#aiden benz
bellygunnr · 1 year
1,47, 64- dealer's choice oc wise
Erica & Buttercup
1 - what's their goal?
As a team, it's to hunt down Erica's brother and his friend, Everett, since they disappeared abruptly one day.
On Buttercup's level, he wants to find a way to get back home -- but that's difficult, as star travel is inaccessible at this time. He also doubts Erica can help him with that, but she figures that whatever Aiden is involved in, will help Buttercup, too.
Buttercup is an "AI" taking the form of a Mercedes-Benz Kompressor.
47 -- what kind of music do they listen to?
They don't make their own music, but Erica listens to a lot of her mother's old CDs. A lot of early 2300s rock and metal. Buttercup errs on the side of Celtic punk.
64 - What do they wish to change in the world?
Too many things to count.
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ghostsofmemories · 4 years
Ocean in the Woods - Update #2
So, if you missed the first update or want a quick refresher (because it’s been over 3 months... wow), here’s the first update, which has a link to the WIP intro if you want to check that out.
Progress has been very slow, but hopefully now that I’m not in such a rut with a million things to do, it’ll move a little bit faster (no promises, though).
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So basically, chapters 2, 3, and 4 are complete and I’ve worked my way up to 10k. It’s a little disappointing considering my original goal was 20k by the end of June and we’re already a few days into July and I only got halfway there, but I already knew that goal wasn’t realistic.
Chapter 2 is called Side Affects of Burnout and is sort of a bonding chapter between Arthur and his younger brother, Aiden. I like this chapter well enough, but I think I put this too early in the story and didn’t do enough to drive home the fact that Aiden and Arthur have a strained relationship before having them bond. However, I’m not all that worried about fixing that because no one is ever going to read this book. I was considering putting it on Wattpad in the beginning, but I’m actually perfectly content with, uh, not doing that. 
With that said, here are some fun little excerpts from Side Affects of Burnout, featuring Lance’s intro to the plot (not very many of the excerpts are well-written, I kind of gave up on editing as I went a couple weeks ago and have some passes to do before I keep going):
I had Lance in my first period, and I knew he wouldn’t notice that something was off with me. Usually, he was pretty oblivious to the rest of the world (in a very well-intentioned way) unless someone told him something was going on. He was the odd one out in our group of friends: the only one who checked the typical boxes. Cis, straight, and white. The rest of us were oddballs in school, but Lance was the oddball in our hearts.
He was folding paper airplanes out of post-it notes when I walked into the classroom. His hair was sandy blonde, uncombed, and he was wearing cargo shorts with a Darth Vader t-shirt. I was almost positive he had seen a maximum of two Star Wars movies.
“Hey,” he said, “what’s up?”
“The usual,” I said. “Sky. Clouds. Trees.” I sat in my chair next to him. Mr. Nelson didn’t assign seats, but everyone always sat in the same place. We were drawn to routine.
“That’s good,” he said, nodding, “if the sky is still up, then the world’s doing alright.”
I started out the story with Lance being somewhat of a comic relief, but I think I’m already beginning to feel some tension building up in regards to everyone labeling him as oblivious and stupid. He’s really sweet and I think he notices a lot, but just doesn’t say much about it. Here’s another section where everyone quips at Lance for being a himbo:
“Afternoon, lady and gent,” he said, sitting across from Maya and nodding at each of us respectively.
“It’s actually 11:30am,” Maya said, stealing another fry from my plate. “Labels and time in general are useless if you refuse to use them correctly.”
“Smartass,” Lance said through a bite of his sandwich. “I was just trying to be nice.”
“And I was just trying to spare you the humiliation of realizing you were wrong on your own,” she said. She started bouncing her leg after she was done stealing my fries, not knowing how to do nothing.
“He wouldn’t’ve realized on his own, Maya,” Ollie said, setting their tray down across the table from mine. “He doesn’t wear a watch or check the time.”
Vanessa, as usual, wasn’t far behind. “Lance, can you even read the time?” She was joking, of course. We always joked with Lance that way.
“Of course I can,” he said, sitting up straighter, “I just choose not to.”
And now, some of the Big Sad with Aiden and Arthur:
But the silence wasn’t horrible. I didn’t ask him to give back the water bottle I’d handed him, and I didn’t ask him why he’d been crying, and I didn’t ask him how he was tired enough to fall asleep sitting up (I also didn’t ask him to move when his head ended up on my shoulder). I wanted to be a good brother. I didn’t always need to know the details.
I love them so much and I’m kind of desperate to explore their relationship more, but so far all this book is teaching me is that I do not know how to manage all these subplots alongside the major plot of killing a monster. I’m pretty sure this’ll be the last fantasy book I ever write. Here’s a snippet of a one-sided conversation while the boys are waiting for water to boil so they can make mac n cheese.
“Hey, you can talk to me,” I said, trying to be gentle and quiet without letting my voice get pitchy. He didn’t look up, but he nodded again, his face lost in his sweater sleeves.
It was different, seeing him like this. I was so used to the Aiden that was always either smiling or sarcastic. I probably hadn’t seen him sad since he was a little kid, scraping his knees on the driveway and losing the watch he got for Christmas. He would breathe fast and panicky back then, when something went wrong. Now his breathing was slow and controlled, albeit shaky.
So yeah. At the end of this chapter, Aiden sees a girl out the window (who is Ocean, but he doesn’t know it yet) and he goes to talk to her and bring her water, and we move on to Chapter 3: River Runner. In which Ocean basically guilt trips Arthur into helping her fight the monster she brought there.
“I wasn’t mad about you not understanding my problems,” she said, standing up to follow me. I ignored her and kept walking. “I was mad at you for just sitting there and not knowing what to do besides ask stupid questions. I’m mad because you know there’s something wrong and you don’t care.”
“Why should I care?” I asked, walking faster. She would follow me all the way back to my house if she wanted to. “I don’t even know what’s going on. I don’t know you and I don’t care, so handle this on your own.”
“I don’t know how to do it on my own!” she shouted, cutting around a tree and walking beside me. “I don’t exactly dedicate my life to putting myself in danger and fighting evil creatures and saving the world.”
“So why do you expect me to do it at a ten minute’s notice?”
“You’re impossible.”
“All of this,” I said between my teeth, stopping in my tracks and closing my eyes, “is impossible. You—I was never supposed to meet you. This wasn’t supposed to happen to me.”
“Well it did. And there’s no taking it back now,” she said, stepping toward me. I opened my eyes, then. She was right about my height, maybe a little bit taller than me. “There is no supposed to. There’s only did and didn’t, do and don’t. And you have to decide which one you’re going with, because there is a right answer. And if you choose the wrong one, I’ll find someone else. You’ll be the boy who did nothing.”
I didn’t like how she could twist words and use them to make me do things. I didn’t want to help, but I didn’t want to do nothing.
“Fine, then.”
Pretty much all of River Runner is these two idiots yelling at each other, minus the part where Ocean is trying to open a portal. I won’t be putting an excerpt of that because it’s still extremely messy and that scene needs to be rewritten.
I only just started Chapter 5: Her and the Sun, but I’m liking it so far. There’s a lot of Maya in this chapter, including another mini description of her. Maya might be my favorite character in the book, honestly. I’ll leave it to Arthur to explain why.
She was crazy in the best way a person can be, I think. Where my mom would call me a little over the place, Maya would be in a thousand places at once. She was everything and everywhere and she could be everyone, too, if she could be.
For almost as long as I could remember, Maya and I were partners in crime. She led us into dozens of disasters and got us out of each one, too. Like when she helped me shave my head after I told her I was trans (but before I told anyone else) and told my parents there was a huge wad of gum in my hair.
“Trust me,” she told my dad, fourteen with huge eyes and hair that could compete in size with anyone else’s in the neighborhood, “my sister tried to fix it and this is a huge improvement.”
Maya’s sister is a hairdresser, at the time, but she had no idea what we were up to. Maya was just so convincing that no one bothered to check in with anyone else.
So, that’s pretty much it. Not my greatest writing, but at this point any words are good words, you know?
Click here to buy cool stuff my friend and I designed, where 100% of the profits go to the Black Lives Matter organization!
Click here to read my most recent poem
Taglist (send an ask/message if you’d like to be added): @brooklyn-etc @coffeeandcalligraphy @my-lifes-one-big-critical-fail @kozyisa-tries-to-write​
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one-fan-gurl · 4 years
Why did I Sign up for this Again?
Quirk: water control.
Can take the water from the air, but more comfortable using body of waters
Saltwater is easier but freshwater is also strong.
Can be healed from water, with a lot of stamina can also heal others
Making weapons with water, rather use real weapons
Skilled in sword and knife fights.
Bloodbending. With a lot more practice it can be mastered.
Can have water increase stamina
The quirk has a side effect: having ADHD and Dyslexia. They are minor cases, but they can still mess up some things.
Japan. That's very different from California. It actually snows there. But that is not important right now. Right now, it’s that your mother had to transfer back to Japan. Lucky Japanese is a second language, having your mother speak it to you everyday. In California there aren't a lot of hero schools. So you had to train your quirk on your own, which was hard. But it paid off, having total control over your quirk.
The plane ride was boring. All you did was listen to music and write about some heroes. Going to a different country means many things, but one thing stands out for you. New heroes. Japanese magazines about Heroes and a couple of notebooks stack around you. With reading and writing the tie flies very quickly. The only break was when you had to go to sleep. When the plane touched land, your stomach flipped. It has always been your dad’s dream to go back to Japan, but unfortunately he died before the trip was made.
Thinking back to the day when a villain decided to put a metal rod through your dad’s body. Shaking your head to get rid of the horrid memory.
“Welcome to Tokyo, Japan. It is 80 degrees and sunny. Hope you had a great flight with xxxxx airlines, and hope you fly with us soon!” a stuertess said through the PA system. Having  all your stuff packed you just grabbed the off-white backpack from under the seat. Waiting for an opening in the line to get out. You checked your suitcase, so there is less hassle to get off the plane.
“Hope you landed well! A car is going to pick you up. <3″ - mom
“Kk. Can't wait till I see you soon!”
Sighing, you put your phone in the back pocket of your hoodie. Your mom had to clear things up with her work, so you had to fly alone. Slinging the backpack strap on one shoulder and walked out of the airplane. Thanking the people up front, and silently walking through the airport. Spotting a bathroom, and quietly walked into a stall. Having time to burn, you just fixed your appearance. You have never been a girl about your appearance, but you kinda just walked out of a 12 hour flight.
The gray hoodie with the words ‘Harvard’ written in it with red ink, being a graduate from the college, black leggings with pockets on the sides, and dark green high tops. It was your ‘airplane clothes’. Comfy and practical. (h/c) tied in a messy bun, and thin rimmed reading glasses frame your face. After realizing there is nothing really to fix, you just grabbed your bag and walked towards the check bags. Waiting for a Louis Vuitton suitcase, you just played some Clash Royale on your phone. After winning a 2v2, your suitcase came out of the opening.
Rushing towards the suitcase. Pulling the expensive suitcase towards the ground, and started to walk towards the sign with your last name on it. Following the man in a black suit, to a black Mercedes Benz. (if you haven’t noticed your loaded with money) a notification popped up while scrolling through Instagram.
“There is a surprise for you at the house!” -mom
“I'm scared…<3”
The drive was very relaxing. The scenery of Japan flies through windows, only to slow down at stop signs. About 10 minutes into the drive, the car stopped. The driver got out of the car, to open your door. Looking up at your new home. An apartment complex. Thanking the driver, grabbing your suitcase, walking towards the entrance. The foyer is beautiful. All white and modern, but with some splashes of black here and there. Walking towards the person at the front desk.
“Hi. I’m here to pick up my keys.” showing the lady my drivers license. “My mom was supposed to call for me to pick up the keys for the apartment.”
“Ah yes.” the lady, Sakura, pulled a key and a car key from a desk drawer. “The vehicle is in the garage. Spot 7. I can get a bellman to bring up your luggage if you want.”
“Uh,” looking behind you, seeing one suitcase. “I think that won't be necessary. Thank you though.” bowing slightly and went towards the elevator. Suitcase and backpack in hand.
The apartment was amazing. The whole 74th floor is the house. A modern but with some rustic feel to the complex. Already furnished, mom had her friend to decorate it, so the homey feel is setting in. going to room to room, to get a familiar feel to your next home. Walking into your room, your jaw dropped. The view is amazing. Floor to ceiling windows showing the city of Tokyo. A king sized bed in the middle, glass separating the closet and the bedroom. An off-white fuzzy run on the floor, with a chair in the corner with a desk on the other side of the corner. Whoever did the decorations did an amazing job. The closet is bare, which reminded you to go to the mall. Putting the suitcase in our room. Grabbed the apartment keys and the mystery vehicle keys, and walked out. Going to the elevator, which is in a small corner near the living room, and excitedly pushed the garage level. The wait was antagonizing. But when you looked for spot 7, the wait was so worth it.
In the middle of the spot was a black motorcycle cruiser. A helmet and a black leather jacket on top of the vehicle. Squealing, you sent a quick thank you text to your mom. And ran towards your new motorcycle. You and your friend, Aiden, were fixing up a motorcycle back in the states. The cycle was supposed to be shared between the both of them. But after you got news of moving, gave full custody of the cycle to Aiden. Sending a picture of the vehicle to said friend before taking off your hoodie and replacing it with the leather jacket. Putting the hoodie in the compartment in the seat, and putting the helmet on. Key in the ignition, ready to kick the kickstand up. Revving the motor before going into the streets.
Explaining how it feels when you ride on a motorcycle is like riding a rollercoaster. Just more dangerous, and more control. Weaving in and out of the lanes, going faster every minute. But still in the speed limit. Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall, the mall that was the largest you could find. A group of students walk in front of you. Showing off, you revved the engine. A boy with red spiky hair went all fanboy. All the students started to push the boy away from you. Silently laughing, but the light changed. So you just went towards the parking lot.
No ones pov
It was a normal day. The students who were worried about not going to the training camp were relieved. Everyone gets to go to the camp, only the people who didn't pass have consequences. But that is not the point, the point was Toru Hagakure suggested going to the mall to shop for the upcoming event. And that is how everyone, except Bakugou and Todoroki, were walking across the street to the mall. All the cars waiting for the light to change and the students to cross. But Kirashima had to point out a motorcycle.
“Oh my god!” the red head practically squealed. “Look at that bike. So manly.” Obviously the biker heard the comment and revved the engine. Which made the boy squeal even more.
“Forget the bike. Look at the chick on it.” the class pervert commented only to mutter how ‘he wants her to ride him like she is riding that bike.’ getting a smack in the head while at it too. When the class 1-A got in the mall, they split up.
Little do any of the class knows, a villain is stalking them.
Back to your pov
As you park your new vehicle, the hair on your neck tiggles. It's not like you have a ‘spidey sense’, you just have a feeling when there is danger. Smoothing your (h/c) hair, to tame back the frizz. One thing about motorcycles that suck: the helmet hair. Walking into the mall, only to find a man with a black hoodie over his head.
‘Not suspicious at all’ rolling your eyes silently. Keeping an eye on the black hoodie, to find him go after a green haired boy. Hand next to the boy's neck. As you sigh, calling the police.
“911 whats your emergency?” a woman resided the line.
“Hi, I would like to report a villain attack on the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall. Nothing big, just a villain dressed up as a civilian and talking to a person. So if you could, have no sound of police coming this way or a man in uniform. It would make the villain lash out.” you just stated without having the other person talk.
“Of course. I'll bring an underground hero out there.” the woman on the other side of the phone answered. Obviously impressed by the authority in your voice.
“Good, if you mind telling me their name?”
“Ok, thank you.”
A little bit of time passed, the villain only moved to sit down. Out of the corner of your eye you see a man in black and a scarf around his neck. Walking towards him, to point out what is happening.
“Hi. Are you Eraserhead?” putting your phone back in your jacket pocket.
“Yes, who is asking?” the man with black hair and goggles aksed
“The person who called.” you deadpanned, not any emotion lased in your voice or on your face. “Anyways, that's the villain. He obviously has a quirk that revolves his fingers. Do what you want with him. I just wanted clothes.” the last part you mumbled while crossing your arms.
“Ya, we ran into him a while back. Thanks for the call.” Eraserhead eyes locked into the black hoodie. “I got this.” as he walked off, you just scoffed.
‘Cocky much.’ following the underground hero towards the villain. Refusing to leave until the villain is locked up. The hero did a loop, until he could see Shigaraki. Walking towards Izuku and Shigaraki. You on the other hand was coming from behind. As if he could see behind him, you and the villain locked eyes. Raising an eyebrow, a smirk plastered on your face.
“Shigaraki.” the villain looked turned around so fast you can almost hear a crack. “Let my student go.” hair defying gravity and eyes glowing red. The civilians scattered when they saw a hero and the villain. The only people on the floor are you, the green haired boy, the villain, and the hero. More of the students are coming down to the main level
“Oh!” the red head pointed at you, “that's the same girl who was on the motorcycle.” scowling a little bit but got distracted when the hero winced.
‘A time limit.’ making no sound at all, you went up to the villain. Many of the students didn't say a word, only stunned by you. Being right behind him, you put your thumb on one artery and forefingers on the other one.
“Sleep.” after 5 seconds holding down the blood vessels. Tomura Shigaraki passed out. Eraserhead stopped his quirk, and the younger boy just moved to see you. “Cool. Now I have to get clothes.” turning away to the escalator. Stopping right before stepping towards the stairs. And ducked. Turning around to find an angry teacher, his scarf levitating. “What?” snapping at the black haired man.
“You are going to be questioned.” deadpanning. You on the hand were not amused.
“Ah, ok. let me just answer some questions.” crossing your arms, “Oh wait. No one is here to ask the questions. But you're not gonna ask any questions, the police ask the questions. Even if you could, you wouldn't even ask them. Seeing your an underground hero and a teacher, you rather be grading test papers then ask a teenage girl questions. Now until the police are here, I will be getting clothes. So I’m not going to be clothless the next day.” huffing you walk up the escalators, before disappearing you threw a glare at the hero.
The villain disappeared from a warp quirk, and you continued shopping until the police came by the mall. Hearing the sirens coming close, so you just picked up the 7 bags, and walked out of the shop. The shopping bags hung on your arms, 3 on your left arm, 2 on the other, and your phone in hand. Typing a number in and pressed call.
“Hello. This is (y/n) (y/l/n) I need a car to take my bags back to my house. But I drove here so if you take the bags into the front desk everything will be taken care of.” the driving agency responded with a quick ‘yes.’ Hanging up the call only to call another number.
“Hello this is xxxx apartment complex. This is Aito speaking, how can i help you” Aito spoke through through the phone
“Hi. This is (y/n) (y/l/n), resident of the 74th floor.” stepping onto the escalator going down, “i will be having 5 bags going to the apartment. I got stuck in a villain attack, so someone will be bringing my bags. If you could keep them for me that would be amazing.” Everyone is now staring at you.
“Would you like someone to bring the bags up for you?” the man politely asked.
“Oh, of course. Thank you so much.” a small smile covered your face, “you have a good day.”
“You too miss.” the line ended right when you stepped off the stairs. Walking towards the hero class and hero teacher. Leather jacket now unzipped, showing a red v-neck shirt. A boy with balls for hair started to drool. Backing away from the child, you looked at the class. Sirens stopped as the police force came out of the cars.
(questioning but i'm too lazy to write it out right now… maybe will write it out one day.)
A girl with black hair, which is in a ponytail, came up to you. You put your clothes in the car, before turning towards the girl.
“Hi I’m Momo Yaoyorozu.” holding out a hand, meeting her hand in the middle.
“(y/n) (y/l/n).” Yaoyorozu gasped. “Um you ok?”
“Your (y/n) (y/l/n)!” the girl gushed, following you towards your bike. The class followed their vise president with confusion. The random girl, who knocked out a villain with a couple of seconds, and their most beloved student together. As the class followed their friend out towards the parking lot.
“Ha! I didn't know I was famous over here too.” a hand went up to rub your neck, blush started to creep on your face. “Hi! Im (y/n) (y/l/n).” waving at the rest of the class, smiling a bright smile.
‘Wow. it's just like Midoriya’s smile.’ The thought went through many people’s minds.
Kirishima bravely walked up towards your bike. Started to ramble about ‘manliness’ and ‘how cool the bike was’
“Kirishima, Yaoyorozu.” a bored voice came from behind the group, “please step away from (y/n). You guys need to get back home anyways.” as if the underground hero was the plague, the students sepretted. Now it was just the grown man and you.
“Sorry for being rude today.” bowing slightly, “I came off of a 12 hour flight and was just a little bit tired of villains.”
“Apology accepted,” the pro hero put some eye drops in the irritated eyes, “just don't make a habit of it.” nodding slightly, you turned towards your bike. Putting one leg over the body of the bike, about to put on your helmet. Only to stop from the teacher’s voice. “(y/n) can I see your licence.”
Pulling out the license. Having already got your japanese drivers license. The teacher nodded at the license before giving back the car and one other.
A business card.
The principle of UA.
“Call him, I think you would be great in the hero course.” the tired man just walked towards his car. Looking at the card, before putting it in your pocket, zipping the pocket closed, and putting on your helmet. Feeling the gaze of the homeroom teacher still on you. Before kicking up the kickstand and going towards the street. Waving at the teacher as you passed by the car. Smirking underneath the helmet.
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ichoriism · 4 years
what color is your love language ?
your result: SCARLET !
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keywords:   passion, intense, flames. A love that lights you on fire. You don’t do anything by halves, and this is doubly true when it comes to love. You’re an incredibly intense and complex person. Your ideal partner is somebody who can match your intensity and feed the flame that keeps you interested in things. Most likely to be great in bed and to break hearts without meaning to, you’ve probably had few ‘casual’ relationships and tend to love with your whole heart. best matched with: Scarlet, Mulberry, Peacock.
tagged by:  @lcvewave @thecosmicsen { ‘ *wiggles eyebrows at jaewoo* } tagging:   @itsacriime ( taeyeon, jinho ) @aeqvoreal ( jinah ) @cvntagiious ( seungyeon ) @dancxtaem @eastsolis @goodevcning @kkxai​ @2oners​
your result: MULBERRY !
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keywords:   romance, slow-burning, devotion. The love of yearning, of candlelit nights spend staring longingly at your lover's hands or of cramping your own with the effort of writing the perfect love letter, yours is the love that transcends time, expectations, and patience. When you're in love with somebody, you give them your whole heart. An extremely loyal, thoughtful, and introspective person, your ideal date may involve simply opening a bottle of wine and reveling in the company of your favourite person. Voted most likely to fall in love with somebody who your soul remembers from a past life - if you believe in that sort of thing. best matched with: Scarlet, Mulberry, Peacock.
tagged by:  @eljudnnir​  tagging:  @itsacriime ( tao, benz, mingyu– ) @huntors​ @denouae​ @botrusanimarum​ @clairdclunc​ ( nox ) @eljudnnir​ ( wrath & haewon ) @milkiwaes​ ( rex ) @wndcrlnd​ ( orion ) @trickerxlife​ ( aiden & lucky ) && honestly steal this and tag me! 
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divinebeauties · 7 years
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Aiden Curtiss backstage at the 2017 #VSFashionShow on November 20, 2017 at Mercedes-Benz Arena in Shanghai, China.
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were-cheetah-stiles · 7 years
The Recruit (Chapter 29) - Mitch Rapp
Author: @were-cheetah-stiles
Title: “Day 106, Part I”
Characters: Mitch Rapp, Stan Hurley, Aiden Breen, Ghost & Reader/OFC
Warning: male violence against female, torture, death. the usual.
Author’s Note: Watch Me! Also, thanks, thanks, thanks to @samann98 for allowing me to use her gif of Mitch straight up abusing that woman. Not only is her gifs great quality, but so is her blog. Go follow her :) She was an instant follow for me. Also, thanks to @obriens for that Mitch drowning gif. what a super babe, like, Linna is my source of all things Dylan and my love for her is undying for that. One last thank you to @sterek for Mitch with an AR, aka, my aesthetic. Really doing me fan service with these amazing gifs.
Summary: On the team's first day in Rome, Ghost abducts Stan and sets the two young agents on a path that they cannot turn back from.
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Chapter Twenty-Nine - Chapter Thirty
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"What is it you think we do here?" Stan asked, leaning back into his chair and looking from the Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi to Mitch sitting across from him at the small table.
"Kill people who need to be killed." Mitch answered nonchalantly.
"Exactly. At least you get that part of the job."
"Play nice, boys. We were all getting along so well for a minute there." You said dryly through their earpieces. Mitch looked across Piazza Navona to where you sat on the opposite side of the fountain, lazily eating gelato and people watching, trying to blend in with the tourists while actually keeping your eyes peeled for Ghost. "Wait, wait.... I think... Yea, no, I have eyes on Ghost. He's heading towards the south end of the Piazza."
"I'm pursuing. Mitch, cover my six." Stan said as he stood, took one last sip from his coffee and then walked away from the table and his young protégé.
Mitch glanced to his right, and saw you heading towards a trashcan to toss your iced treat and begin to follow Stan and Mitch. He got up from his metal chair and heard the legs scrape against the cobblestone underneath as he pushed it backwards. Mitch began to leisurely tail Stan, glancing around up at the buildings above. Any other tourist that saw Mitch would simply assume he was admiring the ancient architecture, but Mitch was actually checking for snipers and surveillance.
“Anything?” You said into Mitch’s ear, as you casually glanced over at him from across the piazza. Mitch subtley shook his head, and looked ahead at Stan.
“Fall back, kid. You’re getting too eager.” Stan mumbled into his mouthpiece.
Mitch rolled his eyes, but did as he was directed. He fell back and acted as if he was particularly interested in the plaque that you were pretending to read at the edge of the square. You watched as Stan weaved his way through the crowds of tourists to pursue the man wearing a beanie and a high collared jacket that you had positively assumed was Ghost.
"Hurley, I'm losing a visual on you.. Mitch and I are pursuing." You said with a not-so-subtle amount of concern in your voice.
Mitch turned to you, and covered his microphone so that Aiden and Stan couldn't hear him. "Y/f/i, go get the car.." You contorted your face into a bewildered frown. "Y/n/n... please."
You rolled your eyes, huffed, and broke off. "Keep me updated on your locations. I'm bringing the car around to follow." You took off on a hard jog back to the other side of the square where the black Maserati, that you had been provided with, sat.
"He's getting sloppy, Rapp, keep hanging back. I've got him." Stan directed.
Mitch's instincts were telling him to catch up though. Something was not right about all of this. If Ghost were trained anything like you and Mitch, he would know that he was being tailed and he would have had dozens of opportunities to shake them in the busy and narrow streets outside of Piazza Navona.
"Stan, what's your twenty? I've lost visual." Aiden requested through all of your earpieces. "Hurley?" Aiden repeated himself. "Rapp, do you have a visual on Agent Hurley?"
"Negative. I've lost him...." Mitch began bobbing and weaving through the crowd. "Do you have a visual on Ghost, Breen?"
"Negative. I've lost them both." Aiden answered, frantically.
"Play back the footage, Aiden. Find him!" You demanded, pulling the car around on the outskirts of the popular Italian tourist destination.
"I found his earpiece.. He's gone." Mitch reported, picking Stan's earpiece up from the dirty cobblestone streets. He rolled the tan and sticky, ear-wax covered listening device in his fingers and then finally shoved it in his jeans pocket. "Come on, Breen... Anything?"
"I GOT HIM. I got him! Ghost snatched him into the alley fifteen yard behind you on your right." Aiden said, both excited and upset.
Mitch began running back to the alley where Stan had gotten snatched, but paused when he heard people screaming and cursing in Italian and other Romance languages. Then he heard an engine revving, and suddenly, you appeared, parting the crowds as you drove aggressively towards his location.
Mitch hopped in the passenger seat, gripping the handle above the door, as you tore down the alley. "Of course Ghost was getting sloppy; it was a fucking trap. I should've known. I should've saw it coming." Mitch lamented, clenching his teeth over his disappointment in himself, and slamming his fist against the cushioned panel of the door next to him.
"I've got footage. I think he stuck him with something, cause I have Ghost stuffing Stan into the trunk of a silver Benz, and he is not fighting back." Aiden revealed.
"Where, Breen? I'm running out of alley here." You shifted into the next gear as the alley narrowed.
"Take the left. Two blocks, then a right. He's not that far ahead."
You pressed your foot down on the gas pedal further, hearing the sound of ancient brick scraping metal as sparks flew off of your side mirrors. The alley had finally narrowed too much and took both of your mirrors off. You didn't need them anyway. Stan had taught you offensive and tactical driving before he taught you how to parallel park.
"I'm on him, I'm on him." You sped up further and Mitch decided to put his seatbelt on. He swayed with the movement of the car, simply a bystander in the high speed chase for Stan.
"Who the fuck is this guy and why'd he take Stan? Am I the only one who still feels like there is something that Stan isn't telling us?" Mitch was angry. He didn't like feeling like he was behind the curve and he didn't like it when someone got the jump on him. No one answered his question.
"Holy shit, I'm watching the footage back. There was a woman following you and Stan, Mitch."
"Did she get in the car with Ghost?" Mitch inquired.
"Where is she now, Aiden?" You asked, leaning to your right and turning the wheel to make a sharp turn to continue pursuing Ghost, who had jumped the curb and was now driving up on the sidewalk of a busy Roman street, clipping a few pedestrians with his side mirrors in the process.
"Heading back to Piazza Navona."
"Collect her, Breen."
"I'm already on it." Aiden replied to Mitch.
"WHERE THE FUCK DID HE JUST GO?!" You shouted, slowing your speed down. "FUCK." You slowed to an abrupt stop and slammed your hands against the steering wheel. Regardless of your perfect tactical driving, Ghost had managed to lose you. You were beginning to understand how he received his nickname.
"It wasn't you. I lost him too, Y/f/i. We gotta get out of here though." Mitch glanced over at you, hearing the police sirens wailing in the distance. You rolled your head back and forth on your neck. You were angry.
"We’re coming back for you, Aiden." You said as you threw the car back into drive and raced off back towards Piazza Navona to pick up the agent and, hopefully, a hostage.
You stood outside of the door, your arms folded across your chest and a scowl resting on your lips, as you watched Mitch corner the woman, who had been following him earlier, against the white tiled wall. She was a beautiful American woman with long brown hair and a southern drawl, and you wondered what it would take to break her and start getting some answers. Mitch and Aiden had already roughed her up in the living room earlier in the evening, but it yielded no results. You stepped over to the bathtub in the bathroom and turned off the running faucets. The room suddenly became quiet besides the sound of Mitch and the woman breathing heavily.
"We don't have to do this. Just answer my questions." Mitch snarled at the woman. He was standing in front of her, shirtless. His muscles rippled down his arms and back as he leaned his arms against the wall on either of side of her.
The woman, rubbed the back of her hand against the blood dripping down her chin from her split lip, and then she spat on the ground next to Mitch's feet. Mitch was done playing nice. He slammed his right hand against the wall, next to her ear, and screamed expletives inches from her face. She recoiled, turning to her left, to see you staring coldly back, your left hand resting on the Glock on your hip-holster.
"I once saw him break a porcelain sink with a man's face. Do you really want that to be your fate?" A tinge of fear lit up the woman's eyes.
"Just tell me." Mitch put his left hand gently around her throat, almost hovering. Allowing her to understand the threat of what was to come if she didn't start speaking.
She looked at you, seemingly for help, and you simply raised your eyebrows. "Fuck you, CIA scum." The woman snarled back.
Mitch's upper lip twitched up momentarily, and he could feel his blood pressure rising. He was done. It was time to kick things up a notch. Mitch wrapped his hands around the neck of the woman's shirt, spinning her around to the other side of the bathroom, and he slammed her against the wall above the bathtub. Small cracks began to form in the tile from the impact. She yelped out in agony as her head made harsh contact with the porcelain of the edge of the tub. Mitch then pushed her under the water.
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She fought back with her whole body against Mitch. She thrashed about in the water, spilling it on the floor and drenching Mitch. Mitch pulled her out from under the water, his hands still wrapped around her throat, staying just out of her reach as she tried to claw at his face. He submerged her again without asking any questions. She thrashed and thrashed and Mitch pulled her above a second time.
"Where is Ghost?!" Mitch screamed in her face. She clawed at his arms, and screamed in his face. Mitch dunked her under the surface once more. This went on for several more minutes; Mitch alway pulling her out just as her lungs began to give out.
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"I'm not telling you anything. Just drown me already!" The woman screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks.
You frowned. This was not going to work. "M." Mitch slammed the woman against the tile wall once more, too enraged to even hear you. "M!" You yelled, finally garnering Mitch's attention. "Take a break. Let me give it a go." Mitch nodded. "Agent Breen, can you get me one of the chairs and some duct tape?"
Mitch placed the woman in the desk chair from the living room, securing her body against the chair and her hands against the adjustable arms. "What do you need from me?" Mitch asked you, staring sweetly at you. You stepped up to run your fingers through his almost curly hair and stared at the amber eyes through his beautifully dark, long eyelashes.
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"To go take a break. We're gonna talk. Just us girls." You smiled at the woman, who glared in response.
Mitch began to walk out the door, before he turned around and leaned over to whisper in your ear. "I'm right outside if you need me."
"I know. I’ll be fine." You flashed him a genuine and relaxed smile and reached into one of Stan's bags.
Mitch shut the door and glanced at his arm, it was bleeding from the deep claw marks she had left, then he glanced down at his pants. He was drenched. Mitch walked over to his duffel by the bed and grabbed his other pair of jeans. He began to pull his black leather belt through the belt loops of his dry pair of pants when he heard the woman give out a blood curdling scream. Mitch noticed that he was the only one who ran to the door, as Aiden remained reclined on the sofa, picking through a plate of french fries.
He decided if Aiden wasn't concerned then maybe you were just doing your job. "You okay, Y/f/i?" Mitch asked through the bathroom door.
"Just talking about boys, M." You joked, and Mitch smirked. You were a little crazier than he knew, but then again, he was a little crazier than you knew. Mitch was not one to judge.
Mitch paced the room. The screaming had ceased about ten minutes prior and Mitch was growing anxious. Finally, the door opened, and you walked out, drying your hands off on a white bath towel. He noticed red marks on the plush towel when you threw it on the ground in the corner.
"I need a secure line with the Director." You told Aiden, who got up and walked to his computer.
"She talked?" Mitch asked, the surprise overly evident in his voice.
"She fucking sung." You replied.
"The Director." Aiden handed a hardwired phone to you, who remained standing in front of Mitch.
Mitch glanced over your shoulder and saw the woman slumped over in the chair, blood dripping onto the floor from her hands. "Director, Jennifer Blake. Yes, Ma'am, I know that.... We got her to talk. There is something going on here with Ghost and Agent Hurley, first of all. She said that he had been planning on abducting him and killing him from the moment he found out we landed in Rome. He lured us here." You paused and listened to Irene Kennedy on the other end of the line. "The real objective is that he has created more than one nuke. He's weaponized all of it and sent it off to various ports around the Mediterranean." Mitch raised his eyebrows in shock over what you had just told Kennedy. "Yes, Ma'am. Alexandria, Egypt, Athens, Greece, Barcelona, Spain, Beirut, Lebanon, Tel Aviv, Israel, Tripoli, Libya, and here, in Rome, as well." You looked up into Mitch's eyes with a tinge of fear. "Yes, Ma'am, she did. Aeroporto Internazionale Leonardo da Vinci." Mitch recognized the name. You gave the Italian name for Rome Fiumicino Airport, one of the busiest airports in Europe, and he suddenly understood that Ghost wanted carnage and to make this a true international incident. "Less than twenty-four hours, Ma'am." You nodded. "No, Ma'am. He has many more trusted associates who he has sent off with the other bombs.... Yes, Ma'am, if you secure us some assistance and transportation from the army, Rapp and I can take care of the nuke here and Ghost. He's still in the city, Ma'am. Yes, Ma'am.. Thank you."
You pulled the phone away from your ear and handed it to Mitch. "Yes, Ma'am. I understand." He watched as you turned around, grabbed a silencer from a supply table in the living area, and walked back towards the bathroom. You wrapped your fingers around the base of your gun, and pulled it out of your holster, then began screwing the suppressor onto the nose of the firearm. The woman weakly lifted her head at the sound of your footsteps on the hard tile floor. No sooner than when she looked up, did you lift your Glock and squeeze the trigger. The woman tipped the chair backwards, and crashed against the wet ground. You holstered your weapon and watched as a pool of red liquid began to move across the floor next to the woman's head. "Yes, Ma'am." Mitch gulped. "Thank you." He handed the phone back to Aiden who listened to Irene speak.
"She was ex-CIA like Ghost. Irene and the Agency thought she was dead. Apparently, she was part of Ghost's class." You gestured to the dead body in the bathroom.
"They didn't want us to bring her in?" Mitch asked.
You shook your head, and Mitch noticed your hands shaking. It was the first time you had killed someone without it being self-defense. You were frightened by how easy it was to do. "Stansfield wanted to tie up loose ends." You explained of the CIA Director, and Irene's boss.
Mitch turned his body in between Aiden and you, blocking the view of you, regardless of the fact that Aiden had his back turned to the two of you and was engulfed in his conversation with Irene. "You okay, Y/n/n? I could've done it, you know." He held your bloodied hands in his and gently rubbed his thumbs against your palms.
You looked up at him and nodded unconvincingly. "I would've had to kill someone eventually." You spoke the truth and Mitch nodded.
You and Mitch sat next to each other on the Boeing CH-47 Chinook Italian military helicopter, as it flew you out to Fiumicino to look for Ghost's temporary lair. The woman who you had identified as Jennifer Blake, one of Ghost's most trusted associates, had not been sure whether or not Ghost had been planning on making it out of this ordeal alive. That fact made him all the more dangerous. If Ghost was on a suicide mission, and had nothing left to lose, he was an even greater threat than previously predicted. The Chinook touched down on the tarmac of Fiumicino and you and Mitch were ushered to a small black Maserati, the car that you had requested be waiting for you when you landed.
Mitch hopped into the driver's seat and you directed him to the coordinates that you had received from Jennifer Blake. They brought you into an underground sewer tunnel that Mitch zipped through in the car. You fidgeted in your seat and rubbed at your wounded left arm; you had been enduring the pain and going on like you hadn't been shot less than forty-eight hours before.
"You okay?" Mitch asked over the revving of the supercharged engine.
"Just worried about Stan and that we aren't going to be able to stop all of this." You replied, watching Mitch slow to turn down a wider tunnel.
"We will, Y/n/n. I know we will, and Stan isn't new to this life. He's fine." Mitch couldn't be as soft and tender with you as he would want to be normally, mostly because he wasn't one-hundred percent confident that what he was telling you was true.
As Mitch drove through the tunnel and began seeing a growing light, he also began seeing figures get closer, blocking the way. He shifted into a higher gear and sped up. "They have guns." You announced the obvious.
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"Get down." He pulled you across the center console and rested your head in his lap, then leaned to the left, towards the driver's side door, as the three henchmen sprayed the windshield of the Masertati with automatic-weapon firepower. The men backed up towards a locked metal gate blocking the way, and Mitch shifted into his highest gear. Two of the men stopped firing and began running back towards the gate, but the man in a blue and red, knockoff Adidas tracksuit, in the middle, continued his firing and Mitch pressed his foot to the floor of the car. The Maserati bounced as the man went under the front and then back tires. The man on the left of the car got torn in half by the grill of the car, also finding his way under the tires, and the man on the right got badly clipped by the mirror, splattering blood all over your passenger side window. The car blew straight through the gate, leaving it mangled and destroyed in its wake.
Mitch let go of his grip on your head and your eyes widened as you saw the cracks and webbing of the windshield from the barrage of bullets that he protected you from. "Slow.. slow, we're coming up." You pointed towards the white and fluorescent light up ahead.
Mitch came to a stop and pulled the M16 assault rifle off of the floor between your feet. You both knew you had to split up in order to find Ghost. You stared at him for a short moment as you stepped out of the car.
"I'll see you topside. You got your phone?" Mitch asked you, gripping the deadly weapon in both of his capable hands.
You nodded. You felt uneasy about splitting up. "Yea. You?" You knew you weren't hiding it well.
"I do. Just keep your eyes open, Y/f/i, and watch your back." Mitch began walking backwards towards the tunnel behind him.
"You too, M."
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Mitch got topside quicker than he expected, realizing that his tunnel did not lead to the lair, but instead led away from it and back outside. He glanced around, surveying his surroundings and allowing his eyes to readjust to the harsh afternoon sun. He smelled saltwater in the air around him and then heard the sputtering of an engine and the smell of saltwater being replaced by fumes of gasoline and exhaust.
Mitch threw his weapon to the ground knowing it would slow him down, and began running towards the direction of the sound. He finally caught sight of Ghost, beginning to pull away from the marina on an oversized white and black, open-topped speedboat. Mitch began to sprint. He was the fastest on his lacrosse and track teams every year of high school, and he was undoubtedly the fastest at The Barn, although he always held back, never wanting to tip his hand completely to let everyone know what exactly he was capable of.
He plotted a course, as he realized that he was running out of dock and would soon lose his target. Mitch jumped up onto the deck of a docked yacht, running across its bow, and leapt with all of his might onto the back of Ghost's vessel.
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Ghost turned at the sound of Mitch thudding against the white cushioning meant for lounging on the back of the boat. He pushed the throttle all the way up, then turned and ran towards Mitch, their bodies colliding as they began wrestling and beating on each other. The boat continued on its course, without Ghost driving, as the two men struggled against each other. Neither of them were able to get the upperhand, as they were both equally skilled. They tumbled down the short staircase into the cabin below and Mitch glanced over and saw a gagged and bound Stan strewn across a pile of life vests. In that moment of distraction, Mitch looked up, and saw the tread on Ghost's boot come down across his face, and Mitch blacked out from the impact.
Twenty-Eight <- -> Thirty
just thought I’d leave this here. Let me and the murderous boo know what you thought about our work.
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@chivesoup @confidentrose @alexhmak @dontstopxx @iloveteenwolf24 @surpeme-bean @snek-shit @kalista-rankins @parislight @cleverassbutt @damndaphneoh @mgpizza2001 @ninja-stiles @sarcasticallystilinski @teenage-dirtbagbaby @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @alizaobrien @twsmuts @rrrennerrr @sorrynotsorrylovesome @lovelydob @iknowisoundcrazy @5secsxofamnesia @vogue-sweetie @dylrider @ivette29 @therealmrshale @twentyone-souls @sunshineystilinski @snicketyssnake @xsnak-3x @eccentricxem @inkedaztec @awkwarddly @lightbreaksthrough @maddie110201 @hattyohatt @rhyxn @amethystmerm4id @completebandgeek @red-wine-mendes @katieevans371 @girlwiththerubyslippers @susybird @theneverendingracetrack @sumcp @snipsnsnailsnwerewolftales @runs-with-sciss0rs @ssweet-empowerment @ellie-bee242 @hirafth @dailyburritos @mieczzyslaw @im-very-odd33 @anonimereader06 @itsamberh @sp00der-m00n @lolaversuslipstick @imagunative @stilinski-lover-24 @xmadwonderland @shannonwardski @nocturnalzeal @gluetwentyfourobrien @stopit-ihateyou @wittystiles @lovefilledtragedy @r0s3mm @loveforbrains @arikachang @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @omgimafuckingmermaid
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touringcarsnet · 5 years
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Touring Cars news: https://www.touringcars.net/2019/07/aiden-moffat-and-laser-tools-racing-switch-to-infiniti-q50
Aiden Moffat and Laser Tools Racing switch to Infiniti Q50
Laser Tools Racing and has confirmed that it will switch from running a Mercedes-Benz to an Infiniti Q50 for Aiden Moffat for the remainder of the 2019 British Touring Car Championship season.
See more at TouringCars.Net
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motorsporthq · 5 years
Moffat and Sutton team up for two-car BTCC assault
Moffat and Sutton team up for two-car BTCC assault
Credit: Laser Tools Racing
Laser Tools Racing will head into the 2020 British Touring Car Championship with Aiden Moffat and 2017 champion Ashley Sutton driving a pair of new Infiniti Q50 NGTC cars.
Moffat had a mixed season in 2019, starting the year in the Mercedes-Benz A-Class and a fourth place at the opening race at Brands Hatch. Four more top-ten finishes would come before the team…
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viralleakszone-blog · 6 years
Adventure Films Wallpaper HD Fantasy Movies
Adventure Films Wallpaper HD Fantasy Movies
Adventure Films Wallpaper HD Fantasy Movies
Select your favourite wallpaper from many available adventure movie wallpapers & fantasy film wallpapers. Shuffle all adventure film pictures 
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raceandrallyworld · 6 years
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Aiden Moffat Mercedes-Benz #btcc #racing #carswithoutlimits #motorsport #cars #doningtonpark #carsofinstagram #lifestyle #mercedes
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ghostsofmemories · 4 years
Ocean In the Woods: Character Portraits/Profiles
I hope everyone enjoys this because this has taken Forever™ and it's the reason I haven't gotten anything done all week. I drew some portraits in my comic sans presentation but I'm not very happy with them anymore so here's some better ones!!
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Arthur Benz, he/him (MC)
I've already posted his portrait once, but it wouldn't be right to ignore him here! Arthur is 17, a trans guy, and a little impulsive. His family is very supportive of his gender identity (because I literally never see that in stories ever) and he has been on testosterone for just over a year. He has a tendency to feel guilty over things out of his control, is extroverted but distant, and is observant in terms of detail but oblivious in terms of emotions. He's not really a school kind of guy and can't wait to get out of there.
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Anne Benz, she/her (older sister)
Anne is a 24 year old woman who still lives at home (by choice because she loves them). She's a programmer, family genius, considering giving her a secret girlfriend. She's extremely caring and closest to Arthur out of the rest of his family. Takes her responsibility as the oldest Very Seriously but still knows how to be a cool badass.
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Aiden Benz, he/him (little brother)
Aiden is 14, in 8th grade. He is my baby, small and soft and even though he's a bit of an asshole at times, I still love him. He gets very good grades and listens to Bach and sort of thinks he's above Arthur because of that, but he's going to grow a lot over the course of the story. He's just an adorable child and deserves better.
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Maya Bright, she/her
Maya is Arthur's best friend, who is also 17 but 12 days older and will let you know. She is absolutely fucking wild, and still manages to keep straight A's. Chaotic bisexual. She and Arthur feed each other's impulses. Would get into an ivy league school but get arrested for rioting and throwing bricks. I love her.
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Lance Fisher, he/him
The other best friend! 18 and the only straight white person in the group, but he's still rad. Has gotten suspended from school and (temporarily) kicked off the soccer team because someone was messing with his friends and he was not having it. He's kind of an all brawn no brain at times, but he's not actually stupid and it hurts is feeling when people make fun of him (but he'd never tell them that).
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Ollie Cook, they/them
Local freshman at 15, and basically got thrown into the friend group after coming out in the fall. They are feminine and Do Not Care what people think about it. Loud, fun, go-with-the-flow kinda friend. Unsure about their sexuality. They're always there for everybody but kind of insecure about their place in the group due to being younger and new to this whole thing. Very sweet, 100/10.
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Vanessa Pierce, she/her
16, a sophomore amongst many juniors and a freshman. Dating Ollie, and the two of them are a very cute couple. Local lesbian (listen I don't wanna get into the gatekeeping stuff about nb people and sexualities, yeah? Let them exist) and lover of all things in shades of red. Probably secretly a goddess.
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Ocean, she/her
Possible love interest from a parallel dimension (it's basically our world but set back 20 years and with monsters? I don't really get it either tbh. I'm just going with it) who accidentally brings a very scary monster/demon/whateverthefuck to our world. She's very desperate for approval in most things she does, as she's very unfamiliar with the technology and social dynamics here. She's very homesick and misses her family, but the portal back home won't open until the physical world is as it was before she got there (AKA no monster). Idk how old she is yet, but between 16 and 18. Mysterious. Unpredictable. Nervous wreck.
The Benz parents also play pretty big roles in the story, but I didn't include them here as I don't really have a clear picture of what they look like yet, so here they are (I basically just made some Really Awesome Parents because I don't think we see enough of that in fiction, especially YA):
Denise (mother) is very nurturing and careful. She wants to do everything as perfectly as possible with the fewest amount of repercussions. Her father is of Nigerian descent and her mother was born and raised in Mexico, but died when Denise was a young girl. She's trying to learn spanish as a tribute to her mother and heritage, but she's also juggling a career and her children, so it's a process.
Richard (father, who will always be Richie to his wife and in my heart) is also a programmer, and sparked Anne's interest in the job when she was young. He tries to spend time with all his kids and struggles to accept the fact that they're growing up. He does whatever he can to make them happy. He owns up to the mistakes of his past (spent some time in rehab when Anne and was a kid and Arthur was a baby), but does his best to move forward.
Overall, this is my favorite cast of characters ever!! I might have to slightly pair down some of the stuff I've got going in my head for them because frankly, there is Too Much Subplot (but. I love them so much) and there is not room for all their development and characteristics.
Taglist: @brooklyn-etc @coffeeandcalligraphy @my-lifes-one-big-critical-fail @kozyisa-tries-to-write
14 notes · View notes
marienela · 7 years
Swarovski celebrated the 15th anniversary of its partnership with Victoria’s Secret with the staging of the iconic runway extravaganza, the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. This year the dazzling spectacle came to Shanghai for the first time, with Victoria’s Secret Angel Elsa Hosk presenting the Swarovski Look. The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show will air on CBS Television Network at 10pm ET on November 28 in more than 190 countries.
Swarovski has been adding sparkling fantasy and glamour to the legendary lingerie brand since 2003, and is delighted to continue as the exclusive provider of crystal embellishments for the show. The crystal maison constantly seeks to push creative boundaries while bringing the glamour of crystal to couturiers, designers, and consumers all over the world. Since 2003, Swarovski has adorned the lingerie, wings, footwear and jewelry for the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show with dazzling crystals. 19 models – including those chosen to be Victoria’s Secret Angels – blazed down the runway in 22 looks sparkling with Swarovski crystals. For 2017, the show dazzles with over 1 million crystals from Swarovski.
Commenting, Swarovski Executive Board Member Markus Langes-Swarovski said: “This Crystal Anniversary with Victoria’s Secret is a sparkling milestone. For the 15th year, we welcome the opportunity to introduce ever more fantasy, glamour and radiance to the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.”
Photos courtesy of Swarovski
SHANGHAI, CHINA – NOVEMBER 20: Model Aiden Curtiss walks the runway for Swarovski Sparkles In the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at Mercedes-Benz Arena on November 20, 2017 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images for Swarovski)
SHANGHAI, CHINA – NOVEMBER 20: Model Aiden Curtiss walks the runway for Swarovski Sparkles In the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at Mercedes-Benz Arena on November 20, 2017 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images for Swarovski)
SHANGHAI, CHINA – NOVEMBER 20: Victoria’s Secret Angel Alessandra Ambrosio walks the runway for Swarovski Sparkles In the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at Mercedes-Benz Arena on November 20, 2017 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images for Swarovski)
SHANGHAI, CHINA – NOVEMBER 20: Victoria’s Secret Angel Alessandra Ambrosio walks the runway for Swarovski Sparkles In the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at Mercedes-Benz Arena on November 20, 2017 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images for Swarovski)
SHANGHAI, CHINA – NOVEMBER 20: Model Alexina Graham walks the runway for Swarovski Sparkles In the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at Mercedes-Benz Arena on November 20, 2017 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images for Swarovski)
SHANGHAI, CHINA – NOVEMBER 20: Model Devon Windsor walks the runway for Swarovski Sparkles In the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at Mercedes-Benz Arena on November 20, 2017 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images for Swarovski)
SHANGHAI, CHINA – NOVEMBER 20: Model Elsa Hosk walks the runway for Swarovski Sparkles In the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at Mercedes-Benz Arena on November 20, 2017 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images for Swarovski)
SHANGHAI, CHINA – NOVEMBER 20: Victoria’s Secret Angel Elsa Hosk walks the runway for Swarovski Sparkles In the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at Mercedes-Benz Arena on November 20, 2017 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images for Swarovski)
SHANGHAI, CHINA – NOVEMBER 20: Model Georgia Fowler walks the runway for Swarovski Sparkles In the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at Mercedes-Benz Arena on November 20, 2017 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images for Swarovski)
SHANGHAI, CHINA – NOVEMBER 20: Victoria’s Secret Angel Jasmine Tookes walks the runway for Swarovski Sparkles In the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at Mercedes-Benz Arena on November 20, 2017 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images for Swarovski)
SHANGHAI, CHINA – NOVEMBER 20: Model Josephine Skriver walks the runway for Swarovski Sparkles In the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at Mercedes-Benz Arena on November 20, 2017 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images for Swarovski)
SHANGHAI, CHINA – NOVEMBER 20: Model Karlie Kloss walks the runway for Swarovski Sparkles In the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at Mercedes-Benz Arena on November 20, 2017 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images for Swarovski)
SHANGHAI, CHINA – NOVEMBER 20: Model Kelly Gale walks the runway for Swarovski Sparkles In the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at Mercedes-Benz Arena on November 20, 2017 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images for Swarovski)
SHANGHAI, CHINA – NOVEMBER 20: Model Leomie Anderson and Liu Wen walk the runway for Swarovski Sparkles In the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at Mercedes-Benz Arena on November 20, 2017 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images for Swarovski)
SHANGHAI, CHINA – NOVEMBER 20: Models Maria Borges and Alexina Graham walk the runway for Swarovski Sparkles In the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at Mercedes-Benz Arena on November 20, 2017 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images for Swarovski)
SHANGHAI, CHINA – NOVEMBER 20: Model Maria Borges walks the runway for Swarovski Sparkles In the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at Mercedes-Benz Arena on November 20, 2017 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images for Swarovski)
SHANGHAI, CHINA – NOVEMBER 20: Models Martha Hunt and Stella Maxwell walk the runway for Swarovski Sparkles In the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at Mercedes-Benz Arena on November 20, 2017 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images for Swarovski)
SHANGHAI, CHINA – NOVEMBER 20: Model Martha Hunt walks the runway for Swarovski Sparkles In the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at Mercedes-Benz Arena on November 20, 2017 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images for Swarovski)
SHANGHAI, CHINA – NOVEMBER 20: Model Megan Williams walks the runway for Swarovski Sparkles In the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at Mercedes-Benz Arena on November 20, 2017 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images for Swarovski)
SHANGHAI, CHINA – NOVEMBER 20: Model Ming Xik walks the runway for Swarovski Sparkles In the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at Mercedes-Benz Arena on November 20, 2017 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images for Swarovski)
SHANGHAI, CHINA – NOVEMBER 20: Model Ming Xi walks the runway for Swarovski Sparkles In the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at Mercedes-Benz Arena on November 20, 2017 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images for Swarovski)
SHANGHAI, CHINA – NOVEMBER 20: Model Stella Maxwell walks the runway for Swarovski Sparkles In the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at Mercedes-Benz Arena on November 20, 2017 in Shanghai, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images for Swarovski)
Swarovski Marked The 15-Year Crystal Anniversary Of Its Partnership With Victoria’s Secret @LaForceNYC @VictoriasSecret Swarovski celebrated the 15th anniversary of its partnership with Victoria’s Secret with the staging of the iconic runway extravaganza, the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.
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VS Fashion Show 2017 Shanghai, China. The Beautiful Aiden Curtis ! @vsfs2017shanghai @victoriassecret #shanghai #nyphotographer #domperignonofficial #shangaiphotographer #parisphotographer #londonphotographer #laphotographer #oslophotographer #oslorunway #paris #nyc #balmain #vsbalmain #london #vsstyle #nyfashionblogger #parisfashionblogger #parisfashion #lingerie #shanghailife #shanghaistyle #condenasttraveler (at Mercedes-Benz Arena, Shanghai)
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divinebeauties · 7 years
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Aiden Curtiss & Daniela Braga backstage at the 2017 #VSFashionShow on November 20,2017 at Mercedes-Benz Arena in Shanghai, China.
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whatsfilming · 7 years
Life Sentence – Season 1 (TV Series)
Life Sentence season 1 was greenlit by The CW for 13 x 60 minute episodes this spring. The series was created by Fuller House producers Erin Cardillo and Richard Keith. The story is centred around a girl named Stella, who has spent the last 8 years living life to its fullest after being diagnosed with cancer. She eventually finds out that she’s beat the cancer, but that turns out to be both a blessing and a curse.
She may not be on the verge of death anymore, but now she has to face her friends, family and all of the spur of the moment decisions she’s made over the last few years head on. The official logline sums the show up as a “multi-generational, coming-of-age story” that depicts how “we all end up living somewhere between our dreams and reality”.
Lucy is no stranger to filming in British Columbia, or having her TV shows relocate after filming their pilot episode. Pretty Little Liars filmed its pilot in Vancouver and area before relocating to Los Angeles for the rest of the series. She also filmed a Lifetime movie called Sorority Wars in Victoria in 2009. Lucy’s PLL pal Janel Parrish, who played Mona on the show, has also been in Vancouver for filming over the past month. Her latest project, a young adult movie called To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before, just wrapped up production in the area last week.
Life Sentence Season 1 Cast
Here’s a roundup of the cast that has been added to Life Sentence season 1 so far:
Actor Role You may know them from Lucy Hale Stella Abbott Pretty Little Liars, Scream 4 Elliot Knight Wes, Stella’s husband American Gothic, Once Upon a Time, Sinbad Dylan Walsh Peter, Stella’s dad Nip/Tuck, Unforgettable Gillian Vigman Ida, Stella’s mom The Hangover 1-3, New Girl Claudia Rocafort Poppy, Stella’s godmother Burn Notice, Step Up Revolution Jayson Blair Aiden, Stella’s brother Whiplash, Young & Hungry Brooke Lyons Elizabeth, Stella’s sister The Affair, iZombie, 2 Broke Girls Carlos PenaVega Diego, Elizabeth’s husband Big Time Rush, The Loud House
Life Sentence Season 1 Trailer
Here’s the first look trailer for Life Sentence season 1 that the CW shared this spring. After watching, it’s easy to see how Vancouver will be able to pick up where Atlanta left off; a lot of the shots look like they could have easily been filmed in Gastown.
The cure for dying…is living! See @LucyHale on #LifeSentence, coming soon to The CW! http://pic.twitter.com/GuJ5cXu5vn
— Life Sentence (@cw_lifesentence) August 1, 2017
Thank you as always to @lemon_buzz who broke the news that the series would be moving from Atlanta to Vancouver to film. Life Sentence season 1 will continue filming in Vancouver and British Columbia until January 12th, 2018 and will premiere the same month on The CW in the US and on Bravo in Canada.
Also Starting This Week
The Buddy Games (Home Video) Cast: Josh Duhamel, Stephen Farrelly (Sheamus) Filming until August 28th For more detail about The Buddy Games, check out our full article here.
Coming Home For Christmas (TV Movie) Cast: Danica McKellar and Neal Bledsoe Filming until August 28th
Welcome Home Warrior (TV Movie) Cast: Julie Benz Filming until August 26th
iZombie – Season 4 (TV Series) Cast: Rose McIver, Robert Knepper, Robert Buckley, Malcolm Goodwin, Rahul Kohli, Jason Dohring, David Anders and Aly Michalka Filming until January 18th, 2018
Ice – Season 2 (TV Series) Cast: Jeremy Sisto, Cam Gigandet, Raymond J. Barry and Ray Winstone Filming until September 26th
For a full list of what’s filming in Vancouver and British Columbia right now, check out our In Production page.
Wrapping Up This Week
Summer of ’84 (Feature) with Rich Sommer, Tiera Skovbye, J. Alex Brinson, William MacDonald, Harrison Houde, Caleb Emery, Cory Grüter-Andrew, Graham Verchere and Susie Castillo wraps up August 10th
Fatal Visit (Feature) wraps up August 11
Miss Christmas (TV Movie) with Brooke D’Orsay, Marc Blucas and Erin Boyes wraps up August 11th
Falling For Vermont (TV Movie) with Julie Gonzalo, Benjamin Ayres and Larissa Albuquerque wraps up August 12th
Harvest Love (aka Peared With a Kiss, Loving Luna) (TV Movie) with Jen Lilley, Ryan Paevey, Lini Evans, Aaron Craven, Barry Levy and Lucia Frangione wraps up August 12
If you see any of these productions, including Life Sentence season 1 filming in Vancouver and British Columbia, be sure to let us know by tweeting us (@WhatsFilming) or via our Submit a Location page.
The post Life Sentence Season 1 with Lucy Hale Starts Filming in Vancouver appeared first on What's Filming?.
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