#alastor is a mamas boy and everyone should know it
mydeerfellow · 8 months
Can't wait for Rosie to give Alastor's actual backstory in contrast to Mimzy's edition.
"yes this is my goblin son and he's very silly yet somehow I love him even if he cries about his mom an awkward amount"
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a-hazbin-reader · 8 months
reader never tells him though because alastors relationship with his mom is good and she doesn’t wanna make him feel bad whenever he talks about her and one day readers mom comes to the hotel and reader DREADS it and becomes snappy but readers mom wins everyone over (of course alastor too). So when reader explains that she doesn’t want her mom around alastor can’t understand why and reader feels betrayed its only later when readers mom shows her true colors towards reader. And reader of course bites back (or at least tries too)
So basically angst to fluff and SORRY IF THATS SO MUCH😭😭
👀 Mommy issues??? 👀
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Emotionally Abusive mother, Reader suffering, Reader gets grabbed a few times, Ambiguous ending for mama
Description: ☝️⬆️
When it comes to mothers, it's safe to say you and Alastor had very different experiences
His mother was full of warmth and kindness towards him, doing her best to build him up into a great man
She loved him greatly and it shows whenever he talks about her
But your mother?? Your mother saw you as fucking competition and always found ways to put you down, to make herself better than you
Well maybe she should be the one who was cooking the meals, getting your younger siblings off to school on time or making sure everyone had clean clothes
Just the thought of her made your stomach flip and your legs shake
She would put you down all your life while claiming it was so that you could be a great woman just like her, but not too great, you have to remember who the better woman is
Well now you're both in hell so-
You put as much distance between her and yourself as you could, living your afterlife without her influence
You even got yourself a handsome powerful overlord boyfriend and new friends to share your life with
Even though you're supposed to be in hell, you couldn't be happier
At least you were until your mother showed up at the hotel, her face full of faux worry and tears
"Oh my precious girl! This is where you've been hiding? I was so worried!!"
Before Charlie can even shut the door, your mother has already shoved her way inside and literally dug her claws into you, hugging you
It's all you can do not to throw up, smothered by her familiar scent and grip, hearing her voice again after all this time
"Now let Mommy take a look at you-oh!!! And here I was worried that you were starving! Good to know you've put some weight on those bones!"
And it's already starting-
And now she's crying and rocking you in her arms, cooing about how much she's missed you and how she's never letting you go again
Charlie and the others are just staring at the two of you, completely enraptured by your mother, like everyone always is
She loved being the center of attention
When you finally come to your senses you push her away and create some distance, disturbed by the worried looks everyone is giving her
"Mom, why are you here?"
Oh don't everyone look at you like you're the bad guy!! She's the one who's only here because she wants something!!
"Maybe I wouldn't have to come track you down if you would just visit your poor mother every once in a while...she never even calls me, you know!"
And now she's crying again, Charlie immediately going to comfort her while Vaggie gives you a dirty look
Fucking mommy issues much? Don't fall for this crap
"I don't want to visit you, so just leave-"
"Well now, who is this~?"
Alastor! Yes! He can make her leave! You turn to give your boyfriend a pleading look but your mother catches his attention first
"Oh don't worry about who I am.. just a poor lonely mother who came to see her daughter...but I guess I'll show myself out.."
Alastor doesn't have to guess who she's talking about, even in death you always looked like your mother
His smile gets surprisingly warm and soft, taking your mother's hand in his own in a disgusting display of affection that used to only be for you
"You're Y/N's mother? My my, I should've guessed! You must have so many stories of her from her life! I simply must insist that you say."
You feel sick but nobody notices, your mother already soaking up their attention and winning their hearts
So you turn and leave the hotel, unable to stand being in her presence any longer, you don't miss the smug look she gives you on your way out
You spend all day trying to avoid going back to the hotel until you're sure your mother is gone
You're more than disappointed to find her drinking tea with Alastor, the two of them laughing, her placing her hand on top of his
She always used to try and go after your boyfriends and that hasn't changed either
She hasn't changed
"Oh darling~! We hadn't realized you left! Alastor and I were simply having a moment~"
Alastor lights up when he sees you, only to be visibly confused by your troubled expression
"Y/N! Your mother was just telling me about her life before you! She was quite a wildcard back then!"
Your mother is practically drooling over him, rubbing his hand and winking
"I'm still wild if you ever care to find out!"
You've had it
You tug your mother's hand off of Alastor, forcing her to stand up and look you in the eyes
"You need to leave! Right now!"
And here come the waterworks again
"Y/N..! Darling, what did I do wrong? I'm your mother please don't throw me out like this!"
You just start pushing her towards the door and you slam it shut behind her, sighing in relief
That is until you look at Alastor's face, his smile seeming strained
"Y/N! You can't just throw her out like that, not only is that bad manners but that's no way to treat the woman who raised you!"
Raised you? You raised yourself!!
"Alastor, you don't know what you're talking about so please just stay out of it. You don't know what she's like-"
You're trying to stay calm-
"She's your mother, it's not like she's some evil creature-"
"So are you and I, my dear."
You try to put your foot down, tell him that you don't want her here but he's already opening the door for her and letting her back in
She looks so pleased with herself
He invites her to stay the night because of course he does, he would do it for his own mother so why not yours
You try not to give her the satisfaction of seeing you cry but your eyes are already hot and watery
"I-I'm going to bed..!"
Alastor calls for you, trying to resolve things then and there but the only response he gets is your door slamming shut
He goes to go after you but your mother stops him with a gentle hand to the shoulder
"Now now...let her cool off for a bit then I'll go make sure she's alright, a mother always knows how to cheer up her child~"
It feels like you spend hours crying in your bed, feeling so hurt that Alastor took her side over yours
Your mom isn't like his, she doesn't nurture, she just takes from you and bullies you
Later, just when you've about cried yourself to sleep, you hear the bedroom door open
"Not a chance, pet."
Now what does she want
"Why are you even here?"
Suddenly she pounces on you, grabbing your wrists tightly, eyes wild with fury she must've been containing this whole time
You don't even know why she's so mad at you, you haven't seen her in years-
"You think you're better than me now, is that it? Now that you're on your own, living in some fancy hotel, got some powerful boytoy, hiding behind hell's princess?"
As a kid, she seemed so strong but now you easily rip out of her grasp and manage to create some distance between you two
"I'm not hiding behind anyone! I'm just trying to get away from you!"
"Oh no no no, that's not how this works! I am your mother! If I have to be miserable and live in filth then so do you!"
"Why are you even here!?"
"Because it's not fair! I deserve to be here! Not some ungrateful little bitch who just happened to fall out of me!"
She lunges at you and you try to dodge her but she manages to grab you by your hair, yanking you back
You're about to start swinging when Alastor is suddenly there, watching the two of you in bewilderment
Then that bewilderment melts away into understanding, then anger
The radio sounds in the room are suddenly deafening, your mother letting go of you so she can cover her ears
You take the chance to kick her away, watching as she tumbles and loses consciousness from the impact
Alastor kneels beside you but you flinch away from him, still feeling hurt
"Y/N...I'm so sorry..." He does look properly ashamed, his smile a little watery
"Why didn't you just tell me that she was like this..?"
How could you even begin to start?? That you didn't want to somehow sour his opinion of mothers by telling him about your own?
That you didn't want him to feel guilty for having a mother who loved him while you grew up having to be a mother to your siblings because your own mom had none to give??
It's just word vomit at this point, but Alastor simply gathers you into his arms, tutting as he checks your scalp and fixes your hair
When he gets to your wrists where your mother grabbed than his smile turns positively venomous, giving your mother a deadly look
"What do you want me to do with her? Anything you ask..."
You're a little irritated that he brought her up, having been too relaxed by the feeling of his lips against your palm
"I just want her out of here..."
And that's all it takes, Alastor calls for Niffty and has her take out the trash, her scuttling out gleefully while dragging your mother
Niffty doesn't even care, she's just happy to have a new toy
You didn't realize how stressed out you were until it was just the two of you, Alastor rubbing your back soothingly
You don't know when you fall asleep but when you wake up Alastor is kissing the side of your face, looking as apologetic as he can be
You manage to convince him to apologize in morning snuggles and by the time you two come downstairs everyone else is awake
"Where is Y/N's mom?"
Not Niffty giggling and running out of the room
Alastor simply shakes his head and wraps an arm around your waist to hold you closer
"She is gone and won't ever be visiting again, I would like to ask that nobody brings her up again~"
Something about the way he says it manages to shut everyone up
Alastor takes you out to eat your favorite breakfast and spends the day spoiling you
He doesn't bring up the events of last night until the two of you are in bed, entangled in each other's arms
"You didn't ruin my opinion of mothers, you know."
"I didn't?"
"No, in fact, it sounds like you were quite the mother back in your day~"
Not his hand rubbing your belly
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OH MAMA THIS ONE TOOK ALL DAY! I hope you liked it!!
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libraryraccoon · 8 months
The Demon Of Cancellations : A Cancel Contracts Business
The story of a demon in hell that can cancel contracts.
P1 (here) -> P2
TW : Bad english, english isn't my first language.
Pronouns used for the Reader : he/they
Male/Gn reader. Others info : the reader do 5'7 and have a dark academia style with a trench coat.
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There was a well-known demon in hell. They were not an Overlord, but very powerful.
‘Why ?’ you will ask ? Because they was able to make any contract appear, and make it disappear, cancel it, just by touching it.
People call them The Demon of Cancellations.
I should tell you where all begin, right ?
Well, that all begin with a teenager, a 16 years old teenager.
He was a normal teenager, going to school, lying, daddy issues, mama’s boy, hating the life and his siblings, burning car and sometimes house...
A normal teenager from the Gen Z.
But, one time, he die.
His friend told him to jump from the rooftop of their school.
And, as a dumb suicidal, he jumped.
And just like that, when he opened his eyes, he was in hell.
He didn’t know what to do. He always know he will end up in hell, yeah, but he didn’t expect it that early !
So, like everyone that go in hell and don’t know what to do, he decided to do a pact with an Overlord !
Well, try will be a better word.
Why ? Because when he touch the contract, the contract disappear. The contract was cancel.
And our little demon, that wasn’t that dumb, decided to start a business which consists of canceling contracts.
And that worked !
And it’s just like that, that The Demon Of Cancellations was born.
Angel Dust wasn’t very sure about all that “Demon Of Cancellations” thing, but if they can cancel his contract with Valentino, he won’t say no.
It was Friday, at 9pm, when Angel Dust arrived at the building where the Demon Of Cancellations do their business.
The building was a normal building, well, as normal as a building can be in hell.
Angel entered the building, and went up to the third floor, where his, perhaps, savior's office was.
The Demon wasn’t what Angel expected. And the Office too.
Angel imagines a large, dark office, with a large and terrifying demon waiting for him.
Not a 5'7 teenage human-like demon. No, but seriously, the only things that differentiated them from a human were the demon horns and tail.
Angel knew that some demons kept appearances that could be more or less close to their living form. In fact, the less bad things a demon does while alive, the more similar its appearance will be to when they was alive.
But that didn't make sense ! How could a powerful demon, who could break any contract just by touching it, have done only a few bad things ?!
“Hello, Angel Dust I supposed ?” said the demon, making Angel Dust focus on the demon in front of him. “Come, take a sit, I don’t bite, I swear !” they said with a soft smile.
The Demon was wearing clothes that looked Dark Academia style, as well as a trench coat, and they had a black blindfold covering their eyes.
They didn’t look that different from a regular demon that haven’t done too much bad thing from alive.
 But Angel Dust couldn't let his guard down. They were The Demon Of Cancellations after all.
Carefully, he sat down on the seat in front of the desk, looking at the face of the demon in front of him.
“So, what contract do you want me to cancel for you ?” they ask, always with a smile.
‘They look like a little like Alastor, think Angel Dust, ‘always smiling like a fucking creep.’
“With Valentino.” Said Angel Dust.
“Valentino ?”
“Yeah. A problem with that ?” ask the spider demon.
‘Maybe they can’t cancel it. Yeah, that should be that.’ Think Angel Dust, mentally repressing himself for having believed, for having hoped, to be able to end this fucking contract.
“Oh no !” said The Demon Of Cancellations. “It’s just that it’s the 5th this week that someone ask me to cancel a contract with him.” They explain. “I was thinking about putting my office closer to where he works, as most of my clients are his workers."
“If you do, I doubt you'll survive more than a day. He'll kill you when he will see you." Said Angel Dust with a little chuckle, thinking at Valentino that was swearing about “That stupid fucking demon that take all my bitches”.
Angel Dust won’t lie, it’s only after hearing that, that he decided to come see them.
And as his contract appeared, floating on the desk, he knew he had made the right choice.
The Demon Of Cancellations touch the contract, and just like that, the contract was cancelled, disappearing in the air.
Angel Dust couldn't help it, he smiled and cursed.
“Yeah ! Take that, you bitch Valentino ! I’m free !”
And he was. He could feel his soul being free after all this years.
The Demon Of Cancellations laugh at that.
“Well, you’re free now. So go do all that the devils do when they are free.” Said The Demon Of Cancellations.
“FUCK YEAH !” scream Angel Dust, running out of the office. He had to tell what just happen to Charlie and Husk !
The Demon Of The Cancellations, Y/N by his real name, was happy in a way.
He was maybe a trash, a bad person from his living, but he won’t do the same in hell. He will help people to be free, well, as free as a sinner can be, even if that mean that he will die because of that.
Especially if he can get money with that ‘good’ action.
What ? He was still a demon after all. Why would he do that if it's not for money ?
Possible part 2 with Husk and/or Alastor.
It’s the first time I write for Hazbin Hotel, for Angel Dust, so it’s not that good but I will try to do better.
In a timeline, it happen after the season one.
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blue-rose-soul · 7 months
For hazbin hotel au: in what scenario would cause both alastor and Lucifer to agree or find out the truth at same time?
Ngl, the wording of this has me a little confused. Uhh, so a situation where Alastor and Lucifer both figure it out at the same time?
It probably begins with Alastor suspecting but not actually knowing about Lucifer's past with his mother. And he doesn't really care enough to go digging. Until Lucifer moves into the hotel.
After the extermination when things have calmed down and everyone's getting used to the new hotel and living together, Charlie makes sure to stress to Alastor and Lucifer that she'd at least like them to be civil with each other, even if they can't exactly be friendly. They begrudgingly agree, which means they're spending more time in one another's vicinity. At some point the topic of favorite foods comes up and Alastor, being the mama's boy he is, begins praising his mother's jambalaya. Lucifer isn't enough of a dick to insult someone's mother's cooking, but he does chime in that the best jambalaya he's ever had was made by a really sweet lady he met whence upon a time when he snuck up to Earth and wound up in the middle of this really wild party in the southern US. It's a little funny; he doesn't remember most of that night. And angels usually have impeccable memories!
Alastor narrows his eyes. He decides to play a hunch.
"If you're so certain, why don't we just see how my mother's recipe measures up?" he challenges. Lucifer agrees. But he's certain that Alastor's cooking won't come anywhere close to his memory of that Mardi Gras in 190x.
On his way out the door, Alastor 'offhandedly' remarks that his maman told him stories about the Mardi Gras parade she attended in 190x.
Lucifer narrows his eyes as Alastor disappears into the kitchen.
Once dinner's ready, Alastor is watching very very closely for Lucifer's reaction. And Lucifer is very very aware of Alastor watching him very very closely. No one else is really paying attention, they're too busy digging into their meals. Alastor and Lucifer make eye contact.
Then, finally, Lucifer takes a bite.
His eyes go wide.
He meets Alastor's eyes across the table.
He knows. And Alastor knows he knows. And Alastor also knows that he knows that Alastor knows he knows.
Alastor simply smiles, cocks his head to the side, and says, "So, is it as good as the jambalaya you had in 190x?"
Lucifer doesn't answer. He eats the rest of the meal in silence. No one else at the table has any clue what that was about.
Alastor vanishes pretty quickly after kitchen cleanup, but Lucifer spends the next few days trying to catch Alastor alone. It's tricky, given that Alastor keeps to himself a lot when he's not actively doing something for the hotel or participating in some mandatory group activity. As soon as he's not needed he vanishes into the shadows again. It takes a while before Lucifer finally gets his chance to talk to Alastor. It... doesn't go well.
"I was just satisfying some curiosity," Alastor tells him. "In truth, I could care less."
After all, it's not like knowing the identity of the man who walked out on him and his maman will do him any good now. If Lucifer wanted to have some kind of father-son bond, he should have been there a hundred years ago. And he doesn't care for an apology either. If Lucifer wants to apologize to someone, he should speak to Nicaise. She went in the other direction, by the way.
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happyunbday2u · 4 months
So I've seen some Hazbin Hotel role swap things like when the pilot first came out they were switching Charlie and Alastor, Vaggie and Angel Dust, Niffty and Husk and Cherri Bomb and Sir Pentious, one on where Charlie and Vaggie switch, one with a Statichusk, once the season came out I saw like one for RadioStatic and somebody even give out a full list on who is who which I loved BUT have ya'll considered this? And work with me here okay
Also I didn’t get a chance to finish the art since I did it on a school computer cause I don’t have my own and my phone isn’t good with digital artwork but I finished the designs
Angel Dust as Charlie: When his family died they were basiclly considered royalty since their family of mafia had gone on for centuries that when they went to Hell they were already covered, living in a goddamn palace with deseasd family members and others from the same mafia. Angel Dust while he really didn't care at first but then started hate whenever the extermination happened due to how many died, he was covered since his family had already had so much secirity and such but it began to seem like something everyone should have. That's when the hotel idea came to place. He tried telling his family about it but it didn't really work too well so he left to try and make it work and save everyone in Hell. His main weapon choice is guns but he really doesn't like resorting to violence, he removed his gold tooth as a way to symbolize how he left his family and the family business.
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Husk as Vaggie: In Heaven there were two ways you could become an Exersit, one is by ending up in the Purgatory and having no choice in it, the second way is by being approched by one to ask for your help in secret and choose to become one yourself which was rare but some did choose to that path and Husk was one of them. Skilled with throwing knives and any small sharp object he was one of the best ones on the field, Lute was kinda jelous, and never EVER showed mercy... except for one time. He cornered a small child but found himself not being able to kill him so he let him run off and make it seem like he had managed to run away fast enough. Lute ended up seeing and saw him as a disgrace as she took out his eye and halo, she almost took off his wings but he fought back so she only ended up damaging them so he couldn't fly anymore. That's when he met Angel who showed him better kindness then his own people, he ended up helping him with his idea and is dating him. He doesn't trust most people but more speficlly woman, okay so I added that because you know how Vaggie doesn't trust men? My thought was because of Adam’s personality and holding a grudge for letting Lute remove her eye and wings so for Husk I made it because of Lute doing those things. His main weapon of choice is small knives but he works with cards and exploding dice. Also Fun Fact on the Fandom page, Trivia, it says that Vizzipop was saying that she wanted to make him Russian ended up deciding not to do it soooooooooooooooooo- To me he's canonlly Russian, oh and another fun fact he knows like 6 languages including Italian so now I can have the mental imagine of Husk and Angel talking to each other sweetly in Italian.
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Niffty as Alastor: Okay yes this sounds weird but WORK WITH ME HERE! At first glance you'd think oh look at this lil woman but NOPE she is an bug eating Overlord, she's known as The Bug Demon for two different reasons. 1. Her obesstion/appitie for bugs and 2. In the 1940's a word to describe someone as insane was bug which is around the time she was born. She works on the radio. She's feared by all of Hell and anyone who hasn't met her will probobly know really fast why she is. She is absolute besties with and I'm thinking about replacing Mimzy with Baxter but I'm not sure, if you don't know who that is he's one of the characters made but hasn't been used yet. And like Alastor was a mama's boy she was a daddy's girl and is respectful to men UNLESS they are absolute bitches to people. Another reason I gave her Alastor's spot was so that they can still be crazy together and I can keep the mental imagine of them laughing mainaclly together.
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Cherri Bomb as Angel Dust: Cherri Bomb sold her soul to Valentino (Or someone else? Give me ideas people, pls) thinking it'll be as simple as she seen others do, it was not, it was even worse since he ended up having her as a 'favorite'. She acts like she doesn't care but it really hit her deep and her escape, besides ya know all the drinking and such, is blowing things up. She came to the hotel simply so she wouldn't have to live in the studio but overtime ended up liking the people there.
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Sir Pentious as Husk: He used to be known for winning any turf war until one day there was one he was fighing that was too powerful to defeat so he made a deal with The Bug Demon for help but it didn't end well. Yeah he won but at the cost of having to work for Niffty, he learned how to bartend over time and grew an alchohal addiction, he was forced to work at the Hotel by Niffty and while he did at first dislike Cherri he ended up liking her in the end.
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Alastor as Niffty: A hyperactive always smiling through everything, you know Niffty stays smiling almost as much as Alastor, deer demon he's basiclly the world's best cook and basiclly butler of the hotel. He's just a chaotic tall little shit which is basiclly like before but less out there.
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Charlie as Sir Pentious: The Princess of Hell hated her title and how she had to live as royalty so she tried to become her own person, key word: tried. She tried become an Overlord but she wasn't good at making deals, then she tried living like any other demon but they reconized her too easily, then she tried to join the Vees but even with her reputation they didn't let her become one of them so to get their attention she tried winning turf wars, one of her biggest rivals was Vaggie. And the Egg Boiz are replaced by the Goat Bois which are just Razzle and Dazzle look a likes In the final battle she did die and get redeemed. I don’t think people realize that Charlie does have a soul since her mom was literally the first woman and when she made the deal with Alastor it was confirmed, plus I want her to still meet Emily and be besties with her.
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Vaggie as Cherri Bomb: A young fighter skilled with throwing exploding spears, literally just bombs strapped to her spears, and a turf winning champion. She used to be an angel but she was kicked out Heaven for being rebellious so when one of the exterminations happened they took her down with them but she put up a fight and ended up getting her eye cut out. She's besties with Cherri.
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Molly as Lucifer: She was close with Angel the most when they were alive even though she was never in their “family business”. When she died she went to Heaven and knew that her family wasn't so to reunite with them she brought up ideas like visiting hours and such so that loved ones could reunite in dislocated places so that Angels were never at risk in Hell and Sinners didn't plan to raid Heaven. Dispite the court denying and denying she kept trying until she was casted out in Heaven for her ideas and came down to Hell as a fallen angel. She was happy tho, because she was going to be with her family until she saw how distant they all had become with eachother, nevertheless she tried rebonding with her brother. But when Angel Dust came to her with the idea of rehabilitating sinners she just simply believe that it couldn't be done, not that she didn't want to support him, it was just hard to believe that Heaven would accept them after all her ideas were thrown to the gutter and not long after they became distant and she blamed herself. When Angel called her for her help she was so estatic for her brother to actually WANT to see her. "My brother wants to see me! Take that depression!" "Molly, this is Husk! My boyfriend." "You like boys! Oh mio Dio we have so much in common, put it there Tusk!"
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I haven’t decided should be in Lilith’s place but I’m debating on Angel’s dad or brother
Thank you for listening to my rant have a cookie
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nkirukaj · 1 month
Fawning for You (18)
Pairing: Alastor x Voe (Fem!OC)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: ANGST (& Humor!)
Word Count: 6K
18. Everything Changes
“Game on,”
“Good morning Voe,”
“Good morning Dr. Wither,” Voe cautiously takes a seat in the armchair that Dr. Wither has for patients
The doctor smiles “You’re really showing now!”
Voe nods “Yeah, it’s getting difficult to ignore at this point,” she laughs as she sinks into the chair “Whoa,”
“Tell me about that, about how that makes you feel. Have you finally discussed it with your husband?”
“Yes, I did and we had a bit of a spat with each other over it,”
“Over what?”
She plays with her fingers “Well I had this whole plan to tell everyone but he pressured me to tell before I was ready,”
“And did you talk about that with him?”
“Yeah, just recently actually,”
“And what did you two discuss?”
She thinks “Mostly about whether or not I wanted an apology,”
Dr. WIther sits back “Then you didn’t really address the issue did you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Why were you upset that your plan was ruined?”
“Well, I guess, because I put a lot of thought into it and this was something that I was able to control which I Haven’t had in a while,”
“Did you tell your husband that?”
She squints “No…”
“Then you didn’t address the issue,”
She sits there, mouth shaped like an O “I suppose I didn’t then,”
“You need to always address the issue otherwise he doesn’t know what it is that he’s apologizing for. Also, you don’t know what apology you’re accepting,”
Voe rolls her head around “So I should bring it up again?”
“Well everyone knows, so you might as well not bring it up again,”
“So what exactly do you think I should do?”
The doctor thinks “Have you thought of a baby shower?”
Voe’s eyes light up “No!”
“You should have one to celebrate then. Maybe you can’t do your pregnancy announcement, but you can celebrate yourself. Is that the real issue? That you wanted to celebrate yourself?”
“Hmm, maybe. I still feel sore about my announcement,”
“That’s to be expected, but instead of fixating on things you can’t change, maybe deal with the actual issue and address it. You wanted to feel celebrated. Okay, so instead of the announcement do a baby shower!”
“Okay! I can do that!” She tries to stand, but can’t on her own. Dr. Wither helps her up.
Dr. Withers lets go of her arm “Also, next time just communicate to your husband, ‘I want to feel celebrated’, and all the the vitriol can be avoided. Married couples are supposed to be happy, not spending time ignoring one another. Okay?”
“Okay!” Voe steadies herself
The doctor looks at her phone “Wonderful, that’s time! I’ll see you at your next session! Your assignment is to communicate your needs to your husband. Make your thoughts known. And have a baby shower!”
“We need to have a baby shower,” Voe told her husband later
Alastor looks up from his novel “I’m sorry, we need to have a baby shower?”
She blinks “Yes,”
“Are we having a baby shower??” Charlie burst into the conversation, and the pair stared at her “Can we have a gender reveal??”
“What do you mean ‘we’?” Voe asked
“I assumed you wanted help,”
“Oh okay, but I’ll tell you I’m not doing a damn thing,”
Charlie grins “Okay baby mama,”
Voe squints and grimace. She turns back to Alastor “We have to do this to make up for my lack of announcement,”
He closes the novel “Very well,”
“Yay!!” Charlie jumps up and down clapping
“She might be more excited than me,” She whispered to Alastor
“She’s more excited than everyone,” he smiles at his wife and kisses her on the cheek
She’s startled “Oh! What was that for?”
“Just blessing me with your presence,” 
“How sweet!” Charlie squeals
Vaggie comes by and pushes her girlfriend out “Okay, come on Charlie,” “It’s so beautiful Vaggie,” they hear as the women get further and further
Voe looks down at Alastor “May I sit?”
He offers his lap to her and she takes a seat “A little heavier are we?”
“You’re carrying your wife and child,”
“What do you suppose it is? Girl? Boy? Lizard?”
She punches Alastor in the chest “Stop!”
He laughs “So are you inviting all your little fans or are we keeping it small?”
“My relationship with my fans is parasocial,”
“Oh, so you want to keep it a secret? They are going to hate that,”
“Perhaps I’ll hold a contest, one fan can come,”
“Ooh, a bloodbath. Maybe you are a bit evil,”
She chuckles “Would you have married me if I wasn’t?”
“Let’s focus on the future,”
She slaps his arm “Anyway, I’m hoping it’s a girl,”
“Huh, I do too,”
“Really? Why?”
He shrugs “I’m not sure, I’ve always wanted a little girl running around,”
“Oooh, girl Dad,”
“I suppose,”
“Welcome Sovereign Overlords. We are gathered here to introduce and welcome our newest Overlord, Miss Voe,” Carmilla Carmine gestures towards her as the other Overlords clap cordially and Voe waves politely.
“Well this is fun,” Voe whispers to her husband
“Now you can contribute, congrats! But remember you think before you say things,”
She tilts her head “I always do that,”
He blinks at her “Yes but, think more,”
Voe purses her lips and says “Well I’m up for questions if anyone has got some,”
“Okay…” Carmilla breathes
She turns to Alastor “Should I not have said that?”
“Oh, you’re fine darling. We just have business to attend to,”
The Vees are in the corner laughing like schoolchildren
“What are they talking about?” she asks, tilting her head
“Ignore them,” Alastor tells her
“The number of our souls has remarkably gone up. I just want to express how proud I am of all of you,” she says with no change in tone,
“As we are of you Carmilla,” Zestial jumps him Carmilla wears a small smile after Zestials words. “Moving on, I just wanted to tell you that, but we have to stay focused because we never know when Heaven will return. We must stay ready and strong. That is all. The meeting is adjourned,”
“What?” Valentino screams “This could’ve been an email!”
“Or a text!” Velvette waves her phone
Carmilla blinks “Well, I know one of you cannot see, so I thought I would do you a favor,”
“Who’s she talking about? Is she talking about me?” Val asks
“Val, I’m over here,” Velvette says from the other side of him
“Are they always this short?” Voe asks
“Oh no, once we had a 16-hour debate,”
“About what?”
Alastor thinks and shrugs “I don’t even recall,” Voe laughs  and jumps up running after Rosie
“Rosie!” she calls
“Voe! Aren’t you looking well? Come, you must meet the other Overlords!”
Rosie guides her around the table introducing her to the others, like Zeezi, as well as Carmilla’s daughters, Clara and Odette.
“Hello,” Voe greets them
“Pleasure to meet you,” Odette shakes her hand
“Hi!” Clara responds
“Ladies, this is the newest Overlord, Miss Voe the Beau. I don’t know if you ladies have social media,”
Odette shakes her head “We aren’t on social media,”
“Okay…” Voe says
Clara looks down at Voe’s stomach “Oh, you’re pregnant? I don’t know how, but Congratulations!”
“Clara, I didn’t bring it up on purpose,”
“Oh, sorry,”
Voe smiles “it’s okay, I am pregnant,”
“Congratulations! How are you pregnant?”
“Clara, you cannot just ask people how they got pregnant,”
Rosie starts to lead her away “Come now, so many more people to see. You girls behave!” she leads her to the head of the meeting herself, Carmilla “Hey Carmilla. Great meeting! And hello to you too Zestial, I wasn’t interrupting anything important was I? Wink wink? Oh, I’m just kidding! Hello to you both!”
“Hello, Rosie,” Carmilla breathes out
“Pleasure to make thine acquaintance,” Zestial responds
“This here is Miss Voe the Beau, isn’t she adorable?”
Voe waves to the two Overlords that tower over her “Hello,”
“It’s quite a pleasure to meet you,” Carmilla says, looking down at her
“I know we didn’t get to the introductory part of it, but I can answer anything you need to know,”
“I have business to attend to but Voe,” the doe looks up into her eyes “We should talk more,” she states walking away with Zestial
Voe whispers “Yes Mother…” She shakes her head “Rosie!”
“I wanted to invite you to my baby shower,” she smiles
Rosie gasps “Oh I thought you’d never ask!”
“Well! If it isn’t my two favorite people? Hello, my dear Rosie,” Vox interrupts, straightening Rosie’s hat, Rosie tilts it back
“Hello Vox,” she states, her voice lowering
Voe rolls her eyes and crosses her arms
“What are you sneaking around for?”
“I can’t say hello to my best friend?
“Oh now! I help you with one thing and now you’re acting all crazy!”
Vox laughs “Me? Crazy?” he puts his arms around them both “Don’t be ridiculous. I would never do that to my favorite Overlord,”
“Don’t you try to butter me up! Last time I helped you it was a complete disaster!”
“I just wanted to say high to our newest Overlord and the mother-to-be,”
Voe moves from under his arm “Don’t touch me,”
“Honestly, I hope you’re having a girl,”
She scrunches her brow “Why?”
“I don’t know, I got that girl feeling,”
“You’re gross,”
“Goodbye Vox,” Rosie takes Voe and walks away “Ugh, annoying guy, but good with deals. Always remember you may have enemies, but keep them close. You might need something from them,”
“It’s so weird, ever since I killed them, the Vees are like obsessed with me,”
“Yeah, they’re like that with everybody,”
Alastor walks up to the two ladies “Where have you two been?”
“I’ve been showing your wife the ropes,”
“I hope you didn’t show her too much,” “Wouldn’t want the ropes to be too tight!” They laugh together as Voe stares at them, not at all understanding what they are talking about.
No no, that name was much too ‘Salem witch trials’. He would adore it if her name started with an ‘A’.  Alice? Like Alice in Wonderland, the book was not like whatever film Vera had shown them. Why were they using real human beings? Anyway, he would bring the name up to her later. Alastor sits down making paper dolls for the baby shower. He watches as his wife sits in his chair, giving orders to everyone on how things should look. He stared at her form, there seemed to be something of a glow about her. She was indeed the light of his afterlife haha! He never thought that he would be sitting on the couch waiting to be a father, let alone helping prep for a baby shower. He hadn’t killed anyone in a while, he didn’t have the urge to, this was more than enough for him at this moment. He wondered what his baby girl would be like. Would she be like him or like Vera? Perhaps a mix of both? Oh goodness, not a mix of both. There was one of him and one of his wife, both of them in a single child would be too much for even him to handle. He could teach her hand games and Louisiana Creole, and his mother’s recipes, he could braid her hair and dress her in cute little 1920s dresses and hair bows.
“I like Jason!”
Alastor snaps back into reality “What?”
“You didn’t put any boy’s names,” Niffty said “I like Jason for a boy!”
“Well, it’s going to be a girl,”
“How do you know?” she asked
“I just do,”
“I made a list of all the boys’ names,” Niffty sticks her tongue out at Alastor and slides him a list
He sticks his tongue out back at her and takes a look. All the names start with a ‘J’ “Well thank you Niffty, but we won’t be needing this,”
“Yes, you will! You will!” She bites Alastor’s hand and rubs Voe’s stomach, whispering “Jason,”
Voe removes her hand from her stomach.
Alastor cared for Niffty very much, but sometimes, she scared the dickens out of him.
“You’re thinking of names?” Voe asked
“What you got?”
He crumples up Niffty’s list “I have a few,”
“Tell me,”
“I’ll tell you later,”
“Haven’t picked the perfect one yet,”
Niffty can be heard in the background asking Angel “Can we name him Jason?”
“It’s not my baby!”
“Can we name you and Husk’s baby Jason?”
Husk immediately opens a bottle and downs half of it.
“What? Can’t imagine getting me pregnant?”
“I’m not even going down that road with you,”
“Hey,” Voe called for her husband
He snapped back to attention “Yes?”
“You excited?”
“Quite,” he smiles
“Me too!” Niffty says from on top of Alastor’s head
“I want to invite some Overlords to the baby shower, what do you think?” Voe says
“You want to invite those old coots?” Alastor raised an eyebrow
She smiles and pokes his chest “I’m married to one of those old coots,”
“Hmm well, I’m one of the better old coots,”
“Oh of course, but I’d like to invite Carmilla and Zestial. They seem…family-oriented,”
“Hmm, very well,”
Voe hands Alastor two envelopes “Drop them off for me sweetie,”
He takes them “Of course,”
Voe leans on her arm “Look at you, when’s the last time you’ve killed? I can’t even remember,”
He chuckles “I haven’t felt the need to. my dear,”
“What’s gotten into you?”
“Perhaps having a family to take care of?”
“Well I don’t want you to give up part of who you are for me, that wouldn’t be right,”
“Oh now, I don’t even remember why I started killing. It’s been so long, it’s faded from my mind,”
Her eyes widen “Wow, therapy has been working huh?”
“I suppose,” he closes his lips into a thin smile
“If it ever comes back, I won’t stop you,” she smiles
“I don’t believe it will,”
“Who are you,”
He stands “Alastor, your new and improved husband,”
Voe laughs “I love everything about you,”
“As do I,”
She smirks “You love everything about yourself?”
He grins and nods “And you,”
“I wonder which of us our baby will be like,”
“Let’s hope she has my everything,” he laughs “I’m teasing darling, I hope she has everything from you,”
“How would you feel if they started killing?” she stares up at him
“Just for no reason?”
“No, if they had a reason. Like you did,”
He thinks “I don’t want to raise them that way. I think about what my mother would think about my killing. She would probably blame herself, I wouldn’t want to disappoint her further,”
She rubs her stomach “You really miss your mother,”
“Hmm, I think about her often,”
“I wish she could meet her grandchild,”
“So do I,”
“So now do you want to become the man your mother would be proud of?”
“I suppose so,”
She tiptoes and kisses him “I admire you,”
“Ugh darling, of course, you do!” He grins “But you shouldn’t,”
“But I do, 
“Well, thank you,”
“Do you admire me?”
“Oh very much so. Sometimes I look up to you,”
Voe smiles “Really?”
“Really. You may annoy me, but I enjoy your company,”
“Oh, you think I’m annoying? Have you met you?”
“Well yes, I have. Have you met you?”
She rolls her eyes “I suppose I have,”
He tilts her head up and gets close to her face “You are the most annoying person that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting,”
“And you are that to me,”
He presses his lips to her lips, over and over again
“I’m so glad I met you,” they say to each other staring into each other’s eyes
What was more surprising than Voe wanting to invite Zestial and Carmilla was their willingness to show up. They came in together and bearing gifts when Bean opened the door. 
“Hello sweetheart, we are here for the baby shower,” Carmilla says
“Yep! That’s right in here,”
Zestial takes his hand and places it on Carmilla’s lower back “The utmost thanks to thee,” he tells Bean as he guides Carmilla in
Voe sees them as she approaches Bean “Wow they came!” she does a double take “Anyway Bean,”
“Huh?” she asks with a mouthful of candy
“You have one job…keep Vox out,”
“Yup, I got it!”
“Mhmm, I got it!”
“Because he got into the wedding, so be extra vigilant,”
She nods, eating more candy “I don’t know how he got in that time, but I’m super focused,”
Voe grabs the candy out of her hands. They are VoxTek gummies “Yeah, uhuh,” she throws them back to her
“I promise! No funny business!” she eats more candy “I’m focused!”
“Voe! Why are you standing? Sit!” Charlie came to get her
“I wanted to greet everyone,”
“Well don’t strain yourself!”
She walks over to Carmilla to have a chat “Hi! I guess you remember me,”
“Yes, Voe the Beau. Hello, how are you?”
“I’m doing wonderful. I know I invited you, but I’m honestly shocked that you came,”
“I enjoy little gatherings, and I haven’t been to a baby shower in decades,”
Voe smiles “And how did you get Zestial to come?”
“Well we were already out, so I asked him to tag along,”
“Honestly, I’m surprised that no one has asked about my pregnancy,”
“How is that going by the way? I’ve been so busy It completely slipped my mind,”
Voe tilts her head “My pregnancy is going great, I hope my baby is a girl,”
Carmilla glances down at Voe’s stomach “You’re quite large for one baby.”
“Well, Lucifer told me that it wasn’t a normal pregnancy,”
Carmilla chuckles “Well Lucifer may be powerful, but he is only a man. I know about pregnancy, that’s the size of twins.”
Voe widens her eyes “Twins?”
“Twins. You have two babies in there,”
Voe stares off thinking about what she was just told as Carmilla grabs a drink 
“I never thought of Alastor as a husband, let alone a father. Then again, I barely think of him at all,” she says taking a sip “But knowing what I know about you, it makes sense that you’re together,”
“What do you know about me?”
“That you’re a woman about change,” she smiles as if she were a proud mother
Voe blushes “Oh, um thank you,”
“My pleasure,”
“Can I just say that you have Mother energy? I know that you’re a mother, but you have mother energy,”
Carmilla raises her brows “Uhuh,”
“It’s a compliment,”
“Then thank you,”
Voe looks around, not knowing what to do at that moment “Well enjoy the party, drink for me because I can’t!” she laughs 
“Not much of a drinker myself, but I will enjoy the party, thank you,”
Carmilla turns to walk away “Thanks for coming!”
The rest of the baby shower went off without a hitch, Charlie continually telling her to sit as she handled everything. Alastor stands beside her, ensuring she doesn’t get overwhelmed while opening gifts. Charlie bought a stuffed bear, while Carmilla bought her a pacifier. Voe loved being the center of attention when she had planned for it. She had a smile plastered to her face the entire evening.
“I want to thank you all for coming, and for all your gifts! Let’s just hope I don’t end up having a lizard baby!”
They laugh at her joke, but Charlie speaks up “A lizard baby?”
“Yeah, your dad told me about how if anything went wrong my baby could end up a lizard,”
Charlie rolls her eyes “Ugh Dad! You dug up that lizard baby thing?”
“Well- ugh- It was supposed to be funny!”
Voe slowly turns her head toward the king “Wait. Lucifer! Was that a joke?”
The King’s eyes dart around “Uhh lol?”
“Charlie, hold me back. I’m gonna punch your dad in the face!” they laugh again, and she shakes her head “Sorry about that everyone! But thank you for coming! I appreciate you all!”
“Hello Alastor,”
“Hello Doctor,” he spoke calmly
“What would you like to talk about today?”
He folds his hands on his knees “I have decided that I no longer want to kill,”
“Oh? Why’s that?”
“I thought about why I was killing so much when I was alive and I can’t remember the reason. I do remember that my mother was unaware of the type of mischief that I was getting into and I don’t my kids to get into that kind of trouble,”
“Trouble? This is your entire reputation that we’re discussing is it not? You give up killing, you give up being the Radio Demon do you not?”
“Mmm hold on, no one ever said I’d give up being the Radio Demon, I just said I’ve given up killing,”
She inhales “Alastor, you understand that you got the name because of your killings?”
“I got that name because of….” he stops and thinks “Huh, well maybe I’m ready to give up being the Radio Demon,” he could not believe the words he was saying. Giving up his title? “Maybe it’s time for me to just be ‘Alastor’,”
“My, what led you to this decision?”
“I don’t know, I feel like maybe I need to make a change,”
“I suppose I want to be a good father,”      
The doctor leans back “Ah, so this is about your wife’s pregnancy?”
“Yes, my child comes first and I want her to see her father as…’ Daddy’,”
She smiles “That’s very sweet Alastor. I’m proud of you,”
“Well, I suppose,” he found the feeling strange. He felt the respect coming from her, but it was odd, it felt different like he earned it without having to terrify her. 
“How does that feel to you?”
He tilts his head “I suppose I feel good,”
“So you’re giving up killing?”
Alastor nods “Mhmm,”
“All killing?”
“All killing,”
“What about, if you needed to?”
“I think there may be a different way to do things. I may not have to kill,”
She blinks “That’s very unlike you to say. Did you tell your wife this?”
“I spoke to her briefly about it,”
“How did she react?”
“She was surprised like you, but she was happy,”
“She was happy to see you give up a huge part of yourself?”
“It’s not an important part of myself,”
“So things in your relationship will change, yes?”
He tilts his head, smike strained “I don’t think that it has anything to do with the relationship,”
“But the relationship began while you were killing, so either she liked it or was used to it,”
“I don’t know, but this is my decision,”
“And you are certain about this?”
She types on her laptop “This will be difficult, you are aware yes?”
“Well, I do like a challenge,” 
“I think that perhaps you should take things slower instead of up and quitting unless you are certain that quitting cold turkey is best for you-“
“Oh, I’m certain!”
“Well then I wish you all the success in your relationship, parenthood, and your endeavors,” a timer goes off “And that’s time. I will see you at your next appointment and you’ve already given yourself an assignment, good luck!”
Alastor stands and dusts himself off “Good luck indeed, I will come back and we will see who’s won this challenge ha ha!” he walks out of the room
“Alastor! I think you’re taking it-“ she calls after him “And he’s gone. Welp, at least he’s enjoying his sessions!”
Two months later they were wondering who would be delivering the baby. They were coming any day now and Voe was almost ready to pop.
“Maybe Lucifer should do it,” Voe offered
Alastor glares “Absolutely not!”
“Why not?” she tilts her head
“I don’t want him touching you,”
“But he’s been there throughout the entire process,”
“Why does it have to keep being there?”
Voe tries to sit up, and Alastor helps her sit straight “He needs to make sure that nothing goes wrong,”
“I am sure that I know what’s going on with my wife,”
“Not with this pregnancy,”
Alastor’s eyes betray his smile “Mhmm,”
Voe looks to the side “Tell me,”
“It does not matter,”
“Your thoughts matter,”
“I just don’t want him touching you,”
She tilts her head “He’s touched me before,”
“I really would not like to be reminded,”
Voe reaches for him, and he bends down to place his face in her hands “Okay, he won’t deliver the baby,”
“Okay,” his smile seems more sincere after that
“But who should?”
“I don’t know,”
Voe grimaces “You know you’re quick to shoot an idea down but very slow on giving your own,”
His smile grows wider “Well I’m sorry that I’m not an expert on who can and cannot deliver babies, but I am an expert on my emotions,”
She scoffs “When did you get that title?”
“Just now, when I declared it,” his grin is cute and smug
Voe smiles at him, staring into his eyes before something comes to her mind “Carmilla!”
Alastor looks confused “What about her dear?”
“She can deliver the babies!”
“Why her?”
“She said she knows about pregnancy,”
His smile still wide, Alastor looks to the side “I don’t think that’s what she meant, my dear,”
Voe waves him off “I just thought about something, how are you going to eat if you aren’t killing anymore?”
“I eat other things, my sweet,”
“Right, but you love being a cannibal,”
He shrugs “It’s not something I need. Besides, venison is my favorite anyway,”
She touches his hand “You know you don’t have to do this,”
He nods “I know, I want to,”
Voe doesn’t look at him, “It…just seems so unlike you,”
Alastor’s eyes widen “Do you have an issue, my dear?”
“No! I-“ she stops “I don’t know,”
“Tell me the truth,”
“It’s just that one of the first things that pulled me toward you was when I saw you massacre that group of demons that thought they could take you. It was…riveting,” she crosses her arms over her chest “Something about it touched me,” she sighs, slightly moaning “It was…titillating,”
Alastor puts his hands over his lap “So it does bother you,”
“No! I, don’t want to say goodbye to it. I feel like killing is sometimes justified,”
“And when is it justified?”
“When you’re being threatened,”
“Hmm, I suppose a good tussle would be in order, but perhaps not murder,”
She pretends to be offended “Who are you?”
Carmilla Carmine had many skills, but delivering babies had not been on the list of things she was planning to learn. So when she got a letter from Voe the Beau, asking for her to be the one to deliver her babies, she was flabbergasted, at least the most flabbergasted that Carmilla Carmine could be. She wrote back telling them that she doesn’t have experience in such matters but she is willing to take a stab at it. 
Voe was pacing, knowing that something was off about her today she couldn’t exactly put her finger on what it was.
“Can you stop pacing in front of the TV?” Angel asks her. Voe picks up the remote and turns off the TV. “Okay, or turn it off,” He sits back.
Angel, Cherri, and Bean are sitting on the couch, now with nothing to do, but watch the doe pace.
“Something feels wrong, or at least strange,” She turns to the gals “Do you guys feel that?”
“No,” Angel shakes his head, pulling out his phone
Voe shudders out of nowhere “I swear guys, something’s-“ She stops her movement, the sound of liquid hitting the floor is deafening
“Mate, did you just pee yourself?” Cherri asks
“Gross,” Angel commented, Bean looks grossed out. “Remind me to never get pregnant,” he continues scrolling
“My water just broke,” she whispers
“Oh shit! What should we do?”
“Maybe we could deliver the baby!” Cherri offered
“Or….get her husband?” Angel says as Voe flops down into the chair behind her, leaking all over the chair and the floor. “Uh, Alastor?” Angel calls for the Overlord “Alastor! Hey Smiles, where you at?!” 
Alastor appears in the parlor, looking annoyed “What?” Angel points toward his wife and he approaches her quickly, seeing her leaking. “What’s the matter, my dear?”
“My water broke,” she choked out “The baby is coming,”
Alastor’s eyes open wide as he says “I will get Carmilla,” and he dissipates from in front of her. She stands with much effort and starts to walk, Angel helping her walk to the elevator.
She lay on the bed, having passed her pacing over to Lucifer.
“Okay breathe, in and out okay?”
“I know how to breathe Lucifer,” she tells him
Alastor reappears with Carmilla in tow, surprised to see Lucifer in the room with them “What is he doing here, my sweet?” 
Lucifer scowls “He is the reason this baby exists at all!”
Carmilla rolls her eyes at the men and tucks some towels under Voe’s head “Are you alright?”
Voe nods “Just a lot of pressure,”
“Physically or emotionally?”
She’s stunned that Carmilla even considered both possibilities “Both,” she breathes out. She turns to the men “Shut up!” They both quiet and turn to her “Come over here and help!”
Alastor dusts off his sleeves and approaches his wife, Lucifer walking up as well.
“What would you like me to do?” They both ask, glaring at each other
“Lucifer you can just watch to make sure everything is good, Alastor stay here with me.”
Alastor dissipates his cane “Of course, darling,” holding her hand
“Open your legs,” Carmilla smirks “I know you can do that,”
Voe lets out a pained chuckle that soon gave way to structured and steady breaths. She opens her legs and Carmilla is met with a widely dilated vagina.
“Okay, your vagina is dilated,” “Is that good?” Voe tilts her head, already sweating
Carmilla nods “Yes, that means it’s ready for the baby to come out. Are you ready?”
“I don’t think I can get any more ready,” she admits “What do I do now?”
“Now, you push,”
Voe’s pushing is bloody and bestial. She wasn’t sure if what she was doing was helpful or not, all she knew was that Carmilla said to push and that is exactly what she was going to do.
“It feels like I have rope burn in my vagina!!” She screams, pushing as hard as she can while squeezing Alastor’s hand to the point where she almost breaks it.
Alastor is very unsure of himself at this moment, very uncommon. His wife was pushing a watermelon out of her crotch. This was something that he could not and could never relate to. He was starting to lose feeling in the hand that she was holding, but he kept his composure because he was sure that if he were to do anything else it would be quite unhelpful. His eyes were wide and alert. He took in the scene. Carmilla between his wife’s legs, reaching inside her, Lucifer sitting on the edge of his seat being useless, which Alastor rolls his eyes at, and his wife, sweaty and screaming, a vein popping out of her forehead. She throws her head back in agony as Alastor tries not to get lost in his thoughts.
“Because the babies have hair,” Carmilla tells her, continuing to gently pull on the baby. Voe grabs onto Alastor’s arm, pulling him down to her.
“Babies?” Alastor questions “You seem to be mistaken Carmilla. There is only one baby,”
Carmilla just shakes her head and goes back to gently pulling. The room is filled with the sound of a loud gasp and even louder crying as the baby’s head is fully exposed. Soon the rest of the body is out, leaving only an umbilical cord connecting her to Voe. The baby cries loudly and nonstop. Carmilla immediately takes a few towels to softly wipe the baby off and swaddle them, calming them down to a large degree.
“It’s a girl,” she tells them
At that moment Alastor’s grin became genuine, tears almost falling from his eyes. He got his baby girl. He looks over to his wife who has collapsed on the bed, covered in sweat and breathing heavily. Lucifer notices as well and approaches “Are you alright?”
Alastor glares at him “I think I can handle this!” He snaps “Are you alright, my sweet?” Lucifer rolls his eyes
Voe nods faintly “She just took so much out of me,”
“Would you like to do the honors Alastor?” Carmilla turns to him presenting the angelic steel scissors that shine even without any light coming in through the windows. 
Carmilla nods “Customary for the father to cut the cord,” she says while holding the baby
Alastor cautiously takes the scissors, remembering his last encounter with angelic steel
“I can do it if you’re not up for it Al!” Lucifer volunteered with a little smirk Alastor shot him a dirty look and took the scissors to the cord, carefully snipping it and letting it fall. Carmilla smiles and walks up to Voe.
“Are you sure that you’re alright?”
Voe sits up with much effort, “Yes, now let me hold her,” she reaches for her baby which Carmilla places in her arms, returning to her open legs
“You lost a lot of blood, it’s okay if you’re not okay,”
But Voe isn’t listening, she is enamored by her baby “Hi Alyson,” she says as she rocks the baby back and forth
Alastor stares down at the two of them. Alyson was a beautiful name.
“I’m your Mommy!” she grins but has to stop to breathe.
“Voe! I think maybe you might need some assistance,” Carmilla insists
“I’m fine!” She snaps at Carmilla before returning to her baby,
Alyson had Voe’s skin tone along with her deer spots. She had the color of Alastor’s sclera and brow irises. Voe noticed that her pupils were radio dials, which she pointed out to Alastor, who seemed to be stuck in awe of his child. Her hair went from red to pink to black, and she had Alastor’s ears and tail, and hooves! Tiny baby hooves!
“She’s so beautiful,”
Alastor chuckles “Just like her mother,”
Voe looks up at him weakly and closes her eyes to take a breath before screaming bloody murder, causing Alyson to start crying at the top of her lungs. Carmilla checks Voe’s open canal.
“Alastor, take her,”
“What?” he is very confused
“Take the baby! There’s another one coming!”
Alastor grabs Alyson from Voe who inhales deeply before pushing once again, much more blood comes out this time and it’s a long and strenuous process. It takes 3 hours for this baby to come out, but before they know it, Voe and Alastor have a beautiful son. Carmilla goes through the same process as Alyson and has his all swaddled. Voe starts singing a series of random notes that the babies seem to respond very well to. Voe has a huge grin until sharp pain courses through her body, she doesn’t say anything, however.
“Can I hold one?” Lucifer asks
“No!” Alastor sounds as if the idea is ridiculous
“Let him hold one,” Voe says, her breath shaky and labored
Alastor reluctantly hands over Alyson to Lucifer, reaching for and taking the baby boy. So Carmilla had been right, there was another baby. He did not know how to feel about having a son. He’d hoped for a daughter so he could avoid the mistakes that led to him turning out the way that he did, having a girl would have prevented that. He knew nothing about being the father of a boy, his own father was awful and wretched toward him, so he’d learned nothing in that department at all.
“Voe, tell me what’s wrong,” Carmilla states, snapping Alastor from his thoughts
“I’m okay,” she says taking large breaths “Just really tired,” she closes her eyes to rest
“You’re not okay, you’ve lost a lot of blood, too much blood,”
“I just need to rest,” she says before falling limp into the bed, the blood still gushing out from her vagina,
Carmilla puts her hand under Voe’s nose
“She’s not breathing,”
“She’s not breathing!” Carmilla grabs Voe by the shoulders “Voe stay with me, stay with us!”
“His name is Vernon,” she breathes out “Vernie,”
Her eyelids flutter before closing, and she did not open them for a very long time.
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centuriantalevevo · 6 months
"Mama Knows Best"
Alastor's mama is heeerrreee-
Includes: Vox cameo rip bozo lmao, mentions of murder and cannibalism, minor police brutality mentions, 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned', Alastor is prolly OOC but fuck you-, Alastor's mom is a badass prove me wrong-- oh wait, YOU CAN'T-, Very much mama's boy energy, she gives 'boy mom' energy in a way, but she's just a very affectionate and loving mama, she's not one of those "No one knows him like his mommy does" type mom's lol-, slight Men Slander(TM) but to be fair, men were on some sort of drugs back in the day ok?-, mentions of child abuse, persona cameo because fuck you, feel free to imagine Halo as you tho, I tried to do a little bit of quick research on Jambalaya, plz tell me if I got something wrong-, tate mentioned, alpha male dudes mentioned lmao, the grief of a parent losing their child is always the strongest grief
Nora's name is totally not inspired by Nora from the first season of American Horror Story from the 1920s, why would you think that? That's just stupid, you're crazy and no one will ever believe you!
The day seemed normal-- well... As normal as a day in Hell can be.
He was being trailed by Halo once again when he went for his daily stroll-- of course until they decided to run ahead and cross the road without looking, almost getting hit like a complete idiot... Had it not been for him, they'd be dead... AGAIN, at least. He wonders why he even stopped the car in the first place, but oh well!
He entered the hotel--
Oh! You're probably wondering who I'm talking about- Alastor! Yes, Alastor... The Radio Demon.... chronic technology hater, THAT Alastor.
He entered the hotel, hearing some chatter coming from the next room, as well as Halo being obnoxious as always.
"Wait who are you?" They asked, "Halo! That's rude..." Vaggie scolded them, "What?? I don't know who she is..." They argued, and he heard a soft laugh.
"Oh, it's alright, you're just curious after all." The voice said-- he felt like he'd heard that voice before... But where?
"Oh, since Halo's here that means Alastor should be here soon-- Halo, where is he?" Charlie asked, "just behind me! OI ASSHOLE GET YO DUMBASS IN HERE" They yelled while going to the doorway and hopping up and down.
"I'm right here, no need to yell." He responded, "dude you're 10 times taller than me, you're supposed to be faster." They crossed their arms, "Alright we got strawberry pimp in the room now! Why is needed? Why not need me instead? I'm better I prommy!" Halo turns a 180 immediately, they were too hyperactive today.
"Oh, do I have a guest? To what do I owe-" Alastor went silent, hell it looked like he almost lost his neverending smile... "Wha-.." He trailed off, Alastor...? Flabbergasted? Now that's a first!
"Al!" The lady said with relief and got up, "Oh you know him? Like... wait define knowing him-" Halo questions with their tail idly swaying. "Mama?" "MAMA?!"
It was like simultaneously combusting, EVERYONE said it at the same time.
Though the group gave a chance for this little reunion, they were about to ask a FLOOD of questions. "You should be in heaven?! What are you doing down here? You don't deserve to be down here!" Alastor exclaimed, holding the lady he just called mom.
"You'd be surprised at what I'm capable of, dear... I'm by no means a damsel in distress." She said simply, sitting back down but this time with Alastor next to her. "I never did give you my name, did I? I'm so sorry, how rude of me! I'm Nora!" She said sweetly.
"No way this sweet lady is in Hell, what did you do? Oh my god did you torture children?! Eat them like Hansel and gretel?!" Halo asked excitedly and Nora laughed. "What could have possibly done?! All things considered, you're supposed to be in heaven!" Alastor said, he almost sounded... Upset?
"Well... After you died, I waited for hours for you to come home... It came time you said you'd see me... Nothing.. I gave it 30 minutes thinking maybe you were running late! Then it his 10... 11... I waited til dawn..." Nora said softly, "I eventually tried to sleep on the couch so I could hear when he came home.. I barely slept, though. I maybe got a few minutes of shut eye... His dinner was cold, but I kept it on the table in hopes that I'd wake up and see the plate all cleaned up..." She continued.
"And then later in the morning, Police came to tell me he was killed.... I lost it... I stayed shut away for a few days, dealing with grief... The grief got to me and turned into rage." Alastor stayed absolutely silent- the most silent he'd ever been, you couldn't even hear static.
"I decided it was worth my life. I'd taken a pistol we had at home and found the man's house-- I knew who it was, he was there at Alastor's funeral, he was cackling to himself... so I broke in and shot him in the head." She said so calmly, it even scared Alastor of all people.
"And then I went after his friend. The man who decided to do a 'double tap' to make sure he was gone, except I didn't give him grace. I used my hat pin, honestly the young women who came up with using as a weapon in the day were geniuses of their time!" She continued with a soft smile, "I slit his throat and stabbed, I kept stabbing until all you could see were holes in his chest. Police shot me dead almost immediately." She said, "But I don't regret it... If you asked me... I'd do it all over again. I still blame myself, however." She said with a sigh.
"What?! No, that wasn't your fault! It was my choice to even do that, had I not have, I would've been alive!" Alastor cut her off, "But I could've asked you to come visit me now instead of later. I could've delayed you, even 5 minutes would've changed so much..! Alastor would answer to my every beck and call, if I asked him to come visit anyways, he'd put his original plans aside... Why didn't I use that power for once?" She asked, a rhetorical question. "I rethought of all these different scenarios on how I could've stopped it..! Obviously it was too late... I knew he'd be here, anyways... Waiting for me, eventually." She finished.
"How did you know I'd be here though?" "Sweetie... I always knew-- Parents ALWAYS know! You may think you're doing a perfect job at hiding it, but you aren't... They say mom's have eyes in the back of their head for a reason, y'know!" She laughed softly. "Wh.. So... wait-" Alastor was confused.
"Baby, I knew you'd been doing the killing... including occasionally eating a person or two... Granted! You tended to go after the men who were... honestly deserving of much worse..!" She said with a soft smile, "But I still was disappointed in your choices you made." She added, and Alastor looked down... In shame!
"I raised you better, I know I did! But... I can at least feel happy that you didn't end up like many of the men... objectifying women and being disrespectful. I may have raised a psychopath of a son, but at least he's respectful towards women." She said sweetly.
"I like to think he's the lesser evil in the world! Especially when he's killing bad people!" Halo spoke up with a grin. "I like to believe that too, dear! Don't you worry!" Nora laughed a little.
Alastor had been... Surprisingly well behaved, all things considered! But... Then again... Mama Alastor was here, anything to not disappoint her!
Alastor was going on another stroll to get a few errands done as well as some fresh air! Halo insisted on joining this time... They didn't wanna get on their computer for once.
But Nora insisted she come with! She wanted to see some other shops, see what they had to buy and maybe go on a but if a shopping spree, she deserved a treat, in her opinion!
"Ah sweet, Mama Alastor is joining!" Halo says while standing at their door, already having got their shoes on. "What? Mama Alastor?" She tilts her head a little, "Oh! Uh... It's a... uh... Basically like a thing in the vtuber community? We usually don't know the names of our oshi-- or favorite streamer's-- parents so we usually call them like... Mama and then vtuber's first or last name, or replace Mama with papa!" Halo explained, "It's hard to explain to someone who.. isn't also from 2020s, let alone just the 2000s..." They added with a small shrug.
"I have a bit of a hard time remembering names sometimes, so..." They quickly added again, "sorry if it made you uncomfortable!" "No need to apologize, honey! You're alright," Nora chuckled softly.
It was a peaceful day! Well, as peaceful as hell can be. No demon's giving issues! No overlords trying him! No Vox to be found-
Shit.. knock on wood--
"Well, if it isn't the fucking RADIO DEMON. Decided to come out from hiding in your little radio tower?" The TV headed demon commented with lots of snark.
"Ah... And I thought today would be such an amazing and surprisingly quiet day! You just LOVE ruining everything, don't you?" Alastor said with his typical grin.
Then Vox noticed the new demon beside him, he'd never seen her before...
"And who might this lovely lady be?" Vox immediately tried his manipulative tactics-- suffice to say, Alastor wasn't very happy about that.
"Excuse my language, but BACK THE FUCK UP YOU FLAT FACED BASTARD." His voice had a LOT of radio distortion, yet he didn't drop that smile.
Nora gave a look, but said nothing... He was just trying to protect his mom, she understood that.
"And why do YOU have an issue? Are you dating? With the way Halo acts, I would've thought you two were but turns out you're with someone else?" Vox smirked, but then it dropped with Alastor very visibly gagged...
And Nora looked like she was about to prove sinners could die permanently without angelic intervention.
"Ew... I shouldn't be surprised pro-shippers would be in hell-- no offense to any pro-shippers but also full offense as well.." Halo commented while back up a little. "Heavens, no! That's disgusting! I'd rather die again in the most painful way possible!" Alastor said.
"Dear, I'm his MOTHER." She said.
Basically Cue the radio stop noise thing-
Except make it a TV.
Before Vox started laughing, "Oh so he's still being walked everywhere by his mommy?" "Oh you're so very lucky I don't want to get in trouble from her, otherwise I'd end you here and now." Alastor said with an irritated grin.
"So you admit you listen to mommy?! Ha! Pathetic! He's a mommy's boy!" Vox cackled, he couldn't stop. "I have very good reasoning... You know that odd stereotype of a joke that moms aren't the people to mess with? They aren't wrong... She may be a lovely lady... But boy can she pack a punch... It's not because.. Oh I'm a mama's boy... It's because I'm smart and would quite like to be able to live!" He said with a smile.
Vox just laughed harder, "mama? Being dangerous?!" He was cracking up...
Until Nora practically through his dumb ass.
"Not to be that guy.. buuuuttt... I told ya so!~" He cooed with a very satisfied grin.
"Hey! What was that for?!" Vox yelped, "For one, you DO NOT laugh at my son, especially considering he... slaughtered many overlords the moment he got here? Classic Alastor fashion, if I'm honest... For another, I'VE HEARD ABOUT WHAT A PAIN IN THE ASS YOU ARE!" She raised her voice.
"Clearly you lacked a mother to teach you proper manners, hell you clearly even lack a decent father! Shame on you! I've heard of your fights! Don't think I'll let you go off so easy just because I didn't see it." She growled, "I'm no damsel in distress. I'm the reason his father died so early and I'm the reason his killers died not too long after they murdered him! I killed for him twice in life, I can double-- even QUADRUPLE-- that in the afterlife!" She continued, "You don't EVER mess with a mama bear. It's the worst possible idea. If you value your life, you'll flee and go home and behave like a good boy!" She scolded Vox, absolutely not a single bit of fear.
"And if I hear you've laid even a FINGERNAIL close to a single hair on him... I'll do more than tear into you verbally. I'll let you find out WHY Alastor even fears me." She was practically Vox's height, it was kinda scary how tall she ACTUALLY was.
"Am I understood?" She asks and Vox nods quickly "Uh... Y-.. Yeah..." "Hmm? What was that?" She asked, "Yes ma'am! Loud and clear!" He nods...
And he flees.
"Smart man, that one! Pleasantly surprised." She smiled as if she hadn't just threatened one of the most influential overlords...
One of the Vees, no less!
"Alastor, why didn't you tell us your mom was a FUCKING BADASS??" Halo yells, running up to Nora and running circles around her, "She's so COOL! WHAT??" They add excitedly while the woman laughs a little.
"But wait, the hell did you do to make even AL be scared of you? Abuse him? Surely not, he clearly loves you to bits and pieces!" They asked curiously.
"Sweetheart, I may be kind... Sweet... Yes, I babied him a lot! Far past when he was a small child! But I know him well. I know what works. Usually he's quite well behaved, only needing a light restriction half the time! But I wasn't AFRAID to get physical if I needed to, I just believed it wasn't the most productive way! He learned real quickly that if he disrespected me, he'd know the true meaning of fear. His father could never compare." She explained.
"I had to spank him a few times, god knows most of the time he saw my pure raw strength when his father went too far." She added, "Oh.. Yeah... I forgot about that... The majority of her physical demonstrations weren't on me! Primarily on my father whenever he laid a hand on me." Alastor nodded in agreement.
"I figured out she could likely easily overpower me, even when I hit my teenage years! One of the women that truly scared the daylights out of me... Mostly, I believed it was ME who should be protecting women, at least considering size differences.. Until you watch this woman just brute force a grown man in his 30s onto a counter because he dared to lay a hand on her kid with barely any struggle... The strength of a mom is truly horrifying.." Alastor almost shivered a bit.
"Well the strength part is true as hell! I've heard stories of moms straight up LIFTING CARS OFF OF THEIR KIDS! Adrenaline is a hell of a drug!" Halo nodded, easily believing what was being said.
Yet, despite that, Alastor couldn't help but still feel VERY protective of his mom-- That's his mom, after all! If anyone wanted to lay a hand on her, they had to go through him! Nora let him, mostly because he was always a stubborn boy, growing up, and she let him just to let him feel better... Feel stronger. She could take care of herself, but if it made him happy, who was she to argue? It meant less work for her!
Until the attack from heaven.
She WATCHED her son be harmed, she watched him almost die AGAIN. That pissed her off so much.
Hell truly hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Or, as the case may be, hell hath no fury like a mother scorned.
She kicked Adam's ass to high heaven (lmao)
It was just funny how Niffty was the one to kill him... With a stab to the back, too!
"You know what? He deserved it... I shouldn't be surprised he's so egotistical, if he was the template for men... Go figure-- Well, I'm not sure how much they've changed since the 20s? Are they still how they used to be?" Nora asked Halo and they shrugged. "We got plenty of feminist men! But... They're all drowned out by the 'alpha male' podcast guys... Tate's little stannies." They explained, "Alpha...? Tate- stannies?" She was very confused, "Nothing! Just... cringe guys who believe in women being tradition wives but not men being traditional husbands... It's wayyyyy too much to explain, you'd have to see for yourself!" They continued.
Nora immediately left to find Alastor and make sure he was OK.
Luckily he was! He nearly gave her a heart attack! "You really do need to stop being so overly confident, Hun... It'll get you killed like it did before." She softly lectured him and he sighed. "Even in death, I never escape the lectures and life lessons..." He comments, mainly under his breath. "Hm?" She gave a look-- a look he knew all too well.
"Nothing, Mama!" He quickly spoke up as she finished bandaging up some cuts, scrapes, and gashes.
Once she finished getting him all patched up-- golly, it reminded him of his grade school days! Coming home from school after some kids picked on him and hurt him... Or coming home after accidentally scraping himself when playing in the park... She was always there to softly scold him all while tending to his wounds and giving him a piece of candy afterwards!
Sometimes he thought, maybe he did it on purpose, just for the love and candy... Despite the fact he could've gotten it if he just asked... Like he had done plenty of times before.
And now the hotel was rebuilt, and even bigger and better than before! Charlie admired the hardwork everyone put into rebuilding the hotel!
"Well then!" Nora broke the silence, "I'm betting at least a few of you are starving! How about I make everyone some Jambalaya?" She asked sweetly, Alastor immediately perked up. "As long as you hVe ingredie-" Nora was about to add before suddenly Alastor disappeared... and then reappeared. "Cross the shopping off the list, even if we didn't have any earlier, we do now!"
"Of course you would," Nora laughed a little. Everyone was excited! Considering Alastor had mentioned his mom's Jambalaya when he first got to the hotel, now they were eager to try it!
Until Halo tried it and immediately was making sounds of discomfort. "Are you alright, dear?" Nora asked in a concerned tone, "It's hot! No one said it was hot!" They said while gulping their drink desperately, "Oh, I'm sorry! Are you allergic to spicy things?" She asked and they shook their head, "No, they just have a really REALLY bad spice tolerance." Vaggie explained, "Halo, darling..! It's Cajun food! Traditional Cajun food! A lot of Cajun food includes spicy ingredients!" Alastor said, "Wait is Jambalaya Cajun or Creole?" Halo asked, their tongue slowly starting to feel better, "Both, actually! It started as a Cajun cuisine, but soon the Creoles picked it up and tailored it to their tastes! The main difference is Cajun Jambalaya looks brown while Creole Jambalaya looks red, the Creole version includes tomatoes and is layered, while the Cajun one is dumped all at once and doesn't usually include tomatoes! I made the Cajun version today," Nora explained and Halo nodded.
"Yeah, sorry... I got shit spice tolerance, like... black pepper is spicy!" They said, and Nora's eyes widened. "Oh my... That's-- what do you use to season your food?!" She asks, "Well, I don't cook for one... I'm scared of the stove and burning myself-" Halo started, "Salt." Alastor said simply.
"Hm?" Nora glanced over, "Salt. They season their food with salt... so much salt... ungodly amounts of salt... It puts Husk to shame, even!" He spoke, "So much salt that they could fill an entire ocean with the amount of salt they consume. They cover their food in it to the point MOST people can't even have a single bite without it being too salty!" He continued.
"What..." "Yeah... I really... REALLY... Like salt!" Halo grinned.
It was such a long day... The fight... Rebuilding the hotel... Even just the socializing. Alastor was honestly exhausted. He never really slept, but now he WANTED to. But he couldn't. He thought back to the lyrics of some song Halo sang and really liked, apparently it was one of THEIR mom's favorite songs.
'Why do I tire of counting sheep, when I'm far too tired to fall asleep?'
He was to tired to sleep.
It was so childish, he felt like a 6 year old again, wandering down to his mom's room after the thunder woke him up in the middle of the night, dragging his blanket and pillow into the bed room and shaking his mom awake to tell her that the thunder woke him up (as if it wasn't incredibly obvious...)
But it was practically reflex. He felt like he was on autopilot!
He knocked on the door before he heard a quiet, tired, "come in!", so he opened to door. "Oh, Al! Is something wrong?" She asked, and he just shrugged a little. He looked so tired.
"You look exhausted, did you know that?" She asked as he walked over to the bed, "I had an idea..." He said quietly while laying on the bed. He almost knocked out right then. "Yes, you can sleep in here if you'd like, thanks for asking!" Nora said softly yet playfully, Alastor couldn't help but huff out a small laugh despite his exhaustion, "Too late to ask now." He mumbled.
She truly was privileged, wasn't she? She was like... the ONLY one Alastor allowed to touch him without asking, or without him initiating! And the only one who could touch his head. He didn't like physical contact much, but it was soothing when Nora did it, it was how she comforted him when he was scared as a little kid.
He couldn't help but remember when he was small, laying his head on her lap in the living room. The heavy rain hitting the windows and roof, occasionally flashes of lightning, the rolling of thunder, waking him up late at night when she was still awake and reading in the living room. She'd pet his head while she read her book while he fell back asleep, the radio was always nice background noise that also comforted him during storms. Hearing the different now obscure advertisements of the day, and then the jazz playing after a few advertisements, even just the static noise was nice!
He felt like a kid again-- maybe feeling things wasn't ALWAYS so bad, it let him feel nostalgic feelings like this! He was fast asleep before he even knew it, he didn't know when he fell asleep, but all he remembered was the feeling of mama petting his head felt soothing again, he knew he missed his mother! But... He didn't realize just how much he missed her until she was back with him again...
Some may think she's one of those weird boy moms, but no! She just really liked to baby her precious boy-- no matter how old he got, she'd always see him as her little boy who ran to her when the lightning struck and the thunder got too loud.
But even he knew that if he had EVER gotten a significant other, Nora would've likely sided with the S/O on lots of things.
He was a mama's boy through and through, that much was true! And she loved that! But she wasn't afraid to correct him and she sure as hell wasn't afraid of someone 'coming in and stealing him from her'.... God knows she WANTED that to happen, but she never pestered him about it.
How long was he out for? He felt so confused, like one of those long naps you have after school with those marks all over your body from the sheets!
"Well good morning-- technically afternoon, but still!" Nora's voice caught him by surprise-- oh, right... He went to her room and fell asleep...
"What time is it?" He asked, "almost 2 in the afternoon, dear!" She responded, he slept... For almost... 14 HOURS?! "Wait... I was asleep for--" "14 hours! You were really tired. You really need to TRY and sleep more, even if it's hard to. You worry me, you know?" She responded with a small nod.
"Yeah... But I actually feel really good after that... I haven't slept that well since I'd gotten here." He commented, "So what did it then?" She asked, "Don't know... All I really know is I was remembering when I was kid... When it would storm and the thunder was loud," He responded while he got up, his suit was all wrinkled, but oh well, he could ask Niffty to iron it later. "I remember that..! The thunder and lightning did always scare you," Nora nodded with a hum, "You didn't even change clothes before bed!" She gasped, "That's how tired I was, I suppose!" Alastor laughed a little with a little shrug.
He hugged her for a moment-- it was a quick moment, but it was a hug that told you he MEANT IT.
"Even thought I don't think you deserve to be down here... It's good to have you back, mama."
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poison--ivory · 4 years
Uninviting Cataclysm(Alastor x Reader) Chapter 1
Daily routine isn't always good
(You call the old couple mom and dad) *Also sorry I didn't mention until now that you have really curly hair and your biracial(so you can decide what your skin color is)* •You were also raised up north and still kind of speak with that dialect• 
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June 6, 1915 Age: 20
  The morning sun pushing through the curtains along with the sound of dogs barking slowly woke you up. Forcing yourself up and managing to bear from the comfort of your bed and it's still warm sheets. First, tidying your bed spread neat before mom could scold you.
  Making your way to the wardrobe to gather clothes for today's venture, you grabbed a (f/c) V-neck, short flutter sleeve dress that hits mid thigh. With matching flats to best match your dress. Oncing over the choice for today you thought it was best enough. Setting them on the bed and quickly making your way out of your room and into the hallway.
 Swiftly moving down corridor to the bathroom to freshen up before breakfast. Seeing that your old mom already set a nice bath for you. Letting your gown carelessly fall off your frame and removing your undergarments. Mindlessly going into deep thought about your day.
  You usually go to the library to read or grab a book. Maybe chat with the sweet old lady and her seven year old grandson who run the place. Then, possibly taking a stroll around the fair that just open for the summer. By that time your already bringing your twin something for lunch.
  Later, you either stop by the market to pick up groceries or you help your mom take care of wealthy white kids. Their parents pay mom a great deal to care for their children. She does literally everything for them from making meals to sewing dresses or little suits. But, some clients left after my brother and I showed up I guess they didn't want their children to be near a person of color for too long. The ones that stayed seem nice enough. My personal favorite being a middle aged man, Henry Bourgeois, who always said, 'hello' and gave me small tips for caring for his daughter Sally.
  Your skin started to prune sitting in the water for too long. Stepping out of the tub and snatching a towel from the rack you started to dry off. Starting with hair and slowly making your way down to your toes.
  Wrapping the towel around your womanly frame you crept back to your bedroom and got dressed.
Once downstairs the smell of bacon and spices hit your nose and triggering your mouth to salivate. Walking into the kitchen you found your mom just about done with her last plate to place at the table with the two others. You greeted her with a warm hug and a 'Good Morning, Mom'. She smiled back and gave your cheek a quick peck. Then went to sit in your chair and wait for your plate.
"Good Mornin', sweetheart. How'd sleep?" She asked, turning back around to slide the eggs on the plate.
"Better than yesterday I can tell you that for sure. The dream I had was so realistic with the flames of hell melting my flesh. I could of sworn that my eyes busted through my soc-" You were cut off by a plate slamming down in front of. Looking up mom had a stern look to her aged face.
"Now ya need ta stop talking 'bout ya dreams like that. Really unladylike especially in public," She spoke with a slight authoritative tone. Lightly limping to her chair she spoke again, "it's just a dame should stay in her own lane. Not that I don't wancha to get a little fire on me now. Men just don't like that talk ya know."
Nodding to her response she took the answer and went on her to turn up the radio for the daily news.
Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to the radio show.
   Staring your favorite radio host, I Alastor, to brighten up your morning with a few songs, but let me darken your day for just a minute with such sad news. Another body was found by an egg last night floating down the bayou.
  Coppers have yet to capture this Button man. This tallies up to over twenty people in a span of two years.  Now what most of you fine folk want to listen to here we have, Mr. Artie Matthew's play the 'Weary Blues'
The piano playing filled in the silence that would have been forks hitting plates trying to pick up flimsy fried egg.
 The killings haven't been new and have been the norm for awhile. You can hear people talking about it at every street, alleyway and bar.
 The coppers haven't caught the guy yet and it puts lots of people on edge. Especially people with families.
 Nearly shoving food in my face causing mom to tell you to slow down. But, hardly listening you shove the rest of the bacon into your mouth and make your way to the sink to scrub your plate and placed it on the drying rack.
"Bye, mama. I'll be back before you know it!" You yelled from the front door way and before you could venture outside she yelled back.
"Pick up some milk and bread before ya get home, would ya?"
"I will, mama."
"Have a safe trip and the cabbage on the table for ya." She slightly limped over and gave both of your cheeks kisses.
Checking the table you hurriedly snatched the money and skipped out the door. Slamming it shut behind you.
Walking down the curvy road that leads into the city. The walk leads you through a small, little wood patch and into a small clearing that slowly shows small businesses and shops. The library is located near the school which is pretty far off from other buildings.
Reaching your destination, the library stairs are long wide, and white cemented staircase with two pillars on each side with the big doors that lead into the actually building. Pushing pass them you nearly run into a little boy, Joseph Bonnefoy.
"Oh, where are in such a rush to?" Smoothing out your dress asked in a slight taunting tone.
"Granny said I could go out for a short break. I'm getting myself a few chocolates as a snack." The words rushed out of his tiny mouth. Hardly catching his breath when he was finished.
"Well aren't you grown now, Joseph. Next thing you'll tell me your getting old enough to get your own house." Jokingly ruffling his hair, he smiled and waved off vanishing from sight once down the incline.
Sauntering into the building you noticed that Claire Bonnefoy wasn't at the front desk where she usually was. Probably in the back.
Making your way down the aisles of books you traveled around for a good five minutes passing books you didn't find interesting or they didn't have good covers. Coming across a couple of good ones you touched 'The Good Solider' reading the summary you decide to give it a try. °°It's set just before World War I and chronicles the tragedy of Edward Ashburnham, the soldier to whom the title refers, and his seemingly perfect marriage plus that of his two American friends.°°
Strolling around the aisle for a bit more you grace yourself with some dark writing. Traipsing on to some dark fiction you grabbed a fairytale book of the 'Grimm work original fairy tales'. Walking back to the front, Mrs. Claire was already their and ready for me. Smiling I greeted her and handed the books over. Smiling she rung them up and complimented the choice for this week.
" How have you been, Mrs. Claire. Not to intrude on your personal life, but is it true that the last person who died lived close to you." You questioned.
"Sadly, yes 'n I've been thinkin' of sendin' little Joseph up state with his aunt 'n uncle in Arkansas for awhile 'til this calms down." Her shaky hand clenched around the book harshly, "Or if they finally catch the bastard whose doin' all of this maybe mah little boy can stay. 'Til then mah old joints can't move like they use tah."
" Lititle Jo 's gonna feel so sad, he really likes New Orleans."
"Yes, I know dear. But, I'd sleep betta at night if he was somewhere safa." She slide the books in a paper bag and handed them over. A melancholy smile on her sweet face. "Been saving up on a train ticket for some time now. Most folk don't come by tah rent out books anymore. So, it took some time 'n hard work tah earn the money."
The killings have did put everyone at alert. Well, most people still hang out past sun fall just to watch the city come to life. Which I won't lie it is gorgeous to witness the night come to life. But, for old bims like Mrs. Claire she's dang plum tire and could use the time to calm her nerves. Maybe I should visit more once Joseph''s left.
"Thank ya, Miss. (Y/n). I'll see ya next week or so."
"The pleasure's all mine and I'll give these books back in no time."
Waving to the old bim you make your way back out the library and on tour way to your next destination.
    Making your way back to the house to fetch Issacs's lunch you had to maneuver your way through the crowd of busy people scrambling around to get out of the sweltering heat and catching up with friends.
 Your brother works at a boiler repair shop. Fixing cars and getting scraps of cabbage to make up for the bills that weren't paid. He's always been a hard working guy, he's selfless and protective. I still remember when we were kids and father used to hit him, so hard, but came to my defense whenever I was in trouble.
 Traveling down the dusty road you made it to the repair shop where two boobs stood out front. One was always silent and the other was a continuous flirt whenever you came around.
As soon as they could hear your shoes hitting pavement the flirt Clay shot up to welcome you.
"How are doing this afternoon, (y/n)." His hand went out to grab your, which you quickly pulled back, "you know that offer still stands that if you wanna get tonight."
"I would, but I'm pretty sure your wife would raise all hell." Walking past him to look further into the garage. "Where is my brother, is he not here?"
Floyd spoke up, which startled you. His voice is pretty deep and gravely for a man only four years older than yourself. Blowing the smoke from his mouth he tapped the ash upon the ground to stare at you.
"He left early to go out with his dame. Told us to tell ya not to worry too much and that he'll be back home later tonight." He stole another drag from the cigarette.
"He could at least gave me heads up before I came all the way out here. What I'm supposed to do with this now." Dangling the bag of food from side to side.
"I'll take it off ya hands for ya." Clay swooning in to steal the bag and retreat back to standing next to Floyd. "Wish my wife could cook like your ma."
  Huffing you said your good byes to them both with a very excited 'see ya' from Clay and a small wave from Floyd.
  Once far away enough you groaned louder to reduce some irritation of making this heart felt trip. Pulling on your face to stop tears from forming you sighed and kept walking to your next venture.
 The scratch mom gave you was enough for bread and milk. But, she also gave you enough to get something special from you little trip. You decided on a cup of coffee at the nearest restaurant with a beignet. It sounds so good right now and with more pep in your step you made it to the store in no time.
  The corner store was full of people that day bustling around to grab what they need and storm out. You being the small self you are you tried to cram your way in and failed miserably. You tried this process several times and came out with the same results. Someone bumped into your small frame and sent you falling backwards. Gloved hands snatched you up before you could hit the ground.
You were in a state of shock before being knocked out of your stooper by a young man who you realized pulled you off to the side. With eyes wide you tried to make conversation, but no words would come out the only thing you could look at was his face.
"T-Thanks for helping me." You tried to mustard a smile, but it came out weird.
"You look like you were in quite the pickle their, my dear." Hands still on your waist he motioned with his head down the street. "You know there's a nice restaurant around here that serves the best venison. I think you would just adore it. Could possibly calm your nerves my treat."
Mouth still dry you tried to speak, "I don't want to impose on your lunch regimen." Shaking your head and slowly moving backwards.
"Oh, but I insist my dear I did invite you didn't I." Pulling you closer by the hip, your face heated up more than normal. Now following the man who you didn't even pick up the name you two made your way around the corner and down the street.
  Stepping inside the small business you noticed only about six or eight people in here. Nicely decorated with bar stools and five booths along the wall and a bathroom across from the front entrance. But, it did smell really delicious in here maybe it won't be,  so bad to have just a bite to eat. He did say he was paying. He lead us to a small booth in the back and waited for me sit down first before taking his seat across from me.
 "Why did you bring me here I barely know you, sir?" Playing with your fingers to ease your nerves by making your fingers stretch and squeeze together.
 His eyes looked off to the side in deep thought before he shrugged. "You looked interesting, my dear." Reaching over he scratched under your chin and his smiled covered more of his face. "Smile my dear you know your never fully dressed without one."
 Making a smile fall upon your lips you smiled back. His eyes slightly narowed and his smirk stretched a bit. Suddenly, a very curvy and thick lady stood in front of our booth.
"Oh, Al are here to hear me sing again tonight. If you are your way too early, hun." She giggled.
"Oh no my dear, Mimzy. I'm here with a new friend of mine. She's going to have seasoned venison." His arm motion towards me and I froze on the spot.
Sticking your hand out for handshake, "HI, my name's (y/n). Nice to meet you."
She stared you up and down before slowly taking your hand and managing a small smile on her face. "You must be a fan, Al here, right. A lot of dumb dora fall head over heels for this man."
 I guess she read the confused look on your face and answered for you. "Alastor, the radio man of New Orleans."
"Oh, sorry I guess I didn't notice." Turning your attention to Alastor, "sorry I didn't recognize a popular figure like yourself."
"It's fine dear a lot of people don't recognize the voice with the look." I'm guessing he's talking the creole look. To be honest a lot of people don't sound like the ethnicity on the phone until you see their face. But, I can't really judge I get turned down in person more than on the phone looking for a job.
"Well I'll go tell the servers the usual for you, Al." She looked you over, again. "What will you have?"
"She'll be having the same as me, mim." Alastor strong smile had her face painted in a light pink. She straighten her posture and cleared her throat and told us it it'll come out in no time. Once she gone I asked how long they've known each other.
"Mimzy and I go way back when she was a small singer. Know she travels from time to time to spread that lovely voice of hers." You just took noticed he speaks with hands a lot more than most people. But, you seem to like that.
 Smiling back you told him that really amazing. It was you mothers goal before she stated using. He asked you about your occupation.
"Well, I really wanted to be a baker, but no plots are open, too expansive or I'm not the right skin tone for this establishment." Looking up for just a second you could have sworn the smile on his face fell and quickly went back into place.
"Isn't that just dreadful." He focused up at the ceiling for awhile and shot his head down to smirk at me, "How would like to work for me for a fair price a hour?"
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epicbasher65685 · 4 years
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(Soo yeah a few people wanted to read this so here it is. sorry I can’t write for anything but I tried my hardest to get my head cannon across)
TW: descriptions of blood and gore, abuse
“What a fantastic song! No one could ever go wrong with the brilliant song “Let’s Misbehave” by none other than the darb Cole Porter!” Alastor exclaimed excitedly with his powerful transatlantic accent into the microphone. “Truly a marvelous performance. Anywho! The bayou killer strikes again! That’s right folks you heard it here first! The bayou killer claims their 11th victim! Oh the tragedy! There seems to be a pattern in this killer’s cycle. The moon cycle! Who would’ve guessed? And who will be the twelfth on the full moon? What kind of monster from hell could possibly cause this much pain and torture to both the victims and their families?” He questioned the listeners. His smile grew bigger at his sarcastic yet genuine sounding empathy. Deep within him he knew there was none. If he tried to look any deeper in himself the only thing we would find would be the rumbling of his stomach and it’s almost snickering like sounds, laughing mischievously and knowingly at his sarcastic line of questioning. Alastor reached over and closed the report he was reading from with a resounding thud, a look of accomplishment graced his face. The listeners were shocked with the news, seeing that the killer is still at large and could pounce on them or their loved ones at any moment. “Lock your doors and stay safe ladies and gentlemen! This concludes tonight’s broadcast. Oh oh! Almost forgot the regularly scheduled joke! Just to lighten the mood a bit. What happened when the cannibal was late for dinner? He got the cold shoulder! Ahahahahaha! See you tomorrow folks, stay safe!” He said brightly as he ended his radio broadcast, turning off his equipment and microphone.
The streets were full of Ebullience and joyful spirit. The year was 1933. New Orleans, Louisiana was really quite a marvelous and interesting place to live. Alastor McCarthy walked down the sidewalk in his clean white shirt and suspenders, shoes polished so thoroughly you can see the bright sun and the blue sky reflecting off of it! All the Cadillacs and Buicks cruised down the smoothly paved road. Almost everyone in this town knew Alastor. And Alastor knew almost everyone just as well. The lovely people waved as they saw him walk by, and he of course would wave back with a friendly smile on his face. He was always smiling! One happy fellow indeed, everyone would imagine. He walked down the sidewalk with a pep in his step softly humming to the bustling jazz that played from the gramophones in the nearby shops. He was making his way home now, it was almost supper and he needed to help his mother prepare it! Oh yes, Alastor loved his mother dearly, she was a true light in his life. People like to tease him sometimes and call him somewhat of a mama's boy. He would be lying if he protested this though. He truly loved his mother. His father, however, he did not. Just the thought of him made Alastors smile falter, just a smidge. He was a real goof, and a drunk. Alastor despised him, but only put up with him because his mother still loved him. Alastor could never see what an amazing woman like herself could ever find in a hunk of junk like him.
The noise of the streets died down as he started to approach his neighborhood. The walk from the radio station to his house was only a 30 minute or so walk. He figured it was good exercise and also an efficient way to build up his appetite. When Alastor wasn’t doing his radio broadcasts, he would find himself hunting deer in the nearby bayou. His father showed him how to hunt when he was a young boy. He had mastered the art of hunting and butchering the creatures he captured. Whether it be deer, rabbit, boar… human. His mother taught him the culinary arts, which he soon too mastered. He would help his mother prepare jambalaya, his favorite dish, when he was younger. He reminisced about those good ol’ days. Well, most of it at least. He had finally arrived home.
“Hello mother! Father.” He called out into the calm house. He took his shoes off and saw his mother appear from the kitchen.
“Oh! Alastor, how I’ve missed you dear.” She said lovingly as she ran toward Alastor to hug him. “How was your day? Anything exciting happening down in that ol’ radio station? I completely forgot to tune in today. Silly me. Apologies!”
“No need mother, it was just business as usual, quite copacetic! We had our top music hits and, well, a quite shocking report on the bayou killer.” Alastor explained
“Oh? Was he murdered? Oh oh! Caught by the fuzz? Hot dawg!” She exclaimed in excitement.
“...No mother, he was not. Always jumping to conclusions! Ahahaha. My, that’s just like you!” He said. Her words pained him only in the slightest. She obviously disliked this killer. Yet she unknowingly loved this said killer more than anyone else. He felt a sick giddy because of this. Why, he found it quite humorous! How twisted. “He’s claimed his 11th victim, unfortunately.” He said with a softer voice.
“Oh dear… how horrible. I can’t believe he’s getting away with this! Someone has to stop him eventually.” She said with sadness in her eyes. Alastor didn’t like to see her like this, not ever!
“Yes I know, quite the tragedy I’m sure. I heard he was a rude man however, a real dewdropper as some may say! The man had nothing going for him anyways.” He explained, or rather explained himself, for that matter.
“Darlene, when the hell is that dinner going to be finished?” Gus, Alastors father, yelled from the living room couch. He had just finished his twelfth beer of the day. Alastor could hear the subtle clinks of the glass bottle against the cup holder. Indicating that yes, he had indeed gotten drunk again.
“It’ll be ready in about half an hour dear!” She yelled back, Completely forgetting about the news of the bayou killer. An audible groan sounded from the living room in response.
“Alastor, would you be a dear and help me peel the potatoes for dinner?” She questioned
“Of course mother! Let’s get started then shall we?” Alastor asked joyfully.
Once dinner was prepared and the table was set, Alastor’s mother called for Gus to come and eat. Another audible groan sounded from the living room as Gus managed to stand up, very blotto from all his drinks. Without anyone seeing, Alastor was quick to drop a pill into Gus’s drink at the table. He then turned away and started to whistle an innocent jazz tune.
“Oh, Alastor, I almost forgot about the pie in the oven. Would you mind taking it out for me and cutting it’s pieces?” She asked him kindly. Alastor responded with a quick ‘yep!’ and put on the oven mitts. He took the pie out and put it on the stove. He took his mitts off and placed them back on the counter, only to replace them with a knife. Without hesitation he stuck the knife into the steaming pie. It smelt like delicious baked cherries. The pie oozed red juice and covered the knife. He continued to cut even slices into the beautiful pie. He stared longingly at his work, admiring the precise cuts and the knife dripping red juice. He licked the knife clean and saw his father's reflection walking into the room when he looked at the knife. He stared for a moment, then put the knife into the sink. Gus finally arrived at the table as everyone sat down.
“So what do we have here?” Gus questioned as he occasionally hiccuped. He had messy black hair and his eyes were half lidded. He wore a black vest with his tie sloppily tied.
“Well I made venison, mashed potatoes, and beans for tonight. That damn venison was quite tricky to cook, but hopefully I got it just right.” She explained
“I’m sure it turned out great, mother.” He smiled at her. Alastor eyed his father as he sat down. Gus started digging in with the slightest amount of politeness. Hungrily shoving the food into his mouth. Alastor sighed and picked up his utensils to start eating.
“What is it boy? You’ve got something to say?” He snapped at Alastor. Glaring at him with whatever amount of sobriety he had left.
“No, sir.” Alastor responded while staring at his plate. He hated this. He hated his father and he hated how he treated both him and his mother. Not to mention how rude he was. All of the bayou killers victims reminded him of his father. What a coincidence huh? No, he chose them very carefully, and he planned out every bit of it. Every time he killed them he imagined as though the person was truly his father. It gave him satisfaction and it quenched his thirst, for the time being. But this thirst would always reappear. He could never get rid of it through these involuntary murders of his, and he knew this. He knew it would only be a matter of time before… he would claim his final victim. That’s all Alastor thought about when he looked his father in the eyes. The twelfth. The twelfth. The twelfth. The second full moon. It will complete his design.
“Whatever,” He sneered at Alastor. Gus downed his drink in a few gulps. Alastor watched with a smile. Then Gus began to cut into the venison, and suddenly there was an irritated look on his face. “This venison is overcooked.” He started while he looked up at Darlene.
“Oh, yes I was afraid that might happen…” Darlene quietly said with a look of disappointment appearing on her face.
“Isn’t that just perfect? Maybe you should learn how to cook properly instead of having a gay ol’ time dancing swing like a flapper at the club down the road. Dumb-Dora can’t do anything right can you? Darlene was taken back by his sudden outburst. She apologized and told him it wouldn’t happen again with a tinge of fear spreading on her face and tears threatening to breach her eyes.
“Well, actually, I do have something to say,” Alastor said as he interrupted his mother’s apologies. “Maybe if you stopped getting bent everyday like a normal person, maybe people might actually like you! You’re such a flat tire and a real boozehound. You think it’s ok to treat us like this? For crying out loud you’ve been doing this for years! You just futz around and do whatever you want, when you want, and how you want!” Alastor exclaimed loudly at his father while eyeing him with a scornful look. He wasn’t going to let him talk to his mother that way, no sir! Enough was enough. Darlene looked at Alastor in shock. She really can’t believe he said that to him. A wave of panic hits her knowing what’s going to come next.
“Why, you little! How dare you talk to me like that? I come home after a long day and this is what I get? A cheap meal and a disrespectful family?” Gus’s voice grew louder and louder with every word he spoke. He pointed to Alastor. “You… I’ll wipe that stupid smile off your face permanently!” Gus stood up and walked over to Alastors side of the table. Alastor and Darlene stood up quickly, knowing this situation is about to become physical.
“Don’t you dare touch him!” Darlene shouted as she grabbed hold of Alastors arm. Alastor backed up while the adrenaline started coursing through his veins. Gus took hold of Darlene and threw her against the counter. She fell on the way down with a yelp hitting her head on the edge of the counter. Darlene’s vision started to blur and soon after she drifted into unconsciousness as she heard the faint yelling of Alastor.
“You absolute madman! Now look what you’ve done. You’re some real tough guy hm? Well, I’m sure you’ll enjoy my next show, you’re the super important participant, after all!” Alastor said with a growing smile. His creole accent slipping out for only a moment as he yelled. “Aren’t you excited?”
“What are you… talking about..?” Gus talked as his words became sloppy and quiet. The once calming and peaceful kitchen warping and turning in place as his vision grew cloudy and dark. His eyes lidded fully, the last thing he saw before he fell to the ground was Alastors prideful smile. Alastor thought Gus would pull something like this. All this commotion, that is. Yet it was in the back of his mind as was planning out his demise. He stared at Gus for a good while, lying there helplessly. Although this isn’t exactly how he planned it out, he was still ultimately satisfied with the outcome. That is, until he remembered his mother lying on the ground. Her nicely combed and silky brunette hair in a bun was now frizzing out everywhere, the bun loosened from the altercation. Her lids shielding her innocent blue eyes to what has become of her husband, and the truth of her faithful son. Alastor slowly picked her up and placed her on the couch. He took an ice pack from the kitchen and placed it on the noticeable bump on her forehead.
“Do wake up soon, won’t you?” He whispered to her. He kissed her forehead and made his way into the kitchen. He managed to pick his father up with a few strained breathes, grabbed the knife out of the sink, and walked out the backdoor.
It was about 8pm now, and the sun had already cast its final flare. Only to replace it, was a thoughtless moon. Alastor navigated his way throughout his backyard and soon into the bayou unseen. Gus remained unconscious and hung over Alastors shoulder. Once Alastor traversed deep enough into the bayou. He tied Gus up to an old bald cypress tree. It’s leaves spaced out enough to let the moonlight fall and flicker between them. A few moments later, Gus finally awoke to a conscious state. Confused and dazed to where he was, and how he got there.
“Hello lucky contestant! Welcome to my show!” Alastor exclaimed in a cheerful announcer voice.
“Al? Where.. where the hell am I?” He said in a choked voice. He tried to move his arms, but they were restrained by a tightly tied rope. “What the hell are you doing?” He said as his voice wavering. Alastor took out his knife and walked slowly up to Gus. Gus watched every little movement Alastor made, his adrenaline rising with each step.
“Oh you poor thing. Haven’t you realized what’s happening by now?” Alastor teased as he lunged playfully forward, causing Gus to gasp and defensively lean back in the tree. ‘How pathetic’ Alastor thought to himself. “What? Don’t tell me your giving me the cold shoulder! Ahahahahahaha!” Alastor laughed at his silly little inside joke. He lowered himself to Gus’s level on the ground and pointed the knife at his chest. “Boy that thing must be pounding! I think I’ll eat your heart first!” Alastor exclaimed once again. Gus’s face was pale with fear as the knife slowly etched its way inside of his chest, blood soaking his already stained shirt. He screamed in excruciating pain as Alastor carved all the way down to his waistline. Exposing his organs and blood to the everlasting moonlight. Gus writhed in pain as he looked Alastor in the eyes.
“Y-you…killed them?” Gus managed to choke out. Disbelief filled his eyes.
“Hmm? Oh! That’s correct!” Alastor said while he backed up, admiring his work. Alastor looked down at his hands and his cuffed sleeves. The blood dripping off of his hands was much more black then the usual dark red.
“My! The mother was right! Blood really does look black in the moonlight,” He said. His smile unwavering and as prominent as always. That was the last thing Gus saw as his vision started to melt away for the last time. Alastor kneeled beside Gus and pulled out his heart behind his rib cage. He took a big bite from it without hesitation, just like how one would eat an apple. He noted that it tasted almost the same as a deers.
Soon after, a sudden rush of panic struck Alastor as he heard a males voice calling close by. He quickly turned toward the sound and saw multiple men in the distance holding flashlights pointing in Alastors direction. He hopped to his feet in a frenzy and ran deeper into the bayou. It was dark and he could barely see where he was running, but all he knew was that he needed to get away. It was only a matter of time the cops had found him. The pattern was quite obvious, Alastor knew. Yet, he thought it was orderly and scheduled, and that was something he’s always taken to heart. As he was running, he recalled his fondest memories and previous murders as the cops chased him on his tail. He knew this was it for him, unless he could throw them off somehow. Quickly, he noticed out of the corner of his eye a figure. It was a lone deer. It looked him in the eye without movement. The deer eyed him knowingly. The full moon shining between its broad antlers.
Suddenly, the night and day remembered how they came to be. Alastor glared back at this deer, his smile wavering as he was shot dead in the forehead with a rifle. He fell to the ground as his smile fell completely. A hunter had missed the deer, accidentally shooting Alastor killing him instantly. Surely it was too dark for the hunter to have seen him. There was no hope for him. Then, the deer quickly ran off into the deep bayou startled from the shadow of nobody there.
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eatsoaps · 4 years
Husk Sickfic
Paring (Husk x Angel)
Stomach flu/hangover 
    Sitting alone in the dim lighting of the bar served as small lonely comfort to the reluctant bartender in attendance. The day was slow with him mindlessly shuffling his cards around and nursing several bottles of alcohol while Charlie blabbed about her dreams and how to achieve them with the hotel. Now, everyone had gone to their rooms for the night except him. Zoning in and out with mindless drinking had him only a little tipsy. By two in the morning he had registered that he should probably go to bed as well….. Or just sleep on the bar. Nah, maybe not this time. Whenever he did that he was rudely awoken by Al or someone else with a scolding. He decided that he’d go to his room. 
    “Fuck!” he hissed when he finally moved. His body cracked every which way from the sudden movement, but that wasn’t the concerning part; he was hurting in his gut. It really hurt and was very sudden. He held his alcohol well and it was now he noted that the pounding headaches usually came after drinking. Trying to shake it off, he went upstairs to his room. 
    He didn’t care what room he had so long as he could drink; however the sudden twisting in his upper abdomen prevented him from wanting to dive into that random whiskey bottle. Again, trying to shake whatever the feeling was, he crawled into bed and did his best to sleep it off. It normally didn’t take long to get comfortable, hell he never even paid attention to comfort! Tossing and turning was what he was left with tonight, and boy did it puzzle him. Lying on either side gave him an annoying pressure that he couldn’t quite place, on his back only made him feel nauseous while face down just wasn’t comfortable in general and he couldn’t breathe well. Finally, he grew pissed and swung his legs over the bed holding his head in his hands. 
    “Fuck is wrong in there?” he asked himself. Softly placing a paw over his stomach he ran his claws through the fur on his head. Sitting upright made his guts flip and he let out a pathetic groan. Why was it hurting? He didn’t think he had eaten anything out of the ordinary, he didn’t remember what he ate in all honesty. He just wasn’t hungry. He took a few deep breaths and swallowed a little before lying back down on the bed. Like it did any fucking good. Another 30 minutes of rustling around in his bed he shot up like a bullet and eyed the broken trash can in the corner of the room. He looked away, remembering what a former soldier told him when he went overseas during his human life. 
‘If you think about it, it will happen.’ 
Don’t think about it. Don’t think about it. Don’t think about it. Fuck it. 
He got up and moved to one of the public restrooms down the hall; in not caring about his room, he failed to recognize that Alastor gave him the one without a bathroom. Each step had him sweating and at one point he even needed to stop and take a pause for the sake of not ruining the rug and waking everyone up. He heard a door creak open. 
He immediately straightened himself out and tried to look normal. Footsteps sounded, trying to be as soft as possible. Were those….pink slipper boots? They were, and who better to own them than Angel Dust. Now he really needed to act normal! 
“Oh, hey Kitten! What you doing here?” Angel softly purred as he caught eye. 
“Minding my own business bitch, take a lesson.” 
“Nah that don’t pay well. Wassup? You look like a shit had a shit.” 
He rolled his eyes, “Thanks.”Angel cocked his head and stared at Husk, he looked green in the white of his fur and the grey was duller. Was that sweat? “What are you doing up anyway?” 
“Well I got the day off tomorrow and I planned on stocking up on some junk food Veggie keeps hidden.” 
“Isn’t it Vaggie?” 
“Same thing.” 
“Whatever just go away.” 
Angel huffed, “You’re clearly sick though.” 
“No I’m fucking not, just mind your own fucking business for once instead of barging in and ruining everyone!” his stomach clenched which left Husk fighting every muscle in his body from grabbing it and doubling over. 
For a brief moment, Angel dropped, but picked right back up. “Come on. Let me help ya. It’s a sad sight right here, kinda funny too.” 
“Can’t you take no for an answer? I thought whores understood rejection?” 
Okay, that stung a little. “Did you drink perfume or some shit? 
“Why don’t-” Husk took a pause, his stomach was churning. It hurt and he felt the acid creep up his throat. He could swallow only so much. “-you...fuck.”
“Husk?” Angel had a soft spot for the cat, he was hot and gave him drinks! He also knew what it was like to be under an overlord. They had talked about it one night. “Hey man you good?” Angel’s voice was like water: garbled and incoherent. Husk lurched and clasped a hand over his mouth. He pushed Angel away and dashed to the bathroom. Tossing a stall door open, he crashed to the ground and began to heave. The stomach inside him contracted, but after his second unproductive heave did he finally manage to bring something up. He coughed and spat out more of whatever had caused this. He slightly jumped when he felt a soft pair of hands rub up and down his back, another set massaging his wings that tensed up every time he puked or gagged, the last set of Angel’s arms kept his ears back while rubbing the nape. He didn’t even have the energy to push him away. 
“There ya go kitten. Easy.” Angel softly soothed. Husk gagged and brought up more vomit into the toilet, coughing and sputtering. He thought his head was about to burst, the throb was so painful. Another wave of vomit, this time with tears mixing in. He spat the remainder into the bowl. 
“Ugh, fuck.” he grit his teeth and tried to even his ragged breathing. An arm draped across the toilet, one was positioned carefully on his stomach. He had forgotten what it felt like to be so sick, the last time was when he had food poisoning in a camp somewhere. He had also forgotten that this was literal HELL. In hell, everything bad was doubled. Broken leg meant worse pain and longer heal. Stabbed? Well you’d heal faster but it would still hurt like no other. And sick? Well if anyone got sick in Hell it lasted longer than it would a breathing human. Part of punishment. Husk reached up to flush the contents down and placed his head on the cool toilet lid. 
“Are you done kitten?” 
All that strain made Husk lethargic and apathetic. He no longer cared about what happened, that was fucking horrible. He just wanted the bad feelings gone. 
“Come on.” 
Angel helped Husk stand on his feet and had him rinse his mouth out in the sink as quickly as possible. They left the bathroom and went further down the hall. 
“Where am I going?” Husk asked. 
“My room.” 
Husk tried to push Angel away, “Why?” 
“It has a bathroom inside, your’s don’t. You also can’t spend all night in a public bathroom. Plus you can barely stand as it is. Don’t act as if Charlie wouldn’t have my head for not doing a thing.” 
Husk wanted to throw Angel onto the ground and run back to his room so he could curl up and die again alone. Nah. That wasn’t going to happen and he knew it, the muscles and energy had all gone into making him feel like shit and left him walking on a tightrope with a tilting wheel above him. When the two arrived in the room, Husk wasn’t all surprised by the look of it. A stripper pole, soft furniture, different shades of pink and black, of course a vanity covered with makeup and a shelf of sex toys. He rolled his eyes. 
“Mention this to anyone and you can kiss all the booze in the world goodbye you fucking pest.” 
“Daw~ for me only Husky? Don’t mention it. I’ll tell Cha you’re sick and too drunk to tell whose room is whose. I’ll say I tried to throw ya out but you wouldn’t budge. Sound good?” 
Husk had crawled onto Angel’s bedsheets, mmm…. warm and soft. He didn’t even reply to whatever the spider said, the sheets and mattress felt amazing, he started to purr and it was only when he caught Angel smiling down at him did he realize the situation. Shit! What the fuck am I doing? He made a sorry attempt to get out of the bed, he knew the slut would talk and he’d be humiliated. He didn’t want things to be worse than they already were. Quickly jumping off the bed made him double over in pain as a giant cramp rolled through his abdomen. 
    “Hey, watch yourself. I ain’t gonna tell anyone, I learned from Pa that snitches get ditches at five years old.” 
    “Fuck you.” 
    “Maybe when you’re better. Let’s go, come on! Back to bed kitten.” Angel guided Husk back into the bed, he noticed that his gut looked tense, he could practically see the muscles cramped up through the fur. “Jesus you’re tense.” 
    “I know. Now shut up. Why’re you even helping me dumbass?” 
    “You remind me a lot of my sis when she’d get sick. I’d always be the caretaker and she’d be mine. She’d fight me tooth and nail until I gave her something comfortable, then she’d melt like Mama’s garlic butter. Just a nice nostalgia feeling I guess. Besides, maybe you’ll owe me?” he ended with a tease of course, but after a warning glare from Husk, he backed down. “I’m kidding! Jeez! Here, just get on the bed, I’ll even rest away from ya.” 
    The bed felt amazing and warm, and it didn’t smell horrible in this room either. Angel had even been so kind as to place a bucket right next to him in case his stomach decided to abuse him again. Zoning back in, he realized that Angel had gotten into the bed and put considerable distance between them. Another cramp seized Husk’s body and he curled in harder on himself. He felt a gag coming on and groaned when he had to drag the bucket closer to his face.
    Angel glanced over at the bartender and felt a pang of sympathy. He placed a hand over Husk’s back and tried to massage the muscles that were bulging out. Thankfully they did relax as Husk threw up again into the can. He felt a lot warmer than normal? Angel had no idea what the temperature for a cat was let alone a demonic one. He could only guess it was a fever high enough to cause discomfort. After throwing up the remainder of vomit from his mouth, Husk rinsed with the warm bottle of water Angel had sitting next to him (unopened) and then plopped back down on the bed softly panting. The spider stopped rubbing his back in order to take care of the bucket; the cat needed to bite back a whimper from the loss of comfort while the cramping came back. He felt ashamed when he let pained moans come from his throat when he wrapped his paws around his middle. 
    “Think ya got a stomach bug which means you got about four days until it’s gone.” 
    “Molly liked it when I rubbed her back or stomach.”
Husk rattled as a shiver blew past him. Angel pulled the covers over his body. “Don’t fucking try anything or I’ll poison your drinks.” 
“Please, a whore may know a lot about rejection, but they know more about consent and roofies.” 
Angel shifted to where one set of hands massaged the back and only one hand went over Husk’s stomach, the other was used to scroll through his phone. Within minutes, the cat was out like a light and purring louder than a racecar. Angel smiled and snuck a picture or eight. When he started to feel a little drowsy, he noticed that Husk had moved in a way that made it to where Angel was basically holding him sideways. CUTE! A few more pictures saved onto his phone and he was set to sleep. His rest may have only lasted an hour or two since he was woken up by Husk bolting up to vomit. The cycle was repeated until there was literally nothing in his stomach. Angel continued to rub his stomach. 
    Come morning, Husk awoke to the sound of rustling. “Fuck is that?” he mumbled. 
    “Sorry babe! Just gotta get Fat Nuggets some food and then a walk, it’ll be thirty minutes. Charlie knows about the story I told her last night.” 
    “Fuck you what did you tell her!” Husk reared up with his wings fluffed up and defensive mode on. If only he looked as threatening; truth be told it looked more like a tiny kitten was trying to roar like a lion. Angel couldn’t help but laugh. 
    “Relax, I told her you got sick last night and were too drunk to notice you were in the wrong room. I told her moving you wasn’t an option and said you tried to claw my normal eye out. She said she’d give you the next three days off and sent up some ‘get well’ shit.” he gestured over to the nightstand next to the cat. Placed on the tray was a set of medications that would barely do anything, but it was better than nothing. After vomiting all night, the waters she gave him looked amazing.
    “Do you wanna try to eat?” Angel asked. 
    A baby gag, “Ugh fuck that.” 
    Angel walked over and placed a hand on Husk’s forehead, almost astounded that he didn’t wack him back. “Definitely certain you got a rising fever.” 
    “In Hell, wow.” 
    “Shut up.” 
    Most of the day was nothing new. Charlie put Angel on caretaker duty (much to Vaggie’s concern) just to make things easier. Hopefully. It gave Angel bonus points, Husk got taken care of, Angel out of the way, the place would be quiet. In honesty, while Husk reminded him a lot of his sister when she was feeling down, he also wanted a chance to get closer to the cat. He was curious and also bored. Kinda wanted something to do. Being a sex worker meant that he had to care and cater to whatever the clients wanted, this time it was for something nonsexual. Sure he enjoyed sex, but it was nice to do something other than it. His day off would otherwise be spent wandering around and getting into trouble. Not looking to get chewed out was his aim. 
    “Shit babe how do you still have something inside you?” 
    “I’m not *huurk* babe you himbo.” Husk retorted with a pathetic spit. “Fuck. This is worse than when the boat was on the sea towards the battle….” 
    “Battle? What battle?” 
    Whether it was the increased fever or what, Husk had no idea, but he had seen this many times before. Back in the war, not knowing which battle. He was instructed to shoot whatever came that wasn’t wearing US Military garb. A rustle among the trees, he turned, saw uncovered skin and lanky build. They were carrying something. A bomb? He shot at them straight in the head and they fell. Crying could be heard, but the person was dead, he went to inspect whatever was the sound and his heart dropped when he saw it was a toddler. The child ran towards him and then fell over as a fellow soldier shot them down. He turned and threw up right there, crying and praying it wasn’t real and apologizing over and over.
“Husk, hey, it isn’t real. Whatever you seein’ ain’t real. It ain’t real right now.” 
Husk snapped his head back at Angel hyperventilating with wide eyes and then quickly bent over the fresh bucket that was being held in front of him. He gagged and spit and heaved and threw up whatever left he could. All the medicine, water, one single bite of toast was all gone; even then he still tried to bring up something until he was reduced to dry heaving. 
“Hey now, in and out. Breath in, then out. There ya go. Va bene (it’s okay in Italian).” 
It took a while, but Husk was back on track, the fever had definitely spiked and now he was experiencing shellshock again. “-ter.” 
His throat had been puked raw by the acid he could barely speak, but Angel managed to understand what he said and gave him an uncapped water bottle which he gratefully gulped down. 
“Hey go slow or you’ll-” the water didn’t stay in his stomach, “- puke it back up. Baby sips.” 
By the time the bucket was cleaned out, Husk was cared for and Angel got him as comfy as he could, he noticed that the cat was clingy when he was sick. Angel was the big spoon whether Husk knew or not. Belly rubs and back massages felt great after the whole ordeal. Unfortunately, he had three more PTSD episodes after that. 
“I gotta go to work or Val’ll have my head!” Angel sighed, trying to pull his many limbs out of the cat’s grip. 
Husk had reached his peak in the fever and acted like a kitten starved for attention. Angel knew sick clingy people made some of the best and worst patients depending on the situation. Eventually, the spider managed to pry the other off and set on for work where he spent the day modeling and having only one film session with a guy that loved being stepped on. He managed to avoid any conflict with the film crew and Val, so he finally left early with an abundance of praise. Quick and easy! Once he was back in the hotel, he went straight to his room where he found Husk sleeping bent over an empty bucket with fresh tear tracks along his matted fur lines. Angel gently shook him awake. 
“Rise and shine moonpie! Get your head out of the bucket.”
Husk blinked up at the spider and turned away into the blankets. “Not now.” 
“Well you can either lay your head in a horrible position that is sure to rattle yer neck to bits and pieces or you can-”
“Angel. I-....Can-” Husk was really struggling with what he was about to say next. “Can you…. rub my head a little?” he asked shyly. 
Faster than a bullet, Angel was right there getting to pet the cat, he was amazed at how soft the fur was. Of course it was to make him feel better. “Think you’re stomach wants to stay inside ya?” 
“Okay babe.” 
Husk did not throw up anymore after that night; by the time the four days were over, he pushed Angel away and got himself sorted out. He hated to admit that the spider was a good caretaker, and he would be a liar if he said he wasn’t comfy (sometimes) during the stay in Angel’s room. Once he was back working the bar, he handed Angel a free drink. 
“Oh really Husk! Thank you!” 
“Shut up.” 
Angel winked at him and understood. The drink was a thank you, and he was happy to oblige. The two carried on a calmer setting around each other now. Husk still grumpy as could be, but with more sarcasm towards Angel rather than pure annoyance 100% of the time. 
Oh my Lord you can tell where I gave up trying to write good. My brain was absolutely dead. But I've noticed there's a lack of sickfics in this fandom so I'm deciding to fix that as best I can. I haven't written in a long time so I am sooooo rusty. Oh well. ❤️❤️
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syntaxeme · 4 years
Giardino Segreto ch. 9
[Read on AO3] | [First chapter] | [Next chapter (coming soon!)] Rating: M  Note: Hello naughty children it’s rating change time. Make of that information what you will. Also this chapter is stupidly long and I am stupidly sorry. Chapter summary: Angel is reminded how little his father cares about his (or Molly's) feelings, and he leaves Molly with a choice to make. Later, Angel finally gets back what was stolen from him earlier in the day, and Alastor has a number of very new experiences. How hard--er, difficult can it be, really?
— — –
There was silence for a moment as Angel processed what his sister was saying. Eventually, he pulled away to look her in the eye. “Molls, what’s goin’ on?”
She took a step back, shaking, trying in vain to wipe the smudged mascara from beneath her eyes. “Papa told me this morning about seein’ you at the lounge last night,” she confessed, starting to fidget with her curls again. “He said you had all these strangers with ya, you weren’t actin’ like yourself, so he…he asked me to come check on you.”
“For what?” Angel demanded, fighting between his frustration at being deceived and his patience with his sister.
“To find out what I could about what’s goin’ on here. He made it sound like you were in trouble and these people were usin’ you. Said I had to remind you where you belong and bring you home.”
“This is my home now.” When his sister reached for him, he took a step back to stay out of her grasp, betrayal written all over his face. “I knew you were actin’ weird while we were out. I knew you were askin’ too many questions. Goddamn it, Molly!”
“I’m sorry!” Molly insisted, her tears starting up again. “I was worried about you, caro! You were gone all that time, I was a nervous wreck, then Papa showed up and said he knew where to find you. How could I not come?”
“That’s exactly why he sent you,” Angel growled, arms crossed tightly, avoiding his twin’s eyes at all costs. “Cuz he knew you wouldn’t say no and he knew I’d talk to you. Sonofabitch. Usin’ his own fuckin’ daughter for recon.”
“And against his own son,” Alastor added.
“Fuck that; I ain’t his kid anymore,” the boy snapped back. “The Dellarosas ain’t shit to me but a roadblock.” At the sound of Molly’s muffled sob, he let out a sigh. “Y’know I don’t mean you, Mollina. But there was no way you could stay outta this forever. So what d’you wanna do?”
“Whaddaya mean?” she asked, her body language still withdrawn and nervous as if Angel might throw her out at any moment.
“I mean, are you okay with bein’ ‘seen and not heard’ in Enrico’s family, or do you wanna stay and be part of mine?”
The shock of the suggestion halted the tears still shining in her wide eyes. “Stay,” she repeated, “like for good?”
“Yeah. Why not? Enrico doesn’t give a shit about anyone he can’t control,” the boss said, not incorrectly. “That’s all ‘family’ boils down to for him. People who do what the fuck he says. It’s bullshit, and you deserve better. Stay here with us, and I guarantee everyone in this building’ll respect you the same as me.”
He looked to Alastor, either for confirmation or to make it clear that ensuring this was one of his responsibilities, and the Radio Demon nodded in turn. As always, Angel’s decisions were surprising. Not only had he separated himself from Enrico’s family, but now he was trying to persuade another of his children to defect as well. And judging by the look on Molly’s face, she was tempted.
“I dunno, Angelino,” she mumbled. “I wanna be with you, sure, but wouldn’t that mean I couldn’t see anyone at home anymore? Not even Mama or Criss…?”
“Hey, I’m not about to tell you what ya can or can’t do,” Angel said with a shrug, but Alastor was beginning to feel that his dispassionate attitude was a bit put on. “I’m just sayin’ I don’t like us bein’ separated any more than you do, and I’m way more interested in havin’ you here as my sister than as…I dunno, an ‘asset.’” When she didn’t answer after a moment or two, he went on, “Listen, I still got a lotta work to get done, so you should probably head home. Just think about it, all right?”
“And Enrico?” Alastor asked. “He’ll expect some sort of report, I imagine.”
“I’m not gonna tell him anything that could hurt you. I swear.” Molly was a bit hesitant about offering a hug, but Angel allowed it despite whatever tension remained between them. “And I’ll come back to visit again soon. Just a regular visit, no funny stuff.” Peering over his shoulder at Alastor, she added something in Italian. Angel laughed as he responded in kind. Not for the first time, Alastor wondered whether he should try picking up the language himself for just such occasions as this.
Once Molly had disappeared into the elevator with another small wave, Angel let out a breath, his shoulders slumping slightly. “Are you all right?” Alastor asked, possessed of an urge to pull the boy into his arms but unsure whether their current relationship allowed for things like that unprompted.
“I just can’t fuckin’ believe he sent her here to spy on me.” The boss took a deep breath, hands clenching into fists at his sides. “Every time I think he can’t go any lower, he always turns around and proves me wrong. He might not even let her come back.” He shook his head as if trying to fling those thoughts out of it. “It is what it is. At least I got to see her for a while today.” A surprisingly mature reaction coming from someone who had gotten used to his every whim being obeyed.
Trying to move on from the subject and to something more positive, Alastor instead asked, “Did you and Venture decide something regarding the Cortezes?”
“Ugh. No, not yet. Apparently, it got way more complicated since the last time we talked,” Angel sighed, running his fingers through his hair, simply shifting from one source of stress to another. “I barely got her to let me take a break to say bye to Molly. She put you to work too?” He nodded at the stack of envelopes in Alastor’s hands, which he had all but forgotten about.
“Oh. Well, I did tell you I’d find something to occupy my time while you were gone.”
“Yeah, but you mighta screwed up lettin’ her know how useful you can be. Now she’s never gonna give you a break.”
“Keep in mind, your orders outrank hers considerably. If there’s something else you’d like me to be doing…”
“I can think of a thing or two,” Angel answered with a playful grin. He started to reach for Alastor’s collar, as he often did when he wanted to pull him close, but once again, he stopped himself. “Uh, we should probably get back to it, though.”
Unsatisfied, Alastor impulsively caught his hand as he started toward the office, practically dragging him into an embrace. “That’s the second time today you’ve deliberately avoided touching me. Why is that?”
Angel wouldn’t look at him as he answered, “I dunno, I came on pretty strong this morning. Then earlier, you were actin’ like ya didn’t wanna be around me, so I thought maybe I freaked you out or somethin’.” He bit his lip so hard that, combined with the cut from earlier, it started to bleed again. Without thinking, Alastor leaned down the little that was necessary to lick the blood off his lips, enjoying the shiver that coursed through the boy’s body.
“Nothing could be further from the truth, cher. If anything, I’m impatient to have your attention all to myself again.”
Angel pressed closer to him, their lips met, and Alastor vaguely recognized the sound of a door opening, too absorbed in the kiss to pay attention to anything else. It wasn’t until they separated that Venture cleared her throat loudly, standing in the office doorway and looking pointedly away from them.
“I do hate to interrupt this riveting conversation you two are having,” she said, checking her watch, “but Angel, if I could have just an hour or two more of your time, we might get this Cortez deal finalized and in motion. Assuming that’s still something you’re interested in?”
“Yeah, yeah, I get it,” Angel sighed, pushing away from Alastor and raising his hands in defeat as he started to follow her back inside. Pausing at the door, he stopped Alastor with a hand splayed on his chest. “Hey, I want you to make sure Molly gets home okay. See what’s goin’ on with the Dellarosas too. Find out if they’ve got anything else in the works against us.”
“Consider it done.”
“Good. Then when you get back,” he added, lowering his voice slightly, “meet me upstairs and we’ll talk about whatever you find.” The wink he gave as he pulled the door shut behind him suggested there was a reason this conversation couldn’t happen in the office. Although he tried to fight it, to control it, Alastor had no choice but to quickly stride to the restroom for his first—though likely not last—real coughing fit of the day.
— — —
Recon on the Dellarosas was uneventful. Good thing, because Alastor’s mind was elsewhere the entire time. When Molly arrived home with her escort, naturally, Enrico tried to pump her for details about the Giardinos’ operation, but she remained vague and noncommittal about everything, playing up her natural unassuming innocence in a way that gave Enrico little to no usable information. Attagirl.
Although he was obviously disappointed with her ‘report’ and irritated at the thought of Angel, he still managed not to snap at her and instead thanked her for her efforts before sending her away. It seemed everyone had a bit of a soft spot for Molly. It was clear from the fevered argument he then had with his own consigliere that the Giardinos had him a bit panicked. He didn’t know exactly what action Angel had already taken against him or where he should be focusing his efforts at fighting back, and the size of the new family made him nervous in itself.
Good news all around, really.
By the time Alastor decided he’d learned all he could and headed back to the hotel, the evening was edging toward night. Even knowing that he had an invitation, he still felt a need to knock before waltzing into Angel’s suite, and the boss called from inside for him to come in.
He found Angel in the bedroom, standing just inside his closet on the far wall and, apparently, changing for bed. “Hey,” he said with a glance over his shoulder, in the process of stripping off his waistcoat. “How’d it go? Learn about any big sabotage plans Enrico’s makin’?”
“He doesn’t seem to have any yet. He still knows too little about us to start formulating any effective countermeasures.” Alastor resolved to wait in the living room rather than standing there watching Angel undress. Shedding his coat and taking a seat on the sofa, he continued, “I’m sure you’ll be glad to hear that Molly kept her word not to rat us out. She spent twenty minutes talking about the ‘adorable little bistro’ you took her to for lunch. So if Enrico ends up in the area and has a craving for a Nicoise salad, he’ll know where to go.”
“Yeah, I knew she wasn’t gonna turn on us like that. She’s too good to screw over somebody she loves.”
“I don’t think likes me much,” Alastor confessed after a moment’s hesitation. “She was looking at me sideways the entire time she was here, like she expected me to stab her in the back the moment she turned away.” For most people, that wouldn’t be an entirely unreasonable thing to expect from him—but not for someone so near and dear to Angel.
“Nah, it ain’t that,” Angel told him. “It’s about me more than you. I ain’t always had the best taste in men, so she’s used to the guys I date not treatin’ me right. She probably just figures you’re that same kinda guy.”
“Am I?” The thought made him sick to his stomach.
“Course not. First off, you’re not my boyfriend,” Angel pointed out as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “You’re…I dunno, somethin’ else. More like a business partner, I guess. And you sure as hell don’t treat me like they did.” Some morbid curiosity prompted Alastor to wonder exactly how many men Angel had ‘dated,’ but he knew that whatever the answer was, it would make him miserable with jealousy.
When he didn’t respond, Angel sighed and came out of the bedroom to meet him, having already removed his shirt and tie. The bandeau he wore underneath was visibly tight, most likely too small for him for the purpose of binding his chest as flat as possible. Alastor couldn’t help wondering if that was entirely healthy.
“Hey.” The boss knelt in front of him to meet his eyes. “I mean it. You ain’t like the other guys I been with before. Y’know how long”—he let out a dry laugh—“how long it’s been since any man in my life gave a shit about what I want? Then outta nowhere, there’s you, and it’s like your top priority. How’m I supposed to act like that doesn’t mean anything?” He asked that almost to himself as his eyes drifted away from Alastor’s. Wincing slightly, he shifted his shoulders and tugged at the straps of his bandeau, which were digging into his skin.
“I can’t imagine that’s very comfortable,” Alastor noted. It looked much like the sort of thing that was in style during his time among the living, a decade or two outdated now but suited to this purpose. “And you’ve been wearing it all day; I’m sure you’d like to take it off.”
“Uh, yeah.” Angel wet his lips, his eyes darting toward Alastor’s and then away again. “D’you…maybe wanna help me with that?”
The only reason Alastor hesitated was that he’d never done any such thing before. But how hard could it be, really? “If you like.” He scooted back on the couch, leaving room for Angel to sit between his legs, which he did so the hook-and-eye closures that lined a portion of his spine were accessible. Simple enough. The task was made a bit harder by how tight the thing was; it was hard to imagine how Angel got in and out of it by himself every day. Once it was unhooked, he slipped it off and took in a deep breath—then coughed slightly as he exhaled. “Are you all right?”
“Yeah. Just this fuckin’ thing,” he said, tossing the bandeau into the corner of the couch, “crushin’ my ribs all day. I’m used to it.” Alastor’s gaze wandered across Angel’s shoulders and slowly down his back. As much as he (guiltily) wanted to enjoy seeing so much of Angel’s flawless skin, the moment was dampened slightly by the red marks still visible on his shoulders and along his ribs where the garment had dug into him. Drawing his shoulders back to stretch out the muscles in his chest, he let out a soft groan of pain.
“But even when you take it off, you’re clearly still sore.” Of course, seeing Angel in pain, Alastor’s first instinct was to suggest eliminating the cause—but he might suffer equally, in a different way, if he were to forego binding his chest. What was there to do, then? Hoping he wasn’t going too far, Alastor let his fingertips ghost down Angel’s spine. “Would touching you make it worse?”
“N-no.” The boy suppressed a shiver, his back arching slightly. “I mean, it’ll hurt, but I bet it’d help me get over it quicker. If you want.” Relieved that he could at least take some sort of helpful action, Alastor let his hands come to rest on Angel’s sides, just above his waist. The boy flinched slightly, so he made sure to take it slow, sliding his hands up, then back down and around to roam up his back instead. Angel’s hands were clenched into fists, his breathing slow and heavy in the still room, as Alastor’s hands reached his shoulders and gently eased them downward, allowing the rigid tension in his muscles to dissipate.
“Any better?” Alastor asked quietly, as if speaking too loudly might disrupt the moment, and Angel nodded without hesitation. When the demon’s thumbs pressed into his spine a bit harder, he let out a low moan and dropped his head.
“Right there,” he breathed, sending a chill through Alastor for reasons he couldn’t explain. Still, he obeyed, focusing his attention more on that spot while Angel hummed and moaned his approval. But those marks on his shoulders looked awfully irritated too. Edging closer still, the demon leaned down to let his lips brush reddened skin. His charge took a shuddering breath but didn’t stop him. There was another kiss, then another, then Alastor’s tongue against Angel’s skin, and the boy whispered, “God…”
The Radio Demon’s heart was pounding so hard he was sure Angel would hear it, but it didn’t stop him lining the boy’s shoulders with slow, open-mouthed kisses. Angel’s voice—whether it was whimpering over another brush of Alastor’s tongue or groaning deeply as the demon’s hands worked harder against his skin—was absolute music to Alastor’s ears; he would do anything to hear more, anything his love asked.
Trying to pace himself so Angel had every chance to stop him, he slid his hands slowly around the boy’s waist, then up his ribs to his chest. The boy took in a shaky breath and let his hands rest lightly on Alastor���s thighs. “Is this all right?” the demon asked, knowing this might be a sensitive subject regarding Angel’s gender.
“What? Y-yeah,” the boy mumbled with a distracted nod, tilting his head back onto Alastor’s shoulder to lean heavily against him. “Just don’t stop.”
“Whatever you want, Angel.”
“Mm, I really like hearin’ that,” he laughed airily, wetting his lips. “Gimme more, baby. I want it all.”
At any other moment, Alastor was sure those words would have sent him into an involuntary coughing fit, yet right now, they only encouraged him; he was hardly even aware of his illness as he took the time to figure out exactly how Angel liked to be touched, what made his breath catch or his body shiver. It was only when the boy whined, “Al, please” that he realized his slow and thorough treatment could be construed as cruel teasing.
Trying his best to be confident that he wouldn’t mess anything up, he moved his hands back down toward Angel’s hips to unfasten his slacks. One hand slid down the front of them to touch Angel through his last thin layer of clothing, and the boy let out a high-pitched whimper. The heat of him against Alastor’s hand was… He could hardly find words as he realized just how close they had gotten, that he was sucking and biting harder on Angel’s shoulder to leave a vivid mark against his skin. Every time he thought his desire couldn’t be any stronger, his love found a way to prove him wrong.
“D-don’t stop.” A hint of a whine snuck into Angel’s voice as he shifted his hips against Alastor’s fingers for more friction, which the Radio Demon gladly provided, using these moments to explore just as he had everything else Angel had allowed him. In the face of that sweet voice moaning for him and Angel’s hands grasping tighter at his legs, his patience quickly wore thin, and he pushed his hand underneath the boy’s underwear to touch him properly. “Aah! God, yes.”
Without meaning to, Alastor found himself whispering words of praise and adoration in French, his lips still pressed against Angel’s shoulder so every word flowed across his skin. How else could he possibly react? Angel’s sex was so soft, so slick, so incredibly hot, and every moment Alastor spent on feeling out what he liked best, the boy was panting and writhing against him for more.
“You’re amazing, chéri,” he breathed, lifting his head to run his tongue along Angel’s earlobe and capture it between his teeth.
“Mm, you…like it that much, huh?” Angel teased, reaching back to slide his fingers through Alastor’s hair. Please, mon ange, I like you. “You don’t hafta hold back, y’know. If ya want somethin’, you can just take it.” Although the encouragement was appreciated, there was no way he would do anything he thought Angel might be uncomfortable with. Even as he slid his fingertips downward to press against Angel’s entrance, he waited until the boy gave a slight nod before actually going inside. When he did, Angel took in a deep breath and leaned back harder against him, hips bucking eagerly.
While they figured out this next step together, he took Alastor’s free hand from where it was still teasing his chest and pulled it up to rest on his throat instead. His smaller hand curled lightly around Alastor’s, prompting the demon to tighten his grip until Angel whined, “Fuck.” As much as he wanted to be sure he wasn’t going too far, there was something inexplicably exciting about hearing Angel’s voice pitch higher and feeling each breath drag against his palm.
When Angel managed to turn over his shoulder enough to wordlessly ask for a kiss, Alastor stopped everything else to give it his full attention, exploring every inch of his love’s sweet mouth with as much passion as the first time. “Al?” The boy struggled to speak past the distraction of Alastor’s fingers moving inside him (though he encouraged the motion with his own rolling hips). “Can we…go to bed?”
“Of course, cher.” Another quick kiss, and he gently pulled his fingers out to sweep the boy up in his arms and to his bed. Though he was visibly shaking as he did so, Angel managed to wriggle out of his remaining clothing, leaving himself completely bare and stretching out against his dark sheets. Alastor’s heart very nearly stopped at the vulnerable and painfully attractive sight before him. After indulging in one more delicious kiss, he dropped his head to work his lips across Angel’s throat, along his collarbone, down to his chest, exploring and worshiping every inch of smooth skin he could reach.
“I’m, uh…plenty excited already, honey,” Angel mumbled, stroking his thumb across Alastor’s cheek to get his attention. “We can just. Y’know. Get to it if ya want.”
“Do you want me to stop? Do you not like this?”
“No, no, I do!” he argued quickly. “I just figured you might be gettin’ impatient.”
“Don’t worry about that, mon chéri. What I’m doing right now is exactly what I want to be doing.” To illustrate, Alastor leaned down and ran his tongue slowly along the curve of Angel’s chest until he shivered and squirmed. “I’ve been thinking about this for a while. Let me take my time enjoying it.”
A bashful smile graced Angel’s lips as he looked away in a vain attempt to hide his blushing. “Yeah, okay. I mean, if it’s that important to you.”
“It absolutely is.” Satisfied that he was doing all right despite his inexperience, he continued working his way lower, kissing down Angel’s ribs and the dip of his waist, finally settling between his legs to lick gently along the shape of his hipbones. He made sure to go particularly slow about this part, running his tongue lightly down the curve where Angel’s thigh met his hip, nibbling along the sensitive skin on the inside of his thigh while he tensed and sighed in anticipation.
When Alastor’s tongue finally slid between his legs, the boy let out a clipped squeak of shock. “Is this all right?”
“Yeah,” Angel said with a firm nod. “Don’t stop.” Alastor was quickly discovering that he enjoyed that particular command and didn’t hesitate to comply. After those few minutes of exploring with his fingers earlier, he had an idea of where and how Angel would like his tongue, and from the sound of his love’s voice—as he’d gotten much more vocal all of a sudden—he was doing just fine. “God! That’s…mm, so good, baby. Fffuck yes…”
The action soon became more natural, allowing Alastor to relax and not focus on it too much. Meaning he could instead focus on Angel’s taste coating his tongue and the warmth of his svelte body. Both the boy’s hands had threaded through his hair to keep him close, and he found himself moaning against Angel’s skin with every breath. Somehow, he hadn’t realized exactly how much he would enjoy the physical act of pleasing his love, but he couldn’t deny that Angel’s pleasure brought him a certain gratification as well. He lost track of exactly how long he was at it before Angel addressed him directly again.
“Al?” he panted. “If you’re gonna fuck me, you…you better hurry up and… L-listen, I’m gonna cum if ya keep that up.”
A hot shiver rushed through Alastor’s core. “That’s exactly what I want, cher.”
“Huh? But don’t you…don’t you want…” The boy dropped his head back against the bed with a frustrated groan, obviously struggling to string words together at this point. Still, his argument didn’t last long, as his moans quickly climbed in pitch and volume. “God, yes, honey, just like that!”
Alastor paused just long enough to suggest, “My name, Angel.”
Clearly in no state to argue, he easily obeyed: “Al—Alastor! Don’t stop. Please. I’m so close, I—” He let out what was nearly a scream as he came, his spine arching and hips bucking reflexively. He called out Alastor’s name more than once while he rode out his orgasm, treating the Radio Demon to all the longing and affection his sweet voice could hold. Even as he started to relax, however, Alastor couldn’t bring himself to stop; he kept his tongue moving, fast and smooth, against all the right spots until he coaxed a second orgasm out of his exhausted charge. Angel’s cries were even higher, breathless, strained as he shuddered and squirmed against the bed.
Alastor only now realized what a mess this little session had made of his face, so he quickly wiped his mouth and crawled closer for a kiss much gentler than the ones previous. Despite his distraction, Angel managed to grasp tightly at his shirt with both hands. Even when he had to tear his lips away for a deep breath, he still refused to let go.
“Are you all right, chéri?” Alastor asked, beginning to genuinely worry; Angel’s body was visibly shaking all over, his breathing labored and irregular, and his eyes were still clouded even as he tried to blink them clear. He nodded absently, but it wasn’t a terribly convincing answer. Lying down at his side, Alastor grabbed the mussed blankets to cover the two of them, then wrapped his arms firmly around Angel to hold him close. The boy didn’t begin to argue, burying his face against Alastor’s chest.
Very slowly but surely, he relaxed little by little. His trembling eventually stopped, and his breathing stabilized. In fact, Alastor almost suspected he’d fallen asleep until he pulled away slightly to look up. “Sorry,” he mumbled, embarrassed. “I get…kinda worked up sometimes.”
“I thought that was the idea,” Alastor teased, relieved to see he was doing better.
“Ha ha. Guess you’ve earned a couple wise cracks after that. I mean, seriously, that was—I don’t even know how to say it, you were so good.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment, then.”
“But…” His smile slipping a bit, Angel looked up with something like concern on his face instead. “I dunno why you didn’t do it for real. I’m a little tired now, but I can still do somethin’ for you if you want.” One of his hands slid down Alastor’s chest and stomach toward his hips, but the demon caught it before it could go any further.
“You don’t have to do that,” he said, lifting the boy’s fingers to his lips to kiss them. “I’m perfectly happy right where I am.” In spite of the period of freedom he’d just had, his chest tightened again with those words, but he managed to smile through it. It was a fact that he didn’t need (or especially want) any sort of sexual attention now that he knew Angel was satisfied. It was also true, however, that he was not perfectly happy as long as his feelings were kept in the dark. Later. Now isn’t the time.
“I don’t get it,” Angel said, still frowning as he pulled his hand back. “I don’t get you. After all that time you spent touchin’ me, all that talk about how you’ve been ‘thinkin’ about this’—you really weren’t into it at all?”
“Angel, what about my attitude over the past hour could have given you that impression?” Of course, Alastor had known that this conversation was coming sooner or later.
“Just the fact that you haven’t made a single move on me for yourself.” The boy drew away from him, crossing his arms, starting to shift from confusion to irritation. “I never met a single fuckin’ guy in my life that wasn’t way more interested in gettin’ his rocks off than whatever I was into.”
“I don’t understand why my concern for your comfort is a negative thing,” Alastor sighed, sitting up to rake his hair back away from his eyes.
“It ain’t that,” Angel snapped, sitting up as well but keeping the sheet close against him so he was covered. “Sure, maybe you’re the one fuckin’ guy on the planet that gives a shit if his ‘partner’ likes it too. But that still doesn’t explain why ya wouldn’t actually fuck me. I’ve given ya plenty of chances. So I figure you’re just…not into me.”
“I promise you that isn’t the case.” Arguing turned out to be much more difficult while simultaneously fighting back a cough, and this sudden rift between them was only stoking his illness further.
“And if you’re not, then why bother pretending?” Angel continued as if he hadn’t spoken, now too wrapped up in his fears to see reason. “Did you just—” He stopped, wide-eyed, stricken with horror. “Did you do it because of the contract? Because I told you to?”
“God, I’m so fuckin’ stupid.” The boy curled his knees up to his chest, burying his face in his hands. “I shoulda known after how you acted last night. I dunno why I just assumed you’d be interested.”
“Angel, please—”
“Look, ya don’t hafta fake it for my sake. If you don’t want me—”
Unable to force out another word, frustrated with Angel’s refusal to hear him, unsure of what else to do, Alastor caught the boy in his arms and dragged him close for a firm kiss. Not just firm but insistent. Ravenous. It went on long enough that his symptoms abated, and Angel didn’t fight it for a moment, melting against him and kissing him back with as much fervent desire as he could muster. When they separated, he needed a moment to catch his breath, and Alastor took advantage of the silence to make his point.
“Please don’t ask me again whether I want you.” He pushed both hands into Angel’s hair, tilting his head upward so their eyes met. “I have, I do, and I don’t foresee myself stopping. I’ll admit my feelings about sex are…probably not the same as yours. Probably not the same as most men’s. But that doesn’t mean I’m not attracted to you or that I don’t take any pleasure in seeing you enjoy me. I am, and I do. Even if not in quite the way you’re used to.”
Angel’s cheeks had started to flush again, and his eyes wandered away thoughtfully. “Ya just…don’t like doin’ it?”
“It’s more that I don’t have any particular need for it. But I do like knowing I’m satisfying you. And I certainly liked hearing you call my name that way.” His smile turned a little more mischievous, and Angel managed a small one of his own, swatting Alastor’s chest lightly. “That’s my way of wanting you, cher.”
Angel nodded slowly. “You’re really not like the guys I been with before,” he mused, taking Alastor’s hands from his hair to hold them in his own. “At all. It’s gonna take some gettin’ used to, but I think it might be a good thing.”
“You think so?”
“Well, there’s a reason they’re all exes, y’know?” Angel explained dryly. “Maybe this’ll turn out different.”
As he leaned forward for another gentle kiss, Alastor struggled to calm the sudden rush of hope that filled his chest to the point that there was no room for roses. Maybe things were a bit rocky there for a moment, but this conclusion they’d come to was even more promising than he’d even dared imagine. It would be his mission, he decided, to make up for whatever pain or mistreatment Angel had—apparently—suffered at the hands of the other men in his life. It would be different with him. Better.
“So, are you gonna pretend to sleep with me again?” Angel teased, unknotting Alastor’s tie to slip it off and unbuttoning his collar but not trying to undress him any further.
“It would be my pleasure.” But to his surprise, Alastor found himself so comfortable, both physically and mentally, that he instead wound up sleeping through the night for the first time in years, with Angel all the while curled up at his side.
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c-hristy · 5 years
His Fall (Part 2 of 'His Silence') 《Charlastor AU》
His cheeks puffed out as he carefully considered the process in front of him.  
    Alastor grimaced when he saw himself in the mirror for the eighth time that day; it seemed that Heaven was adorned in mirrors. Instead of the prim red he was accustomed to wearing, his outfit had been changed out for a white suit. His nose crinkled; it just didn’t suit him. 
    His ashen skin hadn’t changed; most angels either had the crisp white skin and very few had ashen colored skin. He had been told at one point that it was due to him being redeemed. Not many angels had actually been redeemed during their demonhood and it caused very few to actually be in Heaven. He’d initially thought he’d gravitate toward the ones that had been redeemed, but they tended to be such a stickler for rules.
    Alastor had spent many days sitting idly by, wondering how he had gained this reputation. During his human years, he’d spent his entire short life slaving over the idea of death and murder. In Hell, he hadn’t been much better. His mind had slowly come to the conclusion that over the past several years, since the birth of his eldest, he had slowly been garnering ‘good’ deeds over the ‘bad’ ones. 
    What even was ‘good’ and what was ‘bad’? He was certain that murdering another demon couldn’t compare to cleaning a wound from one of his children, though he couldn’t be sure. It’s not like anyone could answer his questions.
    He was seated beside a fountain near the house he had been given. It was more like an apartment; everything was built so that it would encourage partnership and accommodating. It sickened him.
    He couldn’t fathom why he was staying. Alastor had lost track of time by this point because there was no day / night cycle in Heaven. It was always daytime, shimmering sun and angels slept when they felt they needed to. It really messed with his inner need to have everything strictly organized; the one thing he had passed onto Margret.
    His grin twitched. Still consistently smiling was his trademark; there were occasions that he had been told his grin was creepy and he should knock it off.
    All the more reason to keep it on.
    Alastor’s eyelids fell as he stared into the water. The sun glittered across the surface and he reached out, placing a finger into the water and swirling his finger around. The little waves that emerged from his movements caused his grin to fade just the slightest bit. 
    A butterfly effect.
    One little thing he could do here could lead to him going home. 
    His eyes shifted from the water up to the clouds and sun that rest above him. His cheeks flushed at the warmth; so unlike the overbearing heat that surrounded each demon in Hell. Here, the heat was crisp and a soft breeze fluttered by. There was birdsong and the soft, hushed sound of angels speaking to each other.
    No screaming, no drug deals, no thievery.
    Alastor was finding this /boring/.
    “Al, sweetheart?”
    A voice interrupted his quickly souring thoughts. He turned slightly, pulling his finger from the water and shaking the droplets off. Behind him stood a sight he had still not gotten himself used to; his mind reeled even though he had seen her everyday for however long he had been here.
    His mother, in all her smiling glory, sat down on the fountain beside him. She wore a simple white dress, her cheeks rosy and pink. For a moment, his chest twanged; her cheeks were the same color as Margret’s.
    There were so many similarities between his mother and his children. He wasn’t sure he had ever even sat down and told her about them; he hadn’t spoken too much since he was sent to Heaven. Alastor found quickly that the things he wanted to speak about weren’t generally allowed and there wasn’t much he was able to do about that except keep his grin sealed.
    “You doing alright today?” Her voice was melodic; like most angel’s voices were. 
    He hummed and nodded, reaching over and taking her hand in his. She looked startled by the contact; he was never one to initiate anything. Alastor’s eyes dropped back to the water, where there were still some ripples moving softly across the surface.
    “You remind me of Margret.” His voice was soft, the grin faded to a close lipped one.
    “Margret?” Her head tilted to the side and he felt his insides fall just the slightest bit. She would never meet his children; had he even mentioned them at all?
    He hummed, clearing his throat. After so long of disuse, his filter was a little bit more rough around the edges, “My daughter.”
    Alastor’s mother’s eyes widened and she leaned forward toward him, gripping his hand just a little bit tighter, “A daughter?”
    He nodded, squeezing her hand and letting his other one reach down into the water, “My eldest. I have two daughters and a son, down in Hell.” Alastor moved his finger along the surface, just enough that he could feel his finger getting wet but not enough to cause too many ripples to surface, “My middle child is my daughter, Beatrice. The youngest is a boy, named Franklin.”
    “You’ve never spoken of them before.”
    “I suppose it’s because it hurt a little too much.” He allowed his finger to create ripples, “I left them down there.”
    “They can’t come up here?” Her voice was soft, hushed. He supposed it was for the best that their conversation remained among them; Angels were such chatty creatures.
    Alastor shook his head slowly, peering over at her. She looked starstruck; not only did she just gain a grandchild, she gained three, “They’re Hellborn! Stuck down there forever.” The filter over his voice crackled with static and he felt a rush of energy, “The poor dears can never be redeemed. No matter how sweet,” His hand tightened on hers, “No matter how much Margret does or works for, she will never reach this end.” There stirred a fire in his chest; something he hadn’t felt since he was in Hell, “Perhaps that’s for the best.”
    “What do you mean -”
    “Maggie’s a sweet little thing. You’d like her, mama. Always doing her best to be strong for everyone. She’s been part of the redeeming process since she was able to walk.” Alastor’s grin twisted; this was the first time he’d actually spoken about his children since being sent to this cursed place, “Bea’s a mischief maker. Always curious, however. A smart one, but only when she’s interested. Franklin is something else - something even I’m not sure. The opposite of an empath - sociopath, I believe is the term. He’s always smiling, though. He finds joy in the oddest of things.” Alastor shrugged a shoulder, “There’s another demon, Sir Pentious, I believe is his name. Franklin is obsessed with the little Egg demons that Pentious keeps around him.”
    His mother stayed quiet, listening to him as he spoke.
    “And Charlie.” His throat tightened, “The mother of my children, my mate.” Alastor chuckled dryly, “The poor doll. I do hope she’s okay. I suppose I’ll know soon enough.”
    Alastor dropped his mother’s hand and stood in a flourish of his white suit. He gazed around the area and felt a weight settle in his chest. She stood beside him and for a moment, she knew exactly what Alastor was planning.   
    “When?” She was quiet; a bare whisper above the heavenly breeze that drifted around them.
    It was a warning, if she’d ever heard one. Without a moment’s hesitation, his mother wrapped her arms around him and he reciprocated; squeezing her as if his life depended on it. And at that moment, it did.
    “I love you, mama.” His voice, deep with the Southern accent he’d acquired as a boy. Without static, without filter. Just the pure, small boy he had been once upon a time with his mother at his side.
    “I love you more, Alastor.” She pulled back from him and grabbed his cheeks, “You tell those babies of yours that their grandma loves them very much.”
    He grinned widely then, a spark igniting in his eye. They parted and she turned, leaving him beside the fountain.
    The fun was about to begin.
    There was a gathering a few streets over. The pavement itself glittered as he walked; indented with gold. His eyes shimmered against the light of the gold and the sun and he found himself feeling so much more energy than he had in weeks.   
    For the past several days, he had been avoiding eating. He knew that he was going to need a rather large appetite and as the days sped on and he didn’t consume the food that was at the food halls at the end of every street, the stronger he became. Alastor wondered idly if there was something tainting the food; something suppressing the inner demon of every angel in Heaven. 
    There was music playing from harps and flutes and if Alastor truly enjoyed being in Heaven as much as he’d thought, he might take a moment to listen. However, he was not interested in the music playing and opted to go straight for one of the musicians.
    The angels around weren’t strong ones. He hadn’t been placed in a housing complex with incredibly strong angels; for that he was grateful. The ones he was housed with had died primarily old and sick and had brought on some of that weakness with them into the afterlife. They wouldn’t be able to stop him.
    Alastor heard a rush through his ear drums the moment he grabbed onto the first angel. There were hesitant noises that quickly turned into screams of terror when he violently ripped and snapped the angels neck clean in half; removing the head from the body. A few angels began to speed away but with a body in his hands and a heart in his mouth, Alastor was stronger than he had been in a very long time.
    Blood caked his hands - still red, like humans and demons - as he continued to grab onto another angel that had tried to bolt. He furiously ripped through the chest cavity and ripped the angel’s heart out, feasting upon it. His head swirled and he felt high; this was the life he had left behind so long ago and he wasn’t sure why he had denied this part of him for so long.
    Something hidden in him snapped and he felt his hands start to morph; his head began to ache. His legs lengthened and he felt so utterly strong - nothing could stop him. He furiously snapped at the air and grabbed onto another angel; his now lengthened claws made it easier to shred through skin and bone and find the heart. 
    Blood coated his mouth and Alastor let out a static-filled growl, his antlers returning full force to the top of his head. In Heaven, his role as Deer Demon had been revoked and he had reverted much to his normal human self; save for his ashen skin. Brown hair quickly reverted to red, brown eyes to red. His teeth elongated and sharpened and power surged through his entire being. 
    There was a Demon ravaging the streets of Heaven.
    Wherever he went, corpses of dead angels and rivers of blood lie. There were tracks in the blood, left to look nothing like the feet of the once-angel. His maw was coated in drool and red and he was still starving. Another angel’s heart joined the rest in his stomach and the body was discarded - he wasn’t intending on getting full based on just a few. He wanted to capture the hearts of many.
    It didn’t take long for him to be cornered, like prey, by an assortment of the most upper level angels. He had torn through any guardians they had sent after him before; their blood was lighter and so much more refreshing. His eyes glared around wildly and he snapped at the air, blood still feeling his nostrils and driving his inner Wendigo mad.
    There were a few hushed whispers from the Guardians that surrounded him. He could hear each whisper, about how they had let him go unnoticed, how he couldn’t remain in Heaven any longer.
    One angel in particular strode through the commotion, his own feet dyed red in the color of his brethren’s blood. His arm raised and with a few words spoken in Latin, Alastor was falling.
    His grin returned as he fell.
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c-hristy · 5 years
Character Sheet - Franklin (Hazbin Hotel)
Character Information - 
True Name: Franklin Magne
Nicknames: Frankie / Frank / The Moon (by Charlie) / Shitstain (by Bea)
Likes: Pranks / Carnage / Murder / Meat / Video Games / Streaming / Smiling / Sarcasm / Peanut Butter
Dislikes: Nativity / Religion / Redemption / Emotions / Humans / Pickles / Low Frame Rates / Yellow
Biological Information - 
Species: Deer Demon / Wendigo
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Abilities: Wendigo Transformation / Light Manipulation / Playing the Saxophone / Tap Dancing
Professional Status - 
Occupation: Prince of Hell
Relationships - 
Family: Alastor (Father) / Charlie (Mother) / Margret (Sister) / Beatrice (Sister) / Lucifer (Grandfather) / Lillith (Grandmother)
Friends: Valentino / Sir Pentious / Angel Dust / Husk / Razzle and Dazzle / Niffty
Frenemies: Vox / Vaggie 
Romantic Interests: N/A
Enemies: ...just a lot of demons
Franklin Magne is a hell born demon birthed to Alastor and Charlie and by line of succession, the prince of Hell. He has very little empathy or sympathy for the demons in Hell and mainly does whatever suits his fancy, not caring much for those around him.
Appearance - 
Franklin, as an adult, is 7’8”, the same height as Alastor. He is nearly identical to Charlie, only sharing the same ears and antlers of his father. He has the same eyes, nose and blackened lips, as well as the same dark red cheeks that Charlie has. There have been times that people have confused him for Lucifer because of the likness and there have been times that he has used this to his advantage. 
He usually wears a blue sweater and black jeans. The reason why he wears blue is because when Franklin was a child, he had an uncanny ability to just wander off and seeing a blue-clad child was the easiest way to find him among the red landscape of Pentagram City.
When in full Wendigo form, his antlers grow and branch and he also grows a few inches in height. His claws and teeth extend. He has double radio dials, much like Alastor, though instead of red, they are shades of grey. His hair grows longer and rougher to the touch and he is impossibly strong - though he has never once been able to defeat Alastor in a fight. He enjoys the terror that his Wendigo form beings and will occasionally allow himself to fall into it just to remind those around him to be scared of him.
Personality - 
Franklin has very little to no empathy. He’s a sociopath and he knows it; when he was younger, he did try his best to latch onto some sort of emotional connection but he was met with failure with each attempt. Because of this, he grew up to be snarky, sarcastic and cruel with a lot of the things he says and does. He does not believe in his mother and Margret’s ideology of redemption, believing that demons who go to Hell are meant to be there; they should suffer for the sins they committed.
He does have a soft spot for smaller things, however. Egg Bois in particular are demons he’s fond of and he enjoys carrying them around and talking to them. He’s an avid streamer of whatever video games he can get his hands on and has garnered quite a following in Hell for his streams. 
Franklin likes to inflict pain and doesn’t feel pain himself; the only times he can remember some sort of negative emotion is when he feels guilty for breaking promises that he made to Charlie when he was younger. He also enjoys protecting his sisters from any wrongdoing, though there have been times that he’s actually became friends with the people who have hurt his sisters.
Background - 
Franklin was born in Hell to Charlie and Alastor, the Princess of Hell and the Radio Demon. Instinctively, he doesn’t care much for the process that goes on around him, though he does have a strong tendency for violence. He has two sisters and he cares for them, though he isn’t quite sure he’s as attached to them as they are to him.
Relationships - 
Alastor:     Alastor is Franklin’s father.
Franklin inherited much of Alastor’s personality and mannerisms, though the distance from empathy is something he had on his own. The two butt heads occasionally, due to Franklin wanting to believe that he is stronger than his father (he gets put back into place rather quickly). Franklin convinced Alastor to come onto one of his streams once and it’s an annual thing now; they’ll get together once a year and play video games on stream for a few hours.
Charlie:     Charlie is Franklin’s mother.
Growing up and still currently, Franklin is a mama’s boy. He respects the decisions she makes in life, though he doesn't believe in her ideologies. She is pretty much the only person he feels he is connected to emotionally and he relies pretty heavily on her optimism in order to feel down to earth. They tend to spend a lot of time reading together or dancing, since they both can tap dance pretty well.
Margret:     Margret is Franklin’s sister.
Franklin doesn’t have a large opinion on his oldest sister; she’s neat and organized, which he can respect. Their age difference, her being seven years older, kept them at a distance that neither knew how to work with. Because of his difficulty feeling emotions, Margret keeps her distance because she’s not able to really handle his manic moods.
Beatrice:     Beatrice is Franklin’s sister.
Bea is five years older than Franklin and she is his best friend. They enjoy pulling pranks and telling jokes together, though he finds much more entertainment out of Alastor’s dad jokes than Bea does. The two were nearly inseparable growing up and he has a much stronger fondness for her than he does for Margret; they share a lot more in common and the age difference doesn’t seem to be that big of an issue. 
Like Beatrice with Angel Dust, Franklin and Valentino are also best friends. Though there was a lot of drama that happened between Val and Bea, Franklin thought the whole ordeal was hilarious and found himself hanging out around Valentino a lot more. At first, the pimp was against Franklin and tried to deter the demon from latching on, but the two eventually found a mutual interest and then their friendship formed.
Sir Pentious: 
Franklin thinks Sir Pentious as a means for comical relief. The cliche snake demon makes Franklin laugh and he also enjoys being around the Egg Bois; he uses Pentious as a way to be around the little demons. 
Angel Dust: 
Angel Dust and he have a good relationship. When Franklin casually mentioned that he was gay, Angel almost immediately swept him up and the two bonded. 
Franklin adores the stories that Husk tells. He thinks the detailed descriptions about how humans fight wars are interesting and fun to listen to. If he’s forced to be at the Hotel, since he tends to avoid it as best he can, he’s usually found at the bar with Husk.
Razzle and Dazzle:
Frankie doesn’t have much to say on the two goat demons; they spend most of their time with Margret and Charlie at the hotel and he doesn’t have too many fond memories of them. He just knows they’ve always been there and aren’t going away any time soon. 
Franklin thinks Niffty is adorable and he has tried in the past to talk to her to become her friend, though she seems to want to not be. He isn’t sure why and continues to pester her, since he thinks that most demons should either be scared of him or love him and there should be no in between and he doesn’t want her to be scared of him.
Because of the relationship that Bea has with Vox and the entire process of Franklin becoming Valentino’s friend, the two are passive of each other. Franklin knows that Vox is stronger and way more powerful than he is and chooses not to test that boundary.
Franklin isn’t sure why, but he knows that Vaggie doesn’t have the greatest opinion of him. He supposes it’s because of his urge for violence and death, though he can’t quite put his finger on it. He doesn't ever remember a time where the two of them had any good memories together.
Trivia - 
-Jakarva came up with the name Franklin, as well as the names for Margret and Beatrice.
-Franklin means ‘landowner of free’ or ‘free man’.
-Franklin constantly pushes Alastor’s temper. There have been times during Franklin’s childhood where Alastor has threatened to eat him, to the point where he has nibbled a finger or two of Franklin’s to get him back in line.
    -Charlie has absolutely forbidden Alastor from actually eating Franklin, though the younger demon doesn’t know that.
-Frankie consistently eats the family cat. When the cat reappears, since it wasn’t killed by an angelic weapon, he lets the cat live for a few months before he gets bored of it and eats it again. Both Bea and Margret hate when he does it and they do their best to keep the cat away from him.
-Franklin doesn’t see himself getting into a relationship anytime soon; he sees most demons as inferior to the point where he would be uncomfortable with being with one.
-He is frequently touchy and continuously forces himself into everyone’s personal space, though he would snap if anyone where to enter his without permission. 
-He plays the saxophone quite well and Margret hates it because he continuously will only play songs that are memes.
-Franklin is a total memelord. 
-Keeping with memelord status, he can play the mash up of Sandstorm and Never Gonna Give You Up on the sax. 
-He swears that he taught Alastor how to floss, whip, etc, but if we're honest, he really didn't. 
-Franklin is probably the funniest character to write, and by god, even if he can’t feel a wide range of emotion, he’s still hilarious (and he knows it).
((If you so decide to use him, give me and @trinswhimsys a tag! We like to see any use. Please don't use him without tagging / permission, thank you, we are protective of our beanie boy))
** Want to see more of Franklin? Follow this link **
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