#alexa imagine
tending-the-hearth · 1 year
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the way thalia’s tree LOOKS like a person who has been turned into a tree is destroying my soul
like thalia was turned as she was facing down the monsters, taking her stand in order to let luke, annabeth, and grocer get to camp.
and the way this scene is shown, the trio is leaving camp, so thalia was facing chb as she got transformed. she was watching her family get to safety, and probably didn’t see the monsters who were coming upon her. she was transformed knowing that her brother and sister were okay.
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runawayolives · 8 months
So for baby daddy Nate, does reader go to school visibly pregnant? Or once she starts showing she does virtual school?
Thank you for the ask, anon!
So this is not that, but something I had in mind kind of in the same topic.
This belongs to the series Baby Daddy
Maddy took a deep breath while laying down in her backyard, running her hand over her face.
"How is college application going?"
She turned around to face her slightly pregnant friend. "What do you mean nonexistent?"
She shrugged, replying with a dry tone. "It means I'm 17 and pregnant, and I don't want to be a college student and a mother at the same time."
"So? Your parents offered all the help to raise it, you can go to college and during the weekends be with it." Maddy tried to hide the distaste she felt towards the small thing currently existing in her friends abdomen, seeing it as the biggest impediment in both their lives.
"It isn't an it anymore it's a she."
"I don't give a fuck what it is, what I care about is that you're not going to college because of it." She turned her head around to face her friend, practically seeing smoke coming out of her ears and nose.
"Mads, she isn't the guilty one, you said it, my parents offered to raise her."
"Then why are you not going?"
"I don't want someone else raising my child, I don't want her to see her childhood as a period where I was too preoccupied studying to be her mother." This time she really looked at Maddy. She looked at her as if gazing into her eyes would connect with her soul. She wasn't just looking at her, she was trying to explain in a too deeply way her reasons that had already become a stable decision.
"She won't remember."
"She will know eventually."
"If you don't go now, you will never go."
"Lorelei Gilmore did it."
"Fuck her." Y/N broke off eye contact to laugh. She liked Maddy because her abrasiveness did just that, in high tension moments, it acted as a terminator, making it all disappear ear. "Don't laugh, I didn't say that for you to laugh."
"Why are you so mad about this, Mads?" Her friend scoffed, looking away, as if the racional answer was somehow in the clouds or the sky.
"What about me?" Y/N was too confused by the question to read her friends body language.
"I mean, you're like the number one not fan of the baby, but I guess you can be the godmother. Or you could learn how to cook and we could start an inn and raise a bratty and train-wreck kid." Maddy stood up, still not turning around to face her friend.
"What about me, Y/N?"
"Mads, I don't understand what you're asking." She finally turned around, facing her friend. Y/N could now see her face, red and with a few angry tears falling down her cheeks.
"What about me, Y/N? If you don't make it out, what does that mean about me? If this has happened to you, there's no hope for me."
"No, don't sugar coat it. I was rooting for you, I was. My mother was proud of me whenever she saw us together, she could see me actually doing something with my life. And now you're here, giving up, ruining your life for a baby you haven't planned and stuck to a guy that is set on ruining your life. If that's what you get, I don't want to know what's waiting for me." She took a deep breath and kneeled down beside her friend. "You've given up on yourself, but I won't. I won't because I refuse to believe this is all there's going to be to your life."
Y/N leaned forward to hug her friend, squishing her as if that would make all her worries evaporate. "I have not given up on you, Maddy Perez, and I'll never will."
They both stood there, for as long as they needed, crying and sometimes laughing, trying to find humor in their seemingly dooming predicament.
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tommytomatoe · 3 months
sometimes asher smiles at pack members a little too wide for a little too long, and babe feels their chest swell with… something. 
they wouldn’t call it jealousy because what would they have to be jealous of. asher isn’t the guy to cheat, he would never. but even then, even knowing that, there’s still this voice in the back of babe’s mind thinking, “well, maybe he would.” and the spiraling begins.
after all, babe is just a human. its not like they run in pack races or know what shifting feels like or can have meaningful inputs in conversations regarding magic. this isn’t a world they grew up in, but for asher, milo, david, darlin’, and the rest of the pack; its home. for babe, it's just a house. and because of this, babe has more than once found themself just sitting in on pack meetings and smiling and nodding and waiting for asher to look back at them. 
and sometimes he doesn’t. instead he just talks and smiles at childhood friends he has deep histories with. histories that are so complex and rooted in who asher is that babe wonders why he chose to be with them and not someone else. and that swelling feeling comes back and they have to excuse themselves because god forbid they make a scene. that’s not babe’s style, they prefer to suffer in silence.
babe loves asher and they know asher loves them. but asher loves everyone and everything and it’s hard for babe to figure out where his love for them stands compared to his love for everyone else. 
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thirstyvampyr · 4 months
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Property of Ian Gallagher
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multifandom--mess · 4 months
can't stop thinking about how messy it would have been if hannibal had gone alone to florence without bedelia, and instead, he gets with antony dimmond. like imagine will arrives to florence and finds hannibal shacked up with some guy that looks like him 😭😭 he would have gutted his ass right back so fast
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darkacademiablues · 1 year
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Early SIAS Alex Turner to make everyone soft with his soft boyfi vibes.
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serosblunt · 1 year
it takes a certain calibre of man to clean you up👅 after they’ve cum inside you
And ladies and gents, Hanta Sero is that man😩
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loveesiren · 11 days
Doing It All For Us (Pt. 4)
Rafe Cameron x Reader
Summary: Rafe's love grows stronger when he sees the love of his life suffer.
Warnings: Alcohol, California sober, neglect, language, fighting, mention of virginity, mention of overdose, canon divergence, porn
Word Count: 4.8k+
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Ward: Where are you?
Rafe: You kicked me out, remember?
W: Are you at Barry's?
R: No.
R: I'm clean.
W: Since when?
R: Like a week now.
W: Well, you can prove that at Midsummers.
R: You want me at Midsummers?
W: Of course, Rafe. We are going as a family. And if you want to bring that girl you're always running around with, we'd like to meet her.
R: I'll ask her.
W: If you really are clean and doing well, son, we can talk about you coming home.
Rafe bit his lip as he read the last message.
He locked his phone and put it back on the night stand before rolling over and looking at you. Your back was to him. He appreciated the way the sheets draped over your body as you slept. Your hair spread out across the pillow behind you as the sunlight shining through the blinds illuminated your sun kissed skin.
You and Rafe had been clean for a week. Still smoking, still drinking, but you hadn't touched coke or pills. Rafe promised to stay clean with you. Not just around you but with you. That made it all so much easier.
You were both on edge as you got used to not having coke constantly at your disposal. But as you slept next to each other every night and you always counted your blessings.
Rafe moved closer to you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into him. He pressed a kiss to the bare skin between your shoulders.
You smiled at the sensation. "Hey," You whisper as you roll over and face him.
"Hey," He smiles.
You wrapped your arm around his neck and pulled him to your lips. You opened your mouth, allowing his tongue to enter.
"Mmmm," He moaned into your mouth.
Your fingers ran through his hair as you smiled against his lips, rolling over so that you were on top of him.
Your skin pressed firmly to his as his hands rested on your hips. The feeling gave you goosebumps.
This is how you'd been waking up every morning since your first kiss with Rafe Cameron.
"I love you," You said against his lips, giving him one more quick kiss before you sat up, straddling his lap.
He smiled up at you, eyes beaming with adornment. "I love you, too," His voice was almost child like.
You sat in silence as you played with his hands. Just feeling happy to be so close to him.
Rafe finally broke the silence. "So, my dad texted me."
"Oh yeah? What did he say?" You ask.
"He, uhhh...he wants me to go to Midsummers with them. And he wants me to bring you."
Your eyes shot up to meet his. "Really?" You asked.
"Yeah. He says if I'm clean and doing good I can come back home. Having you as my date to Midsummers sure as shit would be a good sight." He chuckles, running his index finger along your hip.
"Uhm, yeah. Okay." You smile. "That would be fun!"
Rafe's eyes sparkle at your response. The way he smiles at you melts your heart every time.
"You want breakfast?" You ask, leaning down and kissing his cheek before you hop off the bed and throw on his t-shirt.
"You're going to cook?" He laughs, rolling over to watch you.
"No," You tease. "I'm gonna call Courtney." You say, waving your phone in his face.
"You know, one of these days I'm gonna teach you how to cook," He laughs.
"So we can die in a house fire?" You shoot back with a smirk as you look in the mirror, pulling your hair up into a high ponytail.
"As long as I get to die with you." He says. You turn to him and he smiles.
"Courtney is coming over. Meet you downstairs!"
"I'm gonna shower then I'll be there!" He calls after you.
You head downstairs and pull some water out of the fridge. You hear the front door open and you assume it's Courtney.
"Hey bitch! I'm hungry!" You call out.
"Is that how you normally greet me?"
You spin around to see your dad standing in the doorway.
"Oh, hey dad!" You greet, walking over to him and giving him a hug. "Sorry, I thought you were Courtney."
"It's okay, honey. How are you?" He asks.
"Uhm, I'm doing better...did you not get my messages?"
"Hmm, no I don't think so." He said, staring at the messages on his phone.
You swallow. "I, uhm, I overdosed dad."
He pauses for a moment. "Again?" He finally asked, not looking to meet your eyes.
His simple word stung. You'd tried to reach out to him over the past week. You even got in touch with his assistant. He still had no clue. And he didn't even care.
"Look, honey. If you need to go back to a rehab I can get in contact with-"
"No, dad. It's okay. I've been clean for a week. And my friends are helping me." You respond.
"Oh, good. I'm glad you are meeting some people you get along with here." He says.
"Yeah, they are great."
"I can't stay long. I have a dinner to get to then I fly out again tomorrow. Can you take care of the gardener?" He says as he takes off towards his room.
"Uhm, I didn't know the gardener was coming today."
"Is that not his truck outside?"
"Uh no, that's Rafe's."
Your dad stopped and turned to you. "The Cameron boy? Is he here?"
"Uhm, yeah..."
"Hanging out with guys like that won't help you stay clean, honey."
"He's clean too, Dad. He's kind of the reason I didn't die." You shoot back.
"Hm," He says. "Just make good choices." And with that, he walks off.
You are left standing in the foyer, tears threatening to spill from your eyes.
"Hey bitch!" Courtney says. You hadn't even heard the door open.
"Oh, hey," You say, wiping your eyes.
"Are you okay?"
You close your eyes at her question. "No," You admit, leaning into her and hugging her. She hugs you back tightly and rocks you back and forth.
"Your dad?" She asks. She had seen his car in the driveway.
You nod your head in response.
"Well listen, there is a party tonight! Let's get dressed up and have fun!"
"Okay," You agree. Sniffling and wiping the tears from your eyes, managing a small smile.
Rafe had overheard the conversation with your dad as he made his way downstairs. He kicked himself for every time he complained about his father to you. Ward was a prick but at least he gave somewhat of a shit. He couldn't believe the way your dad had brushed off you almost dying like it was nothing. How he hadn't even known it happened even though you tried to reach out multiple times.
He wanted nothing more than to wrap you in his arms and comfort you but when he heard Courtney come in, he decided to just turn around and go upstairs. You would talk to him when you were ready.
After you and Courtney finished getting ready, the three of you made your way to the kitchen as you waited for Topper and Kelce to come pick you up. Top offered to drive tonight so Rafe could have a turn to get drunk. Not that Rafe necessarily cared, as long as he was with you.
You poured shots for each of you and you all threw them back. Then another, and another, and another. You were starting to feel good as you and Courtney danced around the kitchen.
Rafe couldn't help the smile that washed over his face as he watched you dance. He felt like a 12 year old boy experiencing his first crush. He couldn't believe he'd spent every morning this week waking up next to you.
"Oh, hey Mr. Y/L/N." Courtney suddenly said.
You paused as your dad entered the kitchen.
"Courtney," He nodded. "Lovely to see you again."
"Hey dad," You said softly.
"Honey? Are you going to introduce me to your new friend?" His eyes scanned over Rafe.
"Dad, this is Rafe Cameron. Rafe, this is my dad." Your voice was awkward.
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Y/L/N." Rafe said, standing up to extend his hand to your fathers.
"Likewise," Your dad responded dryly, shaking his hand a bit too firmly for your liking.
"Well, I'm headed to a meeting. You kids have fun." Your dad said, placing a quick kiss on the side of your head and heading towards the door.
You just stared blankly at the floor as he left. You chewed on your lip, trying to get the craving for drugs to subside.
"Hey, are you okay?" Rafe asked, reaching out and taking your hand.
You felt yourself relax instantly and you leaned into him, resting your head on his chest and taking in his scent.
"I'm fine!" You say. "Let's take another shot!"
You pour out two more shots for each of you before Topper and Kelce finally showed up. You climbed in between Rafe and Courtney in the back seat of Topper's Jeep. You smiled to yourself, excited to be going out again. You hadn't gone out much since the hospital. But you were so sick of sitting at home. Sick of being sad about your dad. You were ready to jump back into being the bad bitch you were.
Courtney saw this. "Let's go fuck shit up, baby!" She squeals in excitement, wrapping her arms around your neck and pulling you close.
You laugh and hug her back. You turn back to Rafe and look up at him with lustful eyes. You realized you and Rafe had practically spent the last week alone in your house. You hadn't even told Courtney the two of you had kissed. You started to wonder if that's something he'd even want everyone else to know.
He leaned over and placed a kiss on your temple. The gesture made you feel warm and you linked your fingers through his.
Topper scoffs. "Did the two of you not fuck enough this whole week you've been MIA?"
Rafe kicks the back of Topper's seat. "Shut the fuck up," He spits.
You just throw your head back and laugh.
"You guys are horrible at hiding it." Kelce laughs. "Everyone knows you two are hooking up."
"I don't kiss and tell," You tease.
"Wait! Did you guys kiss?!" Courtney asks with excitement.
You bite back the smile forming on your lips as you shyly look up at Rafe. He looks down at you, his tongue grazing his bottom lip as his eyes flicker to your lips, asking for permission.
Your eyes tell him everything he needs to know as he brings a finger up to your chin, lifting you up to face him as he leans in and kisses you deeply.
"OOOHHH!" Kelce and Courtney yell in unison. "Fucking finally!"
You smile against Rafe's lips as your friends hype you up.
"Seriously? Took you guys long enough!" Topper laughs.
"So are you guys like dating now?" Courtney asks excitedly.
"Uhm..." Was all you managed to get out before Topper interrupted.
"We're here!" He says as he parks the car and quickly hops out. You all follow suit.
The house was massive. All three floors filled with drunk Kooks. You felt your confidence kick in as you and Courtney stood next to each other. Mini skirts, high heels, and gold body chains. You knew you were the hottest girls there as you walked into the party. And the fact that Rafe Cameron followed you around like a lost puppy was a huge bonus. He was the hottest guy on Figure Eight.
Eyes were on you, as always. Men drooling over you, girls glaring at you. All attention on you and your friends and thats the way you liked it.
The five of you made your way to the kitchen and grabbed drinks. You threw back a couple shots with everyone in the kitchen and you could feel the music start to take over your body. You and Courtney twirled around until you were in the living room. You couldn't control yourself as you moved your body to the beat.
Rafe couldn't take his eyes off you as you and Courtney danced to the music. He couldn't stop thinking about what Courtney asked in the car.
Are you guys dating now?
Truth is, he hadn't actually thought about it. He'd just been in pure bliss this last week he'd spent with you. Everything felt right with you. He was finally okay with not being high.
But now that you were all out at this party, he noticed the way guys stared at you. How every guy in this house would do anything for a chance with you. He had to make you his.
"Hey Rafey," A familiar voice cut through his thoughts. "Still drooling over the sluts?"
"What do you want, Jess?" Rafe growled.
"I heard Y/N has a little bit of a drug problem," She attempts.
"Weren't you the one always sucking me off for blow?" Rafe shot back.
Jess narrowed her eyes slightly but laughed. "If I remember correctly, you really enjoyed the time we spent alone." She said as she dragged a finger across Rafe's forearm.
You look over and lock eyes with Rafe. Your face falls when you see Jessica pressed up against him. Rafe was obviously uncomfortable.
"These bitches never quit," You say to Courtney. She turns to see what you're glaring at.
"Jesus fucking Christ," She spits. "She's so desperate it hurts."
You watch as Rafe shrugs Jessica off.
You make your way back towards the kitchen, ready to put this bitch in her place again but before you can get to her Rafe picks you up and sets you on the counter. He stands between your legs and looks you in the eyes.
You look back at him, slightly confused but really enjoying whatever it is that's happening.
He brings his hand up, tangling his fingers in the hair at the base of your neck while his other hand rested on your hip. You could tell people were starting to stare now.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" Rafe asks. The people standing in the kitchen with you all stare as they wait for you to answer. Jessica stood there, jaw hanging open.
"I thought you'd never ask," You smile.
He smiles now, pulling you in to kiss you deeply.
"OOOOH THAT'S MY FUCKING BRO!" You hear a drunk Topper and Kelce cheer.
"I'll drink to that!" Courtney yells, throwing back a shot.
"Whatever, have fun with your junkie girlfriend," Jessica spits before trying to walk away.
You pull away from Rafe to say something but you see Courtney grab her hair and slam her into the glass microwave, shattering the glass and her face.
"Oh shit!" You say as you watch Courtney handle the situation.
"Keep your fucking mouth shut before I fuck you up so bad that not even plastic surgery can fix your slutty little face you fucking coke whore!" Courtney yells before pushing her off.
Jessica runs off crying and you and Rafe can't help but laugh. "Holy shit, Court! You're a motherfuckin' g!"
"Learned from the best!" She winks.
You and Rafe spend the rest of the party practically glued to each other. He wanted everyone to see you together. For everyone to know you were his and he was yours.
"I'm getting tired," You finally say, leaning your face into Rafe's neck.
"I can call us an Uber," Rafe says. "I think Top's out for the night." He nods towards the couch to where Topper and Kelce had practically fallen asleep in each others laps.
You noticed how much the party had died down. "What time is it?"
Rafe glanced down at his Rolex. "Shit, it's 3:30." Rafe chuckles.
"Let's go lay by the pool," You say. Taking Rafe's hand and leading him outside. A few people still stood around the fire, drinking beers and smoking weed.
You lead him to the far end of the pool where there was an open cabana with a bed in it. You laid down and looked up at the twinkling string lights hung around the back yard. Rafe laid down beside you, wrapping an arm around your waist and nuzzling into your neck. He placed kisses on your skin, starting at your jawline and working his way down to your collar bone.
"You make me crazy," Rafe whispers against your skin. You could feel a growing warmth between your legs. His hand moves under your shirt, running his fingers over your exposed skin as he sucks at your collar bone.
"Fuck..." You moan at the sensation.
He leans up and kisses you as his hand travels down to your thigh, hiking up your skirt. You feel his thumb tuck under the hem of your panties and your breath hitches as you bite his lip. He growls at the gesture.
"Rafe," You whisper.
"Hmm?" He asks, still kissing you like his life depended on it.
You pull away from him. "Rafe, I need to tell you something."
He sits up slightly. "What is it, baby girl?" He asks, bringing his hand up to stroke your hair.
"Uhm, I just need to tell you..." You hesitate. "Th-that I, uhm.."
"What is it, baby? You know you can tell me anything." He assures you.
"I'm a virgin, Rafe." You say, looking down at your hands and biting your lip.
Rafe smiles and lifts your chin up so you meet his eyes. He kisses you so gently but so passionately you swear you could melt right there.
"You're not, like, weirded out?" You ask curiously.
Rafe laughs. "No, baby, not at all. And we don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with it." He promises.
"I-I want to, Rafe. I do." You tell him. "But, I also don't want to lose my virginity in the back yard of a house party." You chuckle.
"Yeah, not very romantic is it?" He chuckles. "Come here," He says, pulling you into him, your back pressed firmly against his front.
You bring his hand up to yours, intertwining your fingers together. "I love you, Rafe." You whisper against his skin.
"I love you too, pretty girl." He says into your hair, before pressing a kiss to your temple.
The two of you fall asleep easily, tangled together in the warm summer air.
When you'd all finally made it back to your house in the morning, Topper and Kelce had to practically drag Rafe away from you to make it to their tee time.
The two of you couldn't keep your hands off each other. As much as you were going to miss Rafe today, you were excited to hang out with Courtney and look for a dress for Midsummers.
"Did Kelce ask you?" You ask Courtney as you scan your massive closet.
She rested on the chair in the middle of you closet and watched you. "Yeah, he did. He's sweet. And he likes that I'm taller than him." She chuckles.
"You're taller than everyone, Court. Why aren't you a runway model again?" You ask.
"Cuz a bitch gets too drunk to walk straight," She jokes. You both laugh.
You pull a few options from your closet and scan over them intently.
"So," Courtney starts. You already know where this is going. "You gonna let Rafe take your virginity?" She grins.
You try your best to bite back a smile. "I mean...I want to. I'm just nervous, you know?"
"He's like...experienced." You say, waving your hand around and rolling your eyes. "I have no clue what I'm doing."
"Okay, well....Let's practice!" Courtney says as she jumps up and grabs your hand, pulling you to your bed.
"Court, no offense, but you have no cock for me to suck."
"Shut up," She says as she grabs your lap top. "Just watch."
Courtney pulls up a couple porn sites and types in some videos. "Do what they do," She says.
You watch the videos. It's not like you'd never watched porn before but the more you watched the more you felt like you couldn't be as good as these women.
"Throw your hips back like this," Courtney shows you. "Here, let me film you."
Courtney showed you all the ways to move you body just right. The faces to make, even how to give head on a banana she had found in your kitchen.
She filmed it all and played it back for you and you couldn't deny that you looked hot as fuck.
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"Don't forget to be fucking sloppy when you suck his cock," Courtney added. "Guys love that shit! Oh, and when he cums in your mouth, fucking swallow."
You licked your lips at Courtney's words. You really, really, wanted to fuck Rafe Cameron.
"Y/N?! Court?!"
You heard Rafe's voice as the came in through the front door.
"Shit!" You said to Court, quickly exiting out of the 10 porn tabs you had up and slamming you lap top shut.
You both hopped off the bed and ran downstairs to greet the boys.
"Hey baby!" You said as you jumped into Rafe's arms. He dropped his clubs to the floor and gripped you immediately. Bringing his hands to your ass as he he kissed you deeply.
"Hey, sweet girl," He said, pressing kisses to your neck.
"Could you guys not fuck for one second while we figure this shit out?!" Topper asks as he plops down on your couch.
You hop down from Rafe's grasp. "What happened?"
"Those fucking Pogues sunk my fucking boat!" Topper yelled.
Rafe gripped your hips, pulling you down on his lap as he sat on the couch. "We're gonna get them back, Top." Rafe promised.
"Yeah? How?" Topper asked. He was obviously stressed as he sunk back into your couch.
"Tomorrow night," Courtney suggested. "There's that movie in the park or whatever. I bet they'll be there."
"Hey, yeah! I swear I overheard them talking about it," Kelce chimes in.
"Okay, so tomorrow night, we go to the fucking movie thing or whatever and wait for them to slip up." You add.
"Let's fucking kill these Pogues," Courtney laughs.
"Yeah, yeah, let's fucking do it!" Topper says as he stands up. "Whoo!"
You narrowed your eyes slightly, noticing Top was coked the fuck out. You glanced back at Rafe and examined his eyes.
"I'm sober," He said, seeing the question in your eyes. "Top, however, has had a day."
You nod in agreement. "We'll end those fucking Pogues."
The next day, you and Courtney slipped into some casual clothes. You settled for simple jean shorts and a form fitting tank top. But that didn't stop you from gluing your diamonds to your eyelids.
You pulled your beach waves back in a high ponytail and slipped into some sandals.
Courtney finished applying her lipstick. Popping her lips in the mirror before turning to you. "Let's go kill some fucking Pogues," She said with a devious smile.
You linked arms with hers as you made your way downstairs to meet the boys.
"Shots?!" A drunk Topper asked from your kitchen. You watched as he poured 5 shots, losing half of the tequila to the counter.
Rafe came over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing his lips to you neck. "You look fucking stunning," He whispered against your skin. You swore you wanted him to bend you over the counter right then and there but you composed yourself.
"And I'm dating the most handsome man on this island." You chuckled as you pulled back to look at him. He had on a yellow shirt and a tan snap back. He looked like a dumb frat boy and it made your pussy swell.
He smiled at you before turning to pick up the shots Topper had poured. "Cheers!" He said, clinking his glass to yours before you both swallowed the alcohol.
You cringed at the taste but quickly shook it off.
"Alright let's do this!" Kelce said as he took off towards the front door.
You all followed out to Rafe's truck. You climbed in the passenger seat while Courtney, Kelce, and Topper piled in the back.
Rafe kept a hand on your thigh while he drove. His fingers dangerously close to your entrance and you could feel yourself beginning to drip.
"Yo, when I see that fucker, Pope, I'm gonna rip his fucking face off!" Topper preached from the back seat.
"Why the hell would they do that shit?" Courtney asked.
"Well if Rafe here hadn't insisted on jumping him on the golf course..." Topper spat.
Your eyes widened as you turned to look at Rafe. He had his eyes on the road in front of him as he sucked his lips between his teeth. You could feel his grip on your thigh tighten. "They held a gun to your head, Top." Rafe said.
"Yeah, but now my boats gone and my parents think it's my fault!"
"Okay, everyone shut up!" You snapped. "Look, we are going to get back at the Pogues for all the shit they've done. But you guys," You pointed between the three boys. "Need to be smarter with how you handle shit!"
The boys shut up and listened. They always listened to you. Especially when you raised your voice. Nobody wanted to fuck with the Queen Bee.
When you finally pulled up to the park you instantly spotted JJ, Pope, and Kiara.
Topper tried to hop out but Courtney grabbed him. "Hold on," She hissed. "We have to be smart."
"Don't storm them right away," You said. "We don't want to draw attention. Just play it cool and wait for the right moment."
You all got out of the truck. You and Courtney grabbed the blankets and the cooler you'd brought and set it up at the very back of the park. You pulled the tequila and solo cups from the cooler and added some lime juice to each cup before passing the drinks around to the group.
Rafe sat down and you leaned back against him. He rubbed your arm and placed kisses to your temple.
"Why'd you jump him, Rafe?" You ask.
Rafe sighed. "Doesn't matter."
"It matters." You said. Your voice harsher than you intended.
"He was talking shit," Rafe said, anger coating your voice. "I got pissed, okay?"
You watched as Kiara got up and walked towards the concession stand.
"I'll be back." You say as you get up quickly and walk over to where she stood.
"Hey, Kie," You said with a bitchy smile. "How are you?"
"What the fuck do you want, Y/N?" Kiara spat back at you.
You chuckle, your tongue grazing over your bottom lip as you look down. "Tell your boy," You say, taking a step closer to her, looking up to meet her gaze now. "We know what he did."
Kiara glanced over your shoulder to see the rest of your crew sitting at the back of the park. Courtney offered her a sadistic smile and wave. Kiara clenched her jaw. "I don't know what you're talking about." She stated before quickly walking off.
"Enjoy the movie!" You called after her. You smiled before you turned and walked back over to Rafe and the others.
The five of you sat and drank as you barely paid any attention to what was going on on the screen. Waiting for the perfect opportunity to get the Pogues alone.
You noticed JJ and Pope get up and head towards the back of the screen.
"There they go," You say with a smirk. "Go get 'em boys."
Rafe, Kelce, and Topper were quick to get up and follow the two Pogues. You and Courtney sipped your drinks and giggled as you watched all the boys disappear behind they screen.
"They're gonna fucking ruin them!" Courtney laughed.
"Straight up! I don't know why-" You cut yourself off as you saw Kiara get up and walk towards the back of the screen. "Oh fuck this bitch!" You spit as you stood up and stormed after her, Courtney not far behind you.
When you finally get behind the screen you see Kiara on top of Topper. Rafe quickly pulls her off and throws her to the ground.
"Grab her, Court!" You say. Courtney lunges towards Kiara and holds her arms behind her back as she presents her to you. "Hi bitch!" You say with a wild smile. Before she got the chance to respond you kicked her in the stomach.
"Ah!" Kiara cried out as she bent over in pain.
"Kie!" Pope yelled out as he slipped out of Topper's grip.
Before you could kick her again, Pope grabbed you and pushed you to the ground.
"Oh, fuck no!" Rafe said as he grabbed Pope by the throat and began to choke him out. "Don't you EVER put your fucking hands on my girl!"
Courtney was by your side, helping you off the ground. "Where'd that little bitch go?" You spat.
"I don't-" Courtney stopped when she noticed the screen going up in flames. "Oh shit!" She helped you to your feet.
You glanced around to see Topper and and Kelce running to you but Rafe was still choking out Pope.
"Rafe!" You yelled. "Baby, we gotta go!"
Rafe finally snapped out of his trance at the sound of your voice. He threw Pope to the ground, landing one more kick to his stomach before he ran toward you and grabbed your hand. The five of you ran off towards the beach before anyone could realize you'd been there.
"Holy shit!" Topper said as you all finally reached the sand. "Rafe you almost killed him!"
Rafe sighed and pulled you into him. "Are you okay?" He mumbled into your hair.
You laughed against his chest. "I almost had that bitch if Pope didn't fucking catch me off gaurd."
Rafe's jaw clenched. The fact that someone put their fucking hands on you filled him with rage.
"Hey, baby, look at me," You said as you rested your hands on his chest. "I'm okay. I promise."
"This isn't over," He said as he looked back in the direction of the park.
"No, no it's not. But for now, let's go home."
Rafe took a deep breath and turned to look at you, his forehead pressed against yours.
"I love you."
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witchslove · 2 years
okay so i’ve got a request for stepmom!wanda x reader 🤭
maybe wanda seducing/the other way around or just like kinda dark!stepmom!wanda making reader lay on her chest and eventually suck her nipples when they’re upset or maybe stressed over school (because you know… lactation kink)
and yeah, lots of mommy kink 😵‍💫🤭
Stress Relief
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Pairing: Stepmom!Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Whenever you're overwhelmed, your loving stepmom is there to make it better.
Warnings: 18+ nsfw content; dark!stepmom!wanda, slight dubcon, mommy kink, lactation kink, praise kink, legal age gap, cheating, manipulation
A/N: Thank you for the request, this one kinda got away from me so I hope you enjoy! This is my first time writing stepmom Wanda and I love her so much already <3
You always felt so relaxed in Wanda’s presence. 
With her hand in your hair, long delicate fingers stroking your scalp, and your head resting on her soft chest, you felt safe. 
Deadlines were kicking your ass and you were more stressed than you’d ever been, your second year at university proving to be much more vigorous than your first. Wanda practically had to drag you out of your room to watch a movie with her, not taking no as an answer despite you trying to explain how behind you were on your assignments.
She’d had enough of seeing you work yourself nearly to death, staying up half the night and accidentally skipping meals, too focused on your academics. She wasn’t mad at you for it, in fact, she admired your work ethic. You were ambitious and a perfectionist, so eager to please. 
Always such a good girl. 
And good girls deserved rewards. So she’d demanded that you take a break and join her in her room for a movie.
Technically she wasn’t lying; there was a movie playing in the background as she played absentmindedly with your hair. But that wasn’t the real reason she’d invited you into her bed. 
About twenty minutes into the movie, she decided to put her plan into motion. 
Her sweet touches and warm body molded into yours as you cuddled were enough to have you instantly relaxing into her. Right where she wanted you. 
Ever since she’d met you, she thought you were a precious little thing - so sweet, so smart, so willing to help her whenever she needed it. She planned to see just how far she could push that last one.
The first time she laid eyes on you, she thought you were adorable. She felt an instant attraction to you and, luckily for her, your father made his presence around the house scarce for work reasons, leaving the two of you alone quite often. 
For months she played the motherly role in your life. She made dinner, asked you about school, offered to help you with your homework, and spent time with you as much as you wanted. 
Really as much as she wanted, but whatever she wanted she knew she could make you want even more. She was so good at it that most of the time whatever she wanted seemed like it was your idea in the first place and Wanda loved the fact her sweet girl was so oblivious to her intentions. 
She touched you as much as possible, whether it was her hands on your waist as she moved past you, her fingertips tracing patterns into your exposed thigh during dinner, or having you curl up into her side when you watched movies. She didn’t miss the way you would always melt into her touch, knowing she had you wrapped around her finger as much as you did her.
As the movie played in the background, she tightened her grip in your hair, prompting you to lift your head the slightest bit. Before you could turn to ask if she needed to readjust, she’d already pulled down the top of her skimpy nightgown, exposing her full breasts and already hardened nipples. 
When you looked at her, your eyes fell to her bare chest for a moment before you squeezed them shut and tried to cover them. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to look,” you apologized frantically. “I- I didn’t know.”
“Shh, it’s okay, moya lyubov,” Wanda cooed, removing your hand from where it covered your eyes and placing her hands on your cheeks. “You want to look, don’t you?”
Her words shocked you, making you open your eyes and meet her tender gaze. “I- I’m confused,” you mumbled, trying to read her expression for even a hint at what was happening. All you saw was adoration and a twinkle in her eyes, so alluring that you had to look away.
When you did, you were staring directly at her breasts. You knew it was wrong, but you felt your mouth begin to water at the sight of them and heat building somewhere much lower. Subconsciously, you licked your lips and Wanda smirked when she noticed. This was too easy.
“I actually think you want to do more than just look, right, detka?” she asked, setting the trap, knowing you would take the bait.
“What do you mean?” you swallowed, unsure of where to look as your eyes flitted between her face and her chest.
“I think you know what I mean, sweetheart. Go ahead, you can touch,” she said sweetly, framing her words just right to make it seem like you’d just asked her yourself if you could touch her. 
When you nervously brought a hand up to cup the weight of her breast, she smiled reassuringly. You didn’t notice the smugness behind her smile as you refocused your attention below her neck. 
She bit her lip to stifle a moan when your thumb brushed against her straining nipple. She arched her back the slightest bit, pushing her chest closer to your face, your breath hitching in your throat at the action.
“Can I- can I use my mouth?” you asked, your voice almost a whisper.
Wanda had never been more pleased with herself than in that moment. She hadn’t quite expected you to be so bold and ask for such a thing so quickly. She was both proud of herself and proud of you, always so compliant, always so good for her.
“Yes, angel, you can use your mouth.”
When your lips wrapped around her nipple, she bit back a whine at the sensation of your warm mouth around her sensitive bud. You latched on, suckling contentedly and laving your tongue around the stiff peak. 
You were surprised when you felt warm, sweet liquid drip into your mouth. You had no idea Wanda could do this, but you couldn’t complain. The first taste of her milk had you hooked immediately, moaning as more spilled onto your waiting tongue. 
“You’re doing so good drinking mommy’s milk baby,” Wanda said breathily. 
Her words sent a shock straight to your core and you moaned against her flushed skin. 
“Oh, someone likes that, hm?”
You were too far gone to respond, your eyelids growing heavy as her breast emptied. You switched to the other one, sucking softer and slower this time, wanting to make it last.
Her fingers threaded through your hair, moving in a steady rhythm matching that of your tongue along the underside of her nipple. 
You fell asleep that way, with your mouth on her breast, her hand in your hair, and a smile on your face. It was the best sleep you’d gotten in months.
What happened that night became a routine shortly after. Whenever you were buried deep in research papers and exam flashcards, eyes burning from countless hours of studying, Wanda would be your saving grace. Your stepmom would poke her head into your room, encouraging you to take a break, and you’d wind up laying against her chest with one of her pretty nipples in your mouth and her sweet milk trickling down your throat.
Sometimes she enjoyed messing with you. In her mind, toys were meant to be played with. 
One night, she’d asked you if you wanted to watch something with her and when you agreed, she put on your favorite show. It always gave you butterflies when she remembered what you liked to watch, but how could she not? You were the apple of her eye whether you knew it or not.
You expected her to solicit you into sucking her dry, like always, but she didn’t, leaving you feeling lost and confused. You hadn’t realized how much you began to rely on that as a way to de-stress until she wasn’t willingly offering it to you. 
She wanted you to ask her for it yourself, to show her that you wanted her. You weren’t sure how to ask for something like that - it still felt wrong to you despite her constant reassurances that it was normal for mommies to take care of their precious angels that way.
Instead of voicing what you wanted, you nuzzled your face against her breasts, hoping she would understand. 
“Aw, do you want something sweetheart?” she asked, feigning sympathy so you wouldn’t be able to tell how much she was getting off on your desperation.
“Please,” you mumbled.
“Please what? You have to tell me what you want or I won’t know how to help,” she replied tenderly.
“Can I…” you paused, not knowing how to phrase it. “Taste you? I mean like… are they full?” you asked, glancing down at her chest before meeting her eyes again, her curious look intimidating you by the second until you were unraveling. “I’m sorry, actually, I don’t know why I’m asking you that, I-”
She cut you off with a firm hand grabbing your jaw, silencing you. Her thumb came up to brush against your bottom lip, the sight of you so needy for her making her shiver.
“Of course you can, detka. All you had to do was ask.” And with that she was removing her top and pulling you close, smirking to herself as you latched on and fell asleep in her hold, all of your worries forgotten for the night. 
One night, she invited you to go swimming with her, neglecting to mention that she wasn’t wearing a bathing suit under her robe and letting you find that out for yourself when she stood bare before you on the patio. She swayed her hips purposefully as she walked over to the pool, making sure to bend over and give you a delicious view as she stepped into the water.
Unable to get the vivid image of her perfect backside out of your mind, you shook your head and slowly undressed. You, unlike her, had worn a bathing suit and you decided to keep it on as your nerves followed you to the pool.
Sitting on the steps, she welcomed you in, not hesitating to pull you close to her body. With your head leaning against her arm, so close to where you longed to bury your face, you looked up at her and she simply nodded. 
Your hot mouth felt amazing against her nipple, cold from the water and the nighttime air. She hummed as you ran your tongue over the bud, trying to stimulate it enough to get your reward. When nothing came out, you sucked harder, your teeth grazing her sensitive flesh and causing her to whimper. 
You quickly pulled away. “Sorry,” you blurted out, your eyes wide. 
“It’s okay, sweet girl. It felt good,” Wanda cooed, bringing one hand to the back of your head and the other to your hand under the water. She gently pulled your head back to her chest while moving your hand towards her aching center. “Sometimes when you drink mommy’s milk, it makes her feel tingly down here,” she explained, pressing your fingers against her pussy. 
You felt the heat radiating from her core, warm and wet with something that wasn’t just the water from the pool. She guided your fingers to slide through her slick folds and you moaned against her breast at the feel of her.
That seemed to sober you up and you pulled back for a moment to speak. “This isn’t right, we’re not supposed to-”
“Quiet, detka,” she snapped coldly. “I told you I’ll always take care of you and do what’s best for you, didn’t I?” You nodded and she softened at that. “That’s right. Don’t you want to make your mommy feel good? It hurts down there.”
You nodded again, murmuring out a “yes mommy” and kissing around her breasts apologetically. 
“Good girl,” she praised, making you clench your thighs together. 
That night, you filled her up with your fingers while she filled you up with her milk. She came hard against the wall of the pool and you felt pride welling up within you at the beautiful sight of her in ecstasy. When you grew sleepy, she helped you inside, taking you to her room where you fell asleep on her chest. 
She looked down at you fondly, knowing without a doubt that she loved you more dearly than she’d ever loved anything in her life. The love she had for your father didn’t even come close to the way she felt about you. Her heart felt whole with the knowledge that you loved her just as much, all on your own. 
She may have had to coax it out of you, but flowers don’t grow where seeds aren’t planted. And in her garden, you were her favorite flower. 
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dionvsian · 1 year
theodore nott meeting the hogwarts cool girl !!
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theodore nott x fem!reader (she/her pronouns)
warnings: reader smokes cigarettes (srry if it makes you uncofortable!).
little note: back to writing! i used to have a blog here and i made the dumbest decision to delete it (i'll forever miss you timothée chalamet's fake instagram posts)
reblogs are appreciated 😁
“are you always this late?” he looked down, studying your face. You could see him taking in every single detail. as he did so, he lifted an eyebrow and waited for your reply. a small smirk played with the corner of his mouth. the kind of smirk you see someone do when they feel they are superior towards you. he did not know your name, at least not yet.
your silence caused him to continue: “I am theo. and you are?"
"I'm y/n"
"pleased to meet you y/n. my father always said that a name should mean something. it should reflect the person being named"
"i'm not really sure what my name means, but i hope is something nice!"
"are you a pure blooded witch?"
"yep" you say nodding
he seems satisfied with your answer. as if you somehow passed a test without even knowing it. he holds his hand out and introduces himself with a slight bow.
"i would say you look like an angel from heaven, but you look more like some punk girl who has trouble getting to class on time"
"i wasn't planning on going to class rn"
“oh! uhm, that can get you into trouble. you know.” he says. then he adds: “are you always so bold? it’s kind of cute.”
"i'm not bold, i'm just me"
he lets out a chuckle. "it’s the same thing. I’m guessing you are just very confident in yourself, hm?” he tilts his head a little and looks down at you. “it’s not a bad quality, and I suppose it makes for a good quality of a friend, don’t you think?”
"yeah maybe"
“you are not the quiet type, I bet. you are the one who likes to get things done.” he smiles, and leans in close to you. "you would do anything to achieve your goal. you must be one of the most popular girls at school. i bet many boys try to ask you out.” and he waits for you to respond. there is a glint in his eye as he stares at you, studying you.
a soft blush spreads on your cheeks "maybe... do you want to join them?" you say flirtatious
he smiles and leans closer, he is just a few inches away from you. you can feel the heat of his breath coming from his lips as he smiles.
“maybe I do.”
he waits for you to respond, just looking at your face, smiling. he is amused at the way you're blushing. but you cannot tell what the reason for that is. does he find you attractive? or does he find you a fool? he seems to be enjoying this a little too much, as you cannot tell what the outcome of this conversation will be.
you look up at him, since he is a bitt taller but you only gives a satisfied smirk
he is enjoying this attention he thinks. he leans in even closer to you and whispers in your ear.
"what are you thinking about right now?”
you let out some of the air that was inside your lungs "to be honest, I was thinking of smoking some cigarettes and painting my nails"
"you’re a naughty girl then. do you smoke cigarettes often?" he asks this in a way that implies he actually cares about the answer to the question. as if smoking cigarettes is a bad thing. or it's not?
"yeah, but don't tell anyone, ok? it will be our secret"
he seems amused by your response. he smiles and whispers again. this time his voice is even quieter
“a secret.” he whispers the last word and he has this smile on his face that says it is not a normal secret. the look on his face gives her the impression he thinks of something not entirely appropriate. “how many cigarettes are you planning to smoke today alone?”
"3? i'm not really sure"
again, he gives you this amused smile, and it seems he is actually a bit impressed. he is not used to seeing someone not care about the rules like she does.
“well, they say you gotta try everything once. you must get into trouble a lot. aren’t you afraid of detention?”
"no, plus I never get caught anyways". you say and smile for him "do you smoke?"
he seems surprised at the question. he shakes his head and says. “no, I have never smoked. my father makes sure i take care of my health. but he doesn’t say anything about my friends. I suppose you would have to hide it from him?” “how does it feel to smoke? will it feel good to try it for first time?”
"I don't want to be a bad influence for you" you chuckle "so I won't answer"
he seems to actually be thankful. as if you just saved him from doing something bad.
"thank you. If I start smoking today. I’s your fault though!” he laughs. then he asks. “what else do you do that is bad? or am I the only person that deserves to know about this side of you?”
he seems curious and even though the smile on his face remains as teasing as ever. you can see the look on his face is genuine. as if he actually wants to know about you more.
"talking about bad habits isn't exactly a good way to get to known someone new"
he laughs again. you notice how good his laugh is. he seems to do it a lot lately. he leans in again. you can smell his cologne when you get this close. “so, you are afraid I might judge you or something?”
he gives you a playful look and then adds: “i already said you were cute. so being a little naughty, does not make you any less cute." he says this playfully, and you can see that smile on his face again. he seems to enjoy teasing you.
you back on a wall of the corridor "it will affect your impression of me" but your heart skips a beat when he calls you cute
he seems to be enjoying the way you are backing up against the wall. as he can still clearly see just how pretty you are. he smiles at you, this time you can feel he is being genuine about the compliment. he gets closer to you though. he really thinks he is in charge here doesn't he?
“well, it only makes me want to know more about you. a girl who smokes cigarettes and isn't afraid of trouble... is a very rare breed these days.” he looks you up and down again. but this time with pure admiration.
"why don't you tell me what are y thinking abt?"
"you really are interested in me aren’t you?” he laughs after saying this. h thinks for a few seconds. he seems to be contemplating whether or not to disclose his thoughts to you.
"fine, I’ll tell you my thoughts. but you better not tell anyone else. I don’t want to lose my reputation.” he takes a deep breath. you can see he is nervous, and he is blushing a little.
he leans in closer and whispers in your ear "i’m wondering if you have ever kissed anyone before.”
he waits for you to respond, the same look on his lips. you sense a bit of smugness in his voice, as if he is convinced you have never kissed anyone before.
"of couse i did".
he seems surprised, and gives you a look. it’s the look a person gives you, when they know they are not in charge. you just gained a lot of power and superiority over him just now.
"what about you? have you ever kissed someone?"
he smiles, his cheeks are red now, and his whole face is blushing.
"y-yea I have.” he says it as if it’s difficult for him to admit it. your response seemed to have knocked him off his feet. his eyes are fixed to the floor, as if he is trying to decide what to do next.
you decide to shoot your shot being flirtatious"do you wanna kiss me?"
he looks up and seems shocked. he blushes even more as you say this, his cheeks are as red as a beet now. your confidence has made him completely speechless. he whispers so only you can hear his voice, while also pulling you closer into him. "may I?”
he leans in and gently kisses you on the lips. It’s sweet and gentle but very passionate. you notice just how soft his lips are.he is blushing as you kiss, and so do you. his lips are soft and smooth, you feel them against yours and you find the experience very calming and pleasant.
you place your hand on his cheek and they get even redder, as he continues to hold his lips against yours. he enjoys the kiss very much.
he breaks the kiss after a bit and looks at you. "that was nice.” a broad smile was on his lips. he looks so happy and full of life. you can see all the tension fall away as his shoulders slowly relax.
"well, i have to go to class now"youi say and unlean from the wall" see you" and you start walking away
"wait.” he calls out when you are already half way on your way to the potions class. "you are not telling anyone are you?”he still has that smile on his face and you can see that he wants to continue this conversation. he seems hooked to knowing more about you. He is obsessed. he wants to know what that "cool girl" energy of yours looks like, and how far you are willing to take things with him.
"of course not. i dont wanna be seen with the spoiled playboy theodore nott" you say and get into your classroom, not giving him the chance to say anything else.
he watches you leave. he is completely flabbergasted and speechless. he is not used to girls treating him like this. he has not noticed this side of you. theo is completely in love now. you are beautiful and mysterious in his eyes. he feels like he got a peek behind the curtains. a private performance.
he watches you leave and then continues to the potions classroom. he is lost in his thoughts, trying to piece together why you acted in the way you just did. you are not like any other girl he knows in Hogwarts. and he wants to know more.
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r-aindr0p · 15 days
Elias is so fricking cute and cool and funny! He's so fricking awesome!
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He is thanking you ! (and flexing w/ his technomantic prosthetis) + other random scribbles (yea jade quickly found it neat to sit on Elias' right side during classes, free charge station and web browser)
As for the other ask, yeah that's the plan but shh, Elias is still in denial.
Though they technically held hands once, kinda... it happenned after this little incident (first comic w/ the broom)
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Automatic hand grab :)))
Might as well link this other shitpost w/ elias I did centuries ago, since it's answers to asks it doesn't show when I look up for the posts w/ the search bar hhshdhsvd, anyway here you go : cat feeder ferature on his arm
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boba-beom · 9 months
yeonjun x reader, reader body worshipping yj’s abs basically 🫶🏼
after yeonjun performed guilty, I can’t stop thinking about his soft abs. idk but why are they so pretty?!
imagine just lifting his shirt, inch by inch and you lower your head to place light and gentle kisses from his neck, sternum and then down his gentle abs 🫠 watching them tense under you after each kiss, and yeonjun would have shaky gasps the closer you reach his lower abdomen. but you don’t go any lower, you spoil his torso and abs with kisses and caressing your thumbs on the surface of his skin 🥰
he would love to hear you coo, “yeonjun, baby, you’re perfect.” and “your abs are so pretty.” even a “you’re my pretty boy, yes?” and he’d be putty in your hands. loving the way your hands are roaming over his body while you continue kissing his soft skin, even noticing the little mole on the right side of his torso by his waist. he would be nodding his head after each of your praises. he loves you, his baby, so much 🫠
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lizablackthorn · 1 year
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i miss them so much
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geotjwrs · 4 days
Can you Alexa demie x male reader smut and the reader is a young and upcoming actor who's nervous because he got to do a sex scene with her
rodeo (18+)
Pairings ; Alexa Demie x Male!Reader
Warning/s ; pure smut
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It was a warm summer evening in Los Angeles when young actor Y/N found himself standing outside the gates of Alexa Demie's sprawling Hollywood Hills mansion. He was nervously awaiting his scene partner for the night, the talented and beautiful Alexa herself. They were set to film a sex scene for their new show, Euphoria, and Y/N couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety.
As he waited, he couldn't help but recall their first encounter. It had been a few weeks prior, during a table read for the show. Alexa had walked in, her long black hair cascading down her back, her brown eyes sparkling with intelligence and wit. Y/N had been immediately drawn to her, and as they rehearsed their lines together, he found himself falling for her more and more.
Now, as he waited for her to answer the door, Y/N couldn't help but feel a flutter in his stomach. When she finally opened the door, he was struck by her beauty once again. She was wearing a tight-fitting red dress that accentuated her curves, and her lips were painted a deep shade of crimson.
"Hi there," she said, her voice low and sultry. "I'm so glad you could make it."
Y/N followed her inside, his heart racing. They made their way to the living room, where a fire was crackling in the fireplace. Alexa poured them each a glass of wine, and they sat down on the couch, talking and laughing as they sipped their drinks.
As the night wore on, the conversation turned to more intimate topics. Alexa confessed that she had a bit of a daddy kink, and Y/N couldn't help but feel his cock twitch in his pants. He had always been attracted to older women, and the thought of being Alexa's daddy for the night was almost too much to bear.
"I want you to take control," Alexa said, her eyes shining with desire. "I want you to be my daddy and show me what it's like to be with a real man."
Y/N didn't need any further encouragement. He leaned in, capturing Alexa's lips with his own. They kissed deeply, their tongues exploring each other's mouths. Y/N's hands roamed over Alexa's body, cupping her breasts and teasing her nipples through the fabric of her dress.
Alexa moaned, her hands reaching down to grip Y/N's cock through his pants. He was already hard, his length straining against the fabric. She stroked him gently, her fingers expertly working him to the brink of orgasm.
Y/N broke the kiss, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "I want to taste you," he growled, his eyes dark with desire.
He pushed Alexa back onto the couch, lifting her dress up to reveal her bare pussy. It was already wet, glistening in the firelight. Y/N couldn't resist any longer. He leaned down, his tongue snaking out to taste her.
Alexa cried out, her back arching off the couch. Y/N lapped at her pussy, his tongue exploring every inch of her. He sucked on her clit, teasing it with his teeth. Alexa's moans grew louder, her hands gripping the cushions of the couch.
"Oh, fuck, yes," she cried out. "Don't stop, daddy."
Y/N continued to feast on Alexa's pussy, his fingers joining in to probe her tight hole. She was so wet, so ready for him. He could feel her muscles clenching around his fingers, her orgasm building.
"Come for me, baby," he growled, his voice low and rough.
Alexa did as she was told, her orgasm crashing over her like a wave. She screamed, her body shaking with pleasure. Y/N didn't let up, his tongue continuing to work her clit as she came down from her high.
When she was finally spent, Y/N stood up, his cock throbbing with need. He stripped off his clothes, his eyes locked on Alexa's. She was watching him, her own eyes glazed with lust.
"I want you inside me," she whispered, her voice husky with desire.
Y/N didn't need any further encouragement. He climbed onto the couch, positioning himself between Alexa's legs. He teased her pussy with his cock, rubbing it up and down her slit.
"Please," Alexa moaned, her hips bucking up to meet him.
Y/N couldn't resist any longer. He pushed inside her, his cock filling her completely. She was so tight, so hot. He started to move, his hips thrusting in and out of her.
Alexa wrapped her legs around him, her heels digging into his ass. She met his thrusts with her own, their bodies moving in perfect harmony.
Y/N leaned down, his lips finding Alexa's once again. They kissed deeply as they fucked, their tongues dancing together. Y/N's hands roamed over her body, cupping her breasts and teasing her nipples.
"Harder," Alexa moaned, breaking the kiss. "Fuck me harder, daddy."
Y/N did as he was told, his thrusts becoming more urgent, more demanding. Alexa cried out with each one, her orgasm building once again.
"Yes, yes, yes!" she screamed, her body shaking with pleasure.
Y/N couldn't hold back any longer. He felt his own orgasm building, his balls tightening. He thrust into Alexa one final time, his cock exploding inside her.
They collapsed onto the couch, their bodies slick with sweat. Y/N wrapped his arms around Alexa, pulling her close. They sat there for a long moment, their hearts beating in time with each other.
"That was amazing," Alexa whispered, her voice soft and dreamy.
Y/N couldn't agree more.
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loveesiren · 12 days
Doing It All For Us (Pt. 2)
Rafe Cameron x Reader
Summary: Rafe protects Y/n and learns more about her.
Warnings: Swearing, drinking, drugs, fighting, mentions of death and gun violence, fluff
Word Count: 3.2k+
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By the time you pulled up to the party you were on cloud 9. You and Courtney held hands and skipped together towards the fire, bottle of tequila still half full. Rafe trailed behind you guys and smiled as he watched how happy you were.
You and Courtney started dancing and taking shots while Rafe made his way around the party trying to sell the rest of the coke.
"Hey ladies!" Kelce said as him, Topper, and Sarah approached you.
"Hey!" You said, giving them all a hug. You knew Sarah didn't like you much but you were feeling too good to care. "How are you guys?"
"Fucking lit!" Topper said.
"Fucking saaaaame!" Courtney said as she took a swig from the bottle.
You chuckled and scanned around to find Rafe. He was sitting down surrounded by a few other girls. You unknowingly clenched your jaw at the sight.
Rafe glanced back at you and met your eyes. He gave you a smirk and wiped his nose, indicating he was taking care of business. You smiled and nodded at him as you directed your attention back to the conversation.
"Fuckin' Pogues," Courtney spat. You turned to follow her gaze to see a group of people walking up the beach.
You'd seen them around the island. John B, JJ, Pope, and Kiara. You knew their names but you were always too busy to pay them any attention.
You felt a hand snake around your shoulder. You looked up to see Rafe and you smiled. "Hey," You said.
"Hey," His eyes were soft and his smile was warm. Something about him being so close to you gave you a sense of calm you didn't know you needed.
"Sell it all?" You asked.
He pressed his tongue to his cheek as he nodded. "Yeah, but it's not enough."
"Fuck," You said.
"Don't worry, I have a plan." Rafe assured you as held you closer to him and lead you towards the cooler to get a drink.
A few girls glared at you as you walked. You weren't exactly sure why. Courtney had remained your only real girl friend since you moved here. Most girls seemed to hate you. You knew it was probably jealousy. But for what? Did they want to look like you? You'd be happy to do make overs if any of them gave you the time of day. Were they annoyed that there was a new girl in town taking up all the attention? Or was it the fact that you had gotten so close to Figure Eights ultimate Kook King?
The more you thought about, the more you realized that Rafe was practically always with you. It seemed normal now.
"You okay?" He asked as he handed you a seltzer from the cooler.
"Yeah, yeah, it's just..."
"What?" He asked, genuinely curious.
"You're always with me."
His face fell slightly at your words. "Do you not want me around?" He asked.
"No, I do! I love hanging out with you. Seriously,"
"Then what's the problem?"
You sigh. "I feel like I take up all your time. People seem to hate me for some reason and I feel like I've taken you away from your friends."
Rafe chuckled.
"What?" You ask.
"Look, you're my friend. And Kelce and Top and even Court. All these other people," He waves his hand around the sea of people. "Just people I get fucked up with."
"Isn't that what we do?"
"Yeah. It is. But we talk too. About, like, everything. Everything you say is so fucking...interesting. I can barely stand talking to these other people for five minutes."
You smile up at him and he returns the gesture. You quickly wrap your arms around his waist and pull him close to you. He's so much taller than you. He wraps his arms around your neck and rests his head in your hair as he hugs you tightly.
You break away from him far sooner than he would have liked. Before you can get another word in, you hear shouting coming from down by the water.
You turn to see Topper and Kelce arguing with JJ and John B. It wasn't long before things got physical.
"Fucking Pogues," Rafe said as the two of you started toward the commotion.
"Kick his ass, Top!" Courtney yells.
"Why would you encourage them?" You hear Kiara say to Courtney.
"Why the fuck is your boy starting shit?" She responded.
You both laugh.
"Bitches," You hear Kiara mutter.
"What was that?" You say as you step around Courtney and get in her face.
"I said you're a bitch!" Kiara repeats herself.
You push her back and as she struggles to catch her balance you deck her in the left eye.
"Oh, shit!" Courtney laughs as she watches Kiara hit you back but you were quick to punch her square in the nose and she fell down.
"You wanna talk more shit, cunt?!" You scream at her as you grab her hair and hit her again.
"Get off me!" She spat at you, hitting you as best she could which was not very effective.
"Goddamit," Rafe muttered as he turned away from Topper and John B and ran over to you.
"Topper stop! You're gonna drown him!" You hear Sarah cry.
"John B!" Kiara yells as she tries to push you away.
You feel strong arms wrap around your torso but you continue to swing.
Suddenly, you hear gunfire. Rafe pulls you off Kiara and falls to the ground, holding you tightly and shielding your with his body.
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"JJ stop!" You hear Pope scream.
"Get the hell off our side of the island!" JJ screams, firing the gun two more times.
You realized you were clinging to Rafe's arm, nails digging into his skin so hard you knew he was probably bleeding.
"Are you okay?" He asks softly, he lips pressed to your temple.
"Yeah, yes. Can we go home please?"
"Yeah, come on I got you." He says as he gets up, still holding you close.
You tried to choke back tears as Rafe lead you to his truck. Memories of your childhood came flooding back.
Rafe helped you into the passenger seat and Court and Kelce climbed in the back. "Where's Top?" You heard Courtney ask.
"Left with Sarah. What the hell was that?!" Kelce said.
Courtney leaned forward and put a hand on your shoulder. "Y/N, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, Court." You said, shrugging her hand off before Rafe climbed into the driver's seat and quickly drove away from the party.
"Fucking Pogues, dude!" He said, clearly angry.
"I can't believe JJ pulled a gun on Top dude. Fucking psycho." Kelce responded.
"This ain't over," Rafe said before pulling out his phone to call Topper.
You barely paid attention to the conversations around you as you stared out the window.
When you finally got back to your house Kelce and Court seemed fine, ready to go back to drinking and flirting like they had been all night.
You kept your head down and made your way to your room.
"I'm fine." You cut Rafe off and stormed upstairs.
Rafe chewed on his cheek for a minute before turning and heading back to where Kelce and Courtney were.
"I think I'm gonna head home," Rafe said, a hint of sorrow in his voice.
"I wouldn't do that," Courtney responded. Rafe gave her a questioning look. "Look," She sighs. "It's not my place to tell. But give her like an hour. I think she's gonna need you."
Rafe pondered her words for a minute. Having a gun go off in a close proximity is scary for pretty much anyone. But you seemed to be a lot more shook up than everyone else.
Rafe wondered if there was something you hadn't yet told him. He'd gotten to know you really well over the past month and a half but surely there was plenty more to learn about you. And more than anything he wanted to be there for you when you were ready to talk about it.
"Okay," He agreed and sat down on one of the barstools at the kitchen counter. "Pour me a shot."
About an hour later, Courtney and Kelce retired to the guest room. Rafe paced for a few minutes before finally deciding to go check on you.
He reached your door and knocked lightly.
"What?" Your voice was weak and pained.
"Y/N? It's Rafe. A-are you okay?" He asked.
You were silent for a moment. You were upset and scared but you needed someone. You needed Rafe.
"Come in." You finally said.
Rafe slowly opened one side of the huge double doors that lead to your bedroom. You had taken off your make up and washed your face. You pulled your naturally wavy locks into a high ponytail, a few strands loose in the front that fell across your face. You'd put on baggy plaid pajama pants and a small black tank top. Rafe swore he'd never seen a more beautiful sight in his life.
"Hey," He said nervously.
You looked up to face him. Your eyes were red from crying but the Y/E/C of your iris still sparkled in a way that made his heart skip a beat.
"Hey," You said, offering a small smile. You held out a hand to him motioning for him to come sit with you.
He sat down beside you on the bed. "Do you need me to get you anything?"
You shook your head. "I think I just need to sleep." You told him.
"Okay, yeah, that will probably help you feel better." He agreed. "I can crash on the couch, just let me know if you ne-"
"No, Rafe," You cut him off. "Please stay with me."
He stared at you for a moment as you moved over in your bed and pulled the covers back, inviting him to come lay beside you.
"Okay," He said nervously, but he was happy at your request. It wasn't like the two of you hadn't passed out next to eachother before. But tonight seemed different.
He kicked off his shoes and laid down beside you. You moved close to him and wrapped your arms around him, nuzzling your head into his chest. He wrapped an arm around you and brought his other hand to your hair, twirling the strands between his fingers.
"Thank you," You whispered against him. "You make me feel safe."
Rafe smiled widely at the sound of those words falling from your lips.
"You know I'll always take care of you," He said before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Get some rest, sweetheart."
Sleep came easily to both of you that night. The nightmares you were scared that would surface never came and instead you slept dreamlessly and peacefully.
Your eyes fluttered open to the sunlight peaking through your window. You could feel the rise and fall of Rafe's chest underneath you and you felt warm inside.
You remained quiet, listening to the soft beating of his heart. He began to stir 10 minutes later.
"Morning," He said sleepily as he ran his fingers up and down the length of your shoulder.
"Goodmorning," You responded. "Did you sleep okay?"
"Amazing," He confessed with a smile. "Are you feeling better?"
You nodded. "Yeah, I'm sorry about last night."
"Why are you sorry?" He asked.
"It's just...I don't like guns."
"I understand."
You sighed as you clung to him tighter. "You know how my mom died when I was little?"
"You mentioned it. The night of your party." He responded.
"Yeah, well, she died when I was six..." You began.
Rafe was quiet. He played with your hair, untangling the parts that got twisted together amidst your sleep as he listened to you.
"It was just me and her at home one night. I was in my room watching cartoons. Spongebob, I think..." You chuckle at the last part. "My mom was downstairs making dinner." You take in a shaky breath. "I heard commotion. Men yelling and my mom yelling back. She was scared. When I went to the door to listen, I heard three shots. They scared me. I ran and hid under my bed and covered my ears. I thought maybe they were fire works at first but then I heard the men yelling again. There were two more shots before it finally went quiet."
Rafe held his breath and squeezed you tighter.
"I stayed in my room for like an hour before I finally thought it might be safe to go downstairs. I yelled for my mom but she never responded." You closed your eyes and swallowed. "When I finally got to the kitchen, I-I found her..." Your voice cracked.
"Shhh," Rafe soothed, pulling you close and tucking your head to his neck. His arms were tight around you and you felt a that familiar calmness rush over you.
You both sat in a comfortable silence for a while. You were never uncomfortable around Rafe. Since you met him he'd always brought you peace.
"Are Kelce and Court still here?" You finally asked as you sat up and faced him.
"Most likely. They stayed up drinking then moved it to your guest room."
You rolled your eyes. "Great," You chuckled. "Guess I'll be scrubbing that room today." You began to get up but Rafe grabbed your wrist and you turned to face him.
"Or," He began. "We could call a maid and go get lunch at the club."
You smiled at him. "That sounds a lot better,"
"Cool," He smiled. "I just have to take care of a few things. Meet you there? 1:30?"
"Perfect." You agreed. "I'm gonna shower." You said as you ran to your bathroom and closed the door behind you.
Rafe laid in your bed a few moments longer, smiling to himself as he reminisced on the fact that you slept in his arms all night.
You brushed purple eyeshadow on your eyes with an orange liner. You felt lighter today. The trauma of last night fading away. You applied some concealer on the small bruise forming on your cheek where Kiara had punched you, chuckling at the fact that's all she left on you.
You threw on a lilac blouse and slipped into some light jean shorts. Giving yourself a once over in the mirror before you grabbed your purse and sandals and made your way downstairs.
"Are those my clothes, slut?" You asked Courtney as you entered the kitchen.
"Yup," She declared before popping a blueberry in her mouth. "Kelce ripped my skirt."
"It was an accident!" He protested.
"You guys are sick." You chuckled as you went to the fridge and grabbed a Fiji water. The only water you would drink.
"We're headed to the club, wanna come?" Kelce asked.
"Uh yeah, I'm actually supposed to meet Rafe."
"He didn't stay over?" Courtney asked.
"No, he did. He just had to do some things this morning."
"Cool! I'll drive!" Kelce announced. You realized you rarely drove your Benz Truck anywhere anymore.
You locked up your house and set the alarm before you all climbed in Kelce's BMW.
You pulled up to the club at exactly 1:30pm but there was no signs of Rafe's truck or his bike. You brushed it off and followed Courtney and Kelce into the club.
"I'm gonna run to the bathroom," You announced, starting to feel uneasy.
Once you got into one of the stalls and locked it behind you you quickly pulled out a small bag of cocaine from your purse. You used your long acrylic nail on your pinky finger to scoop out a bump and you snorted it, throwing your head back before you went for one more. You licked the residue that still coated your nail before putting it back in your bag and flushing the toilet. You came out and quickly washed your hands before heading back to the table.
Still no sign of Rafe.
"What can I get you guys?" A familiar voice asks. You look up to see JJ waiting to take your order.
"Oh, that's fucking rich." Courtney scoffs.
Anxiety fills your body as you look up to him.
JJ tries his best to control his composure, not wanting to lose his cool on the job. Even though you had all gotten in a pretty rough fight last night, JJ realized that the three of you, being rich customers, had the upper hand and he couldn't afford to lose his job.
"3 Mai Tai's," Kelce answers.
"I'll need to see your IDs." He states. Kelce laughs but hands over his fake. You and Courtney do the same.
"Make that 4, my friend." Rafe says, placing a hand on JJ's shoulder and slipping him his fake ID as well before pushing him towards the bar and away from your table.
You instantly let out a sigh of relief as the sight of Rafe. He sits down next to you, placing his arm across the back of your chair and leaning over to you.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah," You smile at him. "Are you?"
Rafe sighs. "Talk about it later," He promised.
You noticed the fresh burn on his left forearm. "Rafe, your arm!"
"It's fine," He reassures you as he hides his arm under the table.
JJ came back with your drinks. "Any food for you guys?"
"Not hungry," You muttered as you took a long sip of your drink.
"She'll have the salmon," Rafe told him.
"You need to eat, sweetheart." He said softly.
You smiled as everyone else ordered their food. You giggled at the way Rafe knew your favorite meal.
After a few more Mai Tai's, you were happy you had all made it through lunch, despite JJ being your server. You could not handle anymore drama today.
The four of you made your way down to the beach. Courtney and Kelce drunkenly clinging to eachother and laughing. You and Rafe trailed behind.
"You gonna tell me what happened to your arm?" You asked, genuinely concerned.
Rafe sighed. "Late on payment."
"I thought you had a plan?" You asked him.
"I do, I do, I just...haven't gotten to it yet."
"Listen," He began, grabbing your shoulders and turning you to face him. "I'm gonna take care of it okay? After I drop you off at home. I promise."
Something about the way he's looking at you tells you to keep your mouth shut.
"Okay." You respond softly.
He gives you a half smile and pulls you into him, cradling your head against his chest. You stood and held eachother in silence for a moment.
"Are you guys coming?" Courtney yelled to you.
"I'm gonna take her home!" Rafe yelled back. "We'll see you guys later!"
"Suit yourself!" Kelce yelled back before him and Courtney continued down the beach.
Rafe walked you to his truck and opened the passenger door, helping you inside. Once you were comfortable, he shut the door and jogged to the drivers side.
He turned on the engine and put his car in drive.
"Rafe?" You say, breaking the silence.
"Please be safe." You tell him, your eyes full of worry.
He sees your expression and offers you a smile. He reached over and placed his hand on your knee. "Don't worry, sweetheart."
Something about his words ease away all your worry. You trust him fully.
You stare out the window as you drive. The sunset fading from orange to pink to lilac and the sight made you feel at peace.
"Want to play some music?" Rafe asks, already connecting your phone to bluetooth.
"Sure," You smile. "Turn it up."
He does as he's told and you press play.
You both relaxed as you felt the bass vibrate against your seats. Rafe slowly slipped his fingers between yours as he watched you wave your other arm out the window. You seemed so content and at peace. To everyone else on the island you were a bad-ass party girl. But when he looked at you he saw vulnerability, excitement for life, a big heart, and the beauty of a goddess. He'd never been so grateful for someone in his entire life.
As the song went on, Rafe swore it was his new favorite song. Because every time he'd hear it he would think of this perfect moment. Fresh summer air blowing through your hair as he clung to the hand of the woman he loved.
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witchslove · 2 years
I Can Do It Better
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: When you find out your best friend has never had an orgasm, you help her out.
Warnings: 18+ nsfw content; smut, bottom!wanda, fingering, semi-clothed sex, drinking games, cheating(?)
“Never have I ever had a boyfriend.”
Wanda threw her head back in a laugh at your statement and took a swig of her drink. “Well, obviously. You don’t like guys,” she said, glaring at you playfully.
“Anything is fair game in Never Have I Ever, Wands,” you retorted with a smug smile on your face. “And technically I could’ve in the past before I realized it.”
“Fair point,” she mused, giggling as she began to think of one for you.
The two of you had decided to have some sort of a girls’ night, which consisted of watching a movie and getting drunk. After the movie ended, you were a little more than halfway through a pack of beers and decided to play some drinking games. 
You and Wanda were long-time best friends and told each other nearly everything so you figured a friendly game of Never Have I Ever couldn’t hurt. If anything, you might find out something you didn’t know and it would only bring the two of you closer. 
Wanda racked her brain trying to think of something she’d never done that you had. She finally landed on one and before her slightly drunk brain could register just how personal it was, she blurted it out. 
“Never have I ever had an orgasm.”
If you had been drinking from your beer, you were sure you would’ve spit it out everywhere. 
Wanda’s face paled as she realized what she just said out loud to her best friend; it was something she’d never told anyone before. 
She couldn’t go back in time and not say it, so she just looked at you and waited for you to take a drink, because that was the rule of the game. She hoped you would brush it off and take your turn, but you didn’t.
“What about… I thought you and Vision…” you said, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
Wanda sighed, her cheeks turning rosy. “Um, yeah, we did but he didn’t- I didn’t…” she mumbled out, feeling shy.
You sat there, processing what she was telling you. It didn’t surprise you that Vision wasn’t good in bed. You’d never really liked him and you’d told Wanda she could do better, but she disagreed with you. He was the first guy to ever put in real effort on dates and he was kind, if not a little odd. 
You tried to appreciate him for at least that and at the end of the day you just wanted to see the brunette happy. Sometimes you weren’t sure if you just wanted to dislike him because she wanted to date him instead of you. 
No, she was your best friend. You didn’t see her that way - or at least that’s what you told yourself.
“And you’ve never… you know, touched yourself?” you asked awkwardly, not really wanting to pry or make her uncomfortable, but genuinely curious. Her admission caught you terribly off guard and you weren’t sure if it was your interest as her best friend or your interest as someone who maybe wanted to be more than friends that pushed you to drag out the conversation.
Her cheeks reddened with embarrassment. “No,” she said quietly. “I mean I’ve tried, I just… couldn’t get there.” As the words left her mouth, she wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole. She was certain the night couldn’t get any more embarrassing. 
The image of Wanda with her hand between her legs trying desperately to get herself off flashed in your mind and you had to suppress the groan you wanted to let out at the thought of it. 
“I’m sorry,” you responded, causing her to look up at you inquisitively. “That you’ve never, you know.” 
It could’ve been the way you said it or it could’ve been the drinks, Wanda didn’t know, but either way she was speaking once again before she could stop herself. “Is it as good as everyone says it is?”
“It’s better,” you muttered, immediately feeling bad when you saw a frown overtake her features. “I mean, it’s okay I guess.”
Wanda let out a defeated sigh. “I wish I knew what it was like, I feel like it’s this big inside joke everyone’s in on except me,” she said dejectedly. When you turned to her, she was playing with her fingers in her lap, a nervous habit of hers that you found adorable if not a little disheartening knowing she was anxious. “Vis and I tried and he- he got there. But I don’t know, I don’t think I did.”
“Oh, trust me, you would know if you did,” you quipped, trying to lighten the mood. You realized that was the wrong thing to say when she brought her knees up to her chest and avoided eye contact.
“Wanda,” you started, scooting closer to her. “It’s okay that you haven’t, I was just surprised is all. I don’t want to see you sad over this, how can I get that pretty smile back on your face?”
“Give me an orgasm,” she joked, but it came out sounding more like a demand.
You stopped breathing for a second, not sure if she meant it or not. “Do you really want that?”
It was her turn to tense up, taken aback by your response. Her eyes met yours and she could sense your nerves, which mirrored her own. “You- you would do that?” 
“I mean… I could,” you swallowed. “But would it be weird?”
She stared at you thoughtfully for a moment before replying. “I don’t think so. It would just be a friend helping out another friend, right?”
“Yeah,” you lied, knowing that doing this favor for her would be dangerous for you and your repressed crush on the brunette. “Right, exactly… a friend helping a friend.”
“Okay,” she paused and took a breath. “Then yes.” 
“Yes?” Your mind was reeling with what was happening and you were struggling to keep up.
“Yes, I want… that. For you to…” she trailed off, waiting for it to click in your mind.
“Oh, right, yeah.” Your body felt warm and you worried your hands would start sweating. “Okay, so just… here? Now?”
“I don’t see why not,” Wanda answered, fidgeting.
“How much did you drink?” You really didn’t want to miss an opportunity to touch the girl you’d been fighting the urge to want for so long, but you definitely weren’t going to take advantage.
“A little more than two beers. I’m fine, Y/N, I’m not drunk.”
You looked into her eyes for any sign that she was lying and all you saw was anticipation.
You nodded, before trying to figure out how you would do what she asked of you. “Lay down, get comfortable.”
She complied, leaning back against her pillows before looking up at you expectantly. You cleared your throat, your mouth feeling suddenly dry. Mentally trying to shake away your nerves, you moved closer so you were hovering over her.
“Is this okay?” You wanted to be sure she really wanted this.
“Yes,” Wanda breathed out. “Now get on with it.” You both chuckled and the suffocating tension began to ease up.
“Yes ma’am,” you said teasingly, before leaning forward. “Um, can I kiss you? Or do you just want me to…”
Wanda blushed, almost looking away. “If you think it will help, then it’s okay.”
You smiled reassuringly and leaned in, closing your eyes as you pressed a featherlight kiss to the corner of her mouth. Pulling away to read her reaction, you noticed her pupils had dilated and couldn’t help but smirk before attaching your lips to hers.
You kissed her slowly and gently as if to let her know she could stop you at any time, but she didn’t. She lifted her head to deepen it, following your lead as she moved her mouth against yours. 
Your tongue swiped against her lips to ask for entry and she opened her mouth in response. The first touch of your tongues together made her moan softly into your mouth and you felt a pang of arousal upon hearing it. You wanted, no, needed, to get more of those sounds out of her. 
You broke the kiss to trail your lips down her jaw and neck. You kissed the skin and sucked lightly, avoiding leaving any marks. Once you reached her ear, you took the lobe between your teeth and gave it a soft tug, noticing the way her body shuddered beneath you.
You pulled away to take her in, enjoying the sight of her so clearly worked up already. Her eyes were dark, her chest heaving. She looked adorable biting her lip as she looked up at you.
Your fingers played with the hem of her shirt, sliding into the fabric to touch heated skin, silently asking for permission to keep going.
She gave you an enthusiastic nod and you let your hands explore freely, finding her covered breasts and giving them a gentle squeeze. Her breath hitched in her throat and you wanted more. Removing your hands for just a moment, you slipped them under the cups of her bra, letting your fingers brush against her straining nipples.
A whimper escaped her mouth at the feeling of your hands on her and the delicious sound made you throb.
You decided against putting your mouth on her breasts and sucking the sensitive buds into your mouth because, as much as you wanted to, you weren’t sure if she wanted to be so exposed to someone that wasn’t her boyfriend. This wasn’t supposed to be anything more than you helping your best friend solve a problem, scratch an itch. The last thing you wanted was to make her uncomfortable.
You removed your right hand from her bra and brought it down to just where her skirt ended. “Are you ready?” you asked, drawing teasing circles on the soft skin of her thigh.
“Yeah,” Wanda answered breathily. “Please.”
The sound of her begging made your head fuzzy, but you focused on the task at hand: giving Wanda an orgasm. Just the thought of what was about to happen made you undeniably aroused.
Your hand moved up her thigh, under her skirt, until you reached her underwear. You ran your fingers along the front of her panties, almost moaning at the wetness you felt seeping through the fabric. 
“Fuck,” you mumbled, heat settling low in your stomach at the realization that Wanda was this wet for you. 
Wanda was underneath you, so turned on from your touch that she was dripping and making a mess in her panties. 
You applied more pressure, finding her clit through the fabric and rubbing small circles into it. 
Wanda threw her head back and whined, her hips jerking up at the new sensation. “That- that feels really good.”
You smiled and stopped only long enough to tug her panties down her legs. She kicked them off and spread her legs when you brought your other hand down to pry them open. 
Your fingers immediately went back to their place on her clit, massaging it more purposefully now that you were touching her without any barriers.
“Oh fuck, Y/N,” she moaned, her face scrunched up in pleasure.
Her bare pussy felt amazing under your fingertips, her clit pulsing and folds drenched. She felt soft and warm against you and you were already addicted. 
You dragged your fingers through her slick folds, nudging her clit on each upstroke, drawing cute whimpers from her. Straightening your middle finger, you slid it into her slowly, watching her face for any signs of discomfort. You knew she wasn’t a virgin, but you wanted to be gentle and work her up to an earth-shattering orgasm.
She moaned at the intrusion, her throbbing pussy practically sucking your finger in as deep as it would go. You moved it slowly in and out before adding another finger, making her gasp and buck her hips. 
You could definitely get used to the feeling of her velvety walls clenching around you, but you quickly shook the thought from your head. This was a one time thing, a favor and nothing more.
You began to thrust your fingers inside her at a steady rhythm, curling them in search of the spot that would make her scream. 
You knew you found what you were looking for when she let out a choked moan, her back arching off the bed. 
“God, that feels - oh - so good,” Wanda panted out, desperately gripping the sheets for something to hold on to.
You brought your thumb up to rub her clit in time with your thrusts, smiling to yourself at the way her hips couldn’t seem to stay still.
Your free hand came to her waist, pinning her down as you continued to pleasure her.
“You look so pretty like this, Wands,” you said, unconcerned with whether or not you might regret saying too much. “I can’t wait to see you fall apart for me.”
The moan that followed your words was nothing short of needy and loud. You couldn’t help but take a mental note that she liked being talked to while she was getting fucked. 
Whatever you were doing to her, it was working. Wanda had never felt like this even when she tried to grope her own tits and slip her own fingers inside herself. She felt a tight heat deep within her, building up, begging to be released. Her whole body felt like it was burning, a delicious warmth that started deep in her core where your fingers expertly curled against a spot she didn’t even know existed, spreading out like wildfire across the rest of her body. 
She didn’t know it could feel like this. With Vision, it started out as a dull pain from him entering her with little to no foreplay besides a lengthy makeout session. At some point it had felt nice and she could feel herself craving for a release, but it never came. He didn’t really bother to touch her clit, nor did he manage to hit whatever heavenly spot you were stroking over and over again, making her see stars.
You were nothing like him; the way you were touching her was unthinkable. She didn’t even know it was possible to feel this good.
She was close, so close she could taste it and she almost didn’t want it to end so soon. But as much as she wished she wasn’t coming undone so embarrassingly quickly, she also wanted it more than anything in the world. 
With your eyes on her, dark and full of lust, your mouth saying things that made her even wetter if that was possible, and your fingers curled deep inside, she knew she was about to break.
“I think- fuck, I think I’m gonna-” Wanda tried to get out between moans and whimpers. “It feels so…”
You leaned down until your lips were nearly touching her ear, so close she could feel your warm breath sending shivers down her spine. “Come for me, Wanda. Make a mess on my fingers.”
That was all it took for Wanda to tumble over the edge into pure bliss. Her back arched and her eyes squeezed shut, her mouth hung open in a silent scream as she trembled beneath you. Her legs closed around your hand, trapping you there, not that you had any intentions of leaving just yet, your fingers still pumping slowly inside her as she twitched against the bed. 
She clutched the sheets so tightly she was almost worried she might rip them but she couldn’t be bothered to care. She couldn’t even form a coherent thought as she rode out her orgasm, pulsing around your fingers and coating them in sticky wetness. 
When she finally came down, she laid there trying to catch her breath as your movements slowed to a stop. You tenderly pulled out, making her whine either from the emptiness or the sensitivity, and wiped your fingers off on the sheets.
She hummed as her pussy clenched with the aftershocks, finally calming down enough to open her eyes and look at you. 
When she did, she almost felt ready to go again. You were laying by her side now, still facing her, but what really drove her insane was the way you were looking at her. Your gaze was hungry, your eyes twinkling and lips parted to let out uneven breaths.
She could see in your face that you wanted her and she couldn’t remember ever feeling so desired, not even by her own boyfriend. 
The moment lasted but a second before you were sporting a smug grin like your normal self again. “How was that?” 
Wanda laughed. “Did you like… miss everything that just happened?” she joked, making you chuckle with her. “It was amazing. Thank you.”
“As good as everyone says it is?”
“It’s better,” she repeated your words from earlier back to you and you beamed at the compliment.
“Glad I could help,” you paused, trying to decide if you should say what you really wanted. “I think… I think you should break up with Vision.”
Her eyes widened, but she let you continue. 
“You deserve someone who can please you like that all the time. And it’s really not that hard if they’re actually paying attention to you and what you like. I’m not telling you what to do or trying to ruin something that makes you happy. I just think you deserve better.” 
Her heart fluttered with how much you cared about her and she didn’t know how to respond, feeling uncharacteristically shy in the face of a serious conversation about feelings, so she teased you instead. “So what you’re saying is I deserve mind-blowing orgasms.”
You snorted at that before answering. “Something like that.”
“Okay then give me another one.” She wasn’t sure where her boldness came from, but she couldn’t take it back now.
“What?” Your mouth dropped open in shock.
“I said…” She leaned forward until your faces were inches apart. “Give me another one.”
“What about Vision?” 
Wanda’s face softened, her tone becoming more serious. “I think I actually am gonna break up with Vision,” she admitted. “Not just because of what you said. Although you were right.” 
“That you deserve mind-blowing orgasms?”
She slapped you on the shoulder, laughing. “No! Well, yes, but about all the other stuff too.”
You smiled at her and couldn’t resist messing with her again. “So, about what you said…” You reached out to place a hand on her waist, gripping her hip with a smirk forming on your face as you leaned in. “I’m guessing no one’s ever tried to make you come with their mouth?”
Her breath hitched. “No,” she replied, biting her lip in anticipation.
“Let me make you feel good.”
She nodded and you lowered your head, excited to give in to temptation. As soon as she felt your mouth on her, she knew this wouldn’t be the last time.
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