#aiight i’m exhausted
1queasycrow · 9 months
Bc Tumblr refuses to stop eating grunkles asks we are here, if I haven’t replied to an ask in a day or so shoot me a dm, in fact just dm me, I don’t bite, often.
@laminath asked:
Kali for 🔪 A headcanon relating to fighting/violence🎭 A headcanon about what they lie about💝 A headcanon about their love language And Alibi for ✿ - Sex headcanon♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon☾ - sleep headcanon plsss Aiight thanks bro, soz tumbls kept eating this, it just don’t want the ppl to know the truths
thank u my dude, check out the full prompt/ask lists here and here
🔪 A headcanon relating to fighting/violence
In her younger days the number of fights she got into tallied somewhere in the hundreds. showing she was better, that she could beat the boys, was core to her very existence. As time went on she realized that the vast fortune she controlled was far more powerful than any punch she could have thrown. Still she’s not above teaching a recruit a thing or two if they should decide to mouth off in her presence.
🎭 A headcanon about what they lie about
Kali doesn’t lie, she just doesn’t tell people things they don’t need to know.
💝 A headcanon about their love language
Her love language is, well it’s complicated, Aria seems receptive to whatever the situation calls for and Kali is prone to a bout of flaunting a highly desirable woman, just to prove she can. In private the struggle for dominance, for control over the situation at hand, is ever present. Who will be able to catch the other off guard? Perhaps it is exhausting or perhaps exhilarating (it is likely both)
✿ - Sex headcanon
Should have seen this one coming aiight grunkle u horny lil gremlin, Alibi is the switch-iest switch to ever switch. Aiight? She does what will put her partner most at ease (metaphorically speaking, she can be an absolute tease) Whether this is a remnant from undercover work or not is something she’s not inclined to deal with.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Aside from shooting she enjoys reading news articles from local outlets in different countries, attempting to translate as much of the material as possible herself before checking with google or one of the other ops
☾ - sleep headcanon
She’s a light sleeper, quite prone to insomnia and fits of night terrors. She will wake with a terrible start her whole body electric with confused signals and always the sickening feel of a roiling sea in her stomach
As always ty grunks, the rest of u get on that ask button, or don’t, I’m not ur mom.
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juuls · 3 years
So the good news is I’m not dying (well, let’s give it another 50 or so years then check back on that 😋)
I told a couple people but mostly kept it between my dad and I; at least, I told him stuff before my besties because I’m a daddy’s girl and I wanted comfort and hugs and someone physical to cry on.
And okay, look, what I’ve been experiencing is nowhere near as bad as others have it, but this was the worst case of nauseating gastrointestinal distress I have ever experienced to the point I woke up at 3am this morning, threw up for the 10th day in a row, clutching at my upper abdomen and barely able to walk (no one else was around to help me get there). Anyway, no one wants cramps where they’re not supposed to be on women—felt like when I ruptured an ovarian cyst a few years ago along with kidney stones another time, just felt higher up the abdomen.
Two points about the personnel at hospitals and how people with fibromyalgia get treated. One bad, and one surprisingly good.
The triage nurse told me I shouldn’t be wasting hospital time (there was no else in the waiting room because it was goddamn 5am) and that all ‘normal visits’ should be conducted through general practitioners/family doctors. Never mind the fact that the 2018 census showed 241 doctors for every 100,000 people. Which is abysmal, and I’m so lucky to have the same one for 20 years now. Anyway I told her in a snippy tone (I get bitchy when people imply I’m a hypochondriac or wasting people’s valuable space and resources as a disabled person) that a) it currently takes 6 weeks to get an appt with my doctor and that’s why I book two months in advance, but am shit out of luck if something pops up between all that. Like, I get a d understand and take precautions with Covid. But like??? Sometimes people need to have their abdomen poked and prodded which…
Might actually save my life/or from a long recovery surgery, or a lifetime of having to plan his and grandma’s days around his (I’m now learning: hereditary— thanks grampy) disease. But yeah this female doctor in probably her late thirties comes in and actually TAKES ME SERIOUSLY. I did also start the meet and greet by expressing concern over her doing what countless others have done…. Blame it all on the Fibromyalgia (oh you have a concussion Tommy?? Keep playing, it’s just your fibro!” Bitch please. Anyway. She said she absolutely understood and would help me figure out what feelings were fibro, and which were abnormal for anyone. Reminds me of this tweet I found around this hellsite:
Tumblr media
But I’m so grateful she listed and she actually ordered all the blood panels they have available at this rural hospital, took x-rays, did a physical exam… and after all that and the tests she semi-smiled at me and said “well it’s not fibromyalgia” and I about cackled.
But yeah, if you start throwing up for no reason for 10 days in a row (plus some other gross things I shall not mention), please go to the hospital. Apparently I have something fucked up going on in my large/small intestine and perhaps colon. She was worried enough about me, since they don’t have the tech there except x-rays, that she said she’d bully my do tor into seeing me sooner so he can arrange some, uh…. Well; some not bad; some uuuugh…. tests to figure out wtf is going on.
I didn’t even know what was going on! So hard to explain pain when you’re in pain every day. Bah. But she helped and had excellent bedside manners and took me seriously. One of the best feelings as a fibro patient.
Only problem with it not being fibro… is you only have deductive reasoning and tons of tests to do. She told me if I don’t vet these tests done, I could die from a rupture or whatever term she used. Though I do know what sepsis is! Yay! *rolls eyes*
I’m just glad I didn’t talk myself out of going to the ER, because I was worried it ‘wasn’t serious’ enough…. Yeah well, your body can lie to you! Jerk body.
So yeah now I have a plan of action, new medications to hopefully last me until the more thorough tests are conducted.
I don’t want to be (more) sick, but I’ve always believed in knowing what can happen to your body even if it’s a bad thing. And maybe we caught this early.
All I can ask for now is this, though: please please please no more upchucking every day, or at leat only for a few days.
God, it’s been a miserable 10 days, but I still somehow feel better. Knowing does that. :)
(P.S. I’m not intending this as a ‘woe is me’ thing because sometimes people do care about how their friends are doing, and also because I am a hug supporter of listening to your body and judging WHEN not IF you go to the doctor about it. I hope this post helps that attitude somewhat.)
Anywho, we’ll see how the tests do (whenever that may be, because of Covid) and treagmt with meds a d adjust food until I learn more.
Take care. Be safe. Stay well!!!! ❤️
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mindninjax · 4 years
The Night We Met (5)
a/n: Alrighty dunkaroos, Chapter 5 is here and let me just say THIS WAS MY FAVORITE CHAPTER TO WRITE EVER. Man I hope y’all enjoy it. This is nothing but FLUFF aiight. Here’s some insight, this scene is the original thought I had in my head when writing TNWM.  I had no idea what I wanted to happen yet but I could visually SEE this scene in my head and I wanted to write it down. I listen to the song featured in this chapter on repeat when writing the rest of the chapters because I LOVE it . I mean obviously it’s featured in a chapter AND is the damn title of the fic.
ANYWHOOO, take a listen to the song here when reading this part oh and check this out my bestie @sanguinekeigo made! It goes PERFECTLY with this chapter.
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Another voice? Different this time, confident, strong, with a hint of nervousness. You fight your tiredness to keep your eyes open. The flashes of red blur past your face and you hear grunts of pain and the sound of a thud hitting the floor. 
“Who the hell are you kid?” says the man carrying you. You feel him shift to pull something out of his back pocket. 
“Oh I’m sure you’ll know my name soon enough because it’ll be everywhere when I’m done here.” the young man says. Suddenly your body is dropped and you hear retreating footsteps.  You brace yourself for the pain but it never comes. 
You’re being held by different hands now. Soft, warm, gentle hands but strong despite the delicate touch. They cradle your thin fragile body and hold you close to a warm broad chest. You feel something soft and fringed wrap around you as well and, for the first time in what feels like forever, you feel safe.
You look up at the person holding you now, your savior, and see two golden eyes staring down at you.  Golden eyes that you swear are the sun. 
Finally, the sun. 
How you missed it and here it is holding you, protecting you, rescuing you from this awful place. Finally. Tears spill as you stare back. You hear it whisper to you before your body can take anymore and pass out from exhaustion, 
“You’re safe now, little dove.”
What am I doing here?  You think to yourself as you look up to the top floor of the glass building in front of you. It’s so high up, the low hanging clouds bisect the building and block your view of the very top. You glance at the message on your phone: 
The top floor. Since you’re not afraid of heights, it shouldn't be an issue. See you there, Chickadee. 
Never in a million years did you think you’d be standing outside of Hawks’ apartment getting ready to have dinner with him. After catching Hatori, the man who you and Hawks had been tailing all day, and successfully getting the location of the drug trade, Hawks had suggested you two get dinner. He seemed worried after you’d almost passed out from the use of your quirk despite assuring him you were fine. 
“Why don’t I whip you up something at my place?'' 
“You can cook?” you’d said looking up at him while nestled into his chest. He looks at you with a playfully offended expression. 
“Of course I can! I make a mean TV dinner and I know the EXACT amount of cheese to use when making grilled cheese.” he’d said proudly. 
“TV dinners and grilled cheese? I think I’ll pass.” you said chuckling to yourself. He looked down at you and you caught a bit of sadness in his expression. There was a pit of guilt in your stomach as you watched him fly off toward your side of town. You directed him towards your apartment and he set you down on your balcony carefully. As he got ready to take off again, you quickly said “So, what time should I come over?” 
Hawks turned back to you, his wings piqued. His shocked expression only lasted a few seconds before he flashed you his signature smile and said 
“8:30. I’ll text you the address.” 
Sighing, you walk through the doors to the front desk and shiver as the cold air conditioning hits you. Your hair is still wet from the shower you took and the jean shorts and flowy tank top you changed into makes the goosebumps on your skin stand out even more. 
You approach the front desk and tell the very attractive receptionist your name. She smiles at you pleasantly and says, “Ah yes Ms.(L/N). Hawks let me know he was expecting you. Please use this key card to access the elevators to my right and head up to the 25th floor. I’ll let him know you’re on your way.” 
You give her a stiff smile and take the card from her. In the elevator you take a deep breath as it climbs the levels. Why did you agree to this? You tell yourself it’s because you wanted to tease him more about his cooking habits, maybe even show him up a bit since he was so cocky about the coffee shop; but deep down you couldn’t get his sad expression out of your head. You always said Hawks wasn’t your favorite person but for some reason, you couldn’t bear to be the cause of his disappointment. 
The elevator doors open and you walk into the long hallway. Approaching his door, you take another deep breath and tell yourself this is your last chance to turn around before the door rips open and Hawks looks at you with a panicked expression. You can see black smoke coming from his apartment and smell something terrible. The fire alarm in his apartment is blaring. 
“Oh hey kid!” he says, trying to feign calmness. The slight crack in his voice gives away his panic.
You push past him into the apartment and run to the kitchen. There’s a pan on the stove with something on fire producing a thick black cloud of smoke. You hurry over to the fire extinguisher on the wall, grab it and spray it toward the pan. Hawks watches your actions from behind in astonishment. When the flames have died out, you grab the pan with a towel and place it in the sink. 
“What on earth were you trying to do? You could’ve set your whole apartment on fire!” you say to him. He smiles sheepishly at you and rubs the back of his neck. 
“I tried a little something different for dinner tonight and uhhh... well it didn’t go as planned.” he says blushing slightly. 
You scan the rest of the room. His apartment is very neat and open. It smells like him, the warm spice scent you find yourself getting used to. There’s not a lot of furniture in it. Just the essentials, but it still looks homey and comforting. There’s a half completed puzzle and puzzle pieces on a coffee table in the living room, encyclopedias line the bookshelves in the den, and there’s a wall full of pictures that look like they’ve been drawn by children. The windows go from floor to ceiling in the entire apartment and the moonlight shines in. There are soft golden orb lights strung on the ceiling that hang in waves through the big open room giving it a soft romantic aura. On the kitchen counter there’s a variety of ingredients for what looks like chicken soup. You giggle softly to yourself as you take in his embarrassed expression.
“And here I was thinking I was going to get an awesome grilled cheese.” you say walking over to give him a light punch in the chest. “I tell you what, how about I whip us up something. That way you don’t kill us both and you learn some sweet cooking tips for the future.” you finish. 
An hour later you have chicken with vegetables roasting in the oven. Hawks grabs a tiny remote, clicks on a small speaker that starts playing soft music, and then gives you a tour around his apartment. 
“I never took you for a puzzle guy.” you say grabbing a piece and immediately fitting it into the correct spot. Hawks stands next to you and grabs a piece as well.
 “They help me to stop thinking and just relax a bit. It’s no secret I move pretty fast. This helps me learn patience. Completing them has helped out a lot with that over the years” he says absently as he fits his piece into the puzzle. 
“That’s pretty commendable.” you say studying the puzzle, not realizing what you’re saying. You fit another piece into its place and look up to see Hawks staring at you again. “What?”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you just gave me a compliment, chickadee.” he says in his infamous smug tone and flashing you a toothy smile. 
You roll your eyes. “Don’t get used to it.” you say walking past him to the rest of the apartment. 
You walk over to the wall with the drawings. Studying it closer, you realize it’s not just drawings but notes and cards as well. The wall is full of them and they all look like thank you cards or notes expressing admiration. They go from the high ceiling to the floor. He stands next to you admiring it as well. 
 “What is all of this?” you ask. 
“The reason I keep going every day.” he says simply not missing a beat. You turn to him now and he has the most serious look on his face you’ve ever seen. He stares intensely at the wall. 
“Whenever I think, I might not be cut out for this, when I can’t save someone, or even when I’m forced to do something I don’t want to by the HPSC, I look at this wall and I remember there are people out there who need me.” he continues. He places his hand on a child’s drawing of him and two little children holding his hands.
 “These people were afraid, had no hope, or just needed someone there to let them know they were safe and just knowing I could be that for them meant a lot. So every card, or note or drawing I receive gets put here, so I’ll never forget why I do this and why I need to continue to work hard.” 
You stare at him and for a bit he’s lost in thought staring at the wall. Confusion leaks into your expression. He doesn’t sound at all like the Hawks you’ve seen everyday. The Hawks you know is cocky and nonchalant, too laid back and gets the job done as quickly as possible without any worries about the quality of the job. So why is it that this Hawks standing next to you, the Hawks from earlier who looked worried that you would pass out or the one who came up with the plan to get the location from Hatori, seems admirable? 
This Hawks is more vulnerable, heroic, serious and caring. Your heart skips a beat thinking about it and you start to feel a twinge of pain building in your forehead. You put your hand to your head. Hawks stands closely in front of you and brushes tiny tendrils of hair from your forehead. Your breath hitches as you feel his warm hand brush lightly over your skin. He looks down at you and furrows his brow.
“Still not feeling well, huh? You should eat, you haven’t eaten all day.” he says softly as he drags his hand lightly across your forehead and through your hair. 
The timer for the oven goes off as you’re about to answer. You rush over to the oven to grab the pan. Soon the apartment is filled with the delicious scent of roasted chicken and vegetables. You and Hawks sit at his small kitchen table and devour it not realizing how hungry either of you are. He stands up to go for seconds complimenting your cooking skills as he loads up his plate. Trying to hide your smile, you wave off his compliments. You’ve always liked cooking for others. 
“Hey Hawks, can I ask you something? “ you say to him hesitantly. 
“Of course.” 
“Back at the cafe, what did you mean when you said most people don’t know you by the name Keigo? Why wouldn’t people know your name?” you ask curiously. He shifts uncomfortably and you can see whatever he’s thinking about saying bothers him. “You don’t have to talk about it with me if you don’t want to. I was just being nosey, I guess.” You say chuckling and waving a hand nonchalantly. 
He catches your hand and stares into your eyes. “I don’t ever want to hide anything from you.” He says in a soft whisper. 
You look at your hand in his and your heart speeds up. The heat rises in your cheeks. He explains everything to you. About how when he was younger he saved a bunch of people from a car chase, how he was trained by the HPSC and was forced to give up his name, how much he admires Endeavor because he saved him when he was a child, and lastly his constant determination to be hero to those who need him. Every word hits you like a brick and by the time he’s finished you’re heavy with emotion. 
“I can’t believe the HPSC forced you to do that. I… I always thought they were the good guys. It’s why I joined. Well that and I don’t know...I felt drawn to it. Like I couldn’t say no.” You say trying to blink back tears. 
“They are the good guys...for the most part. Their intentions are good, they want to keep the public safe. Besides they get better when they add people like you. People who care about saving people and doing what’s right. Heroes.” He says not breaking eye contact. 
You blush and wave him off. “Oh please, I’m not a hero, not like you.” 
“I respectfully disagree.” He says. 
“No way! I didn’t grow up with an aspiration to be a pro like all the rest of you. I used to want to be a journalist and-“ you pause as you think about it. 
How did you know that? For some reason that small fact just popped back in your head but it sounds… wrong. Your brows furrow as you ponder it. Hawks squeezes your hand lightly and you look back up at him. 
“This is a great song.” He says smiling. You take a moment to focus on the music playing, another thing he has good taste in. You like the song too. The man singing has a hauntingly beautiful voice and the lyrics flow through you like smoke. You close your eyes and continue listening. 
I've been searching for a trail to follow again
Take me back to the night we met
You feel a tug on your hand and hear his chair scrape across the floor. You open your eyes to see Hawks pulling you from your chair and guiding you towards the window into the silvery moonlight. 
“Dance with me.” 
And then I can tell myself
What the hell I'm supposed to do
You stand hesitantly as he pulls you closer into an embrace. He places his hand gingerly on your waist and the other intertwines with your fingers. His wings brush against your arm softly and you shiver a bit, thankful that the air conditioned room can hide why you truly have goosebumps. 
“I… I can’t dance.” you stutter nervously looking up at him. 
“Do you trust me?” he says in a low voice. 
You look up at him through your lashes afraid to look him in the eyes. Do you trust him? Everything in you says yes, but for some reason there’s something in the back of your mind that says stay away from him. 
He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer so that your chest is touching him. You place your hand on his chest and he takes control and moves both of your bodies in a slow sway to the music. The world is shut out and all you’re aware of are his arms around you, his even breathing, and the way you two rock back and forth. You’re calm, safe and you close your eyes again and continue to listen to the melancholy tune. 
I had all and then most of you
Some and now none of you.
Take me back to the night we met
You place your head on his chest, let go of his hand and wrap your arms up and around his back to pull yourself closer to him and he rests his chin on your head as you continue to sway. You can hear his heart thumping excitedly and you realize he’s been humming the lyrics softly as he rests his head on yours. His wings wrap around the two of you and create a soft barrier from the rest of the world. It’s just you two. You can hear him coo quietly as each delicate red feather caresses your skin. The goosebumps rise on your skin again and your breath catches as you feel how soft they are. You start to think there’s no other place you’d rather be than right here. 
I don’t know what I’m supposed to do
Haunted by the ghost of you
Oh take me back to the night we met
He sings the last lyrics in a soft husky voice as the song comes to a close and you gather the courage to look directly at him. His eyes burn into yours as you gaze into his golden eyes and get lost. Your breathing picks up and your heart is racing as you lean in to him. You can taste his spicy scent as his breathing picks up to match yours and he slowly moves in closer. His hand comes up to cradle your face softly and you get so close you can feel his long eyelashes brush against your cheek. Your breath catches as his lips ghost over yours. 
Suddenly a white hot pain shoots through your head and you push away from him and stumble backwards. He’s quick and catches you before you hit the floor. Your hand is clawing at your hair and tears are running down your face. It feels like a saw is running back and forth on all the pain nerves in your head. You can barely make out the words he’s frantically whispering in your ear and the nausea from the pain takes over completely. You lean over him and expel your dinner as he rubs your back and moves your hair from your face. When there’s nothing left in your stomach to upchuck you roll onto your back. Hawks cradles you in his arms and the last thing you hear before you blackout and give yourself relief from the excruciating pain is his voice repeating your name over and over desperately. 
taglist: @lookslikeleese @yukiimanic @catsonthebeachfics @bakatenshii @red-riot-girl642 @baku-no-alt @maximit3 @enjifuckersupreme @saratour @sanguinekeigo @blahkugo  @sunflower-volume1 @anime-and-disney @gummiangels
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keeeegs · 4 years
Heya! How are you doing, dude? Has been a while
dkjnankjas eeyyy I’m working full time and going back to school full time, so I’m super exhausted 24/7,, but other than that I’ve been aiight. Animal Crossing has most of my free time booked
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teddylacroix · 4 years
Stuff. Literally.
Aiight, so. My dad almost never comes to my place. I think since I moved here three years ago, he’s come maybe five times? Not including helping me put in new flooring. He hates it—it’s small and dark because that’s all I could afford on a single income, it’s cluttered because I have a lot of interests, and thus, a lot of stuff; and he says the smell makes him sick because I have various pets, and even with clean environments, that’s still a litter box, lizard cage, roaches, and stinky ferrets in one room.
BUT. He came by today, because his friend repairs fridges, and my fridge has been leaking. (Which, WHOO, prompted a mass cleaning spree yesterday to make my place acceptable for Korean guests.) That was fine, but while I had my dad here, I took the opportunity to mention several of my other grievances with the place in hopes that he could give me some advice. Chiefly three things: the linoleum in my bathroom has shrunk and started peeling up at the edges (old building), there is no storage unless you count the cramped little laundry room (which has the cleaning supplies and camping gear, so no room), and I despise my closet with a passion.
Commence several hours of measurements, drawing diagrams, and arguing.
It’s stressful and exhausting, but I hope the end results will be worth it. I’m a little apprehensive, because my dad is great at outdoor carpentry like decks, but he doesn’t make furniture, so I’m not sure how he will do at making an enclosed storage room? Basically, there’s a little bit of open space under my stairs, so we were talking about putting in shelves, walls, and doors there to make it an enclosed storage room. It’ll make that space cramped as hell... but we seriously need it.
The closet is a different dilemma, though... My dad definitively stated that a closet organizer that looks nice and has doors and drawers is beyond his means, buttt he has a friend who used to do that sort of thing for a living. He’s recently retired, but he still does commissions out of his garage, so my dad says he’ll ask him for a quote. So. Pros: it would actually be done properly and look nice! Because! I’m sick of everything in my home being non-matching odds and ends because I collected affordable pieces here and there over years of frugality! Cons: it’s a commission, so, it’ll be damn expensive, probably beyond my means. So I’m trying not to hold out hope. But I’m seriously afraid my closet is going to break someday soon because the bar is something like 16′ long, and yes, I have an assload of clothes, and anytime I google different types of closet organization systems, there are never ANYWHERE NEAR AS MANY CLOTHES AS I HAVE, and I know, I know I should just get rid of some of it, but c’mon, man, the weather here ranges from 25F in the winter to 105 in the summer. Also, I love my clothes. I love the different styles I’ve put together. I love having different outfits for different headspaces. I love my bright pastels and lolita skirts. I love my apocalyptic layers. I love my mori kei woodsy patchwork pieces. I love my sunny summer brights, I love my sleek black on black outfits, I love my suits. They spark fucking joy, dammit.
But like... that’s part of my problem, right? I’ve been depressed since I was a little kid, so I fill the emptiness inside of me by surrounding myself with things I enjoy outside of me. And I am regrettably one of those people who is interested in way too many gorram things. Clothes aren’t the only thing I hoard (especially since I still have clothes from high school). I have so many random art supplies, from pastels to paints to various wood pieces to yarn to felt to several drawers of various fabrics. I like to make fashion accessories, I like to make benches and shelves, I like clay, I like acrylics, I love painting on wood, I love sketching, I love getting my hands covered in charcoal or pastels or graphite. I love my button maker. I love my standing desk. I love my needles and hooks. Stuffed animals. Comics. Novels. Artbooks. Pens. Markers. Pencils. Watercolor colored pencils. Regular colored pencils. I have a collection of canvases. I collect rocks and minerals. I collect skulls. I collect hole punchers. Scrapbooking supplies. Dried flowers. Scarves. Handmade jewelry. Art prints and posters from artists I’ve followed for years.
And that’s just my nightmarishly cluttered bedroom.
In the public spaces, well, I like to cook. I like to bake. I have the litter box, the vivarium, the ferret cage, the fish tank. I have my paper cutter, my Cricut, my canvases, my sewing machine, my giant drawing pads. 500+ volumes of manga from my high school/college days. God knows how many Marvel comics, from the 60s to current releases. I have all of the random Harry Potter and Marvel knick knacks and figurines people have given me over the years for birthdays and Christmases. I have more yarn. I have my flute, my electronic keyboard, my harp. I have my work station because covid. I have so much tea. I have all my gardening supplies. My woodworking tools. My power tools.
I just... have so much stuff. And part of me loves it, because it means I love so much stuff, and that means a lot to me on the days I can’t remember why I’m still alive, and it serves as a visual and tactile reminder that hey, I’m like this now, but there are times I love the world.
But also, part of me hates it, because I feel like I’m drowning in things, and I feel like there is far, far too much clutter in my life, and it makes me super anxious to look around and just see shit everywhere. It stresses me out. I wish I liked less stuff. I wish I wanted less stuff. I wish I needed fewer supplies because I had fewer hobbies. A number of my coworkers express that they love my fashion because it’s all over the place and I don’t stick to just one style, but good lord, I wish I could narrow it down. I’d have a damn smaller closet. Or live somewhere with less weather variance throughout the year so I could get rid of half of my closet.
I want to hide all the stuff away. I want storage. I want space. I want air. I love the convenience of the city, but I’m sick to death of the noise and the crowding and the expenses and the people and the cars and the anger and the despair and the fear that we’re all being pushed out for the yuppies to come in and take over our city with their high rise luxury buildings.
I just. Want. A home. Where I can breathe. And create things. And relax. Without just freaking out every time I try because everything is everywhere and there’s no room and I can’t breathe and I can’t think and I can’t relax because there’s always things to do and nothing is right and nothing is where it should be and everything is everywhere, always, all the time, and I can’t get away from it all.
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theboykingofhell · 5 years
1, 3, 11, 12, 16, 23?
1) what’s a grammar rule you find yourself breaking or ignoring a lot?
... commas????? i love commas and i love making an entire paragraph out of a single sentence and i will never stop,
3) how often do you reach for a synonym dictionary when writing? how about mentally?
oh mentally i don’t know words for shit so i don’t really do all that, i usually have thesaurus.com open and check it need to check it once or twice every few hours i’m writing... there’s a lot of times i get stuck repeating a word a lot in prose because i remember that that word is fucking delicious so i force myself to get synonyms so i’m not just writing the same one phrase over and over again, as yummy as that phrase is,
11) when you are writing a reply, how much ahead in the thread do you plan?
depends on the thread itself! sometimes i have an exact outline of the entire thread that i’m working towards, and sometimes i can really only plan maybe a reply or two ahead... because sometimes the thread exists to advance a plot outline or sometimes a thread exists because me and someone were like ‘hey what if we have these characters hug’ and then other times it’s literally just two characters in a room and we have no idea what’s supposed to happen...
i try not to plan too much ahead though because leaving room to deviate from the outline is always fun mhm mhm
12) is there ever been a time when you’ve had to drop a roleplaying partner because you’ve found their writing style exhausting?
aiight bitch you tryna get me dragged all across tumblr omfg
really, i’ve never purposely sat down and made the decision to drop a partner? if it happens, it’s because i just never... just ended up writing any sort of new reply, but in my mind if i rp with you once we’re partners For Lyfe
also, there’s a few things that Fucking Exhaust Me about roleplaying and the etiquette and culture around it but writing style has never been one!!! style is something i adore seeing in other people so tbh i’m thirsty for it
16) do you first get in the “zone” when writing, or do you start writing and “enter” it that way?
URGH... yeah i start writing and then enter the zone... because to me the Zone is when i’m pretty much sitting there so focused on my writing i’m practically in a trance... either that or i’m SO emotionally engaged i can’t stop writing because i NEED more of it...
insp/aesthetics helps me get close to that zone though!!! if that shit hits right, yeah, i can get inspired pretty much to just immediately be THAT engaged and ready to just write it all out, but generally i need to sit there and warm up somehow before i’m REALLY ready to write
23) does the total amount of threads you have going on matter to you, or just how many you owe?
UHH... neither? i don’t count my threads...  i have a vague awareness that there is An Amount that i owe and a general vibe of like.. okay here’s the big group i’m focusing on right now, but i don’t sit there counting them especially because i juggle s o many... i am... not organized....
thank you bby uwu
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archmage--khadgar · 5 years
I don't know if you've heard about any of the leaks but if they're true that whole "just kill everyone to end the faction war" might just come true.
(I’ve been avoiding the supposed “leaks”, for many reasons.Mainly because most leaks are wrong, and even the ones that are sort-of-right never play out the same way the leak says it will. Which causes even MORE issues, because at that point people have come up with their own ideas of what’ll happen and then of course, it doesn’t happen. The only thing gained from spreading leaks around is riling up the RP side of the fandom and it ALWAYS results in my feed being filled with negativity. Which makes me not want to be here, gotta be honest. Remember all the times it was “leaked” that an expansion would be the last?When it was “leaked” and then later data mining “proved” That Khadgar was going to die/go evil?I’m not going to look up the supposed leaks, and I don’t want to know them. But if one of them entails a lot of characters dying that....aiight?I’ve been expecting a lot of characters to die this x-pac. I’m surprised there hasn’t been more, to be honest. I expect a lot of characters to die, and I also expect that they will be used against us whenever the Scourge rises up again, because that’s one of those inevitable forces that can never be completely destroyed, the best you can do is manage it. Seriously though. Anyone who closely follows the Lore and knows their patterns can whip up a theory page, call them “leaks”, and post them anonymously on 4chan or Reddit and watch the internet go wild.Even if the person claims to currently work, or worked at blizz in the past;Not everything planned, storyline-wise, goes into the game so even if some rogue employee rolls in with “So I heard them talking how they’re going to do _______” It doesn’t guarantee they’re going to stick with it. Honestly champions, I’ve been playing this game for over a decade and I’m so tired of  supposed leaks and data mining and the drama they constantly start that you could be like “Metzen rolled in and said that Jaina and Khadgar are secret lovers and the actual parents of Anduin Wrynn who is actually a mage-priest and Anduin becomes the guardian of Azeroth and she puts herself into a human body and they start dating and Anduin and Azeroth become the first two of a new pantheon and Calia Menethal becomes their advisor and they turn everyone on Azeroth into star people and look here’s a video of Metzen in a meeting with Ion, Terran, Christie and all the other people and they’re agreeing to it!” And I’d still stare at you with such deep exhaustion you start to wonder if I’m the Sha of Sleep and I wouldn’t stop staring until it either actually happens, even if it takes 10 years or becomes a Hearthstone or Heroes of the Storm theme.But yes. I don’t need a supposed leak to tell me “a bunch of people are going to die which will end the war!”Because that’s honestly the only light-damned way to stop the Alliance and Horde fighting each other because too many people in the Leadership and lower ranks enjoy doing it way too fucking much and if the planet dying around them isn’t enough to get them to chill the fuck out maybe watching their heroes die or even their enemies sacrifice their life to stop the war will get them to fucking STOP.Also back in Cata Murozond was going on about how Deathwing’s end time was a better fate than what was in store for Azeroth, so I’ve been expecting something like this for years. ))
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melaninkpopimagines · 6 years
Tumblr media
Part: 1!| 2!| 3!| 4!
Author: Admin Jazzi
warning: Smut, Cursing, language, murder
Word count: 2k
Flashes of you stabbing him raced through your mind. You were in a haze. You don't remember how you got the knife. The only thing your remember clearly was calling Erik. Trying to put it all together was hard, trying to remember was hurting you.
“Hey baby, pay attention to what i'm telling you.” Erik said, splashing a bit of water into your face. You snapped out of the trance you were in and looked around. You were in the bathtub, Erik was bathing you. You looked on the ground and saw your bloody clothes. The water was a dark pink.
You looked at him. He stared back at you. “Baby are you listening? I said you can't say anything to anyone? I’m gonna get you out of here. But you gotta work with me mama.” he said. You nodded. “yeah i-i,” you looked at him frantically, “Erik I don't know what happened.”
He looked at you sturnly, “nun happened. We gonna go on a trip, aiight?” he asked. You seemed to zone out again. You really killed a man. Erik splashed you with the bloody water. “Yo listen to me focus baby i gotta get you outta hear.” he picked you up out of the water. Erik grabbed your clothes from the bedroom and dressed you. “You ain't gotta talk about this right now baby. Just don't think about it.” he said as he dressed you. He dried your hair and gently kissed your forehead. He placed your hood over your damp hair. “You trust me huh? If you trust me we can do this alright ?” he looked into your eyes. His dark brown eyes felt like such a heavy presence. You nodded as you looked down, ashamed. He kissed you, wiping the tears from your face. “Baby it’s okay i gotchu. You gonna get through this. You let him hug you tightly.
Erik walked you into the bedroom. You saw it clean. Damn near spotless. There was no body laying on the floor. Not a drop of blood, it looked like nothing happened. You looked at Erik. Did you imagine all that. “We gotta go baby i'm gonna explain let's just get away from here.” He said.
He walked you out of the back door. He lead you down the alley and to his car. Erik pushed you into the car making sure no one saw. You looked in the back seat. There were bags, you could see money spilling out of one of them. “I have t-to turn myself in.” you insisted. Erik glared at you. “You just sitcho ass right there. This is my fault. Let me handle it.”
“How is this your fault?” you questioned.
But Erik didn't speak. He kissed your hand and started driving. He drove quickly but after an hour you fell asleep. You were beyond exhausted but the images traumatized you. Even tho Randy couldn't control you with the beatings anymore, he still took your happiness away. Even being with Erik made you feel worse...guilty. Randy was an asshole. He was scum; but you never thought you’d snap and kill him.
“Baby let’s get inside.” he said. You looked around. You had no idea where you were. It was night time. You were surrounded by trees. “Erik where are we.”
He unloaded his bags from the car. “We need to stay here until i can fix this.” he said, not really stopping to explain to you. You stayed in the car. “Erik how can you fix this? I murdered a man. I need to turn myself in.” Erik stopped dead in his tracks. “No what you need to do is get inside. You said you trusted me so trust me. I ain't gonna let nothing happen to me.
You got out of the car and went into the cabin. It was huge and well lit. When you got in Erik locked the doors behind you. “Okay no one will be able to find you here. I have to go back into town and handle this. You stay here. Watch tv or whatever just stay inside.” he said. “What about my mom? I need to call my mom.” “Baby she knows you’re fine don't worry. Once i fix this it'll be okay. I just can't have you running around being seen.” He spoke in a hurry. He grabbed his keys and kissed you. “Lock the doors behind me, eat and sleep.” You kissed him back, holding him tightly for a moment. “You gonna be good girl, just trust me. I gotchu.” he said. You let Erik go, wrapping your arms around yourself. “Don't open this door. I’ll be back tomorrow morning. You can use the landline only to call me if there's an emergency. ” You watched Erik leave. The room was cold without him there.
You sat on the couch and flipped through channels for hours. You were too scared to sleep.
Everything haunted you: but more than anything you wondered why you had done it. What made you black out. What made you snap? He had done this before. You didn't feel bad that he was dead. You hated him with your whole heart: but you never wanted to kill him, at least not yourself. So what exactly made you snap.
You found yourself mindlessly exploring the cabin. You didn't call Erik. You didn't want to face him. You said everything was gonna be okay. You didn't mean it this way. You didn't mean to dump this in his lap. When you woke up the way you did you didn’t know who else to call. You dialed Erik out of instinct. You should have called the police. You shouldn't gotten him involved. How could you expect him to do this, just because you were having an affair. You blindly trusted the man. A man you were only having an affair with. You had never expressed anything but lust towards each other.
You slowly walked into the last room down the hall. You pushed the door open slowly. It creaked loudly. As you walked in, you switched on the lights. The room was filled with pictures of you...and Randy. You looked around frantically. There are pictures from your wedding, from before you were engaged, from the day you met him. Tears filled your eyes and fear made you panic. Your chest felt tight. You stared at all the pictures. Everyday, pictures of him beating you, all of it pinned on the wall
3 months earlier
The affair with Erik was heated. You held him close, his head rested between your breasts. “What are these?” you asked running over the raised skin that covered his body. “There all the women that fell for me.” he joked. You rolled eyes, playfully pushing his head. “Okay nigga you got so many bitches why aint you with them right now.” you said. He settled his head back down, unbothered. “Cuz i knew you needed some dick.” he said.
“You’re annoying.” you said. He laughed and kissed your chin. “Mhm if im so annoying why you keep calling me?” he asked. You didn't answer. You didn't know exactly why you kept calling him. Meeting up like this was stressful: but moments like this was what kept you sane.
“What are these really? You never told me.” you asked again. “I never told you cuz its none of your business.” he snapped. You looked down at him. He always got random attitudes. You pushed him off of you and started scooting away. He pulled you back and hovered over you. “Where the fuck are you going?” he said. You rolled your eyes, looking away from his brown eyes. “Your attitude wasn't called for nigga.” you said. “SO you mad i won't tell you?” he said. “Nah nigga like i said! Your attitude wasn't called for. Fuck you i was just curious.” you pushed at his chest. He trapped you. A deep chuckle left him. “You’re so fucking sensitive.” he said. You rolled your eyes mumbling how he could fuck off again.
He started kissing your neck slowly, settling between your legs as he spread them. “Stop trying to fight with me tonight. Itll be a minute before we can do this again, and i know you gonna miss this dick.” he said, grinding his hips against you. You shut your eyes feeling his length grinding on the lips of your pussy.
You moaned his name, as he gripped your ass.
“Erik you get on my nerves.” You moaned.
“You sound like you enjoying me baby girl. What’s the truth?” you felt your head spin as he entered you. His hips rocked slowly and deeply. His full length throbbing as he pounded into you. “You like this shit don’t you?” he gripped your ass, pumping into you roughly. You moaned throwing your head back. He rubbed your clit, thrusting harder. “Nuh uh baby. All that attitude you had earlier, you better fucking speak. You like this shit?”
“Yes daddy!” you screamed. He didn't have to tell you twice. You were already on the verge of your orgasm. “Fix that damn attitude then.” he thrusted harder.
You were still sensitive from getting hot and heavy just a few moments before the small argument. You moved your hips against his hard thrusts. “Thats right baby fuck yourself on that dick.” he groaned into your ears. He stopped and watched as you moved your hips roughly. You gripped his arms. You moaned his name, practically screaming as your orgasm took you over. That's when he took over, roughly fucking you through your orgasm as his followed. He laid on top of you, kissing your neck and holding you. “Now fix your attitude.” he said into your ear, “These things on me would make you hate me.” he said
“If you’re ashamed why did you do it...so many times.” you said after catching your breath. He shook his head. “Nah I”m not ashamed i just know it’ll hurt you to find out.” he said. You looked at him strangely but you could tell he didnt want to talk about it further.
Three months later
You slowly backed out of the room. Your breath was shakey, you couldn't breathe looking at it all. You backed into something firm. You jumped turning around and saw Erik. “Baby let me explain calm down.” he said, he backed away. He gave you space.
“What the fuck is going on?! What the fuck is all of this?!” You screamed. You were frantic. Your heart raced. You were scared. For the first time you feared Erik. you were more afraid of Erik in that instance than you ever were of Randy. “Yo come sit down let me talk to you.” he said. “Tell me now! I don't want to move from this spot till you tell me what all this shit is.” you ordered. His jaw clenched. You had never talked to him like that; but could he blame you?
He started speaking, moving closer to you, “I was sent to frame you for his murder.”
A/N: Hello thank you for reading!!
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hopeishappinessff · 6 years
Holding Onto Hope:  Chapter 2
I stayed stock still on my bed, doing everything that I could possibly think of to busy myself rather than focus any more than I already had in the stairwell on Benny or Taylor. Destani, being the little fast tail that she was, made it a point to put on quite the show for the boys while searching for her phone. The thing was right there in her purse, which was on the corner of her bed beside her, yet she searched frantically all over her half of the room for it as if she wasn’t already well aware of where it was.
“Damn, I can’t find this thing anywhere.” She said, halting her frantic search and standing beside her bed, directly beside her purse, running her hand over the top of her muddled curls. I rolled my eyes at her antics and decided that if these guys were going to leave as quickly as I wanted them to, I should probably point her in the obvious direction of her phone. Sliding off the edge of my bed, I eased forward to reach for her purse and pulled her phone out once I had it in my grasp, tossing it over to the center of her bed.
She turned to peer down at it as it landed with a soft thud on her bare mattress and with the cutest little giggle, she turned to face me “Thanks Sy… where was it?”
I glared at her for a moment, thinking to myself how well I was going to go off on her as soon as these guys left “It was in your purse Destani… right there on the corner of your bed.”
“Oh, I swear if you weren’t my bestfriend I would be so lost sometimes.” They’re about to leave Sy’Diyah… they’re about to leave and she’ll stop this nonsense as soon as they’re gone.
She handed her phone over to Taylor and smirked, resting her hand against her hip and biting down on her bottom lip with lust glimmering in her eyes. As I sat there observing her, I was starting to find it more and more difficult to not call her out on her phony act. I kept my arms crossed over my chest and one leg crossed naturally over the other, shaking it frenziedly from utter irritation. I could feel a pair of overly immersed eyes gazing in my direction and though I didn’t want to look up to find out exactly where this piercing glare was coming from, I couldn’t help myself and I slowly raised my gaze anyway.
There, over beside our wide-open door, stood Benny… staring right at me with a smirk tugging at his handsome lips. He gave me a knowing look, as if to say he understood exactly how I was feeling at this very moment. His friend was just as wrapped up in talking to Destani as she was with him and just watching the two of them laughing and giggling in each other’s faces must have been just as annoying for him as it was for me. We both diverted our attention to the two flirting culprits, locked gazes once again, then smiled at each other mutely conveying our displeasure.
“So, are you two roommates or what?” Destani inquired, sliding her phone back into her purse as Taylor slipped his back into his pocket.
“Nah, I got a roommate… some dude named Jonah. I don’t know what’s up with Benny, but his roommate is a no show so far.” Taylor explained, moving over toward Benny and the door.
“Yeah, our coach told me dude’s not showing until sometime later this week, so it’s just me right now.” Benny explained. I took very little interest in their small banter and I chose, instead, to busy myself with sliding my bags off my bed and onto the floor so that I could make the bed up.
“Well, um… I guess we’ll talk to you guys later then. Maybe ya’ll can show us around the campus, you know.” Destani said, smiling and combing a few strands of her hair behind her right ear.
“Yeah definitely. Aye, as a matter of fact if ya’ll ain’t doing nothing later on tonight, hit me up and we can at least take a quick glimpse at the campus.” Taylor suggested, licking his plump rosy lips to emphasize the smirk on his face.
Destani’s beam seemed to widen as she nodded her head in accord “Yeah… yeah, we can do that.”
At that point, I went ahead and tuned the two of them out completely just as I got my last bag off my bed and picked up the plastic carrier carrying my new comforter. I could feel someone’s presence just to the right of me and I quickly caught the light and airy aroma of Boss, an intoxicating cologne that I was used to smelling only when Chris was around. I swung my head around, excited just from the memory of his smell, only to be disheartened by the sight of Benny.
“Uh, you know… I was wondering, I’m not tryna come on too strong or anything, but do you… think we could exchange numbers as well?” He asked, raising his brows and biting down on the corner of his bottom lip hesitantly. I stared at him for a second, considering exactly how I could say no without hurting his feelings “Um, Benny… I don’t… I mean, I really wouldn’t mind, but… I kind of have a boyfriend.”
His head jerked back slightly in surprise and his lips shaped into a small ‘o’, because clearly he’d just been caught off guard by my response “Oh, I’m sorry… I had no idea. I ain’t mean to, you know…”
I smiled cordially and shook my head “It’s okay. I mean, I would exchange with you, but my boyfriend… he’s a little…” I tilted my head to one side thoughtfully, twisting my lips as I considered the appropriate term to describe Chris “…Overprotective.” “Yeah, I mean I understand that. I don’t even blame him for being that way with such a beautiful girl.”
I smiled and sighed… this guy was really working in the charm. With no intention of allowing him to stand there any longer, throwing so much of this alluring charisma at me, I slowly eased around him and made my way over toward the door, thanking him for his compliment as I went. He trailed along behind me to his and Taylor’s exit, chuckling and rubbing nervously at the back of his neck “You know, I hope I ain’t make you uncomfortable or anything. Like I said, I ain’t mean to come on too strong, really. I just, you know… ain’t know.”
“It’s okay, I mean how were you supposed to know that without me telling you?” I asked as I turned to face him with my hands crossed tight over my chest.
He stared at me with his bottom lip tucked into his mouth then chuckled and nodded “Yeah, I guess you right. But I still gotta apologize though… I really was in the wrong for that.”
I could hear both Destani and Taylor shuffling toward the door behind Benny and I, and I turned to face them and frowned deeply at the sight of her giggling in his face like an inexperienced school girl who had yet to be exposed to a joke.
“Well, like I said… hopefully we can meet up with the two of you later.” She spoke in a blustery tone, as if she were completely out of breath because of her simple laughter.
“I don’t know about my dude Ben here, but I know I’ll be looking forward to that. And, it’s… Sy’Diyah, right?” Taylor asked, stopping a few feet away from me with a flirtatious smirk on his face, openly dragging his eyes over the length of my body, “It was nice to meet you. We’ll see ya’ll later, aiight.” I stood just beside the door as they marched out and held onto the knob, preparing to slam the door shut and swing around with vengeance to reprimand Destani.
“Damn, these niggas at this fucking school are no got damn joke girl!” She exclaimed, propping her elbow up on my shoulder as if it were any old flat surface for her to rest on. I immediately shrugged her off me and closed the door, turning to glare at her through squinted and rage infested orbs.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” She asked.
“We,” I stomped off past her, brushing roughly against her shoulder as I did so, “Need to talk.”
I am tired. No, scratch that… I’m fucking exhausted right now and this nigga just won’t get the fucking hint and take a break. My roommate Trent and I have both been up, working our asses off since about six thirty this morning and I would expect the nigga to be just as worn out as I, but no… he wanna take his ass in the living room of our apartment style dorm to make the most noise he can with as many people that’s willing to make noise at this hour with him.
I been tossing and turning for the past twenty minutes and in all honestly, I’m ‘bout two and a half seconds from freaking the fuck out and setting off on a mission to break this lil fucking shindig up. Since I been here at Syracuse, I been taking more anger management courses for my supposed ‘over aggressive behavior on the court’ and my coach and the head of the athletic department have even threatened to prescribe me with a dose of lithium and bupropion, which are supposed to be mood stabilizers… specifically for people with bipolar disorder. I nearly lost my entire mind when my coach broke the news to me that he believed me to be bipolar and I was seconds away from living up to his opinion and going super saiyan on his ass when he gave me the choices of either taking the medicine, going to the classes, or riding the bench for the first three games if I didn’t want to cooperate. Of course I went with the classes, but not without a light argument first.
With a loud and exasperated huff, I turned my boxer clad body over onto my back, sighing and briefly enjoying the cool sensation of my sheets against my bare back. Everything about this bed was incredibly comfortable, from the sheets to the memory foam that formed the actual mattress itself… it was a bed fit for a king, which was apparently what the coaches believed we all deserved as some of not only the best college basketball players on the East coast, but in the Nation as well. Here, at Syracuse, the athletes were treated with the upmost respect and just about everyone on the fucking campus catered to all of us, including the school itself. For example, if I decided I wanted take a trip back home to Virginia to see my son for a weekend, it was the school’s job to supply the first class plane ticket along with a designated individual on the other end to pick my ass up. Now, I would be damned if I chose to take a three-game seater rather than taking anger management classes and hitting the court to play my ass off… the entire campus catered to each of us, how much better could this shit get?
Though I would have loved to enjoy every inch of my memory foam in a drunken slumber of sleep, I couldn’t seem to do that successfully with my bitch ass roommate being such a fucking obnoxious ass in the other room. I shut my eyes for a moment and used the count to twenty method that my therapist created just for me, seeing as counting as far as ten did absolutely nothing for my irritation. After I reached about thirty-one and realized I was more pissed off than before I started the count, I sat up and slid my body over to the edge of my bed. Standing up at my full six-foot two stature, I sighed and walked around my bed toward the door and glanced back at the bright neon green 2:03 glaring at me from the alarm clock on my nightstand. ‘This nigga cannot be fucking serious,’ I thought to myself, ‘two in the got damn morning, drill at six-thirty sharp, and he still in here fucking around.’
I wasted no time snatching the bedroom door open, forming my eyes into deadly slits as I scoped the room for Trent and the other culprits responsible for keeping me from that beautiful thing called sleep that I desperately craved. Spotting the nigga sprawled out on the couch across from the TV with one bitch straddling his lap, one sitting up on the arm of the couch, two niggas over at the four-person dining table playing cards, and two bitches with them… I scoffed and took a step out into the room.
“Chriiiiiiiissss… my nigggggaaaaaa. What’s good bro? Why you ain’t in here catching up on some fun?” He asked and from the way he annoyingly slurred my name, I could tell the nigga was pretty fucked up.
“Come in here nigga… come, I got you one. I called her for you. Come get her, ‘cause she a fiesty lil thing.” He muttered in a jumbled mess that sounded like pure shit to my ears. I glanced over at the girl sitting up on the arm of the couch beside him and didn’t even bother to smile at her as she smirked and looked me up and down… my mind was set that everyone in this room was my enemy at this point and I would only give them about one minute to get the fuck out.
“Nah Trent, man we got drills at six-thirty on the dot. I think it’s time for your company to go.” I spoke, surprisingly, calm and though I could feel anger boiling in the pit of my stomach, I was quite taken aback by just how chill I managed to keep myself.
“Chriiiiiiissssss, no, no, nooooo dude. The bitches, the pussy… it’s for you. For us. The school year is about to start and we ain’t had no fun yet. Come get your fun nigga… she sitting right here.” He continued to slur as he reached back and grabbed a hold of the girl’s thigh, causing her to giggle and lick her lips at me, and me to roll my eyes and sigh.
“Trent, please man… I don’t wanna say this shit again. Let your company go and we can celebrate another night.” Hell nah I wasn’t planning on celebrating shit any other night with this nigga, but if that’s what it took to get him to abide by what I was asking, then hell… let the lie ooze from my lips like water. He only laughed in my face though… he laughed and reached for the bottle of bud light sitting on the edge of the coffee table. The bottle of bud light… with a sigh, I calmly walked over to the small kitchen on the opposite side of the living room and just as I suspected, there were two boxes of bud light chilling on one of the counters. I glanced through the opening behind the sink into the living room and after noticing everyone minding their own business, paying no attention to little ole me, I grabbed one of the entire cases of booze and marched back out into the living room.
Without so much as a warning, I stopped in the middle of the room, took one last look around then lifted the box high with one hand and slammed it smack dab onto the hardwood floor. The glass bottles shattered all over the floor beneath my Nike socked feet and the intoxicating beverage from each glass bottle splattered onto the floor, but I really ain’t give two shits. The clatter instantly got Trent and his two broads to shut up and look up at me and the niggas and bitches at the table beside me did the same.
“Now, Imma say this shit one more fucking time… you two,” I spoke menacingly low as I pointed at the girls on the couch with Trent, “And all of you,” I said, again pointing back at the table’s occupants, “Really need to get the fuck out and you need to do it now. I don’t know why you ain’t listen when I said it politely five minutes ago when I walked out here, but I’m really not playing no more… leave.”
With that, I peered around the room to make sure these stupid asses weren’t simply staring at me like I was joking. They weren’t and for that, I was thankful… I was really not in the mood to be whooping some hard-headed niggas asses tonight nor did I feel like wasting my energy cussing some bitches out. I continued to stand there, watching them quietly file out the designated exit and once they were out the door, I slammed it shut and turned to Trent who was already staring at me cautiously “Make sure you clean this shit up before you hit the sack, aiight… bro.”
I gave him no time to respond… I’d already stepped right over the mess on the floor and I was well on my way back to my room. I shut the door behind myself, reached down to pull my socks off, and sighed… I was surprised to find that I even had the energy to put on such a show, but I did and now I was even more tired than I was when I initially climbed out my luxurious bed.
I stopped just beside my bed with my back facing it and fell, with an exaggerated plop, on the soft body suctioning mattress. I licked my lips and stuck my tongue out, toying with the piercing I’d gotten redone at the beginning of the summer as I stared at the blank white and depressing wall across from me. I wanted to put up some sort of artwork to liven it up a bit, but I didn’t plan on staying in this dorm with ole fuck boy much longer so I didn’t even see a reason to bother.
Just as I dropped my eyes down to a squint and finally shut them, only about half a second away from sleep, my phone vibrated wildly against the nightstand beside the bed. I slowly parted my lids and stared straight ahead for a moment then with a grunt, I reached over for the obnoxious device, not even bothering to look down at the caller id before swiping my thumb across the screen.
“Yo.” I greeted with a yawn.
“Aww, somebody is tired huh? I’m sorry, did I wake you up?” Her sweet, addictive voice filled my ear and sent the most sudden jolt of excitement shooting from my head to my toes, pausing expectantly in the center of my boxers.
“Baby! Nah, I was up… what you still doing up though?” I asked, yawning once more, only this time I held it in as best as I could just so she wouldn’t hear it and fuss about me not getting any sleep. I would stay up until six thirty on the dot on this phone with her if she asked me to.
She giggled and I bit down on my bottom lip, absolutely adoring the cute sound of her perfect laugh “We just finished putting most of our stuff away… I haven’t even looked at a clock yet. What time is it?”
“Hmm,” I glanced over at the alarm clock resting on the nightstand and contemplated whether I should even tell her… I already knew what she would say if I did confess the actual time, “It’s not too late.”
While I was busy looking over at my alarm clock, I guess she decided to find out the time on her own and I shut my eyes and prepared for her rant when I heard her gasp “Oh my gosh, it’s almost three o’clock in the morning! I’m so sorry… you need to go to sleep. You said your drills are always early on weekdays… you shouldn’t be up now.”
“Nah baby, I’m fine. If I was tired, I woulda been sleep by now,” I half lied, knowing I didn’t give a real fuck what the hour was… if I got to talk to this gorgeous little lady, I’d be up with no complaints, “And if you dare hang up on me thinking you gone get me to go to sleep, I’m only gonna call you back ‘til you answer.”
She went silent for a second and I hoped that she really hadn’t hung up the damn phone on me “Okay, but I don’t want to be the reason you’re tired in the middle of your drills.” She nearly whispered in her infamous ‘girlfriend’ tone. I chuckled to myself as I thought about that… she had a knack for purposely doing certain shit that she claimed good girlfriends did to care for their man and whenever she dropped her voice to that particular octave, I knew that mode was kicking in.
“Trust me love, you won’t be… I’m fine. Now stop worrying about me and tell me how your day was.”
She released an exasperated sigh and I could only imagine the expression on her face… I just knew she was biting down on her bottom lip, thinking over exactly what she wanted to say before she said it “Well, it started out okay. My dad helped Dez and I get situated in my room then he left. We… met some new people here in the dorm and they were really nice.”
The uncertainty in her tone instantly worried me and I furrowed my brows as I pushed myself up onto my elbows and licked my steadily drying lips “What kinda people?”
“Just some people Chris. They offered to show us around the campus later and they were just really… friendly.”
I already knew that by ‘people’ she meant niggas and of course she wasn’t about to come right out and say that shit, so I went ahead and took it upon myself to assume that that’s who she was speaking of “Well maybe you should tell these nig… people, that you can figure out where everything is on campus just fine and that you don’t need no damn help.”
“Chris, stop it. This campus is huge and we’re gonna need someone to show us around a little. I don’t want to be late on my first day of classes because I was being picky all because you don’t want me talking to certain people.” She was making every bit of sense, but I truly didn’t care… with me being all the way on the east coast and her being so far away, I had to stay on my p’s and q’s with who she associated with. Not saying that she would do anything to put our relationship in jeopardy, but still… I mean, I’m sure she was probably thinking the same way with me.
“We already talked about this shit Sy’Diyah… no introductions because that only starts shit that don’t need to be started and apparently, you already been well introduced to some ‘person’ that you probably shouldn’t have for you to be sounding so giddy about this lil campus tour.”
“I’m not sounding giddy about anything. I just…” She paused and released a sigh and I could hear her shifting around before bringing the phone back to her ear, “I knew that if I just came right out and told you who really offered to show us around, you’d freak out and I don’t feel like hearing that.”
“Well I wouldn’t have to fucking freak out if you would just make this shit easy by at least thinking about the rules we made before you start doing shit like that.” I knew the tone of my voice along with my choice of words was harsh, but I couldn’t help it… she just brought that outta me.
“Stop cursing at me Chris. All I wanna do is talk to you and if you keep talking like that, I’m gonna hang up.” She muttered. Immediately falling into hush mode, I thought over what she said and realized she was right… like I said before, with the distance between us playing such a major role in this, I’d do anything to stay on the phone with her as long as I could and I couldn’t have her hanging up on me.
“I’m sorry, but baby please listen to me okay… don’t break the rules. I’m not there and you ain’t here and I know I’m not about to think twice about even glancing at another female, but I just wanna make sure them niggas around there don’t tempt you all because I’m not there.”
“No one is tempting me Charlie, don’t worry about that. Destani was the one overcome with temptation and I actually just finished talking to her about that.”
I could hear a feminine voice speaking loudly in the background and by the ghetto twang written all over it, I already knew it was Destani with her loud ass. Hope laughed at whatever she was saying and I couldn’t help but smile as I listened to her heartfelt giggle… the shit was just too damn cute.
“Destani said hi and she…” Her words became muffled suddenly and I furrowed my brows as I listened intently to figure out what was going on.
“Look nigga, she ain’t tempted with nothing aiight. I got her in check down here and I’m not about to let her fuck up. I got you Breezy… trust me.”
I pushed myself into an upright position at the edge of the bed and laughed at Destani’s method of reassurance “Imma trust you Dez, but don’t let me find out you got my girl down there fucking with them Georgia niggas… you know I’ll come down there and fuck that whole state up.”
She smacked her lips and I smirked, bracing myself for her oncoming slew of harsh words “Look light bright ass nigga, if you sitting up there tryna lowkey call my ass a hoe ‘cause you think I’m ‘bout to have these niggas turn your girl out, you can really kiss my high yellow ass. Ain’t nobody ‘bout to have Sy doing shit, but keeping her damn head in these books, but I can tell you this much… keep fucking with me with your smart-ass mouth, see how quick I purposely introduce her to one of these fine young southern men.”
“Aiight Destani, damn… I was just playing. I wasn’t even tryna call you no damn hoe in the first place,” I mumbled, chuckling softly to myself, “Put my baby back on the phone.”
I could clearly hear her still cursing my name while handing the phone over to Hope and I could only shake my head at her… the girl was truly a character.
“Geez, she is such a handful,” Hope said once she had her phone back in her possession, “But listen Charlie… I feel really bad having you on the phone for so long. You really need to get some rest and I’m not making it any better by keeping you up. Go to sleep now and call me back as soon as you get some spare time tomorrow.” She definitely didn’t need to tell me twice… hell, I’d call her in the middle of practice if she wanted me to.
“Aiight babe, I still don’t understand why you keep tryna rush me off the phone though. You know this is your second time doing that to me.” I said in a hushed tone, knowing it would get to her.
“Aww, Charlie Brown… I’m not trying to rush you off the phone, I just really don’t want you to be tired at practice.” She said and I smiled… I knew I got her with that one and if I calculated right, I’d just bought myself about fifteen more minutes to talk to her.
“I told you I’m not tired though, so the way I see it… you are rushing me off the phone, but that’s fine though. I’ll just go now.” I held my breath and went completely silent, waiting to see how she would react.
“Charlie… Chris? I know you’re still there. Chris… this isn’t funny.” I burst into a hearty bustle of laughter at her expense… I knew it wasn’t funny to trick her like that, but knowing that she was just that gullible to my humor, I couldn’t even help it.
“You’re not funny Charlie… don’t hang up on me.” She pouted.
“I’m not gonna hang up babe, I was just joking.” I said as my laughter died down.
“Well you joke too much. I was calling to ask you how your day was, but you won’t even give me a chance to ask.”
Turning my body with my back facing the headboard, I plopped back against the two soft down pillows that I had stacked there “I’m sorry baby mama. Go ahead… ask me how my day was.”
“Thank you… how was your day, Charlie?” I heard the grin in her voice and I could only smile widely as I thought over the events of the day.
“My day was good baby, thanks for asking.” She giggled softly and I found myself surrendering to the urge to sink my teeth into my bottom lip and slide my hand over my sore abdomen, edging closer and closer to the brim of my boxers.
“Well that’s good. How was your practice?” She asked. Rolling my eyes up toward the ceiling, I sighed… in all honesty, I really didn’t even wanna discuss the hell of a day I’d had, but she asked so I suppose I had to spill.
“The shit was seven hours too long and exhausting. My body feels like a ton of bricks that I can barely move right now.” I confessed.
“Aww, I’m sorry. I wish I was there to at least give you a massage or something.”
I squeezed my eyes shut and slowly rolled over onto my stomach, mushing my face down into my pillow with a low groan… I swear, if she didn’t stop I would so hop my ass on the next fucking flight to Georgia.
“Baby, come on… that’s not helping me at all right now.” I spoke into my pillow, barely loud enough for her to hear.
“I’m sorry… I was just saying,” She laughed, “But I really wish your coach would stop pushing you guys so hard. You’re only human and you can only handle so much.”
Another reason why I loved this girl more than the air that I breathed… what female do you know that could make her man feel this good with such a simple statement, even from such a distance?
“And I wish somebody could tell my fucking roommate that, ‘cause I swear this nigga just don’t know when to give up.”
“What did he do?” She asked, her voice low and full of concern.
“He apparently don’t understand the concept of going to practice, coming back to the room to eat and shower, then taking his ass to bed like a normal, tired citizen. Somewhere in there, this bitch just insists on getting stupid drunk and partying ‘til he can’t even wake up in the morning.”
“Was he doing all this in there while you were trying to get some rest? Is that why you’re so upset? Don’t let him get you angry Chris… just talk to your coach.”
“I ain’t really get upset about it. I’m not tryna lose my cool with this nigga and get my ass benched fucking around with coach. I plan to talk to him in the morning about this though and if something’s not done, I’m popping the fuck off and I’m choking this bitch nigga.”
She sighed and I could tell my language and the tone of my voice wasn’t doing much to convince her that I didn’t really get upset. After I’d told her that my coach had me seeing a therapist for my temper, she couldn’t have been more excited and she’d been supporting me every step of the way since. Whenever I do tend to get a bit irritated, to the point that I know I’m gonna lose control, I make sure to call her and she calms me down every time. I don’t know and never could figure out what it was, but it was just something about her… her presence, her face, even just her voice that kept me calm, cool, and collected.
“From the way you’re talking, it sounds to me like you got a little more than upset. We talked about this before Chris… you need to learn how to control yourself, because obviously I can’t always be there. If something or someone is bothering you, the first measure that you take to solve the problem can’t always be harming them to make yourself feel better. You’re supposed to use some of the methods that the therapist taught you to restrain yourself.”
“I know babe and I tried one of the methods tonight with this nigga and it barely worked. Besides, I was tired then and you know if you tired and somebody is keeping you from your sleep, you would probably bitch them out too.” I was listening to her, no doubt, but I still believed I had every reason to react the way I did with that nigga. He was disrespectful, period.
“No, I would politely tell them that I’m tired and it would be nice if they would keep their volume down so I can get some rest.”
I kept quiet as I took in every word she said and replayed it all over in my mind. Everything she’d said was right and eventually, I knew that I’d have to learn how to push past my anger and figure out other methods to solve whatever issues that caused me to be angry in the first place. God, I hated when she did this to me… she had such a knack for backing me into corners with her beautiful words of wisdom, leaving me utterly speechless and left to dwell on the petty actions I’d initially taken to solve my problems. Sometimes I honestly believed the girl was much wiser than her years.
“Well, you’re getting quiet on me now so I guess that means you’re tired of talking. I’m gonna let you go and get your rest now, okay.”
I frowned and closed my eyes, already feeling the effects of having listened to her soothing voice, which calmed me considerably “Okay.”
“I love you and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” She nearly whispered in that sweet, angelic voice of hers.
“I love you too.”
“Goodnight and sleep tight.”
“I will,” My eyes snatched open suddenly and I cleared my throat to get her attention before she hung up, “Baby, wait.”
“Hmm?” She purred.
“No more introductions… and no friendly little campus tours tomorrow or any other day, right?”
She giggled for the last time and I shut my eyes briefly and smiled, seriously willing myself not to moan right in her ear at the sound “Yes Chris, no more introductions… and no friendly campus tours, ever.”
“Good. Now goodnight… and I hope you have sweet, wet dreams about me tonight.”
She gasped and I snickered… I just had to get her one more time before I let her go “Goodnight Charlie… I swear you’re such a perv.” After blowing her a kiss over the line, we both hung up and I placed my phone back on its charger on the nightstand then rolled over onto my back, finally ready to doze off into a deep slumber… with Hope’s sugary sweet voice still on my brain like a lullaby pushing me off to sleep.
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ebonix · 4 years
Tumblr media
Ahhh can’t nobody tell me shit after we done read the energy AND iced me and out with ALL da shields! When I said I’m gd. Niggas, I’m great! Lol Feelin high off these gd vibes and boss moves. Staying prayed up and lacing everything I touch with blessed thoughts. Manifesting peace and calm. I’m gifted and highly favored... wrong motherfucking time to be on my bad side. Idk how I’m in such gd spirits lol I really just know until my therapist had reality check in today I was on optimist street cousin high volume like Crenshaw in the 90s. I’m excited to see the turn of events and conclusion. But I’m crystallized from head to toe! My high is starting feel like an illusion. I’m so exhausted. I really do feel chill. But I def overextended my energy today. Wow guess that answers a few questions. I’m scheduled to do a lot of work this week, but I’m going to attempt to pace myself. I have a client tomorrow that I luv seeing. Bruh next needs a major tan but he’s the cutest and neatest man of European descent. Omg! He smells amazing. And although I’d nvr make a move or think he’d accept it I now look fwd to just being around him. He’s just sooo adorable. Last time I found out wtf he does and it made sooo much sense cuz his apartment is bomb dot com. Did I mention he smells amazing and his place and items are always prestige. He’s hella athletic but all his ish is intact. The man issue is his dog that leaves hair everywhere. Omg & his bathroom is gorgeous! He clearly cares about his hygiene. Lol folxs always ask me about my gigs and my comfort level. Bruhh... I get to see the most people living situations and stress relief. I love working IC and it’s even better when my clients leave and I’m alone. Aiight I’m crashing. I have an early morning. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGmJc1Eji6BQg3F1sIXipPsQY6cJtfWj5-Od640/?igshid=15zupgfteyuyi
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whifferdills · 7 years
replied to your post
“ravenskyewalker replied to your photoset “dwvids: how did I fall in...”
Sorry, words can't express how much I grew to hate the Tenth Doctor, and I was responding to someone who said she sounded like a female Tenth Doctor. I'm done with being policed for having opinions, and not liking what's going on. I'm leaving anyway as a New Year's resolution, because I'm beyond done with fandom. Just sad and exhausted, okay?
i don’t like Ten either. my first official flounce from fandom was during 10′s specials. i’m with you there. but like - aiight, you have your opinions, and maybe it’s just Tumblr doin it’s thing directing your comments straight to me but i’m not tryna tell you how to act, i’m just reacting to what i’m receiving as yr negative opinions on things i reblog because i enjoy them. because that feels bad, yanno?
and no one polices shit, lbr. some people have loud mouths, and you can ignore them. you can block my ass if it upsets you, no hard feelings, i’m just asking that you consider how important it is to shit on someone else’s parade. there’s no, like, laws, here. it’s not that deep. just common courtesy.
i’m sorry that you feel sad and exhausted. i know, fandom is jank. but there are always good groups of people who feel like you do, and i’d encourage making better friends who more closely relate to your experience before deciding to leave. fandom is what you make it.
I mean, the only time I've appeared to be the intended or desired audience for modern DW was with Capaldi's Doctor, but I've been constantly told he connected with no one, so I don't exist or am lying. I'm so tired of people saying he was no good, despite their not watching, but now they can watch, because she's female, and maybe exactly like Ten, and just... no, okay? Okay. Done now.                   
i get you, but. why toss the baby out with the bathwater? i know there’s a lot of people deciding it’s okay(tm) to watch now that Moff’s gone, and that’s a whole bag of nonsense. but 13 just got here, and in the spirit of the show i think it’s good to believe in them and their potential. ymmv
i’ve also seen zero comparisons to 10 so ya might wanna try unfollowing Ten/Rose fans/RTD-only fans like in general but esp here. i get it, tho. some times you just need to leave. i wish you luck and good health. if you ever decide to come back, we’ll be here with open arms.
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bewitchthequeen · 7 years
Caleo Makes Me Cringe And Here’s Why
Yet another Heroes of Olympus anti list for your asses so prepare your butts because I’m about to blow ‘em clean off.
Note: Usually things apply. If you like Caleo and don’t care to hear counter opinions and that makes you aggressive and mean then this isn’t something you’re interested in, I’m going to have to ask you to move along :D I’m entitled to my opinions as you are yours. Any aggression targeted at me because I don’t ship what you ship will be treated with demeaning responses
You have been warned
Side Note: I have nothing but love for Rick Riordan, these are solely my opinions, which I’m entitled to have.
If you have anything to include, feel free to add your own thoughts.
I’m putting this under a Read More so people who don’t want to see this doesn’t have to.
1. To the people who say that Caleo is the best ship because “it’s not incest”. You are wrong. Calypso is Atlas’ daughter, Leo is Hephaestus’ son.  In Riordan verse, Atlas is Iapetus’ son, Iapetus is Kronos/Cronus’ brother, Kronos/Cronus is Zeus and Hera’s father, Hera is Hephaestus’ mother (and in some myths Zeus is his “biological” dad but we’ll ignore this for the riordan verse). If you’re using the incest card, it’s still incest as all gods and titans are related in some way as they all came from Gaea in some way, shape, or form. So kissing cousins apply here and that makes your argument invalid. Claiming it’s the only “healthy” or not gross ship is a lie or you could go along with Rick and his “genetics are a human thing”. The choice is yours.
2. They started out hating each other but skipped the whole tolerating/friendship stage and basically went straight into romance which doesn’t work for the short amount of time they were together. It was a weak build up and even now Leo looks like a lovestruck little boy while Calypso seems to be rather aloof and disengaged from the relationship. Kind of like now that people are around to see them she doesn’t want to be seen romantically with him? At least, that’s how it looks to me. This is my perception.
3. Calypso seems very angry still and I feel like it would be better for her to work on that solo rather than be in a relationship where she needs to kind of take it a lot slower than she would if she was alone. She has to take another person’s feelings into account so that’s not the best for someone with so much pent up anger. Take it from someone who has had something like that.
4. What would have been a more powerful story line for both of them would have been Leo realizing he doesn’t need to be in a relationship to feel validated and cared for. That being the 7th wheel isn’t a bad thing unless you perceive it that way. It’s a flaw with most books like this and young adult books. All the main characters simply have to be in a relationship. It seems like it’s a must and it’s not. A fair amount of people go through high school without dating. I had two boyfriends, one that lasted for a month (and he gave me fucking panic attacks) and then one that lasted about six months (before a tragedy), but I had friends who had been dating their S.O. since freshman year, some who chewed through boyfriends like no tomorrow, some who didn’t want to date, and some who just never dated. For what seems to be every young adult book ever, there are couples even if feelings don’t bloom until the very end of the book. So imagine my disappointment at how unrealistic these are becoming? It seems literally everyone in PJO/HoO/ToA are in a relationship even background and minor characters. I feel like it’s because people suspect this out of Rick now, and it makes me feel bad that he feels he needs to pair everyone up. I can’t imagine how stressful that must be. He shouldn’t have to do that. There’s this wonderful thing called fan fiction; you can read it, write it, and explore it. You don’t need to make that poor man feels like everyone needs to be in a relationship. It has negative affects/effects on people that age who reads them because then they feel like they need to be in a relationship to feel validated (like Leo) and could possibly end up in a bad relationship or feel like there’s something wrong with them for not being in one.
5. For Calypso because #4 was so long. Calypso’s story would have been a lot more powerful had she learned to love herself and the boat come for her. It would have been a real strong hit like “You don’t need someone to save you” and “You can save yourself” and self love promotion. (Honestly, both of their storylines could have done that but those opportunities were missed unless it gets horrendously retconned). In this day and age, I definitely feel like promoting self love is more powerful than Caleo unless you’re looking at it through rose colored glasses, like most shippers do. I’m guilty of this myself. I love Leo and I love Calypso, I just feel like there was a missed opportunity here.
6. Leo saving Calypso kind of made Percy look bad. This is a no-no. Making one character look bad for a relationship is a no-no. Percy usually keeps his promises. The only one I’ve seen him not keep was Bianca and even then I’m not 100% that was a promise? I don’t know. I just don’t like that Percy just “forgot” and basically made him like the other heroes that landed on Calypso’s island. I’m confident that’s not something that Percy would just “forget” but whatever. There’s a lot with HoO that I don’t like when it comes to Percy but that’s a post for another time.
7. Okay this is just because I seen a post from a pro caleo blog (and I’m not going to tag cause I don’t want to start a fight since this is a personal opinion and they made it clear they’re going to “defend caleo till they die”. I’m not trying to talk anyone out of anything. I’m stating my opinions, but claiming things about other ships without acknowledging your own ships faults is a no-no. (that’s the reasoning for the first reason on here). Here’s my defense (despite the fact I don’t really ship any of the canon ships but unfair attacks are unfair attacks) alright so here we go.      a. “ Percabeth = Incest.” See #1 because Caleo is also incest and I explained it above making this a useless excuse to ship Caleo.      b. “Tysella = Furry.” Okay, but Ella is a harpy and Tyson is a cyclopes. I don’t understand why furry is being claimed here but okay. You’re entitled to your opinion, but harpies were never considered animals as they are mythical creatures and I, personally, don’t include mythical creatures as furries but aiight. Furries have fur, not feathers. I haven’t seen any furries/fursonas with feathers. If I’m wrong all I ask is that you prove it without being vulgar.       c. “Grover/Juniper = Furry” Okay. Grover is a satyr which doesn’t really strike me as Furry since it’s humanoid, same with Ella, so it’s not furry as furry are completely animals? And anyways Juniper is basically a fucking nature spirit? It’s basically similar to how a dog likes rolling around in the grass? Whatever though       d. “Jason and Piper = Incest” again so is Caleo. skip Frank and Hazel because nothing was really said on this.       e. “Paul and Sally = Sally’s probably traumatized by Gabe beating the shit out of her” Okay, what does that have to do with Paul and Sally? That’s completely irrelevant to Paul and Sally’s relationship especially since there’s no hint at Paul being abusive to Sally? Sure, Sally is probably traumatized, but I would think she’s working through that since she seems to have a functioning relationship. But what does Sally’s trauma have to do with Paul? Weak excuse.       f. “Solangelo = Not only is Nico 85 while Will 14 but he’s possessive etc, etc”. Okay, but Nico is technically 14 himself? I mean, yes, he was born way back, but if we’re looking at age here Calypso is thousands of years older than Leo. And with possessive, I’m pretty sure Leo got mad at Percy about Calypso and was even kind of mad/jealous of Jason while he was trapped on the island because of Calypso not being interested in him and basically calling him scrawny or something like that. And Nico is in the body of a fourteen year old, he has the mind of a fourteen year old. He is a fourteen year old. He is in the mental state of a fourteen year old. Do you know how unsettling that would be if he dated someone “his own age”? His growth, mentally and physically, have been stunted thanks to the Lotus Hotel, so Nico di Angelo is a fucking fourteen year old. Let’s be clear that I don’t ship Solangelo, but after the shit that kid has been through he deserves to be happy. He lost all of his family, was forcibly outed by his sexuality by an asshole god, went through Tartarus by himself, and had to deal with feeling lost in a world that he didn’t feel accept him even among his peers/the people who should have understood him the most. If anyone deserves to be happy. It’s him. Fucking drop it.       g. “Chris/Clarisse” we’re back at incest and I’m back at Caleo being incest.       h. “Charles and Selena” again with incest because their parents are married. Atlas is Hephaestus’ great uncle so that’s seriously your kid dating your cousin. But Caleo isn’t creepy or incest. Okay thanks. Beckendorf and Silena are a ship that I actually enjoyed because they gave a shit about each other and loved each other despite parentage and then they died and it broke my heart. Honestly, if you find this creepy, a mother and daughter dated a police officer and his son in the Scream TV Series. That I found weird especially since that was all biological. Rick already said that genetics and gods aren’t a thing. The fact that I’m saying this more that once is exhausting. Just because your parents are married doesn’t mean it’s incest. To make this less creepy, Hephaestus and Aphrodite never had children and it’s a bullshit marriage anyways so. Whatever.
Honestly, if you’re going to be biased, at least know your facts. 
That’s all I got now, feel free to start a discussion.
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opepin · 7 years
may: week one
01: it was an interesting morning. i worked out in the yoga studio today because hillary and daniel were sleeping in the living area. i finished my hip hop cardio and when i started my hiit workout, a lady came in to spin and she just watched me suffer LOL. i made it though! then i showered and started my work day. i just needed to mentally prepare myself and write some notes to prepare myself for my customer call. phil was not going to be on it so i was pretty much solo. i think i did alright though. hillary and daniel packed and left before my call and then later, hillary told me that they missed their flight because spirit moved up the flight time and they had to catch tomorrow’s -__-” wtf spirit? i started doing laundry so it’s a good thing i didn’t wash their towels yet! i did start washing the bedsheets and pillowcases though. meh. haha. i think they can sleep with the sofa pillows and without the sheet for one night, right? x__x;
my day was very chill and when they came back, daniel and hillary took my car to fat cat and i got on my standup. they left me some cajun fries, which were sooo delicious. i snacked and talked to hillary while daniel fell asleep on the couch. hillary eventually fell asleep and then i went back to work. kevin came back and then we talked a bit before daniel and hillary woke up. daniel took like a 3 hour nap. damn. bae and i went to the yoga studio and she did cardio kickboxing with me. right after the workout, she downed a ton of water O_O” haha. kevin was cooking oyakodon at this time while daniel was watching dota streams in the apartment. we came back, ate, chatted, and then hillary and daniel did dishes while me and kevin went back on our computers. he gamed and i did a bit of work before showering, making the bed together, and me sleeping at around 11 pm. zzzzz. it was a nice chill day with the bae and phanpy :)))
02: i took it “easy” and did very little jumping during my morning exercise. then i washed up, ate breakfast, and said good bye to hillary and daniel! :) they were awake but still a little sleepy haha. i sat at john’s desk for the morning and was anxious to see when he would come in and felt a tad bit bad that he had to sit at my desk for a bit. i happened to be in a call when he came in and needed to talk to steve. x__X; we went to tenoch and i got a pollo torta. it was better than last time so i think tenoch is a bit better than i had initially thought. steve and haowei really liked it. i was very productive today and cole helped me set up actions in photoshop to fix something very tedious that i had to do. it was luls seeing him use photoshop though. i finished all of my work at around 4:40 pm and then took it easy until 5 pm. i walked to cvs with cole on the way to south station and i introduced him to all-dressed ruffles! apparently, they are a flavor in the east coast that’s here to stay ahha. he really liked them. boo yah!
i took the train home and then ate fruit and decided to gorge myself on snyder’s honey mustard pretzel pieces T_T it was a terrible choice because i ended up with a stomach ache and it was a bit harder to do my ab workout. i showered and then i made dinner. kevin came back, i played some bravely default and finished the episode of reign i watched while daniel and hillary were here, he cooked some veggies, and then we ate dinner without watching tv. it’s been an eventful weekend and start of the week so we needed to reset a bit. it was a fun weekend though with bae and phanpy <3 kevin gamed and i went to sleep at around 11:30 pm. i wasn’t sure if i was going to work from home -- my heart rate has increased these past few days so i might be a bit sick or getting sick? or maybe i’m stressed? i think the true cause is that i’ve been working out a bit too much with not enough rest. so it’s a toss up of whether or not i’m gonna feel up to it in the morning. 
03: it was such a nice morning T_T the weather seemed great outside but my body was super sore and my stomach was not feeling too hot. i decided to work from home. i also skipped on my morning workout because everything was sore basically. i’m taking it sort of easy today in terms of working out. i started my morning by watching the latest episode of jane the virgin and then woke up kevin. then he left for work and i did some work~ i spent the day moving around and splitting my 30 minute workout that i was supposed to have in the morning, into 15 minute sessions. it was a pretty chill day again because i’m kind of in between projects but a lot of new things are gonna happen for me in design mainly so i’m excited about that. i did a 25 minute dance routine to keep my exercise pretty light today and then showered and made rice and defrosted shrimp. when kevin came back from work, we went outside to chill in the courtyard. i played bravely default and he read a book on his kindle. it got chilly so we went back inside after finishing the grapes we brought out with us. 
then we chilled some more and kevin started cooking. i grinded so hard today. i’m now level 84 and i bought the golden egg and golden whatever it was so i get more job points and exp. we ate dinner while watching some gordon ramsey videos and then we basically wrestled for a bit because he said i made too little rice and was complaining about it and i said he eats too much and then he said i was trying to starve him LOLOL. i got real worked up and then calmed down, gamed, got ready for bed, and went to sleep at around 11 pm. zzzz.
04: i woke up pretty tired today but i did my workout and i wasn’t exhausted from it like i usually am? woot for progress! the video that i followed was one of the ones i had to pause at 3 sets and then continue with the last one, but now i can do it all in one go! after that, i showered, ate cereal and toast and then went on my way to work. i felt pretty dead though so i don’t know if it’s still because i’m not resting? or if it’s something else??? i haven’t been sleeping well again... even though i’m sleeping earlier, waking up earlier, exercising earlier, etc. @_@; it might be kevin’s gaming that’s disturbing my sleep now or maybe i should stop going on my phone right before bed...ahhh, i don’t know -- i’ll test it out. sigh. i thought this was going to be better; i mean, it is in a way but i want this to help balance my life out.
the day was pretty busy and i got a headache because of the new project i’m working on. i forgot how tedious it is to sort through a bunch of unorganized data... well, kind of organized but not organized on a super clean level. i had a bunch of mini chats with mathew about both of our projects -- we helped each other out. i took a walk after eating lunch and then went back to work. cole had to vent a bit so when he was done with his last meeting of the day, we headed to starbucks and he vented and got a venti chai, which he demolished even before we got back to the office o_o he also kindly got me the honey chocolate that’s in starbucks right now. i’m so glad i have a friend like cole :D we finished up the bit of work we had and then headed to south station and took our trains home. i snacked a bit and then did my workout. i also prepped ingredients for dinner and then kevin messaged me saying that he didn’t know his belay class would be so long. so he got back late and i just ate bread for “dinner.” i ended up eating the stir fried noodles anyway but not as late because i wanted to see if that was bothering my sleep. i slept at around 12 am because i was going to wfh tomorrow and i just gamed before sleeping.
05: i was very all over the place today. i managed to do my hiit workout in the morning and then work on my new project the entire day. i took a lot of breaks though to move around, game, and also read! i got my botm in the mail and just started reading it like crazy. now i have a game and a book to read :) my stomach was also just all over the place because i kept feeling nauseous and then gassy and then hungry and the cycle kept repeating. merp i don’t know what’s wrong?! i need to get more fruit for the upcoming week though haha. kevin got back home and we just cuddled and rested after a long week of work. then i did a new 30 minute work out and found out during the workout that one move just hurts my hip like crazy. i don’t know if i like this new video. then i showered while kevin cooked and we had a pretty late dinner while watching supernatural. the characters in supernatural are pissing me off now. @_@; we did a good amount of reading and then gamed for the rest of the night.
06: we got out of bed around 11 am and then i went straight to kickboxing. i was sore from yesterday so i didn’t do my best at it but still got it done ;) then we ate breakfast and chilled for a bit until it was time to get our massages! i got a great deep tissue massage focusing on my legs and then a bit on my back. then we went into the steam room for the first time to try it out! it was basically a shower room with a steam system built in and it was super foggy when we got in. o__o; the temperature rose from 80 to 105 before we rq’d. after getting out of there, we felt so relaxed and refreshed though. we also showered because we thought it would be a bit gross to steam and then leave rather than utilize the shower there too haha. we got boba from oh my tea after; i got the jujube tea and kevin got the mango smoothie! the mango smoothie was the best mango smoothie we’ve ever had... so good. we came back home and chilled. i gamed for a bit; i’m finally getting the vampire asterisk! then i finished reading my book of the month, ‘since we fell’ (it was aiight), and then we took the ‘t’ to back bay to meet up with jenny and her friends.
i met jenny’s friends: effie and monica, and kevin and jenny’s mutual friend from northwestern, derrick. we had to wait 45 minutes get seats at a restaurant called, ‘the salty pig’ so we just talked inside a mall. the service at the restaurant was below average and the wait for the food was too long and not worth it. the food portions were TINY as well. i was excited for their gnocchi but it was super mushy and too sweet. we won’t be coming back here. after dinner, we walked over to ‘the beehive’, a jazz bar/restaurant. there were no available seats and everyone was pretty tired. we did stay there until 12 am though and near the end, we managed to get seats. kevin got poutine and ate at the bar counter while standing lulz. we just talked and then we walked effie and jenny back to effie’s apartment and then derrick went the opposite way to get his bike, and kevin and i took the ‘t’ back home. i drank a pimm’s cup at dinner and by the time we got home, my stomach hurt (it could have also been some of the cheese i ate) and i had a pinching headache. kevin started meal planning with me and i just had to ko on the bed after using the bathroom x_x; i woke up at 2 am, brushed my teeth, and went back to sleep. kevin was finishing up a game and went to sleep at around that time as well.
07: i woke up feeling a lot better! my back was sore from the massage but that means she worked her magic on it. we got out of bed at 10 am. i went to shower, kevin ate breakfast, i ate cereal, started reading ‘ready player one’ while kevin used the washroom, and then we headed to kam man, lucky fortune, and bj’s. apparently, all the produce was fresher this time (maybe because we went there early). then we went to get asian buns from the bakery at lucky fortune as well as some red plums. we stopped by bj’s to get english muffins and then unpacked everything, filled water bottles, and headed out. we stopped by a mcdonald’s because we were craving it. i got 4-pc chicken mcnuggets and an order of small fries and kevin got a mcdouble and mcchicken. both were mcpick 2′s so everything was just $5. <3333 we ate as kevin drove to the hammond pond reservation to meet up with matt and megan (sp?). the boys were outdoor climbing today and we came along to watch, enjoy nature, and take pictures of them ;P
megan used her cool lens attachments for her iphone to take pictures and they were so high quality! it got super chilly but i took a short walk around the place. the reservation is right next to a large movie theater and strip mall so the views weren’t all that great / no hiking trails were defined. i had to pee when we got there but kevin and i got there late so we felt bad for making them wait T_T nearing the end of the climb, i could not hold it in any longer. walking to the car made me want to pee my pants and i felt like i had super bad cramps. kevin rushed to say goodbye to them and then hurriedly drove me over to the strip mall and went outside to ask if there were restrooms i could use. we stopped at a cupcake shop and when i went in, the cashier said someone was in there -__-” then kevin went to the place next door and luckily, no one was in there and i got to finally pee. tmi, but i literally had so much pee, i had to like push it all out @_@ LOL anyway, kevin used the restroom as well and then we drove back home. kevin went to shower and i just chilled, snacked on some snyder’s, and continued reading ‘ready player one.’ then i did laundry and continued reading the book and playing games. the book is really interesting to me so far. it’s very sao-eqsue and log horizon-esque... oh and dot hack-esque ahah.
kevin cooked and i was about to clean the bathroom, but i was talking to winston about staying over at his place when we head to new york for my birthday. winston initiated a video chat with us so we got to catch up :) kevin was still cooking but it was nice to hear from winston <3 we talked while we ate dinner and then winston went back to reading and doing his thang. kevin washed dishes and i folded clothes and then we booked our amtrak tickets (omg thank you, effie for all the tips and tricks for going to ny for cheap!!!) and then i started looking for a hotel (we decided with winston’s encouragement to get a hotel instead) and then i got tired and i went to bed at around 12 am.
0 notes
hopeishappinessff · 6 years
Holding Onto Hope: Chapter 1
The glass was a translucent barrier to the lush greenery zipping by along the edges of the wide Georgia roadways. I was starting to make myself dizzy just by trying to steady my eyes on at least one robust tree or a vibrant flower sprouting from the ground. After nearly vomiting from a dire combination of dizziness and motion sickness, I shut my eyes and allowed myself to succumb to the melodic sound of Smokey Robinson. I assumed my dad was a fan of the man and I honestly couldn’t blame him… his voice was so rich and just soothing enough to put a baby to sleep.
Just as I neared the edge of an ensuing siesta, an incessant vibration against the side of my leg startled me and my initial reaction was to flinch… causing my phone to fall haphazardly to the floor. I hastily reached to pick it up, being careful not to move Destani’s foot, which was stretched comfortably along my front seat armrest as she slept soundly in the backseat. I couldn’t fight the urge to nibble into my bottom lip even if I wanted to as I gazed down at that familiar grinning and gorgeous face and my own beaming smile staring up at me. It was a picture we’d snapped cuddling in my bed just days before he left for New York. Breaking out of my daze just before the vibrations stopped, I swiped my thumb across the bottom of the screen and quickly pressed it to my ear, closing my eyes without thought to brace myself for his steadily deepening baritone.
Ya’ll made it there yet?” From the moment Destani and I had left Virginia around nine this morning, he’d been greeting me with something along the lines of ‘Where ya’ll at’ rather than a cordial ‘hello.’ I smirked at the sound of his addictive voice and giggled as I lowered my head and pressed my left index finger into my ear to ensure that I’d hear him crisp and clear.
“No, we’re almost there though. You know… it would be kind of nice if I could get a hello next time.”
He chuckled and I imagined those handsomely deep dimples caving into his plump cheeks along with the tiniest dimple that crept into his chin whenever he smiled or laughed “I’m sorry love. I’m just tryna make sure ya’ll get to the school alright and that’s like, literally the only thing I been thinking about all day.”
I swiftly raised a hand to wave my dad’s extended hand away from the volume knob of the radio. He’d finally taken notice of the phone pressed against my ear and he was attempting to show consideration by trying to turn down the volume, but I figured with me being on the phone with Chris of all people, it would be best to keep the radio up as loud as possible. I smiled sheepishly at him after he raised that hand in a surrendering manner and returned my attention to my conversation.
“Well stop worrying so much. Like I said, we’re just about there and you know I’ll call you as soon as we get to our dorm.”
“Aiight… well how ‘bout I stop worrying when I get that call then?” He suggested smartly. I rolled my eyes and said a quick silent prayer that we would indeed reach the school soon so that I could calm his worried mind.
“Other than worrying about our exact location on the map of the world, what are you doing right now?” I asked, discreetly cracking up at my own joke.
I could tell he was laughing as well and I strained my ears to listen closely… I’d always adored the way I could easily tell that he was genuinely laughing, even if I weren’t directly in his face to see.
“I actually just got back from a three-hour drill. I was on my way to getting in the shower and when I was taking my shirt off, I thought about you and decided to call and check in again.”
I smiled and playfully contorted my face into a frown as if he could see me “So… your sweat and funk makes you think of me?”
“No, I just… wait, who said I was funky girl?”
I cackled aloud and tossed my head back against the headrest theatrically “I’m sorry, you’re not funky… as a matter of fact, I bet you smell exceptionally nice right now.” “Hell yeah I do. Aye… and you know what’s even better,” His voice dropped to a noticeably more seductive octave and my brow raised with intrigue as I listened to him, “My body is still dripping with sweat, right… and I’m just standing here in the mirror now and my shorts are kinda low, like sagging so I can see this dope ass V cut I been working on… so I’m just watching this sweat drip, like you when I make that puss…”
My eyes bulged and I instinctively gasped and raised a hand to the receiver of my phone, peeping discreetly at my dad to make sure he hadn’t by chance heard any of what this freak had just muttered in my ear.
“You know you should stop right… I’m still in the car Chris.” I kept my voice as low as possible as I reprimanded him quickly. He chuckled, with that same seduction even wrapped up in his laugh, and I rolled my eyes and fought the urge to bite into my bottom lip. After an entire summer of absolutely no physical contact with him, the slightest rise or fall in the pitch of his voice was just enough to send my body temperature rocketing within seconds. 
“Aw, I’m sorry Ms. Pretty Pussy… I can’t help it. But I’ll stop… wouldn’t want you leaking all over your dad’s seat.” He whispered huskily. I smacked my lips and subtly rubbed my thighs together, clinging to the sound of his seduction and praying that I wouldn’t squirt right through my pants just from the sound of his voice. I decided that instead of giving myself away and perhaps dealing with an interrogation from my dad, I should probably go ahead and end the phone call before Chris got me too carried away.  
“You know what, I think I should just call you back a bit later. We’re almost at the school and I really have to go now.” He went silent for a moment and I instantly felt terrible… I didn’t want him to think I was rushing him off the phone. We were literally only about ten minutes away from the school and knowing that I needed each of those minutes to get myself together after that panty wetting exchange, I knew I needed to end the conversation now.
“Aiight, just don’t forget to call me as soon as you get there.”
“I won’t.” I promised, ending the call with an I love you.
With an exhausted huff, I dropped my last bag on my extra-long twin size bed and plopped down right beside it, sighing tiredly and sliding my feet out of my sandals before crossing them up onto the bed. We’d been either walking or standing just about all day and it was starting to feel like my feet were on fire. Destani, who’d been struggling to pull one of her larger bags through the doorway, gave one final yank and got the bag through the door then tossed it over onto the floor near her bed. She was mumbling under her breath and I laughed only because I knew she’d be expressing herself loud, clear and without hesitation if it weren’t for my dad stepping though the doorway behind her. He and I both laughed at the expression on her face as he placed one of her heaviest trunks and a duffle bag on the floor with ease.
“Was it really that heavy Dez?” I asked, pointing over at the bag she’d practically thrown out of her grasp. She rolled her eyes and stomped her way over to her bed, muttering a small ’thank you’ to my dad for his graciousness. I locked eyes with him, we both peered over at Destani, then simultaneously burst into boisterous laughter at her expense. She looked absolutely upset that we were laughing, but her expression only made it that much more hilarious.
“I’m glad ya’ll find it so funny that I almost broke both of my arms and my back tryna drag this bag up here.” She said with a roll of her eyes.
My dad stepped to her, pulling her to him and squeezing her with a one-armed hug “Aww, I’’m sorry Destani… I really didn’t mean to laugh at you. I was only laughing because, well… Sy laughed.”
My jovial expression instantly dropped into a frown and I looked from him to Destani to see her standing there with her hand on her hip and a smirk resting on her face “And I’m glad you find it so funny that I almost hurt myself, Sy.”
“Actually I find it funny that you were too weak to carry that bag. With your scrawny arms, you should have just dragged it.” I pointed out, raising a brow with a knowing smirk on my face.
“Whatever Sy’Diyah. Smart a… butt.” I smiled at her, knowing that she wanted so badly to let a curse word slip, but she was struggling with my dad in the room.
“Well, do you girls need me to help with anything else? It may be easier to set everything up with six hands instead of four.” My dad said, picking up one of my trunks and moving it closer to my bed.
I stopped him just before he attempted to move on to retrieve a suitcase and smiled “No, I think we can handle it from here… you’ve done more than enough for us as it is and I can’t thank you enough for that.”
He tapped a hand against the top of my trunk then pursed his lips and released a sigh through his nose “Alrighty, then I guess I’ll uh… start making my way back down to the car then. And you’re absolutely positive that you two don’t need anything else? Something from the store… something to eat… anything?”
I chuckled lightly and glanced over at Destani who was shaking her head, letting me know that there was nothing she needed “Nope, I think we’re good for now.” I assured him.
“How about we walk you downstairs so we can have a lil more time to think about if we really need something Mr. D?” Destani suggested.
“That sounds like a plan Destani.” He chuckled.
We walked him out to the parking lot to his car and conversed for a bit, asking several questions about areas of entertainment in and around Athens. He didn’t give us much info on that question in particular… he claimed that’s not what college was all about and that we should solely be focused on the education aspect, not what’s going to keep us entertained. He did, however, tell us that if we ever felt the need to get away from the city, he was only a phone call away.
After my dad left, Destani and I made our way back into the semi crowded lobby of McWhorter Hall, our dormitory. Though it’d crept well into mid-evening, several families of students lingered around the lobby and activity center, some biding adieu to their student and some just simply hanging around for the heck of it. Our particular dorm was coed. When the decision was initially made that I would attend this school, I wanted to reside in a female only dorm, but with Destani getting accepted into the same school as I and the two of us immediately choosing to room together, she figured it would be much better to live in this style dorm instead. The only good in it for me was the fact that our floor consisted of all females and the floors above and beneath us were only males. Destani didn’t seem to fully understand the fact that for me to tell Chris that I lived anywhere near other guys was equivalent to me telling him that I lived in an actual room with a guy… and that was simply a death wish.
A few days before Destani and I left, he even forced me to agree to a ‘conference call’ with him to discuss the terms and conditions of this newfound distance between us. Any other time I probably would have gotten upset with him for trying to set rules for me, but I couldn’t get mad… I’d done the exact same with him before he left for New York. I realized that if we were going to make this thing work, there would have to be several ground rules for the both of us to always abide by to ease all temptation. For whatever reason, he even felt the need to leave me with his Charlie Brown necklace, believing that it somehow held the power to keep everyone of the male species at bay.
With my index finger and thumb, I picked up that very pendant that rested in its new home idly against my chest and looked down at it. Ms. Joyce had given it to him as a gift for Christmas when he was about thirteen because of his infatuation with the comic book character and since then, not a day had gone by that he took it off… until now. I was utterly stunned the moment he slid the thing from around his neck only a few days before he left for New York and completely blown away when it placed it around my neck instead, instructing me to keep it on no matter what because he expected to see me wearing it the next time we saw one another. 
Destani and I continued our trek through the lobby, the activity center, and up the first flight of stairs to our room and I kept my head down, mesmerized by the small colorful diamonds embedded in the pendant. I failed to realize that we were rounding a corner to head up another flight of stairs to get to our second-floor dorm and because I so foolishly kept my head down without thinking to look up, I didn’t notice the figure ambling directly toward me. The person must have been at least six feet tall because when I bumped into them, my head instantly collided with their chest. I stumbled backward a bit, only catching my balance after I felt a hand grip onto my wrist, grasping tightly to prevent me from clumsily slipping down about six steps.
“Damn girl, you straight?” I quickly raised my head and lifted a hand up to massage the top of it after running into this person’s chest. I was immediately taken aback when I found myself gawking up into the deepest pair of chocolate brown orbs. It actually took me a few seconds to realize those eyes weren’t the only beautiful things in front of me… there was a beautiful face and a beautiful body too. But whoever he was, he was making me extremely uncomfortable only because I knew I shouldn’t have been staring at him, thinking about how inexplicably gorgeous he was.
“Baby doll… you good? I mean, you did just almost fall down a flight of stairs… I’m just tryna make sure you okay.” Even his voice made him seem more like the God Zeus standing there in front of me. And what was even more appealing was that he had yet to call me ‘ma’ like most southern guys tend to. Don’t get me wrong, I’d never seen anything necessarily wrong with the pet name, especially when Chris said it, but I found that it grew old after a while and just hearing baby doll roll off his tongue was oddly refreshing to me. I could feel someone easing up behind me and seconds later, a hand nudging me in the back. I glanced back to see Destani standing there, staring at me like I had two heads.
“What the hell are you doing? Talk to him girl?” She mumbled through gritted teeth just loud enough for me to hear.
Clearing my throat, I swung back around to face him and blinked a few times as I licked my parched lips “Um, yes… yeah, I’m okay… I’m really clumsy and I’m so sorry for bumping into you.” I explained sincerely. He smiled, flashing a perfect set of glimmering whites that left me, once again, stupefied and it took another nudge in the back from Destani for me to realize that he was speaking to me.
“You straight doll. I know these stairs are pretty damn cramped, so you can’t really help but bump into people on ‘em.” I instantly noted the country or perhaps even Louisiana accent that oozed from his words and smiled inwardly… he’s even more country than Chris… snapping out of my daze suddenly, I gasped softly and realized in that moment how much of a good idea it would be for me to go on and make my way past this guy, just in case he decided to go in for the kill… an introduction…which according to Chris was number one on the list of terms and conditions.
‘No formal or informal introductions… that’s how them niggas trap you. Trust, ya nigga used to be like, the king of that shit.’ He preached to me just a few nights ago during a late night chat.
I dropped my gaze just in time to see his large, caramel coated hand jetting out toward me “I’m Benny by the way.”
My eyes held their stare on his hand for what seemed like several minutes before I sucked in a gust of uncertainty and stuck my hand out to firmly grip his.
He graced my eyes with that smile again and it took everything in me to tear my gaze away from his lips “You live here?”
I nodded and licked my lips, imagining just how pale and dry they probably looked right now due to my jittery nerves.
“Well I’m down at Rooker Hall if you by chance… ever need anything or something, uh… what’s ya name?”
Blinking a few times, I shook my head slowly in complete disbelief that I was so transfixed by this guy’s presence, his voice, his eyes… his entire existence, that I suddenly forgot my own name.
“Sy’Diyah… her name is Sy’Diyah. And I’m Destani, her roommate.” Destani quickly intervened and eased around me to stick her hand out to shake Benny’s, saving me from further embarrassment.
Benny chuckled and Destani smiled and leaned back, wrapping her left arm around the back of my neck and leaning against me “Don’t mind her, I think she’s just… really tired and kind of out of it.”
“Nah, nah… I completely understand. I think everybody in this building is prolly exhausted as hell right about now…” He paused briefly and peered behind Destani, quickly motioning for whoever he was looking at to come forward, “I want ya’ll to meet my boy Taylor… come ‘ere man.” I glanced to my right just as a chocolate toned guy with braids waltzed past Destani and stopped just beside Benny, slapping hands with him as a friendly greeting.
“Wassup my nig…” He stopped mid-sentence and blatantly eyed Destani and I, swiping his tongue out over his lips with a smirk as he did so before turning back to face Benny, “I see you my nigga. Catching the flyest honeys on the first day dawg.”
He slapped hands with Benny once more and I glanced over at Destani with a discreet grimace only to see her smirking and openly gawking at this Taylor guy.
“Nigga ain’t nobody catching nothing. I just bumped into her,” He explained, pointing a finger at me, “And I was just introducing myself to her and her roommate, Destani.” “Oh, so ya’ll are roommates, huh? Well my name is Tay or T-Low… don’t nobody call me that Taylor shit,” He chucked, cutting his eyes over at Benny, “But anyway ya’ll residing here?”
“Yeah, we’re on the second floor actually.” Destani said and it only took a few seconds for me to realize that she’d switched on her charm and boy did she turn it on full force. I scoffed through my nose… the girl was such a character sometimes.
“Well uh… I don’t know if my boy told ya’ll or not, but we over at Rooker Hall if ya’ll ever wanna… chill or what not.” I wanted so badly to tell him that we could never chill or what not because I had a boyfriend and so did Destani, and even though that part would be a tad stretch of the truth, I would claim it any day just to get this guy to lay off. I couldn’t lie, the boy was cute… him and Benny both, but just looking at the both of them made me feel so culpable and the Charlie Brown pendant dangling against my chest wasn’t really helping me feel any better.
“Okay, well as soon as we figure out where that is… we can definitely chill whenever.” Destani said in the most alluring tone, making me sick to my stomach. Taylor laughed, along with Benny, and reached back into the pocket of his jeans to pull out his phone.
“It’s like, right down the sidewalk from here. This dorm, Rooker Hall, and the other two beside ours are all basically connected without actually touching… if you know what I mean. But just in case you can’t find it, why don’t we exchange numbers.” He suggested smoothly, handing his phone off to Destani and waiting for her to give him hers.
“I actually left my phone up in my room. Why don’t you two come up so I can get it and we can exchange there.”
Panic hit me like a ton of bricks as I stared astonishingly at Destani… was she seriously inviting these two strangers up to our room just to exchange phone numbers? What was wrong with her just giving Taylor her number, him calling her phone, and her saving his number? I swear the girl was just on a mission to ruin my nerves. If we were going to get through this year as smoothly as possible, this would definitely be on the list of topics to discuss with her and it’d be on the top of my list of things not to do to make our experience as roommates much easier… DO NOT BRING RANDOM PEOPLE IN THE ROOM WITHOUT ROOMMATES CONSENT! Until I could get around to informing her of this issue, I’d just have to make my way up to our room with both Taylor and Benny in tow.
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