#aka pre-crash to a few days post-crash..
j2cketa · 2 years
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do u care her...
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papabirdurskeks · 3 months
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-Precursor Speculative Evolution Pt. 1-
Finally getting around to this project as it was my most voted on, so here is the master post of the pics mostly. I'll explain most of this much later in a different post with more detailed pics.
But I like to speculate in my own little world that the "Precursor" species aka the Witness's people, came from nocturnal lemur like creatures that were once native to a lush rainforest that used to cover their homeworld until one day, a mysterious object crashed into their world and destroyed everything that once made it green; turning it in a desert world with very little to survive off of.
These little lemurs and a few select other species managed to escape by burrowing themselves deep underground and living in these burrows before venturing out and letting time and their environment take its course in shaping them.
I will add the Pre-Traveler Era, Golden Age, and Post-Traveler Evolution counterparts in a different post as well with its own notes, but for now, here are just a few of the "big steps" in their evolution with some quick notes.
Not censoring as there is nothing to show or censor.
More will come later.
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june-doe-event · 1 year
Hello !! Welcome to the June Doe Ride The Cyclone event !!
This is a 30 Day Art (of any sorts !!) event that runs throughout June, however I will rb any posts with the prompts until mid July.
(Rules, Prompt List, & such are under the cut.)
1. Absolutely no NSFW of ANY kind, the rtc kids are, in fact, kids.
2. Please tag this account in any posts (on here) that you make w the prompts !! I wanna see them !! :D
3. I'll rb posts made with the prompts from after June up until July, but after that I'm done w this acc for the year shsh
(Not a rule but just something that should be known, I have quite a few tags blocked so I might not see some posts, but I will try my best to rb all of them. If I don't see your content, send it to me in an ask !!)
This event accepts any forms of art, from drawings, to writing, to gifs, to edits, etc etc !! Be creative !!
Prompt List:
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June 1st — Pride Month / Identities
Centered around any queer hcs with the choir !! Can range from coming out scenes 2 them going to pride, list is endless :)
June 2nd — Pre-Canon / Post-Canon
The choirs childhoods, right before the accident, what you think happens after the show, again, the list is endless !!
June 3rd — Favorite Platonic Relationship(s)
Maybe they're familial, or maybe they're just best friends !! Just, no romance :)
June 4th — Favorite Romantic Relationship(s)
Your favorite ship(s) !!
June 5th — Ricky's Birthday
Happy Birthday Ricky Potts !! Celebrate their birthday in whatever way you please !!
June 6th — Swapped Roles
Maybe Ocean is the most romantic girl in town, maybe Noel is the angriest girl in town !! Aka, the choir swaps titles & sorta personalities
June 7th — Legoland
The first play in the Uranium Teen Scream Trilogy !! Legoland content is ofc welcomed (& encouraged !!) for all of the prompts, but this is Legoland specific (if you don't have the script pdf & you'd like to read it, you can dm me either on this acc or on my main !!)
June 8th — Alternate Jane Doe
(Or John !!) Maybe Oceans parents never identified her, or maybe Noel was mangled beyond recognition !! Either way, someone else is left doll-like and confused.
June 9th — Someone Else Goes Back
Maybe Ocean votes Constance, or maybe the vote was unanimous like originally promised! Jane stays, someone else leaves.
June 10th — Mega Mall
The one(1) thing to do in Uranium. And Noel's personal hell.
June 11th — U-Pop
Ocean & Constance's (scripted) improv duo !! Sound off !!
June 12th — The Fair
What'd the choir get up to before the crash ? What were they doing ? What rides did they go on ? What'd they eat ?
June 13th — Uranium City
The Pride And Joy of Sweet Saskatchewan !! (<- literally a nightmare) !!
Or, something about the town itself !! It's history !!
June 14th — The Accident.
How'd they die ? What happened ? How did people react to it ? Who witnessed it ?
(If your content for this is gorey, please tag it appropriately.)
June 15th — Everybody Lives / Nobody Dies
Maybe they never rode the Cyclone in the first place, maybe they did but they survived, either way, everyone is fine !! (Or are they?)
June 16th — Religion
Ocean has three of them !! Something surrounding faith of some kind — or lack thereof !!
Alternative June 16th Prompt because I know some people may find the topic uncomfortable — Animals !!
Ricky's fourteen cats !! Penny & her love of animals !! Anything !!
June 17th — The Blackwood Cafe
The best (and probably only) cafe in Uranium !! Constance's family cafe, their pride and joy :)
June 18th — Cut Characters
Cut Character Submissions are welcome here no matter what, but this is specifically dedicated to them !! What was their reaction to the accident ? How did they die ? What was their backstory ?
June 19th — Zolar
The Fantasia Of Ricky Potts !! Anything to do with the world inside their head :)
June 20th — Songfic / Lyrics
Something surrounding a song you associate with the choir (or a certain member) !!
(Disclaimer this works for any type of art I just called it a songfic in the prompts list because it's. Easier ykyk)
June 21st — Summer
Happy Summer Solstice !! Anything 2 do with the current season :)
June 22nd — Graduation
What if they didn't die before they could graduate? How does that go?
June 23rd — Choir Event
Maybe it's last years Kiwanis, maybe it's a separate event !! Either way, they're performing again !!
June 24th — Production Specific
Instead of just general RTC, this prompt centers around a certain production !! (Be creative with it !! Use smaller ones !!)
June 25th — One Off Lines
Like how Ricky said in the 2016 previews that his mom read him the Little Prince TWENTY THREE TIMES (it was weird, he likes it), or how Ocean says that Constance 'has been a loose cannon since kindergarten' in the 2015 ver !! Anything surrounding stuff that they don't expand on.
June 26th — Jane's Dolly
How'd she find it? What if she had a different type of dolly? Just surrounding our favorite doll girl & her dolly :)
June 27th — Talia
Miss Talia Muruska Bolinska !! Is she real? How does she find out about the accident? How'd she meet Mischa? What was her life like?
June 28th — Families
The choirs' parents, them as a found family, the list goes on !! Just anything surrounding family :)
June 29th — Funerals
Because, these kids are dead, they have to have a memorial service of some sort !!
June 30th — Free Day
And, for our final day ( :( ) , we have a free day !! Do whatever you'd like !! :D
That's everything !! Feel free to send me asks with any questions you have !! :D
— Your moderator, @undescribed1mage :D
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Hi, my name is Rory, I’m going to the Eras Tour in Amsterdam on July 5th and if you guys could somehow help me get this to @taylorswift / @taylornation - it would mean so much to me
I made another post here about why Taylor & the Eras tour are so important to me, and why I'm attempting to reach her, and this is kind of an update to that!
Yesterday, I had surgery to fix the internal tract for my feeding tube. I have a J-tube which bypasses my stomach and feeds me to part of my small intestine (aka the jejunum) because my body can't tolerate food the Normal Way. But for the past 3 months, I'd been having so many issues including buried bumper syndrome and obstructions which caused me to not have any tube feeds.
Long story short, I became (and still am) malnourished to the point where a hospitalization is up in the air. But this surgery was the big thing standing between me and possibly not being able to make it to the concert. Now that it's done, I'm confident I'll be able to make it.
And as of today, I’m officially back on tube feeds!!
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Anyways, my point in saying all of this is that I make a lot of jokes about how I'm "fighting for my life to get to the Eras Tour" but at the end of the day, I really am.
Around this time last year, I was in the hospital attached to a video EEG, with a crash cart next to my door, watching the pre-sale like a hawk. A few days later, I was in a different hospital, making friendship bracelets a year in advanced while waiting on different imaging studies.
I've been hanging onto Taylor's music through every step of this journey-- it's honestly what's made it bearable. So being able to receive the 22 hat, and give her a hug & bracelet at the show would genuinely be everything to me.
Please keep reblogging/tagging @taylorswift & @taylornation!! I appreciate all the shares here and on the original post so much <3
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c0smiccom3t · 11 months
Where are my manners? Furyne... Meet Ryonna. /Ref
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Alright so... This is Ryonna Lemurs. They are a Bounty Hunter. But you can call them Ryo. This is their radical era design btw, im currently making the current design right now.
Voice claim: Chloë Grace Moretz (Crash 4: It's About Time), Tabitha St. Germain (Radical Era, Tag Team Racing) (They have a cockney accent lol)
Ryonna started out as a Bounty Hunter for hire. After finishing their fighting classes and searching for a job, she started to become a bounty hunter. They had no calls, unfortunately. Even though she thought that Bounty Hunters "were big these times around". But then. Ryo got a call. And it was from a mad scientist. Ryo, after accepting the task to meet the scientist in their "castle", she set out and began their quest. (In pre-its about time, they made it in time and met Dr. Cortex. Agreeing to work for him. (i might write a fanfic about it actually) and in the its about time main continuity, Ryo made it late, and decided to hang around with N. Gin and N. Brio instead. Until finally meeting up with Cortex and becoming the duo of a lifetime for the game as it progresses.)
Ryonna is a very skilled fighter (After all they DID go to fighting / Martial arts classes, didn't she?), but also a master of stealth.
Aside from having superstrenght (except when they're holding Cortex. he's heavy to her.) and super strong fists that'd knock you out silly [aka Birdchirper (right) and Stargazer (left)], Ryo is an expert climber, and also has a strong enhanced leaping ability, enhanced reflexes, senses, night vision, a fluffy prehensible tail and super agility. Not to mention Stench Generation.
Oh. Yeah, speaking of stench... They have a weapon of her own which they call.. "Scent bombs". You know lemurs have got smell generation, and so this athletic lemur does, too! She has different types of scent bombs ("Fresh air bombs", for refreshing on a hot day, "Smoke bombs", to dissappear quickly with no trace from enemies, and most importantly... "Stink bombs", something to distract your enemies with when you fill them with the smell of defeat.)
Ryonna also serves as Cortex's right-hand... Instead of N. Brio. Funny, if i do say so myself. (Example: Crash Tag Team Racing, in which they had to share a car with him.). Even though Ryonna sometimes can't keep up with Cortex's childish behavior, temper tantrums and dramatic flair (especially sometimes they're considered more of a caretaker than a right-hand), she still cares about him and all they want is to see him happy. ("If you're happy then i'm happy, sir.")
Ryonna keeps a straight face (almost) most of the time, but fails to since things go on and she cant keep their feelings in for much longer. Especially when pure moments happen, she feels like they're about to cry. But they are mostly tough enough to stay strong for a little more.
Ryonna also has a crush on Dingodile, but i'll get to that on another time. this is taking too long.
BONUS QUOTE (from their current version from its about time): "...I did not get the invite to Rumble, unfortunately. But i am wishing the best of luck to my coworker N. Gin, my boss, Dr. Neo Cortex. ...And Dingodile as we--AGH! FORGET I SAID THAT LAST PART!"
TL;DR: Meet Ryonna and get to know their abilities and relationships in this post.
I might draw a few drawings of them and her relationship with Cortex btw. Just you wait. Now if you'll excuse me, i got a webcomic to schedule.
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thetruearchmagos · 2 months
@theprissythumbelina do you remember that intelligence analyst 'category' of character I mentioned a long while back?
Well, for some reason it came to mind the other day, and I've been thinking more about the sorts of characters I'd hope to use as POVs in my WIPs, and I've made a small change in a certain character from Swift Seas And Whirlwinds which I thought might really add to the perspective they offer.
The character in question is Lance Corporal Piki Ngata, UC Marine Corps, and since I've got a character intro for him in the works I'll save the details for later. Basically, though he's semi active pre-War (AKA the 'first' book) where he offers us a look into life on the soon to be invaded island of Paeroa, Ngata really comes into his own once war breaks, where he'll appear in the fight to defend his homeland and birthplace from the invaders. Theoretically not too convoluted, though I have some spanners in mind to be thrown into things...
But that's not the point! Of this post, that is.
You see, Ngata actually began life as the product of one of those "Wouldn't it be cool if..." sorts of daydreams that spawn half the shit I write. The Scene that he firsts appeared in has him as one of the crew of a 'coastal missile battery', waiting for a chance to strike at the invasion fleet offshore, before a mass air raid wipes out most of the batteries and their 'radar' sites.
Now, that's all well and good for a one-off brainflash, but as I've been fleshing out his relationships with his fellow locals, his colleagues, and his superiors, I realised that the role I've given him was frankly a bit of a limiting one. For Plot Reasons Too Long To Explain Here, the coastal missiles don't really play much of a role past this very early scene, and even there they don't really have much of an impact on events since they're just getting shot at without any chance of fighting back. I reasoned that if I'm going to give Ngata the honour of being a proper Perspective character in SSAW then I'd better make it an interesting one with serious potential for development.
So, I put him in Air Defence!
... which I can assure you is a lot more of a change than that little quip might suggest.
You see, while I've been thinking about all this, I've also spared a few side thoughts for how the air war for Paeroa goes, which made me quickly realise that putting Ngata here leaves him straight up relevant for a lot longer. The idea of UC coastal missile batteries was always an iffy one for me for Worldbuilding reasons (because I am incapable of considering any others apparently), but air defence is very much something I felt I could do more with.
The idea for this change also brings up some opportunities for what I considered 'interesting emotional developments', AKA Shit He'll Seek Therapy Over. As part of the fragile and utterly outmatched air defence grid protecting Paeroa, Ngata will at least get to shoot back at his attackers, but every lost battery or shot down friendly fighter is a gruesome loss he knows they can't afford to take, while Nouvoloian warbirds come in day and night and seem to crash upon his comrades no matter how badly he wounds their numbers.
At the same time, his duties leave him physically separated from the worst of the fighting on the ground, where two companies of marines fight for every hill and patch of jungle against a full Nouvoloian brigade. Casualties streaming through to the rear hammer in how comparatively privileged his circumstances are to the boots, and he knows every aircraft or missile that slips through his watch means another body on a stretcher or in a bag. For this marine, it makes for a strange kind of guilt.
And... that's about that. Considering how much weight I put on a fair number of characters to tell their stories through their own unique perspectives on events greater than themselves, you'd think I'd be more thoughtful about how I handed out POV Character status. Then again, I think turning a daydream into a chance to tell a distinct and unique narrative isn't a bad way to go about writing. Now that I've mentally straightened out my thoughts on Ngata, I'll see if I can rationalise and ground the Perspectives of some other folks...
After I'm done with his Intro!
Also, for the character lore, Tagging @athenswrites @caxycreations @hessdalen-globe
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cybermoonmoon · 11 months
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(This story based on a notion by my dear radio pal Peter Cedric 'Rocky' Smith...no relation I know of. He mused what he would do if he woke up and it was the 1930′s again. So I put myself in his position. The trick is to protect the timeline...or try to...good grief!)
“Back and forth and forth and back.” Put another way...NYC the 125th Street subway platform. It's January 26th, 1937. The ‘A’ rain pulling in wakes me. I’m a science fiction fan so I know what’s happened. Fuck! I’m near 90 years in the past! Serious temporal disorientations. I wander my great grandmother’s hood for days maybe weeks. Think a speedball whiskey crash. FDR is President Dick Tracy is on da radio and it's the Great Bleeping Depression. Best time to appear. I can get lost in this chaos.
I end up in a Salvation Army soup kitchen. Looking for possibilities I tell them I went to a Negro college and could tutor. Tutors white only but with a lucky connection I get a half-time gig at the local library...as a porter. It’s 1937. With the job I get a small room. Do ganja recovery from my temporal displacement and make plans.
Winter passes. In summer I notice a small Harlem machine shop. Just the right size. I introduce myself to the owner. Seems a decent guy. I later hear he’s in the closet. I tell him its cool love is love and don’t worry about it. Anyway, I put an idea to him. A small item that everyone uses that he could very cheaply make. ...and sell. Desperate times so he's game. I show him my designs...paperclips. I was thinking Velcro but too game changing.
No copies from the future. Rather blends of types any of which ‘could’ have been designed in the 30′s. Strips of metal and cheap tools are all that's needed...history is safe. We haggle over details become partners...sort of and get to it. Business slow but they’re cheap look cool so catch on. Towards da Holidays orders is coming in through the ‘gawddamned’ windows to paraphrase Holden Caufield. Whose book I hope isn't butterflied away.
The machine shop is now our office/factory. Slowly we hire more help. I insist on gender equality. My pal thinks it nuts but goes along. Planting seeds. Orders from locals later direct to business. Sure there was problems. Corrupt cops, mob run unions 30's racism but fuck it life is fun. This as I become more accumulated to pre-digital industrial America.
1939 the Board of Education gives us commissions later bulk orders. This via the 'WPA'...google it. Orders from other City departments follow. Mayor Laguardia aka ‘The Little Flower” ...my grandma spoke well of him. Well, he’s throwing FDR’s cash around to help small businesses. First time the government ever really helped me, and I had to go near 90 years into the bleeping past to get it. Figures.
Which reminds me. I'm from the future which means I saw several post-war recessions. Lesson one: Don’t expand before ya ready. My pal wanted to open two large tooling and fabrication shops with a zillion employees. I talked him down to 15 and one medium shop. Smart because the bubble burst...we stayed in business and happily banged along issuing paychecks. An upside I saw the Great Harlem Artistic Rennaissance in person. I also organized the first poetry slam. ...I hoped history wouldn't notice.
Still, war is coming. This is a world with Hitler and Stalin running around loose. Did I mention our own Nazis and a powerful Klan? Anyway, in my only suit...double breasted like grandpa wore. I angle for federal orders. Thanks to patronizing liberalism...hey what works works. I get a few small nibbles Then all hell breaks loose. December 9th, 1941. War comes two days late thanks to my temporal shenanigans.
Uncle Sam is kicking the crap out of that Nazi fuck Hitler and his pal Tojo. And is doing it with our flexible rust-less paperclips. Did I mention our Army is integrated we already have the fucking B-29 and the P-80 jet fighter...all these five years early. All because of the butterfly effect of cheap rust-less paper clips and two smart queer colored guys...one from the 21st century. Fuck da timeline...in for a penny in for a pound.” I finagled a meeting with that Einstein guy and tells him about microprocessors. Stay tuned.
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thehealingkind · 2 years
This is not a 'woe is me' post. It is a 'learning the hard way' post.
This is not a woe is me post. It is a learning the hard way post. And I hope it may inspire the odd few to be that extra little bit careful, to truly listen to your body and feel what it is telling you. The bit I missed is the "okay my body's not happy about this so I'll change course and rectify that" bit. Massive fail.
I will set the scene. I have spent the last four days horizontal in bed/on my couch with a hefty dose of nasty CFS symptoms. There's been no exercise, no dog walks, no studies, no work, no rays of sunshine on my face, no house cleaning (and it shows), no friends and almost no cooking (and that's saying something). What there has been is total fatigue, brain dysfunction to boot, horrible all over body vibrations (hard to describe to non CFS'ers!) and a truly miserable head space filled with anxiety and I'll be honest, a fair dose of fear (and yes, I was very naughty for even letting the fear creep in but hey, I was in all sorts).
Now don't get me wrong, when you have experienced chronic illness 4 days of being bed ridden is nothing. I had however essentially been symptom free for 5 months and I believed that I was free of CFS forever. The fact that I was once again bed ridden was a terrifying feeling.
So how did this happen you ask? Well. If you have read my story you will know that I have spent 18 years of my recruitment career building desks and businesses. I only knew one pace and that was full-throttle every single day and often 6 or 7 days a week. Numerous times pre CFS diagnosis I came crashing down with an undiagnosed illness. I was given SO many signs that I was on the wrong path. Then I finally did come crashing down with CFS and there I stayed for almost 2 years. You seriously couldn't ask for a clearer message from the universe.
I got myself better and learnt to truly listen to my body. Stopping when I knew I had done enough, resting, relaxing, spending time in nature, meditating. I became very 'in tune'. And I knew that there was a better path for me that aligned more closely with the changes I had made (AKA The Holistic Ingredient).
I do however need to make an income so a couple of weeks ago I put my recruitment hat on, marched into the CBD and sat up in a corporate board room to collect two projects for the first time in two years. Then it all started. 18 years of learned, habitual, million-miles-an-hour behaviours that I associate with recruitment. There was no stopping me. Everything else, all the important 'stuff' fell to the wayside and my entire focus was on delivering for the client as fast as I possibly could whilst surpassing every expectation (self imposed pressure, but once again that's all I know). I knew when I walked out of that boardroom that something wasn't right. My body felt tense, my intuition was asking hard questions! But on I marched back to my desk to storm through the process whilst slowing but surely sliding backwards into a CFS haze of misery.
Yesterday I made the very difficult decision to walk away from two unfinished projects that I knew were making me very sick. And in doing so I learnt some very valuable lessons:
My intuition is always, always right. Every time I don't listen to it I fall on my face.
The universe is constantly sending me messages. I just have to remain mindful enough to notice them and to trust in them.
Listen to my body. Every time is starts screaming at me, stop and question why, and then change my course.
I guess you may wonder why I even tried to re-enter the industry and I ask myself the same question. But on a positive note, at least I now know. That door is shut. And I am now fully committed to staying in the moment, listening to my body and doing what it tells me is right.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
💙Sat 12 Dec ‘20💙
The hype leading up to the event was beautiful and nerve wracking, with Louis' Walls streams showing the largest gain since release week, new merch dropping (pink! So much pink! It is the color of rock n roll after all...plus it's available in sizes ranging from XS to 3XL fuck yeah, so nice), LTHQ and Veeps whipping everyone into a frenzy with a barrage of tweets, plus Louis tweeted “if you have a speaker round the house plug it in, if you're old enough get yourself a drink. This is going to be special!” (fan: if I do that my mom will kill me! Louis, basically- fuck that, do what you want!), and then he posted the set list which genuinely took my stress levels down like 90% THANK YOU LOUIS, I was able to simply enjoy the cool static-y countdown with its rainbow glitches for a few. But ofc any calm went completely down the toilet the second he walked out with a giant ass H on his chest (the first heart attack) and started singing maybe the best he's ever sung in his life?? My heart was still pounding three minutes later when he sang the softest, most gorgeous version of We Made It, standing in front of a giant rainbow wheel. The arrangements on every song were incredible (the string section? YES!). He did the best version of Through The Dark I've ever heard and that song is already my fucking favorite, That Version of Two Of Us, ACOUSTIC ONLY THE BRAVE, rock Always You, stadium rock Fearless, and we all know about his version of Beautiful War (WOW), listen do I need to list every song? I WILL DON'T TRY ME. But on top of all that-- the NEW SONG!! Copy of a Copy of a Copy is, uh, amazing?? It's just... so GOOD...so.. gestures vaguely at like... all of it. The sound! The lyrics! GORGEOUS, and he really gets into the figurative lyrical territory that he admires so much in others' songs and has said he wants to do more, I love seeing that so much and the results are just... sublime. Truly. Much chatter now about the similarity in sound to Sign of the Times, as if it wasn't terrific enough already. So much to love about it! And I even loved the inclusion of the fan videos on KMM-- they were just on the screens behind Louis, it totally worked with the general cool look of everything and didn't detract at all, and tbh Louis singing directly to the wall  of singing louies was actually so lovely and precious. In conclusion, his voice throughout was PHENOMENAL, the band were great, strings included (hire those women Louis take them on the road, please!), the sets and lighting design and direction were awesome, the whole aesthetic was just SO on point, Louis said it best-- “we smashed it”. YEAH. YOU DID.
Other things: you didn’t think I was done with THAT FUCKING H SHIRT did you? It doesn't just have a GIANT H in the middle, above that (like tags!) are five asterisks, *****. YEAH. Look familiar? Yeah to me also damnnn. So, “end it”, “Harry”, or both? Poll time! Hair update: in a combined “you always come thru for your louies” and “you fucking demon troll” moment that's perfectly Louis he DID take his hat off to show us the glorious mane but I'm pretty sure he also trimmed it before the show! And: Hot Oli is already in the rearview I guess; ah we barely knew ye, but a new photog has appeared on the scene: enter Josh Halling (prev worked with Sam Fender) taking show pics today, including a super cool one on Louis' insta. Welcome to the team? Being a better guy than Jordan is a low bar, so just try to clear that one sir? And keep feeding us those great Louis pics! And: WBK Louis likes his backstage vodka redbull (and onstage 'water' bottles), and he confirmed between songs- “the power of vodka for me mate I’m loving it!” (straight? no, gay!). And: was the CK hoodie Louis was wearing in the pre show publicity photo (thanks Hot Oli) Harry's CK hoodie? Or simply a Copy of a…. well you know. And: hey guess what-- I gotta hand it to Veeps, against all odds that stream was flawless! Plus they got rid of the chat which was probably to facilitate that but also I simply appreciated it, good call. The Genius lyrics page for Copy of a Copy of a Copy did crash after the show though so it's cool don't worry; we've still got it. And finally: lots of people are talking now about how cool the show was but do any of them matter except DMAs reposting the pic on insta with hearts?! LOVE that for Louis.
And for the aftershow we got Louis on twitter! He thanked everyone (us, the crew, the band, Charlie, the strings, veeps, “all my personal team”), and answered a Q about doing another one-- “potentially but I doubt it, wanted to make this one special so no plans at the moment to do another.” About Copy he said “it will remain in the set for the tour and live shows but not sure when/if it will be released yet” but also re inclusion on LT2 “Probably but I want to keep all my options open. Very early in the process. Enjoy the moment!”
The rest of the day was pretty slow thank god, just some prerecorded content from Liam (a wizarding world spot) and a tik tok that's just him in the dark, shirtless, reacting to a fan screaming (literally) about how he apparently got relationship advice from Liam via facetime last night. And today's daily alarm, which was actually pretty wild, Liam and Roman reading a whole long rhyming poem about waking up! Very impressive indeed, I especially like when they rhyme “santa” with “banter”, perfectly British! And then also a strange interlude of Roman talking about how to impersonate Keanu Reeves, okay.
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irontinystar · 4 years
hi! i was wondering if you’d recommend other authors that you enjoy or even specific fanfics you like? i’ve only just started getting into the steve/tony fandom and want to follow more people! thank you!
Hi there!!! Welcome to the fandom!!!<3<3<3
I’m so glad you asked this question since I’ve always wanted to do a fic rec post!!!!
Quit while you’re ahead by magicasen
“It began, as things tend to between them, as a bet.”
the reason you ruminate the shadowy past by Mizzy
“So, Captain America effectively manages to cockblock Tony for a year.
It's not Steve's fault. Well, actually, it is. But he was just proving a point - that if a superhero is gay, how can it be wrong? Steve just picked the wrong superhero to make the point with. Now America will think they're dating - and Tony's not going to be the guy to break Captain America's heart.
There's only one way out. To save face, Steve and Tony have to become fake boyfriends. Steve thinks the "boyfriends" bit will be the hardest to act... but maybe it's the "fake" part that will be the hardest act of all...”
made to make you blue by gottalovev
“Steve, drunk for the first time since the serum, hits on Tony. It's everything Tony's ever dreamt about, but he refuses to have sex with a drunk Steve who can't truly consent. They do kiss, though, and Tony stays the night. The morning after brings a misunderstanding of disastrous proportion, where both men wrongly assume the other is uninterested. Life gets extremely complicated when Enchantress, mad at Thor, casts a spell that links people who love each other together, letting them feel the other's pain.”
On the Turning Away by thegraytigress
“Tony's new relationship with Steve is going great. They're a few weeks into it, and it's utterly amazing. He's feeling better and more sure of himself than he ever has before. Honestly, he's flying high.
But then he asks Steve a simple, logical, and seemingly innocent question: "do you want to spend the night?" And everything comes crashing down.”
love the sin, love the sinner by silkspectred
“It keeps happening. Not often, just once or twice a month, but it keeps happening. Always in the same way: it’s unplanned, sudden, unexpected, Steve is surprised and eager, his dick goes from zero to one hundred in two seconds, Tony’s touch is electric, everything he does drives Steve crazy, but he never lets Steve kiss him, he very rarely looks Steve in the eye, he never talks, never makes a sound when he comes, never mentions it later.”
Of Beards and Best Defenders by nannersmelo
“Tony finds out about when Steve had a beard once upon a time, and outraged that he never got to see it, decides to find a way to witness it by himself.”
Tony Pretends To Date Steve (Until He Doesn't Have To) by HappyStony
“"You alright?"
Of course he was not alright! Tony had a blue eyed, blond haired, six foot too high, two hundred who knows what pound, too sexy for his own good ninety something, mentally twenty, year old man on top of him. Who even asks that question in a situation like that?
Or: Basically the title. Tony pretends he's dating Steve until...well, you know.”
i have found the one (whom my soul loves) by soniclipstick (veriscence)
“It's been months since the Avengers were pardoned. One by one, they'd all gone home, until Steve finds himself alone in the grand old building T'Challa had given them.
But everything changes when Steve answers the doorbell, and Tony Stark strides in with more grey on his temple and make-up on his face than Steve remembers.”
Hating Steve Rogers by nanasekei
“The thing about hating Steve Rogers is that it shouldn’t be easy - but it really, really is.”
we have become something different, beloved (tragic and lovely) by Areiton, venusiaries
“"What's the Accords?" he asks, and Tony's head tilts. "I don't think that concerns you," he says. "But you don't deny that it's something." "There's a lot of something's I'm involved in that you don't know about," Tony says.
There's a story, years long and publicly known, about the way the Avengers ended and why. And then there is the truth, carefully hidden and protected.”
remedy by quidhitch
““I like the walls,” Steve shrugs, knocking his knuckles against the side as if to demonstrate. “Makes me feel covered.”
A soldier in a fortress, Tony thinks, which is a pretty ridiculous thought to have about Captain America and his enormous limbs stuffed into a too-small bathtub, but there it is.
Or: Tony Stark learns a thing or two about what it means to be In Recovery™.”
Binary System by Annie D (scaramouche) ( @no-gorms )
“Tony tends to be tactile with people he trusts. These days that list of people includes Steve, which is a good sign of the progression of their friendship. For his part, Steve seems to enjoy it as much as Tony does... until Tony goes a little too far.”
The Best Policy by starknjarvis
“Tony Stark breezes through life on bluster and bullshit. When he gets hit by a truth spell, he locks himself away in his workshop so he can find a way to reverse it without anyone finding out. So why can't he say no when Steve keeps asking to spend time with him?”
Slipping off the Page into Your Hands by Sineala ( @sineala )
“Soulmates have their first words to each other written on their wrists. This should make it easy. For Steve and Tony, it is anything but. Steve's problem is that the future he has awoken into is nothing he was ever expecting: he has a soulmate now. Who might be a robot. And if his soulmate is Iron Man, how can he be so attracted to Tony Stark? It should be impossible. Tony's problem is that he is Iron Man, his soulmate is a man whom he in no way deserves, and he is going to fight everything in his heart and do his best to make sure Steve never, ever finds out the whole truth.”
How to Win Affection Without Really Trying by Annie D (scaramouche)
“Tony almost dies saving Steve’s life, but that’s just part of being an Avenger. It’s no reason for Steve to get all weird and intense around him afterward.”
A Certain Affinity by miobambiino ( @miobambiino )
“"They were like that a lot nowadays, ever since they got back from their little kidnapping escapade. Sure, they’d been close before then - they all had - but now… it was different. They were close, close. Squishing up next to each other, whispering to one another, playing with each others hair, apparently.
Steve inwardly grimaced at himself. He was being bitter and petty, he knew that. But he couldn’t figure out why, though. His teammates were getting along, which is only a good thing. Especially considering how they started things off way back on the helicarrier. But since when were Tony and Nat this cosy?"
Aka Steve is jealous of Tony and Nat's friendship, gets the wrong idea, and requires a little help from Nat herself to get some well-needed perspective.”
Admiring the Scenery by Annie D (scaramouche)
“Steve’s used to people checking him out, but when Tony does it, it feels… different.”
Symmetry Breaking by Annie D (scaramouche)
“After the Battle of New York, Steve rode off on his motorbike. That's how it went the first time.
This time he rides back, all the way to Stark Tower, where he asks Tony for help.”
almeno tu nell'universo by silkspectred
“Tony drives off.
Well, he wants to.
But he can’t.
Steve Rogers is in front of his car.
Steve fucking Rogers. Is in front of Tony’s fucking car.”
take my heart clean apart by mistymountainking
“He’s tired, so tired of waiting, tired of touches with no meaning, tired of holding his breath when Steve’s in the room, tired of keeping this love to himself.
“I can’t—I can’t, if you don’t mean it.”
Tony comes home exhausted after an SI event. Steve acts as welcoming committee. It's an old, careworn routine they've perfected over the years, but tonight ends up going in a very different direction.”
Thrust Issues by Sineala
“A battle gone wrong leads Tony to the unexpected and pleasant discovery that Steve is much more well-endowed than he could ever have imagined. But when Tony learns that Steve has never actually been able to sleep with anyone because of his size, Tony does what any good friend would do: he offers to relieve Steve of his virginity. Personally. Tony's determined, Tony's methodical, and Tony has a plan. He's going to get Steve laid. Tony just needs to make sure Steve never finds out that Tony's in love with him.”
Overhaul by Annie D (scaramouche)
“Steve knows that Tony has feelings for him and, since he doesn’t return those feelings, has been mildly dreading the day that Tony decides to do something about it. When that day finally arrives, Steve discovers that Tony’s wooing strategy isn’t anything at all like he’d expected.”
Whatever Makes You Happy by WilmaKins ( @wilmakins )
“Steve and his team never stopped Avenging. So when T'Challa tells them about strange events at the site of an ancient landmark, everything seems quite simple. Of course they'll help Shuri to investigate it - helping people is what they do, after all.
Until they discover that a race of alien empaths are harvesting human emotions as a source of power. Specifically, they're using the misery of one Tony Stark.
So, until they work out what's really going on, the fate of the world might depend on them keeping Tony happy.
Not simple. Not simple at all.
Set six months after CA:CW.”
a catalog of non-definitive acts by firebrands ( @firebrands )
“Tony's seen the way Steve watches him, trails after him just for a moment, then catches himself. Let it never be said that Tony Stark doesn’t pay attention. At least, when it matters.
Or, Steve, Tony, and the emotional fallout of keeping secrets. (Set in some nebulous time pre-AoU.)”
The Single Biggest Problem With Communication by BlossomsintheMist
“In the wake of Steve's return from the dead and the end of Norman Osborn's reign of terror, the superhero community is recovering--Steve has taken on a new role and Tony is trying to put his life back together. Things are still awkward between them, but they're determined to put things to rights. But when a discussion about their feelings leads to further misunderstandings, they discover that might be more difficult than either of them realized. Set in the early Heroic Age after the end of Dark Reign, this is a get-together story about crossed wires--and second chances.”
Broken by livink ( @anthonyed )
“After Siberia, Tony Stark faces depression, a giant purple alien and a forced reunion. Ironically, he feels as if he's the only one who is broken in this journey. Until he comes across Barnes. Then, Bruce, Natasha and Wanda. Later, he realises that the man who broke him is broken too and this is a story where they heal and find their footings back.”
wonderland by Areiton
“Six weeks after being abandoned in Siberia, Tony wakes in a Tower, next to the man who broke his heart and his trust. But the world--whatever Wonderland world they’ve landed in--isn’t like their own. The Avengers are happy here. Tony and Steve are married here. With a direct line to Steve’s emotions and the team that he’s always wanted--Tony is more than a little tempted to stay. Seeing how happy Tony is, how healthy Bucky is--Steve doesn’t disagree. But there are cracks in Wonderland and the shiny paint peeling might leave a nightmare behind--one that Tony and Steve will need each other more than ever, to escape.”
when i run out of road, you bring me home by quidhitch
““Oh, I won’t bother you.” The tone of Steve’s voice implies that he definitely will be bothering Tony, aggressively and frequently. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll keep to my farm, you keep to yours. Solitude together.”
Tony opens his mouth to argue that that’s not how this works, but he snaps it shut at the realization that Steven Grant Rogers is fucking with him. That twinkle in his eye has accelerated into a full-on glimmer, and the ends of his lips are twitching. Jesus, he hates this man. Or maybe he wishes he did. Tony can’t really tell the difference anymore.”
Down in Lonesome Town by resurrectedhippo
“Tony eyes him. “Why do I always find my way back to you?”
Maybe he didn’t necessarily return to Steve, but fate is a funny little thing, and after living a life of loss, Steve wants something that’s his to keep. Tony deserves a love that’s unrestrained; Steve thinks he’ll erupt with it.
Love is messy, not easy, and takes work.
Maybe love feels like rage.
But maybe love could just be jumping off a rocky mountain and smiling anyway.
After the universe is restored, Steve is lost without any direction. Retiring from the Avengers, he moves across the country and ends up building a house by a misty blue lake. Across the bridge is Tony Stark’s new workshop.”
In the Stillness of Remembering by elise_509
“Steve Rogers is a reminder of a past that Tony Stark would rather forget. But when Steve’s own ghosts suddenly become the present, Tony finds he and Steve need each other to face the future.”
Good For You by orbingarrow
“Steve doesn't understand why Tony dates people who abuse him. Tony doesn't understand why Steve cares.
The rest is bad choices, good choices, rehab, milkshakes, paintball, YouTube videos, couples therapy and learning to put the past in the past. Or: How Tony finds his happy ending.”
Pulse-Point by itsallAvengers
Guys and Bots by Annie D (scaramouche)
I love very deeply each author of the fics I’ve listed, but these are the main blogs I follow here on tumblr who regularly post 1K (more or less) words fic:
(Plus self-spam: MrsWinterBreath , my own ao3 profile!)
Lastly, check @sabrecmcstonyficrecs blog by @sabrecmc who is not only an extremely talented writer themself, but also incredibly patient and kind enough to offer masterposts with fics about any Stony trope you could ever think of!!!
This is a non-exhaustive list because there are a LOT more authors out there that deserve their works to be read, so I suggest you giving it a chance even to fics and authors you’ve never heard of, you might find a masterpiece without even realising it!!!!
And most importantly: always leave a kudos and comment if you liked what you read, this way I guarantee you the authors will be more than happy to keep on providing you with amazing works!!!!
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swissmissficrecs · 3 years
Hi can you rec me some post season 3 parentlock stories? long, (upwards of 25k). Mary can be nice but it isn't required. Thank you very much.
Reply: Sure! I will start off by pointing toward my Parentlock master list, which has some post-series 4 on it (not sure if that counts for you as well).
Then for specifically post-series 3 but pre-series 4 Parentlock, try these (a couple are slightly shorter than 25K, hope that is okay).
Post-Series 3 Parentlock
a vein of frost by Zingiber (58K, E, Johnlock, John/OFC) As winter falls over London, Sherlock finds himself struggling to cope with a five-year-old goddaughter, a bizarre series of holiday-themed murders, and a new woman in John's life.
A Vintage Exceptionally to Your Liking by EmmyAngua (95K, E, Johnlock) Sherlock and John met seven years earlier than canon and fell in love. When John dies, Sherlock is introduced to the concept of alternate dimensions and given the opportunity to visit a different universe where he can have a second chance with a new John Watson. A love story across alternate dimensions.
Albion and the Woodman by glenmore (54K, NR, Johnlock) Post Series 3. Sherlock and John are devastated after Mary Morstan makes her final moves. Sherlock relapses at the crack house, John walks around the world ...and a lot happens in between. Parentlock, in the good way.
All But the Things That Cannot Be Torn by zundaerazylym aka qaftsiel (28K, T, Johnlock) As John struggles to find equilibrium yet again, Sherlock is called in to investigate a series of seemingly random killings, connected only by the weapon and the lack of any other evidence. The further he gets into the case, however, the more it becomes evident that someone is keenly intent upon driving him away at any cost.
Happiness Can Be Found series by HollyShadow88 (154K, E, Johnlock) Potterlock. When Minerva McGonagall makes a surprise visit to Baker Street, a part of John's past that he hoped he put behind him comes crashing back to the forefront. With a baby and an overly curious Sherlock Holmes in tow, John is forced back into the world he put behind him to bring a stop to the mysteriously familiar deaths haunting London.
Points by lifeonmars (53K, E, Johnlock) What if His Last Vow never happened? This fic picks up a few months after John and Mary's wedding, in an alternate universe where Magnussen doesn't exist, but Mary is still pregnant. Life continues -- just in a different direction. And slowly, Sherlock and John find their way to each other.
Prior Engagements by PlaidAdder (123K, T, Johnlock, Harry/Janine, Mollstrade) Years after Mary melted into the darkness, John and Sherlock are at their wits' end. Rachel Watson, aged nine, is about as difficult as you might expect a child raised by Sherlock Holmes and John Watson to be.
Tarmac by whatdoyoumeanionlygetoneotp aka chewsdaychillin (54K, M, Johnlock, Warstan, Mollstrade) That's the thing about secrets, they tend to weigh an awful lot. Little secrets and little lies are nothing we can't carry, a few extra quid in your pocket. But big secrets, real secrets, the things that prey on you – those turn you into Atlas. He feels those three little words like bile at the back of his throat, corrosive. He doesn't say them.
The Alchemy of Sea Glass by reveling_in_mayhem (22K, E, Johnlock) Salt and air and sand surrounded their little party of three. Crashing waves, gull cries, and the exhilarated exclamations of an excited three-year-old served as the soundtrack to a day filled with blue skies and bright sunshine.
The Men Who Talked Between the Words by odamaki (463K, E, Johnlock, Warstan, Mystrade) Crammed into Baker Street with a baby, John struggles with single-parenthood and his own fears, while Sherlock treads the fine line between doing too little and saying too much.
The Morals of Chess series by RubraSaetaFictor (86K, T, Warstan, Johnlock) At the precise moment Sherlock’s plane had lifted off of England’s soil, a video of James Moriarty appeared on every screen in the country. Sherlock has been recalled from exile to face off against the man who once threatened to burn the heart out of him and made him jump off a roof. But Sherlock saw Moriarty die. So who is behind the video and what do they want?
The Very Best of Times by Moranion (24K, E, Johnlock, Warstan) John and Mary get divorced, but it doesn't really go the way divorces are supposed to go. In fact, nothing happens the way it's supposed to happen, but it still works out.
Wars We Fought, Things We're Not by blueink3 (55K, M, Johnlock) “Oh come, John. Could be fun,” Mycroft taunts, accompanied by an eyebrow arch he’s gotten far too good at. “Besides, it’s not as if it’s your first time pretending to be a couple.” Five months after John's world has fallen apart, Mycroft sends the consulting detective and his doctor on a case that neither is prepared for.
When the East Wind Falls Silent by ampersand_ch (32K, E, Johnlock, Warstan) Sherlock is called back from exile by his brother in order to catch Moriarty, who has resurfaced in a televised message. The task which awaits Sherlock goes far beyond anything he feared. Starts at the end of HLV.
Where Else Would I Be by cwb (34K, E, Johnlock) John and Sherlock's five-year-old granddaughter spends the weekend with them in Sussex. Sherlock happily indulges her whims, and John takes care of them while quietly revisiting the past thirty years of their lives together.
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 years
Don't feel like you have to make a list or anything but do you have any specific fic recs? I just really enjoyed that one you mentioned!
Jonny Recommends a Bunch of OP Fics
(i know you said no need to make a list but i’m gonna anyways, here’s a bunch of junk grabbed from the mess that are my bookmarks. most of these will be gen and G/T rated unless indicated otherwise cause that’s how i roll. i feel like i’m not very good at describing things to make them sound appealing but i will try! if nothing else, know i’ve read everything on this list at least two or three times.)
Oneshots, AKA Most of What I Read
Ring Around by Maldoror_Chant - ~600 words - Platonic kisses!! It’s just so goddamn cute please read it.
Underwater by ThisCat - ~1000 words - In which Luffy almost drowns, and thinks about some stuff, and the author has one of the best grasps on his personality and attitude towards death I’ve ever seen. Also every time I reread this I find myself holding my breath, which should tell you something. 
✖ by Faktory - ~1000 words - Vivi gets a tattoo, for remembrance’s sake. We need more Vivi in fic just in general, and this one is just so warm and meditative and lovely.
reach up to me (if you even can) by guiltylights - ~1500 words - Look it’s just a fic about Ace getting to see tiny Luffy post Gear Third and laughing his ass off for a solid five minutes. Good shit. Brothers. 
In Another Life by marimoes - ~1800 words - Hey I know you guys love Doflamingo and Rocinante do yourselves a favor and just read this one? It’s not happy but man it sure is something. Closure? I dunno but it’s good. 
tomorrow never happens by midnightluck - ~2000 words - Pre-canon, Sabo runs into a Vice Admiral who seems to know him for some reason and everything works out pretty well. 
Back So Soon by Moriohno - ~3000 words - Post-canon, Brook keeps his promise, just go read it right now it might make you cry but like for happy reasons. 
A Way to Reach the Future by JadeFlicker - ~3000 words - The Strawhats accidentally land on the frozen wasteland that used to be Ohara. More hopeful than you’d think. Also one of the few fics I can’t read in public because I will cry. 
Interlude for Eight Straw Hats and One Giraffe by Maldoror_Chant - ~4000 words - Kaku has a terrible horrible no good very bad day, and probably has to falsify a mission report. Honestly just hilarious from start to finish. 
paint the flag and fly it high by Codedredalert - ~4000 words - Pre-canon fic about the baby Heart Pirates stealing a submarine, designing their Jolly Roger, and largely failing to paint said Jolly Roger on said submarine. 
disaster in the making (we’re not sorry for it) by guiltylights - ~4000 words - The original fic I recced that prompted this ask, but I’m putting it here again now that I’m making a proper list cause it’s just excellent and needs more appreciation. Law crashes a Shichibukai meeting with a big sack of hearts and Hancock and Doflamingo get to bear witness. 
Deliverance by Sarcasticles - ~7000 words - Listen, I know a lot of you who follow me love Sabo and Koala. Read this fic. Pre-canon, they have their first mission on their own, everything goes wrong, Sabo does some arson, it’s excellent. 
Prospects by BrambleFuzz - ~9000 words - Katakuri joins the long list of people who did not get the heads up that friendship with Monkey D. Luffy isn’t optional once he’s made up his mind about it. Rip.
Birds of Alubarna by kurgaya - ~29000 words - The Strawhats go to a masquerade and that’s kind of all I can say about the plot on this one- and okay listen I know it’s long and also kind of baffling at first but YALL this author’s prose is so floaty and magical and it goes so well with the sort of unreal fantastical nature of events and it’s just good?? It’s just good. Also Vivi is in it and that’s always a bonus.
Chaptered Fics, AKA Half of These are Fix-It Fics and I’m Not Sorry
Lionheart by cyan96 - ~28000 words, Unfinished - tbh I nearly didn’t put this one on the list because I feel like most people who follow me have probably already read it, since I read my tags and I know how many of you love Law and Cora, but, on the off chance you haven’t, go read it rn. Go. Do it. 
Sea of Monsters by WhirlyBird70 - ~32000 words, Unfinished but it’s more like a bunch of short stories anyways - Bunch of fucked up stuff in this one so mind the tags but like, it’s a The East Blue is Full of Demons AU and it’s good weird shit so if you’re into that go read it. 
Small Changes by sweetscentences - ~37000 words, Finished - More Law and Cora. Honestly this one is just… so happy and domestic and good?? Also it’s got baby Heart Pirates, and they’re fucking adorable. (Also the author says they’re working on a sequel, so go support that!)
our shores of starlight (come sailing in) by kurgaya - ~46000 words, Finished - First thing on this list to not actually be gen- it’s Zolu, kinda, but not really focused on that? Mostly it’s just about Zoro. He’s a ghost in a sword, which is absolutely not gonna stop Luffy from recruiting him. I already talked about how great kurgaya’s prose is somewhere above this and that applies here too, it’s just gorgeously written. 
Scylla by missmungoe - ~50000 words, Finished - Technically this one’s not gen either, it’s Makino/Shanks. Makino marries a pirate, becomes a pirate, gets a sword, nearly gives Garp an aneurysm. Please read it. 
Overcoming an Era by Beyond_Kailani - ~60000 words, Unfinished - Ace bumps into a very familiar blonde in a top hat while searching for Blackbeard and ends up dragging him along. Maybe my favorite ongoing fic? I’m a huge sucker for canon divergence with regards to the ASL brothers and this is just, that, and it’s wonderful. 
Within Risk of Reason by Depths - ~60000 words, Unfinished - Another Sabo-centric ASL fix it, I’m a simple woman with simple tastes- but really. It’s got time travel, and crimes, and vaguely dubious adoption. What more do you need? It’s so so good. 
Obligatory Shitty Self-Promotional Note
I’m not narcissistic enough to make a whole nother list here, but I also write OP fic and my ao3 is Origamidragons if you want to check that out! 
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poppykru · 4 years
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This is a collection of my favourite canonverse fanfiction. I actually started reading bellarke fanfiction last year when season 6 premiered so a lot of the fanfics you see are old and popular within fandom. Nevertheless, I love them and they deserve the recognition for how awesome they are. 😊 I went through my bookmarks twice and I am sure I still missed some, but this is getting really big and has now taken me so long to compile so this is the list. I’ll update it once the show is over. For now though, enjoy! 
To all the writers, thank you for your beautiful works! I appreciate you so much! 💖
Most are one shots because that is just my preference for format. Some fanfics are within the universe, but not part of canon (e.g. Ark AUs) so I have put at at the bottom under Canonverse AUs. I tried to list them in order of time in canon but some were difficult to classify. 
One more thing, this is a Bellarke fic rec. If it was a general the 100 fic rec, this would include some great non-ship fics I’ve read or other ships. I might do a mini fic rec with those. (Also, I’ll probably post a big AUs fic rec, because my true love is AUs and i have read some masterpieces everyone needs to read!)
With that I am done. I hope you enjoy my collection and please don’t forget to show all these amazing fanfic writers some love - give kudos, bookmark, comment! Let’s support our content creators! 💖
Single Chapter
Inconceivable by @johnnyjaqobis​
Explicit | 8,798 words
Bellamy and Clarke have to perform a ritual to seal a grounder aliance. It’s unconventional.
Just the Beating of Our Hearts by @hiddenpolkadots​
General Audiences | Fluff | 4,683 words
He leans into it, tilting his body towards her where she still stands between his legs, and they’re so, so close, breathing in each other’s air before his eyes flick up to meet her gaze and then— Abby opens the door and steps out of the supply closet. “Clarke.”
or, 3 times Bellamy gets hurt and one time he isn’t.
Strong as an ox by @wellsjahasghost​
Season 1 | Teen and Up | 5,399 words
Clarke tries to rescue Bellamy from some Grounders holding him captive, but things don’t go quite as planned
Here we go Season 1 The line between love and lust does not exist.
Meet me in the Morning by @argyledpenguin​
1x03 | Explicit |Time Loop AU | 25,375 words
“I guess one of us is messed up,” he said, “and it’s part of our hallucination that the other is, too.” He paused. “Seems appropriately hellish that my mind sticks me with you.” She pursed her lips. “Likewise.” Clarke is trapped in a stupid time loop, and guess who’s trapped with her?
Sing the rage of Peleus’ son Achilles by @viansian​
Season 1 | Mature | Angst | 10,858 words
“I have spent my entire life afraid of men thought to be gods,” he finally says. “I’ll tell you a secret, princess: these men? The ones who claim to be deities? Their blood isn’t ichor. They bleed red like the rest of us, and sometimes they need to be reminded of that.” or Clarke is abducted by the grounders. Bellamy freaks out.
and just as the sun chases after the moon (i will always chase after you) by @viansian​
Post season 1 | Teen and Up | 12,013 words
He had once gone into hell for Octavia. He wonders at what point he had begun to love Clarke as much as his sister.
In the Silence Between Worlds (that’s where I’ll find you) by @viansian​
Season 2 | General Audiences | Fluff | 12,647 words
It’s a goddamn tragedy that both of them could be so incredibly in love with each other and yet neither could notice it.
aka everyone knows Bellamy and Clarke are in love except for Bellamy and Clarke.
I loved him first by emmaofmisthaven
Season 2 | Teen and Up | Unrequited Love | 1,306 words
Clarke is missing and Bellamy is going after her. From Octavia’s POV.
Eight Minutes Against a Tree by @cupcakesandtv​
Season 2 | Explicit | 2,320 words
Clarke and Bellamy use each other to relieve tension.
The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Sky Person by @ponyregrets​ 
Season 2 | General Audiences | Fluff | 2,320 words 
Clarke and Bellamy don’t know how to relationship.
Here be Dragons by ms_scarlet
Post 2x08-2x09 | General Audiences | Hurt/Comfort | 1,121 words
“Well, here we are.” She gestures towards the space beyond the electrified wire in front of them. “We fell from space only to find a pit full of monsters except they didn’t warn us that we’d find them in ourselves.”
All You Have is Your Fire by @hawthornewhisperer​
Post 2x09 | Teen and Up | Angst | 2,402 words
Bellamy didn’t think he could survive Mount Weather. But he did, and somehow the aftermath is almost worse.
Do you look like me? Do you feel like me? by heroic
Post 2x16 | Teen and Up | 511 words
There are some selfish wants Clarke will not allow herself, even when everything is dirt with decomposing bodies.
Gifts by winterwaters
Post season 2 | Teen and Up | Fluff | 4,154 words
Bellarke are at a grounder festival. Clarke is pretty and Bellamy is flustered. Fluff.
What We Have to Do  by ms_scarlet
Post season 2 | Teen and Up | Hurt/Comfort | 4,910 words
As the air turned cooler, the forest burst into color and the leaves started to fall, and all Bellamy saw was death and decay. He realized that Clarke had been gone longer than he’d known her. He’d lived most of his life without knowing her, so it didn’t seem like it should be such a striking realization, but crashing to Earth was such a cataclysmic event, he realized he’d been thinking of it as a new life beginning and now she’d been out of it longer than she was there.
This One’s for the Faithless by @argyledpenguin​
Post season 2 | Explicit | Angst | 22,645 words
“He couldn’t worry about her, about how she’d fare, and whether she’d find her way home eventually, or make a home with strangers, learning to forget the friends she’d killed for. He needed to worry about those friends, to look after their people like she’d asked him to. “She doesn’t need us to go after her,” Raven said. “She knows how to survive.” They’d trust her to return when she was ready, and to look after herself in the meantime.”
who cares if we're trashed by @probably-voldemort​
Season 3 | Teen and Up | Fluff | 2,180 words
"Propose to Bellamy." Murphy said it like it was easy, like she wasn't drunk off her ass, like she wasn't hopelessly in love with him. "Unless you're chicken."
The End Where We Begin by katebishoop
Pre 3x06 | Teen and Up | Kid fic | 10,553
Clarke and Bellamy are tired of war and bloodshed. So they run.
Hungry Hearts by @insideimfeelinpurrdy​
Post 3x16 | Explicit | Hurt/Comfort | 5,663 words
We all swallow lies when our hearts are hungry.
Field Medicine by storyskein
Post season 3 | Teen and Up | Fluff | 3,558 words
Clarke decides that Bellamy needs to learn first-aid because his bandage wrapping technique is pitiful.
I’ve Got You Here by ms_scarlet
Post Season 3 | Explicit | Hurt/Comfort | 18,383 words
“Here.” He thrusts one of the cups at her and she sets the rake aside to accept it. “You owe me a drink.”
Five Years Later by storyskein
Post Season 3 | Explicit | Fluff | 6,845 words
Five years later, and everything is finally right
To the Order of Night by storyskein
Post season 3 | Teen and Up | Fluff | 2,620 words
Bellamy and Clarke hang out after a long day of preparing for Arkadia’s exodus. Drinking, poker, and cuddling ensue.
Soap by @verbam​
Post Season 3 | Teen and Up | 3,571 words
Perhaps because of the late hour, or the heat limiting most duties to half day shifts, the hammam is surprisingly empty when they reach it, their voices going hushed in the echoing room. Clarke realizes as she glances at Bellamy that they’ve never been entirely alone here together. They’ve rinsed off here together before, but that’s easier when they’re surrounded by their friends: Bellamy distracted by Brian snapping a towel at him and Jasper splashing everyone in cold water. Clarke tends to sit with Raven, stretching their legs out on the warmed metal after they’ve scrubbed down and enjoying the steam and hubbub of Arkadians around them.
Right Within Your Heart (This is How It Starts) by @prosciuttoe​
Post Season 3 | Teen and Up | Fluff | 6,270 words
Bellamy has never had a enjoyable Christmas. Clarke seeks to rectify that.
Cold Bones by @insideimfeelinpurrdy​
Season 4 | Explicit | Major Character Death | tw: depression | 4,152 words
The world dies screaming, protesting violently at every turn, fighting for survival. He dies silently, whispering reassurances into the radio, walking fast and with purpose but without hope. The apocalypse can’t be stopped, and there aren’t enough lifeboats. Bellamy decides to take himself out of the equation.
if it was safer underground, we wouldn’t be on a boat  by heroic
Season 4 | Teen and Up | 1,005 words
Did you feel it, too? Clarke wants to go back and ask, lean herself against the bark and look at Bellamy in the night. Do you miss this too, when everything hurt and we still thought we could be better than we are?
And If My Heart Should Stop by @octannibal-blake​
4x06 | Teen and Up | Fluff | 1,905 words
The one where bellamy decides it’s time to tell Clarke how he feels.
Whenever the End by @sometimesrosy​
4x11 | Mature | 2,173 words
It’s the night before the conclave and the end of the world is nigh. Clarke and Bellamy needs to sleep and Clarke convinces him to share her bed. But waking up in his arms crosses the distance they’ve kept between them.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the apocalypse by @kindclaws​
4x12-13 | Explicit | Time Loop AU, Exes to Lovers | 16,407 words
Bellamy and Clarke keep reliving the last few hours before Pramfaya.
Just enough, but not enough by @rycewritestrash​
Post Seaosn 4 | Teen and Up | Fluff | 1,173 words
They’re leaning against the rover, sharing an apple, back and forth, discussing their plans for the day when Bellamy says, “We should get married,” in the same tone he’d use if they were talking about what’s for dinner.
The Silence by @sometimesrosy​
Season 5 | Teen and Up | Reunion fic | 5,872 words
Clarke and Madi stumble upon spacekru, finally returned. Everyone greets her, except Bellamy.
Think of Me as Time of Day by @octannibal-blake​
Season 5 | Teen and Up | Reunion fic | 5,872 words
Three times Bellamy misses Clarke and one time he doesn’t have to.
You’re Just Another Recovering Heart by @prosciuttoe​
Season 5 | Mature | Pining | 10,814 words
Bellamy gets into the habit of writing letters to the girl he left behind in the six years they’re apart. But as it turns out, Clarke’s alive, and she’s read them. Or: the fallout of a love confession six years in the making.
Forty Yards by @the-most-beautiful-broom​
Season 5 | Teen and Up | Angst | 3,825 words
Bellamy and Clarke are caught in the crossfire of an Eligius/Wonkru battle, and in the fury of it all, Bellamy refuses to leave Clarke behind.
I’m so fucking happy you’re alive/swear to god I’m down if you’re down  by heroic  
5x13 | General Audiences | 679 words
He wants to go back there, to press his hands against the bare skin of her back, to breathe her in.
I Feel Like We're as Close as Strangers by @eyessharpweaponshot​
Season 5 | Explicit | Angst | 7,277 words
“This isn’t about Madi," Bellamy tells her, voice even and certain. "It isn’t about me leaving you on Earth." Clarke’s expression is steel but he can read the discomfort off her a mile away. She’s holding her arms too tightly, her teeth clenched like she’s said too much. "This is about Echo." Even though he knows it is, his heart is still belting in his chest while he waits for a response. The knowledge is overwhelming - because if this is about Echo, it means Clarke might…she might… "Why would this be about Echo?" Clarke says blankly, like she’s bored - like he’s way off the mark. He’s not. "You tell me."
Astra inclinant  by @hermesmultivitamins​
Post season 5 | Not Rater | Sharing A Bed | 1,814 words
The inevitability of Clarke and Bellamy is obvious to everyone except themselves. Or, the story of how it took 130 years and two planets for Clarke and Bellamy to realize what everyone else already knew.
Do You Feel the Way We’re Falling out of Touch? by @eyessharpweaponshot​
Season 6 | Explicit | Time Loop AU, Angst | 13,279 words
Clarke and Bellamy are over and he has moved on, it’s just something Clarke has to accept. They have a job to do and that’s what is important now. They spend the entire day at odds with one another, being distant and lying about their true feelings. When they’re stuck in a time loop because of their inability to be honest though, it’s time to start admitting some things - and it turns out to be a little harder than expected.
Bad Moon Rising by @bettsfic​
6x02 | Teen and Up | Angst, Hurt/Comfort | 1,700 words
Afterglow by @queenginnys​ 
Post 6x10 | Teen and Up | Love Confessions | 1,085 words
Bellamy and Clarke have a lot to discuss after Clarke survives Josephine.
Sick of Losing Soulmates by @pawprinterfanfic​
Post 6x10 | Teen and Up | Hurt/Comfort | 4,884 words
Clarke and Bellamy talk after the events at Gabriel's. After almost losing her again, Bellamy intends to not let emotions go unspoken.
Our Own Stars by bellofthetolppl
Season 6 | General Audiences | Angst | 3,477 words
Bellamy gets hurt when he tries to find Octavia after she disappeared in the Anomaly and once Clarke finds out, she goes crazy. Kind of like 6x10 but the roles are reversed and she's worried sick about him. 
feet on the ground, head in the sky by fathomless
Season 6 | General Audiences | Hurt/Comfort | 2,547 words
three times Bellamy kissed Clarke's forehead and one time she kissed his.
Like Being Submerged in Your Contradictions by WelpThisIsHappening
Season 6 | Explicit | Fluff | 4,491 words
She supposes she's not surprised.
Clarke probably should have expected it. After all, her romantic track record is not really all that impressive. But. She hoped. And to say that she's a little disappointed to find out sex with Bellamy is not as great as she wanted it to be is an understatement.
So now he wants to talk about it. Figures.
The House Don't Fall When the Bones Are Good by @ponyregrets​
Post Canon | Teen and Up | Afterlife | Crossover with The Good Place | 6,019 words
Clarke wakes up and has a conversation with a man wearing a bowtie.
We Burned Bright by @marauders-groupie​
Collection of canon-compliant drabbles
Small Favours by @kay-emm-gee​
8 chapters | Season 1 | Teen and Up | Fluff | 24,203 words
Small favors born out of sheer necessity (part I, part II) forge a unique intimacy (part III, part IV, part V, part VI) that brings forth intense chemistry (part VII, part VIII).
 Or, how Bellamy & Clarke take their time falling in love.
Survivor’s guilt by @wellsjahasghost​
4 chapters | Post season 3 | Explicit | Angst, Kid fic | 102,671 words
“There’s no one else to live for anymore.” Clarke utters those words without too much emotion. They’ve had time over the years to reflect on all the people ripped away from their lives. It’s no longer a fierce, stabbing pain, just a kind of endless ache that surges and subsides with every breath they take. After all their efforts, they failed. The story of the SkaiKru would die with them. “We’re the last of our people.”
Bellamy finally looks up at her tone of voice and after a pause he says, slowly, “We don’t have to be.”
Hold me Still by bellofthetolppl
9 chapters | Season 4 | General Audiences | Angst | 45,863 words
“I can’t see, what’s happening to me?” or Bellamy is blinded in an accident.
The Twelfth Level by @jemleofan​
13 chapters | Canon-compliant until 4x03 | Explicit | 62,085 words
The death wave is rapidly approaching. Clarke and Bellamy make a startling discovery: Cadogan’s cult has survived underground and is willing to shelter Skaikru from the impending disaster. But at what price?
This one’s for you by @andthelightbulbclicks​
48 Chapters | Post season 4 | Slow Burn | 60,535 words
Ficlets glimpsing at those 2,199 days, and after…
The Price of Peace by @chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky​
18 chapters | Season 6 | Teen and Up | Angst, Hurt/Comfort | 11,0987 words
Upon landing in the new world, it seemed like humanity finally had a chance at peace. When suddenly something is taken from them, Bellamy and crew must find a way to navigate this new world when it feels like it’s falling apart.
Bury A Friend, Try To Wake Up  by @talistheintrovert​
7 chapter | Teen and Up | Angst | 75,289 word
A few weeks after settling in to the new planet, Clarke seems to be acting strangely. Almost like she's two different people. Bellamy is determined to get to the bottom of it.
Canonverse AUs 
Single Chapter 
Winners Don’t Always Get Lucky Breaks by @cupcakesandtv​
Explicit | Ark AU, Arranged Marriage, Domestic Bellarke | 23,501 words
Bellamy and Clarke are roped into Abby’s political games and have to get married. 
Just as You Are Mine by @prosciuttoe​
Explicit | Arranged Marriage AU, Grounder!Bellamy | 23,637 words
In hindsight, marrying a total stranger may not have been one of Clarke’s brightest ideas. (Clarke seals an alliance with the Broadleaf clan by marrying Bellamy Blake.)
Darkest of marks by @important-metaphors​
Explicit | Ark AU, Angst | 21,162 words
After Jake Griffin’s prediction about the system failure turns out to be wrong, Clarke is given a second chance on the Ark. Janitor Bellamy Blake may or may not complicate everything for her.
Shadows Run From Yesterday by @important-metaphors​
Explicit | Ark AU | 14,053 words
Thirteen nations have operational space stations at the time of the bombs and Clarke Griffin is among the survivors. When she loses those dearest to her, she finds an ally in the person she least expects.
In My House on the Hill (there is room for you still) by @argyledpenguin​
Explicit | Ark AU, Angst | 24,066 words
“There were nights when the clinic was busy, forcing Clarke to scarf down a snack in between patients. But those nights were rare. Usually, there was time to take a break for lunch, to sketch for an hour, to talk to Bellamy, or to try to. It turned out that Bellamy wasn’t a talker. Or a friendly, pleasant person in general. But she got used to it. To him.” Clarke meets Bellamy on the ark.
How You Stay Alive by @wellsjahasghost​
3 chapters | Explicit | Reincarnation AU | 88,303 words
You and him will live again by my hand. But whether you fall in love again is entirely up to you.” Nine lifetimes where Clarke and Bellamy meet again, and again, and again.
In his heart of hearts by @bilexualclarke​
2 chapters | Explicit | Ark AU, Enemies to Friends to Lovers | 12,808 words
She looks at him expectantly when he walks in, daring him to say something. His interactions with Clarke since their first day have consisted of “hello” “goodbye” and the occasional glare when he scoffs at something corny she says to a patient. But right now, he can’t help but take the bait. “Mommy pull some strings for you, Princess?” Clarke deflates a bit, and for a second it dawns on him that maybe she was waiting for him to congratulate her? But then, “Go fuck yourself.”
Bound by the secrets we share by troubledpancakes
4 chapters | Explicit | Ark AU | 48,523 words
Ninety-seven years ago, a nuclear apocalypse rendered planet Earth unlivable, leaving only the four-hundred people on the twelve space stations as its survivors. Over three generations, these twelve nations joined together to form the unified Ark Station. To preserve the human race, the leaders of the Ark implemented strict measures including: capital punishment for anyone over the age of eighteen, a ration system based on job placement, and the arrangement of marriages based on genetic compatibility. If the human race was to return to Earth, it had to be strong to survive. Clarke Griffin turned eighteen and celebrated her birthday with a marriage ceremony.
306 notes · View notes
incorrect-mha-bnha · 4 years
Trans Bakugou HC????
His first genuine smile happened after waking up from top surgery to see himself finally weightless after years of drowning. No one would ever forget how bright and alive he seemed as tears fell down his face in the hospital. Kirishima could have sworn to hearing a laugh slip through at one point, but of course that was denied.
Bakugou designed his hero suit to be a cross tank because he assumed his top surgery would have been done by then but sadly, kidnapping and hero bs got in the way. Now he has to wear sports bras under it until the appointment can be booked. Leaving him pissed and just slightly dysphoric out and about which helps aid his sour mood while training.
My poor boy Bakugou has D cups. Pray for him😔...No, but for real. The size of his unfortunate lumps caused a lot of dysphoria while wearing his hero suit. (Going back to the previous bullet) Because of their size, it was a lot harder to bind to satisfactory which led to a lot of methods being used until he just said fuck it and started weight lifting. (For those who don’t know, weight lifting turns breast tissue into muscle and some other cool pectoral shit. I know this because my Ma is a personal trainer.) It shrunk him down a few sizes while building muscle, giving the illusion of pecs so wearing a sports bra was bearable.
Bakugou went through many phases of figuring out who he wanted to be (that’s obvious but I’m not talking about gender wise) in terms of style and personality. He tried different types of styles until one stuck, now he looks like a gremlin in baggy clothes (on occasions). He also went through a makeup phase to try and darken his features.
When Bakugou is really dysphoric, he hunches over and grumbles a lot. Everyone usually stays away, discounting Midoriya and Kirishima. Them being the bravest and brightest always gang up on Bakugou to help bring his spirits and confidence up. Even let him get the anger out with a rough spar.
Bakugou changes in the bathroom of the locker room to avoid invasive eyes (Mineta) or is released 5 minutes early by his teachers to get a head start.
During his pre-top surgery days, Bakugou would wear a baggy shirt into the pool But practically avoided it altogether. The first person to really get him comfortable enough to uncross his arms in the pool, given that they somehow coaxed him in, was Kirishima.
Bakugou was never self conscious about his height, being visited by the height fairy during puberty but his hips and chest? Count them as life ruiners. Baby had so many dysphoria episodes in front of the mirror that he turned into an angry introvert.
T does a lot of shit to your body, one of those being heightening your aggression levels. If Bakugou was already slightly aggressive to begin with, his pleasancey took a nose dive after starting T.
Uhmmm pro hero Bakuhou starting a fundraiser for trans kids and adults who are homeless, jobless (Aka struggling), in need of support or looking for others like them, searching for clarity, even protection. Bakugou is like the trans Jesus, that is all.
He literally hates what he feels like when someone points out that his mother and him look alike. Yeah, he fucking gets it but is there a need to point it out? Damn.
COMMITS himself to doing regular vocal excersises to lower his voice, even with T. His usual gruff tone is to mask the voice cracks he gets on the hormones, because that would be embarrassing.
When Bakugou got the call that he was going to get top surgery, he literally blew his phone up with so much excitment then burst into tears.
Showers suck- nuff said.
Midoriya was the first person to ever know about Bakugou being trans. So, he started bullying Midoriya into silence but soon realized the boy wouldn’t have uttered a word anyway and simply wanted to help and be there for him. Of course, Bakugou, being young and new to the life change, wanted everyone who had once known him as a girl to be gone. That meant he would try and remove Midoriya from his life for good but the green boy just kept on bouncing back. Imagine his surprise to know the one person with his secret would be attending high school with him. Shit got flipped.
All of the girls carry extra supplies for emergencies. Bakugou does too but sometimes a p*riod (I bleep because it can be a sensitive topic) just pops out of nowhere. It gets him frustrated and embarrassed whenever he isn’t prepared but the girls somehow always know the right timing to whisk him off to help or stealthily stuff some things into his pocket as they cross paths. It’s like a cartel of drugs but the girls are being true friends with pads in the end. Kirishima even got on the bandwagon and started carrying supplies for whoever may need it.
Bakugou refused to wear tampons, shit was a no go.
In the beginning, Bakugou would frequently steal one of the girl’s heating pads whenever the pain got unbearable. They hardly minded but Momo gifted him one as a present. He uses it all the time.
After he came out and became comfortable, Bakugou would joke about donating his lumps to the girls that bitched about being small chested. (We are looking at you Jirou). “Free unfortunate lumps for sale! I don’t want them, take the damn things!”, “Hey! Give me your chest, switch with me!”
Bakugou is a night dweller for many reasons. 1.) Time to not bind and give himself a break while doing stretches. 2.) snacks are Free real estate 3.) It’s easier to not bind while everyone isn’t there to witness him walking to relieve tension.
Bakugou once heard that frequent conception of coffee leads to a decrease in breast size by 0.3 cups. Bakugou ended up consuming so much that he stayed up for a total of 72 hours, almost overdosed, couldn’t sit still, finished everyone’s homework plus his own, deep cleaned the entire dorm and trained until he crashed. Now, he hates the taste of it but swears that his little shits shrunk a whole cup.
His waist in snatched thanks to those bitch ass hips.
His first post surgery outfit was a very thin material white shirt because fuck yeah, get a view of his binder less chest under there!
Bakugou wears headphones while going about in public for a few reasons. 1.) He doesn’t like interacting with people and the headphones usually wards them off from bothering him. 2.) Loud music in his ears tends to tune out people misgendering him and transphobes being chucklefucks.
Bakugou got his respect to be called a guy from his family by blatantly ignoring anyone who called him by his deadman and/or used the wrong pronouns. “Bitch, suddenly I can’t hear. I don’t know who you think you are calling.”
Bakugou is very proud of any hair that grows on his body. (Sigh, take that how you wish). Literally prances around the UA grounds showing off even the tineiest hint of a beard, and raves over his growing leg hair.
Bakugou’s favorite movie is Mulan, fight me on that.
Bakugou’s life zeal is Be Trans Throw Hands
More to be added
Part 2
Part 3
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sxvxrxssnape · 4 years
Snolidays/Snapemas: Day 2
Chestnuts & Christmas Cards // pre-PS/the years between. Minerva & Severus friendship aka Minerva McGonagall’s personal mission to make Sev love Christmas part 2. 
Yesterday’s snowfall had turned to ice overnight. It crunched underneath their boots, leaving behind a trail of sunken footfalls as they crossed the stone bridge and moved towards the tall, wrought iron gates that secured the ancient school. 
The wind wasn’t entirely unpleasant, but Severus still took a moment to adjust his hat, pulling it down over his ears to keep his hair from flitting about in his face. Beside him, Minerva had her hands tucked into the pockets of her woolen cloak and together they made their way towards the waiting carriage that would take them into Hogsmeade. 
Hogsmeade was a special little town that sat nestled between crashing ocean waves and giant boulders, an endless expanse of pine trees, and the outline of an antiquated castle perched high above the cliff sides. It was home to a quaint collection of little shops and taverns, and judging by its newly renovated state, a smattering of wizards who seemed to love Christmas just as much as the deputy headmistress standing beside him. 
“December literally just started.” Severus groaned, as he stepped out of the carriage and looked around the main street that stretched out before them. 
Bundles of garland and red ribbon decorated every light post and rows of twinkling lights and colorful baubles hung from all the nearby trees. Even the air smelled festive and Severus’ lips thinned as he made out the scent of warm cinnamon and ginger - out of contempt or poorly hidden delight, he would never confirm.
Minerva chuckled softly beside him as he eyed the snow-covered rooftops with their dripping icicles that couldn’t be intentional - it was the weather’s doing, for Merlin’s sake - but still seemed intentional against the decorated storefronts that it made him think of gingerbread.
“You don’t have to look so put out,” Minerva teased, leading the way further into what he was now seriously debating was even Hogsmeade at all, “If you want, we can start decorating the castle as soon as we return. I’m sure Albus won’t mind.” 
Severus glared at her in return,
“I’ve changed my mind,” he decided, as they passed the stone statue of the town’s founder confirming this to, in fact, be Hogsmeade and not an asinine Christmas village Minerva had secretly tricked him into going to, “I can just owl-order the things I need, from the safety of the castle.”
Regardless, he continued towards the waiting apothecary because he could not - would not - owl order potion ingredients. He couldn’t trust the shopkeeper (or the blasted school owls for that matter) to fully understand why it was so important for his bicorn horns to be the exact shade of pale yellow he needed or the fragility of bursting mushrooms. 
And contrary to his current attitude, Severus Snape didn’t hate Christmas. He could appreciate a finely decorated tree and he found himself looking forward, and dare he say, a little excited about the upcoming staff holiday party. He wasn’t the bitter, old man inside that Minerva seemed to think he was, all bah-humbug and scowls when it came to anything remotely festive, he just didn’t understand the point of overdoing it and turning the whole town into a fragrant - wonderful smelling - gingerbread village two days into December. 
For Merlin’s sake, he was only twenty-five. That wasn’t enough time for him to turn resentful of the holidays, even if almost every single year had been...less than stellar, by all accounts. It wasn’t like he had never tried to have a good Christmas either, but after so many spectacularly failed attempts, he had decided he was better off not celebrating it at all. 
In fact, he had been quite content the last four Christmases working at Hogwarts and only acknowledging the aforementioned holiday party and maybe the changes to the menu, because yeah, he might feel a little indifferent towards the holiday but he also wasn’t a heathen who didn’t gladly indulge in rum-spiked eggnog and fresh baked gingersnaps. 
Severus shook his head, trying to dislodge the sudden influx of thoughts. His inner dialogue was beginning to sound a little bitter, even to himself.
“Coffee?” he asked loudly, speaking over the first syllable of whatever Minerva had been about to say, no doubt inferring something too close to accurate about his innermost thoughts from the look on her face, and stopping in front of the smiling wizard standing behind a market stall. 
“Afternoon,” the portly man tipped his head at the two, gesturing towards a charmed menu that was currently rewriting itself with the daily special. “What can I get you two?”
They ordered the special at Minerva’s insistence, and handed over a pair of sickles each before continuing on their quest. The coffee was strong and hot, tasting of dark chocolate and peppermint and Severus grimaced at the realization that she had inadvertently (advertently?) found another thing for him to like about Christmas. 
Minerva one, Severus zero. 
He shook his head again; he wasn’t trying to hate Christmas. He didn’t hate Christmas! He was just stubborn to a fault and after Min’s declaration that she would make this year the best yet, a small part of his mind was determined to rebel against it. 
Their time inside the apothecary was quick. The shopkeeper was used to Severus’ particularities and kept to herself as he sifted through bins of precariously piled ingredients and filled his basket with perfectly selected bicorn, jobberknoll feathers, and no less than thirteen jars of things he definitely hadn’t come here for. 
After he paid - and thank Merlin he had secured a position that provided room and board - Minerva led them into the paper and quill shop next door. She had a Hogwarts-sized order of parchment and spare quills to put in, so Severus went to browse the new display that had been erected in front of the store window. Red fabric was spread over the round table laden with gaudy, ribbon-trimmed quills and pots of glitter-infused calligraphy ink. He reached for one of the plastic-wrapped bundles stacked in the center, adorned with all sorts of festive symbolism and sighed as he realized what they were. 
“You should purchase some,” Minerva suggested, coming up behind him and making him jump. He hated when people snuck up behind him. It had once meant certain death and while the threat of an evil, megalomaniacal wizard behind his shoulder was no longer tangible, the sharp tendrils of fear that spiked into his chest had yet to go away. 
He forced himself to relax. 
“Christmas is all about spreading cheer, you know.” Minerva continued, thankfully ignoring the way his breath had seized, but clearly not unaware of it given the way she took a step back and appraised him carefully. “By making others happy, you make yourself happy. Perhaps you’ll benefit from it.”
Severus raised an eyebrow. “Are you implying that all my traumatic childhood Christmases can be attributed to the fact that I’ve never sent out Christmas cards?” he asked dryly. 
“Yes.” Minerva deadpanned. 
He blinked, taken aback by her frankness before he noticed the glint in her eye that indicated she was mostly joking. He looked down at the packages of cards and selected one with a more wintery scene - painted snowflakes and white-dusted evergreens over the eclectic mix of colorful baubles - with a look of feigned resignation, “I guess I’m sending Christmas cards this year.”
They left the stationary store after that and headed for the Three Broomsticks. It was a new part of their routine that Severus had found himself looking forward to - Hogsmeade trips used to be rather anxiety-inducing, lonely and quite dull affairs without anyone to quip with, but now they promised good company and a quiet meal away from the bustle of students. Part of it was due to the genuine friendship they were forming, but another part of it was self-serving - for both of them. 
They were both aware of it, they just elected not to mention their unique combination of post-war trauma and newly created grief that kept them confined to the safety of the castle and feeling more than a little discombobulated in the small town just outside of it. 
The Three Broomsticks was nestled in the midpoint of Hogsmeade, a cozy-looking tavern made from polished wood and frosted windows, that boasted a warm bed and a strong drink to any desiring witch or wizard. The inside was just as quaint and rustic looking, but now it displayed a cascade of twinkling lights and a modestly decorated tree next to the wiped down bar. 
“Afternoon, Rosmerta!” Minerva called out to the barmaid and landlady who was topping off a stein of butterbeer with a healthy splash of firewhiskey for a waiting gentleman. They took their seats at a small table in the corner that Severus had long since dubbed their table and shrugged out of their cloaks.
“Afternoon, you two.” Madam Rosmerta greeted them as she approached them. Her strawberry blonde curls were gathered at the top of her head in a loose bun pinned in place by her wand and Severus internalized a scowl at that. He had seen a few witches - and wizards - use their wand for a quick updo, but he had yet to figure out how it was done and he absolutely refused to ask for help. She was carrying two ceramic mugs filled to the brim with a deep burgundy drink.
“Mulled wine,” she announced, setting them down and Severus noted the orange slice and cinnamon stick steeping in the red wine. “Made it last night.” 
“I really do believe the drinks are the best part of the holiday season.” Severus mumbled, picking up the warm cup and taking a long sip. 
“Come now, they can’t be the best part.” Rosmerta scolded, summoning a menu from the bar and setting it down on the table. “There’s so much more to Christmas than just good wine!”
“Nothing worthwhile.” Severus said simply, picking up the menu and skimming it. He always ordered the same thing, found comfort in stability, but he also couldn’t resist holiday menus when the time arrived. 
Minerva looked apologetic as she ushered the barmaid away after a quick scan of the menu and turned to glare at the now scowling potions professor. “Severus!”
“So, do you have a list you’re working from?” Severus asked mildly, picking up his wine and focusing intently on the red-tinted pulp of the orange floating in his drink. “Or are you simply making things up on the spot?”
“Your mission to make this year the best Christmas ever.” he specified. “Are you working from a list? Is there a schedule we’re following and can I be made privy to it, so I can plan my potion brewing around it?” He picked up the package of cards. “Or are you just forcing me to take part in things as they come up?”
Minerva eyed him carefully, picking up her own cup. “A little bit of both.”
“Do I get to hear what you do have planned?”
“Some of the classic activities I suppose - decorating the tree, going to look at the lights, maybe visiting Christmastown, baking cookies, go caroling -”
“- maybe decorate a gingerbread house.”
Madam Rosmerta returned before Severus could say anything else, guiding bowls of butternut squash soup and a plate of cheese toasties onto the table with her wand. “There you go, dears.” she smiled, setting down a smaller plate piled with iced gingersnaps. “These are on the house - first bake of the holiday season. Should help get those spirits up.” She sent Severus a pointed look that he deftly ignored and Minerva glared at him again.
“If you’re going to glower at me every time we go out this month, I might just stop going out with you.” he bristled, picking up a toastie and dipping the corner into his soup. 
“Maybe you should stop being so bitter then.” Minerva returned.
“What, because it’s Christmas?” he asked, pausing to take a bite. “Oh, such a joyous time of year! Look how absolutely delighted I am to share a room with wine-drunk wizards,” he gestured a hand towards the bar, where a pair of cherry-faced dwellers were singing the words to A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love, “and a goddamn tree!”
“Severus!” Minerva admonished again and this time, Severus hunched his shoulders at the tone. He had gone too far, he could tell from the way her face had smoothed out entirely, giving her a look of cold indifference. 
“I’m sorry.” he muttered, swirling his spoon through his soup. 
Minerva didn’t say anything and they ate their food in awkward silence. At one point, a pitcher floated over to their table and refilled their mugs before making its way back to the bar. When they were done, Severus eyed the gingersnaps and wondered if it would be considered poor etiquette to reach over and help himself. The mood at the table didn’t feel particularly deserving of cookies. 
Then again, he had once attended dinners at the Malfoy’s with The Dark Lord sitting at the forefront and the ambience of those days didn’t stop anyone from helping themselves to an extra piece of focaccia bread. He winced; it felt wrong to compare past - genuinely traumatic - dinner events to the silence before him. Minerva wasn’t an enemy, he was simply a bastard. 
“I don’t hate Christmas,” he finally broke the silence. “I just find myself wondering over the point when every Christmas I’ve tried to celebrate properly has ended in disaster. I’m perfectly content with not bothering over it anymore. The lights are pretty and the food is good, and I look forward to watching Rolanda drink everyone under the table later this month, but I’ve stopped putting merit in the holidays. It’s less disappointing that way.”
Minerva pushed the plate of cookies towards him, like some sort of reward for  opening up. Which, he supposed, it sort of was. She picked one up and took a bite and only then did he grab one too.
“I don’t get why you’re so determined to fix that.” he added, shrugging. 
He bit into the cookie, savouring the meld of flavors - ginger, molasses, warm vanilla. He couldn’t imagine a more perfect gingersnap and he found himself raising the cookie in a gesture of appreciation as he made eye contact with Rosmerta. 
“Elphinstone loved Christmas.” she said simply, taking another bite of her cookie and shrugging as if she hadn’t just dropped a bombshell of emotional manipulation by invoking the name of her dead husband over a plate of cookies on what had started as a pleasant Monday afternoon of running errands after class. 
“I-” Severus began, but then stopped. 
“We weren’t married for long, I know, but I knew him for 23 years.” she continued, as if he hadn’t spoken. Her eyes seemed a little faraway now. “We would always make the most of his vacation days - see the lights, visit the Christmas market, decorate the tree, roast chestnuts and drink hot cocoa. He loved carolling, had a good voice for it.” 
Severus looked down at his cookie, scraping at the white icing with his thumbnail and effectively crumbling away the hand piped snowflake. 
“I’m not making you celebrate Christmas with me because I’m lonely.” she clarified, eyeing him sternly. “If you don’t want to do anything else on this list, I won’t make you. I just don’t want you going through life thinking it’s all bad and that good things can’t happen to you.”
“I don’t -” 
“Yes, you do.” Minerva scolded. “Don’t think I don’t see you wallowing every time you catch sight of yet another reminder that this is supposed to be the happiest time of the year. You don’t have to be the cheeriest person to ever walk the earth, for Merlin’s sake, Severus, but you’re letting bitterness take a hold of you and I won’t stand for it.” 
Severus tried to scowl back, but Minerva could see right through him. 
“Do you know why I accompany you to Hogsmeade?” she asked and Severus grimaced. They weren’t supposed to talk about it; this was one of those stones better left unturned things. 
“Don’t say it please.” he whispered, feeling dread curling in his stomach. He hated to think himself as weak and his inability to enter Hogsmeade alone - any bustling wizard town, at that - was only utter proof that he was. 
“Your paranoia is valid.” Minerva said quietly, saying as little as possible and yet too much at the same time. “Don’t be ashamed of having trauma, but don’t let it turn you into a bitter, shriveled up, old bastard either.”
“Are we still talking about Christmas?” he asked ruefully. 
“You know we aren’t.”
Their empty plates and half-filled mugs suddenly got up and floated away only to return as a pair of traveling paper cups topped with more wine and a splash of something stronger. They nodded their thanks at Rosmerta and shrugged back into their cloaks. They kept a tab at the Three Broomsticks, so paying wasn’t a concern as they exited the building and headed towards the castle in silent agreement to skip the carriage ride. 
“So, roasted chestnuts?” Severus brought up, as they crunched over the dirty ice that coated the path back home. “Like, in the song? That’s a thing?” 
Minerva nodded. 
“Can we do that, then?” he asked casually, trying to make amends. “I noticed the apothecary had a basket full of them. Perhaps we could return and pick some up.”
“Already taken care of.” Minerva replied, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a small burlap sack bursting with its lumpy contents. “You were too busy holding jars of lacewing flies to the light you never even noticed.”
“Roasted chestnuts then.” Severus nodded, ignoring the jab towards his particularness. “And uh, thank you for accompanying me to Hogsmeade,” he added, trying to sound indifferent to it, like it wasn’t such a difficult thing to admit aloud. “I know it's hard for you too.” 
The witch smiled softly, as if being reminded of her - what, only three months now? - deceased husband and her old life living in the small town was a pleasant memory. And perhaps for her, it was. Perhaps he was letting grief turn him bitter. What did the deaths of his only friends and both his parents have to do with Christmas? Years had passed since both and yet the newly-created widow walking besides him was coping far better than he could ever hope to. 
“I think we should talk about Christmas present shopping.” 
“I was just going to -”
“And don’t say you were going to owl-order them.” Minerva interrupted, narrowing her eyes at him. “There’s nothing personal about circling a few things in a catalogue.”
“What do you propose then?”
“We’ll go gift shopping together. Tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow,” Minerva confirmed, taking a sip of her drink. “It’s too early in the month for most people, so Diagon Alley won’t be crowded at all, let alone on a Tuesday. Shouldn’t make you too uncomfortable, yes?”
Severus offered a smile at the unexpected accommodation and nodded. He cradled his paper cup of mulled wine close to his chest, feeling a warmth that came from more than just the hot drink. 
a/n: oops maybe got carried away with this one? it would mean the world to me if you told me what you think of this bc im v proud of it. 
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allykakamatsu · 3 years
FE SS X DRV3 General plot
Once again, I’m back on my bulls**t. Got the basics for the AU sorted now so let’s take a look, as well as what most of the characters are doing
Plot Outline:
As I mentioned in the first post https://allykakamatsu.tumblr.com/post/649470604067717120/fe-ss-x-drv3 the reason the class is in Magvel in the first place is because Monokuma decided that trapping them in the game was gonna be the motive, where you either have to end the war/beat the game or kill someone from the real world in order to get out. The characters got sent to various points in the timeline, and as you can imagine, this changed quite a lot.
Shuichi Saihara:
•The last one to wake up, aka got sent to when the game starts rather than some time before like the others.
•Ends up unintentionally becoming Eirika’s bodyguard as they run into each other while the Princess is trying to get to Frelia and Seth has gone missing dun dun dun
•Sticks around as Eirika knows where Kaede is and because he doesn’t want to leave her on her own.
•Can use magic, but still needs to work on his aim. Aka, never let him fight an enemy that’s near a tree.
•Still better than when he uses a Lance, he just stabs wildly and hope it works
•Because he doesn’t get the pre-war time everyone else had to get ready, he does get the advantage of remembering other things, though they’re things he’d rather not remember.
Kaede Akamatsu:
•Was sent to Renais and ended up getting adopted by the royals, so she’s the Twin’s step-sister.
•Despite her accidental new status, doesn’t change too much, and enjoys her time with her new family even if she’s always scarred about when the war will start
•As such, she’s also very overprotective and always goes with Ephriam to his dumb stunts, under the guise of being all for it.
•Very over dramatic organ player.
•Like Eirika she’s good with swords, but tends to specialise in staffs.
•Is part of Ephriams four (well now five) man army trying to take Grado down.
Maki Harukawa:
•Woke up in Jehana but didn’t stick around for long due to not liking the heat.
•Ended up travelling with Tenko for a while as travelling mercenaries, but when Maki’s work started leaning on the assassin side again she left so the Aikido Master wouldn’t get involved.
•After that becomes an assassin for hire, and she works for people all over the continent, including with Rausten which (unfortunately) led to her seeing Kokichi again
•”If it wasn’t for the fact your Princess hired me I’d kill you”
•Eventually after several jobs making her infamous, she was hired by Kirumi to help protect Eirika.
•Agreed, and was extra motivated due to Shuichi being dragged into this.
Himiko Yumeno:
•One of only two who was over the moon to be sent to Magvel, because now she has real MAGIC
•Winds up in Lute and Arthur’s village, where she joins their friend group to become master Mages.
•Constantly getting on Lute’s nerves for napping during practice.
•More energetic than usual, but that just means when she’s out she’s out for the count.
•Specialises in thunder magic, but that’s mostly not to steal Lute’s thunder, well, fire in this case.
•Goes with Arthur to get help when the village is attacked by monsters to “make sure they don’t claw him to death”
Angie Yonaga:
•Ends up becoming a priestess in Grado.
•Doesn’t really like spreading the word of non-Atua figures, but sticks around because Atua said so.
•Also leads to her becoming friends with Natasha and also ‘friends’ with Cormag
•Was already growing weary of the Empire when she heard about the war, but when Natasha was branded a traitor she knew something was up and went after her.
•Still always smiling, which depending on the person is a relief to see someone keeping their hopes up, or disturbing cause “does she ever not smile?”
•Mostly a light magic user, but can heal and not afraid to staff bonk.
Kirumi Tojo:
•Was sent to Frelia and became a servant at the castle very fast.
•Joined the staff only a few days before ‘The Frelian Tragedy’ where the crown Prince was kidnapped and presumed dead.
•Because of this and the King being so busy, Kirumi ended up being the one to console the young Princess Tana.
•Ended up becoming a mother/big sister figure and was offered a change of position as the nanny. Ended up taking it and staying on maid duty, and eventually rose to head maid.
•More open with her emotions, but still quite reserved.
•Can use all weapons well, but prefers spears and staffs.
Kokichi Oma:
•Not known where or when he first arrived, but after 3 years ended up in Rausten.
•Wound up as part of L’Arachel’s entourage due to his battle skills and her liking his attitude.
•Dream tam for each other, nightmare for everyone else.
•Was rumoured to be part of the Frelian Tragedy, but no one can prove it or knows how.
•With L’Arachel for most of the war, but ran off for a bit to drag Renac back
•A full blown trickster class, so swords and staffs for him.
•Since Robots don’t exist, he’s a dragon now.
•Excited that he’s living and breathing, but scarred because “How did I change species?!”
•Eventually finds Myrrh and she thankfully sets things straight.
•Proud of his new species, but does miss his old life.
•When Selena steals her dragon stone, he tries to get it back, only to get caught in some trees while in dragon form.
•After that accompanies her on Ephriam and Kaede’s path to get the stone back.
Rantaro Amami:
•A former wyvern rider turned pegasus knight
•Yes, somehow he got a pegasus to trust him enough to let him ride, to the confusion of everyone else.
•Was with Grado for a while, but jumped ship to Jehana about three years before the war.
•When he learned that the Queen’s son had run away, his big brother instincts kicked in and he volunteered to find him.
•His search eventually led to Carcino where he found Joshua alone with the rest of Eirika’s party.
•Agreed to tag along so he could keep an eye on the gambling Prince and so he could help out Shuichi.
•Good with lances, but way better with flying.
Miu Iruma:
•A wyvern rider from Grado, though an unconventional one (I mean, it’s Miu)
•She and Rantaro were part of the same squad, but she stayed unlike him.
•Good at making all her allies lives a living hell with her antics (RIP Cormag) but she’s kept around due to her skill
•Saw Valter kill Glenn, but while trying to tell Cormag, got sidetracked by seeing Selena try to take Kiibo’s dragonstone, which made her go “F**k it”, swear the Flurspar out, and switched sides to team Ephriam.
•The only wyvern who uses an axe. Everyone calls her crazy for it but hey, whatever works.
Tenko Chabishira:
•Was in Renais at first, but after being ditched by Maki she went to Jehana due to her unsurprisingly wanting to be in the nation lead by a queen rather than a king like the rest.
•Ends up bumping into Marisa on a job, and once it’s over she convinces Tenko to join the Mercenaries.
•Loves Tethys and Marisa, so she stays no matter what, but she does eventually get some respect for Gherik.
•Doesn’t stop her from thinking somethings up with Kiyo and the new recruit who won’t take his mask off.
•Would’ve joined up with team Eirika either way since everyone else agreed, Himiko being there just made her a lot more aggressive with it.
•Axes all the way baby!
Korekiyo Shinguji:
•Wound up in Caer Pelyn, which royally confused everyone, but they kinda just rolled with it.
•Stayed due to his interest in the village, but when he was about to leave Ewan stopped by, and after a misunderstanding about why he wanted to leave Kiyo gets dragged into the mercenaries.
•At first only stayed due to wanting to send his sister more ‘friends’, but after seeing Tethys and Ewan act like how siblings are supposed to act, he realised how badly he screwed up, so he ends up sticking around to find out what real siblings are meant to do.
•Gladly joins up with team Eirika once they show up not only to stay with his allies, but also to get some more ‘sibling role models’
•Good with dark magic and staffs, but is in the summoner class..... be very afraid.
Kaito Momota:
•Woke up in Carcino, but after realising the guys in charge were assholes, he left and started travelling all over as a mercenary.
•After seeing Ephriam and Kaede storm a castle with 5 people total and win, he got the bright idea to become a masked hero busting innocents Grado captured out of jail and just generally be a thorn in their side.
•Formed a bit of a partnership with Kokichi because of this cause hey, where else in Magvel are you going to get smoke bombs.
•Eventually met Lyon, and after they explained what was going on to him, Kaito decided to risk it all on them as he let himself get caught to help bust Knoll out of jail, which worked, albeit with a lot of extra help from team Ephriam.
•All and all, more or less the same, just in WAY over his head.
•Of course he’s in the Hero class, so that means swords and axes.
Tsumugi Shirogane:
•The only one who’s played the game before, and easily the most excited, especially as she ended up in Grado and to be more specific as Lyon’s adopted sister.
•Thought she could get everything she wanted due to this being a game, but ended up having a bit of an existential crisis when the world turns out to be harder to manipulate and more real then she thought.
•Not wanting to accept that fiction can be real to, decided to take the demon kings power that wasn’t in Lyon (this was before the stone was shattered so that means most of it) to try get control back.
•This, of course, backfires, as while her already wanting to cause chaos/drama meant she kept her sense of self for longer, her lie eventually crashed in as once Shuichi got her to accept that fiction can be real she got completely possessed.
•Has the same class as Lyon, though she’s less tanky in exchange for being faster, worth it when you’re dealing with dark tomes.
Well, that’s everything for now. Hope you enjoy!
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