#airship among us release date
mysterypandastore · 2 years
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Airship DIY Puzzle 3D Wooden Puzzle is made of high-quality materials and first-class laser cutting technology. The design is novel and unique, which distinguishes it from other 3D wooden toys. There are detailed instructions in the packing box, easy to understand and ensure an easy and smooth assembly process.
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khira-queen · 20 days
Day #3 - Tempest
"Waengrina Doenstyrmwyn, cap'n o' th' Sahagin's Shriek, an' a downright fearsome shipwright. Was a privateer fer th' Maelstrom up until a few turns back. She'd been runnin' a small shippin' outfit on th'side, reckon she saw the war's end comin' an' made plans t' hang 'er axe up early. Found quite th' profit it turns out. Last any saw of 'er she was on an' airship t' Ul'dah a fortnight ago. "
"I'm guessing she's gone missing then?"
"Dead. Th' Brass Blades found 'er body sprawled on 'er inn room floor three sun's ago. Thankfully th' Flames caught wind an' found it prudent t' send word t' Maelstrom Command."
Khira sat hunched in a Maelstrom office, or at least a broom closet that had been hastily converted into one. It was barebones at most, crates for chairs an a rickety workbench for a desk. Yet however cramped she felt, the looming Roegadyn across from her must have been far worse off. The night before, Khira's office had received an urgent summons to Limsa Lominsa requesting her aid in a delicate matter. She'd considered refusing, a last minute boat airship to Vylbrand wasn't cheap, and it wasn't as if she didn't have other work to attend to. But a Grand Company favour had value of its own.
"Sergeant Saelzfaeld, your summons implied this was a delicate matter for the Maelstrom but so far it seems like your dead woman go too rich too fast and wandered into a viper's den." She shrugged at the officer. Murder investigations weren't a rare request for someone styling themselves as an investigator, but this sounded like a messy affair rife with mercantile politics. "As I'm sure you must be aware from Maelstrom records, my skills are of a magickal nature. Why go to the trouble to call me all the way here?"
Saelzfaeld grimaced as he shifted uncomfortably, the makeshift box seat beneath him creaking under his bulk. "Truth told y' weren't my first pick Miss Lhizahla. At first I'd 'oped to keep this whole affair internal, but circumstances forced me 'and." He fished around under the workbench a moment, pulling out a broadsheet dated the sun prior. The main headline stood out; 'Tempest Trader Drowned in Desert Jewel".
"Wait... drowned? In Uld'dah?" Khira's confusion was as plain as Saelzfaeld's exasperation.
"So it seems, aye. 'ccordin' to th' Blades' released reports, Waengrina was found bloated an' belly up, top floor o' th' 'ourglass, filled t' the gills with salt an' bile." The roegadyn scratched at his neck, almost sheepishly. "Jacke-"
Khira raised a finger, cutting him off. "You should have led with the cause corporal, I would've agreed right away." A hint of a smirk crept across Khira's face subconsciously. Mundane murders among merchants weren't noteworthy, not in Ul'dah. But this was abnormal, which made it interesting, and Khira was nothing if not morbidly curious. "You definitely have my attention, but before I sign on I must know. What's the Maelstrom's stake here? Why does a Grand Company care about the death of a privateer turned profiteer?"
The corporal clenched his jaw, as if he was being forced to give up some grave personal secret. "Yer' right in sayin' Waengrina got rich quick. T' put it simply, she'd been takin' 'er pick of Garlean magitech under th' table while privateerin', used it t' get an edge in on shippin' times an' drive down' market price. Word was she was lookin' t' expand out from coastal work t' continental." He took a breath, staring Khira down "We' care s' much 'cause a right storm is brewin'. Dependin' on th' culprit, this could start a bloody trade war 'tween th' Black Sails. Or worse, 'tween Limsa Lominsa an' Ul'dah."
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humblemooncat · 1 year
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FFXIV Write 2023: A Journey of Remembrance Day 4: "Off the Hook" ♫
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"Humor me a moment, will you?"
The two walked hand-in-hand through Hawker's Alley, having wandered the city since the airship arrived that afternoon. Ki'to had a twinkle in his eye, whether mischievous or no, G'raha couldn't tell.
"Dare I wonder where you're leading me if I say yes?" he asked, bemused.
"Somewhere close by. Just allow me a stop at this stall first" Ki'to replied, his hand slipping from their grip to slink over to a produce stall.
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As G'raha followed him, he noticed the merchant trading hushed whispers with his husband before pulling a basket up from behind the counter to hand to him. Ki'to handed him a bag of coin and turned back to grab his lover's hand again, the basket hanging from his other arm.
G'raha gave him a quizzical tilt of his head, to which Ki'to simply replied with a grin. "You'll see. Now, let's go!"
"The docks?" G'raha asked, "I had figured you'd lead me to a seedy tavern or something with how you were looking"
Ki'to laughed, "I wouldn't do that to you. At least, not on this trip"
"This trip, eh?" the accusatory tone only made Ki'to grin wider.
"Tell me, do you remember the last time we all gathered here?" he asked, changing the subject.
"Of course. 'Twas before we embarked to Sharlayan"
"Indeed" Ki'to turned to the view before them, "One of many voyages I've taken from these docks. Sharlayan, Kugane, occasionally even to Thanalan" He gave a loud whistle and wave to one of the dock workers, "And not least of all, the many fishing trips"
The sea wolf waved them over, a small vessel beside him in which lay a couple fishing poles.
"You're taking me fishing?"
"You did say you'd humor me"
The sun was on its way below the horizon as the two reeled in their last catches of the day, floating quite a ways from the docks of the city.
As Ki'to pulled his off the hook and lowered it into the water, he watched as it wriggled free of his grasp and swam away.
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"Nothing quite like the freedom of being let off the line after being pulled along so long" he mused, eyes still on the water as it shone brilliantly in the last bits of sunlight.
G'raha released his own catch, looking up at his husband. "Sometimes the line is comforting, leading you through the vast ocean"
Ki'to smiled wistfully, "For a while, sure. But better momentary indecision in the face of too many choices, than to be pulled forcefully where you wish not to be" He leaned over to the basket from earlier, "But enough melancholy metaphor, this was meant to be a nice date" The clinking of glasses preceded a wine bottle as they were pulled from the basket.
Questions bubbled up and died on his lips as G'raha looked on at his lover, framed beautifully by the dying light. "Right..."
"The Admiral recommended this one. It's apparently very light and not too dry. I was never one for the dry wines" as if to punctuate his point, Ki'to's tongue poked out in disgust, "Join me for a glass under the stars before we go?"
"Of course, Love" G'raha perked himself up, "So that's what was in the basket. I had wondered"
"That and some little snacks to go with it. I asked the Admiral to order them before we arrived" Ki'to explained, "She knew better than I what paired well with what, so I asked her to surprise us"
"You trust her with these choices, I take it" G'raha asked, taking a glass from him and taking a sip.
"Among others. Like those shorts you like so much" Ki'to said with a grin, hearing an almost spit take from him.
The two continued to laugh amongst one another as they enjoyed the wine and each other's company, only rowing back to the docks once they'd had their fill of both.
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Despite everything trying to fight against me today, my brain and crimes both, I finally got this done!
Today's destination: Limsa Lominsa <3
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xtruss · 1 year
Leaked Pentagon Documents About Chinese Balloons Only Expose US' Purpose To Press, Coerce China: Experts
— Xu Yelu | April 16, 2023
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US Double Standards. Cartoon: Carlos Latuff
Regardless of the authenticity of the leaked documents purportedly revealing details of four Chinese "balloons," the purpose of the US' continuous hyping of the incident is to create a consensus of fear toward China among Americans, and to hype so-called China's lack of respect to the US in the international community, experts said on Sunday.
According to The Washington Post on Saturday, a document produced by the US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency dated February 15 contains the most detailed government assessment to date of three Chinese airships.
Citing intelligence analysts, the US media outlet assessed that one of the "balloons" that flew over the US in February could generate enough power to operate "any" surveillance and reconnaissance technology, including a type of radar that can see at night and through clouds and thin materials.
However, Chinese military experts said that some of the content mentioned in this leaked document cannot be counted as so-called evidence, but rather serves the political purpose of the US to continue hyping the so-called threat of China's civilian unmanned airship, while exaggerating the military use of Chinese civilian airship.
Using high altitude balloons for scientific research activities has become an international norm, with data from the China Science Daily showing that by 2018, the US had released more than 2,000 high altitude balloons, France around 3,000, and Japan more than 800.
Civilian balloons include two categories. Some are released by scientific research units for purposes that include monitoring atmospheric circulation and meteorological detection, and the other comes from companies, such as Google, which use balloons for navigation and communication, Chinese military expert Song Zhongping told the Global Times on Sunday.
In the leaked classified documents published by The Washington Post, it assessed that the solar panels on one balloon could generate upward of 10,000 watts of solar power, more than enough to operate any surveillance capability, including synthetic aperture radar.
However, experts said that the mention of solar panels can only illustrate the good quality, cost-effectiveness, and energy storage efficiency of China's solar panels. "The US' 'free' advertisement for China's solar panels allows more countries around the world to recognize that China's solar panels perform very well," Song said.
In addition, experts pointed out that the leaked documents only reflect that the US is an untrustworthy country that cannot keep secrets. "Who would dare believe and engage with a country that can't keep secrets? This is a vivid portrayal of the loss of credibility of the US in the world, especially among its allies," Li Haidong, a professor at the China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times.
According to the provisions of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention), the civilian unmanned airship has the same legal status as civil aircraft. It is clear that the US has not obtained any evidence, only speculation that the solar panel is providing power to remote sensing equipment, which is completely unfounded, experts said.
At the same time, the Financial Times published an article entitled "China stalls Antony Blinken's Beijing visit over 'spy balloon' concerns" on Saturday, alleging that China is refusing to let US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visit Beijing over concerns that the FBI will release the results of an investigation into the downed suspected Chinese "spy balloon."
The US has always tried to impose pressure on China before high-level US officials' visit to force concessions from China in communication with the US, experts said. Even if there were no balloon incidents, there would be other incidents.
This approach demonstrates that the US lacks sincerity in handling its relationship with China and is an attempt to force China to cave in by coercion, threats, and intimidation, Li said. The US' intention to link the "balloon incident" to Blinken's postponed visit to China is to shift blame onto China for all the problems, obstacles or inconveniences in China-US relations.
"The whole thing is a shameful event directed by the US, which exposes the US' true intentions of creating chaos in China-US relations and regional security. This is both sinister and pathetic," Li said.
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codeintumb · 4 years
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Airship gets an official release date
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Oooh could you expand on why you liked the op?? I honestly don't know what to make of it yet, especially since it felt so different from other ops, but I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Absolutely will do!! This took longer than I wanted cause everytime I sat down to write I started getting distracted from the OP and just listening to it on repeat lmao
To start this off, I should add that throughout the week leading up to release date, I was following a couple of leakers on twitter who did drop some info on the OP; mainly that Shinsei Kamattechan were returning, the title, that it wasnt gonna feature any characters and instead be a metaphor for the “cruelty of war”. Knowing all of that had me pretty excited but also gave me the right expectations, so it wasnt too jarring to see at first. 
But, to jump into this, first of all, I just loooove the visual style in general. It mostly just being static shades of white and light grey, with these very washed out colors exploding and flowing onto the image...it’s absolutely gorgeous! Like I just really dig this color scheme. And it’s highlighted even further by the gorgeous, fluid animation...these explosions look so good! I’m also just a big sucker for familiar characters/entities being represented in a sort of timeless way...be it a portrait, a statue, a monument, whatever (think smth like this), so seeing Eren and the other titans at the end there was just an absolute treat. Whatever that thing is, I want some kind of print/purchasable piece of merch of it because that heap of titans looks amazing. 
The song also just bangs tbh. It’s such a weird agglomeration of instruments and vocals but I find it comes together really well. The childrens choir, the piano at the beginning, the distorted vocals and most importantly that E-violin!!! so fucking good! Honestly I just love the way this song sounds and Im more hyped for the full version than the ost release atm (even tho I love what we heard so far from that too). The combination of the visuals with the music too is great here...I’ve never seen a flamethrower used in combination with the beat of a song before (outside of mad max fury road I guess lol?) but goddamn its just such a cool fucking combination I cant get over it. 
I have some thoughts on the imagery and the symbolism and my interpretations of it all, and I wanna get into those too, but really, the main thing I absolutely love about this OP is how different it is. Just as the marley arc is probably the most different of all in the manga, just as the new studio has made a show that, in many ways, looks feels and sounds vastly different from the old Attack on Titan, the OP encapsulates all of that by just being this new thing and succeeding at it
I love WIT’s OP’s, I love Linked Horizon’s work on the show. But honestly, the “Linked Horizon hype OP” genre pretty much peaked with Guren no Yumiya for me. I still like all the others, but overall, OP 1, 2, 3 and 5 just feel a bit too same-y for me, especially given that I honestly don’t think any of the follow ups surpass the original. Heck all these other songs even reference GnY in some capacity--I cant help but feel like they could never let go of Guren’s success and never tried something else. Except for Red Swan of course, which is also my 2nd favorite WIT OP. It’s slower, it’s sadder, it’s melancholic, and vastly different from all the others, and I really appreciate that. It tries to be its own thing and it succeeded for me. And “My War” even more so feels like it has a very distinct, unique vision, goes all out in that way, and it just works beautifully.   
And it’s that distinct, unique vision that I wanna dig into lastly here, because, just as the marley arc does for this manga, I find that out of all the OP’s, My War most explicitely depicts and visualizes many of the core thematic ideas of Attack on Titan and brings them directly into the forefront. I’ve seen a bunch of cool interpretations of the song at this point, and someone may have somewhere already said all this, but I wanna throw it in here regardless
After countless battles, sacrifices, victories and losses, Eren and the survey corps were able to win the war against the titans that their walled world was stuck in for a hundred years. Their gigantic enemies were defeated, and freedom ought to lie ahead. But no, beyond the shores is just more...more oppression, more war, more death and more sacrifice. The history their king to from them is one of war and oppression, a never ending cycle of violence, spanning back 2000 years, continuing forward. One oppressive regime falls, only for the next to take its place. This has been the history of mankind since the dawn of man, and it continues on and on and on. 
This is what this episode shows us, another military battle around another walled encampment, and this is what this opening shows us...a world perpetually at war. Man’s hatred for one another leads to conflict, to war: it’s continued existence in history and continued technological advancements are the perfect visual representation of this. Man’s capacity for war breeds more war, and it takes lives and it takes freedom and it doesnt stop, it just keeps consuming. 
The Opening starts off with battleships, artillery fire, mortars, flamethrowers, nuclear explosions and a titan spine forming among them all, until the birds of freedom fall dead out of the sky. Neverending armies of soldiers march the streets, airships rule the sky, but all the soldiers, all the military craft, the marleyan military and the paradisian soldiers all fall to pieces and get destroyed. War and conflict rage on and all the pieces fall to the ground, littering the earth in nothing but death and destruction. And at the end, atop this mountain of corpses and mayhem, the titans arise, reaching forward, attacking. They are born from mankinds neverending cycle of destruction, the physical manifestation of our inner demons that lead us to kill each other. 
I thoroughly believe that this sequence of events most perfectly encapsulates all of attack on titan. Look at the marley arc: the years of their attempts to wipe out Paradis island lead the island and the attack titan straight to them, delivering a terrible blow to them during their declaration of war. 2000 years ago it was the warmongering, slave hording king fritz who had a girl hunted for sport who brought about the era of the eldian empire, creating a system to eternally maintain the titan’s ability to wage war and rule the lands that would wind up ripping humanity apart. Look at the final arc: all of humanities hatred towards the island devils birthed the final attack titan and his horde of demons who have come to trample the world underfoot. The titans have always arisen as the consequence of man’s tendency towards conflict and death. Eren’s titan first formed from inside a titan who just killed him, his last titan was born out of his own death yet again. Titans are man’s desire to kill given shape, and the more man kills and fights, the more titans arise. 
It’s a bleak and terrible look at the cruelty of the world, that I think the OP highlights immensly well. It’s a gorgeous looking and sounding 90 seconds, and despite its contents being essentially horrifying, its fun to look at and listen to. Isayama once said about Eren’s attack in marley that “what eren does here is the worst thing. but if you were able to feel just a little bit of excitement from it, then it was worth drawing manga all this time”. Somehow, one way or another, we’re drawn to conflict, despite how terrible it is. And I think this opening manifests this beautifully 
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masternest · 3 years
Among Us - New Map Release
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So on the last day of March, the creators of Among Us had released their newest map for the game called The Airship. It’s their biggest map to date which is sure to bring back old Among Us players. I was able to try out this map with some peeps and I can honestly say that it was a lot of fun. There were new tasks that helped keep things engaging and helped bring back that slight sense of anxiety and urgency whenever you’re doing a task Another thing to note is that since it’s April 1st, they have made the Kled map to where everything will appear opposite when you check your map hud. I think it will only happen for April Fools but it’s a nice little event that the creators cooked up
Another thing that you need to know, is that we’re no strangers to love. You know the rules and so do I. A full commitment’s what I’m thinking of. You wouldn’t get this from any other guy. I just wanna tell you how I’m feeling. I gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
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askomnitica · 4 years
Watch "Among Us: Airship Map Reveal Trailer & Release Date" on YouTube
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Remnants Silver Legends
Chapter 9
The Sinda Castle/Silirin/ Endemar
“Okay this might sting a bit,” said a Hospitler as they try to mend the wounds of the knight before them.
“Understatement of the age, he responded.”
He holds in his screams as they do their job and try to heal him. Restraining himself he tries to ignore the pain. He thought losing his arm was painful enough but this was worse. Then again he probably fared better than others. He was just one of hundreds that needed aid. Each one with a wound worse than the other. While they receive treatment their leader is pressured to reveal the events that led to this defeat.
“By the time we arrived, Nenlant was the only stronghold left in Anarsta, Laban stated.”
He stood facing The Grand Marshal; David, The Lord of Silirin; Herod, and The Arbiter of the Ostirio; Prisca. All of them questioned him about how and why their most distinguished legion had lost. To find the truth they continue to hear his tale. Herod then asked something he had been wondering about for a long time.
“What about the Lancer Wing from Gadronma, or the U.K.R.’s Northern territories?”
“Aneirin and his forces never came. Without their support the city was doomed, he answered.” 
The Kingdom of Nenlant had requested all available aid from their allies. The only ones to be able to respond were The City of Silirin and The United Kingdoms of Rawmaite. Nenlant was under threat from The Grand Eccumene’s Armies. Nenlant was one of two major trade cities in Anarsta with it being the largest on land.
 If it fell the north was doomed. Numen and the U.K.R. would be cut off from one another. The plan was for Silirn to send their best ground Legion, and Rawmaite would send in a Wing from the Gadroma Lancers. Air superiority  and high quality warriors, Nenlant was guaranteed to survive. So what went wrong they asked? Why didn’t their allies come?
“Judging by the large force that came from the north, Rawmaite most likely lost their territory, Laban stated.”
After hearing what he just said puzzled them. Of all the known civilizations in or around Numen;  Rawmaite was by far the largest and most dominant of them all. Thanks to their large armies and resources they rose to be the world's dominant empire. The thought of them losing any ground was unlikely to happen.
“That’s not possible, It can't be. The United Kingdoms’ wouldn't dare lose their main foothold in Numen or their land trade routes, argued David.”
“Well apparently they did, and we were forced to retreat. As for Aneirin I have no knowledge to explain his absence, he testified.”
That last part seemed to have distured Herod the most. He and Aneirin were after all close friends. They have known each other for years, even before they rose to positions of power. They had always been able to socialize with one another with ease. But now the times they are in now have put a strain on their friendship. He just hopes that his friend is alive and well. Prisca began to ask Laban.
“What was the strength of the enemy forces you encountered?”
“The Eccumenes’ forces numbered over 28,000. Even with the city’s garrison we were still outnumbered by a 2-1. An even fight in my opinion if you ask me, laban said.”
“If it was an even fight, then how did you lose the city?” 
Prisca asked him softly without insult. She knew how sensitive he was about losing. Especially with Nenlant being his greatest loss to date. Laban noticed her tone, and acknowledged  her concerns. He continued and answered.
“My Knights and the local Nenians held the city as best as we could. Warring off every threat that came our way. Eccumene soldiers, Grimm and the growing fires that spread through the city. At first things were going well for us until a ship from the West came. An Eccumene warship.”
“How many of them were there, Herod asked?” 
“There was only one ship my Lord.”
“One, are you sure, asked Prisca?”
“Yes but it wasn’t common among their known Fleets. This one was special. Its hull was painted all black marked by white and red designs which gave it a grim appearance. They called it; Essence of Dying Worlds. Had you seen the ship you’d agree with the name.”
The three of them turned to each other sharing the same gaze of concern. This all seems a little far fetched, but Laban has never lied about matters like this. But that begs the question? What kind of force aboard that ship? 
“How could one ship turn the tide of the battle, David inquired?”
“The ship itself was equipped with artillery that I had never seen. It could possibly rival that of the Royal Navy’s Serne class-cruiser. But that wasn’t why we lost. The troop complement aboard the ship was, Laban declared.”
The Knights and Dames of the Silote Legion were held in high regard. Most of its members had almost 5 decades of experience. Some have talents too exotic that most can’t replicate. The leaders were brilliant of the mind that it would be rare to outsmart and maneuver around them. The warriors aboard that ship must have been something else to send them running.
“What was so special about these, . . . reinforcements that they can send our best legion running home, implored Herod?”
“To start, these reinforcements didn’t appear to be part of the Eccumene Army. Their Uniforms matched the same grim appearance of their ship. At first we thought they were pirates, then they released their first wave. They attacked us soon after, making way for the rest of them to join the fight. Soon after they then led whatever forces were left of the Eccumene.”
“What was the quality of these Warriors, David asked?”
“Far above the eccumene’s normal standards. The Grimm aesthetic aside they were a force to be reckoned with. Even the ones that appeared to be the low class can rival a Silirin knight after 30 years of service, Laban answered.”
That only worsened their fears. Some of those knights’ held over 80 years of service.If a human force can be on par with them, it could only be the result of unnatural means. Which begs the question: how many are there?
“How many of them were there, Prisca asked?”
Laban gave into deep thought. Trying to get an estimate. Trying to remember how many of these Demons were there.? Trying to remember without the horror they instilled in him. He soon gave him their answer.
“When they began their assault, and assuming the ship met their naval standards at least 600.”
That caught them by surprise.
“600 unknown enemy warriors turned the tide of the battle, David inquired?”
“Like I said these weren’t any warriors.They caught us off guard and exhausted us. After they accomplished that the rest of them came. At first I thought It was Anerin finally arriving, but it wasn't him.
That raised more questions.
“Who, who wasn’t Anerin, Herod asked, confused?”
“Thousands of them making their way to the city. Not by land or water. But by the sky they came. On the backs of Nevermores Wyverns, and other winged Grimm. Soon after thousands more came on the back of other Grimm,” he stated as he remembered that terrifying sight. He then told them all the details of his most devastating defeat.
Nenlant/ Anarsta/ 10 days ago
A city of wonders, and trade. That was Nenlant in its golden years. Towering spires, reaching small towns built upon the lands flying in the sky. Held in place by large crystals of dark violet hues. Vast rivers, and streams below leading inland to coast. Truly a marvel of its time. Till now.
The Grand Eccumene had sent an Army group numbering over 28 thousand soldiers. On the first day they had laid siege to the lower city on the ground. As well as the river network. Though it cost them a few hundred troops they still had enough to continue the fight. One advantage they didn’t have in this battle was air superiority. Nenlant had converted their airships from travel to war. These were meant to ferry people from the main city on the ground to the sky lands. Now they lay fire upon their invaders.
However the battle in the air is not the crucial part. If the garrisons of Nenlants spires fall then the upper cities are doomed. But all is not lost yet. For the Eccumene to win, they must first fight through the Arhon of the Silote legion.  Three thousand silver eyed warriors  are all that stand between Nenlant and its enemy. After all they were born to fight.
Four days have passed since the battle started. The Eccumene control over half of the lower city. The city garrison had taken heavy losses. Less than four thousand were left.  As for the sky less than  half of their airships remain, and continue to drop from the sky. But the tide has yet to turn in favor for one side. For in the minds of the combatants they can only guess who will triumph.
On the ground a fight most dread takes place. The Arhon hold their ground as their foe continues their siege. Swords clash as spears break against raised shields  Some are prey to the dark beasts drawn by their hate for one another. Till someone claims a victory this bloody battle goes on.
“HOLD THE LINE,” screamed the Marshal.
He parry’s his blade against another. Their eyes locked, as their swords stress from the pressure of strength forced upon them. With his right hand he releases his grip and forms a fist. With it he slugs his foe across the face. He repeats this three more times till his opponent is disoriented. The force against his blade is weakened. With the advantage he pushes his foe back, so he can do a swift turnaround and kick. He succeeds and his foe now lays 2 ½ meters away on the ground. 
His foe tries to rise only to meet an unfortunate end at the claws of two Beowolves. Sensing his hate and fear, to them he was seasoned to perfection. One of them had his arm in his jaws as the other went for the abdomen. Screams emanated from the poor soul as the beowolves had their way with him. He pulls out a dagger and stabs one of them in the eye. 
They retaliate as he continues to stab the beowulf's head over and over again. The beowulf who had his arm in his jaws bites down hard. Causing the arm to fly away. He screams even louder in pain. Cursing the beast he tries to stab the head of the beowulf one more time. With the last of his strength he went for it. Only for the beowulf to turn his head from the stomach to the oncoming blade.  
The beast gripped the hand in his jaws. It then bit, and tore off the only hand the man had. He screams in agony and realization that he was now unable to fight back. Then the wolf that had tore his first arm off bit down on his head, and swallowed it whole. They resumed their meal as the screaming stopped. The victim’s foe that had put him there, only watched as he stood there. 
He had yet to move from the spot after their fight. Taking in the carnage he had witnessed it had  seemed to entrance him. Then the beowolves turn their gaze from their meal to him. He stood his ground as one lunged after him. Swiftly he moved, drawing his sword so that it had slashed the creature’s throat. As it lay on the floor the Marshal brought his sword up and severed its head. 
This enraged the other beowulf. It then charged him. To avoid the wrath of the beast he jumps into the air. As he falls back down he turns using the momentum to throw his sword through the monster’s back. The weapon had pierced through it. The tip of the blade exposed from the chest was covered in blood blackest night. He then rushed to grab the hilt of his sword. Both hands gripped the blade and with all his strength moved the blade upward. 
Swinging away from the creature its head, and chest split into two. It collapses to the floor and begins to turn into black smoke. He turned his head to the other to see it was further ahead into becoming nothing. His gaze then turned to the remains of his foe, or what's left of him. For some reason he couldn’t understand why his defeated foe caught his attention more than the battle around him. He’ll have to think about it for another time though.
He makes his way back to the imaginary line. On one side were friends and allies and on the other the enemy trying to breach it. He enters the ruined buildings they now fortified for the battle. He passes through several knights resting and mending wounds. He makes it all the way to the building they turned into a makeshift command center. 
Once there he sees the Serviens aim their longbows down at the enemy keeping them at a distance. He also sees the young Nethrahari do their best handling logistics. He wonders if bringing the youngbloods was necessary. He makes his way to the top of the building’s balcony where the main command was located. He approaches one of the knights there, and asks; “Captain status report?”
“Not well Marshal Laban. A majority of our Serviens are wounded with scores of them dead. Less than half of Nenlants makeshift war balloons remain in the air. The same can be said about their ground forces as well,” the captain declared.
“What's the status of our enemy, Laban asked?”
“Not faring any better than us. Most of their Optimati have fallen. At least a few hundred of them are left. Their main force stands at about 17 thousand. As for the Faunus they brought with them they have yet to suffer any losses that we know of. But they still have a large number of troops that still out number ours.”
That put pain to his thoughts. When the battle began the Eccumene’s forces numbered over 28 thousand. As his forces numbered over 12 thousand with 5 thousand being his own people. Now days have passed and they still outnumber them 2-1. The only advantage they had was quality over quantity. But the biggest question still lingered in his mind. One that he needs answered.
“What of the Grimm Captain? How many of them are there, and what is the damage they have inflicted on both sides, he asked?”
The Captain hadn’t put much thought into, but now that Laban mentioned it he noticed something. Something he didn’t realize till now. He shared his thoughts with the Marshal.
“Strangely enough the grimm have been more focused on our forces than the eccumene’s. Only rarely do one of their troops get attacked by a grimm. In comparison to our forces they’re the aggressors. They should be the primary beacon for the grimm. Not us. Yet, what is also strange enough is that our battle is only attracting the lesser classes of grimm, such as beowolves, the captain stated.”
What he said brought more concern to his mind than relief.
“A battle this large should have attracted grimm of different classes. Yet the grimm we're facing  can easily be slain by our combat skill rather than our power.”
“What do you mean sir, he asked?”
“First Aneirin and his forces have yet to join the fight, then the enemy somehow manages to have a large force come from the direction we least expect. Now we face lesser grimm. Something we can handle without our power and yet they arrive in massive hordes. Combine that with the threat of the Eccumene’s army and by the time we survive to see the end we would’ve exhausted all of our endurance. Something tells me that the worst is yet to come Captain.” 
The words of the Marshal have left the room silent. Everyone who had heard began to have thoughts very dreadful. But for now they soldier on till the new treat arrives. 
“What kind of threat is yet to come, Marshal, the Captain asked?”
“I don’t know, but for now focus on the current fight for now, and inform Marshal Chaleb and the other commanders of this regiment to hold their ground, ordered Laban.”
An expression of pain and sorrow was spread over the Captain’s face. Laban picked up on this and asked; “What is it, Captain?”
“Sir . . . Marshal Chaleb is dead sir and all the commanders but one are dead. However Commander Selah is injured beyond the chance of returning to the battlefield anytime soon Sir,” he said.
The situation is getting worse and worse, he thought.
“Where is she, Laban asked?”
“I had a team move her from here to the center spire sir. At least there she can get the proper help she needs, he declared.”
“Good thinking, complimented Laban. What's your name Captain, he asked?”
“It’s Belshazzar Marshal, he answered.”
“How long have you severed?”
“Five decades sir. My service began since my days as an Edenyar.”
“Congratulations Belshazzar, you are promoted to Commander, and until the battles over command of this regiment are yours now. Lets see this fight to the end, said Laban.” 
Both of them saluted and parted ways. Laban left, leaving the newly promoted Commander to take charge here. Everyone in the room only gazed in silence to what just happened. Belshazzar noticing their dumbfound expressions elected to get them back on track.
“You heard the Marshal, we have a battle to win here. The sooner we finish the sooner we can go home now move, move, move, he commanded!”
Everyone in the room returned focus to their task at hand. Hospitelers tend to the wounded. Serviens keep aim, and the knights hold the line. While the New bloods tend to the supplies and help in any way they can. As for the new commander he hopes the Marshal was right to give him this rank, and responsibility. May there be a swift end to this conflict.
As the Marshal made his way to the other regiments of his legion a strange noise was heard. A noise from the west spread through the city. This caught the attention of many on both sides. Laban hurried to the next command post to get a better view of what was coming. Once he reached the high vantage point he used a fieldglass to see what it was. It was a ship quite large. Its appearance; strange yet familiar. Both its hull and sails were black in color. Marked by lines of red, and white. The way they were stayled were almost grimm in appearance, he thought. 
Then black clouds began to show above the deck. They then launched from the ship over to them. Flying through the sky at rapid speeds that if it weren’t for the smoke trail they left, no one could’ve kept track. Scores of those lines landed on the upper city as well as behind their lines. What those black clouds were, Laban didn’t know. Till two of them landed near him and he saw them.
Two tall figures stood in the middle of the court behind him. Hooded, and cloaked in black robes the only color standing out on them were the red markings. Highlighted by the white armor they were painted on. Their crimson blades adorned by black runes began to glow as they drew them. Holding their swords in a ready stance the glow of the blade revealed what was under their hoods. 
White masks adorned by red markings. But they pale in comparison to the one feature that gave their grimm appearance further merit. Their glowing red eyes surrounded by a black rim. Almost giving the impression of a soulless monster. Whatever they were, they can’t be good.
Finally got this chapter finished. I’ll admit it wasn’t as battlepacked as I wanted it to be. But hey that's what the next chapter is for. Also let me know if this chapter was a bit much or if you have any questions
Also here is the Silote Legions command structure and personnel at the battle
Marshal Laban
Under Marshal x 4
Commander x16
Captain x 48
Lieutenant x 192
Standards x 768
Knights/Dames x 2043
Serviens x 1536
Nethrahari x 768
Serviens(Humans & Faunus); 1536
Nethrahari(young sews);768
Total; 5376 members
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Herbert Manfred "Zeppo" Marx (February 25, 1901 – November 30, 1979) was an American actor, comedian, theatrical agent, and engineer. He was the youngest of the five Marx Brothers and also the last to die. He appeared in the first five Marx Brothers feature films, from 1929 to 1933, but then left the act to start his second career as an engineer and theatrical agent.
Zeppo was born in Manhattan, New York City, on February 25, 1901. His parents were Sam Marx (called "Frenchie" throughout his life), and his wife, Minnie Schönberg Marx. Minnie's brother was Al Shean, who later gained fame as half of the vaudeville team Gallagher and Shean. Marx's family was Jewish. His mother was from East Frisia in Germany; and his father was a native of France, and worked as a tailor.
As with all of the Marx Brothers, different theories exist as to where Zeppo got his stage name: Groucho said in his Carnegie Hall concert in 1972 that the name was derived from the Zeppelin airship. Zeppo's ex-wife Barbara Sinatra repeated this in her 2011 book, Lady Blue Eyes: My Life with Frank. His brother Harpo offered a different account in his 1961 autobiography, Harpo Speaks!, claiming (p. 130) that there was a popular trained chimpanzee named Mr. Zippo, and that "Herbie" was tagged with the name "Zippo" because he liked to do chinups and acrobatics, as the chimp did in its act. The youngest brother objected to this nickname, and it was altered to "Zeppo". Another version of this story was that his name was changed to "Zeppo" in honor of the then popular "Zepplin". In a much later TV interview, Zeppo said that Zep is Italian-American slang for baby and as Zeppo was the youngest or baby Marx Brother, he was called Zeppo (BBC Archives).
Zeppo replaced brother Gummo in the Marx Brothers' stage act when the latter joined the army in 1918. Zeppo remained with the team and appeared in their successes in vaudeville, on Broadway, and the first five Marx Brothers films, as a straight man and romantic lead, before leaving the team. He also made a solo appearance in the Adolphe Menjou comedy A Kiss in the Dark, as Herbert Marx. It was described in newspaper reviews as a minor role.
In Lady Blue Eyes, Barbara Sinatra, Zeppo's second wife, reported that Zeppo was considered too young to perform with his brothers, and when Gummo joined the Army, Zeppo was asked to join the act as a last-minute stand-in at a show in Texas. Zeppo was supposed to go out that night with a Jewish friend of his. They were supposed to take out two Irish girls, but Zeppo had to cancel to board the train to Texas. His friend went ahead and went on the date, and was shot a few hours later when he was attacked by an Irish gang that disapproved of a Jew dating an Irish girl.
As the youngest and having grown up watching his brothers, Zeppo could fill in for and imitate any of the others when illness kept them from performing. Groucho suffered from appendicitis during the Broadway run of Animal Crackers and Zeppo filled in for him as Captain Spaulding.
"He was so good as Captain Spaulding in Animal Crackers that I would have let him play the part indefinitely, if they had allowed me to smoke in the audience", Groucho recalled. However, a comic persona of his own that could stand up against those of his brothers did not emerge. As critic Percy Hammond wrote, sympathetically, in 1928:
One of the handicaps to the thorough enjoyment of the Marx Brothers in their merry escapades is the plight of poor Zeppo Marx. While Groucho, Harpo, and Chico are hogging the show, as the phrase has it, their brother hides in an insignificant role, peeping out now and then to listen to plaudits in which he has no share.
Though Zeppo continued to play it straight in the Brothers' movies for Paramount Pictures, he occasionally got to be part of classic comedy moments in them—in particular, his role in the famous dictation scene with Groucho in Animal Crackers (1930). He also played a pivotal role as the love interest of Ruth Hall's character in Monkey Business (1931) and of Thelma Todd's in Horse Feathers (1932).
The popular assumption that Zeppo's character was superfluous was fueled in part by Groucho. According to Groucho's own story, when the group became the Three Marx Brothers, the studio wanted to trim their collective salary, and Groucho replied, "We're twice as funny without Zeppo!"
Zeppo had great mechanical skills and was largely responsible for keeping the Marx family car running. He later owned a company that machined parts for the war effort during World War II, Marman Products Co. of Inglewood, California, later acquired by the Aeroquip Company. This company produced a motorcycle, called the Marman Twin, and the Marman clamps used to hold the "Fat Man" atomic bomb inside the B-29 bomber Bockscar.[citation needed] He invented and obtained several patents for a wristwatch that monitored the pulse rate of cardiac patients and gave off an alarm if the heartbeat became irregular, and a therapeutic pad for delivering moist heat to a patient.
He also founded a large theatrical agency with his brother Gummo. During his time as a theatrical agent, Zeppo and Gummo, primarily Gummo, represented their brothers, among many others.
On April 12, 1927, Zeppo married Marion Bimberg Benda.[15] The couple adopted two children, Timothy and Thomas, in 1944 and 1945, and later divorced on May 12, 1954. On September 18, 1959, Marx married Barbara Blakeley, whose son, Bobby Oliver, he wanted to adopt and give his surname, but Bobby's father would not allow it. Bobby simply started using the last name "Marx".
Blakeley wrote in her book, Lady Blue Eyes, that Zeppo never made her convert to Judaism. Blakeley was of Methodist faith and said that Zeppo told her she became Jewish by "injection".
Blakeley also wrote in her book that Zeppo wanted to keep her son out of the picture, adding a room for him onto his estate, which was more of a guest house, as it was separated from the main residence. It was also decided that Blakeley's son would go to military school, which according to Blakeley, pleased Zeppo.
Zeppo owned a house on Halper Lake Drive in Rancho Mirage, California, which was built off the fairway of the Tamarisk Country Club. The Tamarisk Club had been set up by the Jewish community, which rivaled the gentile club called The Thunderbird. His neighbor happened to be Frank Sinatra. Zeppo later attended the Hillcrest Country Club with friends such as Sinatra, George Burns, Jack Benny, Danny Kaye, Sid Caesar, and Milton Berle.
Blakeley became involved with the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, and had arranged to show Spartacus (featuring Kirk Douglas) for charity, selling tickets, and organizing a postscreening ball. At the last minute, Blakeley was told she could not have the film, so Zeppo went to the country club and spoke to Sinatra, who agreed to let him have an early release of a film he had just finished named Come Blow Your Horn. Sinatra also flew everyone involved to Palm Springs for the event.
Zeppo was a very jealous and possessive husband, and hated for Blakeley to talk to other men. Blakeley claimed that Zeppo grabbed Victor Rothschild by the throat at a country club because she was talking to him. Blakeley had caught Zeppo on many occasions with other women; the biggest incident was a party Zeppo had thrown on his yacht. After the incident, Zeppo took Blakeley to Europe, and accepted more invitations to parties when they arrived back in the States. Some of these parties were at Sinatra's compound; he often invited Blakeley and Zeppo to his house two or three times a week. Sinatra would also send champagne or wine to their home, as a nice gesture.
Blakeley and Sinatra began a love affair, unbeknownst to Zeppo. The press eventually got wind of the affair, snapping photos of Blakely and Sinatra together, or asking Blakeley questions whenever they spotted her. Both Sinatra and she denied the affair.
Zeppo and Blakeley divorced in 1973. Zeppo let Blakeley keep the 1969 Jaguar he had bought her, and agreed to pay her $1,500 (equivalent to $8,600 in 2019) per month for 10 years. Sinatra upgraded Blakeley's Jaguar to the latest model. Sinatra also gave her a house to live in. The house had belonged to Eden Hartford, Groucho Marx's third wife. Blakeley and Sinatra continued to date, and were constantly hounded by the press until the divorce between Zeppo and Blakeley became final. Blakeley and Sinatra were married in 1976.
Zeppo became ill with cancer in 1978. He sold his home, and moved to a house on the fairway off Frank Sinatra Drive. The doctors thought the cancer had gone into remission, but it returned. Zeppo called Blakeley, who accompanied him to doctor's appointments. Zeppo spent his last days with Blakeley's family.
The last surviving Marx Brother, Zeppo died of lung cancer at the Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage on November 30, 1979, at the age of 78. He was cremated and his ashes were scattered into the Pacific Ocean.
In his will, Zeppo left Bobby Marx a few possessions and enough money to finish law school. Both Sinatra and Blakeley attended his funeral.
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thearkhound · 5 years
Shigeru Miyamoto interview from Micom BASIC (February 1989)
The following is translation of a review of Super Mario Bros. 3 written by Akira Yamashita for the February 1989 issue of Micom BASIC Magazine as the 7th entry in his “Serious Play, Sincere Review” (ホンキでPlay, ホンネでReview) series of articles. It contains commentary by none other than Shigeru Miyamoto himself on the development of the game and its design choices. The review was written a few months after the release of Mario 3 and provide a few insights of not only of how game was received in Japan, but also how it compares to other games available in the market at the time thanks to Mr. Yamashita’s tremendous insights.
There’s also a list of recommended 2-players games for the Famicom that I decided to leave out, but I might translate it too and edited into the article at a later date if there’s demand for it.
Profile of Shigeru Miyamoto
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Name: Shigeru Miyamoto
D.O.B: November 16, 1952 (Sonobe, Kyoto)
Employed by Nintendo Co., Ltd after graduating from the Kanazawa University of Arts on April 1977. He became involved in game development in 1979, working as a character designer in titles such as Space Fever and Space Firebird. Currently works as manager of Nintendo’s R&D department 2.
Work History
Arcade: Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Mario Bros.
Famicom (as director & game designer): Hogan’s Alley, Excitebike, Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Wild Gunman, Duck Hunt, Devil World, Spartan X [aka Kung-Fu]
Famicom (as producer): The Adventure of Link, Doki Doki Panic, Super Mario Bros. 3, Shin Onigashima, Famicom Grand Prix: F1 Race, Volley Ball, 3D Hot Rally
The Culmination of The Athletic Game Genre
Athletic Game - This is the term that Mr. Shigeru Miyamoto and Nintendo uses to collectively refer to Super Mario-like games. Specifically it refers to games where slightly large characters move around the screen and jumps serve as the basic action.
Indeed. Mr. Miyamoto’s career has been in a cycle. Ever since Donkey Kong, the first time he ever worked as a game designer, it appears he has an inseparable bond with the athletic game genre.
First of all, any game in which almost all the characters are pushed out to the front (including “athletic games”) can be divided in the following sub-categories depending on the objective the player needs to fulfill in order clear a single stage.
A so-called “chase game” where the purpose is to avoid obstacles and enemies while doing a certain task (such as eating all the dots or reaching the exit). Examples include Pac-Man, Mappy and Chuck’n Pop.
A game where the objective is to defeat a set amount of enemies such as Dig Dug or Bubble Bobble.
Donkey Kong, Mr. Miyamoto’s maiden title, clearly belonged to the first category (although it might be a bit misleading to call it a “chase game”, since the enemies and obstacles only move at a regular pace). I remember it felt pretty fresh at the time to play a game made basically about “jumping”.
The objective of the game was changed for the original Mario Bros., which now felt into the second category. In addition to the Jump from Donkey Kong, Mario Bros. introduced “headbutting” as a new method for defeating enemies - This was very groundbreaking. Usually in a second category game, it was expected for the player to shoot bullets or some kind of equivalent. Substituting that with such an unusual method as “headbutting” was the nature, and significance, of the original Mario Bros. When it comes to games that feature unique methods of defeating enemies, it is surprising rare for titles released prior to Mario Bros. The games that suddenly comes to mind are titles such as Heiankyō Alien, where you dig and fill-in holes, and Libble Rabble, which employs a unique method called “bashishi”. [Translator’s note: The “bashishi” refers to the ability to destroy enemies by using a strand tied to two arrows to enclose them.]
And with Super Mario Bros. released for the Famicom [NES], the ingenuity was further expanded. “Stomping” on enemies has been added as a gameplay element in addition to jumping and headbutting, as well as the option for “Fire Mario” in order to satisfy the desires of players who wanted to shoot bullets. When you consider the type, it’s basically a Category 1 game, but it brings up the image of a Category 2 game to the player, creating a brilliant fusion of both types.
“It’s a type of game that is easily approachable for younger inexperienced players, but can also be played by experienced hardcores without getting tired of it. It’s a fun game, even when you’re just watching other people play from the sidelines. That’s the sort of game that I wanted to create.”
Miyamoto explained why he stepped into the so-called “athletic game” genre (which is a label that I don’t mind using). Super Mario Bros. 3, a game which satisfies such conditions, can be said to be the culmination of the genre.
Some of the Virtues of Super Mario 3
Super Mario Bros. 3 was a huge hit that by the end of 1988 there was even a shortage of supply. I think the following aspects should be noted.
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Caption: A card-flipping minigame similar to concentration. There are many hidden items such as 1UPs, Starmen, coins. Since there are only eight patterns to the distribution of the cards, it’s not impossible to memorize them and get a perfect.
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At a first glance it seems like a picture-matching game. You can stop the wheel (?) with the push of a button. If you can memorize the pattern, you can combine the picture into a starman and earn a shocking amount of five extra lives. It’s a perfect aid.
The Spirit of Aiding - Because 1UP mushrooms are plentiful compared to the previous two Mario games, and it’s also easy to get extra lives through minigames such as the picture roulette and concentration, it’s almost hard to get to the Game Over screen. Moreover, I’m glade there are aids that have been employed, such as the technique of picking up consecutive starmen, that take into consideration how well you can play the game comfortably.
The Presentation - Despite being an action game, considerable effort has been put into the game’s presentation in otherwise mundane places. For example, the kings that appear at the end of each world has been transformed into a different animal, in World 4 there levels where you can switch between normal-sized version and a version where all the enemies and environments are larger than usual, and in World 5 there’s a tower that you can climb which takes you to the heavens, where you will find the castle at the end. There’s no limit to the examples I can give. This is a significant improvement over the first two Super Mario games thanks to the increasement of the game’s ROM size. If there is one aspect I think could’ve been improved, was the presentation of the ending could’ve been better.
Scrolling Ideas - It’s rare for a single game to employ various methods of scrolling. There’s free-scrolling with your character, forced-scrolling to the right (and ocassionally diagonally), hi-speed scrolling, ect. The highlights are the flying airships that you enter at the end of each World. Like in Stage 3 of the arcade game R-Type (which also involved moving around a giant airship), you must carefully navigate your character while the stage scrolls through various directions in order to avoid being crush by a wall. While these ideas have been employed by other games in the past, they still deserve merit for the way they’re employed here.
The Music -  I believe the soundtrack to Super Mario Bros. 3 will go down as one of the best in Famicom music’s history. In addition to the sense and atmosphere that makes you feel the uniqueness of each world, what is truly amazing is that they managed to devise a program that makes sound sampling on the Famicom possible. That’s real. Those are the sounds of a real kettledrum and a bassdrum that were recorded through sampling. Following the release of the game, rumors spread that the Super Mario Bros. 3 cartridge employed an integrated chip specifically for the sampled sounds, but Mr. Miyamoto clearly denied such a thing.
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Caption: The king who appears in the castle at the end of Worlds 1 through 7 are each transformed into a different animal. You might find yourself laughing at the unexpected transformations. By the way, do you know what happens if you clear a World as Frog Mario?
The Peculiar Details and the Difficulty Setting
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Caption: The airship from World 8 is said to be one of the most difficult levels in Super Mario 3. Because of its uneven footholds, along with its high-speed scrolling, the results are quite bad. Perhaps you might even need the P-Wings if you can’t clear it normally.
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Caption: Among the enemies with individual patterns in the game, Boo has the most unique concept out of all of them. She only approaches gradually while Mario has his back turned on her. Each of these character establishes have good sense in them.
As mentioned above, Super Mario Bros. 3 has several aspects that are a rank higher than other games. However, when you take into account the game as a whole, it could be said that the secret to its popularity lies in how the details were set. The experts at Nintendo have crafted detailed maps, along with enemy characters that exists mainly to raise the quality of the game, that help motivate players.
Of course, you can’t ignore the perfectly exquisite difficulty setting. When I was playing for the first time, there were many stages where I thought “gah, I hope I don’t have to repeat this again!” Yet, strangely enough, most of the levels can actually be cleared without much of an effort. Although, you could say it depends on how you memorize the level designs, it is at that moment that you truly believe that you’re skilled. It is evident that you gain experience from playing Super Mario Bros. 3 and level-up at a very fast-rate.
Once you’ve become truly skilled, that’s when you start pursuing artistry in your play style. On a certain rough spot, could it be possible to clear it elegantly on the quickest time possible? With that in mind, perhaps the best strategy for certain stages is to aim for a non-stop completion. In fact, if you jump while doing the B-dash, it is possible to stomp on a Goomba and such with dead-on timing.
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Caption: For example, when you’re on top of the T-shaped pies in World 1-2 if you’re run off with the B-dash and do a large jump with a clack, you can step on a Para-Goomba like this. If you’re confident in your skills, you might want to try challenging your friends over who has the faster completion time in certain stages (although, it might be foolish to try this on a forced-scrolling level). You may also want to record your own nonstop gameplays on video to make your own “Super Mario Bros.3 Perfect Strategy Video”.
Mr. Miyamoto comments on the excess that led to such a strange setting being accepted by players
“I believe the reason why our players have support our games to such an extent is because we do our work with the utmost sincerity. ‘Don’t make the consumers feel like they’re lost - That’s our policy. Also we never try to deviate from our original intent, our original concept, even if a similar game is released before finish ours. If you do that, then it will be inevitable are that your game’s settings and balance will be ruined.”
It was through this interview that I’ve come to the realization that Mr. Miyamoto is truly one of Japan’s leading video game designers with his firm grasp on video game development.
The Greatest Theme: 2-Player Simultaneous Play
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Caption: In 2-players mode, if Mario and Luigi enter the same area, the original Mario Bros. will somehow begin play (this is no hoax). You can understand the importance that Mr. Miyamoto is placed on 2-players gameplay.
“The biggest theme of Super Mario Bros. 3 was making a game that was fun for 2 people to play”
I was a bit surprised by Mr. Miyamoto’s statement. I was aware that Super Mario Bros. 3 has a mode where two players take turns between Mario and Luigi. For example, if Mario completes World 1-1, then it’s Luigi’s turn to play World 1-2, which feels a bit odd at first. I’ve never paid much attention to this mode until Mr. Miyamoto mentioned it. What was his purpose for adding such a mode? The following is his answer.
“In Super Mario Bros. 3, I wanted to give players a ‘field where two people can play together’. For example, you can have a skilled play help out his unskilled sister proceed through the game through cooperation, or have a pair of friends compete to see who gets the highest score. Therefore, when playing in 2-players mode, I would be glad if they approach it like a board game and use the whistles to instantly access any of the 8 worlds they like.”
This could indeed be said to be a challenge to create a new 2-players game for Miyamoto, who made one of the biggest 2-players game ever, the original Mario Bros. However, Miyamoto himself was not satisfied with the 2-players play of Super Mario Bros. 3.
Perhaps there are readers who are thinking “Why don’t they just put Mario and Luigi on-screen in Super Mario Bros. at the same time? That’s such a brilliant idea! Maybe I should become a game designer”, but such an idea is short-sighted. Just having Mario and Luigi on-screen at the same time wouldn’t be viable. To be precise, it’s not impossible, but the quality of the game would suffer.
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Figure 1: A situation in 2-players co-op
Let met get into the specifics. Let’s supposed there’s a version of Super Mario Bros. where two players can play simultaneously. Now, consider the situation shown in Figure 1. Mario will naturally try to avoid the Venus Fire Trap by moving towards the right (the direction of the scrolling), but he can’t because Luigi is on the other end of the screen. As a result, a tragedy will occur and Mario will be struck by fire. There’s also the problem that Mario cannot see the enemies that will appear ahead of him since he’s too close to the edge of the screen. In terms of the situation described above, it’s almost impossible to play Super Mario Bros. with two players at the same time, unless forced-scrolling is employed.
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Caption: This is Alien Syndrome, an arcade game by Sega. The gruesomeness of the monsters was nice, but during 2-players mode, I was also concerned on where to scroll as well.
With that said, there has been plenty of free-scrolling multiplayer games in the past ,especially arcade games. Titles such as Alien Syndrome, Ikari Warriors and its sequels, Rock ‘n Rage, Dark Adventure, Quartet, and many more. Anyone who has played this game with partner has likely experienced the frustration of screaming while seeing their character died on-screen because the screen wasn’t scrolling like it should. It can be asserted that these types of multiplayer games are absolutely unreasonable systematically. Multiplayer games are only possible either, with a fixed screen or with auto-scrolling - that’s my theory.
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Caption: Although it was an early Famicom games, Devil World must be seen for its scrolling ideas. When I was told this was a Shigeru Miyamoto game, I was pretty convinced.
On a side-note, one 2-players game that impressed me with its scrolling was Devil World, a previous game by none other than Mr. Miyamoto himself. This was a game where the direction of the auto-scrolling changes as indicated by the devil at the top of the screen. Although one of the game’s flaws is that the logic behind the scrolling couldn’t be understood during a 2-players game, the concept of an auto-scrolling game that changes direction is still impressive even in this age.
What’s Next For Nintendo’s Top Designer?
Usually this would be part where I would mention the aspects of the game in which I was unsatisfied with and come up with suggestions on how to improve them, but unfortunately (or not).
If I may mention a few things, perhaps the game might be too difficult to players who have never played the previous Mario games or the game might take too many hours to complete if you intend on completing it without using warp zones. With that said, it’s a pretty good game when you consider that those are the only flaws I could think of. 
Is Mr. Miyamoto, who served as producer of this super game, going to continue making games like this? This is a question that is of the interest of many videogame fans. At the end of this interview, while the answer was a bit abstract, I was still able to get it from him .
“I have been in charge of game direction until now. Of course, I will continue doing so in the future, but when the time is right, I would also like to work on planning out a gameplay system too.”
System planning - While Mr. Miyamoto said this quite bluntly, he seems to have considerable preparedness for it. The fact that most recent games don’t have their gameplay systems designed for them, but rather they simply rearrange existing systems, is a situation that Mr. Miyamoto himself is coming to grasp, even though most players can’t imagined it from their standpoint.
What kind of gameplay system is Mr. Miyamoto thinking of? I’ve asked him for the specifics.
“There are many talented creators involved in other industries such as novel authors and filmmakers. Now if only someone would create a system, or perhaps a field, in which such people could get involved in game development with ease... My dream is to create a point of contact for creators active in fields other than video game development.”
In our current situation, it’s pretty difficult to create an interesting game if you don’t already know anything about videogames to some extent. But perhaps, with some kind of tool or aid, we will see infinite possibilities in the game industry that we’ve ever seen before.
Mr. Miyamoto brought up an RPG that is being developed by Nintendo with the cooperation of writer Mr. Shigesato Itoi, best known for his coverage of Namco’s Family Stadium baseball video game “Please look forward to it” remarks Mr. Miyamoto. [TL’s note: Of course, that RPG would be none other than the original MOTHER, which Mr. Yamashita himself would review in a later issue.]
1989 will be an intense year, not just for the Super Famicom, but Nintendo’s software development department in general. [TL’s note: At the time, the Super Famicom was expected to be released in 1989 in Japan, but it was ultimately delayed to 1990.]
Miyamoto’s History of Athletic Games
Donkey Kong (June 1981, Arcade) - The originator of the athletic game genre, as well as the first game Miyamoto was involved as a game designer. Despite the fixed screen format and simple controls that consists of a joystick for moving and a jump button, the game was rich in its variety that it showed. Perhaps it might had been the first game to ever have a jump button, but I can’t say for sure.
Donkey Kong Jr. (July 1982, Arcade) - The sequel to Donkey Kong featured a bold setting in which the roles of the protagonist and antagonist from the previous game were switched. While the gameplay system remained largely unchanged, the switch to a larger protagonist brought on many new ideas. This has been the only game to ever feature Mario as antagonist.
Mario Bros. (April 1983, Arcade) - A game that brought-in 2-players co-op to the gameplay cultivated by Donkey Kong. Both players can proceed throughout the stages in various ways, whether it is by cooperating with each other or by pulling each others’ legs trying to kill each other. It is considered to be one of the greatest 2-players simultaneous game in history.
Super Mario Bros. (September 1985, Famicom) - The game that served as the turning point for the athletic game genre, expanding from a fixed screen to side-scrolling. It would go on to become the biggest hit game for the Famicom, becoming a huge influence to the industry along with Dragon Quest.
Super Mario Bros. 2 [Japanese version] (June 1986, Famicom Disk) -  A sequel known for its hellish difficulty, it was aimed specifically at players who mastered the first game. The game is filled with many situations in which the levels can only be cleared using advanced techniques. With that said, the gameplay system was almost unchanged from the original. There were many people who bought the Disk System add-on just for this game.
Yume Kojō: Doki Doki Panic (July 1987, Famicom Disk) - A game produced in cooperation with the Fuji TV’s event Yume Kōjō. While the game wasn’t much of a success, many of its ideas would go on to inspire Super Mario Bros. 3. In fact, a graphically modified version was released for the NES in North America as its version of Super Mario Bros. 2.
Super Mario Bros. 3 (October 1988, Famicom) - The third installment of the Super Mario series was developed with the idea of rearranging the original with a much larger ROM size. In addition to the high degree of completeness, we cannot overlook the amount of new ideas that were enthusiastically inserted into the game. The hard work that has put into the game can be felt by its presentation.
Super Mario Bros. 4 (working title) - Scheduled to be released this October as one of the launch titles for the Super Famicom. [TL’s note: The Super Famicom wouldn’t be released in Japan until 1990] Our curiousity over the kind of Super Mario game that this new machine will be capable of is endless. One can only expect as much from Mr. Miyamoto’s skills as a producer.
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sepublic · 5 years
Skull Raiders
           Originating from a distant, harsh land, their leader Kulta was forced to take leadership at a concerningly young age following his parents’ deaths. After hearing tales of a mythical island that everyone supposedly came from, an inspired Kulta, seeking to move his tribe away from their wartorn home, led a great emigration in search of this fabled land.
           Although massive storms and terrifying sea beasts sunk many ships, the Skull Raiders’ hopes and prayers worked out in the end. Sighting the shoreline of Okoto, the pirates quickly landed, and sent several scouts who kidnapped local Okotans, interrogating them furiously about the culture and lifestyle of the island. After assessing the situation, Kulta chose to attack.
           The Skull Raiders are by no means inherently evil or violent, and they’re clearly the same type of being as the Okotans. However, generations of backstabbing, bloodshed, massacres, and other atrocities in the wars of his homeland scarred Kulta. For the Skull Raiders, attacking the peaceful Okotans under the assumption that they would inevitably seek to kill them was a rational move; They thought the natives unable to be trusted after their trauma.
           Thus, while peace WAS an option, it was one left unchosen in favor of war. And once the Skull Raiders led their first series of massacres, conflict became the only option for either side; Either the Okotans would be conquered, or the Skull Raiders would be rounded up and/or slaughtered.
           Despite Okoto initially having the advantage of greater numbers and technology, the Skull Raiders were able to adapt by utilizing a series of cunning guerilla tactics from their homeland. Led by the brilliant Kulta, they made good use of an indestructible metal called Bohrok, utilizing secret smelting techniques passed down from generations to hone the ore into powerful armor and weapons.
           Likewise, the Skull Raiders were able to overwhelm the Okotans with the ferocity of their attacks. Okoto, up until then, had never faced an actual threat or war, as it had been unified underneath the Emperor. Thus, its royal army had no experience facing a threat like this, whereas the Skull Raiders were intimately familiar with war and brutal tactics. To make things worse, Okotan culture dictated some actions in war as unfavorable and immoral, no matter the ends; The Skull Raiders, unsurprisingly, found many ‘war crimes’ to be commonplace tactics, and had few qualms, if any, taking hostages, among many other under-handed tactics.
           The Skull Raider wars commenced for several months, with the Protectors and the Mask Makers leading the Okotan defense. Ekimu and Makuta’s godlike powers were able to conquer any Skull Raider opponent they faced, their Hammers of Power easily shattering Bohrok, but the Skull Raiders were fast, spread-out, and many, and quickly adapted to the presence of the brothers, making sure to keep note of their locations as much as possible.
           The Skull Raiders soon changed the war in their favor once more once they began using stolen Masks of Power to their advantage, helping them level the playfield against Okoto. As they began to pillage cities for many Life Automatons, even hijacking a few Airships, the Skull Raiders eventually got their hands on some of Makuta’s hidden, Forbidden Masks. They gleefully used the questionable weapons to their worst extent, and with the Forbidden Masks revealed, the Emperor eventually had to commission Makuta for more of them.
           Despite the skill and tactics of the seasoned Skull Raiders, they were ultimately no match for the Mask Makers. The twins constructed bigger, stronger weapons, and the Okotans quickly grew to adapt to war after enough time. The Skull Raiders had a poor understanding of Life Automatons, and were thus unprepared for some of Makuta’s more devious traps; One infamous example was a Mask of Power that when ‘dropped’ by an Okotan for a Skull Raider to use and activate, would unleash bladed limbs from its sides that would tear into their victim’s head.
           The final battle of the Skull Raider wars eventually ended with Kulta, his top commanders, and his army of his finest warriors, the Kal, being rounded up and imprisoned. To their surprise, Kulta and his fellow Raiders weren’t immediately executed, but soon found out it was because the Okotans were busy devising the worst possible punishment.
           With their leaders taken out, the remaining Skull Raiders went into hiding, splitting into smaller groups. Although some of these stragglers attempted to continue the war, it was discovered to be a futile effort, and save for the occasional banditry and theft, the Skull Raiders ceased their war entirely in favor of just surviving, growing accustomed to the lush Okoto.
           As Makuta worked on ways to the better of his brother and one-up him, he became intrigued by Bohrok. His curiosity getting the better of him, he stealthily snuck into Kulta and his warriors’ prison beneath Destral, inquiring the nature of the metal and the best ways to smelt with it.
           Seeking an opportunity, Kulta seized it and struck a deal with Makuta; in exchange for extending the date of the commanders’ execution (Kulta knew Makuta was in charge of this), he would teach Makuta about Bohrok. Makuta, feeling the Skull Raiders’ deaths were inevitable, agreed, and began to collaborate with the commanders.
           More deals were struck as Makuta began to see the Skull Raiders as useful allies who understood the concept of harsh means for a greater end, unlike the Okotans. The Skull Raiders themselves were wary, especially since they could tell how Makuta looked down on them; But beggars couldn’t be choosers. Kulta, through Makuta, would send messages certified through ways only possible through himself to the remaining Skull Raiders scattered across Okoto. Underneath his directions, they would instruct Makuta on Bohrok, and even provide him with ample amounts of the metal, which they had plenty of.
           These deals led to a strange, secret symbiosis between Makuta and the Skull Raiders. Makuta would often rely on the tribe for some of his more hidden, controversial actions and projects, and in return he would provide favors, including better prison conditions, hidden homes for the Skull Raiders to hide in, etc. Of course, Makuta never let the commanders be free from their prison, as he still needed leverage over them- The feeling was mutual.
           The dealings culminated when Makuta, desperate to create a Mask of Life, hired the Skull Raiders scattered across Okoto for a horrific series of harvests, requiring hundreds, if not thousands of Okotan souls. In exchange for such a bold undertaking that would easily risk many Skull Raider lives, Kulta finally negotiated the freedom he desired from Makuta, who at that point was more concerned about the Mask of Life and the glory it’d give him than anything else.
           With Makuta’s intimate knowledge of army rotations and procedures, the scattered Skull Raiders reunited under Kulta’s guidance and led a series of massacres, slaughtering many minor villages and harvesting their victims for their Life energy. With the help of Makuta’s brotherhood, the harvested energy was secretly sent to Makuta’s workshop in the Great Forge, even as the tribe celebrated and anticipated their leaders’ freedom.
           Unsurprisingly, Okoto noticed the Skull Raiders’ sudden increase in seemingly senseless massacres, and the Protectors and Ekimu began to investigate. Fearing being outed, Makuta struck one final deal; During the Festival of Masks, Makuta would give his servants a cue to release the Skull Raider commanders from their prison beneath Destral. Armed with their Bohwork weapons and armor, Kulta would lead his warriors in escaping to the surface and storming the area, providing backup and protection for Makuta.
           Kulta, who was considering killing Makuta during said plan, readily agreed. On the day of the Festival of Masks, Makuta convinced many guards to take breaks, even as his servants provided Kulta and his warriors with their old tools. Meanwhile, the Protectors’ investigations led Ekimu towards the remaining Skull Raiders, where he engaged in a civil duel and avoided casualties entirely. Earning the respect of the pirates, Ekimu learned of Makuta’s crimes, with the Skull Raiders figuring out that their leaders would be freed by the time Makuta realized they had betrayed him.
When Ekimu arrived at Destral and revealed Makuta’s crimes to the Okotans, Kulta and the Skull Commanders armed themselves and began to break free upon a cue from Makuta. As they marched towards the surface, however, Makuta donned the Mask of Life, starting off the Great Cataclysm and causing a series of earthquakes that blocked Kulta and his warriors off from the surface.
Trapped, Kulta and his group were helpless as Ekimu shattered the Mask of Life. Makuta’s creation unleashed a powerful wave of pure life energy upon breaking, one that engulfed Destral and pertrified anyone who wasn’t protected like Ekimu.
The Skull Raiders beneath Destral were an interesting case, however. The life energy struck them, travelling through the ground and searing their flesh away. Their Bohrok armor reacted strangely to it, warping as it melted and fused with the Skull Raiders’ bones, trapping their souls in their bodies and keeping them from truly dying.
As the Great Cataclysm ended, Kulta and his commanders were left smelted and immolated, their souls trapped in their metallic corpses as the catacombs collapsed upon them. Kulta and his warriors quickly went dormant, entering an unconscious state of hibernation.
Across Okoto, the other Skull Raiders in hiding were devastated by the Great Cataclysm. Luckily, having always been somewhat nomadic and not having been in a city at the time, they weren’t hit as badly as their Okotan enemies.
Regrouping, their scouts attempted to enter Destral, and after multiple attempts braving the hazardous terrain, finally came across the Capital City, strewn with the petrified corpses of those caught in the explosion. Terrified and feeling a horrific chill down their spines, the scouts retreated, relaying the news.
The Skull Raiders mourned the loss of their leaders, lamenting their mistakes and blaming Ekimu. A new leader was elected, and while some initially broke off to exact revenge against the weakened, scattered Okotans, the tribe as a whole ultimately chose to retreat to the newly-created mountain borders separating the Elemental Regions. There, they carved an intricate series of tunnels and caverns, creating an underground city that they lived in.
In the aftermath of the Great Cataclysm, subsequent generations of Skull Raiders dealt with vengeful Okotans who remembered their ancestors’ crimes. The Skull Raiders were disinterested by then with conquering Okoto, and chose to remain in their new home as they developed a new lifestyle, trying to avoid Okotans who deliberately sought them out to lynch them.
Attempts were made by Raiders in establishing peace and co-existing with the Okotans, but the Okotans still viewed the tribe with hostility and refused to let them participate in trade in other interactions, with some considering hunting down the Skull Raiders. Consequently, feelings of war and vengeance came into the hearts of many, and war advocates called for a take-over of the vulnerable Okoto, or at the very least the use of violence to get what they wanted.
These efforts wouldn’t come into fruition until Makuta’s reawakening. As Makuta formulated his ultimate plan and began reassembling a new Brotherhood in his name, he immediately sought out the Skull Raiders. While he had suspicions that they’d outed him to Ekimu, he figured that the original traitors were long dead and their descendants more subsceptible towards him. Besides, they were the group most likely to ally with him, and beggars couldn’t be choosers.
Using his influence, Makuta discovered the immolated bodies of Kulta and his commanders beneath Destral and revived them with Life Energy. Reawakened, Kulta and his commanders clawed their way from the dirt, taking in their new forms in horror; They were now metallic skeletons of Bohrok, their armor and masks fused to their faces, some parts of themselves blazing with the energy of their souls. Worst of all, they had lost their sense of smell and taste, with their sense of touch likewise dulled, and could not feel the comforts that a living being enjoyed.
Pained and wracked by their cursed new bodies and fate, Kulta and his commanders initially despaired, but when reminded of the other Skull Raiders, focused on a new agenda. Assessing the situation, Kulta decided that the best course of action was to ally with Makuta –who wasn’t planning to give them much of a choice, anyway- and swore subservience to the Mask Hoarder as a member of his new Brotherhood of Makuta.
Kulta and his commanders reunited with their descendants, who were horrified, but ultimately amazed and overjoyed, to see their heroes of legend return in powerful, immortal forms. Makuta won over the hearts of many Skull Raiders, as he was the one who resurrected Kulta and his commanders in the first place, and readily agreed to become part of his Brotherhood of Makuta.
Acting on Makuta’s orders, the Skull Raiders helped him amass the resources he needed, eventually assisting in the production of Skull Spiders. To further cement his alliance with the Brotherhood, Kulta even accepted part of Makuta’s soul, fusing it with his own and symbolically becoming a Rahkshi, a Son of Makuta. He was likewise entrusted with new, powerful abilities, and a Vampire Trident that could drain Life from objects.
The time came to strike, and the Skull Spider wars commenced with Fenrakk, the lord of Skull Spiders and another Rahkshi, seizing multiple key locations, including the City of the Mask Makers. Kulta and his Skull Warriors helped secure the location and assisted in setting up a foundry and catacombs meant to harvest the energy of kidnapped Okotans.
As Kulta began to supervise the reawakening of the Great Forge, stationed at the City of the Mask Makers alongside Fenrakk, his commanders set out to find Masks of Power and other potent tools and sources of Life energy. With the path paved for them by the Skull Spiders, Kulta’s commanders were easily able to find many helpful items, not having to deal with the Okotans who were holed up in their Mega-Villages, although they occasionally came across complications and more ambitious orders from Makuta.
Although Kulta insisted that his tribe stay within their city in the mountains, hoping they would never have to be haunted by war, many young war hawks arose. These hot-headed generations were influenced by the dominance of their leaders over Okoto, and felt emboldened by the Brotherhood of Makuta’s control, which they considered themselves to be a part of. The fact that Makuta subtly influenced many of these youths definitely didn’t help, and many saw the dark spirit as a hero in his own right, much to his enjoyment.
Nevertheless, Kulta kept the terms of his alliance firm to Makuta, and thus had his tribe stay within the confines of their city, forbidden from venturing out too far, and definitely kept from participating in any battles. When Makuta began inducting Okotans into his Brotherhood, many were turned into Skull Puppets, and hearing of this, many Skull Raiders volunteered.
Despite Kulta’s protests, at least a few tribe members were converted into Puppets. In the years of the Skull Spider wars, Kulta found himself frequently interacting with Fenrakk, the two forming a strange friendship of sorts. When the Toa arrived on Okoto and led a counterattack against the Brotherhood, Kulta and his commanders led efforts to sabotage and contain the Okotans, and especially harvest the Toa, if not outright killing them on the spot.
Their attempts ultimately failed, and the Okotans managed to unite into a stronger fighting force and stormed the City of the Mask Makers. The Skull Commanders and Puppets led a final defense against the Okotans, even as the Toa infiltrated the city and fought with the Skull Warriors.
When the situation became dire, Kulta ordered his forces to retreat, even as he donned the Mask of Creation in a last-ditch effort to stop the Okotans. He failed, and was captured alongside the Skull Basher Kodo. Back in their mountain city, the Skull Raiders called for a more active support of Makuta in Kulta’s absence, desiring to rescue their leader. Led by a youth named Axato, this group got their wish at a cost;
After forming an alliance with Umarak, Spirit of Shadow, Makuta had his new ally rescue Kulta from the City of the Mask Makers, even as the Skull Raiders assisted the Brotherhood in capturing Lewa and Uxar, Spirit of Jungle. As Kulta reunited with his tribe, the Okotans, Toa, and other Elemental Spirits stormed the Skull Raiders’ home. In the ensuing battle, Kulta was finally killed, the Toa succeeded in becoming Kaita fusions with the Elemental Deities, and the Skull Raiders’ home was destroyed.
In the wake of his death, Kulta was made a martyr against his will by Makuta, he seized control of the Skull Raiders as he always dreamed of. The tribe mourned the loss of their leader and home, and thus began openly fighting alongside the Brotherhood. As some fought as flesh and bone, others submitted themselves to the painful process of becoming Skull Puppets, all while their commanders, old comrades of Kulta, helplessly watched.
When Makuta seized control of Umarak and his Elemental Beasts, the Skull Raiders fought alongside their new allies in Makuta’s attempts to raze Okoto. The Elemental Beasts proved themselves berserk and hard to control, with some even attacking the Raiders and other Brotherhood members. After Ekimu defeated Makuta, seizing the Mask of Control and apparently killing his brother, the Elemental Spirits regained their full power, stolen to create the Elemental Beasts, and struck down a weakened Umarak. With their leader and a huge portion of their army destroyed, and the Okotans having gained a huge boost in power, the Skull Raiders retreated with the rest of the Brotherhood.
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To Make Our Own Future
Happy Birthday @noradarhkpalmer!!!! Have some Darhkatom Timeless AU!
“You sure you can trust that book?”
Nora Darhk nodded her head and closed the journal. She had lost count of the times she had read over it since that night in the bar. There were things in there that she was going to have a hard time doing. But after a lifetime of being brainwashed, it was time to make things right. If things worked out, everything she’d do in the coming months would be worth it in the end.
Her fingers ran over the golden initials on the cover. RP.
              When Ray Palmer answered the door to the Homeland Security agent in the middle of the night, he did not realize that his life was going to change drastically. He had thought the most exciting point of his evening was having a beer with Sydney in the kitchen while lamenting being passed up on tenure and how he felt like he was letting their father down. David Palmer had encouraged his sons to live up to his legacy before the tumors had been discovered and Sydney left the hospital to take care of him in the last few months. That had left Ray to carry on the family legacy at the university’s history department.
“You can always quit and go somewhere where people want you,” Sydney suggested.
“Uh-uh,” Ray shook his head. “Dad built the department. There’s no way I can leave it after working towards this my entire life. I can’t just throw my future away like that.”
“Quit worrying about disappointing Dad,” Sydney said. “Grow a backbone and make your own future.”
The words were meant to be comforting. His brother’s advice always was given with a barbed edge. It was Sydney taking after their father, whose high expectations sometimes warred with loving his sons. But as inspirational as the words were, Ray still didn’t want to let people down.
Ray was checking on David and looking at the picture of the Palmer men at their high school graduation. His dad was asleep as he usually was when the doorbell rang. Ray had gotten up to answer the door and was told that he needed to come with the agent immediately. Sydney had tried to get the agent to spill what was happening, but to no avail. Ray agreed to go and promised Sydney he’d be back as soon as he could.
              They took him to Stein Industries and had him sit in a waiting room. A woman with dark hair split by a blond highlighted curl was lounging nearby. She seemed tired as she told him she didn’t know why she was here either. The next person who entered the room, Agent West, introduced the woman as Kendra Saunders, a soldier who belonged to some sort of special forces unit. Ray and Kendra were then brought to a conference room and the rest was explained.
“Nora Darhk,” Agent West explained, pulling up a photograph on the computer with a list of information beside it. “Former NSA asset until a few months ago. Now she’s wanted for killing her parents a year ago. This is the first we’ve heard of her since then.”
Agent West pulled up a security video. Ray watched as Nora climbed the ladder to some sort of massive orb, a gun brandished in her hand. She stared at the camera before climbing inside an opening. Moments later, the orb sucked itself out of existence.
“What…what was that?” Ray asked as Kendra frowned and leaned forward.
              Martin Stein, owner of Stein Industries, made his entrance then and explained to him and Kendra that time could be bent back into a loop to send someone back to an earlier point. He was actually talking about time travel and had made a time machine without telling the government. To be more accurate, two had been made and Nora Darhk had stolen one of them. Luckily, the prototype, the Lifeboat, was still around and could be used to go after Nora and figure out what her intentions were.
“We want you to travel to this date and figure out why he’s there,” Agent West said as the Lifeboat was lowered into place before their eyes. “May 6, 1937, and an address for a tavern in Manhattan. Mean anything to you, Dr. Palmer?”
“The Hindenburg,” Ray answered automatically. “So Nora actually went back there?”
“Yes, and if she changes history, time and reality change too,” Stein told him. “Dr. Palmer, we need you to help bring Ms. Darhk down.”
“Why me? There’s tons of other history professors out there?”
“You’re world class, one of the best,” Agent West said. “You know local customs, you can blend in, and you still know what the outcomes should be. But I would think someone who loves history so much would do anything to save it.”
“And you can’t tell me you’re not a little bit curious about how this works?” Kendra added with a grin.
Sydney’s words came back to him. Make your own future.
Ray sighed and nodded. “Let’s go save history.”
              A young engineer for SI named Jax was the pilot for him and Kendra back to the time period. After taking a few minutes to gape around in shock and awe that they were in the past, the newly formed trio began to make their way into town. Kendra and Jax had to wait outside after getting too much attention in the bar, leaving Ray to work on his own. However, Ray found journalist Joe Boardman leaving and they managed to get him to talk with them. Boardman had seen Nora from the picture they’d been given from the security footage and informed them that she had been in the bar dressed as a man. She’d volunteered for ground crew duty to help bring down the Hindenburg.
              Thanking Boardman, they hurried to the landing field. Ray managed to get people looking for Nora with the lie that she was an infected patient that needed to be returned to the hospital, but she was nowhere to be found. He was so focused on finding her that he didn’t notice the airship landing until he heard the applause. Confused, Ray looked and saw not a zeppelin bursting into flames, but whole with people exiting it unscathed.
Nora had changed history not to make the Hindenburg explode, but to land safely.
Ray turned around, looking for Kendra or Jax before spotting a flash of dark hair slipping into a hanger. He took off after it, which was probably stupid given he was unarmed and she was dangerous. As soon as he entered the hanger, someone grabbed him from behind and forced him down onto his knees. Nora Darhk was standing away from him with another woman.
“She wants to speak to you,” the deep voice said in his ear. “If you cause any trouble, I’ll shoot you.”
Ray nodded before he was hoisted to his feet. Suddenly the grip released and then a man fell down next to him. Nora’s eyes widened before she and the other woman took off running. Ray started to run after her until Jax shouted out his name. Spinning around, he saw the engineer limping towards him with Kendra, who had a gun.
“Did she hurt you?” Kendra asked as Jax shut the door of the hanger so no one saw the body. “Are you okay?”
“She didn’t hurt me,” Ray shook his head. “But she just changed history.”
              In the hanger, Jax found a radio on the man Kendra had shot and started working on trying to rewire it to get in touch with Nora. Ray managed to figure out that Nora had stopped the Hindenburg from blowing up by getting the ground crew to carry the ropes instead of dragging them through the mud. After Jax discovered the radio’s insides had been gutted and replaced with something else, Kendra realized that it was now the detonator of a bomb and that Nora was still likely planning to blow up the Hindenburg. She’d kept the paper they’d gotten earlier with Joe Boardman’s article and found out the Hindenburg was flying back to Europe with a new passenger list. Among them were key historical figures that Ray recognized and knew whose deaths would severely impact history in the coming years.
“She didn’t want to blow it up when it landed,” Ray murmured. “Nora’s going to blow it up when it leaves. Why is she doing this?”
“Her parents were involved in the government and she killed them,” Kendra reminded him. “Maybe she’s working to take out more people in government in the past to ruin the future?”
“There has to be something more to it though, right?” Ray asked them. “There’re got to be.”
“Not always,” Kendra shook her head.
Before Ray could respond, police were suddenly swarming the hanger, putting the three of them under arrest.
              Getting out of prison was not easy, but Jax managed to make a good enough speech about how the world would change that gave Kendra the time she needed to open the cell and take out the cops with their help. From there, they had to steal a car and drive back to the airfield and get back on the ship. They ran into Joe Boardman again, who nearly turned them in until they told him about the bomb. He then agreed to help them, admitting he’d seen Nora come from the kitchen. By the time they found it, the Hindenburg was back in the air.
              Kendra and Joe stayed behind to defuse the bomb while Ray and Jax headed to the cabin to get the airship turned around. Ray fabricated a lie that they belonged to the Anarchist Black Cross and that they would detonate a bomb on the ship unless it was turned around. Their strategy worked well and the ship began to land again. However, just as they were about to touch ground, an explosion rocked the cabin and Jax started pushing him towards an exit.
              The jump down to the ground wasn’t very far thankfully. As he picked himself up from the grass, Ray looked around him. People were on the ground, screaming out for help. Others were running from the flames. Some were disoriented, staring at the burning wreck. Officers were doing what they could. This was history that he was witnessing in its raw state. Watching it play out was even more horrific than he’d imagined when he’d studied it.
Ray did what he could to help people before Nora Darhk suddenly appeared in his path.
“You and I have to talk,” she said, the gun in her hand glinting in the light of the blazing Hindenburg. “I need you to understand who and what you’re dealing with.”
Ray took a step forward. “I’m trying to figure this all out, Nora. I can call you Nora, right?”
The corner of her lips quirked for a moment. “You can call me, Nora, Ray.”
“How do you know my name?”
“I’ve learned a lot about you,” she explained. “The woman you call your mother is dead. You believe that you’re meant to be a historian just like your father, except you never really wanted that. You wanted to be a scientist.”
Despite the heat from the flames, Ray felt cold. He’d only ever told Sydney that, and there was no way his brother was working with this woman.
“I know that because of this,” Nora held up a journal and opened it for him to see.
Ray looked down at the pages, reading his own handwriting discussing the moon landing. “I didn’t write that…”
“Maybe not yet,” Nora closed the book. “But one day you will. Trust me, Ray.”
“Trust you?” Ray turned to the wreckage behind them. “Where we’re standing right now…I’m not sure if I can. Why should I even believe you? You stole a time machine, you murdered your parents! If you give me one good reason, I’ll talk with you and try to figure this out.”
“I didn’t murder my parents,” Nora snapped. “It was Rittenhouse. They betrayed me and my family.”
Ray frowned. “What?”
“When you get back, ask them why they really chose you,” Nora said. “And ask them what Rittenhouse is.”
“Why can’t you tell me that now?”
“Because that’s not how you-”
Nora looked up sharply and spun him around. Once again, he was forced onto his knees as Nora pointed the gun at Kendra, whose own gun was aimed at Nora. The fugitive told the soldier that she wouldn’t be able to take the shot. When Kendra did, it hit Nora in the shoulder. Nora fired back, but Kendra ducked and the bullet hit Joe Boardman instead.
Ray and Kendra ran over to him while Nora made her escape. They tried to keep Joe alive, but the bullet was too deep, and Kendra watched the man who looked like her dead husband perish before her eyes.
              When they got back to present, history had indeed changed. According to Martin Stein and Agent West, the Hindenburg now exploded on May 7 in the early hours of the morning. Three members of the Anarchist Black Cross had bombed it and had never been brought to justice. Joe Boardman and one of Nora’s lackies had been the only two casualties. Nora was still at large.
“Why did you choose me?” he asked, remembering Nora’s words to him once he explained that he’d talked with her after the ship went down. “And does Rittenhouse mean anything to you?”
“I have no idea,” Agent West shook his head, and that was the end of that conversation.
              Nora’s time machine said she was in present day again, but they didn’t know where or why she was doing this. Ray put forth a theory that he’d been pondering. Establishments were so much more fragile in the past compared to the present. Take them out then and they wouldn’t be there now. She was effectively trying to rewrite history.
“It doesn’t make sense how she’d go from killing her parents to this,” Agent West sighed as he looked at Ray, Kendra, and Jax. “None of you are to speak a word about this to anyone outside this room. Ms. Darhk still has the Mothership. If she jumps again, we’ll call you in to go after her. Until then, go home and rest up.”
Ray nodded slowly, then went to go change into modern clothes and head home.
“Good news is you didn’t die,” Kuasa said as she snipped the thread from the last of the stitches. “Plus you have a scar now.”
Nora wordless nodded her thanks as the other woman left the room. Once she was gone, Nora got up from the chair and retrieved the journal from the pocket of the coat she’d been wearing. Cracking it open, she read over the next encounter she and Ray would have that he had written about in the book. Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, another horrible thing she’d have her hand in. If he didn’t already hate her after tonight, then he would after this one.
She didn’t understand how the entries changed the further she got into the book. There was a purpose to these despicable things, a good one. But as she did them on the opposite side of Ray, she didn’t understand how he would see her as anything else than a villain. If they were in each other’s places, that would be how she’d see him.
With a sigh, Nora flipped to the last pages of the book, coming across what she’d dubbed the impossible photograph. The one with her, Ray, and someone else.
She had seen that time could change and wondered if it would affect the photograph at some point.
              By the time he made it into the house, Ray was ready to pass out on the couch instead of walking up the stairs to his room. If Sydney wanted answers, then he would have to wait for them until the morning. Ray was way too tired to be answering anything right now. Besides, if he couldn’t tell his twin, then he’d need the night to concoct a good lie to satisfy him.
“Syd?” he yawned as he opened the door and walked inside. “I’m back!”
There was no response, so he tried again as he wandered towards the couch in the living room. “Sydney? Are you with Dad?”
“Hey, son.”
              Ray stiffened and turned towards the sound of the voice. His father was sitting on the other couch he’d intended to crash on, an open book in his hand. There were no breathing tubes, no IV attached to his arm. David Palmer looked perfectly healthy, not wasted away like he’d been when Ray left the house.
“Dad?” Ray breathed, feeling a spurt of alertness.
“What was all that yelling for when you came in?” David asked, standing up and going over to the teapot. “Want a cup?”
Ray was speechless. His dad was okay. His dad wasn’t sick.
“Ray,” David frowned at him as he poured himself a new cup of tea. “What’s wrong?”
“You’re okay.”
“Of course, I’m okay, you know that.”
Ray stepped forward and hugged his dad tightly for the first time in what felt like forever. When he’d been sick and frail, Ray had always felt so scared about crushing David. Now, he didn’t have to worry about that for once.
“Ray, what’s going on?” David asked, hugging him before pulling himself back. “Is something wrong?”
He shook his head. “No, I don’t think so. But I don’t get it…how did the Hindenburg do this? How are you okay now?”
“Ray, I’ve always been okay,” David shook his head. “You’re not making much sense though.”
“That doesn’t matter right now,” Ray grinned. “I’m really happy to see you, Dad.”
“Thanks, Ray. Did you bring that girl with you?”
Ray paused. “That girl?”
“Oh, you know I’m joking when I call her that. But is she around?”
“Uh…no, just me,” Ray covered quickly. “Where’s Sydney? Is he sleeping?”
Something flickered on David’s face before he frowned and shook his head again. “Raymond, you keep talking about this person. Who’s Sydney?”
All the air felt like it had gone out of his lungs. Ray searched his father’s face for any sign of amusement, but none was to be found. Not to mention that David was never prone to joking around very much as he had gotten older. A horrible feeling began to come over Ray as the unthinkable occurred to him.
“No,” Ray shook his head and backed up. “Sydney? This isn’t funny anymore!”
“Ray, hang on, what’s going on?”
He ignored his father as he caught sight of one of the photo frames. Ray bolted over to it and picked it up. Earlier that night, it had been him and Sydney at high school graduation with their father. Now it was just him and David.
But that was impossible. You couldn’t just erase a twin…could you?
Ray dropped the photograph back on the table like it had burned him. “This is wrong.”
“Ray, what are you talking about? I’m starting to get worried, son.”
Before Ray could answer, his phone started ringing. He’d never been so grateful for the distraction before. “Hello?”
“Dr. Palmer? We need you back here,” Agent West said on the other end. “The car’s turning around to pick you up. Ms. Darhk took out the Mothership again.”
“I’ll be ready. Where did she go?”
              Outside of the Palmer house, a young woman stood beside one of the lilac bushes in the backyard. She watched through the window as the younger of the two men inside grabbed a photograph before setting it back down quickly. He was arguing with the older man before picking up his phone to answer it. When he turned toward the window, she quickly moved to hide herself behind the leaves. Still, she could see the worry on his face shift into determination before hanging up.
              The woman peeked her head out of the bushes slightly, unable to stop herself from smiling a little. Ray Palmer was grabbing his coat inside and telling David Palmer that he’d have to go. He would be gone for hours, still chasing after Nora Darhk with Kendra Saunders and Jefferson Jackson. Soon, David would be out of the house. Once he was, she could sneak in and take the pictures of the documents that she needed.
Her parents would need the pictures of as many old Rittenhouse documents as they could get to fight the resurrected organization in her time.
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saintarchie · 5 years
Remember A Day
Me: The year is almost over, this is a good time to start playing that game. My Life: Here’s 58,000 fucking other things that need doing before Christmas. Me: Oh.
Anyway, now that’s done, let’s check out Ringabel’s future diary gimmick.
There’s actually a lot to take in: In addition to the journal itself, it seems all of the relevant information about the game’s characters and mechanics are kept in here. Probably wouldn’t hurt to familiarise myself.
[several minutes of reading later]
OK, let’s move on to the journal itself. It seems to be written from Ringabel’s perspective, but he doesn’t remember any of it and the events described mostly haven’t happened yet. Assuming they prove to be accurate, the most likely explanation would seem to be that he was either given the book by a future version of himself, or that he is the future version, but doesn’t realise it thanks to his amnesia.
As for what the book actually says, here’s a quick summary:
9/20: Ringabel admires a picture of Edea and longs for the chance to meet her. He also watches a new ship, named the Eschalot, being towed into wherever he was at the time.
9/26: Ringabel crosses the Norende Plateau, en route for the capital, uneasy due to the lack of a weapon. Upon arriving, he is unable to stay at the inn and so lets himself into the empty house next door.
9/27: While exploring Caldisla, Ringabel is “volunteered” to join a local boar hunt with Owen. It goes well enough that Owen offers to set him up with better accommodation when they return.
9/28: Following the hunt, Ringabel becomes more ingratiated with Owen, but still keeps a certain amount of distance, allowing the people at the inn to go on believing their incorrect assumptions about why he came to them.
10/03: The new routine Ringabel had settled into is upset when a bright flash and violent ground tremors occur, apparently heralding some great cataclysm back in the direction of the Norende Plateau. Ringabel can’t figure out what’s happening, but of course the audience already knows that it’s Madoka’s birthday the Elric brothers burning their house down Norende falling into a chasm.
10/04: Signs of the destruction of Norende wash downstream, and Ringabel helps the locals investigate. Turns out, it was he who found Tiz and brought him back to the inn.
10/07: While Tiz convalesces, a badly damaged ship arrives in the port. The seas are rotting and un-navigable, stranding this ship’s crew and passengers. Among the latter group is Agnès, who has a lot of questions about the events of four days earlier. Ringabel tells her about Norende.
Of course, these are all things that have now happened. The next set of entries, however, are still to come:
10/25: The Sky Knights are defeated by the Vestal et al, who comandeer their airship, apparently taking Edea captive in the process.
11/13: The writer travels to Ancheim in search of the Vestal. This is interesting because it suggests that, assuming Ringabel is still the narrator of these events, that he did not take part in the capture of the airship. Since the current Ringabel has joined the party that’s about to head off and do that, it implies that either something will happen to separate him from the group, or that he is trying to subvert the pre-ordained narrative from the journal. In any event, he is unable to find Agnès in Ancheim and is pointed towards the Yulyana Woods.
11/23: At the palace in Ancheim, Agnès appears to be fomenting a rebellion against the king for reasons that aren’t entirely clear, although they have something to do with an evil sigil she’s carrying. The narrator is unable to get close to her because of the crowd.
12/08: The narrator expresses relief that “they” haven’t come to wherever he is, as their presence would complicate matters in some way. In their absence, he begs for “her” help but the book doesn’t say what for. Later, aboard his ship, he notes that Florem is a place where women live in chaste humility, peacefully co-existing with nature and rejecting conflict. He notes that “those two” would react badly to this description.
1/31: Nyx’s avatar awakens at the summit of Tartarus, bringing about the end of the world. Wait, wrong game. The narrator receives his first contact from “them” in three weeks, a brief message simply noting that the Vestal has entered the Sacred Flower Festival. He doesn’t seem to know what this means.
3/07: The narrator returns to a fortress for the first time in four years, wondering what “they” intend to do with such a large sword. He restrains the urge to attack his guide. Despite complaining about the properties of mythril and orichalcum being common knowledge that everyone already learned at school, he still makes a note of them in the journal. The fort’s interior appears unchanged, and there’s a map of it that I assume will be useful later on. At the top of the fort, he dismisses the guide, just as somebody with a giant hand greets him.
3/17: The narrator is annoyed about having to defend some brat from being tortured. This came about as the result of a stand-off between him and an odd couple made up of a fat guy and a weakling. After “old man battleaxe” intervened, the kid ended up in the narrator’s care. The child is an eight-year-old orphan who ran away from a forced labour detail and so ended up “here”. Where that is isn’t specified, beyond the kid and the narrator having to share a room there.
3/19: The narrator reluctantly allows the child to accompany him on a journey... somewhere. Wherever it is, there’s a secret tunnel into some magma caverns. During a break they are caught by Edea, who demands that he let the boy go. Despite his exhaustion, the narrator has the boy hide and prepares to fight not just Edea, but Tiz and Agnès as well. So if it is Ringabel writing all of this, it appears that he ends up at odds with the rest of the party. In the midst of their battle it seems that the ground becomes unstable, leading to him having to pull Edea to safety. While she’s grateful for the help, neither she nor the other two are prepared to let this thing with the kid go. It’s all rendered moot however, by the narrator falling into the magma himself.
4/24: The narrator doesn’t initially know that that’s what the date is, but it’s written in the in-game menu, so I assume he added it afterwards. Anyway, he has improbably survived his magma bath and is being “fixed” by someone who doesn’t seem all that concerned about his well-being for reasons that seem to stem from an incident that’s not in the book. Oh maybe not, actually, the fixer is described as a pig, so it might be the fat guy from earlier. More painful reconstruction follows, after which, someone else tries to question the narrator about a letter he’s received. “Bring the orphan to the inn of origin.” The questioner assumes that this is a code of some sort, but I’m assuming that it is literally what the writer wants him to do with the boy. Of course, it’s been over a month since he actually had the boy, so the letter writer is working from outdated intelligence. Anyway, the questioner tries to get something out of some other letters they’ve intercepted, but the narrator’s not up to it, catching only a few key words like “earth crystal” “grandship” and “engine room”. After some more time passes, he’s released into civilian care, and within a week is fully healed.
6/16: The narrator reflects on the fact that “his” predictions are coming true. The first is a pillar of light that can be seen over the sea to the south, while the second has yet to happen, but stopping it depends on the narrator’s ability to stop Agnès et al from doing... something. He reflects upon how that trio came to be, and his feelings towards Edea, before signing off his final entry.
So yeah, a lot going on, or at least will be going to have been going on at some point in the past/future. Time travel is complicated. I’m assuming it’s time travel, anyway. Will be interesting to see how much, if at all, we end up deviating from the version in the book. The deal, as far as I can tell, is that the party is/was/will be convinced to do something, possibly under false pretences, while Ringabel is convinced to stop them. As for who’s right and who did all that convincing, I guess I’ll find out as I play through it. Airy’s absence from the diary narrative is interesting, though. Presumably that version of Ringabel didn’t see her much.
Now I look, there’s a bunch of notes that he’s written about people/things that are probably worth commenting on. Think I’ll leave that for tomorrow though.
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Manga the Week of 5/4/22
SEAN: It’s May! A time to smell the fresh air, get outside, and continue to wear a mask.
ASH: Pretty helpful for seasonal allergies among other things.
SEAN: Airship has a pile of new light novel titles (that we have seen in early digital releases already). The debut is Survival in Another World with My Mistress!, a classic ‘arrogant girl and harried guy’ fantasy.
Airship also has print for Classroom of the Elite 11, Disciple of the Lich: Or How I Was Cursed by the Gods and Dropped Into the Abyss! 3, Drugstore in Another World: The Slow Life of a Cheat Pharmacist 5, The Haunted Bookstore – Gateway to a Parallel Universe 3, and Reincarnated as a Dragon Hatchling 3.
We also get early digital volumes for Accomplishments of the Duke’s Daughter 5 and Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs 6.
Dark Horse gives us the 8th volume of Mob Psycho 100.
ASH: Oh! I’ll need to catch up with that.
SEAN: Ghost Ship debuts Survival in Another World with My Mistress! (Goshujin-sama to Yuku Isekai Survival!), which may be familiar from a few lines up. This runs in Micro Magazine’s Comic Ride.
They’ve also got Fire in His Fingertips: A Flirty Fireman Ravishes Me with His Smoldering Gaze 3.
ASH: It’s an amazing title.
ANNA: Incredible.
SEAN: In print, J-Novel Club has the 7th manga volume of I Shall Survive Using Potions!.
Digitally, we see An Archdemon’s Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride 13, Ascendance of a Bookworm’s 12th manga volume, Full Clearing Another World under a Goddess with Zero Believers 3, Jessica Bannister 5, My Quiet Blacksmith Life in Another World 2, My Stepmom’s Daughter Is My Ex 2, To Another World… with Land Mines! 2, and When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace 2.
Kodansha is releasing a new version of Sailor Moon. This will have larger page counts and yet another updated translation. it seems to be print only.
SEAN: Kodansha, in print, also has the 2nd volume of Blackguard (that was fast), The Hero Life of a (Self-Proclaimed) “Mediocre” Demon! 4, When Will Ayumu Make His Move? 5, and a reprint of the classic Tezuka manga Ode to Kirihito in one 825-page tome.
ASH: That was fast! So I don’t feel as bad about already being behind. Also, still glad to see these Tezuka reprints coming out!
ANNA: Also glad for Tezuka reprints.
SEAN: Kodansha’s first digital debut is Changes of Heart (Honnou Switch), a josei series that ran in Kodansha’s Comic Tint, and is from the creator of A Witch’s Love at the End of the World. A woman who just got dumped ends up sleeping with her childhood friend, who surprises her by telling her he loves her. But her ex wants her back! The words “smutty potboiler” were made for series like these…
MICHELLE: Hm. It might be fun!
ANNA: I’m intrigued for sure.
The other debut is Oh, Those Hanazono Twins (Hanazono-sanchi no Futago-chan), a shonen title from Magazine Pocket. I would give a synopsis, but it’s a harem comedy describing the male lead as “so average it hurts”, so will not bother.
Also digital: The Abandoned Reincarnation Sage 2, A Couple of Cuckoos 7, Kounodori: Dr. Stork 23, the 6th and final volume of My Darling, the Company President, My Master Has No Tail 5, Sakura’s Dedication 2, Shangri-La Frontier 6, and Tying the Knot with an Amagami Sister 3.
One Peace has Farming Life in Another World 5.
The debut for Seven Seas is Witches: The Complete Collection (Majo), a manga from the creator of Children of the Sea. It ran in Shogakukan’s Ikki back in the day, and is a collection of award-winning and unsettling stories.
ASH: I am very excited for this one!
ANNA: Me too, although I don’t know if I want to be unsettled.
SEAN: Seven Seas also gives us Accomplishments of the Duke’s Daughter 8, Dance in the Vampire Bund: Age of Scarlet Order 6, Happy Kanako’s Killer Life 4, Made in Abyss 10, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid: Elma’s Office Lady Diary 5, and Reincarnated as a Dragon Hatchling 3.
MICHELLE: I should really read Happy Kanako.
ASH: I suspect it’s one that I’d enjoy, too, once I get around to it.
SEAN: Tokyopop has a 3rd volume of Double.
Udon Entertainment has the 3rd and final volume of Persona 5: Mementos Mission.
Viz has a relatively quiet May, with a lot of its main series on an off month. The debut is Kubo Won’t Let Me Be Invisible (Kubo-san wa Boku (Mobu) wo Yurusanai), another in the genre of ‘teasing girl and nondescript boy’ manga. It runs in Weekly Young Jump.
Viz also has Blue Exorcist 27, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations 14, Dr. STONE 21, The King’s Beast 6, One Piece 99, and Prince Freya 6.
MICHELLE: I should really read The King’s Beast, too, having enjoyed the creator’s other work.
ASH: Same! I’ve a few volumes of the series on hand already; I just need to read them.
ANNA: I’ve read some of them and find it a bit too sad, but as expected very well done.
SEAN: There’s a pile of Yen On. The debut is Ishura, a light novel about the war to determine the next demon king. It sounds very shonen.
Also from Yen On: The Executioner and Her Way of Life 4, The Hero Laughs While Walking the Path of Vengeance a Second Time 2, Magical Explorer 2, Rascal Does Not Dream 7, Reign of the Seven Spellblades 5, Sabikui Bisco 2, Sword Art Online 24, and Torture Princess 8.
Lastly, Yen Press has Can’t Stop Cursing You 3, Kingdom Hearts III 2, Tales of Wedding Rings 10, and That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: The Ways of the Monster Nation 7.
By: Sean Gaffney
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justbeingnamaste · 6 years
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Here Are 7 ‘Lost Technologies’ From Nikola Tesla That Threatened The Global Elite !
Not long ago I wrote about how the federal Bureau of Investigation (The FBI) released a number of declassified files about Nikola Tesla.
Among them, the government revealed their interest in the Death Ray –a futuristic particle beam weapon that Tesla had invented.
Check out this article and download ALL of Nikola Tesla’s patents.
73 years after the FBI seized nearly TWO TRUCKS of papers of one of the world’s most famous inventors, the Federal Bureau of Investigations released the documents to the public. The batch of documents made available through the Freedom of Information Act also reveal Tesla did not die on January 7, 1943, as previously believed, but a day later on January 8.
In general, the FBI documents revealed a number of details that changed a lot of what we know about Tesla, his life, his inventions and his legacy. Check out the declassified documents from the FBI HERE.
Tesla, like the genius he was, was way ahead of his time.
He envisioned a bright and positive future for mankind, as he patented and created hundreds of technologies that no one before had envisioned, nor dared to imagine.
It is rightfully said that the Croatian-born inventor was a man who changed the world.
In this article, we take a look at seven ‘lost’ inventions by Tesla, which many people are unaware of.
Tesla’s UFO—antigravity technology
We know that Tesla was all about free energy and alternative powers sources.
Actually, it wasn’t unidentified.
Despite this, the methods and design of Tesla’s revolutionary vehicle is believed to match the description of people who witnessed disk-shaped flying objects, or UFO’s.
It is believed that Tesla’s UFO had ‘eyes’ made of electro-optical lenses, arranged in quadrants, allowing the pilot to see everything. Screens and monitors are placed on a console where the browser can observe all areas around the vehicle, and Tesla’s incredible invention included magnifying lenses, which could have been used without changing positions.
Evidence of such a vehicle can be found in an interview between Nikola Tesla and The New York Herald, from 1911:
“My flying machine will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety, at higher speeds than have yet been reached, regardless of weather and oblivious of “holes in the air” or downward currents. It will ascend in such currents if desired. It can remain absolutely stationary in the air, even in a wind, for a great length of time. Its lifting power will not depend upon any such delicate devices as the bird has to employ but upon positive mechanical action.”RF
Tesla’s Death Ray
Prior to the release of the declassified documents by the FBI, many people argue that Tesla’s Death Ray was just another conspiracy.
Previously, it was believed that Tesla’s Death Ray did not exist, and the FBI claimed for over a decade that none of their agents had EVER investigated Tesla’s papers, nor was the bureau in possession of any of them.
However, after the FBI published Tesla’s files, we learned that among the published files, a letter addressed to J. Edgar Hoover, the first Director of the FBI, highlights the importance of an article in which Tesla speaks of the death ray and its ‘crucial importance’ for future warfare.
It was recommended that Tesla constantly remained under surveillance in order to protect him from ‘foreign enemies’ who may also have an interest in “the secret of such an invaluable instrument of war and/or defense.”
Free Energy, and wireless electricity
With the help of funding from JP Morgan, Tesla successfully built and tested the famous Wardenclyffe Tower.
The structure was a massive wireless energy transmission station which, according to Tesla, had the ability to transmit wireless power across great distances.
Tesla saw the Wardenclyffe Tower as the beginning of a massive free energy project.
Tesla wanted to use the tower not only to transmit free energy but to send out messages, telephone calls across the Earth.
As explained by Tesla himself, the Earth is “…like a charged metal ball moving through space”, which creates the enormous, rapidly varying electrostatic forces which diminish in intensity with the square of the distance from Earth, just like gravity. Since the direction of propagation radiates from the earth, the so-called force of gravity is toward earth.
His theories were based on the idea that our planet had the ability to conduct the signals. Using a number of different towers, Tesla could have made the idea work.
However, and as we have learned through history, the idea of Free Energy isn’t really welcomed by big corporations. After all, why give free energy to the masses when you can make the masses pay big time?
Eventually, Tesla’s funding was canceled, and the tower was destroyed, along with Tesla’s ideas of a world powered by free energy.
Tesla’s Oscillator
This device was an electromechanical apparatus patented by Tesla in 1893.
The device was popularly known as Tesla’s Earthquake machine after the European inventor claimed that one version of his device caused an Earthquake in New York in 1898.
In other words, the device could allegedly simulate earthquakes, which meant it could be weaponized. Some conspiracy theorists are convinced that Tesla’s technology was later further developed and is being used by HAARP.
Tesla’s Futuristic Aircraft
In addition to creating devices that could potentially be used as weapons, and structures that could offer Free Energy to the world, Nikola Tesla also worked on electrically powered airships that, according to reports, could transport passengers from New York to London in three hours.
These aircraft were not ordinary vehicles. They were supposedly able to harness energy right fro Earth’s atmosphere and had no need ever to stop and refuel.
But why have aircraft that makes use of free energy, if billions can be made by selling it?
Drones in 1898
More than a hundred years ago, Tesla invented DRONES.
So, everyone who thinks that Drones are actually a product of recent technologies, you are wrong.
It was called Tesla’s TELEAUTOMATON. And the funny part is that the government had this technology in their possession for over a hundred years. This raises a number of questions.
Is it possible that they adopted, further developed, and used ‘drones’ more than half a decade ago?
Here’s an excerpt from Tesla’s Drone patent:
Here is an excerpt from his patent:
“Be it known that I, Nikola Tesla a citizen of the United States, residing at New York, in the county and State of New York, have invented certain new and useful improvements in methods of and apparatus for controlling from a distance the operation of the propelling engines, the steering apparatus, and other mechanism carried by moving bodies or floating vessels, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the drawings accompanying and forming part of the same… The invention which I have described will prove useful in many ways. Vessels or Vehicles of any suitable kind may be used, like life, dispatch, or pilot boats or the like, or for carrying letters, packages, provisions, instruments, objects, or materials of any description, for establishing communication with inaccessible regions and exploring the conditions existing in the same, for killing or capturing whales or other animals of the sea, and for many other scientific, engineering, or commercial purposes; but the greatest value of my invention will result from its effect upon warfare and armaments, for by reason of its certain and unlimited destructiveness it will tend to bring about and maintain permanent peace among nations.”
From: “Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 613,809, dated November 8, 1898.” The full original text and diagrams can be found at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office website: http://patimg1.uspto.gov/.piw?docid=00613809&SectionNum=1&IDKe
Propulsion systems for Spacecraft, and Tesla’s Dynamic Theory of Gravity
While we discussed something similar in Tesla’s UFO, the truth is that he went beyond flying objects.
In an unpublished article of Man’s Greatest Achievement, Tesla outlined his Dynamic Theory of Gravity saying that ‘luminiferous ether fills all space’. Tesla said that the ether is acted upon by the life-giving creative force. The ether is thrown into “infinitesimal whirls” (“micro helices”) at near the speed of light, becoming ponderable matter. Then, the force subsides and motion ceases, matter reverts to the ether (a form of “atomic decay”).
Mankind can harness these processes, to:
-Precipitate matter from the ether -Create whatever he wants with the matter, and energy derived -Alter the earth’s size -Control earth’s seasons (weather control) -Guide earth’s path through the Universe, like a spaceship -Cause the collisions of planets to produce new suns and stars, heat, and light -Originate and develop life in infinite forms
~~~ Source ( Gratitude ) Ivan is editor-in-chief at ancient-code.com, he also writes for Universe Explorers. You may have seen him appear on the Discovery and History Channel.
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