#aiden pierce
zaki-art · 5 days
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ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I don't know what artistic demon possessed me, but here's some art. I don't know how I did it, probably energy drink fuelled. Anyway, curtains closing, night night!
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teecupangel · 6 months
Imagine that clay was part of dedsec until he mysteriously went missing nobody knows what happened to him for years though they remember him fondly until a massive information dump from the abstergo servers was released on the Internet and they learn his fate or at least the version that doesn’t reference the assassin/Templar war
I mean… this could totally be part of the Aiden x Desmond fic idea we have here.
DedSec already has a beef with Blume and Umeni during the story of watch_dog which we are coinciding with Aiden and Desmond’s story so, for this one, DedSec would probably have some sort of rivalry and camaraderie going on and they try to stay out of each other’s ‘target’ but they would send any dirt they get from the other side.
And then…
Aiden Pierce released all those damning documents and recordings.
And they learned what happened to one of their DedSec members, one of the first members…
Clay Kaczmarek.
And they pivot from Blume and Umeni and set their sights on taking down Abstergo as revenge for their comrade’s death.
They give Erudito a head’s up, only to grow more suspicious when Erudito try to stop them.
Why would they try to stop them?
Wouldn’t having another group be better?
Something fishy was going on.
So they secretly contact Aiden Pierce.
He was a third party in all these.
He might have broken hacker etiquette but DedSec ignored that because he gave them information about a missing member.
Aiden answers BadBoy17’s messages a few hours later.
And joins them in taking down Abstergo as a ‘freelancer’.
When she asks why…
Aiden tells her that it was personal for him.
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w4tch3d87 · 1 year
Aiden: I hope you have a good explanation for this!
Jordi: Oh, we have 3 actually.
T-Bone: Yeah, pick your favourite.
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crimescrimson · 4 months
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Aiden Pearce In The Mission 'Shadows' From Watch_Dogs 2 (2016)
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I made Aiden into a leather daddy
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travesty-majesty · 3 months
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collidew1thesky · 2 months
drawing ben rn and i am going to give him face scars bc of his fighting era, that is my truth! that is my tea! ok? ok!
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ur-local-emo · 3 months
emo stars and their kids because it's cute!!!!
Gerard Way
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Vic Fuentes
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Mikey Way
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weird bonus because it's Aiden Gallagher
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It's them, Aiden, Ray and Bob enjoying pride together.
The Kaijudo fandom is kinda dead so I'm feeding content to whoever actually is still alive in it lol 😭
Anyways y'all should watch Kaijudo it's an amazing show
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saevus-brutalis · 2 years
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mr. steal yo man wife
Hakon, my favorite French horndog
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barbieaiden · 11 months
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he looks. so different without his piercings??
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dasmondkuss · 5 months
"Aiden, open up—show me your tongue, love."
Proceeds to blow smoke in Aiden's face and puts out the cigarette on Aiden's forehead.
"Ha—! Got you." He grips Aiden by the jaw, thumb sliding into Aiden's mouth, flat against the wet, soft tissue of his tongue. "—You should get a piercing; what do you think?"
Not that Nezumi cares about Aiden's opinion on the matter.
Aiden complied immediately with the request, making a concave shape with his tongue even. He reckoned by Nezumi's lit cigarette that he'd use him as an ashtray. Again. It wouldn't be the first time, and after having disappointed Nezumi not too long ago, Aiden wouldn't deny himself to become any tool Nezumi's caprices asked for. Aiden would make up for his misbehavior; he didn't want Nezumi to disappear from his life for so many days. It was terrible to miss him, something he could barely cope with. He didn't want to eat and had trouble falling asleep, running over, and over, and over again about his mistakes, hoping for Nezumi's eventual forgiveness.
After all, he was Nezumi's pup. It didn't matter when Nezumi would return, Aiden would run back to his feet, entangling himself under his legs; begging for his attention until it was given fully. Aiden was Nezumi's to play with; with a ball to gag him or a cigarette to mark him. It did not matter at all, as long as Aiden was recalled instead of thrown into a cage of neglect.
"Tsk—it hurts." Aiden hissed in pain, but every ounce of discomfort rescinded when Nezumi held his jaw. He froze in the spot with watery eyes, unable to believe that he was deserving of Nezumi's touch so soon—of a caress.
Aiden's tongue danced underneath Nezumi's thumb. His eyelids closed with ease, and so did his lips, trapping the finger and playing with it for a little longer, before he gave the answer that was due.
He didn't want a piercing. Aiden didn't want to have such a change in his body, and he didn't want the pain or the bloody taste that would come after. But denying might put him at risk of Nezumi abandoning him—after how many failures does an owner decide to leave their dog at the side of the road? He didn't want to be lost, looking for Nezumi endlessly because he knew, deep down, that Nezumi would vanish; Aiden wouldn't be deserving of a single peek at his life.
If Aiden wasn't a plaything, then he was nothing.
He concluded that if his body was to change, that if he was to feel pain, and that if he would bleed, then it must all be compelled by his owner's hand.
"If you are the one piercing my tongue and choosing the ring to put on it, then I agree."
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tacticalvalor · 5 months
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" To fix a little girl's death… To wash the guilt off my chest. To hide from the blame… I watched. I hunted. I killed; selfishly. Only to uncover a sea of darkness. But no peace. No redemption. I tried to leave it all behind. Give in to what I've been running away from. Then I heard voices. Telling me there's work to be done. A city to be cleansed. I came down into the darkness. I punished. I protected. Like watchdogs in pitch-black nights. I delivered justice. The more I killed, the more I broke into a thousand sharp pieces, hurting everyone I loved; driving them away… Molding me into the beast I've become. But there's no turning back now. I'm already dead. And I didn't die for nothing. "
— Aboy Singh, Watchdogs Resurgence 01 [LINK]
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tryingtofindava · 1 month
hi !! could u write tyler x fem reader where they are dating, and instead of tyler being impaled by a tree it’s his girlfriend ! thank u
: ̗̀➛Back to Source
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Your breath was staggered, twitching every few seconds or so. Trying your best to keep your eyes open, which proved to be a tricky task.
‘I wonder if I’ll die in the real world.’ Your thoughts spoke loudly, too loudly for your own liking. Why was it so quiet anyways?
Have the other’s drove off?
Will you ever see your friends again?
Will you ever see Tyler again?
I hope they’re safe from that… thing…
Is this how you die?
Thoughts like these consumed your mind. Y/n let out a defeated grunt, as she tried to push herself from the tree one more time. Her efforts were all futile though…
She is quite literally a human kabab. On this dead tree. In the middle of fuck all. The girl sighed shakily, her tear filled eyes trailing down to her stomach
. Looking at the tree that had pierced right through her very being, blood gushing out of you at an alarming rate, making it look like a Saw movie in real life.
This sucks major a-
Your head wipe to the side, your puffy eyes widening at the grinning face staring back at you. Shit. You have to get off this tree. Now.
Your brain is in overdrive as you try to push yourself up to escape from the phantom that was approaching rapidly. You close your eyes real tight, waiting for the phantom to scale the tree with ease and end your suffering.
Opening your eyes and peering down, blood dribbling from home parted lips. “Y/n!” You heard the red heads voice call up to you, though it was all muddled from the blood loss.
“Ashlyn, have you found her-“ Tyler looked up, his mouth falling open in utter shock. His hand shakes as he shone his flashlight up on your hanging body.
“Help me get her down!” Ash called out to the boy, who hurriedly went to help the leader to save his girlfriend. While Ben, Aiden, Taylor, and Logan watch from the sidelines.
Making quick work to get the needed medical equipment Ashlyn’s dad had placed in the real world for them to use to help.
You let out a pained whine as you feel Tyler lift you from the bark of the tree. His brows were furrowed as he focused on doing this as quick as possible to not prolong your pain.
“You’re safe now, I got you…” He murmurs quietly to you shaking form.
Everyone in the group made team effort to help you, all while Tyler gripped onto you so hard like if he let go it’d be game over. Mumbling reassurances, though you couldn’t tell id it was to you or himself.
Aiden was talking your ear off to keep you awake. “Y’know? This isn’t even that bad! One time, my bone went right through my knee while playing soccer!” He blabs, though it didn’t help you feel better or assured at all.
“Dude, not the time!” Your boyfriend scolds him, while he rocks you in his shaking arms. While Ben and Logan stitched the gaping hole going through your back to your stomach.
“You’re gonna be okay, I promise… I won’t let anything bad happen to you ever again.” He squeezes your arm.
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A/N: SOZ THIS WAS SHORT!! ^_^ I’ll probably add more and make it better in the future lolz :3
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urfavlarry · 2 months
I’ve been reading every single SBG Post you have, and I kindly wanted to request something👉👈
Sooo (reader) who’s main weapons are fireworks/explosives(cuz light, and well explosions) And they somehow get hurt by them one day?
(Preferably gn/fem reader, with Ben, Aiden and/ or Tyler) 🧎🧎
Sooo thx for reading this:) You’re so cool!
A/N: oo love this!! thank you for requesting<3 and btw idk why Aidens is so long I think I blacked out while writing for him :,)
warnings: bl00d, swearing, bad grammar, explosives, fireworks, mentions of gagging and throwing up
You’ve been playing around with explosives ever since you were little. You lived with your older brother who was experiences with these things and since he couldn’t teach you how to fight, he chose to teach you how to work with explosives. Whether it was fireworks, dynamite, grenades, you knew how to work it. One day while fighting off a phantom your own weapon, well, backfires.
Ben Clark 🎧ྀི
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╰┈➤ ⋆。‧˚ʚ 🎧ྀི ɞ˚‧。⋆
You throw the grenade at the phantom, another in hand waiting to be thrown. You don’t realize you already pulled out the pin from the grenade and it explodes in your hand. You feel numb, eyes wide from the sudden explosion and ears ringing. You feel a really bad pain in your arm, well at least whats left of it and scream. Everyone turns in your direction and either gasp, scream, or full on start to gag. Ben rushes to your side and pick you on on his back and runs with you to the graveyard along with everyone else, Ashlyn yelling a quick; “Everyone back down.”
Your vision starts to get blurry and someone hits your cheeks; “Y/N, you need to stay awake, okay? Don’t pass out, Y/N, Y/N!” You keep your eyes open but look away from the gruesome sight and start to sob. “Everything will be okay we won’t let anything happen to you.” You hear a robotic kind of voice and look into that direction seeing Ben with the most worried expression, Aiden standing there next to him to somewhat calm him down. You smile weakly but instantly hold back a scream of pain as someone starts to clean your wound.
“Fuck..” You groan and look at the night sky, hoping for this pure torture to end. You sigh as they finally start to wrap your ‘arm’ and finish the little procedure. After that Ashlyn goes away, probably to throw up or something. You don’t blame her, that was really a gruesome sight. You feel a presence beside you and look towards the person, smiling when you see Ben. “Hey..” You say and he nods, pulling you a bit closer to him. You rest your head on his shoulder and close your eyes, trying to sleep the trauma off. It was funny, you were taking it more lightly than you thought. “Ben?” You say and he looks down at you. “Isn’t it funny?” You smile and look up at him, making him raise a brow; “That everyone is taking this so harshly while I’m here literally not even crying? Well yes I did cry but that shit really hurt and I—” You shut up when you get embraced into a hug. You relax and let the tears fall, Ben patting your back. “Let it out.” He whispers so only you could hear. You were one of the only ones except Aiden and his family that heard his voice. It wasn’t often but when he did speak a warm feeling welled up in your chest.
“It’s okay, I’m here.” He says in a raspy voice and you sniffle, pulling away from the hug. You look up at the stars, trying to ignore your aching arm. “Thanks, um, for being here when I need you.” You say and he nods, kissing your cheek and puts an arm around your shoulder. “I’d do anything for you, I’m just sad I couldn’t stop this whole thing from happening.” He thinks to himself and just stares at you lovingly, leaving you to rest.
Aiden Clark
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╰┈➤ ⋆。‧˚ʚ 🎸 ɞ˚‧。⋆
Everything hurt like hell. You could hear a faint buzz in your head as you tried to quickly move away but a sharp pain pierced through your entire body. Tears started to fall from your face. “Why am I crying?” You think to yourself not knowing how to stop the bothersome tears from coming down your face. You look down at your body and your eyes widen, brain forever traumatized by the gruesome sight. Your leg was completely torn off and your side was bleeding as well. Fire was forming beside you where an explosion once erupted from your fireworks. You look at the sky, just hoping for the clock to strike 7 like it usually did and end this horrible nightmare. You feel your body be picked up by someone and just close your eyes, shoulders relaxing as your whole world turns into a black void.
You jolt awake, looking around frantically, quickly relaxing when you recognize your little safe space; your room. You groan, your side and leg feeling numb and tingly. Looking up at the ceiling you contemplate whether you should go to school or not, but you know that would worry your friends and even Aiden even more than you already did. Slipping from under the covers you get ready and walk down to the kitchen where your brother was making you breakfast, your favorite. He smiles at you warmly and kisses your forehead; “Tough night?” He knew what has been going on, you told him just a few weeks after Savannah. You were the first out of the group to tell anyone and your brother of course believed you, knowing you as a person to not make up such things. You frown at the thought of last night and decide to not tell him, knowing he would take the blame, saying something like; “I should’ve taught you better.” or even going as far as saying “I shouldn’t have taught you at all.” You sigh and put on a fake smile; “Hey I’m fine! Everything went well last night.” He smiles and ruffles up your hair; “Okay kiddo, if you say so. Now get to school you don’t wanna be late.” He says and you nod, quickly going upstairs yo gather some last minute things and rush to catch the bus, not really being in the mood to walk to school.
You get to the bus and see a very tired and worried looking group of kids, aka the group. Ben was comforting Aiden who was more quiet then usual, Tyler looking more pissed then ever, Taylor being the complete opposite and put on a fake smile, and well Ashlyn had a poker face on like usual but still looked pretty worried having her head rested on the window looking at god knows what. “Hey.” You say and everyone looks up, Taylor rushing to hug you and Logan who you hadn’t noticed did as well, all of them bombarding you with questions. You sit down and turn so your back is against the chair in front of you and legs towards the back of the seat you were sitting on. You were facing the group and everyone waited for you to speak, but only Aiden caught your eye. He wasn’t looking in your direction and was fiddling with his fingers, something very unlike him. You tell everyone you’re fine and tell them you can talk about it later, grabbing Aidens shoulder when you get off the bus. “Guys go on ahead, we will be there in a minute.” Everyone nods and Aiden tenses up and looks down.
“Hey hun, everything okay? You’re more quiet than usu—” You get taken by surprise when Aiden raises his voice at you, tears in his eyes and a very worried but angry expression on his face. “Okay? Y/N I really am not okay. I saw my s/o get blown up by fireworks, do you know how that feels?” You go to speak but get cut off again and just stay quiet from then; “I’m glad you’re okay but I’m not, oh but wait! I’m totally fine! I just saw the love of my fucking life get blown up but thats totally fine! Is that what you wanted to hear Y/N? Well too bad.” He says and you furrow your brows, fist clenching and face going a bit paler than usual.
“That’s nice Aiden, but you are forgetting who actually suffered here. I’m the one who got hurt and you don’t understand how fucking painful that shit is, getting blown up by something you’ve been taught to use ever since you were little by your own family. I didn’t only suffer physically, but seeing that shit fucked me up just as much as it did you. But yeah if it makes you feel better then you’re the one who suffered the most Aiden.” You say and run off into the school, Aiden watching you disappear in the crowd of students who were rushing to get to class. Your words really got to Aiden, he taught about them more and more as he went to class, where you would be. He sits down and puts on a facade for the others, making himself look like he was okay when he really wasn’t. Ben knew something was off but knew better than to interfere in your guys’ situation.
After school you go home, laying in your bed and look up at the ceiling, salty tears pouring out from your eyes making them sting. You hear a knock on your door and you quickly sit up and wipe your tears; “Probably my brother.” You think to yourself but your body tenses when you see a weakly smiling Aiden with flowers and a teddy bear in his hands. You let him in and close the door behind you, facing him. He sets the gifts down and slowly approaches you, opening his arms for a hug. You tackle him in a hug and you both fall to the ground with a loud thud, making both of you chuckle. You stay on the floor like that for quite a bit, Aiden rubbing your back to soothe you as you cry your eyes out, mumbling apologies and ‘I love yous”. He sits up with you in his lap and kisses your cheek and then nose. “I’m so sorry for yelling at you like that it was so uncalled for and I should’ve realized how painful that must’ve been for you. I hope you can forgive me even tho a simple sorry won’t really make up for what I did and said.” He says and looks you in the eyes, cupping your cheek in his hand. You contemplate what to say, knowing what he did was wrong but you could have handled it better yourself. “I let anger get the best of me again, that fucking realm has been rubbing off on me more than usual.” You think to yourself and sigh, hugging him and put your chin on his shoulder. “Aiden I get it, you were angry, sad, quite literally traumatized. You’re.. no, we’re still just teenagers, that shit was gruesome and I really understand that it upset you, yes the things you said were upsetting and could’ve been handled better but just so you know, I don’t hate you for it.” You say and get squeezed in the hug, making you pat his back; “Yeah, yeah, okay jeez Aiden chill.” You say and he chuckles; “No I’m never ever letting you go.” He says and you smile, looking at the time; “8 more hours..” You say and frown; “Aiden what if I just won’t be able to walk again in that realm, even if you somehow manage to stitch me up, that doesn’t guarantee anything.” You say and get shushed by a kiss on the lips; “Everything will be okay, I promise.”
Tyler Hernández
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╰┈➤ ⋆。‧˚ʚ 🥀 ɞ˚‧。⋆
“So basically what you’re telling me is I have to be the look out while you guys go for the jeep?” You say and raise a brow as you throw your dynamite in the air letting it fall back in your hand and repeat that like a hundred times. Ashlyn nods and you sigh, grabbing the pitch of your nose; “You know I could potentially explode the jeep? You know dynamite isn’t exactly the best weapon for close combat.” I say and cross my arms over my chest, hoping that Ashlyn would come up with a better plan. Tyler nods along and sits down next to you on the floor of the bus. “Yeah and that shit is pretty dangerous if it explodes near you so what if a phantom attacks Y/N really close? She could get hurt.” He says and Ashlyn sigh, furrowing her brows since you have been planning this for about a week and suddenly the plans would be changing. “Everything will be fine, we have necessary recourses if anything goes wrong.” She says and everyone gets up, apart from you. You sit there and think about all the worst possible outcomes, knowing your own brother once got hurt by dynamite but recovered and still lives a fulfilling life.
Tyler stops in his tracks and looks at you, walking back to you and crouches in front of you. He lifts your chin to look at him and smiles at you; “Everything will be fine, you’re talented Y/N, not everyone can work explosives like you do.” You smile and stand up, hugging him tight and give him a quick kiss on the cheek; “Well, let’s knock these bitches dead.” You say and grab your dynamite and lighter, putting them in your pockets. Aiden ordered some suits online and bought a different one just for you since your weapon was dynamite. You can store them in a belt you have or pockets. It was nice of him but you really couldn’t stop thinking about how anything could go wrong. You finally shake off the thoughts and leave with everyone except Logan who would be near the base with a gun. Everyone runs to the house as “Party rock anthem” were heard in the background.
You smirk and get your dynamite in hand; “Let’s get this party started!” Aiden cheers and Tyler rolls his eyes, making Taylor laugh. “Take this seriously guys.” Tyler yells over the music and you just smile sheepishly as everyone runs into the house except for you like the plan was supposed to go. You turn on your headlamp so the phantoms can’t get that close. You see a group of them standing near the speakers where the song was playing, but you knew you didn’t have that much time before it stopped playing. You hear commotion behind you and see Ashlyn getting pulled up by a phantom. “Shit!” Aiden was standing there trying to get up to help her so you boost him up since you can’t really help unless they want an exploded house and a dead Ash on their hands. The commotion atracted a group of phantoms and they were a bit far because of the light you had turned on. You smirk and light your dynamite throwing it right at them. You cover your ears and let it explode, knowing that probably attracted more phantoms so you take another one out. Eyeing the area closely you hear the song end but see tha Aiden and Ashlyn managed to kill the phantom some how. You smile and give them a thumbs up.
You walk a bit farther from the entrance of the house and the jeep, lighting another dynamite and throw it at another group of phantoms. You walk back a bit so you don’t get exploded but don’t hear Ashlyn yelling for you to watch out when a phantom sneaks up on you. Your eyes widen and you shine a flashlight on it but you stumble back and start to hear loud ringing in your ears. You feel a warm liquid run from your upper leg. You look down and see a huge gash in your leg, maling you scream. You cough as dust and ash starts to fly around from the explosion. You sob and crawl closer to the jeep, seeing that phantoms were getting into the house; “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You whisper to yourself and sob, sitting down next to the jeep, keeping an eye out for your surroundings. You tie your wound with a ripped piece of your pants and groan in pain as it tightens around your leg. You see everyone get out of the house and Tylers eyes widen when he sees you laying there, bleeding. “Holy shit, Y/N!” He yells and picks you up, everyone getting into the jeep fast as phantoms start to swarm the car. You sob into his shoulder as Taylor applies more pressure to your wound.
Everyone gets out of the car once Ash swerves into the graveyard and get you out of the car. Sobs and sniffles were heard as you cried your heart out from the pain. Tyler had your head in his lap and brushed hair from your face. He whispered sweet nothing into your ear and things like “It’s almost over.” “You’re doing great mi vida.” making you relax just a bit. Ashlyn was stitching your wound and that was the worst pain ever. “Okay, it’s done.” Ashlyn says and packs up the first aid kit, cleaning the blood off your leg and leaves so you and Tyler can be alone for a bit. You try and sit up but your arms give out, making you fall back into his lap. He puts an arm under your shoulder and lifts you up so you can sit next to him. He looked worried but had his brows furrowed and also looked a bit angry. He was mumbling curses in Spanish and sometimes mumbling something about the phantoms.
You lay your head on his chest and he kisses your head letting you rest after that traumatic event. You smile and start to talk; “Sorry, I should’ve been more careful.” You say and he chuckles a bit; “Yeah you should’ve, but things happen and you’re so brave for getting through that.” He says making you smile. “I should’ve been there to help although I probably would have made things worse, but still you get the point.” You nod and he stays silent for a while before he speaks up again; “I’m glad you’re okay, you really did such a good job at protecting us and don’t you think other wise you hear me?” He says in a stern voice and you nod, chuckling. “Yeah, yeah, if you think so.” You say and he pulls you closer “I know so.” He says and kisses your soft lips, making you forget all of the pain you once felt.
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I like that while they all were trying to sleep crying their eyes out and the other kids were holding hands... Ashlyn was lying alone. And Aiden’s like, "I’m here, you don’t have to go through this alone," and she doesn’t turn to him completely, she doesn’t take him by the hand either, but she press her feet against his leg for a piece of comfort.
And another detail that I really like is that Ashlyn keeps her palm where Aiden’s neck was pierced with a sharp piece. Like the mix of "This must be hurt like hell" and "I’m So Sorry" and it also looks like she’s subconsciously trying to stop the bleeding and apply pressure on the cut, even though they’re in the "another dimension"...
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I love their interaction.
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