#alfonse x f!kiran
fe-fictions · 8 months
I’m being so fr I love you and your work but every time I come back to the blog I have to ask myself whether or not I’ve developed amnesia 😭 do you have any Alfonse tucked away somewhere in the crevices of the internet?
(I have one very sweet little drabble-y thing just for you!! U V U )
The night was still young, and Alfonse was restless. Everyone had already eaten, and those who had spare time outside of chores, patrols  and meetings, they were making merry and enjoying themselves. 
Everyone seemed to be accounted for, except for arguably the most important individual in Alfonse’s eyes; Kiran.
Sharena didn’t seem to know where you’d gone, nor did Anna. Most of the summoned heroes weren’t certain where you’d gotten off to, until he asked one of the more observant ones.
Klein had seen you heading toward the armory by yourself just a little while ago. You seemed fine, he added when Alfonse looked confused (and obviously worried).
“What on earth does she want in there?” He wondered aloud, making a beeline for the armory. It’s not like you wielded any of the weapons, at least not well enough to use. He’d been teaching you the way of the sword, but there was no way he was going to let you bring that onto the battlefield until he was satisfied with your skills.
Maybe you were reviewing the stock on your own, as diligently as usual. Alfonse’s speculation came to a swift conclusion, though, when he passed through the tent flaps.
You were in the armory, yes; dead asleep and leaning against a polearm from where you sat precariously on a bench.
“Kiran?” His face blanched, the prince quickly coming to your side. Carefully he put his fingers to your neck; your pulse was fine, and you didn’t appear to be in pain. You just looked tired, really. 
His brow furrowed when he realized you had dark bags under your eyes, and lines drawn likely caused by the stress of the job. 
“What have you been doing to yourself?” He muttered while he got to work extricating you from the tent. He expertly pulled the polearm away, leaning you back against the weapons rack behind you so as not to wake you.
The spear quietly clacked back into place, and he returned to your side. It would be better to let you sleep.
Alfonse gently raised you into his arms, holding you to his chest and making sure your head was resting against him rather than lolling about.
Making sure you weren’t jostled or stirring, he started out of the tent.
It was tactfully ignored when heroes started whispering about what they saw; what was the prince doing with the summoner?
Why was she asleep?
Were they sweet on each other- and were they really being so blatant about it?
His focus was making sure you got some proper rest for the first time in what appeared to be ages. 
“Please excuse me,” He murmured into your hair, as he brought you back to your tent.
The cot was practically untouched; had you even slept in it that morning?
Alfonse didn’t glance around long. He slowly knelt beside the bedroll, settling you onto the blankets.
With great care, he cupped your head, making sure not to let you bounce by accident when he moved his arms out from under you.
Then came the work on your boots.
Mindful of his own armor and clanking bits, Alfonse was expert in reducing his own noise while he got to work undoing your belts and buckles that surely weren’t comfortable to sleep in.
He managed to pull the first one off before he realized his efforts were in vain.
“Kiran!” He squeaked when you spoke, finding you staring down at him with bleary eyes.
Blushing, he pulled back, one boot still on and the other sock exposed.
“Forgive me, I just…I found you asleep in the armory and wanted you to be more comfortable in your tent. I brought you back and wanted to at least take some of your armor off while you rested.”
“Thanks.” You rubbed at your eyes, “I didn’t even realize I’d fallen asleep at all…guess I’ve been working harder than usual.”
“You’ve always worked hard,” Alfonse countered, recovering himself so he could continue his efforts. You watched with a lazy smile as he continued to undo your other boot, “I think it’s just the steady flow of hard work finally sapped the last of your strength, and this was the result.”
“You think so?” 
He nodded quietly while he set the footwear neatly to the side, before returning to your side. You reached for his hand and he gladly took it, giving your fingers a gentle squeeze from his seat beside the bedroll. 
"Would you like to spend the night with me, then?”
“Just to sleep,” You added in quickly, realizing the blush on his cheeks wasn’t because of a polite invitation. “I mean, it’s not like you don’t work hard, too…I thought it might be a good chance for both of us to get some good sleep.”
“If you don’t mind having me here.” Alfonse said softly, “I’m happy to stay until you fall asleep, if you’d rather I not stay all night.”
“I’d have you here every night if I could.”
The prince’s heart skipped a beat, and enthusiastically agreed to join you to bed.
He undid his own armor and belts, left in his tunic, trousers and socks.
His headpiece was carefully placed on your desk before he crawled under the blankets with you.
Your arms were open to receive him, and Alfonse was happily wrapped up in a sleepy embrace by his loved one.
You nestled your head into his hair, feeling far more relaxed with the handsome, sweet prince snuggled up with you.
“Goodnight, Alfonse…thanks for looking out for me.”
“Always.” He smiled against your skin, a chaste kiss along your collarbone. “Sleep well, Kiran.”
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coralhoneyrose · 1 year
What other ships do you enjoy aside from Chrobin? Doesn't have to be from Awakening/FE in general!
Ooo! Fun question :) I’ll do some from awakening, some from FE in general AND some others lol. Italicized ships are ones I have read fic for (Chrobin is the only one where I’ve had strong enough brain rot to write for as well)
From Awakening:
- Lissabelle
- Lucisev
- Fredsumia
- Henlivia
- Cherche x Lon’qu
- I ship Morgan and Nah but in like a cute teenagers with crushes on each other and they hold hands sometimes kind of way LOL
From FE in general:
- F!Edeleth
- Ferdibert
- Doropetra
- Hildamari
- Elinini
- Lyn x Hector
- Alfonse x Kiran, also Alfonse x Veronica
- Zeke x Tatiana
- I only got like 10 chapters into PoR before my hardrive wiped and erased my save but I was interested in Ike x Soren and would like to see more of it some day
Other media:
- Aymeric x WoL (FFXIV)
- Asoryuu (the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles)
- Narumitsu (Ace Attorney)
- Sakura x Syaoran (Cardcaptor Sakura)
- Blue x Gansey (The Raven Cycle)
- Adam x Ronan (The Raven Cycle)
- Fire x Brigan (The Graceling Realm)
- Blair x Serena (Gossip Girl)
- Scott x Stiles (Teen Wolf)
I could keep going but honestly this list is probably long enough as it is LOL. Thank you for the ask! 😊
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avi-stella · 5 years
What’s in a Name? | Alfonse x Reader
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》 RATING: General | GENRE: Drama/Angst(?) | 348 words 》 SUMMARY: Alfonse won't call you by your name.
"I appreciate your help, Summoner." Alfonse kindly offers his words of gratitude with a formal nod of his head in your direction. Underneath the obscurity of your hood, the Askran prince sees your lips fall into an unsatisfied frown, causing confusion on his part. Had he said something wrong?
There's an awkward and tense silence in the air as you try to gather your courage. "Can you... stop calling me like that?" You request awkwardly with a fidget of your fingers. "I did give you a name that you can call me by. I don't expect us to befriend each other so suddenly, but there's no hope of getting to know each other better if you don't bother to try calling me by name."
The young man grimaces slightly. There is truth in your words, but... he's been hurt before. He has no choice but to keep his guard up. The royal prince clumsily responds, "I, er, apologize. I had no intentions of getting close to Heroes..."
Alfonse can't see your expression as your eyes remain hidden by the hood of your cloak, but he can definitely sense the change in the air and notice the shift in your body language. Your mouth parts slightly before your lips press together in a firm line, quivering, almost. Your arms cross over your chest, and your shoulders rise by a fraction. You've taken a defensive posture, Alfonse notes, before realizing that he may have come off as rude with his response.
"...I see," you reply with a frightfully unwavering and quiet voice that sends a pang of guilt towards the prince's heart. "If all you see me as is a title—a tool to use in your war—then I won't waste any more of your time, Your Highness."
Alfonse visibly flinches from the sudden hard tone to emphasize his title, and he bites at his lower lip. Before he can make amends, explaining that wasn't what he meant, you sharply turn on your heel, your cloak billowing behind you as you take your leave, leaving the prince all alone.
Thank you for reading! If you liked this work, you can help support me by either commissioning me or donating via ko-fi(.com/avistella)! Masterlist
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gamergirl8989 · 7 years
Promises (F!Kiran x Alfonse version)
Hi everyone! So this is my English short story project that I'd done! This takes place after chapter 10, that's what the first half of the story is about. XD
Also, I didn't use my regular team, I just used the generic team (Alfonse, Sharena, Anna and Virion, but Virion is barely mentioned) because it would make more sense for my teacher. Also, for generic purposes, Kiran’s hair is black. XD
Anyways after I upload this I’m gonna upload the version that has my Summoner, Ayla in it. X3
Edit: here’s a link to the Ayla version: https://gamergirl8989.tumblr.com/post/167851174187/promises-ayla-x-alfonse-version-alright-so
Sorry for the longish Author's note, enjoy the story!
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Kiran watches as her Heroes get struck down by the Radiant Hero Ike, biting her lip. Virion had gone down due to Ike having distant counter, Anna got beaten earlier by Mist and Soren, and Sharena had gone down because she was closest to Ike, but she was able to do a great deal of damage before being defeated. The only Hero she had left on the field was Alfonse, and Ike was the only enemy left on the field. Alfonse was down to 5 health, but Ike was down to 3. "You got this Alfonse! You can beat him!" The black haired Summoner shouts to the blue haired prince. The prince smiles a bit, running at Ike and dealing the final blow. Afterwards, both the Heroes and enemies came back to life. "We lost. But I have no regrets. You have showed us your strength. We're not enemies. Someday, somewhere... We might just meet again. I look forward to it." Ike says.
"We did it! Our homeland is saved. It's time to head back!" Anna declares with a smile. "Ugh, I'm so tired..." Sharena complains. Kiran couldn't help but chuckle a bit, looking around and getting a bit distracted. "Alright, Kiran, let's get-" Anna starts, but was soon cut off by a loud sound. "What was that?" the red haired commander asks, confused. This made the black haired Summoner look back over at the group. "No!" Alfonse starts. "The gateway, it's closing..." he says, as the group starts running. Unfortunately, Kiran wasn't a fast runner like the others, so she had some trouble keeping up. "Kiran, hurry! This way!" she could hear Alfonse shout, but as she leaped to go through the portal, it closed. "No!" Kiran shouts, falling to the ground, but quickly getting up and looking around frantically.
"Hello, Summoner. This time, it's just you and me." A girl's voice could be heard. 'No. Not Veronica, anyone but her, not now!' Kiran thinks frantically, turning around with fear. She was right, it was the Emblian princess, Veronica, standing behind of Kiran with her tome open. "Your bratty little friends are on the other side of the Gateway. There's no one to save you now..." The princess continues, as Kiran tries to get away, only to trip and fall. "I made a promise to you, and I intend to keep it. It's time to die." Veronica continues. Kiran was frozen in fear, starting to tremble. "I'll pop your head right off... Just like I used to do with my dolls." Veronica says, smiling wickedly. Kiran closed her eyes, taking a shaky breath, readying herself for the pain that was about to come.
But it never came. A sudden blast of magic came from the distance and hitting Veronica, making Kiran’s eyes snap open. "Who dares-?" Veronica says, surprised by what just happened, and fell down from the force of the attack. Kiran stumbles to her feet, knowing this was a good chance to escape. "Run, Kiran! Towards the light!" a male's voice shouts. A Gateway opens, and Kiran stood there, shocked. "Just go! Trust me! I'm Zacharias – Alfonse and Sharena's friend!" the mystery man, who claims to be Zacharias, shouts. Kiran nods, and starts running towards the gateway. Kiran sees a flash of light, which did concern her, but she kept running. "Keep going! Your almost there!" Zacharias shouts. Another flash of light appeared. "Kiran! You'd better watch out for Alfonse and the others!" was the last thing she heard Zacharias shouts, before seeing one more flash, jumping through the portal.
The next thing Kiran knew, she in a foresty area, tumbling to the ground as she went through the portal. "Oof!" She grunted as she landed on the ground. "Kiran!" she could hear Alfonse say. Ayla looked up to see the blue haired prince running over to her, followed by Sharena and Anna. They ran to Kiran, who was now getting back onto feet. "There you are. Am I glad to see you!" Alfonse says. "Oh, Kiran!" Sharena says, both her and Alfonse hugging Kiran. This caught Kiran off guard, but she hugs back to reassure them. "When I saw you disappear just like Zacharias did, I thought my chest would burst." He says, looking very worried. "Me too. I'm so glad you're safe. Seriously, don't do that." Sharena says. She looked like she had been crying. "I'm so sorry I worried you guys... But your friend, Zacharias, he saved me – Veronica found me and was about to kill me, and –" Kiran stops herself for a second, taking a breath. "It's... It's a long story, I'll tell you guys on the way back to the Order." She says exasperatedly, while Sharena and Alfonse pull away from the hug. "What? You say that Zacharias saved you? What are you talking about? How..." Alfonse says. "Let's talk later! We have to get out of here before they close the gateway on us again!" Anna shouts. Alfonse, Kiran and Sharena nod, and the group starts running back.
The next day, Kiran was sitting in a secluded part of the garden, trying to relax. Everyone in the Order of Heroes heard about what had happened the day before to her, and everyone was constantly asking her if she was okay. To Kiran, it was very exhausting, having everyone worrying over her. Even in the garden, she could still feel someone watching her, but she tries to brush it off. 'Probably just Feh...' She thinks, looking around and seeing the fluffy white owl sitting on a branch nearby. Kiran sighs, thinking about something else that happened yesterday. She expected Sharena to hug her, that was normal for her. But it wasn't normal for Alfonse to hug anyone. She sighs, trying to figure out what it could mean, blushing a tiny bit. She then heard rustling of leaves, making Kiran snap out of her thoughts, sighing. "If this is you, Kargero or Saizo, this is the third time I'm telling you, I don't need protection. I highly doubt that Veronica would sneak in here to kill me." Kiran says, sighing.
"You can't be certain about that, Kiran." Was the response she got, but it wasn't from either of the Hoshidan ninjas. She looked up to see Alfonse. "Oh! Alfonse, hey!" Kiran says, smiling a bit. "S-Sorry, Saizo and Kagero have been on me all day about my safety." She says sheepishly. "It's okay." Alfonse says, coming over to her. Kiran blushes a bit, but tried to hide it by pulling her hood up over her head. "Kiran? Are you okay? You've been acting off lately..." Alfonse says worriedly. "O-Oh, yeah, I'm fine!" Kiran says quickly. She was afraid of ruining the two's friendship if she was truthful about her feelings, especially if he didn't feel the same way. Alfonse frowns, having the feeling that she wasn't telling the truth. "Kiran, you can tell me." He says. Kiran gulps a bit. "I... I don't want it to ruin our friendship..." she mumbles, looking down slightly. "Hm?" Alfonse asks, not being able to hear her.
Kiran could feel her heart pounding wildly, sighing and standing up. "I..." She starts, unsure of how she should say this. Alfonse listens, frowning from worry. "I... I love you..." she says, quickly pulling her hood further over her face to hide her blush. Alfonse stood there, shocked. When Kiran didn't hear a response, she felt tears form in the corners of her eyes. "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything..." She whispers, about to leave. However, she didn't expect Alfonse to grab her hand and hug her. "There's no need to be sorry." Alfonse starts, wrapping one arm around her, then letting go of Kiran’s hand to move her hood. Kiran looks at him, shocked. She was still blushing, not expecting this. Alfonse then leans in and kisses her. Kiran’s eyes widen a bit, but then closed her eyes and kisses back. After a few seconds, Alfonse pulls away, looking into Kiran’s eyes.
"...Because I love you too." Alfonse finishes. Kiran smiles and hugs him, her hood falling off her head in the process. Alfonse smiles and hugs back, resting his head on top of hers gently, being that bit taller than her. "I wasn't sure if you felt the same way, I was scared of ruining our friendship..." Kiran mumbles. "Well, I do feel the same, and I want you to know that I vow to protect you, Kiran." Alfonse says. Kiran smiles looking up at him. "Thank you, Alfonse... I swear, I'll help you all I can throughout this war, and stay by your side, and bring peace back to Askr." Kiran vows. Alfonse smiles, kissing her forehead. "Thank you..." he says. The two stay in each other's arms for a little, promising that they'd never abandon the other.
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summoner-stones · 6 years
King Alfonse x f!summoner fcking on his throne please
How funny life could be sometimes. Time had passed in Askr.No longer was she the timid girl who was summoned to this world from out of nowhere.No longer was she the inexperienced tactician fumbling in her strategies. Now,she was the lead tactician and Summoner of this world, a world that wasn’t evenher own. Along the way she met countless friends, and even more foes. But she hadalso met a special loved one here. Her sweet prince.
Alfonse wasn’t thesame prince she first met. No, he had changed and matured along the way. Hisface had become sharper, his eyes focused and determined, his body strengthened,and his demeanor, fit for a king. He wasn’t the same prince who questionedhimself on his every action or that let others dictate his worth. No, thatprince was long gone, and now a king was in his place.
That same blush and smile was still there, however. Eventhough he was now older, he still found himself flustered around Kiran. Stillthat hint of shyness around his Summoner. Kiran always found that amusing abouthim.
He sat on his throne, looking so regal and handsome. Hisgentle eyes taking in every inch of Kiran as she sat on his lap. She pepperedhim with kisses all over. On his cheeks, on his forehead, and even trailed evenfurther down to his neck. He squirmed under her attention, the odd breathy gaspescaping him. He looked so cute…so vulnerable under her grasp.
Every movement of herhips made him moan. She was just teasing him, playing with him for just a littlebit, but just that little bit of movement was driving him wild. His kissesbecoming more desperate, his grasp on her even tighter, and breath becomingshaky.
Finally, she wiggled out of her pants, and managed to takeoff his as well, and plopped back down on his lap with just her panties on. Shecould feel just how needy he was for her, his member already poking her throughher underwear. She barely did a thing and he was already in this state. Ah,perhaps the prince never did change.
She continued to kiss him, leaving small little bites along hisneck. Every nip elicited a moan from him, every rub of her hand against hisgroin, a shudder. His hips bucked in rhythm to her hand, trying to continue tofriction even further, but it wasn’t enough for him. She didn’t want to givehim everything he wanted right away. Her hands roamed and groped whatever theyfound, every sensitive spot producing a whine from his mouth. The poor king waspractically becoming undone before her, and what a sight it was.
“P-Please, K-Kiran,enough with this teasing…I need you,” he finally admitted.
“You need me?” shequestioned with the grind of her hips.
“I- “his requestwas cut short with a loud enough moan that resounded through the empty room. Adesperate, and whiny sound. “P-Please…”
She let out a laugh, feeling a little bad for teasing him,but the end result was always worth it. She grasped his chin gently and lookedat her handiwork. His hair disheveled, his eyes glossed over, his cheeks a cutepink, and his breath ragged. What a sight.
“Of course, my king.”
With the quickness of her hand, she moved her underwear asideand guided him to her entrance. She slid down on him slowly, enjoying hownicely he filled her up, how hot he felt. The pleasure was already too much tobear, if he moved just a little bit, she felt like she could come undone fromjust that.
His head was tilted back and slightly to the side, his eyesshut tightly, and his mouth slightly agape. He must already be at his limitstoo. After finally becoming adjusted, she decided to move her hips slowly. Hefelt amazing, every bit of him hitting all the right spots. Even she couldn’tcontain the gentle gasps leaving her. But he was already too desperate frombefore, poor Alfonse needed more.
He grabbed her hips tightly and made her follow his ownrapid rhythm. He was done with these games and the teasing, he needed to finish,now. Kiran didn’t expect his rough and fast pace, feeling herself alreadyreaching her limit from just the few thrusts of his. She leaned forward and letherself be taken by him, letting her moans out at the back of his neck.
After just a few seconds, his needy moans finally halteredafter one strained, choked gasp. He finished inside of her, letting out a quiet,‘gods, Kiran’. Kiran laughed as shefelt numb from the waist down. It was a good, pleasure-hazed feeling, a finalrelease from the long teasing session. She gave him a final kiss and thankedhim, “thank you for the wonderful sightsand sounds, my king.”
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Mobile Muse List
Here is a list of all of my muses for mobile users.
Miscellaneous Muses: Eclipsa Butterfly (Star Vs), Sei Seragaki (Dramatical Murder), Kurama (Yuyu Hakusho), Gon Freecs (Hunter x Hunter), N (Pokemon), Soramaru Kumoh (Laughing Under The Clouds), Bayonetta (Bayonetta), Will Cipher (Gravity Falls), Cain Zeitgeist (Boyfriend to Death), 
Fire Emblem Muses: Chrom, Henry, Corrin (M), Kamui (F), Robin, Leon (Fates), Takumi, Henry, Siegbert, Xander, Alm, Validar, Kliff, Forrest, Yarne, Charlotte, Keaton, Kaden, Hrid, Alfonse, Garon, Bruno, Niles, Berkut, Lucina
Tales of Series Muses: Genis Sage, Kratos Aurion, Regal Byrant, Zelos Wilder, Colette Brunel, Raine Sage, Sheena Fujibayashi, Emil Castagnier, Kvar, Mithos Yggdrasil, Yuan Ka-Fei, Rose, Dezel, Mikleo, Sorey, Symonne, Lloyd Irving, Zagi, Luke Fon Fabre, Asch, Jade Curtiss, Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Karol Capel, Flynn Scifo, Yuri Lowell, Raven, Lunarre, Repede, Alexei Dinoia, Yeager, Judith, Velvet Crowe, Magilou, Martel, Duke Pantantei, Dist
Kid Icarus Muses: Pit, Dark Pit, Palutena
Xenoblade Muses: Shulk Soss, Zanza, Reyn, Alvis
MHA Muses: Izuku Midoriya, Tomura 
Legend of Zelda: Sheik, Ghirahim
Digimon: Kouichi Kimura, Kouji Minamoto
HTF: Splendid, Splendont, Sniffles
Original Characters: Cloe, Greil, Kiran, Nyx, Seifer
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ariannadi · 7 years
Favorite ships
I was tagged by @dracoangel ^^ this gives me a chance to list all my fave fire emblem ones! :D (aside from the top few there’s not really an order to these, I like em all equally xD)
1. Leokamu (It is in fact canon that Leo was already in love with f!Corrin prior to fates sooo x3 their Nohrian festival supports are legit to die for. So friggin sweet. Better be endgame in the manga.)
2. Takukamu (Its just... so sweet, omg. Yeah he’s a little turd at first but the baby just needs love and reassurance, and as soon as she offers that to him he’s just *puppy eyes* ...DONT GET ME STARTED ON CONQUEST)
3. Chrobin (I will forever be a sucker for best friends turned lovers... and these two are like the poster children for that trope)
4. Frederick x Sumia (They’re both the biggest dorks and they just look good together?? I also love how Frederick is willing to like, carry her so she doesn’t trip lol)
5. Sigurd x Deirdre (Ouch. But ugh. My heart.)
6. Ryoma x Camilla (I just like them together? This is also a good time to announce that I have a little fic in the works with them haha)
7. Ryoma x Xander (...they just seem like they’d click really well xD they’re both stubborn and headstrong as shit)
8. Leo x Sakura (it’s just cute and sweet and Leo is so gentle with her ^^)
9. Takumi x Oboro (not my fave, but they have good chemistry together)
11. Sakura x Kaden (another really cute pair :D naaaaps)
12. Felicia x Silas (somehow they always end up together in my playthroughs lol)
13. Xander x Charlotte (it’s growing on me)
14. Robin x Tiki (Tiki needs so much love ;_;)
15. Robin x Frederick (it’s actually really cute lol)
16. Cordelia x Stahl (again, they always end up together for me lol)
17. Morgan x Nah (Dragon god baby and manakete baby, what more could you want xD)
18. Elise x Odin (I love how she supports his quirkiness :3)
19. Kiran x Alfonse (CHROBIN 2.0)
Uhhh I’ll tag @theybecameanimagi @cousinslavellan @sephiratales @kittenkakt and @lyrium-lovesong this time around :)
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the-lonely-ylissean · 7 years
A, B, F, G, and X!
A--Ships you currently like a lotI really love Alfonse/Kiran and Silas/CorrinB--A pairing that you initially didn't consider, but someone chanhed your mindStahl/Robin. I used to be a big Chrom/Robin shipper, but then I met Stahl and he is such an amazing character that deserves all of the love in the world. F--What's the longest you've ever been in a fandom. I guess its tied between Zelda and Fire Emblem by 3 years. G--Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?Yes, and I think Zelda/Link were my first OTP. They are the most adorable in Skyward Sword.X--A trope you are almost certain to love in any fandom. Best friends!!!
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fire-emblem-ships · 7 years
Fjorm x Kiran
Hahahahaha I’m trash.
I can confirm with almost 99% certainty that this is not a great fanfiction.
“Ahh man... the battle is done.” Anna said. “Now we need to take care of this girl.” She said as she looked down to the girl unconscious on the ground.
I ran over to her, remaining wary of my surroundings. The first thing I noticed was her beauty. I brushed her messy hair aside and looked at her.
“Hey. Kiran. Let’s get her home.” I heard Sharena from behind me.
“Ah! Right. Sorry.” I said as I blushed a bit. I picked her up bridal style and began to carry her back to the base.
“I wonder who she is?” Alfonse said to no one in particular.
I mumbled something under my breath. “she’s really pretty is what I know...”
“Hmm? Did you say something summoner?” Anna asked.
“Oh! Nothing. Don’t worry about it.” I said as I quickly deflected the question.
We chatted a bit along the way, with me mostly staying quiet. Before I knew it, we were back home. I went to a tent and placed the fainted girl down onto a bed.
“I’ll watch over her” I said as the other three came through the tent.
“Alright. We’ll leave her in your care.” Alfonse said as he walked out with Sharena and Anna.
I carefully watched over the beautiful woman. Her face was pale. Just to be safe, I decided to touch her hand. I slowly and hesitantly reached out to her hand, and my worst fears were realized.
Her hand was ice cold.
I began to panic, wondering what I should do. How would I tell the order of heroes that the girl we rescued died? Would they blame it on me?
As these questions flooded my mind, they all suddenly went away as I saw stirring, to my sudden relief.
She sat up and rubbed her head. “W-where am I?” She said.
I was zoning out while staring at her but took myself out of it. “A-Ah! You’re in the Askran kingdom.” I said.
“A-askran?” She said. “I-I see. Umm... may I stay here? My kingdom... fell... and my mother with it...” she had a downcast look as the mood shifted.
I stood in silence for a moment. “I see... my apologies.” I didn’t know what to do. “S-so what’s your name? I’m Kiran.” I said, trying to change the subject.
“... n-nice to meet you Kiran. I’m Fjorm.” She said as she gave a smile that seemed somewhat forced.
I responded with a smile. “Nice to meet you. Maybe I can give you a tour of the castle?”
Fjorm nodded. “Yes. That would be nice.” I put my hand out for her and she took it.
Walking around the castle, I show her all the basic things while introducing her to every other hero.
Eventually, we found ourselves in a long hallway with pictures of the royals. “This is uhh... a bit hallway. Not too sure what it’s for other than decoration.” I say as I scratch my cheek a bit. Fjorm began to giggle. “W-what is it?” I ask.
“It’s just how... informal you talk. I’ve always had people talking to me like the princess I am. It’s charming to have people talk to me like a friend.” She have a very genuine smile as she said this.
I blushed a bit but smiled back. “Well... from the world that I come from, most people talk like this.” I chuckle to myself a bit.
“Ah. I see” Fjorm says with a smile. “It does feel nice to have a change like that.”
I chuckled a bit then let out a long sigh. “H-hey Fjorm? Can I ask you something? Do you have anyone you’re interested in or fancy?”
She tilted her head in response. “No one right now. Although, even with my kingdom destroyed, I will have to marry someone someday.”
My face reddened a bit as the question I wanted to ask came into mind. “I-umm... maybe I... could be that man...?” I say as I avoid eye contact from embarrassment.
Fjorm looked up at me. “What do you mean?” She asked, somewhat clueless.
I let out an anxious sigh and looked down at her. “Fjorm.” I say sternly. “I’m asking... I’m asking if you’d like to be... my g-girlfriend?” I stutter at the end and look away from her.
Her eyes widen a bit as she realizes what I’m asking. “Kiran... do you... fancy me?” She asks. I silently nod in response, glancing back over at her every now and again. Suddenly, her face breaks out in a smile. “Kiran...” I look back at her. “I fancy you myself. You’ve shown me kindness and compassion. Perhaps I’ve had my heart caught too easily, but I do seem to have fallen for you.”
My face slowly but surely lights up. “F-Fjorm! Does that mean...?”
She nods. “Yes. I’ll be you’re girlfriend.” She said happily.
Ending author’s notes:
Wow... umm.. that ending was abrupt. Whoops.
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follow-the-roses · 7 years
More nsfw Kiran/Michalis hc i got from here
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Michalis would first check on Kiran after they are finish making sure they were okay worrying he might be a bit rough Kiran would smile knowing he can worry of them telling him he was okay
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Michalis's favorite would be the breasts he didn't care what size they are he can even sleep on them
Kiran's would be the ass yes they would teasingly slap Michalis's ass
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically…)
Kiran would swallow Michalis's cum if they don't wanna swallow it they would spit it out on a tissue.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Kiran accidentally saw Michalis naked once before they were dating thinking they were alone i don't think he knows but he did carried his axe with him never told him
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Michalis I'm sure he knows what sex is yet when he actually do it he'd try not to be a nervous wreck but he does worry that he may hurt his summoner
Kiran knows what sex is too but is very nervous to even try it at first and they don't even know what they are doing during sex ex: accidentally using their teeth for oral
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Michalis: missionary so he can watch his summoners reactions he honestly think it's amusing yet cute
Kiran: the Lotus sex position so they can hug him tightly knowing they can cover their faces on his shoulder
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
It really depends if something happen if Michalis comes in wearing twin pigtails by his sister while going to do the do Kiran would laugh about it and michalis wont hear the end of it till morning.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Both of them are well groomed Kiran would usually brush Michalis's hair since they have short hair (or it depends on your summoner) thankfully.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Whenever Kiran sleeps due to a hard day and an avoidable assassination attempts Michalis would gently stroke their hair smiling at them holding them close to him.
Kiran would ride with Michalis on his wyvern relaxing on his chest enjoying the skies together as they whisper sweet nothings
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Michalis would try it one time whenever he thinks about Kiran he gets even more in the mood if Kiran is soaked and wet at the beach or the rain he would go to his room and let it all out until he brings Kiran to the bed.
Kiran they would masturbate whenever Michalis whisper softly in their ear with his lovely voice they would masturbate on the bed thinking of him.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Sexual roleplay their favorite one is the king who's lover is an innocent peasant or servant girl
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Bedroom they did it outside of the castle once almost got caught by the heroes(sometimes Alfonse) since they are a lot of them here.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Michalis would seriously get turned on if he sees Kiran trying to be sexy for him even if they 'dance' for him //cough
Kiran watching Michalis working out seeing those muscles and those scars they cant help but stare at them
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
S&M Michalis would hit but never hurt his beloved
Daddy kink Kiran did once and Michalis said no
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Michalis doesn't mind if he gives or receiving it as long as Kiran enjoys his sounds and reaction.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Michalis can get rough he accidentally went rough on Kiran the result made Michalis protecting them all day
Kiran is slow since they cant do fast and rough
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
They agreed not to do anything sexual outside of the bedroom but Kiran did gave Michalis a quickie under the table while he eats making sure no one is here.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
It depends if Michalis read something he wants to try but he asks Kiran if they want to try it
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Michalis can go twice or once but he can go third if he gets a little jealous when someone gets near Kiran being a bit too friendly with them
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
They don't use them.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Hoo boy Michalis would tease them with his voice saying the things he will do to them which makes Kiran fluster a lot
Kiran cant even try to tease the king he would end up being amused at them for trying
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
if Ephraim has good ears or it's the walls then you know how loud they would be
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Michalis would put a meat drumstick between Kirans boobs and eat it he stole it from Ike's plate
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Feathers..only feathers to turn to a five star and orbs
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Michalis it's not really high unless he really wants Kiran if they are away the same for Kiran too
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Kiran would fall asleep after they are done Michalis would just watch them sleep till he sleeps
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fe-fictions · 2 years
Up for some Alfonse? I saw you wrote that you couldn't find any more in your archive, so I'm here to help! How about he finds Kiran passed out due to exhaustion? I doubt she gets much sleep anyways, what with welcoming all the new heroes, commanding the battlefield, studying tactics, and all that jazz.
(It's been ages since I've done some Alfonse fluff! Enjoy ;; U ;; )
The night was still young, and Alfonse was restless. Everyone had already eaten, and those who had spare time outside of chores, patrols  and meetings, they were making merry and enjoying themselves. 
Everyone seemed to be accounted for, except for arguably the most important individual in Alfonse’s eyes; Kiran.
Sharena didn’t seem to know where you’d gone, nor did Anna. Most of the summoned heroes weren’t certain where you’d gotten off to, until he asked one of the more observant ones.
Klein had seen you heading toward the armory by yourself just a little while ago. You seemed fine, he added when Alfonse looked confused (and obviously worried).
“What on earth does she want in there?” He wondered aloud, making a beeline for the armory. It’s not like you wielded any of the weapons, at least not well enough to use. He’d been teaching you the way of the sword, but there was no way he was going to let you bring that onto the battlefield until he was satisfied with your skills.
Maybe you were reviewing the stock on your own, as diligently as usual. Alfonse’s speculation came to a swift conclusion, though, when he passed through the tent flaps.
You were in the armory, yes; dead asleep and leaning against a polearm from where you sat precariously on a bench.
“Kiran?” His face blanched, the prince quickly coming to your side. Carefully he put his fingers to your neck; your pulse was fine, and you didn’t appear to be in pain. You just looked tired, really. 
His brow furrowed when he realized you had dark bags under your eyes, and lines drawn likely caused by the stress of the job. 
“What have you been doing to yourself?” He muttered while he got to work extricating you from the tent. He expertly pulled the polearm away, leaning you back against the weapons rack behind you so as not to wake you.
The spear quietly clacked back into place, and he returned to your side. It would be better to let you sleep. Alfonse gently raised you into his arms, holding you to his chest and making sure your head was resting against him rather than lolling about. Making sure you weren’t jostled or stirring, he started out of the tent.
It was tactfully ignored when heroes started whispering about what they saw; what was the prince doing with the summoner? Why was she asleep? Were they sweet on each other- and were they really being so blatant about it?
His focus was making sure you got some proper rest for the first time in what appeared to be ages. 
“Please excuse me,” He murmured into your hair, as he brought you back to your tent. The cot was practically untouched; had you even slept in it that morning?
Alfonse didn’t glance around long. He slowly knelt beside the bedroll, settling you onto the blankets. With great care, he cupped your head, making sure not to let you bounce by accident when he moved his arms out from under you. Then came the work on your boots.
Mindful of his own armor and clanking bits, Alfonse was expert in reducing his own noise while he got to work undoing your belts and buckles that surely weren’t comfortable to sleep in. He managed to pull the first one off before he realized his efforts were in vain.
“Kiran!” He squeaked when you spoke, finding you staring down at him with bleary eyes. Blushing, he pulled back, one boot still on and the other sock exposed. “Forgive me, I just…I found you asleep in the armory and wanted you to be more comfortable in your tent. I brought you back and wanted to at least take some of your armor off while you rested.”
“Thanks.” You rubbed at your eyes, “I didn’t even realize I’d fallen asleep at all…guess I’ve been working harder than usual.”
“You’ve always worked hard,” Alfonse countered, recovering himself so he could continue his efforts. You watched with a lazy smile as he continued to undo your other boot, “I think it’s just the steady flow of hard work finally sapped the last of your strength, and this was the result.”
“You think so?” 
He nodded quietly while he set the footwear neatly to the side, before returning to your side. You reached for his hand and he gladly took it, giving your fingers a gentle squeeze from his seat beside the bedroll. 
“Would you like to spend the night with me, then?”
“Just to sleep,” You added in quickly, realizing the blush on his cheeks wasn’t because of a polite invitation. “I mean, it’s not like you don’t work hard, too…I thought it might be a good chance for both of us to get some good sleep.”
“If you don’t mind having me here.” Alfonse said softly, “I’m happy to stay until you fall asleep, if you’d rather I not stay all night.”
“I’d have you here every night if I could.”
The prince’s heart skipped a beat, and enthusiastically agreed to join you to bed. He undid his own armor and belts, left in his tunic, trousers and socks. His headpiece was carefully placed on your desk before he crawled under the blankets with you.
Your arms were open to receive him, and Alfonse was happily wrapped up in a sleepy embrace by his loved one. You nestled your head into his hair, feeling far more relaxed with the handsome, sweet prince snuggled up with you.
“Goodnight, Alfonse…thanks for looking out for me.”
“Always.” He smiled against your skin, a chaste kiss along your collarbone. “Sleep well, Kiran.”
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fe-fictions · 2 years
Hey! Saw your post and wanted to help! Can we please get some more Alfonse back on this blog? Maybe the summoner gets hurt and hides a wound from him?
I hope everything goes well for you! I can't even imagine going through all those things you mentioned at the same time.
(Some long overdue Alfonse fluff!!!!!!)
Alfonse isn’t anywhere near as observant as you; hence why you call the orders, and Alfonse swings his blade wherever you direct it.
But that didn’t mean he was oblivious. He spotted you flinch when Anna clapped a hand on your back after battle, that day. And at dinner, you seemed rather on edge whenever you had to sit down, or stand up.
Your movements were suddenly stiff, and you were more withdrawn. He attempted to ask if you were well, but you dismissed it as being tired. 
He was no fool, either. And it sent a little twinge in his heart to think you could get out of his concern so easily.
“Kiran, a moment?”
He caught you before you were able to escape the mess hall, touching his hand to yours. You startled some, glancing up at him before quickly looking back away.
“Is it important, Alfonse? I’d really like to get some sleep.”
“We can talk as we go.” He offered, nudging you along. He deliberately slowed his gait to match yours. It was at least two paces slower than usual.
He lulled you into a false sense of security by discussing some war-related topic, though you were clearly distracted from it.
There was visible relief on your face when you stopped at your tent, still avoiding the prince’s gaze.
“Well, this is me.” You managed a small smile, “Thanks for bringing me back. Is that all?”
“Actually…” Alfonse trailed off, watching the color drain from your face. “Let’s head inside.” 
His suggestion was an order. You quietly tracked into your tent, and he made sure to latch it shut behind him before the prince looked back at you.
You were officially trapped.
“You’re not tired at all, are you?”
“I-I am!” 
“But not just because of the busy day.” He frowned, “You’re injured, aren’t you?”
Your lips drew into a thin line. Admission by silence, he decided.
“Let me see.”
“It’s…it’s not that bad. I just didn’t want to worry anyone with it.” 
“I’m afraid it didn’t work very well- you have no idea how anxiety-inducing it is, watching you act completely out of the ordinary.” Alfonse responded, helping you gently slip the coat from your shoulders. 
As he came around behind you, his suspicions were totally confirmed; there was a mess of poorly applied bandages around your shoulder and upper arm.
Worse yet, it had all been bled through and in desperate need of cleaning and replacement.
“What do you mean, ‘What’? This is bad!” He exclaimed despite himself, quickly setting the coat aside and ordering you to sit on your cot. “Where are your medical supplies?”
“My first aid is over in that trunk,” You nodded your head in the direction of the bin.
He wasted no time in retrieving it, finding the bandages you’d pulled from in a jumbled mess at the top.
“You couldn’t even wrap it back up properly- gods, Kiran, what were you thinking? This is dangerous!”
“I-it’s really not that bad! I knew it’d need some fixing up later, but the healers were already so busy. I didn’t think a cut would be worth using a stave for when others were worse off.”
“You could’ve bled out. Look at this; it’s not even fastened right. No wonder you’ve been so awkward all day. You must be in a lot of pain.”
“Well, it’s not comfortable…”
Alfonse shook his head, focusing his efforts on untangling the bandages so he could re-dress your wound.
The prince cut away the soiled fabric, getting a proper look at the nasty thing; that cut was less than forgiving. It looked like the work of a long blade, but was thankfully shallow enough that it hadn’t cut to bone.
“You’re lucky; it doesn’t look like it hit anything too serious.” Alfonse murmured, fishing out a small towel from the med kit and dabbing at the blood around the wound. 
You tensed some, clearly not enjoying the feeling of it. He couldn’t blame you. It was a nasty injury, even if it wasn’t the worst one you’d ever gotten.
He was methodical and efficient in his work, taking great care not to hurt you any more than you were already. A healing salve was gingerly coated over the cut, and was tightly wrapped and fastened not long after.
“There,” Alfonse touched your other shoulder, “All done.”
“Thank you, Alfonse…” 
“We’ll still need Sharena to look at it in the morning.” He said as he put the supplies back away, “But I think you’ll be in the clear for now.”
“I’m sorry for worrying you.” You said quietly, “I just didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.”
“Hey, you’re our one and only Kiran; if you’re hurt, we’re gonna worry regardless. Especially me,” He added with a small smile, returning to your side. “You should lie down on your stomach when you sleep tonight. Easier on your injury.”
“...Can you stay with me?”
He paused when he heard the quiet request, and found your ears tinged red when you looked away. Heat flushed his cheeks.
“U-uh…are you sure? I mean, I can, I just don’t know what the others would say if they found out.”
“They haven’t figure it out yet,” You proffered, peeking up at him bashfully. “At least until I fall asleep?”
He smiled softly; how could he ever say no to you?
“All right. At least until you’re asleep.” He agreed, taking off his chest plate and gloves, lowering himself down so that he was lying down beside you. 
He gazed at you quietly, the two of you suddenly much more shy now that you were face to face.
"…Thank you, Al...I’m really glad you took care of me.”
“Don’t worry about it. It’s my job to make sure you’re okay. I don’t know what I’d do if you got hurt and I didn't help.” He murmured, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
You beamed, his touch a pleasant sensation that warmed you from head to toe.
“I’ll be more careful from now on. Sorry I didn’t say something sooner.”
“It’s okay. Next time, just come to me i you get hurt before you try and take it on alone. I’ll always be there to help you out.”
“And then comfort me after you nurse me?” You giggled, earning a handsome flush to his reddening cheeks. "W-well, I mean…if that’s what you need, I’ll do it in a heartbeat.”
It would delight you to no end, knowing that he was so very sweet for you, and willing to do anything to make you happy.
Or, at least, make sure you didn’t accidentally mess yourself up worse in an attempt to handle your problems on your own.
Why bother, when you had such a handsome blueberry ready to move mountains just for you?
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fe-fictions · 3 years
freddy being mesmerized by how beautiful his wife looks in her Tactful Deliverer outfit? maybe robin wears it for a festival or party & freddy is just there the whole time like 😳
(Oh of course !! I want to break up the re-uploads with some new stuff, so,,, lets have some fredrob fluff ;;; A ;;; )
Gods, what an unfathomably beautiful dress it was.
Frederick had joined the festivities in Askr for only a short time, seeing as his duties as captain would require he return home soon.
Well, that, and his wife had responsibilities back home too, and if she was staying, he may as well remain at her side until it was time to go back.
That’s what he thought, at least, until a beautiful woman with glimmering hair, an exquisite dress and a blinding smile swept out in a glorious debut. That woman…was his wife.
He nearly spit his wine across the banquet table.
Sharena and Kiran watched Frederick gawk at his wife, who was spinning about the open dance floor with petals flung from your fingertips at every sway.
You were joined by Henry, of all people, whose bunny ears were awfully gaudy. The two of them were dancing about, surrounded by others in similar festive wear.
“What’s the matter, Frederick? Cat got your tongue?” Sharena teased him, poking at the tall knight. He cleared his throat and shook his head quickly, setting the glass of wine aside.
“Not at all. I was simply…surprised. Where did she…?”
“It was a gift, from Anna.” Alfonse explained, putting his arm around Kiran. “The festival is quite popular, so there are plenty of costumes and festive outfits that heroes will wear! Sharena and I have a few ourselves…even our parents.”
“How, er, quaint.” Frederick managed to eek out despite his earlier fluster. He couldn’t deny that it was quite becoming on you.
It flattered your body in such a delicate manner, the flowers and gentle colors contrasting beautifully with your skin and hair.
The joyous grin and breathless blush on your cheeks only served to make his heart quicken its beat more.
“Maybe you ought to go out there and dance with her.” Sharena hummed, “I’m sure your wife would be delighted!”
“I’m hardly dressed for such an occasion.” Frederick straightened up, fiddling with the ribbon around his collar. “Heavy armor is unforgiving on the dance floor.”
“If you don’t dance with her, someone else will.” She gestured to the center of the festivities, and sure enough, there were far too many eyes watching his Robin twirl about with other heroes.
The young princess seemed to have a point. So he obliged in her offer, at the very least removing his chest plate and pauldrons, entrusting them with the Summoner.
The lower pieces would have to stay, but at least he would have a little more mobility…well, that, and you would need to be able to place your hands on him for the dance.
He approached the dance floor, carefully maneuvering through the dozens of others who surrounded you, coming to a pause once the song ended.
Your dance partner, a young lady named Fae, finally relinquished you, just in time for you to turn around and find your husband smiling politely as he watched.
“My, my! Where has your armor gone? You haven’t lost it, have you?” You teased him, taking a flower from your bouquet and slipping it into his breast pocket.
“I thought it would be prudent to take most of it off, if I were to ask my wife for a dance.”
Your eyes widened by his reply, the smile growing on your lips. “You wish to dance with me?”
“I’m worried if I do not ask you now, I will not be able to dance with you until long after the festivities end. Everyone is quite impressed with you.”
He offered a hand for you to take, which you did with great enthusiasm.
You giggled as he swept you into his arms, the two of you beginning to move along to the rhythm of a giddy waltz.
“I didn’t realize I would be so popular. Then again, I suppose it’s not often I’m wearing something besides that frumpy old coat. I feel a little…vulnerable without it.”
“But you do look ever so lovely.” He responded, “I was taken aback when I saw you come out. This dress…it suits you well.”
“Thank you, dear.” You blushed, beaming at your husband’s sweet words. “Henry mentioned something about you spitting your drink. I didn’t think it true, but…judging by the flush on your cheeks, maybe it did happen.”
“Henry speaks nonsense, as always. I would never be caught so uncomposed.” He turned his nose up at the very idea (and made a note to scold Henry for being so rude, later).
“I thought so.” You laughed, spinning around your husband before falling back into his arms again. “But I would be touched to know you were so startled. It's nice to know I still take your breath away, every now and then.”
“My sweet…” He twirled you expertly, his hand delicately resting on the small of your back before drawing you flush against his chest, “You take my breath away each and every day.”
It was your turn for the blush to deepen.
You glanced away, feeling the embarrassment swell in your chest, making it terribly hard to breathe.
“This particular dress, though…I’m afraid it’s made me fall even harder in love with you than usual.”
“Whatever shall we do about that?” You wrapped your arms around his neck with such a sweet, adoring expression.
It did make his heart thump happily.
“I suppose we’ll have to dance the night away…and then make the most of it before we return home.”
“Are you suggesting we extend our stay a little while?”
“Perhaps it would do us some good…I am sure Anna only lent it to you for this event, and if we were to leave it would not be able to come with us.”
“Not without a hefty price tag,” You chimed in, and he nodded in agreement.
“Then allow your husband to be selfish and enjoy this beautiful sight while he can.” He murmured, giving you a gentle smile that you wished he could always wear.
At least now that Grima was gone in your world, it was becoming a much more common sight. But still not frequent enough, at least, not for your enjoyment.
“I’ll allow it.” You kiss his cheek, and settled against his chest, the two of you falling into a gentle, lulling step when the music slowed considerably.
A lovely, quiet song was just what you needed to fully enjoy your dear husband’s embrace.
Well, that, and all the sweet nothings he whispered to you, showering praises of your beauty (and that little dress).
You made a note to ask Anna just how much it would cost to bring it home with you.
It was always a treat to make Frederick happy. If something as simple as a flowery spring dress was all it took…who were you to say no?
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avi-stella · 5 years
His Muse | Alfonse x Reader
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》 RATING: General | GENRE: Fluff | 784 words 》 SUMMARY: Alfonse's drawings lack a certain something, but he figures out what it is soon enough.
Alfonse sighs to himself as he places his incomplete drawing on the bedside table, running his free hand through his hair as his eyes glance towards the drawn piece. Even if he tries not to let the straightforward comments of Anna and Sharena on his work bother him, a part of him can't help but agree with them, much to his chagrin. He's self-critical, gaze scrutinizing the quill strokes on parchment. Objectively, the prince's techniques are highly skilled, but as stated before, his works lack something that would give them life. His drawings, while nice to look at in terms of skill, aren't worth a second glance if they remain boring.
There's a gentle knock on his door that pulls him out of his thoughts. Alfonse looks at his lackluster drawing one last time before moving to answer the door. The Askran prince blinks in surprise to find you standing there, your hands innocently folded behind your back as you flash him a nervous smile.
"You looked upset when you left," you explain with sympathy and concern laced in your voice. "I wanted to see if you were alright."
"I'm fine," he answers with a small smile but still steps to the side and opens the door further, gesturing with his other hand for you to come inside.
You're comfortable enough in entering the bedroom after having spent many nights in there, both passionate and innocent in nature. There's no need for you to hold up any sort of appearances or pretenses in the comfortable privacy of this place that you both deemed belonged to the both of you alone.
Alfonse shuts the door behind you while you approach his bed to sit. You catch a glimpse of his drawing from earlier in the day, and you start to get an idea as to what it might be that's on the young man's mind. The blue-haired prince takes his spot beside you and leans his head against your shoulder with a defeated sigh.
"I wonder what it is that I'm missing," he muses while his eyes remain downcast on the floor.
"You mean for your drawing?" You ask to confirm, and he gives a small dejected nod of his head. A warm smile makes its way to your face as you stroke his hair. With a thoughtful hum, you suggest, "Maybe you lacked interest in the subjects? I mean, you were drawing for money that you weren't even going to be able to keep anyways, so what if you try drawing something that interests you?"
Alfonse straightens up on the bed, his eyebrows pulled together in contemplation. "Something that interests me..."
You point towards yourself and laugh. "How about me?" You offer.
Of course, you were half-joking, so you can't help but be surprised when the prince's features light up instantaneously at your offer. "Yes, that sounds like a good idea!" He exclaims in agreement with newfound vigour, and you can't find it in your heart to take back your words. In any case, it's always a pleasure to see Alfonse all excited like this since it's rather rare.
The Askran prince gets up from the bed to retrieve a few pieces of parchment and a quill from his desk. He pulls up a chair to sit across from you, and you bite at your lower lip in nervousness as you're not sure how to pose yourself. It seems like it isn't necessary though because he's already started sketching, the sound of quill on parchment filling the room.
You will yourself to relax, your attention focused on Alfonse's determined face. It's a bit cute, actually, and you can't help but smile fondly at him. You decide to tease him later about his little quirk of sticking the tip of his tongue out of the corner of his mouth, but for now, you're more than satisfied to watch him like this.
It never occured to you that Alfonse would be skilled in drawing. You knew of his strength in battle and the way he carried himself definitely showed his station. You've seen him training along with the other Heroes and reading books late into the night at the library, but that was about it. You weren't aware if he had any other hobbies, and it both surprised and pleased you to have learned something new about him.
"I've finished," the prince exhales, and you raise your eyebrows in surprise.
"That was quick," you say, genuinely impressed, as you stand up from the bed and make your way over to him to have a look at his piece.
Alfonse smiles in your direction, warmth behind his eyes as he bashfully shares his work. "I was inspired."
Thank you for reading! If you liked this work, you can help support me by liking/reblogging. You can also commission me or donate to my ko-fi(.com/avistella)! Masterlist
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avi-stella · 5 years
Jumping to Conclusions | Alfonse x Reader
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》 RATING: Teen | GENRE: Humour/Fluff | 647 words 》 SUMMARY: It's a misunderstanding.
There's a high-pitched scream that echoes throughout the castle walls, alarming the residing Heroes inside. Alfonse recognizes the owner of the voice straight away, and he's the first one to jump into action while the others are still in stunned confusion. The Askran prince bolts out of the room with immense speed, much to everybody's shock with some slightly impressed as they've never seen the young prince run that fast before, even in battle.
There's only one goal in Alfonse's mind, his cape blowing behind him as his features are drawn to a more determined expression, eyebrows scrunched together and lips painted into a frown. A million thoughts and scenarios run through his head, all at the same time. He can only hope that no danger has befallen the Order of Heroes' precious Summoner, or else there will be hell to pay.
Alfonse sees his target in sight, and he mentally prepares himself for whatever he might find, swallowing the unpleasant lump in his throat. With a large bang, he frantically opens the door to your assigned room before allowing his hand to fly towards the hilt of his blade out of pure instinct. He calls for you, the desperation evident in his tone.
The Askran prince doesn't see anything out of place before somebody rushes over to him, practically jumping the unsuspecting young man. It takes him a second to realize that it's none other than the Summoner he was worried for, but you look to be fine asides from the fact that you're only wearing your underwear.
A heavy blush appears on Alfonse's cheeks as he tries to pry his gaze away, but you peer up at him with scared eyes. "Alfonse! Please, kill it!" You beg as you sharply point your finger towards your bed.
Alfonse follows his gaze to where you're directing, and all he sees are your clothes lying on your bed. ...No, wait, upon closer inspection, he sees a black dot scurrying around your clothes and realizes that it's none other than a spider. The young man brings he's attention back to you who's obviously terrified of the small insect.
Quietly breathing out a sigh of relief to himself that there was nothing major to worry about, Alfonse walks over to the bed and picks up the innocent critter with a sheet of paper from the bedside drawer. He brings it over to the window and lets the spider out. Just as the prince turns to assure you that it's alright now, you're already running up to him and wrapping your arms around his figure.
"Thank you," you breathe out, allowing your head to rest upon his armoured chest.
The expression on Alfonse's gaze grows soft as he carefully returns the embrace, and the pair of you fall into an easy and comfortable silence with each other. The moment is ruined, however, when you hear a group of hurried footsteps approaching the room, and you both look up to see who it is.
Commander Anna's face pops up at the doorway first, concern visible on her features. "We heard a scream! Are you..."
The redhead trails off as she stares at the scene with slight confusion at first. Alfonse doesn't seem to understand her behaviour until he realizes just how scandalous this whole scene might look like with him embracing you so intimately while you're practically wearing nothing. The Askran prince immediately peels himself away, his entire face burning with embarrassment and shame.
"Commander Anna, I swear this isn't what it looks like!" He tries to defend himself, frantically waving his hands in front of him.
Anna smirks. She believes the ever innocent prince, but she still can't help but want to tease him. "Of course, of course. We'll just leave you two to it then. Be sure to watch your voices; these castle walls have cracks in them."
"Commander Anna!!"
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avi-stella · 5 years
Alfonse and a Jealous Summoner HCs
Anonymous requested: Alfonse reacting to jealous summoner, Alfonse not allowed to have fangirls 😂😂😂 I took a bit of freedom with this prompt, I hope that's fine.
As the heir to the throne, it's no surprise that many eyes would be on Alfonse. What baffles his sister's mind, however, is how Alfonse doesn't seem to realize that some of those eyes are not to criticize him as future king of Askr, but are instead eyes of admiration and pining. And of course, with you possessing similar feelings to those of adoration, you were aware of how popular Alfonse was, with both men and women wanting to be closer to him.
Your jealousy was difficult to hide. As Summoner and tactician to the Order of Heroes, you spent a lot of your time by his side, so whenever somebody would approach him with ulterior motives, the air around you would change. It wouldn't be noticeable to others, but Alfonse gave you more attention than others, so of course he would realize the shift, however subtle, in your behaviour.
Jealousy made you feel ugly, so it was natural to keep these feelings bottled up. In the end, it was up to Sharena to clear the air and explain things to Alfonse. At first, he was in disbelief. You? Jealous? Over him? But somehow, he felt a bit flattered. Not wanting you to dwell on such an emotion and hoping to assure you, Alfonse would steal away some of your time if you were willing, quelling your relentless thoughts with affection, saying the things you needed to hear while holding, kissing, and loving you so deeply to leave no room for doubt.
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