#ain't no fucking way why did i think they were in their late twenties ...
minqies · 2 years
HOMIES ARE ‘00 / ‘01 LINERS ??? 
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ninebluehearts · 1 year
Scars Under the Stars
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A/n: A special fic requested by @sn1peraj !!💗 I hope this is what you were picturing 💗
Warnings: Angst: hurt comfort. Mentions of Sarah's death. Panic attacks.
Summary: Walking home from Ellie's, you find out about Joel's panic attacks.
It was late by the time you and Joel had left Ellie's little home, which was only a five-minute walk from you and Joel's house. You decided to come along and watch Ellie's guitar lesson tonight since you hadn't really seen her since you all arrived at Tommy's. She was busy finally socializing with people her own age, and you and Joel were still working on relearning how to relax for the first time in twenty years.
You stared up at the stars on your way back, your arm firmly intertwined with Joel's. "You're right. She is getting better."
"Ain't she? Personally, I think she'd do better with a bass, but she's making it work."
"Why do you say that?" You leaned your head against his shoulder, looking up at him as he spoke.
Joel cleared his throat. "Well, with the way her hands are shap-" But before he could finish, a dry, harsh cough forced itself out of him, bringing along five more back-to-back, until Joel was doubled over, gasping for air.
"Holy shit Joel, what's wrong?" You asked, gently rubbing comforting circles on his back.
"I'm fine." Joel muttered; his eyes screwed shut as he tried and failed to catch his breath.
"No, you're not. Come here." You guided him over to a random porch step, helping him sit down on the damp wood. "Hey, look at me, okay? Breathe with me." You held Joel's hands in yours, maintaining eye contact with him as you took deep, even breaths.
It wasn't long before Joel could finally breathe normally again, though you were still worried. "What was that, Joel? And don't say you're fine, because we both know you're not."
Joel let out a defeated sigh, focusing on tracing the lines on your palm with his finger. "I don't know. I just get these little moments where I can't breathe and my vision starts to go out, ya know? Like I'm gonna pass out or something."
"What do you think about in those moments?"
"How I can't breathe really." Joel swallowed around the lump in his throat, taking another deep breath. "Or um, how she- what she.." And just like that, Joel finally broke down. Twenty years of suppressing his feelings with booze and pills finally caught up with him, breaking him down until there was nothing left.
"Oh, Honey.." You wrapped your arms around him as tight as you could, holding him as close as possible. You knew there was nothing you could say to make him feel better, but because he felt like he was falling apart, maybe holding him tight would make him feel like he was together again. At least for a moment.
A few moments later, when the worst of it was over, Joel began to stare off into space, as though he were distancing himself from reality "What if Sarah felt like that when she died?" He whispered, another tear slowly slipping down the curve of his nose as he closed his eyes.
That's where this was coming from; it all made sense now. Tommy had told you that he was concerned about Joel a couple of months ago, giving you a brief summary of how Joel thought he was failing Ellie as he felt he did Sarah, but you never thought it was this bad.
"No baby, I'm sure she didn't."
"How do you know? You weren't there. You didn't see the way she gasped for air. You didn't see how hard her little lungs fought-" He sobbed out, his hand flying to cover his mouth. He pulled himself out of your embrace, angerly wiping the tears from his face. "Fuck! Why does it still hurt?! It's been twenty fuckin' years!" He yelled, his entire body trembling from the waves of emotions that just kept crashing into him.
You tried to gently shush him, noticing the lights turning on in some of the surrounding houses. "I know it hurts. It's never going to stop hurting, baby. Ever." You walked over and held his face in your hands, gently wiping away his fresh tears with your thumb. "But maybe it's not so bad. Maybe the pain reminds you to look at it- to remind you of just how much you love her. The pain is always gonna be there, yes, but it'll get easier over time, I promise."
Joel just shook his head, tired and defeated. "I know. I know it's gonna get worse before it gets better and all that bullshit. Doesn't make it hurt any less from where I'm standing."
You pulled him into another tight hug, tearing up when you felt him melt into your embrace this time, his arms wrapping around your waist to hold you just as tight. You hated seeing him like this, knowing there was nothing you could do to make it one hundred percent better. But the best thing you could do for him right now, in this moment, is be there.
You stayed like that for a long time, the two of you gently swaying as you held one another. And when you did finally start walking home again, you couldn't help but notice that Joel walked a little bit straighter now. As though he finally left behind a little bit of that weight he constantly carried on his shoulders. It was going to take a lot of work, but maybe, just maybe someday he'll be able to lose it all.
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sleepybabybees · 3 months
Some more ft kortac and Los vaqueros (Farah and Alex too-)
Alejandro : Who the fuck-
Rodolfo : Language!
Alejandro : Whom the fuck-
Rodolfo : No.
Alejandro : This bloodline ends with me.
Rodolfo : That's the fanciest way I've ever heard someone say "I'm gay".
Rodolfo : You’ve got to learn to love yourself.
Alejandro : But don't you hate yourself.
Rodolfo : Yeah, but this is about you. Stay focused.
Alejandro : Look, I’m glad everyone’s on the same page.
Alejandro : But it’s the last page in a book titled “we’re all going to die”.
Rodolfo : That’s not even clever.
Rodolfo : WHY?!
Alejandro , throwing his head into Rodolfo 's lap: Tell me I'm pretty!
Rodolfo , lovingly stroking his hair: You're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are.
Farah: What? I'm not aggressive!
Alex: Last Tuesday, you wacked me with a pair of crocs and stole my chocolate chips?
Farah: Survival of the fittest, bitch.
Alex: Who's in charge here?
Farah, shrugging: Usually whoever yells the loudest.
Farah, texting: Alex, will you please go to sleep?
Alex, texting back: What makes you think you didn’t just wake me up?
Farah, texting: Just a hunch :) You goin’ to sleep soon?
Alex, texting: I’m trying
Farah, texting: Okay, don’t stay up too late or you’ll be cranky :)
Alex: Do you love me?
Farah: We’re literally married.
Alex: Yeah, but as friends or—
Horangi: It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks!
Konig: Why would I do that?
Horangi: It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s free!
Soap: Lol. Heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you’ll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this.
Ghost: What did you do, soap?
Soap: a Mistake.
Gaz: So... what would you do if you were in bed with me?
Roach: Depends. Is your bed comfortable?
Gaz: Yes.
Roach: I'd sleep.
Price: Wow, I feel happy and I’m having so much fun!
Price: *narrows eyes* Something’s wrong here.
Price: The dinosaurs didn’t rule the earth they were just alive. Stop giving them credit for administration skills they didn’t have.
Ghost: I don’t think our death ray is working. I’m standing right in it, and I’m not dead yet.
Farah: I ran into Alex in the kitchen at 1 AM last night and when I asked him what he was doing, he just shrugged, said “these are my roaming hours,” and wandered off, strumming vaguely on a guitar...
Soap: I’m gonna kill you.
Ghost: Get in line!
Farah: I'm gonna need a human skull but you can't ask why.
Alex: Only if you also don't ask why.
Alex: *pulls four pristine human skulls out of his bag*
Farah: ...
Farah, grabbing a skull: This one will do.
Alex: It’s nice to be wanted, you know?
Soap: Not by the law!
Ghost: I have an idea.
Alex: A good idea?
Ghost: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Farah: If you get in trouble, I'm gonna be like... a lawyer to you. Ok?
Alex: Okay.
Ghost: Alex! Sit down on the chair, you're in trouble.
Farah, whispering: Deny everything.
Alex, loudly: That isn't a chair.
*While the Squad is in a battle*
Alex, trying to warn about the location of an enemy: To the left!
Soap: Take it back now y'all!
Gaz: I told Roach that their ears turn red when they lie.
Price: Do they?
Gaz: No.
Price: Then why did you tell them that?
Gaz: Because I can do this.
Gaz: Hey Roach! Do you love us?
Roach, with their hands over their ears: No.
Roach: What have I done wrong?!
Ghost: Everything. For your entire life.
Soap: Hey! Wanna hear a joke?
Roach: Sure.
Soap: Your life!
Roach: Actually, my life isn’t a joke, jokes have meaning.
Soap: Roach, no.
Horangi: Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything is going to be fine!
Konig: How can you still say that?
Horangi: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.
Konig: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night?
Horangi: It was autocorrect.
Konig: Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."?
Horangi: Yes.
Horangi, texting Konig: Konig there’s a moth on the outside of the bathroom door can you get rid of it?
Horangi: Pls hurry because I’m going to cry
Horangi: Konig
Horangi: Konig
Konig: Konig is dead. You’re next. Love, Moth.
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Emma and the Curious Case of Silvio's XXXXXX
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a fancy fanfic (𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘧𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘺 𝘱𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦)
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T'was but an ordinary dawning upon the coastal abode of the Benitoitian Royal Family. Dolphins procreated with great merriment and vigor in the champagne-like waters surrounding the palace. Fishermen who'd been tossed overboard by neighborhood pirates swam to shore in various stages of amnesia. Crabs slinking out of tide-pools did silly little dances.
But soft, now! For our heroine approaches. Emma shuts the door with a loud jangle after entering, and then skips all Disney-like toward her lover.
The ritzy prince pacing his seaside bedroom stops in his tracks. The distressing sound of dolphins in their erotic busywork echoes off the walls. And as Emma approaches, he turns and says:
"Woman, I have an itch in my balls."
And what an itch it is. A cold sweat clings to the prince, even with the weather approaching rectal temperatures. The itch that possessed his testicles this day could not be assuaged by his hand alone.
Asking Emma to handle it would be too much for him, so he had a ball-scratcher (gilded) prepared for her to use instead of her hand. The handle was ten feet long, because the metal-smiths were too limited by current technology to produce twenty feet of rod. If this was the sort of half-arsed craftsmanship Silvio's investment went toward, he was better off using his coins as tiny coasters for his condoms. A foolish idea, perhaps, but they said the same thing of all visionaries.
Emma clears her throat. "Are you thinking about your condom coasters again?"
"It's a damn good idea," barks Silvio. "Now come here. Not that close. Pick up that rod."
Emma tries to lift 10 feet of gold to little success. She topples under the weight and lands like an anime character at a perfect 180-degree angle.
Fuck, thinks Silvio, fuckishly, as his heart lurches at the thought of injury befalling his precious pearl. He hadn't taken into account Emma's scrawny lady limbs. He'd have to put her to work on one of his ships to build up muscle mass so that she can eventually wield the ball-scratcher and save Silvio from his agony.
Except he doesn't have that kind of time, dammit!
His gaze darts around the room. Surely there is something else she can use to—aha!
"Woman." He appraises her. "Are you okay?"
"I think my arm's broken but—"
"Perfect. Grab that bed post."
"It's attached to your bed."
"You'll never know unless you try."
Emma makes a ??? expression before Disney-ing over to his bed. "How do you want me to do this?"
Silvio opera-singer-moans as the itch crests into a firey inferno in his pants. "I don't care how you do it, just do it."
Emma stares blankly. "That doesn't really help."
"Shuddup. And hurry. Before it's too late!" He falls to his knees and stares up at the ceiling with glassy eyes. "Hurry."
Emma rolls her eyes. "Drama Queen. Why don't you take the bed post off yourself?"
Silvio points at himself emphatically without looking away from the ceiling. "Do I look to be in any shape to do that?"
Finally Emma sighs and walks over to stand above him. "Hump my leg."
Silvio nearly snaps his neck with how fast he turns to look at her. "What?"
"Hump my leg until the itch goes away." Emma's eyes are dark with conviction and a little something else.
"I ain't a fucking dog!"
"Aren't you tho?"
Silvio growls, and it sounds very dog-like. "Do you think you can handle it?"
"I can handle your regular thrusts just fine. I don't see how this would be anything different." Oh, but the way her lashes flutter around her salacious gaze. If only those dolphins outside would stop with their coital carnage so Silvio can enjoy this moment. If only his balls would cease their torment.
"Don't say I didn't warn you." And before Emma can react, he takes her in his arms, straddles her thigh, shoves his tongue down her throat, and begins heartily, yo-ho-ho-ily rocking his hips so as to erase the entire concept of an itch from the surface of his sperm-repositories.
"Oh my... Oh my god... Si... Sil..." Emma can barely get a word out between the excavation being conducted inside her mouth and the fire-starting friction upon her thigh.
"I'm sorry," he whispers, breath ragged. He wants to say it again, parts his lips as if he might, but he's not the type of man who can say it more than once. Instead his lips devour her again and again as she wraps one arm around his neck. And the other around his back to soothe him despite the violent motions of his body.
At some point the itch turns into that sacred, sinful need for release. The warm pumping sensation in his groin builds to a height he's never once experienced before this. And all because he's humping his woman like a dog.
Oh for the love of--is there any way to turn those goddamn dolphins off!?
Unable to cross the edge into rapture, Silvio slowly eases himself to a stop and drops limp and annoyed onto his bed, Emma still wrapped in his arms.
Emma's breathing is hot and chaotic in his ears, but at least he can't hear those nasty ocean bastards anymore. Damn, she must be just as frustrated as he is. The least he can do is help her out, right?
He turns his face and to his surprise Emma kisses him first. Then pulls away just as quick. "Sorry."
"Idiot." Silvio grabs the back of her head and crushes their faces together again. His other hand searches her out between her legs. As her wetness coats his fingers, he finds himself overcome with a strange kind of peace. The kind that could spur any man into poetry.
Silvio tries.
Roses are red My color is blue Condoms need coasters It's so fucking true
Emma whimpers into his wet kisses. "Are you... thinking... about those... stupid... coasters right... now!?"
Silvio smiles. "I'm always thinking about those coasters."
The end.
Am I allowed to say that xxsycamore's brilliant fic inspired me? Because it did? But also this started off as a crack fic about Emma being obsessed with Silvio's pubes. It's late. I should go to sleep.
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lexpressobean · 3 years
I've been thinking about these 3 alot...
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... and how much they seem to really respect Shino. I know it's a filler, but, like... Why does it seem like Shino has a knack for finding children who have wondered off away from school? Like, he's just taking a walk, making his way around the village or surrounding forest, and then there they are. Kids playing hooky or some shit. And Shino just takes it upon himself to approach them and steer them back to where they should be, while getting them attached to him somehow in the process??
But honestly. If this was just one of many times this had happened, I'd say Shino does this not out of his knack for teaching or having a way with kids. Rather, he developed a way with kids and easily applies that to his teaching because he has a strong desire to simply protect children. And it's not even from some paternal instinct as much as survival, because I think it stems from the developing trauma of losing Torune to Danzo. And I don't think it's all subconscious either.
Like I know the novel and anime frames his desicion to teach as a sort of a new goal in life as the war has ended for a couple years already and a noticable Peace has been achieved by the Blank Period and well... He's an Aburame.
Like, the Aburame are literal living, breathing, walking bioweapons. With no fight to utilize that, what else is there? Well, much like the Nara have the Nara forest and Pharmacology specifically, The Aburame most likely have a historical stake in the area of Konoha, perhaps it was simply in their Ancestral Home. Idk, but they're here to stay, they ain't budging. They're Clan Culture is very Martial and I'd argue Spartan in nature, but otherwise, they do other things too. I think they'd do well as major players in the conservation and research of native species of animals and plants, but definitely insects too. I bet they play a huge part in the general area's ecosystem, especially due to the fact that the Kamizuru clan attacked with a whole clan's worth of non-native Hymenoptera that could very well have become and still are an irritatingly and consistent problem as invasive species tend to be. And as a far as goods go, why not put some of them to use and handle an apiary? Honey is a great good to sell. All of this is great as a clan that no longer needs to fight. But, what about individual members in general, and so Shino?
Well Shino is the Heir of this clan. This Noble Clan. This "ready to throw hands at any moment" clan. It's future is in his hands, so to speak. So I doubt Shino would completely sever his connection to Shinobi life all together. And so, teaching at the Academy would be a great way to keep that connection. Teachers have to know their stuff, after all.
But what if in order to ensure teaching was his calling, Shino did his absolute best to make Jounin ASAP so he could take on a Genin Team. And. And by chance, it ended up being these three?? And they are absolutely STOKED!!! And they also pass Shino's genin test, which... would probably be a feat in it's own right. But they already know Shino, and Shino has bestowed upon them some wisdom they actually took to heart! Yeah, well, in reality they might be just a tad too old to be Shino's first official genin squad, but they were still his squad one point in a sense, right?
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Kon Nohara, Tano Ikemoto, and Aoki Kobayashi
I even gave them names help Imagine these three are already chuunin at least and decide they want to pay Shino a visit and even volunteer to help Shino during class time on a collective day off because they admire him so much (T~T)
But even then if not these three kiddos, maybe these three li'l shits lol
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Even in times of Peace, Shino's special set of skills seem too useful to waste, and being a Jounin teacher would definitely have been a way he could still go on missions, but also definitely commit to becoming a Sensei at the academy once he was 100% sure and got older. Kurenai became a Jounin/Genin Squad Leader in her late twenties, but in comparison I see Shino doing that more mid-20s. (He needs some time to travel and find his big bug friend and generally live a little?)
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Kurenai was a Genjutsu Specialist who manned a Tracker/Sensing based team. This sounds like it was a highly beneficial combination, even if she ended up being somewhat sadistic lol. Asuma was bound to Team 10 by Tradition as InoShikaCho and Sarutobi have that Pact together. Kakashi's team was literally Cherry Picked for him specifically by the 3rd Hokage. And Gai, a Taijutsu Specialist, had a team that Specialized in Taijutsu and Physical Offense.
Of all four teams, Kurenai and Gai were very suited to their teams, Gai in a complimentary way and Kurenai in a Challenging way. In that same vein, I think Shino would imitate Gai. Shino as a Shinobi himself has a general set of skills, but the way he goes about them are very niche. But, he was always very stealthy, and could sneak up on nearly anyone. Gags aside, he could go unnoticed as long as he wanted too, and by the time he was noticed or was ready to attack, he has you quite literally surrounded. Honestly I can see why Search and Destroy would be an Aburame's forte, but when there's no need, a person with a personal skill of high quality stealth could probably man a team with an emphasis on Reconnaissance and/or Surveillance, even Bodyguarding. I feel like Shino would probably put an emphasis on Stealth and Tracking too, utilizing his insects as sort of assistants that keep tabs on his students (Stealth Test) as well as to encourage just enough fear during too much down time in his students to inspire quality training opportunities, so maybe Kurenai rubbed off on Shino more than they all realized haha
(Plus I'm sure his students would be be smart and thoughtful enough to eventually understand what Shino and his bugs are: a complete unit. They realize just how strong and dedicated Sensei really is to be the way he is, and they all learn more in depth about Kikaichu and it's like WOW SENSEI YOU REALLY ARE RISKING BEING EATEN ALIVE EVERY SINGLE DAY, AREN'T YOU? But he's still here, because THAT'S how strong he's become over the years and the confidence to manipulate the Kikaichu while having to think of current chakra level, the most efficient use at any given time, how many he actually needs, how long usage will last, ect. They are high maintenance, man!)
Shino would no doubt produce highly skilled Bodyguards and Masters of Stealth. Maybe the type that would end up being in high demand for the eventual Celebrities that start to pop up as times change, but still very much needed when it comes to Criminal Activity, like in Sora-Ku?
But as time passes and he decided to teach at the Academy, he'd feel very at ease to do so. He'd be happy to be put in charge of all these children, because he would be able to help teach them things they need to know to defend themselves and others in a world where adults like Danzo had and will continue to exist. Maybe while he's at it, he'd use his stance as a Noble Clan Heir and accomplished Shinobi to push for changes in government with Sai's help and with Naruto and Shikamaru's cooperation? Like, the truth does come out, everyone on the Council were actually horrible and had too much power. So HERE are some ideas and REASONS why these ideas should be implemented because Shino's not going to let his brother's life and death be in vain!? HELL no, we WILL make some changes around here. Shino sees his students and just wants a future where no kid ever has to live in fear of being completely taken advantage of by the very system that was supposed to keep them safe and they pledged allegiance to.
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I cannot help but think of the quiet but absolute fear little Shino was harboring for the years to come after Torune was taken by that strange man and Father Shibi didn't even attempt to stop him. His own father didn't dare beat the shit out of this strange man who came looking for him, and the only solution for Shino to stay was for Torune to make himself look more desirable as an asset and be taken instead. I bet there was a lot of misplaced resentment there for a while, and talks that just didn't happen. Maybe a classmate doesn't show up to class one day and Shino is IMMEDIATELY stressed out and just... takes it upon himself to look for them after class. And he's relieved when he see they're simply at home with a fever. Shit like that just fucks with Shino, because theres people taking kids and no one is doing anything about it?? And then as Shino grew older he realized exactly what happened and how slimy the machine of Konoha really is and it was never completely Shibi's fault that Torune had to leave. He grows mentally at a faster rate than most of his classmates, and knows more than a kid really needs to know.
Shino doesn't want that for any other child. Shino is the kind of person who hears kids screaming outside of his house and he can't tell if they're playing or being murdered and it's stressful to the point he'll check through his window and he sees them for himself. He get stressed out seeing a kid in public unattended and WANTS to approach them to help if need be but also maybe he's overthinking it and the parents are there somewhere and he'd just end up looking suspicious. Like, that's what I kind of figure for Shino. He's so hyperaware of the power dynamic between kids and adults and seeing a kid so ready to fall victim to that makes Shino feel ill the more he thinks of what could happen. And he wonders if watching the kid in the market until they finally reunite with their parent so he could move on with the rest of his day causes him even a fraction of the the utterly disgusting flurry of nerves and fear that Shibi must have felt all those years ago. It goes along with his desire to spare every single little insect's life he can. It goes a long with the fact he only gets violent unless absolutely necessary. Like he wants to be strong but he doesn't want to go mad with power either, less he becomes the very thing that hurt him and his family in the first place.
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Originally Shino wanted to become strong to be able to defend himself because at a very young age adults failed him and Torune. But then that changes to defend not only himself, but others as he grows on a team, and realizes trust is important. And then he figured if there must be adults out there that would hurt a child, it's only logical that he should become one that would only nurture and teach one to be strong as well.
Anyway, yeah. Had some feelings. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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I was rollin' around and in my mind it occurred. What if God was a HER?
Quick lil one-shot. Erik is onstage at a poetry night.
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The words Urban Fever flashed neon above the familiar stage that Erik had seen countless nights through Open Mics and jazzy blues. Erik took the stage for the former, a first time poet created by the woes of heartbreak. He'd been through a lifetime in under a year.
A packed house sat before him as he adjusted the mic making it taller from the last poet who was 5'6 in her clunky platforms. Lights blinded him from the faces of the crowd and he squinted as the liquor in his system along with the vibe of the room made his mind run backward with reminiscing. His tongue was loose recounting his too brief time with.. Her.
"I swear I lost my train of thought when I passed her, fro godly like a pastor, skin like brown alabaster.
Astral choirs sing jagged edge cause shorty done walked right out of heaven a vision fulfledged."
"E, What you doing," Diamond's irritation cut into his sinful and lustful thoughts. For a minute he forgot he was in a relationship. He couldn't say he was in love but neither could most people. Diamond was down for him at least, he knew that for sure. "E!!"
"Hm?" His mind blanked so bad he missed the turn to take Diamond to work which meant he'd be late meeting his other bitch once he dropped her off. She sighed throwing her arms.
"Really E?" Diamond cut with a look that could kill. She was visibly sick of his shit but still there.. "You gone check this bitch out right in front of me when I'm in the car? Beside you?" She pushed the wheel causing the car to drift slightly into the left lane nearly hitting the car there before he righted it. "You that bold?"
He took a low look at her from the side of his eye as he kept driving. He'd passed the girl because Diamond made him gas the car so not to get hit.
"You trippin."
"Don't do that," she groaned. "Don't LIE. You want the bitch, go get the bitch." Impulsively she grabbed for the wheel again but he blocked her. "Let me out."
"You extra right now, chill out."
"Don't tell me to chill," she grit pushing the side of his head. He gave her another side eye as he contemplated pulling over.
"Just let me turn around.. Okay?"
She groaned as her head hit back on the headrest. "I don't know why I fuck with you, you ain't shit, never gonna be shit, make me feel like shit over your shit. It's just shit."
"So leave then Diamond! I don't need to hear that shit."
"I really should.. I'm not dumb, I know you cheating! I don't know why I stay with you when I know better."
"You know why."
Eight thick inches explained exactly why. He purposely missed the next turn hoping to find that girl walking again before she disappeared.
"I swear to-," she jumped suddenly, "LET ME OUT. I'M DONE, LET ME OUT!"
"Aye, chill. I'm a get you to work."
"NO. FUCK YOU," she pointed popping her door open before the car could make a full stop. He didn't stop and she either had to roll out or shut the door. She slammed it. She was finna be late as hell.. Meanwhile he was circling the area tryna go back to find that mystery woman he'd spotted before. Diamond wasn't dumb. She was shaking with anger, talking to herself.
The tall drink of hot chocolate with the god tier afro stood gracefully at the crosswalk looking like she'd flewn right out of heaven and into Stockton. Erik didn't know what the hell he was thinking.. he wasn't.. but he was damn near leaning on Diamond while steering the car closer to the sidewalk, rolling at a crawl to match this new woman's pace as his current sat fuming in the seat, shoving him off of her.
This new woman was divine. There were diamonds dusted in her skin like he'd never seen on a woman who wasn't on a TV screen. When she walked down the sidewalk, the world became chopped and screwed. That's how fixated he was. Not even Diamond slapping at him or shoving him could break his focus on that woman and her walk as he cruised beside her as though the surrounding traffic didn't exist.
"LET ME OUT," Diamond yelled smacking his face. She'd been trying the break the passenger door handle.. like he wouldn't make her pay for it. He finally stopped the car to let her noisy ass walk.
"Bye," he muttered pulling off to catch up with the fro'd up goddess.
"DON'T TALK TO HIM, HE'S TRASH," Diamond yelled from afar, her voice carrying faster than she could physically catch up. Erik wasn't bothered or embarrassed.
He had to think carefully of what to say. How could he impress this girl without her thinking he was a creep? Following her probably wasn't helping. Luckily she dropped something. It looked like money. Seizing his opportunity, he quickly parked in a no parking zone and dashed to snatch up what he discovered to be a twenty dollar bill.
"AYE.." he called ahead to no avail. He had to jog to catch up and when he reached her side, he noticed she had in earbuds. He waved for her attention and she fixed her eyes cautiously. Her almond eyes lined in jet black were just as black. She gritted on him hard. Even her disgusted face attracted him. She turned her nose up until she saw the twenty in his hand folded the same way the one in her pocket had been. He had her. "You dropped this.."
His hand smoothly ghosted hers as she took it. She felt like velvet to the touch.
She gave him a second look and he bit his lip as he met her eyes wondering how to make his next move.
"Ok.. so that's it?"
Her question caught him off guard.
"You do all that, follow me for damn near three blocks and now you've got nothing to say? That was anticlimactic."
Erik's jaw dropped slightly before he caught it.
"Wanna ride?"
She turned her nose up and he presented his key fob watching her deliberate on whether or not to trust him.
"Might as well.. before you get towed. Goofy ass," she mumbled with humor. There was something about her voice that was familiar and calming, the deep timbre. He rushed to retrieve the car. His face said it all as he opened the car door for her. It wasn't something he'd been in a habit of doing.
"Why thank you," she smirked.
"Of course... Why walk when you can be chauffeured," he commented when he was in.
"I like my woman black as the heart of an Aryan. Black as the back of a diabetic's neck. Black as coffee with no cream. My girl looks like 2 AM in a blackout."
Erik glanced wistfully to his memories ignorant to the soulful groans, snaps, and hums from the crowd. Of course his woman was no more, but he carried her still regardless..
Erik was stuck. He couldn't be away from his peace especially in the quiet moments when neither of them had anywhere they'd rather be than side by side doing whatever. Nail shop? He was in the pedicure massage chair right beside her with a drink and his feet up. Bank? They'd hit the BB&T and the SunTrust in one trip. They paid bills together.
"E, hand me my debit."
"You tryna pay it?"
"Yeah, I gotta pay today."
"I already did that."
"You paid mine?"
She seemed pleasantly shocked which was what Erik wanted.. to make her happy. Especially considering the pushback she got for their relationship. There were a lot of hating ass bitches.
"I heard you talked to Bianca.." He watched for any sign that she was omitting details to spare him. He didn't need to be spared. She took a deep breath and he knew without her speaking that some choice words had been exchanged. Afterall, he was playing Bianca with a whole girlfriend before leaving them both for this new flame. Bianca hadn't reacted well when she found out. "What she say," he inquired with faux calm. He had every intention of cussing out all his exes.. every one of them who had a problem with him moving on. It was the side effect of dating crazy bitches. They were too passionate. They couldn't just let shit rock, they had to harass him and his girl.
"I ain't worried about her, she can try me if she wants.. I'll knock her ass out that's for sure."
"Aight then," Erik smirked. He still planned to say something. "What she say though," he pressed.
"Same shit. She can't comment on anything but my skin because she knows I look better then her."
Erik was disappointed every time he thought of the fact that he'd unknowingly fucked a self hating colorist. He hadn't seen it before but now that he was serious about this new girl, true colors were showing.. and it wasn't just Bianca.
In a moment of fuck it after a sweaty quickie in the post office parking lot, Erik uploaded a chest-up pic of him and his cutie glowing from within with smiles white enough to rival the purest coke. She clung to him, laughing from the gut with crinkled eyes about something they'd both previously witnessed and he was grinning full force. That was the shot. Very pure. It'd brought him joy just looking at it, but others ain't feel what he felt and they had words about it. He cut off a childhood friend over a conversation where the guy'd said something casually insulting.
"How you ain't mean it when it came outta your mouth," Erik challenged. His friend was a damn coon.
Even worse was witnessing the treatment of her when it wasn't immediately clear they were together. She stood firm and held her own with class and dignity but it was work she didn't deserve to have to do. He couldn't be there for it all and even before he'd entered her life these problems were there.. but still..
"You know you perfect?" Erik asked this question at least once every other day to uplift his woman.
"Erik I need you to pick me up from work today," she said one day and when he asked why, she stated that her tire was flat. There was a nail in it. He sighed rubbing roughly through the fuzzy growout at the base of his locs. It had Evil Ex written all over it.
"I'll take take of it," he ensured. "I'll meet you for lunch too, wait for me."
His dedication knew no bounds. His loyalty had never before existed. His feelings for this woman were like nothing he'd ever felt.
Five months in.. he felt the same way. He'd never lived with a woman.. He'd never been faithful in his life, but then he'd never been in love.
Eight months.. she was still perfection through the good and bad and he'd do anything. He saw it all. The attitude, the dookie braids, the subtle insecurities, the slight messiness around the house, the flaws.. and all he could think of was that... he had his eye on a ring.. one with diamonds that matched the diamonds he saw in her soft rich deep brown skin.
"I'm casting all my game hoping she bite. Told her ass: You got that air that I like. Derriere sky high bite down I like to hit it from the bike. She say she love when daddy cum and fill it up just right."
The ring was still in Erik's pocket. It flipped absentmindedly through his fingers as he spoke. Unfortunately she'd never gotten it.
Erik gave backshots through the hour of 5 PM. Both he and his girl had arrived home around the same time and it was on sight.
"Hey.. Bae.. Get up and fix me something to eat," he whispered in her ear as she was laid out and half asleep. He was laid out as well with little energy after emptying himself of everything. He nudged her and she groaned but sat up.
"You can't fix it? I don't wanna move," she snickered.
"Pleaaaase," he begged watching her give in as she stretched. He smacked her ass as she rose. Then he rolled over and closed his eyes, hungry but ready to sleep. He inhaled her fresh scent left over on the pillow. It reminded him of oceans.
The doorbell rang.
He figured it was a package, something else she'd ordered. The closet was full. He drifted off.
When a half hour passed he opened his eyes and she still hadn't returned, she had to be cooking something. The thought hit him to surprise her in the kitchen by taking her as she cooked. It would be sexy..
When he walked out to the kitchen, he immediately entered a state of shock. Not only was she not cooking or coming back.. She had left a note that amounted to this:
Erik.. I'm leaving you for my ex.
Apparently her ex had showed which meant they'd been in contact... she even let him in.
Turned out he'd been a rebound all along.
"I should've known better..," Erik's head dropped in dark humor as his story came to a close. "When a goddess says her name is Karma that means misery. Better run if you got a history. I guess if she's God then God's testing me. Cuz she sure left with the best of me."
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crashdevlin · 3 years
Swan Song
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Author’s Note: This is part Twenty-six of The Best Laid Plans series
Summary: Y/n is living life without marks and without alpha influence...but the End is nigh...sacrifices must be made.
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader, mentions of Alpha!Dean x Omega!Lisa
Word count: 3583
Story Warnings:  angst...A/B/O dynamics, canon divergence, mentions of physical violence against the reader, canon major character deaths and resurrections
"So, where are we this week, girl? Hawaii, Puerto Rico?" Bobby asked and you smiled, looking around the dirty Canadian dive bar.
"Santo Domingo. Gotta love the Dominican," you lied.
"Where you really?"
You took a drink of your beer and picked at the peeling vinyl of the table top. "Saskatoon. Cursed church bell, drives people to suicide when they hear it."
"Need help?"
"Nah. I've got this. Just need to convince the vicar to let me melt down a bell that's been part of their church since the 1800s. No big deal." You sighed and scratched at your turtleneck. "How are they?"
"Thought you didn't wanna know about them, Y/n."
"Didn't want to be attached to them. Not the same thing."
Bobby sighed. "They took a trip through Heaven a few days ago...got a message from the big man Himself."
"God? They talked to God?" you asked, eyes wide.
"Talked to someone talks to God...and God said they're on their own."
"Sounds like God...handle it yourself but worship me for 'guiding' you." You rolled your eyes. "Sam isn't taking that well, is he?"
"Dean's taking it worse."
"What? Dean doesn't care about God."
"Think it's more that God was the last hope and He ain't playin'. What are we even supposed to do now, right?"
"Right." A hopeless Dean Winchester was a problem. No telling what he might do. “I’m sure everything will work out. If God isn’t worried, then I guess we shouldn’t worry.”
"Well, I hope you're right, Y/n." You nodded. You were hoping the same. "I'll call next time we got something new."
"Okay. Good luck, Bobby."
"You too."
You slid your phone into your pocket and took a drink of your beer. Things would be fine...or they wouldn't. Only time could tell.
You didn't answer when the call came in from Dean's number. You didn't answer five minutes later when the call came in from Dean's other number. You pulled off into a gas station when your phone dinged with a voicemail message.
"Shoulda known you wouldn't answer...but I really wanted to hear your voice, Y/n. Guess your outgoing message will have to do." He cleared his throat. "I've been thinking about you since you left. Nothing is ever right when you're gone. I think you need to know that. I know why you left. I know I was never really good at being with you. I didn't give you a reason to stay. I should have. But you...you had to leave. You had to make that hard decision and I love you for that. Nobody wanted you to make that decision, to free us, but it was the right choice and I love that you made it. I love you for calling me out on my bullshit. You always did that for me." He sniffled and you could imagine him wiping at his eyes. "And you always kept tryin', even though I pushed you away all the time. You should have given up on me a long time ago and you didn't. I love you, Y/n. I should have said it a long time ago...but more I should have showed you. I should have showed you."
You wiped at your eyes and bit your bottom lip. "I really hope you got to see the world, but if you're on the home continent…stay away from the Midwest. I don't know how big the fight's gonna get."
"Oh, God. Dean, what are you doing?" you whispered as you clicked out of your voicemail to call him back. He didn't answer. "Damn it, Winchester!" You called his other cell, but still didn't get an answer. So you called John's cell. "Where’s Dean?"
John sighed. "Indiana. He's on the goodbye tour."
You rolled your eyes. Indiana meant Lisa. Of course. "He's going to say 'yes', isn't he? After everything, he's going to give up?"
"We aren't going to let him. Sam, Castiel, and I are on our way to stop him."
"You better. He does not get to give up."
"We won't let him," John promised.
"We've got an angel on our side, remember? And Castiel really isn't happy about Dean throwing away his sacrifice. We'll keep him safe."
You let out a sigh of relief and nodded. "Let me know if anything bad-"
"Don't worry. We're gonna take care of him."
"Thank you, John."
"Maybe you should call him, though."
"I tried," you responded. "He didn't answer." You shook your head. "It's fine. Get his head on straight. It'll be okay."
"Right. It'll be okay."
"Bye, John." You hung up and set the phone on the passenger seat. You looked up at the sky through your windshield. "I know you don't care about what your angels are doing, but please don't let Dean say 'yes'. Please. I don't ask for a lot but please give me this."
"You should come to Detroit." Bobby's words didn't seem worried. Everything about the tone said it was past time to worry.
"What happened?"
"Sam said 'yes' and-"
"It was supposed to be the end of it, Y/n. He was supposed to get control back from Lucifer and jump into the Cage. It was a good plan. Dean and John even approved it, much as they could, ya know, and it-"
"He really thought he was gonna get control from the Devil? Of course it didn't work!" You ran your hand down your face and dug your fingers into your collarbone through your shirt. "So Lucifer has his perfect vessel...what about Michael? Dean didn’t…"
"No, but John's other son did. Heaven brought Adam back from the dead."
"That was nice of 'em. The dumbass said 'yes' because of course he did. So...the fight is...is happening."
"Yeah." He waited a moment. "Come to Detroit."
You sighed. The End. The end of the fight. The end of trying to stop it. The end of the End. "I'm on my way, Bobby."
There was a dark cloud over the city when you pulled the Firebird in next to the Impala in the alleyway outside their hotel. You could feel the hopelessness in the air as you opened the door Bobby indicated in an earlier text and walked in. Dean's eyes raised to meet yours as Bobby rushed to you and wrapped you in a hug. You dropped your duffel and wrapped the redneck in your arms, happy to see him up out of the wheelchair.
"Since when do you walk again?"
"Oh." He looked down at his body as he stepped back. "Demon deal. Added perk. It's a long story."
"Family tradition, those demon deals. At least you got something good out of it."
"Fer a few days."
You patted his shoulder and smiled. "Comes down to it, all we got is a few days at a time."
Dean stood and stepped toward the doorway. "Hey."
"Hey. I'm sorry...about Sam. I know you were all hoping-"
Dean opened his arms but didn't hug you. He waited for you to step into the embrace, green eyes shining with unshed tears as he waited for you to make your choice. There wasn’t a big choice there. Hold a grudge...or hold the man you love. You stepped into him and wrapped your arms around his chest. His arms closed around you and you felt warmth and anguish in the way he held you. There was pain in his scent, anger and hopelessness, but there was a little niggle of comfort as he pressed his lips to your forehead.
There wasn’t a lot said. It was the first time it really felt like a last night on earth. Even the Angel seemed to recognize that things were done. The fight was over. Everything was about to be over.
“I want you to know,” Dean whispered as the sun started going down.
“I know,” you answered. You knew what he would say. It held different significance on a night like that one.
“No. You don’t. You really don’t know...I’ve apologized for pushin’ you away, Y/n, but I need you to know...I thought I was doing the right thing for you. I love you.”
“Dean. I know. Shhh.”
“You’re everything I ever wanted.”
“Everything you ever wanted Sam to have,” you corrected. “Now, shush.” The silence lasted for a few minutes before Dean left, saying he needed some air.
“We did everything right and it doesn’t even matter in the end,” John said, staring at the ceiling.
“Nah. We didn’t do everything right...and it does matter. What we do is more important than anything.” You sighed and leaned forward, resting your head on your knees. “I should have gone to Thailand.”
“Don’t you want to be here with us in your last moments?” Bobby asked.
“Yeah. But I wish these weren’t the last moments.”
Castiel nodded in agreement, before standing. “We should go down...Dean is-”
“Leaving,” you guessed, rushing down to the alleyway without waiting for the others, approaching as he looked in the trunk of the Impala. “Dean?”
“You goin’ someplace?” Bobby asked. “You’re goin’ to do somethin’ stupid. You got that look.”
“I’m gonna go talk to Sam,” Dean answered, heading for the driver’s door.
“You just don’t give up,” Bobby chastised.
“It’s Sam!”
“If you couldn’t reach him here, you’re certainly not going to be able to on the battlefield,” Castiel tried.
“Well, if we’ve already lost, I guess I got nothing to lose, right?” Dean reasoned.
“Boy, this is a bad idea. I don’t wanna lose both of you,” John said.
Dean shook his head. “Too late.”
“I just want you to understand...the only thing that you’re gonna see out there is Michael killing your brother,” Castiel said.
“Well, then I ain’t gonna let him die alone.”
You watched Dean drive away, knowing that he was on his way to his death. “Fuck. We should follow him, right?”
“No. We need to figure out how to even up the chances a little,” John offered. “Hail Mary brainstorm session. Come on. Let’s do this.”
“So...we’re all gonna die,” you said, looking around the room. “We are going to this fight...the fight...to pull distraction long enough for Dean to maybe get through to Sam long enough for Sam to sacrifice himself and throw himself and Lucifer into the Cage. We’re going to die.”
Everyone took deep breaths and nodded. “It’s our only shot,” Bobby said. “For the whole planet, Dean is our only shot.”
“And like the boy said...if we’ve already lost, what do we have to lose?” John said.
"Might as well go down doing something potentially beneficial,” you whispered. “Okay...let’s do this.”
Castiel teleported you to Stull Cemetery just in time to hear Dean tell Michael that he needed five minutes with Lucifer. “Hey, assbutt!” Cas called out, holding up his Molotov cocktail of Holy Fire. The bottle exploded as it hit Michael and he went up in flames. The Angel didn’t last long after that. Lucifer didn’t appreciate the Angel from the lower choir ‘dick’ing with Michael. Castiel exploded into blood and chunks of Angel.
Dean demanded Sam’s attention, but only Lucifer could hear. He grabbed Dean, intent to beat him to death, but Bobby shot at the Archangel, which earned him a snapped neck. John launched himself at Lucifer next and he was thrown across the cemetery, hitting a large stone angel statue. Michael reappeared as Lucifer was beating Dean’s face in with Sam’s fists. You grabbed Adam’s jacket, trying to keep Michael from stopping the altercation. Dean was getting through. You could see it in the hesitation on Sam’s face. You couldn’t let Michael stop it.
“You stupid fucking monkey!” Michael growled, wrapping Adam’s hand around your throat. You sputtered and kicked as he clenched his fist around your neck, cutting off your air. The sound your hyoid made when your throat was crushed like a soda can followed you into the darkness.
So did the sound of crickets. But that wasn’t right. There shouldn’t be crickets in Heaven.
Your eyes blinked open slowly, a sky full of stars greeting you before being filled in by the vision of hazel eyes and a smile. “John? Why are you in my Heaven?”
“Not Heaven, kid. We’re alive, Y/n. Castiel brought us back.” He offered you his hand and you sat up, allowing him to pull you to your feet.
“Who brought Cas back?” you asked. “Because didn’t Lucifer blow him to shit?”
“Yeah. Can only assume God brought him back, just like last time he was blown up by an Archangel.”
“Well, that’s...very nice of God considering that he...didn’t want to help.” John nodded, but he seemed distracted as he let his fingers move to encircle your wrist. “What’s wrong?”
“You...smell really good,” he whispered, his cheeks going pink. “I should…” He cleared his throat and stepped back away from you. “Think everything got renewed.”
You reached up and gingerly touched the area where your concave scars were. You were met with plush, plump skin under the fabric of your turtleneck. When you pulled the shirt away from your neck, you were met with completely smooth skin. No marks, no scars. Pristine.
"Omega again." John licked his lips and stepped further back. “Unmarked, pure omega.”
“I’m...this is insane. I can’t believe he just...made me...a normal omega again.”
John nodded and cleared his throat. “I think it’s a real good thing, don’t you?”
You nodded and smiled. “I think it’s an amazing thing.”
“Why don’t we go ahead and see if we can find Dean.”
You smiled a bit sadly. “I know where Dean is.”
Watching Dean through the front window of Lisa Braeden’s Cicero home made your heart crack. The pain was immense, a longing taking up residence in your chest as you watched Dean hold her, his nose buried in the crook of her neck. Scenting her...his omega.
“You could knock,” John suggested, shoving his hands in his jean pockets. You were sure he was trying to keep from physically comforting you. As much as you wanted the comfort, you appreciated John trying to keep his distance more. “You know he’d be happy to see you alive.”
You shook your head. “No. He’s dreamed of this, John. He dreams of her.” You clutched at your shirt collar. You'd changed into a v-neck on the way to Indiana, excited to show Dean but you knew now that it didn't matter. "He deserves her...and the kid...and any kids she might give him of his own. He deserves to be happy. Let's just...let's go."
"Are you sure?" John asked as you turned away.
"My car is in Detroit. Let's go."
You stared out the window as John drove. It was a blow but not one you couldn't overcome. Dean wasn't ever going to be yours and it was best for you to recognize that and move forward. You were a brand new omega. No marks, no scars from cutting the old marks out. No Dean. No Sam. John, well, he was being nice now but it was going to be best for you to stay away from him, too. You would do best by yourself just like you had since you cut your marks out. You were better alone.
"Don't leave yet," John said as he pulled the stolen car in beside your Pontiac. "You should get some sleep. Get a room, get some rest. Don't drive on this."
You reached over and set your hand on his cheek. "Underneath it all, you're a good man, John. I really appreciate it when you let that man out for me." You swiped your thumb across his cheekbone and smiled. "I'll get a room...but not here. Detroit is not a good place...it's where we lost Sam. Get some rest yourself, though."
"You've got my number. If you ever need anything, Y/n, I'll be there."
You nodded and smiled tightly. "I'll try not to need anything." You got out of the car and headed for yours. Maybe you'd actually travel the world this time. Maybe you'd just hunt the same as always. But you were going to try to not need a damn thing.
You drove out of Detroit and headed South, not stopping until your eyes began to vibrate with lack of sleep. You pulled over into a rest stop and turned off the car, lying the seat back and curling up on your side, waiting for sleep to take you.
Dean would be happy. That was the important thing. Dean was going to be happy with his normal life and you could be happy saving lives...without an alpha. Without anyone. Just you and the road and a good hunt...until you died.
You dreamed of Dean. You dreamed of taking Lisa's place in the normal life...so that you could be what Dean deserved. But even in your dream, Dean made excuses. "I love you...but I can't mark you." "I love you but I can't be with you." "I love you but…"
You blinked your eyes open a few hours later and gasped to see a figure in your passenger seat. You sat up and stared wide-eyed at Sam. "Am I still asleep?"
"Well, I'm not Dean so I'm guessing you're awake."
You ignored the gut shot about Dean and reached into the back, quickly splashing holy water on him and waiting for the sizzle that never came. You pulled your silver knife next and Sam dutifully offered his hand. "Why do you idiots always go for the most nerve-heavy extremity when getting cut? Take the jacket off and give me your bicep or roll your damn pant leg up, you jerk," you snapped. Sam just smirked as he pulled his jacket and flannel off. You were really expecting him to burn with the silver but he didn’t...and moreover, he smelled like Sam. He was not a ghoul. You laughed as you dropped the knife in the center console. "How in the world did you get out of the Cage? I know how hard it is to get out of Hell, but you went into Lucifer’s Cage."
"Can't tell ya." Sam shook his head. "Just woke up in Stull Cemetery, went to check on Dean, saw you and Dad...decided to follow you."
"Why didn't you say something in Cicero?" you asked, analyzing Sam's face. He seemed off. Why would he follow you instead of talking to you and John? Talking to Dean?
"You were with Dad...and I could smell you from across the street, Y/n...I knew you came back all new and improved. Wanted to see what you would do about that. Turns out...nothing."
"You didn't tell Dean you're back?"
"Neither did you." Sam tilted his head and smirked. "He thinks we're both dead...and that means he's gonna stay in Cicero with Lisa. He's going to live a normal life with a normal woman. He's not going to die on some job before he reaches forty. He deserves that...and that's why neither of us knocked on that door."
"So, you're just gonna dive back into the work headfirst and...forget about Dean?"
"Forget? No. But I'm going to leave him the Hell alone. He left me alone at Stanford for years until Dad disappeared and Jess died. Don't you think he deserves the same treatment?"
You looked away and pulled your seat up straight. "Of course he does. He deserves everything.”
“So, we’re going to let him have it, right?”
You nodded. “Yeah.”
Sam reached out and set his hand on your knee. “And we can have what we deserve.”
You looked down at his hand, disgust filling you. “Remove it, or I will remove it for you.”
“Come on. You don’t really have a reason to deny me. Not with Dean with Lisa.”
You reached down and pulled his hand off of you. “Dean is not the reason I denied you, Sam. Why are we backtracking here? You seemed to understand this before.”
“We had fun before, didn’t we?” Sam asked.
“It doesn’t matter if we had fun...because the fun stopped mattering as soon as you marked me.” The discomfort you were feeling in his presence made you slip your hand under your seat and pick up your pistol. “You were going to rape me, Sam. That kinda ruins any future fun.”
“You would have liked it, Y/n. I wasn’t planning to hurt you too much.”
Having him admit to it so nonchalantly, with a smirk on his lips, filled you with an angry fear. He didn’t even seem to care. It was worse than when he was hopped up on demon blood. You pulled the pistol out and pointed it at Sam’s temple. “Get the fuck out of my car, Winchester.”
He chuckled and put his hands up. “I’ll see you when you get your panties out of that twist, Y/n.” He backed out of the car and turned, a bit of a skip in his step as he walked away. You hit the lock on your doors and turned the engine over. You’d have to do your best to avoid the resurrected Winchester...just like his father...just like his brother. Best to stay alone. Best to get away.
The Kitchen Sink - @emoryhemsworth @flamencodiva @wasabiwitteks @rainbowkisses31 @rissbennett @mariekoukie6661 @officiallyunofficialperson @dolphincliffs @mrs-meghan-winchester @gayspacenerd @foxyjwls007 @ilovefanfic86 @marvelfansworld @f-yeahfandoms @wonderlandfandomkingdom @hhiggs @sev3nruby @hobby27 @paintballkid711 @divadinag @thewhiterabbit42 @fantasymyth-1 @queenoftheunderdark @cosicas-cuquis @superfanficnatural @letsby @supernatural-bellawinchester @onethirstyunicorn @swinchester27 @chalicia @screechingartisancashbailiff @death-unbecomes-you @dayasvalkyrie @paryl @wereallbrokenangels @the-american-witch @that-one-gay-girl @tatted-trina6 @sunshineandwings86 @lunarmoon8 @wheezyeds @vicmc624 @couldabeenamermaid @vulgar-library
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silverrstarrr · 3 years
Normal girl (3)
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note: okay! So after talking with someone, they helped me with a lot of things about college/university, since I'm only in high school—I do not know how they function. I was told there wasn't a comestic major offered in college but since this is a fanFICTION, Maria University is just gonna be a school for everything.
they suggested I change their major to fashion since its similar to comestics but there's already a fanfic on wattapad that consists of a black y/n being a fashion designer and I don't want to be accuse of stealing their work or idea. Not to mention, it'll mess up with the whole plot I had a in mind, so please bare with me.
Basically what I'm saying is, things regarding the school and different majors etc; will be different. But everything other than that will be how it'll work in modern times. Also a big thank you to @coconutxraikage I really appreciate you ♡ I'm going to add this note everytime I upload a chapter, just to make things clear. I'm also going to be adding links  anytime I describe an outfit or an area, just incase readers enjoy seeing than reading. For me, I'm more of an visual person.
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Chapter 3:
Stepping into the room, everyone was already at their seats. All eyes stopped and stared at you, you stood there awkwardly for a second before you quickly walked towards the bag of the classroom.
You searched for an empty chair and luckily you found one. It was next to girl, she had a resting bitch face which made you unsure if she wanted anyone to sit next to her. But you had no time to spare and sat down next to her.
The girl was obviously black as well, you can tell from her features. She had long black hair with her edges slayed, you weren't sure if it was a lace front or her real hair but it didn't matter—she looked really pretty. She had long false eyelashes which went well with her eyeshadow and lipgloss. She had two golden necklaces around her chest, one was a snake with little daggers along the side and the other was a simple pendant, in addition with her cross earings. You couldn't see her full outfit but she had on a long sleeve white top and checkered skirt? You couldn't tell.
You looked ahead and saw there wasn't a teacher, was this the wrong class again? You were so tired and wanted this day to be over already. You decided to ask the girl next to you,
"The teacher Mr.Fargo, right?" You looked at her.
"Yeah but his ass ain't here, imagine being late on the first day of class." She replied.
All the anxiety you had before came to a closure, you were in the right room.
"okay good, cause I was running around this building like I was stupid."
She looked back at you with a smile,
"Girl same! I did not know where to go, but i got here earlier so I wasn't late like you." She said the last part with a laugh, she was obviously just messing with you.
"shut up, we both didn't know where we was. Look at us twinin' already." You rolled your eyes as she placed her forehead on the back of her hand and laughed.
"My name's Daniyah, you?" Daniyah, she was definitely black. Mom's have a thing for ending their child's name with a "niyah". But the name fit her, she was a pretty lightskin.
"Oh— I'm y/n." You responded.
"Awwn, that name cute and I like your shoes." she glanced down at your feet.
"Thank you." Looking around the room, you noticed it was a decent of twenty students. Most of them were white, you only spotted a few poc here and there.
"Why am I in a room with a bunch of crackas..." you said to yourself.
Daniyah seems to heard you,
"Oh my gosh!!! You can't say that, it's a slur to white people." She was joking and you decided to go along.
"Sorry! You're right, I meant Klans membe—I mean! massa—wait no colonizers."
Daniyah burst into laughter, lightly nudging you. You followed along and started to laugh as well.
"Sis pleaasee, talking about some klans member," she continued on, lightly muffling her laugh.
"But we are in a room full of massa's, I think the teacher's white too."
You kinda expected that. You didn't think a poc could have the last name 'fargo'. You just prayed they didn't overly use AAVE, it always made you uncomfortable when non-poc did that.
"he's hella lat—" cutting you off, a large thud sound of the door hitting the wall was made as a tall guy with starbucks and his laptop walks in.
"Sorry guys! I'm really late, traffic was annoying." It was Mr. Fargo, he was wearing black pants, with a tucked in black n white striped short sleeved shirt. Under his shirt he wore black long sleeves, it went well with his slender body. To finish the outfit, he simply wore black combat boots. Awooga, He could dress good—go white boy, go!
He stopped by his desk in the front and dropped off his stuff, he also placed his long trench coat on his seat.
The blonde man leaned against his desk and took a good look at the class—he clapped his hands together and spoke,
"Okay class! Hello, my name is Derek Fargo but you all may call me Mr.Fargo— or Derek, whichever you prefer. I'm not too big on sir names." He said with a smile.
Pulling out the office chair, he took a seat and opened his laptop. He began calling names for attendance as others answered "here" or a simple greeting.
"Y/n L/n?" He spoke.
You lifted your head and said,
Daniyah snickered next to you,
"Yo!" She mocked you in a male voice, trying to sound like those annoying boys who thought they were cool.
You nudged her arm in response and whined for her to stop.
"Here sir." Daniyah raised her hand slightly as Mr.Fargo nodded and typed into his computer.
Once he was done taking attendance, he started class. He talked about the curriculum and other activities that'll be going this semester.
"By the way, we'll be working with other majors. Especially photography and graphic designs." He continued on,
"We have a few modeling agencies that comes here often and uses one of the empty rooms in the next door building. Usually, students in the photography major use these opportunities to get a job at these agencies and take photos of models,"
"This goes for us too. Most modeling agency hire cosmetologist to help prepare their models for photo shoots or runways."
Next door building? Wait was it—? Nah, it couldn't be. You blocked out your own thoughts and continued to listen.
"They also have amateur models, ones who are new to the business. Those are the ones we'll be working with most of the time."
He continued on talking about the different opportunities and things you'll be experiencing.
After finishing Mr. Fargo's class and long ass lecture hall, it was time for lunch.
Immediately you pulled out your phone and messaged yumi, to see if she was free.
"Aw shii, I forgot to get Daniyah's number. Hopefully I get to run into that lighskin again." You said to yourself, you continued to contact yumi.
                  colonizer but times 2🧑🏻‍🦲
                               What you eatin for lunch?
Idk, I was going to ask u what you wanted to eat
                                Girl, if you don't flip a coin
and pick a place.
Let's just to the food court
& see what they have 🦲
Awe okay, I'll go there
and wait for you🤨
Read at 11:35
You were already in the halls and decided to head towards the food court, since you saw it earlier on your way to the lecture hall.
The halls were pretty packed since most people lunches were around this time, a few people bumped into you and you glared at them in response as they muttered apologies.
Halfway at the food court, an average height male bumps into you—making you drop your phone as the the case comes off as well.
"What the fuck?!" You said outloud but only for him to hear, since you didn't want to make a scene.
"ah! I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I  was going." He bent down and picked up your phone along with the case, popping it back In place.
You took your phone from him and decided to get a good look at this asshole who bumped into you. The boy was blonde with an undercut, along with basic blue eyes. He seemed around 5'10? He had on brown cuff pants with long black jacket that stopped at his knees, he topped it off with a black sleeved top and a bag wrapped around his torso.
What was up with everyone and knowing how to dress? The blonde broke your train of thought and spoke,
"Um...do you know where the food court is?" He said softly
"You made me dropped my phone, why would I tell you?" You responded in an annoyed tone.
"I'm really sorry, I didn't know... if there's a crack, I  can pay fo—" he was cut off by the motion of you already walking away. He just stood there in awe and guilt.
"Come on, or do you not want food?" You continued on walking but at a slower space for the male could catch up. This bought a small smile to his face and followed behind you.
"What you smiling for? Did you purposely bump into me to ask me this? Withcho' evil ass." You turned your heard to look at the blonde, he was panicking—you guessed he didn't catch on to your joke/sarcasm.
"No?! I really didn't mean to, I was—" he was getting defensive, you were only fucking with him.
"Boy I'm joking, no need to get defensive." You let out a giggle.
"Oh..." he responded back with an awkward smile.
You guys were already at your destination. bzzzt, bzzt it was coming from your phone, you looked at the screen and saw it was your best friend, you picked up.
"Where are you?" The background was loud and her voice was a bit muffled.
"I'm next to chick–flil–a" you looked to your left, just to make sure you were correct. The man besides you just stood there next to you and watched you. "Wasn't this man suppose to go eat?" You thought to yourself.
"Oop— I see you, look up." you did what yume said and saw her waving at you from across the area. She did a little jog towards you as you placed your back into your pocket. Once she reached you, you pulled her into the a hug as she returned it back.
"Hiiii! How was your day kiddo?" She joked.
"Shitty,  but at least you're here so I can complain about it."
The male laughed at your remark, which cause both of you to look at him.
"Whos this? You catching men already?" Yume raised a brow at you then glanced at him.
"Dunno, he just started to follow me." You replied in jokingly manner, of course yume caught on.
"Yo? What the hell, you're weird." She said in a serious tone, trying her best to hide her laughter.
"That's not true! You know that's not true," he turned towards you direction.
"I bumped into her on accident and asked her to show me food court." At that exact moment, you and yume started cackling like crazy. You loved this about her, she always caught your vibe.
"We're just messing with ya!" Yume was covering her smile with the back of her hand. The boy just stood there and nodded uncomfortably, since he wasn't the only one laughing.
"I'm Yume, and you?"
"I'm Armin" he flashed her a small smile.
"Armin? That's a cute name, awwn. It totally fits you." Yume returned the smile, a small blush spreaded across his cheek at the girl's remark.
"Naahh, yall ain't gonna sit up here and flirt." You shook your head.
Yume giggled as Armin scratched his head.
"Did you decide on a place to eat?" The question was directed at yume.
"Uhh, no? I didn't have a coin to flip."
"Girl— goodbye." You turned to armin,
"You got any places?" He placed his hand on his chin, looking up trying to recall food place that he knows they'll have.
He suggested a fast food place as you guys both agreed with his choice. The three of you trailed over to the place and stood in line.
Once it was you guys turn, yume and armin ordered and you did the same. After grabbing your food, you all sat at a table and ate. Yume and Armin were hitting up and chatting; soon after she asked about your day since you didn't know what building you were in. You went on and explain, you included all the things Mr. Fargo said as well, which caught Armin's attention.
"Wait you're in that Major? I'm taking fashion, I plan to be a designer."
"The name's y/n but yeah. You look like a future designer." You referring to his outfit, it was really nice.
"Armin!" A voice called out to him, all three of you guys turned to see who it was. Your face dropped at the realization, it the was boy from this morning.
"Oh Eren! Come over here and eat with us." You wanted to kick him, how dare he just invite someone without asking you or yume. You glanced over at yume but she was too busy eating.
The brunette boy was now at the table and gave armin a fist bump. He looked at the table and seemed to notice you,
"Hey beautiful." He was talking to you, you wanted to melt right there and then.
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Syverson & Vixen
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Summary: Captain Syverson retires from the Army and takes an extended vacation. He wasn't planning on falling in love. Then he meets Vix, an unlucky in love tattoo artist at a party. Do they have what it takes to make it?
Pairing: Syverson x OFC
Word Count: approx 2.4k
Warnings: swearing, smoking
Authors note: I hope you enjoy my version of Syverson. Thanks for reading.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Part 13 Part 15
Part 14
I let my fingertips glide over Vix's naked sleeping body. She was laying on her tummy, hugging a pillow under her head, and her cute round ass was bare to the ceiling. She was too hard to resist. My fingers traced the tattooed line up the back of her leg up to those pink bows. She broke out in goosebumps as I went, making me chuckle at how responsive she was, even asleep.
I looked at her other tattoos. She had an Elvis tattoo on her shoulder blade, which made me laugh since Elvis had died even before I was born. She had a rockabilly looking voodoo doll on her other shoulder, and a rose on her neck, just below her hairline.
I couldn't see my favourite one right now. Vix had two cherries hidden away below her panty line right near her hip bone. Sometimes I wondered if someone else had told her she tasted like cherries. I tried not to think about it too much. Right now, I knew she was mine, and that was that.
For over a month, Vix had spent most of the days she wasn't working at my apartment. She kept clothes here, her toothbrush, shampoo and that sweet-smelling body butter she used.
I was used to missing girlfriends, but it felt different with Vix. I don't know what it was about her. I don't know if I would have lasted twenty years in the army if I had known she was waiting at home for me. I sure as shit wouldn't have been able to concentrate on half the stuff I had been supposed to do. I know leaving her would have been harder than it had been when I'd left other women behind. Maybe it was because I was getting older that I wanted to hang onto her. The thought of ever leaving her hurt me in ways I wasn't used to.
There were many things Vix made me feel that I wasn't used to. I ain't never been called Daddy like she did. She was independent and strong, and I've always needed my women to be like that. Part of the reason my parent's marriage had failed was that my mother couldn't be without a man. It's also why we had moved around a lot. She was always chasing some man.
Vix was strong, but she had a vulnerability that made me want to protect her in a way that I hadn't wanted to before. I wanted to keep her safe from everything and everyone. I even started to get angry at Softy lately when he paid too much attention to her. It scared me to think about what I would do if I ever saw Macca or Rob again.
Vix stirred and stretched. She opened her pretty big hazel eyes and caught me staring. "Hey, Noah." Her voice croaked, still half asleep.
"Mornin' Darlin'," I replied.
Making a little content hum in her throat, she snuggled into me, pressing her face into my chest. "You're so warm."
"You cold, Kitten?"
"A little," she replied. That was probably my fault. I had lowered the blanket to look at her. I pulled the blanket back up and snuggled into her.
Summer was almost over, which was a relief. It was so hot here. I had thought about shaving my beard off, but Vix had talked me out of it. Well, when I mentioned it, she had just stuck her bottom lip out, and that was enough for me not to do it. I threatened a few more times to get her to pout again. She made me bone up when she did that. Fuck, thinking about it now made my dick stand up, and we didn't have time for that now.
"C'mon Vix. We better get a move on," I said.
"Can't we go next week? Or next month. Or never." Vix mumbled into my chest. I could feel her soft lips move against my skin. God damn. Everything she did made me want to fuck her.
I chuckled, "she can't be that bad."
"She's not bad at all. I just don't want to go."
"Let's go, Vix. I got her a present and everything."
Vix's head shot up. "You got my mother a present? You've never bought me anything except that time you left a flower on my car." I looked at her, confused.
"What flower?"
Vix's jaw dropped, "so you didn't do that either? I had hoped it was you and not some random flower someone had dropped." She sounded mad, but the corners of her mouth were drawing up, and she was pursing her lips, trying not to smile.
"I might not buy you things, but I make you things all time," I said, smirking.
"Your dick isn't a present." She hit me with the pillow.
"Look," I said, pulling the blankets down. "I made you something right now."
"Well, it's a shame we have to go." Vix wriggled against me.
"We have time, Kitten."
"Do we, Daddy?" Vix started to kiss my chest, moving slowly down my abdomen.
"You bet your sweet ass we do."
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Vix and I went on the road only an hour later than we had planned. Vix's mom lived on a small property on the city's outskirts. I had no idea what to expect from Vix's mom as Vix had fun not telling me anything about her.
I was a little surprised when Vix said she wanted me to meet her mom. I was happy too because I hoped it meant that she is thinking about our relationship in a more serious way. I know I was. Hell, I even started googling how I could migrate here permanently. I was too old for easy options. It seemed the only way would be a partner visa. It had only been two months that we had been together and I already dreaded leaving her.
We pulled up at an old cottage house. It had that real old charm of a place that probably stood for nearly 100 years. There was a well-tended garden with all kinds of silly garden gnomes hidden throughout. I guess Vix got her eccentric tastes from her mother.
When we pulled up, a 50-year-old version of Vix came out of the door, minus the tattoos and vintage clothing. It was like having a time machine, and I could see what Vix would look like in 25 years. I wasn't mad about it either.
"Hi, Vicky!" Vix's mom called out, running to hug her. "I've missed you, Boomie kid."
Vix rolled her eyes and said, "I literally spoke to you yesterday, Mum."
"But I haven't seen you since Christmas."
Vix released herself from her mother's grip and held her hand out to me. I took it, and she said, "Mum. This is Sy." She smiled at me as she said it. I thought I heard some pride and a hint of nervousness as she did. God, she made my knees weak. To think that Vix was proud to introduce me to her mom made my whole body feel warm.
"Hi, Mrs Davis, you can call me Noah." I put my hand out to shake, but she pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek. I hadn't expected that.
"You had better call me Irene then." She stood back but kept her arms on my shoulders and gave me a real hard look. She looked me up and down first, then she looked me in the eyes.
"Yup, Vix, I got a good feeling about this one." She pursed her lips. "Beards got to go."
"Ma! No way." Vix looked horrified. Shit, she did like the beard.
"I'm with your momma on this one," I winked at Vix.
"Yeah, I like you. You can keep this one, Vicky." Irene linked arms with Vix and me and walked us to the house.
She got us settled in her spare bedroom then made us lunch. We ate outside, and Vix seemed real happy. She kept holding my knee as she ate, giving me squeezes now and again.
After lunch, Irene showed me around her yard. She had a few pigs in a sty and a couple of alpacas and horses in the back paddock.
"Do you ride, Irene?" I asked, trying to make conversation.
She shook her head. "Nah, they aren't mine. Those belong to the neighbour, but they like to visit because apples always seem to end up on the fence. I have no idea where they come from." She shrugged exaggeratedly as if that would prove her innocence.
I found very quickly that Irene and Vix not only looked alike but had similar senses of humour. Although Vix didn't talk about her mother much, they seemed close. Vix told me that her mum never got over her Dad and had stayed single since he left about ten years ago. Vix had little to do with her Dad at all. Irene didn't seem like the type who couldn't get a date, so it must have been by choice.
Later that afternoon, Vix had driven to the local shops to buy some alcohol and more cigarettes. We were going to stop and pick them up on the way, but since we ran late, we drove straight here. I offered to go with Vix, but Irene insisted that I stay.
"I want to get to know Noah better. We will be fine. I won't bite him." Irene told Vix. Vix rolled her eyes, gave me a quick kiss and left.
Irene and I sat near her outdoor fire pit and watched the sunset. It was colder here than in the city, and I was wearing a hoodie for the first time since I got to Australia. I drank some beers while Irene drank the wine I had bought her. It was real pretty here, and I realised how little of Australia I had seen.
"So Noah, what are your intentions with my daughter?" Irene asked. The question only half surprised me. I'd been asked before. What surprised me was the reaction when I started answering.
"Well, Irene, I..."
Irene bellowed with laughter. "Oh, my God. I can't believe you thought I was serious!"
"Yeah, you got me." I shook my head but had to laugh at myself. Fuck, that was embarrassing. Maybe it was because I cared what Irene thought of me. I wanted to tell her how strongly I felt for Vix. I wanted her to know I would take care of her.
"Vicky is a big girl," Irene said. "I always told her, her partner is her choice. She's the one who has to fuck them."
I choked on my beer.
"You're so easy to get one over on, Noah."
"Well, I guess I ain't met a mom like you before."
"Well, I'm not this way with every guy she's brought to me. I haven't met a boyfriend of hers that I liked since high school. Mark was his name, he was about 21, and she was 18. Adorable boy. Probably wasn't good for Vix though, she was too wild for him, but he was a good one. I think you can handle her, though. I think you'll be good for her."
I didn't know what to say to that. I took it as a compliment and said, "thank you, Irene."
"How much older than her are you?"
I shifted in my chair. "Twelve years." Was this where her mood changed, and suddenly I was a dirty old man?
"I'm not judging, Noah. She's 27, not 17. Lots of women need someone older than them. Vix does for sure." Irene went on, "she's always been a willful kid. She was always pushing the boundaries. But she likes boundaries. We all do, I suppose, to some extent, but with Vicky, it's more than that. She's always gone for alpha male types, well, except Mark, that is. But she's always been disappointed. Like her last ex, he comes across as strong, but within a few minutes of meeting him, you could tell it was bravado. He was weak as piss. I don't get that from you. She'll fight you, don't get me wrong, but if you want to keep her, stay firm when you need to."
I nodded. I didn't know what to say. I had picked up most of what she had told me on my own. It did surprise me that Irene would be so honest. She was telling me her daughter had a submissive streak that needed to be attended to. No wonder Vix was so open about sex if this was how she was raised.
Vix came back not long after that. She brought out two blankets, gave one to her mum, then cuddled up into me on my lap and laid the blanket over us. The three of us sat there, looking at the stars and talking.
"I have a few odds and ends that need fixing around the house. Do you think you could help with that tomorrow, Noah?" Irene asked.
"Mum!" Vix had exclaimed. "You don't need to, Sy," she said to me while throwing daggers at her mother.
"I'll be happy to help out, ma'am," I said. "As thanks for being such a gracious host." I winked at Irene, and she gave me a big smile.
Vix rolled her eyes.
Sometime later, I realised Vix hadn't said anything for a while. I looked at her and saw she had fallen asleep, wine glass still in one hand and a burned-out cigarette in the other. I chuckled softly and tucked some stray hair behind her ear. She was so tempting asleep as she was, with her big round lips and pretty pink cheeks warmed by the wine and fire. I took the glass out of her hand, passed it to Irene and tossed the butt in the fire.
"Well, it looks like I better get her to bed," I said to Irene. I hooked my arm under her back and knees and held her close as I carried her to bed.
"Noah," Irene said, following us inside. "I'm glad she found you."
"I am too." I leaned over and kissed Irene on the cheek and took my lil' Darlin' to bed.
Part 15
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eryiss · 3 years
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Ship: Freed x Laxus
Rating: Teen
Prompt: Late Nights, Early Mornings.
Summary: Long distant relationships are difficult, made worse when it's between two men in different colleges. But Freed and Laxus will make it worse, and if secret phone calls late in the night are what's needed then that's what they'll do.
Notes: This was day three for my admissions to Fraxus Week. It's hosted by @fuckyeahfraxus, who you should check out for more Fraxus content.
Links: Event Masterlist ||| Archive of Our Own, Fanfiction
Four Ways to See the Dawn
Year: 1982
Location: Washington DC, USA
Laxus murmured the word, quietly fiddling with the cord to the phone as he glanced at the sleeping man in the other bed. The stranger seemed to be sleeping soundly, snoring without a care in the world, and so Laxus felt pretty confident that he had privacy. So long as he didn't make too much noise, he could speak without being overheard.
Good, this was going to work.
It wasn't ideal. It was nearing two AM, and Laxus had found himself fighting sleep as he'd waited for his roommate to pass out. The guy was apparently something of a party animal, and he was fully taking advantage of the many frat parties, drinking nights and mixers that filled the first weeks of college. Laxus had avoided them all – they were all too loud and rowdy for him – but he understood the appeal. He couldn't be angry that the man was so unpredictable; Bickslow would hardly know that he was stopping Laxus from his phone call with Freed, after all.
Freed didn't have the same problem. His college, which was half way across the country, didn't have roommates to worry about. He'd promised that he'd be waiting by the phone for him whenever he was ready to call, and he'd answered the moment Laxus had rung.
"You sound tired," Laxus teased. "Didn't wake ya, did I?"
"No, but it was close," Freed chuckled, and the sound was incredible. "I missed hearing your voice."
"Me too."
They'd promised themselves that, for the first two weeks, they wouldn't talk. College was a big thing, and they couldn't fuck it up, so decided they need to fully submerge themselves in college culture instead of becoming shut-ins who only spoke to one another. It was the right thing to do, they both knew it, but Laxus had been missing Freed's presence every day, and no amount of taster classes, tours around campus, and bottles of tequila would remove that.
Freed had always been there. They'd grown up on the same street, played on the same sports teams, and attended the same house parties. Jokes had been made that they were attached at the hip, and that they might as well be inseparable with how much time they spent together.
Laxus had to smirk at those jokes. If only they knew.
It had happened quite randomly, really. Laxus had broken his leg in the last year of high school, and he'd had to sit out on the final game in their baseball tournament. Freed had ended up hitting the home run that won their team the game, and had been rightly commended. Laxus had stumbled into the locker room on his crutches when everyone was left so he could congratulate the man in private. Freed had clearly noticed that Laxus was more melancholy that joyful, and forced Laxus to admit it felt shitty to miss the final game of his high-school career, even if they did win.
Freed had waited for a moment, thinking of what to say. Then, with his thigh resting against Laxus' non-broken leg, he quietly whispered 'I won it for you, you know. Not for the team.' The words were packed with years' worth of friendship and passion, and they were forever imprinted on Laxus' mind.
He'd kissed the man without thinking. Freed had kissed him back.
What followed was a summer of making out, going to the romantic spots around Magnolia under the pretence they were still just friends, and, on the last night before they left for college, they'd slept together for the first time. It had all been incredible.
But the summer had to end, and they could hardly keep going as they had. Magnolia was small, and their friendship was known well enough there for nobody to question how much time they were spending together. Now they lived in different states, a long and expensive train ride away from each other. The making out and the dates and the sex would have to stop, because it didn't make senses for it to continue. All they had left was quiet phone calls late at night where nobody could overhear them talking.
It wasn't perfect, but it was enough for now.
"You, erm, you done many classes yet?" Laxus asked, cringing at the awful question.
"No, they start on Monday," Freed answered, and shifted slightly. Laxus idly wondered if he were in his bed or not. Freed looked good in bed, curled up in a dressing gown with a book. If Laxus was there, he'd content himself by running his hand through his hair. "You?"
"A few taster things, just tryin' to find out what I wanna major in, y'know," Laxus all but scuffed his feet. He hadn't expected this to be this awkward. "Guess you don't have that problem."
"No," Freed agreed. He was training to by a surgeon, Laxus was at college mainly because he didn't know what else to do with his life. "How's your roommate?"
"He's good. A little weird but seems harmless," Laxus glanced at the sleeping man, who was stretched over his bed and drooling. "Seems to be out at parties most nights, so maybe I'll be able to call ya earlier in the night. Not force ya to stay up so late."
"It's worth it," Freed said without missing a beat. "I've missed you, Laxus."
"I missed you too," Laxus whispered.
Neither man spoke for a moment, and Laxus wished he knew what to say. He wished he had a ridiculous story of his fun, interesting college life that he could use to break that layer of awkwardness and entertain Freed with. But he'd done nothing; college was much less interesting than he had been led to believe. He couldn't think of a thing to say, and the electric humming of the phone was getting on his nerves.
Freed must have felt the same way, as Laxus could hear him fidgeting across the phone. Laxus wished he could just pull the man into his arms, as he often had in their quiet nights alone over the summer. But he couldn't. For months, he couldn't.
"It's gonna get easier, ain't it?" Laxus asked. "Doin' this?"
"It will," Freed said, and he sounded sure. "It'll take some time, but it will."
"Fuckin' better," Laxus mumbled more to himself than to Freed.
"It will," Freed repeated. "And thanksgiving is only a few months away, and we'll be able to see each other then."
"Guess so," Laxus nodded, trying to feel encouraged. "You still doing thanksgiving with me and Gramps?"
"If he'll still have me."
"He will," Laxus replied immediately, and then forced a smile onto his face. "And I promise it'll be more successful than last year."
"More successful? Is that possible?" Freed asked sarcastically, and Laxus chuckled.
"You saying that me and Gramps getting into a screaming match, the turkey ending up in the cat's litter tray, the two of us getting covered in cranberry sauce, and the neighbours making a noise complaint wasn't successful?" Laxus scoffed, smiling as he remembered the night the previous year.
He also remembered how, just before Freed drove back to his own home, he'd confessed that it was one of the most enjoyable thanksgiving's he'd had.
"You seem to not realise that, with long hair, pureed cranberries really have a lot of space to hide in," Freed chuckled. "A problem you don't seem to face."
"I'll aim for your face this year then," Laxus grinned.
"That's all I ask," Freed was grinning too, Laxus could hear it in his voice.
The situation wasn't immediately remedied, but they found themselves talking about the ridiculous shared moments they'd endured in Magnolia, and Laxus felt the awkwardness seeping away minute by minute. It was nowhere near as good as driving to the mountains, lying on his car's roof with Freed curled against him, but damn if it wasn't the best couple of hours he'd spent since arriving in Washington.
He didn't remember falling asleep, but he did remember waking up sometime later in the morning. The phone was clutched against his chest, the line dead, and the sunlight was fluttering under the curtains. He smiled privately, and closed his eyes, phone in hand.
"Freed, you okay? It's four in the mornin'?
"Hey. You're awake. Hi."
Laxus forced his eyes open, groggy and sleep deprived. He blinked a few times, sitting up. The ringing of the phone he'd just answered seemed to still be blaring in his mind, and the overly loud, inelegant words that his boyfriend had just near yelled into his ears made Laxus wince. It was nearly four thirty in the morning. Why the hell was Freed awake?
"Course I'm awake, phone's fucking loud," He complained, sitting up and leaning against the wall. "Why're you awake?"
"Ever and Mirajane," Freed said, as if that answered anything. Laxus waited a moment before he realised that was all Freed felt he needed to say.
"What about them?"
"I told them that it was my birthday tomorrow – or, well, it's today now, isn't it. But it was tomorrow when I told them. Well, technically it was yesterday when I told them, but in the context of me telling them about my birthday, my birthday was tomorrow, which is now today," Freed spewed the mess of words out, and Laxus could hear him frowning. "They said I needed to go out drinking. They wanted to take me out for my first legal drink."
"Yer turning nineteen, not twenty-one," Laxus deadpanned, though smirked.
"Oh yes, so I am," Freed was frowning. "I broke the law many times tonight then."
"Sounds like it," Laxus chuckled. "You only just gettin' in? It's pretty late. Or early, I guess."
"No, we left the club at about one. We've been in the dorms for a few hours, Cana knows someone who can get us beer cheap, so we kept going. Someone made me brownies, but I wasn't allowed to eat them because apparently they had pot in them, so Mirajane slapped the guy and said she'd report him to campus security because we only found out when Jet and Droy started talking about the walls having a face," Freed laughed heartily, and Laxus smiled, imagining the man's expression as he did so. "Why do people always put weed into brownies? It's so overdone. Why do you never hear of a pot carrot cake or banana loaf?"
"Brownies are easy to make, I guess," Laxus grinned.
This was uncharted territory for Laxus. Freed wasn't exactly a total rule follower, but his parents were strict and so alcohol was something he'd never risked. Laxus had always wondered what a drunk Freed would be like. Apparently, he rambled and was happy. It was a nice side of him to hear.
"You think brownies are harder than a banana cake? You know nothing about baking," Freed laughed at him, and Laxus smirked. "Do I have time to bake a pot filled gateau, do you think? It might make mother's book club interesting at last."
"Don't spike your ma with drugs Freed," Laxus instructed, and Freed laughed.
"Yes, it sounds bad put like that," Freed agreed. He was quiet for a moment, and Laxus heard the sound of something hitting the floor. Perhaps one of his boots, given the clunk. Laxus had become something of an expert at figuring out what Freed was doing by the sounds he made. "It'd serve them right. Rather see you than them."
"Come on Freed," Laxus sighed. "They're your parents, they wanna see you."
"Well they didn't on parents' weekend, or at thanksgiving, so why now?" Freed huffed, fabric shifting now. He was probably getting into bed. "They're taking me to dinner, and I saw the place. It's got five stars, Laxus. That means it'll be stifled and pretentious. They won't know what to say to me, so we'll just eat in silence and we'll all want it to end because we know we don't have anything in common and they're only coming because it'll look bad if they don't," Laxus wished he could deny the claim, but he knew Freed's parents and that was probably true. "Would've rather gotten the train to Washington so I could see you."
"Shouldn't I be coming to yours?" Laxus asked, trying to change the subject to something less maudlin. "It's your birthday."
"You saw my campus when you drove us home," Freed dismissed, and Laxus supposed he had. They'd driven back to Magnolia together for some time alone, as Laxus passed Freed's college on the drive back. "It's my turn to see your place. Your classrooms, your student lounge," He paused, and was clearly smirking when he spoke again. "Your bed."
"My bed, huh?" Laxus smirked. "What were you gonna-"
Laxus would have continued, but an airborne pillow slammed into his face. It took his sleep-lagged brain a moment to understand what had happened, and he slowly looked towards his glaring, very much awake roommate. He probably should have realised that the phone would have woken them both up, not just Laxus.
They looked at each other for a moment, Bickslow unblinking. Laxus wanted to speak, but no words came, and Bickslow was the one to fill the silence.
"Look, you know I'm cool with you two being together. Probably been to more of the marches than either of you two, so be as gay as you wanna be," Bickslow's voice was croaky and hoarse. "But don't phone fuck when I'm in the room. It's just bad manners."
"We weren't gonna-" Laxus cut himself off. He couldn't be sure of his words, so instead he said a guilty, "Sorry."
"Don't worry about it," Bickslow shrugged. "Just give me my pillow back and we'll call it even."
Laxus did as he was told, and Bickslow took it, hooked it around his head so it covered his ears, and turned to lie facing the wall. It was as close to privacy they could get in the small room without either of them leaving, and Laxus appreciated the action. When he spoke again, his voice was more of a gentle whisper.
"You should probably get to sleep," He instructed, and grinned when he heard a yawn overpowering his words. "Make sure you drink water before you crash, okay? And don't bother with yer classes, you'll either still be drunk or too hungover to take anything in."
"Yes, I suppose I will be," Freed agreed. "I'll call you once my parents leave."
"Okay," Laxus nodded. "Happy birthday, baby."
"Thank you," Freed said softly. "Goodnight. Love you."
"Love you too."
Laxus hung up the phone, curled himself back under his covers and closed his eyes. Just as he was about to sleep, he heard the grinning words of his roommate as he said, 'you two are so damn cute.' Laxus' retort of 'fuck you' was only slightly less threatening because of the smile he couldn't shake, and the yawn he couldn't hold back.
"Don't talk, I need to say something."
"Laxus? What's wrong?"
Laxus was jittery. He'd been jittery all day. He'd had nervous energy throughout the night, and it kept waking him up and he did whatever he could to get to sleep but nothing had worked, and he'd found himself stressed, awake and jittery. He couldn't stop moving. Couldn't stop bouncing his leg or taping his fingers or flexing his arms because he needed to do something with this energy, but he didn't know what.
At six AM, after a night of awful, interrupted sleep, he'd decided enough was enough. He'd changed into running gear, pulled out his Walkman and stormed from his dorm room. He'd ran for however long, and yet the jitteriness didn't go. If anything, it made things worse.
Calling Freed had been a last resort.
He hadn't returned to campus yet, instead finding a phone booth to climb into. It had started to rain as he'd run, and he was dripping wet as he rang Freed's number. The cold and the wet were the last things on his mind. He just needed to get on the call with Freed, just needed to hear that thing's would be okay and that he was making a big deal out of nothing. Freed was a smart guy, and he wouldn't bullshit Laxus about important things. No; Freed would make things okay.
"Dad's court case was moved forward," Laxus spluttered before he could stop himself.
It was supposed to be in the autumn. It was supposed to be months away. That would give Laxus time to prepare himself, to know what he was going to say. To get out of his own head so that he could focus on taking the bastard to jail. It was not supposed to be next damn week!
Laxus was a character witness. In the trial itself, he wasn't all that important, but he knew that the media would love to know what he thought about his father. Ivan was a well-known businessman, and his scandal had been national news. He'd made many enemies over his years working, and people were relishing in his downfall. Everyone wanted to hear how not only was Ivan a bad businessman, but a bad father too. Laxus wasn't ready for the attention, he wasn't ready for anything.
Freed took a moment to think before he replied.
"Where are you?" He asked. "Are you in your dorm? I can hear the rain."
"Erm, no," Laxus shook his head, looking around. "I'm near a park. Not sure where."
"Right," Freed murmured. "What do you need me to do?"
"I need," Laxus faltered.
He needed to be told that everything was okay. That the court case would just be a single day in his life, and he could get past it and move on. He needed to hear Freed saying that he would get past this, and that his life would return to normal. He needed to see Freed's warm smile, the one he seemed to show only to Laxus. He needed…
"It's nothing. Sorry if I woke you."
"Go back to your dorm, I'll be there as soon as I can."
"The trains start running early. I can probably be at yours by ten," Freed mused aloud. "I want you to go back and try to sleep. You mentioned that Bickslow has hypnosis tapes he uses to sleep, borrow one."
"Freed, you don't need to come here," Laxus tried to argue, though he didn't want to. "You don't have the money."
"I'll find it," Freed dismissed. "The next train leaves at seven, I believe. I'll be on it."
Anyone who thought that Laxus was the more stubborn one out of the two of them clearly didn't know Freed.
"You really don't need to come," Laxus whispered, the rain pounding on the small box he sheltered in. "I'll be fine."
"You deserve to be better than fine, Laxus," Freed whispered back.
Silence hung on the line, and at that moment Laxus' world only persisted of the small phonebooth, the rain clattering down on it, and the man on the other end of the phone. He closed his eyes, clenched them shut, and tried to focus on the soft sound of Freed's breathing. Freed was coming. He was coming to make things better. As much as Laxus wanted to protest more, because Freed couldn't afford it and he was going to miss his classes, he just wanted his boyfriend in his arms. He just wanted him there.
"Are you sure?" He asked in a shaking sob.
"Of course," Freed assured him. "Go back to your room and sleep, I'll be there soon."
Laxus did indeed return to his room. He showered off the rainwater, ignored Bickslow's questions as to what happened, and curled up into bed. The white noise tape that Bickslow gave him cleared his mind, and as he assured himself that the clump of blanket he was clinging to would soon be replaced with Freed, he felt everything become just a little more manageable.
Sun hit Laxus' face, a gentle warmth that woke him up. He smiled as it happened.
A roadside motel was hardly the most comfortable place to wake up, but Laxus couldn't think of anywhere better to be at that time. No amount of bitter coffee, cramped showers, awful breakfasts, and itchy sheets would stop that. Not when he was waking up with Freed in his arms.
It was Freed's graduation day, the final nail in the coffin of their shared college experiences. Once today had finished, there would be no more dorm rooms, no more phone calls, no more long distance. They just needed to get through the ceremony, and they would be free to spend as much time as they wanted together, without the looming dread of being split apart by the oncoming semester that had previously seemed ever present.
It was over. They were done with college and free to love each other fully and wholly.
They'd found an apartment they could afford. They'd gotten an odd look when their realter had seen two men wanting to live in a cramped, one bedroom apartment, but they didn't care. Three years split apart was over, and they felt they deserved their own place no matter what other people thought about it. They'd more than paid their dues in being apart; they were owed time, and a home, together.
It worked out well. Freed's career meant he needed to continue studying, and he'd found placement in a hospital on a partial scholarship in New York. Laxus, over his time in college, had decided sports journalism was where his passion lay, and he'd been shortlisted for multiple internships in the city. It was all perfect.
Speaking of perfect, Freed made a small mewling sound as he woke.
"Mornin'," Laxus smiled.
"Morning," Freed croaked. He leant up and pressed his lips against Laxus', resting against his body. "You're awake early."
"Excited to see you get yer degree," Laxus shrugged.
"Excited to see me leaving the dorms, more like," Freed chuckled, resting his head against Laxus' chest.
"Can you blame me?" Laxus asked as he ran a hand down Freed's side and kissed his crown.
"Not at all," Freed hummed, contentedly.
Laxus hummed, watching as the new morning sun filled the room. Flashes of a future where this would be his every morning, where Freed would always fall asleep in his arms and wake up beside him. Freed would be his, and he would be Freed's, as they were always supposed to be.
Their love story was quiet, made up of fleeting moments and late-night phone calls. Not the stuff of fairy tales, but, for them, perfect.
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atsunflower · 4 years
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Rated: SFW
Author notes: fucking finally, I'd say. Sorry it took me so long to post it after I decided to revamp this series. Here goes my belated 300 special med student!Kuroo. Please note that this is written based on the med school model we have here, in wich we get the MD degree right away, without the pre-med division they have in USA.
PS: DAI¹ stands for diffuse axonal injury, a type of brain damage caused by violent shakes (acceleration/deceleration/shaken baby syndrome) of the head. No worries, banging your head against a hard surface isn't supposed to give you it. If you get confused by any medical terms, pls hmu!!
Warnings: me trying to be funny. Cursing (reader swears like a sailor here).
I – Lehninger principles of biochemistry
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Your head was throbbing. The professor's voice dragging through your ears made the discomfort you felt even bigger.
The first class of the day have barely started and you were already regretting leaving your bed.
You let out a shuddering breath while your fingers found their way to your temples. You massaged the area, trying to ease the headache.
"You look like shit" the voice came from your right. Shirabu gave you a sideways glance before going back to his notes. "Let me guess, your neighbor again?"
"Yeah, the bastard was up all the night. I still can hear his bed pounding into the wall and the girl trying to muffle her voice" You groaned.
"Ew. Gross" The blonde's face contorted in a grimace "Am I the only one weirded by the fact you never saw the guy?" He asked frowning.
"Hell, no. But I don't think I wanna meet him anytime soon." Your reply was earn; you wouldn't know how to react if you ever saw the said man. "Besides, the guy has this strange schedule. He leaves early in the morning and comes back late at night, it's kinda weird"
"Weird is the way you know him so well and never saw him before" You ignored your him and turned your attention back to the professor. Twenty minutes into the lecture, the door was open and a raven hair peaked from it, sitting on the desk available in the front row.
You mood automatically got worse just by the sight.
"You're staring" Shirabu's uninterested voice ringed in your ears again "Why don't you admit you have a thing for him already? It would make our lives a thousand times easier"
"I just dislike him. I can't stand that dumbass" You retorted grimacing while scribbling down in your notebook. God, you hated biochemistry.
"Yeah, keep repeating that and someday you'll believe it."
"Why you all keep saying it?" You winced at the high pitch of your whisper "The guy ain't special. He is an asshole, honestly"
"Deep down you only say it because he told you were 'just okay' in our first week of freshmen year" The male gave you a pointed look. "I know it's you just being petty, but it's pretty obvious you have a crush on him"
"Hell no, I'd rather have the whole Lehninger shoved down my throat" Your classmate scoffed by your side, resuming to his notes.
"By the looks Haruno-sensei is sending in our direction, it's going to happen anytime soon."
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"For this term, you'll send me an essay about peptides with especial focus on physiologically active ones and their major role on human organism." The professor said, sending a stern glare though the class. "Pay attention to the next slide. It contains a table with the pairs I've assigned for this paper"
What the hecking heck?
Your mind went blank but you still heard Shirabu snickering by your peripheral. For such a stoic man, he was pretty out of character today. That little shit.
"Beware the addressed pairs won't be changed in any circumstances. Don't even bother to try" The woman said as she addressed the whole class a cold glare. Goddammit med school and its goddam professors. "You now can discuss this paper. Remember this essay is worth half the grade"
"Fuck" you cursed as your forehead banged onto the thick textbook.
"Whoa, be careful" The teasing voice made you painfully groan "We don't want this pretty brain of yours getting a DAI¹ before we start this paper"
"It's too early in the morning to deal with you, Kuroo" Your retorted came muffled as you pressed your face even flatter into the book. 
"It's too early in the morning for you be ranting about everything but you don't hear me complaining, kitten" He jabbed at you, laughing it off as mere teasing "Is it fine if we start the paper on this weekend? I gotta volley practice the whole week."
"Sure. Wanna meet up on the public library?" You asked gathering your things, as you turned to Shirabu and saw him cocking an eyebrow at you.
"Fine by me" The male scratched the back of his neck, giving you an awkward glance "Actually, I wanted to ask you phone number" You stiffened "Aw [Surname]-chan, C'mon! You know it's easier."
"But what for? You already have my institutional email"
"You're too formal for your own good, woman" He handed you his phone, nudging the device into your palms "Where do you think this strict act is going to take you?"
You rolled your eyes at him again.
"Actually, Kuroo-san" You made a pause, voicing the words with candour "I want chaos and world domination. But in order to do it, I need to overthrow the dean first" You said while punching the numbers onto the chapped screen of his phone. The ravenette snorted at your reply.
"Oh shit, you're so weird!" And he left out a hyena laugh.
"Way to impress a girl, huh" 
"Only the ones I'm trynna woo" The male smirked when he saw your dumbfounded face.
"Huh? Big words coming from a nerd" You brushed off his provocation. You knew he didn't mean it, but you couldn't prevent your heart to skip a beat.
"Oi, [Name]! What do you mean?"
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Surprisingly, the week went smoothly. No Kuroo incidents nor professors bitching over the struggling students.
It was saturday and you were more than ready to spend a whole day inside the library with the ravenette.
Sarcasm? Check.
It wasn't like you hated him. If you were to be honest, it was the other way around — but you would never give Shirabu the taste of being right.
Kuroo just had a special way of getting under your skin. He knew what buttons to push and how to make feel flustered.
You were indeed whipped for him in your first year, but he was an asshole back then — It was kinda comprehensible though: being new to the infamous uni life, freshmen were always seeking acceptance from other people.
Kouhai trying to impress their senpai.
Jocks trying to make a number on the female population.
You trying to grab the attention of that hot guy from welcome ceremony — yes, the one who ended to be the bane of your campus existence.
Yada yada.
But when Kuroo turned you down — without you confessing first, you may add —, your pride was incredibly hurt. You then declared war. Best way to rile up a med student? Make your grades better than theirs.
But of fucking course Kuroo wasn't your regular med student. The competition only provoked meaningless banter — and it annoyed you even more because you couldn't get into his nerves the same way he did to you.
"Oi, [Surname]! You good there?"
"Yeah, yeah, get back to the damn peptides" You definitely despised biochemistry.
You rummaged through the books sprawled over the desk, searching for your Lehninger copy.
"Where the fuck that huge ass book went to?" You murmured, getting ready to go check on your backpack.
Glancing towards your classmate's direction, you spotted it under one of the textbooks he was using, but before you could reach for it, you felt hands gingerly wrapping around your chin, making your eyes lock into his stare.
"What are you doing?" You knew the warmth in your cheeks wasn't being provided by his body temperature.
"Conducting an experiment" He said as you melted under his attentive stare.
"You know, they say exchanging looks causes an increase on Oxytocin synthesis in hypothalamus" The male smirked when a vein popped on your head, your brain recalled that science paper about the physiology on human and dog interactions. You wanted chaos and world domination — but in order to make it, you had to kill Kuroo first.
"Are you fucking calling me a dog?" You squinted at him, ready to fight. He laughed as your slapped his hands off of your face.
"Oh, come on, it was just a joke. You know the hormone of love doesn't work this way." His hyena laugh made presence as the bibliothecary gave you two a dejected stare.
Just a joke, huh?
For a med student, Kuroo Tetsuro would make a shitty doctor if he didn't know how bad his smile was for your heart.
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General taglist: @ohmythatmiya @imomomi @neonghxst @differentballooncollection @raenebalgaire
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maylovexhs · 4 years
everytime - IF YOU THINK IT’S LOVE (Chp. 36)
Catch up on everytime here
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“Fuck, no!” Y/N said. “That’s where I have to go”
I grinned, putting the letters on the board.
“It’s too late” I said.
Y/N looked at the word I spelled out. She looked a mix of disbelief and confusion.
“Austere?” Y/N asked me.
I nodded.
“Simple” I said.
Y/N shrugged, looking at her deck.
“Fine” She said. “I have something too”
Y/N took some letters off her deck and placed them on the board.
“Frazzled?” I asked her.
“You know what it means” She said.
“Actually . . . I don’t” I said.
“I’m frazzled” Y/N said. “I’m exhausted”
“I’m not” I told her. “Because of you put Z. . .”
“No” Y/N said. “Don’t you dare-“
I put some of my letters on the board, spelling zeal.
“Fuck you” Y/N pouted. “I quit. You win”
“Frazzled a little?” I asked her.
“Oh, I’m more than frazzled” Y/N said.
I smirked, shaking my head as I started to clean up the game. Y/N helped me.
I took a quick glance at Y/N as I cleaned.
I didn’t tell her yet. I wanted to but I knew I couldn’t tell her. I know yesterday I was ready to confess my heart as hers but spending today with her . . . I couldn’t do that to her.
Y/N was happy. She was happy with Ashton. I saw how her face lit up when he called her. From what I could tell, Y/N was in love. She was in love with someone who loved her back. Y/N was first my best friend. I couldn’t hurt her chance at pure happiness because of me. It would be selfish if I did. Besides, I already had my chance with her. There was no possibility she would think of me in the same way.
Lorde’s Homemade Dynamite stopped playing.  A song by Taylor Swift began to play. Didn’t know the song but I knew Taylor’s voice.
“Which song is this by her?” I asked Y/N as I closed the Scrabble box.
“Afterglow” Y/N said, getting up.
Y/N took her phone from the table. A few seconds later, she laughed at something on her phone. I smiled at her.
“Is it Ashton?” I asked her.
Y/N looked to me.
“Uh, no” She said. “Jie Lin sent me something. You want to see?”
“Should I see it?” I asked her.
“Were you on Twitter yesterday?” Y/N asked me back.
I got up from the chair, walking over to her. Y/N showed me her phone. It was a tweet.
Me passionately quoting The Office even when my coworkers don’t know what I’m talking about
Underneath the text was a picture of a cartoon character singing that was too similar but I didn’t know.
“Isn’t it that guy from-“ I began to say but Y/N cut me off.
“Monsters Inc” Y/N said.
“I don’t get it” I told her.
Y/N rolled her eyes at me.
“Nevermind” She said.
Y/N walked away from me, putting her phone in the pocket of her pants. She leaned against the balcony’s railing. She sighed, looking up at the moon.
I slowly walked over to her.
Something was wrong. I could feel it.
“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked her.
Y/N looked to me.
“Talk about what?” She asked.
“Y/N, I know you” I said. “You don’t need to ever pretend with me”
Y/N looked down.
“I think I have a problem” She said. “I can never be happy in a relationship”
I squinted at her.
“What do you mean?” I asked her. “Did Ashton do something?”
Y/N couldn’t do anything wrong. If anything, it’s the people she’s with who were wrong. Y/N always took a chance on people, whatever they deserve it or not. It’s one of the things I always admire about her.
“No, no” Y/N shook her head. “He’s perfect. It’s just every time I get into a relationship, I feel like I could be happier without them, or with someone else”
She isn’t happy with Ashton? I thought she was . . .
Y/N chuckled to herself.
“Sometimes I feel like a defected robot” Y/N said. “I could never appreciate someone fully until they are gone”
Y/N looked to me.
“I’m horrible, aren’t I?” She asked me.
I stepped closer to her.
“You’re not” I said. “If you don’t feel right with someone, it’s okay to leave them”
“I know that, H” Y/N said. “But Ashton is different. For once, I actually found someone good for me. I feel like I should be with him. I don’t want to risk it all for a stupid feeling”
I smiled at her.
I felt the same way. Just about her.
“What’s that smile for?” Y/N asked me.
“Oh, nothing” I said, looking down. “You just remind me of myself”
“You have the same problem as me?” Y/N asked.
“Something like that” I said. “Whenever I’m with someone, I always feel like something is wrong. Like I’m not supposed to be with them or I should be with . . .”
I looked to Y/N.
“Someone else” I said.
“Why?” Y/N asked me. “You don’t feel they complete you anymore?”
Exactly. I never felt complete with anyone except her.
“We’ve been friends for too long” I said. “You know me too much”
“Maybe” Y/N said. “But then again, I dabbled enough in astrology to know about your libra moon”
Y/N and I looked to each other.
“And?” I asked her. “What does that mean?”
“It means why my Aquarius moon just gets you” Y/N said. “We’re both two loners who can’t settle for anyone”
“You’re sure that isn’t just me?” I asked her. “You were with Felix for two years”
“But I didn’t date anyone until twenty-one because of my fear of love” Y/N said. “So, we’re tied”
The song finished to play. Y/N and I looked to the Alexa speaker on the balcony table as King Princess’ Watching My Phone came on.
And I know you, destroying things you love to save yourself
“Oh, no” Y/N said. “Not this song”
“What’s wrong with this song?” I asked her.
And I know you can't bear to see me go but make me leave
In the middle of the night
“Nothing” Y/N said. “Just this song makes me sad. Cried first time hearing it. I don’t want to cry again”
And you ain't all I've ever wanted in a package
I smiled at her.
“Really?” I asked her.
“Mhmm” Y/N nodded.
Your independence throws me off my balance
“Want to cry with me, then?” I asked her.
I put my hand out for her to take.
Watching my phone
Thinking about you, baby
Y/N looked down at my hand, hesitant to take it. She looked up to me. I smiled at her.
Watching my phone
Thinking about you
She smiled back, blushing. Instead of taking my hand, she placed her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her back. I closed my eyes as we began to slowly dance.
She smiled back, blushing. Instead of taking my hand, she placed her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her back. I closed my eyes as we began to slowly dance.
And I know I can't be the million girls you're gonna meet
And I think that's alright
I was her best friend. I was nothing more than that to Y/N. To think I am would just cause me more pain. There was no way Y/N would consider me as such. I caused her enough pain in the past to understand why she wouldn’t like me like that anymore. I rejected her for another girl. I came back and broke up with her for another girl. Now she was with Ashton. I couldn’t expect her to leave him for another guy.
I apologize, for holding you so tight you couldn't breathe
And thinking you'd be fine
Besides, it wouldn’t be fair to her. I know deep down I couldn’t make her as happy she is with Ashton now. Y/N just said so herself she didn’t want to risk her relationship with Ashton over a stupid feeling. Of course, she not going to risk it over me. It was too late for me.
And you ain't all I've ever wanted in a package
And your independence throws me off my balance
And I'm alone
But was it, really? Y/N just said she feels like she could be happier with someone else. Even if it was a small chance, I could be that someone. I could . . . right?
Watching my phone
“Your heart is beating so fast” I heard Y/N say.
Thinking about you, baby
I looked down at her. Y/N still had her head against my chest.
“What?” I asked her.
Watching my phone
“Your heart” She said, taking her head off my chest and looking up to me. “It’s beating fast”
Thinking about you, oh
“Oh” I said, blushing a little. “Sorry . . .”
Watching my phone
Y/N squinted at me, smiling.
Thinking about you, baby
“What’s wrong?” She asked me.
Watching my phone
I looked at her, afraid of what to say. I wanted to tell her I was nervous. I was nervous because I loved her and she didn’t know at all. I wanted to tell her how I couldn’t sleep at all for the last few days because all I do is think about her. I wanted to tell her that I could take away her pain and be much better to her than Ashton was. I wanted to tell her how in love I was and how it drove me crazy.
Maybe it will change but
“H,” Y/N said, staring at me with those angel eyes of hers. “You can tell me”
Watching my phone
Y/N. She always had my heart. She said I had a piece of hers too.
Thinking about you, baby
I know we haven’t had the best relationship but . . . we have something. Something rare.
Watching my phone
I loved him once and I’ll always love him. Not like that but there’s a little part of him that has my heart.
Thinking about you
You always have a special place in my heart.
Thinking about you
“Y/N” I whispered.
Thinking about you
“What?” Y/N asked me.
Maybe it will change but
I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers. I closed my eyes, cupping her cheeks.
I knew it was wrong of me but I wasn’t thinking. All I had was her on my mind. I knew Y/N would probably hate me for the rest of her life for kissing her but it was worth it. Kissing Y/N was getting to keep at least one last piece of her. It was something I could share with her no one else could have. Sure, Ashton could kiss her as much as he wanted but . . . this feeling. This was ours. No one could take that.
I slowly pulled away from Y/N. I still kept my hands on her face. I opened my eyes, seeing hers was still closed. Her lips were partly open.
“I love you” I said. “I’m sorry but . . . I needed you to know that”
Y/N opened her eyes, looking up to me. She took my hands away from her cheeks. She looked down, a little disappointed.
“I’m sorry too”
Author’s Note: Oh, hey! You made it to the end of the chapter! Yay! That was a roller coaster . . . woo. Anyways, I just finished writing the next chapter of this and I was going to wait a month to post it with other chapters but you know what? I think I’m gonna post it this Tuesday. Comment yes or just inbox me if you want it Tuesday. See ya! -May
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exclipssesss · 4 years
You're perfect, no matter what he says about you. [x reader]
Headcanons of all my current fav characters from different fandoms. This was supposed to be something just to emotionally heal me. So this does kinda based off real life experience, except the part where the bois comfort me, man why can't i buy these guys in ebay as my legal husbands?
Characters involved: Alastor [Hazbin Hotel], Lafayette [Hamilton The Musical].
Would probabpy make part two with other characters uwu
Warnings: Cursing, Physical abuse, Parental abuse, The mention of Anxiety.
Summary: S/o never had a great relationship with their dad, and after another fight (which ended horribly wrong) someone decided to comfort them.
Hazbin Hotel.
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You were in the Hotel, coolio. Basically you were chilling on the couch when suddenly you fell asleep, and after a few hours passed you woke up to find yourself in your room with blankets covering you, you were confused on how you get there.
You then get out of bed and noticed charlie calling you, probably a new demon that wanna check into the hotel.
You saw a demon that is kind of similar to you but wAy more big and looked kind of scary, he was holding a cigarette. At first you shrugged it off since having the same form of a demon can both mean you guys have made the same sin, or you are related.
You didn't really mind it at first until you asked him to sign in to the hotel, and he looked at you as if you're stupid. He laughed that everyone draws their attention to the both of you, you laughed with him to avoid being awkward.
"You do realize that i am nowhere wanting to go to this stupid ass hotel right? Pathetic, demons wanting to do some redemption just to go to heaven? They can't even take their own consequences of being a dick. Yeah no bitch, i ain't going to this hotel, especially if it filled with pussies"
You stumbled back, he was similar to you but is nothing like you. Yes you swore, a lot, but not this harsh. He basically scowls at you and you just gave him a light glare back. He didn't seem to notice it tho.
Then, it snapped inside your head. No wonder his voice was so familiar. You looked at him and took the chance to find out, if it is true, then you're probably double dead. But you convince yourself that even if he tries to hurt you, you were at the hotel, someone is bound to help you.
"Um, oh, i forgot to introduce myself.. I'm [Y/n] [L/n], nice to meet you.. Sir.."
And you were right. His eyes was wide for a second before it was replaced with disgust, he yanked your hand and you almost lost your balance.
"Of-fucking-course you are. Now wonder your voice reminds me of some bitch. No surprise seeing you here in hell tho, you were always nothing but a disappointment. Even god thinks so."
You basically trembled as eyes were sticking on both you and your "father". He then let's go of you harshly and you stumbled back before falling, demons around weren't helping either. Although some of them gave you pitiful looks, so you decided that maybe they just too scared to interfere. I mean, you would too.
"See? Pathetic. Even as a demon you're trash, and now you're trying to do this whole hotel thing? HahaA--"
Something pulled your dad back, and he was met by a pair of a sickeningly dark pair of eyes that you've known too well.
"Excuse me sir, but I'm pretty sure that that kind of behaviour is not allowed here."
Your "father" was surprised to see Hell's one of the most powerful demons defending you, he almost gives out a somewhat proud smirk, only for it to turn into a scoff. Thankfully, he was decent enough not to mess with Alastor, as he immediately got out the doors and hopefully not coming back.
"My dearest, are you alright?" oh and he comforts you throughout the day too, he almost swears to kill your dad (if that's even possible) but you immediately told him not to.
Either way, he is precious and would do anything for you. Would recommend getting yourself an Alastor, 10/10.
Marquis de Lafayette.
Hamilton: an American musical.
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(I'm changing the writing style just becuz I'm in the mood)
You just got back from a long day hanging out with the Schuyler Sisters, and also the boys of course. Funnily enough, you and Peggy get along really well, and for the boys? Lafayette's definitely your favorite. Actually he's more than just your 'favorite', you're not even sure yourself, you just felt safe and nice inside when you're around him.
"Where do you think you're going?"
A familiar deep voice that you've been scared for so long spoke up, you stopped dead on your tracks, trying to look calm. You then turned around to be met with a pair of deadly sharp and dark eyes piercing through you, in which you quietly gulped in response.
"I'm sorry i came back late, dad. I was with the Schuyler Sisters and-"
"You really think I'll believe that lying mouth of yours?"
Those words caught you off guard since you are, for a fact, not lying. You really were with Angelica and the others, and so you gave him your 'what are you talking about?' face, and he did not like that. He approached you, and you slowly but surely walked backwards, in hopes of getting away from him. When he was only a few inches from you, he spoke up again.
"Don't you fucking lie to me, who was that man with you? Who the fuck was he?" His voice low with growl as he fixed his sight to yours. You took another gulp of your own spit as he was starting to push you into a corner.
"I wasn't lying! I really was with The Sisters, that boy is just one of ou-"
You could feel the hot print on your left cheek as it was burning with pain from the sudden hit, you hold it with your arm. This time you had enough, it was enough living in a world where girls don't have any rights, and you were absolutely not gonna let this man use that against you. Even if he is your blood.
"I'll ask you again, and this time i want an answer, not a rambling about some nonsense you pulled out of your ass."
You looked at him dead in the eye before finally giving an answer.
"Marquis de Lafayette. There, you have it. May i go now?" You said with disgust and anger lacing in every word. This made your so called dad shut up, before forcefully yanked you away. You ran to your room and find yourself falling asleep while crying, at this point all you wanna do was die. With all the smell of cigarettes and alcohol, you basically almost puked, and you still can't believe your mom left you with him. When you woke up, you checked the time. 11:36. At this rate, you could barely sleep again, and you didn't want to be in a house with that jerk anyways, so a brilliant-yet-kinda-dumb idea came to mind. You got out of the house quietly, you didn't want to even try spending the night there anymore, and to be honest, you didn't know where to go.
You could visit the Schuyler Sisters, yes, but going to the Schuyler Mansion at this time of night? Maybe not. You couldn't go to one of the boys' house either, that's just weird. And you didn't want to look like slut. So your thoughts just came to that one place, the place you and the rest of the gang met. The place where you and Lafayette met. The bar. Plus it's open twenty/four hours so it's not like you'll be trespassing.
And so you did what you thought you did. You go there, at first you thought that you would probably be alone in the bar considering how late it is, and that's a good thing considering the red burning mark on your cheek haven't left yet. But nope. The bar was actually kinda noisy, you looked inside to see Alex and his friends there getting drunk, and so you tried to avoid eye contact and go back outside. Well that was your plan until a certain drunk frenchman called you out.
"Mon amie, (Y/n)! Why are you here at this time of night? A beautiful mademoiselle like you shouldn't do that~" Lafayette slurred almost every word as he is drunk. You stopped dead on your tracks and turned around to smile at them, using your hair to cover the bruises left on your cheek. As you looked closely, you could see that Alexander is probably the only sober one out of the group, and not actually drunk.
"Yeah (Y/n), why are you here? Oh, you can come join us if you want to." Alex, the only stable one at the moment continued.
"That's a great idea Al! Come, mon amie! I'll buy you a drink."
Lord tell me how to say no to this-- But seriously, you wanted to go so badly but you barely even could walk out the moment you saw that smile. And so you just had to walk back, which all the boys cheered on.
"What's wrong, (Y/n)? You're awfully quiet,"
"Yeah, most of the time you're basically the one who can't shut up."
"Yo, talk if you want a free booze."
And yet you kept silent, although a silent chuckle can be heard only by yourself did rang through your ears. The boys were starting to get worried, especially with your new hairdo that covered half of your face.
"Huh, someone's actually denying free booze, something is wrong" Hercules said as he rubbed his nonexistent beard, Laurens just tried to swipe your hair away but you quickly slapped his hands away as soon as it was near your face.
"Sheesh, no touching your new hair, i get it. No need to slap me for it." He said with almost looks like a pout, this time the frenchman was asking you questions, and you didn't want to answer. But in the same time, you don't have the heart to ignore him.
"(Y/n), please, tell me what's wrong.. Why are you covering your face?" and now, you also wanted to die. That face, that damned face, god why can't you just ignore it like anyone else's? You let out a sigh as you finally lets all those emotions loose. Tears were pouring down your face almost as fast as Hercules chugging down a beer, and you could barely took any control of them. You buried your face in Laff's shoulder, him petting your head as you realease all your burdens and tears at the same time. The others were stunned, but is confused on what to do, so they just wait for you to stop crying before saying anything that could make you more emotional, if that's even possible.
You wiped your tears, and when you go to wipe the remaining liquid on your left eyes, you unconsciously exposed the big red mark on your left cheek. Boy, little did you know that they'll immediately turn into interrogators in less than a minute.
"(Y/n). What is this?" Hercules' voice rang first with what seems like anger, second came Alex, with his voice that sounded way more than just 'worried'.
"Who the fuck did this?" He said as he tried to put your hair behind your ear, you avoided his touch and just sinks more into Lafayette's embrace, who's weirdly being quiet through this, although his gaze didn't seem to left you at all.
"(Y/n), Let us take a look. I can't believe someone actually did that to you." It's true, you never told anyone about your 'daddy issues', you didn't want to gain any pitty. Time went on and it's almost One AM now, Laff's gaze didn't seem to have left you, in fact, they were stern, it didn't helped the fact that he haven't said anything in the past hour.
You ended up getting cornered and so you told them, about everything that was happened last night. They. Were. Furious. It didn't surprise you though, if your friend were going through the same thing, you'd probably ready to murder someone too.
"(Y/n), does zis 'ave something to do with me?" You immediately flinched. The reason you were slapped was because you didn't want to tell your dad about Lafayette, and he basically could see it through you. He immediately cursed himself, blaming everything that he thought he did wrong. With a little explanation and help from Alex and the others, you got him to calm down and kissed him in his cheek. In which he responds with a blush acrossed his face.
In the end, Lafayette asked you to stay with him for a while and said it was "the least he could do." Basically you were treated like a princess, nothing major happened other than cuddles and venting, he would pat your head and hold you close when you started crying. Sometimes he would kiss your forehead and says sweet nothings to you. He insisted to sleep on the couch while you took the bed, and ever since, the guys would act like your brothers, especially Laurens and Mulligan, they would actually shower you with new dresses and act proud whenever you and Lafayette had "a step forward". (They became your personal wingmans too.)
Not long after, The schuylers took you in, or more like - dragged you in. Philip Schuyler had left the Mansion to his daughters, and so which give them the opportunity to make you their roommates. You four would just chill at night and trash talk your dad when wanted to. (courtesy of big sis Angie™).
Alex on the other hand, was determined to make your dad looked like a fool, even though you told him countless times that he didn't need to do that. He would write about your dad with headlines like "Man Treats Daughter Worse Than Slave" or something like that. In which you laughed about, somehow you still feel bad about the amount of hate your dad gives, but you also feel as if he deserves it for hitting you all those years.
The last but not least, Lafayette. The man asked you out after you moved with the Schuylers, he said he's lonely now that you're not with him and he missed you, he also said that was the time he realized he had feelings for you. You immediately said yes and have been courting with him ever since. Honestly he's just the embodiment of love and cuddles, and you love him for every support he gave you.
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