#alex herman
ouatnextgen · 3 months
If Descendants characters were apart of the next gen, what do you think their relationships with the other next gen would be (assuming they were the younger siblings of the next gen).
This is finna be a looong one.
Obviously all the siblings love each other, and all the older siblings are protective of the little ones, so I tried not to be too repetitive with the details.
The Mills:
He has so many siblings now, oh god
Bobby is slightly more of a handful than he's used to, so he (and Lucy) keep him on his toes
Henry always asks Regina if he was like that as a kid, and her answer is always a smug "Yes"
Bobby likes spending time with Henry's other families (ie, his own and the Swan-Joneses)
Evie's a lot quieter, so he appreciates that
He's very protective of Evie specifically
She could ask him for the moon and the stars, and you know that Henry would find someway to bring them down for her.
He knows damn well that Bobby looks up to him a lot, so he tries to put on his best act when he's around
Unfortunately, he is more susceptible to The Eyes than Henry is, so Bobby ends up getting away with waaaaay more stuff with Big Bro Roland
Like Henry, he is also very protective of Evie, and will be the one who teaches her how to kill a man when she's older
Basically, Evie is their little princess, and you don't wanna fuck with her
While Evie doesn't like camping, she will tolerate it when she goes with her father, brothers, and sister.
Robyn's just glad she's not the baby anymore lol
She's the least busy of her siblings, by default of being younger, so she's the one who gets to babysit Bobby and Evie when the adults are busy
She and Bobby like to practice archery and eat dirt together or whatever it is kids do
She's never been very girly, so she and Evie have trouble bonding at times
The Nolans:
Leo likes hanging out with little kids, so he never minds babysitting Chad
He's very bossy, however, and seems to be allergic to fun, so Chad doesn't like it when he babysits
Leo can also be kind of preachy about the rules, so Chad will end up getting more lectures from Leo than their parents sometimes
Despite the minor animosity, Leo always wants to be a role model and someone to look up to for Chad
He likes to teach him sword fighting and archery, even when Chad has zero interest or skill for those things
Beck (I can't pick a name for this kid, for now it's Beck):
He and Chad go together like two peas in a pod
Beck's sarcastic outlook paired with Chad's optimism make a fully rounded duo
Beck encourages Chad to commit Crimes, and Chad is the Voice Of Reason
The Hermans/Boyds:
Alex is pretty chill with Chloe
Alex feels like a disappointment to their parents, so she is kind of worried that Chloe might be their "replacement"
Chloe basically hero-worships Alex, and dyes her hair blue like how Alex dyes theirs pink
In the future, Chloe ends up being a jock instead of a girly girl, and she and Alex bond over their mother not knowing what to do with either of them
He and Chloe argue (a lot)
Charlie hates sports, and Chloe hates boring nerd junk, so they don't get along
They are the epitome of "only I'M allowed to make fun of my sibling!" If anyone else makes fun of either of them, they get the wrath of the other one
The Briarwoods (Aurora's Family):
PJ gets along fine with both Ariana and Audrey
He and Ariana specifically love to banter back and forth, which is hilarious to witness since Ariana wins 99% of the time
He will have tea parties with Audrey and dress up like a princess, and he will slay whichever princess dress she forces on him
The girls aren't actually triplets (Ariana isn't even their sister), but they're so close in age and act so similar, that they're always called triplets
They all love princess stuff, and adore being actual princesses; they all want to move to the Enchanted Forest and have balls
When they get older, they sing a different tune, but stay close
The Swan-Joneses:
He has so many siblings now, oh god
Harriett has given Henry a lot of gray hairs; more than Bobby, almost as much as CJ
He likes playing pirate with all of the kids
He always calls Harry 'Killian Jr.'
He's the one who bought CJ her red leather coat, to be more like Emma
He spoils them so much (The Mills kids too, but Regina already spoils them a lot) and always brings them gifts when he visits
She loves having such a big family and so many little siblings
She shares her love of books with Harriett, stargazing with Harry, and painting with CJ
She's the sibling that gets sacked with babysitting duty, but she never minds
Hope is the "cool" sibling, aka, she lets them get away with more shit than Henry and Alice do
She's part of the reason CJ is Like That
For whatever reason, she's Harry's favorite sibling, which sucks for her, since she's not a fan of little kids
The Golds:
Ben is very quiet, so he'll tag along with Gideon everywhere and no one will even notice
Gideon and Ben have a book club between the two of them
He feels kind of weird that Ben still has that "my dad is the best" attitude, but doesn't have the heart to tell him the whole truth
They tell each other everything, and despite the age difference, are very close
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hollowsart · 6 months
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a meme I struggled to fit everyone into, but I think I got it!!
I didn't wanna add more to this than I already have sdkjhdf
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brokehorrorfan · 18 days
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Alex Pardee has released Doppelgängers artwork inspired by Tim Burton: Large Marge from Pee-wee's Big Adventure, Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas, and a Martian from Mars Attacks. 5x7 giclee prints are $15 each or $50 for the set of five.
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tamapalace · 7 days
they’re Louie Vuitton
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celticcatgirl2 · 7 months
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“What a SHOCKING turn of events…”
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p1325 · 3 months
OMG I'm gonna take an exam tomorrow
So Tomorrow I'm gonna take my advanced American literature. Here's a sum-up of what of some of the works I studied so far:
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Johnathan Edwards: 7 out of 10. Interesting sermon about how to let your deepest fears out. No wonder why very religious/conservative people in the US are so paranoid about everything.
Hannah Dustin's experience: 7.5 out of 10. Through three authors (Cotton Mather, John Greenleaf Whittier, and Henry David Thoreau) it displays how monstrosity is on both sides.
Herman Melville - Benito Cereno: 9 out of 10. I think the novella is an accurate depiction of its time and some elements of it aged well. If you're interested in thriller stories with some Gothic vibes about morality and complex race relations, this is the right story for you.
Henry James - Daisy Miller: 8.5 out of 10. I think Henry James has better works but I liked this story. It delves into morality, class, and gender roles set between 19th century Switzerland and Italy. Daisy Miller's character is somewhat reminiscent of the typical 19th century heroine but with an American twist. It shares many elements with The Great Gatsby tbh
F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby: 10 out of 10. Whew, what a story. The chaotic energy, melancholy, glamorous parties, and especially deception. I didn't expect this book to be this intriguing. It's no wonder why they called it 'The Great American Novel' . Funnily enough this story mirrors some elements with Beauty and the Beast and Wuthering Heights
Alex Kuo - The White Jade : 7 out of 10. Although they are short shorties, Alex Kuo could have explored the Asian American experience so much better but it is what it is. It's nice to see how he portrays the hardships and difficulties of Asian migrants in America.
Tim O'Brien - Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong and How To Tell A True War Story: 10 out of 10. Wow, The Things They Carried didn't have to go this hard. This book almost snatched my wig by how emotionally tough it was. These two stories are less emotional but more traumatic compared to the other ones.
Annie Proulx - Brokeback Mountain: 10 out of 10. I had already watched the movie years ago but wow, the short story is as heartbreaking as the movie. It's a story about the immense power of love and how pure and beautiful love is. Well done Ms. Annie Proux, Well done.
Mohja Kahf - Emails from Scheherazade: 10 out of 10. This collection of poems impressed me with the resilience and strength of the character. As a Muslim progressive woman (which might sound like a paradox to some people) she actually respects her origins without tearing anyone down and at the same time, she fights against society's prejudices. This poem collection made me think of some progressive Muslims who are torn down by both sides of society see the Far-Right in the West and Islamic societies in the Middle East. Also, one of her poems really sounds like the ultimate American experience, I'm referring to Voyage Duster If you know what I mean.
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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. #5 (Cover art by Alex Maleev)
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japrilsanatomy · 2 years
Grey’s Anatomy Poll: Day 1
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ripicarush · 2 years
Alex and Nigel but its Demian: Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend by Herman Hesse
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moviemosaics · 1 year
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directed by Alex Herron, 2022
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ald3r-wolfcak3 · 1 year
Starshine rewrite, but oh no, Starshine missing;
Lisa get a phone call middle of the night. It's Alex. As she picks up, the other girl almost screaming, Starshine went missing. Lisa running to the stables, where she meet not only with Alex but with Anne also and Mr. Herman.
They find a message on Starshine's stall. It's an adress for an abandoned Dark Core yard. Mr. Herman drive the girls to the yard. Thanks to Alex's experience to breaking into guarded placies the girls can enter the place. But as they go deeper and deeper, they have to split up, since the place way to big to search it. Of course Lisa is the one who find Starshine insode one of the buildings. The horse inside a huge cage, which protecred by a code-lock. She tries to break the code, she really tries, but she can't. She extreamly stressed out, she shaking and crying and Starshine tries to calm her down, talking to her and saying everything will be alright she lost it. She collapses to the ground and non-stop crying. She can't do anything. She lost everyone she loves and care about, she not strong enought, not talented and fuck up everything. And then, someone touchies her shoulder. It's Mr. Sands. Why is he here? The man talking, she knows the man talking but can't understand. Then, the lock open up.
"Help him" the man says as he slowly turn around and walks away "And then go...It's not the right time yet...soulrider"
Lisa enters the cage and as before at the stable, she put her hands from of her. The pink star shows up and she slowly closes her eyes. She sees a memory from her childhood. It's her mom and dad. The three of them went to riding to for a picnic. When she pens her eyes Starshine standing fron of her. She hop on his back and they left the building. Starshine is healthy and strong and even thou she riding bareback she doesn't affraid of falling down. But as they left she hear a horse behind her. It's a pure black horse, a fresian with falming hoofs. The rider wearing black cloths with a red cape, it's covering up their face. Starshine run into the woods, Lisa asking him what's happening Starshine answears;
"It's them! It's them! I don't want to die yet!"
The woods are dense and gladly they able to espace the unknown rider behind their back. As they slow down they see rune stones. It's like a meadown but with stone Lisa come down and check the stone under her feet.
It has four simple picture. Each has a human and a horse with four different symbol. One of the symbol is a star, the same star she saw when she healed Starshine.
"It's them" Starshine says "The four guardian of this island. The four champion of Aideen"
"Who is Aideen?" She asks.
"The godness who helped to cage up the monster from beyond the starts. The one who made sure man and horses to be able to bond"
"So who are the guardians"
"It's you" and Lisa sure Starshine is smiling at her "A soulrider who ride under the circle of star. Heal the injured and free the oppressed"
"And you? Who are you?"
"I am you" Starshine says "And you are me. You and I are the same soul. I am protecting you and you are protecting me. We are the embodiment of Aideen's gift. The first champion of her..."
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ouatnextgen · 16 days
Incorrect Quotes #3
Having a British friend has its perks
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(for context, Brits pronounce aluminum basically how it's done in the meme)
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 years
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Little Voice (1998) Mark Herman
December 20th 2022
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xxstxriesfromashxx · 2 months
Road Side
@xseen2muchx have a random starter
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Riding atop Tara, his dark chocolate brown mare, Abel traveled along the path leading from his ranch down to the main road, following the patterns of clues left behind from a few sheep that had strayed too far from the herd. Trotting alongside the rider and horse was a Border Collie, his best herding dog, Opie, nose close to the ground sniffing out the sheep's scent. As he neared the long stretch of the main road, his keen eyes caught sight of something - it wasn't his sheep.
Clicking his tongue softly, he steered the mare forward towards the road, Opie following close beside him despite veering off course from the scent he'd been tracking.
"Y'alright there, Miss?" Abel calls out to the woman, seemingly alone along the road side.
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julio-viernes · 1 year
Zerfas, otra de las revitalizantes golosinas sonoras de Mr. Carretero. En un principio, cosas como "You Never Win" recuerdan poderosamente a los primeros Blue Öyster Cult (y a Steppenwolf), pero engaña, más adelante el grupo tiende a un sonido más pausado, pop a veces un poco beatle - no su beatle de siempre, sino otro más aventurado y especial- en ocasiones electrónico-acústico, en otras ultra eléctrico y distorsionado, garajero- psych y hasta proggie. Zerfas fue un cuarteto de Indianapolis, IN, creado en 1969 por David y Herman Zerfas, que únicamente sacó este prensaje privado homónimo en 1973. El disco está reeditado por Guerssen.
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greekceltic · 1 year
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Alex went to bed so y'all get to help me with this.
If Herman (the ambiguous noodle) is made of yarn, and is about the same density as a squishable skein of yarn. How much does he weigh?
(He squeezes himself down to a smaller size to fit in his puppet).
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