#airstream projects
customairstream · 2 months
Get the best Airstream Renovation with the top quality materials with the help of our experts at Custom Airstream.
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keepingitneutral · 1 year
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Sol,’ 1973 Airstream Ambassador Renovation,
This project was made possible by the exceptional skills of designer Mike Beganyi, carpenter and collaborator Jeffrey Ostercamp, and the usual suspects here at Perpetually Devastated.
Perpetually Devastated Acres
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inkandguns · 8 months
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“Let You Off With A Warning” - Beau Arlen x Reader
Part of the “Guardian of the Gulch” Series
Rating Teen
Beau Arlen x Reader (eventually)
Tags: Fluff and Flirting
Word Count: 1900
There's a new sheriff in town. And he just so happens to have parked his RV in your campgrounds. What's a park ranger to do with all that Texas charm strutting around on a fine pair of bow legs?
I'm participating in @jacklesversebingo and this part will fill my "Food as Bonding" square.
Image created in Canva (credit for photo used: ABC/Michael Moriatis)
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Corey’s eyes are ready to roll right out of his eye sockets. He slumps over the counter, office phone pressed tight to his ear.
“Absolutely.” He enunciates every syllable. “Yes. I can see how that would be quite an intrusion.” Those stubby fingers snap to get your attention. 
You’re finishing up your checklist after vehicle patrol. When did fireworks become an every night of the week event for days prior to the Fourth? The annoyance can become dangerous in Black Sandy State Park. Especially when bored kids and drunk adults get it in their heads to light things on fire on campgrounds during drought conditions. You’re figuring that’s what the call’s about. Things had been relatively quiet so far that night.
You had hoped they were going to stay that way. All you wanted to do was clock out in the next five minutes, get home, and catch up on “The Bachelor” episodes filling up space on your DVR.
“We’ll have someone head over and take care of it.” Corey smiles at you.
You groan back at your Park Manager. You’re the only other someone.
You head to the campsite that phoned the office first. It’s a husband and wife with a large brood. They’ve got every creature comfort under the sun - or in this case, moonlight - in their parcel paradise by Hauser Lake. The Class A motorhome makes you wonder what kind of house they left behind. 
The wife is the one running her mouth at you even though the husband had called to lodge the complaint. You try to wrap your head around the noise she’s harping about and how it’s possibly bothering the four kids. All of the children are laser-focused on handheld devices. They don’t even look up when mom asks them to corroborate how annoying the sound from their neighbor is. 
If you had your way, you’d block all WiFi access in every part of Black Sandy. 
After the requisite pleasantries, you turn and trudge through the shadows to the lodger who’ll be getting a talking to. Though not the talk Mrs. Devonshire is expecting.
You adjust the cap on your head. The voice emerging from one solitary speaker is muffled and mono on your approach. The silver Airstream is curvy and sleek. A standout that manages to sparkle even in the dark.
Its owner sits in a lawn chair. He’s watching some old time western projected onto a white sheet tautly stretched between two poles.
His eyes have cottoned on to your movement seconds ago, you're sure of it. His day job requires him to be hyper aware of his surroundings at all times.
“To what do I owe the honor of a house call this late, Ranger? Raccoon invasion? Dump station on the fritz?” He stands to greet you. An open beer dangles from his fingertips.
“Nothing that exciting, Sheriff.” The Bachelor’s got nothing on this specimen. The handful of times you’ve crossed paths, you are never quite prepared to be in this man’s presence.
“I’m not on duty. Call me Beau, remember?” He grins to confirm the allowance of such informality.
You sigh. “Afraid I am on duty. And have to request a favor.”
He nods and tilts his head over to the Devonshires. “Let me guess? I’ve done something to upset Linda.”
You raise an eyebrow. “How’d you know?”
“I had her figured out as soon as she waltzed over to introduce herself bright and early this morning before I left for work.” His lids widen in emphasis. “Ten minutes of my life I’ll never get back. Is she about to release the kraken?”
You chuckle. “Just turn down the volume on your movie a smidge, please.” You pinch two fingers together. “We’ve never had a complaint about you before, so no worries. We’ll let you off with a verbal warning this time.” You grin.
He’s amused at that. “Mighty kind of ya. Well, let me do it right in front of you, so you can put it down in your incident report.” He strolls over to the speaker and dials down the knob. “Perpetrator immediately complied with the request.” He announces, a little on the loud side. “In case Linda’s watching.”
You stifle a laugh. “I’m guessing she doesn’t know you’re the Sheriff of Lewis and Clark County?”
He shakes his head. “How would she? I don’t think I got five words in this morning.” He lifts the lid of a green cooler with the toe of his cowboy boot, bends down and pulls out another beer bottle. He has a bounce in his step on his way back to you. “But, you know, I don’t reckon it would’ve even mattered. She still would’ve had Larry make the call.”
“How’d you know Larry called?”
He shrugs and offers you the beer. “Lucky guess.”
You wave a hand. “On duty, remember?”
A tip of his wrist has him checking his watch. “You getting paid time and a half? It’s almost nine.”
You smile at how well he catalogs information and smooth talks with all that easy Texas charm. By your second run-in with him he’d found out your work schedule and how important it was for you to stick to it. He even had you fess up, somehow, to your penchant for reality TV, especially shows of the love competition variety. You grab the beer and twist off the top. The beer tingles down your throat in a welcome swallow. “It’s all your fault I’m still here.”
“Well, then, let me make it up to you. Sit a spell.” Before you can register, he’s snapped open another lawn chair near his own. He presents it with a flourish.
“I guess I should hang around for a bit. Make sure you don’t get yourself in more trouble.” The chair settles into the dirt under your weight.
“Not the first time it’s been suggested I need a chaperone.” He sits alongside you.
You nod at the movie. “What’re you watching?”
He stares at you, disheartened. “Really?”
“I don’t do westerns.”
“Pale Rider. Clint Eastwood. It’s a classic.” His head shakes. “Kids today.”
You scoff. “Kid?”
“You can’t be more than 25,” he states with complete earnestness.
“You don’t need to butter me up, Beau. I already said you’d get off on a warning.”
“How about some bribery then, just to ensure nothing ends up on my permanent record.” He nudges a bowl on the tiny circular table in your direction.
It’s hard to make out the contents. You squint. Light from the projector brightens up the scene for a moment. “Oh, you found them.” You pull out a cherry and tug at the fruity flesh between your teeth to release the stem.
“I did. Saw ‘em at a farmer’s market in town. You were right. Flathead cherries are amazing.”
“Hm.” You concur and indulge in the sweetness. “So good.”
Beau snickers. “You two need some alone time?”
“So good,” you repeat. “First pick of the season reminds you of what you’ve been missing all year.”
He nods and grabs a couple for himself. “That’s what the guy at the stand was spoutin’.”
Beau Arlen has only been the sheriff for a few weeks. But you agree with the assessment that most have of him. He’s an affable and acceptable substitute while Walter Tubb recuperates. Arlen’s smart and ingratiates himself easily with everyone in the county. He knows those that keep things running in Helena by their first names already. And as you are someone that secures and protects a part of state land in the county under his jurisdiction– well, you get to share a beer and some cherries with him tonight. 
The conversation is light and dances about with no rhyme or reason.
“What’s your favorite meal to eat back home?” He asks with great interest. With an angling of his head upward, he shoots a cherry pit out of his mouth like a mini cannonball into the shadows. You think he’s intentionally aiming in the direction of the Devonshires. “Like, the kind that needs your undivided attention?”
“Easy. Grilled salmon and roasted asparagus with mashed potatoes.”
Beau takes a swig. “Found anything comparable here?”
“Not yet. Doubtful it’ll be anything close to what I could get back home in Oregon.” You course correct and try not to be too hard on the place you’ve called home for the past two years. “But, you can fish a decent dinner out on the lake.” You thumb at the water behind the trailer. “The trout and perch are tasty.”
“I haven’t gotten around to fishing in Hauser yet.” He sighs.
“Seems like every time I turn on the local news, something major is going on in the area. Most of it ain’t good.”
“Tell me about it. I thought this would be a slow drip favor of a job for a friend. I was saying to Hoyt today that a dam holding back all the crime must’ve burst as soon as I got here.”
You make a note to give Jenny Hoyt a call. You haven’t hung out with her or Cassie in a bit. It’s time to catch up and get all the details you can about the new sheriff in town. “Well, what crime has Helena committed when it comes to your favorite meal back home?”
“Oh.” Beau’s lips flap as he releases air from his lungs. “Haven’t found a good T-bone yet. Tried grilling a couple myself but I don’t know, just not the same. What I wouldn’t do for a melt in your mouth steak with some buttered corn on the cob and a baked potato topped with sour cream and chives.” He licks his lips with a far away stare.
You grin at how fond his expression is over the memory. You kind of wish he’d stare at you like that for even a second.
Some soft pops ricochet in the night air. You both sit up at the sound.
“Fireworks.” Beau states. You nod and then wait to see if anything can be seen in the distance lighting up the sky. It quiets again after some seconds. “You better get home before you can never leave,” Beau decides. You open your mouth to protest. He only shakes his head and cuts you off. “Hey, if Corey’s got something to say about it, just tell him the sheriff can pinch hit if he needs backup.”
You smile. “Not sure if that’ll fly coming from me.”
“Then you tell him to call me if he needs confirmation.” He nods and this time the smile he gives you is fond and, dare you think it, a bit flirty. “Besides, you’ve got a bachelor waiting for you at home, doncha?”
The laugh bubbles out of you. “I doubt he’ll be any better company.” You purse your lips at the confession that gave more of your thoughts away than intended.
He stills at the compliment and takes it in for a long beat. The smile that curls up is soft and sweet. “Thank you.”
“Thank you.” You rise and leave the half drunk beer on the table. 
Beau rises as well, always the gentleman. 
“Have a good night.” You hurry out the words to match your steps.
You don’t dare turn to look back at the sheriff. You can’t stop grinning like a giddy school girl.
His voice, low and warm in the summer night, draws out, “You have a good night as well.” He adds, “Ranger.”
Read Part 2 Here
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bacony-cakes · 4 months
East German spy trying to tap the phone line but his numbers station radio won't turn off: Nein! NEIN! Schalte es aus! Den Mund halten! [fumbles the dial on the radio to maximum volume] NEIN! Scheiße! Scheiße verdammt! Schalten Sie es sofort aus! Es ist zu laut! Die Amerikaner werden mich finden! [the dial on his shitty soviet radio breaks off] NEEEIIIIIN! [his giant spy hat falls off in anguish]
The president of the United States of America: Hello is this the Pentagon? So i've been thinking... after i finish irreversably fucking over the economy, what do you think i should do next? Turn ketchup into a vegetable? Oh, i like that idea! Devilish as always. I've also been thinking that we should attach a laser that causes AIDS to a jumbo jet, maybe? I think it'd go well with that nuke-what-makes-you-gay project. ...Yes, i know the English are breaking new ground with their chicken-powered frozen wood plane, but trust me on this, AIDS Force One is the future of warfare. No, no, the laser gives who it's POINTED at AIDS, not the people operating it. Listen here, you son of an expletive, even if my brain is turning into a cauliflower, i am STILL the smartest man in the world, and I COMMAND you to build a machine that preserves me indefinitely like Mister House from Fallout New Vegas. ...Also, are you having an Oktoberfest party without me? I hear yodel music.
Guy who works at the Pentagon: No, mister president, we are not having an Oktoberfest party. From what i'm hearing, it's you who is having the Oktoberfest party. No, i'm not lying- I'm NOT a communist- DON'T put me on the no-fly list. Mister president, if you would- If you would listen for just one second, not only is a plane flying around and giving people horrible diseases cartoonishly evil, we cannot build a giant laser of any kind, because we've just used up our giant laser budget for faking the moon landings. Yes, but Neil Armstrong- Turn down your music, i can't hear you. No, Neil Armstrong- His name is not- He and those other guys got angry and went there for real. I don't know? Lock them in an airstream or something. No, the moon does not give you AIDS, for fuck's sake. There are not gay communist aliens on the moon that- We are- We are NOT building a "Hexagon" right next door to here that contains only people who listen to you. Also- God-emperor of the dominion of the United States of- Shut up, mister president. Fallout New Vegas doesn't release for what, thirty years? Mister pre- No, i am not going to wiretap the- Yeah, we could probably do that instead- And kill his wife too? That's kind of- Could YOU please turn down the music, mister president? For the last time, you're the one- Plan B? Ok, let's hear it. Hit me. Fly two planes into the- Mister president- What is this supposed to achieve- The good guys from Rambo 3? Mister president, what in the hell- And a third one into- A FOURTH one? Jesus Christ, what's wrong with- Can't you just use explosives or something? What do you even have against- Of course it's fucking about oil. It's all you think of. Every day it's "oil, oil, oil"- Pizza Hut is not communist- Mister president- Listen- No, don't you dare-
It will be done, my lord.
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curiositydooropened · 6 months
What I've Been Up To
Besties. Comarades. Bros.
The sun is out, and I feel better than I have in months, and I’ve been writing. Boy, have I been writing. I feel like I’ve got my sunglasses on, and I’m floating on an inner tube, sipping seltzer water with a straw, trailing my fingertips beneath me, and in my wake, floating along behind me, is just WIP after WIP after WIP.
None are finished yet, but sometimes you just get antsy to share about your ideas and just have to talk about them. 
But please know that I’m taking it easy this time around. There will be no deadlines, and there’s no guarantee all of these will ever get finished, but know that I’m working on them and ruminating in these worlds, and I love them so much. And therefore, I’d love to chat about them. xoxoxo (Pssst, look under the cut. They're under there.)
Steve Harrington x Reader WIPs
Ranged - partner!Steve x Agent!Reader - After Hell brought Horror to the Heartland, America’s dirt roads and open woods began to fall to rot and ruin. To prevent further inter dimensional slips, the government dispatched several workers, such as yourselves, to travel the country saving small communities. 
Hell Hound - Bodyguard!Steve x Photographer!Reader - Being FWBs with metal rockstar, Eddie Munson, is all fun and games until a dozen red roses show up at your door with a warning: Stay Away from The Devil or I will kill you. Despite your protests, Eddie appoints his personal bodyguard to keep an eye out for you.
Guilt - FBI!Steve x Vigilante!Enhanced!Reader - When the buzz of other enhanced individuals enters your city, you take up your watchful post. You intend to protect your city, this city that raised you, that cared for you, that healed you. Your efforts go unnoticed until a particularly nosy government agent catches scent of your trail. Can you stop the surge before the G-man stops you?
Untitled - Rancher!Older!Steve x UFO Enthusiast!Nomadic!Reader - You're looking for your dad in the stars, and nothing and no one can stop you, including the crotchety rancher who's letting you park your airstream on his land for a small fee.
Eddie Munson x Reader WIPs
The Boy is Mine (Amanda’s Version) - Eddie x Reader - Your sweet, sweet boy wrote some sweet, sweet love songs about you
Stuck - Wildfire!Eddie x Reader - Finally rid of the Vecna and all of his horrors, Eddie moved to Chicago. He had to get out, get away from the compound, from Hawkins, all of it. His fantasy novel is being edited, and he makes regular phone calls to the Harringtons, and on a Saturday around Christmas, he stumbles into a little music store two blocks from his apartment. There, he meets you. 
Dearest - vampire!Eddie x Reader - Ms. Nancy Wheeler’s birthday seems like the perfect night for a get-together and gossip. You’re intrigued by the Stranger with the wolfish grin. Then, at the strike of midnight, tragedy strikes. 
I’ve also been writing my novel, which I’m just calling my Camp Project, but you can find more information about it on my Writeblr, if you’re interested! I’m madly in love with my characters for that project. My group of 20-somethings in the 90s are so Robin, Steve, Eddie, Nancy, and Jonathan-coded. 
I really, really can’t thank you all enough for all of your support over the last few years. You really have all pushed me to be a better writer, and you’ve helped me to really embrace and love my writing. I’m so happy about this little pocket of the internet. I love this community. xoxoxo
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usafphantom2 · 7 months
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SR-71 on Ramp with Flight Crew
Looking more like astronauts than aircraft pilots, members of a fully-suited NASA research flight crew is seen here alongside an SR-71 aircraft. Two SR-71A's were initially loaned to NASA from the Air Force for high-speed, high-altitude aeronautical research. The SR-71As plus an SR- 71B pilot trainer aircraft were based at NASA's Ames-Dryden Flight Research Facility (later, Dryden Flight Research Center), Edwards, California during the decade of the 1990s. Two SR-71 aircraft have been used by NASA as testbeds for high-speed and high-altitude aeronautical research. The aircraft, an SR-71A and an SR-71B pilot trainer aircraft, have been based here at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California. They were transferred to NASA after the U.S. Air Force program was cancelled. As research platforms, the aircraft can cruise at Mach 3 for more than one hour. For thermal experiments, this can produce heat soak temperatures of over 600 degrees Fahrenheit (F). This operating environment makes these aircraft excellent platforms to carry out research and experiments in a variety of areas -- aerodynamics, propulsion, structures, thermal protection materials, high-speed and high-temperature instrumentation, atmospheric studies, and sonic boom characterization. The SR-71 was used in a program to study ways of reducing sonic booms or over pressures that are heard on the ground, much like sharp thunderclaps, when an aircraft exceeds the speed of sound. Data from this Sonic Boom Mitigation Study could eventually lead to aircraft designs that would reduce the "peak" overpressures of sonic booms and minimize the startling affect they produce on the ground. One of the first major experiments to be flown in the NASA SR-71 program was a laser air data collection system. It used laser light instead of air pressure to produce airspeed and attitude reference data, such as angle of attack and sideslip, which are normally obtained with small tubes and vanes extending into the airstream. One of Dryden's SR-71s was used for the Linear Aerospike Rocket Engine, or LASRE Experiment. Another earlier project consisted of a series of flights using the SR-71 as a science camera platform for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. An upward-looking ultraviolet video camera placed in the SR-71's nosebay studied a variety of celestial objects in wavelengths that are blocked to ground-based astronomers. Earlier in its history, Dryden had a decade of past experience at sustained speeds above Mach 3. Two YF-12A aircraft and an SR-71 designated as a YF-12C were flown at the center between December 1969 and November 1979 in a joint NASA/USAF program to learn more about the capabilities and limitations of high-speed, high-altitude flight. The YF-12As were prototypes of a planned interceptor aircraft based on a design that later evolved into the SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft. Dave Lux was the NASA SR-71 project manger for much of the decade of the 1990s, followed by Steve Schmidt. Developed for the USAF as reconnaissance aircraft more than 30 years ago, SR-71s are still the world's fastest and highest-flying production aircraft. The aircraft can fly at speeds of more than 2,200 miles per hour (Mach 3+, or more than three times the speed of sound) and at altitudes of over 85,000 feet. The Lockheed Skunk Works (now Lockheed Martin) built the original SR-71 aircraft. Each aircraft is 107.4 feet long, has a wingspan of 55.6 feet, and is 18.5 feet high (from the ground to the top of the rudders, when parked). Gross takeoff weight is about 140,000 pounds, including a possible fuel weight of 80,280 pounds. The airframes are built almost entirely of titanium and titanium alloys to withstand heat generated by sustained Mach 3 flight. Aerodynamic control surfaces consist of all-moving vertical tail surfaces, ailerons on the outer wings, and elevators on the trailing edges between the engine exhaust nozzles. The two SR-71s at Dryden have been assigned the following NASA tail numbers: NASA 844 (A model), military serial 61-7980 and NASA 831 (B model)
@Habubrats71 via X
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Had a cute thought and wanted to share! X3 For the Lost Episode timeline, I imagine it takes a long time for y/n to finally come to terms with their new normal even if they never will quite like it like they liked their previous life. And Sun and Moon of course try to do their best to help, but there's not much more to do than let time slowly heal what hurts.
But I imagine one day, when they are all at the airstream doing something or other, for the first time in quite some time, Sun and Moon hear them humming softly. Or maybe doing something that y/n mindlessly used to do when in a good mood. And at that moment it feels like they can release some tension that has been constantly there. Their heart might not be completely ok just yet.
But they will be.
And that's all they need to join them in whatever they are doing and hold them close.
Hi, Chaotik! ♥
Oh yeah, it takes a long, long time for Y/N to accept their cursed existence, but now that they're immortal, they have plenty of that. That's not to say that it isn't a struggle, because Y/N does have many relapses into horror and sorrow at what they've become and attempt to go without feeding to deny their vampiric nature, but Sun/Moon are there to carefully comfort them, Likewise, Sun/Moon convince them to actually eat, promising that they'll have a clearer mind once they have. (The boys loathe watching Y/N shrivel and become weak from a lack of sustenance but that does make it easier to bring them to a freshly killed rulebreaker and insure that Y/N restores their strength.)
Ahhh, that's exactly it! Time will allow Y/N to tolerate themselves, eventually.
*rattles you affectionately* I'm melting over this, ahhh! That is so sweet and hopeful. Sun/Moon worry so much over Y/N, especially after they attempted to take their own life. Then, one day after so much sorrow and struggle, they hear Y/N sing or watch Y/N dig out an old sewing project that they always wanted to finish but just didn't have the heart to. It's a flood of relief that washes over the cryptid.
*mwah* That's so lovely ♥
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saddayfordemocracy · 1 year
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@RuPublicans !
A new Instagram page is using AI to make parodies of Republicans attempting to push anti-LGBTQ+ bills.
The account, called @RuPublicans, a spin on name of the political party with a nod to the famed RuPaul, has gained nearly 100,000 followers in less than two weeks since its launch, going viral for its creative AI portraits of different Republicans in full drag.
Created by partners and digital nomads Craig and Stephen, the project sees the couple using art and technology for political activism.
The pair were traveling in an Airstream through the American West when they came up with the idea for the Instagram account, which comes at a particularly vulnerable time for LGBTQ+ rights in the U.S. 
State lawmakers are introducing more anti-LGBTQ+ this year than in the past collective five years, according to Bloomberg and data from the American Civil Liberties Union. Anti-drag bills have been introduced in at least 14 states.
Images range from Steve Bannon, who has shown support for Russia’s anti LGBTQ+ government, sporting a voluminous blowout to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is now looking to expand his ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Florida law in more schools, donning a bejeweled ball gown. 
Beyond the images, each person gets a drag name in the cheeky captions accompanying the posts:
Anita Filibust-Her (Mitch McConnell),
Cruzela Deville (Ted Cruz),
Lady Graham Cracker (Lindsey Graham),
Claretta Corrupta (Clarence Thomas),
Bombshell Bannon (Steve Bannon),
Hawl About Me (Josh Hawley),
Speaker Sparklebottom (Kevin McCarthy),
Rhonda Shanty (Ron DeSantis),
Mother Pence (Mike Pence),
Rudy Garland (Rudy Giuliani) ...
@RuPublicans / MidJourney
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dayscrazed · 5 months
Malex Oklahoma AU- new chapter: “Lonely Room”
Michael confronts Forrest. Then, he does some reflecting in his Airstream on Alex, his mom, Sanders, and what he really wants.
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customairstream · 2 months
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Get the best Airstream Renovation with the top quality materials with the help of our experts at Custom Airstream.
Visit our website to know more!
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I could be wrong but I don't think this whole "sexy, making out, grinding dancing" on an MV is Jungkook's thing. Even if Sohee ends up being indeed casted in his MV, I still don't think he'd go crazy like that. I know kpop is becoming a little bolder, a little unapologetic, but still, I don't think Jungkook is that way at all, like, it just doesn't sound like him.
Maybe she could be casted to tell a story? A love story with another actor, a mini action skit (that would be cool, imagine them being agents and shooting shit?) Like many western artists do with their mvs. Or just something very tame with Jungkook.
But, at the end of the day its all just rumors. People claim their staff were seen together but they weren't at all. Their staff coincidentally posted a photo of palm trees and in-n-out burger. Can it mean something? Yeah, it can, because one picture was two guys standing in front of an airstream with palm trees behind, and the other picture from the other staff is a picture of the sky and the palm tree, but in the corner there's a round, white "building" that's sort of rounded and technically could be the same airstream. But it's also LA. It's full of palm trees and I'd also take pictures of them if I was there. I heard that in-n-out is quite popular, too?
Now, about the dating rumors, I think that's a reach. I saw on twitter this person saying that it's not the first time Sohee and Jungkook went to LA at the same time, and that the last time Jungkook went to LA, she also did. But I never heard anything about it.
Yes, they came back to Korea on the same day. Not the same hour, though.
Hello anon,
Yeah, there are so many possibilities!
And it's one thing to speculate about her involvement, if any, in Jk's project but to go as far as to say they are dating? That's another level that also doesn't have actual facts to back it up.
You all...but there are tons of in and outs and palm trees and white buildings in California lol like every corner.
I don't listen to people on twitter. That place is toxic to me.
Thanks for sharing.
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Antenne Vorarlberg Chillout Lounge (August 31, 2023)
23:59 Sirius & Nyla - Infinity (Remastered Remix) 23:55 Sylvering - The Sun Always Shines On TV 23:52 Topic, Robin Schulz, Nico Santos, Paul Van Dyk - In Your Arms (For An Angel) 23:48 Claptone Feat. Dizzy - Queen Of Ice Queen Of Ice 23:44 Stephane De Lucia - Trippin 23:41 Mike Candys - Sky (Club Mix) 23:38 Mount & Illian - Fool 23:31 Dj Disse - Riders In The Storm (Original Mix) 23:26 Scotty & Wilcox - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (Wilcox Extended) 23:24 Tainted Youth Feat. Lucinda - Teardrops 23:18 Airstream - Your Tears (Del Mar Mix) 23:15 Zaz - Demain C'est Toi 23:10 Phil Mison - Just Landed 23:07 Klingande, Wrabel - Big Love 23:05 Rita Ora - You Only Love Me 23:00 Sofa Surfers - Sofa Rockers (Richard Dorfmeister Remix) 22:57 Robin Schulz Feat. Alida - In Your Eyes 22:50 Nora En Pure - Thermal (Extended Mix) 22:44 Mathieu & Florzinho - Maha - Amba 22:41 Moby - My Only Love 22:38 Vamero & Lizot - Bleeding Love 22:33 Lux - Secret Fish 22:30 Bronson Feat. Lau.ra - Heart Attack 22:25 Tibet Project - Tibet (A Passage To ...) 22:22 Hypnosis - Pulstar 22:19 Riva Starr Feat. Imaginary - Ride This Sound 22:14 Dj Shah & Adrina Thorpe - Who Will Find Me (Acoustic Mix) 22:11 Together Alone - Ain't Nobody 22:09 Carstn, Jason Walker - Could You Love Me (Munich Monstrs Remix) 22:02 Joris Voorn - Ringo 21:58 Christopher Von Deylen - Heliotrope 21:56 Fedde Le Grand Feat. Vince Freeman - Devils 21:52 Armin Van Buuren & Garibay Feat. Olaf Blackwood - I Need You 21:49 Nora En Pure - Branches 21:44 Schiller - Free The Dragon 21:39 Uttara Kuru - Neyuki 21:36 Elderbrook - I Need You 21:29 David Devilla, Mauro B & Gerard C Feat. - Someone Told Me (Mladen Mande Remix) 21:27 Lizot - Daddy Cool 21:19 Hraach - After Dark 21:15 Aguaflames - Moiman 21:11 Swedish House Mafia & The Weeknd - Moth To A Flame 21:09 Nightcall X Henri Purnell Feat. Eke - When The Morning Breaks 21:05 Set Mo Feat. Deutsch Duke - White Dress (Radio Version) 21:02 Sneaker Pimps - 6 Underground 20:59 Sans Souci - Fenton 20:54 The Dining Rooms - Existentialism (Milano Dub Mix) 20:51 Nora Van Elken - Heaven Is A Place On Earth 20:49 Valerie Dore - The Night (Zyx Edit Remastered 2021) 20:40 David Broaders - Curracloe 20:37 Glockenbach - Dirty Dancing 20:34 In Lonely Majesty - Sing In The Dark - Alle Farben Remix 20:27 Blank & Jones - White Light 20:24 Vinai - Hide Away 20:17 Rodriguez Jr. - 2 Miles Away 20:09 True & Berger - Imprint Of Pleasure 20:06 Lost Frequencies & Mathieu Koss - Don't Leave Me 19:58 Ost & Kjex - Queen Of Europe Feat. Anne Lise Frokedal (Solomun Remix) 19:54 Cats On Bricks Feat. Zach Alwin - Planes Over Ushuaia 19:49 Eelke Kleijn Feat. Diana Miro - You (Frankey & Sandrino Remix) 19:45 Armin Van Buuren, Sharon Den Adel - In And Out Of Love (Lost Frequencies Remix) 19:42 Hallmann - Always Be 19:35 Julian Wassermann - People 19:29 Hazy J - Our Way 19:21 Dino Lenny Feat. Artbat - Sand In Your Shoes 19:15 Rue Du Soleil - La Francaise 19:13 Dize Feat. Aurii - Wenn Ich Nicht Mehr Weiss 19:07 Exstra - Comet (Extended Mix) 19:03 Danny Avila - End Of The Night 18:59 Blank & Jones - Twilight Moon 18:55 P. Lion - Happy Children (Special Remastered ) 18:51 Kygo Feat. One Republic - Stranger Things 18:48 Shallour & Riah - Lie 18:44 Laniia - Fireflies 18:39 Headstrong - Symphony Of Soul (Reuben Halsey Chillout Mix) 18:35 Duboss - Losing My Religion 18:31 Above & Beyond - Is It Love? (1001) (Original Mix) 18:27 Morcheeba - Slow Down 18:24 Brando - Don't Call Me (Galantis Remix) 18:21 Meduza & Becky Hill X Goodboys - Lose Control 18:18 Kungs Feat. Jhart - Dopamine 18:15 Pretty Pink Feat. Mark V - Don't Dance 18:10 The Chill Out Orchestra - Wish You Were Here 18:05 New Age Kings - Illusion (Instrumental Remix) 18:02 Nora Van Elken - Honshu 17:57 Nora En Pure - Tears In Your Eyes (Extended Mix) 17:53 Robin Schulz & Felix Jaehn - One More Time 17:50 Mousse T. - Boyfriend (Alle Farben Remix) 17:44 Simple Minds - Mandela Day 17:41 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Jake Reese - Need You Now 17:37 Mandala Dreams - Mirror Lake 17:33 Mark Ronson Feat. Miley Cyrus - Nothing Breaks Like A Heart 17:30 Dj Antoine & Deep Vice - When You Want Some Love (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Mix) 17:25 Laila (Feat. Tiefblau) - Yin And Yang 17:21 Ambyion - Motion 17:18 Pascal Letoublon - Feelings Undercover 17:14 Lissa, Freddy Verano - Move Like Me 17:12 Mount & Emdey - Venus 17:09 Deepend & Graham Candy - Belong (Deepend Edit) 17:03 Hacienda - Sci-fi Saloon 17:00 Above & Beyond - The Inconsistency Principle 16:54 Anrey - The Forgotten (Extended Mix) 16:50 Jens Buchert - 1000 Miles 16:45 Blank & Jones - Sunny (Summer Vibe Mix) 16:39 Armen Miran - Nani Jan 16:33 Funkstar De Luxe - Sun Is Shining 16:30 Hugel - Can't Love Myself (Feat. Mishaal& Lpw) 16:23 Deep Dive Corp. - Bali Hi 16:19 Filatov & Karas - Au Au 16:13 Shkoon Feat. Fruiterama - Napauken 16:08 Aphrodelics - Rollin On Chrome 16:06 Twisted Harmonies Feat. Mougleta - You & Me 16:03 Tiesto - Lay Low 16:00 Jazzamor - Song For Maggie 15:57 Mahalo - High Life 15:52 Thomas Lemmer & Andreas Bach - Embracing Love 15:47 Nebu Mitte Feat. Jaselle - With You (Oriano Remix) 15:44 Sono - Keep Control (Artbat Remix Edit) 15:40 Tycho - Horizon 15:35 Ambala Feat. Laid Back - Walk With The Dreamers 15:33 Viva La Panda, Finding Molly - Chances 15:27 Spooky - Shelter 15:24 Neptune & Moonnight - I Need A New Love (Original Mix) 15:18 Rìfìs Du Sol - Alive (Anyma Remix) 15:13 Under Pressure - Near The Ocean 15:09 The Alan Parsons Project - Old And Wise 15:06 Avaion, Paulwetz, Nu Aspect Feat. Yuma - Sleepless 15:00 Van Bellen - Morning Awakening 14:57 Sound Nomaden - The Morning After 14:54 Sam Feldt & Sam Fischer - Pick Me Up (Vavo Remix) 14:49 Best Of Chillout Lounge - Sylt (Sensibar Mix) 14:45 Magnofield - Lupino 14:43 Kamrad - Feel Alive 14:39 Deeperise Feat. Jabbar - One By One 14:36 Chaël Feat Kaii - Don't Speak 14:30 High Heels Breaker Feat. Sarah Palin - Come Easy (David August Remix) 14:27 Edx & Amba Shepherd - Off The Grid 14:20 Blond:ish Feat. Shawni - Wizard Of Love 14:17 Dash Berlin Feat. Roxanne Emery - Shelter 14:14 Moli - Cloud No9 (Montmartre Remix) 14:09 Blank & Jones Feat. Zoe Durrant - One Evening (Lofi Selection) 14:04 Evadez - Caught In The Crowd (Original Mix) 14:02 Alok & Timmy Trumpet - Underwater Love (La Vision Remix) 13:56 Jens Buchert - Cocoon 13:49 Adana Twins - Strange 13:44 Tinlicker Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Always Will 13:41 Robin Schulz & David Guetta - On Repeat 13:37 Kygo Feat. Maty Noyes - Stay 13:33 Winona Oak & Robin Schulz - Oxygen 13:27 Hird - Getting Closer 13:24 Kryder & Natalie Shay - Rapture 13:20 Above & Beyond Feat. Justine Suissa - Little Something 13:17 Geeno Smith - Stand By Me (Radio Mix) 13:13 Kid Massive, Yuji Ono, Dtale - Pray (Wolf Krew Remix) 13:10 Kamrad - I Believe 13:04 Milan Euringer And Tube & Berger - Lovebreak 13:01 Vize & Alan Walker Feat. Leony, Edward Artemyev - Space Melody (Edward Artemyev) 12:57 Maxim Lany Feat. Freya Alley - Anymore 12:54 Aural Float - Be As You Are 12:50 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Angel Taylor - Make It Right (Trinix Remix) 12:43 Firtz Kalkbrenner - Golden (Fideles Remix) 12:38 Kölsch - Left Eye Left 12:34 Freischwimmer - California Dreamin 12:28 Tosca - Dave Dudley 12:25 Majestic & Boney M. - Rasputin 12:23 Christopher Von Deylen - Arco Iris 12:17 Massive Attack - Teardrop 12:14 Blank & Jones Feat. Jan Loechel - Beautiful Life 12:11 Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - Treasure 12:06 Disclosure - You & Me Ft. Eliza Doolittle (Flume Remix) 11:55 Cell - Above The Clouds (Live Version) 11:52 Vize & Tom Gregory - Never Let Me Down 11:48 Syntax Error - Träumen Im Gras (Syntax Experience Mix) 11:45 Dante Klein & Jordiz Feat. Megan Brands - Life 11:38 Soul Button - Circadian Rhythm (Hraach Remix) 11:32 Rodg - Life Is Life (Chill Mix) 11:24 Kygo - Freeze 11:17 Caf Bar Feat. Sara Allman - Gimme Shelter (Chilled Buddha Session) 11:14 Avaion X Vize X Leony - Pieces 11:11 Cotone - Faded Glory 11:08 Thievery Corporation Feat. Shana Halligan - Depth Of My Soul 11:05 Mike Candys & Jack Holiday - The Riddle Anthem Rework 11:02 Pirra Feat. Lindstrøm & Prins Thomas Remix - Limousine Lies 10:56 Spooky - The River (Ambient) 10:53 Alle Farben & Fools Garden - Lemon Tree 10:49 Schiller & Peter Heppner - Leben... I Feel You 10:46 Jubel - On The Beach 10:42 Nora En Pure - Enchantment 10:39 Clément Leroux - Memories 10:34 Sacred Spirit - Yeha-noha (Wishes Of Happiness & Prosperity) 10:29 Dreamerproject - Horizons (Glenn Main Remix) 10:26 Gabriel & Castellon - Es Vedra (Touch & Go Radio Mix) 10:23 Gestört Aber Geil & Anna Grey - Thank You 10:20 Steve Forest, Te Pai - Never Gonna Give You Up 10:16 Cristian Marchi Feat. Block - Baker Street 10:14 The Holy Santa Barbara Feat. Madugo - The Sailor Song 10:09 Kidsø - Fir 10:04 Depeche Mode - Useless 10:01 Zoe - C'est La Vie 09:55 Dale Anderson Feat. Anil Chawla - Pimento Grove 09:52 Zonderling Feat. Josh Cumbee & Damon Sharpe - Lifetime 09:47 Enui - Adieu (Arielle Lb Remix) 09:44 Cosmic Soul & Tom Novy - Like A Dream 09:40 Mario & Vidis Feat. Jazzu - I'll Be Gone 09:33 Nora En Pure - Oblivion (Extended Mix) 09:29 The Timewriter - Soulstickers 09:25 Kyla La Grange - Cut Your Teeth 09:20 Three Drives On A Vinyl - Greece 2000 (Sebastian Davidson & Melosense Remix) 09:15 Bacaro - Under Presure 09:12 Wave Wave Feat. Evie - Real 09:08 Christopher Von Deylen - Infinity 09:02 Worldwide Groove Corporation - Besame Mucho 08:59 Lstn, Arya Noble - Desert Walk 08:56 Agatino Romero - I'm Feeling For You 08:51 Vargo - Get Back To Serénity (J. Bar Mix) 08:43 Martin Roth - An Analog Guy In A Digital World 08:39 Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - We're All We Need 08:32 Kruder & Dorfmeister - High Noon 08:27 Goldfish - Love Everlasting (Extended Mix) 08:23 Nora En Pure - Homebound 08:21 Gamper & Dadoni Feat. Joe Jury - Satellites 08:17 Blank & Jones - Alone In This Rhythm 08:10 Relaxraum - Endless Horizons 08:07 Mike Candys, Sb Mont & Salvo - Turned To Dust 08:04 Dvine - Ever After 07:59 Troels Hammer Feat. Clara Valente - Ai Meu Bem 07:55 Schiller & Tricia Mcteague - Guardian Angel 07:51 Alina Baraz & Galimatias - Fantasy (Felix Jaehn Remix) 07:46 Tosca - No More Olives 07:38 Mashk & Soul Button - Pensées 07:32 Beyhude - Terso 07:27 Naomi - Anybody Here? 07:24 Robin Schulz - Above The Clouds 07:20 I Will, I Swear - Long Days 07:17 Sum Wave - Backyard Stories 07:13 Nora En Pure - Dry Sobbing 07:08 Channel 2 Feat. Tanya - Space Cowboy 07:03 Blank & Jones - Sunshines Better (Feat. Mick Roach) 06:58 Tebra - Suton 06:52 Orbient - Transition 06:47 Lyke - Stay With Me 06:42 Schiller X Tricia Mcteague - Miracle 06:38 Aromabar - Winter Pageant 06:34 Kygo Feat. Will Heard - Nothing Left 06:31 Paul Oakenfold, Bolier, Luis Fonsi - The World Can Wait (Bolier Remix) 06:25 Tosca - Natural High 06:22 Eelke Kleijn - Midnight Affair (Samaha Slow Edit) 06:17 The Funky Lowlives - Time To Let Go 06:12 Schiller - White Nights (Don't Let Me Go) 06:09 Feder & Ofenbach Feat. Dawty Music - Call Me Papi 06:04 Danijel Kostic - Vinternatt (Club Mix) 05:58 Deep Dive Corp. & Setsuna - Transatlantic 05:55 Sono - Trusting You 05:47 Eskadet - Solitudes 05:43 Valante - Rissa 05:41 Gil Glaze Feat. Dante Thomas - West La 05:36 Moca - Flotter Tag 05:34 Alok & James Arthur - Work With My Love 05:32 Alok Feat. Alida - Love Again 05:27 Alan Walker & Gavin James - Tired (Kygo Remix) 05:25 Bolier & Arman Cekin - Fade Away (Feat. Rhi'n'b) 05:22 Sixth Finger - If I Can't Have You 05:19 Nto (Fr) Feat. Sofiane Pamart - Invisible (Piano Version) 05:15 Chicane - Capricorn (Back Pedal Brakes Remix) 05:11 Chris Coco - Before Sunset (Original Mix) 05:05 Shakedown - At Night (Afterlife Remix) 04:57 Boral Kibil - Never Again (Bobby Deep Mix) 04:54 Lost Frequencies Feat. Sandro Cavazza - Beautiful Life 04:51 Lost Frequencies X James Arthur - Questions 04:47 Julian Wassermann - Painfully 04:44 Mila - Herzlos 04:42 Dj Antoine & Flip Capella Feat. Evelyn - Dark Love 04:39 Lost Frequencies Feat. Love Harder - Beat Of My Heart 04:34 Schiller - Ultramarin 04:31 Dj Antoine Feat. Craig Smart - Good Vibes (Good Feeling) (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k19 Mix) 04:27 Guardner - All Right 04:24 Ten Tonne Skeleton - Feel So Bad 04:16 Maxim Lany - Riding The Wave (Extended Mix) 04:09 Melosense - Road & Lights 04:02 Miyagi, Sascha Braemer, Dan Caster, Jan Blomqvist - Woodpeckers Love Affair 03:59 Alle Farben & Flynn - I Need To Know 03:53 Tom Odell - Another Love (Zwette Edit) 03:47 Lazy Hammbock - Surround Me 03:44 Robin Schulz & Alle Farben & Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Somewhere Over The Rainbow / What A Wonderful World 03:40 Coldplay - Everglow 03:35 Christopher Von Deylen - Opaque 03:29 Plaid - Ralome (Feat. Benet Walsh) 03:24 Lstn - Times Of Sorrow 03:17 Lexer & Paji - Red Puddle 03:14 Junge, Junge Feat. Jamie Hartma - Wicked Hearts 03:08 Schiller - Der Goldene Engel 03:04 The Presets - Promises (Nils Frahm Version) 03:02 Mellowdy - Rise Up 03:00 Buchs Feat. Nokyo - Cheverolet 02:54 Nicos - Secret Love 02:49 Sans Souci - Venice 02:46 Leony - Faded Love (Noøn Remix) 02:41 Blank & Jones - Give It To Me 02:37 Ck West - Aldebaran 2021 02:35 Luca Schreiner Feat. Johnny Chicago - Its All Gonna Be Good (Junge Junge Edit) 02:32 Starley - Lovers Strangers 02:29 Munich Monstrs - Shine 02:18 Aural Float - Dreamer's Dream 02:09 Christopher Von Deylen - Heaven Can Wait 02:02 Hraach & Armen Miran - Nowhere 01:56 Schiller - The Future Iii 01:53 Jeremy Loops - Til I Found You 01:50 Tom Staar & Cedric Gervais - Playing Games (Mixed) 01:45 Ingo Herrmann - Sundown 01:42 Alex Zind Feat. Lisa Schwab - Cruel Summer 01:36 Röyksopp Feat. Susanne Sundførd - Oh, Lover 01:32 Robin Schulz & Marc Scibilia - Unforgettable 01:30 Max Johann & Layrz - Tell It To My Heart 01:25 Cecilia Krull - Agnus Dei (Benny Benassi & Bb Team Remix) 01:22 Peter Ries - Hold Me (The Force Radio Mix) 01:18 Sofi Tukker X Mahmut Orhan - Forgive Me 01:14 Five Seasons - In Your Town 01:07 Jean-michel Jarre - Equinoxe, Pt. 4 01:03 2raumwohnung - Wir Werden Sehen (Paul Kalkbrenner Remix) 00:58 Stefano Saletti & Piccola Banda Ikona - Tagama 00:53 Christopher Von Deylen - Euphoria 00:47 Nora En Pure - Trailblazer (Club Mix) 00:44 Be Svendsen - Drop The Gun 00:41 Colorblast - Message In A Bottle (Colorblast Version) 00:39 Srtw & Mave Feat. Sønlille - Last Train Home 00:35 Schiller - Liebe 00:31 Ac Venture - Penang Waltz (Roberto Sol Remix) 00:21 Moby - Too Much Change 00:17 Blank & Jones - Nuits Blanches 00:13 Mefree - Horizons 00:09 Galantis Feat. Onerepublic - Bones 00:07 Ofenbach & Ella Henderson - Hurricane 00:02 Two Lanes - Pièces Froides: Ii. Danses De Travers
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Congratulations sunny for this top 5 writing! You're awesome writer! I'm curious about God AU (Haddotin) you write. I'm crazy about Haddotin fics and I really like this one! I can't wait to find out what's next for this fic!
Thank you! 😵😍 YES! I'm so excited about the Gods AU. I thought I was ready to post it this last year, but...my inner perfectionist had to go back and replot because I didn't like the beginning. 🤣 I have a few Tintin projects to unveil this upcoming year though! So far from done with this ship. 😉 But I'm in a mood to promote so here's a little excerpt from The Wind That Pulls Back the Tide:
Once, all mortals knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that their world was ruled by immortal beings with supernatural powers. Guardians brought to life by the wishes and prayers of those they protected. Gods, goddesses, titans if you will. And there was a period of history where these gods were loved, praised, and lavished with mortal offerings from gems to silks to decadent foods and wines. As time went on, the humans below began to explore the world around them and use “science” to explain the precious gifts the gods bestowed. And no matter how much they used their powers to prove their existence, less and less people believed in them leading to fewer and fewer gods of the world. 
Vent, or Tintin as he liked to be called amongst the mortals, was a fairly young god at just a little over two centuries old. His boss, Madre Natura, loved to tell the story of how she found him. It was ‘the year without a summer’ as the mortals referred to it. And she was doing her best to clear out the lingering clouds of ashy fog that dropped the temperature drastically. With so much of the world affected though, people began to pray. Pray for a wind that would free them from this terrible blight, and thus Tintin was born. 
He was not the first god of wind. After all, wind, weather, storms, these were always mentioned in the prayers and wishes of mortals so the need has always been there. However, he was probably the first wind god to have been adopted under Madre Natura’s tutelage. It was normal for young gods to answer to an older one, and Tintin knew several older gods that still remained under their patron’s wing. In fact, Igor and Irma still worked for Mama Bianca, and they had been for millenia. Tintin was just reaching that age where he didn’t want a ‘mother’ so to speak. He was ready for the independence of the job he had been granted, and the upcoming gods’ meeting was the best chance to bring up his desire for a promotion.
Gods’ meetings didn’t happen often. Maybe once or twice a century. Since Tintin’s birth, this would be his third. The meetings usually served one of the three possible purposes: a crossover in territory, birth/rebirth of a god, or the rare and disheartening occasion of the death of a god with no rebirth. Sometimes it was all three, and they would be trapped together for months trying to address everything. Tintin really hoped this wasn’t one of those kinds of meetings.
“Come on, Snowy!” Tintin called back to his companion.
The icy cloud gave its best imitation of a whistle as one of Earth’s animals would, skating along Tintin’s ankles. The young god laughed in response as he sprinted along the airstream he was on before taking a massive leap, letting gravity pull him faintly, before he caught the next wind current, skating on it like the mortals did on the ice Snowy created for them. When the wind started to veer just a little too far to the north for Tintin’s liking, he wrestled it back into place. Dealing with wind was a lot of pushing, pulling, and shoving, but he liked the physicality of the act. Mama Bianca always complained that he was a very active boy, but Tintin wondered if that was because of who he was or what he was.
Before long, the outline of land finally began to stand out against the large expanse of blue. Gods’ meetings had been held in many various ‘neutral’ locations as sometimes it was impossible to be neutral to everyone. Tintin wished several times he had been alive to go to the meeting in Pompeii before it’s eruption, or even see the wonder of Atlantis before it had sank below the sea. Instead, nowadays gods’ meetings took place in an office building in Brussels, Belgium. It was fine, but it wasn’t like the old days of getting drunk, and going out and drawing the Nazca Lines. 
Dipping the current he was riding, Tintin jumped and landed on the roof allowing himself to appear in his mortal form. A lanky ginger young adult, although many mistook him for a teenager much to his annoyance. You would think as a god, he would be able to change his appearance and maybe add on a few years…a beard at least, but unfortunately it didn’t work like that. One of the many mysteries the universe still had to offer.
“Snowy, here boy.” Tintin called upwards.
The cloud quickly dropped towards Tintin, and as it got closer to the earthen plane, it began to take the shape of a white terrier dog. Its whistles turning into yaps and whines as Snowy fell into Tintin’s arms. The god couldn’t help but laugh as Snowy licked his face and wagged his tail like a true dog would.
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christinahobbsofc · 2 years
Luxury Travel Trailers For Couples
Luxury Travel Trailers For Couples Luxury Travel Trailers For Couples. Life on the road includes things like waking up to the sunrise, drinking coffee with the dew on your toes, and spending hours in a car with nothing but the great outdoors. An RV-based vacation is unquestionably a memorable one, conjuring up nostalgic memories of old-time Americana and singing your favorite songs around the campfire, guitar in hand. Thanks to the rise of high-tech, incredibly luxurious camping trailers akin to stylish apartments...but with the benefit of having wheels attached, even those who ordinarily wouldn't consider one for their upcoming trip are now giving it another thought. image of Luxury Travel Trailers For Couples Modern luxury travel trailers can be found with offices fit for a digital nomad, bedrooms on the second floor, indoor bathrooms, and all the connectivity you could want. Living off the grid doesn't necessarily mean living in tents; rather, it can provide a window into a refreshing contrast where the biggest challenge is deciding which breathtaking location to visit next in your luxurious camper. The top 15 trailers for camping # Name Best for 1 Bowlus Best overall 2 Living Vehicle Best high-end 3 Winnebago Best value 4 Airstream Best for remote work 5 Timberleaf Trailers Best teardrop 6 Homegrown Trailers Best teardrop with bathroom 7 Land Ark RV Best high-ceiling 8 Happier Camper Best lightweight 9 Bruder X Best off-road 10 E-RV Best all-electric 11 Polydrops Best small 12 Jayco Best mid-priced 13 Grand Design RV Best for families 14 Taxa Outdoors Best pop-up camper 15 Tiny Camper Best DIY   To find out exactly what to consider before buying a trailer, see our special buyers' guide for travel trailers after the list. If you prefer to have everything integrated into a single vehicle, you can also look at our list of the best camper van brands of the year. Bowlus: Best travel trailer overall When you first enter your Bowlus travel trailer, be prepared to feel a little daunted by the possibilities that are racing through your head. The Terra Firma travel trailer is the pinnacle of mobile living, offering all the amenities you'd need to seriously consider making the switch to a full-time mobile lifestyle. Terra Firma has it all, including tastefully neutral interiors, a separate hotel-style shower, and plenty of room for lounging, sleeping, and strategizing your next project. Make coffee with the two-stage water filtration system after waking up in the Zen Master Bedroom. The convenient features of this camping trailer allow you to bring along even a furry friend, including a coordinated pet bed, bowls that slide out of a drawer without a hitch, and remote temperature monitoring. Use the Find My Bowlus GPS tracking when you set out on foot for the day. Best for: Feeling almost more at home here than in your own home. UNDERSTAND BOWLUS - Counts as up to 4 Dry Dimensions: 3200 lbs (1452 kg) - GVWR: 4,000 pounds (1814 kg) - starting at $265,000 Excellent luxury camping vehicle Your experience camping in a Living Vehicle camper isn't exactly "roughing it." Living Vehicle's Max model truly maximizes the best of outdoor living, indoors, and is probably the closest thing you could find to staying in a hotel with the added benefit of being able to watch your every move. Anyone who is serious about camping trailers will fall in love with this completely customizable unit. It is spacious and comfortable, loaded to the brim with technology like enormous TV screens, stocked chef's kitchens, and opulent amenities. It is equipped with everything from air conditioning to solar power. A washing machine, Hi-Fi stereo, and mobile connectivity are available. Living off the grid is possible, but you can always reconnect to the grid when you need to. Even better, it has a cutting-edge security system built right in. As a result, you won't be concerned about leaving your mobile home for the day to go exploring. Best for: Creating vogue-worthy camping vacations. - Counts as up to 4 Dry : 11500 pounds (5216 kg) - GVWR: 17,000 pounds (7711 kg) - starting at $319,995 Best value travel trailer is Winnebago. If you want to travel in true Americana style, a Winnebago is hard to beat, and the Winnebago Micro Minnie is unquestionably your best bet for a trip on a tight budget. Because everything you require for a small trip is included in the Micro Minnie, essentials aren't sacrificed. It's one that prioritizes quality over quantity, just as the name implies, but it still manages to fit in plenty of galley space, a sink, double-door refrigerator, microwave, and even a cooktop. You won't ever feel too hot or cold in the middle of the night thanks to the roomy mattress and the cross-ventilating windows, and the breathtaking surroundings will always be there as soon as the first rays of light enter the room. The outdoors are as comfortable as the inside thanks to patio speakers and a power awning with LED lighting. Best for: Saving money so you can use it for decorating. - Approximately 2 Dry 3360 lb. in weight (1524 kg) - GVWR: 5,000 pounds (2268 kg) - Starting at: $23,808 The most adaptable travel trailer for remote work is an Airstream. Waving goodbye to a life surrounded by bricks and pursuing one surrounded by nature and woodland will help you realize all of your digital nomad dreams. Or whatever else your heart desires, like beaches or cityscapes. The beauty of Airstream's Flying Cloud is that you are free to do all of the aforementioned things and more, choosing to live on the road rather than having to constantly remember a set of house keys. With flexible floor plans for any number of passengers and the option of a small office, this camping trailer is made to make life simple. It is decorated in soothing neutral tones with cozy accents for a stress-free experience. It is fashionable and useful. The Flying Cloud from Airstream includes all the necessities in addition to multiple USB ports and a pop-up USB/AC outlet powered by the onboard 1000-watt power inverter. Even a swivel chair is in the office space. Best for: Trying to make your beach, mountain, or river view appear in the Zoom meetings' background. - Counts as up to 6 Dry Five thousand pounds (2268 kg) - GVWR: 6,000 pounds (2721 kg) - starting at $83,300 The best trailer brand is Timberleaf. Even when the scenery around you is picturesque enough, Timberleaf's eye-catching orange camper is a talking point of your journey. This teardrop trailer, which was made with excellent craftsmanship and skilled woodworking, is endearing and humorous. It is a camping trailer that returns camping to its fundamentals by eschewing frills in favor of maintaining a compact and reliable design. The Standard, All-Road, and Off-Road versions of the Classic Teardrop Trailer are available to accompany you wherever you go. Each has unique features, such as wheels made for rough terrain and a fully insulated cabin to block out the wind, heat, and cold. Despite its adorable appearance, this camping trailer is a serious piece of equipment. It has a large skylight, plenty of room for relaxation, and is decorated with tonal wooden shades. If orange isn't your preferred color, the trailer itself is available in a range of vivid hues. Best for: Imagining that you are the star of your own old-fashioned holiday film. - Approximately 2 Dry 1 500 pounds (680 kg) - 3500 lb GVWR (1587 kg) - starting at $8,500 Homegrown Trailers: The top bathroom-equipped teardrop trailer Up until you wake up in the middle of the night unwilling to leave the trailer to use the restroom or locate one, living in a camper seems like all fun and games. Here we have Homegrown Trailers. It's the best teardrop trailer available for those who want comfort and style because it combines all of the best features of camping trailers with all of the comfort necessities and more. The Timberline trailer accomplishes all of this and then some more. Enjoy all of the amenities it has to offer, including hot water from the indoor shower, freshwater from the sink and shower, and a sizable kitchen for cooking up a storm, either by plugging it into the grid or by using its solar-powered energy. Additionally, it uses energy-efficient construction techniques and is primarily made of sustainable materials. It is a camping trailer made with sustainability in mind. Best for: Traditional camping with modern conveniences. - Counts as up to 4 Dry Weight: 4250 pounds (1927 kg) - GVWR: 5,000 pounds (2268 kg) - starting at $74,995 The best high-ceiling travel trailer is the Land Ark RV. Unsure if you'd prefer to stay in a home or a luxurious camper? Pick both. The Drake model from Land Ark RV aims to address all of the aforementioned issues in a modern and stylish camping trailer that takes outdoor recreation to a whole new level. You might wake up in this place and mistakenly believe you are in a hotel because it is so effectively constructed to look like a high-design home. With its two stories and neutral, light wood interiors, it welcomes guests in comfort and style. This camping trailer begs to be customized, ideally with Instagram-friendly pillows, cozy throws that are the size of a queen, and adventure around every corner. In search of stories, it is a trailer. This camping trailer is one of the most desirable ones on the market thanks to its energy-efficient insulation, heating and air conditioning, custom cellular shades for privacy, and high ceilings. Best for: Waking up in the morning without worrying about hitting your head. - Counts as up to 7 Dry : 16700 pounds (7574 kg) - GVWR: 21,000 pounds (9525 kg) - starting at $159,900 Best lightweight travel trailer for a happier camper Happier Camper sets the tone for how you'll feel on your upcoming adventure: over the moon, giddy with anticipation, and fully conscious that everything you could possibly need is hidden away in its special location around you. Happier Camper's Traveler camping trailer is fully prepared for travel and is ideal for all kinds of adventures, whether you're sightseeing or working, sleeping or cooking. This 5,000 lb travel trailer seems much larger than many others on the market thanks to two separate living areas, an integrated bathroom, and a kitchenette. Its carefully curated space makes use of the company's Adaptiv technology to convert living spaces into offices, dining rooms, bedrooms, and lounges in a matter of minutes. No matter how far the trip, your Traveler will be prepared thanks to fiberglass shells, a honeycomb floor grid, custom hardware, and robust parts. Best for: Less-concerned with maximum weight capacity and smaller towing vehicles. - Approximately 2 Dry 1 800 pounds (816 kg) - 2500 lb GVWR (1133 kg) - Starting at $49,950 Best off-road camping trailer: Bruder X There are camping trailers made for idyllistic excursions through the woods, and there are country lanes that wind their way down to the seashore. Then there are expedition trailers, which are built with a little more sturdiness in mind and are appropriate for all of those off-road excursions you'd previously overlooked. The latter is the EXP-6 of Bruder X. This is a camping trailer with a twist: a sizable, solid, and all-around impressive beast of a trailer that boldly forges into uncharted territory without so much as lifting a finger. This off-road trailer is modern and gray, fitting in seamlessly with any setting. It can level out and change its height to suit the terrain with the push of a button, making it sufficiently adaptable. The EXP-6 can even be managed by a modern cabin management system using a smartphone. There are courtesy lights, storage lockers, a washer, and even an outdoor hot and cold shower out back. Best for: Unrestricted adventures. - Counts as up to 6 Dry Weight: 4850 pounds (2200kg) - GVWR: 1146 4 pounds (5200kg) - Price: best all-electric travel trailers start at $180,000 There are two types of off-grid living: traditional off-grid and E-RV off-grid. This is the first fully electric camping trailer in the world, and although it almost blends in with its surroundings from the outside, the interior is still roomy and ultra-modern. This eco-friendly RV trailer also doesn't do things half-heartedly. It can simultaneously charge all of your electronics, keep you warm enough, and save you money on gas refills. You can set up camp in the middle of nowhere without having trouble finding electricity because it uses clean solar energy. Additionally, since gas fumes are no longer necessary, it is better for the environment. You'll appreciate the E-efficiency RV's even more if you're staying somewhere that forbids open flames. Your E-RV keeps charging even while you're out exploring thanks to a variety of solar panels on the roof. Best for: Elevating the concept of "off the grid." - Contains: Up to 3 Best small travel trailer: Polydrops When it comes to cramming a lot into a small space, Polydrops' P17A camping trailer is small but mighty. For anyone new to the industry who wants to get a handle on owning a trailer before committing to a larger size, the P17A is one of the best small camping trailers. It combines all the necessities and is highly engineered and entirely electric. After reading the complete list of energy-saving features this camping trailer has, you'll see how its futuristic design puts it ahead of the curve in both the world of camping trailers and electric vehicles. These compact campers have solar panels, LiFePO4 batteries, and air conditioning for maximum comfort without saying goodbye to environmentally friendly transportation. Additionally, its aerodynamic design makes towing it simple, even for less experienced drivers. It has a modular design with a kitchenette, tiny closet, bathroom, and sleeping area that you can customize to suit your needs. Ideal for: Demonstrating that good things can come in small packages. - Approximately 2 Dry 1,200 pounds (544 kg) - 2000 pounds (907 kg) - starting at $24,990 Best mid-range camping trailer: Jayco You've dabbled in the world of vacation trailers, but you're not quite ready to commit to a massive model. The best mid-sized trailer can be found from Jayco. Our favorite, and not just our favorite, Jayco's Jay Flight 2021 has consistently been voted America's best-selling RV. These are the top travel trailers for people who want to leave on a trip without having to worry about anything. Complete with not only the necessities but also the amazing-ifs. The Jay Flight 2021 is ideal for virtually any type of traveler thanks to its excellent design, weatherproofing, and abundance of editable floor plan options. Do you need more beds? They could be incorporated in the center. Would you prefer additional storage and fold-out sleeping areas? Not a difficulty either. This camping trailer is a win-win for almost everyone thanks to the built-in LED TV, smartphone-controllable system, and fully furnished interiors with an oven. Best for: Luxurious essentials with a touch of high quality. - Counts as up to 5 Dry : 5560 pounds (2521 kg) - 7500 lb GVWR (3401 kg) - starting at $36,389 The ideal family travel trailer is one from Grand Design RV. A family camping trip can go one of two ways: either it's one that gets recorded in the memory book with amusing tales, activities that bring back fond memories, and the commitment to repeat it all the following year, or it goes horribly wrong and you swear you'll never bring it up again. What is the best way to guarantee the former rather than the latter for your family vacation? To make camping trips less stressful, do it in a family-friendly camping trailer. The Reflection Travel Trailer from Grand Design RV is opulent yet practical: a trailer that is reliable and strong while still being fashionable and comfortable. Instead of a straightforward bed and sink pull-along trailer, it's a roomy RV camper that almost feels like a small apartment. You won't ever feel anything less than refreshed and satisfied while staying in one of these travel trailers thanks to the abundance of electronics they contain, including a Bluetooth sound system, LED TV, motion sensor lighting, and more. For those picture-perfect family vacations. - Counts as up to 5 Dry : 8096 pounds (3672 kg) - GVWR: 9995 pounds (4533 kg) - starting at $60,375 Best pop-up camper: Taxa Outdoors A Taxa Outdoors Mantis pop-up camper is the best way to return to the fundamentals when it comes to small travel trailers. There are high-tech, futuristic trailers available, but if you're looking for relaxed, real, small camping trailers, the Mantis is the best choice. The Mantis still has all the amenities you could possibly need for a peaceful few days spent getting close to nature, despite not being overflowing with electronics. A large cafe breakfast table in the morning, a mini-conference room in the afternoon, and even a board game setup in the evening can all be found inside this trailer, which is known as the brand's largest pop-up to date. Due to the camper's pop-up design, it also has a private outdoor seating area where you can unwind in the evenings while taking in the sounds of nature and catching up with loved ones or friends about anything and everything. Best for: Quick, uncomplicated trips that don't require much planning. - Counts as up to 4 Dry 29,722 pounds (1348 kg) - 4200 lb GVWR (1905 kg) - starting at $42,990 Best homemade camping trailer: Tiny Camper Spend the days before the trip deciding what to pack or what might or might not be included. Rent or buy a camping trailer. Replace those conversations with ones about how to design the interiors, what features you need and don't need, and how to best individualized your new temporary residence by building your own camping trailer. The memorable building process of a DIY camping trailer is half the fun, and Tiny Camper's DIY camping trailers make this process incredibly simple. They can also be tailored to your exact specifications, taking into account both your idealized and practical trailer-building skills. Choose from a variety of different frameworks, electrics, plumbing, or cabinets to start from scratch, or move on to the next step with a fully prepared package. Then comes the enjoyable part: color schemes, extras, and special touches. Best for: Making things that are just as enjoyable to do as traveling. - Sleeps: Three dry Weight: based on the DIY construction - Dependent on DIY build, GVWR - Starting at: $10,531 Travel trailer buyers' guide Before selecting your next camping trailer, there are many factors to think about, including how often you'll use it, the type of terrain you'll travel over, the features you might need, and the capacity for you and your camping companions. Before choosing your new camping trailer, read on to learn everything you need to know. Towing restrictions In general, a camping trailer will weigh more the more advanced it is and the more space it has. Make sure the vehicle you'll be using to tow the trailer is capable of doing so before you purchase it. Always compare the weight of the camper trailer to the towing capacity of your tow vehicle and try to leave a little room rather than selecting something that exceeds the maximum weight limit. Featured interiors You only really need a comfortable bed and some sort of living space if you intend to use your camping trailer as a base for exploring the outside world. If you intend to live a nomadic lifestyle as a digital nomad, you should look for additional features such as a dedicated office or working space, or at the very least, a separate living space, as well as lots of storage space. Read the full article
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industrynewsupdates · 1 month
Glamping Market Trends, Size, Revenue And Top Key Players 2024 - 2030
The global glamping market size was estimated at USD 3.15 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.7% from 2024 to 2030. The increasing influence of social media among consumers is expected to create awareness about glamping and its benefits. In addition, major discounts, as well as irresistible holiday packages offered by various tourism sites, are expected to have a positive impact on the industry.
Festivals have been used by American cities to promote business and draw talent. Glamping also referred to as glamorous camping, has emerged as one of the most popular consumer trends in the U.S. Also, it is predicted that a key element boosting the glamping industry over the projection period will be the rise in the number of concerts and significant music festivals organized every other week in different parts of the world.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Glamping Market 
The factors including preferences for experiences over traditional pampering and possessions, availability of time, and the willingness of consumers to pay for luxury travel or glamping sites are some of the factors that are anticipated to boost the glamping industry in the forecast period from 2023 to 2030.
Glamping allows for an outdoor travel experience without bringing (or buying) equipment, and at certain properties, it also offers luxury amenities and services typical of a hotel. For instance, AutoCamp, a licensed partner of Airstream Inc., offers several accommodation types which are pet-friendly and include custom modern cabins, luxury tents (based on seasonality), and more. Each property also offers a clubhouse featuring community fire pits, lawn games, board games, and hammocks.
Also, observers of travel trends have remarked that whereas in the past, staycations were primarily used for special occasions, in recent times, couples, families, and groups of people have realized that they need to indulge themselves on their days off from work and family commitments. Many nowadays choose nearby getaways for long weekends, which is another reason why vacationers prefer taking vacations within the borders of cities. This is yet another element that will boost the glamping market’s growth during the anticipated timeframe.
A few players are also offering a glamping experience for seniors or baby boomers, which gives an opportunity to older people to live in the natural environment without digital penetration and WiFi, and with an addition of luxury and comfort. For instance, The Resort at Paws Up is one of the innovators in combining luxurious lodging with conventional camping experiences. In 2019, it announced an expansion of the glamping site featuring 12 adult-only accommodations in treehouses.
Many players in the market are more inclined towards collaborating with major hotels and restaurants, software companies for high technology-related appliances, culinary services, musicians and bands, and more to increase their service footprint and boost their revenues. For instance, in May 2021, Under Canvas partnered with Gibson, an iconic guitar brand, to enhance guest programming across its nine locations in the U.S. Also, in May 2022, Interval International, a leading vacation provider, renewed a 30-year contract with Westgate Resorts.
Glamping is an accessible modern form of recreation and an increasingly popular accommodation in the tourism and hospitality sector. Before the outbreak of COVID-19 cases across the globe, interest in camping among new and experienced campers was evident.
Glamping Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global glamping market report based on accommodation, age group, and region:
Accommodation Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
• Cabins & Pods
• Tents
• Yurts
• Treehouses
• Others
Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
• 18-32 years
• 33-50 years
• 51-65 years
• Above 65 years
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• Central & South America
• Middle East & Africa
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Key Companies & Market Share Insights
The market is characterized by the presence of a few established players and new entrants. Many big players are increasing their focus on the growing trend of the glamping market. Players in the market are diversifying their service offerings to maintain market share.
Key Glamping Companies:
The following are the leading companies in the glamping market. These companies collectively hold the largest market share and dictate industry trends. Financials, strategy maps & products of these glamping companies are analyzed to map the supply network.
• Under Canvas
• Collective Retreats
• Tentrr
• Eco Retreats
• Baillie Lodges
• Nightfall Camp Pty Ltd.
• Tanja Lagoon Camp
• Wildman Wilderness Lodge
• Paperbark Camp
Recent Developments
• In January 2024, Japanese camping brand Snow Peak announced the launch of its camping destination in the U.S., scheduled for an early 2024 launch. Named Snow Peak Long Beach Campfield, the stunning 25-acre site is located on the Long Beach peninsula in Washington state, positioned between Seattle and Portland, Oregon.
• In September 2023, Luxeglamp EcoResorts, a bubble-glamping resort in Munnar, Kerala, has introduced a celestial-themed Glamping experience at Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu—a popular hill station. Branded as 'Luxeglamp Celestial Glamp,' this enchanting offering immerses guests in a celestial ambiance with twinkling stars and the moon inside the dome.
• In November 2022, Under Canvas announced its expansion near the North Entrance of Yellowstone National Park across 50 acres of Montana ranchland. Yellowstone National Park is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts, and this expansion will fuel the glamping market growth.
• In August 2022, Baillie Lodges ventured into South America and acquired existing glamping properties of Tierra Hotels in Torres del Paine National Park, Tierra Atacama.
• In April 2022, Under Canvas collaborated with the Nature Conservancy to promote eco-friendly initiatives, which can resonate with environmentally conscious travelers seeking meaningful and sustainable glamping experiences.
• In January 2022, Under Canvas and Rivian, an American electric vehicle automaker and automotive technology company, announced a partnership to offer Rivian’s open-network Waypoints chargers to outdoor campsite areas, including the Under Canvas Moab and Under Canvas Lake Powell-Grand Staircase, in the 2022 season.
Order a free sample PDF of the Glamping Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research. 
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