#alfie solomons platonic
I Know Him
(Platonic Alfie Solomons x step daughter reader) (Background Finn Shelby x Reader)
Summery: Alfie Solomons is in for a surprise one morning when his soon to be step daughter greets him with a hug. Which wasn't unusual in itself, but he never expected it to happen at Tommy Shelby's house... or while she was wearing Finn Shelby's clothes....
A/N: Hi Y'all! I don't think there are any TW's for this! I just wanted to write a fluffy and funny idea about Alfie realising his sweetheart's daughter is dating a Shelby and she's just absolutely oblivious to their past. Also as with all of my Finn stories both him and the reader are over 18. Enjoy! ❤️
WC- 4.0k
Main Masterlist
He was dreaming.
Yes, that had to be it. She couldn't really be here could she? It wasn't really her was it? Smiling to him at seven in the morning at his friendliest enemy's house? In..... is that the little one's shirt?
He had to be dreaming. There was no other explanation to it.
At least that's what Alfie Solomons told himself once he saw his sweetheart's daughter waving at him when he walked in the front hall of Tommy Shelby's house that morning. Not only was she waving, but she was practically jumping up and down in excitement when she saw him, eager to see the man who would be her stepfather one day.... 
"ALFIE!! Is that you!!! Hi!!! What are you doing here?! My mum said you had a trip this week!"
Bouncy Excitement? Speaking at sonic speeds? Criminal amounts of energy for this early in the morning? Almost falling face first on the floor in her rush to hug him?..... Yep. This was his Y/N.
Automatically, Alfie returned the hug, something he'd grown more than accustomed to doing with his fiancée's daughter. Especially when it had been a few weeks since he'd seen you. You were born when your parents were fifteen, and now twenty years later, you were in your second year at a university, halfway between London and Birmingham. Your father had tragically died during the war, and it had taken your mother almost a decade to start dating again. And if by a storybook miracle, she'd fallen helplessly for the single, "semi-retired", grumpiest neighbor in Margret, who often walked with a cane and whose only friend seemed to be his dog. Three years ago they'd met one day when Cryil had lost his collar and you had found him sitting pitifully under a tree....not even two gardens down from his home. But you hadn't know then, and believing the dog to have no family, took him back to your house. It wasn't hard either, as soon you held out your hand, Cyril was up, eagerly following his "new master" and it wasn't until the next day Alfie showed up, having heard the familiar barking. He'd been searching for Cyril all night, only to finally hear his yapping not even two doors down. Furious at the idea someone had kidnapped his best friend, Alfie had come over, knocking angrily on the door, with half a mind to take up his "old" profession. But when the door opened, instead of a grisly old bastard, Alfie was met with the closest thing to an angel he'd ever seen. It wasn't just her beauty, but her voice and the kind way she looked at him that captivated the man. And then when he looked inside the house he'd seen another young woman, laughing as Cyril attempted to sit on her lap in the small chair. And he wouldn't realise it until a few months later, but that would be a sight Alfie wanted to see every morning. A year later, he'd officially started going around with your mother, though the secret was well kept from any of his business associates. Alfie also saw the younger woman herself as his own child now too. He'd even taking to calling you "Shiny" after your sunny disposition. He wouldn't admit it, but Alfie definitely teared up, more than once, on the first day the couple dropped you off at your University. He also wouldn't admit how he'd never been more nervous than six months ago when he'd asked you for permission to propose. You had obviously said yes, but not before staring at him silently for six minutes with a gaze that could make any Shelby break into a sweat. Speaking of Shelbys ....
"Y/N why are you hugging Alfred Solomons?"
Alfie looked up at the stairs and saw not one, but at least four (and a half) different Shelby watching him from the stairs. Now he could have chosen to make fun of the mess that was Arthur's hair, but instead he focused on someone else. Because Arthur's hair may have look like a drunken bird's nest, but it was Finn Shelby who'd spoken.... And it was Finn Shelby wearing the matching pants to your shirt. So it was Finn Shelby who was currently in a lot more danger than he was five minutes ago. Truthfully, Alfie had only talked to the young man twice and hadn't been bothered by the quiet Shelby too much. In fact, he might even go as far to say the he favoured Finn the most because he'd talked to him the least. And the more the Shelbys talked to Alfie, the less he began to like them. But the sight before Alfie was enough to send Finn Shelby right to the top of the "excruciatingly painful death" hit list he promised your mother he'd "lost" long ago.
"FINN! Look! It's Alfie! I've told you about him haven't I?"
Finn himself was still half asleep, but he'd heard your surprised shout from the bedroom when you went to the bathroom and wanted to make sure you were alright. Only he thought he was still dreaming when he saw you embracing the man who had caused his family so much trouble before. Evidently, your excitement had been brought to more than one Shelby's attention and now he was standing with Arthur, Linda, Lizzie (holding Ruby), and John at the top of the stairs. All half awake and just as confused. Most of them were wondering if this was going to be another Grace situation.... But you hadn't noticed any of that yet. Hurrying up the stairs, you'd grabbed Finn's hand and brought the still tried younger man down to "meet" Alfie. Once the two men were situated in front of each other, you spoke the words that shocked both of them wide awake.
"Finn meet Alfie, my step dad. And Alfie meet Finn, my Boyfriend."
"Ahhh yes!! Isn't it great!! You two get to meet for the first time!! Ohh you'll love each other so much!!"
Oblivious to the shock of your companions, you bounced on the balls of your feet, eager for your favourite two men to finally meet. From the top of the stairs, John had rushed off to wake up Esme and Ada, while Linda was coaching Arthur through breathing again. Lizzie just sipped her tea silently as baby Ruby clapped at the drama. Finn stared at the floor, trying to process what he'd just heard. In the end, it was Alfie whose shock was broken first.
The bouncing stopped and it was your turn to look at Alfie confused.
"What do you mean no?"
"You're not dating him Shiny."
"Yes, I am." 
"No, you're not."
"Yes, Alfie I am." You said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
"You're dating him?"
"Did they kidnap you? Are they forcing you to say this?"
"You sure?"
"Pretty sure I'm not kidnapped?"
"He asked you out and you agreed?"
"He took me for dinner and a movie!"
"You agreed to be with him?"
"You and him?"
"Him and I!"
"Yes! Isn't he brilliant!"
Eagerly, you looked towards your boyfriend who looked offend by the fact Alfie didn't seem to believe you could ever have any interest in him. Sure, Finn occasionally questioned it himself multiple times a day, but still. Though you payed no attention to his annoyance and wrapped your arms around your love, happily hugging him to yourself. Then you turned around facing your soon to be step father again, with Finn's arms still wrapped comfortably around your waist as they had been when you'd woken up that morning.
"What do you mean why Ally? He's brilliant! He's nice and strong and respectful. He takes me on fun dates and he listens to me. He lets me hug and kiss him whenever I want and he's not afraid to tell me how he feels, though it did take a bit to get to that part! He lets me hold his hand and steal his shirts and he doesn't mind it when I ramble a lot. And there's a whole bunch more too but that's just the tip. I ran into him at a race with my friends one day and we just clicked. Isn't it great! He treats me exactly how you treat my mom and I think that's brilliant! Finn's brilliant!"
Alfie froze for a second thinking about his options. On one hand you obviously knew nothing about what the Shelby really did for work and must not have realised what you were getting yourself into. On the other hand, you were one of the smartest people Alfie knew, and if Finn really did treat you like Alfie treated your mother, you'd know about his past by the second date... And you'd chosen to accept that. Alfie didn't know which idea scared him more. But right now he could see something else. You were happy....Very happy. Genuinely happy, in the fact you looked at Finn the same way your mother looked at Alfie... Shit you were in love with him. You loved Finn Shelby. And despite the sleep deprived confusion over the boy's face, Alfie had noticed the little spark in Finn's eye that lit up then he'd seen you. Alfie had seen the way Finn had pulled you slightly closer when you'd spun in his arms. You loved Finn Shelby and it seemed he loved you too. Shit. So despite his general distaste for Shelbys, Alfie did the last thing he wanted to do....But he did it for you. Because just like did your mother he'd do anything to see you smile.
"Well then gingersnap. If you treat my girl that nicely... then I guess it's alright to meet you isn't it?"
Somewhat begrudgingly, Alfie stuck his arm out toward the younger man. Finn stared at the arm, hesitantly, as if the moment he touched it, Alfie would pull him on to a knife. And truth be told, if he'd known it wouldn't make you mad, Alfie may have done that. But seeing your beaming grin, made shaking hands worth it. The hidden wince on Finn's face as Alfie increased his grip also seemed to get the unspoken message threat across. One tear from you and every peace deal between the families would be off. And all types of retribution would be fair game.... if your mother didn't get rid of Finn first that was.
 And finally it seemed Finn had processed your earlier words. He had also noticed your eager face and wanted to proceed with caution, careful of crushing your spirits. Obviously you'd mistaken Alfie for your real stepdad? The man you told Finn about so much couldn't possibly be the one who'd thrown his oldest brother in jail and betrayed Tommy every other weekend? Ada and Esme had joined the "observation deck"(second floor balcony) now, and John had gotten his gun incase things went south. Tommy was still no where to be seen.
"Yeah Finny?"
"You said this is your step dad?"
"Yes.... well technically not for a few more months, but the wedding is soon and he's basically already it!" 
"Right...but Y/N? You said your step dad was a nice older man who lived by the sea? He's a bit grumpy, but really sweet and likes to make model boats?"
"Yeah he does! This is him! You'll get along great!"
It was Alfie's turn to look slightly offended now. He wasn't that old, and it also occurred to him that while he told your mother about his "past" job, Alfie had never actually explained it to you. You genuinely thought Alfie was a retired baker. Sure, every now and then he'd tell you he was heading to London to consult another friend who was still in business, but that was it. And since you weren't raised in the big city, you really had no knowledge about Alfie's old job. Suddenly, he was dreading the imminent conversation more than ever before. 
"This is him? Are you sure?"
"Yep! I think I know what the guy banging my mum looks like Finny. Not that I ever see it...ew... but you know, Cyril doesn't get locked out of the master bedroom for anything!"
It was a good thing Alfie still had his beard because it helped hide the slight reddening of his cheeks and ears then. It wasn't that he was embarrassed about repeatedly making love to such a magnificent women, it was one of his proudest achievements actually...... but there was something about the fact her daughter knew that made him want to hide... just a little bit. Finn's face also turned red at the mention of Alfie's physical love life.
"Alright love, I believe ya. Just no more about his bedside manner alright? I don't wanna picture that."
"And I don't think I want you picturing it witchy."
"Finally!!," you cheered, clapping your hands quietly, happy both men finally seemed to understand what was going on. But then it brought you to your next question.
"Alfie?.... Why are you here though?.... oh please don't tell me my mum sent you to pick me up?"
"What no, your mum wouldn't do that...wait she knows you're here? What's she got to say about the lanky carrot top here? And how long has this been going on?" Alfie used his fingers to point between your shirt and Finn's pants, indicating what specifically the last sentence meant. Slightly tired of all the questioning you sighed. 
"I called her last night to tell her. It was too late to go back to my apartment and Finn said I could stay here. His brothers were fine with it too....ohh have you met them? I think you'd like Arthur! He likes boxing too, ya know!....but she knows. Also don't call him the lanky carrot top, that's mean. And it's been going on for almost a year now. Not the sleepovers, but the dating bit. We met right before summer break and you know....kept meeting up."
"A fucking year! Hell Shiny, when were you gonna tell us?" Alfie was shocked once again. You'd been dating Finn a whole year and hadn't mentioned it? A small part of him was hurt too, that you hadn't told him yet. He vividly remembered only a couple years ago, when you'd barge into his house looking for Cyril and just start telling him all about your day. Finn stood by just watching the observation, rubbing his red hair self consciously. It wasn't even that red, was it?
"ALMOST a year, and to be fair we hadn't make it official until a few months ago. I just didn't mention it because I wasn't sure if he was really into me or not....But he was, which is great! And I actually told my mom last month and she said I could bring Finn over next weekend maybe to meet him. She was suppose to tell you.... OHH WAIT! I have an idea!"
You were bouncing again, pleased with your new plan. Your mum said you could invite Finn to the house next week, and even though from your calls she seemed to like him, you knew she wasn't just gonna let him slide right into your bed....figuratively speaking. You were her only child and knew she wanted to make sure you were being treated right, so you figured she'd be a bit hard on him at first. When speaking on the phone last week, you'd also overheard her asking Alfie if he'd mind coming over early that day. You knew she wanted him around for a bit more intimidation. The big, dark, grisly figure standing in the shadows, while she interrogated Finn about his intentions. But maybe this unexpected meeting could work in your favour.
"This is great!! Since you and Finn have just met, and you seem to get along great, you can help me show him off to my mum next week! You can vouch that's he's as good as he looks!"
Alfie just stared at you.
There wasn't a single world in which he wanted to positively vouch for any Shelby. Especially one who apparently thought it was acceptable to get within ten feet of you..... without a shirt too. But then again, you had this slightly infuriating way of looking at Alfie. One smile and he was suddenly letting you paint fucking flowers on his fence to brighten the front yard or blowing up who knows what in his backyard. He really did give you too much power sometimes...
"You want me to vouch for him!"
"Yes, I mean you don't have anything against him do you?"
"Fucking actually..."
"What the hell is going on?"
Finally, Tommy showed up, his boots slightly dirty from the barn outside. He'd woken up early to check on the pregnant mare. Only he came back inside to find almost his entire family staying in the front hall, in their pyjamas, along with Y/N and Alfie. The latter of whom he didn't realise was up. If he'd known Alfie was awake, Tommy would have skipped the horse today. If only to insure Alfie didn't go rummaging around. On top of that, Alfie was shooting Finn a glare, hard enough to make Tommy shiver, not that he showed it. What his youngest brother had done to deserve that baffled him, but Tommy had some idea it had to do with the young woman grinning ear to ear.
"Oh! Morning Tommy! Have you met Alfie? He's my stepdad!"
Tommy's nose wrinkled slightly and his lips drew into a thin line. But his eyes went wide and his brows furrowed in confusion. That was probably the last thing he'd expected to hear that morning.
This time it was John who spoke up from the top of the stairs, eager to see more drama.
"Yep Tom! This one here is the spawn of Alfie's soon to be missus! Isn't that something?"
Tommy looked at you, and then Alfie, and then you again, then Finn, and finally back to you. Not because he didn't like you, but because he remembered the past, Tommy glared at you lightly.
"Are you a fucking spy? Because I won't have you going around with Finn if you're going to be sharing everything to Alfie here. And you better tell the fucking truth."
Surprised and slightly scared by his change in tone, you took a step back. Despite his reputation, Tommy had always been nice to you, if not a bit reserved like he was with most people. So hearing his "boss" voice was a bit jarring. Annoyed by his tone towards you, Finn and Alfie both stepped forward, glaring at the man who had spoken. You stared in confusion at Tommy for a second, before shrugging and laughing like he'd told a joke.
"Spy? I'm not a spy. What are you talking about Tommy? That's a funny joke though. Y/N the spy.... na I'm a terrible liar. Can't keep a straight face for the life of me. But why would I spy on you for Alfie? He's got nothing to do with the races or any shipping company like you run. It wouldn't make sense for me to share all your plans with him."
Behind you, both Alfie and Finn were drawing lines across their necks with a hand. The universal symbol for "don't say a fucking thing, change the subject", but it may have already been too late. You had glanced behind yourself to see if Finn had liked your joke and noticed the cutting motions of the two men. Suddenly your eyes widened, and you started looking between Alfie and Tommy, and then Alfie and the rest of the Shelbys. It was like a light flipped in your head and internally, Alfie winced at what might occur. But once again you surprised all of them.
"Wait! Are y'all working together!!.... Oh y'all do know each other! Alfie why didn't you just stay that in the first place? I wouldn't have made you shake Finn's hand again. That's why you're here isn't it? Y'all have business together? Are ya partners?"
Alfie cleared his throat and prepared to tell you the inevitable. Sure, he knew he should tell you he was a semi retired gangster, but he was slightly worried when you learned, you wouldn't look at him the same way anymore. He was afraid you'd be a bit scared of him, and for all intents and purposes, Alfie didn't want his kid to be scared of him.
"Well, Shiny... yes we are working together. You see..."
"OHH I KNEW IT! Are you gonna start selling bread at the races? I think that would be a great idea!! Like alcohol is great, but it would be so nice to have a muffin or something too.... OH OH OH ... I know! Alfie you should sell your sugar rolls! Finn you have to try them they're so good....Alfie has this special apron he wears when making them."
Alfie groaned at the mention of the pink apron your mother had gotten him last holiday. You really were just revealing all his secrets weren't you? And he couldn't even wack you over the head like he'd do with anyone else.... Finn process your words and then stared grinning as big as you were. He loved it when you started to go off on a tangent. After all it was a brilliant idea too. Finn always got hungry during the races. He was always hungry in general, but the anticipation of what horse would win made him hungrier than usual.
"That is a good idea! I get hungry at those and they never have any snacks. Why don't we do that Tom?"
Tommy just furrowed his brows again, completely lost to what was going on. That was one thing he realised when he first met you. See Finn, when given the chance to speak, could jump from topic to topic within minutes and never seemed to go on a straight path. You did the exact same thing....but much much more. And while it was amusing to watch at times, it could get dizzying when you and your boyfriend went round and round in circles. And if they didn't stop it quick, this would be one of those times.... It was too early in the morning for that. So Tommy interrupted. 
"Yes! That's exactly what we're doing. That's why he's here. To make plans to sell bread at the races."
It was a lie of course, but even Tommy could respect Alfie's wish to tell you on his own time. Besides, it wasn't actually a bad idea. Alfie nodded his head in agreement like they hadn't planned on robbing a train last night. 
"Yep Shiny, you got us. I remembered you mentioning it once, and thought why not see if I could pitch the idea. Didn't know you'd be here though. Kinda ruins the surprise so just promise to act like you didn't know. Be as sightful as my half blind eye yeah?"
Laughing, your rolled your eyes at your stepfather's joke, before yawning into Finn's chest. The early morning hour was starting to get to you again. You really had only come to use the bathroom before noticing Alfie. Now you just wanted to get back in the warm bed for a bit longer.
"Deal, alright. I can keep my lips shut. But only if you also add the knot shaped chocolate pastries to the menu too! Those are my favourite."
Finn's stomach interrupted the conversation causing the both of you to laugh. Even the mention of food was enough to bring his appetite back. Turning to your boyfriend you hugged him again, revelling in the warmth you loved to burrow into. Standing on your toes, you reached up to whisper in his ear and he smiled softly before nodding back. You turned to the rest of the room and addressed Tommy.
"Welp this was nice, but can we go raid your pantry please? It's been at least seven hours since this one's eaten, so soon he'll start to shrivel up."
Good-naturedly, Tommy rolled his eyes, he knew it was Finn sneaking around the kitchen only three hours ago. He was the only one who closed up the bags of food he stole from by placing another bag over the messily folded edges when he couldn't get a knot tied in the dark again. Finn was also the only one who made peanut butter and pickle sandwiches, leaving the dirty knife and plate in the sink for the next morning.
"That's fine, you two can go off, Alfie and I here have to finish a few details for the deal."
Giving Alfie another quick hug, you and Finn headed off leaving the rest of the company in the main hall. His arm was around your shoulder and they could see you laughing at something Finn whispered in your ear. Alfie watched for a moment. Maybe this wouldn't be too bad. At least you hadn't stated dating Sabini's nephew.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
From the top of the stairs Arthur leaned over to John.
"Does this mean we can't slash his tires anymore?"
".....Eh probably."
"Fuck, was looking forward to that."
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noforkingclue · 4 months
Thomas Shelby Masterlist
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Moving On
Thomas Shelby x reader x Alfie Solomons
An Uninvited Guest
Bound By Blood
Finally His
His Way
Married Life
Risk Taker
The Attic
The Library
You Can’t Change Fate
Loving You
The Proposal
Part of the Family
Bad Luck
Corrupting Forces
Dark Promises
Dead But Not Forgotten
For You
Hidden Secrets
Mysterious Horses
Only One Person To Blame
Thomas Shelby x reader x Michael Gray
Never Letter Go
By His Side
For Luck
Found Out
Snowed In
Thank You
Warm Embrace
What is Missing
Wrong Shirts
Missed Me?
Finally Here
Returning Home
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heavencanbeaprisontoo · 5 months
Imagine Being Thomas Shelby's Twin
Platonic!Shelby Family x Fem!Reader
Various x Shelby!Reader Warnings: Angst, fluff, mentions of past childhood neglect, period-typical sexism. The image below is just to visualize what a twin for Tommy could look like.
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“You’re left, I’m right, therefore I’m never wrong.”
Aside from Polly, you know Tommy’s mind the best.
As children, you and Tommy were always together. Tommy would lead the way as you raced from one misadventure to the next. As his right hand it was your obligation to help him execute his tricks. Of which you were eager to join.
It was a common joke between you and Tommy to pretend to read each other’s minds. You would take hours practicing how to mirror each other’s body language and finishing each other’s sentences. The payoff was always excellent, and it resulted in most of Birmingham believing that the two of you had a genuine psychic link. Even as adults, you like to behave as if you can communicate telepathically. With how in tuned you are to one another, that ability could very well be real. 
As teenagers, you and Tommy drifted apart somewhat. He was always on the move. There was always some plot, some brawl, some girl. You were more than willing to help, but you became more of a thinker than a doer. Tommy could see that, and so he left you out in favor of using your brothers instead. Which hurt.
Although Tommy would grow into a prideful young gangster, he was still a dreamer. He would stay up late with you to go over his dreams and schemes. Together, you drafted up a gilded vision of what the Shelby family could be someday. To you, it was a lovely idea. To him, it was a bright future.
Back then, the days were bright and filled with laughter. You had a long line of admirers for your brothers to chase off, and Tommy had an equally long line of girls for you to warn. You used to walk on the sunnier side of life. Always thinking about the good in the world and prone to smoothing over the uglier parts to hide them away. Tommy used to say you had a “head full of flowers.” 
Things changed after the war. 
You absolutely joined your brothers in the war as a volunteer nurse. It was hard to leave home, but you had to stand by your brothers. Nothing could have prepared you for what lied ahead. 
Tommy was a different person when he came back, so were you. You still liked to laugh and dance, but your laugh felt hollow. He started talking about changing the family’s fortune much more often. Almost every night after the war he would stay up with you, planning all the ways he could strike gold. This time, you weren’t just dreaming, you were plotting right along with him. 
No matter the cost, you would see your family rise.
Aside from Polly, you know Tommy’s mind the best. You know when he’s lying, even when he’s lying to himself. When nobody can get through to him, they go to you. For your siblings, you act as an excellent sounding board for their potential requests or inquiries. Of course, Tommy can always tell when John or Arthur had spoken to you before pitching an idea to him… but it’s fine.
You are the right to his left and the heart to his mind. Together, you two are dangerously close to a functioning human being.
To Tommy, you are a sensitive spot. He bends easier to demands you make and he tends to listen more to your words. You are also someone that makes him very vulnerable. There are things Tommy has told you that no one knows about, not even Grace.
If you must accompany him to meet with potential associates and rivals, he keeps you close. 
That certainly hasn’t stopped certain men from trying to charm you. Billy Kimber, Darby Sabini, Alfie Solomons, Luca Changretta, Jack Nelson, and (sadly) Mr. Oswald Moseley. All the boys can’t help but turn their heads as you walk by. And it leaves your brother mildly stressed as they lose focus on the meeting to watch you reapply your lipstick.
Oswald seems the most determined to have his way with you. Something about having you would be the greatest victory against Tommy, fucking his precious twin. Luckily, you see through him and are disgusted. The same cannot be said for other would-be suitors.
Alfie Solomons has a sort of rawness that you find refreshing. He speaks in riddles and yet is unblinkingly straightforward. You like the way he tips his hat to you. Luca Changretta is one man you still think about at night. Had the mess with Angel Changretta never happened, you feel like you could've been happily married to a man like Luca. Jack Nelson has caused you almost as many problems as Alfie. He speaks plainly but not without calculation. The way he flirts is so smooth you forget it's happening. Tommy has refused your offers to go to America in his stead.
When and if you marry, it’s likely the marriage would be to someone Tommy sees as an asset. He won’t just let his good twin marry some oaf with no prospects. Expect him to demand a bride price for you along with a caravan filled with goods. 
For Tommy, you are his humanity. The side of him that still sees God in all things. The part of him that may yet go to heaven when she dies. Tommy must protect you, even as he resents you. If he were to ever lose you, God save his enemies.
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enretrogue · 8 months
༝༚༝༚ = Black/POC Works ⎢ 24’ Fic Rec M.List
Connor Rhodes
Mine — @halsteadlover
Dream Partners — @sjhhemmings
Comfortable — @kiddbegins
Babysitting 101 — @iamwhoami
Emergency Love — @callsign-dexter
Plan — @lcvesjj
Jay Halstead
Kiss It, Kiss It Better Baby — @halsteadlover
Haunted — ^
Night Struggles — ^
Our Little Family — ^
A New Milestone — ^
Under Fire — ^
Shadows From the Past — ^
“Ladies love a guys who’s good with kids” ⎢ Part 2  — @poppadom0912
Uncle and Niece (Platonic) — ^
Love on Ice — ^
30 Hours — @dandelionfairyyy
Halstead’s Favorite Duo — @ballarkeselection
Exciting — @fangirlfrom-hell
CPD Gala — @hereforhalstead
Home — @deanstead
The Way You Are — @loislane41319
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Alfie Solomons
Interviews for New Beginnings: Part 7 — @muneca-lemon-steppa
Request 24 — @fandom-puff
Living with Alfie Solomons — @heavencanbeaprisontoo
The Silent Treatment — @warnersister
Luca Changretta
Living with Luca HCs — @heavencanbeaprisontoo
Thomas Shelby
Me Time — @garrison-girl-08
Daddy’s Princess — ^
Tommy Convincing His Wife to Stop Being Angry — @wutheringcaterpillar
Of Bending and Breaking — @call-sign-shark
Mr. Forgettable — @mrkdvidal1989
Time After Time Chapter 14 — @all-mirth-no-matter
Wedding Day — @cillianthinker
When She Laughs, The Heavens Hum a Stun Gun Lullaby — @saintmuses
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Filip “Chibs” Telford
The Last to Know — @kdogreads
Imagine Being Chibs’ Old Lady ⎢ Part 2 — ^
Imagine Taking In the Teller Boys With Chibs — ^
Very Soon — ^
My Dove — ^
Ruin — @bullet-prooflove
No Words — ^
Teach Me How to Ride — @violentdelightsandviolentends
Pussyfooting — @indifferent-depravity
Happy Lowman
Violent Little Thing — @fanficimagery
Your Family Disapproving of Happy — @imagineredwood
Angst to Fluff Prompts — @ravennaortiz
Flash Fic Request — @withmyteeth
Cocoa Wars — @darqchilddaydreamz
Miss Me — @marvelous-slut
Just for Today — @obsessedasusual
Jackson “Jax” Teller
Relentless — @violentdelightsandviolentends
Heatwave — ^
Insomnia — @spaghettificationandpretzels
You Aren’t Meant to Be Back Until Christmas Eve — @rebelwrites
Only Mine — @thisreadswhatever
Fluff Prompt — @youvebeenlivingfictional
I’m Sorry — @pumpkin-writes
Rescued — @garbinge
Harry “Opie” Winston
Nowhere to Be — @drabbles-mc
Stolen Sweater — @i'm-just-a-mississippi-girl
Good Honest Work — @spaghettificationandpretzels
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Peaky Blinders Characters
Arthur Shelby
Tommy Shelby
John Shelby
Finn Shelby
Michael Gray
Isaiah Jesus
Alfie Solomons
Shelby Clan (Platonic)
Shelby Sister
Peaky Blinders (Headcannons)
A Different Kind Of Love (Arthur and Tommy)
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acewritesfics · 11 months
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⚠️ I (@rainydayteacups) NO CREDIT FOR THESE FICS. ALL CREDIT GOES TO ACEY (@crazyformfics). She has entrusted me to repost her fics on here. She decided to take a step back from writing for these fandoms (interests do change). After we talked because I didn't want to see the fics she already had written go, she asked if I would like to take over and she'll send the fics she hasn't reposted yet to me so I can repost them on her behalf.
Tommy Shelby - Peaky Blinders
Arthur Shelby - Peaky Blinders
John Shelby - Peaky Blinders
Alfie Solomons - Peaky Blinders
Jay Halstead - Chicago PD
Stranger Things
Top Gun: Maverick
All a Fantasy - Dean Winchester x Reader
Crossroads Deal - Dean Winchester x Reader 
This is Your Mess - Winchester Bros x Platonic!Reader
Baseball Bat - Jax Teller
Beautiful - Jax Teller
Mood Boards
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theartfuldodger26 · 2 months
A, B, D, U, V :)
Hey, anon, thanks for te asks!
A: Ships that you currently like a lot (doesn't have to be OTPs). Friendships, pairings, threesomes etc are allowed.
Well, I've been a hardcore Bellamort fan since I read book 5 back in 2000-whatever-it-was, so there's that.
I also ship Tomarry, because the banter is hilarious and I love my boys.
And Drarry, because why not.
But what's a problem is how much I ship Delphi/Harry. It's a real struggle, because it's so problematic, so wrong, and yet I love them together SO MUCH. I need to write about like, right now. Goodbye sleep, you shall be missed.
B: A pairing -platonic, romantic, sexual - that you originally didn't consider, but someone changed your mind.
Can't... think... of any...? We might have to come back to that later xD
D: A pairing you wish you liked but just can't.
Anything with Snape is just icky. I'm sure people have written a lot of intelligent, deep fanfiction with him, but I can't like it, can't read it. If you like it, enjoy!
U: Three favourite characters from three different fandoms, and why they're your favourites.
Harry Potter fandom: Tom Riddle/Voldemort, Bellatrix and Harry. Cause the first two are supercool villains with deep feelings, and because Harry is an amazing kid with commendable moral fibre. Could go on, but I don't exactly think that our likes and dislikes are rational choices, so there's not much point in thinking about it.
Peaky Blinders fandom: Tommy Shelby, Alfie Solomons and Polly Grey. Tommy Shelby is the same as Tom Riddle, right? Incredibly smart, they have no limitations (heh, see what I did there?) either realistically or morally. Alfie has great chemistry with Tommy because Cillian and Tom (is tom the name of the game today?!) have great chemistry, but he's also a reflection of the same characteristics on a different coin. Polly in the first seasons is the backbone of the family, ran the business while the boys were at war and has hilarious lines that I wish I could tell my male friends. Also Helen McRory was an awesome actress.
The Life and Times of $crooge McDuck fandom: Scrooge McDuck, "Glittering" Goldie O'Gilt and Howard Rockerduck (John Rockerduck's father) If you're unfamiliar with the monumental work of Don Rosa, do yourself a favour and check it out, it's not just a comic book, it's... something beyond words. I love Scrooge for his work ethic, love of his family and strongheadedness. And who doesn't love the only duck that melted his heart, Glittering Goldie? I have a budgie named Scrooge, and he had the largest sideburns you could imagine! And I respect Howard Rockerduck, because despite making poor choices, being a rich dick on the surface and the likes, he still has a warm heart. His double cameo apperaaance were a very welcome surprise in the saga.
V: Which character do you relate to the most?
I've already replied I relate to Hermione on the surface, but disgraced Bellatrix speaks more to my soul. Perhaps I should talk a bit about the character whose pseudonym I use online, meaning Jack Dawkins, aka The Artful Dodger. I'm not a pickpocketing orphan, but I strongly relate to a child that grew up too fast, tried to play the adult and things didn't go exactly as planned.
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K’s Reading List - MARCH
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Hey there! Thanks for stumbling upon this reading list! I figured that as a way to support the lovely writers within this fandom that I’d compile a reading list of all of the stories I read over each month.
March was a wonderful month filled with incredible stories. Below is the list of stories that I read. I hope you will find some that you like as well!
As always, please make sure you heed to the warnings on each fic!!
**some fics may no longer be available for various reasons**
Keep Us Safe - Tommy Shelby x Reader (mini series) — contains some 🔞 themes. Please read warnings!
‘Protect’ Drabble - Tommy Shelby x Reader
‘Pleasure’ Drabble - Luca Changretta x Reader
Forgiveness - Tommy Shelby, Polly Gray (re-imagining of canon)
Bye Bye Blackbird - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Once I Was - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Five Sentence Blurbs - Assorted Peaky Characters
Sleep Story - Cillian Murphy x Reader — contains 🔞 (NSFW) themes!
Premier - Cillian Murphy x Reader — contains 🔞 (NSFW) themes!
Kiss and Tell - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains slight 🔞 (NSFW) themes!
Kiss and Tell 2 - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains slight 🔞 (NSFW) themes!
Paper Lies - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains slight 🔞 (NSFW) themes!
Dad!Tommy - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Last of the Whiskey - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains slight 🔞 (NSFW) themes!
Addicted to You - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 (NSFW) themes!
Life is a Cabaret - Tommy Shelby x Reader
The Head of The Snake - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Tommy Shelby Drabble - Tommy Shelby x Reader
The Road to Peace - Tommy Shelby x Reader (on-going civilian!AU series)
Caressing Their Cheeks Blurb - Tommy Shelby x Reader
The Devil’s Advocate - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Relax - Tommy Shelby x Reader
When The Sun Rises - Tommy Shelby x OC
A Little Friendly Advice - Alfie Solomons x OC (platonic)
Pizza and Champagne - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader
Family Ties - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader (series) — contains strong 🔞 (NSFW) themes!
I Could Never Define All That You Are To Me - Tommy Shelby x Reader
The Only Thing That Matters - Tommy Shelby x Reader
The Death of Mine - Tommy Shelby x Reader (series)
Fireflies - Tommy Shelby x Reader
You Are My Home - Tommy Shelby x Reader
I Remember None of That - Arthur Shelby x Reader
March Drabble Challenge - Assorted Peaky Characters
The one I love - Tommy Shelby x Reader
The mysterious blue-eyed man - Tommy Shelby x Reader
I’d Kill For You - John Shelby x Reader
If You Leave Me - Tommy Shelby x Reader
The Sound of Silence - Tommy Shelby
Office Christmas Party - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader (series) — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Encounter - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Matters of the heart - Tommy Shelby x OC
The Spy - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Our Weeping Willow - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Nights Like This - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Untitled (set in Season 5) - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Grief - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Not A Word - John Shelby x Reader
Perfect Moment to Forget - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Unrequited - Tommy Shelby x Alfie Solomons
Seeing Clearly - Tommy Shelby x Reader
That’s the Last One - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader
It’s My Turn - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Dismissive, Yet Intriguing - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Saltwater Tears - Tommy Shelby x Reader
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dreamlandcreations · 1 year
Thank you for the tag @kayhi808
Rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
I'm starting a new post bc I have too many WIPs (and these are just the ones in my drafts) 🙈
tag as many people as there are documents... but but but there are more than a hundred drafts 😭 anyway
tagging: @zablife @raincoffeeandfandoms @cinebration @marvelmusing @massivecolorspygiant @celestialspecial @stardustmorozov @startrekkingaroundasgard @oneeyedvisenya @happilyhertale @drabbles-mc @withmyteeth @runnning-outof-time @storiesbyrhi @nickfowlerrr
Little Miller - Benny Miller x Reader
Not tonight - Boba Fett x assassin!Reader (x Fennec Shand)
Speak freely - Boba Fett x half alien!Reader (platonic)
Games - Boba Fett x Mandalorian!Reader
Just a simple man - Jango Fett x half alien!Reader
Happily ever after - Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
Hey, Kid - Poe Dameron x Skywalker!Reader
First - Poe Dameron x Skywalker!Reader
The King - Tattooed Biker!Boba Fett x Reader
A deal is a deal - Raymond Smith x half Asian!Reader
Day and Night - Brother Day x Reader
Second Chances - Boba Fett x force sensitive!Reader
One King - Bishop x vampire!Reader (Night Teeth!au)
Reality - Boba Fett x force sensitive!Reader
I know what day it is - Bishop x Reader
Slave to Sensation - changeling!Billy Russo x psy!Reader
Angel's crush - Bishop x tattoo artist!reader
What you need - Billy Russo x autistic!Reader
What you want - Billy Russo x autistic!Reader
What you have - Billy Russo x autistic!Reader
Tangled, twisted or maybe something right - Billy Russo x Stark!Reader
Best friend - Bucky Barnes x Wilson!Reader
Stranger - Billy Russo x Reader
Apprentice - Doctor Strange x sorceress!Reader
Misery loves company - Venom x Reader x Eddie
We broke up - Eddie x Reader x Venom
Once upon a time - King Arthur x royal!Reader
Wicked - shifter!Santi x witch!Reader
Desert Flower - shifter!Benny x (non)human!Reader
Reaper - Venom x Reader x Eddie
The proposal (Would you like to series) Tommy x Reader x Alfie
Kissing Alfie Solomons - Alfie x Reader
Lighten up - Darkling x Fjerdan!Reader
Faeted hearts - fae king!Alfie x half-fae!Reader
Castaway AU - Billy Russo x Reader
Grimm AU - blutbad!Alfie x grimm!Reader
Fearless - Alfie Solomons x Shelby!Reader
I'm here for you - Billy Russo x Reader
Scheming, games and secrets - Alfie x Reader + Tommy
Fortune Favours the Brave - Eddie Munson x cheerleader!Reader
What women want - Billy Russo x genderfluid/nonbinary(afab)!Reader
Slayer - dragon shifter!Alfie Solomons x warrior princess!Reader
See you at the office - Alfie Solomons x ex-assistant!Reader
Weave it into words - (clan leader) king!Alfie Solomons x Shelby princess!Reader (Brave AU)
Crave the love - prince!Billy Russo x princess!Reader
Jeweller - Alfie Solomons x Tatiana's cousin!Reader
What's underneath? - Alfie x Reader
You only need to ask - Raymond Smith x aristocrat!Reader
What about dessert? - chef!Alfie x manager!Reader (modern!au)
The bright side - FO!Poe Dameron x Jedi!Reader
More than seeking comfort - Eddie Brock x Reader
Bait - Derek Hale x hunter!Reader
Cosy on the throne - Tattooed Biker!Boba Fett x Reader
This is not your color - Eddie Munson x Reader
Distraction - Max x Reader (Mad Max: Fury Road)
Three is still a company - Billy Russo x Reader x Frank Castle
You missed a spot - Brother Day x Reader
Behind closed doors - Darkling x Sun Summoner!Reader
Don't mind me - Alfie Solomons x Reader (x Tommy Shelby)
Feeling adventurous? - Eddie Munson x Reader
I can wait - Alina x Reader (Darkling x Alina x Mal)
Why the f*ck not? - Alfie Solomons x Reader x May Carleton x Tommy Shelby
Solace - Boba Fett x Reader
First time - Billy Russo x Reader
I'm all yours - Billy Russo x Reader
Patience - Billy Russo x Reader
The Happiest Day of Our Lives - Darkling x Sun Summoner!Reader
Mirror, mirror - Aleksander Morozova x Reader (xAlina)
Perfect - Darkling x Reader
Necessary evil - Darkling x Inferni!Reader
King of the Seven Seas - Atlantean king!Alfie x Reader
Don't you f*cking dare - chef!Alfie Solomons x manager!Reader
Do you doubt me? - James Delaney x Strange!Reader
Remedy - James Delaney x Reader
Unexpected - Matt Murdock x Reader x Elektra
Sweet torment - Alfie Solomons x Reader
Mr CEO - Billy Russo x Reader
Complications - Darkling x reader
Preying on you tonight - werewolf!Billy Russo x Reader
Sweet victory - Jake Seresin x Reader
The fun kind - Jake Seresin x Reader
Catch me if you can - Jake Seresin x Reader
Black and White - Darkling x Fjerdan princess!Reader
Stay Forever - Jake Seresin x BFF!Reader
In my corner - Billy Russo x Reader
Heartbeat - Milo/Lucien Crown x Reader
Just friends - modern!Alfie Solomons x Reader
That's the rule - Jake Seresin x Reader
Fire and Blood - Daemon x daughter!Reader (platonic)
The Bronze Witch - Aemond Targaryen x Daemon's daughter!Reader
Unity - Darkling x Fjerdan!Reader x Nikolai Lantsov
Risk and reward - Jake Seresin x Reader
Late night visit - Aemond x Reader
Peace offering - Aemond x Reader
The first warning - Darkling x Grisha!Reader
Stay with me - Darkling x Grisha!Reader
Like calls to like - Darkling x Grisha!Reader
Darkest hearts - Darkling x Nikolai's twin!Reader
Nothing - Darkling x Grisha!Reader
Heartbreak - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
The eternity of this day - Darkling x Sun Summoner!Reader
A dream come true - Eames x Reader
A debt to be paid - Aemond x Reader
Honourable Quest - Xenk Yendar x Reader
Honouring a Debt - Xenk Yendar x Reader
Sacrifice of Honour - Xenk Yendar x Reader
My Queen - Daemon Targaryen x Stark!Reader
Naru - Sesshōmaru x modern!Reader
Fire and Blood, Ashes and Dust - Daemon Targaryen x niece!Reader
Give him to me - Daemon Targaryen x niece!Reader
The Taming of the Dragon - Daemon Targaryen x Stark!Reader
The day you died - supervillain!Darkling x superhero!Reader
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teenagesublimefan · 1 year
✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩
Please take a minute to read the paragraph below, Thank You :)
All Characters are organized by fandom and alphabetical order. I do not claim any owner ship of any fictional character I write for. Please read my request guidelines before requesting a character from this list. Any character I scratch out I am currently not taking requests for. It will always be x female reader unless otherwise stated.
PEAKY BLINDER'S; alfie solomons, thomas shelby SONS OF ANARCHY; kip 'half-sack' epps, jax teller TOP GUN: MAVERICK; bradley 'rooster' bradshaw, jake 'hangman' seresin, mickey 'fanboy' garcia, natasha 'phoenix' trace
THE BOYS; colby brock, jake webber, johnnie guilbert, sam golbach, zach justice
MANESKIN; damiano david, victoria de angelis
NFL; andrew beck, joe burrow, nick bosa, tj watts, travis kelce
STURNIOLO TRIPLETS; chris sturniolo, matt sturniolo, nick sturniolo (platonic only)
MISC. PERSONS [and select characters]; jenna ortega, noah kahan, santiago 'pope' garcia, tom hardy ie. james delaney
✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩
UPDATED [2/23/24]
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I Know Him!
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(Finn Shelby x Reader) & (Platonic Alfie Solomons x StepDaughter!reader) WIP Summary: Alfie Solomons is in for a surprise one morning when his soon to be step daughter greets him with a hug. Which wasn't unusual in itself, but he never expected it to happen at Tommy Shelby's house... or while she was wearing Finn Shelby's PJ's.... He has to be dreaming right?
In which an oblivious Y/N is ecstatic to “introduce” her two favourite men to each other, Finn Shelby is still confused, Alfred Solomons contemplates murder, John Shelby lives for the drama, Arthur Shelby’s hairs a birds nest, and Tommy is nowhere to be found. And it’s not even eight o’clock…
✨✨EDIT: Y'all can find the story HERE: I Know Him
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findroleplay · 5 months
It's time to look for new roleplay partners again! This time I am searching someone who would like to do a Peaky Blinders roleplay on discord with me.
I am searching for someone who can play Tommy Shelby, Alfie Solomons or Finn Shelby for my OC.
I double up!
I have both - romantic and platonic plots ready. To roleplay with me you must be 18+, ready for heavy angst and mentions of NSFW. PB is a world of dark themes, so I think it shouldn't be a problem!
As I mentioned before - I do double up. Just ask for what characters I can write!
If you'd like to roleplay - please dm me or leave a like under this post!
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heavencanbeaprisontoo · 9 months
Masterlist & Rules
Feel free to drop a request or ask! I also make OC faceclaims with FaceApp on request.
I write all my OC fics in the second person. I also do x reader fics!
-Tommy with a Short but Tough s/o
-Alfie with a curvy s/o
-"Some things just aren't meant for us." Alfie prompt
European OCs:
Maeve Shelby. Sallyanna Gray Devorah Solomons
Prudence Keane Lucinda Briar
Roksana “Roxy” Petrova
American OCs:
Constance Kilroy. Loretta Graves. Bernadette Becker.
Rose Fordney-Turpin
Strip Me to My Bones: prologue Ch: 1
The Sun and The Moon: prologue Ch.1
Domestic Hcs:
Arthur - Luca - Tommy - Alfie - Jack
Romantic Hcs:
Age-Difference Hcs (Tommy, Arthur, John, Michael)
Tommy as a Father
Shelby Brothers Preferences
"Not Quite My Type" (Tommy, Arthur, John)
The Other Shelby Girl -Platonic!
Imagine being Jack Nelson's Trusted Secretary
Imagine Rejecting Thomas Shelby
No requests for non-con, in-est, or underage. No ageless blogs or minors, PLEASE.
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enretrogue · 2 months
༝༚༝༚ = Black/POC Works ⎢ 24’ Fic Rec M.List
Rain Check (K. Severide, J. Halstead, W. Halstead) — @anotherspnfanfic
The Way Home Masterlist — @deanstead
Jay Halstead
Obsession — @1800jjbarnes
Please — ^
No More Hiding — @acewritesfics
Feel the Same — ^
Married Man — @peachyhalstead
Sensory Overload ⎢ To Be Continued — @escapingrealitylovingsanity
Kelly Severide
What Colour? — @southsideserendipity
Close Call — ^
Babysitting — @deanstead
Haunting,  Haunted — ^
I Hate Cramps — ^
You Do Love Me — ^
Right Track — ^ 
Not Going Anywhere — ^
In Sickness and In Health — @sheetsonfire
Fooling — ^
She’d Have Liked You (Platonic) — ^
The Academy — ^
Blessings in Disguise — ^
“It looks good on you.” — @fighterkimburgess
“Is it that hard to believe I love you?” — ^
“Please don’t make me choose.” — ^
Prompt 43 and 48 — ^
Saving Grace — @callsign-dexter
Rebel — @heartmix
Keep You Close — @kitkatscabinet
Wasps — @themultifandomgal
Anesthesia — @poppadom0912
We Need You ⎢ 2 ⎢ 3 — @enchantedblackrose
First Name Basis Masterlist — @xximpressions ༝༚༝༚
Somebody Call 911 — @hauntedmilkshakeghost
Dad!Kelly — @libraryofloveletters
I Want to Fix the World for You — @thegirlwhobrokeintothetardis
Five Times He Almost Kissed You, The One Time He Did — @firehouseonechicago
Total Badass — @wellimaginethat
Icarus Was Human Too ⎢ Part 2 — @pocketfulofrogers
Will Halstead
Taller — @kiddbegins
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Filip “Chibs” Telford
Death and the Lady⎢ Ch.1 ⎢Ch.2 ⎢ Ch.3 ⎢ Ch.4 ⎢ Ch.5 ⎢ Ch.6 ⎢ Ch.7 ⎢ Ch.8 ⎢  Ch.9 ⎢ Ch.10 ⎢ Ch.11 ⎢ Ch.12 ⎢ Ch.13 ⎢ Ch.14 — @tumbleweed-writes
Jackson “Jax” Teller
Sundress — @violentdelightsandviolentends
Bulletproof — @laurfilijames
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I Got Your Six Ch. 6 — @l00na24
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Alfie Solomons
Home — @loulouwrites
Circumstance — ^
Moments — ^
Birthdays — ^
Hellish — ^
Family Respect — @dyns33
Family Honor — ^
Gentle Giant — @charliehoennam
Alfie Speaking to His Unborn Child — ^
Pub Owner!Reader — ^
Near Deadly Sin — @muneca-lemon-steppa
Stormy Weather — ^ 
In the Blink of the Eye — @simpforbuckyb
Thomas Shelby
The Clap — @acewritesfics
Sweetheart — ^
Best Man — @garrison-girl-08
In Time for Tea — ^
It’s Not Alright — ^
Planning or Scheming? — ^
Love Will Take You There ⎢ 1 ⎢ 2 ⎢ 3 ⎢ 4 ⎢ 5 — @tshelbyfics
Can’t Fool Me Anymore — ^
Time After Time ⎢ 15 ⎢ 16 ⎢ 17 ⎢ 18 — @all-mirth-no-matter
My Darling Boy — @hllywdwhre
Revenge — ^
A Rare Occasion — @loveisfriendship
Think Straight — @ikinremu
Mother — @your-nanas-house
Helping Tommy Kill Luca — @wutheringcaterpillar
Long Time Coming — @hllywdwhre
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madlittlecriminal · 1 year
My Follower Celebration Has Come to an End
i reached 1K about two weeks ago and i did a celebration on it that ended on the 13th of August. now, here are some new characters i will be adding outside of this event!
Hobie Brown (Spider-Punk. He will be 18-19 in my fics since his age was never officially verified since he said 3 years and online he's between 16-19.)
Peter B. Parker (Spider-Man. I still don't write cheating fics so if you want romantic, he will be SINGLE AND SO WILL READER)
the requests ill be releasing soon are from the 1K celebration, but my requests are open for all characters including Miguel O'Hara, the Moon Knight System (Steven, Marc and Jake), Jonathan Crane (Cillian Murphy ONLY), Santiago Garcia (Pope), Frankie Morales (Catfish/Fish), Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale ONLY), Thomas Shelby, Alfie Solomons, Eddie Brock, etc.
I write NSFW and SFW content as well as AU's (soulmate, professor/student, dbf, etc.
still debating if i wanna write for video games though...ill return with a new post when i make my decision.
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red-riding-wood · 1 year
Drabble/Short Oneshot Requests
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So, have been holding back on doing this because I still do have a oneshot req I need to complete, and so many WIPs it's outlandish. That being said, right now, since I'm reconditioning myself to write, it's very difficult for me to tackle those projects and get even a sentence in them at a time. So I'm sort of asking for your help in this in my theory that drabbles are a good medium and that they might help me get used to properly writing.
I'm currently comfortable writing MxF, FxF, and of course platonic relations. I tend to write angst or dark fics so nothing is off limits with me, but if you want to send in something fluffy I can try my best! Anything smutty will likely not be too "in-depth" given the length of drabbles.
I will most likely do these x reader and 2nd person unless otherwise specified.
You can send in:
A GIF or picture prompt
A written prompt (use any but I do have some good angst I found)
A lyric or song + character
A description of what you'd like if the request is more specific (though keep in mind I will be keeping these short)
Fandoms & Characters below!
- Peaky Blinders -
Tommy Shelby Arthur Shelby John Shelby Polly Gray Michael Gray Alfie Solomons Tatiana Petrovna Luca Changretta Aberama Gold
- Game of Thrones -
(since I'm not far in this there are only a couple characters that I feel confident writing for as of yet, since I know their spoilers updated) (underage characters will be aged up if the request is sexual)
Petyr Baelish Daenerys Targaryen Jaimee Lannister Cersei Lannister Tyrion Lannister Jorah Mormont Viserys III Targaryen Jon Snow Sansa Stark Arya Stark Robb Stark Catelyn Tully/Stark Tommen Baratheon Stannis Baratheon Ramsay Snow/Bolton Theon Greyjoy Yara Greyjoy Margaery Tyrell Bronn Brienne Melisandre
- Adrien Characters -
* ones I am more picky with because I have full stories planned out for them, so I might not do the request or might use my OC for said story depending on how the inspiration goes
Henry Barthes (Detachment) *Jack Driscoll (King Kong) Clive Nicoli (Splice) *Dmitri (The Grand Budapest Hotel) *Peter Whitman (The Darjeeling Limited) Jack Starks (The Jacket) Leo Kopernick (See How They Run) Frankie (American Heist) Bloom (The Brothers Bloom) Jack Grace (Love the Hard Way) Steven (Dummy) Harry (Oxygen) Charles Boone (Chapelwaite)
- Aidan Characters -
If you ask me to write an Aidan Gillen character that isn't on this list, odds are I will say yes, lol. I may just have to watch whatever the character is in because I've not seen much with him... yet.
- Far Cry 5 -
Jacob Seed John Seed Joseph Seed Faith Seed
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