#albino bakugou
lunejump · 1 year
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they're buddies
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saturn-ian · 2 years
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I’m speaking the truth and you know it
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insaincat · 18 days
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Welp. Its official. I cant not draw Katsuki Bakugou as an albino. Just something that will always happen now.
SirenXDragon au (or was it dragonxsiren?). Izuku is a very powerful mage, even among sirens. Thus, with the right components, he himself can become a dragon. Though he kinda looks more like a noodler eastern dragon. A very feathery noodle eastern dragon. He doesnt become a dragon super often cuz its kinda uncomfortable but its fun to play with Katsuki and the kids on equal size and strength.
He actually had tried to adjust the components to be bigger since Katsuki grew quite a bit once he became an elder dragon and now is as big as his mom (who is one of the biggest western dragons). Unfortunately, hes too big most of the time, and the components to be that big are banned so he usually shrinks himself to match his family's size and to fit into their home. That and his food consumption was too high. Best to just stay normal-ish size.
Himiko actually gets her giantess blood from Katsuki being from a line of Elder dragons, thus she inherited part of that early making her one of the rare few non-elder dragons that are about as big as an elder dragon. This includes her upper siren half, which is unusual (but shes an odd girl in general). Others often mistake her as half giant because of this.
I might adjust the designs still, but I just wanted to draw noodle deku.
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unfortunately-i-exist · 3 months
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red-sneakers · 8 months
Does anyone else headcanon that Bakugou Katsuki’s albino? I know next to nothing about albinism, but.. pale skin and hair and red eyes, yes?
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gizaagi7in · 2 months
Hey guys? It isn't racist to headcanon your characters as another race. I mean apparently it is if you wanna make then european 💀.
I wish I was joking but the amount of times I've gotten shit on for that.
I see people making deku blasian (50% each) or bakugou something else.. So why is it bad when I suddenly wanna do that?
I'm just confused.
Because headcanoning bakugou to just be 20% let's say German is bad? Why am I getting slammed for that?
Because I've stated SPECIFICALLY that i headcanon bakugou to be not EVEN 50% German. Like literally 20 or 15..
I'm not erasing any Japanese culture?? Like hello?? What r you on abt. If anyone says
"Oh ur taking away his original Japanese culture.."
I could literally say that to any person who makes deku blasian or half something else.
The double standard is insane and stupid.
And to be real, I have no problems with Blasian deku or race headcanons. But when I get slammed for doing the literal bare minimum it just sucks.
Like yes i love those headcanons but can you please not be a hypocrite and hate on me for my own headcanon.
Oh yea finally figured out how to reply to comments, so lol I'm a bit late to this bashing party, but hey. I'm here.
Yes that was my fault for not thinking while writing albino. Yes it isn't a race, I'm sorry for that.
But my point still stands if I use another race or just a broad example of races.
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 2 months
Well well what have we here
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/HTrEqij by SuccubusWrites Welcome reader, to the story of a young Fae. In a world where everything tries to trike him down, even the man he thought he could trust more than anyone. Wings are cut and torn from his back, a daughter is taken from her home kingdom to be raised away from her death. cursed to sleep forever. only awoken by something that doesn't exist An albino crow is given the shape of a man to escape death, repaying his mistress with everything he can. He shall be his wings. Daughters are loved more by Fae than her true blood, lives are lost and others are brought into the world. All this, just for a man to be king? Words: 2762, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Maleficent (Disney Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Categories: M/M Characters: Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Monoma Neito, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Fuyumi, Yaoyorozu Momo, Jirou Kyouka, Uraraka Ochako Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Kirishima Eijirou/Monoma Neito Additional Tags: KPK, Intersex Kirishima Eijirou, Past Kirishima Eijirou/Monoma Neito - Freeform, Past Abuse, Past Rape/Non-con, Past Character Death, Past Relationship(s), Top Bakugou Katsuki, Submissive Top Bakugou Katsuki, Bottom Kirishima Eijirou, Maleficent AU, Maleficent kirishima, Deival bakugo, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, bakugo lowkey kind, Original Character(s), Mother-Daughter Relationship, Father-Daughter Relationship, Curses, fairy curse, Fairys, no beta we die like sir nighteye, Eventual Smut, Face Sitting, Crying During Sex, Mpreg, gender fluid kirishima, Pregnant Sex, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Semi Slow Burn, Angry Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Fantasy, Bakugou Katsuki Has a Big Dick, Multiple Sex Positions, Oral Sex, Switch Bakugou Katsuki, Switch Kirishima Eijirou read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/HTrEqij
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okeutocalma · 1 year
Father Shouto[son male reader]
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Era uma noite fria. A lua no céu quase não podia ser vista, mas [Nome] a observava, sentado na varanda de seu quarto, em companhia às estrelas, enquanto pensava em todos os sentimentos que sentia pelo Izuku.
Raiva, tristeza, angústia , mágoa…
Ele ria para si mesmo, sabia que não conseguia esconder de ninguém o sentimento que estava nessa lista… O amor por Izuku Midoriya, mas o esverdeado não sentia o mesmo, ele estava apaixonado por sua irmã…
O príncipe começou a tossir, gotas de um líquido vermelho escapando de seus lábios juntos de algumas pétalas.
Agora, depois de alguns dias, a lua era vista como uma crescente no céu. Claro que a sua doença só piorava, "cabeças" completas de flores saíam de seus lábios manchados com sangue.
 Ele sabia que seus sentimentos não iriam desaparecer, mesmo que ele demorasse uma eternidade... 
O Todoroki não aguentou e soltou um grito alto ao sentir algo em sua garganta, o rasgava de maneira dolorosa.
Lágrimas gordas desciam pelo seu rosto, você fechou os olhos e fracamente levou sua mão a flor que saía em sua boca e a puxou lentamente, o caule rasgando e machucando sua garganta.
[Nome] puxava o ar para seus pulmões, ele olhava de maneira chorosa para a flor em suas mãos.
Ao escutar a porta de seu quarto sendo aberta, ele se virou e viu Rosa, uma bela senhora que cuidava dele desde quando era apenas um recém nascido.
A senhora trazia consigo uma vasilha com água e tinha alguns panos brancos em seus ombros.
Ela colocou a vasilha no chão e se sentou na frente do príncipe, com cuidado ela mergulhou o pano na água morna, torceu e colocou em sua garganta.
— Você sabe meu fio, uma hora seu pai terá que saber.
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Shouto acordou assustado com o grito que escutou.
O bicolor retirou as peles de cima de seu corpo e levantou de sua cama, sua esposa se sentou rapidamente ao ver o marido levantando, estava atordoada e sonolenta.
O rei correu rapidamente para o quarto de sua filha Ísis achando que ela que tinha gritado , pois ela constantemente estava tendo pesadelos e ao chegar lá percebeu que não era dela o grito.
Ele correu para o quarto de seu filho mais velho [Nome].
Ao chegar lá, viu seu filho na varanda com cabeça baixa , respiração claramente desregulada e dolorosa.
Rose, uma senhora idosa em pé na frente dele, seus cabelos brancos devido a velhice e os olhos verdes da empregada mostravam uma tristeza e preocupação iminente.
Com uma mão ela fazia um carinho nas costas do albino- tentando inútilmente acalmá-lo - e com a outra ela segurava um pano contra sua garganta.
Shouto ao chegar perto viu poças e poças de sangue espalhadas pelo chão, misturada com várias pétalas de flores.
Ao chegar perto da varanda, ele viu [Nome] vomitar sangue e mais sangue junto a pétalas e flores completas.
Ele não parava, por deus!
Lágrimas de seu filho se misturava com o sangue e as pétalas que ele constantemente vomitava.
— O que aconteceu? — Shouto perguntou a pequena velha gordinha, se aproximando rapidamente.
— Não se preocupe senhor, pode voltar a dormir. — A senhora falou baixo, tirando alguns cabelos dos olhos de [Nome].
— Sinto muito senhor, ele deixou de ser seu filho ao momento que o senhor jogou um bule de chá quente no corpo dele. — a senhora falou tristemente ao lembrar de quando o pequeno albino levou um desenho para mostrar o pai e o rei irritado virou o bule de chá no garoto.
O bicolor olhou com cuidado, vendo sua criança puxar uma rosa completa de seus lábios.
Os olhos dele se arregalaram ao lembrar da doença que ele também teve em seus tempos de juventude.
— Quem?  — Shouto perguntou se aproximando do filho e se sentando na frente dele.
— I'Izuku…  —  a fala dele saiu quebradiça e degastada.
— Chame Bakugou! Temos que fazer uma cirurgia de emergência! — 
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Deku/Mirko hate is extremely hilarious when it comes from angry dudebros bc you can feel how strong their ego and masculinity is as much as of a wet piece of paper.
But when it comes from ppl whose favorite manga/anime is CSM, JJk and Mp100, calling Deku "pathetic" or complaining abt how Mirko is too sexy... Girl what the fuck are you talking abt you're literally in the pathetic loser meow meow man and sexy girlboss fandom WHAT
(Anon, means the two characters separately, not as a ship. I just have a feeling someone would have taken as such.)
But no, for real, it's astounding to me when people hate on Deku or Miruko for reasons I find totally backwards. And it honestly just increases my love for both characters.
I was gonna make a post about it, but I stopped myself because "Kiya, cease the saltiness". But you know what? Imma say it here.
Warning, this is about to get LONG because I have so much to say and I'm tired of just writing posts and deleting them.
Let's me start with my queen, my goddess, the icon Miruko.
I get it when people are tired of the whole "sexy anime girls with the big boobs and butt shots" especially in shonen, I'm annoyed with it myself at times, I am.
But compared to what I seen for female characters in other shonen, especially with Rabbit girls, Miruko is both something tamer and new. Let's be real here!
A lot of rabbit female characters, most really in general, in anime be tiny and meek. Have big boobs and showing off cleavage. And even if they are strong, their physical appearance doesn't mirror it because they're supposed to be "cute".
Miruko though? She has muscles, but she isn't packing them like fucking All Might now. Her body is reminiscent to someone who would work out, someone who is an athlete, especially those who specializes in speed and agility.
What's even better? It's not like Miruko is incapable of being cute.
People look at her and see "aggressive, feral woman with muscles".
But come on now!
This? This can't be cute?
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Fuck out of here!!
She is a short rabbit woman! How the fuck isn't she cute to anybody?!
(And honestly, again, I love that she is short because it makes sense. Her being tall is just awkward to me. It's ridiculous, I'll be frank. And honestly, makes me mad for several reasons as someone who shares similar physical features as her.)
Oh, so it's illegal to be sexy and cute for Miruko, but some of the same people lose themselves over shirtless guys in the same anime.
"Look at all the gratuitous shots of Miruko's legs, blech". Not even a moment later, Dabi shows a little bit of tit and people are drooling. Oh, please. Hawks does anything, "he's so cute". Get the hell of out here.
Miruko gets shots of her legs, sure. It's expected in a shonen. But at least her boobs aren't unnecessarily huge and her waist is nearly the size of a pinch. The most that is emphasized is her legs. Midoriya and Iida even gets shots of their legs sometimes!
Oh! Let's not forget how people hate on her because how much she's a fighter!
What bothers me is that I get why it's iffy that Miruko is "aggressive" while having brown skin, I have mixed feelings about that. On one hand, being that she is a brown skinned woman, it is off that she is the way she is. On the other hand, and this is a theory, she could be a reference to Horikoshi's previous protagonist Shiina. Who is an albino rabbit man who had the exact personality Miruko does.
Now the thing that bothers me about this on the part of the fandom is they hate Miruko for being aggressive, right? THEN WHERE THE FUCK IS THE SAME ENERGY FOR SOME OF THE OTHER CHARACTERS?
No, no because almost every character is ready for a fight in BNHA. We are not going to act like Miruko is the worst case out there because she isn't. There are people who love Toga for her bloodthirsty nature but hate Miruko. Bakugou may have some haters, but oh my gosh there are plenty of people who find him badass and attractive for that attitude. The other villains can be just as "mean" and talk about killing, yet oh! They have fans! Hell, even Endeavor got fans!! Kirishima is always ready for a fight, too and practically NO ONE hates him!
So why hate on Miruko?
Hell, even in the mentioned animes/mangas you pointed out, Anon, the women are worse than Miruko. Come on, example, Chainsaw Man. I cannot recall any female character in there that wasn't like evil or bloodthirsty or is like super nice.
And it's not like Miruko is mean. She's just blunt and isn't afraid of who she is. Her "mean" side comes out when she's facing villains. She is a "no-nonsense" character.
Now let me move on to my green boy, Midoriya because whoo boy. When it comes to people within and outside this fandom, I want to gatekeep him so bad.
"Midoriya is so pathetic, he's just a crybaby".
So I guess other shonen protagonists don't exist, huh? So other shonen protagonists don't be crying whether it be for gags or serious moments?
Like this is the same kid who has moments like this.
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Him? Him? Are we sure this is the "pathetic" one?
No, this is someone who eventually gets tired of everyone else's shit. (True ♋ Vibes right there.)
Kid cleaned a beach WITHOUT ANY POWERS.
His goal to be a hero is no different than any other protagonist back then and now. And he looks badass doing it.
Know what I adore about Midoriya? That he actually comes off like a damn teenager and have other defining traits that is opposite of other protagonists.
He isn't girl crazy. He's awkward around girls, but he isn't some pervert. Hell, girls are the last thing on his mind.
He's also not some dumb kid. He's may not be #1 in his class, but he's isn't book dumb. He's smart both on and off the field and relies on what he observes to win battles instead of taking five episodes to train while his friends fight some overpowered villain and come back and win within two minutes.
He actually struggles in battle, even with all those quirks, he does have struggles, including what happens with his body. Physical evidence. We barely get that in anime. The most it's a scar or a lost limb that happens BEFORE the story. Midoriya gets abrasions, scars, crooked fingers and even warnings about losing his arms.
Even his appearance is a breath of fresh air to me because I swear red, orange and yellow are too common for protagonists. Don't hate the colors at all, but let's be for real here. Warm colors, be it clothes or hair, is a sign of "Oh that's the protagonist".
Midoriya? Green. HE'S GREEN AND I LOVE IT!! The most he wears of red is his belt and shoes and his backpack is yellow, but Horikoshi makes it very clear that GREEN is his signature color. His name means GREEN.
Midoriya is not the typical shonen protagonist and I adore that about him.
Overall, out of all the characters, I adore both them and find some of what people complain about them just so... *sighs really loud*.
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lunejump · 10 months
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:D <- Kacchan Bakugou be like
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tainted-liquor · 1 year
Bakugou lightskin dad married a ''sassy'' snowbunny and now we have bakugou
albino bakugo supremacy tho😋 explains his red eyes
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captainaikus · 2 years
hello love!
its not any fun if you push yourself to exhaustion, so don't worry about it! although, i wont stop you from making a 5th edition. just be careful if you do, okay? we dont want you overworking yourself!
back to convo: MY IN LAWS ARE OBSESSED WITH ME YESSSS <33 WHAT IS UP WITH LIKE ISEKAI AND REINCARNATION? LIKE ITS FUNNY BUT ITS INTERESTING EVEN THOUGH YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOING DOWN? Oh. its the hot men. oops. well even though its predictable, theyre still fun to read even though theyre cliche.
KRJDJSB YOUR LEAST FAVORITES LMAOOO 😭 THEYRE EGOISTS BUT THEYRE HOT? THE ONLY EXCUSE TBH. but your last two, tbh theyre not that hot in my opinion... i totally get it 😭 nothing like being a camera/women whore to make us angry.
YES PINK <3 I SAY ITS THE BEST COLOR OUT THERE! i myself am more of a reddish-pink but like- really light yknow? pastel, but its really cute! painted my room a piglet pink for that :) the other pastels are cute too! even orange, which is the worst color. guys can hate on me but i hate orange. if you like orange youre WRONG 🤬 (ofc guys im just joking please dont get offended 😰)
about me, huh? umm its a little long sorry
my favorite songs are bug, fragile, & airhead(vocaloid). my aesthetics are softcore, cottagecore, kawaii, & japanese school aesthetics! basically anything pastel, pink, beige, plant, or japanese! i looked up softcore to confirm my suspicions and um... i got p*rn. uh guys make sure when youre searching up softcore that you search up 'softcore aesthetic' instead because.. i mean unless you wanna get p*rn. that's fine ig?
my top favorites animes/manga are toilet bound hanako kun, bungo stray dogs, hunter x hunter, & blue lock :) mainly because they contain my favorite characters: aoi akane, ranpo, killua, & nagi :)
i love sweet food, as well as asian food (especially basic beef pho)! i cant handle spicy, but im fine with the burn. its the pain that comes with it. ouch. BUT IM ASSUMING YOU HAVE HIGHER TOLERANCE 👀 like jalapeños? you can eat them without dying, right? please tell me some good spicy foods for beginners! i can handle like... pepperoni and like... spicy barbecue sauce, and hot doritos? 😭
long johns
underthings (did u already list this? 😭)
I KNOW THAT SOME ARE FOR GUYS BUT I CANT IMAGINE WRITING A SMUT FIC AND PUTTING: "take off your long johns babe, because it's gonna be a long night." LIKE PLEASE? WHAT? 😭😭 I CANT???
also im sorry im not calling you belle! im used to calling people love or lovely! if youd like me to instead call you belle just tell me! its ok if you dont like the nickname :)
DESPITE ALL OF THAT i hope today's a great day/night for you as well! byebye lovely! <3
- 🌸 anon
ty for understanding doll 🥹 so yeah there would be a 5th edition but I'm taking my time with it Don't even get me started on the hot men in webtoons (got a woman in there too) - I’ve read a lot of Manhwas too (some BL)
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i started reading one today - the boxer (still on chapter 3 - but so far it’s going good) my moods in two panels
one of the comments really said “albino Bakugou” 🥹😭
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they certainly are hot v.v adam disappointed me. There was so much potential in there the beard n aura but no. oliver is kinda a whore my whore pink is also said to have a calming effect compared to other colors. imo- yellow is the worst color out there, but I've gotten used to it haha yeah the Budapest hotel is my mansion :) ooh vocaloids! i listen to them as well (esp the wowaka's album) n deco! (i listen to a lot of genres tbh, phonk, classical n all - you name it but i think my writing gives lana del rey vibes cause it is tragic n ambiguous at times?) oh yeah there have been times when i have seen nsfw things on tumblr when just scrolling through for some blog aesthetics 0v0 i have one too many fav animes but here we go :
• jojo's bizarre adventure
• kamisama hajimemashita
• Hanayori no dango (its boys over flowers - the original one)
• tokyo ghoul (it was one of the first anime series i watched but after season 2 i wasn't a fan of it)
• death note
• devilman crybaby
• black butler
• slam dunk n knb
• haikyuu
• maid sama! (one of my personal favs)
• ouran high school host club (i watched it a few months ago n it was good)
• free!
• beastars
• jujutsu kaisen
• promised neverland - the first season was good the second.. we know happened to that
• bsd was one of my favs too! i have one too many favs from there
• yuri on ice (contemplating to watch it again)
• blue lock (manga wise - anime i don't keep up with the eps)
• vinland saga (yet to catch up on season 2)
• the ways of a househusband i was watching the time i got reincarnated as a slime (good watch imo), baki (v interesting too-) yeah there are a lot of animes to name
hentai too jalapeños... yeah i eat those. not spicy for me tbh, apart from that the real spicy stuff is the samyang noodles confused crying how do people even eat ghost peppers 🥹 i like enough spice in food to trigger my palette n brain but not spicy enough to burn my stomach or intestines i'm not the best person to ask spicy food for beginners cause some people can't handle spicy food well - depends on the kind of food you grew up eating n the kinda diet you have as it could trigger your body ; but i added chilli powder to bland foods - including Szechuan sauce or sriracha n now that's my go to for spicy food or making fried rice i feel like if uncle roger saw this he's gonna make sure my cooking career goes up in flames loincloth 💀 underthings? 💀 long johns 💀 how... where do you even get these words - i don't even want to know how do they invented these i read that sentence in the most victorian woman voice ever.
actually same here, i tend to call ppl doll, angel, pretty, lovely at times- cause it makes a person smile (i say girlie pop too, honey, gem, sweetness) but at times i hesitate cause idk if the person is comfortable with me calling them that and please! feel free to call me love or lovely! idm it at all 0^^0 i hope you have a great morning / afternoon / evening too doll ! <3
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I posted 49 times in 2022
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#fanfic ideas - 5 posts
#story ideas - 5 posts
#my hero academia - 4 posts
#kiribaku - 3 posts
#kirishima eijirou - 2 posts
#my hero acedamia - 2 posts
#bakugou katsuki - 2 posts
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My Top Posts in 2022:
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Another beautiful day in the neighborhood #happythursday (at Miami Lakes, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CY9o7haF9vUW6l5WxmMcEKwNsODKLA_A7gjbCI0/?utm_medium=tumblr
4 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
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The Heroric Rosebuds in My Hero Academia
Heroric Rosebuds: @autistic-swanprincess(me), @willtheobsessivenerd, @keyenuta, @lythecreatorart, @littlemisssquiggles, @miki-13, Nyka, @beaver-sen, @ezroar, and Cloud
5 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
The Riot I Have Become (Kiribaku)
Inspired by this beautiful yet sad piece of art made by @exewolfartist.
Eijirou Kirishima has always been wanting to be a hero just like his idol, the Crimson Riot. He’s always been exited and manly to do hero work in UA High School, but deep inside, his self doubt and cowardly manner gets in the way of becoming a hero.
When Dr. Kyudai Garaki creates a serum that causes a person’s quirk to go out of control by their negative emotions, he finds the Red Riot to be the perfect test subject for it.
Now, as Kirishima gets injected with the serum during a night patrol, he starts to feel like his quirk is about to take control of him, and every night, he goes killing new villians, even innocent people like a werewolf during the full moons.
The more berserk his quirk becomes, the more monstrous and dangerous he gets, he’ll even try to hurt his friends because of it, especially Bakugou Katsuki.
Can Bakugou and the others help Kirishima get back to normal before it’s too late?
6 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
The Dragon Prince’s Journey (Kiribaku/MHA Fantasy AU)
Eijirou Kirishima, a young dragon shifter prince, is orphaned after his mother, the Dragon Queen dies while protecting him from a league of hunters attacking his dragon kingdom.
With her last breath, she tells him how to find the legendary Pro Warriors, where he will ask them for their help and try to find others of his kind that could still be alive somewhere.
With his new friend Katsuki Bakugou, Kirishima sets throughout the fabled land, meeting a variety of new friends along the way -- while also being tracked down by the same league of hunters that killed his mother.
10 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Heavenly Rhythmic Love
Loosely based on the 1998 film, City of Angels.
Shouts Aizawa is an angel who accompanies the spirits of the recently dead to the ever after. Shouta has never been human and so has never experienced touch or taste.
When in the music studio, however, he comes across Hizashi “Present Mic” Yamada, a brilliant young musician and radio host who is devoted to his profession and his radio show listeners.
When Shouta decides to become human to see Hizashi, he starts to discover more about his kind hearted demeanor, tragic past as a child and how music was able to help him escape from it.
Will Shouta choose to become human to be with Hizashi forever or return to the heavens for an eternity as an Angel?
10 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
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izuchoo · 3 months
i'm 100% for people having hcs of bnha characters with different ethnicities ofc bc i will always make my fave characters half black, but i always think it's so funny when ppl try to base the hcs off of characters looks alone.
like i just saw this tiktok & one of the first comments were people typecasting bakugou's mom as russian or smth based off how she looks which is crazy work 😭😭😭
like it's an anime, first and foremost, 9 times out of 10, anime characters are gonna have unnatural hair colors unless the series is really shooting for realism. but furthermore, it's my hero academia. you got people looking like pencil sharpeners or grey aliens but japanese characters being naturally blonde is unrealistic?? 😭😭
like i'd get it if they were talking about haikyuu, which furudate really said fuck it with the realism lmaooo hinata has natural orange and it's acknowledged canonically, tsukishima has naturally blonde hair, but kenma bad dyed his. who knows what's going on with bokuto. also aone, but i guess he could be explained as albino.
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animayo · 4 years
→ Webtoon Review: The Boxer
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For some reason, I have an unhealthy obsession with OP characters. This includes Saitama (OPM), Sung Jin-woo (Solo Leveling), Gray (Weak Hero), and now the MC of The Boxer, a webtoon by JH. The Boxer can be read for free on LINE Webtoon and is updated every Thursday. The MC, who is referenced in the first episode as “Boy,” is a bored, emotionless “monster.” When I first saw the cover on my recommendations list, I swear I buzzed in excitement. I’m a sucker for anything with fighting and a webtoon literally titled The Boxer is right up my alley. The story starts with a small boy shrouded in darkness, beat up on the side of the street. A man that could be considered the epitome of light with boxing gloves over his shoulder confronts this boy. He tells the boy to “meet again at the top.” The top of where? No clue. We can probably assume he means the top of the world or society. Overall, the beginning is eye-catching and inspiring with contrasts of light and dark. It’s something that completely draws a reader in and makes them want more, which I absolutely do. The webtoon currently has five episodes, eight if you count the fast pass ones. The next time “Boy” is seen is outside a boxing gym after we’re introduced to Ryu, the genius boxer with “God-given talent.” “Boy” is being beaten up by three other kids and catches the attention of the legendary boxing coach, K, who was scoping out Ryu to maybe train him. The best part is that “Boy’s” eyes are dark, emotionless, and unchanging. I think this is what makes me most excited for everything the story has to offer. MC’s who start out emotionless and bored are always the ones with the most character development because they’re usually searching for something. Also, I just really like when other characters underestimate the MC and then get their ass beat but well…
Overall, The Boxer has so so so much potential and I hope whoever reads this might just give it a shot.   
 - K
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angst-king · 4 years
Class 1-R
(so this story is a bit different. So some of the students from class 1-A are now in a class called 1-R. This class was made for special students who may not be able to be in 1-b or 1-a due a condition, syndrome, or disorder. Bakugou is deaf with hearing aids, Midoriya is albino (wanted to try something different), Uraraka has good child syndrome, Kirishima is epileptic, Denki has torrets syndrome, Todoroki has anxiety, ptsd, and spastic diplegia a type of cerebral palsy, and finally selectively mute Shinsou)
It was the first day of school for the some of the students, most have already started but for these kids they're just now starting. Riding in the black out window tinted car, Midoriya sat anxiously twiddling his thumbs with his luggage in the back seat next to him.
"How are you feeling Izuku?" Inko asked "I-I'm okay j-just a bit nervous." Toshinori smiles and turned to look at his adopted son. "don't worry young izu, you'll do fine and even become a hero. you're in good hands with Mr Aizawa I promise." "th-thanks dad" Izuku looked hopefully to him with a sweet smile. "Izu you did pack your temporary bracelet right?" Questioned Inko who was pulling up to the school, she had asked this many times before they left. "yes mom I did, you even watched me pack it, and yes I have my make up too." "good, oh my gosh you're growing up so fast my baby~" She sulked earning chuckles from both boys as she parked. 
Getting out of the car she got a text from Mitsuki. "oh Auntie Mitsuki just got here too." she announces "ooh that means Kaachan is here!" exclaimed an excited Izuku, he opens the door before being reminded that he needs his parasol by Yagi. Grabbing his dark green and black parasol, Izuku gets out of the car then strapping on his satchel bag that had a picture of allmight on it with the keychain. "Oi Inko over here!" Called out a certain blond mother, turning her head after looking a bit, Inko sees Mitsuki who runs over to her. "Oh Mitsuki there you are" The two women hug and smile gleefully at each other. Izuku grins at Mitsuki as Massaru and Katsuki come over. "hey guys glad to see ya" Greets Massaru, Katsuki just remains hunched over waving. "glad to see you too"
The group converse over how their children have grown up and over their achievements. "I'm honestly surprised Izuku's this excited, he was so shy and scared a year ago." "yup now he's getting a lot better ever since he heard that UA made a special program." "Katsuki here has been excited about it, even if he doesn't show it I can tell." Mitsuki smirked while ruffling her son's hair, he glared at her flinching a little. 
As they talked more cars pulled up, a woman with white hair that had some red streaks came out and opened the door for a young boy with half red and white hair, he carried a scar on the red side. The young woman kept her hand on the boy's shoulder as he fidgeted with something in his hands. Seeing the group she leads the boy over to them and smiles adjusting her glasses. "hello is this the 1-R group?" Inko nods "yes this is, hi I'm Inko Midoriya, this is my son Izuku." Izuku looks to the pair and smiles "hello" "I'm fuyumi Todoroki, this is Shoto Todoroki, I'm his older sister." Shoto tried to hide behind Fuyumi but she just coaxed him out, he whimpers at her. "I like his hair, it very handsome on him." Complimented Inko, she knew what it was like to raise a self conscious son who's scared of people. Shoto looked down and softly bowed thanking her. "you're welcome hun"  The longer they stood the more people came. Finally a rat like thing came out with two men who looked familiar to some of them, coming towards the large group with a young boy who had wild purple hair and a tired look on his face. The rat spoke first "hello parents and students, you must be the 1-R group?" They all nod "great, well I'm pleased to meet you, I'm principle Nezu, This is Mr Aizawa and Mr Yamada or Present mic and Eraser head, they will be your teachers. As you've been told 1-r is a course for special students such as yourselves, there will be students who are from 1-a which is a not separated Hero course, those are students who have been chosen based on behavior, and history with students like yourself. Now that the introduction is out of the way, why don't we get to the dorms you've been given. You will be rooming in the same dormitory as the other students of course, we separated the classes but we find it important not to separate them too much."
 With that the group are led to the dormitories that are shared by all the classes. Opening the large double doors for the group, the dormitories were empty of students since they were having lunch. Walking in Izuku closes his parasol, while adjusting his glasses that had clip on shades to protect his eyes. "This is the dormitory, it has kitchen, common room area attached, there are stairs and an elevator that leads to the floors of the dorms." The young purple haired boy then hands each student a slip of paper that had their room numbers and floors. "You are free to find your rooms and relax, tomorrow class will start for you guys around noon so this will give you time to adjust." Explained present mic, Nezu soon left the group. Izuku goes to the elevator with his mom dad, the Todoroki's. "Todoroki, wh-what room do you have?" Todoroki flinched a bit but looked at his paper "1273" Izuku smiles to him "hey I have 1274, we're neighbors that's gonna be fun." Todoroki didn't know why he smiled back, it wasn't something he usually did but the boy's joy seemed to be contagious.  Meanwhile, the Bakugou's were in the elevator with who they learned were the Kirishima's, and Kaminari's and they were making good conversation. "S-so you guys li-like Pokemon too, my favorite is p-pikachu what about y-you?" Bakugou preferred to sign rather than talk, but if he felt like it he'd talk. He signed that he liked charmander, while Kirishima answered that he also liked charmander. They shared room numbers which it turns out Kami was a crossed the hall from Kirishima and Bakugou who'd be neighbors. Finally when they were all set up the parents wished their children good luck, took pictures, cried a little, and soon left. wow this was real they were now really in a hero class! Down stairs the group decided to hang out in the common room on the couch. "So we're finally gonna be training to be heroes, how are you guys feeling about this?" Asked Uraraka who seemed pretty excited "w-well I'm pretty happy but nervous at the same time. Kids like us are still looked down upon." Replies Midoriya "Well then we'll just have to prove those jerks wrong then!" Smiles Kirishima who bumps his fist together proudly, earning a nod from the group.
The group seemed to enjoy themselves, when the double doors opened and a large group of students came in and looked to the others. "who are you?" "are you guys the new group?" Multiple questions came and it seemed to upset Todoroki, and Shinsou. Bakugou grumpily responds "none of your fucking business extras" He wasn't loud but he got his point across, while Midoriya just apologized. "S-sorry about him, yes we're the new group." "Oh so you guys are the special group, class 1-retarded." Spoke one of the 1-b kids, he had blond hair like Katsuki but held in a more tame style. He did have an arrogant aura to him. The 1-R kids immediately looked down but one of them seemed to muster up some confidence.
 "we are the special group, but we're not retarded, we're far from that." It was Kirishima but he earned a chuckle from the guy. "Oh please don't make me laugh, they just made a special class just to give you losers false hope, do you really think you'd become heroes." "ugh Monoma leave them alone they just got here give them a break" spoke a girl with long ginger hair, Monoma pouts at her. "but Kendou its true-" "Retared isn't something you should be saying to a group of special needs kids you know, that's just cruel." Spoke a voice that Kirishima found familiar, out came a girl with pink skin, and hair, she had yellow horns and eyes. She gasped to see kirishima and ran to him. "Kiri oh my god you're here!" 
Tackling the red head who smiles back at her, they soon hugged. "omg you actually got in, I'm so proud of you!" She exclaimed like a proud mother. "Thanks Ashido" The two parted and the groups seemed a little confused. "Kirishima and I went to the same middle school together, when I heard that they made class 1-R I was hoping that Kiri could at least get into that at the most 1-A."   The alien girl explained earning an understanding nod, Mina soon joined the group of special kids as most of the other students departed to their rooms or other spaces in the common area. When a blue haired male came over and introduced him self suddenly.
"Hello my name is Iida Tenya, I heard you guys are the new group that will be attending UA. I'm class 1-A's class representative, and I'm also a volunteer student for class 1-R, I also tutor classmates who may need extra academic help." the blue haired one seemed so formal which raised a brow to the group but they didn't question it. "well hello Iida, I'm Midoriya Izuku, glad to hear you'll be volunteering."  He offered his hand to shake, which to his surprise Tenya shook. Mina then looked to Kiri "oh yeah I forgot I'd be volunteering in your class too, as will my friend Sero Hanta, and a girl named Tsuyu asui but she likes to be called Tsu." "ah okay great I wont be too lonely" announced kirishima.
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