#aka this is why they always take saturn^^
graunblida · 2 years
@seilas    silas gets to go pumpkin-ing! ( is that a word? it is now! ) 
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          “ shhh it’s fine, we’re fine. stop screaming. ” ​at his reactions, she drops her speed, but the ground is pretty uneven in this part of the field, so the jeep continues to WOBBLE. the landscape could be the sole culprit, or maybe she just needs new shocks. but they don’t have time to explore all the variables, they’re here to do cool fall stuff! once finally parked, lexa exits the vehicle, glad she chose to wear combat boots as her ankles will be thanking her later. “ i heard you can walk around with beer and cider at this place. let’s find the booze tent! ” 
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icyg4l · 1 month
PAC: What Do You Need to Let Go Of?
Hello beautiful people! Today is Saturday aka Saturn Day. In honor of Saturn Day, the day associated with banishment, protection and responsibility. Today is the day we let go of what no longer serves us; the day where we can no longer ignore what sits heavy on our spirits. So without further ado, please choose your Saturn.
**If you really loved this topic then you should book a reading with me, please read my guidelines and then message me privately! Also, if you had received a reading from me, don’t be afraid to leave a little feedback! Please and thank you in advance. 🫶🫶🫶
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-6)
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PILE ONE: “No More Mr. Nice Guy” is what I heard. I feel like you tend to have a lot of love & compassion for people. This doesn’t necessarily translate over to the other person/people though. You need to stop being so nice, Pile One. I think you have a lot of growing up to do. There is good and bad in everyone but what really matters is how this person makes you feel. Stop caring about the feelings of other people if you aren’t going to take yourself into consideration. This is why you always get taken advantage of. It’s okay to be a moody bitch sometimes. Having a sunny disposition 24/7 just isn’t realistic. Don’t act naive when you know the truth about certain situations. Move intentionally and with wisdom. If you don’t think they won’t do that, think again.
Cards Used: The Star, King of Cups, 7 of Cups, The Fool, The Moon, The Tower, Judgment.
PILE TWO: The movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind may resonate with you. I feel like you need to let go of your ex, seriously. You don’t have to forget about them but you do need to move past this person. They have caused much turmoil in your life, especially when it comes to your mental health. They could have indirectly negatively affected your finances as well. But there is someone else who is on the horizon. They want you to see the bigger picture. They want to show you better. If you have been writing notes about what you would like to see in your future partner, expect for these qualities to show up in someone that will soon approach you. They have a beautiful, colorful aura and they will let you shine. Your ex fucked you up bad but you can recover from this. Don’t be afraid to see what love has in store for you, my love.
Cards Used: King of Cups, The Magician, 2 of Cups (RX), The Star, The High Priestess, 5 of Wands, Judgment, Strength, The Fool.
PILE THREE: You’re a Virgo/Sagittarius, aren’t you? You don’t have to know and control everything, honey. Let go of the need to be involved in everything. You have been neglecting your soul’s needs. You have a lot of potential to grow but you don’t know how to accept help nor do you allow yourself to just be. You’re so uptight and burnt out right now. It would benefit you to just walk away from stress-inducing situations. If you know you can’t take that extra shift at work, why even bother? Who are you trying to please? You are making it hard for yourself to maneuver through this world peacefully because you do not know how to enjoy what’s in front of you. If only you could see the beauty of your labor. Slow down. Why are you going so hard for? You’re so used to making things happen that you get frustrated when things don’t work out your way. A word of advice: Please just allow time to do its thing. Don’t work against it.
Cards Used: The Sun (RX), Ace of Cups, Strength, 2 of Discs (RX), King of Wands, 7 of Wands (RX), 3 of Discs, 10 of Swords, The Magician, The Hierophant.
PILE FOUR: Christmastime must be your favorite time of the year, huh? I feel like you could also have a strong connection to Mariah Carey as well. Her book is on my mind heavy as I’m reading for you. I feel like you are so used to dysfunctional relationships. You have the tendency to move fast with people. I’m going to hold your hand when I say this, they ain’t going nowhere! Let go of your lovebombing tendencies and show up as your real self. I don’t think you see this as that but it is. You don’t seem to be big on communication. I don’t think you had the best role models for any kind of relationship so you just do what you know. But this does not translate well with other people, which results in chaos. Unpack why you interact with others the way that you do. You too, have a lot of growing up to do, my friend.
Cards Used: Knight of Wands, King of Swords, Queen of Cups (RX), Four of Wands (RX), Ace of Wands (RX), The High Priestess, 8 of Wands, 3 of Cups.
PILE FIVE: “Shut up and dance.” No seriously, shut up and dance. I feel like you are someone that refuses to be seen dancing in public or just in general. There is no need to feel like that. Let go of your shyness, babe. I feel like you actually have good dance moves, you just don’t want to be seen for some reason. Dancing will help you get more comfortable in the spotlight. You have gotten too comfortable in your little bubble. The next time someone asks you to dance, accept the offer (especially if it’s zydeco, salsa or kompa 🙈). You’re never too cute to dance, pookie.
Cards Used: The Hermit, Knight of Discs, The Chariot, 6 of Wands, The Empress, King of Discs (RX).
PILE SIX: Why are you wasting your time arguing with everyone? You need to master the art of preserving your energy. Let go of the need to prove yourself/defend yourself to other people. You exist just like everyone else on this planet but somehow you always end up in a verbal altercation. Is it worth it? I’m sure there’s plenty of alternative options you could choose. Just walking away could do you some good. You are the type of person to catch someone in a lie. Instead of cursing them out, you could just laugh in their face or block them. You could channel this energy into something else. It is normal to experience anger. But just know that you could always get in trouble if you never control it properly. Get a handle on your emotions. Be more logical & cutthroat. I think you definitely could benefit from taking the high road. Your soul is tired. Give it up, babe.
Cards Used: Knight of Swords, Queen of Swords, The Lovers, 8 of Cups, Ace of Swords, The Hermit, Justice, The Moon, The Star.
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comicaurora · 9 months
If you still have Sailor Moon on the brain, did watching it at all give you any options you wish to share about other magical girl esk media you wish existed or your own take on how you would create a story in that media space?
If not, then maybe, if you're inclined to, recount some interesting findings about the connections that exist between shojo and shonen media?
(If neither then please disregard, sorry for imposing)
It was interesting! I was surprised at how much it had in common with shonen action anime. Half the boss battles get resolved with a beam clash and the only difference between Super Saiyan and Neo Queen Serenity is whether the hair or the outfit changes.
The one part I found myself sliding off of - due to personal writing preference - is how Usagi is the defacto center of the universe and everyone else is very explicitly playing support. That's part of why I liked the Outer Senshi so much - because they've all got their own ludicrously OP stuff going on, they feel more like equals to Usagi than glorified bodyguards. The inner planet senshi get their own character arcs, which is excellent, but after a while it's pretty clear that none of them can ever finish a fight without Sailor Moon. And that's fine, that's the pretense of the story - their jobs are very explicitly to protect the turbopowerful demigoddess moon princess while she gets her act together enough to remember she can win - but I prefer writing an ensemble cast where everyone feels like the hero of their own story, not the support in someone else's, and that's pretty much antithetical to the core premise of the show.
It also has a lot of the hallmarks of a soft magic system that I personally struggle with - the old "you win by believing in yourself" thing basically means "you win when the plot demands it would be most interesting for you to win" - but again, they can get away with a lot by letting the actual core premise of the universe's power system be stuff like "a pure heart gives you strength" and "the power of love will legitimately make you more powerful." And I respect that the show doesn't just give people powerups whenever - one of the parts I found most emotionally impactful was in the finale of season 3, when Sailor Saturn is going to fight the big bad all by herself and will 100% definitely die in the process, and because Sailor Moon has sacrificed the season's macguffin, she can no longer transform into her powered-up form to help - which doesn't stop her from screaming the transformation phrase over and over, because she is desperate to save Sailor Saturn even if she's been told it can't possibly work. When she gets her The Most Purest Heart Ever powerup at the last possible second, that feels excellent because it's a profoundly impactful character moment that's being supported by the plot with a tangible powerup. It's pretty telling that we don't even see the final bossfight; it's not about the spectacle or the beam clash, it's about the character arcs that surround them. I think that's a really interesting way to handle it and to add depth to an otherwise basic "whose number is bigger" style struggle.
I'm also deeply fond of paragons, and as the seasons go on I really like how Usagi's ultimately kind personality drives her to constantly help, no matter the personal cost or how aggressively people try to dissuade her - and I like that she gets angry and frustrated and even says or does harsh things sometimes, but will ultimately always do what she thinks is right. It makes her feel like a real human being, and the "weaknesses" and flaws in her character - aka the parts that make her something more complicated than a perfectly stoic problem-solving machine - are a lot of fun to watch.
Personal preference, I'd like to see more magical girl stuff where the central pillar of the plot is not a constant will-they-won't-they het romance - but I also like how Sailor Moon as a series is legitimately aware that this is not actually the de facto most important relationship for everyone. Surprising multitude of gay characters aside, I recently caught a season 2 episode where Makoto donates blood to save a close friend, and explains to Usagi that she isn't in love with him, but they have an incredibly profound friendship that's more important to her than any boyfriend, a concept with startles and confuses Usagi. It seems to be a case where the heroine has a Foundational Romantic Subplot that defines the course of her life and the plot, but the rest of the characters get to have more complicated dynamics where their life goals aren't "omg boys", and I liked that a lot!
When comparing and contrasting it to shonen action anime, I think the magical girl genre manages to integrate the lower-stakes slice of life elements significantly more smoothly, and to great effect - the 90% of the show that's silly and ridiculous makes the 10% of it that's extremely serious and gutwrenching much more impactful. That's something that a lot of shonen series struggle with, where the tone goes from "moderately serious with the occasional goof" to "extremely serious with major character deaths." The magical girl genre going from "the dumbest episode premise you've ever heard" to "extremely serious with major character deaths" is a much more precipitous plunge into icy water, as it were.
When I think about how I would write a magical girl story, I basically just smack into the premise of Exalted. Its worldbuilding has exactly what I want - an interesting system of powerset-reincarnation into worthy hosts that allows for complex interpersonal dynamics through varying levels of memory preservation, several different flavors of magical transforming person including Evil Versions, and the one thing I prioritize in my own writing - a world that feels like it can have a lot of main characters and heroes of their own story. Everyone in Exalted has their own shit going on and their own past-life drama, including former friend groups/adventuring parties, soulmates (both regular and evil versions), and anyone who might've previously killed them. Most importantly for my preferences, there's no default main character of the universe. If I were to make an urban fantasy magical girl setting, I'd probably use an extremely similar premise because I find the ramifications of it unbelievably interesting in a way the system itself is not designed to explore.
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doctortonytchopper · 3 months
The only theories I've ever heard of Professor Clover's globe are all 100% always about it meaning the one piece planet used to have like 5 or 6 moons, but I've always thought it was an armillary sphere and I think the Gorosei's names support that so I found some pics to explain why I don't think Clover's globe is a reference to lost moons from the distant past.
This is an armillary sphere aka spherical astrolabe
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That's a model of the planetary orbits in our solar system. So that's the irl version of Clover's armillary sphere.
This is the layout of the universe according to Pythagoras
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Pythagoras lived around 400 BCE, before humans changed our minds and decided for a while that the earth was actually flat for some reason, but also before we realized the earth was orbiting the sun, not the other way around. (I know this varies by culture but I'm trying not to get too hellishly wordy and going into those variances would take a lot of words, so just know that I know this is a clumsy and too-broad brush to paint history with)
So if you made Earth into [unknown name of one piece planet] in this diagram, and then made that diagram into an armillary sphere, it would look exactly like Clover's model. Because back when the human species thought the sun orbited the earth, we were also only aware of the 5 planets we were able to observe - namely Saturn, Warcurie, Ju Peter, V. Nasjuro, and Mars.
And a world - our world in 400 BCE, or the one piece world in Clover's time - with that understanding of the universe is the place in which a model with 5-7 satellites (depending on if the sun and/or singular moon were included) with the inhabitants' planet at the center would be most likely to exist!
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tiny012 · 6 months
What "development" is this person talking about? They're given more screen time and made into comic relief characters but that's about it. I was hoping not to see the need to prop up the '90s anime until AFTER Cosmos was released in the US. They completely downplayed the threatening nature of Sailor Animates. Compare Lead Crow's bantering with Siren and her wiping out Phobos and Demos and catching Sailor Mars off guard and threatening Venus as well. No idea what the designs have to do with this.
People still don't understand what character development is
Character development does not equal screen time.
We are not with them a long time but we do know why they are doing what they a doing and get a little backstory.
Especially the fact the 90's anime completely changed their backstory to be being an senshi who gave up their star seed meanwhile in the manga they were never senshi in the first place but WANTED to be senshi. To the point they help Gal kill the senshi of their own planet because she promise them if they do that they will be reborn as senshi with a Sailor Crystal.
That is more tragic because they were promise something and thought's they was working towards that but was never going to get it in the first place.
Shit Tin Nyanko gave Artemis and Luna the ride at by saying they abandoned Mau to help out Usagi which she was very pissed off at that.
Then you have Lethe and Mnemosyne that are "true" senshi but their planets was at war with each other and they saw their planets get blew up by Gal and then they served her.
Would it been more nice to spend more time with them?
Yeah sure
But you have Galaxia pretty much killing a senshi left and right to get Usagi which they were pretty much pawns in this for Gal, it's not going to be like that.
To me they did a couple things
To show there are more senshi out there besides the 11 ( well 12 if you count Chibs) that we have spent almost five arcs knowing. That planets outside the Solar System have their own Planetary Sailor Senshi protecting the planet.( Which it could have been awesome if we got another series exploring more senshi but how Toei treated Naoko, I don't blame her.)
To be a cautionary and tragic tale of girls who want to be a senshi and was lead astray by someone who promised that but it was never going to happen. Which they was used for that person bidding and their own personal goal didn't matter.
To show that without a Sailor Crystal or Star Seed, the body is just dust. Showing that a Sailor Crystal or Star Seed is someone soul and the body is expendable. (Which is many religious teachings, it's been taught that the soul will live on but the body will turn back into the earth aka dirt or dust.) Which the only thing that was keeping those five alive was the bracelets and without them they was just dust.
Some people don't understand how deep was getting in this arc but because they only spent one or two page time before they was gone and not 20-30 episodes being comedic relief before finally getting killed yall want to scream "THEY GET NO CHARACTER DEVEOPLMENT! "
It's bad enough they scream that over and over again about the core four when if you really look closely those girls are not the same people they were when the manga started.
They have changed completely while still maintain their traits.
Do you we have ever seen Ami showing anger for not getting an high score on a test to the point she's ripping a paper in half?
Even Haruka and Mic is not the same people we met from Infinity arc to Stars Arc.
The fact those two went from being all about not making sure Hotaru didn't awaken to Saturn to pretty much taking care of her and treating her like she's their own kid.
Hell Hotaru went from a father who only used her for a science experiment which she was only kept alive by being a half machine, to finding a friend, to awaking up to the powerful senshi who thought they was always " the unwanted guest" to now she has a family, a best friend, and doesn't have to be alone anymore.
Pluto My god Sets. Sets went from being pretty much a kid senshi that had to stay a the door of time guarding it with no friends at all, that was told not to break rules, to befriending Chibiusa, a girl who was a lonely as she was who had no friend's, who she broke all the rules for because how much she loved her and wanted to save her , to being reborn by NQS in present time, and now being the " mother" type figure for the whole team
Mic was straight up gushing about the fact they are in high school again and can enjoy the experience because when they was at the academy they was on a mission. They are able to be normal high schoolers hanging out with each other and with the other five.
Do you think we have saw Mic break her lip stick because one of the starlights told her the color was tacky? Not how she was first introduced to be the elegant one.
We was able to see different sides of the girls and show how multi-faceted they could be while seeing them grow.
All these girls started off feeling like they are alone. That people and society had a perception about them which was father from the truth..
Usagi said fuck that shit and befriended every last one of them which they found a friend in her and found friends with each other. They founded their own family which help them grow and able to show who they really are to not only to each other but to other people as well.
"We're all lonely stars. That's why we seek each other out. We want to be united. Together as one. Because that is how we were in the beginning. "
-Usagi to Chaos in Act 59 in StarS Arc
Does that line really encompass Sailor Moon as a whole but some people fail to grasp that concept??
They were all lonely stars, found each other, and made an unbreakable bond with each other. ( Which you can tell how strong their bond was because they was pretty much can feel when the other one is in trouble, they can feel when one them got killed, and they all stayed together in the Cauldron waiting on Usagi.)
And because we do see that but not 100-200 episodes of that people want to say they didn't get any character development.
That's why you can't tell me their friendship was better in the 90's anime than the Manga/Crystal because it's not true.
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cupidlovesastro · 7 months
What's your opinion on my big 3(i use whole sign btw): I have Virgo sun 17° 11th house(along with venus virgo 5°, mercury Virgo 26°, lilith virgo 25° and Juno virgo 13°; my sun placements are conjunct mercury, sextile jupiter, opposite Uranus pisces 12° , square Pluto and sextile asc), My ascendant is in Scorpio 19° with jupiter Scorpio 14° in 1st house(placements are sextile sun, conjunct jupiter, square saturn in leo, trine Uranus in Pisces and square Neptune Aquarius; also my pluto is in Sagittarius 24° and it falls in second house along with fama asteroid but my pluto is strong it squares my sun, mercury, north node in pisces and Mars in libra but trines my moon, saturn and MC; then the Mars since Scorpio is also ruled by Mars is in libra 1° and falls in 12th house..toxic ik..and the Mars conjucnts my mercury, square Pluto and trine my chiron in Aquarius 😭) finally for my moon it's in Aries 28° and falls in my 6th house but super close to 7th house(placements are trine venus virgo, saturn in leo, MC leo 25° and pluto sag but squares my chiron Aquarius in 4°😭😭😭 also my chiron falls in 4th house with my neptune aquarius and both is in retrograde..yet my uranus and north node in pisces is literally in 5th house retrograding😭😭)
I remember mentioning my big three the someone and they asked whats my relationship like with being passive aggressive so i also wanted to know if any of these placements played a role (tho i think ik that mars is one of them its literally on libra AND falls in my 12th house LMAO😭😭😭)
HEYYY GIRLLL,i will tell you my opinion on your big 3!! this is very long so the paragraphs for each placement might be shorter!
your sun being in virgo can mean your practical, logical, reserved, sacrificial, honest, routine oriented, care a lot about your health, and like to be useful to others. you could be the mom friend of your group as well, like always giving advice, helping them, keeping them healthy, etc. this is in the 17th degree, the degree of leo. so you could also take more of a leadership role or tend to be the one to lead others. you might also be considered to be positive, keeping things happy and light hearted. these are in the 11th house. so yeah like i said, definitely the mom of the friend group, or the therapist of the friend group. you could find who you are and your true self through friends, bonds, communities, and groups of people. you could feel destined to help others very often, or like your obligated to do so. you also might sacrifice yourself to your friends often, like if they're like "i need you help" you will literally drop everything to focus on them, instead of setting boundaries or prioritizing yourself more.
moon in aries can mean your emotions are bold, strong, impulsive, intense, passionate, and often take control. aries represents leadership so that’s why your emotions can lead you a lot. your emotions could also be pretty intense and strong. your emotions can also make you stubborn or impulsive and assume things. moon also represents what comforts you, so exercising, yoga, started a new project, or doing something you’ve never tried before could be fun to you. you have this in the 28th degree, aka the cancer degree. so this means your emotions are amplified due to cancer being ruled by the moon. you also could have a big heart for children or want children in the future. people could also be attracted to your boobs or chest area. these being in your 6th house can mean that you analyze your emotions instead of feeling them. this could also mean it has became a routine to push your emotions to the side or you expect the worse from them. you also could care a lot about your emotional wellbeing, even on your worse or darkest days. you check up on yourself which is great, and i feel like this is something you actively do. this could also be a routine of yours. journaling or typing in your notes about your emotions could be an outlet you often use.
next, your rising in scorpio. this can mean that you prefer a darker aesthetic like emo, grunge, punk, grunge y2k, etc. you could also wear darker colors or dye your hair in darker colors. people could be jealous of your groin area, hips, and lower back. others could assume that you're a sensual person, or people are just naturally attracted to you, but some can also be verrryyyy jealous of you. your eyes could be almond/ siren shaped. you can also change your aesthetic often, whether it be drastically or minorly. people can get the impression that you have a lot of crushes, or that you talk to a lot of people. you have this in the 19th degree, the libra degree. people think your beautiful and desire you. you also might have this artsy vibe to you. middle parts could look good on you, or if you get a piercing on one side of your face, it could look good on the other side as well. your aesthetic is very important to you , so you could always make sure to look good. you could have skin that changes often. for example, sometimes it clear and sometimes it has acne, its not consistent. jupiter scorpio also in 1st house can mean a lot of people find you lucky in your looks. you hips and groin area could also be on the larger side, due to jupiter representing expansion.
i probably wont be able to mention every aspect because this post would be EXTREMELY long, but i will talk about some
virgo sun conjunct virgo mercury can mean you express yourself through words, writing, and logic. you could speak about mental health or physical health a lot. you could also be dry when you first meet people, but as you get to know them you open up. you could be shy or just on the more reserved side.
sun sextile jupiter can mean you're personality is big and well known. like you have a distinct personality that's also pretty big. this can also mean you have a big ego and that you have luck with self expression
ascendant squaring saturn can mean you struggle with how you present yourself to others. this can also mean people's first impressions of you can be bad (doesn't mean you did anything wrong)
moon trine venus can mean you have a easy time emotionally expressing yourself in relationships. this can also mean you find comfort in relationships or being in a romantic one. your future partner could also be emotionally soft for you
as for placements that make you passive aggressive, here are some from what i've read
virgo stellium- virgo's are self sacrificing, they do things to feel useful and needed, so you push your feelings and needs to the side to be there for others
libra mars- libras are about peace, harmony, and balance. mars represents your anger. so you choose to keep the peace by being passive about your anger
moon in 6th- 6th house is also about being useful and giving services, when your moon is here, it can mean you feel sad and worthless due to you not fulfilling your desires to be needed
i hope this was useful 🩷🩷
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thelediz · 24 days
Sonic Underground episode 40: Virtual Danger
I’m watching Sonic Underground in search of inspiration to finish a fic I’ve been writing forever. It’s a sad state of affairs. See the recap of the first three episodes here, if you're interested!
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The Plot (for want of a better word): Sonic and Manic have been training their piloting skills with a virtual reality game, but it turns out their online friend is Robotnik in disguise! Can they escape the trap he’s set for them, or will they be trapped in cyberspace forever?
An interesting factoid, before we begin. The creators of Batman Beyond and The Justice League mentioned that they learned a lot from doing Batman Beyond, and one of the important things was that it doesn’t matter what your series is doing or how well it’s going (or not), the season finale should ALWAYS feel important. It should wrap up a storyline, it should set a full stop on a sentence. That way, no matter what happens, your fans will be satisfied with it.
As we all know, this series was not intended to be viewed in any particular order, so you can't expect this episode to wrap anything up properly.
However! This episode does KIND of wrap up a storyline that’s been running throughout the series, about the Resistance skimming supplies. It shows up in most Cyrus episodes. You probably wouldn’t have noticed it, but hey! Credit where due!
We open on the boys playing a VR game. They are just about to defeat their 'online friend' when Sonia walks in and pulls the plug on their game console. They’re late to a meeting.
If you remember episode 12, you will remember the zombie robot, which allows a pilot to take remote control of a machine. It’s back. Yay. The boys apparently want to prove their skills have improved, because they’ve been playing video games. And they do pass the test, so it turns out video games ARE good for you, any parents who may be watching and still doubting whether their kids should be allowed to buy a Sega Saturn/Dreamcast in a couple of years.
Robotnik is going to be doing an audit on his supply ships, which means he’s definitely going to notice that the Resistance have been taking them. So they’re onto plan B: steal ALL the supply ships before Robotnik can change strategy.
There are three left to take over, and Cyrus assigns Sonic the last one. Sonia objects, because the last one is the riskiest, and she’s the best pilot. The way it’s framed, this isn’t arrogance so much as her being worried about Sonic. Combined with looks she was giving him a few episodes ago, it makes me wonder if they wanted a mini storyline of Sonia worrying about Sonic taking too much of the risks… could’ve been a good one!
Sonic does indeed get caught, but turns it into a kamikaze flight, turning his ship back on Robotnik’s palace for a crash. He barely misses Robotnik himself by like a half-metre. But the point is, all the supply ships are now out of Robotnik’s reach and he has to re-orient his factories to rebuild. Successful mission all round, and the triplets are given a few days off.
Manic dozes off to have a dream about playing more video games, but this time, Sonia has decided to play too. And of course she is immediately better at it than them. Whether this is just how the show functions or a sign of Manic's low self esteem, we will never know.
The Song: Don’t let your guard down. A very strange 80s/early 90s pop song, running a bit light on lyrics – mostly just “Don’t let your guard down. Keep your shield up, you gotta be ready”. Which, again, propaganda sure, but… not much for a good song, guys. Perhaps this is just proof of why Manic isn't the band's lyricist.
In the ACTUAL game, their 'online friend' offers them a mod, and promises a better one later. Because cyber security is not yet a common thing, the boys do not think twice about downloading and installing both files, no questions asked.
But once they’re in the new mod, their online friend is revealed to be Robotnik, and this has all been a trap! Now the… Okay, I’m not entirely sure how this happens, but they get zapped into the game. And apparently, if you die in the game, you die in real life. And… Look. Shadow the Hedgehog did this too, so I have to accept it as a thing that can happen in the sonic universe, but I will never not think it’s a little silly.
The point is: the boys are trapped and Sonia sees it happen.
Sonia calls Cyrus, who creates a program to allow Sonia into the game virtually, and pull Robotnik in physically. Don’t question it. While Sonia’s trying to rescue her brothers, Cyrus is going to try to hack Robotnik’s satellite to disrupt his connection, which will apparently win the game for the hedgehogs. Seriously, don’t question. Just accept.
Surprisingly, Sonia’s amazing piloting skills do not actually save the day. Cyrus cutting off the satellite dish does. I am legitimately surprised.
The episode ends with the triplets sending the now unloaded cargo ships back to Robotnik’s palace, further damaging it. Sonic declares it “Game over, Buttnik!”
And that’s it. That’s the end of Sonic Underground.
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Sure was an episode, huh?
Look, it was incredibly underwhelming and very much Just An Episode, but on a meta level, it was actually a pretty good culmination of the series. There was the weirdly fluid animation that was absolutely not quality checked. There was the random disjointed plot that barely hung together. There was the odd character relationships and motivations that were generally fine but also kind of illfitting. There was the conflict and resolution in the final five minutes of the episode.
There was no Sleet or Dingo, and the song was barely an attempt, but OTHERWISE.
This was Sonic Underground, for all its faults and wonders.
Come back tomorrow for final thoughts, if you’re interested!
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dashawns-world · 10 months
Advance Guardian Heroes
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Ah, here it is. Advance Guardian Heroes. Despite its numerous faults, this is in my top 3 GBA games, alongside Sonic Advance 2 and Pokemon Emerald. Seriously, this game had a massive impact on me. I’m talking about staying up all night trying to draw like this. To this day, I struggle to capture the magical essence of Tetsuhiko Kikuchi’s (aka HAN’s) art style, but a LOT of his design philosophies bled into my own growing up. And while I believe we’re in a beat-em-up game renaissance now, I remember this being the only “modern” one I f*cked with for a while. Thanks primarily in part to being made by the legendary game developers Treasure. Seriously, when it comes to making fun games, they don’t miss. I’m basically gonna spend my time gushing about it. I will also point out its very glaring flaws, haha. I started this blog to dive deep into why I like the things I like, after all. I’m hoping to have a better understanding by the end of this!
I’m really particular when it comes to art style. I’m not elitist about what others should like or dislike, but I have written things off because I dislike how they look. Everyone has their tastes; that’s not groundbreaking info. AGH is absolutely in the realm of what I love, though. The art direction has this late 80s/90s anime look that I really adore. I don’t draw like that at all, but when I look at it, it reminds me of when anime was an extremely new thing to me. Some faces skew toward that How-to-Draw-Manga territory, but I love it. It has… an identity.
The game itself translates this very well with the sprites. I think part of Treasure’s game’s strength wasn’t just in their mechanics but their animation and design sense. It’s one thing to have a heavy punch attack, but when the sprites accurately convey that, you really feel it, even through your little game boy.
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The anticipation, line of action, OOF. It feels so good when you pull this off, and your enemy goes flying. 
This game had neat ideas, too. My favorite, FAVORITE one they have is the stage where debris is falling, and you get to fight while trying not to fall out of bounds. It could be a hassle, but the game has a mechanic where you air dash to get onto the nearest platform. You can get back to one, even if you’ve exhausted all your animations from attacking. It takes all the frustration/difficulty away from you and leaves you with a unique stage hazard.
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I love a LOT of the stages in this game, and they all have such cool gimmicks for a beat-em-up. One stage starts with you riding a damn missile (you’re in control btw. You have to hop from missile to missile.) to get to the enemy airship you’re about to destroy. Another stage has you surfing on your ship down a river, where you fend off goblin riders and then an actual ninja. I’m telling you, if there’s a rule of cool, Treasure defined it. 
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Only an ancient hero can make an entrance like that. Honestly, the game’s a treat for the eyes. In my opinion, it’s one of the best-looking games for the GBA. And you can trust me, I’ve played less than a quarter of the GBA library. 
Here’s where we run into some of the game’s faults. I’ll start by saying the game isn’t broken. It’s functional where it counts. The problem is the immense slow-down when you’re playing. :( I’ll always be a little sad that this got stuck on a Gameboy and not, like, the Gamecube. The original Guardian Heroes was on the Sega Saturn, ran smooth, AND looked good. The little GBA struggled so hard with this gem. But otherwise, I really enjoy the mechanics. I still play the game to this day, and I believe it’s because they nailed the fighting. I’m not going to talk specifics about the gameplay because I’m not a game critic, but I will talk a little bit about how it feels.
This game scratched an itch I had at the time for a good DBZ beat-em-up. Your character can shoot out all types of magic attacks, has a hyper mode that flashes golden (super saiyan), and can even parry attacks if you’re good at timing your blocks. This helped the combat feel a lot more in-depth. They used a currency to level up your character’s stats in the single-player mode. Leftover points could be used for unlocking characters. And that’s another thing; From the nameless soldiers to the little goblins with clubs, to the giant robots with city-ending lasers, to every damn boss except the final one, They ALL can be selected. And not just in VS mode. (Yes, it had a vs mode. No, I never played it. Nobody but me owned this game.) But in STORY MODE as well (except for the city-ending robot, I think they said no to that one for obvious reasons.) That leads to a ridiculous amount of replayability for a kid with 3 GBA games. I love games that let you do this. My favorite character to play was Dylan, because he had the coolest moveset. 
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This is the face of a guy that knows he’s the best character in the game.
There was also a mechanic I thought was interesting, even if it was kind of useless lol. If your character ever died, the devil (that’s what I called it, but it’s just the big bad) would ask you if you wanted to come back to life and fight. You’d only get six minutes of immunity before they’d take your soul, and you’d get an instant game over. It’s a neat idea but really impractical, haha. I wonder if it could be used better today with roguelike games…? If I were given this deal and thought I could complete a run in 6 minutes, that’d be cool. It would be even more cool if I got a different ending this way. I think in AGH, even if you did make it to the end within six minutes, the Big Bad would kill you on the spot. Fact-check me on that, tho.
Man… this is where the game really falls short. The biggest issue was the poor translation. The story continued where the original left off; was it the bad ending? 
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Here’s what Wikipedia says (lol I'm sorry, It’s easier to paste than rewrite it.)
“The story follows the events of Guardian Heroes. After the Undead Hero was returned to his rest, the heroes were given the option of becoming the Sky Spirit's perfect warriors. The group was divided, with Nicole, Serena, and Valgar joining the Sky Spirit, and Han and Genjiro refusing. Randy escaped back to earth on his own, leaving Han and Genjiro to fight a losing battle against their former comrades.
Years later, Zur returns. He resurrects Kanon and uses the power of the Guardian Heroes to take over the world. The few remaining resistance forces call upon the power of the Undead Hero once again, with one young soldier giving up his body to serve as its vessel.
Throughout the game, the character fights the previous heroes and earns their power. Ultimately, it is revealed this is another attempt by the heavens to create the ultimate warrior. In the final battle against the ruler of the heavens, all heroes gather to defeat it and subsequently leave for the Other World.”
I don’t hate this!! But it’s told very poorly. We’re not given cutscenes to flesh out anything or anyone. Some characters are only portraits. For example, the player is the young soldier, but once their body gets taken by the hero, they don’t talk again. I didn’t know anything about them. We also don’t really see the resistance fighting Zur and Kanon. It’s basically just us, with some casual assists via dialogue boxes. Honestly, it’s not really worth talking about much more, haha. I always thought it had potential if it was fleshed out. That’s why I would make up my own story as I played. I would fill in the blanks and re-imagine the scenarios.
For example, the game starts with the young soldier getting into a fight before receiving the power of the undead hero. They show how weak you are, having you die in one hit by random goons before the princess pulls the undead hero’s soul into your lifeless body. (Like, wow, this soldier sucked. RIP tho.) If you choose Enn as your starting character, he gets recolored, and you’re strong enough to fight. Yipee! 
My made-up story was that something went wrong with the princess’ spell, and instead of being a fabulous, powered-up man, you turned into a goblin. (Because remember, you can play as almost every damn character in the game.) I imagined the princess’s bewilderment as a little chubby goblin said, “Hey! Undead hero, here! Let’s do this.” before single-handedly destroying the entire evil empire. It was funny to me!
And I think that’s ultimately what I got from reminiscing about this game’s poor plot. Games used to be a lot simpler. And translation wasn’t always top-notch like it is now. When I was younger, maybe out of necessity, I used my imagination to fill in the blanks. When I played Pokemon, I’d pretend I was truly on a journey with my little guys. And when I fought Red in Gold and Silver, I imagined how epic that was. I drew moments from Sonic games. Playing outside, I’d pretend I was Link on an adventure. My sister and I would play Super Bomberman 1P mode together, and since she was new to it, I’d call her rookie. That dynamic ultimately bled into my Brothers Boom comic. (This is a revelation I had pretty recently, and I’m surprised I buried it so deep into my mind.) Now, as an adult, where my imagination is a bit harder to conjure up because my head isn’t as empty, I reminisce about the times when everything inspired me. I’m not miserable, though, lol. Instead, I think fondly about those times. I really gotta hand it to Treasure because they live up to their namesake. Playing Advance Guardian Heroes was a significant source of inspiration for me, and I’m glad I found it.
Thanks for reading!
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hippolotamus · 3 months
Hiii hippo 💕💕💕
Hi Saturn!!!!!!!!
17. Buck: you’re coming back, right? i can’t do this without you
This is one I started on kind of a whim and work on intermittently (prev snippet here). The concept is that Buck is in the hospital waiting for Eddie to wake up from a medically induced coma, after having a house collapse on him. Whoops. It'll be Buck's POV but I'm planning to include thoughts from Eddie's POV as he's fighting to get back. Smol unedited snip for you that follows the posted bit:
Buck does the same, even if he doesn’t want to. How’s he meant to do this again? To look at Eddie lying still among a mess of wires, tubes and machines keeping him alive? But he does, because he has to. Because a second story collapsed under the weight of decades worth of rot and clutter, burying his husband with a nearly empty oxygen tank.  That was a day and a half ago. Thirty-eight hours and twenty-three minutes to be exact. Not that Buck’s counting.  Since then, Eddie’s coded twice and been through hours of surgery for a snapped femur and punctured right lung. Because why wouldn’t it be the stronger one?  “No changes.” Buck repositions his hand, still grasping his partner’s since the night before. He rubs across the empty space where Eddie’s wedding band would normally be. In its place are the impressions left behind. Barely visible lines on his skin that have already become a little lighter.  Buck absentmindedly reaches for the chain around his neck — a [necklace] Eddie gave him after formally adopting Chris — and feels for Eddie’s ring. [Person] brought it to him and he immediately put it around his neck for safekeeping.
have a list of poorly summarized WIPs and maybe ask about them
9. Completely 100% straight, single Texas father has a night out with his highly toxic coworkers… what could possibly go wrong? (Buddie)
aka watch my shattered edges glisten, also answered here. I know you're always here for the angst so I'm going to stick this snippet under the cut for heavily implied homophobia. It's going to be changed up a bit later, but the tone won't change.
“Sure about that, Diaz?” Gale chimes in, nodding towards Arsen. “Maybe just saw something you liked that you’d rather choke on instead?” 
The rest of the group join in with Gale, bursting into a fit of laughter and high fives as Eddie’s cheeks flush and he feels like he’s on fire. He tries to join in with an awkward chuckle, flipping Gale off and muttering ‘fuck you’ in an attempt to save himself. Something tells him that maybe it’s too little, too late. That the predatory smirk on Gale’s face means he’s got a target on his back. As if he didn’t already have one for being part Mexican. Great. 
If Eddie was lucky, the whole ordeal would’ve ended there. Apparently that’s not in the cards tonight. 
Gale looks him up and down, and for a moment it takes Eddie back to his army days, being inspected by his drill sergeant. Out of habit, his spine stiffens as he stands taller. 
“Hmm.” Gale clicks his tongue. “You don’t strike me as a queer. I’d say maybe it’s been a little too long since you had a good fuck, but – and I’m not passing any judgement here, man – I couldn’t help noticing you weren’t staring at any of the girls that way. Or, y’know, at all.” 
“Maybe I shouldn’t be the one in question here when you’re the one so damn interested in who I’m fucking or not,” Eddie fires back.
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edgeanescence · 2 years
i love the fact that all of team galactic fits so well together in a symbolic sense
what do i mean that? well all of them have names relating to a planetary object, directly or indirectly. jupiter, mars and saturn are all obviously planets, charon is the moon of pluto, and cyrus is a name that relates to the sun in meaning. they are the solar system, albeit an incomplete one
which that alone is fun and all, it makes the team more befitting of the name ‘team galactic’, but it goes a bit further then that. take into consideration their personalities and positions within the group
in most languages his name refers to the sun. the very center of the solar system. cyrus is the boss of team galactic, which is fitting enough for his placement, but his goals line up nicely too. he wishes to craft a new universe, a world without spirit, and he wants to be the sole one to do that. hes extremely self centered in his goal, even if cyrus believes it to be for the betterment of everyone. everything will revolve around his ideas, much like how the planets orbit the sun.
in japanese, at least with how his names written, akagi translates to bishopwood. this is probably the most drastic departure from the other names he has, but i wouldnt be surprised if the aka, or red, aspect of his name was a very loose sun reference. the sun is commonly red in japan, even being red on the flag after all.
in russian, his name is sirius, which is actually a different star that is more bright then the sun. although, it does vaguely sound like cyrus too. likely chosen because of the brightness aspect and the fact it sounds similar? but it throws off the ‘center of the solar system’ thing quite a bit.
the innermost planet of the bunch. mars is interesting as a choice, because its the fourth from the sun. this indicates that while she is close to cyrus, there is a certain degree of distance between them. shes arguably the most passionately devoted, vowing to continue searching for cyrus after getting beaten at stark mountain. she doesnt seem to want to give up on him at all.
in spanish her name was changed to being venus. this is likely for the same reasons as jupiters name change. theres no real statement given for the change, but since it happened to jupiter too, its likely it was due to referencing a masculine god, as dumb as the reason is. venus would still be considered the innermost planet despite the name changes.
jupiter is next in line, often showing up next to mars, if not surely after her. fitting, considering jupiter is right after mars in the solar system. she sticks with mars when charon tries to lead his branch of galactic, but quits alongside her after they get a clue about where their boss mightve headed. she cares plenty about cyrus, probably following charon because she was seeking answers just like mars was. she doesnt seem to reconsider her actions even when she quits galactic, instead debating if going on a journey would be right for her. whether that journey was also to find cyrus or not, its hard to tell.
in spanish, jupiters name was changed to ceres, which is actually another dwarf planet. they still attempt to maintain rough placement by picking ceres, which sits in between mars and jupiter in the asteroid belt.
saturn is the only commander who never had a name change. hes always been saturn, although i feel like the addition of charon later on further contextualizes his planet namesake. being further out then mars and jupiter but much closer to the sun then charon, it explains why saturn feels ready to move on sooner once spear pillar has transpired, yet still attaches himself to cyrus. he still sort of laments his time with galactic, reflecting almost nostalgically as he takes hold of the remains. he still finds his boss admirable, but understands that he should move on from extremism. hes not as devout as mars or jupiter, given the fact he declines the offer to join charon to search for cyrus like the two of them. yet like charon, he started to see through cyrus as the game went on, realizing that he wasnt truly aware of everything that was going on.
charon isnt even a planet. no matter what language, he is always othered, being a moon or a dwarf planet. pluto became reclassified as a dwarf planet before platinum came out, and charon is just its largest moon. this lines up neatly with the fact he states he is the most junior of the commanders; a dwarf planet or moon could be considered as lesser to them. in addition, his devotion is barely existent, hes quick to disavow cyrus after the events of spear pillar, and focus on his own goal of gaining money instead. charon and pluto are in the farther reaches of the solar system, beyond the main planets. his interactions with the other commanders is often met with disdain, matching with the distance between him and even the planet closest to him, saturn.
it is interesting to note that he is only referred to as charon in english, and is pluto elsewhere. likely a strange translation decision to make it more obvious how different he is to the other commanders, although i could see a god reference as a point of contention. charon is a ferryman sometimes depicted as an old man and is expecting to be paid for his business transporting the dead; while pluto is more a general god of wealth being conflated with hades due to a similar name
on a bit of a side tangent, bdsp is also worth noting here, because they went as far to add varying backgrounds for the various galactic fights. the grunts are just a starry sky with some space dust. theyre not really notable, but still part of the team nonetheless.
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the commanders are the stars and dust with three planets as there is three commanders in bdsp. the planets are nice and big here, and while none of them match up with their proper planets design wise, still get the message across as representing them.
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and cyrus is the stars, three planets and a quasar. the quasar is an interesting choice, as it aligns less with the idea of the center of the solar system and more of an entire galaxy, which is still fitting for depicting cyrus as their boss. probably chosen to fit over the sun because not all of his names reference it, and also because it looks cooler.
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Astro Intro
I am not a professional astrologer
I am self-studied. I have been researching astrology since 2019.
The HP Astro series is a passion project. It is meant to be fun, not be taken seriously.
I am not here to convince you of astrology's legitimacy.
Astrology is an ancient, complex study. There is a lot of history and a lot of meaning to any one piece to the astrological puzzle.
With that in mind, one placement (i.e. Taurus Sun) can be read multiple ways. You may see characters with matching placements described differently. That is why.
The Harry Potter characters are fictional characters. With real people, we want as much accuracy in the birth information as possible. With fictional characters, this is not possible.
I will use what canonical information there is for each character. (Birth date, time, and place.) Where that is missing, I will fill in the blanks; but I will fill in the blanks using what I know of the character, to try to be as true to them as possible.
Again: because this is fiction, and meant to be fun, I will probably explore headcanons and fanon interpretations as I see fit. My greater focus will be on canonical evidence, but will fall back on popular conjecture where it fits.
I am not here to teach you astrology. I will try to make it as clear as possible, but there is truly too much there. Even a basic grasp of astrology will take a lot of study.
If you want to learn more about astrology, a good starting point is The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need, by Joanna Martine Woolfolk. It is not, in fact, the only book you'll need, but it is a good place to start.
Astrology Basics:
Big Three: Sun, Moon, & Rising (aka Ascendant.) Arguably the most important placements in any chart. If you're a beginner, focusing on people's Big Three is a good starting point for study.
Rising (Ascendant): not a "planet", but an important point in any chart. It tells us how people see us, and how we react to our environment.
Chart Ruler: the sign that's rising, the planet that rules that sign becomes the chart ruler. The chart ruler is a prominent planet in a chart; it is good to pay extra attention to the chart ruler and what it tells us.
Luminaries: the Sun and Moon. The Sun is our core, the Moon is our subconscious.
Inner planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars. (Also called "personal planets", due to their nearness to the Sun, and the being closer to who we are.)
Outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. (The latter 3 also called "generational planets." The distance from the Sun implies less impact on the individual self.)
Chiron: an asteroid planet, given more study by astrologers in recent years. I won't always look at Chiron, but I'll always check if the Chiron placement is worth mentioning.
In my work: I will focus on the Big Three, the chart ruler, and the inner planets. Any other chart placements will only be mentioned if I find them worth noting.
Planets: what is being expressed. (i.e. Mercury: communication, Venus: relationships.)
Signs: how it is being expressed (i.e. Leo: playful, Virgo: practical.)
Houses: where it is being expressed (i.e. 4th House: Home, 6th House: Health.)
Aspects: relationship between the planets. (Ease, or stress?)
Domicile/detriment: planet in a sign it works well with, or doesn't.
This is all very basic and simplistic. Any one thing I talk about will not be the whole story, or full potential, of what that placement could be. Take everything I say with a grain of salt. My word is not gospel.
I hope reading this will be entertaining for you.
Even better if it sparks your own interest in learning astrology!
I don't expect you to "buy into" astrology, but I do ask you to be respectful and kind.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. I can't promise I'll be able to help you, but I can always try!
If you have any requests, feel free to send them in. I won't promise to fill requests, but I do promise to consider them!
This series is primarily me having fun. I hope you can have fun with me!
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57.  Nura Nal (Supergirl)
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You know that Nal Family Member, who is a member of the Legion of Superheroes and a personal friend of Brainiac-5? Who apprearantly looks a lot like Nia? Well that would be Nura Nal aka Dream Girl, the DC Character Dreamer was originally based on.
She is a descendant of Nia (how this is supposed to work we will never know either) and we had like 3 Seasons to meet her, but we never even got a glimps of her. Which is odd considering Nicole Maines could have just played her.
Maybe they didn’t want to make her an extra costume, but considering how many villains of the week got one, that would be an odd reason for her never showing up. Also they could just have had her show up in civilian clothes. Maybe we would have seen her, if „Supergirl“ would have gotten a 7th Season. After all Dreamer had just started to take off as a hero by the end of the series. But since the Writer‘s Room always had a very strange relationship with all the Legion of Superheros Characters we might have never gotten to meer her either way. For whatever reason the Legion and their member were constantly name-dropped but other than Mon-El und Winn we only ever got to meet Brainy and Saturn Girl - over the span of four seasons! I don’t know what that was all about, but maybe the show was not actually allowed to use those characters? But why name-drop them in that case like all the time? Who knows…. Anyways never showing us Nura Nal was a wasted opportunity, that’s for sure.
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cg-saturn · 2 years
hii saturn!! I need some help with something- well the problem is .. my friend at school keeps taking my comfort object away (aka, my bunny stuffed animal) and me personally I tell them to give it back all the time, but sometimes they never do. What should I do?
Hey hey kiddo, I'm so sorry this is happening to you :( my first piece of advice is to try and explain to them that your bunny is a comfort item that helps keep you calm throughout the day. Explain to them that the texture or scent or just the whole stuffie is there as a coaping item for you to help you with the struggles of school or stressful environments. If they're your friend, they'll understand that it's something that helps make your life a little easier and they should stop taking it without permission. You wouldn't take someone's cane just because they seem like they walk perfectly fine, why is a comfort item that eases your anxiety or other struggles any different? Mental illness is just as valid as any physical illness, no matter what it is. Any way you can make your day more comfortable, whether it's a stuffie or a mobility aid, is valid! If they don't respect that, then they're not your friend. Unfortunately, if it keeps happening even after you've explained that this is something that helps you, my only advice is go to a teacher. Sometimes people won't listen unless it comes straight from an adult to knock it off. I know it might be hard to do, especially if you're someone like me who always felt like it was tattling, but some teachers do genuinely want to help their students however they can, and they might be able to separate your seats or even talk to them privately and explain that stealing things from people is not okay no matter what it is, from a comfort item to a pencil. I really really hope this can help a little bit, and again I'm so sorry you have to deal with this kiddo :( you deserve to be treated with kindness and respect by everyone, and although it's hard, learning how to set boundaries now can make a huge huge difference in the way you see people treating you in the future!
Pippi Saturn 💕
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tiny012 · 1 year
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Welcome to Victor Nye-Tomoe Lab!!
Way to change it from daimon select human host live in before they want to take over the earth to them selection humans to play blue clues with for 38 episodes...
Like seriously
S, SuperS, and StarS was Blue Clues but the level of difficulty got harder with each season..
StarS was fuckboy difficulty and the last level was a t.v station not a beautiful castle in the galaxy
And here's the beginning of the Silver Crystal not being important anymore to the villains.
The Holy Gail is the most powerful thing now...
Oh yeah we got to get three talismans that supposed to resound when Saturn aka the Senshi of destruction and reboot I mean rebirth wakes up.
But nope
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We are going to change them into Rainbow Crystals 2.0 .
The chosen ones going to give you hell all season... ( and give me an headache)
They need to be bought to together to make the Holy Gail...
Not the Holy Gail being a Homework project made by Chibiusa, Mamo and Usagi.
No! That's too wholesome and sweet.
First episode and we not going to even see this damn thing until 22 episodes in...
The writers : We are going to take the Holy Gail which supposed to be just an upgrade for Usagi that stated off as a HW project for Chibiusa that became a unfired object for the white moon family, which gave Usagi Super Sailor Moon by unified the Inners and Outers into the main thing the villain wants. And lets throw in Inners Vs Outers Conflict too.
Other Writers: But what about the Silver Crystal?
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Why the hell the 90's anime making it so easy for me to roast it in the first episode??
Like damn!
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Dr. Frankenstein told his WHOLE plan ( well minus M9 and P90) like in five mins and it's going take 38 episodes for this shit to play out...
Oh I just love when a weapon that Usagi use that had importance in the manga but the villains wasn’t really looking for it become the main focus of what the villains of looking for meanwhile the most powerful weapon Usagi has which is always sought after in the manga gets the Mariah “I don’t know her” treatment..
Everyone wants the Sliver Crystal in the manga because it gives the wielder God-like powers. I mean you can kill and revive people with it.
They was not trying to find the holy grail because they didn’t even know it existed. It was not even on their radar.
So to put all this emphasis on how Tomoe and crew wants the pure hearts and the Chalice and just totally forget the Sliver Crystal has always been a WTF for me as the series go on.
Remember this happens in SuperS (which I liveblogged last year)as well with the emphasis being the Golden Crystal and Usagi and Chibs using it.
Also it just takes away with the Holy Gail/Chalice represents as well.
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opinated-user · 2 years
I used to be a fan of lily (I liked watching her glass of water pony vids) but after she moved on to other stuff (and insulted my favorite Disney Princess movie during her Disney in X minutes series) I unsubbed years ago. I peeked at her blog a few times and was very disgusted when I saw, somewhat recently, she was telling people to go kill themselves. Checked her channel too and I saw she also had a old video up like “Elsan-NAH” (which I don’t remember if I watched or not) where the thumbnail was like “stop shipping the sisters you freaks” and it took me til this year to realize I’m proship and fictional incest (esp f/f) is my JAM. Conversely, LO is aggressively anti and I was right to leave when I did. (I don’t ship elsanna much anymore but it’s funny how shipping them in 2013/2014 was not enough for me to realize my tastes, especially considering that was the majority ship, related or not. ASIS? r9kElsa? Classics.)
Also scrolled through your blog a bit (well, the lily tag, which is mostly your posts lol) and the sailor moon thing, the wlw couple was Uranus (short-haired Butch one) and Neptune (medium-haired femme one)! Not Saturn and Uranus. They along with (aro?) Pluto adopted Saturn and raised her as their daughter for a while 🥺 she calls them mama (Michiru-mama and Setsuna-mama, Neptune and Pluto respectively) and papa (Haruka-papa, aka Uranus)!
i don't know why i confused the two of them, thanks for the correction! also that is so adorable that saturn got to grow with a loving family, i always remembered her as a tragic character. the thing about LO pretending to be violently against incest ships is that it takes one single look at anything she has ever written, old or new, to know that it's all pure bluff. you have to wonder, what does she gain by pretending that she's above those ships? who's she trying to trick?
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the-firebird69 · 21 days
Zorba the Greek - The Final Dance
He's finally getting to teach his son to dance he has before but he sort of gets it you're in Greece it's hard here it's hard to look like this and he's doing it a little and then he says here and then I have to concentrate on my dancing and says that's one of the biggest points and he's having a ball he knows it's aren't a lot of trouble and he can't seem to get out of it it's kind of always been a big schmuck but now that they're just jamming them to me like nobody's business and these Max are blinded by it thank God
They want me to wait and have my size 13 Blue suede shoes and it's a bad thing these people like it but really it's a sign to start treating me better
Haha lol I laughed a lot more than that this is a funny joke and we needed to happen we're just swamped with a****** comments and they don't know what it's like no there are people reporting it's way overdue as a kid and he's saying f*** off I'm going to do what I want and it's bad the same for years but okay LOL hahaha hehe
Is there a place of origin of their namesake and their father and mother said it and we adore it it is very tough there if you look like them and we mean the clans and they're not hard on them they Revere them but in the way you don't want it is fascinating under those it here it is he is under a lot of pressure like when we go there. We heard his father and mother's favorite place for a different reason it's about life and about what women do and create life they were way out of line we get pushed on the line and we kind of tend to stay there thinking we're doing the right thing and it's a breakdown of the system then you were damn wrong doing that yesterday Dan and we're going to have to do something to stop you from doing it it's wrong
I can see he's very angry and we're probably trying to tear my head off and it'll be over for me they won't let my character around any of them I see what he's saying it's a death threat and it's getting stuff and he's going to keep doing it as long as I am and it's not real hard so probably lose
Dan AKA dave
That's the spirit showing your stuff I mean for Christ's sacred loser and he needs it too it's a threat and we don't take it that way doesn't mean it doesn't work that way there's a lot of stuff like that everybody's in our face telling us to leave and we probably will soon
And it's really not good they want to go and try and be the clan it's not a good time to do that it's hard now but it's hard then but now it's ridiculous and people go after them and it's why and then he's kind of missing it it's because of Saturn and Max left you and everybody and boy do you get cream there and grease if you're ready to go and you want to see what it does that's the place to go you're out pretty quick and people are after eggs and we can see them trying so what the movie deep Blue is about and that's why it's called deep Blue and Hera figured it out and went down to interview them and got going on it and we started raising our army more. This movie is coming up these people cannot resist the challenge tons of them will burn. The minority warlock will be cleared out of there after only a week or so because of the nasty number of idiots going and we're going to have to call for an evacuation and people to prepare and a lot of Greeks are getting ready to leave of any kind and they know that it's coming and armies are going to be there fighting in their country their places for them to go Lithuania and places like that even Pakistan and turkey it's going to happen in Italy and other European nations except them readily there smart and they can make wonderful food and they're smart with engineering and architecture this is going to happen shortly it is a humongous event gigantic in large part it is due to zorba being below and he's a Mac and these idiots are attracted because they see the max getting clobbered we have more to announce but we're going to post
Thor Freya
It's a wonderful place of love and creation and I feel bad because this is happening there but it will make it possible for all of ours to live in freedom from this oppression
Well said
We have something to say it's one of the greatness for us it's a moment of greatness for us and we love it we have to stick to it and it's not hard we don't want to end up like these people at all and he checks and we can upset and stuff but that's it goes and he's doing it because he cares about us this is a terrible situation to be in and a horrible place to wake up and if you're a young person but what we're doing works and we're going to free our people and live in harmony forever and God bless you all of ours
Savage opress
We should probably print
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