#alex cabal
fyblackwomenart · 1 year
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"Floral Girl" by Alex Cabal 
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illustration-alcove · 2 years
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Alex Cabal’s illustrated book cover for Kacen Callender’s Felix Ever After.
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sinistermusings · 2 years
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Black Panther 3 (2022) by John Ridley & Juann Cabal  
Cover: Alex Ross
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monarchy-sys · 1 year
I kind of do wish there were more resources and understandings for people who were raised in a household full of conspiracy theories, or at least some kind of term for it. Like I don't feel comfortable calling it cult-like because there's definitely differences that make it not entirely comparable, but "conspiracy survivor" isn't a term. It kind of makes me feel a bit alone in my experiences, or that I just dont know the right words for what I went through to be able to find any community for it :(
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gothiccharmschool · 5 months
:: incoherent screaming ::
Kristen Stewart, Oscar Isaac to Star in Vampire Thriller ‘Flesh of the Gods’ for ‘Mandy’ Filmmaker
"It follows a married couple, Raoul (Isaac) and Alex (Stewart), who descend each evening from their luxury skyscraper condo and head into an electric nighttime realm of 80’s LA. When they cross paths with the mysterious and enigmatic woman and her hard-partying cabal, Raoul and Alex are seduced into a glamorous, surrealistic world of hedonism, thrills, and violence."
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wheeloffortune-design · 9 months
yesterday at 1am the metro decided to not work for at least twenty minutes.
there were two young men discussing like only 20 years old white young men do when they think they're very smart.
it started badly enough, with 'elementary teachers aren't that smart, they shouldn't impose their opinions (about gender) on children who can't differentiate facts from opinions'.
And since I'm morbildly curious, I kept listening while it got worse and worse. In 20 minutes, they got through 'yeah censure is real because you can't say anything anymore' and 'trudeau does have an agenda'.
but then one of them had an illumination.
'but we can't just complain about things', he said, frowning. 'we need to find solutions.'
'hm, yeah,' said the other one. 'what it the solution to... all of that?'
(yes, find the ONE solution to every single problem, you and your friend, at 1am on the orange line.)
but i had hope.
'i think it's hard, because there's, you know, a group of people controlling everything. it's called globalism. I think Alex Jones is right---'
that's when I stood, saying 'fucking bullshit' and changed to another train car.
the pyramid of conspiracy theories tells us there's a line of no-return that's defined by antisemitism. beyond that point, if you believe that an invisible cabal of (jewish) people control the earth, there is no hope for you.
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two white young men, clean and proper and educated, right on their way to becoming neo-nazis.
they'd seemed like nice boys.
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Ok so another note on Newton.
During his studies into gravity, one of his main correspondants and financial backers was one Edmond Halley, the at-the-time Astronomer Royal.
The very same Edmund Halley who, in TMA, was/became Rainer i.e. Maxwell Rainer.
Jonny and Alex seem to really like the magic cabal of victorian NOT VICTORIAN THEY'RE STUART men. Honestly I don't blame them.
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ravenkings · 5 months
Debate rages over the extent to which the protests on the political left constitute coded or even direct attacks on Jews. But far less attention has been paid to a trend on the right: For all of their rhetoric of the moment, increasingly through the Trump era many Republicans have helped inject into the mainstream thinly veiled anti-Jewish messages with deep historical roots. The conspiracy theory taking on fresh currency is one that dates back hundreds of years and has perennially bubbled into view: that a shady cabal of wealthy Jews secretly controls events and institutions contrary to the national interest of whatever country it is operating in. The current formulation of the trope taps into the populist loathing of an elite “ruling class.” “Globalists” or “globalist elites” are blamed for everything from Black Lives Matter to the influx of migrants across the southern border, often described as a plot to replace native-born Americans with foreigners who will vote for Democrats. The favored personification of the globalist enemy is George Soros, the 93-year-old Hungarian American Jewish financier and Holocaust survivor who has spent billions in support of liberal causes and democratic institutions. This language is hardly new — Mr. Soros became a boogeyman of the American far right long before the ascendancy of Mr. Trump. And the elected officials now invoking him or the globalists rarely, if ever, directly mention Jews or blame them outright. Some of them may not immediately understand the antisemitic resonance of the meme, and in some cases its use may simply be reflexive political rhetoric. But its rising ubiquity reflects the breaking down of old guardrails on all types of degrading speech, and the cross-pollination with the raw, sometimes hate-filled speech of the extreme right, in a party under the sway of the norm-defying former, and perhaps future, president.
– Karen Yourish, Danielle Ivory, Jennifer Valentino-DeVries, and Alex Lemonides, "How Republicans Echo Antisemitic Tropes Despite Declaring Support for Israel," The New York Times, May 9, 2024
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heckcareoxytwit · 11 months
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The Introduction of the All-New X-Men of the second genesis by different artists
1st pic = Intro page by Alex Ross
2nd, 3rd and 4th pics = Nightcrawler pages by Kevin Nowlan, Chris Samnee, Matthew Wilson, Marcus To and Sunny Gho
5th and 6th pics = Wolverine pages by Siya Oum, Stephen Segovia and Rain Beredo
7th and 8th pics = Banshee and Storm pages by Marguerite Sauvage, Carmen Carnero and David Curiel
9th pic = Storm, Sunfire and Colossus page by Bernard Chang and Marcelo Maiolo
10th and 11th pics = Colossus pages by Aaron Kuder, Jordie Bellaire, Takeshi Miyazawa and Ian Herring
12th pic = Colossus and Thunderbird page by Juan Cabal and Federico Blee
13th pic = Thunderbird page by Gurihiru
14th pic = Professor Xavier and the All-New X-Men recruits page by Mark Brooks
15th pic = Professor Xavier, Cyclops and the All-New X-Men page by Kris Anka
--- Giant-Size X-Men: Tribute to Wein & Cockrum, 2020
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theinstagrahame · 2 months
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It's been like 2 weeks? But I think the hiccup we had with the local Post Office kind of benefitted my collection here. That and a sale at Exalted Funeral...
Here's what's arrived in the last little bit:
The Slow Knife: I like Mousehole Press in general, but the pitch for this one in particular sticks out to me. You're a cabal of evil people who have deeply wronged someone, and they're coming for revenge. One by one, they kill each of you until their wrath is sated. I'm honestly always a little iffy on playing "Evil" characters, but this seems like a really neat way to tackle it.
Koriko: Also from Mousehole, this is meant to be a solo game in the vein of Kiki's Delivery Service and other quiet coming-of-age kinds of stories. It's also an absolutely beautiful book (and it came with the most adorable fat wizard cat patch...)
Star Crossed & Love Letters: I've heard stories and APs of Star Crossed, but never played it. Then there was an expansion coming, and it seemed like the right time to get myself a copy. The box is huge, I assume so I can store a Falling Tower game inside? I also often think about the creator, Alex Roberts, saying that the awards for this game have been nice, but that a couple who broke a chair after playing it is the real reward...
I Have the High Ground: I initially got this game from its crowdfund run after listening to the Party of One episode, but I spaced when it shipped and had it sent to my old Boston apartment. I never went back for it, but it was offered as a bonus on the Star Crossed expansion, so I decided it was time. (Also, there's a great Party of One episode that's a Star Crossed X IHTHG crossover, which is extremely worth checking out)
The Wildsea & The Wildsea - Storm and Root: I'd missed the original game, but the expansion caught my eye. The art and the vibe are weird and fun, but it's loosely a FitD engine under there. I skimmed through the Quickstart, and it felt really gripping. Weird guys sailing weird boats on the trees of a weird Earth future. The forest as a sea metaphor? I'm intrigued.
Nest: Spencer Campbell makes bangers. This is a long-time opinion of this blog, so Nest was a quick pick-up. It's set in his Destiny-like (I think?) Nova-verse, but it follows the bad guys. It's got Heist-y vibes, and I really like the idea of fleshing out the "Evil" team. It's too easy to assume the bad guys aren't people, and humanizing them does a lot.
Dusk, Vol1: Spencer Campbell makes Bange--oh, right. Already established. But still! Also a Nova-verse book, and one that I sorta missed. If I've read the pitch, it's about community within the Nova universe, and I like that that's a focus. People coming together to build communities is a theme I really enjoy, and when the sun explodes (yeah, that's what the Nova in Nova-verse means), I think we'll need people more than ever.
Eco Mofos: I really loved the universe created in Lost Eons, and this promised to be a loose prequel. It's a "weird-hope" game, which is loosely a description of why I love post-apocalyptic fiction. The idea that even in the worst possible outcome for the world (y'know, it ending), people come together to protect and help each other. That's what makes apocalyptica appealing.
Monster of the Week - Codex of Worlds Apocrypha: MotW is a well-established and really nicely designed game. I think I've only ever played it, but I honestly feel comfortable running it, because I've listened to so many APs and read so many of the materials. Apocrypha was the stretch goal collection for the Codex of Worlds expansion, which itself put a little of the best bits from FitD into the PbtA classic.
FIST: I backed the Kickstarter edition, but this was in Exalted Funeral's damaged section (I think for a slight creas on the cover?), so I wanted to grab it and see what the hype was about. Paranormal Mercenary action, is the game. I've heard nothing but good things, so it was an easy investment for me.
Haunted Almanac: Nate Treme is a name I've heard around the scene for a while, but hadn't really checked out until recently. In part because of the RTFM podcast episode about Tunnel Goons, which is included in this book. I don't want to admit that I'll just get anything that Max and Aaron tell me to get, but like... this book is great.
The Last Caravan: Backed this at the height of my FitD interest, and I'm really curious to see what's inside. Survivors of an alien attack in the titular caravan, traveling to survive and maybe fight back a little? Yeah. That sounds dope.
All Growed Up: Another EF impulse purchase, but partly because Reilly Qyote is a designer I've had really lovely interactions with and respect a lot. I hacked their game Cast Away into a Subnautica-themed survival crafting RPG. Kids playing as grown-ups seemed cute, so I wanted to check it out.
Heroes of Cerulea: I stumbled on this by accident back when I had some extra cash to spend, and it was 100% up my alley. The original Legend of Zelda is such a formative game for me that the nostalgia alone made me pick it up. It uses D4 and the pixel art throughout is impeccable. It feels a lot like skimming the manual of the original NES and SNES titles.
Details of Our Escape: Possible Worlds Games is one of those design outfits that's gotten the benefit of the doubt from me, so I had to pick this one up. Weird, artistic, and a neat backstory: It started asart pieces swapped by the artists, and later attached to a game by Tyler Crumrine. I think it's got heist energy, but I'm not sure so I'm curious to find out!
GoGoGolf!: An impulse add-on for the Details of Our Escape campaign, which looks like it's got that weird energy of some recent multiplayer golf games. I'm sold, and I'm checking it out.
Secutors of the Soundstage Sphere (for Troika!): This was a freebie for the recent EF sale, so I grabbed it. It's not really in my usual interests, but Free.99 is a great price!
Two Summers & Other Summers: I like games about people growing up, I'm realizing about myself. On a personal level, the idea that people can become different people, but remain the same intrigues me. Two Summers is about that, and I think Other Summers makes it weirder. So, excited to dive in.
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“When they cross paths with the mysterious and enigmatic Nameless and her hard-partying cabal, Raoul and Alex are seduced into a glamorous, surrealistic world of hedonism, thrills, and violence.”
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fyblackwomenart · 11 months
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Alex Cabal
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June 3, 2024
JUN 04, 2024
The fallout from the New York jury’s conviction of Donald Trump on 34 felony counts last Thursday, May 30, continues. Trump’s team continues to insist that the guilty verdict will help him, but that’s nonsensical on its face: if guilty verdicts are so helpful, why has he moved heaven and earth to keep the many other cases against him from going to trial? And why are he and House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) calling for the Supreme Court to overturn the convictions? 
As political consultant Stuart Stevens put it: “I worked in five presidential races and helped elect Republican governors or Senators in over half the country. I have never heard anything more transparently desperate than a party trying to spin that there is some non-MAGA pool of voters who can't wait to vote for a convicted felon.”
On Friday, Morning Consult conducted a poll to gauge how voters were reacting to the guilty verdict. It showed that 54% of registered voters approved of it, while only 34% disapproved. Perhaps worse for Trump was that 49% of Independents and 15% of Republicans thought he should end his campaign. A Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 10% of registered Republican voters and 25% of Independents said that his conviction made it less likely that they would vote for him for president. 
Then, on Saturday, there was what Danny Westneat of the Seattle Times called a plot twist. It turns out the state of Washington has a law on the books that prevents felons from running for office. But because a candidate has to be certified to be on a ballot before they can be challenged, the issue can’t be resolved until Trump officially becomes the Republican Party’s presidential nominee at the July convention. Westneat asked, “Republicans: You sure you want to go down this road?”
On Sunday, Trump appeared on Fox and Friends for his first interview since his conviction. The interview was heavily edited, suggesting his comments were problematic in some way, but what was there was still bad enough. He repeated his plans to fire generals who refuse to do his bidding and to deport immigrants by using local police to round them up. Notably, considering his own looming sentencing, he claimed he never said “lock her up” about Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a claim that reporters on social media promptly shredded with video clips of him doing exactly that. 
Media figures are puncturing Trump’s image. The verdict buried a story by The Apprentice producer Bill Pruitt, who is now free of a nondisclosure agreement, explaining how he and others created an illusion that Trump was a successful businessman and alleging that Trump used the n-word on set. On Saturday, an image circulated on social media of Trump leaving Trump Tower and waving as if to a crowd, but there was no one there.
Also on Saturday, top sports talk host Colin Cowherd pushed back on the idea that the trial was rigged, telling his listeners: “If everybody in your circle is a felon, maybe it’s not rigged. Maybe the world isn’t against you.” “Donald Trump is now a felon,” Cowherd said. “His campaign chairman was a felon. So is his deputy campaign manager, his personal lawyer, his chief strategist, his National Security Adviser, his Trade Advisor, his Foreign Policy Adviser, his campaign fixer, and his company CFO. They’re all felons. Judged by the company you keep. It’s a cabal of convicts.”
Cowherd went on: “[Trump’s] trying to sell me an America that doesn’t exist.” “Stop trying to sell me on ‘everything’s rigged, the country’s falling into the sea, the economy’s terrible,’” he continued. “The America that I live in is imperfect. But compared to the rest of the world, I think we’re doing okay.”
This morning, Robert Faturechi, Justin Elliott, and Alex Mierjeski of ProPublica reported that Trump’s businesses and campaign committees have funneled significant financial benefits to at least nine witnesses in the criminal campaigns against Trump, often at crucial moments in the legal proceedings. The pay of one campaign aide doubled; another got a $2 million severance package that barred him from cooperating with law enforcement. The daughter of one of the campaign’s top officials was hired onto the staff and is now the fourth-highest-paid employee, with a salary of $222,000. Payments to the companies of certain witnesses dramatically increased.
Faturechi, Elliott, and Mierjeski note that it is not uncommon for bosses to find themselves defendants, complicating their relationship with employees who might have witnessed alleged crimes. In such cases, lawyers advise the defendant not to provide any unusual benefits or penalties, to avoid the appearance of witness tampering.
Trump’s attorney, David Warrington, sent ProPublica a cease-and-desist letter saying that if the outlet and its reporters “continue their reckless campaign of defamation, President Trump will evaluate all legal remedies.” He demanded that ProPublica kill the article, keeping it from publication.
And then, this afternoon, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Damian Williams, along with the U.S. Department of Labor and the State Department, unsealed an indictment charging Weidong Guan, also known as Bill Guan, the chief financial officer of the global news outlet The Epoch Times, with using the outlet to launder at least $67 million. The Epoch Times is affiliated with the ultraconservative Chinese anticommunist religious group Falun Gong and supports Donald Trump and other right-wing U.S. politicians with both press and cash. It was a major promoter of Dinesh D’Souza’s film 2000 Mules that claimed the 2020 presidential election was stolen. A voter depicted in that film sued for defamation, and just last week the distributor settled with the plaintiff, issued an apology, and stopped distributing the film.
The allegation that The Epoch Times is a money-laundering operation comes on top of yesterday’s story by Joseph Menn in the Washington Post, reporting that the editor of another media site that pushes disinformation from both the far right and the far left, The Grayzone, has worked for Russia’s Sputnik as well as taken money from Iranian government-owned media. One of the people who retweets Grayzone stories is Senator Mike Lee (R-UT).
In the middle of all this bad news for MAGA Republicans, it felt like desperation today when the House Oversight Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic tried to resurrect Covid conspiracy theories against Dr. Anthony Fauci. Fauci was director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) from 1984 to 2022, serving under seven presidents. President George W. Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the U.S., for his work on combating the global AIDS epidemic. 
Fauci’s position as NIAID director put him at the center of U.S. attempts to grapple with Covid-19, and for his work on developing a vaccine, Trump awarded him a presidential commendation. But first QAnon and then MAGA Republicans centered him as a villain who either started or covered up the pandemic, or forced people to mask or to get vaccines they told their supporters were unnecessary or even dangerous. QAnon conspiracy theorist Ivan Raiklin and convicted January 6 rioter Brandon Fellows were seated behind Fauci today; Fellows made pouty faces when Fauci was describing the death threats he, his wife, and his daughters have endured. 
Video creator and political commentator Michael McWhorter noted that Raiklin has made dramatic threats of violence against those he considers members of “the Deep State” and that he should have been nowhere near Fauci. McWhorter also noted that the two men were likely invited to the hearing and that it would be useful to know who invited them.  
Committee member Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who has skipped seven of the last ten hearings and who has expressed sympathy for QAnon in the past, attacked Fauci by saying he should be prosecuted: “You know what this committee should be doing? We should be writing a criminal referral because you should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity,” she said. “You belong in prison, Dr. Fauci.” For all the nastiness, the hearing turned up nothing.
Later, Greene told Manu Raju of CNN that Speaker Johnson should shut down the government over the Trump verdict and prosecutions. “We're literally a banana republic. So what does it matter funding the government? The American people don't give a sh*t.” 
While MAGA Republicans are insisting that a Manhattan jury’s conviction of Trump means that President Joe Biden has weaponized the Department of Justice and that they must take revenge, the trial of Biden’s son Hunter on federal gun charges, brought by a Trump-appointed U.S. attorney whom Biden kept on, started today. Former top Justice Department prosecutor Andrew Weissmann noted that Biden is “living the rule of law…in the most personal way. He is not telling DOJ to stand down…. He is not pardoning his son…. He is living what it means to have a rule of law in this country…. If you want to know if he believes it, you can actually see what is happening with his own son.”
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aceouttatime · 11 months
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About Me:
Howdy! I go by Ace or Alex--I'm a hobby artist and author busy making coffee, assisting research into ye ol' noggin (and the thoughts inside), and thinking about turians.
I make a fair bit of Mass Effect art, and I'm currently working on a Relay 314 Incident/First Contact War fic, Storm-Chaser. You might know by my m!Shakarian content, Cabal worldbuilding, or host of mediocre doodles.
Feel free to shoot me an ask or message; I don't bite (usually ;D)!
More links, info, and such below the cut!
What's The Haps?
Storm-Chaser Blue-gray fatigues and uncomfortable-looking knees made him sure it wasn't turian, and the scope had a clear view of the down on its head. Not down--fur, maybe. That made his gizzard less upset. Poor thing was sprawled on the gravel before it knew what hit it. "Old man had a good aim, Ascensus." Keep talking. Don't think about the dead alien. Fur. Not down. -----Status: WIP -----Chapter Count: 0 -----Length: 8.1K
Commissions? More Likely Than You’d Think!
I'm not currently accepting commissions! All my slots are filled. I last opened them on 3/18. I typically do 2-3 slots at a time, and I have an update list if you'd like updated when they open! <3
Find Me Here!
Reblog account - What it says on the tin; mostly Mass-Effect-related shenanigans!
AO3 (Archive of Our Own) - For all of my writing in one place
Discord - Not a link--please DM me first on here if you're interested in chatting over yonder!
NaNoWriMo - For a sneak peek into my 50k word challenge this November! Feel free to send me a friend rq--I'll always take more writing buddies <3
List O' Tags
#acedraws - All the scribbles I've done myself!
#acewrites - All the writing I've posted--they're available on AO3!
#aceoc - General tag for all of my original characters. I tend to tag each character's name as well for search purposes!
#acewips - General tag for all of my work-in-progress postings!
#acecomm - Tag for all of my commissioned pieces!
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List of Actors in Sanctuary who Also Appeared in Stargate (Spanning Entire Franchise).
Main Cast (Counting Regular Major Appearances):
Amanda Tapping. Sanctuary: Helen Magnus. Stargate: Sam Carter.
Christopher Heyerdahl. Sanctuary: John Druitt, Bigfoot. Stargate SG-1: Pallin. Stargate Atlantis: Halling and Todd the Wraith.
Ryan Robbins. Sanctuary: Henry Foss. Stargate Atlantis: Ladon Radim.
Agam Darshi. Sanctuary; Kate Freelander. Stargates Atlantis: Novo and Athosian 2.
Jonathon Young. Sanctuary: Nikola Tesla. Stargate Atlantis: Dr. Parrish.
Peter Wingfield. Sanctuary: James Watson. Stargate SG-1: Hebron and Taneth.
Jim Byrnes. Sanctuary: Gregory Magnus. Stargate SG-1: Documentary Narrator (Heroes Part 2). Stargate Infinity: voice (no character listed).
Significant Stargate Actors Not in Main Cast of Sanctuary:
Michael Shanks. Sanctuary: Jimmy (one episode). Stargate: Daniel Jackson.
Tom McBeath. Sanctuary: General Villanova. Stargate SG-1: Colonel Harry Maybourne.
Vincent Gale. Sanctuary: Nigel Griffin. Stargate SG-1: Deputy - Agent Cross. Stargate Universe: Morrison. (he was significant in Sanctuary and had a high episode list for Stargate, so no arguing)
Colin Cunnigham. Sanctuary: Gerald (one episode). Stargate: Major Paul Davis.
Paul McGillion. Sanctuary: Terrance Wexford (four eps + webisodes). Stargate Atlantis: Carson Beckett.
David Hewlett. Sanctuary: Larry Tolson (webisodes). Stargate: Rodney McKay.
Kavan Smith. Sanctuary: Joe Kavanaugh (two episodes + webisodes). Stargate: Evan Lorne.
David Nykl. Sanctuary: Strickland (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Radek Zelenka.
Sarah Strange. Sanctuary: Allison Grant (one episode). Stargate: Morgan Le Fey.
Dan Shea. Sanctuary: Transit Cop 2 (one episode). Stargate: Sergeant Siler.
Gary Jones. Sanctuary: George (one episode). Stargate: Walter Harriman.
Peter Flemming. Sanctuary: FBI Agent Bruce Tanner (one episode). Stargate: Agent Barret.
Martin Christopher. Sanctuary: False Priest/Father Clark. Stargate: Kevin Marks.
Barclay Hope. Sanctuary: Security Force Commander (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Col. Lionel Pendergast.
Peter DeLuise. Sanctuary: Ernie Watts (one episode/webisodes). Stargate SG-1: Sal's Diner Customer, Wormhole X-treme Replacement Actor, plus 20 other roles. Stargate Atlantis: Dr. P. Smith (uncredited). Stargate Universe: Peter. (<- also directed all four shows)
Significant in Sanctuary but not Stargate:
Shekhar Paleja (Credited in both as Shaker Paleja). Sanctuary: Ravi Ganapathiraman. Stargate SG-1: Jaffa. Stargate Atlantis: Doctor (uncredited, six episodes).
Ian Tracey. Sanctuary: Adam Worth. Stargate SG-1: Smith.
Pascale Hutton. Sanctuary: Abby Corrigan. Stargate Atlantis: First Officer Trebel. (<- almost/should have been main cast in Sanctuary)
Carlo Rota. Sanctuary: Richard Feliz. Stargate Universe: Carl Strom.
Other Actors in Mostly Minor Roles in Both (but often more significant in Sanctuary, for obvious reasons) Listed in Order of Sanctuary Appearance:
Lauren K. Robek (Credited as Kirsten Robeck in both). Sanctuary: Maryanne Zimmerman (three episodes). Stargate SG-1: Lieutenant Astor.
Sheri Rabold (credited as Sheri Noel in all). Sanctuary: Molly (two episodes/webisodes), Helen Magnus Stand-in. Stargate SG-1: Physiotherapist. Stargate Atlantis: Scientist, Lab assistant.
Laura Mennel. Sanctuary: Caird (one episode/webisodes). Stargate SG-1: Mary. Stargate Atlantis: Sanir.
Alex Zahara. Sanctuary: Carver (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Motion Capture Warrior, Warrick Finn, Iron Shirt, Eggar, Shy One, Alien Leader, Alien #1, Micahel Xe'ls.
Peter Bryant. Sanctuary: Cabal Team Leader (two episodes). Stargate SG-1: Hoskins and Fro'tak.
MacKenzie Gray. Sanctuary: Mr. Jones (one episode). Stargate Infinity: Pahk'kal, Napoleon Bonaparte (voices).
Matthew Walker. Sanctuary: Oliver Braithewaite (one episode). Stargate SG-1/The Ark of Truth: Merlin/Roham.
David Richmond-Peck. Sanctuary: Jake Polanski (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Jaffa Leader. Stargate Atlantis: Toran.
Panou. Sanctuary: Sylvio (two episodes). Stargate SG-1: Lt. Fisher.
Katherine Isabelle. Sanctuary: Sophie (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Valencia.
Chuck Campell. Sanctuary: Two-Faced Guy. Stargate: Chuck the Technician.
Gabrielle Rose. Sanctuary: Ruth Meyers (one episode). Stargate: The Ark of Truth: Alterean Woman #2.
Daryl Shuttleworth. Sanctuary: (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Commander Tegar, Commander Rigar.
Rukiya Bernard. Sanctuary: Kayla Bradley (one episode). Stargate Universe: Airman Richmond.
Alex Diakun. Sanctuary: Doctor (three episodes). Stargate SG-1: Tarek Solaman.
Chris Gauthier. Sanctuary: Walter (two episodes). Stargate: Mattas and Hertis.
Anne Marie DeLuise. Sanctuary: Rachel (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Amy Vandenberg, Farrell.
Aleks Paunovic. Sanctuary: Duke (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Rakai.
Ryan Kennedy. Sanctuary: Darrin Wilson (one episode). Stargate Universe: Dr. Williams.
Terry Chen. Sanctuary: Charles (three episodes). Stargate SG-1: Monk.
Nimet Kanji. Sanctuary: Pili (two episodes). Stargate Atlantis: Doctor.
Ron Selmour. Sanctuary: Kanaan (three episodes). Stargate Atlantis: Jannick.
Raquel Riskin. Sanctuary: Cheryl (one episode). Stargate Universe: Mindy.
Eric Keenleyside. Sanctuary: Det. Michael Bronson (one episodes). Stargate SG-1: Fred.
Michael J Rogers. Sanctuary: Stanley O'Farrel (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Major Escher, Col. Richard Kendrick, Colonel John Michaels.
Fabrice Grover. Sanctuary: Father Nathaniel Jensen (one episode). Stargate: The Ark of Truth: Amelius.
Allison Hossack. Sanctuary: Lillian (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Zerina Valk. Stargate Atlantis: Perna.
Scott McNeil. Sanctuary: Birot (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Kefflin, Townsperson.
Jody Thompson. Sanctuary: Fallon (three episodes). Stargate Atlantis: Hospital Nurse.
Nels Lannarson. Sanctuary: Commander Tollan, Praxian Guardsman. (two episodes). Stargate SG-1: Major Green. Stargate Atlantis: Captain Holland.
Sean Rogerson. Sanctuary: Castor (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Nevik.
Richard de Klerk. Sanctuary: U.S. Sergeant (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Dominic, Joe.
Aaron Brooks. Sanctuary: Lieutenant Hallman (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Nisal.
Collen Winton. Sanctuary: Anna (one episode). Stargate SG-1: National Security Advisor, Dr. Greene.
David Milchard. Sanctuary: Garris. Stargate Atlantis: SGC Technician.
Greyston Holt. Sanctuary: Lt. Coxswell (two episodes). Stargate Universe: Corporal Reynolds.
Brian Markinson. Sanctuary: Greg Addison. Stargate SG-1: Lotan.
Lara Gilchrist. Sanctuary: Cassidy (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Dr. Hewston.
John Novak. Sanctuary: Thug Boss (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Colonel William Ronson.
Martin Cummins. Sanctuary: Brad Sylvester (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Aiden Corso.
Kurt Evans. Sanctuary: Agent Gavin Crealy (two episodes). Stargate SG-1: Col. Johnson.
Sage Brocklebank. Sanctuary: Canadian Press Photographer (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Rand Protectorate Tech.
Kwesi Ameyaw. Sanctuary: Colonel Bosh (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Olokun. Stargate Atlantis: Technical Sergeant.
J.C. Williams. Sanctuary: SCIU Agent (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Jaffa (uncredited), Stargate Universe: Marine (uncredited).
Caroline Cave. Sanctuary: Sheila Delacourt (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Dr. Cole. Stargate Universe: Dana.
Brent Stait. Sanctuary: Finn Noland (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Major Louis Ferretti.
Richard Stroh. Sanctuary: Orin (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Genii Soldier #2.
Venus Terzo. Sanctuary: Capt. Franklin (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Dr. Francine Michaels.
I spent entirely too much time on this, but I really got going. I also probably missed a few people (and didn't even start on the crew because of so much overlap). I'm not sure if this is just Vancouver film industry at work or what, but I am done.
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ubejamjar · 5 months
⥽◦Tagged: 10 Characters/10 Fandoms/10 Tags◦⥼
Alex Stern - The Ninth House - Book "--there was a big difference between things being fair and things being set right." I just love a scruffy misfit trying to make her way in an ivy league world that everyone keeps telling her she doesn't belong in. She's doing her best and I love that. Aji is very loosely based on her.
Sebastian - Stardew Valley - Game Similar to my irl husband, I saw the edgelord smoking, making a grumpy face, and I said "THAT ONE". Complete with playing ttrpgs, motorcycle fixing, playing bass guitar, and late night drives talking about how we're gonna leave this place behind. He even has a best friend who is basically Abigail.
Jackie Welles - Cyberpunk 2077 - Game All the way to the big leagues, big guy!
Zevran Arainai- Dragon Age: Origins - Game Sometimes all you want in life is a bisexual assassin who tries to kill you, rizzes you up, and panics when he realizes he caught feelings for you. Bonus points if he threatens a head of state for letting you get kidnapped.
Zoya Nazyalensky -King of Scars - Book Listen to me, I understand how Aymeric and Haurchefant feel about the WoL because that's how I feel about Zoya Nazyalensky. I love this woman, I would die for her, i would give up everything I own for her, I would commit horrible war crimes--
Balsa Yonsa - Moribito - Anime Have you ever wanted to watch a cool, strong, woman with a spear beat the shit out of people while guarding an adorable child? No? Well why not???? I like women with spears.
Dragana Vukovic ◦ The White Vault - Podcast It was the love at first time she funneled gunpowder down her jacket sleeve into debris so she could blow it up and rescue people from an ancient sacrificial cycle.
Daughter Dooley ◦ The Old Gods of Appalachia - Podcast Literal eldritch undead queen, fought the darkness because he disrespected her lesbian doctor moms and I love that for her.
Johannes Cabal - Johannes Cabal Series - Books This man is sad. He is a necromancer and a criminal and a snarky piece of shit and I want to kiss him. I want to kick him off an airship. He sasses the head of a military state, he runs a circus to steal souls for the Devil, he refuses to do paperwork in Hell. He's the complete package imo. He pretends to be a detective. He looks like a doofus.
Johanna Barker - Sweeney Todd - Musical Ok, hear me out. I just love the fact that (in some versions) this girl who gets held up as the perfect paragon of feminine purity grabs the gun from her sailor boyfriend and shoots a motherfucker because she's sick of being held captive. I support Johanna's villain arc. Her dad got one, it's only fair tbh.
Tagged by: @amalthea-felsblood (Thank you my friend <3)
Tagging (with much affection): @sasslett @gatheredfates @thevikingwoman @lilbittymonster @pumpkinmagekupo @icehearts @khaiens @aislingsurrow @hares-and-hounds @otherworldseekers
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