#alexa fanfic
talaok · 1 year
Hey. I have an idea for pedro and reader
The reader's ex calls her in the middle of the night begging her back to him and the reader gets out the bedroom trying not to wake pedro up and avoid any fight but he wakes up and gets jealous and angry
Jealous Pedro is my own personal curse lol, I genuinely don’t get why you like him. But for you? Anything babes. Also, happy ending won in the poll, but thanks to an anon I've decided to write both endings bc I'm an asshole
warnings: jealousy, angst
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Oh fuck please not again.
Your phone buzzed on the nightstand, and you didn’t even need to look at the caller to know who it was.
Only one person would call you at 4:45 am. the same one that had been flooding you with texts and calls for a week now.
You had been ignoring him, telling yourself that “It’s just a phase” and “it’ll pass”, but god, had you been wrong.
You and Jason had broken up two years ago now, and casually, just when you had finally made your relationship with Pedro public, he felt the need to connect with you again.
That's not how Jason had always been, he was once caring and fun and everything you needed... until he wasn't.
He hadn't taken your breaking up with him well, and you tried to be understanding of it, god knows you had been in the same position too once or twice, your heart broken, your mind confused- but then when after two months he'd still call you crying, you decided to give him a little tough love by texting him something that could be summarized in "I know you're hurt but this is getting kind of ridiculous at this point" and by blocking him.
Somewhere after that, for some godforsaken reason, you had decided to unblock him, and to really show off your decision-making skills, you even answered the phone when he had called you last week, finding him in tears, begging for a second chance.
If you were anyone to judge, this call wasn't gonna be much different, but this story had to end at one point, and as you got up from the bed, sneaking out of the room as Pedro breathed soft snores into the air, you decided the time had come.
"Jason?" you whispered, tiptoeing to the living room.
"baby? Oh my god it's really you, I've been trying to call you"
"yeah I saw" you stated, not short of sarcasm
"Oh t-that's ok, you were busy I jus-"
"no Jason I wasn't busy, this is inappropriate"
"Wha-what are you talking about baby, I love you" 
there went the tears again
"Jason I'm sorry alright, but I don't, I have a boyfriend, I'm happy"
"no you don't understand babe I can't live without you, I love you more than life y/n, more than anything... I- I need you"
"Jason we broke up a long time ago. It's over. It has been for a while now"
"you don't mean that baby, we love each other, remember how good we were together? I know you do"
"stop calling me baby and stop calling me in general Jason. I don't love you and I don't want to get back together" Your voice raised to a whispery-yell as you got more frustrated.
"Why are you whispering- Is he there? Let me talk to him"
"why would I do that? What would you even want to tell him?"
"I'm sure I can make him understand, man to man y'konw-"
"oh shut up" you rolled your eyes "Jason stop calling me"
"but bab-"
"No. No buts, it's over. we're never getting back together. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to sleep, and I suggest you do the same"
"y/n please- I love you, I need you I-"
"goodnight Jason. Don't call me again" You didn't give him time to finish as you hung up, throwing your phone on the couch and closing your eyes as you took a very well-deserved deep breath.
Fuck this shit man.
"Who was it?"
You jumped on your feet, a shiver of fear running down your spine as you turned towards the ominous voice.
"Pedro-" you sighed, taking in his sleep-filled expression.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" he apologized, with a soft chuckle "Who were you talking to?"
"uh- don't worry, it was no one"
"I don't think it was no one if you got up at 4 in the morning to answer, did something happen?"
"no-no nothing like that, it's stupid, don't worry"
He frowned as he studied your expression, clearly confused at your secrecy.
"Who was it?"
Your eyes focused behind him at the glimpse of your room the opened door granted.
Everything was fine just 10 minutes ago...
"It was Jason"
Pedro paused a moment, taken aback by your answer
"Jason as in your ex-boyfriend Jason?" he asked "And why exactly was Jason calling you in the middle of the night?"
"it's not what you think" 
This was why you didn't want him to know.
He had a history with unfaithfulness, the woman before you had cheated on him multiple times and left him hurt and bruised, and it was hard for him to fully trust you - or anyone for that matter- after that.
you didn't want him to close off again, you trusted each other, and you feared this would have given him a reason to get back to old habits.
"It's not? 'cause it sure looks like it"
"no, let me explain-" you got closer to him.
"I'm so fucking stupid" he huffed, not listening to you 
"no you're not, just-listen to me" you said, putting a hand on his chest in an attempt to calm him down
He watched you, hurt and anger in his eyes, but he took a breath, nodding as he grumbled a "fine"
"He's been calling me for a while-"
"is that supposed to make me feel better?"
"Baby, let me talk" you reminded him, and he gave you another non-enthusiastic nod "He's been calling me since I made our relationship public, saying that he wants to get back with me and that he loves me..." you paused, glancing at the way he tightened his fists by his side "and I've been ignoring him because-" your lips turned into a soft smile as you reached for his hand "...well because I've got you, and I don't want anybody else in the world except you"
You intertwined your fingers with his and brought his hand up to your mouth to leave a quick kiss on it.
"and the only reason why I answered tonight is because I was sick of it, and I wanted to tell him once and for all that we're done because I love you, and only you Pedro" You stood on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek "I promise"
You saw the way your words affected him.
And as much as he tried to fight it, you were always the only one able to calm him down, even when his worst fear came to life. Because he loved you, but most importantly... he trusted you.
"are you telling the truth?" he finally asked, as if in his mind he wasn't praying for you to be doing just that.
He didn't want to lose you, he couldn't.
"I am baby. I swear" 
His eyes left yours for a second as he took a deep breath
"why didn't you tell me? I would have done something, I would have gone have a talk with that asshole"
You let out a small laugh
"yeah, a talk" you teased, raising your eyebrows "And besides it didn't matter, it was just a stupid thing not worth your time"
he took your other hand in his, shaking his head
"if he, or anybody else, does this again you tell me, ok?" 
As much as you wanted to joke about how many crazy exes he believed you had, you decided this wasn't the time.
"ok" you smiled "I promise"
"good" he nodded, bending down to ghost your lips "Now let's go to bed so I can remind you of a few things I'm sure I'm better at than Jason"
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or... (angst with no happy ending)
__ __ __
"It's not what you think"
"It's not? 'cause it sure looks like it"
"It was just a phone call Pedro, just let me explain"
"A phone call with your ex-boyfriend"
"yes, exactly my ex-boyfriend"
"This is unbelievable," he huffed, passing a hand through his hair in a frustrated gesture "I fucking trusted you. You made me trust you, and then... then you go screw that fucking asshole behind my back"
"I'm not screwing anybody"
"sure you aren't" he turned to walk away, but you grabbed his arm.
"Listen to me"
"To what? more lies?" he snapped 
"No Pedro I can explain if you just let me talk"
"I don't need an explanation, I know exactly what's going on, just- leave me, I'll go"
"Just like that?" you questioned "You don't even wanna hear me out for a second? You so easily lose all the trust you had in me?"
"Can you blame me?" 
"This is ridiculous, I've answered the phone to tell him to stop calling, that's the only reason why! I'm not cheating on you" you spoke, your tone getting louder "And the fact that you came to that conclusion so quickly is fucking insulting"
"right" he snickered "so you answered the phone at four in the morning to tell him to stop calling, very believable y/n" he shook his head "and to think you're a fucking actress"
"fuck you Pedro" you spat out "You know what? I deserve someone who trusts me, who lets me fucking speak and explain myself, not someone who at the first mistake throws me out like trash"
"And I deserve someone who's not a cheater. Guess we both deserve better"
"I guess we do"
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mieczyslawn · 1 month
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ★ . . . barbie core
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Omg guys, don't you love giving your own traumas to your fav ship when writing fanfics💋💋
Anyways, here is an edit of what I imagine Charles if he had religious trauma and trying to be as good a Jesus just for be loved by Sharon (me and my mom fr). Inspired by that statues of crying Virgin Mary.
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babybixon012 · 2 months
•Intimate enemies•
Summary: Maddy and Rafe always hated each other, and everything Rafe did Maddy hated and everything Maddy did Rafe hated. But deep down they love each other.
Warning: drugs, unprotected sex, verbal violence, "physical" violence, a funny but toxic relationship.
Maddy Pérez (Euphoria) Rafe Cameron (Outer banks)
Part 1
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When Maddy was 12 she went to the Outer Banks with her family. Maddy family was not poor they had plenty of money But they went to the island to get more money. At first Maddy hated this year that she will be separated from her friends, much less from New York.
Her parents were negotiating with the Cameron family, whom she did not know.
Maddy thought the banks were beautiful when I got there, but she was very proud. So she told her parents that I hate the beach, that I hate people and that she hated
But when Maddy family got closer to the Cameron family she met Sarah. And from then on, they became best friends. Everything was perfect everything was calm. Without Sara you would be nothing On that shitty island.
But you had a problem, a terrible problem that something in our But you had a problem, a terrible problem. Rafe Cameron....
Wafer was everything you hated. He was spoiled, it's unbearable if he thought he was the king of f***he was spoiled, it was unbearable if he thought he was the king (and he was) the first time you saw this one you thought That I was going to make friends with him like Sarah. But you hated the boy.
"Hi...I'm Maddy, I'm Sarah's friend" she said smiling.
" I don't care" he said, shrugging his shoulders and sucking on the ice cream.
"That's called bad manners, you know?" You said, getting irritated, even if you were a child, you already had a lot of stress.
"You're unbearable, you know? Get out of my way, Latina" You gape and take it as if it were an offense (and it was) and he walks away and leaves you freaking out with rage.
Since that day you hated Rafe. And everything he represented.
When you turned 13 years old, you went to celebrate at the Camero mansion, because the families are already very close.
You were very happy because all your friends that you liked were there. And the party was incredible. But that smile soon changed to a brave face. It was Rafe Cameron who was there. It's okay that the house was his. But why? He hated you and you hated him, so why was he there?
"Latina! Finally growing up" he says with a mischievous smile on his face.
"Screw you, you living dummy" Maddy says and rolls her
"you cursed!! You're screwed now, because I'm going to tell your mother" He laughs and runs to tell his mother. You despair. Already knowing that your mother would ground maddy.
He made her life a real chaos, but she also fought back a lot. There was the time she put three eggs in a bucket and whoever entered (in this case Rafe) the eggs would fall on their head.
And so it was done, the eggs fell on Rafe's head, legend has it that he is cracking the eggs to this
But anyway. You two were like cats and dogs, you fought over everything, you argued over everything, you were horrible to each other.
•Current days•
There were maddy and Sarah in the pool. You two were sunbathing.
"Hey, you know that boy I told you about?" Sarah says biting her nails. Kind of silly.
"yes....that John B, the king of the Pogues." You talk while lying down facing the sun. She didn't have any prejudice against people who were poor, but sometimes you made fun of them, because the Pogues weren't poor either Easy to get along with.
"Yes, he is! He asked me on a date" she says smiling at the sky. And at that moment she realized that her friend was in love.
"go friend, go on that date. You deserve better" maddy were referring to Topper, you were the friend, but you knew that he and Sarah didn't work out together.
"We ran out of soda. Shit, that was the last package in the freezer, I'm going to have to go buy it" Sarah says with a snort.
"Come on, and please don't take long, I want to tell you about my new Fiante" Maddy gives a mischievous smile and so does Sarah.
Sarah, I left, and you were looking at your cell phone, since you had nothing to do. Until....
"new Stayer? Who's the brave one?" He speaks in a "surprised" tone and is clearly insulting you. you huff and take a deep breath.
"You know Rafe, I went to therapy and I want to stay calm, that is, I won't pay attention to your insults" you say smiling with pure mockery and go back to your cell phone.
Clearly Rafe wasn't expecting this, but he was going to make you mad. And he was going to make it.
"Clearly I wasn't expecting all this calm." He knows you hate being called Latina by Rafe Cameron. She twist in anger and go straight for his neck.
Rafe couldn't stop laughing when you tried to choke him. You were shorter than him so it made it a little difficult.
"You're an idiot! You idiot! You weakling" she said, shouting while jumping on his neck.
Until the two of you lose your balance and fall together. For the first time Maddy could see Rafe's eyes this close, and they were beautiful. While Rafe smelled Maddy, he wanted that smell Forever.
" You're an idiot, Rafe Cameron," Maddy says, trying to get angry, but their eyes were mesmerized by Rafe's.
And the two of you were still lying on the floor, until you took the initiative to get up, but at the last second, in the second half. Rafe kisses she, kisses you with desire, kisses you with desire.
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At first you didn't give in, but then you gave in to him. Rafe holds Maddy's waist. As she lets out a moa.
Until she snaps and stops kissing him desperately. "Rafe! What the fuck are we doing?" Maddy say pushing him and looking around to see if anyone saw him.
"Just enjoy your adolescence?" Rafe says, pretending to be innocent and you roll your eyes.
"For starters, you're not a teenager, you're already 18!" Rafe pretends to be shocked. "And the last thing I want is to enjoy my adolescence with she, your daddy's boy" she says, taking her things, to enter the Cameron mansion.
Rafe saw you going out in that bikini that was making him hard and crazy. And that kiss only made Rafe's day better. Rafe didn't hate she, for him to hate is a very strong word, he just didn't like maddy. He also loved making her mad, as a child.
Maddy enters the Cameron house agitatedly, and she ends up bumping into Sarah, with sodas in hand.
"what the fuck maddy, what planet are you on?" Sarah speaks and you give a slight smile... a little suspicious.
"I'm sorry Sarah, I hadn't seen you" she says, still nervous and Sarah finds her friend's behavior strange.
"Is everything okay with you?" Sarah says and Maddy rolls her
"So Sarah stop being annoying, I'm great! I'm going home, okay?" She speaks clearly trying to get away from Rafe, who was looking in their direction.
"But weren't you going to tell me about your new boyfriend? What about soft drinks?" Sarah He says looking at Maddy confused. And the more Maddy and Sarah prolonged their conversation, Rafe became closer.
I'm feeling crampy, at the party tonight I'll tell you everything! Bye friend, I love you " Maddy says practically running, and bumps into Rafe's chest, which was muscular and strong. Rafe gives a smile. And Maddy whispers Some pest. Maddy finally leaves the Cameron mansion and Sarah is still shocked by her friend's behavior.
"why the fuck did she act like that?" Sarah speaks loudly. And the rafe leans against On the counter
"I don't know, you always bring your crazy friends to our house" Rafe says, turning his back. And Sarah swears something.
Rafe didn't like Maddy, "fact" but she wouldn't leave his head. Why?
And he was looking forward to seeing you, because Sarah was having a party that night and Maddy would definitely go. So Rafe would be there.
The party had barely started and Sarah and Rafe's house was full. She had Pogues and she had Kooks too. And Maddy was there, perfect as always. She was dancing with a random man, and oddly enough, Rafe only had eyes for you that night.
And Sofia, who was Rafe's "girlfriend", noticed that her boyfriend only looked at Maddy's ass. She just freaked out.
Sarah had gone to the bathroom area, until she heard Sofia and other Kooks girls, talking bad about Maddy. Sarah just ran to tell Maddy
"Maddy!!!" Sarah screamed trying to get closer to you and passes through the crowd. "Maddy, you don't know what Sofia and the other girls are saying against you" Sarah said trying to catch her breath.
"What the fuck are they talking about me Sarah?" Maddy says, and I frown.
"I think it's better for you to see it with your own eyes" Sarah says, half laughing, as she knows the future of this fight.
"with pleasure" Maddy says, leaving the guy she was with, and going after Sofia. And suddenly, she has a group of people following Maddy, sure to watch the fight.
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Arriving there, Maddy found several girls around Sofia, laughing and gossiping about something. Maddy gives a smile and approaches Sofia. And Sofia noticed that she had several people around In other words, Maddy would beat her up
"So Sofia, what are you talking about me, you stupid little bitch" Maddy says and Sofia swallows hard. She knew she couldn't handle a fight with Maddy, because Maddy was a quarrelsome person And smash any dirty girl that gets in his way.
"Look Maddy, I don't want to argue with you, I'm not going to make a big show" Sofia says leaving, probably very scared, Sucker.
"Poor Maddy, I think she's scared of you" Sarah says teasingly and people scream. Maddy just laugh
"Afraid of a slut that catches everyone?" Everyone goes crazy when Sofia says that. Sarah knew that Maddy would reach her "crazy" state when she heard that.
"What did you call me?" Maddy says in a whisper. Maddy approaches Sofia and gets closer to her face "what did you call me, you fucking whore" Maddy shouted at her. The girl She was practically crying, Maddy was making her scared.
Until Rafe appears, and is amazed and trying to understand what is happening.
"What the fuck is going on here?" Rafe says, getting close to Maddy and Sofia. Maddy didn't even look at him, she just looked at Sofia.
"The maddy who murders me " Sofia says trying to get some kind of remorse from Rafe, but she doesn't get anything.
"I think you better calm down Maddy " Rafe says trying to calm the situation. And he also puts his hands on Maddy's shoulders, to give her support.
He didn't know why he was doing it, just that he felt like he had to do it.
"Shut up Rafe! It's my business with her" Maddy shouts, already pointing her hand in Sofia's face.
"Leave me alone Maddy" Sofia says trying to run, but gets caught by Maddy pulling her hair.
"Next time you don't answer me and turn your back on me, you'll regret it!" Maddy says, pulling her hair even more. And everyone screamed And Rafe was excited by that.
"that's enough maddy, leave the girl" Rafe says and Maddy obeys, and Sofia leaves completely humiliated. And everyone started shouting Maddy.
And that filled her ego. Until Rafe grabs Maddy's arm and takes her to the corner.
"I think we need to repeat that kiss" Rafe says, caressing Maddy's back, as she was very close to him.
"Don't you hate me Rafe Cameron?" Maddy says using that seductive tone of hers. And Rafe gets tougher about it
"and maybe I hate you, but I didn't say I hated you when it came to sex" Rafe says, getting closer to her mouth. And Maddy gets very close to his mouth too.
"so you're inviting me to have sex with you?" Maddy says with her lips very close to Rafe's.
"yes, that outfit of yours is driving me crazy, and you're driving me crazy" when Rafe says that, he immediately tries to kiss Maddy, but Maddy refuses
"I would never have sex with Rafe Cameron, I won't fall for that weakling curse" says Maddy, looking at Rafe with a look of contempt.
Rafe is filled with rage, almost grabbing her by force. But he exhales and looks furious.
"Sofia was right about you Madalena Pérez, you're a shit whore" Rafe says with a bitter tone, and oddly enough, Maddy was upset?
"Your opinion is the same as wind for me" Maddy speaks last and then leaves.
Maddy was so angry with Rafe that she ended up falling for her ex-boyfriend. JJ Maybank
"pay attention, babe" says JJ, recovering from the fall. Maddy and JJ dated for 1 year and 4 memes, but you broke up because of JJ's friends, who didn't approve of you guys. And JJ only listened to his friends and left Maddy aside, because of them.
"Screw you JJ" Maddy says, and JJ realizes that she wasn't cool.
"Did something happen, babe?" Jj says, approaching her. And Maddy looks down, it looks like she doesn't mean to say anything. "Do you want to talk somewhere else?" Maddy nods.
Part 2?
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dragonfly0808 · 6 months
Happy New Year!!! New Chapter!
So, I’m still on hiatus, but I wanted to give yall a little gift to kick off the new year so…
Chapter 14: Just Kids Caught in the Crossfire
Is out now!!!
This chapter is the one to kick off our first arc: Generation Why (Talk About How Fast We Grew) which will focus on… Stella, Timmy and Aisha!!!
And we will also have a surprise appearance of a certain character from s3…
Happy 2024!!!
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diaphene · 21 days
apprentice darth maul x escort!reader
its 12 am, im supposed to be asleep & i want you to suffer with me
intriguing idea of palpatine hiring an escort for maul bc his urges are starting to become … too much
either it would be a home visit or maul would be instructed to go to the brothel and then return immediately afterwards
he would admit, he was a little excited
connecting with someone new? physically? a strange warmth he gets to feel.. touch.. experience
the concept is extremely foreign to him, to the point where he started to become hesitant
but you are so patient & kind to help ease his nerves … there’s no way he wouldn’t have an intense attachment to you
he thought about you constantly
it was distracting him in his training
he couldn’t get enough, and he refused to see anyone else .. sometimes sneaking out to visit you twice in one day ..
he swore to himself he would make you his
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gaysullengirl · 10 days
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❝ i'm tired of feeling like im fucking crazy. ❞
- lana del rey, ride
    "Reid." Hotch narrowed his eyes at him, "I apologize." Hotch continued.
"I don't." Spencer mumbled, just loud enough for Isabelle to hear, she bit her lip to stop a laugh from slipping out.
"We've heard those phrases before When we interview school shooters." Isabelle explained to the oblivious counselor.
Emily rushed into the room, "Jordan was the motive for Kyle Borden, it was revenge."
"I need to speak to the boys who made this video immediately."
"I'll check their class schedules." The counselor scrambled to his computer to find out, his face dropped immediately, "What is it?"
"None of them show up at school."
The local police station smelled of finger printing ink and old coffee, Isabelle enjoyed the smell, it reminded her of when she was a detective for the nypd.
The team heard the familiar sound of Garcia urgently typing on her computer through the phone call, "He deleted everything but the one mpeg." She sighed.
"I'm walking Morgan through retrieving what he put in the trash, but-"
"We've got three missing kids, Garcia, we need access to Owen's E-Mail." Hotch clenched his jaw.
"The kid is tech savvy, sir, but fret not, I am tech savvier!" She exclaimed, "Is that a word? That sounds like a word, if it is a word, I am it!"
"Two alienated kids, no maternal presence, dysfunctional relationships with dominating fathers who with held love, they were made for each other." Rossi said.
Emily shook her head, "Mm, as lovers, yes, but partners in crime, no."
"There's nothing in Jordan's profile that indicates she's capable of violence, and certainly not murder."
"A new mpeg just posted to the school social networking site." Garcia breathed heavily, "He- you need to see this."
A video popped up on the screen, it was of three boys, all on their knees while their hands were on their head infront on a lake.
"It was a joke, man!" One of the boys said, "We didn't mean anything by it!" Another boy shouted, "It was 3 years ago, no one even remembers it." The last boy argued.
"I do." A voice behind the camera said.
"No, owen!" "Don't! Don't!" "Please! No-" The three boys pleaded, they were cut off by gunshots ringing out.
"Garcia, is there any way to trace the mpeg to the computer that sent it?"
"Once you've heard the profile, you'll understand." Jj told the officers that were gathered around.
Hotch, Rossi, and Spencer went to the scene where the boys were killed and figured out Owen was collecting injustices- the perfect revenge.
"We are wasting time, Owen is here, and we should be knocking on doors." An officer argued. 
"It's not a good idea." "And why is that?" "Because Owen's watching, he's monitoring the news, right now, he thinks you think he's gone, he feels safe."
"If we start knocking on doors, he's gonna know that he's not, he's gonna feel trapped."
"Why the hell should we care about this little bastard's feelings?" Another officer chimed in.
Isabelle gritted her teeth, "We're here to help you bring in Owen Savage with minimum loss of life, the profile tells us how to do that, if all you're gonna do is bitch and complain then you can leave." She scoffed.
Spencer smiled at her, "Owen Savage fits the profile of a type of school shooter known as an injustice collector, he's trying to avenge perceived wrongs."
"If he's a school shooter, why hasn't he hit the school yet?"
"Jordan. Most of these guys are so angry and hopeless, they just want to kill as many people as possible then commit suicide." Emily explained.
"But Jordan gives him a reason to live."
Isabelle glanced at Spencer 'He gives me a reason to live.' She thought.
Isabelle hated that in so twisted way she related to Owen- she almost felt bad for him in a way.
Growing up in a small town and constantly being the outsider- no matter how hard he tried to fit in and find the acceptance of his peers he never did.
"Otherwise he's a textbook case, his life was one torment after another, his teachers gave up on him, his classmates bullied him, and his father blamed him while giving him access to guns." Spencer said.
"Given these conditions, you're actually quite fortunate." He added.
"It sounds like you're saying these victims deserved this."
"We're not, nobody deserves this." Derek said.
"But you could have prevented it." Spencer lowered his eyes at the officer.
"Reid, can I talk to you?" Hotch said, it was framed as a question but was more of a statement.
The two walked into an empty conference room only a few moments later they exited, Spencer stormed to the exit of the precinct.
Isabelle walked over to Hotch, "He's going to the Savages' residence." Hotch whispered, his eyes still focused on Spencer.
"Can I go with him?" She asked, Hotch's eyes darted to her face, profiling her.
"It's just- his room was really interesting and insightful, his mirror was painted over indicating severe self hatred-" "You can go." Hotch cut her off.
Isabelle quickly ran to the parking lot, getting into the suv parked outside.
"What are you doing?" Spencer asked, "I'm going with you. Hotch said I could."
Spencer just nodded and started driving.
A few minutes into the drive he turned to Isabelle, "I know what it's like to be afraid of your own mind." He admitted.
Isabelle immediately faced him, "I'm not." She lied, she wasn't just trying to convince him but herself as well.
Isabelle hated feeling crazy, when her feeling controlled her rather than her controlling them.
"I've seen the way you've been reacting this whole case." He looked to her.
"Isa, honey, I know you."
authors note!
sorry for the short chapter, next one will be longer trust🤞also i'm finally done with my school year so more consistent updates are afoot!
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myfavoritesstuff · 1 month
WWE Women
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⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺
Rhea Ripley
Nothing yet
Liv Morgan
Nothing yet
Alexa Bliss
Nothing yet
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺
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bright-molina · 1 year
[ 📲 sms: ]  you're my favorite veggie. a cute-cumber! with ethan OR chad 🥰
LISTEN my chad meeks martin brainrot is so bad he’s so silly i love him
i was writing this and an entire set of drunk!chad lore came to mind, he’s so incredibly grabby and affectionate when he’s drunk you can’t tell me otherwise he’s so precious :’)
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send me a text and a scream character!!
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still-with-you · 2 years
It ain't a secret (You're Made for Us) - Finan x Reader x Sihtric
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A/N: This wasn't supposed to be this long but I guess I got carried away... Anyways, I hope you enjoy this mess as much as I enjoyed writing it. It was inspired by this text post. Please, if you see any mistake, don't doubt on telling me!
Summary: Finan and Sihtric have feelings for you, but you can't choose between them.
Pairings: Finan x Reader; Sihtric x Reader; Finan x Reader x Sihtric.
Warnings: Plot? Never heard of it. SMUT. There's an intention of SA (but nothing happens, don't worry), brief mentions of blood, unprotected sex, fingering, dirty talking, rough sex, hair pulling, light choking, spanking, oral (m & f), threesome (mmf), light pain kink (I guess?).
Enjoy ✨ and let me know what you think ❤
It wasn't a secret.
It wasn't a secret that every time Sihtric came back from a mission, he brought you flowers. You couldn't not be happy to see him well after God knows what dangers he encountered. He always gave you his sweetest smile as his double-colored eyes sparkled. Your little hut was decorated with his little gifts, warming your heart every time you looked at them.
It wasn't a secret either that you were on Finan's sight. Osferth had to grab him so he can keep walking and stop staring and smirking at you. You always play dumb, but you know. You could see him. And you could feel how your heart stammered in your chest.
None of you three made an actual move. Until one day, when you were walking back to your hut, a drunk man grabbed you and pushed you to the nearest wall. With your face pressed against it, you were screaming for him to stop. Tears started to fall when he pulled your dress up and his unwanted hands touched your legs and above.
And that's when he appeared.
In a second you were free and Finan was on top of the man destroying his face with his fists. You could barely get out of your shock when he stood up, gave him a warning that if he ever touched you or any women again he would kill him, and before turning to you, he spat on him.
His wounded and calloused hands covered in blood cupped your face gently. His thumbs brushing away your tears.
'(y/n), look at me... Are you okay?', with worry present in his voice, he searched for your eyes.
'I am now, thank you so much Finan… If you hadn't appeared, I- I don't know what would have happened', you cried.
'I am here now, and nothing will happen to you, don't worry, (y/n)', he reassured you.
You gave him a small smile, and took his wrists on your hands. 'Your hands…', you said as you pulled them away from your face and saw the bloody and swollen knuckles, 'let me take care of them, it's the least I can do'.
It's nothing, he could have answered. He had worse. Much worse. But he accepted your offer. He couldn't say no to you. That's why now, he was sitting in your bed, in your hut, and you were on your knees cleaning and bandaging his hands.
'Ready', you smiled looking up at him, 'I think you'll live'.
'I'm glad to hear that', he said smiling at you, crinkles appearing near his eyes.
And your heart jumped in your chest. You froze there. You couldn't move nor said anything, like he has just put you under a spell. You were just staring at his face as he flashed you his sweetest smile. He caressed your cheek and put a strand of hair behind your ear. You could see how his eyes went from your eyes to your lips. You stayed still when he got closer to your face and felt his soft lips against yours.
The kiss was slow and sweet. It seemed like he was containing himself, as if you would say no to him and push him away. But you didn't. You responded the kiss. Your arms circled around his neck, bringing him closer to you, his hands going to your waist as you moved forward, causing you both to fall onto the bed.
You have seen him coming back from battles and missions covered in blood and dirt. Along with other girls, you have also seen him washing himself at the river. His muscular and full-of-scars body was a wonder to you. And now, you have seen him almost killing a man with his bare hands. But the way he was touching you was like you were made of crystal. Even though his kisses were hot and needy, and his touch desperate to feel more skin, you felt nothing but love and tenderness, your body burning, aching for him more and more each second that passed by.
He took your clothes off slowly. He was taking his time with you, giving attention to every part of your body, stealing breath-taking kisses from you every now and then. You wanted to take his clothes off pretty quickly you might say. He only chuckled and helped you do it.
He didn't even touched you were you needed the most, but you were already moaning desperately his name. The combination of lips, tongue, beard and hands were way too good.
As he was devouring your mouth, muffling the noises you were making, you felt his hand going down your body. His index finger teased your wet folds and you threw your head back, gasping loudly. He grinned at you. You gripped his forearm, hard.
'Feelin' a little bit eager, love?', he asked, enjoying seeing you like that. His finger kept teasing your folds.
'God, yes... Shit, Finan... Please, just-', you mumbled moving your hips, trying to get him inside of you.
You let out a loud moan feeling his finger slid in. He kissed your cheek and jaw, never looking away, trying to remember every single detail of you. He then slid another finger, pumping them in and out of you at a slow pace.
He kept kissing you, his mouth now on your neck and then lower to your chest. When you felt his mouth over one of your breasts, your back arched and when his tongue licked your nipple and then closed around it, you gripped your hand that was tangled in his hair, letting out a loud moan of his name.
When he went to your other breast to give it the same amount of attention, you felt his thumb pressing and circling your bundle of nerves. You jerked your hips, squirming under him.
'I've been… Waiting for this moment... For so long', he said between kisses on the skin between your breasts, his fingers teasing your walls.
'Finan', you whimpered. You needed him to stop all of this. You want him inside of you. Now.
'I can't wait to be buried deep inside of ya, love', he murmured in your ear after leaving a trail of kisses on your neck and jaw.
'I can't wait either', you said out of breath. He smirked and pulled his fingers out of you. You groaned but you knew that what was coming was definitely better.
He positioned himself at your entrance and slowly, torturously slowly slid inside of you. He was... Big. And thick. You felt how the stretching burned, the sensation making you shut your eyes.
He saw your expression and stopped.
'No, please... Keep going', you begged, your hips moving towards him. He let out a chuckle and kept going. When he was completely inside of you, both of you moaned and he leaned over you to kiss you. You wrapped your legs around his waist, your hands cupped his cheeks.
'You are so thight, love', he grunted over your lips.
He started to move, going in and out of you at a steady, slow and sensual pace, pining your hands above your head with his hands, intertwining fingers.
Between his grunts, kisses and sweet nothings he whispered in your ear, you were moaning his name over and over again, getting closer to your high. He noticed that and sped out his pace, never missing that spot inside you that makes cry out in pleasure.
It didn't take long for both of you to come together at the same time.
He snuggled his face in your neck. 'I just want to make sure... This isn't a dream, right?', he said panting, before resting his forehead on yours. 'No, I'm quite sure this is real', you chuckled softly, smiling and brushing your nose with his. 'Thank God' he sighed, smiling. He then gave you a kiss and pulled out of you, gaining a little groan from your part.
He got up of the bed. You were still trying to even out your breathing when he came back with a cloth and started cleaning you. You blushed suprised at his action as you looked at him.
'I think... I'll have to change the bandages on your hand', you said softly, noticing how they weren't so neat as before.
He smiled. 'Ya can do that in the mornin'. When he saw your astonished face he added, 'If ya want me to stay'.
'Yes... I- I want you to stay', you murmured, reaching for his hand that was on your thigh.
He squeezed it and then left the dirty cloth in the night stand. He got closer to you and wrapped his arms around your body, pulling you closer to his chest. As you snuggled and left small kisses on his neck, he covered both of you with the sheets. Your fingers lazily drew circles in his back, feeling some of the scars there. You placed feather-light kisses on the ones that were on his chest. You felt his hands playing with the ends of your hair as he gave you kisses on your head. You don't know when, but you fell asleep peacefully in his arms.
A few days have passed by since that night. You haven't seen Finan since then. Uhtred gave him a mission and he went off, of course.
But you weren't exactly alone.
Sihtric have taken advantage of his absence. Sometimes, he would walk with you to wherever you are going, and talk about your day or about some of his spying missions. You haven't seen him today, though.
In the evening, you decided to go to the alehouse and you spotted him and Osferth in one of the tables. They saw you too, and they called you to join them. You decided to sit beside Sihtric.
As the night passed by, you noticed how his hand that was resting on your knee... Was now a little bit higher on your thigh... Then little bit more... Until it rested up on your inner thigh, dangerously close to your core. He gave it a little squeeze and you grabbed his wrist, turning your face to see him right in the eye. His intentions were written all over his face, sparkling eyes and a little smirk on his lips. With the alcohol in your system you got a little bit more confident, and you moved your body closer to him snuggling your face in his neck. His hand squeezed your thigh again.
Osferth cleared his throat. 'I think... Lord Uhtred is calling me', he said standing up. Both of you chuckled as you watched him leave the place. Then, your eyes locked. Your gazes confirmed that both of you were thinking the same.
Sihtric was different from Finan. He was... Rough. The kisses have started as something sweet, as you went to one of the rooms upstairs in the alehouse, but now your body was trapped between the wall as he gave you a bruising kiss, his hands were gripping your hips, yours were tangled in his hair. His thigh was between yours, giving some friction to your clothed core. You could barely breath.
When he finally let go of your lips they were already red and swollen. He smirked at you as one of his hand circled your waist and the other went to the back of your head, his hand grabbed a handful of your hair and tug it, leaving your neck exposed. He sucked and bit the skin on your pulse point until he was content with the mark he left there. You moaned his name and gripped his hair. He growled and gave a lick on the sensitive skin.
'I want you so bad', he murmured low in your ear, his hands going up and down your sides.
You shivered. 'I want you, too', you answered breathless.
You kissed again. Clothes were gone pretty fast. You were moaning, his hands exploring desperately each part of your body. You tangled up your fingers in his hair, gripping and giving little tugs from time to time, gaining some grunts and moans from his part.
When both of you were finally naked, he pushed you to bed, and you squealed surprised. With his strong hands, he grabbed you and turned you around. Now you were laid on your stomach. With all of his body flushed against your back, he was kissing, licking and biting the skin of your shoulders and back. You could feel his hard cock against the back of your thigh.
He separated from you, standing on the floor near the bed. His fingers held your hips bones with such force, you were sure you’ll have bruises in the morning. He yanked you closer to him and to the edge of the bed. Your ass was up, giving him a good view of you. He spanked your ass cheek and you moaned in pain. And in pleasure. He hit your other ass cheek, leaving a red mark. He massage and squeeze them. Then, you felt him tease your entrance and he was in. He wasn't as thick as Finan but he was longer, reaching deeper inside of you.
As he rammed into you, you started moaning his name and curses, grabbing the sheets so hard, your knuckles were white. You couldn't help but to think that this nice, sweet and quiet boy who brought you flowers every now and then could be like this. You like it, though. But it was… Surprising. You also were surprised at his body. Big, muscular arms and chest, ripped abs, toned thighs, he was definitely a sight.
'Shit (y/n), you feel so good', he grunted. You realized that some tears have fallen from your eyes and you were drooling on the sheets. You're voice was lost in the sound of skin against skin that was echoing in the room. Either way it wasn't a coherent sentence, each time his hips snapped against your ass it took you closer to the edge.
One of his arms circled around your shoulders, lifting you and bringing you closer to him, your back resting on his chest, your hands finding support on his forearm. His another arm went lower on your body, his hand reaching to your bundle of nerves. His brutal pace never stopped.
'I can feel you're close', Sihtric growled in your ear. He placed a kiss on your cheek. 'Come for me, (y/n)'.
Soon after that, all of it became too much and you came, moaning his name and shaking uncontrollably in his arms. He kept going in and out of you, his fingers still circling your clit. After a few more thrusts he came inside of you.
You stayed in that position, catching your breath. His hand going up and down your sides, giving you kisses on your jaw and cheek. He pulled out of you, and helped you lay in bed, your head resting on the pillow. You felt how your legs were actually numb, your body protesting at every little move you wanted to make.
Sihtric laid next to you, letting out a satisfied huff as he relaxed, wrapping an arm around you. 'You were so good', he praised and you hummed beaming at his words. He reached for your chin to pull you in for a kiss. 'Are you alright, darling?', he asked softly looking at your eyes after he separated.
You nodded. 'I'm more than alright, dear', you answered smiling, getting closer to give him another kiss. Then you rested your head on his chest, and his hand rubbed random patterns in your back. In seconds you fell asleep in his embrace.
Two days passed since that night with Sihtric. And Finan just came back from his mission. You heard that he was alright and you felt a feeling of relief washing over you.
That sensation didn't last long.
It was replaced for guilt. You are now feeling pressured to decide between them. But how? Both of them were extremely handsome, and remembering the nights you spend with them made you ache for more. You also couldn't help but to notice the duality of them. On the one hand, Finan was known for his temperament. He was one of the scariest man on battle. You still remember how he destroyed that man's face to protect you. But in bed? He tortured you in the most slowly and delicious way, taking his time and touching you like you were the most precious thing in the world.
On the other hand, Sihtric. A quiet man, who brought you flowers and made you company on the boring journey of your daily life, looking at you like you were the most important person in his life. And in bed, he was a beast. In a good way. In a really good way. You remembered that you could barely move the next day.
Will they get angry at you for bedding both of them? You were worried and couldn't make up your mind.
That night, you went to the alehouse and saw them there.
Sihtric, Finan and Osferth.
You turned around ready to leave but the Irishman's eyes caught you. As always.
'(y/n), come here!', Finan yelled from their table. You froze in your spot. Slowly turning around, you saw him there, standing up, smiling, opening his arms as he expected you to run at him.
You smiled shyly and got closer to where they were. Sihtric said hello to you. His eyes looked at yours, traced your face with his gaze until he reached to your neck. It took you two seconds to realize that he was looking at the mark that was still visible. You felt your face get warm. You put your hair over your shoulders, trying to get it covered.
You forced yourself to stop looking at him and give Finan an answer. As you sat beside Osferth, as you said that you were happy to see him unharmed.
'My hands are also okay now, thanks to ya', he winked at you with a smug grin appearing on his lips. You felt your face on fire. Your eyes going between both men that sat in front of you. They also had their eyes glued to you. You felt like you were going to explode, heart racing in your chest. You didn't know what to do. Poor Osferth, he was trapped between the wall and you. He could feel the tension, same as you.
Luckily, a girl brought more jugs of ale. You grabbed one and chugged the content much too fast. You could feel that they were amused by your reaction, but they started talking like you weren't there.
You still felt nervous, fidgeting with the sleeves of your dress. Your eyes looking everywhere except them because if you do, you'll remember the nights you spent with them and how their hands and mouths felt on your skin, their voices and what they have told you, how it felt to fall sleep next to them...
Your thoughts were interrupted by a fight that broke out between two or more drunks, you weren't sure. The boys stood up quickly on their feet to end it up, and you took your chance to walk away from there.
It didn't take long for them to find you, though. They knew were you lived. Near your door, they called your name.
The three of you were in your hut... And you could cut the tension with a knife. You were about to say something stupid as if they want water or something, when Finan talked.
'I know it', he said firmly, his arms crossed on his chest.
Your brain froze. 'You know...?', you asked hoping it wasn't what you were thinking.
'Ya slept with him', he said moving his head, pointing to where Sihtric was standing. The Dane was frowning, looking at you.
'I-', you tried to talk, even though you didn't know what to say.
'Yes, (y/n). Ya slept with him, while I wasn't here', Finan stated.
Your eyes opened like plates. They got angry at you. You should have known.
You weren't sure what to say, your mouth was opening and closing.
'Now that ya had fun... Did ya make a decision?', he asked seriously.
The men looked at you expectantly, you looked back at them with wide eyes, taken aback from his question. You took a step back when Finan got closer to you. His hand reached for your cheek and you closed your eyes, only to open them a second later and find him even closer to your face. And he kissed you. You sighed in his mouth and responded the kiss, circling your arms around his neck. You've missed him.
Then you felt another pair of lips in your neck and another pair of hands on your waist. You made a surprised moan on Finan's mouth. You left one hand on his hair and with the other, reached for Sihtric’s nape.
'Did you make a decision?', Sihtric repeated the question, whispering over the skin of your neck.
You separated from Finan's mouth and he started to kiss your jaw, feeling the familiar tickling of his beard on your skin. You really, really... Tried to speak, but their hands and lips were making it very hard. Your mind was fogging and you could feel yourself getting wet.
'Or do you want us both?', Sihtric asked low in your ear, running his hands on your sides as Finan licked the mark you had on your neck.
'Do ya want me and Sihtric... to take ya right here, love?, He whispered, and waited for your answer looking directly at your eyes.
'Oh my God...', you moaned. You knew the answer. 'Yes, God, I want you both', you said breathlessly.
Their lips were on your skin again. Finan cupped your cheeks and kissed you hungrily. The next minute you turned your face to Sihtric, his lips on yours in no time.
You kept kissing them. From time to time a piece of clothing hit the floor, as you moved closer to your bed. Hands and lips where giving attention to every inch it was getting exposed. In the room the only sounds that can be heard were kisses and occasional moans and praises.
When there wasn't more clothes to take off, Sihtric pushed you onto the bed. As you laid there, they took their time to appreciate your body, eyes getting dark with lust. You felt yourself getting wetter and rubbed your legs together in anticipation as you looked at them. You felt Finan massaging your knee and Sihtric laid next to you.
'Spread your legs for Finan, darling', he murmured in your ear.
Your legs fell open and Finan got to his knees. Not breaking the eye contact with you, he held your hips. 'I'm goin' to taste ya, love', he said accent thick with want, and brought his mouth to your core.
You gasped when you felt him licking your slit. Your back arched and your hands instinctively went to his hair to bring him closer. Taking advantage of your open mouth, Sihtric's tongue entered easily. One of his hands grabbed your throat and the other, your hair, holding you in place as you kept moaning and squirming under their touch. When Sihtric separated from you, he saw your red and swollen lips, just like the other night.
He kissed your shoulder as his hands played with your breasts. 'Is Finan making you feel good, darling?', he murmured on your skin. You could feel he was smirking. You nodded vehemently and moaned a 'yes' that was followed by Finan's name as he lapped and sucked your clit. Sihtric chuckled and devoured your mouth again.
A few moments later, you felt Finan's mouth leave your cunt, and start giving you soft kisses on your inner thighs. Your head was spinning: the difference between the roughness and the softness, was driving you crazy. Your hands tried to grab Finan’s hair to bring him back where you needed him, but he took them instead, intertwined fingers and stopped the kisses. You whined on Sihtric's mouth and he finally let go of your lips, only to change his position.
Now, his hard cock was in front of your face.
'Use that pretty mouth of yours on Sihtric, love', Finan said as he buried his face in you again, letting your hands go, and holding your hips in place.
You changed positions too, trying to be more comfortable to do as you've been told. As you wrapped your lips and sucked Sihtric's cock, Finan kept licking and sucking you.
'Good girl', Sihtric growled when he hit the back of your throat. His grip on your hair tightening and hips thrusting in your mouth as reflex.
If this kept going you were sure you weren't going to last much.
Finan knew that. He stopped.
You whined around the Dane's cock, feeling your orgasm being taken away. He pulled out of your mouth and the two men exchanged some looks and started to move. Finan laid on the bed and he made you a sign with his hands, calling you so you can get on top of him. You started to kiss passionately until you felt the bed dipping behind you. Soon, Sihtric's hands were on your hips yanking you to him. You pulled away from Finan's mouth and left open-mouth kisses down his body until you got to the place Sihtric needed you to be... And it was really close to the Irishman's cock.
He teased your folds, positioning himself, and he buried his cock inside you. Finan smirked as he watched how your eyes rolled back as you let out a loud moan. He caressed your cheek as he watched Sihtric ramming into you, hearing the sound of skin against skin echoing in the room. You opened your eyes aware that you had something more to do. You took Finan's cock in your hand, hot and heavy and wrapped your lips around its head. You felt his fingers tangling up in your hair as he let out a moan.
Taking what you could in your mouth, you bobbed your head trying to go deeper. When he hit the back of your throat, Finan talked with a low, raspy voice.
'Look how beautiful ya are... Taking both of our cocks', you moaned around him, 'such a good girl', he growled and you moaned again.
'Shit', Sihtric moaned, feeling you clench your walls around him. One of his hands pressed flat on your lower back and started going up following your spine. He leanead a little bit on your body, until he reached your nape and pushed down your head, causing you to take more of Finan's cock in your mouth. You couldn't breath as he was buried deep in your throat, your nose touching his pubic hair.
'Sweet Jesus Christ', Finan threw his head back and Sihtric smirked. Then he grabbed a handful of your hair and yanked back. Your back arched and your head went back, strings of saliva breaking as you were separated from Finan's cock.
'I can feel you're close, darling... But, don't come yet', Sihtric grunted.
You whined and closed your eyes, moaning Sihtric's name with a hoarsed voice. Finan sat on the bed, his face was in front of yours. He brushed softly the tears that were falling from your eyes, some drops of sweat from your temple and the saliva from your chin. He then cupped your face and reached for your mouth. The kiss was... Messy, sinful. You couldn't describe it in any other way.
Moments later, Sihtric's thrusts became erratic and he came inside of you moaning your name. He gave you a kiss on your back and he pulled out, sitting behind you, catching his breath. You collapsed over Finan's body, he hugged you and both of you collided on the bed. You were clenching your walls at nothing, feeling frustrated at the loss of contact, your orgasm being taken away once again.
But, you knew this wasn't the end. You stayed on top of Finan's chest catching your breath while he brushed carefully your tangled hair. 'Are ya okay there, love?', he asked you. You nodded looking up at him, and moved up to kiss him. You moaned in his mouth as you felt his fingers inside your cunt. You shivered feeling some of Sihtric's come sliding down your thighs. You sit up, knees each side of his hips, and took his cock in your hand. His hands went to your hips, as you positioned him in your entrance and sank down slowly.
'Oh, God', you moaned feeling him stretching you. He moaned when he was fully inside of you, feeling your warm around him. You leaned down and kissed him, giving yourself a moment to adjust to him.
You started to move, raising your hips a little and sliding down again. He reached for your ass cheeks, squeezed them and spread them making you move more.
'Shit', Sihtric growled. You moaned and Finan smiled on your lips, because Sihtric was watching. And he had a very good sight of how Finan's cock disappeared inside of you.
'Your body was made for us, love', Finan said over your lips. You cursed and rested your forehead on his. You kept going like that a few more moments before you straightened and started bouncing on his cock.
Synchronizing his movements with yours, his hips went up when yours went down, causing him to slide deeper inside of you. You hissed when you felt his fingers like claws on your hip bones. They were too sensitive, an aftermath of Sihtric’s fingers. When Finan saw that it hurt, he tried to place his hands upper on your sides, but your hands flew to his, keeping them in place. You didn't mind a little bit of pain.
The rhythm started to get faster, the sound of skin against skin could be heard in the room for the second time, each thrust bringing you closer to the edge. You felt Sihtric's hands and lips on your body, and you moaned throwing your head back.
'You are beautiful, (y/n)', Sihtric grunted in your ear, his hands running up and down your sides. 'Don't you think, Finan?'.
'Aye', Finan moaned. 'She is', he was looking at you mesmerized. 'And I bet her pretty little cunt can take both of our cocks', he added as he smirked.
'Hmmm, I bet that too...', he hummed and gave you a kiss on your cheek. 'Would you like that, (y/n)? Having both of us inside of you?', he whispered softly in your ear. His hands squeezed your breasts, his lips went to kiss the back of your shoulder.
You whined and shivered imagining what they were saying.
'Oh, she likes the idea', Finan said chuckling, 'I can feel her clenching around me'.
You moaned a yes as an answer. Both of them were making you high on pleasure. Sihtric pinched and twisted your hardened nipples. 'What a needy girl', Sihtric chuckled before giving a little bite to your earlobe. You cried their names, you couldn't think of anything else more than them. You were so, so, so close.
'Yes, darling. Keep screaming whose making you feel this good... Let everyone know', Sihtric encouraged you.
The thrusts were getting even faster and harder, Sihtric's body was flushed on your back and you leaned against him. One of his hands wrapped around your throat and the other went to your cunt, drawing circles on your bundle of nerves.
You kept moaning, everything was too much and you were going to come at any moment.
'Come for us, darling', Sihtric murmured in your ear.
'Come on, love...' Finan moaned.
'Come all over Finan's cock, darling, come on'.
A few more thrusts and that was it. You came and came hard.
Vision going blurry, head dizzy. You mumbled combination of their names and curses, finding support on Sihtric's body, trembling on top of Finan. He kept dragging your hips down as he thrusted up chasing his own release and Sihtric's fingers still circled your clit. Then, you felt Finan filling you up with his come.
For a moment the room felt into silence, only your heavy breathing could be heard. Finan's hands were drawing circles on your bruised hips and Sihtric's hands were moving up and down your sides again, anchoring to reality.
Both men exchanged gazes, and as Finan pulled out of you, Sihtric held you and laid with you in bed, your back on his chest. He gave you a kiss on your head as his hands kept caressing your body.
'You've been great, darling. Are you feeling alright?', he asked softly.
You answered a small yes, too tired to raise your voice more than that. Finan threw a cloth to Sihtric's face. You chuckled lazily at his action, and he grinned at you, as you felt his hands on your thighs.
'You've been so good to us, love', Finan said softly. You hummed, feeling him cleaning you. When he finished, he got closer to your face and gave you a kiss on your lips, his tongue softly stroking yours. He got up again. Sihtric tried to threw him his cloth but Finan caught it fast, a smirk appearing on his face. You chuckled again, rolling off his body and laying next to him. He grabbed your chin and pulled you in for a kiss. He hugged you, bringing you closer to his body and pulling the sheets covering both of you.
'By the way, I like the flowers you have here', Sihtric commented softly with a smile. You smiled at him caressing his cheek with your thumb and kissed him again.
After a few moments, you felt Finan climbing on the bed, hugging you from behind. You were trapped between their bodies again, and you've never felt so safe and loved. You were cuddling Sihtric, resting your head on his chest, and feeling Finan's embrace, his body flushed against your back.
And the three of you knew. It wasn't a secret anymore that you were made for them.
And after all of your screams, pretty sure the whole town of Coccham knows too.
Them giving you a kiss on each cheek at the same time.
Finan bringing you flowers just to make Sihtric feel jealous and annoyed (he then would bring you a bigger bouquet of flowers).
When they are training, they place bets: the one who loses will only look when the three of you get in bed.
Any men that looked bad at your direction or even breath near you is dead.
If you want to read more of Finan x reader x Sihtric, I recommend you to take a look at @anotherwinchesterfangirl and @disasterofastory masterlists ❤
Tagging some lovely people: @persephones-journey @medievalfangirl @lady-writes20 @silentsihtric @deandoesthingstome @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @solinarimoon (Sorry, let me know if you want to be untagged... Or if you're not here and you'd like to be added, let me know!)
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alienvspredator-art · 4 months
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infernalodie · 1 year
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 || 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐳
“𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘢 𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦 𝘐 𝘴𝘸𝘢𝘮 𝘢 𝘭𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘦, 𝘐'𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘴𝘦𝘢 𝘐𝘨𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘷𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘷𝘦“
Inspo: Hozier - Unknown (Unreleased)
Pairing: Maddy Perez x Perez!Male!reader
Summary: Everything else had fallen unknown besides the comfort provided by your sister...
Warnings: Just pure angst. Mentions of verbal and mental abuse (brief), prior relationship with Cassie Howard, and Maddy being the best little sister
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Words: 2043
The cold winds of winter were vastly approaching with the reminder of Christmas following arrival. It would be good this year. You hoped so, at least.
But who were you kidding? When did life ever throw you a bone? Every Christmas would end up with you being huddled in your room trying to find an inkling of what to do with yourself. But you were going to come up short. You knew that was a fact. Or you would spend time with your family that had no idea what was going on inside your head.
A cigarette rested between your lips as you sat in the front seat of your truck. Eyes trained on your work boots that had paint, dust, and small freckles of wood. Your pants or sweater shared the same appearance with your face having specs of drywall baked onto your bronze skin. Your nose was a rosary red from the constant wind that slipped past your open door and hit your face.
You loved your job in construction. It paid well and allowed you to spoil your sister, who was deserving of the treatment. But the only shitty part about it was that you were working for Nate’s dad. The man knew you by nearly giving Nate brain damage after you found out he laid hands on Maddy. If you knew that a socket wrench could do that much damage, maybe you would’ve just used brass knuckles. But besides that, the man did not make your life easy. Sucking every little ounce of life out of you until you were a sobbing mess in your room.
Sure, you could always go and find a new job, but you had too much pride. It was one of the many things that you and Maddy shared in common. That and the fact your guys’ exes were together and constantly finding ways to mock the two of you.
And speaking of the devil, you saw Lexi’s car slowly approach the house still in the works. But instead of Lexi, it was being used by Cassie. A large smile on her lips as she pulled to a stop and honked the horn. It was only a few seconds later that Nate came strolling out of the building matching the same smile. Greeting the blonde and actually showing some ounce of love that came as a rarity.
But you sat there hoping that Cassie would look in your direction. Give you some sort of acknowledgement. After how she broke up with you, you deserved that at least. Breaking up with you whilst Nate was with her. In front of everyone and making you look like a fool. Wishing you would’ve listened to McKay’s warnings ahead of ever getting with the witch.
Because that was what she was. A witch that disguised herself as an angel. Luring you in with smiles and dreams that became so hard to differentiate between your own and falsehoods. And by the time you recognized them, your mind clearing of the fog she creates, it’s too late. Your heart was stolen and left to never return. Forever freezing herself as an angel in her victim’s minds. Hiding the truth of her anonymity.
“What’s up, asshat?” The sudden voice tore you from your longing gaze to over your shoulder to see Maddy slip inside the passenger seat. That familiar smile on her lips seemed to be only for you to see.
“How was school?” You inquired gruffly, turning your gaze back down to your boots. Exhaling a cloud of smoke as your eyes took another daring glance towards Cassie. Still, she paid all her mind to Nate.
Maddy shrugged. “It was good. I have a test this Monday, but Rue and Jules are back together, so that’s a plus…” She trailed off, noticing your eyes focused on Cassie.
Pursing her lips at the knowledge that her brother was suffering like this. Although you didn’t try and let it be known, everyone knew you were suffering from this heartbreak. Just in the way you conducted yourself in public and in private. You didn’t go drinking anymore. All you did was sit inside your room, killing your lungs from the copious amounts of cigarettes you smoke in a single day. It might’ve been 3 months ago since Cassie ended things, but it still felt like yesterday to you.
“Lexi and the others are spending Christmas with us,” Maddy announced softly. “You should join us. I think it would be good for you.” Her hand softly rubbed your back, earning a gentle hum in response.
Placing the cigarette between your lips, you shifted in your seat suddenly. Slamming your door shut as you started the truck and allowed it to rumble to life. Maddy watched your almost robotic movements before you stared lifelessly ahead of you, beginning to drive. The soft strings of guitar playing through the beat-up speakers inside your truck. Cigarette resting heavily between the index and middle finger of your right hand. Maddy could see the pain written across your face.
Ever since you were just a kid, you were fragile. In your defence, it was because your guy’s father was a drunk and had no problem laying his hands on you. Telling you, “It’ll toughen you up for when you're older.” It did but still made you a rather fragile human either way. Because physical pain did nothing to you, but the mental damage he had caused destroyed you. But you would go through it a second time if it meant keeping Maddy out of your father’s warpath.
And there were very few people that you would do that for. But she was the totem that grounded you. The sign at the edge of the road helping guide you to where you needed to go.
“She didn’t deserve you, you know that, right?” Maddy inquired suddenly, making your eyes snap to her for a moment. “Your heart is too big for that little bitch to handle. She never received love before you came into her life. Own that and make her regret ever leaving you, Y/n.” Maddy didn’t mean to come off as a bitch, but she didn’t think there was any way to get through to you. You didn’t listen to anybody, you never liked talking about your feelings, and all of it was creating problems.
You sniffled, lips pursing as you continued to drive. Letting out a shaky sigh as you quickly rubbed your eyes to hide the sight of vulnerability. Because truthfully, allowing her to see this side of you was pathetic. It gave her insight into the lengths that you would’ve travelled for Cassie. If that meant crossing an ocean just to feel her touch, you would do it. No matter the distance and no matter the conditions, there wasn’t anything you wouldn’t do for that girl. But you were left high and dry, questioning everything you thought you knew.
Because now, you’d become a martyr for the other guys and girls who may have had a liking for her. If her being with Nate wasn’t enough, the way she broke you should be enough. You loved her and you thought she felt the same.
“Even if I don’t want to think it, Cassie, she’ll be seen as an angel to me,” you confessed softly, smoke slipping from your lips as you stared at the quiet roads. Maddy pursed her lips, glancing at you to find your lips wobbling as you inhaled sharply. Tears falling from your eyes and sliding down your cheek, lost on your fractured confession. “And I’m fine, you know? Everything’s fine. I’m fine on my own and I don’t need her. But it’s–It’s hard to just remove that part of my life completely, you know?”
The truck pulled into the driveway, stopping with the silence between you and your sister beginning to suffocate. But even then, you felt like the time you’d held your tongue–not speaking to anyone on this had finally broken and everything began to spew from your quivering lips. “Even through the bullshit that went on between you and her, some part of her still cared about you and wished she could communicate that to you,” you muttered, rapidly grabbing a cigarette and avoiding your sister’s gaze.
“That’s what she wanted?” Maddy questioned, attitude found within an instant when she spoke.
Which was enough for you to sorta wiggle your way out of the question. “I spent playing both sides of the game that was pitiful to watch.” Your hollow gaze was zeroed in on the steering wheel as you pursed your lips, sniffling. “And I got my ass kicked by both sides. Questioned by you and the rest of the group, Cassie wanted me to explain to you everything that happened. I didn’t sleep. I didn’t eat because I was more worried about you or Cassie. And it was everything.” A hint of a smile played on your lips as you glanced at your sister. “I felt needed for once and I wanted to help the both of you the best I could because I cared enough about the two of you fighting to put myself through hell.”
You waved your hand, scoffing. “But, like, before we broke up it felt like we found this station, you know? This common ground of what we wanted for the future and genuine love felt for one another,” you explained, wiping your nose. “She helped me break out of my shell and be a little more emotional. Be more attuned to my surroundings and just fucking enjoy it. Enjoy being there with her–enjoy her smile–enjoy the way her hands felt–enjoy the sex, kisses, laughs, ‘I love you’s’, but–Fuck, I just wanted her to do that for me- I wanted her to love me as much as she fucking said!”
Maddy sat with a straightened back when your hand slammed on the steering wheel. A teetering found in your glass eyes, emotions swaying from anger, sorrow, pain, to resentment she knew you didn’t deserve. Anger; for sure but you shouldn’t have been feeling like this from the beginning. Fighting with these thoughts and emotions for 3 months with no communication with anyone on it. That was torture and Maddy knew it personally.
“And every moment I spent with her taught me how to love and how to receive that love. It all meant something to me because it helped me learn to trust someone.” Taking a drag off your cigarette, you let out a shaky exhale. Nibbling on your bottom lip with your eyes falling to your feet, shaking your head. “I just don’t think it meant anything to her.”
That had been enough for Maddy to grab your arm and pull you into her chest. Her own heart trembling from hearing the pain and doubt found within you. If she could extract that pain and place it upon herself, she would. You were her big brother and you were supposed to be the support needed for her when your guys’ parents weren’t there. But you’d been there for her for years now and no one had been there for you. And all you had left was her.
So, finding solace in her arms was all you needed. Her silence was a warm blanket with the soft strokes of her hand through your hair soothed the ache in your heart. Because when people saw her as some snotty and uptight girl, you saw a sanctum. A safe haven for you lay down your arms and seek the comfort of someone that knew you. Maddy knew you. She loved you and she always would until her last breath. The two of you had been through hell together, fingers interlocked, and it bound the two of you together.
“None of this is your fault, Y/n,” she whispered into your ear. “You loved her as much as you could and tried to give her reasons to feel the same. But this world is twisted and takes the things we love the most as our punishment.” Pulling away, Maddy’s hands held your cheeks, staring at your dishevelled features. “You just gotta let her go. It isn’t wrong to move on and find something new.”
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retold-tales · 1 year
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A Door To Another World
Imagine princess Alexa always coming to visit you and tell you all about her world but always lingering behind when she has to leave because she just wants to stay with you
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signofthebucky · 3 months
Soooo… ao3 is down
what do i do with my life now? Read a book? Touch grass? Wallow in self pity?
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azucar-skull · 6 months
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pevensiechase · 4 months
I Fell Down A Rabbit Hole Playlists
work in progress
Elise Aurclayre - the main character. the art student barista. the sarcastic one.
Olive Fowler - the best friend. the psychology student with a double minor in photography and history. the chaotic one.
Kaydence "Kayde" Aleksander - the cousin. the family sciences student swimmer. the caffeine-addicted one.
Here ya go, @igotthisaccountunderduress
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