#alcohol abuse programs near me
tapasyafoundation · 2 years
Alcohol addiction treatment in Delhi
Alcohol addiction is a serious problem that can have disastrous consequences. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcoholism, it is important to seek professional help. alcohol addiction treatment in Delhi offers a variety of services that can help people struggling with alcoholism recover and live a sober life. The Tapasya Foundation is the best alcohol addiction treatment Delhi. They offer a variety of programs and services that are designed to help people overcome their addiction. They have a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to helping people recover from alcoholism. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcoholism, I urge you to seek help from the Tapasya Foundation.
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New Horizons Medical An Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers
Discover a holistic approach to healthcare at New Horizons Medical in Brookline. Our directory showcases a haven for personalized wellness, where cutting-edge medical practices converge with compassionate care. Navigate a spectrum of health solutions, from traditional medicine to alternative therapies, fostering a comprehensive journey toward well-being. Join us 'In The Rooms' for a transformative experience that transcends the ordinary, connecting you with a community dedicated to your health evolution.
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captainjonnitkessler · 4 months
I think I've identified the reason I get so worked up about anarchism in relation to labor rights and safety in particular.
Three years ago I watched my coworker almost die when a piece of machinery we were moving unsafely fell on him. It missed his head by an inch and snapped his leg in half instead. It took months of recovery and multiple surgeries for him to walk again and he will be disabled for the rest of his life. And it didn't happen because of Capitalism or profit motive or because our evil bosses were forcing us to work unsafely. It happened because he'd done similar things a hundred times before and it had always been fine, and because I didn't know enough to clock just how dangerous what we were doing was, and just because of some plain shitty luck. Mentally it fucked me up for months in ways I didn't recognize until well after the fact.
And the thing is, almost every construction worker can tell you about the time they saw a fatal or near-fatal accident. An apprentice younger than me had a heart attack and was out of work for over a year after shocking himself on a live circuit. The woman who runs our apprenticeship program has a husband who had his arm blown off in an arc flash incident. One of my teachers had a coworker die after getting hung up on a live circuit and he wasn't found until the end of the day.
Construction is one of the single most dangerous industries to work in, and I believe this is why rates of drug and alcohol abuse and suicide are sky-high in the industry. I think many construction workers are low-key traumatized by knowing constantly that they could die or be permanently disabled due to a very simple mistake or oversight. It is simply inherently unsafe when you are working with live electricity, power tools, heights, thousands of pounds of machinery, cranes, etc. And so yes, I do believe that safety protocols and the ability to enforce them are absolutely necessary to preventing a massive amount of death. The number of worker deaths in the US has been slashed by 60% since OSHA was instated.
And so to get online and have someone who has never set foot on a jobsite in their life condescendingly explain to me that actually, we don't need OSHA or the ability to enforce safety standards because in a perfect world everyone will just suddenly start working perfectly safely, and I'm just too stupid or brainwashed to realize that The Real Villain Is Capitalism, and if we just get rid of that it will somehow also get rid of the inherent safety issues involved in the entire construction industry - well it turns out it pisses me off a little bit!
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legitalicat · 6 months
Too Sweet - Modern!Aegon Targaryen ii x reader
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AN: Hello my beautiful people! I hope you enjoy this story. It started as a little love note to the song "Too Sweet" by Hozier because I feel it's very Aegon coded. It then became kind of an amalgamation of a few different stories. My own story and journey with alcoholism and recovery played a big part in this, and as I wrote it parts of my feelings about my older brother, who is in active addiction, came into play. Please know that this is not everyone's story. Recovery from addiction looks different for most everyone. I truly overcame my addiction through building community and connections. I know many people who have to work a program to succeed. I know a person who actually did get a degree after a near lifetime of addiction and now he does a lot of things to help our local community in treating addiction. So really, this is a love letter to people like me and my brother. There is hope and I believe in every one of you.
Link to the TED Talk mentioned.
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TW: blatant talks of alcoholism and substance abuse, talks of rehab, family issues, abusive family subtext yet never explicitly stated, gonna say it's kinda angsty, FLUFF
Pairings: Aegon Targaryen ii x reader
Word count: almost 3k
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The soft pads of her feet made barely any noise as she walked into his bedroom, carrying a mug in each hand and wearing nothing but his MCR tee-shirt. Technically, they should both be in a deep sleep by now. It was fast approaching four in the morning and neither of them had bothered to close their eyes once. It was all he could to not hold her close in bed and stare at her captivating beauty.
When Aegon first saw her, weeks ago, he was stunned. It was the first time he had gone to the new bar right down the road from his apartment and it just so happened it was karaoke night. He had been tempted to turn around when he heard a horrendous rendition of his favorite Hozier song. But then she took the mic from her drunken friend, and it was as if the heavens parted and the gods showed him the future Mrs. Aegon Targaryen.
“Your coffee, sir,” she said to him as she handed him a mug. “No worries, it’s as black as your soul,” she added with a teasing grin.
“Thank you, beautiful,” he said as he took the mug from her.
She was truly a lesson in divinity for him. Aegon didn’t truly believe she was the most gorgeous woman on the planet. There would be people who would think she was average looks, maybe even less than that, but he didn’t need her to be more beautiful than anyone else. He wanted her exactly as she was. Beautiful like a spring day, teeming with beauty in the most natural of ways. Like one would think of a cherry blossom tree, or their favorite flower. Simple and breathtaking, a reminder of life and truth on a fundamental level.
He knew it the moment they locked eyes in that bar. Her voice shook from nerves as she sang in front of the crowd of strangers. When she looked at him, and he at her, he felt joyful for the first time in years. All of the stupid shit with his family, the years of drowning his sorrows in whiskey and wine and any other drug, none of it mattered.
If he were honest, he couldn’t remember how he got so lucky. He knew he approached her once she was done singing and complimented her. By the end of the night she was nestled beside him in bed, and he’d be damned if he ever let her leave.
“Gods, you’re amazing,” he muttered as he watched her. He knew she was drinking hot chocolate, finding the taste of coffee much too bitter.
“What was that?” she asked him when she pulled the mug away from her face. She had a bit of whipped cream on her upper lip, making his heart feel like it was on the brim of exploding.
He leaned forward, just barely, and lifted his hand to wipe the cream away with his thumb. She gave him a cute little smile when it brushed against her lips, puckering them to press a kiss to his skin. When he pulled his hand away and sucked the cream off, he heard her giggle.
“This is why you’re so sweet. Where most people drink whiskey and coffee, you put sugar in your sugar and drink it until the sun comes up,” he told her. Of course, he was teasing her.
“Because unlike you, Mr. Listen to Sad Music Even When I’m Happy, I like to enjoy things. The good things. The sweet things, like whipped cream and hot chocolate and fruit loops in bed on Saturday mornings. I just think I live a better life than you,” she told him. She was grinning from ear to ear.
If Aegon wasn’t so afraid of rejection, he would tell her how he loved her. He loved that she wanted to eat sweets at all times. He loved that she teased him for listening to My Chemical Romance or Asking Alexandria, calling it all sad music, even when she would listen right alongside him. He loved that she would start crying at the Wonka movie near the end, unashamed about feeling overwhelmed by the backstory.
If he weren’t so afraid she didn’t love him, he would tell her. He knew it had only been a few weeks, that all logic points to love at first sight being nothing more than him just getting turned on by her appearance. But how could he not love her when she sat in bed with him like this after making him a cup of coffee before the sun had even risen? How could one resist the gentleness of her touch when they watched TV together and she insisted on holding his hand? How could he be expected to watch her hyper fixate on a book or a video game, talking about it for hours on end with so much passion she always ended up wound up and breathless?
“You’re too sweet for me,” he told her as he laid back against the head board. He gently pulled her into his side, wanting to have her as close as humanly possible.
His words were met with an amused chuckle. She didn’t fight his hold on her, instead melting into him as though it was where she had always been.
“Tell me about your family,” she said quietly. “I mean, I’ve not been further than ten feet from you for weeks and you haven’t said the first word about them.”
He could feel his jaw clench as she asked him. His family was a complicated and sensitive subject. Even though he wished he never had to speak to her about them, he knew he had to if he had any hopes of them becoming more than just a passion fueled fling.
“Not much to really say. Dad ran Draconic Industries. My older sister, Rhaenyra, is my dad’s daughter with his first wife. He made her next in line to take over the business. Me, my younger siblings, even my mom, we never really mattered much to dear old dad. He died when I was nineteen. I don’t really matter much to any of the rest of them,” he told her, tracing shapes on her bare thigh as he spoke.
“I’m sure that’s not true,” she said quickly.
“It is,” he told her without any uncertainty. “Helaena, my younger sister, hasn’t spoken to me in a few years either. I haven’t spoke to my youngest brother Daeron since we were kids. And my brother Aemond…he was the last to hold out hope for me and I burned that to the ground a long time ago. I think it’s been at least a year. My mom completely disowned me about four years ago, when I was around twenty-two, cause I refused to go to rehab again.”
She frowned softly but said nothing. He could only imagine what was going through her head at this point. If roles were reversed, he would probably be planning his exit strategy. All it felt like he told her was a sob story about a poor rich kid who can’t live off mommy and daddy anymore. He felt pathetic.
“What did you go to rehab for?” she asked him.
“Started partying when I was like twelve. Alcoholic by age fourteen. Lead to worse shit, as it does, and I overdosed when I was eighteen on some coke. My mom and grandfather checked me into rehab the following week. Have done two more stints since. Never really stuck, and I haven’t been sober for more than a few days since I was like fifteen.”
He was laying in all our there for her. He wanted her to know so she could decide if she thought he was worth the trouble. He couldn’t blame her if she ran away from him. Why would she stick around? All of his family had washed their hands of him and they were family. She was just someone he met in a bar a few weeks before.
She stayed quiet for a long time. Longer than he would’ve liked. The silence weighed on his heart like an elephant pressing against his chest. He wanted to beg her to say something, anything, just so he knew where her head was at.
Though, he noticed, she didn’t move away from him. She stayed right there, comfortable tucked into his side, occasionally sipping her hot chocolate. His own mug, still filled with coffee, had gone near forgotten in his hand. He was too focused on her.
“You know, the opposite of addiction is connection. Watched a TED Talk one time about it. They found when addicts are treated like people instead of criminals, integrating them into society instead of isolating them, they show less of a struggle with addictions. Allow their basic needs to be met, give them a community, and they thrive,” she said softly after several moments.
She sat up, her warmth leaving him. He felt lonely without her touching him even though she was still well within arm’s reach. She was all he wanted, all he needed.
“I’m not saying I can fix you. I’m not saying the cure to all your problems is me giving my heart to you. I am, however, telling you that I haven’t once seen you drunk or high or anything and we basically haven’t been apart in weeks. If you want to develop healthy connections, create a community, be a person, I am more than willing to be part of it,” she said.
His heart started beating rapidly against his chest. He knew she was right. Since being with her, he hadn’t really felt the need for anything. He had physical cravings, sure, but no mental desire. Aegon didn’t want a moment with her to be a hazy memory that he may be able to recall when he's older.
“Why?” he asked her.
“Because I love you,” she said.
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The weeks and months following that night, Aegon really put in the work. Y/N had made it clear to him that she was not going to just give him everything. If he wanted this, it was on him. She was only helping him.
Together, they had found a group therapy program for him. It was ran by a man who had gotten his psychology degree a few years before, but had struggled with addiction for most of his life. That was the first step, a step Aegon felt proud he had taken once he realized he didn’t feel so alone anymore.
The next step, he decided on by himself. The group program was all well and good, but he felt a need to find a deeper explanation into himself. Once a week he found himself sitting in a therapist’s office, talking about everything and nothing all at once. They spoke about his family, his self imposed isolation from them and how that lead to them cutting off, his hopes and dreams for the future.
Through this, he found out about opportunities for volunteer work in the community. He realized he quite liked working at the local secondhand store that helped people in need. He even brought her with him on the Saturdays he worked a shift, turning it into something they enjoyed together.
Even at work, he began reaching out more. If the opposite of addiction was connection, then by the gods he was going to make connections. His coworkers were enough to give him a good laugh. All of them were extremely proud of the progress he made, always encouraging him. He found that little bit alone made it easier for him to be more himself. In the conversations he was able to have with his coworkers, he talked about shows, movies, and music he liked and became friends with a few of them.
It was with this progress, along with the support Y/N provided, that Aegon found himself at the door of his family’s estate. He hadn’t been here in years. He knew all of his younger siblings still lived here. Helaena’s bright yellow VW Beetle sat parked in the driveway, Aemond’s motorcycle probably laid in parts in the garage, and Daeron had always been more content taking a town car than actually driving himself anywhere.
“You don’t have to do this, you know,” Y/N told him as she held his hand tightly. He had asked her to come with him so she could at least meet them. They needed to see how he had changed.
“I do have to. If for no other reason than to show them I’m not who they remember me to be,” he told her.
“Did you talk to Dr. Wilson about this? I mean, I just, I don’t want you to,” she said, trying desperately to find the right words. He silenced her with a kiss to her forehead.
“And I love you for it,” he said to her, holding her hand as tightly as she held his. “I’m okay with whatever happens in there.”
He knocked hard on the door. It wasn’t long before his mother answered. The ever looming presence of Alicent Hightower, never Targaryen, filled the entire space of the door frame. Her auburn curls were tied neatly back into a bun, her brown eyes widened in surprise.
The woman before him, despite being in her forties, showed no true signs of aging. There were no gray hairs scattered around her head, no fine lines or wrinkles. The only indication of a less than flawless appearance were the almost invisible lines that came from the outer corners of her eyes, put there by the fact that just like Aegon, her eyes would always squint up whenever she smiled.
“Aegon,” she said quietly. She looked at him like she saw a ghost.
“Hi, mom. Can we come in?” he asked her, biting his lip. Y/N gave his hand a small squeeze as if to remind him she was with him. He had her support every step of the way.
Alicent nodded silently and stepped to the side, allowing them entrance. The house was the same as the last time he was here. All of the old family photos hung on the walls of the hallway to the living room. The air smelled of cedar wood and spiced apples, giving it the perpetual scent of fall. It was warm and inviting, the plush couch so comfortable beneath him it was almost indicative of how much money his mother spent on it.
In a lot of ways, the house felt like his family. It was the epitome of warmth and love on first glance. When you looked closer, you could see how some of the picture frames were void of glass, having been broken in one family argument or another. There was a coat the hung on the same rack, day in and day out, hiding the hole where his head went through the wall in a drunken stupor. The paint on the walls were beginning to chip away, revealing the yellowing walls that proved how much his dad had liked to smoke. It was haunted, irreversibly scarred by the past.
A maid came around and asked the three of them if they wanted a drink. Alicent requested a glass of wine. Aegon noticed how surprised she looked when he just asked for a soda, like Y/N was having. He also noticed how she kept looking at his hand that held Y/N’s.
“And who is this?” She asked, nodding her head to Y/N.
“This is the woman I’m going to marry, Y/N,” he said confidently.
They hadn’t spoken about it, there wasn’t a ring on her finger. But he had no doubt in his mind that he would marry her. He was certain that she was who he was made for. The gods had her in mind when they designed him, knowing how much he would love her. She truly was his soulmate.
“And so you came to show her how terrible we all are?” she asked him, eyebrow raised. “Or did you come for money? Because you’re not getting a dime.”
“Neither,” he said firmly. “I just wanted you to see me, mom. I wanted to see you.”
She was surprised at his words. The last time he had spoken to her, he had been begging for money. Crying, begging. When she refused, trying to help him in the best way she knew how, he screamed at her about all of her faults. The last words he spoke to her was how he could only hope that he had the courage to kill himself before he turned into her.
“I’m sorry for…for everything,” he told her. “It wasn’t fair of me to blame everything on you.” Y/N squeezed his hand again. He looked down at their hands and he knew he was okay. He would be okay. “I’m like, eight months sober from everything. Not a drop of booze, no drugs. I have a full time job, I volunteer on the weekends at a secondhand store. I’m doing good, mom.”
Tears flooded to her eyes as she looked at him. Her oldest son, the first person she ever truly loved in a selfless manner. She had thought he was completely lost to her. The vicious creature he had been when they last saw each other had melted away entirely.
“Do you want to stay for dinner?” she asked him. He could only wordlessly nod, allowing her the time to stand from her chair and walk over to him. She hugged him tighter than she ever had.
He looked over Alicent’s shoulder at Y/N. The woman he loved was watching him with tears of her own, a smile on his face. She was good, too good, for him. She had opened his eyes to a reality he had been scared to face. But she had never once made him face it alone.
And that made all the difference.
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weixuldo · 1 year
Enigma// ch 23
anakin x reader
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A/N: So ani is a lil uncharacteristically emotional in this one, but it's because he’s going through withdrawal which takes a heavy toll not only physically but emotionally too. Also this chapter mentions the fourth of July (sorry to my readers who don’t live in the USA) . I just thought the holiday would be a good plot point for this specific iderration of Anakin, I do not mean to use the holiday politically AT ALL!!! Anyways, with all of that out of the way- I hope you all enjoy it!!
The fourth of july came at a bad time
warnings: cursing, alcohol abuse, alcohol withdrawal , self hatred, depressive thoughts, throw up, basically ani is just miserable, ptsd
Things had been going as well as they could regarding his liver- but the biggest problem at the moment was the withdrawal of alcohol.
Last time he subsided with his drinking, he had time to wean himself off slowly- but now he couldn’t because any amount of alcohol could be fatal to his condition. 
The past few nights had been restless for him- cold sweats, headaches, nausea, and he was just generally miserable. 
Last night wasn't much different, he was pretty miserable, curled up on his side trying to ignore the pains in his stomach- it took him forever to get comfortable and when he finally did, he only got about an hour of sleep before he woke up shaking and disoriented. 
You rushed to his bedside to find he was running a fever (a normal symptom of alcohol withdrawal); instead of freaking out you sat by him trying your best to soothe him while also bringing down his temperature. 
Later on he emptied the contents of his stomach into a trash bin you brought for him and finally fell asleep.
You weren’t so sure tonight would be any better, he had been acting squirrely all day and seemed kind of in a haze. 
He skipped dinner because he felt like if he ate anything it would just come back up. So the two of you sat on the couch with a program about different species of the Amazon playing in the background; not that either of you were actually paying attention to that. 
You were worried about Anakin, how much longer was this routine going to be sustainable for him?
Outside the distinct pew of a firework being sent up into the night sky could be heard before it made a “bang”.
You Jumped at the loud noise, you never were really a fan of fireworks. But why were they going off tonight…?
Oh fuck. Today was the 4th- there would be fireworks going on all night. 
You looked over your phone to see Anakin’s wide blue eyes and distant stare. Another one went off and you observed as he flinched at the initial ascent and closed his eyes and tensed as it exploded. 
You didn’t need to ask why he was so jumpy… the fireworks sounded eerily reminiscent of the explosives he was accustomed to hearing on the battlefield. 
Anakin’s PTSD was not something that came up often- he didn’t really like to talk about it, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have it. 
“Ani, do you wanna change the channel to something a little louder? It might drown out the sounds outside” you offered after you noticed him shaking under his blanket.
Half of you expected him to be peeved that you insinuated he wasn't ok, but to your surprise he looked towards you with wide eyes, 
“Could you come sit with me?” he asked in a small voice. 
“Of course” 
His blue eyes watched as you took a seat beside him; as soon as you were sat, one of his bionic arms pulled you gently in by the waist. Once you were close enough you leaned over to peck him on the cheek before turning the volume on the TV on.
Anxiously you watched the clock, it was nearing midnight and you knew that would be the worst.
A sharp inhale diverted your attention from the screen in front of you to the man beside you. His eyes were clenched shut and he gripped his side. 
“Anakin, what’s wrong?” you asked anxiously. 
“Nothing, it’s just…my side hurts” he groaned.
The doctor said that was normal for someone with liver issues but it still hurt to see him struggling. 
“Would you like me to hold-”
He nodded his head and you scooted closer to him; as of now it wasn’t clear what the two of you were in your relationship, but you did want to be there for him.
Soon he was lying across your lap and held tightly onto your hand that draped over his side. Your free hand was gently running over his side and occasionally brushing against the side of his face. 
It was evident that he was shaking in your hold; unfortunately there wasn’t much you could do to aid his condition, so you offered all you could.
The clock in the corner chimed and your eyes widened, it was 12- well, almost; the clock was about two minutes fast, but that just meant the majority of the fireworks would be going off in no time. 
“Ani, do you wanna sit up for me?” you asked, lightly patting his side. 
Now the two of you were sitting face to face, holding hands. The first of many colorful explosives fired into the night sky- the initial ascent made Anakin flinch in your arms, but he still tried to focus on you; your soft skin, the faint blush on your cheeks, the growing bump of your stomach…
Another twinge of pain plagued his side at the same moment a loud bang interrupted his internal commentary and he yelped. You quickly drew him into a tight embrace and rubbed his strong back.
His cries had subsided but he was still quivering a little; it was painful to see him in such a state. 
At first you said nothing then you soon subconsciously began humming a soft tune; a song your mother used to sing to comfort you when you were distressed.
You hadn’t heard that song in ages, but here you were- doing your best to comfort a man in need. 
Anakin was still trying to drown out the noises outside with thoughts of his own, but no matter how hard he tried- his mind kept teleporting him to the fucking battlefield he left so many years ago.
The cacophony of bullets and choppers slicing through the sky. The melody of screaming and detonated bombs... The symphony of war. 
He hated it there.
Usually he was able to stay far far away from that place, but sometimes he just couldn’t fight the darkness cruelly pulling him back in. 
But this time he heard something else, a new chord to the song.
It was nothing harsh or dangerous, instead it was soft and smooth- it felt safe. 
His eyes moved rapidly under his closed lids, searching for the origin of the sound, until he was pulled from his personal hell and opened his eyes again.
With a deep breath he took in his surroundings; he was on his couch (ok, it was still the 4th). He registered that you were hugging him tightly and…
The voice, the light at the end of the tunnel, his safe place- was you. 
He closed his eyes once more but this time was not in anguish, rather in pure adoration. He wanted to focus solely on your voice and forget everything else- in this moment you were the only thing that mattered. 
Before you knew it the familiar melody came to an end and you finished your song; it felt so natural you barely realized you had started singing. 
You smiled as you felt Anakin relax in your arms; the worst was finally over.
He nuzzled further into your embrace and you felt the motion of his brows furrowing against your chest. You brushed his locks and wiped the thin layer of sweat from his forehead. 
Another straggler firework went off and he cringed once more; you continued to softly comfort him.
Though, as much as he loved your embrace, he wanted to see your face. So he raised himself up to gazed upon you; on your messy hair, your eye bags, your endearing smile…
You were radiant. 
“Thank you, y/n” he said.
You smiled and peppered his flushed face with kisses, “of course, Ani”.
After you pulled away, his blue eyes still lingered on you.
“You are so beautiful”.
You smiled; no matter the state he was in, Anakin would be there to remind you of your beauty. Even if you woke up feeling like you looked terrible, he would quell your worries. 
“Thank you Ani, so are you” you delivered another soft kiss to his temple before straightening your back against the couch. 
It seemed that the majority of the fireworks were done (finally). Anakin was able to relax his muscles and sit comfortably beside you. 
The TV was still playing the nature channel; the show changed to one about baby animals in different habitats. Instead of going back to your phone, you watched as the screen flashed clips of fluffy seal pups and tiny polar bear cubs. 
“You like polar bears, right?” Anakin asked.
“Yea, I think they’re pretty cool. They’re Apex predators yet so cute” you smiled.
He smiled at your response.
“Do you like ‘em?” you returned his question.
“Mhmm, I was stationed in Alaska for a few months when I first joined the military and I became friends with this guy who ran a bear sanctuary. He had one polar bear and she was an absolute sweetheart” Anakin reminisced. 
Your eyes lit up; Anakin had so many great memories and experiences.
“That’s amazing! I would love to see one in real life. I’m not sure if I’ll ever get the chance though, because we’re driving them to extinction.” you frowned.
“If we had the time, I would’ve taken you up there to see her. My friend still runs the sanctuary” Anakin replied.
If we had time…
Another disappointing reminder that no time was guaranteed; you would have loved to do that with Anakin….You would have loved to do a lot of things with Anakin…
With a sad smile, you responded, “That’s very sweet Ani… but who’s to say we won't go someday?”.
His cerulean blue eyes gave you a knowing look before responding, “I guess you’re right”.
You were about to respond to him when you felt an odd sensation in your lower abdomen;
“Oh!” you exclaimed and you grabbed onto the arm of the couch to steady yourself. 
“What’s wrong? Are you alright?” Anakin asked without hesitation. 
The sensation came again and you placed a hand on your stomach, “Yea, I’m ok Ani”.
“Is it the baby?” he asked worriedly. 
“I think so; it’s kicking” you said, calming his already high strung nerves. 
You turned towards him with an endearing look, “Would you like to feel?”.
His eyes lit up when he processed your question and he sat up straight; he looked as excited as a kid who just got told they would be going to disney world. 
“Please?” he asked.
“Of course,” you smiled. 
You turned your body towards him so he could have a better angle to feel.
“Could you help me-” he asked as he offered one of his arms. 
How could you forget?
With his arms on he wouldn’t be able to directly feel the baby; gently you took the bionic arm in your hands and broke the suction seal, allowing him to pull his stump out. 
You placed the arm beside you on the couch and turned towards Anakin once more. 
He was examining his arm (just a small habit he had) and you laid back into the cushions. He gazed upon you with such adoration. You could tell how much he loved you- how much he meant his apologies…
“Ani, give me your arm” you asked, to which he darted his eyes towards yours. 
“It’s alright, I can just-”
“Please?” you asked. 
Even after all of your time together he still got self conscious sometimes- honesty his insecurities came in random waves and apparently, now, was just one of those times. 
He sighed and offered you his arm; you wrapped your hand around his tender skin, eliciting a small gasp from him (your touch still gave him butterflies).
You slowly guided him to your stomach and pulled up your shirt; the bump was very noticeable now. 
You placed his soft stump against your belly and laid your hands on top of him. You sighed at his touch, you hadn’t felt him so intimately in a long time. 
Out of the corner of your eye you saw that he had his eyes closed; his brows were drawn in concentration and his plump lips were slightly parted. 
Once the baby kicked again his eyes shot open, he leaned forward and placed his prosthetic hand against your stomach too. 
“It’s amazing”
You giggled at his wonder. 
“That’s…” he began.
“Our baby” you finished; gazing into his water eyes as he turned towards you. 
Today had already been an emotionally draining day, but he still had a few tears left to shed.
“Oh, Ani. It’s alright” you sighed when you saw trails down his cheeks. 
Before you could sit all the way up, he gathered you into a warm embrace and laid gently atop of your chest (careful not to bump your belly). 
You ran your fingers through his hair as he continued to hold you as tightly as he could. 
You knew he wasn’t the best with words, but his actions were telling you everything you needed to know. 
“Thank you” he said against your neck.
You drew your brows together, you didn't expect him to say anything. 
“Thank you for staying”
“I know I’m far from perfect and I got shit I gotta sort out… but it means so much to me that you believed in me enough to stay… and to sharing our baby with me” his voice began to waver. 
“...just thank you for everything”
Anakin didn’t need to thank you, his actions were enough to tell you how grateful he was, but the fact that he did vocalize his feelings just meant the world to you. 
He was trying.
You held his head closer to you and kissed his hair.
“I love you” he whispered softly. 
Your heart fluttered because deep inside you knew you still did too. 
a/n: getting out of angst??? also i added the polar bear hit cause i was just thinking abt them and was like- “ig i’ll put it in the fic” lmfaooo
taglist : @dnamht @sxoulohvn @angeelcoree @wtf-andys @httpeachesblog @katsukiswrld @jetiikote @poisonedsultana @imarimone12 @fallinlovewithevil @sythethecarrot
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latinapoetbts · 5 months
You, I Want You - KTH | Y/N ~ Reader Insert [Latina/Noona love]
Summary: Y/N Latina Noon Reader is separated from her asshole husband. He has been verbally and psychologically abusive. She is in the process of reinventing herself by pursuing her master's degree. She gets invited to the club and feels out of place as if she doesn't fit in with this crowd of younger college students. Tae Hyung is determined to show her that she belongs and that he finds her more than just attractive.
Labels: Smut/ Sex & alcohol, reference to mental health struggles (anxiety, depression), Cheating/Separated, club scene, age gap better reader and KTH, reader older by at least 4 to 5 years, jealousy. (3 part one shot, I am copying this from my AO3 Account)
You, I want you| Chapter 1:
You weren’t exactly sure why you were here.  At first you told yourself it wasn’t a big deal, you're still young. You often told yourself, ‘so what if you're not a traditional college student, you're in a masters program’ .  Your classmates often commented they never thought you were older than 25. But their youthful and single club shenanigans were a constant reminder that you were 8-10 years older. You were the only one with a child and the second married person in the class. Yet for some reason they insisted on you coming with them. You had been with them plenty of times to have a drink after late night classes but that was different than going to a club. You had told them “no” everytime, yet this time they were not willing to take no for an answer. Now here you were trying to get an amaretto sour at the local hot spot, Club Posh. Your patience was thinning you knew you were getting ignored by the female bartenders. Gone where your young days when you would have flashed a confident grin and charmed your way to the front and even earned free drinks from the female bartenders. You had lost your light, lost your way, lost who you are inside. Who could blame you, if they only knew what heartbreak you had gone through. Your soul felt crushed. 
You were ready to give up, tired of getting ignored, willing to just pick up wine from the store and head home. That was until you felt someone brush up against you, then the sudden warmth of breath on your ear, followed by a hand to your waist right at the small of your back. 
“Looks like you could use some help? What is it you want?” You knew that voice well. Your breath hitched and a shiver traveled down your spin, tingles pooling at the pit of your abdomen. You turn slightly towards the voice catching the nearness of their side profile. Pointed round nose, chiseled jawline, soft black curls framing their eye and tip of their ear. Your lips inches from their cheek. You unconsciously swallow followed by licking your lips. You knew you were in trouble. 
‘You, I want you’ , your mind was slowly unhinging. The words nearly bursting out of your lips. You faced forward, keeping your unhinging thoughts at bay.
“I--um, I wan--ted, an amaretto sour.”. Another lick of your lips and reflexive swallow. 
“Ah, that’s a good cocktail, let me help you.”, he makes eye contact with you, flashing you that confident boxy sexy smile that has been known to distract you class quite often. This time you bite at your lip nervously and nod unable to do anything else. He leans in one more time, “Stay here”. You only nod in agreement.
You watched as he quickly made his way to the bar. Watching his animated talk, the female bartender who was ignoring you previously was providing him with her full attention even using her arms to push up her cleavage as she flirtatiously leaned over the bar.  
You watched their interaction. He was something , confident, playful and sexy. You haven't seen him this way ever, till now. To be exact, he was always emanating confidence with a sexy aurora just by existing or doing the bare minimum but seeing his flirtatious charm was a first. 
You felt yourself picking at your nails in nervousness. The growing sensation of feeling insecure was starting to spill out. You were losing your nerve. 
‘I shouldn’t be here, I don’t belong. What the hell am I doing, I’m the only one here other than him’ .  You wondered why the girls were not here yet. Your heartbeat quickens and you felt the panic start to build in the pit of your stomach. 
‘He probably feels sorry for me, this is embarrassing’ , frequent critical self hating thoughts raced through your mind. You glanced down at what you were wearing a grimace forming or your lips. You look towards the entrance feeling ready to dart to the exit.
‘You look like an old cougar trying too hard to look sexy, how could you wear that hideous outfit’ , You pulled at the strap of your form fitting, deep green one sleeve tank top with a plunging v line. Your eyes landing at your exposed cleavage. Yes, you felt very exposed and self conscious. You pulled at your cascading locks of hair attempting to hide your shoulders and some of your cleavage.
‘What the hell were you thinking, you're a mom you can’t wear something like this. You're not even sexy anymore’. It was all too much, you just couldn’t silence the bartering words in your head. That's when you decided to turn and walk towards the exit. 
“Hey where are you running off too, I have our drinks”. You stopped at a quarter turn and faced him. A smile on his lips illuminated his face. You were frozen ‘why was he being so kind’, you wondered to yourself, ‘pity’ was all you could hear ringing in your ear. 
“Oh, thank you so much. oh wow, that’s some talent there, holding two drinks in each hand and that’s a lot of amaretto…. hereletmegiveyoumoney”, The words spilled out jumbled in your nervousness. You take two glasses out of his hand, your fingers skimming over his. His skin soft and supple, not rough like yours. 
“No way! I am not letting you pay for drinks tonight. You deserve to have fun and let loose! And not really talent, I was just fortunate to be born with big hands and loooong fingers.” He flashes you his free hand wiggling his fingers. Another unintentional hard swallow and nibble of your bottom lip escaping you as your eyes stayed glued to his waving fingers. Oh yes, you had noticed those hands and long nimble fingers since day two of classes. He was your escape from your life of pain, sorrow and regret. He was a wonderful distraction from deep rooted hopelessness that you masked with laughter and your outgoing personality. You were ashamed to admit you imagined often what those hands and fingers could do to you. 
“Thank you, that's really sweet of you, I’ll get the next round”, you say followed by chasing down your drink quickly as possible.
“Woah, someone is out to have a really good time tonight and I can't wait to see it (grinning) and I said no, I got the hook up with Lacey back there and besides I told you, I’m not letting you pay for any drinks tonight, with or without a hook up”. He cocked his head to the side raising one prominent eyebrow, as in daring you to defy him. His stern look melted away to a smile as you yourself could not help but smile shly in return. You were touched by his kindness but also felt slight embarrassment, the critical voices in your head battle for dominance. You start on your second drink and decide getting tipsy might be a good idea in order to calm your nerves. You were going to need some shots. You glanced towards the bar studying this Lacey, she was beautiful and seemed to be around the same age as him. You did not have one doubt in your mind about his story. You were sure she offered him free drinks for the night in hopes of something in return. You smiled flatley, ‘what I would give to be her right now, I’d give him anything he wanted’ you told yourself letting out sigh. You turn to him but avoid eye contact.
“Free drinks huh? Wow, lucky you and she’s hot. Looks like someone might get lucky…”  You say as you reach out to playful swat his arm, yup, you were definitely feeling more comfortable. You let your hand linger a little too long feeling the firmness of his muscle underneath your touch. He brings his glass to his lips taking a drink, your hands standing still moving with his movement. His eyes peer over his glass making eye contact with you and holding your gaze.
“Na, she’s not my type. And...I have my eyes set on someone else...” His eyes lingering and locked with yours, you felt your face flush under his intense gaze, ‘who could it be, could it be possible, me? ’ He  breaks eye contact and peers over your shoulder as you hear a loud high pitched familiar voice.
“Tae Hyung! I’m so glad you're here!” her squeal was shrill, she shouldered passed you and wrapped her arms around him. You instantly felt your heart sink, ‘what was I thinking? I'm that buzzed already that I would even think he is referring to me, an unattractive cougar with a kid’. You let out a small laugh, laughing at the audacity that you would even rometly think he would even consider you worthy of a drunk fuck. You needed to get away from him. He was just too intoxicating and you were starting to feel the effect of the alcohol yourself. You knew you would embarrass yourself around him the more you drank. You turned on your heels, your eyes resting on the club entrance once again. The voices in your self conscious mind swirling. You take a step forward in hesitation, leaving them standing in a lover's embrace.
‘That’s right, you don’t belong, no one really wants you, not even your husband, look at you, that’s why he did what he did to you.’
‘Fuck, not that’ , you curse yourself. Panic fills your lungs as you freeze feeling loooong fingers wrapping around your wrist. ‘What are you doing, please don’t’, you thought to yourself. 
“Hey, where are you going Y/N, trying to run away on me again?” His fingers still circling your wrist holding you back. You stood still thinking of what to say, his touch was grounding nearly hypnotic. 
‘Run away? That’s what I most certainly should do but you trapp every time with your captivation’
“What? Run away? I don’t think so unless using the bathroom is considered running away and what would I be running from?” You felt a wave of confidence wash over you taken back by your own question. 
“I’m not exactly sure but my gut says you're running from my unrelenting charms”. He follows with another raise of his eyebrow. He was right about his unrelenting charms and needing to get as far from his as possible but a smile formed on your lips. As you turn to face him full on and draw your wrist from his grasp you let out a slight scoff to mask any nervousness you still might be emanating. 
“Unrelenting charms that work on barely legal girls not grown educated confident women such as myself. Thus, I’m not running from you Kim Tae Hyung.” You flashed him a grin. Your eyes searched for Amanda, who stood feet away nearly gawking at the two of you. You were not sure why, but You loved that she seemed flustered by what she saw. 
“Here’s my other empty glass, I’ll be back”. A wide smile spread across his lips lighting up even his eyes. He seemed surprised and pleased with your response, letting out a soft chuck.
“Cheeky and I like it. Are you ready for a few more? Or would you like something different?” Him still grinning at you. 
“Ya I’ll take two more of...oh just surprise me”.
“Tae Hyung, I want two as well of whatever you both are having….” Amanda standing only inches behind him, slipping her arm in the space of his arm and resting her head on his shoulder. Neither you or him had noticed when she had moved so close. You quickly spun around making your way to the bathroom. You did not want to see their interactions any longer. 
‘Keep it together y/n’, you told yourself. ‘Where is the group?’ you wondered as he neared the bathroom. 
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cloudydays69 · 4 months
what is Detroit Become Human?
I've only ever heard the name and seen you fawning over one of the characters but that's as far as my knowledge goes
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YOU WANNA KNOW ABOUT IT??? AAAAAAAAAAA OK. Beware that I'm going to ramble like an absolute madman.
SO, Detroit: Become Human is a single player, cinematic action adventure game developed and published by Quantic Dream. It was released on May 25th, 2018 as a PlayStation exclusive. (Tho! It was later brought to Steam on June 18th, 2020.) It is a choice heavy game, so whatever choices and decisions you make in the game affects the story and characters around you!!
The story takes place in the city of Detroit, set in the near future of 2038. A company called CyberLife has developed and manufactured the usage of Androids, designed and created to live along with humans as their "assistants"; When in all actuality, they're treated as their servants and or slaves, something lesser than the humans.
There are many different models and functionalities for the androids!! Some are specifically designed to work as household assistants, detectives, store managers, botanists, construction workers; You name it. (Hehe the ones highlighted in bold is a hint for later LMAO)
Uh anyways!!
Everything seems to be normal until some androids start behaving "differently" than what they were programmed to do and think. The androids are starting to gain sentience. They were becoming more self aware of their abuse and mistreatment in society.. It's as if they were "alive" in a sense. Everything starts to spiral out of control from there if you couldn't already tell. With more and more cases of Androids going "deviant" all across cities in the US, this leads us to....
NOW!! In the game you get to control and play as the three main protagonists, Connor, Kara and lastly, Markus. (who in my opinion is actually SUPER VITAL to the story itself but ANYWAYS.) and yep, they're all androids; this allows you to really see things from their own perspectives! Each individual protagonist has their very own unique storylines that you get to immerse yourself throughout the game; with each of them having their own respective motives, personalities and abilities!!
First, there's Connor (Model RK800). He is a highly advanced detective prototype sent by CyberLife to help and assist law enforcement. He investigates the many cases and incidents revolving around Deviant Androids. (He's the one everyone gushes over... That's me. I'M everyone.)
Secondly, there's Kara (Model AX400). She is one of the many androids designed to function as household assistants. She unfortunately is forced to serve an abusive, alcoholic, drug addicted father called "Todd Williams" with his little daughter "Alice." Seeing how cruelly Todd treats his own daughter on a daily basis, Kara decides that enough is enough and goes "deviant", This eventually leads to her wanting to protect Alice at all costs as they try to find a way to escape from the home together.
Finally, there's Markus (Model RK200). He was an android gifted to the famous painter in the ingame universe called Carl Manfred. He was designed to function as another household assistant and an overall companion to Carl. One day, an incident happens that spirals out of his control. This event makes Markus finally realize just how badly androids like himself have been treated and goes on a journey to rebel and strive for the freedom of his people. (Trying to keep that as vague as possible LMAO)
Uh I think that's everything I need to say!! If you have any more questions PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ASK ME!!! I'm dying for more people to know about this game.
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Also fun fact uhhh Connor is mostly well known for a meme back then where he slams a desk and says "TWENTY EIGHT. STAB WOUNDS." LMAO
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recoverycovepa · 15 days
At Recovery Cove, LLC, we understand that recovery is a deeply personal journey. That’s why our Intensive Outpatient Program in Easton PA is designed to meet the individual needs of each client. We offer a blend of evidence-based therapeutic practices, including individual counseling, group therapy, and relapse prevention strategies, tailored to support your unique situation. Our program is ideal for individuals who need intensive treatment but want to maintain their daily routines.
Recovery Cove, LLC 2005 Fairview Ave, Easton, PA 18042 (484) 549–2683
Official Website: https://recoverycovepa.com/ Google Plus Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=6136089302834702650
Other Links
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Other Service We Provide:
intensive outpatient program outpatient program drug treatment iop programs addiction recovery services substance abuse treatment alcohol treatment behavioral health treatment opiate addiction treatment heroin addiction treatment alcohol addiction treatment marijuana addiction treatment php treatment benzodiazepine addiction treatment medication assisted treatment substance use disorder treatment
Follow Us On
Twitter: https://twitter.com/recoverycovepa Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/RecoveryCovePA/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/recovery-cove/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/recoverycovepa/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/recovery.cove/
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tapasyafoundation · 2 years
Best drug addiction centre in Noida
In Delhi, there are many best rehab centre in Delhi to help people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol stop abusing their substance of choice and begin the journey of recovery. However, it can be difficult to find a rehab center that will work well for you and your particular needs. if you are looking for the best drug addiction centre in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Tapasya Foundation Wellness Retreat is the best drug addiction Clinic in Noida. We are the best drug addiction centre in Uttar Pradesh.
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harmonygrover · 2 months
Best drug rehabs San Diego providing alcohol detox centers, drug detox centers, inpatient drug rehabs and outpatient. Our California drug rehabs accept most health insurances. The alcohol detox centers San Diego treatment lasts 7-10 days. The alcohol treatment centers San Diego provide detoxification, inpatient drug rehabs. When seeking addiction treatment San Diego we are the best choice. The addiction treatment San Diego services include opiate detox San Diego. The IOP program San Diego lasts 12 weeks. The inpatient drug rehabs Carlsbad and Luxury drug rehabs Encinitas are the best luxury drug rehabs California option. Call us now for residential treatment San Diego. The IOP drug rehabs San Diego center can be done virtually.
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fhjdbvhj · 2 months
Understanding Detoxification
To find a detox near meit's important to consider your specific needs and preferences, such as the type of detox (e.g., alcohol, drug, holistic), the level of medical support required, and any other special considerations like location or amenities. Here's a general guide on how to find a detox center:
1. Understanding Detoxification
Detoxification, commonly known as detox, is the process of removing toxic substances from the body. It is a crucial step in the treatment of substance abuse and addiction. Detox can involve medical supervision, medication-assisted treatment, and supportive care to manage withdrawal symptoms and ensure safety.
2. Types of Detox Programs
Inpatient Detox: Patients stay at a facility where they receive 24/7 medical supervision and support. This is often recommended for those with severe addictions or those at risk of serious withdrawal symptoms.
Outpatient Detox: Patients visit the facility during the day but live at home. This option may be suitable for those with less severe addictions or strong social support systems.
Holistic Detox: This approach focuses on natural and alternative therapies, such as acupuncture, nutrition therapy, and mindfulness practices, in addition to conventional medical treatments.
3. Finding a Detox Center
Online Searches: Use search engines and online directories to find detox centers in your area. Keywords like "detox center near me" or "substance abuse treatment near me" can be helpful.
Consult Healthcare Providers: Your doctor or healthcare provider can recommend reputable detox facilities based on your medical history and specific needs.
Contact Local Health Departments or Substance Abuse Hotlines: They can provide information on available detox services and programs.
Insurance Providers: Check with your insurance provider for a list of covered facilities.
4. Evaluating Detox Centers
Accreditation and Licensing: Ensure the facility is accredited by reputable organizations and licensed by state or local health authorities.
Staff Qualifications: Look for centers with experienced medical professionals, including doctors, nurses, and therapists, specialized in addiction treatment.
Treatment Approaches: Review the detox methods and therapies offered to see if they align with your preferences and medical needs.
Aftercare Support: A good detox program should offer or refer to aftercare services, such as counseling, support groups, or rehab programs.
5. Preparing for Detox
Medical Evaluation: Undergo a thorough medical assessment to determine the appropriate level of care and treatment plan.
Personal Arrangements: Make necessary arrangements for time off work, childcare, or pet care if needed.
Packing Essentials: If attending an inpatient program, pack comfortable clothing, personal hygiene items, and any prescribed medications.
Finding the right detox center is a crucial step toward recovery. By understanding the different types of programs and what to look for in a facility, you can make an informed decision that best supports your journey to sobriety.
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lotusrecoveryservices · 2 months
Lotus Recovery Services offers dual diagnosis treatment in Thousand Oaks, CA. We understand that individuals are unique beings who come from their own set of experiences. This is why we take the time to understand each individual and how we can support their journey to recovery. Treating dual diagnosis does have its challenges, but with the right support, you can overcome both conditions and rediscover your true self.
Lotus Recovery Services 191 W Wilbur Rd. #102 , Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 (818) 519–8334
Official Website: https://lotusrecoveryserv.com/ Google Plus Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=9070339335177460499
Other Links
dual diagnosis treatment thousand oaks : https://lotusrecoveryserv.com/what-we-treat/dual-diagnosis/ alcohol addiction treatment thousand oaks : https://lotusrecoveryserv.com/what-we-treat/alcohol-addiction-treatment/ drug rehab thousand oaks : https://lotusrecoveryserv.com/what-we-treat/drug-treatment/ family therapy thousand oaks : https://lotusrecoveryserv.com/treatment-services/family-therapy/ iop thousand oaks : https://lotusrecoveryserv.com/programs/iop/ mental health thousand oaks : https://lotusrecoveryserv.com/what-we-treat/mental-health/ outpatient rehab thousand oaks : https://lotusrecoveryserv.com/programs/outpatient-program/ php thousand oaks : https://lotusrecoveryserv.com/programs/php/ sober living near me : https://lotusrecoveryserv.com/programs/sober-supportive-housing/ substance abuse thousand oaks : https://lotusrecoveryserv.com/what-we-treat/substance-abuse/ trauma treatment center thousand oaks : https://lotusrecoveryserv.com/what-we-treat/trauma-ptsd/
Other Service We Provide:
Addiction Treatment Drug And Alcohol Treatment Dual Diagnosis Treatment Family Therapy Tms Therapy Mental Health Treatment Substance Abuse Treatment Trauma Treatment
Follow Us On
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lotusrecoverys Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/lotusrecoverys/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/lotusrecoveryservices/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/people/Lotus-Recovery-Services/61555374153795/
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flowercitypharmacy · 3 months
Comprehensive Guide to Addiction Recovery at Flower City Pharmacy, Brampton
Flower City Pharmacy in Brampton is committed to supporting individuals in their journey to recovery from addiction. Whether you are dealing with opioid addiction, alcohol dependency, or substance abuse, our dedicated team and comprehensive programs are here to help you regain control of your life.
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Recognizing Drug Withdrawal Symptoms
What is one of the first signs of withdrawal?
One of the first signs of withdrawal is anxiety and restlessness. As the body adjusts to the absence of the substance, symptoms such as sweating, shaking, and irritability may occur.
What happens when you stop taking the drug?
When you stop taking the drug, your body begins to detoxify, leading to various withdrawal symptoms, which can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle pain, and intense cravings.
What are the six types of withdrawals?
The six types of withdrawals include:
Alcohol withdrawal
Opioid withdrawal
Benzodiazepine withdrawal
Stimulant withdrawal
Nicotine withdrawal
Cannabis withdrawal
What is the withdrawal coping mechanism?
Effective coping mechanisms for withdrawal include staying hydrated, eating nutritious meals, engaging in light exercise, and seeking support from healthcare professionals and support groups.
Comprehensive Addiction Treatment Programs
Methadone Program
Our methadone program is designed to treat opioid addiction by reducing withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Methadone helps stabilize patients, making it easier for them to focus on recovery.
Buprenorphine with Naloxone (Suboxone)
Suboxone is used to treat opioid addiction and helps reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings. It is a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone and is considered a safer alternative to methadone for some patients.
Naltrexone for Alcoholics
Naltrexone is an approved medication used to treat alcohol dependence by reducing cravings and preventing relapse. It blocks the euphoric effects of alcohol, aiding in long-term recovery.
Alcohol Addiction Medication
Medications such as naltrexone, disulfiram, and acamprosate are used to help manage alcohol dependence and support recovery.
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Understanding Addiction Treatment Centers
What is an addiction treatment center?
An addiction treatment center provides comprehensive care and support to individuals struggling with addiction. These centers offer various Vaccinations, medications, and support services to aid in recovery.
Addiction Treatment Center Near Me
Flower City Pharmacy is conveniently located in Brampton and offers specialized tablets for addiction recovery. Our center provides personalized care tailored to each individual's needs.
Substance Abuse Treatment Centers Near Me
We are one of the leading substance abuse treatment centers in Brampton, offering a range of services to help individuals overcome addiction and lead healthier lives.
Addressing Withdrawal Symptoms of Opioid Addiction
Opioid Use Withdrawal Symptoms
Opioid withdrawal symptoms can include muscle aches, restlessness, anxiety, teary eyes, runny nose, sweating, yawning, insomnia, and severe cravings.
Treatment Facilities for Addiction
Our treatment facilities for addiction provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals to detoxify and begin their recovery journey.
Medication-Assisted Treatment for Alcohol and Drug Dependence
Methadone Programs Near Me
Methadone programs are available at Flower City Pharmacy to help manage opioid addiction. Our methadone program follows a strict protocol to ensure safe and effective treatment.
Naltrexone Alcohol Addiction
Naltrexone is a key medication in our alcohol addiction treatment program. It helps reduce cravings and supports long-term sobriety.
Suboxone Treatment
Suboxone is an effective treatment for opioid addiction, combining buprenorphine with naloxone to help manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings.
Supporting Your Journey to Recovery
Help for Addiction
At Flower City Pharmacy, we offer comprehensive help for addiction, including personalized treatment plans, medication management, and ongoing support.
Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Our alcohol addiction treatment program includes medications like naltrexone and comprehensive therapy to support recovery.
Recovery for Alcohol Addiction
We provide holistic care for recovery from alcohol addiction, including medical treatment, counseling, and support groups.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do people stay on methadone?
The duration of methadone treatment varies depending on the individual's needs and progress. Some may require long-term maintenance, while others may gradually taper off under medical supervision.
Is methadone covered in Canada?
Yes, methadone treatment is typically covered by provincial health plans in Canada, making it accessible to those in need.
What is the methadone protocol scheme?
The methadone protocol scheme involves a structured program with regular dosing, monitoring, and support to ensure safe and effective treatment.
What are the negative side effects of Suboxone?
Common side effects of Suboxone include headache, nausea, vomiting, constipation, and sweating. It is important to discuss any side effects with your healthcare provider.
Is Suboxone considered a narcotic?
Yes, Suboxone is considered a narcotic because it contains buprenorphine, a partial opioid agonist. However, it is used therapeutically to treat opioid dependence.
Flower City Pharmacy in Brampton is dedicated to providing comprehensive addiction treatment services. Our programs include medication-assisted treatment, and ongoing support to help individuals overcome addiction and lead healthier lives. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you on your journey to recovery.
Pharmacy Name: Flowercity Pharmacy Brampton
Address Details for the best Pharmacy in Brampton: 2A-196 Main Street, Brampton, ON L6W 2E2
Contact Information: 
Call: 905-450-2233
Fax: 905-450-1684Email: [email protected]
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dfkjdfbdf · 3 months
Welcome to Nashamukti Kendra: Your Trusted Partner in Recovery
At Nashamukti Kendra, we understand the profound impact that addiction can have on individuals and their loved ones. Our mission is to provide a compassionate and supportive environment where those struggling with substance abuse can find the help they need to reclaim their lives. Whether you're searching for a "nasha mukti kendra near me," or specifically seeking assistance in Kanpur with terms like "nasha mukti kendra in kanpur" or "नशा मुक्ति केंद्र कानपुर," we are here to guide you on your journey to recovery.
Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services
Alcohol Rehab Near Me
For those battling alcohol addiction, finding a reliable "alcohol rehab near me" is crucial. Our dedicated team at Nashamukti Kendra offers specialized programs designed to address the unique challenges of alcohol dependency. We provide a structured environment where patients can detox safely and receive ongoing support through counseling and therapy.
Daru Mukti Kendra and Sharab Mukti Kendra
We recognize the various terms used to describe alcohol rehabilitation centers, such as "daru mukti kendra" and "sharab mukti kendra." Regardless of the terminology, our goal remains the same: to help individuals overcome their dependence on alcohol and lead a sober, fulfilling life. Our personalized treatment plans are tailored to meet the needs of each patient, ensuring they receive the most effective care possible.
Nearby Nasha Mukti Kendra and Rehabilitation Center Near Me
Convenience and accessibility are key factors when seeking treatment for addiction. That's why our facilities are strategically located to serve those looking for a "nasha mukti kendra near by" or a "rehabilitation center near me." We strive to make our services easily accessible to those in need, ensuring that help is always within reach.
Why Choose Nashamukti Kendra?
Experienced Staff: Our team of professionals includes experienced doctors, therapists, and counselors who are dedicated to providing the highest standard of care.
Customized Treatment Plans: We understand that every individual is unique. Our treatment plans are tailored to address the specific needs and circumstances of each patient.
Holistic Approach: We believe in treating the whole person, not just the addiction. Our holistic approach includes physical, emotional, and psychological support to promote lasting recovery.
Supportive Community: Recovery is a journey best undertaken with support. Our community provides a network of peers and professionals who are committed to helping each patient succeed.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our centers are equipped with modern amenities and resources to ensure a comfortable and conducive environment for recovery.
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recoverycovepa · 3 months
Recovery Cove, LLC is dedicated to providing the highest levels of care for individuals experiencing mental health or substance use problems. Our IOP in Lehigh Valley is highly structured but allows individuals to return home at the end of the day to be with their families. Some people even attend school or work while participating in this program.
Recovery Cove, LLC 2005 Fairview Ave, Easton, PA 18042 (484) 549–2683
Official Website: https://recoverycovepa.com/ Google Plus Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=6136089302834702650
Other Links
IOP lehigh valley : https://recoverycovepa.com/program/iop-treatment-in-lehigh-valley-pa/ php easton pa : https://recoverycovepa.com/program/php-treatment-in-easton-pa/ substance abuse treatment easton pa : https://recoverycovepa.com/program/substance-abuse-treatment-in-easton-pa/ medication assisted treatment lehigh valley : https://recoverycovepa.com/program/mat/ outpatient program near me : https://recoverycovepa.com/program/outpatient/ benzodiazepine addiction treatment center lehigh valley : https://recoverycovepa.com/program/benzodiazepine-addiction-treatment-center-lehigh-valley/ opiate addiction treatment center easton : https://recoverycovepa.com/program/opiate-addiction-treatment-center-in-easton/ heroin addiction treatment center easton : https://recoverycovepa.com/program/heroin-addiction-treatment-center-easton/ marijuana addiction treatment center lehigh valley : https://recoverycovepa.com/program/marijuana-addiction-treatment-center-lehigh-valley/
Other Service We Provide:
intensive outpatient program outpatient program drug treatment iop programs addiction recovery services substance abuse treatment alcohol treatment behavioral health treatment opiate addiction treatment heroin addiction treatment alcohol addiction treatment marijuana addiction treatment php treatment benzodiazepine addiction treatment medication assisted treatment substance use disorder treatment
Follow Us On
Twitter: https://twitter.com/recoverycovepa Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/RecoveryCovePA/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/recovery-cove/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/recoverycovepa/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/recovery.cove/
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tapasyafoundation · 2 years
Best Alcohol Rehabilitation Center In Delhi NCR
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 Tapasya Foundation is the best alcohol rehabilitation center in Delhi NCR. They have a team of qualified and experienced doctors who provide the best care to their patients. They also have a dedicated team of staff members who are always available to help the patients.
The foundation with all modern facilities and amenities for better treatment. They also have a well-maintained garden where patients can go for a walk or take some fresh air.
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