akkanea · 4 years
Not like I wanna be touchy but Black Magician Trilogy set a certain standard for me when it comes to famale protagonist fantasy with a dose of romance and tbh it ruined me as a reader for many other books because apparently I have standards and they're high?
And that makes me wonder why is that so and why BMT isn't that popular after all while there are bestselling books that are seemingly similar but so much worse? Which makes me realise that no, what's printed isn't actually the best, compared to beautiful ff I've read, it's just pure marketing combined with the fact that as readers we often choose easier content, pleasure over quality.
But I would love to be proven wrong, so if you have any book recommendations that beat BMT but aren't a completely different genre, please try me!
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tagged by @therustictea, thank you! :D Also I’m sorry in advance cause I did a similar tag lately so some of the answers are a lil bit lazy ^^
Name: just Chubby me
Zodiac: not really
Favourite musicians: This is hard, super hard, there are so many? Just look at the previous tag thing and I also have a thing for Tchaikovsky
Favourite sports team: what xD
Other blogs: @akkanea and @chubbyskater are the only two worth mentioning. I also have a side blog where I occasionally scream
Do I get asks: My ask box is open but not really
How many blogs do I follow: same, 900+ D: (3/4 or more of them dead anyway)
What I’m wearing: black gym leggings and a grey T-shirt with a baby boar print :D
Dream vacation: currently going literally anywhere as we all stuck home D:
Dream car: something that comes with prepaid car insurance for life >.< also something tiny outside but huge inside :D
Favourite food: rn blueberries (illegally picked taste better >.<), herring salad on rye bread toast ♥, beetroot soup, my grandmother’s cake, homemade popcorn
Drink of choice: coffee, black tea, beer
Languages: a few, mostly English here
Celebrity crush: they have tumblr so i won’t write it here D:
Random fact: roller skating and pokemon go done simultaneously are a serious threat to your phone and knees, so be smarter than me and don’t do that
I tag my followers (form different blogs) *w* @levihanlawlight, @shinayuma​, @teaqueque, @nicoliputski, @storiesmakemefly, @thechosensheep \o/
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galexibrain · 1 year
i would like a uhhhhh
Fallacies PS (The Black Magician Trilogy, Akkanea)
pls :3
Huhuhuuuu so Fallacies (my literal best fic to this day) is the usual run-of-the-mill The High Lord fix-it/ rewrite where nobody important dies but for plot reasons Akkaneas relationship didn't fit in so by the end they weren't together.
Fallacies PS takes place a few years later and is about them finally getting together :3
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akkanea · 4 years
I just realized I’d really appreciate a scene (in the post Akkarin-gets-to-know-Rothen-knows but before Sonea is into helping him in any way phase) in which for some unknown to me reason all three of them plus Cery meet in one room. So Sonea and Rothen stay literally on the other end of the room than Akkarin and look at him like he killed a man (XDDD) and try to be pain in his ass while Cery is there grateful to his core and tries to make them in peace like, guys, but Akkarin is a cool dude, stop antagonising him
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akkanea · 5 years
So, in case you didn’t know (cause I’m slow and got to know today and it seems like I’m the only source of content and info about Trudi Canavan on Tumblr, ups) Trudi Canavan will be the guest of Pyrkon, the annual fantasy convention hosted in Poznań, Poland (about 3h from Warsaw and 3h from Berlin, literally midway between them) on 8th-10th May 2020.
I cannot confirm it but, basing on my previous experience with the convention, the dedicated meeting with the author will be hosted in English (or with a Polish translator, but most likely just in English) and there will be a chance to get your books signed. Probably there will also be some panels on literature with Trudi Canavan and other guests, entirely in English. For more information: the organizers should share a preliminary schedule at the end of March.
Because the event will take place alongside with the premiere of her new book Trudi wrote on her website that there may be some other meetings in Europe around the date, so check out if it’s not in your area if you’re interested and cannot come to Pyrkon ;)
At the Pyrkon website you can find all the information you need both in English and Polish, but if you have any questions feel free to hit me (it will be my n-th Pyrkon so I kinda can help and give you answers)
Also: I usually don’t ask for that, but please reblog if you think that any of your followers may be actually interested in coming, or just to spread the news :)
That is unless #thevirus won’t kill us by the time :v
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akkanea · 5 years
Would anyone be interested in Black Magician Trilogy universe gift exchange (fanfic/ fanart) for Xmas/ after Xmas 2019? Please let me know. If there’s any interest, I can try and host an event
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akkanea · 5 years
Am I the only one who doesn’t want the ending of Black Magician Trilogy “fixed”? ._.
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akkanea · 6 years
I’ve decided to check out the few BMT fanfics that I could find and share those I like on the blog. I think all of them are a few years old but I don’t care, lets reanimate the fandom for a little bit one more time.
Here you are with the first fanfic I read, short (like, really short) Dannyl x Tayend one shot. You can have it instead of a cookie with your tea and it’s gonna be just as sweet in the end OwO
Also riffling through the fics I realized for the first time how big is the lgbt aspect in the series, which made me think why I didn’t notice it earlier. Why some people whom I recommended the books and who usually would criticize including homosexual characters in a story still loved the books and criticized nothing? Than I realized maybe it’s because T. Canavan wrote them to be meaningful but at some point ordinary (like, normal) characters, not a comic relief or a sidekick. I think that’s really great and something important we can learn from the books :)
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akkanea · 8 years
In a Kyralian Heaven
Lorlen: Are you ok?
Akkarin: No! Look at them! Just look at them!
Lorlen: Is that Sonea and that boy who was tormenting her?
Akkarin: *moans*
Lorlen: Not bad. If I was her I’d be thinking about the time he tried to feed her with shit while making out with him.
Akkarin: I’ll be puking.
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galexibrain · 1 year
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Just let me leave my very old, very bad BMT fanart from 2009 here.
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(This is in German and I'm too lazy to edit the pic: this is from book 3 after the confrontation with Parika at the South pass during which Dorrien was almost killed. Akkarin is saying "Sonea I was scared I'd lose you", Sonea replies "No, if we die, we die together" (lololol) while poor Dorrien is bleeding out in the background)
In my defense, I was 17 when I made these.
I have more where this came from but I'm too embarrassed to show THOSE :DDD
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galexibrain · 2 years
Yeah yeah, distinguished imposing High Lord blah blah, but honestly Akkarin was bullied by his servant and his novice, who a week ago was still terrified of him into teaching said student the most evil kind of magic.
A few weeks later she decides they're dating now and he doesn't get to have a say in it.
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galexibrain · 3 years
Singlehandedly going to try and revive BMT fandom by translating the best fic I've ever written for it to English and publish it on ao3 huehuehue
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akkanea · 8 years
Sonea: Akkarin, I wanna have a baby with you.
Akkarin: Not while I’m alive.
Sonea: You better watch your tongue.
Akkarin: Why?
Sonea: Dunno but I thought it suits the situation.
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akkanea · 8 years
I can’t get rid of the feeling that if Akkarin survived the relationship wouldn’t survive with him or at least it would be bad, really, really bad ._.
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akkanea · 8 years
Uni goals:
-to study like Sonea
-to have an Akkarin who would bring me books to read ♥___♥
-to have one favourite branch of since just like Sonea had one favourite discipline (instead of being into everything and having enough time for nothing)
-to have an Akkarin who would provide me with a fancy lunch between classes
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akkanea · 9 years
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I’ve made a Valentine card with Akkarin, enjoy.
Yeah, I know I can’t draw and all I had was paint and touchpad, don’t judge me.
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