#albo monstera cutting
melodylife · 2 years
Monstera Albo Variegata
Detail of Monstera Albo Variegata Home plant care
Very rare individually known as the pure white monstera. The best white classic variegated leaf for collectors in Malaysia! The purest white variegated ever Monstera albo variegata is a hybrid plant, not an albino plant.
Can be as indoor or outdoor plants. It’s climber plants. Monstera Albo Variegata grown in a 2″ pot A special variation of the famous Monstera deliciosa, Albo Variegata has pure white variegation on its green leaves that grow large and perforated.
A climbing philodendron-type plant, this is one of the more rare and sought-after houseplants due to its limited quantities that are now available on the market. Beautiful specimen plants, with a bit of care and attention, will thrive in the correct environment.
Monstera Albo Variegata – or variegated Swiss cheese plant – is a striking evergreen with large oval leaves and large holes. This climbing plant can get quite big, so give it plenty of room to roam or provide a moss pole to climb. Get one and see how it is to take care of a houseplant on a regular basis!
The variegation on this plant is truly one-of-a-kind, each leaf having a different pattern and distinct white and green splashes. A bright spot with no direct sunlight is best for it. Soil should be kept moist but not soaked and only water when the top layer is dry. Reduce watering during the winter months.
Essential Tools for Monstera Albo Variegata Plant Care
Houseplant potting soil
Peat and aeration stones
Water probe or moisture meter
Protective gardening gloves
Pruning shears
Watering can
Spray bottle
Drip tray
Well-draining container
All-purpose, balanced houseplant fertilizer
Monstera Albo Variegata is a great indoor house plant for beginners because of their generally easy-to-manage requirements, and the fact that you can’t really hurt them. They will thrive under moderate conditions, even in a dimly lit room. The Monstera albo variegata is an indoor plant known for its dramatic, bold leaves and its stunning white flowers. Because of their beauty and uniquely exotic look, they are great plants to have inside your home.
Monstera albo variegata is a great option for the person who wishes to have a little more space devoted to their indoor greenery. This tropical beauty adds a splash of color to any home and only needs moderate care to thrive. Although this particular plant may not be for everyone, it’s certainly worth giving a try. Do not allow your Monstera to become root bound. Give them plenty of room to grow, avoid frequent repotting, and never overwater.
The Monstera is a great beginner indoor plant due to its ability to thrive in many different conditions. It requires minimal care, but it has a nice appearance when grown in bright and humid conditions.  The standard houseplant, Monstera (Albo Variegata) is a great choice for just about anyone. This plant requires little care, looks great, and thrives in low-light conditions.
Usually, healthy vegetative growth and consistent watering are the key factors to maintaining an attractive appearance, but if you see it start to wither or begin to pinch back its new growth, withholding water can help revive it until you’re ready to maintain it again. Plants need light as well, although low light is typically enough for them to survive and thrive. This is a classic choice for any household.
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chrisfoliage · 8 months
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Yesterday I bought a reverting Monstera Albo top cut from a group I'm in on FB; foolishly, right before a vacation. 😅 I couldn't help it, it was only $10!
I wanted to take the challenge of bringing the variegation back. Currently, I have her rooting in my aquarium, and I'm thinking about potting her up right before I leave. However, I may just put her in a large vase with an air stone under the grow lights instead. This might be wise, that way she has more time to grow out those secondary roots. I would also then be able to keep an eye on her if I waited to pot her up until after I got back.
Nonetheless, I'm very excited, and I look forward to this new journey. I really hope I can get a strong variegation again. I did get to see the mother plant in person, and she is GORGEOUS!
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56kilobits · 4 months
last week i got a 'white wizard' philodendron and now i'm starting to understand people who drop $200+ on a monstera albo cutting
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pachyfaeria · 2 months
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It’s here!! My new Monstera Albo was just delivered and it looks great. It’s a mid cutting so it might be a while until I see any new growth. It’s rooted though so who knows? I guess I just have to wait and see.
I’m so happy to have one of my own!
Also this cutting was purchased from MyVariegatedJungle on Etsy! Definitely recommend this shop, such a good experience.
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jayslittlejungle · 10 months
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just picked up this variegated melanochrysum from my favourite local shop!
I almost picked up a monstera aurea cutting while I was there but talked myself out of it. I already have a thai con and an albo, I don't need another monstera! and yet i'm still thinking about it and might go back tomorrow...
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prayerplanthoarder · 1 year
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Some kinda random plant update since the move! Most of the plants are doing spectacular with the higher humidity, I'll probably have an easier time with pests (thrips in particular, haven't had many problems with others). However, I just decided to throw away my spider plant because of exactly this problem 😩 it still harboured some and I'm not feeling like taking chances with that anymore. Will have to treat all the plants anyway just to make sure.
There are a few additions like a couple of really cheap Epipremnum pinnatum variegatas I found in a local hardware store, which I'm hoping to cultivate the few nicely variegated vines to make a plant with overall higher variegation than the originals. Also I found a baby Calathea zebrina, which of course had to come too, especially since all my calatheas died when I couldn't treat the last thrips problem in the old apartment (and I actually prefer the little baby ones anyway). Then I got gifted a Pilea peperomioides a while ago and I'm curious to see how that will do in my care (currently it's in thrips jail, although I think the ones I found on there were just wanderers from the spider plant directly above it). Yesterday I found a baby Philodendron White Princess for really cheap (not even 5€) and it was so pretty that I picked it up. Hopefully it'll do better than the other Philodendrons up until now 😅 but the higher humidity should help, so I think it does have a chance?
Other than that I'll probably sell a few cuttings here and there, especially since I had to/ wanted to snip a couple plants here and there either because they needed it or because I wanted to make them more bushy, so there should be a few extras some time down the road that I just don't have the space for long term. Hopefully they'll sell better than my art 🤣 which would be cool and so sad at the same time lol.
The Monstera albo finally has started to root nicely and also pushed out a new leaf already, which gives me hope it'll do well here. It did give me a good scare when the oldest leaves started getting yellow/ brown at the tips/ rims before the newest leaf came out. I still hope it's going to change it's mind about the too much white here and too much green there tendencies, though...
All in all, I'm pretty happy with how things are going currently! ❤️
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abandonedshops · 2 years
seeing the prices some people are paying for monstera albo cuttings and crying screaming throwing up. how are you people paying this much and killing them
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shadestepping · 1 year
I know it’s been a while since I’ve made horticulture / gardening posts but I had to share this one because I am SO EXCITED TO HAVE THIS BABY FINALLY!
I bought a wee Thai Constellation Monstera and she’s so gorgeous!! I cannot WAIT to see her grow!!
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I also found Pink Princess Philodendron at the greenhouse that I took home and repotted, and turns out there were SIX PLANTS IN ONE POT, so I got six for the price of ONE.
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The Zygocactus at my work desk is in full bloom now and I LOVE HER!!
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My Syngonium Albo is going CRAZY with growth, and I got a fully variegated split-leaf on the mother,(left) as well as a beautifully mottled leaf (middle)- and the cutting I took back around December has fully rooted and is putting off new growth as well! (right)
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And lastly, I just wanted to show off the growth of my White Princes Philodendron, she has almost doubled in size since I got her just before the new year (left), and I just loved the potential of tri-color variegation so much I picked up another new baby while I was at the greenhouse last weekend (right).
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I put this under the cut because it’s just me thinking out loud about life and such.
I’ve been having a lot of success in the last year with horticulture experimentation and education, and if I’m being completely honest, I’m starting to realize this is where I want to see myself in five years. Not in the Tech field holding down a job, but living the horticulture life as a career.
And yes, I am well aware this could very well end up being just another hyper-fixation, but this feels different. I feel happy when I’m taking care of my plants, when I really have time to just slow down and pay attention to their needs for a few solid hours… I find my balance. It’s where I want to be. I’ll spend all day in the garden during the summer or tending/repotting my plants in the spring and not give a fuck that I didn’t get anything else done. I can’t really say that about any of my other hobbies, and I’ve never really been able to think about myself in terms of the future. Maybe that’s just because I’m finally starting to heal, or maybe I’ve finally found what calls to me, but we’ll see where I land when I turn 40.
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milkconfetti · 2 months
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the good news is while some of my adult plants are suffering the monstera albo cutting i was 90% sure i was gonna lose to rot popped out its first leaf :^)
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muttley-do-something · 3 months
re: plants
i found a seller on etsy who supposedly is selling monstera albo halfmoon cuttings for $25 a pop, which, is INSANE. so i probably got scammed. but it's my birthday next week so i took the chance and IT SHIPPED???? I HAVE A TRACKING NUMBER??? i still have doubt but this is already way more than i initially expected.
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sludgepilleddirtcel · 4 months
my monstera albo cutting has pushed out an all mint leaf. very interesting but i was hoping for some marbling. if this trend continues maybe i can call it a new variety and sell it for $50k lol
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plantynwitchy · 6 months
Today, plant wise and so far, I've...
Repotted: philo Colombia, neon pothos, epip. albo (gave it a trellis), philo Jose Buono, and probably more.
Watered: golden pothos, monstera expilata, syngonium pink mixed pot, syngonium wendlandii (also gave this a trellis), epip. aurea, and definitely more.
Went outside to spray the shit out of the lime tree with (dormant whoops) horticultural oil, it can't hurt I hope. I also sprayed the olive tree because why not. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Potted up my sprouting hyacinth bulbs out of the fridge and put them outside.
Cut up my fern leaf cactus. I currently have one 4" pot that's been in soil for a while, another 4" pot that's rooted and freshly in soil, and a glass of a few top cuts to root. I also have a pot of 10 mid cuts to root to trade/sell/give away. I watered the scraggly looking (aka super cut up) base and hung it on one of the hooks outside. I don't think I want to keep it unless it gets unreasonably gorgeous outside over the summer. I'm hoping to keep 1-2 small to medium sized pots of it so I can keep cutting them in the future to keep them cute looking.
I've been doing my best to clean up as I go. At least between tasks. I'm likely done with big plant chores for the rest of the day. I got the "official" list of repotting done so I'm pleased. I'm actually very pleased with everything I got done today with my plants.
I'm done now. I'm about to head out to Esbenshades partly because I need some soil supplies but mostly because I want to.
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zerinseo · 1 year
monstera creme brulee for sale greenboog 2023
What is a monstera creme brulee?
It is the combination of Monstera Thai Constellation and Albo. The Creme Brulee has beautiful cream variegation like a creme brulee. Most of them are not pure creamy variegation because they alternate with fresh green all over the leaf.
 If you want to make the glowing leaves more gorgeous, you should plant the Monstera Thai Constellation Creme Brulee in a place where it can receive bright sunlight fully, watering regularly, and using ready-mixed soil that is airy and absorbs water well.
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Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation is a highly sought-after plant for several reasons, which can contribute to its relatively high price compared to other indoor plants. Here are some possible reasons:
Rarity: Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation is a relatively new hybrid plant that was developed by growers in Thailand. As a result, it is still quite rare and not widely available, which can contribute to its high price.
Unique Appearance: Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation is a unique and visually striking plant with white or light green variegation on its leaves and sometimes even holes or perforations. The variegation patterns can be unpredictable and vary from plant to plant, making each one unique.
Difficulty of Propagation: Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation can be difficult to propagate and grow, which can contribute to its higher price. Because it is a hybrid plant, it can only be propagated by tissue culture or cuttings, which can be a more time-consuming and expensive process.
High Demand: As a result of its unique appearance and rarity, Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation has become very popular among indoor plant enthusiasts, which has driven up demand and contributed to its relatively high price
Overall, the combination of rarity, unique appearance, difficulty of propagation, and high demand all contribute to the relatively high price of Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation.
How much should I pay for Thai Constellation?
Monstera Thai Constellation - Overview Price & Interest A somewhat common monstera, the monstera thai constellation has a median price of $57.79 from November to May 2023 in US online markets.
Monstera thai constellation's median price trend decreased a little in May, from $69.99 to $57.79, and also has been down a little since February.
Demand and Interest of Monstera Thai Constellation
Over the past 12 months, since December 2021, interest in monstera thai constellation has been trending slightly down, down approximately 16% over the past year. In last 3 months from September 2022, there has been less interest in monstera thai constellation compared to the quarter prior. Demand for plants usually go up in early spring to late summer, while autumn and especially winter are usually slower months.
Eventually for its demand and affordability many give attractive offers as
monstera creme brulee for sale.
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pachyfaeria · 1 month
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After using Sol Soils for a while, I can’t say that I recommend spending as much money as it costs to only have bugs in your soil. And not gnats but the creepy crawler kind. Yes it 100% came from the soil.
I immediately ordered some more perlite and bark and it’s back to making my own with FoxFarm as a base because NOPE I’m not doing it.
Photo under the cut of the little invader in one of my pots. Open at your own risk. I mean it’s not bad, just if you’re squeamish about centipedes/millipedes you might not want to look.
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Ugh! I’m so upset. I saw some when I went to water my Monstera Albo but I thought since it was a new plant maybe it came from the original soil, but nope this is an almost brand new plant in this cup. It went straight from the starter soil plug into Sol Soils and before I potted it up I made sure to completely remove the soil plug so I know 100% it’s from the bag of Sol Soils.
I’m so sad. I know it’s always a possibility but when I paid $30 for a rather small bag it’s just kind of annoying having to deal with getting rid of them.
Since more of the plants that are in this soil are in self watering pots, I can’t drown them without risking overwatering my plants so I might just completely change out the soil. But that’s 11 plants I have to repot. 🥲
Send help!
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rustfoxes · 1 year
My mum bought me a tiny one leaf cutting of a monstera albo variegata as a early birthday gift and I'm just gonna be vibrating with excitement until it comes
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prayerplanthoarder · 11 months
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Some random updates:
a while ago I removed one of my rhaphi.tetra.s from their pole and pot because it had some root issues and was basically dying (and the moss was molding when I kept it wet so I mostly stopped watering the pole). It's now rooting beautifully in the exact same moss in a prop box and weirdly enough there's no issues with mold?? Not sure what I'm going to do with it once it has enough roots, but it kinda would be a waste to not put it on a pole again.
Monstera albo's newest leaf turned out so beautiful and perfect 😭💕 Possibly a tad bit smaller than the previous one, but who cares. Please make more such leaves, I'm so much in love! Also no splits again, but I don't care as long as the leaves have beautiful patterns.
Had this new Philo. Silver Sword in a prop box for 3 weeks and it went crazy with the aerial roots. Like the Rhaphis above I thought it was a waste not to utilize them, so I put moss around them so they wouldn't die back in normal room humidity. Also not sure where this is supposed to be going but... XD
Just some random pics of the most recent Global Green growth because it's so beautiful and perfect ❤️❤️❤️ Maybe it really does better in a less sunny space. Also those leaves have sized up a bit, which is awesome.
N'Joy pothos so far seems to want to turn into a Glacier and it's kinda disappointing? 😂 I would've loved to have a proper N'Joy. Maybe I need to find a spot with different lighting for it. May have to experiment... I should take cuttings to do that more efficiently. Maybe put labeled Glacier cuttings together with N'Joy ones for maximum efficiency.
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