#alfonse my beloved
whale-cat · 8 months
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Posting this in celebration of Alfonse winning cyl 8 holy shit???????? We fucking did it lads!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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moe-broey · 3 months
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In the fucking wild................ at PortCon....... (HUGE FIND THANKS TO MY SISTER SO FUCKING CRAZY‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️)
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blushouyo · 2 months
kinda crazy how often i get the urge to return to feh
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juice-enjoyer · 7 months
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dawntrail glam ready! :) alfonse let his hair grow out a bit between patches, and he's starting to get some greys, hehe
pieces below cut!
Augmented Crystarium Greatsword (Allagan Tomes)
Elegant Rimless Glasses, Soot Black (Crafted)
Blade's Harness of Fending, Jet Black (Zadnor)
Bozjan Breeches of Fending, Dark Brown (Bozja)
Bergsteigers Gloves, Dark Brown (Mogstation)
Augmented Rathlos Greaves [M], Russet Brown (The Great Hunt Extreme)
bonus, hecate looks very cute in it too :)
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kaociron · 1 year
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Anyways here’s a little comic I made for an assignment!
A photographer who desires nothing more than to end his life. His world, or the world as he perceives it is coated red, filled with nothing but violence. He becomes nothing but a puppet for the gods as he is reincarnated by force.
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nightshademyn · 3 months
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Alfonse my beloved Prince of Askr (an attempt at beating my art block into submission)
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shatcey · 2 months
Alfons and Elbert
I never thought it would be such a challenge for me to read Elbert's dramatic ending. There's nothing wrong with it. Actually, it's very interesting, full of dynamics and drama… but… Alfons not very subtly switch attention to his direction, to the point that I completely forgot about the main guy.
More detailed below
I really love Alfons. And despite that I constantly wonder what is suddenly wrong with my taste… I'm absolutely sure how wonderful he is and why I love him so much. Yes, at first glance he is flirtatious, slippery and real piece of… okay, that's probably enough. But underneath all this carefully crafted image lies a very kind and caring person who cares about others more than himself and makes all decisions quite thoroughly.
He's very good at reading people, he is very good at psychology and constantly uses it in work and leisure. So… based on that… There are several levels in each of his remarks and actions. It sounds like one thing, he means something else and even deeper, there is always something completely different, which even he himself doesn't fully aware of.
What we see on the surface
Alfonse suddenly called Kate a fool (and we all know what that means) and kissed her (then Roger did it on his route, he was very scary… damn hypocrite). He locked her in a warehouse (which is exactly what Elbie would have done). And when Elbert appeared, he didn't give him the key right away, saying that "she is waiting for a prince who will save her, and if he (Alfons) appears, he will be her prince."
The whole situation shocked me to the core. I laughed hysterically, asking "what the hell you were doing, honey?"… So I thought about it a lot and even reread it a couple of times….
How I read his actions
At 22ch of dramatic mad love ending, Elbert confessed to Alfons that he has nightmares in which he kills Kate. He was afraid that his obsession would cost her her life. And he was very worried and wasn't completely sure he could control it.
And a bit later… Alfons creates a situation (dramatic as usual, he doesn't like dramas, yeah, right) in which Elbert feels he could lose Kate, both physically and emotionally. Actually Alfons can take her away quite easily (I'm not trying to make fun of Kate's feelings, just… he understands very well how the human mind works and can make her think the way he wants. And in fact he has already taken root in her mind, she thought about him a lot while she was in that warehouse). And despite Elbert's absolute belief that Alfons would never take anything away from him, greed got the better of him, and he overcame his fear, rushed to his beloved Robin and told her about his fears.
And this is what Alfons intended to achieve, this is his second level.
And deep down...
As I said earlier… There is sadness in him and a little bit of jealousy towards people who love each other. He suppresses the desire, if not to love someone, then at least to be loved… And I think he really wanted to be that "prince", he really wanted to be someone she would love, no matter who he was and no matter what he did. But… he thinks about others first, so he buried this desire deep inside.
It really reminds me of Ellis. It was an event.. Actually it is happening right now on the Eng server "I wanna steal you", where he is thinking about his hidden desires, which he so afraid of. It's not the first time I've noticed this similarity. But I don't wanna talk about Ellis right now.
Again… maybe I'm really digging too deep, and there's nothing even close to it. Maybe Alfons is doing it just for fun, and he doesn't have any good intentions. But I doubt it very much. He continues to pretend to be the bad guy and asks them (Kate and Elbie) to stop trusting him so blindly… which says a lot. Bad guys never think they're doing something wrong, they never push people away for their own good, they never say "blame me"...
And one last thought… I know that we already have past chronicles with Elbert and Alfons, but I still have questions. I'm really interested to know why Elbert is so sure that Alfons won't take anything from him? And this is not just blind trust, it undoubtedly has roots. I wanna know what was it. What exactly happened. What made him think that. Maybe they will give us some event from the past… something like that's happening in IkePri JP right now…
The only thing I can do is hope.
(Cybird gods… answer my prayer… begging you)
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Unhinged Alfonse my beloved
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randomnameless · 8 months
easy explaination of why most if not all the characters have ended up flanderized in FEH: it started as a gacha game for FE fans and now is a FE game for gacha fans. That's why Alphonse won over Sigurd or why Gullveig won last year's cyl with only 2 lines of dialogue too.
This is why I don't want the jugdral remakes to happen, bc look at engage, using FEH's mechanic and FEH using its ring mechanic in order to sell more lyn, camilla and marth alts. I don't want jugdral to end up with another silly gimmick that isn't necessary on the game or the story but can be sold as another gatcha powercreep thingy. As long as FEH is on service, the main franchise is going to be directyl affected by it.
2 lines of dialogue? You're charitable anon!
But... yeah, with time, FEH became its own thing and is apparently even considered a main FE Title given how Vero was added, albeit through a DLC, to Engage and I mean -
If Vero's writing is supposed to represent FEH, I have to inform you I found my new least liked FE game lol - which brings the main question : what is an FE game?
TBH, to me, FEH OCs are barely characters (Vero needed heavy retcons and ignoring elephants in the room which were there since book 1 to become remotely close to one) which makes me completely baffled at how they can even be "picked" for events like CYL, but if we are talking about popularity contests, then people will vote for their faves... aka the most recent characters they like or have seen - sure it doesn't help that Siggy'n'Leif are from jp only games, but CYL1 saw Roy being picked, even when his Smash Bros popularity dwindled. Can you imagine, in 2024 if Roy wasn't picked for CYL1, him competing with the non-entity that is Alfonse as "the most beloved FE characters voted in by the fans?".
I mean, I can get liking OCs in gacha/crossover games (I'm not pointing at someone in particular about Crestoria lol even if i prefered kanana to vicious) but I can bet you 2 kebabs that if a Tales gacha organised the equivalent of CYL, Leon and Yuri would be picked before any Male OC, and I'd bet 1 kebab about Alicia or even Milla being added before the Kanonos.
In FEH, Book 2 Vero (or was it 3?) was picked over... Elincia. Recency bias is a thing but... yep, it has been a long time now since FEH stopped being a gacha game for fans of FE, but became its own thing with sometimes FE characters being referenced.
I agree with your last remark though, as long as FEH exists, evil will - I mean, as long as FEH exists, it will have some sort of influence in the main games - even if I reiterate, FE15 managed to dodge its influence, only to fall in some other pitfalls.
Jugdral remakes can play like SoV, "additional" characters will be in a DLC and not have any relevance to the story, I mean, even if you can roll for Sharena on a NG+, she might not even have one line.
But, tbh, it's not the gacha aspects that worry me the most about Jugdral remakes, it's the state of the franchise/fandom post FE15 and especially post FE16, but I'll make a separate post about it.
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Day 4
Pairing: Alfonse x reader
Prompt: Contentness
Description: After speaking with Ash and thinking it over just a moment, you decide that after all these years, you have to let your feelings be known; you have to tell Alfonse how much you love him.
Rating: sfw
Content Warning: None
Word Count: 1196
Notes: I think I could write about being in love with Alfonse a million times and never get tired <3
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It felt so right to be by his side; loving someone had never felt so right, so pure and sweet. Almost like it was your first love all over again. But it wasn’t-- this was Alfonse. Prince of Askr. Leader of the Order of Heroes. One of your best friends.
He didn’t know you felt this way, of course. There was always other things to take care off… Tactics to consider, Heroes to train with or summon, meetings and papers… Not to mentions battles and wars. It was a lot, for one prince, for one tactician. So for the time being, you kept these feelings under lock and key.
But, you were content with this. You had felt this way for years, after all, so you doubted they would go away any time soon. As long as you got to stay by his side, support him and see the day he smiled again. Well, that was enough.
“Summoner?” You blinked away from your thoughts, seeing Ash before you.
“Hello Ash! Was there something I could help you with?” You smile politely at her, trying to pretend you weren’t just lost in your thoughts. What were you doing again?
“Oh, well you see I saw you staring off into space, so I thought to bring you back with us.” She smiled sweetly. “So actually, can I help you summoner? That is why I called you from your thoughts.”
“Ahh, well…” You frown slightly. You did adore Ash, but you hesitated in sharing your thoughts with her. If only because you didn’t want to bother her with your feelings. Still, a little insight would be… nice.
“Ash, have you ever loved another person?”
“Loved?” She seemed taken aback at your question. She took a moment, and spoke again though. “I… cannot say that I have, at least not in the sense your seem to speak. I loved Lord Askr like a father, and I adore you mortals as he did but… I’ve never fallen in love, so to speak.” You nod at her words, a soft sigh leaving you.
“I see… I’ve been in love with someone for a long time.” You admit, a soft smile meeting your lips at thoughts of Alfonse. “I’ve never tried to confess to them or anything because our lives are always so… so hetic.” You frown a little. “I don’t want to complicate his life by admitting my feelings.”
“Oh, Summoner…” Her voice goes soft. “Don’t feel as if I’m pressuring you, but I think you admitting your love might help this person.” You meet her gaze, Ash smiling reassuredly at you. “Love is a very precious thing… I think you only have something to gain by sharing it.”
“You think so?” You sigh softly. “It never bothered me in the past but lately… I don’t know.” You sigh softly. “I guess I’ve just been getting angsty.” You admit to her.
“If you don’t mind me asking… Who is it?” Ash looks at you with big, wide eyes.
“I’ll give you three guesses.” You wink. She probably already knew, after all.
“Is it… Prince Alfonse?” She asked.
“Yup. It’s always been him.” You smile softly. “Knowing that now… do you still think I should confess?”
“Hm…” She closed her eyes a moment, considering all that had happened. “Well… I know he cares for you very much Summoner. I can’t say that it’s love but… I think it would be worth it, in the end.” She decides, nodding.
“You think so?” You can’t help but get a little excited at her words. “You know what… I think you’re right!” You grin softly. “I think I’ll go find him right now! Thank you Ash!” You can’t help but leave with a pep in your step, off to find your beloved prince.
“Don’t do anything too rash!” Ash calls after your retreating form. She can’t but smile as you bound off though. Things would be okay, wouldn’t they?
“I’ll be fine!” You assured her, hurrying on your way. This time of day Alfonse should be…
“Whoa!” You bump right into someone, the both of you stumbling a little but luckily not tripping (despite the speed you were going).
“Goodness, ____, what’s got you in such a hurry?” You can’t help but grin as Alfonse stands before you, bracing you by the shoulders.
“I was looking for you, sorry.” You breath out, breathless and nervous now that you were in his presence.
“Oh, is everything okay?” He frowns at you, but your shake your head.
“It’s great, actually!” You assure him, grin on your face. “Fantastic, even. I came to a realization. But ah…” You look around at the space you were in. “Follow me, to somewhere more… private.” You decide, cheeks darkening. You take his gloved hand in yours and all but drag him towards the castle gardens.
“What’s gotten into you?” Alfonse follows along side you despite being confused.
“You’ll see! It’s nothing bad, I swear!” The two of you pass Ash, and she can’t help but smile as she sees the two of you talking-- and walking, rather quickly away.
“You keep avoiding my questions.” He sighes softly. “Suppose I’ll just have to trust you.” He smiles softly, the sight making your heart pound.
“I’ve never lead you astray, have I?” You smile right back at him, now outside in the castle gardens. You lead him straight to your special space, hiding behind the blooming roses.
“No, you haven’t.” Alfonse chuckles and looks at where you’ve taken him. “So, why the special scenery? Why sneak away with me all the sudden?” He looks to you. He still hasn’t dropped your hand. You dare to dream.
“Well…” You shift on your feet a little, nerves hitting you now that your initical wave of excitement had died down. “You know how happy I am by your side, right?” You ask him.
“...Yeah? I’m happy to be by your side too. There’s no better summoner, or friend, I could ask for.” You take his other hand in your own, being brave and facing him eye to eye.
“I’ve felt this way for a long time, Al. I’m content to stay by your side for as long as you’ll have me… but I want more than that. I love you.” You give him a shy smile, fighting against the urge to look away.
“...Love me? You love me?” He repeats. As if the words aren’t real.
“I do. I really, really do.” You laugh a little. Does that mean, he…?
“_____…” The way he says your name makes you melt. “Of course I love you. I always thought that… I don’t know. That you wouldn’t feel the same.” He laughs softly. “That feels so silly now, having heard you say it.”
“Doesn’t in?” You can’t help but squeeze his hands in yours, and he does the same in turn. “Feeling this way now… knowing you love me like I love you.. I’m so happy.” You drop his hands, only to pull him into a hug, one he happily returns. The two of you squeeze one another a long moment, far too content to think of letting go.
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Omg hi can I get some nsfw of Summoner (fem preferred, but if you prefer GN then by all means go ahead lol) absolutely SHOWERING Alfonse in praise in bed? Thank you soooo much I love you mwah
anon, my beloved, return so i may mwah you back 
Alfonse isn't sure what's making him melt away more, the sensations of your fingers dragging across his skin, the softness of your body pressed against his, or the way each praise directed at him falls out of your lips.
"You're so pretty," you coo, fingers ghosting along his arms, grinding your hips into his to watch him shudder beneath you. Noting the way his breath hitches as his clothed bulge, is greeted by friction between your legs. "You're so patient too."
"Please," he whines, each word bringing him as close to the edge as his cock being pressed against you. You’re smiling as sweetly as the honeyed praises pouring from your mouth, he feels it as you lean forward to kiss him. The expression not faltering as he needly grinds himself against you again. 
And when you pull away, your fingers are slipping away from his arms, sliding down his stomach, heated gaze examining his flushed features, as your fingertips drag lower and lower. "How could I say no when you look at me like that?” In your next movements you’re pulling away the layers constricting his aching cock. Choked gasps in between his words as you wrap a hand around his dick, make his pleas of what exactly he’s asking incoherent. “You don’t need to ask permission, you can do what you like, you deserve it.” You follow your words by pumping him for good measure, a gasp slips out of him. 
“You’re always working so hard, you should just let me take care of you.” His only response is a whine, as you continue to move your hand. Your name falling out of his mouth, broken up between moans as you continue your motions, until he spills into your hand. 
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fehtism · 7 months
Got any build ideas for Halloween Henry? Used to run the standard armor buffs + blade tome which was awesome for its time but is completely obsolete in this day and age😔 I really wanna use him again!! He is my beloved🥺❤️ Thank you, Cyril!! I love reading through all your builds!
Hello ! thank you for your ask... Henry's builds as a green armor will be extremely similar to the other two green armors. I have made posts with their builds
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here is a build for if you want to invest in his speed as a fast far save armor.
This build is the same as the winter bruno build I recommended and as such you can find a full breakdown here
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This is a bulkier build that aims to retaliate with dr piercing armored floe.
it is very similar to the build I recommended for valentine's alfonse so I am linking the post about it
unfortunately he will do a worse job at save tanking compared to the other green tome armors but that is due to his lower bst.
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moe-broey · 2 months
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GOD I would HATE to be stuck at a family dinner with them ���😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I would NOT fucking survive, the vibes alone would do 1000 points poison damage to me 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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#I SAID I WOULDN'T DOCUMEBT THE WHOLE THING. BUT COME ON#gustav hits alfonse with the 'and' 😐🤨 and if i were him i would be internally exploding instantly.#HENRIETTE HITS ALFONSE W THE 'he missed you soooooo much 😊😊😊😊😊😇😇😇' and BY GOD. IF I WERE ALFONSE#i would SHATTER. LIKE GLASS. INSTANTLY. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️#my BITCHASS FUCKING BAD WHO'S BEEN SILENT TREATMENTINF ME FOR GOD KNOWS HOW LONG#BC I HAD THE AUDACITY TO MAKE A CHOICE?????????? BC I DARED HAVE AUTONOMY????????? FREE WILL???????#ohhhh my god and sharena. SHARENA. DARLING. BELOVED. DEAR. how have you not SNAPPED#girl if i were you this would be my villain origin story.#i mean. if. moe is anything to go by.#gooooddddddddddddd.#HELP THE TYPO IN MY TAGS.... OF 'BAD' INSTEAD OF 'DAD'....... freudian slip. but am i wrong#GOOODDDDD BUT. HAVING. EYES. THAT KNOW. EVERYTHING. THAT HAS HAPPENED SINCE#INSANE!!!!!! INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bc i DO ACTUALLY BELIEVE HENRIETTE NOW??? WHEN SHE SAYS THAT ABOUT GUSTAV?!?????#SHE'S. the ONLY person in the goddamn fucking WORLD. who would know this. who would be able to read this. what the FUCK#but like THAT STILL DOESN'T MAKE HIM ANY BETTER...... gooooddddddd I HATE IT. HATE IT#when the love IS there it's just fucking stupid bc nobody here is normal. about anything. making an endlessly complicated situation#type of shit that has made it so i never believe that anyone genuinely likes me. type of shit that makes me never believe an 'i love you'#UNLESS. if it's from my sisters i trust them w my entire heart. but holy shit it actually took them directly stating it#AS. AN ADULT. AT THIS TIME. for me to actually believe it. and fully actually accept it.#HELP AND ALSO... EVERY TIME GUSTAV CALLS ALFPNSE 'Son.' IT'S.. SO FUNNY TO ME IDK WHY#i just read it in that one voice/cadence. of that katamari post. my gay ass son who i hate. HELP#i need to find that again hold on#but first#fe alfonse#sharena#fe henriette#fe gustav#book 3 replaying#feh
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autumnslance · 1 year
Forever in Our Hearts
OK, so Tataru's Grand Endeavor made us all deal with Werlyt stuff again. But the focus of the final leg of the chain, once the excitement of the mechs was done, was finally on the characters it should have always been on: Allie, and her siblings.
Below the cut!
So the first part is pretty rote; get to Terncliff to speak to Gaius as your contact in Werlyt's defense (my characters were not thrilled to be called his "sisters in arms" despite his turning around), and WoL finds a situation happening of course, and so what's a former legatus to do but rope the hero into the shenanigans.
I'm amused this is apparently the first time Gaius finally gets to interact with Nero since ARR, hearing the man was alive and part of the Ironworks only via rumor, and Nero seemed quite happy to leave that the case, until his mecha was the one that was stolen.
Short little rhythm game and a fast-paced mech battle cutscene later (that makes our WoL look like a damn cool pilot, though we don't get to input anything past the initial scene) and we've apprehended the culprit; a man so dedicated to Valens--and just as unhinged in his ideals--that he made himself into a face double for the dead man.
WoL never did meet or see Valens, mind. He was emphatically not our villain, we were there to handle the Weapons and the Quintet's dumb plan.
Anyway, Gaius is disgusted and unimpressed (especially given what he now knows of his once-beloved Emperor Solus) by the raving, and in his usual controlled and understated manner simply knocks the thief out and wraps matters up. Job done, let's get back to Tataru's business.
But the thief's appearance had quite the effect on Avilina and the orphaned boys the man bullied into showing him how to slip into the hanger. Seeing the face of their tormenter again was traumatizing; Gauis was able to gently talk to them, and praise their bravery in speaking up, at the start, but he doesn't want to upset them further. So asks WoL to reassure the children that Valens is truly gone for good.
And this is where the story turns into an actual epilogue for Sorrow of Werlyt.
The boys are relieved, and bring up Allie; she's been caring for them at the orphanage. They don't want her to know about these events--not because they're ashamed of their own actions made in fear, but because they know she'd been abused by Valens too, and don't want to upset her. Instead, they want to find a way to make her dream of a picture of her family come true.
The trouble is, of her family, only Gaius is left. Avilina has a plan though. Duremert, Leofard's grandfather from that leg of this chain, is the painter brought to the lookout. Gaius agrees because the boys want to do this for Allie's sake. Allie is doing it to humor them, though she looks sad standing alone by a seated Gaius.
Avilina then uses the memory core from the Diamond Weapon to create images of Alfonse, Milisandia, Ricon, and Rex standing behind/around their sister and foster father. While Gaius is also surprised, it's Allie that he and the other characters focus on, that the camera lingers on, and Allie that gets the last "Thank you" as the screen darkens out of cutscene mode.
The boys ask if they "made her dream come true." They sure did.
Another interesting aspect of Terncliff is to speak to the elderly man who acts as the town's info NPC, the one you can speak to for a little background of the town.
What can you tell me about Terncliff? Rueful Civilian: Being far to the south of Werlyt, perched atop the cliffs, there was never much reason for anyone to travel here. Being by the sea is all well and good, but we're simply too high above the water to benefit much from it. The gulls and terns don't seem to mind, though. Rueful Civilian: Most of the townsfolk are either Hyuran natives or Au Ra who found their way here over the years. They all lived side by side, peacefully enough, before the Garleans came and ruined everything. Rueful Civilian: After years of living under occupation, the youngsters banded together and kicked out those imperial bastards. But from what I hear, it was a group of orphans raised by a Garlean legatus who played a vital role in winning our independence. Alfonse, I think their leader was called… Rueful Civilian: So many young lives lost… I wish I could give my life to spare one of them, but it's too late now. The only thing any of us can do is make the most of the freedom we've been given.
The story being told is that it was the youths whose foolish but determined actions to thwart Valens's plans for the Weapons were instrumental in freeing Werlyt. We know at the end of the story their names were added to the memorial at the lookout point, but to have them be remembered as the main heroes of a story where WoL really only ever showed up to fight while all the actual story stuff happened to other people at other times and places, actually fits.
That lack of focus, and WoL's only tangential interactions with the Welryt cast--most of the custcenes weren't even Echo, they were "Meanwhiles" in places and around people the WoL never met--is a huge chunk of why Werlyt falls flat for me. Not to mention the unexamined imperialist biases in regards to the relationship of Gaius and his former officers with the people of Terncliff.
The story should have been more about them, and Gaius's part as the focus NPC meant it got mishandled, nor did WoL get to see or interact with the ways the Quintet and Gaius learned and grew and changed in that story, leaving it a bit hollow as a necessary new start. I still feel as a character his return to the cast was a bit wasted to leave him in optional side content and dropping his Shadowhunter plot entirely (he doesn't even consider Ascians when Avilina and the boys swear they saw Valens, and frankly it should have been Gaius's first guess).
But in this little coda to Werlyt's story, WoL gets to have a bit of fun piloting the G-Warrior again, and then the mecha story is followed up by giving Allie the focus that should have been on her and the others the entire time, even if all too briefly.
Returning to Terncliff afterwards, Avilina continues her work with the Ironworks, eschewing a uniform; Gaius reads on a bench at the lookout, and discusses plans for Werlyt's forces and trade with Ala Mhigo.
Allie stands at the rail looking over the water, and expresses a new wish:
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Allie: One day, I hope to grow closer with the children─perhaps even become something akin to family. Do you think that could happen?
It's also perhaps worth noting, that though I waited in the daylight hours, I never did see the ghostly children that used to play and worry for their sister. It seems with these updates, they no longer haunt Terncliff.
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pyrothecary · 1 year
okay so we have the separate Claude and Sylvain and Felix selfships which I have to now adjust because uhm. Eye opening Claudevain :3 I love them. :3
Also Byleth. I want M Byleth so bad. And Yuri. I keep remembering more pretty boys
then there’s the ones outside of fe3h like Berkut and Rinea poly
Alfonse, Innes, Lewyn, and Shigure are my beloved, I met them in fe heroes and got super gay. The canons are insane but I just turn off my brain
Then there’s Reyson, Líf, Hríd, Niles, Asugi, and Artur also because of FEH im so normal
I'm so sorry long answr
i am always so happy to spread my claudevain agenda... BUT THOSE ARE SUCH GOOD CHOICES not to be me but.. claude & sylvain are my go-to s supports <3 some of my favourite characters of all time even!!!!!! i play f!byleth for Them. and i totally understand enjoying felix he's so interesting i want to study him under a microscope
M!BYLETH SO TRUE i know he's the less popular byleth but i love him i would defend him to my last breath. someone said he looked like a greyhound once and i can't stop thinking about it. anyway,
YURI ALSO SO TRUE i haven't finished the dlc i've. actually barely started but i'm in love with him his post ts design is SO GOOD. HE IS SO BESUTIFUL. he is perfect to me and perfect FOR me
ASJFHDJEJFJRJKSF I HAVENT TALKED ABOUT SOV IN SO LOMG BUT YES I LOVE BERKUT. I LOVE HIM. i got stuck early on in the game years ago and haven't picked it up since so i don't know much abt rinea but uh what i do know is that they're so. in love. i mean yes there are the things that happen BUT HEYRE STILK SO IN LO
i was also a fan of lucas in that game i think. i don't.. remember much..... still.... man i need to finish it
WHWHWHAHAAAAA FEH!!!!! YEAH!!!!! i only play it to see my meow meows in different outfits but i do love some of the original characters!!!!! huge fan of líf alfonse and ASKR 💪💪💪💪 hríd and nott look Very Good but i don't know much about their personalities
Also i totally understand becoming interested in characters after seeing them in heroes that was so me before. i really liked leo kaden and keaton before i... actually played fates... and realized why it had such a controvwrsial rep 💀👍 BUT HAHA THAT ASIDE. I LIKED INNES TOO JUST BASED OFF DESIGN. also enjoy the homoerotic relationship he has goin with ephraim! if you like asugi i highly recommend checkin out the person he's based on - gaius from fire emblem awakening <3 (sorry awakening is my favourite game of all time ever every time i can shameless plug it i will)
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kaociron · 2 years
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Happy Late Valentine’s to my beloved, Alfonse! 💖💖💖
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