little girl?! Unless, of course, Poppy IS her kid. But I digress…
The symbols on their gloves looks like a compass, but at the same time looks like an all-seeing eyes; note how the E4 flash that symbol before they fight you in one way or another. Something is going on behind the scenes with them and Geeta is behind it.
As for the Turo/Sada AU, it’s pretty much the idea that both professors are together, but Turo dies first from a mishap with the time machine. Sada has her AI based of her late husband, but it was proven to be a bad thing because Sada would slowly subcome to her grieving and loneliness; it looks and talks like Turo, but is NOT him. In this AU, they brought Miraidon first, but them Sada successed in getting Koridon, but is killed by it, and so was the violant beast (this is based of Violet version because that was the version I completed :P )
Hope this helped! I’ll to answer more if you have more questions!
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