#aight Imma head out again
drawer-of-socks · 2 years
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Good ole art dump
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Can I ask you questions about Locorro?👀How do you think Spider and Lo'ak's first kiss went?
Yes you can, that's my full-time job now, apparently. Spent so long staring at this ask only to accept a drabble was needed. Dear God help us if we are doing drabbles now.
Please note: if you ask me for one, give me like a week or so to write it. Please I'm busy. And you run the risk of just getting headcanons back I can't promise anything. Also I have not edited this at all. But I hope it is what you were looking for. @boringgirl2 this is a drabble.
There are a lot of things Spider will do for Lo’ak. Apparently, pa’li herding isn’t one of them.
“It’s stupid,” Spider says, as if that ends the matter. He turns his attention back to his weaving, tightening a knot on the arm band he’s making for Tuk, but Lo’ak is not that easily deterred.
“If Kiri liked it, you wouldn’t think it’s stupid,” Lo’ak says. Kiri looks up from her own weaving at the sound of her name. 
“Yes, I would,” Spider says, still not looking at Lo’ak. Kiri is, though, and her eyes are narrowed.
“No, you wouldn’t! Admit it, if Kiri thought it was cool, you’d think it was cool with her and do it!” Lo’ak says, frustrated. 
“I think plenty of things Kiri likes are stupid. Like cloud gazing, or napping, or how she always has to eat the seeds of any fruit first and how she won’t let us look for herbs unless we ‘let Eywa guide us there.’”
“Stop listing things about me you find stupid,” Kiri scowls, leaning over and shoving Spider hard enough that he drops a bead. He gasps dramatically, retrieving and tossing the fallen bead at her. 
“You do all of those things with her all the time,” Lo’ak points out. It’s true, Spider took a nap with Kiri in a meadow after cloud gazing just yesterday. He thinks they even stumbled on some herbs on the way back. Spider sighs, finally, finally, putting his weaving down and giving lo’ak his full attention. As soon as he has it, Lo’ak forgets why he wanted it in the first place. It’s easy to forget Spider is older when they’re running through the forest, teasing each other and pushing each other off of tree limbs. It’s harder when Spider looks right at him like this, and Lo’ak feels pinned in the spotlight of gaze, remembering there is careful intention behind everything he does. 
“Fine. Nash is making me go back early today.” 
Lo’ak blinks, and he knows his surprise is written all over his face. Kiri snorts. Spider doesn’t usually share much about the living at the base with his foster family, not when he’s with them. Only Kiri’s direct questions get answers. It’s only through tone and body language; whispered tidbits in the dark, that Lo’ak has developed any opinion of the McCosker’s themselves. To get this response means Lo’ak had caught him, not quite in a lie but in the avoidance of truth. It feels like a victory to get this concession, but a loss all the same to see Spider’s tiny frown. 
“For what?” Lo’ak asks, because he can never keep his mouth shut. Kiri uses his shoulder to push herself to her feet and heads for the Hometree. Their clearing is just outside it, near enough to be easily accessible and far enough for private chatting. A popular weaving spot. He doesn’t take his eyes off of Spider, but Spider glances up to watch Kiri leave. Another win.
“I don’t know,” Spider says, eyes on Kiri’s retreating form.
Lo’ak frowns at him. He can’t imagine Spider not asking; he was there last when Norm asked Spider to help watch the links and Spider had questioned him on every aspect until Norm had gotten annoyed and told him to just leave. Spider had then thrown Lo’ak a grin, grabbed his mask and dragged Lo’ak outside. 
“They want me to focus on school more,” Spider elaborates, Lo’ak’s silence apparently giving voice to his skepticism. School was what the humans all called giving Spider books and packets to complete, hoping that one day lightning might strike and he would discover and heretofore dormant love of sitting in a lab chair all day and exclaiming at tubes with Max. 
“For how long?” Lo’ak asks. Spider shrugs. 
“Forever, I guess.”
Forever would be how long it would take for Spider to enjoy petri dishes for more than the thirty seconds of joy Norm’s face brings on every time someone calls them penis dishes in front of him. Still, Lo’ak doesn’t give that much thought. 
“Ditch then. Who’s going to stop you?” he asks. The solution is simple really, and Lo’ak would have thought Spider would know better by now. He’s not typically a strict rule follower like Neteyam. But, instead of thanking him for this insight and graciously joining Lo’ak in an afternoon of pa’li herding, Spider rolls his eyes and snorts loudly enough to be heard even over the rhythmic hissing of his mask. The action makes Lo’ak flinch. 
“I have to listen to them, bro. Where else can I go?”
Lo’ak opens his mouth to say of course, Spider can come stay at the Hometree with them, but then he takes in the glass on Spider’s face, so familiar he’d almost forgotten. Spider gives him a smile, like he can read Lo’ak’s mind. He hears a twig snap behind him and whips around to see Kiri abandoning her trip back to them halfway through, skittering back towards the Hometree. He whirls back to see Spider in the same position, still watching him. Damnit, he thinks wildly. 
“Why do you want me to come so bad?” Spider asks, and he tilts his head to the side ever so slightly, like Lo’ak’s dad’s ikran waiting for a slice of meat. Lo’ak does not like feeling like meat. 
“I always want you around, bro,” Lo’ak says, unfolding his legs to tap at Spider’s knee with his foot. Spider sways with the movement but does not break eye contact, eyebrows raised, so expressive, like Lo’ak has always hated his own for being. Fine then, if Spider doesn’t believe him. 
He shifts his legs back under him and braces his palms on his knees, pushing himself forward into Spider’s personal space. Spider’s eyes barely have time to widen in surprise before Lo’ak is there, pressing his lips to the front of his mask. He falls back and waits for Spider’s brain to catch back up. He goes crosseyed looking at the space Lo’ak had just occupied.  
“That is going to smudge,” Spider says, and Lo’ak is gratified to hear he sounds a little breathless. 
“Well, don’t be a baby about it. Are you going to come help herd or not?” Lo’ak shoves Spider’s half finished armband into his pouch and rises to his feet. He knows he has won when Spider jumps up after him.
“Warn me next time!” 
“Warn you?”
“Yes!” Spider nods. “No smudges.”
“Next time?” Lo’ak asks, and he tries to keep from grinning. Spider scowls at him, but his eyes are shining. 
“Oh, shut up or I’ll scare the herd in the wrong direction.”
“You’re coming now?” Lo’ak’s face hurts, his smile is so wide. Spider aims a kick at his shins.
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darthcatboy · 19 days
idr who said it but someone said that scourge and magnus should get married again just to get divorced again and i think that is the funniest and most tzeentchian thing imaginable
in m42 they're sorta married again so i wonder how long it's gonna take em to remember why their dumb asses separated in the first place
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breadharmskoi · 1 year
just listened to damon daunno if it’s true and jesus fuck
like yes OBC if it’s true lyrics are GOOD, GREAT even - i would not trade the worker’s chorus with hermes’s narration (as played by sir andre de shields himself) for anything
but the way the older version spends TWO VERSES of orpheus just lamenting his grief of losing eurydice.  how VISCERAL the lyrics are, body parts to love, and how there’s no more music for him anymore because eurydice is gone!!
and i get why it changed, but...could we not have had it all T-T
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1roentgen · 29 days
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spyder-junkie · 1 year
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
this one was short because we’re bringing mama Rio in the next part
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The next thing you notice about miles is he is NOTT a good texter.
nonetheless, you work with him, trying your best to pick a day where your schedules to meet up.
“Dont worry about it, mami. Just be cute when I get there.” Miles’ voice rings out through the phone as you look for an outfit. You can hear the clicking of his game controller through the phone.
Its 12:00pm right now, Miles was coming to you meet you at 1:30
“Mkay.” You mumbled, putting different shirts up to your chest in the mirror.
“Ill see you when you get here.” You say, looking at the phone.
“nos vemos pronto, hermosa.” He says, hanging up the phone.
you take extra care while getting ready. You were not quite sure if this was a date, but spending the day with Miles still had your stomach in a twist.
You close the clasp on your necklace just as your phone dings with a text from miles.
You grab your bag, jogging through your apartment to the front door.
Miles bares a little smile when your eyes meet his.
“You look nice, ma” He says, stepping aside so you can lock the door behind yourself.
“Youre not too bad yourself.” You smile,
Miles leads you away from your apartment building and down the block. Its mildly warm outside, and the sun is out.
As you walk to begin to notice Miles’ hand continuously brushing yours. Then slowly his fingers crawl into your palm until your hands are clasped together.
You look over at miles, who is exaggeratedly looking at the sky and pretending to whistle with a goofy smile.
You giggle, holding his hand tightly.
You didnt even know Miles had a sense of humor.
“You feelin’ icecream?” He asks suddenly, pointing to an icecream spot on the strip.
“Always.” You reply, letting him lead you inside.
The place is cute, summer beach themed, and empty momentarily.
Miles smirks down at you as you browse all the flavors in the display case.
“What are you gonna get?” You ask, not looking away from the glass.
“Vanilla.” Miles’ answer is quick.
“What? Thats so borninggg.” You say.
“I havent really gotten into crazy flavors.” He shrugs.
You shake your head.
“Pick a flavor for me then.”
You look back at him, then at the case again.
You choose brownie for yourself, and cookies and cream for Miles.
And as soon as the woman behind the counter hands you the cones, Miles is at the counter, paying for the both of you before you can protest.
The two of you find a bench down the block to sit at afterwards, enjoying your ice creams peacefully.
“You like it?” You ask, gesturing to his icecream.
“Mhm, its real sweet.” He says
“Wanna try?” He extends his cone towards you.
You shyly take a lick from his ice cream, savoring the flavor thoughtfully.
“Its good.” You smile.
“Wanna try mine?” Miles doesn’t think too hard about it, pulling in a bit of yours with his lips.
His face scrunchs up for a moment.
“Yours is MAD sweet.” He says.
“You dont like sweet things?” You ask, turning to face him on the bench.
“I like you.” He says suddenly.
“But nah, im not huge on sweets.” He goes back to eating his ice cream
The two of you go to a park afterwards, spending the day outside.
Youre still there just as the sun begins to set.
“Its gonna be dark soon.” You say, staring up at the sky with your head in Miles’s lap. He was seated upright on the grass, you laid against him.
“Imma walk you home, ma.” Miles says, looking down at you, while you watch the sky.
“Gonna make sure there arent any more men following me?” You joke.
“That shit wont happen again, not while Ive got you.”
And he means it.
He keeps his hand in yours on the walk home, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb.
When the two of you reach your door, hes giving you a pretty smile.
“Be careful, okay?” Miles’ eyes widen as you press a small kiss to his cheek.
“Im always careful.” He says, pressing his hand to his cheek
you give him a flat stare.
“Aight aight, not always. Mi mal, hermosa.”
You shake your head, wishing him goodbye with a warm smile.
tags: @kezibear @urmotherswhor3 @ladylovegood-69 @thetoetickler @cumbermovels @cozmicwonder @yams-ley @sh-tposter2021 @vampjacinda @roadkillmeal @animechick555 @the-smut-plug @iluvdi0r @stevenknightmarc @yoashh @kitsunna @caffeine-mess @arachnenotes @erensbbg @nightshxdex @el-chiste @3alvatore @sh-tposter2021 @miatjie @agstuffsworld @ella34435 @iluvdi0r @pulling-out-my-eyes @vakiui @bigpepperpicker @swaggybae @tsukisaiki @osebb
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gothic-thoughts · 8 months
Music To My Ears
Gojo Satoru x Black GN Reader Smut
MDNI, Perv Coworker!Gojo, Bimbo!Reader
CW: all the dirty words(he's a whore), stupid and oblivious Reader, Gojo jerking 📴 to your voice, reader being fluent in Yapanese 😭, imma degrade y'all cuz u lack brain cells
Word Count: 1,191 (give or take)
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It was 11 pm, and you were on the phone with your coworker, Satoru. You've been talking for about an hour now, but after a while, you noticed soft huffing and heard soft panting. Since there's not much going on up there, all you thought to do was tilt your head to the side with confusion. You shrug it off and continue to yap, but the longer he listened, the more he groped and palmed his erection through the grey sweats he wore.
“Uh, Gojo?” Your first mistake was saying his name.
“Yeah? What’s up, girlie?”
“You good?"
"Say again?" He heard you perfectly fine, but you can't tell can you?
"I asked if you were good. You workin' out right now?"
“Hah, yeah.” He responds before muttering, “I'm workin' somethin', ngh."
“Huh? You keep mumbling, Toru.”
"Hehe, don't worry about it." More panting "Just...continue your story."
You shake your head, believing his panting really came from a workout regimen, knowing damn well the strongest sorcerer don't need one.
“So like I was saying...”
He chuckled and made a low growling noise as he reached into his sweatpants, feeling how damp his boxers were from how much precum soaked into them. He bit his lip, slowly pulling out the erection that you caused from that voice you blessed him with. Every inflection, filler word, and gasp when you remembered another part of your story drove him so wild.
“And then I was like, ‘Ohmygod, Shoko’s not working for once?’ So I ran up to her...”
He grunts, trying his best to keep his voice away from the whiney territory he knew it could rise to if he felt too good. To you, his breathing sounded a bit...off, as if it sounded heavy and...well, different than normal. But he was working out, of course, he’d sound like that.
“The only reason I hesitated was because I feel like she don’t like me...”
With every passing moment, his fist passed over his shaft while his left hand kept a firm hold around his base, keeping him from exploding too soon, and with how often you clicked your tongue or sucked your teeth, he could’ve at any moment.
“Do you think she likes me; ion think she likes me. Anyways, though...”
The grunting sound only grew in pitch as the groans started to sound more...animalistic, mouth forming a smirk. He whispers your name, guiding his hand up and down his cock a little faster, getting the palm sticky with precum.
“Toru...” The concern in your voice makes his hand stop, “You sure you okay?
He bites his lip as he moans softly, watching another drop of precum squeeze out his tip and slide down to his still fist. "Yeah... heh...” 
“You huffin’ like a dog.”
“Oh sorry. I’m doing... I’m doin’ some push-ups right now so..." 
"Ohhhh, aight."
"Keep talking, short stuff."
"You even listening, Gojo?"
"Of course I am, I can, ngh, multitask."
The little hum of yours made him bite his bottom lip so hard that it bled. "I mean it, girlie." He sighs, "Hanging on every word. You were talking about your shopping spree."
"Oh yeah! I got a bunch of clothes with Utahime today! And they are the fuckin’ cutest! Like, there’s one that was...”
He groaned quieter as he heard you continue on, pumping his hand up and down to the speed your excited voice spoke. His fist twists with each stroke, grinding his red, sensitive cockhead into his palm which makes him shiver. The sound of his breathing had become noticeably heavier and deeper. He didn't respond just yet, instead, he only let out low grunts and 'mhm's in response to what he heard you say. He started to lift his hips from his bed, fucking his fist while pretending it was him making you ride him.
“And I got new lip gloss. Like a lot of lip gloss; cuz you know me...”
He did, in fact, know you; meaning that you prolly got almost every color, scent, and flavor imaginable just to try out. That sentence was all it took for the strongest sorcerer's mind to switch from thoughts of how good you'd feel bouncing on his long dick to how soft and wet your mouth was. You talk so much so it's gotta be moisturized as hell, not like he wouldn't make you use so much spit it made the colors on your lips smear around his veined shaft.
He whined into the speaker as you rambled, but TRUST he was listening. His eyes were rolled back, his hand began pumping faster, massaging the swollen head of his cock while his free hand gripped the base. He wanted to smear that lip gloss, stick, whatever so bad; just the thought of leaving your plump lips and chin stained with white and whatever other color made his full balls tense.
"H-hey, short stuff? You think you can you count down from 10 for me?"
"Yeah, why?"
"For my workout, remember?"
"Ohhh, right." You let out another oblivious giggle, "I forgot about that."
"Y-yeah, I'm, uhm, planking... and I'm al-most....done. Count for me."
"Kaykay. Ten.... nine..."
His hand slows down, trying to time his orgasm with that sexy voice. Gojo groaned and grunted, letting it all out since your dopey ass wholeheartedly believed he was tired from overexertion.
"Eight... seven..."
"Yesss~" He whispered, "Suck it, baby girl, that's it. Show me those eyes."
His breath got shallow as he looked down at his thighs, imagining you were scratching at them while your glazed-over eyes blinked up at him.
"Six... five..." 
"Yeah, not a fuckin' thought behind them, huh? F-uck, lemme give your mouth somethin' else to do."
Unable to help himself, he speeds up his hand, coating his entire dick in his own precum. His back arches from the bed as his hips thrust up, fucking his fist as you got close to one.
"Four.... three..."
"So fucking close, s'fuckin' close. I'm...gonna...cum. W-wanna cum in your mouth, baby please."
"Two... one."
"Ah, shiiit!!"
He let a resounding, drawn-out growl as pent-up cum spurts from his cock, shooting across his slim fingers. He continued driving his shaft through his fist, body shaking on his bed as his load continued to spill over his hand. He finally calms down, resting on his bed, and looking down at the cum all over his abs and lower stomach, clinging to his happy trail and pubes. 
"Damn," Your voice snaps him out of it, "Did you hurt yourself, Toru? That sounded painful?"
"N-no, I'm okay just...." He gulps thickly, collecting himself, "J-just planked longer than I could handle, heh."
"Was that okay? Did I count too fast or...?"
"Haah, no. It was perfect, girlie, th-thanks."
"Oh... uhh..." You tilt that empty head of yours, "What was I saying...?"
"You were talkin' 'bout... gettin' some clothes from Utahime... I think?"
"Oh, yeah! Then I was talkin' bout lip gloss!"
"Yeah, yeah." His cock slowly starts to harden again, putting a tired, yet devious smirk on his face, "Tell me what colors you got."
(a/n): eat up.
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h3arts4harry · 1 month
- privilege -
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- one - two -
based on 'privilege' by the weeknd
warnings: UNRESOLVED ANGST, drugs, death, arguing, toxic friends
chris sturniolo x reader
"y/n i cant do this anymore, ive tried i really have but you-" chris backs away from me, struggling to find the words. "chris please, ill get better i-ill cut them all off, i please chris ill do anything" i step forward, tears stream down my face, he backs away again, "chris p-lease" my voice breaks, he shakes his head with swallowing shaking away the tears so desperate to fall "im sorry y/n, i really hate to do this but we're done." i drop to my knees sobbing, my head falling into my hands, chris has to fight himself to not comfort me so he turns to walk out the front door, "fine! LEAVE! ENJOY YOUR PRIVILEGED LIFE! SEE IF I CARE!" i yell, we both know i dont mean it.
chris checks his phone to see if y/n has messaged him but hes heard nothing since that night, not that he wants to hear that shes suffering, hes suffering too. he loved her more than anything in the world but he couldn't stand to see her destroy herself anymore, he tried helping her but she would just brush it off or argue with him.
the breakup hit me hard. i didn't fully realise it yet but it did. i got closer with my new, so called, 'friends' we would do any drugs we could get ahold f and drink til we physically couldnt take it in anymore almost everyday. i called up our dealer james, "sup y/n how you doing?" "i urm, good, i was just calling to see if you had anything on you?" "yea i just picked up some new shit, can see you in like an hour maybe?" "yea sounds good thanks" "aight ill hit you up when im there" "mhm bye" and with that i hang up placing my phone on my nightstand, laying on my back staring at the ceiling, waiting for the time to go past.
"thanks james" i say taking the bag from him "yea no problem, i'erd about your fella, these should be able to help take the blues away" he smirks leaning against my door frame, i nod examining the familiar bag. "imma head out, be safe now. or dont. up to you" he shrugs walking over to his car. i shut the door and head to the kitchen, laying the red pills on the counter before looking for something to crush them with. i pick up my credit card and cut it into lines, rolling up a dollar, then slowly snorting the powder hoping itll make me feel as good as it used to. its never as good as the last.
"just get in the car. you love parties itll be fun trust me" kayla says from the passenger seat, "ugh fine let me just get changed, ill be five minutes" i cave in, turning back into to house, i walk into my bedroom picking up a small black dress off my desk chair swiftly pulling it on, its looser than it used to be but i dont have time to look for another. i slip on black heels to match, running out the car where kayla, james, Allison, and tyler are waiting for me. "finally lets go" Allison says from next to me.
the next goes fast, i dont remember how many drinks ive had. i pull out my phone and dial chris's number while stumbling out into the backyard. "hello?" "c-chris?" "what do you want y/n?" "i-i miss you…chris?" "hm?" "do you miss me too?" "y/n.." "please chris i- i just need- i need to know" my voice breaks, i didnt realise im full blown sobbing into the phone until now"i cant do this. not to me. not to you. y/n please go get help"' "i cant chris! they dont care about me! they dont care about me or anyone but themselves! all i am to them is someone to drink with, smoke with, snort fuck knows what with! i-i cant do it anymore its to much.. they said our love was just a game but- but i dont care, i cant do this without you chris" i can hear his shaky breaths down the phone "y/n.. i tried to help you, for months i tried but you always went back. it hurts to much, i- i need to go" "chris wait please- just let me see you" "no y/n. i dont wanna hear about you suffering anymore. i- i cant." "NO NO PLEASE CHRIS NO WAI-" the small beeps were deafening.
"i know i said i didn't want to hear about you suffering but now if i could go back, i would've said that i couldn't hear you suffer anymore, it was so hard to see you destroy yourself, i thought that if i left you would've got help but i realise now that i shouldve helped you, i should've tried harder, should've forced you-" "but instead im stood here, talking to a headstone- shit." tears fall down his face as he sat kneeling at your grave.
you overdosed that night. you had been found laying there on the cold wet grass of a strangers house, drowning in your tears. because of him.
as much as his brothers constantly reassured him that it wasn't his fault it wasn't enough. chris couldn't feel anything but guilty, as if he had taken her life with his own hands. in his eyes he kind of did, it haunted him that he could've changed the outcome.
my first request! thank you for sending it in🫶🫶
ive never actually listened to this song before but i had it on repeat while righting this so i hope it meets your expectations lol
as always feedback is appreciated <333
@m0r94n @sturnzsblog @junnniiieee07 @chrisgetsmewetterxo @raysmayhem-72 @sturniolo-slvt @mattspolitank @cerismo
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mcondance · 1 year
“fontaine is a brat tamer” no he’s not he’s a brat pleaser. a little. . too much of a pleaser. cw slapping, overstim
at first, you think he’s just giving you what you want. bending you over and fucking you like you’ve been acting up just to get. and he is giving you what you want.
but as your climaxes start racking up and the pleasure starts to sting, it’s a vain push and a “uh uh, n’more” from your messy lips, two things that fontaine shrugs away— your hands flattened to your chest and your words disregarded.
“uh uh,” you shake your head when he starts to rut into you again, like you haven’t cum so much it’s running down your thighs, like your chest isn’t heavy with it, like he can’t hear how sloppy everything is.
“this what you wanted, huh? what you was actin’ a fool for.” you don’t answer, too focused on his hips meeting yours, on his hands squeezing your waist so hard you know he’s bruising, on the deep groans and moans he sends right into your ear . . and he ain’t having that shit. “huh?” he asks again, bottoming out inside you, grinding his hips around so he kisses that spot so hard you have to gasp a breath out before you can even try to speak.
“shitshitshit, i can’t-” you squirm, pushing against him again.
“uh uh, ain’ tryna hear that shit. you gon’ take what you wanted,” he mumbles, and he’s humming at the way your weak arms come to circle around him, nails scratching at his back for some form of relief.
“we gotta do this every time ma?” he’s deep now, pulling out just to sliiide right back in and you swear you feel him in your throat, his cock splitting you open so good that you do feel it in your stomach.
“you can’t just use that mouth ‘n tell me you want it? you know i’ll give it to you.” it’s purred into your ear, and he’s wiping the tears from your face with one hand, settling onto his knees so he can drive his hips onto you a little stronger.
your response isn’t a response at all— a high-pitched moan and your grip on him gets tighter, eyes rolling back until all you see is white, and that’s where you stay for a second; in a state of. . whatever this is, spaced out and experiencing everything through a fog.
until fontaine’s hand grips your face, tapping once, twice, three times to get you back here, to make you take what it is you all but begged for.
“nah, baby, you gon’ feel this. it’s what you wanted, ain’ it?”
and it is what you wanted. and it’s what you get. by the time fontaine feels like he’s fucked and filled you good enough, you’re so out of it you couldn’t act up if you wanted to, and fontaine’s wiping you down with a wet rag and tending to you softly.
“know you gon act up again. but it’s aight cause imma take care of you every time.” he already knows; and he doesn’t miss the blissed out little smile you crack.
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boozenboze · 2 years
If it's alright- how about the 141 boys reaction to the reader having a pretty large scar on the side of their face? (it could really be from whatever you'd like/feel comfortable writing ^^)
Scar Faced
Task Force 141 x Male reader
Summary:M/n had gotten a scar while on a mission with some new soilders.Now that he’s back at the base and not looking anyone in the eye he started making the others worried
Females She/Her and She/They DNI
M/n and his team and had came back and they needed immediate medical attention.M/n was unconscious when they arrived and he had attained a large scar on his eyes.It was a pretty big,going down from his eye all the way to his lip.When he had woke up in the infirmary he immediately jumped out of his bed,pulling out all the cords and tubes connected to him.He looked outside of a window and once he approached it he was able to see his own reflection he saw a large wrapping of bandages around his right eye.He started to make his way towards the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror.He began to untie the knot that kept the bandages up on his eye,and now that he had a clear view of his eye he almost passed out.His eye looked cloudy and he could just barely see out of it.
The scar he had now was stitched all over and it almost made him want to gag.He could’ve been cool but at the moment he thought it was quite disgusting.
A few days had gone by and M/n successfully found a way to cover the scars.He had gotten his hands on some shades and a face mask that covered his face quite nicely.The rest of 141 had just seen him yesterday since he was able to leave the infirmary.They were all quite curious as to why he’d wear it.
“Maybe he’s tryna be like Ghost.”Gaz spoke out while Soap shook his head in disagreement.
“Nah,M/n couldn’t be like him the guys to friendly.”Soap said as M/n read his book that he had aquired after leaving the infirmary.
“Imma go ask em’ about it aight?”Gaz spoke out while going in the direction M/n was going in.M/n had taken a seat on the couch in the main room currently trying to take his mind off of the scar he now had on his face.Gaz came into the room,wrapping his arms around the h/c haired males shoulders.M/n looked up at the male who looked back down at him with a smile before planting a kiss on his forehead.
“Do you need something Gaz?”M/n asked sweetly as Gaz threw himself over the sofa before laying his head on the h/c haired males lap.M/n chuckled,placing his book to the side before pulling the Brit’s hat off and scratching his scalp.Gaz hummed in response before asking.
“What’s up with all the accessories?”Gaz spoke out making M/n sigh response.
“Explosion fucked my eye up pretty badly.”M/n responded as the others walked into the room.
“Can we see it?”Gaz spoke out gathering Soaps attention.
“See what?”He asked out in the same curiosity Gaz had.
“I was asking M/n if he could show us the scar on his face.”Gaz spoke out as M/n chucked, a bit insecure about the scar he had.
“Well go ahead and show it,no judging here.”Ghost spoke out gruffly as M/n sighed in response as he took off his shades and mask to reveal the now diamond shaped scar that was adhered to his face.The sight pulled shock out of everybody and Gaz rose his hand up and started tracing it with his finger.
“Ye keek magic!”Soap spoke out now getting up close to further examine the scar.
“That must’ve been one hell of a hit to gain a scar like that muppet.”Price spike out as M/n nodded in response.
“Ya look badass M/n,fuckin sexy bastard.”Gaz spoke again while M/n blushed in embarrassment.
“I’d have to agree M/n you look stunning.”Price said as Ghost walked behind him and ran a hand threw his hair,massaging his scalp.
“I...appreciate it guys thank you....”M/n spoke out,happy that they didn’t judge him.
This only confirms they love you no matter what
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jockdumboy · 6 days
Dumbass Douchebag Revultion Jock Bro
aight bro, u wanna join da dumbass douchebag revulution, huh? respect, bro, cuz we out here makin gainz an thinkin' less, da right way! imma show u how to turn off ur brain an get swole, bro. no need for smart stuff, just muscles an tank tops. u ready? let’s goo, bro!
step 1: stop thinkin’ so much bro – just focus on liftin
bro, smart thots slow u down. u gotta think less an just lift more. if ur thinkin, u ain't liftin! u need to clear ur head an focus on dem muscles, bro. here’s how u do it:
how to turn ur brain off, bro:
grunt a lot – bro, when u feel a thot creepin up in ur head, just grunt. grunts block out da brain stuff. erry time u grunt, u get a lil dumber but also more swole. more grunts = more gainz.
count wrong – don't worry about counting right, bro. just do like “1… 2… uh… 10!” don’t waste brain energy on numbers, bro. just lift until ur arms feel like noodles. numbers are for nerds.
stare at urself – da more u look at urself flexin, da less u think. mirrors are key, bro. flex in da mirror for 10 mins and u’ll feel da brain fog settlin in. if u ain’t thinkin, ur winnin!
step 2: eat like a dumb bro – food for less thinkin’
bro, smart people eat complicated stuff, but we ain’t needin’ dat. we gotta keep da food simple, so da brain stays off an muscles grow, bro.
simple jock meal plan:
brekfast: 10 egg whites, bro, no yellow stuff, cuz yolk is too complicated. jus crack ‘em an cook ‘em. don’t even think bout it, just eat dem. den drink a protein shake, bro, but don’t think too hard on how much powder u put in, just pour an shake.
lunch: chicken, bro, jus chicken. u don’t need nothin fancy. jus grab some chicken and eat it. da less u think bout flavors, da better. thinkin slows down da gainz.
dinnar: more chicken, or steak if u wanna switch it up. but don’t think too much, bro, steak is jus beef chicken. eat dat, maybe add some broccoli if u feel fancy, but dats it. simple = swole.
snakks: peanut butter, right out da jar, bro. don’t even use a spoon, jus scoop it wit ur hand if u gotta. drink protein shakes whenever u think too much, dat’ll stop da smart thots.
step 3: dress like a jock, bro – look dumb, lift big
bro, ur clothes gotta scream “i don’t think, i just lift.” da right gear stops ur brain from workin' an shows erryone dat ur all about da gainz.
jock bro style:
tank tops: da less shirt, da better, bro. if ur tank ain’t showin’ ur nips, it’s too much. u worked hard for dem muscles, show ‘em off. less shirt = less thots.
short shorts: u gotta show dem legz, bro. even if u don’t work legs much, u wear da short shorts. da shorter, da less brain power u use. simple math, bro.
backwards hat: wear ur hat backwards, always. makes u look more like a badass jock, plus it keeps da brain from overheatin’. dat’s science, bro, trust me.
step 4: act like a jock bro – no thinkin, just doin
bein part of da dumbass douchebag revolution means actin like u own da world, bro. don’t let smart people get in ur way, jus be loud and confident, like errywhere u go is ur gym.
how to act, bro:
flex errywhere: see a mirror? flex. don’t even think twice, just do it. flexin' is like a brain reset, it turns off any smart thots u might accidentally have.
talk bout liftin all da time: bro, if someone tryna talk bout somethin' else, jus say “yo bro, how much u bench tho?” dat’ll stop da convo from gettin smart. always bring it back to da gym, bro. liftin' is life.
grunt loud af: grunt whenever u do stuff, not just in da gym. grunt when u lift, grunt when u open a door, grunt when u stand up. it shows ur serious about bein' a jock bro an it keeps ur brain from thinkin’.
conclusion: welcome to da revolution, bro
bro, now u know how to join da dumbass douchebag revolution. jus think less, lift more, eat simple, an dress like a beast. we don’t need smarts, bro, we jus need gainz. u ready to be part of da swole squad? let’s gooo bro! time to lift and never think again!
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 7 months
You're the Only Girl for Me - Chapter 12
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February 4th 2021 - Pensacola FL
It had taken 3 weeks to get Josh moved into his new place and have it up to par for when Tracy brought the boys down. Tracy had insisted that she needed to make sure that her kids weren’t being brought to some ‘crack house’.... those were her exact words and it pissed Josh off, and brought on an argument that had her pushing back the boys visit another week. 
“So you ready to see your boys?” Airielle had as she excitedly bounced on her toes. She was beyond happy for him because she knew how much he missed them and Josh couldn’t wipe the smile off his face, no matter how hard he tried. 
“Hell yeah.” He said, grabbing his keys off the counter. “You sure you don’t wanna come with me to pick them up” Airielle nodded her head. 
“I’m sure. You spend the day with your boys and I'll meet up with y’all for dinner.” She cupped his cheek when he gave her a look. “I promise I'm not tryna run away or anything. I’m really excited to meet them. It’s just…” She paused and bit her lip. 
“Tracy” He said and nodded his head in understanding. “Aight, i’ll call before comin’ to pick you up.” She nodded and grabbed her purse before walking out the door with him. She let him walk her to her car and placed a kiss on his lips before driving away. 
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Airielle groaned as she entered her apartment and saw Joe lounging on her couch. 
“Don’t you have a home?” Joe rolled his eyes. 
“Yeah, but I like being here. Whatchu’ doing here anyway. I thought you were meeting Jahair and Jahmir?”  Airielle grabbed two waters out of the fridge and sat down on the couch passing him one. 
“Yeah later on. Their mom wants to see Josh’s apartment to make sure it meets her standards or something,” 
“You ain’t wanna see her? Size up the competition?” She sent him a glare that made him laugh and hold up his hands. “I’m kidding” she hummed and rolled her eyes. 
“I can deal with him having kids, but the whole baby mama slash ex-wife thing,” She shrugged “Imma have to work up to that.”  Joe chuckled and nodded his head. 
“Yeah, Trace can be a bit much at times I don’t blame you.”  Airielle shrugged again
“I mean, if I wanna stay with Josh, imma have to meet her eventually just not now.”
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The butterflies in Airielle’s stomach intensified as she heard a knock on the door. She knew Josh liked to actually meet her at her door instead of her coming down to his car, but she thought him having his sons that he would make an exception. 
All of the nervousness left her body when she opened the door though. Josh stood there with his usual bouquet of flowers but his two sons also had one rose each in their hands. “Hey,” He smirked and handed her the bouquet and his sons followed suit with their single roses. 
“Thank you.” She said smiling at the youngest, Jahmir who blushed and hid behind his father's legs.
“I stopped to get ya’ flowers and the boys wanted to get you some too.” Airielle placed a hand over her heart and thanked the two boys again before letting the three of them in so she could put the flowers in the vase. 
“Thank you guys. My other flowers were starting to become withered.” Josh led the boys over to the couch before grabbing Airielle’s hand and going into her bedroom, cracking the door. “What? What’s wrong?” 
Josh sighed and grabbed her hands, his thumb rubbing circles on the back of them. “Don’t be mad at me aight?” When she nodded, Josh continued. “Tracy is coming out with us tonight.” 
“Oh.” Airielle said, pulling her hands out of his grasp and wrapping her arms around herself. “I thought she was just flying down with them and leaving.” 
“She was, but uh- Mir brought you up and she said there was no way she was letting her kids meet you without her meeting you first.” Airielle sighed and sat on her bed. “I’m sorry Rih” 
“I mean I guess it’s okay.” 
“You sure?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. “Cause it’s okay if you don’t want to meet her.” Airielle shook her head. 
“No, it's cool. I wanna spend time with you and your boys.” Josh nodded with a big smile on his face. 
“Aight bet, come on before they start tearing up ya’ living room.” 
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liked by trinity_fatu, uceyjucey , and 193,000 others
AirielleJones: 📸 😘
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uceyjucey: nice pics wonder who took em 👀
AirielleJones: @uceyjucey omg 🙄
_raymondwwe: nice shirt 👍🏾
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Airielle had never felt more awkward in her whole entire life. Josh had warned her that Tracy could be a bit much but.. Jesus she was insufferable. Everything was cool at the arcade, Jahmir and Jahir had pulled Airielle and Josh all around the arcade while Tracy stayed at the table with their stuff. 
 Airielle could avoid Tracy at the arcade by walking away when she was around,  but it was at dinner that they sat across from each other and Tracy kept sending Airielle glares when she would try to talk to Jahir or Jahmir, Tracy would answer for them as if she didn’t want Airielle talking to her kids.  
Josh glared at Tracy as he leaned closer to whisper into Airielle’s ear. “Don’t worry bout her aight? As soon we done eating me, you and the boys can leave.” Airielle sighed and nodded her head. She had no clue as to why Tracy was making everything so difficult. 
Yeah, they used to be married and they were together for a long time, but from what Josh had told her, Tracy had been moved on and the boys had already met her new boyfriend without any interference from Josh. 
“So Arabella-” 
“Oh, it’s Airielle.” Tracy shrugged and waved her hand dismissively
“Same thing.” Airielle let out an exasperated sigh as she grabbed her cup and took a sip. “So I hear you work for the WWE too.” Airielle nodded. “Are you a wrestler as well? I don’t remember seeing you on T.V” 
Airielle resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “No, I’m not a wrestler, I'm a backstage interviewer.” Tracy frowned her face up. 
“Oh, that sounds boring.”  
“Oh well it’s not” Airielle shot back immediately then cut her eyes towards Josh who had covered his mouth with his hand, trying to hide his smile. 
“Daddy, I'm tired.” Jahmir interrupted and Airielle sent out a silent prayer. Finally she could get away from Tracy.  Josh gave Airielle his card so she could pay and took the two boys to the bathroom. Airielle immediately took the card and rushed over to the counter so she could pay. 
“Is that my husband's cuban?” Airielle’s hand flew up to the chain on her neck. “It looks just like the one I got him for his birthday last year.” 
Airielle sighed. “Ex-husband and No, it’s not his.” Was all Airielle said, getting the receipt and walking out of the restaurant with Tracy hot on her heels.
 “You know,” Tracy said once she and Airielle were outside  “I think you would look so much better without all that make-up. Your skin is probably crying out for a break.”  Airielle let out a loud laugh, tilting her head. Her eyes twinkled with amusement. Tracy was trying to get a rise outta her but it wasn’t going to work. 
“My skin is fine, thank you very much.” She rolled her eyes, still laughing. It was at the moment Airielle wished Josh gave her the keys to the car because if Tracy said one more thing to her, Airielle wasn’t sure if she’d be able to hold it together.  Luckily Josh and the boys finally came out.  Airielle stood there awkwardly as she and Josh waited for the boys to say goodbye to their mother. 
Tracy turned to Airielle and gave her one final up and down glance before saying “I guess it was nice meeting you.” And walked off before Airielle could say anything back.
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“Thank you.” Josh said, breaking Airielle out of her thoughts. He had just finished putting the boys to bed. She finished wrapping her hair up before turning towards him, a confused look on her face. 
“For what?” Josh shrugged and patted the spot on the bed next to him so she could come lay next to him. 
“I know you wasn’t too happy about having to spend the day with Tracy” He said as she climbed into the bed next to him. “So thank you for still coming and spending time with me and the boys.” 
“It was no big deal.” She shrugged. “I mean, no I wasn’t ready to meet your ex, but it was gonna happen eventually right?”  She laid down and propped herself up on her elbow. “Besides, I’m happy I got to meet your kids today. they’re cool as fuck.” She smiled and Josh knew right then and there he was in love. 
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AHHHH! they're so cute 😭🥰
sorry in advance about the next couple chapters
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writingseaslugs · 2 years
Lilia Vanrouge, Silver, Sebek Zigvolt: I can sit here? Deadass?
I’m sorry, but if a student pops up, upside down at lunch, and says I can join their table…imma do it. I don’t care about consequences. Imma make me some weird friends and nobody can stop that. Also, I have no idea if my beta fishies got to this. Nobody signed off so I'm just crossing my fingers. If there's errors, I do apologize.
Disclaimer: All characters in this series is aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please do a quick read of THIS post.
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Lilia Vanrouge, Sebek Zigvolt, Silver: I Can Sit Here? Deadass?
“Are we not all students at the same academy? We at Diasomnia will always welcome you with open arms.” Lilia Vanrouge said, your first meeting with the man was already a strange one. You had almost spilled your lunch all over the table when he appeared out of nowhere. You and your new friends looked over at the table, and noticed a few Diasomnia students. Two, in particular, stood out. Both had very serious expressions, but you swore the one with silver hair was five seconds from passing out in his food.
“Those guys over there don’t look like they’d be very welcoming…” Deuce muttered, but you were now intrigued. You had been in this world for such a short amount of time, and nothing was going to stop you from meeting new and interesting people. This wasn’t like your old life back home, oh no, this was an opportunity you were planning on taking.
You heard Lilia laughing, “Apologies for dropping in on your meal. Until we-“ You didn’t mean to cut off Lilia, but you kind of just thought of what you said what you needed before thinking it over.
“Deadass?” You asked, turning to Lilia. The boy…no man stopped as he stared at you. He had a curious smile on his face, “Like deadass, they wouldn’t mind if I just got up and joined the table? No cap? Legit? We doin this?” You asked, causing Lilia to chuckle, covering his smile.
“What an interesting little human…why don’t we head over together and we can make proper introductions?” Lilia said, not expecting anyone to actually take the offer. Still, if you were willing to meet them, then who is he to say no. His sons needed more friends, and you were in the same year as Sebek.
“You’re talking all weird again…” Ace commented, but Cater was too busy snickering at the interaction. Ace then turned to Lilia, “And how did you understand half the things they just said?” You kept forgetting that some of the terms you used weren’t known here. Well, sucks to be them.
“Aight, let’s go.” You said, standing up from your table. Grim made a small, annoyed noise before turning to your food then back to you, “Yes Grim, have at it.” You said, deciding you’d rather follow Lilia. The short man chuckled again before guiding you over to the table. You swore, you could feel eyes on you as you approached the Diasomnia table. When you finally got there, right in front of the two interesting students you spotted earlier, you smiled.
“Silver, Sebek, I’d like to introduce you to the Ramshackle prefect.” Lilia said, waiting for you to give a proper introduction. You perked up, smiling wildly once you noticed how confused the two boys seemed at this new turn of event.
“Hello!” You said, introducing yourself properly by giving them your full name, “It’s a pleasure to meet you two!” You said, taking a seat. Lilia sat down next to you as the two men looked you over, wondering what was going on. The tired looking one was the first to respond.
“My name is Silver, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He said, giving Lilia a curious look. He was wondering why his father decided to bring you over here, but Lilia looked like a proud cat right now, having just caught the largest fish ever. The angry looking crocodile finally snapped back into awareness as he stood up and put a fist over his chest.
“I am Sebek Zigvolt, one of Lord Malleus’s guards!” He shouted, and you knew the entire cafeteria could hear. What an interesting bunch, the overly loud one, the sleepy one, and the mischievous one.
“It’s nice to meet you two…so you’re a guard of…Malleus?” You asked, trying the name out. Sebek sat down and slammed his hands on the table. Lilia went to make a motion for him to calm down, but Sebek was in the zone now.
“How have you not heard of our Lord Malleus, the next in line for the throne in Briar Valley?” Sebek shouted again and you smiled.
“Well, I’m not from this world, so I don’t know who Malleus is, or Briar Valley.” You admitted and Lilia hummed at the thought.
“Briar Valley is where the three of us come from, it’s our home. Fae live over there, under the protection of the Queen of Roses. It’s a sight to see, perhaps some day you could visit.” Lilia said and you were more interested in another part.
“Fae?” You asked curiously and Sebek seemed even more miffed you didn’t know this. Lilia was just amused, having acknowledged you didn’t come from this world and therefore knew absolutely nothing about it.
“Yes, the fae, we’re different from humans.” Lilia explained, “If you’d like, I can give you a full history.” He inquired.
“I’d love that…wait so are you fae?” You asked, having noticed the sharper teeth and pointed ears earlier in the introductions. Silver seemed to be human, just like you, but Sebek seemed to be…on the cusp. He had unnaturally colored eyes, and his ears had the starts of a point, with sharper teeth. He still seemed more human when compared to Lilia though.
“I am, and Sebek over there is half-fae.” Well, that cleared up your suspicions, “Now where to begin? I guess we should start with exactly what a fae is, and then discuss Briar Valley.” And thus began the most informative lunch you had ever had. You only felt a bit bad for leaving your boys to figure out the Riddle situation themselves. You could catch up in your next period together…this Diasomnia group was far more interesting though.
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Are you a fan of Diasomnia like me? I bet you are if you read my content (we love the boys in this household). Want to support a visual novel that will feature Diasomnia dorm, has multiple routes and endings, as well as some spicy visual scenes? Check out @twstfournights and if you want info, check out their announcement post!
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slippinninque · 6 months
Fontaine vs Usher
Notes: fluff, short n sweet, pouty 'taine, goofy reader, I added a bit more cause this one wouldn't leave me alone lol.
Fontaine video called while you were puttering around your kitchen cleaning up after your snack, your laptop still at the table open and flickering through playlists.
"Ugh, I had the biggest crush on Usher-- I'm glad he's still doing alright .."
"....Fuck him."
You snorted, pausing in wiping down your counter, "Now, 'Taine..."
"Mhmm, I said it...fuck 'em."
"What did he do to you?!"
"It ain't about what Usher did, it's what he does. He come over here an' call himself serendaing-- he'll be finishing that hook up at them pearly gates...."
You crumbled onto the counter, outdone and incredulous at your man. Fontaine's expression was every bit serious aside from the slight lift of his brow.
"You are terrible, Fontaine, you can't be out here taking out the greats!"
Fontaines face was suddenly up against his camera, "Turn me 'round, lemme see him..."
"You acting like he's here!"
"I said turn me, woman!"
Dutifully doing as you were asked, you held him in the direction of your laptop right when Usher took off his shirt, tossing it into the crowd.
"See? Look at 'em.... whore."
You couldn't stop laughing as Fontaine wished the absolute worst on the singer.
"I hope you roll your ankle the next time you slide up to a lady, you audacious bitch. Aight, I'm done."
Sighing as you wiped away tears, you shook your head once he could see you again, "You're terrible, but I'm lucky to have you."
Fontaine huffed, "Let him breathe in your direction, Imma bust his head down to the white meat."
Lost to your giggles, you went and plopped onto the couch as you reassured your the superstar in your life.
The radio played aimlessly as you waited for your food to come up at the drive thru. Fontaine was watching the flow of traffic in front of him, when his ears perked at the music playing.
"Right in front of me?" He matched your surprised stare with his own, unimpressed one.
You floundered for a minute before tucking it behind an saccharine little grin, reaching and turning the radio up a bit louder.
"Its 9:00 on the dot I'm your green car parked on the street/ you got a real pretty pretty lil' thing that's waiting for yooooou..../ You-you pull up, anticipating good love, I won't keep you waiting/ I got plans to put your haa-aands in places you always see, boy you know what I mee-eean..."
Unbuckling your seatbelt, you threw yourself over Fontaine as much as you could, wriggling your brows as he tried to ignore you and your terrible remix.
"Gonna take me to a place nice and quiet/ so there were no one left to interrupt, ain't got to rush, you just wanna take it niiiice and sloooow..."
When you tried to kiss him, he turned his face away making you crack a bit.
"No, I don' want kisses." He said, petulant.
"Don't kiss you? I can't kiss you now?"
Saying nothing, Fontaine shifted away from you as if he was rolling over in bed and stared moodily out the window.
"Here, lemme sing to you some more, that might help-- NOW TEEEEEELLL ME, DO YOU WANNA GET FREEEAKY?"
He jumped at the sudden volume of your voice and you slapped a hand on the center of his back, sliding it every which-way as you babbled through the next few rhymes.
Giving your best show, you unzipped your hoodie and rolled your body in the passenger seat. The ruckus of it all making him turn to face you with surprise.
"What... in the Pretty Ricky is happenin' right now?"
"I'm serenading you! We can be each others Usher--
The window finally spun open and your carry out was provided. Fontaine hurried to grab the bags after handing you the drinks.
"I don't wanna be no damn Usher, girl, you lost yo' mind--can I get some straws, please?"
"They call you F-O-N-T-A-I-N and they need an' E-- now why you laughing like that at me in front of this nice Coney Island lady?"
It wasn't really a question, afterall to get that pout off his face was all you wanted.
Fontaine accepted the straws from the giggling worker and you thanked her before Fontaine pulled off and into the street.
"Yo' lil tail play too much." Fontaine eventually said, shaking his head and putting a hand onto your thigh. He was smiling, though, so at least your show was appreciated.
"Just say the word and I'll play you all the jams. Ooo, y'knowanothergoodone-- I'll be yo' grooupie, babyy, 'cause you are my suuperstah--
"Stop, stop!"
Pausing to cackle for a moment and turn the radio completely off, you went back into show mode much to the mirth of your Fontaine.
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raynehmms · 1 year
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 𝟏
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He pulls up at the house getting out and walks into the house immediately getting hit with the smell of weed and alcohol. He asks around for you, eventually finding one of your friends that walked out to get you a drink and asks if they have seen you. “Ay you seen my girl?” Your friend mean mugs him looking him and up and down “wouldn’t you like to know.” She rolls her eyes. “Bro were she at. For a shoot this shit up no bs.” She grabs her drink and waves her hand for him to follow her to the room where everyone is at. As they walk in your eyes immediately dart to the door you see him walk in and roll your eyes your irritation immediately surfacing. You ignore him as he walks over to you sitting in the love seat next to you. “Why you just leave like that?” You continue to ignore him. “Ma come on now you doing too much.” You look at him offended then stand walking over to your friends and telling them you about to leave. As you walk out he follows you trying to get your attention all the way to the car. He grabs your arm and turns you around. “What’s the problem ma?” “What’s the problem are you serious? You don’t remember? So you telling me you don’t remeber calling me dramatic for being mad at you for hugging up on another bitch?” You look at him genuinely confused on how he’s acting. “I told you she was a friend.” “Nah then why she come up to you when I wasn’t there? Y’all mad weird.” “It wasn’t like that ma. I put that on my momma .” “On yo momma? I pray that nice lady don’t get struck down by god. Because you playing on her name like this.” He throws his head back rolling his eyes and dragging his hands down his face. “What do I have to do to prove it to you. I swear imma do anything.” “Call that bitch.” You cross your arms and lean against your car. “What?” “Nigga I said call her!! You been pissing me off way too much.” “Aight.” He pulls out his phone and calls her number. “You have her number?!?! I should fuck your up right now. I should beat yo ass for real.” The girl picks up the phone and starts asking him what he’s doing but you snatch the phone out his hands and put it on speaker phone. “Hello? Why was you huggin on my nigga at the mall?” She talks back confused. “What?” “Girl you heard what I said.” “Yo ma chill out.” “Girl I just know him from high school don’t nobody want to nigga.” She laughs. “Nah I don’t know you so it don’t matter where you know him from. I catch you huggin on him again that’s yo life.” You hang up the phone and shove it into his chest. “I catch you hugging up on another female like that and I ain’t me, yo mama or yo grandma. You gon lose yo life too. I’m so dead ass.” “You got it. I ain’t know it was that serious.” You roll your eyes “obviously it was if I ignored you that long.” He grabs your waist and holds you tight. “You still got an attitude.” “Hell yeah I’m pissed as hell.” “What can I do to make it up to you.” “I don’t know but figure it out.” He kisses your cheek then opens your door letting you get in. “Imma check on you tomorrow. Aight ma?” “Ok. Don’t come empty handed.”
The next day he knock on your door early in the morning, you come to the door in a silk pink robe and your matching bonnet still on. You see him there with a big bouquet of 100 roses in one hand and a bunch of designer bags in his other hand. “Can I come in?” You look him and and down then step aside letting him in. “Take yo shoes off.” You say walking towards your kitchen island and sitting in one of the chairs as he takes his shoes off and sets all of your gifts on the table. “So is this your apology?” You gesture to all the things. “Kind of. These is still some of their shit and I ordered you breakfast it should be here soon. You nod your head and stand up grabbing the Goyard bag and looking inside taking the box out and opening it seeing a large pink tote bag. You look at him surprised by him remembering. “Are you for real?” “Hell yeah.” He smiles at you then looks you up and down. “This bag is like 3000. You remembered?” “I always remember.” “Mhm.”
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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 𝐨𝐟 𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐢 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭. 𝐁𝐔𝐓 𝐢 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐰.
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axailslink · 2 years
Two Hours
Riri Williams x poc FEM reader
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Summary: Riri forgets she set up a study time with you today so when she comes back to her dorm she's dressed to a T after a night out you can't help but be the natural flirt that you are.
Riri runs back to the door as she sees you with your book bag "shit sorry I thought I'd be back in time" she unlocks the door and lets you in but you're just staring her up and down. "Wow, who's the lucky bitch?" She laughs as you sit on the bed eyes still pressed firmly to her figure "no one I went out with my sister for a night drink" you take out your journal and laptop "well can I be the lucky bitch? Because if you go out looking like that I feel like it's only right you have someone to look as good as you" you do a little spin and she laughs "yo shut the fuck up and pull those notes out" she sits beside you as you open your journal to your last notes but when you look at her again you just groan. "There is no way I'm focusing on these notes with you looking this damn good next to me like give a little praise to the shirt!" You grab her hand and pull her off the bed gently spinning her around she can't help but smile and shake her head. "Y/n you have two hours with me paid for are you going to waste them praising me the whole time?" You think about it and nod "yes but I could do a lot more than praise you if you just give me the chance. No one is good for you you don't talk to nobody and everybody knows boys ain't ya flavor but what's wrong with me? I mean look at me I'm cute ain't I?" She laughs as she looks you up and down "I'm not answering that" you smile and kiss her hand "a chance? A date? Shit a time?" She snatches her hand away "I don't fuck the students I tutor." You nod "okay then as of right now you no longer tutor me I'm not failing any of my classes anyways. Now what? Am I on the fuck list yet?" She shakes her head "you couldn't handle me" you smile and look at her straight in the eyes "but I think I could handle you" she pulls you to her by your belt loop and smiles "that's what you think but truth be told you couldn't handle being overstimulated for two hours as I continuously thrust into you not caring how loud or how much you beg for me to stop." You stand there shocked isn't even the right word to express your reaction you're at lost of words but not for long as she backs up. "Uhm I volunteer as tribute what time tonight?" She glances at the clock on her wall "like I said you've got two hours with me." You look at her then the clock and nod "aight let me put these notes up real quick imma use my two hours wisely." She laughs as she watches you with her eyes following your every move "you should go ahead and strip too why you at it." You shake your head she is about to whore you out and you just gone let her!? Absolutely oh good God almighty absolutely.
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