#aiden's prompts
chubsette · 11 months
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Feedist Kinktober - Halloween Party 🕸️
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Prompt 63
After The Mountain™, Jaskier is desperate to prove himself a Worthy Travel Companion™ to Geralt, so he decides to take up alchemy. Perhaps if he gets very good at brewing Geralt's potions, Geralt will find him worthy of keeping around. When Geralt takes Jaskier to Kaer Morhen, he can't help but notice that Jaskier is suddenly spending every possible second with Lambert. LAMBERT. I mean, he loves his brother, don't get him wrong! But Lambert? Geralt's words were cruel, and he was still working out the full apology he wanted to give Jaskier (He deserved better than just an "I'm sorry") but he's worried that he's already lost his chance, as Jaskier is seemingly finding himself a new witcher.
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spielzeugkaiser · 2 years
how about a winter witcher(+yen) cuddle pile with bear!jaskier?
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the gang!! (everytime I think 'oh this is impossible in 30 minutes but then it works)
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crane--here · 8 months
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they're so fuxking scary
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blooms-in-april · 1 month
"I don't think I can ever forgive you. For being what you are."
"And what's that?"
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dreams-everyday · 2 months
“We never speak of this again, do you hear?” [Ashlyn + Aiden]
forced proximity prompts
What was she supposed to say? “Thank you for not dying”  what, no, she has no idea how to approach this; she does want to say her thanks to him, even though she wasn't even near him, he still fought to live and she had to witness that. She was the leader, she should've been there or done something. Ugh stop thinking about this, why was she so worried? Maybe because they are stuck together for who knows how long and if she messes it up, everything could go into even more hell.
Eventually she did get Aiden to a place where they were alone, even if they were still all in Ashlyn’s house. They went to her room, since it was about 11:00 and she didn't want to go outside in the cold. As they walked in Aiden looked around and had his smile bigger, Ashlyn turned around and looked at him, they were standing face to face. The girl started, “That was good, Last night.” she clarified when she thought he might've not known what she was talking about. “It was dumb, but you fought and survived. I should've tried better to stop you.” She told the truth. It was dumb of him to go off on his own.
“Thanks.” He said “Get over it, I snuck off, my fault. And of course I was fine!” he laughs, ‘Mr. Durable’ she thinks faintly. He doesn't put anything on her for the situation that he got himself into. 
They stand there for a bit longer before Ashlyn says something else, “okay, let's go back out there.” Aiden turns around and opens the door, letting Ashlyn walk first with a dramatic hand gesture, following behind her as he hears her say, “We never speak of this again, do you hear?” when they're on the steps. He gives a nod and a thumbs up to her question, and they go back to acting like they don't care all that much for each other.
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kori-senpai · 1 year
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solcorvidae · 8 months
45. Of the Kiss list?
I immediately thought of Aiden and Lambert for this one! I am shocked at how quickly I wrote it too. Thank you for the ask!! This one was a lot of fun 🖤🖤
Prompt 45: "We shouldn't do this," but they do so anyway. Ship/Characters: Lambert/Aiden Word Count: 959 words
Fic below the cut and on AO3
Lambert sat across the camp from the sharp, fire-lit features of the Cat. He had been travelling with him for some months now, and his company was, more often than not, pleasant. Not that Lambert would dare admit such things out loud. It was a thought that he kept tucked away under his tongue, safely stored, readily available, but just as easily swallowed. 
Aiden was curious. He spoke with a crisp tone that projected authority and confidence. It was a perfected sound honed through many years of pushback and fighting for survival. Aiden was not trained in the same ways as the more traditional School of the Wolf; he was not like Lambert in that way at all. Lambert used his strength and body, whereas Aiden preferred his alacritous tongue and deception. Aiden was a performer, which meant he made for a generous liar. 
The air around the Cat changed when they returned from the Path, retreating to the isolation of their camp. Each night, in the comfort of the firelight, Aiden would soften. He still had a certain sharpness to him, particularly in his expressions; no matter how theatrical, they always had a certain edge he could never appear to let go of. 
Lambert poked at the fire with a large stick, knocking over the charred wood that crackled before them, creating an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. Embers shot up to the sky, dancing in the rising air, reflecting deeply in Aiden's wide, awaiting eyes. Something stirred in the back of Lambert's mind at that. He cocked his head to one side, deepening his gaze unto the man across the fire. 
"What?" Aiden asked, noticing the little shift in Lambert's demeanour. 
Lambert didn't reply. He quirked a brow in question, allowing his head to fall entirely to the side, ear-to-shoulder.
"You've gone soft," Aiden observed, watching the worry lines fade from Lambert's brow. 
"Just thinking."
Aiden sighed, knowing his friend too well. He stood up with no effort, a rude display of mobility in the face of Lambert's persistently creaking joints like a poorly lubricated door hinge. He scampered around the perimeter of the flame with ease, hardly disturbing the ground as he skirted across it, only snapping a single rogue twig as he sat next to his companion. Aiden's upper arm and shoulder made contact with Lambert's body as he leaned over, head atop Lambert's where it rested. 
"I think sometimes you forget I am a Witcher, too," he murmured thoughtfully. 
"What makes you say that?" Lambert half-heartedly defended, notably not pushing Aiden away as the pair shared the needlessly intimate moment. 
Lambert's legs were straight out in front of him, arms locked out behind him to keep his body upright, whilst Aiden's knees were tucked to his chest, arms clasped loosely around them. Aiden merely hummed. "You think too loud," he said matter-of-factly. 
Lambert moved them so they were looking each other in the eyes, pausing thoughtfully--as if he needed to carefully consider what to say next. Aiden knew he didn't. "I don't think I do," Lambert replied. 
"You do!" He insisted. 
"Yeah?" Lambert breathed, making a grand effort not to look at Aiden's lips. "What am I thinking about then if you're so fuckin' smart?" 
Aiden chewed on his lip in contemplation, weighing the pros and cons of his quiet thought; his sharper-than-average teeth reflected the low lighting as he did so. 'Me,' he would have said. 
Thankfully, Aiden thought better of it. 
Lambert's eyes widened, pupils contracting slightly in surprise as he felt Aiden lean in closer so their lips barely brushed. Lambert's throat bobbed as he breathed through his open mouth, jaw relaxed, and back muscles strung taught. For seconds that felt like years, they sat in a stalemate as Aiden waited for Lambert to close the gap or pull away. 
"We shouldn't do this," Lambert whispered, still not backing away. 
Aiden could hear Lambert's heartbeat ringing in his ears, and he could sense his thoughts. "Is that what you want?" 
A few more moments passed in silence, neither man willing to be the first to move an inch before Lambert exhaled deeply and spoke. "Fuck it," he said, grabbing the back of Aiden's head with a firm hand and cupping the side of his neck and lower jaw with the other. He could feel Aiden's smile as he wrenched his eyes shut, refusing to let his awkward gaze ruin the moment as his heart pounded on the walls of his ribcage, trying to claw its way out. 
Lambert felt Aiden's lithe hands trail up the front of his shirt before closing around the lower part of its collar. Aiden recklessly kissed Lambert back with as much passion and adoration as he was met with. That is to say, a lot. Lambert was not one for half-assing anything he did; this was no exception. However, what did shock the Cat was that Lambert's near-aggression of the initial kiss died almost instantly. 
Lambert's shoulders shook as he breathed heavily, forehead lazily pressed against Aiden's, one hand still firmly on the back of his neck while the other migrated gently to the front of his chest. "That was such a bad idea," he exhaled with no trace of worry left in his voice. 
"And when did you suddenly become known for your logical, not-at-all emotionally driven decision-making skills?" Aiden teased. 
Lambert laughed warmly, "Do you think..." he trailed off. 
"...That you can kiss me again?"
He nodded minutely. 
"Yes," Aiden said, pressing his lips to the rough skin of Lambert's jaw, chest rumbling with contentment. "Yes, you can." 
Lambert, honest to gods,  smiled in return before leaning in for a second, softer kiss. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all. 
—Send me a number!—
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lee1504 · 5 months
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maitaiwiththecorpses · 10 months
Should I… write an Aruden hockey romance oneshot?
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chubsette · 1 year
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Feedist Kinktober Day 5 - Witch's Brew🔮 / Baker's Delight 🥐
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Prompt 52
Jaskier is running away from his abusive home, cutting them all off without a word, and disappearing into the night to move to somewhere with a better future for himself. Only issue? He has no car, or money. So he sucks it up and tries hitchhiking, regardless of all the horror stories everyone tells you about. He was expecting some awkward drive with some old random trucker or something, like what always happens in the movies. What he wasn't expecting was for three brothers on a yearly family bonding road trip to agree to take him with them across multiple states (or uk equivalent) What he REALLY wasn't expecting was to fall in love with one of the men, who has long white hair, piercing golden eyes, an awkward-shaped smile, a ridiculously named pet horse, and a stupid sense of humor.
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spielzeugkaiser · 2 years
I'm always desperate to see Aiden in your art style🥺 👉👈. Do you have any more of him in your aus? Or what is going on in the necromancer au?
This might not be what you wanted, but...
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Zombie!Aiden?? Necromancer!Jaskier is my favorite creepy baby - also we went from dying because of resurrection to doing it kinda accidentally. :)
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shy-urban-hobbit · 1 year
First day of Whumptober!! Written for the prompt 'Swoon'.
Sometimes Aiden's mutations push him to the edge and beyond. (CW for ableism and suicide mention)
Damn those fucking experiments. Aiden was perfectly willing to sell his soul to the highest bidder here and now if it meant he could just sleep. Something which had eluded him since that day they'd injected him and his class with some untested mutagen bastardisation all those decades ago. He supposed he should count himself lucky really - at least he was able to rest in a fashion. Meditation could only do so much and he knew of at least two others who had ended it themselves before they'd even left the caravan, the exhaustion finally driving them to madness and another who'd wandered straight into the open jaws of a wyvern their first year on The Path, thinking it was just another hallucination (so the rumours said. Aiden had a feeling that one may not have been completely accidental either).
He could feel the signs creeping up on him. The bone deep exhaustion, the black spots creeping into his vision with increasing regularity. He wondered how much longer he could keep it from Lambert. It hadn't reached the point where he was a danger to himself - not yet anyway - and he'd learned the prickly Wolf wasn't overly chatty anyway (at least, not with him) so any extended silences between them were probably counted as a blessing. It had taken so long for him to convince Lambert it may be mutually beneficial for them to work together (he'd been right) and now that tentative arrangement was perilously close to going tits up. Maybe they'd get lucky and hit a lull between jobs and travelling soon.
No such luck. Aiden felt himself stumble again as the griffin descended, barely keeping his footing this time. It's tail grazing the top of his head.
"What the fuck, Aiden, that was a clear shot!" Lambert yelled out as he fired igni, taking the chance that Aiden had missed. It hit its mark and the griffin gave a screech as it crashed to the ground, wing ablaze. Aiden charged after it, dodging its talons as it writhed on the ground, determined to make up for his mistake even as his vision swam dangerously - fuck, running had been a bad idea. The beast gave a final cry as Aiden drove his blade through its heart, momentarily using it to discreetly hold himself upright.
"What the Hell was that, Cat? A fucking trainee could have made that shot."
Lambert's voice sounded far away
"Answer me!"
The world tilted and went black before Aiden could even open his mouth.
Aiden opened his eyes and found himself staring at the wooden beams of a ceiling rather than the sky. Lambert must have got him back to their shared room. He groaned a little as he turned his head to look around. The sound and movement alerted the other witcher, who was reclining on the other bed flipping through a thin volume Aiden couldn't see the title of.
"How long have I been out?"
The sun was still up. If he was lucky it had only been a couple of hours.
"Just over a day." Lambert replied, putting the book to one side and planting both feet on the ground. Aiden felt his stomach lurch. Shit.
"Healer said the only thing wrong with you was that you'd dropped from exhaustion. Funny that, considering I feel absolutely fine and dandy."
Aiden could hear the unasked question.
"That's probably because you've been able to actually sleep."
"So what, the delicate little pussy cat has a couple of bad nights and goes to pot? Fuck me."
Aiden scowled, rubbing a hand over his face, "It's more complicated than that."
"Wait don't tell me. The ground's been too hard, that rabbit the other night gave you a funny tummy-"
"Oh, either let me explain or fuck off!" Aiden snapped.
The Wolf inclined his head, his expression telling Aiden that his explanation better be a good one.
"It's my mutagens alright? Cats are a little more...liberal with the mixing process. They'd been working on a batch which was supposed to reduce the amount of sleep we need and thought my class were the ideal candidates when the trials came. Nine of us in all, six left last I heard."
Aiden gave a wry smile he didn't feel, "You can guess it didn't work quite how they expected."
Lambert's expression was one of calculating sympathy, "So, you don't need to sleep?"
"Oh I need to. I just can't." Aiden stressed, "What you saw today was me at my limit. Past it actually. My mind will just push my body over and over and over until." He clicked his fingers, "The longest I've been out before now is four days."
"So, what? You talked me into working with you so you'd have a minder or something? If you're stupid enough to go into a fight when you can barely stand you shouldn't be on The Path."
Aiden gave a growl which would have made a werewolf proud, "You condescending prick! Shockingly, I was managing just fine before I met you. I suggested working together for the exact reason I gave, and have I ever made a mistake before today?!"
Aiden flopped back down onto his back, suddenly exhausted again, "I usually do manage it better. People having to drag me away from a job because I passed out isn't a regular occurrence."
"So what was different this time?"
Aiden raised an eyebrow, "Are you saying you would've taken me seriously if I said I needed to stop because I was tired?"
The silence from the other was answer enough.
Aiden turned to face the wall, his back to Lambert, "If you want to split ways, I get it. But don't ever imply that I'm a liability again when I've survived just as long as you."
Minutes passed and Aiden fought the urge to look over when he heard no sound or movement from the other occupant.
"How long?" A quiet voice asked
"Before you...need to rest, how long is it usually?"
Aiden thought for a minute, "Usually about a month with meditation."
"Alright. So a month from now we hunker down for a couple of days. If we're low on coin, I can still go out on a couple of quick jobs while you rest."
"If you're doing this out of pity-"
Lambert snorted, "I'm doing this because usually my brother's are the only ones to call me on it when I'm being an ass. You were right. It took until you were beyond your limit for me to realise something was wrong in the first place. And it's sort of nice only having to put half the effort in on jobs every now and then."
Aiden gave a small laugh at that, "And you said I was lying about the benefits. Hey Lambert." Aiden turned to look at the other, "Thanks. For not leaving me earlier."
Lambert grumbled something that might have been "Don't mention it." Before turning his attention back to his book as Aiden let sleep pull him back under.
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dreams-everyday · 2 months
“I never noticed your [---] before. It's cute.” [Ashlyn + Aiden]
Forced proximity prompts
They were sort of in a situation right now, they were stuck at the back of a bus with no where to go, there was a Phantom at the front of the bus and some outside that Ash could hear, Everyone else was at the other bus, Ash volenting to go get the supplies they needed, and Aiden following behind saying that he would help. When they got off that bus it was okay, but then something fell, they didn't get to see what it was or where it went before a Phantom came running for the entrance of the bus. They scrambled to the back and were now hiding in a small corner that wasn't filled with supplies. They weren't on top of each other, more like just kind of squashed beside each other; with their legs and feet tangled a bit. 
The Phantom was still near the front of the bus, deciding if they actually were in here or not since it couldn’t see them. They were patiently waiting for someone to help them, somehow. They knew that they had the rest of the group as a lookout, as they told the two before they went off. Ash was just wondering why it was taking so long.. After a few more seconds of sitting in complete, terrified, silence she heard them killing some of the Phantoms that were outside. Not a lot got in, but more might if they don't hurry up and stop making such loud noises.
Taylor and Tyler finished up killing the last Phantom that was on the bus before whisper-yelling that it was safe, Taylor knowing that Ashlyn heard that. They got up and Ash made sure that there weren't any more Phantoms really nearby, even if it was kinda hard to tell with all the random Phantom noises.  They were walking out of the bus quietly when Aiden whispered, “I never noticed your freckles on your neck before. It's cute.” He said it in a way that was mockingly, in reality, or this reality he was just nervous about actually complimenting her. So he plays it off as a joke with his smile.
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pherryt · 10 months
Cliffs of Insanity
Witcher with Princess Bride elements. If you couldn't tell from the title. Written for the Witcher Flash Fic ( @thewitcherflashfic )
Rating: T Words: 6935 Ships: Aiden/Lambert, Gaeten/Letho Summary:
When Aiden gets a message from a brother that they're going after a Wolf, he panics.
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Also, I can definitely blame @ialwayscomewhenyoucall for this one, though it didn't take QUITE the direction I originally planned when i talked out ideas.
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