#aint starting the fights but he sure as hell will finish them
lastlifesmp · 6 months
hi i was thinking abt what you sent me abt scott and the heart foundation and. i mean it all comes down to scott's whole "being honorable" thing doesnt it? like at the end of last life where he was like "oh ive been honorable all season so im gonna keep doing it" and. well theres nothing honorable about killing the heart foundation theyre barely scraping by as is. IDK just. rotates scotts life series character
Omg yeahhhhh so much of everything he does is trying to keep that moral code of being honorable, despite everything going to shit around him in the death game
People assign so much malice to Scott's character sometimes and it has me ?????? cause out of the players in the traffic series, Scott really is the one who is the most cordial to everyone else, oftentimes to his own detriment!!!!
Literally show him one little bit of kindness and that will be enough to have him not want to kill you, seen in him deciding not to kill Jimmy as boogeyman in last life, him not killing Bigb in the cave in secret life, the entire thing with Skizz both in lim life and secret life.
When Martyn originally asked Scott to help him with his red task by attacking another player, Scott couldn't help because he had no current enemies and was unwilling to start something with another player he had nothing against.
Scott gives food to people who just killed him, he gives swords to people he shouldn't trust, he gives his hearts away just because someone else got hurt, he refuses to try and scam Tango over the genie deal even when doing so would complete his task, he refuses to go and help kill Skizz, someone who has been nothing but kind to him and who is being hunted down just because he has few hearts and fewer allies, he lets people complete red tasks on him that end with him getting hurt, he gives his life away to his friends and teammates without being asked.
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sunnygrey99 · 2 years
The Silent Witch In The Woods Pt. 8
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~Trigger Warning: Gore, Typical TWD warnings. Angst (minors DNI)~
A/N: Sooooo there's one chapter left but this also might be one of those stories I just never stop writing? Like main plot is complete in the next chapter unless I split it since its a longer chapter. Let me know what you guys think. Also the next story I will be posting is going to likely be Eddie Munson and/or Steve Harrington, so if you like either of them let me know if you want at
As the week slowly progresses on Daryl is brought back to your home to continue his bed rest which you find more and more difficult to force him to complete. Everyday he tries something to get up and do. This morning as it nears the end of the week you wake up to the familiar smell of Daryl’s cooking. It has you shooting out of bed and down the stairs in an instant. As you round the corner and find him standing there over the stove as if he isn’t in any pain anymore you huff. He looks over his shoulder at you and chuckles lightly, “Yer too late to stop me girl, ya might as well sit and eat with me.” 
His words have you playfully rolling your eyes and you move forward pulling plates and forks out for the two of you. Once you both are sitting down and eating you finally turn to him. Why do you keep fighting me on your bed rest? I know you have to still be in pain. Its something that has Daryl lost for words for a few moments. 
“I aint in that much pain. ‘Sides you were up in minutes after that same magic thing you did to me.” It dawns on you then that you really never explained how your magick works to Daryl. He’s been pushing himself for no good reason. 
Daryl, my tattoos protect me from the brunt of the pain that I’d feel from those spells. You are feeling the pain that you would have felt the entire healing process in a much shorter time. Mine was nearly halved because of my protections. You shouldn’t push yourself because I was up sooner. Please be careful. His eyes are locked onto every movement of your hands before he nods. 
“Alright little witch I’ll go back to bed after this.” He sits and eats silently with you. Its comfortable as you finish up and lightly brush your shoulder against him. That same small shock bringing further comfort. He doesn’t fight staying in bed for the last few days, And you couldn’t be happier. 
Daryl’s first day back out they have him on watch duty and Rick has tasked you with freshening up your wards and checking the perimeter for any weak spots. You’ve donned your protective cloak and satchel with all the things you’d need before heading to the gate. You see Daryl standing up there you catch his eye. His expression lifts momentarily from his usual stoic one to a lite smirk before he looks away. As you get closer you sign for them to open the gate which immediately has Daryl snapping at you. 
“What the hell ya mean? Ain’t noone allowed out yet, and I sure as hell ain’t lettin’ you go out there alone.” He looks more angry than you’ve ever seen him. He’s never snapped at you. You’ve seen glimpses of it with others and heard stories from Rick, Glenn, and Maggie how hotheaded he use to be but this is a first. 
It leaves you stunned for a moment before you slowly sign Rick asked me to put up wards. Im not going far at all. Daryl I’ll be fine.
He only scuffs before talking “Hell nah. Ain’t riskin’ it” Daryl doesn’t even give you a chance to sign before turning and ignoring you. 
It immediately sets you off. You start climbing the dingey metal ladder up to him. His back still turned to you. Tapping his arm lightly but still conveying your anger and annoyance, he still choses to face away from you. Eyes rolling and a huff escapes you. Checking over the other side of the fence you estimate the distance. You can handle that jump, runes etched in your skin with natural inks are sure to protect you. Its worked before. You don’t think too  much on it before securing your bag on your back and pulling your gloves tight. Gripping the rail you fling yourself over and quickly slide down the side. 
Daryl tries reaching for you before you slide but just narrowly misses. It leaves him stunned as you full stand and he realizes you are entirely fine and intact. “The hell did you just do that for! Ya coulda gotten hurt!”
Your only response to him and a single finger in the air before walking away and going to do what you were asked by Rick. Daryl’s angry words traveled behind you before one of the other’s on duty must have gotten him to let it go. At least for now. 
It took you only an hour to check and refresh everything, but by the last rune you don’t want to go back to the settlement just yet. That would mean confronting Daryl or worse being confronted by him and you just aren’t ready. So for the rest of the day you gather anything you could have use for in your balms. There’s plenty of maple trees near by that you spend time gathering some sap and bark. It isn’t until the light starts to take a golden hue that you start to head back. Daryl still sitting at the top of the wall with a sour look on his face. Your steps slow and you refuse to make eye contact with him and only look to the other person on wall duty which happened to be Glenn. He nodded to you with a sympathetic look before opening the gate for you. 
Its only a few seconds of silence before you hear Daryl climbing down the same metal latter you had earlier. However instead of him confronting you with harsh words and a venomous additude he stalks off in the direction of your shared home. You turn to look and Glenn, What the fuck is his problem today?
He shrugs at your words “He hasn’t left since you left earlier. I think he just wanted to make sure you came back. He gets like this when he is worried about people.” Glenn’s reasoning made sense to you but that didn’t squash the anger you had at Daryl still. What he did was disrespectful and you still plan on letting him know that once he gets a taste of his own medicine. 
You head back to the infirmary and categorize the new ingredients you have and take your sweet time doing so. Everything pristinely packaged and placed. You even reorganize the medications cabinet alphabetically and by use. It isn’t until you look to the clock on the wall and read the hands saying it was 3:47a.m. meaning Daryl would be asleep or already out on wall duty again. Stalking your way back to the house and belining to the kitchen you see a bowl left out for you. It first has your heart warming before that bitter feeling settles in at the memory of the previous morning. You cover the bowl and put it in the fridge opting for an apple and then throwing the core in the compost trash once you finish. Its only then that you hear Daryl’s heavy booted footsteps coming down the stairs. You go around through the dining room and back around to the steps to avoid running into the man. Its a success and has you quietly rushing to your room and shutting the door with a flick of the lock. 
The next 3 days are spent entirely avoiding his existence just as he had ignored you. But everything comes to an boiling point eventually right? Just a matter of time before it’s too much.
Part 9 Coming soon
If you would like to be tagged in my works please feel free to message me and let me know who/what fandoms you’d like to be tagged in. I plan to write for at least The Walking Dead, Shameless(US), Marvel(MCU and Comics), DC(All), and Teen Wolf
Those who asked to be tagged. <3
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dienamights · 2 years
Personal trainer Bakugou would make a good prompt. Like if you start complaining or whining, he'll give you a few good smacks across the thighs or ass. And if you continue to whine, he'll take you into the locker room, bend you over on his lap and spank you for being a brat about fitness and because you ASKED him to train you and that is exactly what he will do😆
Bestie westie, nothing gets me through the day in the gym other than personal trainer!bakugou
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You’re shuffling inside the massive gym in a cute matching set that took you hours to find, it’s overwhelming to be with so many people in one spot, you really don’t wanna risk the chance of someone pointing out your attire.
The gym is known for having hardcore intense personal trainers, worked with celebrities and are always there to help you reach your athletic goals. 
When you ask for their rates, they ask you which one you want and you’re taken aback at being given the option to choose? Like you’re a sultan choosing one of his harems as they stand side by side like the candy they oh so deliciously are.
But one catches your eye, he moves with nothing but confidence, you can feel it with every flex of his muscles, picking up barbells and weighted plates like they’re child’s play, because to him they probably are.
“Are you sure?” The gym owner scratches the back of his neck when you point him out, smiling sympathetically at your confused head tilt. “Just know bakugou’s a real hardass with timing, one minute late and he scrapes you off of his schedule for good,”
But when you look up to meet his eyes, you’re reminded of poppy meadows, of warmth after ruthless winters, of sunshine and rays of gold kissing your skin.
“I’m sure, need the discipline if ya know what i mean,”
Yeah, you’d live to eat those words.
Its your first week and you can barely walk straight, bumping onto lockers and tripping on your own two feet.
“Ha? The fuck is this? Mama deer just popped you out and yer learnin to walk? We aint got all day princess lets go.” And you follow him, poor soul, grunting and groaning and whining, louder with every set, higher with every smack on your ass whenever you mess up your posture.
After your session you’re sprawled on the ground, counting the stars crossing your vision and hoping to god it’s been an hour because this is what hell on earth is all about.
Suddenly you’re legs are tucked to your chest, manhandled as bakugou bends your legs farther than you think you can take them, his hands are incredibly concerningly warm, long fingers wrapping around your plush thighs and pushes. 
He’s hovering over you at this point, biting his lip when you toss your head back with a moan too lewd for the publicity of the gym, and you catch his eyes fall down to his pants before he angles his pelvis away from you.
Personal trainer!bakugou that’s incredibly handsy when it comes to you, hands on your inner thighs, chest pressed against your back, hands around your waist, all with the excuse of fixing your posture.
Personal trainer!bakugou that makes sure that he makes a show of hip thrusting your weight when you come in for your session. That doesn’t miss the way you press your legs together watching him sweat and glisten on the floor, having no trouble waiting for him to finish if that’s what he’s doing.
Also, personal trainer!bakugou that smacks your ass after every session, fighting the urge to bend you over whenever you squeal away from him. You’re just so cute, he knows you’re wearing those incredibly tight leggings for his eyes, who else is giving you that much attention anyways?
The same bakugou that would smack your ass many sessions later and kinda just stills for a moment, squeezing at the flesh with a handsome smirk that shows his gums, “yer firmin up princess, love to see it.”
Personal trainer!bakugou that already knows the rush hours and the dead hours of the gym and asks you to reschedule your training session, only to find the place empty with the exception of a few. That urges you to visit the sauna the gym offers to relax your muscles with an encouraging pat on your ass.
Personal trainer!bakugou that can’t help himself but barge in while you’re alone in the sauna, taking advantage of your lack of attire as he yanks your towel off of you to admire you. That wants to see if he can make you groan even louder than his workouts with his tongue deep in your -interestingly already sticky- cunt.
Personal trainer!bakugou that has been waiting for this moment for far too long, rattling the lockers as he hoists you up against them, pushing his fat cockhead between your slick walls and watching your lips spread at his girth as he bullies his way inside.
Personal trainer!bakugou that feels bad for fucking the absolute shit out of you and offers to help you stretch out. Only to end up folding you and rutting his hips against yours before tearing your cute leggings right off.
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whitexwingedxdoves · 3 years
I’m with you | request
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Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Pronouns: Gender identity not specified. (They/Them pronouns used) Warnings: Language Summary: Daryl finds you in the forest with a broken foot, when he brings you back to the prison he runs into a problem with the group accepting you. A/N: Requested by @hail-yourselves  Tags:  @browneyes528 @phoenixblack89 @srhxpci @jodiereedus22 @witch-of-letters​ @fantaziescapade​
The shooting pain in your foot made it difficult for you to continue to walk, you managed to pull yourself to some rocks and sat down beside them. You cradled your foot hoping to relieve some pressure but to no avail. Your ankle had swollen to the size of a tennis ball and even though you weren’t a doctor you knew for sure your foot was not meant to bend that way. You groaned to yourself, allowing your full body to lay among the mossy floor. You stared up into the tree’s just hoping life would give you some sort of break. It felt bizarre laying on the floor, it was an action you chose to avoid, for months now you had been climbing trees and securing yourself to rest for the night, you figured it was the best way to avoid the dead but now with your foot presumably broken you knew that would be next to impossible to achieve.
You were looking for anything to distract you from the pain that swelled in your foot but you didn’t expect it to come in the form of footsteps. You reached for your bow and armed yourself as quickly as you could sitting up perfectly straight to observe the surrounding areas. You became very aware of your inability to move when you heard the footsteps getting closer, your heart started to beat loudly but you managed to keep your breathing stable, yet another life saving hack you had to learn the hard way.  The footsteps seemed to be coming from behind you and you turned as much as you could, aiming your weapon directly in front of you. The tip of your arrow seemed to be pointing towards a man, an alive man. The first one you had seen in a while. You kept your weapon aimed at him as you watched him slowly creep around you, he had a crossbow ready and aimed in your direction “Drop it” he growled in your direction. You took a moment before you reluctantly lowered your bow to the ground, you kept your hands up to prove to the man that you had no intentions of killing him. 
“I have food in my bag, take whatever you want. I don’t want any trouble!” He never let down his guard but he seemed to take in your situation. He nodded towards your foot, his weapon seemed to point in its direction also causing you to shuffle slightly on the ground. 
“S’appened to ya foot?” you looked at the foot in question and shrugged before the man
“Must have broken it fighting off the dead” you let your eyes meet his again, he lowered his weapon a little but not all the way.
“Ya with anyone?” your head dropped at his question, you just shook your head remembering the people you had lost along the way. “What’s ya name?” 
“Y/N” you quickly responded, you watched him carefully for a response or at least to learn his name but before he even had a chance to reply you moment was intruded on by the dead. 
There were far too many for both of you to kill, you had little arrows left and it seemed he didn’t have much to his name either. You reached for your bow and started taking down as many as you were capable of. You glanced over at the stranger for a moment, you watched him wrestling with one of them, clinging onto his knife. He didn’t notice the one that was creeping up behind him, you took  your aim and sent your last arrow into its skull. The man turned immediately to watch the dead fall after taking care of the one he was wrestling with. His eyes shot wide before he darted towards you, he helped you up to your feet and your arm fell on his shoulders, you were slightly confused by his heroism but didn’t complain as you hobbled as fast as you could to get to safe ground. 
You made it out of the woods with the mystery man, he kept his hold on you as you hobbled down the road. He didn’t say much to you nor did you to him but you kept glancing over at him taking in the details of his face. It wasn’t lost on you how attractive he was despite looking like he hadn’t showered in a lifetime. You finally came to a stop outside what had previously been a prison, people came running to the gates to assist the man and allowed you both in. 
“Daryl, who the hell is that?” one of the people called. Daryl, that was his name, you thought it suited him well. 
“Y/N, got a broken foot!” he grunted, leading you further into the prison. You looked around at the surroundings completely amazed that a place like this even existed, you figured anyone else alive were just doing the same as you, scavenging and pitching up camp whenever they got too tired to keep walking. 
“You can’t just bring people back here, what if they’re dangerous!” a woman now chimed in, following you and Daryl up to the prison. “We have too much to deal with as it is!” The archer stopped in his tracks, turning around making you hobble with him as he faced the girl. 
“Y/N saved my damn life out there, can’t just leave em on their own ta die!” though his words were sweet he seemed to spit them at her before continuing on his path. 
“It’s just another mouth to feed that we can’t afford and without Rick-“ Daryl cut her off before she could finish, this time he turned without you, leaving you to stand on your own with great difficulty. 
“Rick goin crazy aint exactly ma problem! I’ll deal with feedin’ em. You jus worry bout ya damn self!” you felt the need to interject, you hated that your presence had caused a riff with the group, you knew they must have gone through a lot together to still be here and you didn’t want to be the cause of their downfall. 
“Look, I’ll leave I don’t want to be a bother” the archer shot you a look which only made you recoil a little more, backing up as much as you could as he approached you. 
“Na, ya stayin’, can’t do shit on tha’ foot!” you sighed at his words and turned your head towards the woman who seemed set on sending you back out alone.
“Once my foot’s better I can pull my weight, I’ve gotten pretty good at hunting –“ as you tried to make your case with her, you felt Daryl’s hand on your arm tightly squeezing it. He pulled you away from the situation and back up towards the building. 
“Don’t fuckin sell ya self” he growled, letting his grip go lose to pull your arm over his shoulders once more. 
You got inside the prison just fine, still using Daryl as a crutch. He didn’t say anything to the people he passed nor did they speak anything to him. You noticed a baby in the arms of a young boy which only made your heart hurt a little, thinking of the horrors that boy must have gone through that the baby will surely have to experience one day. You reached one of the cells and the man let you go to lay down on the bottom bunk of the bed. You let yourself sink into the mattress, the feeling felt so foreign yet it reminded you of home. You closed your eyes to perfectly picture your old bedroom, remembering the scent of your freshly cleaned sheets. You let your eyes open at the feel of the mattress shifting slightly, you watched Daryl as he rummaged through your satchel. He threw the protein bars you managed to find on the bed beside you and the packets of powdered mash potato soon followed. He pulled out three small, white packets of vegetable seeds that had been laying in your bag for a while now, he finally looked up at you, cocking his brow at his find. “I found them a while back, thought If I found somewhere safe enough I could plant them” he grunted at your words before throwing the seeds back into your bag and pulled out your flask, he shook it to figure out how much water remained in side but quickly realised there was nothing occupying the flask. 
He pushed himself from the bed and made his way towards the door “Daryl” you called out, hoping that you had remembered his name correctly. He stopped in the doorway and looked back at you “Thank you” you whispered sending him a smile, he bit down on his lip not entirely sure how to take your thanks.
“Get some rest” he finally replied before leaving you alone in the room which you would soon come to know was his.  
Daryl made his way across the court yard after filling your flask up with water but he was caught by the women from before, Maggie was her name, another thing you’d later learn. “Why you so dead set on helpin’ them?” she was blunt and straight to the point, the southerner just grunted at her words, fidgeting with the cap on your flask. “Daryl!” she continued to press the man until he couldn’t bare her voice anymore.
“Reminds me of someone” he whispered before pushing past her to continue his journey back to you.  Maggie followed after him, tried to get more information on who it was you bore resemblance to but he never answered her. He wasn’t quite ready to share that part of his past with anyone just yet.
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eldritchtickles · 3 years
Widogast’s Wavering Feathers
Right so here is the fic for @chockfullofsecrets that they requested i think like 7 months ago?? At least I know that’s when I started the fic cause holy shit do I write slow as hell. Tho it turned out really well in my opinion and I’m pretty happy with it lmao. Also thanks to @meltedhoneythighs for the onslaught of CR tickle ideas! Ok enough talking enjoy...
Wordcount: 2141
SFW but if tickles aint your thing idk enjoy still I guess lmao
The Xhorhaus was quiet tonight. It  hadn’t been long since its owners had slept here, between whatever intrepid adventures they had all been on. The windows were open, their curtains billowing softly to show the moonlit city of Rosohna outside, its dark streets uninhabited. It took time to become acquainted with the eternal twilight of the Drow city, but it’s sights were nonetheless striking.
Though this peaceful sight is broken by the sudden appearance of a cat, jumping to the windowsill. A Bengal cat, who slowly lowered itself to the room that his owner was currently sitting in.
Frumpkin purred as he brushed up against the coat of Caleb, who gave his familiar a soft smile and scratched his head, earning a happy purr. Before the wizard lay an open book of incantations, his other hand and sleepy eyes gently tracing the arcane words and sigils with soft fingers.
“You are a good cat aren’t you, huh?”, he asked softly, keeping his voice down. He pulled the cat into his lap to continue petting. “Did you see any of our friends out and about?”
Though Caleb couldn’t understand his fae pet in words so much, their magical bond gave him the gist of the message. The rest were fast asleep, which worked perfectly for Caleb’s late night magic experiments. It was nights like these when he developed new spells, such as Widogast’s Vault of Amber. The night air, Frumpkin as his sole companion, no distractions from the usual antics of the Mighty Nein… It was a quiet moment to practice and perfect, a time Caleb cherished when it came about. Though tonight wasn’t as much a practice session, and more… A personal project.
“I think I might just have it, my fluffy friend.”, the redhead said with a slight excited grin that only appeared on his face when he talked about magic. “But first let’s make sure we won’t be disturbed, ja?”
Going toward the door, Caleb shrugged off his jacket and scarf before looking out into the hallway. All doors were closed, just the creaks of beds as his companions shifted in their sleep. From his component pouch, he pulled a thin silver wire and drew it across the hall either side of the door. It shimmered and seemed to leave a trail of silvery light as Caleb cast Alarm, so that any night time wanderers would be caught before they could intrude on him. Once he was sure he wouldn’t be disturbed, Caleb shut the door and skipped the pages of the tome to the spell he had been working on…
“Ja, that should work..”, he muttered. Four globules of light fwoomped from his outstretched palm. Showing the diagrams Caleb was looking at. Those brown eyes widened, lights reflected in them, as a blush rose to his cheeks. His fingers traced the list of components; strip of cloth, line of string… Feathers.
In their last few weeks of travel, Caleb had noticed the others being a bit more physical. Friendly punches were thrown, Jester and Caduceus gave hugs now and then, but one thing Caleb had noticed more than anything. The wiggling fingers, playful grins, the bubbling laughter… They had started some tickle fights. And it looked really fun, though the reclusive wizard would never say so. Caleb remembered the sensation, remembered enjoying it from his parents and Astrid… yet he hadn’t experienced the sensation since escaping from the Volstrucker agents. No, since joining the Volstrucker if he was being honest to himself.
Caleb would never join in with the others of the Nein, instead burying his head in a book. He would love to, but it wasn’t as if he was that close to any of them to ask for it. Veth would understand, she always did. Jester, he was sure, would be more than happy to oblige. But the embarrassment of asking, of being that open? That was what stopped him.
So here Caleb was, readying himself to try create this sensation through arcane means. He let out a small sigh, before putting his hands before him like a conductor would. He picked up the cloth, tied the sting around one end. Then he uttered the arcane words, stroked the feather across the cloth, and then…
Frumpkin let out a cry, before scurrying off Caleb’s lap. The scruffy wizard turned to see his cat on top of the bed, looking apprehensively at something behind his master.
“Frumpkin? Is something the matter?”, he asked, cocking his head. “Did you hear someTHIHING!!”
A sudden half chuckle, half squeak escaped Caleb’s lips, hand going down to brush at his hip where he had felt a sort of tingle. Looking down he saw the cause. A feather, ghostly and ethereal, floating in the air! It wiggled up at Caleb, almost like a greeting. Caleb couldn’t help but laugh again. More out of excitement this time, looking to Frumpkin with that rare ‘magic-is-so-exciting’ smiles.
“We did it!! I knew we could-“
Before he could finish, the feather flew in front of his face. It shook side to side, almost like it was shaking his head. Caleb couldn’t help but smile slightly, it was a cute little thing.
“You really are an animated little one, aren’t you?”, he chuckled. Then the feather started pointing, behind him. Caleb turned his head, before the smile dropped.
Floating there were another four feathers. The first joined them again. Shit, it was only supposed to make one! He had missed something. But that didn’t matter, as all five feathers pointed at him and started wriggling towards him.
“Oh.”, Caleb said, a goofy nervous grin finding its way to his face as he scooted back. “Sheisse.”
All at once the feathers converged on the man who had created them, as the ginger headed magician let out a sharp gasp of surprise. One of these ghostly feathers flew underneath the book holsters pressed against his side, earning a loud but gentle squeak. This reminded Caleb of another part of this spell; it was designed to be felt on bare skin, no matter what was worn. What was the point if some armour blocked their ticklish touch? Already, he regretted this decision.
“N-Nein!! Stohoho- Ah!! Out of thehehere!!”, he giggled out, trying to bat that feather away from his ribs as it nuzzled ticklishly into his poor ribs. This left his other side open, which he soon figured out as one of the feather’s siblings sawed directly under his arm with the stiff, soft bristles of its magical form. “AAAhahaha!! Y-You lihihittle shit!!”
The tickles now began to overwhelm, Caleb feeling this sensation as a fresh one considering his lack of ticklish touch over the years. He fell on to his back as the twin offenders flicked and rubbed along ribs and armpits, prompting bubbly giggles from the usually stoic magic user. These soft giggles were interrupted then by a loud yelp, as another feather joined the fray. He felt as it stroked along his sole, causing a violent kick of his leg. His yelp calmed back to a flurry of giggles as the feather flew up to his face, tapping his nose as if to say ‘stay still’. Then it flew back to his foot, its slow, methodical strokes earning a loud whine from Caleb that dissolved into giggles once more. It wasn’t long after that the fourth joined the fray, sawing beneath his toes which added squeaks to his already excited laughter.
Then, finally, his initial feathery friend returned to his view. It was longer than the rest and glowed brighter, seeming to be the ringleader of the group. It fluttered under his nose, earning a snort and a waving hand, nodding as if happy it had earned his attention. Then it placed itself on his chest, before sloooooowly tracing down his abdomen, approaching a certain spot.
“WAIT!! No, pleheheheeeeaaaase!! Not thehehere, just-”
Both wizard and feathers stopped their antics suddenly, frozen it seemed in place, as another magical source poked into the fray.
“Oh no.”
“Caleb…? Caleb what the fuck are you doing…?”, came a groggy voice from beyond the door. The perpetrator who had broken the Alarm spell. The one person who Caleb knew would never let him live this down.
“Beauregard!”, he shouted, trying to stand before a flurry of feathery movements at his feet kept him lying down, a hand clamping over his mouth. These damned feathers… “I-I’m sorry to have woken you. Please, go back to bed, I’ll be doing so myself soon.”
A groan from behind the door.
“Caleb it’s the middle of the fucking night- …. I think, it’s hard to tell here… But you gotta get some sleep.”, the monk said with a yawn and a stretch, beginning to open the door. Empire Siblings, no knocking from either of them.
“Wait, Beau, don’t-”
But it was too late. The door swung open, and Beau stood frozen for a moment. There was Caleb, propped up on his elbows, face flushed a deep red with hair in a messy bun, askew in his eyes. Surrounding him, the ethereal feathers waved cheerfully to the newcomer.
Beau immediately lost it.
“You-”, she started, overcome with laughter at the sight again. “You were tickling yourself?!”
“L-Look, I know it must seem- NAHAHAAAA!!”
It seemed the feathers had become tired waiting around, as the ringleader hit its mark. Swirling around his navel, before drilling directly into it with its feathered fronds. Caleb was immediately lost in laughter as his death spot was attacked. Only a few seconds later, its brethren joined the fray and resumed their attack on previous spots.
“BEAUREGAHAHAHAHARD!!”, the wizard yelled, trying his absolute best to curl up and bat away his assailants. “HEHEHEHELP MEHEHEHE!!”
“Oh”, Beau began, a grin forming on her face as she approached the giggly man before her. “I’ll help alright! After all, you wanted this right Caleb~?”
Before Caleb’s eyes could fully widen at the realisation, Beau had already grabbed his arms and, after a quick strength contest, pinned his arms above his head and began to scribble her short nails underneath them. The new sort of sensation shot through Caleb like an arc of lightning, his back arching as his laughter reached a higher pitch, a loud snort ripping through the room. The displaced feathers moved down, both attacking exposed hipbones as his shirt had started to ride up to show his soft stomach with his new stretched out position.
“Daaaaaamn Caleb, you are crazy ticklish huh?”, she tittered, digging into the soft spot just underneath his armpits to earn a squeal. “You must reeeeaaaaally like it if you designed a spell too~! How long you been at this huh? Must have been a real long time… Could’ve worked on a more useful spell if you had just asked one of us to do this you know~.”
Caleb’s mind began to melt with the teasing words of Beau’s gravelly ‘I-just-woke-up’ voice, each word spiking his sensitivity through the roof. The contrast of sensations between languid feathery strokes, quick soft twirling, and digging, scratching nails had the poor man addled, his thoughts going mushy with the onslaught of this sensation he had craved for weeks now.
It was torture. And he was embarrassed to admit, he loved it.
A few minutes of laughter, begging, teasing and tickles later, the ethereal feathers all gave one last flourish before a quick flash of light indicated the end of the spell. Beau grinned down at her friend, blushy with his hair matted to his face, chest heaving for breath, and decided maybe now may be a chance to call it quits.
“Well its only my first time being a spell apprentice, but I think I’m a natural!”, she said, letting go of Caleb’s arms and helping him up to sit with his back against the bed, where she soon joined him with a signature cheeky smirk of hers. “You agree~?”
Caleb couldn’t keep the grin off his face. He let out a breathless laugh, patting her thigh with his hand.
“I think I may just have to agree for once, Beauregard…”, he muttered, eyes closed and content. “Though I suppose the whole house is awoken by now…?”
“Oh, for sure, I mean I saw Fjord pass by the room to get some of those earplugs Caducueus made, I think everyone knows, dude.”
“Well…”, Caleb said, beginning to sit up and look through his scattered spellbook. His hand traced arcane shapes in the air, and he cast a stray eye to Beau with a smirk. “If that’s the case, another test is in order. Ready apprentice Beauregard?”
“I think you’re a bit tired for-”
Then Beau felt the feathery trace along her neck, earning a soft giggle before she suddenly snapped her head towards Caleb.
“Caleb, Caleb no, Caleb you motherfuckehehEHEHEHER!!!!”
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sseroxy · 3 years
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😳new refs for the Mother Morgona AU+doodles
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also i changed my mind on the crystal around her neck, it's the same one as the first ref
(info dump, long as hell bc this AU has the entire Trollhunters story involved)
in the AU, Claire is raised by Morgona and the other villains becuase of chance and an accident caused by Angor Rot
He returns to Morgona with a baby, thinking the parents were dead and was going to kill the child too but Morgona ordered him to bring it back to her
she inspected the child and decided to make it her own, fitting for a queen to have an heir, and a human no less, and so orders Angor to raise the child in her image, with assistance from Bular, Strickler and so on (in this version, they work together from the start, and Angor Rot is sent to his endless sleep much later in the story)
And so Claire was raised as a killer and sorceress, helping take out anyone needed, and taking care of matters needed at day time with Strickler
She has a shadow beast form to keep her identity a secret and make the trolls think theres a troll immune to sunlight and that uses dark magics
After the death of Kanjigar, they cant claim the amulet due to civillians surrounding the area too quickly, even if Claire could take it in the sun
Jim gets the amulet, making him a target and Claire the perfect one to retreive it
She puts on a ruse like Strickler, moving in with the Nunez family as an "exchange student" to the high school to find Jims weakness (esp after Bular failed to kill him the first time) and just for hell of it
Jim falls in love with her instantly (because haha thats fun) so she uses it to her advantage to get close
Enrique is switched for the changeling and Claire has Jim babysit him bc she has "other important matters" to attend to which is just sly talk for Morgona needs her at the moment and she wanted to see if NotEnrique could kill Jim
Jim finds out hes a changeling, and NotEnrique tells Claire what happened, who decides to make the most of it. Because the gate didnt open, she makes the goblins angry at her, making sure Jim knows about it so he can “reveal” his secret and make him a target for Nomoura to take him to bridge to open it
The plan fails, but Claire decides to use Jim’s humanity to get him to try to get to the Darklands to “save” Enrique
The usual stuff happens, but just Claire is edgy bc yes, though because she does change a bit as she sees Jim’s determination to help her *cough* kinda like how Strickler fell for Barbara *cough*
 Strickler awakens Angor Rot (who’s been out not as long as in the series)
When Angor Rot meets the kids in battle, he and Claire end up chatting a bit while pretending to fight, Angor telling Claire to get the ring to free him
The Shattered King ep happens a similar way, except Angor gives Claire the Shadow Staff (bc it was originally hers but she couldnt carry it around just in case) so this gives her a reason to have it without being sus, and Claire gives Angor the Kill gem
Angor decides to have Jim get his ring (bc he’s expendable) much to Claire’s dismay (haha bc she’s starting to like him)
Everything happens as usual now that Angor’s soul is gone
Season 2, Claire is becoming like Strickler as she sticks around Jim more, and ends up betraying her original goal a bit to “keep up appearances” and is just buying time for Jim to get out of the Darklands and get what he needs to kill Gunmar. (even if she doesnt realize it)
Now with Gunmar free and taking over Trollmarket, she makes the final decision to turn her back on them and save the trolls with the Shadow Staff
Things happen as normal up until episode 4, where Morgona is able to reach out to her and learn what she did, taking over to finish what she started
The exorcism happens, and Claire finally tells the others who and what she really is and about Morgona’s plan, which of course catches everyone by surprise and causing a lot of tension (esp since she kinda killed people/trolls, Kanjigar included, let’s just say Draal aint happy)
She tries to help out as much as she can now, esp with full control of the staff without Morgona and the rest of the season happens as normal (with tension as hell)
The only difference to the end is Morgona attempting to take control of Claire again but failing and gets her a** kicked bc i just wanted to see Claire put that b*tch in her place in the series :)
And there ya go, the entire story of the AU
Claire is a lot stronger in the AU, and Gunmar and his goons try to cast eternal night way earlier bc they know Morgona’s real and is still kickin
Also Claire 100% still uses the shadow beast form and her armor stays the different design
And Jlaire is still canon but an enemies to lovers bc who doesnt love an enemies to lovers
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sophialikesthings · 3 years
Death Of Me Chapter 7
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Song: Helium- Glass Animals (IYKYK 💙💚) "This is the stupidest drawing in the world. Who drew this?" I laughed looking at Kiara.
"Who do you think?" She looked over at  Pope.
"Kie, your plan better work because there is no way we can pawn these off with a symbol on it." JJ walked over tossing the gold in front of us.
"It's gonna work." She held up a blow torch.
I helped JJ set up the pot where we would melt off the wheat symbol.
Once the gold was melted down we all hopped in the van and headed towards the local pawn shop.
"Hell of a job melting it down, Dr.Frankenstein." JJ hopped out of the van looking at the poorly melted glob of gold.
"Like you could have done any better?"
"I could have done much better, I took a welding class"
"Guys chill, all that matters is that the wheat symbol is gone." I tried to mediate the situation
"Easy for you to say. You're not the one that has to pawn this piece of shit off." JJ held up the gold.
"How did I get this job anyway?"
"Because you're the best liar." Pope said as we headed inside.
"Afternoon ma'am" JJ took his cap off.
"I see you buy gold." He took off his backpack, the rest of us pretended to look around the store.
"That's what the sign says don't it?"
"Well, I sure hope you buy a lot of it, because I'm about to blow your mind." He pulled it out.
"I ain't got much mind left to blow, so have at it kid."
"How 'bout them gold apples." he set it down in front of the store clerk.
"That ain't real." She chuckled
"That ain't real?" JJ repeated her.
"Feel how heavy it is."
She struggled to pick it up and grabbed her magnifier glass and looked closely as if she was examining every inch of it.
"Spray painted tungsten." She looked at him
She grabbed a hammer and hit a corner of it.
"If that wasn't real gold would you dent it that easily ma'am?" JJ questioned her judgement.
"Hold your horses." She put on her glasses
After bickering back and forth she put it on a scale.
"Seven pounds thats a lot of earrings." She didn't believe his lie.
JJ went on about how his mom had 'alzhimers', trying to gain sympathy from her.
She walked away to go get someone from the back.
"Alzhimers? Are you kidding me JJ?" I questioned his lying capabilities. "What? Got me out of many detentions so why not try it now?"
The owner came back out and started talking prices with JJ I kind of zoned out looking at 'Vintage Jewelry' with Sarah.
Before I knew it we were headed to the pawn stores warehouse to get the money.
"JJ, How in the world did you get away with an Alzheimer's lie?" I laughed.
"Listen man, we got the money didn't we?"
Suddenly we heard the sounds of police sirens telling us to pull over.
As we were trying to stash the gold someone pointed a gun at John B, Unfortunately I knew exactly who this was.
We all carefully did as instructed lying down on the ground while he went through the van.
John B got up and quickly ran to Barry's car grabbing the car keys and waiting till Barry got back in the car, strangling him getting back the gold he took. JJ ran over to help him get the gold back. While they were throwing punches I scooped up the gold from the passenger's seat and ran back to the van.
"I got it! Come on."
"Wait." JJ pulled down his mask.
"I know this piece of shit!" JJ couldn't believe it
"He's a base head."
"Probably knows my brother." Sarah panted.
"He does."
"He sells coke to my dad." JJ squared up.
"Mrs. Country Club!" Before Barry could finish speaking, JJ punched him.
"Let's go see where this son of a bitch lives?" JJ started walking.
"I'm gonna remember this shit!" Barry threatened.
=== "I should get back to my place, I'll see you later JJ." I hugged him tightly.
After I let go I walked back into my house to see the boys hanging out outside.
"Hey!" I greeted them
"There you are! I was wondering where you went?" Rafe hugged me kissing the top of my head.
"Rafe Cameron!" I heard Barry pull up out front.
"Fuck!" I ran inside to my room, opening the window so I could hear their conversation.
"What are you doing here man? Are you good?" Rafe asked, pulling him over to the side.
"No, I aint good man."
"Alright what happened."
"Why's your family think I'm just some bitch they can shit on?" Barry asked. "First your dad kneecaps me in my house, then I have to deal with your sister and your girlfriend breaking into my house and stealing my shit." He got upset.
I saw Topper's face change, he looked up at me and I felt my heart drop.
"My little sister, Robbed you?" Rafe asked.
"Yeah, Sarah, Demi, and their surfer rat friends stole 25k from me! That is why I'm here."
"Demi wouldn't even pick up a dollar off of the streets." Rafe defended me.
"Sort this shit out or I will! And I wont be nice about it." He barked.
"What are you gonna do?" Topper asked.
"I don't know?  That's not my problem." Rafe chuckled.
"Hey, That's Demi we are talking about." He reminded Rafe.
=== I ran over to the Camerons where Sarah and John B were
"We gotta go, Like now! Barry came over to my house and told Rafe about everything, Rafes coming to get you." I explained out of breath.
We quickly left the lot as soon as we could. We made it about five minutes out when Rafe pulled us over.
"Let me handle it, Sarah, come out when you think it's necessary." I hopped out.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I stomped over.
"There she is!" He took his helmet off.
"Hello? Are you high?" I asked
"Damn it Rafe, we could have run you over."
"I just heard about your little home invasion!" He scoffed.
"What are you talking about?" I acted clueless.
"What would your father, the sheriff, say if he knew you were robbing dealers?"
I heard Sarah step out of the van.
"And you! What would our dad say?" he pointed at her.
"I don't know. You could tell him if he didn't kick you out." she snapped back.
"Listen Demi, I try to take care of you."
"That's a lie" I laughed.
"Who's ungrateful, as always, listen, the guy that you robbed is a bad man, Demi."
"Yeah, I'm aware, Rafe!"
"Listen! He gave me this,okay?" He showed me his arm.
Suddenly Topper decided to show up.
"You take care of your shit, I'll take care of mine!"
"I"m taking care of my shit! Listen Demi, One day I'm gonna be running the show, for us because I love you!"
"A-and I don't like it when we fight." He pulled me in for a hug.
"We will talk about this later."
=== Later That Day === I decided to go and see what JJ was doing because I was bored, oddly I showed up at the house at the same time as Kiara and Pope.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Kiara asked, giving me a hug.
"Checking in on JJ, he had a rough day."
All of a sudden fairy lights come on.
"Where did that come from?" We went to the back of the house to find out.
As we got closer we saw a drunk JJ sitting in a brand new hot tub popping a cork off of a champagne bottle.
"What did you do? JJ." Pope asked.
"I got a jet going straight in my butt right now." He laughed.
"Y'all should get in here immediately. Especially you Demi, you look hot in a bathing suit."
"Salud!" He held up a plastic champagne glass that was in a flamingo drink floatie.
We just looked at eachother confused about the sudden change in JJ.
"JJ? How much did this cost?" I asked.
"Uh...With the generator, the petrol,and oh, hey, express delivery I'd say...pretty much all of it. Yeah." He chuckled as if this was a joke.
"All of it? You spent all of it. In one day?" I replied.
"Yeah, I burned a hole right through my pocket."
I stepped closer to JJ
"But, I mean ,like,come on, guys, like, look at this!" He showed it off.
"Finest in jet-based massage therapy, that's what they told me."
I just stared at him.
"Demi, what? Can't a man have a little luxury in his life? Come on, all this scrimpin' and scrapin'... I mean, like...guys, we-- you only live once, right? Enough of this emotional shit. Get in the Cat's Ass. Come on." He gestured us over.
"In the what?" Kie finally spoke.
"The Cat's Ass. That's what I named her."
"Oh, hey, yo I almost forgot." He flipped a switch causing a disco ball to light up and spin
"Yeah, that's right, I know. Disco mode."
"Are you kidding me! You could have given it for restitution!" Pope yelled
"Or any charity!" Kiara chimed in.
"Or better yet, you could have helped us buy supplies." Pope threw out another suggestion.
I could see him break.
"Ok, you know what, I didn't do that! I got a hot tub!" He stood up. I saw the bruises on his body making me feel sick.
"For my friends." He cried.
"I got a hot tub for my friends, you know what screw friends. I got a hot tub for my family."
I slipped off my shoes and got in with him, wrapping him in my arms as he cried out.
"I can't do it! I can't take him anymore!"
"It's gonna be okay." I kissed his shoulder while his face was nuzzled in the crook of my neck.
Soon Kiara and Pope joined in on the hug.
"I love you JJ." I whispered in his ear.
"I love you too Demi."
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Far From Home
Pairing: Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1,440
Warning: Swearing
Summary: The reader is assigned to go with Peter on his trip to Italy.
Peter Parker Masterlist
A/N: Part of my 100 New Followers Celebration!
Posted: October 11th, 2020
Might make a part Two?
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"Y/N, I need you to go to Italy with Parker." Letting out a frustrated sigh, Nick pinched the bridge of his nose. "I would let him know, if he'd quit ghosting me!"
Everyone in the room, let out a silent laugh careful not to get in trouble with Nick.
"On it." You spoke, standing up, heading to the exit.
"Oh and Y/L/N?" Nick spoke. "Not a word of this to Parker, until I can tell him."
"Of course." You nodded.
"Y/N!" Maria called, jogging to catch up to you.
"Hey, Maria." You greeted, nodding at her.
"So you and Peter, huh?" She questioned with a smirk.
Letting out a groan, you rolled your eyes. "Why does everyone keep saying that?"
"Because the both of you are practically conjoined at the hip." She bumped yours for emphasis.
"No we're not!"
Maria rolled her eyes in return. "Come on, lets' get you packed. You're leaving tomorrow."
"Y/N!" Peter yelled, as you were dragged into the water by the monster.
Peter's voice was the only thing on your mind, as you seemed to get pulled farther and farther below the depth of the water. The monster was strangely stronger than you thought possible.
Before long, something shot into the water causing the monster to disappear. Swimming as fast as you could, you were met with Peter grabbing your hand, yanking you above water.
"What were you thinking?" Peter hissed from beside you.
Still gasping for air, you shot him a glare.
"What? It's an honest question. Why would you do that?"
"Because." You gasped out. "Couldn't let." You continued gasping. "The world needs." Gasp. "Peter Parker."
"That was stupid, Y/L/N." He never called you by your last name. "Even for me." Before you knew it, Peter was gone.
Groaning, you shook your head. Something was going on with Peter, but you weren't sure what.
"Y/N!" Ned and Betty called. "Are you okay?" "Here take my hand."
Taking Ned's hand, he and Betty pulled you out of the water. MJ was quickly in front of you. "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.
"I'm okay, I'm okay." You reassured them, attempting to offer them a warm smile.
"Peter!" Betty yelled. "Where have you been! You missed the water monster that almost killed Y/N!"
"Yeah I saw it." Peter scoffed. "That was a stupid move, Y/L/N." Peter spat bitterly, not caring to let it go.
"Peter." "What's wrong with you!" "Your best friend almost got killed, and that's all you have to say?"
"It's okay guys." You spoke. "I'm...I'm gonna head back to the hotel. I'll catch up with you guys later." You muttered, leaving the group before anyone could protest.
As you rounded the corner, you were met with Nick and Maria. Their faces none too pleased.
"What the hell was that!" They both spoke in unison.
You shrugged. "I was just trying to help....Besides, the monster would've taken Peter, under water."
They groaned.
"The world needs, Spider-man, more than it needs me." You stated softly. "I...I made a promise to Tony. That I wouldn't let anything happen to him, if I could help it."
Maria, shot Nick a sympathetic gaze.
"I aint dealing with this shit." Nick stated, raising his hands. "I'll see you both at dinner."
"Come on, kid." Maria spoke. "Lets' get you cleaned up."
You nodded your head in agreement.
"Do you think we should invite Peter to dinner?" She questioned, smiling.
Sighing, you shook your head. "No. We should let him be." Your voice was filled with sorrow.
"Alright, then." She nodded. "You'll get to officially meet Quentin Beck."
Raising an eyebrow you gazed at her skeptically. "Is there a reason we are trusting this Beck?"
It started to feel the more time you spent in Italy, the more monsters and villians you had to fight. The only team that was assembled while there, was you and Beck. You often, voted leaving Peter out of it, so he could enjoy his trip that he talked so much about.
Much like your two predecessors, you had gotten your power from the Infinity Stones. Wanda, got her powers from the Mind stone while you and Carol got yours from the Space stone. You were strong enough to take on the monsters alone, which most of the time Beck, let you do. However, you were quickly growing exhausted.
Rubbing your eyes, you groaned as you made your way down the stairs. It was an early meeting that Fury had called everyone to. While being exhausted and not watching where you were going, you ran into someone on the stairs.
"Hey watch-" Ned's familiar voice rang through your ears. "Y/N?"
Whipping your head towards his voice, you gazed at him with confusion. "Ned?"
"Where are you going so early? Should I wake Peter?"
"No!" You exclaimed, slightly panicking.
Ned raised his eyebrows and hands in surrender.
"S-Sorry." You huffed, rubbing your face. "It's...It's just, Peter wants to enjoy this trip."
"And you don't?"
"No. I mean, yes. I mean..." You groaned. "I don't know anymore."
"Is everything alright?" He questioned. His voice was filled with sincerity.
"Fine." You huffed. Glancing at your watch you saw that you still had some time to kill. "I don't have long."
"Let's sit."
Sitting on one of the scattered benches in the hotel lobby, you debated venting to Ned.
"Come on, Y/N. I'm one of your best friends."
"It's just that Peter's been acting weird lately."
"He was worried about that water monster getting you."
Scoffing, you crossed your arms along your chest. "He has a funny way of showing it."
"No, I mean, even before the trip." You reminisced.
"I-He-" Ned let out a frustrated huff. The type of huff, you let out when you know more than you can tell someone.
"Ned." You raised an eyebrow. "You know something. What is it?"
"I...I can't tell you."
The small glimmer of hope that bubbled up, quickly popped letting the exhaustion set back in. "Right. Well I have to get going."
"Y/N?" Ned questioned.
Turning around, you gazed at him. "Yeah, Ned?"
"I...Just don't let Beck make you do all the work anymore alright? I'm worried about you."
"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." You fake smiled. "Keep Parker, in line for me will ya? Make sure he gets that kiss with MJ."
Not letting Ned finish his sentence, you were already out the door.
Groaning, you exited the car Maria had picked you up in.
"Are you sure you'll be alright?" Maria asked filled with concern. "I...I can take you to a hospital?"
"No, I'll be alright." You offered a weak smile. "It's just a few scratches."
Limping through the hotel lobby, it felt like your whole body was on fire. You had taken harsh hits, this time around with Beck nowhere in sight. Standing at the bottom of the stairs, it felt like they grew by more than hundreds of steps. Sighing, you glanced at the elevator that had a not in service sign on it. After, what felt like hours, you were finally at the top. Letting out a determined huff, you limped over to your room.
Opening your door, you let out a shriek of surprise before you quickly covered your eyes.
"Y/N!" "Holy shit."
"Uh...Here." Ned quickly came in front of you, pulling one of your hands down allowing him to place his room key in your hand. "P-Peter's out. You can use my room."
Not bothering to respond, you rapidly left before racing as best as you could to Ned's room. Opening the door, you were met with a semi dark room. The TV screen being the only illumination. Shrugging, you figured Ned forgot to turn it off before he left. Leaning against the door, you closed your eyes. You wanted nothing more than a hot shower and sleep.
The sound of someone clearing their throat, along with the lights being switched on, caused you to jump.
"Peter?" You questioned, squinting at the sudden light. "W-What're you doing here?"
"Uh...It's my room?" Peter's voice came out much harsher than he intended. He didn't miss the flinch that came from you.
"Ned said you were out." You muttered. "I...I'm just gonna...Go." Turning around, you opened the door.
Peter's hand clasped around your wrist, preventing you from leaving.  "Stay."
"Are you sure?"  You asked, not daring to close the door. "You haven't wanted to be anywhere near me."
"I'll stay. But on one condition."
"What's that?"
"We don't talk to each other."
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uniquecreations · 4 years
Workplace Lover Pt. 3
This story is the final part from Workplace Lover part 1 & part 2. 
 It had been a few months since I last hung out with Ron outside of work, things between Alton and I had basically died after our last conversation. We were cordial while we were at work and only spoke outside of work when it was work related. Ron was in the process of getting a new job and that was a bit bittersweet because other than us not hanging out as much now then I wouldn’t have anyone to help me get thru those tough days at work. He would always tell me that nothing would change between us, but I knew it would change because with his new job, I knew that he wouldn’t have as much of free time to hang out.
  We were working at a local store on Ron’s last day and I wanted to hurry up and end early because I had set up a lil going away office party for him. Things were going great until Alton decided that he wanted to be petty and fuck up everything he was counting. It was becoming very annoying because I knew he was doing this shit on purpose. After another 20 mins of recounting I finally told him to leave because he was no use to me at that moment. I should have known that would cause a problem between us later, but I would deal with that when it came. Eventually, we got thru the rest of the counts and made our way back to the office for the party. Of course, my workday wasn’t over just yet because I had to close out the store we counted, that caused a problem with Ron. He cussed me out more times than a little bit until I gave in and decided to finish the work when I got home that night.
  The party was not all that great at first, everyone was being a bit uptight because we were still on company property. All that went out the window when Doris came in with a few gallons of Daiquiri's, things began to loosen up and then it became a real party. Music was blasting, food was served, and everyone dancing and having a good time while we had the opportunity. While I was talking with some of our coworkers, I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I turned around it was Alton standing there looking at me like he wanted to fight.
  “I need to talk to you about something.” He said to me just above a whisper.
  “Ok but if you about to start some shit then you can save your breath because I’m not about to deal with this bullshit right now.” I said looking him directly in his eyes. We walked down the shopping center where our office was in, once we were away from the crowd, we stopped, and the silence was starting to annoy me. “So, what you wanna talk about Alton?”
  “About this thing between us and how I felt played you sent me home today for no reason at all.”
  “Are you serious right now dude, you know exactly why I sent you home, it was because you were purposely fucking shit up because you knew what we were doing today for Ron. Now as far as this thing between us goes……… it should have been clear to you by now but in case it isn’t then let me be clear. The most we can ever be is coworkers, nothing more, nothing less, you have a lot of issues that I’m not willing to deal with from a nigga I’m dating or in a relationship with. Your jealousy is a tad bit scary and I have been down that road before and I can’t afford to do it again.”
  “So, you are saying that because I was a little overprotective of you, it was mistaken for jealousy?”
  “It’s a major difference between protecting and jealousy, what you were showing me, and your actions was not protecting me at all, it was all jealousy. That’s just the beginning tho because you also have very controlling ways as well and in case you haven’t figured it out, I’m not a puppy or some other form of animal that you say sit or stay and I obey your command Alton.”
  “Man, you are tripping for real now with all these lies and shit you spitting out yo mouth, you know good and damn well I’m none of those things.” He said squinting his eyes at me.
  “If you say so but you and I can be nothing past coworkers, I would say we can be friends, but we saw where that lead us and now are we done here because I have a party to get to?”
  “I guess dude, but I still feel you dead wrong for telling lies about me.”
  “Alton, nothing I said was a lie you know it and I do as well.” I said trying to walk away but he stopped me by grabbing my arm. “Alton…... don’t put your hands on me.” I said jerking my arm away from him.
  “My bad Jaye but you always walking off from me when I’m trying to get to the bottom of things between us.”
  “The thing about that is this……. Yes, what we had was fun but it’s over now because you can’t get a grip on your jealousy and wannabe controlling ways. All that came after I told you about some of the things I went thru. That was the thing that made me conclude that we are not meant to be together and that’s the part you not seeing.”
  “How about we start over and go back to the beginning?” He asked touching my arm.
   “How about not……... I’m not trying to go there with anyone right now, I have to much going on so thanks but no thanks.” I said and turned around, walked off, and resumed the party that was going on.
About 4 months had passed since the going away party and since I last heard from Alton, I still talked to Ron almost every other day and made plans that we almost never kept. The weekend before my birthday I wanted to go out and do something I didn’t do since I was a little boy and that was fish. I asked Ron to come but he told me he had to work so I just invited a few of my cousins instead. I made it to the spot where we were supposed to be meeting up at, I was a bit surprised that I was the only one that made it early because I was usually the one that was late. I sat in the car for about 10 mins before I saw another car pulling up, when it got near me, I saw that it was my cousin.
  “About damn time you showed up; I was starting to think nobody was going to come.” I said to her once we got out our cars.
  “Shut up I had a long night……. Don’t ask.”
  “I guess but let’s get started so I can collect on that bet.” I said laughing.
  “I don’t know why you would want to bet me knowing I’m going to crush yo ass on catching these fish.”
  “I hear ya but make sure you have my funds bitch.” I said laughing as we got our stuff set up for the day.
   Half the morning went by and we were what and what with the amount of fish we caught. I was reeling in the last fish I caught when I heard another car coming from behind us. I didn’t bother looking back because I knew it was probably the other cousin that was supposed to be here hours ago. I went to put my fish in the cooler and looked back to see the car that pulled in wasn’t my cousin, it was Ron. He walked up to where we were and looked at us like we were crazy.
  “I thought you had to work with yo lying ass.” I said throwing a piece of ice at him out the cooler.
  “I know you aint just throw that nasty ass ice on me……… and I did have to work but I left early so I could come out to this raggedy ass place.” He said sitting in my chair.
  “Well shouldn’t I feel lucky that you actually made time for your friend.” I said rolling my eyes.
  “You should bastard, I didn’t have to waste my gas and since we are talking about that, wasn’t it you the one cancelled on me the last few times?”
  “You fucking liar.” I said and he burst out laughing.
  “I swear if I didn’t know any better……. I would swear yall were an old married couple as much as yall be into it.” My cousin said reeling in another fish.
  “Because he is an asshole.” I said throwing my reel back out into the water, once my reel was secure in the water, I attempted to sit down but instead I hit the ground hard. “You are such a bitch bruh.” I said looking at them both laughing.
  “That’s what yo ass get for talking shit.” We stayed out for a few more hours before my cousin conceded defeat, paid me the bet and left to go home. I was packing up my things with Ron when he pulled me into a headlock. “What else you want to do today punk?” He asked while I was still in the headlock.
  “I might be going to jail if yo dumbass don’t let me go.” I said pinching him in the side. “But I don’t have anything planned but going give these fish to one of my uncles and then go home.”
  “Boring ass, let’s go out and get fucked up bruh.” He said.
  “Ok but I’m not driving and also you know you have to get permission from your boo first.” I said laughing.
  “You do know I’m a grown ass man, right? Plus, we not on good terms right now anyway.” He said shaking his head.
  “Being sprung have nothing to do with being grown it just mean you forgot how to be a man, and when are yall on good terms?” I said while getting in my car.
  “Nah that’s your territory messing with them lame ass niggas but I’ma be over at 8 so be ready.” He said mushing my head.
  “Put yo hands on me again and I’ma tase yo ass bitch.”
  We both left from where we were, I went to go get rid of the fish we caught but got held up talking to my uncle as per usual. When I looked at the time it was approaching 5 o’clock and I still haven’t made it home yet. I finally reached my house after about 5:30, I still needed to take a shower and pick out some clothes for tonight. After taking a shower, I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked to my closet to find something to wear. I picked out my clothes and went laid across the bed, I didn’t plan on going to sleep but my body had a different agenda than I did. I was woken up by someone banging on my door like they had lost they damn mind. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out who it was because it was only one person, I know who would do stupid shit like that.
  “I swear you act like you aint got the sense God gave a mule.” I said swinging the door open and looking at Ron.
  “And I’m sick of yo ass always late for every damn thing and why the hell you don’t have on clothes Jaye?” He said looking at me and shaking his head.
  “Because I dozed off after I showered, but it won’t take long for me to get dressed.” I said walking back to my room.
  “You say that shit all the time and it still take you over an hour……. Hurry up.” He said throwing a pillow off the couch at me.
  “Shut the fuck up, and I told you about coming over here fucking up my house.” I went into the room and begin looking at the outfit I chose to wear. I decided to change it up a little but nothing to major, I grabbed my phone and started playing music to get me in the mood for the night. I put on my playlist and began getting dressed, no sooner than I slid on my underwear, I heard Ron in the living room talking loud ass hell. I paid him no mind because his girlfriend always found a way to make him feel guilty about having fun or doing things without her. I looked down and realized that I was ashy as hell, I grabbed my lotion and began putting it on.
  “Did anyone ever tell you that you got a girl booty?” Ron said from behind me.
  “If you don’t get the fuck outta my room talking bout nonsense.” I said trying to cover myself up.
  “You need to hurry up because I most definitely need a drink now.”
  “Go look in the cabinet…… I think I have something in there you can drink……... I know how you get stressed when she grabs you by the balls.” I said laughing.
  “You always running yo gums about shit you don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said irritated, I looked back at him and could see the frustration on his face.
  “Aww I’m sorry sweetheart you want a hug.” I said holding my arms open, he laughed and shook his head.
  “You not about to touch me while you half naked, now get dressed and let’s go.” He said about to walk out my room.
  “Don’t hate cause I look better than yo bitch, now get out.” I said pushing him out my room, the next thing I knew, I felt a sharp sting on my right ass cheek where this nigga had slapped it. “You are a fucking bitch, I swear I’ma shoot you in the mouth.” I said rubbing my aching ass.
  “I got something for a mouth but it aint no bullet.” He said before walking out my room.
  After me getting dressed and taking the shots he fixed us, we got in the car and headed out. We were laughing and talking the entire ride to the bar, I was beginning to feel those drinks he made us that we drank before we left out. His phone kept going off interrupting almost every song that was playing thru his stereo, after about the tenth time, I was starting to get frustrated.
  “Either you check it or put the fucker on airplane mode because this shit is annoying the hell out of me.” I said looking at him.
  “That aint nobody but Jakayla, I told you we into right now, but I may have downplayed it a little.” He said.
  “You wanna talk about it or not?”
  “I will tell you later right now I wanna have fun and ignore that dumb shit.” He said as we pulled into the bar parking lot.
  “I swear you do that shit all the time, like we haven’t been friends for a damn good while now.”
  “Boy if you don’t chill yo overly sensitive ass out with all that……… I’ma talk to you about it but I’ma tell you when I’m ready.” He said laughing. I looked at him, popped him upside the head and got out the car before he could hit me back. Once we made it in the club, the first thing I wanted to do was go to the bar. Ron came to the side of me and nodded towards a group of people. Upon further inspection, it was most of my team from work.
  I couldn’t tell you how many drinks I had or where they were coming from but, I was having the most fun I had in years. I looked across the dance floor and saw Ron dancing with some girl, I looked in another direction and saw his girlfriend walking thru the door. I knew this was about to turn out bad, so I broke away from the group and tried to get to Ron before she saw him. When I reached him, I leaned in and whispered in his ear that his girl just walked in.
  “I know.” He said winking at me and going back to dancing with the chick. I smirked and went back across the club to the group. I didn’t know what he was planning nor did I care at that point. I went back to dancing with my friends when someone came up behind me and tapped me on the ass. I looked back and it was Jakayla- Ron’s girlfriend.
  “Hey baby…… Happy Birthday!!!!!!!” She said hugging me.
“Hey, thank you, I didn’t know you were coming.” I said smiling at her.
  “It’s your freaking birthday dude, I wouldn’t have missed this no matter what.” She said looking around the club. Then she started laughing, I followed her eyes as they landed on Ron dancing with that girl. “If he wanted to make me show my ass then he should’ve picked someone who wasn’t his cousin…… dumbass.”
  “Girl he a mess and a half but come on I will buy you a drink.” I said walking with her to the bar. We sat down, ordered our drinks, and was laughing and cracking jokes when Ron came up and plucked my ear.
  “I told you I was going to get you back……. What up Kay?” He said smirking at her, she looked at him and shook her head.
  “I swear you are the dumbest nigga I know, you trying to make me act up by you dancing with some thot……. Maybe you should have pick someone other than your cousin I hang with every other day.”
  “Jakayla nobody was trying to make you do nothing and if I wanted to, I could pull any chick in here I wanted so shut that shit up. Overly dramatic ass.” He said laughing and walking off towards the bathroom.
  “I swear yall are a mess.” I said laughing and drinking out my glass, she was about to respond when her phone lit up. She looked at it and scoffed.
  “I swear I can’t catch a fucking break man; this girl didn’t show up for her shift tonight so guess who have to go in.”
  “I know all about that trust me……. when you have to go in?”
  “In a few……... where is your lil boo at?” She said looking around the club.
  “I don’t have a lil boo bitch you tried it.” I said laughing with her. Ron came back from the bathroom and joined us; Jakayla left after about another 20 minutes to go to work.
  “You look drunk as fuck.” Ron said drinking my last drink.
  “Didn’t you say we should get fucked up? And bitch you are buying me another drink with yo big head ass.” I said standing up.
  “Fuck you, come on let’s hit up waffle house……. I’m hungry as hell and I know you aint got no food at yo house.” He said standing up as well.
  “You buying? It is my birthday after all.” We left out and was driving on the highway when I looked over at him, he looked like he was in deep thought. I didn’t bother asking him what was wrong because I knew he wasn’t going to tell me anyway. Once we made it to waffle house, it was packed so we got our food to go because I was not about to sit in there around all those people.
After we finished eating, I was a bit more sober than I was before, now I was kinda sleepy. I looked over at Ron and this nigga was knocked out. I went into my room to get some clothes out for a shower when my phone buzzed. It was Alton wishing me a happy birthday, I replied, ‘thank you’ and went took a shower, I went into the second bedroom and pulled a pillow and cover of the bed. I went into the living room to see Ron still asleep on my couch. I tossed the cover and pillow to the side of him, I took off his shoes and helped put him in a comfortable position before going back into my room. I slowly started to fall asleep after spending nearly 20 minutes playing on my phone.
  “Jaye?” I heard Ron yell from my room door scaring the piss out of me.
  “Bitch I swear I’m going to fuck you up. You always doing something stupid.” I said throwing a pillow at him.
  “Shut up…… I’m about to head to the house.”
  “Ron it’s late and you’ve been drinking, just stay here and leave in the morning.” I said sitting up in the bed.
  “I don’t have any clothes and I need a shower, I’m good now that I got a nap.”
  “I have some clean shorts and tee shirts and I have underwear still in the pack now go take a shower and I will get them out for you. I don’t wanna hear yo damn mouth either.” I said getting out the bed to get the clothes. He didn’t say anything, he just rolled his eyes and went in the bathroom. A few minutes later I heard the shower turn on. I hated being woken up because it would be hard as hell for me to go back to sleep. I got the clothes out for Ron, then I went into the kitchen to fix another drink. After I made it back into my room, I sat down on the bed and turned on a movie I knew I wouldn’t finish.
  “Where the clothes at pussy?” Ron said walking into my room a few minutes after he finished showering with nothing on but a towel. I have seen him shirtless many times but him being practically naked in my bedroom put me in a daze. “Nigga did you hear me?” He said knocking me out my daze.
  “Oh, umm right there on the dresser.” I said pointing to where I put the clothes. He looked at me and smirked before walking over to get the clothes.
  “You aint fix me a drink?” I looked over to him just as he dropped the towel from his waist.
   “Umm, I can fix you one.” I said trying to pretend I wasn’t looking at him. I got up out the bed and was walking to the door when he did something that I wasn’t expecting. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me to him. I didn’t know what he was up to nor did I care, the only thing I could focus on was his dick starting to harden on my ass.
No words were spoken for the next 20 minutes as we made out. The way he was making me feel in this moment was something I could and probably would never forget. His dick was huge, and I could barely fit it in my mouth, but I managed to do so with scathing him with my teeth. His moans were music to my ears and forced me to give him my best. I was surprised when he bent me over the bed and buried his tongue deep in my ass. He was eating my ass so good that I didn’t want him to stop. He continued to eat me for about 15 minutes before stopping and making me slide up in the bed. I reached over in my nightstand drawer and grabbed the lube I had stashed there from my last jackoff session.
  He took his time and he was patient while trying to get his dick in me. Once we found our rhythm, I could see why Jakayla was so crazy over this nigga. He had me moaning so loud and I’m sure I probably spoke gibberish a few times as well. As I laid on my back, this nigga was fucking me like he had a point to prove. The more I scratched his back, the harder he went, after about another 20 minutes of him fucking my brains a loose, he pulled out of me and shot his nut all over my chest and neck area while moaning and jolting forward with each shot of nut. Once he started to calm down, he leaned down and kissed me while I caught one of the best nuts I ever experienced.
   We cleaned up and cuddle for the rest of the night while talking about what happened. He told me he doesn’t know what made him want to try that with me, but he enjoyed himself more than he thought he would. Although he and I had sex several times after that, we decided to cut that part of our friendship out. We are still best of friends and we still hang out as much as we can considering our schedules conflict a lot. I will never forget those times we shared but I’m also internally grateful for Ron being in my life.
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newsiesobsessed · 3 years
Newsies fic: striker
Warnings: fights, some bad injures, abuse
Newsies fic with girl reader ( sorry boys ). I kinda went all out with this and it’s super long. Sorry This is my first newsies fic. I’m using the livesies. Enjoy
“Come back here” you yelled in your dream. You were dreaming that the Delancy Brothers stole your dinner money. It wasn’t a lot but you still needed to eat. You chased after them. “Hey that’s mi-“
“ Y/n wake up. Wake up I says!” You woke up to Jack shaking you violently. You tried sitting straight up but Jack kept you down. Still kinda asleep and annoyed you said “ Wha-“
”You was havin a nightmare” Jack chimed in before you could finish your question. You plopped your head back down on the pillow. It hurt when you head hit the pillow. You were Wondering why but then you remembered. Last night. You quickly pulled the sheets over your head and got completely under the blanket before Jack could see your cuts and brusies. “ Mind tellin me whys you is in the sick room of the lodging house?” You wanted to ignore Jacks question so badly but you knew you couldn’t. “ I don’t wanna talks about it”
Jack understood. “ Well come out if you want. Somehow we got a huge loaf of bread and some soup for breakfast and we ain’t knowin where it came from. “ You chuckled. Jack was almost out the door when you called out to him. “ Oi Jack? Can you gets Crutchie in here?” He smiled. “ Yeah sure,” he said as he walked out calling Crutchies name. Moments later Crutchie Hobbled in. “ You wanted me?” Crutchie looked at you a little worried because you was in the sick bed mad didn’t tell no one.
“ Yeah. You can just sit down here on the bed. “ You scooted over to the other side of the bed to make room for Crutchie. Still under the covers you asked “ So how does your leg feel today Crutchie?”
He smiled glad that someone asked him how he was. “ It feels good today! How about you? Your in the sick bed are you alright.?” He asked You slowly slid your face out from under the blanket. You felt comfortable telling Crutchie what happened last night. Crutchie saw your bruises and cuts. “ Y/N! What happened to your are you alright?! When did thi-“
“ Crutchie I’m alright. And last night. This happened last night. Earlier yesterday Me and my brother Jojo was selling in Central Park and the Delancy Brothers came over to me and Jojo. They said somthin to Jojo but i don’t know what they said. Next thing I know they pushed him in the fountain. I told them to buzz of and punched Oscar in the nose. It started to bleed. I could tell they wanted to pummel me but seeing as we was in Central Park he might have gotten himself in trouble. So he waited. Anyways I made a little extra yesterday so I decide to buy breakfast for everyone to have this morning. When me and Jojo was walking back to the lodging house I told him to go ahead that I was bringing a surprise back with me. He was hesitant at first but he went. I stoped by Jacobi’s and bought a nice long loaf of bread. Walking home with the bread out of the shadows the Delancy brothers knocked me down from behind. I tried to take the bread and run. But they caught me and starting fighting me. I tell ya Crutchie I fought as hard as I could. The end resulted in them stealing my bread and me passing out in the street. When I’s woke up it was almost dark. All the other newsies would have been asleep by that time. Blood dripping from my chest. Had a broken ankle Not able to walk Black eye busted lip, along with some other minor injuries, and my shoe was missin. My body hurt all over. I kid ya not Crutchie when I tells ya I crawled to the church and got the nuns to fix me up. I didn’t wants to bother you guys with patchin me up. It felt like hours. The nuns said that I should probably go to the doctors today. But all of us combined don’t have enough money for that. They gave me some soup and left over bread from their dinner that night. I took enough to feed the entire lodging house breakfast. Seeing as I was soaked real good I decided to sleeps in the sick room. “ having told my story I relaxed into the bed.
“ Oh my god. I- oh my god! How bad did they get you?!”
“Let me borrow your crutch real quick so I’s can stand and I’ll show ya.” You said with pain.
You took his crutch, and getting out of bed you stood up revealing what looked a human punching bag.
“ Stay here. But give me my Crutch first. “ Crutchie said hobbling as fast as he could to the fellas. “ Guys come here you’s have to see what the Delancys’s did to Y/N last night. “ Crutchie said with a hint of panic and worry in his voice. And with that the fellas came rushing into the sick room. As they all barged in at once you just stood there feeling embarrassed for not being able to defend yourself.
“ WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YA! I KNEW I SHOULDN’T HAVE LEFT YOU BY YOURSELF!” Jojo yelled before running over to ya and making sure you was ok.
“ Well fellas. I think we’s got a nickname for her. Her new name is ‘Striker’!” Said Les.
“ Les not right now. she is in real pain. “ David whispered in Les’ ear. But there were murmurs of agreement. “ So Striker, what the hell happened to ya?” Said Race. You didn’t feel like telling the entire story again.
“ Long story short The Delancy’s was picking on Jojo yesterday in Central Park and I beat up Oscar for it. I didn’t mean to punch him THAT hard. Anyways I made a little extra money yesterday so I told Jojo to go backs to the lodging house and I would be back in about a hour with a surprise. He eventually left and as I was walking home with a loaf of bread from Jacobi’s bread the Delancy Brothers picked a fight with me. End result they took my shoes, stole the bread I bought for breakfast today, made me look like this with a broken ankle hence why I’m using Crutchies Crutch to stand, and cut me across my chest with a knife along with a few other injuries. They got so bad I passed out in the street. Woke up and it was dark. Late enough for y’all to already be asleep. Not being able to walk I had to Crawl to the church. I went there because I didn’t wanna wake you guys up and bothers ya with patchin me ups. Da nuns fixed me up and suggested I go to the doctors today. Which I’m not because I knows that all of our money combined isn’t enough for the fee and you guys need that money to eat and buy papes. Anyways they gaves me some soup and bread leftover from dinner. That’s how I got the breakfast this morning. When’s I gots back here I went to the sick room as to not wake anyone up. And that’s that”
“ So, you’s tellin me that the Delancy Brothers did this to you for beating up Oscar and for defending yourself in a fight?” Jack said sounding kinda suspicious.
“ Yeah.”
“ Well I say WE SOAK THEM!” Albert yelled.
“ NO.” You yelled. “I AINT LETTIN U GUYS END UP LIKE ME. IM GUNNA BE IN THIS BED FOR A WHILE. AND I DON’T WANT THAT HAPPENING TO THE REST OF YA“ You sighed. “ I only need one thing from you guys. I need just one person to stay here to helps me. Seeing as I can’t walk. I can barley stand. And then whoever stays the rest of ya devide their regular pape count between ya and sell them so we aint lose no money. “
“ So who do you want to stay with ya Striker?” asked Les hopin it was him. He looked up to you abs wanted to help. You knew this but if he stayed then David would stay. And that’s too many papers lost.
“ Lemme think. Not Jojo. Sorry little bro but yous gunna baby me if I choose u. Don’t even deny it. Not Jack, Finch or Albert. They are a little to uh- what’s the word? Oh yeah. Demanding” there were chuckles and a “ You can say that again “ from Mush. You continued “ I want to say Crutchie but he is our best seller besides Jack and Race. Which means that I can’t pick Race either. Not Les or David. Even thought David would take care of me just fine he has to take care of Les. So with that being out of the way I choose Elmer. “
“ Really? “ Elmer piped up.
“ Yeah. You are gentle and don’t push me to do stuff I don’t wanna“
“ Ok Elmer it is. The rest of us gotta be goin now. Feel better Striker. “ Race said. They fellas started running out the door and down the hall.
“ Oh yeah the reminds me. RACE”
Race poker his head in the room
“ Yeah?”
“ I needs to ask ya a favor. Elmer I know we ain’t supposed to use the tub much but can you’s draw me a warm Bath while I talk to Race for a minute?” And with that Elmer left the room.
“ So what’s you want to talk to me about?” Race asked
“ You sellin in Brooklyn today?”
“ Wha- I don’t sell in Brookl-“
“Race. It’s ok. I know bout you and spot and if you don’t want me to I won’t tell no one” You said cutting him off. A wave of relief washed over him. “ Yeah why?” He asked. “Well, I mean This in the best way possible. Spot has been in a lot of fights. He can fix bruises and shiners and cuts like magic. I would go to Brooklyn me self but I can’t walk. So if u could. Gets him over here’s or get him to meets me half way to help me patch up my br-“
“ Yeah. Sure” Race said. You thought you heard a little bit of nerves in his voice but then he softened. “ Anything else?”
“ Does you think you could find one of Crutchie’s old Crutches for me to use from when he was little?”
Race smiled. “ Follow me. “ So you started following him but you Fell. Race whipped around. “ Damn I forgot you can’t walk. Wait let me help you up. “ You almost fell again getting up but managed to get up on the bed. “ Ok so stay here. “ he went off and can back with 2 Crutches. “ Here. Use whichever one you is comfortable using. “
“Thanks Race. I owe ya. “
“ naw ya don’t owe me. You’s hurt. You don’t owe me “ race chuckled. Elmer popped back in
“ Tubs ready “
“ Thanks Elmer. Now Race get goin. You got papes ta sell” he winked at ya and with that he left.
You grabbed the shorter crutch and sent off the the tub. It was cracked and everything. Not a very sustainable tub. But it’s a tub none the Less.
“ Elmer listen to me. I already have Racer gettin spot to help patch me up. But I needs you to go to the Bronx and get smalls to come up here. She is like a sister ta me and I needs a girl newsies to help patch up my chest. And I trust her with my life. While you is getting her I’m gunna wash out the blood in my hair. As soon as you have her send her in immediately! You hear me?” Elmer nodded and off he went. Once you was sure he was gone you started washing your hair. You tried to patch yourself up but it was no use. Hopefully Spot knew how to tend to brass knuckle marks. After you washed your hair you went to get some food. There was little soup left and a piece of bread. You ate it and then decided to go up to Jacks penthouse in the sky to get some fresh air. It felt good to feel the cool breeze.The sun was staring to set. That meant that the newsies would be gettin home soon. Someone was climbing up the fire escape to the penthouse. But you didn’t pay no attention to it
“ Hey Y/N . Word is you was beat to the bone,” Smalls called out. You turned around and saw her standing on the ladder. You went to hug her but forgot about your ankle you were so excited and fell down trying to get up. Smalls let out a small gasp and rushed over to helps you up. “ What happened to you?!”
“The Delancy Brothers.” Smalls sighed. “ Figures. Ok let’s go get you fixed up. “ after a while she had fixed up your chest and gave you a new set of wraps. You thanked her and walked out of the bathroom to find Spot Conlon sitting in the sick room waiting for you. You saw him and gave out a glad sigh. He saw your crutch. And looked a little worried.
“ Damn. The Delancys have outdone themselves this time“ Spot chuckled. “ How ya doin Y/N?”
“ Ya know just feel like I fell into hell and rose from the dead. Also it’s Striker now. Finally got a nickname!” You smiled having wanted a nickname for months now. He chuckled. “ So,” spot started. “ How bad is it and what does I need to do?”
“ Well Smalls patched up my chest already.” Spot stopped you. “ What do ya mean ur chest?” “ Oh Race didn’t tell ya what happened. Well The Delancy’s cut me across my chest with a knife. They broke my ankle hence the crutch. Gave me a shiner. And a few other minor injuries that I can’t fix.” Spot sighed.
“ Well come on. Into the bathroom. I’m gunna fix that ankle first Bc that’s the worst injury I know of. Then we’ll work on your face. “ you nodded your head in agreement. He wrapped your ankle and put a stick on it in place of a splint. Before moving on to the face he had you walk to make sure your could stand. Seeing that you could be moved in to your face. There was nothin he could do about yo ur shiner but he did fix you lip. Kinda. It was still a little swollen but he told you to give the lip time. He moved your hair out of the way trying to scrub your face and he noticed marks that were no doubt made by brass knuckles. . You didn’t tell anyone bout that one.
“ And what is this? Let me guess. Delancys. “ You didn’t say nothin.
“ Well that could leave a permanent mark. I need ya to let me touch them. Can ya do that? Am I allowed to touch it?” You wanted to say no. But you also wanted it fixed. “ I guess. “
He started gently rubbing a wash cloth over the marks causing you to inhale sharply. “ On second thoughts just leave it alone. “
“ Y/N I mean Striker I know it hurts. I got beat by brass knuckles once. But if you want it to heal you need to let me fix them. I’m gunna go slow and run some water over it. “ as he ran the water over it the pain started to go away. In a matter of minutes he stopped. “ Ok striker do you need me to do anything else?” You did. You needed your back fixed. You don’t know what they hit you with from behind last night but it hurt. But it could also be your marks from the refuge and your parents. And you didn’t want anyone to see them. “ No, you need to get back to Brooklyn. I can fix the rest myself. “
“ ya sure?” He asked. He knew there was more injuries but he didn’t want to push ya. And you was right about needing to get back to Brooklyn.
“ Ya. Thanks spot. Here, take this“ you gave him part the bread from breakfast. He took it and went on his way. You heard him say somthin the the newsies as he left. But you didn’t know what that was. You came out of the bathroom and climbed back up to jacks penthouse. He surprisingly not up there. You didn’t know when you fell asleep up there but when you woke up it was morning. When you woke up your shirt was off so you could your wraps. You always slept in your wraps and ya pants. The boys knew this. And they didn’t mind.
“ Ah. Your awake. “ Jack called out. “ I saw your back was bleeding through your wraps. I thought Spot And Smalls Patched you up?”
“ They did. But only where I told thems. “ you responded.
“ So why is your back bleeding and why didn’t you tell no one about it?”
“ Because Jack. I don’t want no one seein my back. It’s a disaster of scars. Some from the refuge. Some from my folks. “ the rooftop went dead silent.
“ I’m sorry. Do you want anyone specific to help patch them up today because there is no way we is leavin you alone. “
“ It doesn’t matter who stays. As long as they can keep a secret. “
“ Ok. I’ll go tell the fellas that I’m stayin home from work today. “
“ Jack you are the best seller. You can’t!”
“Striker yes I can. Do ya want any of the others fellas to know about this. Do you think any of them can keep a secret. Do you think any of them make enough money that they can miss a days pay. I’m stayin with you.“ Jack kisses your head to which you pulled back. He looked confused. That’s when you pushed up your hair and revealed your beat up forehead.
“ Anything else you wanna tell me?” He started making his way back to his side of the penthouse to get some rags for your back when you blurted out “ Jojo is adopted. My parents adopted him to replace me. And then we left them when he found out what they did to me. That’s why the Delancys beat me up. For leaving the family. “ Jack froze. He stammered. “ Wait. This means that your a-“
“ Delancy. Yes. Y/N Delancy. But they ain’t my family. I got no family. The only person besides Jojo that knows is Smalls. . “
“ Wow. Well come here. Let me clean your back off. “ you halfway undid your wraps so that your back was showing but your front wasn’t. The rough washcloth stung as it ran up and down your back. “Jack. Your not mad at me. Are ya?” He was silent. Then he spoke. “ No Striker I ain’t mad at you. Mad at your brothers yes. Mad at your parents for treating ya like this. Yes. Mad that someone as sweet as you had to go through this. Hell Yes. But your tough as nails. “ That last part made you smile. Jack finished fixing you up help you redo your wrap. “ Your going to get better Striker. This WILL heal. How about we go to Central Park just to get ya outside. No papes. Just to be outside.” You could tell it wasn’t a question and more of a command. So you went to Central Park and spent the day there. A nice lady gave you a quarter. You don’t know why. It was getting dark and you and Jack decided to head back to the lodging house. When ya got back to the lodging house the rest of the newsies welcomed ya in. That’s when ya realized that ya had a family. And in the family there were no secrets. So after dinner ya told the newsies the entire story. There was no way that the newsies were every leavin you and Jojo alone again.
That’s is I hope ya liked it.
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hihellogoodbyebruh · 4 years
Just Me and You - Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Pairing: Rio Alvarez x Black!Plus size!Oc
Summary: Simone Dunn is a singer just trying to live her best life and make it through the obstacles that have been put in front of her. Living life in the city isn’t always easy. Life might be kicking her in the ass presently, but she kept a smile on her face regardless. Rio Alvarez is all about his business. He’s expanding up and out of just the money laundering business. He wanted it all. He was hooked from the second he heard her voice, but will her past and his enemies let them be together?
Warning(s): None really. It’s a meet-cute. They meet, it’s cute. 
Word count: 2,026
Author’s Note: I’m not gonna lie, this story means a lot to me. I was never sure if I’d start posting it or not. Simone has been an OC of mine for a long time now and when the idea to pair her with Rio popped into my mind I knew it could be something very special. I hope you all enjoy the journey. As always questions, comments, and concerns are welcome! Might even start a tag list but we’ll see. Thanks for reading. xo
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Rio stared out of the window, looking out at his investment. It had the perfect eye line for all the exits and it had the best view of the stage. Since he began flipping his game and moving up in the world he became acquainted with folks that had different tastes than him. The opportunity to invest in this club kind of fell in his lap. His new co-owner was a sloppy prick, but Rio couldn’t deny the club was bringing in a nice grip of money for him. He liked the anonymity of being a silent partner. Every two weeks he’d roll through, check up on the club, and collect some cash to put into his other businesses.
As he looked down at all the club goers, he was pleased to see the place was pretty packed. He was not happy to see the owner, Shaun, with two women on his arm. This wasn’t a social hour. He was here for business. Mick, his right hand man, was guarding the door and hadn’t moved an inch to let Shaun in. 
“Hey man. Place is poppin tonight right?” Shaun greeted Rio as he tried to maneuver past Mick who only moved at Rio’s nod. “Enjoying your night? These are a couple lady friends of mine. Say ‘hi’ ladies.”
“Hi.” The two girls parroted at Rio, waving at him.
Rio didn’t bother greeting the women. “Get rid of the bitches man.”
“What?” Shaun asked, his tone confused.
“I ain’t gonna tell you twice.” Rio’s face hadn’t changed. He just stared Shaun down.
Shaun cleared his throat and whispered something to the ladies before they shuffled back out of the room. It was quiet except for the sound of the music pumping through the speakers.
“My bad man. They were sexy as hell though right? Can you really blame me?” Shaun tried to excuse, a smile on his face as he walked over to where Rio was standing.
As soon as he was within arms reach, Rio gripped the back of his neck tightly and pulled him close. He stared directly in his eyes. “Don’t ever bring nobody to one of our meetings again. I choose to keep you on, but that can easily be changed. Get my money and stop fucking playing with me.”
Shaun merely nodded and Rio let go of him. Shaun tried adjusting his suit and cleared his throat. He walked over to the wall that was furthest from the window and opened a panel in the door. He put the code into the panel and opened it up. There was a silver case inside that he pulled out before closing the door back. “Business has been better than ever. I was able to add a permanent residency here that has us packed every week. We may even be able to up prices a bit.”
Rio’s eyebrow quirked in interest at the man’s words. “Permanent residency?”
Shaun had set the case on the table and Mick opened it, starting to count the money that was inside. Rio walked closer to take a look inside and noticed that there seemed to be a couple more stacks than usual.
“Yeah. I’m still having different live performers come in, but people also like consistency. They like knowing they’re coming to hear quality music. And the pipes on this one? Massive. Doesn’t hurt that she’s gorgeous too.”
Rio would never admit it but he was definitely intrigued. “Who is she?”
Shaun walked back over to the window and smirked as he looked down. “Simone Dunn. Lucky for you, you came at the perfect time.”
Rio noticed the club music had shut off and people were clapping. As he walked to stand next to Shaun, a slow instrumental was playing. A soft spotlight appeared on the stage and the crowd’s clapping intensified. A giggle was heard over the mic.
“Aww, y’all are too good to me.” The woman’s voice was clear as day, but had an alluring quality. She had big black hair falling over her shoulders in waves. Her dress was pink and it gave a tantalizing view of her breasts as well as her full figure. Her skin was creamy brown and the outline of her ass was particularly appealing to Rio.
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“We’re starting off grown and sexy tonight y'all. So if you’re vibing with someone, gon’ head and pull ‘em a little closer. I’m just tryna help y’all possibly end the night on a good note, if you know what I mean.” She winked at the crowd and people laughed as others hollered and whistled.
A familiar beat reached Rio’s ears, taking him back to house parties in his old neighborhood. He remembered talking slick to a fine girl as she danced on him, knowing she was gon let him fuck by the end of the night.
I'll always think of you Inside of my private thoughts I can imagine you Touching my private parts And just the thought of you I can't help but touch myself That's why I want you so bad Just one night of
The sultry sound of her voice traveled from Rio’s ears straight to his dick. He watched as her hips moved side to side as she gripped the mic stand. She was a temptress, an enchantress. Hell, she was a siren and her song was the one calling him home. Home being the absolute treasure he was sure is hiding between her thighs. 
Can't get my mind off you I think I might be obsessed The very thought of you Makes me want to get undressed I want to be with you In spite of what my heart says I guess I want you too bad All I want is
Her eyes were locking onto different people in the crowd. She was working her magic on everyone. People were partnered up and there was lots of grinding happening on the dance floor. As she looked around, her eyes happened to dart up and land on his. She looked taken aback, but curious. She never once stopped singing and now it seemed like she was singing the words directly to him.
“She’s a beauty, ain’t she?” Shaun asked, but Rio ignored him. His eyes were still locked with Simone’s as she sang. A smile pulled at her lips and her cheeks felt hot so she pulled her eyes away from him to look back toward the crowd. She missed the quick smile that appeared on Rio’s face before he turned his back to the window.
“Have you had any trouble here? Fights? Anyone tryna shake you down?” Rio asked Shaun, who looked perplexed by the sudden topic shift.
“No. I would have called you right away. Like I said, things have been great. Should I be worried or on the lookout?” Shaun asked, his tone taking on a nervous quality.
“Nah, man. Just looking out for my investment. Enjoy your night with your lady friends.” Rio dismissed the other man and Shaun took the exit without hesitation.
“You think they know you got dealings in this place?” Mick asked, once Shaun was gone.
“No, but you can never be too careful.” Rio replied, eyes drifting back toward the stage. She had begun singing a new song. Something a bit more fast paced. “I wanna keep this place as legit as possible. We need something clean in case we run into some trouble. But I aint scared of them. I’ll deal with ‘em when the time’s right.”
Mick merely nodded his head as he finished up the count.
“Everything square?” At Mick’s confirmation, Rio walked over to him. “Go ahead and take everything back to the warehouse. Imma stay and check things out for a bit. Have a drink. I’ll call you in the morning.”
Rio headed down to the bar and got himself a shot of brandy. He nursed his drink as he finished listening to the performance going on. He was in the middle of texting some associates to set up meetings for the next week when applause broke out all around him. He looked up to see Simone walking towards the bar, blowing kisses as she went.
“Ji, baby! Please get me one last malibu pineapple and I’ll love you forever.” She exclaimed, taking a seat one away from Rio. He was watching her interaction with the bartender.
“You better already love me.” The bartender, Ji-hoon, retorted even as he went about making her drink.
“You know I do boo.” She winked, a wide grin on her face. “In fact, I love you so much that I’m leaving you a big tip tonight.”
“Are you trying to buy me? Cause I’m absolutely up for sale.” He smiled, sliding her drink over to her as he leaned on the bar. He glanced over at Rio and nodded his head towards him. “Hey, you need to be topped off?”
“Yeah, man.” Rio answered and Simone finally noticed him sitting there. Ji poured Rio another drink before getting distracted on the other side of the bar by other paying customers. 
Simone made eye contact with him before looking down at her drink and swishing the glass around.
“You have a beautiful voice, mama.”
“Thank you. I appreciate that.” She looked up at him with a smile on her face.
“Interesting choice of song too. I know a couple people here gotta be happy about the assist you gave them.” 
She laughed and shook her head. “Anything for my fans.”
“Anything?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Within reason.” She quickly added.
“So you’ll let me buy your drink, then.” 
It was her turn to raise an eyebrow and she turned around in her stool to face him, legs crossed and her silver heels shining. “So you’re a fan?”
“I am now.”
“I’ve had an open tab all night and I just promised Jian a big tip.”
“Okay.” He shrugged, and her eyes narrowed.
“And what do you want in return for so graciously picking up my tab?” 
A smirk appeared on Rio’s face and he slid one bar stool over to be closer to her. Their eyes never left one another. “I’d love to have a conversation with one of the sexiest women I’ve ever seen in my life.”
Her lights lit up in surprise and delight at his words. That soft smile of hers, returning to her face. “I guess I could swing that. So what’s your name?”
“It’s Rio, sweetheart. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Rio….I like it. I see you’re familiar with Shaun. Y’all friends or something?”
“Or something.” He answered, taking a sip of his drink.
“Or something. That’s not mysterious at all.” She joked.
“I aint no mystery baby. What you see is what you get.”
She snorted. “That’s what they all say.”
“Boys.” She retorted, finishing her drink.
“I’m all man and I’d love to demonstrate just how much of a man I am.” 
She looked back over to him and there was a delicious smirk on his face. No one man should be able to look like that. It’s too much power. “Tempting, but I have plans.”
“At 2 in the morning?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
“Is that judgment I hear in your tone Mr. ‘I-Can’t-Say-How-I-Know-Shaun?’”
Rio had to chuckle. “You got me there.”
She checked her phone and sighed at the time. “I gotta go, but it was nice meeting you Rio. Hope to see you again.” She then asked Ji-hoon to hand her the bag that was hidden behind the bar.
“You will.” He asserted, wondering why she didn’t use the employee lockers he remembered being installed. The thought was erased from his mind by her leaning into his personal space. His hand immediately went to her waist and his fingers grazed the top of her ass.
“I’m counting on it.” She whispered in his ear, before walking away and waving at a couple people as she went. He watched her the whole time and it wasn’t until she reached the exit that she turned her head to look back at him. He knew he had her.
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queenofwerewolves · 3 years
Future Hope
chapter one - Where it all began.
We all thought the new decade would be a new fresh start, a new beginning for humanity, we were all so excited for the the arrival of 2020... and it's unknown horrors that we awaited along with it.
it started with just jokes and memes, the virus wasnt affecting us, it didnt seem like a big deal. Then it reached Italy, then the United States. In a span of three months, the entire world changed and was affected by COVID-19. Then it happened.. the attack and sudden uprising of those who had privilege, but didnt know of it's power..
it started with the Black Lives Matter Protests, but it got worst, so unhumaningly worse. People around the country and the world tried to help and stop this evil, but it wasnt enough to stop them. The White Suprimacy.
Death, despair, anguish, loss for hope... What has the world come to?
Even after two years of the incident, in the year of 2022, the same horrors from before was still going on. No one could stop them, those who tried were imprisioned or now buried six feet under, people gave up, they lost hope... Until a new reason for that hope arrived.
It started as a friendship group. Eight people of different kinds, intetrests and hobbies brought together by a common interest, which soon grew into an unbreakable bond, sharing pictures or tagging one another with a funny meme attached to it, simple acts but filled with love.. Until this group almost lost a member.
A fight was happening while she was visiting a store, it was between a simple teen wearing a pride shirt and a middle aged man, bickering and arguing issued, but no one expected the man to pull out a gun and attempt to shoot the kid... Only to miss, and shoot the beloved group friend...
She was texting her friends while it happened, only for them to not hear anything for weeks... But she finally replied, after weeks in the hospital, recovering from the shot. One of the members couldnt have it anymore, and kindly asked for everyone to create a Discord account so they could all see how their wounded friend was doing. Everyone agreed, and surprised her with a call.
Maria was her name, and she couldnt be more delighted about the surprise..
"Yo! Yooo Bitch can you see us?!" Shouted one friend from their call
"For fuck's sake Spike the woman was shot and you have to call her a bitch?!" Rudely replied another friend, who's background was dark and gloomy and had far too many halloween decorations.
Maria laughed softly. "It's OK Spooks.. Wow.. I cant believe Im seeing you all.. Just wished it wasnt at the hospital through a videochat..." She said with a soft smile.
"It is truly a concerning situation we've been dragged into.. but it brings me joy to see you alive and well Maria" Said another friend, looking a little too-well dressed in the call
"Im guessing Griff begged you all to make a Discord huh..?" Maria said, looking at the video box of young man with a concerned yet and embarrassed look.
"Queen... We were so worried..." He answered, slightly choked up. "We thought you were a goner.. When you finally texted back I..I just had to see you..!"
Queen. A nickname she never thought someone would ever call her, hell it was a title that she didnt even deserve. Until she met Griff, which started to call her that, and her other friends jumped along, she always loved that nickname.. Made her feel special...
"Seeing you all together... All for me... It makes me want to cry.. But we dont have time for me getting emocional" Maria answered, suddenly stern
"Why is that Queen? Something going on?" Answered another friend, who was sucking on a lollipop during the call, such the sweet tooth she is.
Maria smiled. "No Muffin.. I simply have a proposal for you all.. And I hope you all are in with me...Because Im getting pretty sick of the way things are in this shit world.."
And so was born a new hope, a group of fighters that are indignified about the way things are, and how they almost took their friend away.
After healing completly at the hospital, they all met in person for the first time. Maria told them that they way they are now wont be enough to make a change to the world, but she knew how to fix that. After a small walk through the woods in the park, they came through a gated area, which Maria crawled under a broken spot of the gate and the others followed, doing the same.
"Long ago" Maria started speaking. "After I moved here, I decided to explore around this park for fun. That's when I found this abandoned gate and went through the same broken piece of wall of the gate we all came through, I believe that's here can help us become better then we already are."
Spike, chewing a piece of gum sneered at her comment. "Oh sure, what is it? A wishing well?"
"Well..." She answered as they came to a stop.
In front of them was a perfectly clean, almost sparkling fountain with clean crystal water still working and flowing out of an angel's vase. The fountain was too bright and shiny, it sure as hell didnt match the rest of the area's gloomy and dark visuals..
"It's a wishing fountain!" Maria spouted out, smiling wide. But the rest werent as.. cheery as she was.
"A fucking... wishing fountain?" Spike answered. "You expect me to believe that's a real wishing fountain? If that's true then why dont you wish for this shit world to become better?"
"I tried!" Maria answered "Apperently it doesnt make big wishes like that, it only makes wishes about yourself or something very small. Like wishing your room to be clean kind of small"
"I mean.. It kinda has that magic aesthetic, I mean, that thing is impeccably clean while the rest is covered in dirt?" Kip answered, glancing at the fountain.
"I know it sounds silly but it really works, I actually did my wish already!" Maria said smiling wide
"Bullshit" Spike answered "You aint a fucking Werewolf, what makes you think we believe you actually wished to be one?"
".. Cause I didnt wished to be a Werewolf..?" Maria answered, dumbfounded. "I always said that I LIKE Werewolves, but I never wanted to be one. I wished to be good at using a scythe and knife throwing, like exceptionally good ya know?" She said excitedly. "And before you answer, YES I do have a scythe, I bought one. Dont ask where."
"So... who goes first?" The smollest of the group, Rook, asked.
"I'll go" Said Griff, pulling out a coin before Maria stopped in this tracks. "This.. Doesnt accept coins" Maria said, seeming a bit worried.
"Then what?" Griff answered back, only to shocked when Maria answered "Blood".
Before Spike could throw a fit, Maria cut him. "Just a drop! Literally! I got a needle here with me, all you gotta do is prick your hand and let the drip fall after you make a wish."
"Let's just get on with it before Spike goes crazy again" Said Blink, the tallest of the group and the one to deal with Spike's bullcrap
Griff took Maria's needle and stood in front of the fountain...And said outloud his wish..
At first he whispered his wish, as if he didnt want anyone to hear it.
"Uh.. It has to be out loud or it wont work Griff." Maria said.
"I-I said.. I wish to be a strong, masculine and really beefy Wererabbit that's really manly and buffed up!!" he shouted with a tone of embarrassment in his voice.
"A Werebunny.. Griffy?" Said Maria in disbelief. "What?! It's co- ow!!" Without looking, he pricked his hand with the needle, and let the drop of blood fall into the fountain's water, mixing along with it. The fountain suddenly shined so brightly that everyone had to cover their eyes for a brief moment before it died out.
Then.. Silence.
"... So.. Now wh-AHCK!!!" Shouted Griff, hit with a sudden shot of pain throughout his body, which made him fall on his knees as everyone backed away from him. They watched in horror as not only he grew almost three times his size, but he got much fuzzier, his ears stretched into rabbit ears, his muscles swelled and bubbled as they grew bigger, his body shifted painfully into a hybrid between man and rabbit. When he finally finished, he just collapsed on the floor, panting exaustedly.
His friends were inicially shocked, until Maria snapped out of it and rushed to his side, placing a hand on his head. "Griffy? You OK..?"
He answered, in a much gruffer, deeper voice.. "Yeah.. Yeah Im good.."
"Jesus.. It worked.. Can you stand?" She asked. Griff nodded as he slowly got up and almost knocked his head on a tree branch from how tall he was now. Everyone was looking up at him, jaws dropped in shock and awe, until..
"HOLY SHIT YOU'RE NAKED!!!" Rook shouted as she covered her eyes, running in place "MY EYES!! THEY BURN!!!"
"We.. better finish these wishes quick and get you some pants." Maria added, Griff simply nodded as he covered himself embarrassed.
One by one they did their wishes. Becoming who they wanted to be to fufill their purpose with Maria.
Spike wished for strong arm strenght, fast stamina and an aluminum bat that never breaks, and can destroy almost anything. Blink asked for a sword, the ability to parkour and jump from building to building like some kind of vigilante. Kip asked to be part cat for the heck of it and that whatever she draws will become a reality. Muffin asked to be a fairy, to bring joy because she isnt a fighter. Togekiss asked for high I.Q, the ability to see simulations of possibilities in the future and telekenisis and teleportation. Spooks asked to be like an Underworld Goddess, with the power to summon shadows and have the darkness on her command, and finally, Rook asked to be part bird and a wizard with elemental nature, and musical spells,to honour her beloved Lammy, she also wished to have a split personality to be like her favorite character, ENA.
And so the team was ready, and soon they would make a change to the world, the revolution has begun, it was time to shine..
For a Future Hope.
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the-dead-skwad · 4 years
Out of bounds X Tig Trager X Reader
Request from anon:  Tig trager x reader who is Clays daughter and she is super close to Gemma cause she pretty much raised her. Can the reader get in trouble from Clay for heavy flirting with Tig even know she really likes him.
I hope you like it. I’m feel like I go too extra sometimes. 
Warnings: Drinking, smoking, father daughter argument.
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Heaving the crate of bottles onto the bar, made a loud clink when it landed. You turned to go back for the next crate. "Oh." you slammed straight into Tig chest. "I'm so sorry." 
“No problem doll." He smirked at you.
Taking a step back you left your hand on his chest for longer than you should "I errm.." You saw all the other guys as like brothers but there was something about him that just made you weak at the knees. 
"Need a hand?" The look on his face was so devilish, you could have melted.
"Sure thanks." You both left the bar for your truck.
He grabbed one of the many boxes "You coming tonight?" 
"Of course. Have I ever missed a party?" He had a few buttons open on his shirt and the sun light bounced off him perfectly. You bit you lip slightly.
He took a step closer to you "I have an idea, why don't you--"
"Not for you Tig!" Her voice cut him off. "She's out of bounds." 
You spun to face her "Hey mom." 
She walked closer pulling you in for a hug and then turned to Tig "My baby is off limits. You know Clay will chop your balls off." 
"Yes ma'am." He nodded, giving you a slight wink  and walked back to the club.
She grabbed a box to help you "You gotta be careful you know?" 
"I know, but I can't help it."
"Well can you not help it with anyone else? If your dad found out, christ I don't even want to think about it!" 
You smiled as you pushed the door open with your ass "A girl got needs and besides when it comes to my type I got that from you."  
She chuckled "You may not be mine but god you're like a mini me." 
"Thanks mom." 
"That wasn't a compliment. Anyway, finish unloading your truck. I'll be picking you up about 7."
-- Straightening your dress out you smiled in the mirror. You had put quite a bit of effort in this look, the dress hugged your curves perfectly and the emerald green colour complimented your dyed ginger hair which flowed in loose curls past your shoulders. Your makeup had never looked so perfect and your doc martens topped the whole outfit off. After all you had never really been a heels kind of girl. 
Gemma's car horn made you jump. You turned off the music, finished your beer, grabbed your bag and headed out. 
"Oh baby, you look amazing." She shouted out the open car window.  
You almost skipped down the path way "Thanks mom." You hopped in the car and she sped off to the club. 
Because you had all set up earlier the club was already blasting out music and croweaters where piling in. Looking at all the beautiful half naked women made you nervous. You knew the guy you wanted slept with so many of these women. You were no match to them and you're sure all he wanted was sex from you. 
Gemma looked over at you and sighed "Look baby, I know how you feel and even though I always say your dad would kill you. Which he would. But you can't help who you like and if you wonna go for it I'm happy for you. Please be careful."
"I don't think I'm going to.." You pulled on your dress a little "I'm no match for these women."
Her head whipped round to stare at you "Are you joking? You seriously think your have any competition here. Sweetie you are Y/N Morrow and the most beautiful woman in Charming." She kissed you on the forehead "Now, hold your head high like a true Morrow, go in there and kill it." 
"Yes ma'am." You both smiled at each other before you strutted into the bar together. 
"I'll try my hardest to keep your dad out the way." She kissed your head again before going to find Clay. 
As soon as you walked in your saw him, over in the corner already got two women practically eating off him. He wasn't yours in any way but god it hurt. You walked to the bar and leaned over it making sure you ass stuck out and the dress barley clung on. 
"Hey you." Your friend Elle was on the bar tonight. "How you doin sugar?" 
"I'm okay thanks, I'm going for it tonight." 
"Oh shit.. two shots then?" 
You nodded "Make sure they're strong." 
She slid them over to you followed by a beer "Make sure you tell me everything tomorrow over hungover coffee!" 
You blew her a kiss before turning to look at the rest of the club. "Hey!" To hands grabbed hold of your shoulders making you jump out of your skin. 
You spun to face them "Fuck sake Jax!" You hit him on the arm. 
He chuckled at you "Could there be a reason my little sister looks like this?" 
"I'll dress how I like thank you very much." You picked up both of your shots and drank them, one after the other. 
He raised his eyebrows "And drink as much as she wants?" 
"You got it!" 
As you joked with Jax a croweater looked you up and down like you were pure trash. She walked over to the table Tig sat at. You took in a deep breath "I know what I gotta do." 
"You gonna make a fool of yourself?" 
You smiled at Jax "Oh definitely." You spun back to the bar "Hey Elle! Get me a whole tray." 
"Has this ever worked for you?" Jax knew he'd be peeling you off the floor later.
"More than you know." 
He held his hands up "Alright, I don't want to know." 
You took the tray and walked over to the table he was sat at. You pushed the empty bottles away with the tray making a few of them tip on the croweaters. 
They jumped up and looked at you "What's your problem?" 
"You don't want this fight ladies." 
They turned to Tig like he was going to defend them. He looked you straight in the eye and smiled "Fuck off." They looked at you as though they had won. He looked up at them with a dead straight face "I said fuck off." 
You sat on the cushioned bench next to him, you crossed over your leg and lit a smoke. "You ready old man?" 
He raised the first shot with you "You're going down little girl." 
You downed the shot, the smooth whiskey went down like a treat. The burn was almost comforting. "I aint a little girl any more." 
He looked up and down your body "That's damn right." 
After around 10 shots you were in high spirits. The trick was so not have them all at once and you wouldn't black out in 30 minutes. You were facing Tig and somehow your leg had managed to make its way across his. You both got on like a house on fire. Laughing and joking your had another shot. "Keep up Tiggy.” You giggled. 
He brushed your hair off the shoulder closest to him "Oh don't worry baby. I can go for hours." He placed a gentle kiss on your exposed shoulder. 
All of a sudden a loud voice came from across the bar "What the hell are you doing!" 
Your eyes widened "Oh shit!" You turned to see your Clay marching across the club. 
He pushed the table over making the few shots you had left go flying. He grabbed hold of your arm and yanked you out of your seat. "What do you think your doing?" 
"I'm having fun." 
"Fun!" He was shouting in your face "You can't be throwing your self at these guys! Show some respect for yourself!"  
"Excuse me?" You were shouting now. 
"Did I stutter!" 
You snatched your arm out his hand "I'm not a child anymore. I know you mean well but if I want to like a man I fucking will!" 
"I'm your dad and I tell you what you do. I want you to find a real man, not someone to just sleep with."
"Like hell you do! It's none of your business who I sleep with and who said I wanted to just sleep with him!" But this point the whole bar was silent except for prospect throwing up in the corner. You were so angry your body was shaking.
"What?" His face had gotten more red that you had ever seen. 
"You keep me in this life and then expect me to not get feelings for someone I have known almost my whole life. If I wonna be with this guy I will be!" 
He really wasn't sure what to say, you could see the vein in his head pulsing. He looked at you for a second then walked out the club flipping a table over on his way out. 
You put you hands on your hips and breathed. Tig stood from the table "Shows over everyone." The music and talking started up again. He passed you a smoke and lit it for you. "You okay?" 
"Yeah, he's just had a lot to drink."
"You may have the beautiful looks from your mom but jesus you're as hot headed as him." He pulled you in for a hug. "Go get some fresh air and I'll bring you a drink." 
You breathed in the smoke as the cold air calmed you down. Tig came out and passed you your drink. "Thank you." You stood in silence for a moment. "Look, I'm sorry. I was so angry, I screamed out my feelings for you to the whole club without even considering what place that would put you in." 
"Yeahhh, not really something I was expecting." 
You smiled at him "You don't need to feel the same. Wish it had been a better situation." 
"So you really like me?" 
Your heart was beating so hard, you never saw your self ain this place. You seriously thought you were just going to sleep with him "Err, yeah I do." 
"Oh thank fuck." He launched forward and smashed his lips against yours. Without even thinking you kissed back, putting your hands in his perfect curly locks. 
He lifted you up and pushed you against the wall behind you. You leaned back to take a breath "So, you feel the same?" 
"Hell yeah." He smiled back into the kiss. This was going to be one hell of a night.
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fruityutas · 4 years
the devil wears prada
mafia!lee taeyong x female!reader
Tumblr media
lowercase intended
!this story is a work of fiction and the characters used in it are in NO WAY like this in real life!
genre: thriller, fluff if you squint hard enough, ANGST
summary: lee taeyong is a cold-blooded mafia leader, not meant to give or receive love. what happens when an innocent by-stander turns out to be the most beautiful woman he’s laid eyes on? 
✰ warnings: cursing, blood, murder, descriptions of wounds (man does taking nursing classes help with that lmao), violence
taeyong was an enigma to the world. hell, even in the mafia he confused many. he was arguably one of the best leaders out there. many feared him and his men. the tactics used by his team terrified even the toughest of mafiosos. 
 “do you want us to dispose of the body or?” the sentence johnny had asked snapped taeyong out of his trancelike state. 
 “hm, no. let them see what will happen if they try any other funny shit, the bastards really thought their new recruit could do a mission of that significance? idiots.” johnny chuckled and turned away from taeyong, a smirk overlaying his features. 
 “anything for you, tae.” as johnny walked out, taeyong thought of all the different instances where his men’s loyalty had been tested, and every single time johnny had been one of the only ones to stay by his side. he smiled to himself and left his office, ready for the next mission. he walked out into the grand room where a few of his closest men already lingered, talking amongst themselves.
 “cmon, they were already going to die, i helped them out in all honesty.” 
 “donghyuk, how in the hell is slitting someone’s throat helping them?” taeyong rolled his eyes at the two younger’s antics. 
 “will you two be quiet? youre giving me a headache. and mark?”
 “yes, boss?” “donghyuk has a point, he wouldve suffered a much greater fate if not for him.” mark stutters and bows to taeyong, apologizing. taeyong pats him on the shoulder reassuring him he was being light-hearted with the comment. he walks away from the two boys and over to yuta and jaehyun, his two close-range shooters.
 “so who’s coming with me tonight?” they both look at him and shrug. taeyong thinks for a second before deciding on jaehyun. yuta had a bad week and needing a small break. 
 “nevermind that, jaehyun will come. yuta, you need rest, ok?” yuta nods and offers the leader a slice of cheese. taeyong looks at him questioningly and takes it. he and jaehyun walk off shrugging.
 “so whats the plan tonight, tae?” taeyong stops and turns to his companion.
 “well, johnny is stationed at the door while you and mark go in first. kill anyone you see and scope out for any other outlying threats. then you’re going to go to the main room in the building and search for the target, don’t kill them, this is actually a rescue mission. i’ll have taeil and doyoung in the van watching the security cameras. once you find the target get him free but dont let him get away from you, we need him alive. bring him back to the van, taeil will know where to go. once you and mark get to the second location, i will already be there along with jungwoo and donghyuk. we will take it from there and you can head back here after that. simple enough?”
 “of course, but who needs them rescued?” 
 “im not sure exactly who, but some ceo needs him alive apparently.” jaehyun shrugs and continues walking towards the basement, where all things field related are. guns, knives, bombs, armor, you name it and it’s down there. the team for tonights mission all get ready in their required gear and pile into two vans, taking off into the quiet night. 
walking in this neighborhood was a terrible idea. you were shivering from the cold and every sound around you had your senses heightened and on alert. ‘what a shitty night’ your thoughts momentarily clouded your mind and you failed to notice the scene in front of you. three men came out of one of the many abandoned buildings around here, but why was one tied to a chair? you look up to see one of the men pointing at you and looking worried. your walking starts to get uneasy as you get closer. the other man throws the hostage into a van and then turns to you. you’re close enough to hear them speaking. 
 “what the fuck are we gonna do? we cant let her leave.”
 “i dont know, mark, lemme figure it out. maybe she didn’t see.” your face gives yourself away, the taller one rolls his eyes and groans. he starts towards you, the other looking uncomfortable. you stumble and start to back up.
 “um can i help you?”
 “yea can you help us with something real quick? we need a third person for it.” you hesitated but slowly start to walk over to the van.
 “so uh what do you need help wi-AH, WHAT THE FUCK?” the taller man pushes you in beside the one still tied to a chair and shits the door harshly. you get up and try to open it but theres no handles.
 “shit shit shit, holy shit what am i gonna do?” the man in the chair chuckles and wheezes. 
 “so what do they want you for? interference? or maybe you’re one of them too.” you turn to look at the man.
 “what are you talking about?” he scoffs and turns his head away from you.
 “hmm let’s hope your death wont be as grueling as mine, huh?” you swallow a lump that had formed in your throat.
 “what do you mean death? they’re trying to kill us?”
 “well sweetheart, im a contract so yeah, but you- you just ran into some shitty luck huh? these are your last moments if im being honest. no one comes out after being taken by nct.” your heart rate had skyrocketed. 
 “who is nct? why am i going to die i didnt see anything of importance. i just saw those two up there ask me for help.” he tsks and smirks. 
 “thats too late now, your already in this van being taken to the second location, and thats where the boss is- taeyong -he aint a nice guy you know, i would be praying for just a simple gun to the head at this point.” your face pales and the tears start falling. why did you have to choose that shitty side of town to go through? now look what happened, you’re being kidnapped by some organization that kills people for nothing. you curl into a ball into the corner and fall asleep thinking of everything you’re not going to get to achieve. 
the van’s door slides open and moonlight streams in, illuminating you and the man still strapped to the chair. you pull your head from your knees and push yourself farther into the corner, praying they would have forgotten you. the man that shoved you in peeks his head in and looks for you. his eyes land on you and you stay put. his face quirks before he reaches in to drag you out. you put up a hefty fight, punching and screaming at him.
 “you bastard, put me down or so help me-“
 “i think its best if you shut the hell up.” you scoff at his words and still attempt to wriggle yourself from his grasp. he pinches your arm and you finally just fall limp, giving into your fate.
 “what are we going to do with her? taeyong is already in there finishing up.” your captor said cooly to the smaller man.
 “just wait until he finishes, he’ll want to know we have her.” he sighs and walks towards a different van than what you arrived in, opening the back doors before turning back around. the man holding you starts walking towards it and sets you in it.
 “ya’know you made this whole thing hard for us? usually if a person sees something like what was happening they turn away and leave.” you scoff,
 “i already told you i didn’t see anything.” he smirks and turns away laughing.
 “i’m not dumb, i saw you before you even saw us. so what were you doing on that side of town so late at night?” you refused to reply. 
 “mark can you see if taeyong is almost done? i’m getting tired of watching this girl, she’s such a brat.” he turned back towards you and got closer.
 “am i gonna have to repeat myself? i require answers when i ask something.” you rolled your eyes and look away. before you can blink he’s grabbing your hair and yanking you closer to his face.
 “i dont like attitudes, brat. its like you want me to hurt you.” your eyes turn to saucers and you whimper out,
 “i- i was staying and studying late, i’m, i’m not supposed to be here please let me go! i wont tell anyone i dont even care i just want to go home!” he scoffs and hangs his head before looking back at you. a new voice makes its way to your ears.
 “i’m afraid i can’t let you go, sweetheart.” 
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bnha-mha-imagines · 5 years
Helloooooo~headcannons for Bakugo, Todoroki, Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima with a shy crush and they want to ask them out?
I wasn’t sure if you meant the boys were asking their crush out or if the crush was asking them out, so I just went with the first option. Sorry if I misunderstood! :) I adored this tho
He doesn’t have a crush. Huh? (Y/n)? Definitely not a crush, what. Why would you think he had a crush on them? Because they’re so cute that it pisses him off and he lays in bed at night wondering what it’s like to hold their hand? What? Huh? Sorely mistaken.
No, for real though, this boy is so frustrating because he denies his feelings for you for the longest time. He’s trying to be the number one hero over here so when he meets you and just falls head over heels, he’s hitting every rock and bump on they way down to try and crawl out of that hole. 
The more he fights it, though, the more he’s forced to acknowledge it. He’d try to distance himself from you but it’s just so miserable and hard for him so he’s just always crawling back. But don’t mention that or he’ll get pissy. 
When he’s finally on board with his own emotional rollercoaster he finds it really hard to talk to you. Anytime he starts getting close to asking you out his brain kinda goes into overdrive and he’ll end up shouting or saying something rude. 
It. Breaks. His. Heart.
Because when he raises his voice at you, your lip starts to tremble and your eyes get a little glassy. He feels like shit for doing that to you, instant regret. Hates that he can’t control his mouth when he’s around you.
Because he’s shit at communication you think he hates you tbh. Kirishima gives him the great idea to find a different outlet to confess to you, an idea which...Bakugo hates to admit isn’t half bad. 
So he’ll start to do little things for you. Harps on people if they embarrass you, will make you treats and leave them on your desk before you get to class (totally denies it, fyi), forcefully throws his hoodie to you if you look cold, etc.
It kind of embarrases you to get this sort of attention, though it gets the message across to you that he doesn’t actually hate you. So you start spending more time together and it gives you butterflies :)
This goes on for a while and eventually people catch on that something is going on between you. 
Mina will just gape at you both and be like “How long have you been dating!?!” and Bakugo just wraps an arm over your shoulders and is just deadass like “Two weeks.” And your face is in flames because he never officially asked you out?!?! What?!
You’re not complaining though. 
When he first realizes he likes you, he’s a little at a loss. He’s never asked anyone out before and he wasn’t even sure if you felt the same way.
So like any normal person, he googles it.
He finds a wiki-how on how to know if your crush likes you back, so he sets up his own little experiment.
He tries different things to see how you react. Will look over to you during class to see if you’re staring at him, or he’ll see you in the dorm commons and sit directly next to you even if every other chair is vacant. 
You’re a constant blushing mess during this period of time because all of a sudden the stoic hot-boy you’ve been quietly crushing on is paying way more attention to you than you’re used to. 
You kinda start to wonder if he likes you or not but are too scared to ask. What if you were misreading his actions? How embarrassing would that be!
So you just allow yourself to freeze up and quiet down when he’s around. 
Todoroki comes to two conclusions; either you like him, or you’re scared of him.
At this point, he’s down a wiki-how rabbit hole and its not exactly working out for him. He gets a little frustrated with it and decides to just straight up ask you.
It’s after class one day and he stops you right before you’re about to leave. “Wait for a moment please, I’d like to talk.” 
You’re shook. 
Once the room is empty except for you both he doesn’t waste a moment. “Are you scared of me?” It’s so blunt and serious that it shakes you to the core. You’re instantly panicking.
“W-What?! No, y-you don’t scare me. Why would you…?” You’re embarrassed, half of your brain trying to convince him and the other half trying to look back at what you’ve done that could have made him think that.  
He kinda just watches you get flustered and this tiny smirk goes onto his face, totally making you freeze. “W-What?” 
“So that means you like me, yes?” 
Reader.exe has stopped working. 
Taking your silence as a yes, he’ll take your hand in his and give it a kiss. “Then, would you give me the honor of a date tomorrow night?” 
This boy will be your doom. 
He thinks it's totally hilarious when your face gets all red and heated so he makes it a game to see how flustered he can make you.
He’s not sure when his gag transforms into flirting; it’s so subtle that he’s a little off-guard when he finally realizes it.
You’d be hanging out with the group and he’ll tease you so that you hide your face in your hands, and he feels all gushy all of a sudden and is so startled by this emotion that he accidentally shocks himself. 
After he realizes he has feelings for you, he is 10x worse, ohmygod. 
He starts shooting you left and right with dumb pick-up lines.
“Are you related to Yoda? ‘Cause Yodalicious.”
Bonus points if he can get it electricity-based.
“‘Ay, (Y/n), how about you leave the blinds open tonight so I can get a pikachu~”
“Are you a light socket? ‘Cause I feel a spark between us~”
“Are you my charger? ‘Cause I’d die without you~”
All of his friends call him cringey. He calls it romantic.
Everytime it brings a blush to your face and he eats it up. It’s just a win-win for him, he gets to be as cheesy as he wants and you’ll always get that cute little look on your face.
It kills you every time though because you definitely have a crush on him, and you still think he’s joking around with you. Eventually it gets really hard for you to deal with and you let him know you’ve had enough. 
“K-Kaminari, please stop.” You’re looking at your hands because you can’t meet his eyes. “I d-dont think I can take this anymore. It hurts when you joke like that when you...you don’t mean them.” 
He’s a little confused at first before his eyes widen and just laughs. Okay, at this point you’re a little hurt and annoyed because dude, you just built up your courage to ask him to stop and he laughs in your face, what the hell. 
But when he finishes laughing, he’ll look at you with those eyes and say, “(Y/n), do you really think those we’re all jokes? I mean, sure, I was trying to be funny but...the sentiment behind them is real. I really like you…” 
Your cheeks will get pink, not expecting him to just confess to you like that...and suddenly you remember everything he had said to you in all seriousness and feel so embarrassed!!!
“Do you still want me to stop?”
“No I...I think I like them now.”
Sero doesn’t really think he’s anything special, so he’s a little nervous when notices his feelings for you. He doesn’t see how someone as amazing as you would share the same kind of sentiment for a plain guy like him. 
Similar to a lot of his crushes in the past, he’ll try to quietly kill it off. When that doesn’t work, he just takes to secretly pining after you. 
He thinks your shyness is very humble and endearing, so he takes it upon himself to help you with anything you’d need. If you’re ever uncomfortable at a social event, he’ll take you to the side for a breather and carry out a more relaxing conversation.
You really lean on him when it comes to certain vulnerabilities, and you find yourself slowly becoming more open with him.
Sero doesn’t really notice it happening, but regardless is just a constant pillar of encouragement and support. 
Your conversations are gradually getting more intimate and you’re finding yourself more and more comfortable around him. He’s become your best friend, and you couldn’t deny you had feelings for him on top of that.
Eventually it becomes obvious to everyone that you both clearly have a thing for each other, and Sero’s friends are getting frustrated that he hasn’t done anything about it yet.
“Dude, they’re totally interested in you, why are you avoiding it?”
He just kinda shakes his head because...he just doesn’t believe them. He thinks they’re just trying to be nice because they’re his friends. When they can’t get him to confess, they at least get him to put it down in writing for you. 
He starts to write you little love notes and leaves them at your desk.
The first time you got one, you felt so flattered? He watched your face pinken as you read it before class. He had to hide his smile for fear of you realizing who wrote it.
He aint slick.
By now you already knew what his handwriting looked like, so you knew instantly it was he who wrote it.
But you don’t want to embarrass him so you never brought it up to him. So for a few weeks, he'll write you notes every other day, and you get so flustered if anyone asks you what they are. You hide it against your chest and blush...and then put it in a little bag you keep of every single note you’ve received. 
One day Sero walks into class, surprised to see a note on HIS desk.
He opens it and gets so embarrassed because it’s just a list of everything you liked about him and you signed your name with a little heart at the bottom. He’s so happy, he feels all light and bubbly.
During class he passes you a note and asks if you want to go see a movie that night, yes or no.
You get the rest :)
He’s probably the best out of these guys at asking you out, doesn’t really beat around the bush and does all the hard work for you.
By nature he’s really outgoing so even though you’re shy he always made that effort to include you and strike up a conversation. 
You find yourself more comfortable in his company than you are in most others, so you falling for him is a little inevitable. 
Once you realize your feelings for him, it gets a lot harder for you to be as open, and you kind of revert back to a lot of your shy tendencies.
It’s hard for you to hold eye contact for more than a few seconds and you trip over your words.
It confuses the hell out of Kirishima because he thought you were beginning to get comfortable with him? Did he do something wrong? He turns to your other friends to try and see what’s up.
“Mina, is (Y/n) upset with me or something??” 
The girl can’t keep a secret for the life of her, she rats you out so fast. “Huh? No, she just likes you, dude.”
Gets this silly grin on his face, can’t believe the class cutie actually likes him? Boy starts making plans.
He kind of avoids you one day and you begin to worry you made yourself too distant and ended up pushing him away. You were really frustrated with your shyness, feeling it ruined everything for you.
So when Kirishima pulls you aside after class, you get really frightened, thinking he was gonna stop being your friend. But instead, this guy pulls out some flowers from behind his back and your eyes sparkle because the gesture is so sweet.
“I heard from a little bird you liked me,” and he’ll pause just long enough for you to DIE and mentally curse every evil on a certain pink girl. “So I wanted to formally ask you...will you go out with me?” Of course you say yes.
You guys share a hug and you just hide your face in his chest because you’re so overwhelmed with joy and relief and can’t handle it.
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xchoco-mixturex · 3 years
Holy moly, choco thorws an arrival (duh) analisys?!
As always, spoilers from tenkuu shinpan arrive, up until chapter 71. Always, the japanese version, since I read it in japanese. Read with caution below. ALSO ITS VERY LONG. I apologize before hand! (and for my poor english)
Like seriously, i mean, it ,this is HUGE SPOILERS! if not spoilers from much of the plot until now.
(And before you ask, we are translating be god damn patient or we drop the project, k thanks nwn)
Okay? okay!
I dont now how many chapters we have left but i hope im actually wrong in this one because it feels like too few has passed :c. But a climax happened ofc: Daisei is there, you know, the huge ass eye. Also, ORibe mentioned that Yuri in on her way on fusion the dimensions, i dont know if she means the OG high rise dimension with the ruined high rise dimension? OR back to the real world? I doubt it’s back to the real world, since they still need a God, and left the game on pause tecnically. As Yuri said, it was ‘their fault’. Of course, Yuri being the actual administrator knew Daisei could do ruckus since he is also trying to archieve god. 
Now, i think Daisei is doing that in that ruined world since the OG High Rise world its paused. There hasnt been more killings, and i am not sure if the god candidate needs to read the other 2 god codes. For the ones that have read at least one code are:
And the Judges duo aka Kuon and Sniper.
Of course, Yuri cannot be god since it breaks the administrator rule, Juo is dead (is he? DUUUN DUN!) Okihara was comatose the last time we saw him and the med staff was healing him, Yoshida its mentioned to be alive but MIA. (or at least mentioned, since Yuri told Rika if he sees yoshida to thank him)
That would leave our beloved Sniper being the one with that duty. And for the role he is taking in arrive, who he is a bit more predominant there, it could make sense. BUUUUT! The issue is the god damn God system. I do not quite remember if reading the other codes was necessary,since he and Kuon finished the trial and faceless-kun said “yeh go on!” Of course, the issue with that, is that turning into God needs energy, and in the OG high rise world there is none or not the enough level to turn him into that, EVEN WORST, it seems that, according for what we have been seeing here, is that the ‘Will’ and the fluctuations of that is the one that feeds the system (despair, hope, etc). And will usually manifests, in a soul. Who the heck is a soul of the main five? Kuon.
You think the god damn Sniper would literally say “oh yeh, lets get rid of her and we get all out of here”. Lets be freaking honest, that option was there long ago but he was the one, literally, HIMSELF, that told her that no matter what she wont disappear. So yes, sacrificing Kuon is out of the question. Actually, sacrificing any of his team members its our of the qustion, since he asked Rika that with Yuri’s condition as Admin, she was forced to stay there somehow, and Rika said he is staying, and so did Sniper. So yes, leaving someone behind its ALSO out of the question Now, with the appearance of Daisei, who....Wanted to be like Kuon in that ethereal form since, according to him, it gives him a sort of inmortality, also wants to be god. And apparently, after he killed himself but had the will to ‘keep on living’, he realized he could be god. Now, I dont quite know HOW Ruined High rise world came to happen, but somehow Daisei arrived there. According with that he started a new killing game, a killing game the OG gang wanted to end FOR ONCE AND FOR ALL. Of course Daisei did not wanted them to interfere, so he created a sort of barrier that doesn't let the old members of the game enter. Therefore, neither Yuri and co could chase him down with the manipulating the barrier powers. That’s UNTIL...Kuon came with an idea. Apparently for what Sniper told Juorika and co, Kuon, Yuri, And Hayami Shintaro created the cloud mechanism (the ones with Clouds with a WILL aka, clouds with souls). Since Yuri seems to be human and in a frontier, and I am guessing its to keep the plan going, she sent the other main 4 to blend to that place: Rika, Nise, Sniper, And Kuon. Each of them linked to an object with their souls within, and not necessarily a weapon.  How each person got linked to their cloud its ANOTHER THEME, specially with the new character seen: Senya’s alien. The alien seems to be related to the creation of the system, not giving exactly who he is, but he having some authority over the strings of destiny, since he saw senya being a ‘main protaginist’ and, therefore, thats the reason he linked Senya with Sniper’s rifle, and therefore, Sniper! Who is the alien and what exactly is his role, i do not know quite yet. I just know the systems apparently were created with humanity’s will, the issue is how? and why? was a group of persons will? Since it seemed to be related to the archival of god status,  keeping people away of feelings, actually turning them emotionless, and being the strongest. Was it high class ppl? governments?  we dont know yet. Now back to the actual pot, Daisei has showed up, and his abilities with his second stage masks he seems to create using old memories. Some data recollected from the old world, not necessarily being ppl of that world that are alive right now, but also dead people since he brought Maid mask back.   Also it seems people are and at the same time are not related to their original power. If they have an original power beforehand, its good, but Daisei can also provide them more power of needed, specially if they are second stage soldiers. For example, Rika and Kuon are one of the strongest characters of the manga, Rika being an Apostle and not having  a god code in his system, yet still paired with the strength of a god, and Kuon, right now, its awfully OP, being able to bring ppl back to like and/or healing him. But their clones, Juo(rika) and Zeon, are just first stage level, who are just created to bring up despair, and analyse about intruders, but not personally KILLING the intruders or the foreign objects. (they call object from the OG gang like that). Then again, them compared to their og versions, aren’t that strong. Are they the strongest of their category? Yes. Are they paired to their original versions? Hell no. But then we have second stage soldiers that are naturally strong (Mayuko and Archeangel aka Nise and great angels clones...Oh and X, who is Miiko’s clone). And Second stage ones that aren’t naturally strong, like Maid mask, who was just paired up in strength to a strong angel, but nothing else, and now its paired up to people like Oribe who has Rika as her cloud (then again, a strong cloud,b ut his power is reduced due noodle form),and Asuka, who has Great Angel’s rod. What will happen now? Well, many stuff. First of all I don’t want it to end yet, but here are my takes: Well, we know Senya is coming back after talking with his alien friend (?, so he may get Oribe out of that issue when she is being strangled. The world merging may happen sooner as expected. That could mean, maybe, just maybe, the physical interference of the OG gang, no longer as noodles, since their presence its related to how the barrier (that its in a constant purge between Yuri and Daisei) its weakened or not.  I wonder if Daisei might flee with that, give a fight, or send a stronger clone. Hmmm... On the other hand, if the gang presence its stronger now, either be cloud is stronger or them just yeeting themselves there, that means MORE INTERACTIONS! (andsniperdad--). I hope we see other ones besides the main five, while i love the main five, i also like the other characters a lot, also lets have in mind Shika needs to see Hayami. Another thing, yes, during this whole ordeal, the Judges were investigating about Daisei, and while they aren’t sure if they can replicate bodies like he does (Iiiishhhh...) well they know, or at least Kuon knows, how to regenerate/resurrect people, but that takes a lot of energy and the hurt/dying person to have a will to keep on living, and honestly, I am surprised she hasn’t fainted yet--! Would the dimension merging somehow return her body back? Eh, its free to dream. What i know its that if the dimensions are united, that means Yuri could travel from A to B and, therefore, meet Nise again! And the crew of course! (well, after she rests because that whole things takes a lot of energy.) I rather not have my hopes up because Tenkuu shinpan Arrive aint as merciful as the prequel. Because honestly, it made me cry like at least 8 times. And Miura is not afraid to hit us in the feels, either be good or bad. What shall Daisei do? Oribe will be okay? What about the Mayu-Mayu gang with Juo(rika) and Zeon vs Archangel?! Rika will do something as a cloud? Shika will shoot? How long will Kuon endure in Nanami’s body?! WHERE IS THE SNIPER NOODLE?! And most importantly, if we have seen clones about almost all the main gang, and even some extras...Does that mean we shall face a Sniper clone soon?! (I fanon-wise call him Deva)  And how will his personality be? Because we have seen all clones are lacking on most of emotions (unlesstheyaredefective) Because if he is like how me and my tumblr bestie have been theorizing...This will be bad. Thank you for reading my huge analysis! Take care!
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