#bnha love children
girlatrocity · 3 months
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they're so silly
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mishy-mashy · 2 months
Toga: Someone who wanted to be happy
Uraraka: Someone who wanted to make others happy
And also,
Toga: Someone who wanted the world to be easier to live in
Uraraka: Someone who wanted to make the world easier to live in for others
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darkpeacemusic · 2 months
Kidnapper: I have one of your children.
Aizawa: Which one? I have twenty.
Kidnapper: The loud, annoying, rowdy one who never shuts up.
Aizawa: Which one? I have twenty.
Bakugo, distantly: HEY!!!
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thehauntedmarionnette · 3 months
Mha chapter 426 releases on July 1st and I swear if Horikoshi makes Izuocha canon the day after pride month I’m gonna riot
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shehsart · 9 months
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Todorokis and cats.
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iwannagohomelol · 2 months
More sketches I watched the new episode and i
Omg did they do the manga justice can’t wait to see Izuku in two weeks hopefully
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bibibbon · 2 months
Spinner being upset that people are rightfully getting outraged over Shigaraki basically fucking them over, killing their friends and families and trying to plunge the world into anarchy will never fail to make me laugh with disbelief.
Listen, I don’t blame the LOV for being upset about society failing them, they have every reason. Fuck, I’ll back up Dabi for wanting to kill Enji.
HOWEVER, it doesn’t excuse them taking it out on the world. Especially on kids.
For the same crowd who wants to (rightfully) jump on to the Commission and UA for putting kids into the war, the fandom loves to forget that the League had every damn intention of murdering the UA kids.
Even in the camp arc, Magne outright says that Deku, a child, was on Shigaraki’s kill list.
Hi @palesweetscherryblossom 👋
Yeah I understand why people are angry at shigaraki and they should be. Iam sorry but if I was a normal civilian and I had to live in constant fear of getting killed because of a guy who wants to throw the world into anarchy I would be pissed. That doesn't even account for the number of people that got hurt physically and mentally or Those who lost jobs, family, friends and a normal life.
Yeah the league of villains have every right to be mad at society and what they went through because they shouldn't of had to suffer. That however doesn't justify a lot of their actions one of them being attempting to kill children. You can never justify harming children whether that be in any circumstance because at the end of the day those were naive, innocent and ignorant children that didn't deserve to be shoved into the front lines or to see their friends injured or their teacher dead.
My main problem with the league and shigaraki (especially shigaraki) is that their goals of destruction never seem to evolve. It's just destruction and death. Sure I understand the sentiment that the league wants a world where they can be accepted but the way they went about it isn't the answer. Now Iam not saying that people should only be peaceful and do peaceful things for change because sadly that's not how the world works but my main point is that the league never comes to the conclusion of throwing hands at the government or people who are in charge rather they end up fighting children and harming innocent civilians instead of the actual corruption.
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chiliechicken · 3 months
I drew five people :3
I changed some things
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I love them sm
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theophagie · 11 months
Hehe 🥰
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on-the-edge-of-dune · 3 months
consider this;
Tomura was raised by Kurogiri, who we know is (was) bff of Aizawa and Mic
despite the whole brainwashing and shit, what if the reason why Tomura admires Eraserhead is because Kurogiri kept telling him stories before bed about the brave man who doesn't care about fame
so what if Tomura just grew up on stories about Aizawa and that's why he's fanboying so hard, because Kurogiri's stories (that were actually suppressed memories) were the only positive thing he had
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crepus · 8 months
Brought to you by recent manga chapters:
Uraraka: It's okay to ask for help!
Shouto: You are not a burden.
Bakugou: Murder is okay!
Izuku: Your feelings matter!
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mettywiththenotes · 6 months
Is it too much to wonder if we will one day get a chapter where Tomura and Izuku are in the same room, doing anything but actually physically fighting or being threats to each other
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luffythinker · 11 months
we don't talk enough about BakuDeku, whats your favorite genre of them? if that doesn't make sense um whats your favorite behavior of these two? you can include like post relationship/when they actually become friends or anything you've made up for their relationship to be like boyfriends or husbands is what i mean if that makes it more clear of a question. i love when Bakugo is in the process of warming up to being friends with Deku after they fought they just had a better vibe one that had love in it and everything from then on was genuine, the choke on my smoke- Nah-ah scene is my favorite cause Deku is testing the water if he can hit back at Bakugo and Bakugo allows it in a friendly way
i could actually cry right now, i'm so happy to talk about bkdk
Okay, so i think my favorite moment in life of them is also when they are trying to find their footing after The Apology™. I just love how they're both unsure of what their relationship/dynamic should be like right now, as much as Izuku likes to say that everything is well they're both aware that there needs to be work done to repair a lot of things. Like sometimes Bakugo will yell or scream while talking and it's his normal, but Izuku might unconsciously flinch and they both freeze a little because they know why...
So i think them putting in effort into work on the damaged bits is so beautiful to me, Bakugo makes an effort to be a little nicer (not anything too unlike him) and Izuku tries to build his confidence. I don't remember if it was here or in a fic that i read about izuku just pretending to ask Katsuki to train and hanging out after instead of just asking him out because he was afraid if it was just that Katsuki would refuse itkjvkjfd and i think that's so him, so a big step would be inviting Kacchan out for lunch, no training, no excuses, just a hang out!
as for how romantically they would evolve... i like to think they're both aware of their feelings at this point, but Katsuki bears the guilt of he needs someone better and who hasn't hurt him and izuku is set on he deserves someone better who can make him shine. I think they would start building a friendship that has some blurred lines, the connection too strong to be platonic, but neither of them is willing to admit yet they want more of each other.
Yeah they will hold hands, but they won't kiss. They will tell each other everything, but not everything. They spend most of their free time with each other, but they won't dare to share a bed at night. They will tell each other how lucky anyone would be if they go the other, but they don't tell they want to be that person, they don't want anyone else to be an option.
I think the last drop is at graduation, they have a friendship set, a functional relationship, and it works well for them. But dancing to slow music after everything, after a couple glasses of champagne, Akatsuki thinks there's not a single person on this earth that could be prettier than Izuku, he leans in and Izuku doesn't even try to resist or stop him, they kiss slow and gentle, and it's so unlike their dynamic that is always full of tension. I genuinely think when these two are together it's like the rest of the world doesn't exist around them.
They leave the party, they talk, and they're not sure where their career is gonna take them but they're sure they don't want to try a future where they're not with each other
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
Do you think Endeavor ever showed any love to Touya (or any of his kids) outside of training? Because I Headcanon that the only reason Touya was so desperate to train was because that was the one time he was ever shown love
mmh this is more headcanon territory then meta so take it with a grain of salt. But building off canon, my personal answer would be no. I think that if Touya was ever shown love in any other context, he wouldn't have clung to the training with quite the same singleminded compulsion. While I do think that Enji felt some fondness for Touya, I wouldn't exactly call it love. I tend to read it more as the... predilection you have towards a favourite tool, the appreciation you hold for an object you bought on a whim without thinking much of it, but which unexpectedly turned out to fit your exact needs at the time.
With this I'm not trying to say Enji was a callous, heartless monster. He cared about Touya to an extent. He wasn't indifferent to Touya's burns, and he wasn't indifferent to his death. But I think he cared more about the idea of Touya more than about his son per se. He loved what Touya represented, what Touya could've accomplished. But his affections were subordinated to that idealization of his son as the receptacle of all those ambitions. And when that idealization faded, so did the warmth and affection itself.
It seems rather cold to put it like that, but children don't suddenly start thinking of themselves as "creations" that their maker "needs" unless... their so-called creator treats them as such. Children emulate the behaviour and the language they see around them, and Touya repeatedly calls himself a "failed creation". That has to come from somewhere. It's not natural for Touya to have come up with it on his own, because Dabi's entire persona was born from the rejection of this label, from the desperate urge to prove it wrong and misassigned.
I think Touya's world was crushed by his replacements exactly because all of Enji's "love" was conditional, contingent on Touya's ability to fulfill his "purpose". When Enji turned his back on training him, Touya lost the only surrogate form of "affection" that Enji ever offered him. Even if it was just pride for what Touya could potentially accomplish in the future, it was the only love Touya ever knew from his dad.
As for the other children, it's canon that he ignored them as if they didn't even exist. Natsuo tells us that he was never even remotely in his father's line of sight, enough so that when Enji asks him for his input, Natsuo blows up and yells at him that it's the first time Enji's giving him the time of day.
As for Shouto... well. It's like Touya's situation but worse. Enji doesn't love Shouto for Shouto. He loves the idea of a perfect masterpiece, a little Enji 2.0 that he cultivated for years and that now needs to perform well. But the way he raised him never shows any fatherly love. He actively isolated him from his family, stunted his growth, trained him much harsher than he needed to, and even now that he's "changed" he keeps crossing all of Shouto's boundaries and pushing all of his buttons. It's pretty clear he doesn't respect Shouto's individuality, and only sees him as an extention of himself that he created for a specific purpose. During the sport festival arc he even referred to Shouto with a classifier that is used for livestock, hinting that he "bred" him like cattle, and imho that sheds a lot of light to how Enji conceptualizes his children
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cringeyvanillamilk · 1 year
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Decided to create a pro hero bnha oc! ✨
Fun fact: She used to live in New York before moving to Japan! Her English name is Kelly.
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aninsanelittlegurl · 3 months
My OC Final Draft
Damn it took so long for me to do it. But hey I did it with a seriously long period of procrastination lol. Its based off of Bakudeku. He has a brother I'm currently working on. No hating please. I'm too tired for that.
Here he is. (Full bodies are hard to draw for me)
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