#aj study diaries
winryrockbellwannabe · 11 months
✨study diaries - 08 october✨
first of all, things have been lowkey awful, hence why i haven't been posting my own stuff a lot, bc i was feeling a bit like shit (probably will elaborate on a future post).
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BUT today i can't dwell on that, bc i have a test tomorrow (Computational Modelation for Physiological Processes), and i've been skipping classes too much, so this post is going to be me figuring out wtf i have to study:
📖 Topic 3: Systems' dynamics
understand how to apply Laplace transformers to differential equations
stability of the system
transfer funtion
transitory response: zeros and poles of the function
2nd order systems
among other stuff. I have about 10 matlab exercises to do about this, 8 pages of practical examples to understand and about 50 pages of theory (even tho it's a pratical test)
📖 Topic 4:
this one is a more practical topic, it's mostly exercises about representing the states of the system, solving the equation of state and non linear systems. I should at least take a look at 1 of the 6 exercices, even tho we're still going to be talking a bit about it before the test, which is absolutely stupid, if you ask me
🎬 watching: gilmore girls, s4. im a bit bored of it, so im going to be listening to it while im coding
🥤drinking: a latte, bc it's too cold for me not to have a hot beverage next to me at all time
okay, now this seems very less overwhelming, even tho im still not in the mood at all for studying but i have to try
🦋 hope yall have a wonderfull day
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trans-axolotl · 10 months
tagged by @librarycards to share my nine favorite books I've read this fall!
The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance by Rashid Khalidi
Disability Politics and Theory by AJ. Withers.
Light in Gaza: Writings Born of Fire edited by Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bing, and Mike Merryman-Lotze
What Can a Body Do? How We Meet the Built World by Sara Hendren.
Freedom is a Constant Struggle by Angela Davis
Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars: A Dangerous Trans Girl's Confabulous Memoir by Kai Cheng Thom
Nobody Needs to Know: A Memoir by Pidgeon Pagonis
Black Madness :: Mad Blackness by Therí Alyce Pickens (Technically read this before the fall as well but reread it again and it's so good I wanted to put it on the list!)
The Future is Disabled by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
I also feel like I read a lot of really meaningful articles + interviews + poems this fall, so I'm also going to add my top nine short form pieces that I read as well.
Out of My Hands: A musician in prison pines for his bass. by David Annarelli.
Diaries of Blood: The secret artists within Israeli detention facilities. by Eman Al-Astal.
Notes on Craft: Writing in the Hour of Genocide by Fargo Nissim Tbakhi
Ableism Enables All Forms of Inequity and Hampers All Liberation Efforts by George Yancy interviewing Talila A. Lewis
Occupied Land is an Access Issue: Interventions in Feminist Disability Studies and Narratives of Indigenous Activism by Jess L. Cowing
Perfect Storm: A time to refrain from embracing by Richard Hunsinger.
Sick4Sick by torrin a. greathouse
Fuck Your Lecture on Craft, My People are Dying by Noor Hindi
Languaging Memory by leena aboutaleb
tagging anybody else who wants to! too tired to tag individual people, sorry.
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mariacallous · 2 years
(JTA) — The Republican nominee for Congress in Texas’ 7th district is a self-proclaimed history buff, but his take on Anne Frank is not one that most historians would endorse.
Johnny Teague, an evangelical pastor and business owner who won the district’s primary in March, in 2020 published “The Lost Diary of Anne Frank,” a novel imagining the famous Jewish Holocaust victim’s final days in the Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen concentration camps as she might have written them in her diary. 
The kicker: In Teague’s telling, Frank seems to embrace Christianity just before she is murdered by the Nazis.
Published by Las Vegas-based publisher Histria Books, the speculative book attempts to faithfully extend the writing style of Frank’s “original” diary entries into her experiences in the camps: it “picks up where her original journey left off,” according to the promotional summary. Teague claims to have interviewed Holocaust survivors and visited the Anne Frank House, multiple concentration camps and the major Holocaust museums in Washington, D.C., and Israel as part of his research.
“I would love to learn more about Jesus and all He faced in His dear life as a Jewish teacher,” Teague’s Anne Frank character muses at one point, saying that her dad had tried to get her a copy of the New Testament. Anne’s father Otto Frank, who in real life did survive the Holocaust, seems to have been spared a tragic fate in Teague’s telling because of his interest in learning about Jesus. 
Later, Anne does learn about Jesus through other means, reciting psalms and expressing sympathy for Jesus’ plight.
By book’s end, Anne is firm in her belief that “every Jewish man or woman should ask” questions like “Where is the Messiah? … Did He come already, and we didn’t recognize Him?”
Teague, responding to a query from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency after the story’s initial publication, said his book had been “misrepresented” and that it shows Frank “relating her suffering to the historic persecution by Egypt, Haman, Assyria, Rome and others — all horrific facts of how the precious Jewish people have been attacked for so many centuries.”
Teague said he based Frank’s interpretation of Jesus off of a reference in her original diary to her father wanting her and her sister Margot “to be exposed to the New Testament and the life of Jesus” and, “As she made those entries in her own hand, I could not pretend that the thoughts, lessons, or questions of Jesus never crossed her mind afterward.” He also said he included Jesus because “when the Jewish people were suffering so much torment and suffering, it is impossible to imagine them not contemplating in their turmoil the longing for a Messiah to rescue them.”
While Teague’s version of Frank doesn’t explicitly indicate she wants to convert to Christianity, she makes many comments praising Christians she meets in the concentration camp, noting of one woman, “What I love about her is her faith in God and her faith in Jesus.” Later, Frank says, “I am seeing a stark difference in some of the Christians here, as opposed to the others… It seems Christians are more willing to die than the rest of us.”
Teague says such passages don’t necessarily represent a full conversion to Christianity. “Do I think Anne Frank became a Christian? No one can know what spiritual decisions or conclusions people make in a time of tragedy and persecution,” Teague continued. “This book does not indicate either way.”
He added, “We must stand with the Jewish people and for them.”
Teague also claims in his candidate biography that he “has been affiliated with” the Association for Jewish Studies, the academic membership organization devoted to Jewish studies. Teague’s Anne Frank book appears on a 2021 AJS list of books by its own members, under the author name “Johnny Mark Teague.” AJS did not return requests for comment.
The candidate’s top issues on his website include “Close the Border,” “Eliminate Property Taxes” and his belief that fossil fuels are divinely ordained: “If you believe in a Creator and that everything is here for a purpose, then you have to realize that fossil fuels are not an accident. At the very beginning of time, God knew we would need automation and industry, so in His Wisdom, He gave us the fuels that we would need.”
It’s common for evangelical Christians to engage in proselytizing, including toward Jews, and surveys have indicated that nearly half of American adults believe the country should be “a Christian nation.” But the size and scope of Teague’s efforts to undermine Anne Frank’s Judaism in his book is unusual even in such circles. 
The Houston-area district Teague is running in has a Democratic incumbent. It was redrawn in 2020 but is still heavily favored to elect a Democrat. 
This is the second time Teague has secured the Republican nomination for a Congressional district in Texas. He previously ran in the state’s ninth district in 2020, where he only received 21% of the vote in the general election. The election was held two days after “The Lost Diary of Anne Frank” was published.
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tranquilstudy · 2 years
This is a reminder to the following people that the fall studyblr challenge I’m holding starts on October 14th! I’ll be tracking the tag #tranquilfallbuddies ! Feel free to do it at your own pace but if you want to do it with other people I would start then. Here is a link to the original challenge questions and rules! Thanks everyone.
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pvcket · 10 months
a series of original characters penned by ofelia primarily influenced by greta gerwig's barbie movie, the vampire diaries, teen wolf. and pacific rim. firmly anti julie plec and jeff davis.
a study in weird kids becoming strange adults and genderless rage.
#pvcket ~ rules under the cut.
ofelia or fefe. 28. they/xe.
wren holis applebaum. she/they/xe. 20. reality warper and former almost hive mind. anya jamie "aj" mccall. she/her. 28. a witch. austice maeve damis. they/she/xe. 68. vampire on kol's sireline. vesper sonnet damis. they/them exclusively. 55. vampire on kol's sireline. harker poet curie. they/them. 30. ranger. hamsa river onyx. she/xe. 30. ranger.
my ocs are nonbinary don't misgender them.
if you rp incest or sexualize minors please stay away from me.
icon credit.
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comeonharold · 4 years
get to know me tag game 💙
@thegodsaregay tagged me, thank you friend
And I'll tag my usual squad too @blackindiaink @jello-thunderstorm @dscully2019 and the rest if they want to but they haven't done any of the earlier ones so I won't bother them, oh and @lostbunnysblog did one sometime maybe you want to do this one too
What do you prefer to be called name-wise?
You guys can say AJ if you want something other than my url but if you want my actual name you'll have to earn it😉 also I don't really care what people call me like I was studying in exchange and the other people just couldn't pronounce my name like idk I don't even think it's hard but they insisted on using a very English-speaking pronunciation so I was like whatever
When is your birthday?
Same as above, I can reveal that it's in October and horoscope-wise I'm a scorpio (not that I believe in that stuff but that gives a general idea of when my birthday is)
Where do you live?
Finland (which is why I'm not telling a lot of personal information it would be way too easy to find me because this isn't a huge country when it comes to population)
Three things you are doing right now:
Sitting in a car, talking with mom and I'm so slow at writing this thing that now I'm looking for my brother's hockey stick
Four fandoms that have piqued your interest?
Honestly I don't really do fandoms I like many ships and have great people to talk to about those when I want to but I would like to watch motherland fort salem, haven't had the time to look for it yet
How has the pandemic been treating you?
Well it's not great but I've been working on my pro gradu (that's like a master's dissertation) and quite a few courses so between that and floorball (before covid put stop to that one) I haven't really had that much extra time anyway so it's not that bad, like it would have been nice to see my friends more but what can you do when someone's sick or in quarantine 🙈
A song you can't stop listening to right now?
Impossible by Exit Eden. Or I am the storm by Ad Infinitum. Or many other songs by those ones I can't decide there are so many good songs
How old are you?
Okay this is another one I'm not giving a straight answer to and you can find it out by talking to me but between 20 and 25
School, university, occupation, other?
I study psychology
Do you prefer heat or cold?
*sigh* okay look. I'm from Finland and so my definitions of heat and cold are probably very different from any of yours like for me heat is above 20°C and cold is below -20°C (I don't do fahrenheit I'm sorry but you can google it) so definitely heat but like I'm also really happy about the snow we have here now, the way it crunches under my feet is so fun😄
Name one fact others may not know about you:
Hmm 🤔 okay it often takes a long time for people to really understand the way I speak (or write) because I'm often very sarcastic and don't bother using a sarcastic voice when I am, also I don't really do punctuation and just write whatever I think of and sometimes it makes sense and sometimes it doesn't and I forget what I was talking about in like 10 seconds so then I'll just keep talking about something else and all in all my communication can sometimes be super inconsistent like sometimes I use emojis and sometimes I don't and that doesn't necessarily mean anything at all
Are you shy?
I'm Finnish
She or they are both fine, I don't know honestly, in Finnish we don't have gendered pronouns and well, the Finnish one for he/she/whatever is technically "hän" but we usually use "se" which means "it" so like let's just say that my relationship with pronouns isn't that close
Biggest pet peeves?
I hate hate hate the stupid psychology-related half-jokes that the people actually mean in a not-joking way like when they ask me to analyse someone or are like "oh you study psychology I thought you were normal" because just please let me live and like, not break all the ethical guidelines we have
What is your favorite "dere" type?
I don't know what that is
Rate your life from 1-10
Hmm let's say 9 I'm really happy with my life honestly and I don't think there's anything really missing from my life or anything but it can always be better and I don't want to get stuck
List your side blogs and what they're used for:
I have one that I use for storing literally anything for future use, mostly writing stuff for if I ever actually have time and inspiration, hasn't happened yet 😂the name of that one is just a literal keysmash so I have no idea
Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends?
Well probably mostly that I'm really busy a lot of the time and my tumblr notifications don't work and I forget to answer if I get distracted which happens a lot and I'm sorry but that's not likely to change anytime soon so all in all you have to be okay with that...also the earlier part about the how hard it might be in the beginning to communicate with me and oh sense of humor is super important I joke a lot that's like half my personality (I recently wrote a self-reflective diary bc that was the assignment but I wrote the whole thing in a very joking way like I talked about all the stuff I was supposed to but it was just very funnily written I think and I passed so no problem there but well I'm not going to be very serious most of the time, I can do that too of course but most of the time I just really don't want to) then maybe the fact that sometimes I write whole fucking essays as an answer to the simplest question because everything in life is complicated
I may or may not have answered them all I'm on my phone and I can't see and will start feeling sick if I keep trying to read any more because the road is very curvy because road work at high way xD
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peace-coast-island · 4 years
Diary of a Junebug
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At the Drumbeats Festival! 
Guess which camp had the honor of hosting the Drumbeats Festival? Actually, it was kind of a last minute thing. Sunny’s camp was originally going to do it but scheduling conflicts happened and since my camp’s the nearest, they decided to move it here. First the Happy Floral Festival and now this? It’s been a lucky year!
So for the past week Isabelle, Katie, Daisy Jane, and I have been working hard to get things ready for the festivities. Since we’ve had experience with the Happy Floral Festival, preparation was a lot less daunting this time around. I’ll admit, it was tight, but we managed to get it done.
Because things were a bit hectic due to last minute changes, we had help from some of the performers who arrived early. To my surprise, there were some familiar faces at the festival. One of them happens to be Hawk, the last of the BFF Squad who finally made it to the camp! His sister Paloma is one of the performers along with her partner Phoebe in a duo called Lo-Pheebs, which is a play on lo-fi. What a cool name! I’ve only met Paloma a handful of times and she’s always fun to hang around with. Phoebe perfectly compliments her in personality as they’re chill and laid back while Paloma’s enthusiastic and playfully aggressive.
Another familiar face were the Thornton bros. Ever since the entourage officially disbanded I haven’t seen much of Josh and Lake, and even less of Demetri. Shortly after leaving the entourage, Josh became Lo-Pheeb’s manager, which was unexpected but turned out to be a good fit for him. Meanwhile Lake’s been focusing on his acting career as well as trying to become an influencer and Demetri’s studying at Seashore Path while working at Kitchen Cove on the weekends. In short, they’ve all been super busy to the point that they rarely saw each other anymore, which was surprising to me as all three are super close.
The Drumbeats Festival is a music festival where all kinds of artists come together to perform. It has an indie, folk rock, lo-fi vibe that makes you feel chill and pumped up at the same time. I wasn’t familiar with many of the artists so it was great listening to and discovering new music. Lo-Pheebs is definitely on top of my list of new artists to check out! 
Lo-Pheebs became a thing over a year ago, shortly after Paloma’s band Out of Sight disbanded. She met Phoebe while on tour a few years back and they became friends, later partners. Lake was the one who suggested Josh become their manager because he felt that his brother needed someone to boss around that wasn’t him or Demetri. Josh is the type of guy who can go a little overboard when it comes to being supportive, something his brothers know all too well. Paloma’s similar in that way too so that’s why they get along so well. At least Phoebe’s there to balance them out as they’re good at handling conflict and helping others see the bigger picture, something that Josh and Paloma admit they’re working on.
This year was supposed to be a busy one for Lo-Pheebs as they were finally breaking into the charts. The festival was actually their first performance in months as they decided to take some time off touring after finishing a major one earlier this year. Josh had to leave abruptly towards the end of their last tour when Lake was badly hurt while on vacation. Also, in between tour stops, Paloma was helping Hawk in Crescent Moon and Phoebe had their own family stuff to deal with. So with everything being so hectic, the duo decided to postpone their next tour and focus on studio work, resulting in their first EP, Bring Down the Beats.
Now that Lake’s almost fully recovered, Josh is slowly getting back into the swing of things. It’s good to see Lake again, especially since he almost died in a freak accident. So naturally his brothers are a bit overprotective of him, making sure that he doesn’t exert himself and such. He can’t run around and explore with his bros, but he’s perfectly content hanging around the camp and taking pics to post online. Honestly, I’m surprised that he doesn’t have more followers.
Hawk and Demetri are an unlikely duo I never saw coming. In a way, they’re kinda like Paloma and Phoebe - the enthusiastic and easily excited one and the chill and quiet one. They’re both into computers and tech stuff - Demetri’s a self taught hacker and Hawk likes to build stuff. Them building something together is either genius or dangerous - let’s be honest, if anyone were to accidentally build a killer robot, it’ll probably be them. Still, I’m interested in a collaboration between the two just to see what they can come up with.
In between setting up for the festival, we also took the time to hang out at the camp. Hawk was going to meet up with Paloma and Phoebe at the festival so when he heard that it was being moved to the camp, he decided to drop by early. So Paloma, Phoebe, Josh, Lake, and Demetri tagged along as they too wanted to help out and spend a couple days at the camp. When we weren’t doing festival prep, we went fishing, bug catching, swimming, cloud gazing, seashell hunting, and foraging - all the fun outdoorsy stuff that one does while camping. It was also a good way to wind back from the stress of setting up a festival, which we definitely needed.
The Drumbeats Festival was a blast! Like I said, I’ve discovered a bunch of new artists to check out. I also learned a lot about drums, which was unexpected, but now that I think about it, the festival is called Drumbeats for a reason. Who knew that drums can be so interesting? Some of the stands are interactive - not only you learn about different kinds of drums, you also get to play with them! 
There’s nothing more perfect than a fun festival under a starry night. Hawk says he’s been into constellations lately, especially now that he has a newfound appreciation for them after spending a couple months out in space. It’s cute seeing him and Celeste gush over stars and galaxies! 
We got to see the Starstruck Nebula, something that only shows up once in a blue moon so that was super amazing! The books were right, words can’t accurately describe how it looks. The closest I can come up with is like a rainbow kaleidoscope made up of stardust and flames, which probably doesn’t make sense now that I think about it. Now I can cross off another thing from my bucket list!
While messing around with drum tracks, Josh and I got to talking about the future. By that, we mean Hawk, Paloma, Lake, and their significant others. Paloma’s with Phoebe, Hawk with Kat, and now Lake and Tom are a thing. According to Josh, it was kinda a will they, won’t they relationship - though it was a surprise that they ended up together. Lake did say his near death experience caused him reevaluate some things and they spent a lot of time together while he was recovering so it makes sense. 
As for Hawk and Kat, there’s been talk of an engagement in the near future. AJ, Elara, and Micah have mentioned it - Micah being fully convinced that a conversation he overheard between his sister and dad has to do with Kat seeking advice on proposing. Devi, Leyla, Tulippa, Misty, and DT have speculated on it as well. So far, nothing from Kat and Hawk themselves so it’s still all up in the air. Let’s just say that when one of them finally pops the question, we’ve got the champagne bottles ready.
Josh also talked a bit about Lake’s ordeal and how it shook him and his brothers up. For a while, before the accident, things were rocky between the two brothers. Most of the time it was minor, petty disagreements, usually involving one of Josh’s schemes gone wrong. They still don’t always see eye to eye, but things were really bad around the time between the entourage disbanding and the accident. And in the middle of all that was Demetri, who was trying to keep the peace as he hates it when his brothers fight, especially when they try to drag him into the conflict. 
When everything came to a crashing halt, Josh had to come to terms with some hard truths. The main ones being that he can’t fix everything and that sometimes it’s not okay. Being the oldest and having practically raised his brothers by himself, he’s super protective of them. So it’s understandable why Lake and Demetri sometimes feel smothered by him. He’s been working on giving his bros space and their bond has grown stronger since then.
I’ll admit, sometimes while catching up with Josh I wonder if this is the same guy I met at Rave’s party (it was a weird time and no, I will not elaborate), but not in a bad way. Of course, he’s still the same happy go lucky, playful, and easily excitable goofball we all know and love - now with a touch of emotional maturity. He and his brothers don’t always have it easy so it’s good to hear that things are getting better. Seeing the three of them together not only reminds me of their close bond - something I always admired about them - but also how much they’ve been through. 
I’m glad that Josh is finally able to find some peace for himself. Being out on the road with Lo-Pheebs really helped him find a purpose outside of his bros and in return, Lake and Demetri can live their own lives without worrying about leaving Josh behind.
After having a busy week, there’s nothing more rewarding than a night full of fun festivities!  On a side note, Lo-Pheebs is on the roster for Concert in the Stars, so the camp will be a stop on their tour, which is set to begin in a couple months. Lake and I are making plans for him and his brothers to spend a weekend at the camp during an event. Also, Hawk and I are also making plans for a BFF Squad camping adventure. So there’s a lot to look forward to in the future.
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[i’ll take this to my grave]
Day 16: Notebook #twdgdrabblechallenge
Note: Omar? Omar.
With every stroke of the pen, blue ink fades, leaving the paper with nothing more than an indent of words. Omar shakes the pen, scribbling up at the top of the page in hopes that more blue will begin to swirl. 
Eventually, it does and he’s able to continue his writing. 
With Clementine and Louis’ upcoming wedding, there’s been more than enough excitement vibrating in the air surrounding Ericson. Omar doesn’t try to describe such a thing with pretty words or similes or whatever else could be used to make his journal entries more entertaining to read. 
Not that this is used to impress anyone. The only person who’ll ever go back to read through it is himself. That is unless something happens to him and the others go through his things to bury with him, which they would find this journal with a note in the front cover saying, “I’ll take this to my grave.” 
He added that in from the start because the things he writes within these pages are things that would probably get him kicked out of Ericson on account of the brutal honesty that the others might not be fond of. 
Not that they’re bad things. Omar doesn’t sit down and confess his undying hatred for his family and home, because he doesn’t have any. 
But, say if Aasim or Ruby were to pick up this notebook and read its contents, there would be flushed faces and angry, sputtering words. 
Then again, if they read the entire page he dedicated to the way Aasim obnoxiously denies his feelings for the girl while simultaneously looking at her like she holds that last remaining beauty in a world full of so much ugly, then maybe they’d stop being stupid and become a couple already. 
Aasim would read Omar’s statement that should get over himself, grow a pair and tell Ruby how he feels. It’s not like Ruby doesn’t return his feelings, because she does. 
The only issue is, she doesn’t know that she does. 
That may be a bold statement to make on Omar’s part, given that he’s going off of everything that he sees while remaining uninvolved, but it’s hard to miss. Ruby lights up just as much whenever Aasim walks into a room, and she seems to have a hard time keeping her hand off of his arm when talking to him. 
Aasim and Ruby aren’t the only ones Omar writes about, though.  
When Clementine and AJ arrived, he expressed his interest in getting to know them in hopes that they would be great contributors to their small community, then proceed to share his confliction that followed Marlon’s death. 
He’s written pages after pages on his theories and suspicions about Mitch and why he does some of the things he does, things that Omar would never bring to light with anyone, especially Mitch himself. 
He’s written about the fact that James still isn’t sleeping here permanently after spending two years with everyone here.
Sometimes, he hears the piano playing in the middle of the night and writes that Louis is down there again rather than sleeping and Omar still doesn’t know why, and how he wonders if Clementine knows. 
Willy and the way he looks at birds in the sky. 
Tenn and AJ and the things they consistently draw. 
He’s even jotted down different ways to potentially help Violet and her relationships with Clementine and the others but had never actually executed any of them. 
The blue ink runs dry again and it’s time to face the fact that this pen is dying. 
Omar searches through his drawer, finding a black pen missing its cap. After a few scribbles, it comes to life and he continues his work, moving on to his third page of the night. 
It may seem more than a little odd that he, well, “studies” his friends and writes about them as he does, perhaps a little invasive, but he has to remember that Aasim does the same thing much more publicly. Maybe he doesn’t stop and watch the others like Omar does, curious about what really lies behind their exteriors and what makes them tick, but he writes about the things they did that day and everyone knows about it. 
Maybe he gets away with it because he calls it a “History Book” rather than a diary or a journal or whatever. 
But, Omar notices more things about them than they could ever possibly know and without a way to express it, he’d go crazy. Or, he’d end up saying more than he should and chaos would ensue. 
This is a safety precaution. 
Yes, that’s a great way to put it. 
Despite the number of entries he has dedicated to them, they’re not the sole focus of this notebook.
Sometimes, Omar writes about how the stew he made, or about a pretty flower that he saw growing outside the gates. 
Sometimes, he writes about how he’s not feeling good, or how he feels so damn good he could sing. 
Sometimes, he writes about Marcus and his parents. 
And sometimes, he writes about what happened on the delta. 
Those ones are a bit harder to put to paper, and it’s not something he feels like diving into today. He’d rather write about the fact that Clementine and Louis are getting married soon and how the music room looks ever more beautiful now than it ever did before. He records his plans for their wedding dinner and expresses his concerns over the choice of lighting Mitch insists they use, which then leads him down another road of thought with Mitch and James spending every night in the basement- presumably- working on said lights. 
After about five pages, Omar’s hand begins to cramp, a sign that it’s time to wrap it up and put it away. He finishes with a final thought on whether or not Violet will actually attend before shutting the hardcover notebook. 
Placing it back in his box, making sure it’s on the bottom beneath Marcus’ photos and T-shirt, Omar sits back and sighs. 
“Another day,” he mumbles to himself with a soft chuckle. “Another night.”
The box slips safely beneath his bed and Omar prepares to bury himself in his blanket and let sleep take him where ever his dreams wish. 
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Welcome! And you are? I say my name way too often on here already. When you buy/recieve new clothes, do you instantly wear them or wash first? Wear them hahaha. I get excited. Do you hate using public restrooms? Yes, so I never do unless I really really painfully have to. It feels icky to me and *TMI* but like a lot of people don’t seem to know how to throw or crumple their trash properly ugh bleck. What's the weirdest item you've seen for sale on Ebay? I dunno, I don’t go on eBay. Do you check to make sure there's TP before using the restroom? When I do go to the washroom, yes.
Do you drunk dial/text? Sometimes I drunk text my girlfriend but I’m always at least a little aware of what I’m sending her. I haven’t done anything stupid. Why are mall Santas always portrayed as drunken, depressed old men? We don’t have those, and if we do, they’re always rly jolly and nice so idk what this question is talking about :/ Have you ever built a massive snow fort? No snow. What household chore do you loathe? I would probably hate doing laundry, as someone who hates touching dirty/used clothes. Are parents to blame for what their kids do on the Internet? Not at all. Kids are just plain curious and would end up anywhere and it would be no one’s fault. The way my parents raised me had nothing to do with how I first behaved on the internet lol. Would you care to meet Tom, the creator of MySpace? It’d be interesting of course. As a journalism student it would make for a pretty cool feature. Have you ever looked at a person and thought they looked like an animal? HAHAHUHAJSLDJFDLSFHHSLJHDD YES I’m so sorry. I’ve called people ‘ants’ before (not to their face ofc) I’msosorry. Do you use acronyms to remember things? Yes! Especially when I’m studying. It helps 130% of the time and it’s what I always recommend to my friends. Do you take pills like Tylenol for the littlest aches and pains? Yeah I take a Biogesic as soon as I feel a headache coming. Not the healthiest nor the smartest, I know. What would you do for a Klondike bar? I don’t care for those so I wouldn’t do anything. Don't you think Crocs are ugly? I mean, they are but let people wear them if they wanna. When was the last time you went rollerskating? Ten years ago probs. What trend do you hate right now? Either I can’t remember anything at the moment or I don’t have a problem with the current trends. Do you really follow trends, or just wear what you like? I wear what I like but most of the time it also goes with whatever is trendy. How many times do you think you go out to eat each month? Every week, so that’s a minimum of four times. Do you call people "dude" a lot? Haha yep.  Who was your favorite Ninja Turtle? I was never really into them. Horror flicks make you: laugh, scream, or squirm? All of these? Lmao depends on the scene and tbh on how good the film is. If you could become a doctor, what would you specialize in? Maybe cardiology or neurology? I’ve always been interested in those. What's the cutest thing a little kid has ever said to/in front of you? I forget what they say most of the time. At what age do you plan on moving out? 23 or 24. Did any characters from TV shows scare you as a kid? Which one(s)? The red demon-thingy from Powerpuff Girls scared me a bit. They would also excessively show Tom and Jerry reruns on Cartoon Network and I would get freaked out when they covered the top half of people. Always seemed a little eerie to me. What's the saddest thing you've heard on the news recently? Something about sea creatures dying because of plastic consumption. Fuck people. Do you believe that acupuncture works? I personally don’t believe in it but if it helps a lot of other people, I wouldn’t knock it. Have you ever been hypnotized? No. If you got expelled from school, would you continue your education? I imagine it would be hard to get accepted anywhere since that’s put on your permanent record, but I think I’d still try. How long does it take before you trust a person? I trust easily but I can also take it away very easily. Do you ever wish you had Jedi powers? Didn’t get the reference. Will we ever get to see Jack's face (guy from Jack-in-Box commercials)? Would you kick it with Jay and Silent Bob? Now I’m just not getting three references in a row lol. Say...would you like a chocolate covered pretzel? That’d be delightful. Would a wax museum scare you or amuse you? Amuse. What's the first food you can smell when you enter the mall? Uhhhh it depends on the first restaurant/stall I see?? Have you ever made a time capsule? What did you put in it? I haven’t. I really want to though. What would you do if your mom or dad read your diary/journal/blog? Cringe. Do you turn the music up when a good song comes on? Yes. Do you know anyone with a lisp? Yep. Do you hate going to the doctor? Not really. If anything I just get stressed because checkups are expensive. Why did the dish run away with the spoon? Why not the fork or knife? Because it rhymes with moon. Hahaha I am so creative. What is the worst hurt you've ever experienced? Coming to terms with the death of my grandfather. Do you wish time went faster or slower? Both, depending on how I’m feeling. Do you write thank-you notes? Sometimes. If you were to break a Guinness Record, which one would you try and beat? Idk the Guinness records are pretty stupid lmfao. Maybe something like chugging water or the fastest time eating a burger??? Idk. Something related to food. Are you distracted by shiny objects? *Pink, shiny objects. What's the coolest item in your room? I have an autographed poster of AJ Lee that I’m never throwing away. Are you grateful for what you have? Always am. Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? Are you scared of clowns? Some. Are you accident-prone? Very. I’m a real-life Bella Swan. As a kid, what was your favorite activity on the playground? The sandbox. Are huge muscles gross or sexy? Not my type, but I wouldn’t say they’re gross. Have you ever fished and caught something weird? I’ve never fished. Your final thoughts...? Do I go for one more survey or nah?
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radioactivenero · 6 years
Lot’s of text, don’t know why I wrote it all, but this is usually the thought process behind my AU ideas.
I’ve been trying to think about alternate universe versions for AJ and The Pinks, but most things I think make no sense, I also don’t want them to be to similar of a thing to some of the other poners, for instance I was like well, maybe the ponka was doing awesome rock farm labors one day and finding it boring for some bizarre reason, and all of a sudden BOOM! the sky explodes in an amazing cascade of colors that makes her life all happy and warm and fuzzy inside, then she goes and does something, maybe she wants to capture this moment forever and ends up doing a quick painting to show to her family? thus turning her into an artist? Maybe she’s been keeping a record of her day to day life on a diary and this event gives her the inspiration to embellish her writing? maybe doing poetry like Maud does (but not all about rocks)? or maybe this colorful display makes her wonder what’s beyond the old rockfarm and she goes to explore the world, thus becoming the most daring of devils and risk taking adventurer? I don’t really know, there’s a lot of choices, and each one result in a different Pinkie (Maybe I’ll go for adventurer pinkie, so she’ll have a cool story about how she got an alligator for a pet)
AJ is the hardest to me, because she’s so Family oriented it doesn’t even make sense to me that she would leave Poniville in the first place, so maybe in my version of the thing she never does, but then I feel like the rainboom means nothing to her, so making her being struck with an epiphany about what her destiny is supposed to be is quite hard. This got me thinking well, then maybe she left to the big city for some weird reason.
Here are some things I think about AJ as I understand from what I’ve seen of the show, maybe dumping it all here will help me disentangle my brain. AJ is portrayed as someone very simple minded, not dumb, but like, uneducated. She’s honest, stubborn and hard working, very good at performing manual (hoof?) labor, like construction work, farming, baking, herding animals, etc. She is actually pretty BAD at doing things like social interaction, understanding other people’s perspectives and points of view, sometimes she gets confused by simple things and tends to refer to the things she doesn’t understand as “fancy”. Some times she shows displays of having very good common sense, and some times she shows behaviors that don’t make sense a lot. This leads me to belive that AJ is someone that doesn’t care much about learning, and never did, thus she’s not very book smart, but something that has learned from experience. Her awkwardness during social events outside the interaction with her close friends and her direct family members leads me to believe that she’s not very good at people either, like she never cared for people outside her family for a good part of her life. Well, I don’t think this is really important, but sometimes I feel like she cares more for apples and apple trees than people, but that’s probably the people working on the show making it be her “thing” because she’s the apple pony.
Now, taking all this in consideration, maybe the granny sent her to a big city with some relatives so she could get her some proper education, like, looking to broaden her horizons, because all them poniville apples seem to share a lot of her “learn from experience” thing, maybe not applebloom because in the show she has the Twilight time thing going on and she also does stuff with the crusaders, but in my universe Twilight time would probably something like Twilight teaching the kids how to perform suplexes on the bad guys using their own weight against them but meh, I’m rambling. Anyway AJ goes to some horsepun city and starts going to a fancy school, she quickly falls behind because who’s a silly pony apple apple apple, she starts feeling an abysmal lack of motivation, she misses her family and her home, then BOOOM rainbow explodes in the distance, showing her her home and she’s like WOOOOOO, she realizes that going home defeated is not acceptable (because she’s stubborn you see? nyeeh!) and starts studying like crazy, with the resolve that when she goes back to poniville she’l bring something valuable back, like the means and the knowledge to make the big bucks or something like that (in canon they always had the means to be swimming in money, the dad of Diamond Tiara is basically drowning in money because he buys zap apple jam from the apples, probably for cheap, and then sells it somewhere else probably like an ultra expensive delicacy, since only granny smith and her descendants know how to make it and the zap apple threes only grow near the everfree forest. Maybe AJ was one day at fancy pone school and she suddenly was like “Granny’s bein bamboozled!”). Maybe that’s a good Idea.
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market-researcher · 3 years
Halal Food Market Opportunities, Emerging Trends, Technological Innovation And Forecasts 2027
Research Nester has released a report titled “Halal Food Market – Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2027” which also includes some of the prominent market analyzing parameters such as industry growth drivers, restraints, supply and demand risk, market attractiveness, year-on-year (Y-O-Y) growth comparisons, market share comparisons, BPS analysis, SWOT analysis and Porter’s five force model.
The Jewish population is growing with a growth rate of 1.2x and has peaked 14,606,000 numbers in the year 2018 from 12,079,000 numbers in the year 1960, according to the statistics by Jewish Virtual Library.
The statistics portray the increasing Jewish population around the globe. Kosher foods are similar to halal food products and are preferred by the Jewish community. Halal foods are also preferred by the Jewish community owing to similar nature of food products, similarities in food processing, and others. Unavailability of halal food products in many Jewish nations, and the increasing demand for halal food products by the growing Jewish community population around the globe, is anticipated to support the growth of the halal food market.
Click To Download Sample Report: https://www.researchnester.com/sample-request-2028
Additionally, the rise in demand from commercial food service establishments, for halal standard raw materials and ingredients, so as to increase their product offerings and maintain competition, coupled with increasing food-away-from-home expenditures, is expected to fuel the growth of halal food market.
The halal food market is anticipated to record a CAGR of around 10.9% over the forecast period, i.e. 2019-2027. The market is segmented by product type into diary, meat, grain, vegan and others. Among these segments, meat segment is anticipated to hold largest market share on account of rise in the number of consumption of meat and meat products worldwide. Total varieties of meat consumption around the globe peaked 206753 tonnes in the year 2018 from that of 179145 tonnes in the year 2010, according to the statistics by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Geographically, the halal food market is segmented by five major regions into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa region, out of which, Asia-Pacific and Middle East is anticipated to hold largest market share on account of growing awareness of halal food products amongst consumers in the region, coupled with demand for increasing halal standards and certification agencies for food products. Additionally, rising Muslim and Jewish community population in the region and the presence of large number of nations with such communities, is anticipated to raise the demand for halal food products in the region.
However, concern for lack of global regulatory body to monitor halal food standards and certifications, and to maintain similar quality and standards around the globe is estimated to act as a barrier to the growth of the market during the forecast period.
Get more information on this report: https://www.researchnester.com/sample-request-2028
This report also studies existing competitive scenario of some of the key players of the halal food market, which includes profiling of Al Islami Foods, BRF S.A. (BVMF: BRFS3), Nestle (Malaysia) Berhad (KLSE: NESTLE), QL Foods Sdn Bhd, Saffron Road, DagangHalal, Janan Meat, Kawan Food Berhad (KLSE: KAWAN), Cargill, Incorporated, and Prima Agro Products Ltd. (BOM: 519262).
The profiling enfolds key information of the companies which comprises of business overview, products and services, key financials and recent news and developments. Conclusively, the report titled “Halal Food Market – Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2027”, analyses the overall halal food industry to help new entrants to understand the details of the market. In addition to that, this report also guides existing players looking for expansion and major investors looking for investment in the halal food market in the near future.
 About Research Nester
Research Nester is a leading service provider for strategic market research and consulting. We aim to provide unbiased, unparalleled market insights and industry analysis to help industries, conglomerates and executives to take wise decisions for their future marketing strategy, expansion and investment, etc. We believe every business can expand to its new horizon, provided a right guidance at a right time is available through strategic minds. Our out of box thinking helps our clients to take wise decision so as to avoid future uncertainties.
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cetrece · 7 years
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Hamilton’s Kids - 5# John C. Hamilton
Born on August 22, 1792, John C. Hamilton was the fifth child and fourth son fo Elisabeth Schuyler and Alexander Hamilton. In 1809, he graduated from Columbia College, and subsequently studied law. John began serving in the U.S. Army during the War of 1812, attaining the rank of second lieutenant. During this time he served as an aide-de-camp to Major General William Henry Harrison, a future president of the United States (Right hand man of the President, just like pops!). In June 1814, without having ever been actively engaged in the field, he resigned his position in the army and returned to private life. He did not apply himself to the practice of law, but, having strong literary tastes, devoted himself to the study of history, with a view to writing his father’s life. Between 1834 and 1840, he sorted through his father’s letters and other papers. He wrote a two-volume biography titled “The Life of Alexander Hamilton”, published 1840–1841; however, nearly all copies were destroyed in a fire while in the process of binding (c’:) Under the authority of the Joint Library Committee of the United States Congress, he subsequently edited an authorized collection of his father’s writings, “The Works of Alexander Hamilton: Containing His Correspondence, and His Political and Official Writings” published in seven volumes.  Between 1857 and 1864, John published his seven-volume “Life of Alexander Hamilton”, combining a biography of his father with a history of the United States “as traced in his writings and in those of his contemporaries.” After several other biographers had abandoned the project, John had been prompted (by her sister Eliza) to write the comprehensive biography by his mother, who died prior to its publication.
Why do he write like if everything was going to burn? Oh. Right. 
- WRITES/READS LIKE HE’S RUNNING OUT OF TIME - Since his hand allowed him to write (at the age of 4), he has never stop - Bookworm - Began to write no-sense sketches, then with the years he filled blank notebooks writring everything he see - Afraid of lots of things. - Eventually he began to write a diary (NOBODY CAN READ IT!) - Pretty good at draw too, but too shy to show anything (Angie and AJ found out and beg him to keep practising. He’s so good) - Loves to spend time with Grandpa Philip and reading super romantic corny novels with him - Corrects Philip’s poetry - Writes letters to daddy ,even if they are in the same room, that daddy answers as well. - He was super shy (like his bro James) and only talk to her mother during his first years. He writes a lot but no much talking. - Ambidextrous - Hates thunders, storms, chaos and loud sounds in general. - Loves winter. - Bisexual/Biromantic - Spends more time with Eliza Jr., but enjoys with Angie and AJ too. - He struggled a lot by learning to read, and his parents find out that he couldn’t see well. They put him glasses, and he has never been more hallucinated. - Pushover™ - AJ’s favourite diana - He reads ALL of his father letters. He couldn’t saw his father the same way after that. Still love him.
Hamilton’s Kids - 1# Philip Hamilton
Hamilton’s Kids - 2# Angelica Hamilton
Hamilton’s Kids - 3# Alexander Hamilton Jr “AJ”
Hamilton’s Kids - 4# James Alex Hamilton
Hamilton’s Kids - 6# William S. Hamilton
Hamilton’s Kids - 7# Eliza Hamilton
Hamilton’s Kids - 8# Philip Hamilton II
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antialiasis · 7 years
I dreamt about a video game last night. It involved Pokémon, and they had a single visible CP stat like in Go, but it didn’t feel like it was a Pokémon game as such; it just happened to have Pokémon in it.
The main character of the game had a personal journal or diary, which I’m pretty sure served as the menu for saving, etc. Apparently just for flavor and characterization, you could read all the pages of the journal, and it started with something like fifty pages of selected poetry by various poets the main character was a fan of. The first poem was by someone with the initials AJS (maybe ASJ?), who was also the author of several of the later ones.
Then, suddenly, at the very end of the game, you needed to pick one Pokémon and face a final challenge... which turned out to be being extensively quizzed on the poetry in the journal, in a move the game’s developers had apparently chosen just to troll players. Online, players had shared methods to make it easier to quickly study all the poems for the last section: you could place virtual post-it notes as markers on individual pages (they recommended having a note for the authors on each page so that you could quickly find, say, all of AJS’s poems). I considered whether I would really need that, since I have a pretty good memory and have historically studied mostly by just reading through the textbook, but figured I’d put in at least the author markers anyway.
It also turned out that, although you might expect that you’d want to pick your strongest Pokémon for the final challenge, you would actually always lose unless you picked your starter Pokémon, because only the starter had been following along with the main character’s poetic interests for all these years. Just to be extra trolly, the game wouldn’t actually tell you that was why you failed if you picked the wrong Pokémon.
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olusegundare · 6 years
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May 15th, 2014
Broda Samson says, "he has grown anoda wing". We talked late into d night afta we finished eating yamflour & ila asepo, "mai" lord do sleep early, probably bc of his daily midnight watch, but I did not allow him 2 sleep early 2da as we keep discusing various issues, from my akademiks 2 family life 2 d ongoing issue within d island, d increase tide of kidnappings & he said "the inception of politiks & d desire 2 get 2 echelon post @ all cost by d politicians are not un-associated with dis worrisome development, bc many of dem are using human blood as sacrifices, dey r using human blood 2 appeal 2 their gods 2 assist dem get 2 d topmost position, I think d politikal offices she be made less attractive", he enthused. Relationship is all about sacrifices if it is 2 be enjoyed by both parties. One ought not 2 be sacrificing with d oda person thinking it is my right, he or she also ought 2 balance up, by offering some needful sacrifices to make d journey a blessed one, enjoyable one. None of the partners should think and or lay the sacrifices needful for the growth of the relationship on his or her partner, because relationship involves two people and it shd be treated as such, "ohun aba jijọ wo, gigun lo ngun" so the elder says... IrreSpective of d person's age in d journey, bc some people are new, while some are old. Some are old bc of separation from many causes and or death...So, despite such age, both person needs 2 sacrifice if actually dey love being 2geda, if truly dey wanted 2 grow in love 2geda. Sister Debbie did not have any ugly past in dis journey of love, bc "mai" lord as she used 2 call her love is d only person she has ever given her nod of love to. And co-incidentally, broda Samson also did not have untoward experiences with other lass, except that many if not all d ladies he abinitio talked to never accepted his hand of fellowship in love.. Sister Debbie & Broda Samson are deeply in love, and every1 could attest 2 dat, they r enjoying themselves They are enjoying themselves in this love relationship... We talked & talked until I started dozing and I slept off with my head resting on his lap...He woke me up 2 go & sleep in d bedroom. The ffg day, afta our morning prayer, he left 4 shop early 2 go & tidy up some things bc it was d sales personnels who closed the shop yda..I am not expected in d office for I am on a leave...when I eventually got up, I did d tidying up dat was suspended d previous day...bc of his diary dat I read which later turn out 2 be a memorable outing 4 us...Afta dis, I left 4 d market 2 buy foodstuffs & soup ingredients...afta which I returned home 2 prepare d soup & dinner along 4 him in d office. "Ẹ ku ise o", Debbie said, as she walks to his side and embraced him. ""Uhm! Tabi iwọ ti a o ba ki ku isẹ." I thought u will not be able 2 come here again" "mai" lord said. "Kilode? Tabi e o fẹ ki n wa ni? Even if u do not want me 2 come, I have told u dat I have signed a life-long contract with u, u will neva be alone again, wherever u r, just look behind u, u will see me dia, I shall always be your undetachable tail... Broda Samson interjecting, as he dropped his pen, resting his back in d chair, placed his hands on d chairs arms, said, "Hun-hun?" Debbie continues, "...beni o, nitori tẹru-tẹru labuke nrin, tẹru tẹru labuke nwọlu, emi atiyin ni nibikibi, nitoripe bi igbin ba fa ikarahun a tẹ le ni", whereeva u be, I will always be dia by God's grace until death separates us" she concluded, as she drops d food warmers on a corner, pulled out a seat opposite "mai" lord to sit down, "oru ma mu mi kẹ". "It is bc u r just coming in, by d time u acclamatize to d office's weather, d perspiration would have gone", broda Samson enthused, and then I, Debbie, looked at the "The Light" Newspaper headlines on his desk, he buys Newspaper regularly I have been telling him to stop wasting his money on Newspapers because many of their reportage are false but he said 4m false one will extract true and dat he gets some facts from those newspapers...according to an elderly man, newspaper these days is more or less like a textbook or story book or whatever, it is usually loaded, full of myriads of infomation...so, I have to stop complaining...I took "The Light" Newspaper and was going thru it until I got to the section of the viewpoints, and there I saw a write up " BRUSHING ASIDE THE LIMITERS" by mr IRONIPEPE NPA. So, I asked "mai" lord, "have u read dis article?" He paused to answer, "which of the articles my love?", "Brushing aside the Limiters", Debbie said. "Oh yeah", "mai" lord replied, "it is interesting, d man who wrote d article and I got admitted into the University @ d same time, studying the same course, but in his 200Level he joined d institutuons mainstream politics and he was expelled in 300Level..." "Was dat so?" my love inquired. "Yes...afta his expulsion with about 7 others, they took the institution to court for unconstitutional expulsion, but while d instituted court case linger on, he obtained another University entrance form & got admitted into anoda university...By the time d legal tussle will be over, he was already in his final year & wouldnt need the verdict of d court again...Afta graduation, he became a freelance writer for the newspaper, and as the saying, "isẹ rẹ yio fi ọ han", when the management of the newspaper saw his make up he become employed as a member of staff of the newspaper". "Eh-hen. Someone who doesnt know dis may think he has not experienced much", Debbie said. "That is it, one must not judge people on surface level, "ikoko ti yo jata idi re yo gbona loro ile aiye", many of us have our pasts, it is only when we become blessed dat people see us and start complaining..." "That is it "mai" love", Debbie said. "When I was reading his article, I said 2 mysef, he has grown another wing...The institution abinitio pulled off his feathers, but he regathered d pieces of his life 2geda charting anoda course & path for .for himsef, and here he is today", broda Samson said. "There are so many ways to making it, when a route is blocked by enemies, one shd be sensitive enof to take anoda route & with dedication, doggedness, soon one will become exceptionally noticed in dat new way, but limiting one's self 2 a place, a closed channel is nay d best", Debbie said. "Not even in dis technologikal age, one should not be myopic, whateva evil anyone does, God usually overturn them, God usually change dem 2 one's good...but d problem with many a one is d ability to accept what happened early and take a new path..."Ẹ jọwọ ounjẹ ti ẹ gbewa da? Ebi ti de?" broda Samson said. Debbie standing up, said, "Ebi o kabọ o, o ku irin, mo ti n sed message si ẹ latarọ". "Bẹni ti ẹ ri, mo mọ awon ota mi tipẹ", "mai" lord said. "Awa ore yin na lẹ o ma pe lọta yin, awa ti a fe nyin fun ire, awa ti a fe itesiwaju ati ilosiwaju nyin, awa ti a nje ki oju nyin dan bi i omo jojolo" as she talks she is putting the food warmers on the table, ""mai" lord, do u know dat things are costly in d market 2da, me who does not like too much "pricing", had to join the train of the "pricers" today b4 I could buy those things I bought", she concluded. "Only God will save us, anytime the market women hear that salaries have been increased they also inflate the prices of their goods as it we are all salary earners", broda Samson said. "They said by doing that, they will also get their largesse 4m the govt, howeva, indirectly", Debbie said. "I will also have to increase d prices of my goods too, to get out of d largesse", "mai" lord said. "I will send messages to market control dept's office of d Island 2 come & enforce compliance in dis shop" Debbie said. "Sebi o niwo lore mi lekan ni? Aye ma le o", broda Samson said. "Ore awon mekunnu nimi lori oro yi o", Debbie said. "Aje wipe a o ma gba awẹ niyen o", broda samson said. "I reject dat in Jesus name. He has promised 2 supply all our needs according to His riche His riches in glory", Debbie said. "E sa wa jeun o", broda Samson said. "Mo ti jeun temi nile o", Debbie said, "do u think I can wait till this time?" "I wont eat again "niyen", maybe poison wa nibẹ", broda Samson said. "Ebi o ti payin niyen o, bi ebi ba pa yin, e o mo wipe ko si bi mo se fẹ se ounje yen ti mi o ni fi "love concortion" sinu ẹ"...as she starts eating with her love... TRANSLATION
May 15th, 2014
anoda (= another)
"ohun aba jijọ wo, gigun lo ngun"(Yoruba proverb meaning when we looked at something together we would correct the errors and it would be straightened)   ffg (means following) "Ẹ ku ise o", (means Weldone oh) ""Uhm! Tabi iwọ ti a o ba ki ku isẹ." (Uhmn! It is you that I should greet, that you are weldone) 
"Kilode? Tabi e o fẹ ki n wa ni? (Why? Or don’t you want me to come here in the first instance?)  
"...beni o, nitori tẹru-tẹru labuke nrin, tẹru tẹru labuke nwọlu, emi atiyin ni nibikibi, nitoripe bi igbin ba fa ikarahun a tẹ le ni", (means Yes oh, because the person with a hunch back enters the town with loads on his/her body (it’s a Yoruba proverb, clarifying the proverb she says) everywhere you go, it is you and me, (adding another Yoruba Proverb) because when snails crawl the shells will not be left behind)
"oru ma mu mi kẹ". (meaning, I am feeling heat (probably perspiring) "isẹ rẹ yio fi ọ han",(means your work will reveal you)
"ikoko ti yo jata idi re yo gbona loro ile aiye", (means life is like the pot that will cook a soup which will first be heated up by fire (it’s a Yoruba Proverb)
"Ẹ jọwọ ounjẹ ti ẹ gbewa da? Ebi ti de?" (Please where is the food you have prepared and brought for me? I am now hungry?”)
"Ebi o kabọ o, o ku irin, mo ti n send message si ẹ latarọ". (means Hunger, welcome oh, how was your journey? For quite a while now, I have been sending messages to you) "Bẹni ti ẹ ri, mo mọ awon ota mi tipẹ", "mai" lord said. (means I know you, I have long know those who are my enemies) "Awa ore yin na lẹ o ma pe lọta yin, awa ti a fe nyin fun ire, awa ti a fe itesiwaju ati ilosiwaju nyin, awa ti a nje ki oju nyin dan bi i omo jojolo" (means Those of us who are your friends are those you will be calling your enemies, those of us who want you to succeed, those of us who want your progress and growth, those of us who ensure that your face look babyish everyday are those you will be calling your enemies)  
"pricing", (means negotiating that prices of goods be reduced, it is the common thing in the local market in Nigeria and perhaps some African countries)  
"Sebi o niwo lore mi lekan ni? Aye ma le o", (means but are you not the one who called yourself my friend just a while ago? The world is wicked!”)  
"Ore awon mekunnu nimi lori oro yi o", (means on this case, I should be seen as friends to the indigent/poor ones in this matter). "Aje wipe a o ma gba awẹ niyen o", (meaning it means I shall be fasting oh). "E sa wa jeun o", (means come and join me on the table/come and eat with me) "Mo ti jeun temi nile o", (meaning, I have taken my food at home before coming here)   "I wont eat again "niyen", (meaning, that means I will not eat what you have prepared again)  maybe poison wa nibẹ" (meaning who knows may be you have put poison there), broda Samson said. "Ebi o ti payin niyen o, bi ebi ba pa yin, e o mo wipe ko si bi mo se fẹ se ounje yen ti mi o ni fi "love concortion" sinu ẹ" (meaning, that means you are pretending to be hungry, but you are actually  not, because assuming  you are you will know that there is no how I would prepare your food that I will not add love concortion there (love concortion is the African charms added to soup to make the opposite person love his/her partner the more, usually used for someone that one wants to win his/her love but may be the person is proving difficult or may be he or she is already engaged and would not look at the person eyeing her or him, when that concortion is added the person starts loving the person greatly)...as she starts eating with her love...
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placetobenation · 6 years
Over the past five years, Place to Be Nation has been fortunate to feature written and audio pieces by a plethora of very talented individuals. Here is a sampling of some of our content from June 1, 2013 – June 1, 2018 for your enjoyment and to highlight our variety and insight into wrestling and pop culture since our launch. Enjoy!
A Long December: The Story of 12/29/98
Wise Words From the Old Man…
The Title Match
We Miss the 90s: America Online
Ready To Rumble: Everything is Real, Everything is Fake
A Look Back at 24: Ranking the Seasons
Strutting Out a Legacy: RIP Jackie Fargo
Exclusive: Tim Kennedy: “It’s Good to Have Another Job Because the UFC Doesn’t Pay Well”
Oh The People You’ll Meet: Little League Edition
JT’s Running Diary: 2013 Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest
Wrestling and Politics: A Look at a Turbulent Relationship
Three’s Company: The Wyatts, The Shield, and Trios in Wrestling
We Miss the 90s: Dinosaurs
Titans of Wrestling #1: WWWF January – March 1979 (Audio)
Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t Win?
Summer-Slammed: Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake & The Summer of 1990
The Chamber of Broken Dreams: SummerSlam 2003’s Main Event
Prime Time Player: Darren Young Comes Out
‘Headlocked’ Writer Looks to Change Perception of Wrestling Based Comics
In Too Deep: Is WWE’s Roster Oversaturated?
Weber Has Issues Special Edition: Calm Down, Nerds!
Ashton Kutcher Is A Douche aka “A Tale Of Two Kelsos”
The Winding Road to Lowell: Attending Raw in 1998
A Blind Eye to the Blind Tag
Oh the People You’ll Meet: IWC Edition
Parv’s Guide to David Bowie Albums
Wrestling With the Past #3: Celebrating Bret Hart (Audio)
Why the Browns Won the Trent Richardson Trade
What Happened to New & Original?
The Fiefdom of Sports Officials
The Lost Franchises of the ABA
The Alternative That Wrestling Needs
“Lightning Bolt” in Worcester: Pearl Jam Live
We Miss the 90s: Clueless
Welcome to Friartown, Section 103 – Meet the CWO
A Hero’s Exit: Chris Hero Departs WWE
Filth, Pollution & Corruption: The Ballad of Ludvig Borga
The Final Days of WCW
Richer & The Mailman 15: Cars, Death, Humor, Irony, and Richurrences (Audio)
Boxing’s Biggest “Problem”
The Best of 2013 in Comics
The High Spot: WWE Network is Here (Really) and the Top Stories of the Week
Wrestling Across America: Philadelphia with The Blue Meanie (Audio)
The Other Five Count – Greatest TV Dads
The Kevin Kelly Show #1: Adam Cole (Audio)
We Miss the 90s: Royal Rumble 1994 & An Ode to Friendship
JR’s Treasure Trove #4 – Mom Song by Old Spice
“The Cowboy and The Animal” – A Rundown of My First Live WWE PPV Event
A Tribute to Phillip Seymour Hoffman
The Kevin Kelly Show #2: AJ Styles (Audio)
PTBN Main Event #1 (Audio)
Valentine’s Day: A Love Story?
Parv’s Guide to the Wu-Tang Clan: Part 1 – The Knowledge
WWE Network Launch: First-Watches, Favorites and Gems from the WWE Library
Dad, the Hulkster & Me
The Kids Are Alright: NXT Arrives
Welcome to Friartown, Section 103: Providence vs. Marquette – 3/4/14, A Video Essay
The First Time They Didn’t Listen
Place to Be Podcast #300: An Extravaganza Three Years in the Making
Mended Harts – How Vince McMahon Apologized to Bret Hart & WWF Fans in March 1994
Brad and Chad’s WrestleMania Rewind Special: Ranking the WrestleManias (Audio)
Why Didn’t We Get This?? WrestleMania Matches We Wanted
A Tribute to The Ultimate Warrior
Philosophy of the Shield: The Case for Cap – Part 1
Happy Birthday Hot Rod! Remember When You Saved Virgil?
The “Us” Movement
It Ain’t Easy Being Green
Draft Day – The Tale of Two Trades
The Cowboy Goes to Class – Rise of the nWo
Forever Notorious
The Other Five Count – Favorite TV Season Finales
A Tribute to Macho
Movies of the P2B Generation: 1976
Hey, Hey, Hey…What is Going On Here? The Saved by the Bell Lifetime Movie is On the Way!
JR’s Treasure Trove #5: 2014 Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest
Five Reasons To: Get Over the New Thor Being a Female
The Rise of Tomohiro Ishii
Fandom, I Would Have Words With Thee
JR’s Treasure Trove #6: The Birth of Mr. Backlund – Bret Hart vs. Bob Backlund – 7/30/94
Guardians of the Galaxy Takes the Marvel Cinematic Universe to New Heights
We Miss the 90s: Regulate
Brad and Chad’s SummerSlam Rewind Special: Ranking the SummerSlams (Audio)
A Step By Step Breakdown of the “Step By Step” Music Video
PTBN SummerSlam Rewind Series: SummerSlam 1992 w/ Steve Corino (Audio)
Bray Wyatt, God Complexes, and (Breakable) Glass Ceilings
My Late Night Experience
Titans of Wrestling #36: Interview with Tito Santana (Audio)
Forget Ebola – What about Anthrax?
PTBN’s Greatest Song of the 90s Tournament: Pool Round One, Group A
2 DXers, 1 Champ
The High Spot: An Interlude on Intergender Wrestling
The Kevin Kelly Show #24 – Dennis Stamp (Audio)
Hulk Hogan, As He Should Have Been
Woodstock ’94: Three More Days of Peace, Music…Drugs and Mud
Adam’s Top Music Videos of 2014
The Kevin Kelly Show #25 – Jim Ross (Audio)
Place to Be Podcast #353: Jeff Jarrett (Audio)
Roman Reigns and Paying Dues
Seinfeld: The PTBN Series Rewatch – “The Outing” (S4, E16)
The Ghost of Randy Savage Is Coming for Revenge
A Requiem for Parenthood
The Dichotomy of a Pro Wrestling Fan on the Internet
Teams Back Again – The Debut Episode! (Audio)
30 Years of Mania Madness (1985-1987)
The Best of Kevin Kelly at Place to Be Nation
The Great WrestleMania Re-Book: WrestleMania
Wrestling With Optimism #2 – The History of WWE.com Anniversary Special (Audio)
Place to Be Network: P2B Comics Draft Podcast (Audio)
22-1 or 21-2?: The Future of WWE Collides with its Past at WrestleMania 31
PTBN’s Main Event #30: WrestleMania 31 Preview (Audio)
The Five Count: Undertaker’s WrestleMania Opponents
Place to Be Podcast #368: King of the Ring 1993 and Kendra & Wes Mayle (Audio)
PTBN’s Real World Champion (1989 – 1994)
WDWorld Traveler: The P2B Guide to Walt Disney World (Part 1: The Basics)
Brad and Chad’s King of the Ring Special: Rankings, Rebooking and More (Audio)
Dangerous Alliance Wrestling Podcast #1 (Audio)
The Ballad of the Erstwhile Main-Eventer
1995: The Best Summer of Music Ever
The American Dream
JT’s Treasure Trove #7: 2015 Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest
PTBN’s Wrestling What If… The NWO’s Third Man
The Scientific Ranking of SummerSlams Part 1
Good Will Wrestling: Building the Perfect SummerSlam (Audio)
Volk Han-A-Thon 1991-1993
PTBN’s Excellent WWE Network Adventure: MSG House Show – 4/6/81
9/11 Remembrance: What Is Really the Least We Can Do?
Parv and Chad’s Top 100 Matches of All Time
Fair for Flair: The Complete Five Part Series (Audio)
We Miss the 90s: Video Stores
Rank & File #1: Top 10 Favorite Current Wrestlers (Audio)
JR’s Treasure Trove #3 – Ghostbusters: The Music Video (1984)
Thoughts I Think… As The Ratings Sink
PTBN Holiday Tournament Spectacular – Round 1, Peanuts Region
Ranking Rocky
Titans of Wrestling #55: Roddy Piper Tribute Part 1 (Audio)
Holiday Five Count: PTBN’s Favorite Christmas Movies
Christmas Television Memories
The Game Is Played Again
Wrestling with Expectations
Why Roman Reigns Isn’t Over, Or: A Study in Parallels – Roman Reigns, Bob Backlund and Dory Funk Jr
Peyton’s Last Stand – Super Bowl 50 Preview
A Grateful Farewell
Thoughts I Think… After Daniel Bryan’s Retirement
RAGEWATCH!!! – Fuller House (S1, E1)
The WrestleMania Top Ten: Part 1
In Search of Five-Star Matches: Part 1
Batman v Superman Brings Big Characters, Bigger Action
Place to Be Podcast Episode 400: A Celebration, WrestleMania Match Rankings & An Old Friend (Audio)
Tears Fallen, Too Late: The Passing of Chyna
Sometimes it Snows in April: My Journey with Prince
We Miss the 90s: Mallrats
Andre the Giant’s Lost 1991 Comeback
Muhammad Ali: 1942 – 2016
The Criss-Cross #1 (Audio)
Lucha Undead #28: “Talk Soup with Chad Campbell” (Audio)
PTBN’s Clotheslines & Headlines #1: Roman Reigns, Money in the Bank, Best in the World, BROTHER NERO & More! (Audio)
Hard-Traveling Fanboys Podcast #10: GIANT-SIZE – The 2016 Halfie Awards (Audio)
Parv’s Top 100 Music Artists, Part 1: Introduction and 100-76
JT’s Treasure Trove #8: 2016 Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest
All Hell is Breaking Loose: The Complete Story of Continental Wrestling (Audio)
Happy Birthday MTV! (Audio)
Survey Says: A WCW Retrospective #1 (Audio)
Geek & Sassy #1 (Audio)
Letters from Kayfabe #1 (Audio)
PTBN’s Clotheslines & Headlines #7: CM Punk, Vince McMahon’s Quads, Backlash, Randy Orton, DELETE OR DECAY & More! (Audio)
Lucha Undead: AMA w/ Brad from PTBN (Audio)
The Definitive Guide to the Suits of the Million Dollar Man
The Glenn Butler Podcast Hour Spectacular, Episode 28: Reflection, Surprise, Terror…for the Future (Audio)
Rogue One Rebels Against Typical Star Wars Formula
The Glenn Butler Podcast Hour Spectacular, Episode 29: Rogue One (Audio)
The Brad and Chad Show: Putting a Bow on 2016 (Audio)
PTBN POP Special: Tribute to Artists Who Passed Away in 2016 (Audio)
PTBN DadCast #1: Paw Patrol (Audio)
We Miss the 90s: Aerosmith’s Crazy (1994)
Place to Be Podcast #437: Sixth Birthday Celebration (Audio)
PTBN Network Special: Hot Takes on Cold Issues (Audio)
PTBN’s WrestleMania List-a-Mania – Day Twenty-Three: WrestleMania’s Most Overrated Matches
CouchMania 2017 Live Blog: Dealing With a Newborn and the Graps
Hard-Traveling Fanboys Podcast: 50TH EPISODE GIANT-SIZE EXTRAVAGANZA! (Audio)
PTBN Question Of The Day Weekly Recap (April 3-9 2017)
Letters From Center Stage #1 (Audio)
In Defense of Baseball: LEAVE THE GAME ALONE!!
Jeff Learns Wrestling #1: Basics of the Business, Jesse Ventura, The Mega Powers & more! (Audio)
PTBN’s Greatest WWE Wrestler Ever Project – Introduction
Hard-Traveling Fanboys Podcast #72: PTBN Pop! Comic Book Theatre — Watchmen
Hard-Traveling Fanboys Podcast #105: PTBN POP! Comic Book Theatre — Watchmen, Part 2
Talk’n Pop #3: Nick Duke and WrestleMania Weekend
Bruno Sammartino, 1935-2018
Wrestling War Zone: The Monday Night Wars – Episode 1
Marvel Age Podcast Featuring the Sarcastic Four: Episode One – 1961-1962
Jeff Learns Wrestling #14: WrestleMania IV
Five years
Full Archive
This list in google doc form
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ok but for a Danganronpa AU, what would all the ultimate talents be for the Ericson kids? Louis is the ultimate pianist obviously. I think Willy could be the ultimate inventor and Omar the ultimate chef! I love this idea because it combines two of my favorite games! even if it would bring more despair upon the world puhuhuhu
[I spent way too much time on this haha]
For anyone who has no idea what Danganronpa is, it’s a game in which a group of high school students with incredible talents are locked up in a school [or stuck on an island in dr2] and forced into a killing game by a robotic teddy bear named Monokuma. They have to kill someone and get away with it in order to graduate, and if they’re exposed in the class trial, they’re executed in an ironic way usually associated with their ultimate talent.
Yeah, it’s as bizarre as it sounds. It’s a fun game with great characters, though. Highly recommend if you’re into whodunits with a colorful cast. And each game gets better with each installment so go check it out. 
As for talents...
Clementine the Ultimate Baseball Player: Yeah... I’m one of those who think Clementine would be amazing at sports in a modern AU. I thought about having her be the Ultimate Survivalist, but meh. She would kick everyone’s ass in baseball. 
Like, Javier Garcia who? Leon Kuwata? Don’t know him. 
Clementine’s the best Baseball Player [or is it softball? I never know the difference because they’re the same thing, right? But in school, we had an all-boys baseball team but an all-girls softball team? Whatever, she’s the best as both whatever the differences] with several teams interested in bringing her on to play. Hell, for AU story purposes, you can even say she trained under Javier to be the best.
AJ the Ultimate Voice Actor: Okay, here me out. I know technically AJ wouldn’t be there because he’s obviously not at high school age but I don’t care. It’s a mixed-age class, I don’t know. 
BUT... He’s the Ultimate Voice Actor due to his amazing award-winning performance as- ready for it?- Disco Brocolli in the hit children’s show “Disco Broccoli and Chive Talkin’ Friends.” 
I’m sorry, but I can’t think of anything else and this has me in a fit of giggles with its ridiculousness. Like, little AJ being a child voice actor for this show that he adores?? I love it?? 
Louis the Ultimate Pianist: I mean, you’re right, anon. This boy plays the piano beautifully! I don’t care what the others say!
Like, his backstory with his parents stays the same, but the guilt begins to weigh on him the older he gets and instead of taking choir or doing any other singing programs, he learns to play piano because he still loves music, but thinks he doesn’t deserve to sing like “a real musician.”
He writes and performs his own songs at school concerts and eventually gains recognition for it. And he takes solace in it because of the irreversible damage done to his relationship with his parents. They still love him and they talk and learn to support him, but it’s always a white elephant in the room, y’know? And he puts all of those feelings into his songs and that brings attention to him from the public until his career skyrockets. 
Violet the Ultimate Astronomer: I honestly tried to think of something for Violet, but I have no idea. I thought about making her the Ultimate Leader, but I kind of like the idea of her studying the stars and stuff, y’know? 
Marlon the Ultimate Archer: Because he sure as hell isn’t the Ultimate Leader. The dude can shoot a bow, though. So, we’ll give him that. 
Brody the Ultimate Photographer: I get photographer vibes from Brody. I don’t know. 
Mitch the Ultimate Pyrotechnician: Mitch’s specific talent includes handling and creating fireworks, but he also handles other things since:
“Pyrotechnics is the science and craft of using self-contained and self-sustained exothermic chemical reactions to make heat, light, gas, smoke and/or sound.”
I just love the idea of Mitch upgrading from garage bombs to making actual fireworks. I don’t know, I’m just trying to give him a more unique talent. It doesn’t have to make complete sense. This is for an AU of a game that has the Ultimate Fanfiction Writer as a character, okay? 
Willy the Ultimate Inventor: I like that idea, anon. He starts out small, making little rinky-dinky toys and eventually creates something super useful for everyday life and makes millions off of it or something. 
Tennessee the Ultimate Artist: Super obvious. I know. 
Aasim the Ultimate Anthropologist: Again, hear me out on this one. It would be easy to say he’s the Ultimate Writer because he keeps a diary or whatever, but when you talk to Aasim, he says that he likes to chronicle everything that happened, like a history book to help them not make the same mistakes they did the past. 
What if Aasim was super interested in human behavior within past and present societies, y’know, like what an anthropologist studies? 
And no, he’s nothing like another certain anthropologist. Nothing at all. 
Omar the Ultimate Luckster: Because really, how else did he survive s4? And every class needs an Ultimate Luckster [well, drv3 didn’t but still-] and Omar works. Y’all thought I’d make him the Ultimate Chef? That would’ve been TOO easy. 
Ruby the Ultimate Nurse: It’s obvious but I can’t think of anything else except the Ultimate Yee Haw but I don’t know how that’s a talent so...
Those are all the talents that come to mind, but if someone has something better then feel free to share and add to it. Just something fun to think about. 
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